#nothing worse than in canon tho
*sigh* getting real sick of “canonical” aspec rep being like. tweets by the author.
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the-acid-pear · 21 days
Yesterday I had 3 thoughts but I was like I'll remember tomorrow I won't wake up to type them now and I forgot two BUT I remembered one of them so that's huge
#luly talks#something w Lucis and Dee. I'll draw it later#it's very important to have two ocs for the same franchise so they can do things the other can't#girls who died as kids but are now on their 20s...#i did think a lot about lucis biology and i remember joking about them only being a demon bc they're argentinian#though that's a bit silly ambiguous bc like. sure in their comic everyone is a monster but like#they're also more psychotic than me so there was a thought of them being actually just human and seeing everyone like this bc bleeh!#lucis story really is one of neglect isn't it#i mean same one i faced but worse#bc lucis got too silly w it#i also thought a bit about their biology i think I'm gonna implement the angel demon thing with their grandma being a form of angelic being#but (bio) grandpa a demon#hence why their dad and them are one too#and well something that is STILL canon is that their mom is a clown but clowns are a kind of imp#so that's why their little brother is impish#idk what their step dad would be but i know their older brother would be part ram bc. its funny#he's an aries you see.#but i didnt just think of lucis in general i had had thoughts about dsaf i forgor 😢#aside from this one 👍#i mean i remember L.L. having a breakdown too but WHEN arent they not having one?#something about midori but i remember that too well to be one of the forgotten memories#like i vaguely recall something w the phoneys either harry or pete but nothing coherent#i do remember i y#thought of drawing jake w high heels pussy puss puss style but i think that was something i thought in the afternoon#you people can't imagine how many thoughts per second i experience y'all literally get such a mostly sanitized version of it#I'd make a chart of Lucis' relationships w her coworkers tho........ i rlly like Lucis lmao#OH SHIT I REMEMBERED I THOUGHT OF MIDORI AND DTRAP INTERACTING id think of that further there's something there ok#<- related to l.l. of course. her daughter etc.
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arolesbianism · 1 month
I should rly get around to designing the Jackies and Olivias from my swap aus now that I have ideas for how to differentiate them for their non swapped counterparts, but at the same time the eternal dread of having to commit to either keeping or changing the gravitas uniform for the swap aus hangs over me with ever increasing pressure, so maybe I can just only draw headshots of them and commit to that til the end of time instead
#rat rambles#oni posting#but actually I probably will keep the uniforms because I like them and theyre fun to draw#plus I dont think making olivia director inherently means that the uniform would change so I can get away with it#olivia and jackie would have probably come up with that together anyways simular to the rest of gravitas branding#theyve probably had all of that decided on since their college days lol#but yeah Ive been thinking abt the swap aus more since it's fun to put olivia into a more antagonistic role#even if the levels of antagonistic varry heavily and in most of the universes jackie is also an antagonist even as the primary pov#a lot of these in universe would be mostly jackie pov rambling about some bullshit that doesnt matter while the real meat in the other logs#all imply some gnarly shit abt olivia and how shes faring as director#shes typically not as bad as her non swapped jackies but she rly pushes it in the swapped rat universe#and by that I kind of just mean she is simply just worse but she at least almost handled the divorce better than canon jackie#I say almost because she did proceed to kidnap the woman after she admittedly broke into gravitas facilities after being fired but still#generally speaking kidnapping and semi murdering your ex for science is t a cool move no matter how justified you feel#the other two olivias are a lot less openly corrupt with rabbit au olivia being mostly just more mean and raccoon au olivia just having a#smidge of a god complex that she generally never acted on to be shitty#also one of those olivias was in a toxic codependent relationship with her unstable wife and the other was also in an toxic codependent#relationship with her wife but her wife proceeded to murder her about it#the jackies are all pretty shitty tho even if in mostly different ways#we have petty incel jackie we have emotionally manipulative jackie and we have the reason raccoon au olivia has a mild god complex jackie#and then we're forced to sit and watch as each jackie reads through their shitty actions as memoryless pods acting like theyd never do that#only to remember and sit in horror at the fact that at the end of the day their actions had little concequence to the greater universe and#that the only thing they achieved in life was hurting the woman they loved most and dying in a way that ultimately meant nothing#which is another reason Ive been thinking abt these aus sm as I love narratively kicking the shit out of jackie its fun#its a sign of my deepest love <3#Im so much nicer to main au jackie which is saying smth since one of them gets literally murdered#albeit swap rat au jackie also gets sorta murdered so raccoon au jackie rly isn't special in that regard#at least she wasnt held hostage before hand it was a spur of the moment event#anyways I need to shower before it gets too late Im trying to maintain a msidgen of a sleep schedule
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complete-clownery · 5 months
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I just want them to be friends 🐵
Btw i'm watching the whole series rn, after episode 14 I have a vague idea of whats going on but I dont understand a word, not to mention I sped the whole thing up to get it over quicker so its funny af
But yeah so far im at episode 30 and ik it doesnt make a whole lot of sense since we didn't see Jade Rabbit and Macaque interact that much, but in my head in the begining of the series they became really good friends after the "ears incident", but after Wukong left, bc of Macaque declinening mental health they just sowly fell further and further appart and jade rabbit didn't understand why was this and could only see her friend's worsening condition and do nothing about it (and this happened in thd course of 7 years cuz even tho in the series it doesnt seem that long in the book Wukong was away for 7 years, and I'd like to think thats the case here too)((I mean maybe a bit longer than 7 years cuz there was also that vilage he spent maybe 5(???) years in learning human behavior and language but im too lazy to search it out of my book, so +/- 10 years))
Also I think even tho Macaque was mad and was a jelous little bitch, Wukong leaving only made things worse for him, feeling betrayed even more and left behind on top of all that other shit that was going on inside his head
Its so funny to me how every Six Eared Macaque adaptation is getting majorly fucked up (he got posessed in both series lmfao)
Oh and obviously I have transed their gender, I think maybe nobody noticed or educated them (cuz (other head canon) he was adopted by the monkey clan since in the original book (jttw) hes also a celestial primate just like the stone monkey, without parents) so everyone thougt they were a boy for some reason, but everyone was really suprised after puberty began to hit Macaque
Tho that didn't made the clan treat him differently cuz nobody really cared and Macaque doesnt give a flying fuck about it either
I also think it would be funny, when Wukong returned he would notice Macaques chest and just casualy ask him how did he got those (he wasnt really educated on the subhect either) and Macaque would be like: "no idea. You didn't get any?" and both of them would be really confused
Later Jade Rabbit gave them a little lesson about it
So yeah even tho I dont understand this serie at all i think its cool af, enjoying it a lot 😎👍
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buttercupshands · 11 days
New MHUI LoV event stuff
first of all - if you follow the news on the new characters even a little - a new UR Shigaraki Tomura came out today (16th of June) he came with a LoV event as they usually do and this one is basically a filler for the time before Star and Stripe arc happened but after Tomura got his mix-match outfit of his own and AFO's choices
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and while it is Tomura-centric event it's heavy on stuff with Spinner. He's basically like a second main character of this short thing
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The filler answers question on what was LoV doing while Izuku left UA and it uses manga side material as help, because it was stated that Skeptic helped LoV to get new clothes for the Final arc as well as weapons.
A story of event is basically "someone tries to rob us we neew to stop them" while Spinner is questioning if they are really dealing with Tomura anymore, with some interesting localization choises Spinner noticed the Ore vs. Boku thing while Tomura was talking
As it is a turn for a short event we get like 3 parts with Tomura easily defeating the guys who tried to rob that one place
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And it's nothing really if you don't count the way Tomura speaks which is really creepy to hear his gaming words while he's also clearly doesn't understand anything anymore what made Tomura Tomura
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It's basically what if those chapters before Star and Stripe made Tomura lose it were a story on their own with Tomura still unsure on who he is, but LoV is literally there and they talk about it more than we ever saw them in the manga for... reasons that manga doesn't have filler. At all.
