#This is probably the least scribbly minicomic idea yet lol
vargaslovinghours · 3 years
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Desires? You should know better than that
#💟#Doodles#Art#Scriabin#Edgar#Nny#Technically that's still Scriabin but y'know#Blood#Ladyverse#Ch. 13#A very very paraphrased Ch. 13 but the important part is Scriabin looking like Nny#I went so extra on this - I typeset it with my own handwriting lol#Which means I scribbled down the text and then cleaned it and then re-wrote it with my tablet lol#It is considerably more legible now even if it's still in my hand lol#It is strange the framing of the text was very messy and hard to follow originally but the new positioning changes the? temperature?#of the new version - it's very weird lol I can't think of a better word for it#Anyway!#This is probably the least scribbly minicomic idea yet lol#More than half toned! What a feat#Edgar's shirt remains white tho which actually made editing much easier who would've guessed lol#I actually forgot what Nny's hair looked like before the reset but I was too all-in on the idea to go check so that's what I've got lol#It's funny to draw him looking like himself when that's a) Scriabin and b) she's a lady lol#The one where she morphs back and Nny's shirt has the female symbol makes me laugh lol#I really like Edgar's face in that one good angle :D#And Scriabin switches hands for one panel I- pfbbfbtbltblt maybe she's hand-over-handing to get closer to Edgar I don't know#Edgar doesn't even get a word in ah#I'm not fully happy with that kiss :\ I'm averaging about a 50/50 happy with/not happy with which is improvement but still a long way to go#I ran out of room anyway but I definitely couldn't get the bite to look right lol more practice more practice#And then I just wanted to draw Scriabin again#No matter the circumstances Scriabin is pretty and fun to draw
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vargaslovinghours · 4 years
Aight well, since I’m pretty sure I’m most of the way out of Vargas brainspace this time around, have some unpublished/unfinished sketches and doodles! Prepare for lots of extremely rough concepts and possibly some walls of text lol
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Veryyyy early sketch, the first unfinished one actually! You can tell how early since I hadn’t chilled out on the yarn yet lol. Was looking around for music and while I didn’t add it to the playlist, the male cover of Aishite, Aishite, Aishite is always going to have a special place in the inspiration part of my brain
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They be doing homework. I’m so weak to domestic stuff, and every scene with Todd delivers so much, bless him
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I threw around a couple card ideas, I’m still undecided as to which one I like better, but I decided pretty early on Jack of Spades and King of Hearts - the King of Hearts is known as the Suicide King which - well. And I’ve always seen the Spade as being like a stabbed version of the Heart lol, and since it’s black it’s the opposite in aesthetic. They both have a pretty dark aesthetic, so if one was going to get red, it seemed right to be Scriabin
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A tiny tiny One Way Mirror doodle I didn’t have room for anywhere else. Just turn around!
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I have a few iPod scribbles for late-night or early-morning ideas where I couldn’t quickly get to my notebook. This one was right after I woke up from a Vargas dream, pretty much the whole cast was there! This frame in particular stuck out to me because of the composition, it was a fully animated music video and they all had that two-frame back and forth poppy kind of motion, thus all the action lines lol
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Don’t trust him with pointy things. I really like how the last one turned out other than his hand
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A particularly stupid late-night idea lol
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I may or may not have written a kiss scene into the TGWDLM crossover, I swear I didn’t do it on purpose
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More of the TGWDLM crossover, you can see I got about 1/4th of the way through this one and then gave up lol. I actually had almost a half page of concept sketches for if Scriabin got Apotheosized - since I use eye colour to signify who’s been hiveminded, how was that supposed to work with Scriabin? Blue scars were pretty prevalent, so how about that? The idea of the two of them being on the same page and actively working together was rather intimidating as well, but it all didn’t go very far since that wasn’t the concept I wanted to explore
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The idea of them going to a Cat Cafe popped into my head and I had to quickly scribble it down and then I remembered I don’t know how to draw cats lol. I drew Scriabin freaking out first, a cat among cats lol, and a cat trying to play with the yarn in his hair because cliche
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The prospect of them going to the doctor’s just delights me so much. I actually made a little minicomic about it but I never finished it. I’d want to redo it to do it justice because I’m just so excited about them having to deal with this situation lol
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An extremely absent-minded doodle lol, I was thinking about Edgar’s watch of all things. I think I did draw this on a Wednesday
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Was trying a few pose references to finish digitally and somehow this spaghetti sketch was the best of the three lol. They look like theatre masks
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Oh very cursed! Very cursed! Thanks me, how very cursed. I had to tho, this colour is called “Liar’s fave” and it somehow perfectly matches how I’ve been drawing his glasses. I think I prefer the censored version tho haha. Also surprisingly not a TGWDLM reference, I just wanted to draw him with weird coloured eyes
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I was thinking about the weird, twisted ways Edgar gets “compliments”, especially from Nny, and the line “Anything in the right context can sound sweet. Isn’t that right, my dear?” accompanied by this pose made it’s way through my head. I didn’t expect the perspective lol
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Oh my gosh, a main character, how’d that happen
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I wanted to try grawlix swearing and had the idea of Scriabin buying stuff that neither of them would use just to piss off Edgar, so 👏 Also “taking a coat partway off” is one of my favourite kinds of poses and I so rarely draw it! Thanks, Edgar
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A combination of thinking about how often they kiss (ironically about how Edgar was Scriabin’s first real kiss After, but this is almost certainly Before?? I dunno) and bruising. I only wanted the second one but my hand was not behaving >:| It did at least give me the image of Edgar’s tears falling through Scriabin’s fingers
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He’s never had real eyes before, would he remember to blink if he started focusing really hard? I’ve had eyes my whole life and I forget to blink sometimes
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Slowly but surely improving on his wings. I finally realized what they remind me of - hands! I guess that seems obvious lol, demon wings are usually based off bats, aren’t they? Just goes to show how many wings I’ve been basing off arms rather than hands. Probably doesn’t help that I usually draw fingers with two joints instead of three haha. Starting to understand how to keep the silhouette clean while still adding lots and lots of yarn as well, yay
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Is he being sarcastic or saying it in earnest? That’s the fun part, you never know! Scriabin being vague on whether he’s being nice or rubbing salt in the wound has appealed to me for quite a good while. I think he less skirts the line and more falls on both sides simultaneously haha
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Yet more wings! I liked the idea of each of them having a distinct silhouette but Scriabin still posing behind Edgar, so you can tell his wings are his own but they’re still muddling Edgar’s outline
So that’s most of my unfinished sketches and doodles that I couldn’t figure out where else to put! From early June up through September, what a ride ♪
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