At least not with LoV involved
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At the end of it while Spinner is still concerned it all ends with AFOmura or whatever this guy should be called at that point of the story stops questioning it and just agrees with Spinner's question
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If you're a manga reader it's worse than just a talk
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It also has an interesting point, but sadly as it's a pre-Star and Stripe arc Tomura anything he says doesn't really matter as much
Everything else are basically details, I recommend this event tho, it's not that hard to get all of the story, it's worth having in the MHUI archives
As for other things, more or less harmless - there's an event SR Memory with Toga and Machia and a cards set, the same one Tomura had mostly in the anime
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Recruit is standart with a UR Memory for the new character and a SR Memory which is helpful in the event
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As for the less neutral stuff I got into the event as soon as I noticed it began and the first thing was to go into the recruit for the new Tomura
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got him right away so it was fun and with this my Tomura collection is once again is one off, his first UR is still absent on my account, but 5 characters make a team
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Didn't have a motivation to play the event with SR Tomura as my game had an error with dialogue, but I got him at least
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Tried playing with him while clearing the event, he has a new battle star animation, battle end animation and of course his own ult animation
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He's fun to play with, and that actually got me back into MHA as I was slowly losing my will to still do anything connected to it aside from this game
A small thing that I found interesting was that his recruit voiceline is Tomura's speech from back in 222
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Interesting choice as none of old ones had something connected to this chapter
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Other than that his Base talks are the same and his reactions in Trust menu are the same too
As usual MHUI LoV events are the best in delivering events with stories that belong in canon and it's easy to imagine them there
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the-odd-devil · 2 years
Gods and Good Boys
Homelander x f!reader
Summary : You know something is wrong, a simple image management employee has nothing to do in this fancy lounge at the highest of Vought tower. When Homelander enters the room with a satisfied smile, you know you’re fucked. The rumors you've heard about him and his constant presence at your office do nothing to help get him out of your head but will certainly help you get out of this situation, or maybe make it worse.
Word Count : 4 042
Warnings : !!! minors DNI !!!, non-con/dub-con, sexual harassment, canon-typical violence, blood, death, smut, mommy kink, degrading, sub!Homelander, dom!reader (let me know if I forgot any)
Author's Note : So first fic eh? More specifically, it’s the first time I've written fanfiction in English, but I loved it so much! Much more than my native language for some reason? Anyway I had the best time ever writing Homelander, he is so fun to write (even more when he’s a sub oops), hope you will have fun reading it too!
 But before the Big Boy™ I want to give a big big BIG thank you to @mietkoz and @finniestoncrane for proofreading the fic and being sweethearts, they really hyped me up and makes me want to write more! <3 Another big big BIG thank you to @spicedchaiandromeda and @just-call-me-angel who inspired me a lot to write and were so nice to me <3 
Hope you’ll like it!
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This whole thing was weird as fuck. Two people, who you immediately guessed that they were a lot more important than you, had brought you and this other Vought employee, in this fancy lounge decorated with expensive stuff. The price of the furniture did nothing to make the room more appealing, it felt empty and cold. They left you and the other girl in the middle of it. While looking at each other, you remembered seeing her at some office inside the tower, her name being Grace and being in a similar post as you at Vought, she was in a high level of stress, picking her nails and looking generally concerned about why you were here. Honestly, you were concerned too, random office workers at Vought have nothing to do at the highest of the tower, but your mind was empty, not knowing what to expect.  
You hear clicking heels coming to the door from the hallway and soon Ashley is standing right in front of both of you, a fake and uptight smile on her lips and an all too much joyful tone. 
“So, I suppose you know why you’re here!”
You and the other girl look at each other with a questioning expression before looking back at Ashley.
“You’re gonna have an interview with Homelander!” she said while doing a little forced cheering movement.
Ah yes, Homelander. You’ve seen him more than once in the office area explaining to employees what they have to do and sticking his nose in other people’s business. With his fake smile and false sympathy. You know and everyone knows that he’s close to a no return point at every second, ready to turn the room into ashes. What you really think about the fucker is another story tho. You first didn’t think much about him, in your department, the supes are more of a product than anything, you don’t really see them as a person anymore, even more when you’re the one who has to cover their “mistakes”, if killing innocents can be considered as a mistake. You prefer not to think about him in particular, even if you know only the surface level about what he’d done, aka, what you have to deal with and then dilute for the press ; seeing him in person, close to you, looking at you, is totally different. He did nothing that would be considered “abnormal”, at least, for him, in the office. He tries to play it cool, be the nice guy, but his sudden voice bursts betray him. 
What really scares you is what he makes you feel. Things that you prefer ignoring. He undressed you with his eyes or made prolonged eye contact more than once and you couldn’t refrain from the heat that you felt. The asshole had a really pretty face and a shark smile, the way his expressions distort oscillating between rage, pure distress and complete emptiness made you imagine how you could completely break him with just a few sentences and how he could annihilate you in a blink of an eye. The thoughts of you possibly dominating this god-like figure have kept you awake more than once. 
“Did we do something wrong?” Grace says timidly, you could hear how anxious she was.
“Oh no no no! He just wants a new “assistant” and asked me if he could see you in private.” you could hear the fake enthusiasm and the quotation marks in Ashley’s tone. 
The word “assistant”, isn’t a good omen for where this situation is going, you know how perverted Homelander, and the vast majority of the supes are, and you’re thinking that being fired isn’t that horrible after all.
“Anyway! Try to make a good impression!” Ashley says before making her way to the door.
“Wait? You’re gonna let us here??” your voice makes you suddenly aware how much you were panicking.
“Yes? I’m not the one choosing.” she says, a frown across her face before finally leaving.
And there you are, Grace and you standing in the middle of this Vought’s lounge, clearly design for la crème de la crème of those who enters the tower, not knowing what the fuck is gonna happen when Homelander is going to join you. 
He probably was waiting for Ashley to inform him that you were here because he arrived shortly after she left, you even suspect him of waiting next to the room and most certainly watching and listening since you were here. He enters the room and closes the door, placing the key on one of the tables next to the couch before putting his hands behind his back, a pleased smile on his face and places himself in front of both of you, making direct eye contact with Grace and then with you. Grace instantly looked away but you couldn’t stop looking in his icy blue eyes. It feels like the eye contact is during an eternity, none of you looking away. He breaks the contact when he is starting to speak after clapping once in his hands, making Grace and you jump.
“So, what did Ashley tell you?”
You were growing more and more confuse with this whole situation, what the fuck does he want? 
“Come on girls! Speak!” he says, elevating his voice and clapping his hands. There it is, his constant struggle at keeping his calm. Grace was mortified and you answer Homelander, hesitation visible in your face and voice :
“She told us about an assistant thing…”
“Oh yeah… You know, days are a little bit boring sometimes…”
You look at him while he starts pacing in the room, getting closer to you and Grace. When he’s close enough, he starts petting Grace's hair like a dog and turns his head to look at your side. You could feel his warm breath on your cheek, too afraid to turn your head and look at him in the eyes when he is this close to you. He withdraws his hand from Grace’s hair to start stroking your cheek instead.
“I just can’t decide which one of you I’m going to fuck on a daily basis.”
You can see his fucking smile in your peripheral vision, well aware of the power his holding on the situation. Your breath is stuck in your throat, your vision is starting to blur, your blood runs cold, you feel like your soul just left your body and you’re not able to move anymore. You're out of your paralyzed state when you see and hear Grace running to the door and starting pulling on it in panic, unable to unlock it. You watch the action with eyes wide open, panicking more and more but unable to move or react, knowing too well that this situation is about to get worse. You know Homelander too much to know that showing him signs of resilience is a very very bad idea. He grabs your chin so hard that it hurts you, turning your head in order that you face him again. His eyes are closed and he lightly shakes his head, he seems disappointed as if a little kid just did something wrong and he’s about to reprimand them. Grace is still trying to open the door in panic and starts to cry some “please!”, “let me go!”, “please”, Homelander just turns his head looking at her with some disappointment, still holding you before melting her head with his laser eyes. 
Her body falls to the ground, headless. You contain the screams who are holding in your throat, so much that your body begins to contract. Your eyes are burning, holding tears in a terrorized expression. Homelander turns his face, having a sweet forced smile, looking at you like he was proud of you being an obedient girl who listens to him. You feel sick. He hums, approaching his face even more, you could feel the vibration in his throat. 
“I guess it means that you’re the one I choose.
The fact that his expression is changing once more, so rapidly into something completely different, has always scares you, today, more than anything. You don’t know what to expect next. His now happy and calm expression and the fact he starts pacing again in the room only calms you slightly, leaving you some time to think of what to do next. 
He ends up facing you, a few feet away, his smile still on his face. It is the kind of smile you know is pacific, that nothing will happen to you if you do right. It is comforting in some way. Some agonizing seconds pass, before he finally says something. 
“What are you waiting for? Show me.” 
You didn’t expect that. Not the abrupt demand but the tone of his voice. Very deep and low, vibrating through your core. All the deep, filthy feelings you have for him are coming back to the surface. His fucking gaze, looking right through you with lust and envy, his satisfied smile who knows he can have everything he wants. You’ve noticed every time he passes by your office. You were sure you were imagining things, you are now certain that everything he did was on purpose. This wasn’t a wet dream anymore. Homelander was here, waiting for you to make the first move, if you didn’t, you'd end up like Grace whose blood was spreading across the fancy carpet of the lounge. 
You compose yourself, sniffing the results of the tears in your eyes, trying to make the feeling you had when you saw him at your office fully resurface.  
He often went into the offices of your department, putting his nose in everything. You thrived on the view every time. Even knowing everything he’s done, you couldn’t stop looking at him. Not only do you find him beautiful, but when he comes to your floor he always has his worried puppy face. He seems so sad and anxious wanting to know if the public still loves him, seeing him in this state makes you hot all over. 
One day, he ends up noticing your glances, you can only also guess that your expression said a lot more than you wished, and till that day he began visiting your desk every time he came down here. 
It was mostly light teasing, and you understand now, flirting. You thought he didn’t mean much until today. It seems that he finds making people uncomfortable funny. You would have never guessed it meant anything. You were always flustered nonetheless. 
Most of the time, he exaggeratedly bent next to you to watch your computer screen, his mouth ending up to be impossibly close to your ear, where he whispered saying some uninteresting shit about what’s on the screen, most of the time, he didn’t even know what he saw meant, and you didn't really listened to him anyway, his low and deep voice reverberating down to your core. You remember your mind spiraling and only being able to concentrate on the wetness in your panties. Sometimes in the blur of his sayings, you could recall him calling you pretty, or lightly degrading you, it only made you spiral even more. 
Being in the break room instead of your desk didn't stop him from harassing you, or whispering in your ear. He looked at you like a prey, you were his prey everytime he went to the office. You should have called sexual harassment. You didn’t. You know it wouldn’t change anything, you thought he was like that with everyone. Even one of your colleagues suggested it. She knew damn well that there is absolutely no point of doing that.
You usually just didn't respond to him, just getting more and more red and wet, sometimes swallowing and letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Except the last time he came to see you in the break room. 
It started like usual, the usual being him spotting you in the break room and immediately entering and sticking to you, pressing his torso against your back and his lips against your ear. You could see and feel his hand every time, hesitating to go on your hips. He began whispering in your ear, a lot nicer than all the other times, things like “you’re so pretty today”, “let me buy you another coffee”, “we can go to a calmer place if you want”... You were already red and wet from the few sentences and his proximity. When he bent over to take a hot chocolate your breath stopped. You could feel him already getting hard on your ass. 
He took his drink and went to sit on the break room table. You couldn’t help but watch him across the room. He was delighted seeing your red face and your look filled with lust and shame. 
He slapped on his thigh two times, calling you like a child : 
“Come sit with me.”
 You took the closest seat to him, hypnotized, incapable of thinking or saying anything. Your cup of coffee was trembling in your hand. Attentively, you watched him take a mouthful of his chocolate milk. He took so much milk so rapidly that some was left on the corner of his mouth. 
The satisfied look on his face and his unusually soft smile made you lose your mind. You didn’t even had time to realize what you were doing, that your hand was already cupping his cheek and your thumb was gently whipping off the cream on his face. 
His surprised look was rapidly replaced by a look of pure bliss, his head leaning on your hand, his eyes closing and his mouth slightly opening while he exhaled a long breath. You couldn’t recall if you had an orgasm right then, seeing him so submissive in the palm on your hand ; an electric shock went through your body, you feel like you blacked out and next thing you know you were splashing cold water on your face in the closest bathroom, hyperventilating. You could see your mascara running on your cheeks, asking yourself how you were gonna explain your current state to your colleagues. 
You don’t remember the rest of this day, but you remember him, staying in the break room, his hand caressing where yours was, watching you leave with puppy eyes, his puppy eyes that were the only thing you could think of the following days. You remember thinking of the rumor. The rumor that made you so horny you had to excuse yourself to the bathroom. The one about Homelander you’ve heard the first month you’ve been working in Vought : about  how particular his relationship with Madelyn Stillwell, the ex-Senior Vice President of Hero Management, was. You remember finishing on your toy that night, this idea and what happened leaving your mind running free. 
You know what to do, you know what he wants. There is no other choice, you’ll give it to him while refusing to admit to yourself that you want it too. 
He is in front of you, a small smirk on his lips, challenging you. You feel like a deer catched in headlights feeling so small in front of him standing straight up and looking down on you. You take a few seconds composing yourself, taking a deep breath. You know exactly what he wants and you were going to give it to him. His expression changes as he sees you fake confidence, questioning but still challenging; you look at him through your lashes, a devious smile on your lips. You took a few steps until you were facing him, close enough to hear his breathing speeding a bit. 
You bring slowly your hand to his cheek, locking your eyes on his face, trying your best to look both sweet and flirty. Your heart skips a beat, your breath shaking slightly. You feel like your body is on autopilot while there is a storm in your mind.  His eyes are following the action, eager for some contact. Once your hand is cupping his cheek, you start to stroke lightly with your thumb. Homelander directly melts into your touch, leaning into your hand ,closing his eyes and slightly opening his mouth, bliss and release across his face. He let out a deep breath while relaxing into your hold, he was looking like an asleep kitten, almost purring in your hand. You try to keep your composure, feeling your stomach dropping at the sight of this god-like being turning into putty to your touch, making you feel so powerful. Your confidence level being higher seeing his soft expression, you decided to lean more into the situation. You approach him till your mouth is the closest possible to his ear.
“You really need someone to take care of you mh?”
The shaky whimper he let out makes you tremble. Even knowing the rumors, and witnessing a glimpse of it before, being in first line, and being the one who made him whimper makes you weak and you could already feel yourself getting wet. You continue stroking his cheek, drinking in his reactions.  You’ve always liked how expressive he is, the tiny movement of his face while he is losing himself in pleasure sends you into a loop as you whisper again in his ear : 
“You look so lonely… Poor boy… Don’t worry, mommy’s gonna take care of you.”
You put your other hand in his blond hair, feeling them on your fingers and appreciating how soft they are. You’re totally losing yourself now, hypnotized by his trembling, almost whining voice : 
“Yes! Yes please…”
Any sense of logic leaves your mind as you hear his voice, lust now controlling you. You move your hand to put his chin in your palm and start tracing his lips with your thumb, his mouth opening in a silent moan. You can’t help putting your finger in his mouth. He immediately closes it and starts sucking on your thumb. You don’t control the little moan escaping your mouth, making him moan too, unable to restrain. You start to unconsciously rube your thighs, eager for some contact and relief. Your eyes leave his face and meet his crotch, his dick hard. Your pussy throbbing at the sight and size. Homelander is still lost in the moment, punctuating his sucking with little moans who make you weak.
You can’t resist touching his dick anymore and took your hand out of his face, leaving his mouth empty making him whine at the loss. 
“You’re so eager… Mh? Pretty boy…”
You finish your sentence with your hand ghosting over him, feeling his length, making him groan at both your praise and the feather-like touch before thrusting his hips to fully meet you.  You tut and shake your head :
“You’re really disappointing mommy, baby…” 
Punctuating your sentence with a sad pout. You see his face contracting and looking up, while he moves back his body, as he concentrates to obey you. 
“That’s my good boy.”
His focused face stretches into a proud smile, still looking up, scared that looking at you will make him lose control. 
You smile too, satisfied and shocked by how well you can make him obey you. You apply more pressure, stroking him as you see his expressions tighten. He is trying so hard to keep composure, you don’t know if you will be able to contain yourself too, his almost pained face making you feel closer and closer even if he still hasn't touched you, hands in fist at his sides, waiting for an order to start touching you . 
You suddenly cut off all contact, Homelander making the saddest and most pathetic whine at the loss, lowering his head to look in your eyes, wanting to know what he did wrong.  
“What’s wrong baby?”
Another whine escapes his mouth, urging you to touch him again. You lock eyes, look and voice assertive : 
“Get on that couch.”
He doesn’t think twice and sits on the couch next to you, his eyes are glossy, filled with lust as he looks at you like a puppy waiting for approbation after doing a trick.
“Come on, lay down.” 
He does as you say, you can hear his heavy breath as he waits for more. You approach him like a predator, and sit on his lap, he whimpers at the contact of your pussy, feeling both of your wetness on his costume. You start moving your hips languidly, making him groan. You want more friction, to start moving quicker, you’ve been waiting for some form of release for so long ; but you’re determined to watch him completely lose himself beneath you.  
You continue your agonizing movements (for both of you), the room starting to echo both of your moans. You’re very glad that this lounge has one-way windows, but you doubt the fine glass will be enough to muffle both of your screams. You don’t really care at this point though, the gossip that may happen in the tower being insignificant over the power and the pleasure you are feeling in this instant. Plus, everybody will know anyway considering Homelander reputation, and, oh yeah, the dead body still emptying itself from his blood next to you, but who you totally forgot, your mind clearly elsewhere. 
Your head tossed backward, eyes closed, the sweet moans of Homelander starting to sound more and more demanding, the friction of the his dick on your clothed and wet mount making you lose control, you almost jump when you feel his hands grabbing your waist using his superhuman force to make you move quicker. 
“Did I allow you to touch me?”
Your strict voice makes him stop all movement. He closes his mouth and rapidly shakes his head, hands still on your waist. You furrow your brows harder making him quickly withdraw his hand. You pick back up your previous pace, making him open his mouth again.
“I thought you were mommy’s good boy… Seems like you’re just a dumb slut…”
The whine he lets out is louder than any of the preceding ones, making a deep, sadistic smile grow on your lips and your hips moving faster. You can feel your climax being closer and closer, finally getting some relief. 
“You can touch mommy now…” 
You say at the same time a moan escapes your lips. He places both of his hands on the top of your hips, following your movement as he catches the rhythm with his. 
“You’re such a pretty slut, doing what mommy says.”
His moans are louder at every degradation and praise. 
Your climax coming closer and closer as you can feel his, you start muttering incoherent degrading praises making him moan and buckle his hips at each one of them. Your movements begin to be uncoordinated as you can feel your orgasm arriving with full force, as Homelander’s are becoming more and more brutal. In a final thrust, you feel his dick twitch and release in his costume as you continue riding him pursuing your own high, making him whine at the over stimulation. Your orgasm follows quickly after, a wave of pleasure you’ve never felt before spreading all over your body, making your eyes rolling and watering and your body uncontrollably shivering. 
You fall down to his chest, both of you catching your breath. Once your heart is catching an almost normal beating, you lift your head and give him a soft and chaste kiss on his cheek.
“You did great.”
Before leaving him completely spent on the couch, still catching his breath, a wet spot on his crotch. You smile to yourself seeing him in this disheveled state, making a mental image for future nights by yourself.You take the key on the small table and pull down your skirt while walking to the door, hoping that it will be long enough to cover how wet the top of your legs are. You give one more look at the decapitated body of Grace, trying not to step on the blood, before opening the door and leaving the lounge and going to the bathroom, and then leave the tower, your mind still not recording what happened nor trying to figure out what all of that means for the future.
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stanlunter · 2 months
I'm kinda curious why you don't like catradora? Is it just not your thing or do you have reasons? Just kinda curious as I almost always only see the "they were enemies! And that makes it too toxic!" But I saw you like catra/glimmer so yeah, just curious as someone who personally likes it but also hasn't watched the show in ages
Thank you for your question
Yeah, I do hate it, mb not its fans (or at least not all of them, cuz most of them are actually super annoying, but anyways) tho. Also sorry for my bad English
As for the reasons, there are actually many reasons:
Starting with, like you said
1. Being toxic. But the difference with Glitra is that in their way It's not like Catra abuses Glimmer, no, they hate each other mutually, there ia no "abuser x victim" dynamic, bc they hurt each other mutually. Also there are no manipulations, guilt-trips, gaslighting and etc, they are completely honest with each other. While with Adora, their dynamic is rather "abuser x victim" than "enemies to lovers" bc Adora never wanted to hurt Catra, she was always only ensuring what Catra's doing and saying. Adora was always holding back, never tried to kill Catra or make her feel like nothing or hate herself and all her fights were litterally either self-defense or defense of her friends or other people who were attacked by Catra. While Catra always tried to hurt Adora, both mentally and physically, tried to kill her many times, tried to make her hate herself and etc, etc. She was the reason why Adora had such a strong hero complex and always wanted to sacrafice herself. Adora litterally had panic attacks bc of Catra. And the whole "it was a war" argument doesn't work here bc being a war criminal doesn't make Catra any better and bc Catra was toxic to Adora even when they were on the same side. She was always jealous, controlling, possesive and didn't want Adora to have other friends. She wanted Adora to belong to her, which was shown many times. Also she physically hurt her many times, gaslighted her and etc. So their relationship would be much more abusive than Glitra relationship. And what makes it even worse is that Catra has learnt all her abusive traits from SW - recognized Adora's abuser. Catra litterally copies everything the main abuser who has traumatized Adora in the forefront does, which is actually creepy af too. Even she tortures Adora in s4 she says that she took the idea from SW. So she just takes the abuse she (and Adora) has been throught and intentionally uses it against Adora
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Even if you have a kink for abusive ship, you should write them well and not put them in a kid show, normalizing abuse by this. There are examples of good enemies to lovers in kid shows which aren't abusive and It's fine (like Dipper/Pacifica, Talon/Penny, Bubblegum/Marcelin kinda, Amaya and Janai (It's good and It's wlw too), even Glimmadora would work since they were enemies too and etc).
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2. The whole being "basically adoptive sisters" thing. They aren't actual sisters, but they were actually implied to be so. I won’t even mention every time the CREW referred to them this way (however, there were many times), but the main problem is that their whole relationship is fully based on the "Skapegoat & Golden child" dynamic. And SW is a mother figure who loves one child and hates the other one, who always tries to earn her love and jealous and hate the favourite child. Some people say SW was just a teacher and not a mom figure, but it would be a lie at least bc 1. The crew has stated SW as a mother figure, so It's canon anyways 2. It was said by Adora that SW was like a mother to her 3. You don't try to earn your teacher's LOVE like Catra does 4. The whole thing that SW sees herself in Catra and wanted fulfil her ambitions throught Adora. Also SW wasn't a mother figure for other cadets, it wasn't actually her duty to teach Lonnie, Kyle, Rogelio and others. She was a right hand, not a teacher and she was there only for Adora bc she decided so and for Catra bc Adora wanted so. So, even if you're trying to ignore it, It's a huge part of the plot and a base of their relationship. Oddly enough, but many catradora shippers actually love to admit that "SW was a bad abusive mother", "Catra & Adora have mommy issues", "Adora is a favourite child" and etc, yet when you point it out, they start denying it. I find it strange.
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Another thing is subjective, just my personal vision, but I highly dislike all "childhood friends" ships (mb with exceptions if they always actually had feelings for each other, but in catradora case we find out about it only later, especially from Adora's perspectice). Also there is a biological theory that if kids know each other since the age under 6, they see each other as siblings anyways, especially if they grow up together in the same house, especially with the sams parent figure. So, even tho it's subjective, It's an important reason to ms. And I actually did thought of them so and thought everyone does untill I joined the fandom. So even if I don't recognize "see each other as siblings" thing when it comes to usual friends who haven't been grown up together, I do with those who have. Flr example, Renora. This ship was always weird to me and when they become canon, it didn't make me love it. I don't think It's problematic, but it absolutely does make me feel uncomfortable. Like, if you haven't developed your feelings for each other for during these 10 years you were together, where are the feelings suppose to come from later?
But yeah, childhood friends thing is my subjective reason
3. Catra's redemption arc was horrible. And redemption arc is one of the most important things when it comes to enemies-to-lovers, since It's the thing that suppose to help them become canon. Everyone immidiatly has to forgive Catra and no one calls Catra out for what she has done. Even Glimmer, who's mom was killed bc of Catra or Adora who has been abused by Catra for years. And so Catra doesn't even actually changes. She just swaps sides and immidiatly becomes Adora's gf. That's the problem. If you write enemies-to-lovers, do it well
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4. The whole way the shis was handled. It just doesn't make sense and completely ruins the whole development of almost all characters. Adora's development is getting destroyed and she just comes back to s1 Adora. Her whole arc was about stopping blaming herself for Catra's actions, separating from her abusers and getting a life. But she just ends up forgiving Catra and considering Catra a victim of herself. And starts blaming herself for "leaving" Catra again. They just forget everything they've been throught. And what about Catra? Catra was obsessed the whole time. She hated Adora and liked hurting her. Catra was litterally addictive to Adora. It wasn't love, it was possesion. And giving an addict a drug isn't a way to go. Catra should separated from Adora, learn how to live without the idea of being "either with her, or againt her". That's why I think her leaving the Horde with Scorpia and going to a Crimson waste would be the best happy ending for her. She would get a life, get what she wanted (being loved), what she needed and what she deserved and let her issues go. So they just aren't good for each other. Having Adora around was always hurting Catra, Catra never was able to fully show herself when Adora was with her in the Horde and she even saya that Adora leaving gave her a chance to fulfil her actual potential, so Adora leaving was the best thing happened to her. Even if Catra wasn't fully agree with her own words, it was basically truth, bc Catra actually did feel bad bc of Adora when they were together (it wasn't Adora's fault, but still). Catra was always blaming Adora for her problems and didn't stop even in s5. So It was bad not only for Adora, but for Catra as well
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Also Adora never even loved Catra before. If Catra's possesion can be called love at some point, it doesn't work this way with Adora. Yeah, Adora cared about Catra as a friend, but DT was right, Adora didn't need Catra. She didn't have such big problems with letting Catra go. After s1 she forgot Catra and never recalled her as a friend, only as an enemy. So her whole "I love you too" thing just came out of nowhere and was a lie. Just like "I never hated her" bc Adora did and it was shown. Adora got new friends who care about her and getting Catra was absolutely unnecessary for her. It doesn't work even as a Stockholm Syndrome or a trauma bond, bc it was never shown and Adora got a development
Actually, if it did make sense, mb I would like it, but unfortunately it really doesn't and only ruines everything the show has been building for years, which is sad, cuz I used to love both Catra and Adora
It's also strange to me how shippers compare catradora to so many actually good wlw couples like Korrasami, Harlivy, Caitvy, Lumity, Bumbleby, Chaggie and etc, while in reality their relationship is much closer to Tauradonna (which is actually hated by Bumbleby shippers, which is ironic) and Citrus and actually Shin Soukoku and Simon/Grace, or even some actual/ almost actual siblings like Vi/Jinx, Zuko/Azula, Rapunzel/Cassandra, Claudia/Soren, Qrow/Raven, Maki/Mai, Nightwing/Red hood, Thor/Loki, White queen/ Red queen and etc.
But I would prefer to compare it to Shin Soukoku tho
So, these are the main reasons. Actually I don't understand why can't catradora shippers just admit that their ship is problematic and enjoy it as it is, bc it doesn't really make sense to just make ship a full ooc and make it romantic and sweet to like it, bc it litterally goes against the whole point and everything it always has been. So I have a big respect for those shippers who do admit the problems and enjoy it without lying to themselves and gaslighting others tbh
Anyways, thanks for a question, it was actually interesting to answer it and you can feel free to asnwer, desagree or agree, Im not a hater or smth
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sugar-omi · 6 months
could i possible request fem!cove and fem MC?? just little head canons both sfw and nsfw! i have nothing entirely specific in mind but just anything that you'd like 😊
THE SMILE ON MY FACE *KICKS FEET* HEHE OF COURSE YOU CAN eta now that im done: this is a big mindless, nonsense ramble i. im sorry. i was having the biggest gay panic of my life thinking abt her LMFAO 💀💀
tags : SFW + NSFW, fem/afab cove and reader, oral (cove receiving, reader receiving ment), menstruation ment,
synopsis : me losing my mind over fem!cove 🏌️
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she's not much different to cove already ofc
but in my head she shines so bright omfg...
i like to imagine she's buff no matter what
washboard abs, toned arms and thighs...
but then think abt studious!cove
i want her to be soft....
bitta tummy, thighs perfect to wrap around your head... just squishy
so torn between the two. pls i can't she's PERFECT
either way, strong enough to pick you up
if big n buff she princess carries you all the time
if you do the same back tho, once you put her down she can't stand on her feet
she's swooning. actually falling. she's in love....
ah. you two going shopping and you seeing a dress n getting it for her....
she wears it on your next date, all shy and cute because she doesn't wear dresses often
dies if you give her attention over it, especially if you make a risque comment- she can't handle it
definitely lets you put makeup on her, she's just not good so if you are, please help...
once you see her in lip gloss for the first time, please kiss her and make a comment like "your lips looked so delicious, i couldn't help it" or "i like that color on you, do you think it'd suit me too?"
and then make it a habit bc now she's buying many lip glosses so you can kiss her silly <333
back to the doesn't wear dresses/skirts often thing
i think she's very active
always in shorts, t-shirt, tank top...
i wanna put her in a 2 piece suit
nice black slacks and a vest
the vest accentuating her chest because of it's low cut..
but i'd most likely to put her in a pretty dress for the ORCA dinner
does her best to dress up, even gets a bit of help from randy bc she is definitely a bit lost when it comes to fashion
but when you see her she literally knocks the breath outta you
she IS the prettiest girl in the world
ohhh her in the low light of the dinner, the blue lights just making her look so magical
pls she's everything to me
if your shirt is big n baggy on her she looks so cute...
although if your clothes run smaller or she's in a crop top/tight shirt....
imma save that for NSFW...
if you like painting your nails, she'll match!!!
isn't good at keeping them from getting chipped, but she does her best
omfg so i've seen some people say that their periods sync with their girlfriends (me n my bestie are always synced istg!!!!)
that's you and cove
you two usually know that if you got it, the other got theirs or is getting theirs
even if you get on birth control or have say pcos or smth like that that causes your periods to be irregular/disappear, pls still comfort n hang out w her!!!
i think hers is quite irregular as well so sometimes she's the one comforting you
now im projecting af, but when she gets it it's heavy!!!
not projecting but she definitely cramps, sometimes worse than others
either way, she loves cuddling up together and watching movies and stress eating snacks with you
anyway moving on before i add smth else<3333
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still a professional pussy eater !!!
(i watch this podcast and i need yall to see *this clip bc i just wanna say.... cove would definitely eat pussy to the bone. he's a DAWG!!!!)
probably even better at navigating your cunt since it's familiar territory
she does her damnedest to NOT wear a bra, usually wears a sports bra
but again, she prefers no bra <3
and sometimes she gets away with it
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but i love the idea of her waking up, her shirt all wrinkled and crooked, making it more fitting than it already is.
you can't focus on your cereal because she's shuffling towards you, nipples straining against the thin fabric.
cove flopping next to you on the couch, stealing bites of your cereal. and before she knows it, you kissed her breathless and all but snatch her shirt off, enticed by the rise and fall of her chest.
cupping cove's tits in your hands, she's so soft, and cove let's out the prettiest whimper when you brush your fingers over her nipples
if you suck on her chest, you get an even better reaction, cove rewarding you with loud moans and desperate calls of your name.
her hands in your hair, legs shaking and thighs clenching around you, totally ruined when you slip your hand into her sleep shorts, your fingers running over her darling clit.
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she's cute<333
ah. i had a thought that i wanted to share earlier hehe
double sided dildo w cove....
holding hands while you both fuck back on the toy, cove hooking her legs over yours and getting as close as possible to play with your chest and kiss you..
ohh but would love if you got on top, the toy hitting both of you so deep inside, cove's body bouncing from the force of your hips
oh my fucking god.
she's a squirtter
arghh imma lose my MIND
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imagine the first patreon moment, and you have her laid out all pretty in her bed, her legs over your shoulders and a hold on her thighs to keep her from crushing your head.
her thighs trembling in your hold, feet bumping against your back and she's clawing at the sheets, whining and moaning so pretty about how your tongue feels so good, low curses slipping from her lips...
tries pushing you away, tears in her eyes.
"y/n- oh god.. wait, i'm- imma make a mess!" she whimpers, throwing her head back when you just suck on her clit more intensly, your fingers curling against her spongy walls, loud squelches coming from your ministrations.
would make such a mess, the covers under her butt getting soaked in her fluids, it's even running down your neck and chest, a sight she has to tear her eyes away from when she finally comes down from her high.
would look so pretty too, her eyes rolled back and thighs trembling, back arching up and she'd fuck back on you, milking her orgasm and whimpering from any minor touch to her sensitive body..
oh and she'd peek at you through wet, spidery lashes, her pretty blues look so brilliant and darling even with the low light of the room and once she stops covering her face with her arm/fingers, you can see the bright blush on her face.
jfc she'd be such a sight, you might have to do her again just to make sure you don't forget it.
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I’ve been out of the loop for batim/batdr for so long how did it change the lore?
none of the ink creatures are sacrificed staff members forced into a fate worse than death anymore. they're just ink creatures in a parallel dimension that joey drew made bc he was feeling pissy
in addition, it's not the real henry in there. joey was mad at henry so he made a fake henry just to torture him over and over
then allison was his Friend and so he decided to add her to the torture labyrinth to make things easier on fake henry. didnt stop the torture labyrinth tho
then he made himself a daughter out of ink and he wasn't the big evil corporate boss at all he was the Awesome Dad who encourages audrey to use her imagination and hope and shit. entire second game just forgot that he was supposed to be the villain
also in a very fanservicey way, bendy now can turn into his cute lil demon form and be audrey's little brother
a lot of people like it but it really really felt like fanservice above story to me. mascot horror isn't always like, good horror, but the first bendy really WAS. it had a great aesthetic, great designs, and was really effective in the implications of being sacrificed to an "and i must scream" demonic existence by one man's pride and lack of care (ie: capitalism) and the second game was just like "actually joey drew was a good guy the whole time and the real bad guy is this Random Obviously Evil Employee over in the corner and audrey's fixing the torture labyrinth so there's a little less torture <3"
i did like the idea of color animation being an anti-bendy threat but they literally did fuckall with that, just had the new bad guy like... mention it?? and then do nothing with it.
i feel like part of it also might have been that "trying to outsmart the fandom" thing. a popular theory, at least in my circles, was that henry was a bendy creature– the sacrificed staff had to be "perfect" for the role (IE: the two alice angels) and the first bendy was made without souls and that's why it was fucked up, and then joey realized the perfect bendy was his creator so he yeeted henry in, and that's why we never see our own hands or reflection + respawn in ink + sammy lawrence tries to sacrifice us immediately. god how fucking cool would it have been to, like, hear henry over loudspeakers trying to help us, and then we walk into the room he's in and just see BENDY.
but yeah no bendy's just a cute lil guy in the corner who can sometimes hulk into the ink monster bc... that was a thing in fanfics? joey drew is a good guy and good dad and the real enemy is the exploited worker. FUCK the original game's really good horror and atmosphere amiright
anyway i get why people like it i guess but hhh it really doesn't land for me. honestly im just pretending the first game is the only canon it was way more interesting
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strawberry-milkbunny · 10 months
I have no one to talk to about Tokyo Rev so here r my random hot takes that I need to say:
- Emma and Hina r boring and used as romance plot devices it’s okay to admit that Wakui can’t write women idk I don’t expect shounen/men to be able to write girls well (still cried when Emma died tho bc she didn’t deserve it!!!)
- lol I LOVE Yuzuha and Senju tho
- I actually do like Emma and Draken together but I also firmly believe Draken is in love w/Mikey and was just projecting onto Emma LMAO
- Yuzuha is a lesbian
- Controversial: I don’t think Shinchiro was THAT great of an older brother. Like he was cool but he still introduced Mikey and Izana into the world of gang life/normalizing violence and yeah OG Black Dragons isn’t like that but….what do u expect when u form a gang??? .obviously there’s a high chance that it’s gonna develop into LEGIT gang activity
- As an adult and someone who was basically raised by an older sibling w/a big age gap (my sis is 7 years older) I kinda don’t blame Takeomi for being a bad older brother??? Realistically he’s a 17 yr old in charge of raising 2 toddlers like NO SHIT he did a bad job. At least Shin had his grandfather to help out but Takeomi actually had no one. Doesn’t explain y he’s a brokey LOL buttttt again I don’t FULLY blame him for being a bad sibling still hurt my boi Sanzu 😤😤
- I HC that Mikey is used to having a caretaker (Draken and later Sanzu) bc when Shin died he was so depressed and genuinely couldn’t get out of bed
- Takemitchy is also lowkey boring/typical shounen protagonist and canonically stinky like Hina could do sm better. This is personal preference so I find myself wanting more chaotic/dumb protagonists who are slightly morally ambiguous like Denji, Gintoki, hell even Naruto at times. Takemitchy didn’t get character development until BD arc and that’s just a bit too long for me….
- Koko and Inui r gay and dating 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
- the Haitani brothers r the kardashians of the TR universe they’re so embarrassing Deadass show up and pose/do absolutely nothing I LOVE THEM SHKSKSKSK
- I love how it’s universally agreed that Mitsuya and Chifuyu r the best bois
- I have mixed feelings about Izana. I genuinely do like him and DESPISE how he’s whitewashed by fanart
- I get it u genuinely just wanted to not be alone and found out ur adopted in the worst way possible but…..idk how that justifies killing ur own sister but u do u ig 🤷‍♀️ and u have KAKUCHO AS UR FAMILY WTH
- don’t listen to me tho I’m a Mikey and Sanzu stan LMAOO 🤭🤭🤭
- Izana is the definition of mommy issues and 100% had crunchy hair lik mans was homeless
- if I saw Izana IRL I would RUN 🏃‍♀️idk he looks a lil crazy
- also this man does not know Tagalog he didn’t even know he was Filipino until he was lik 12
- idk the Tenjiku arc is so funny to me bc Izana is deadass: imma kill everyone in Mikey’s life for revenge and Mikey is lik: bruh I didn’t even kno u existed until last week and now ur killing our sister UNPROVOKED ???
- Bonten!Mikey is a virgin/no libido mans is DEPRESSED
- wished the Bonten arc was longer simply for the outfits bc Wakui KNOWS FASHION but that shit was DEPRESSION
- 3 Deities Arc was amazing and also funny/serious at the same time. It literally was an all out brawl in an AMUSEMENT PARK
- fr tho wtf was Benkei, Wakasa and Takeomi doing there??? Like they’re canonically 27 GO GET A JOB STOP FIGHTING 15 YEAR OLDS SHKSKSKS
- U cannot tell me that Sanzu WASNT sad when Baji and Mucho died.
- Baji was straight up his childhood friend and the only one other than Senju who knows about the plane incident/Mikey’s possessive side. And In the OG!timeline I’m pretty sure Baji was the only friend Sanzu DIDNT attack. While with Mucho he was pretty much his older brother, Sanzu just decided Mikey was better
- Tbh if the dark impulses/Shin thing wasn’t real I would’ve firmly believed Mikey had DID or something. Which again made only worse by the fact that violence and death is such a regular thing in his life (GET THIS MAN THERAPY LIK WTF IS SHIN AND GRANDPA SANO DOING???)
- Kazutora going a lil crazy is lowkey expected and I hate how we only find out about his home life in the character books. This kid grew up in a physically and mentally abusive household (gaslight to pick between parents and as s/o who has experienced that shit it’s fucked up) and I rlly don’t think prison helped out his mental stability either no shit he tried to kill Mikey
- I don’t ship Mikey and Takemichy (despite the IMMENSE gay ness btwn them) firmly bc I think everyone can see how much power Takemitchy has over Mikey idk it has a weird power dynamic like if Takemitchy tried he could 100% control Mikey (platonically or romantically)
- Baji, Chifuyu and Kazutora r a throuple
- I HATE how Sanzu is reduced to this crazy drug addict. Sanzu is canonically smart, manipulative, and formally trained fighter. He also REMEMBERS the OG timeline, he had to experience Shin dying twice and everyone else die no shit he’s a little bonkers/needs drugs to take everything away. Plus his relationship to Mikey which tbh is a whole separate post
- controversial !!!: I ship Mikey and Sanzu or Mikey and Draken. Sanzu only bc this man has a big ass crush and deserves some niceness for once
- ppl write Kakucho as this shy, nice guy like ur not wrong but mans is also running UNPROVOKED into Yakuza offices like it’s the gym while dragging Rindou wit him 😭😭😭
- the haitanis r the best sibling duo
- It lowkey makes me mad in fanfics where Ran is depicted as cheating w/Rin’s gf like??? This man raised his younger brother himself u cannot tell me he doesn’t love his brother and would actually do that to him
- Ran would 1000% do anything for Rin and i firmly believe he kinda regrets not saying anything in court to prevent Rindou frm joining him in jail. Like saying he forced Rindou to kill someone w/him, abusing his brother at home, etc especially in the Bonten! tl he def thinks about wtf he dragged his brother into
- I also don’t think they’ve slept w/ the same person before. Idk I feel like they have diff types like Ran goes for more motherly/mature types while Rindou goes for sweeter/shy types
- Draken has road rage
- Yuzuha should’ve been taller like AT LEAST 5’7 bitch is related to Hakkai and Taiju for gods sake
- OG BD 100% thought Wakasa was a girl for at least a month. He’s canonically 5’3 and pretty.
- Characters who r 100% bisexual: WAKASA, Senju,maybe Hina, Draken (def in denial), Rindou, Ran (he’s a whore as long as ur pretty he’s down), Sanzu, Koko, Kazutora, Chifuyu
- Mitsuya had a crush on Draken
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homoeroticbetrayal · 1 year
Iconic Homoerotic Betrayal: Round 1
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Round 1 Directory
Context (they're really good very passionate):
Nagi/Reo (Blue Lock)
basicallt bluelock is a soccer program being funded by the soccer association (i swear i know soccer im tryna speed through this) theyre tryna make it so japan wins the world cup and to do so you need a strong striker. so they gathered all the young adults (hs graduates) and put them in this program, which, if you're eliminated, you dont have a career in soccer at ALL. they didnt know this walking into it :p. so reo and nagi met in school and reo saw him (rich kid, gets what he wants but doesnt really know what he wants yk) and said that he has to have him. or....... something. anyways, reo needed someone to learn soccer with and he chose the most antisocial sleepy guy on campus. and then proceeded to be an absolute simp (theres a scene he literally massages his back.) he also has canonically called nagi "good boy" (nagi said "yes boss" to him as well) context for the specfic betrayal was the game required them to be in teams of 3 and this is after reo and nagi's previous team of like 8-10 lost to isagi's team. reo and nagi said that they were going to go to win the world cup together. thats always been their promise. (theyve known each other for half a year i think. which is a short amount of time to be so attached LMAO.)
they also have a second betrayal which is honestly worse than this one, and reo's team loses to isagi/nagi's team and nagi tells him he's done with reo.
its a common theme of nagi never picking reo btw. reo was upset after the game because after you win a mtach you pick someone from the losing team to advance with and NAGI DIDNT ADVOCATE FOR REO HARD ENOUGH I GUESS AND ISAGI TOLD THEM ALL THAT THE BEST CHOICE WAS CHIGIRI. so they had another homoerotic fight that im never getting over. hope this meets ur criteria. they're in their exes era. its slightly better tho because nagi does feel bad/sorry for what he said.
(Other anon, I'll include your essay if they make it into the next round)
"He was my friend, my one and only" ultrapowerful, one tried for it one born with it bitches but the twist is one was so consumed by the twisted horrible nature of humanity he went all Magneto but a lot more murderous while the other one only stays nonmurderous because he believes in changing the system by training the next generation. You don't understand he spared him, you don't understand, Gojo's devastation of knowing that he didn't do anything to help him as he slowly literally ate and ate and ate hate and pain to protect people that didn't protect his own. The devastation of knowing that there was nothing else to say nothing to do no way to help him bring him back he'd changed into someone he understood but simply couldn't support. Geto's betrayal, leaving everything and everyone behind because their way not only wasn't working but it was protecting those who wouldn't protect them. Geto laughed for the first time in ten years after all this when Gojo said something to him , the moment before he (Gojo) killed him, carried his body, refused to have it burned. Geto gets basically possessed and when Gojo sees not!him for the first time he freezes and gets captured, Geto almost breaks the possession momentarily whe he hears his name , he doesn't, Gojo gets captured, Geto is stuck, cursed , dead.
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sugarsnappeases · 2 months
quillkiller headcanons?
HELLO!! thank you so so soooo kindly for this ask im kissing you rn bc there’s nothing i love more than talking about my darling angels
so here goes…
- bellatrix calling rita baby!! BELLATRIX!! CALLING!! RITA!! BABY!!!! this one is actually canon to me and it’s something that can be sooo beautiful and special and AAAAAA
- in a similar vein, rita calls bella darling… this one is less near to my heart but i still think it happens in literally every fic ive ever written lol
- okay this one’s a big one: rita is worse than bella at the start!! she’s offputting and more than a little stalkerish and hurts people for basically no reason and not a single soul likes her bc she’s AWFUL! and the only person who likes her is bellatrix who thinks she’s the most perfect person to have ever walked the earth, the best thing to ever happen to her even if their relationship is actively making her worse…. like i think rita doesn’t really have many morals when they meet whereas bellatrix is like. still trying to be good. i think at the start she wants to be good… and then that turns into wanting to be good for rita which is a slightly different thing that nonetheless drives me insane… but then also there are external factors and what not and she gradually loses sight of this etc etc and it ends w rita coming face to face w a line that she wouldn’t cross, a line that bella has crossed and that’s the point of no return for them in many ways (the dark mark)
- referring back to the last one again, when i say rita hurts people for no reason, to her there is always a reason, i think she cares a lot about the justification of all her actions even if it’s petty or a little irrational and ridiculous… like i think there’s always some logic that makes sense maybe only to her behind her actions and that’s why bella getting the dark mark is so unforgivable bc there’s no world in which she’d be able to somehow justify genocide even if she doesn’t actually care about the war at all
- bella on the other hand is the loyalest dog that has ever walked the earth and that’s why rita’s articles are unforgivable to her (this is the hc that rita writes an article about bella/the black family/whatever… i always think this comes just after bella gets the dark mark so rita justifies the 'betrayal' w the fact that bella betrayed her first) bc she just can’t forgive or even really fathom how rita would betray her like that bc she never would've done the same bc she's loyal to her very marrow and would've remained so even if her and rita were sworn enemies
- interesting to me also that if rita had been the one to get the dark mark (not that i think this would ever ever happen. but hypothetically) bellatrix would absolutely have followed her into being a death eater and everything. and if bella had been the one to write the article, i reckon rita would’ve probably forgiven it, probably even respected it a little…. so like even tho the two of them are so similar in many ways there’s this fundamental irreconcilable difference between them that leads to them falling apart no matter how desperately they try to cling onto each other :(
- a lot of people are like oh, they’re so toxic! but jen @quillkiller and i were talking about this the other day (most of these are things i’ve talked about w jen lmao and it wouldn’t be a post about quillkiller without jen being involved somehow… no one understands me and them like she does) and really, i think that removes a lot of the nuance, and i HATE when nuance is removed, bc i think that sure, to anyone else their relationship would seem toxic and unhealthy or whatever but for them it’s probably the healthiest thing they could have, probably the best thing that’s ever happened to either of them, i just think there’s SO much love
- so much love and sooo much romance, like to me it’s so incredibly romantic that the two of them have like allowed themselves to be shaped by the other, let someone so wholly into their soul that it’s unlikely they’ll ever be without them again, and then as it inevitably starts to fall apart the two of them are clinging by their fingertips to the edge of the cliff, just such sheer desperation as they try to make it work and complete devastation when it turns out they can’t…. like. that’s love to me. drives me crazy
- and that’s another thing!! they’re haunted by each other for the rest of their lives!! constant perpetual unending haunting, there’s no escape, there’s that fine line between love and hate and even if the feelings are all complicated now, it’s the sense that they’re SO intertwined that even though they’re apart and they don’t know what they would do if they actually saw each other face to face again, they can still see each other in everything. EVERYTHING.
- and it’s worse for rita imo (in terms of the haunting i mean) bc bella’s in azkaban, out of sight but never out of mind, and then she’s back and it’s horrible but then she’s dead and that’s even more horrible and rita carries that ghost around with her for the rest of her life, probably the only person who could still say she loved bellatrix by the time she died, even if they hadn’t spoken in decades… bellatrix is in every word she ever writes and every plan she ever makes and every single part of her life in some way. she lives in a flat that bellatrix has never been to but she’s still there in every corner of every room
anyway i could go on but ive just clocked how long this has gotten lol…. hope this is satisfactory <3
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somepsychopomp · 9 months
im actually low-key crying over the fact that Simon as a grown man had the same shoe size as Marcy when she was a little girl
like I know it means nothing in canon but in my heart im dying over over Simon's little feet 😭😭😭
And the potential behind this idea tho... Like whenever we see Marcy as a child she's usually in the same outfit, but just imagine Simon raiding a clothing store for winter boots when the weather gets cold (or when he gets out of control)... but Marceline has a hard time walking in hers because they're so stiff. And Simon doesn't want her to get blisters or worse, not be able to run properly from danger.
So what if he breaks her shoes in for her?
And I'm imagining him staying with Marcy after the end of AT as he starts creating a new life for himself, jarred by the fact that her shoes are noticeably bigger than his now...
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levmada · 5 months
I like to think levi looks at hange and thinks comfort and stability or consistency. Considering hange is one of the few that came back alive and still maintained their eccentric personality. Excited to learn and to tell levi all about what they’ve learned because that’s bestie right there whether they admit it or not
oh yes. (by one of the few that came back alive i’m assuming you mean after no regrets??)
every scout in short believes in creating a world without the horror of the titans to explore freely, BUT i think hange really embodies that in how they present themself. they’re bubbly and excitable and UNABASHEDLY PASSIONATE about not just titans but the scouts’ whole mission. they’re unashamed.
but hange (and this is often missed by fans for some reason) isn’t stupid or an airhead??? they’re a scientist, and a scientist brave and/or crazy enough to study titans at that. like after nick was murdered, hange played up a whole sympathetic act in order to pick up on a clue that it was the interior MP that did it.
they're so childlike and eccentric and excitable, but the magnitude of everything they personally have been through, and the stakes of the scouts' mission, weighs just as heavily on them as any other scout. like after the titan is discovered in the wall.
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furthermore they're canonically the SCARIEST when angry, including in this situation where they got very close to throwing nick off the wall. NOT EVEN LEVI IS AS SCARY FIROGJTIR this has nothing to do with their relationship im rambling sorry sorry
they're a reckless risk-taker which reminds me of someone else levi knows lol. interestingly levi never takes unnecessary risks so if hange is levi's comfort, then levi is their anchor lol
bit of a side note but undoubtedly hange reminded levi a lot of isabel. (and erwin w/ farlan, and then falco and gabi it’s true sue me)
one thing levi has criticized hange for is their propensity to run and hide (ie in the uprising arc... not included in the anime)
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god this scene is so funny by the way
this comes back up during the rumbling, when hange proposes/muses that they and levi should just stay there and live together. (which makes hange surprisingly like jean, who was the most reluctant in the alliance to fight the rumbling.) levi asks where running and hiding is going to get them...
but hange's position as commander has changed them evidently. the rumbling is leagues worse than the uprising situation, but - and tho that's still what they wanted to do - they were already in the middle of building the cart to transport levi on. which seems to make him feel relieved.
so predictably, levi is the source of strength/stability/comfort for hange after post-RtS. levi looks to them to lead, for stability; they're the last veteran left too. no doubt he was there for them every step of the way.
aka they're both each other's comfort at that point.
so it's interesting to reflect on how their relationship has changed since levi started out ready to shank hange for listening to him, farlan, and isabel discussing their murder erwin plan reeling from their hurricane-force excitement, kind of getting unwittingly attached, and getting royally annoyed whenever hange did something dumb.
ie, almost breaking their neck when falling off that ladder to reach a book in that side story.
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camarilla-arts · 3 months
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a mostly Frida centric sketch dump of my TMNT iteration. technically the second drawing is just my design for Frida/Big Mama's assistant in Rise!
Iteration thoughts under the cut cause they got long....
So it might be odd to make a seperation AU and like draw it before I have even gotten really anything out for the first au itself but lmao I don't control this car we're just along for the ride. Some of the below is spoilers for my au 'canon' i guess, kinda?
Shadow, Kirby, and Carter are the only ones TRULY bad off in this i think, Shitty family business that gets violent, a beaten-into-shape foot soldier who still wants nothing more than to be a hero, and an alien lab rat to a villainous alien.
Not to say the others are doing Well either, Big Mama and Kitsune love their daughters in their own ways, but power is still prized above all for both women. Slash had a rougher start but hes a part of an mutant rights group that's willing to work dirty. he pretends to not like the silly name they've picked up around town. :)
Splinters the worst off tho, I didnt draw her but like she is Vastly worse off in a separated au.
I'm so interested in specifically what Big Mama and Frida's relationship would've been like in Rise so it's a decently sized chunk of my outline for this au so far. I'm really gonna trim it down so the project could actually get finished but i know that'll be a big arc even after I shorten it. I love BM as a character and like,,,, yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, spins her in my mind on loop.
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theyandereonmyoji · 1 year
Generally yan hcs for boom! sonic and boom! Metal sonic pls 🥺👉👈 if you don't do for the show ignore this
Yandere Boom!Sonic and Boom!Metal Sonic Headcanons
Hoo boy this one was harder than I thought it would be, and my life got a tad busier than I thought it would, but finally I can post this, hope you enjoy! CW: mentions of kidnapping and murder Boom!Sonic
He’s a lot more sarcastic and subtle when it comes to his feelings. It’s mostly like how the main canon version would act when he wants you to see him as the coolest, just that bumped up to 11. This will in turn makes him a bit less affectionate that counterpart. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t show that he cares about you, he always checks up on you after every fight with Eggman, which in this universe is in a daily basis. This helps him have an excuse to hang out with you, even if just for a bit. After all, gotta make sure all of Eggman’s robots have been destroyed, can’t have one roaming around free and hurting (you) people. 
Any funny shenanigans he and his friends might get involved in will end up you getting involved, mostly because Sonic suggested getting your help for whatever they were doing that day (he won’t admit it was his idea tho, he’ll probably say it was Amy or Tails). At first, there’s no harm to this, just impromptu adventures that make your life more interesting. Yet, it doesn’t take too long for these “adventures” to start only involving you two in more isolated areas, where you basically just watch him showing off how cool he is. At a certain point, you’ll just encounter him everywhere, and while logic might tell you that you shouldn’t be surprised since it’s a small village after all, you can’t shake off the feeling that something about all of this is a bit ominous.
He’s probably way better (or worse) at making up excuses on the spot than his mainline counterpart, if main canon Sonic memorized every excuse in the book, then it’s the same book his Boom counterpart wrote. He was in the same shop of a certain thing you know you enjoy but Sonic would never? Well, one of his friends asked him for something from that shop. You’ve been feeling like you’re being followed lately, now worries, Sonic can check real quick and he can’t find anyone. Someone left a gift outside your door? Weird, it has that thing you wanted to get your hand on but you only told Sonic about it, yet he has an air-tight alibi of why it wasn’t him. If only you knew he lies as naturally as he breathes.
Even with how small the village is, it’s inevitable that you’ll have other friends outside of him and his friend group. This version of Sonic is a lot more subtle when it comes to his jealousy. At first he’ll seemingly just try to deny he’s jealous, and failing miserably leading to a bit of teasing from you or his friends. Yet a few days later, after Eggman ran away from yet another failed attempt of defeating Sonic and his friends, cheer quickly turns to terror as a dead body is found. The villagers are quick to panic and to point their fingers to Eggman, yet, you can’t help but feel that there is something else going on. You won’t have much time to think about that and Sonic drags you along yet another adventure.
Kidnapping? Please, why would he need that here? There’s nothing beyond that tiny village you two are in, there’s nowhere else for you to run, so don’t even think about it. Just enjoy the rest of your days as you get involved into whatever Sonic drags you into, and don’t think too deeply about why the person you talked to yesterday suddenly disappeared without a trace. Or why another one has injuries that look as if they were made by quills instead of machine claws. Sonic killing some villagers? As if, besides who would ever believe such an outlandish theory? He’s the hero, so get those petty little ideas out of your head.
Boom!Metal Sonic
With how often Eggman attacks that village, it is somewhat hard to notice how Metal Sonic has been coming alongside him more and more, as it happens gradually. Something that is obvious for you to notice is that you always come across him as you run away from Eggman’s robots. Yet he never attacks you for some reason, opting lo leave shortly after to fight Sonic. You can’t stop thinking about those robotic, emotionless eyes staring deep into your soul, it’s like you can feel them even when you know no one is there. Your friends and family try their best to help you distract yourself from that feeling but you can’t…and maybe you’re not as crazy as you think
While he is fiercely loyal to Eggman, he uses what free time he gets to…observe you, for a lack of a better word. He makes sure to gather as much data as he can about you: your routine, likes, dislikes, and…any potential obstacles you consider “people close to you”. To get him off of you will be quite the task, he’s just as fast as the real Sonic, plus being mechanical and more silent. Figuring out from where he’s watching you would be a pain, but actually managing to make him lose track of you? I wish you all the luck in the world dear, you’re gonna need it. Especially in that tiny village.
If you have the terrible luck of getting caught in middle of the crossfire with no where to run, you’ll get to see him spare at glance at you before going back to fighting. However, you can notice how he becomes more…unhinged, feral even. Even when it comes to Sonic with whom he already has some beef with, fights against the metallic copy becomes harder for the heroes, as Metal goes from hard to deal with to the heroes barely making it out alive. Once Eggman is defeated, Metal Sonic will retreat alongside his creator, but you should probably stay away from Metal Sonic if he’s involved in a fight, unless you want this tiny village to be reduced to a mountain of corpses
Metal Sonic would turn your life into a living nightmare rather quickly. It’s a shame really, you would wake up a day like any other and go out just to live yet another boring day of your life…Yet you can’t feel a sense of dread in the air, and when you get close to opening the door of your house to go out, you can smell something rotting just outside. As you open the door, it bumps into something, and when you decide to take a look of what it is, you find a body lying there, beaten up and slashed to a bloody mess. As the authorities arrive the crimes thankfully cannot be linked back at you, but you’ll soon find everyone avoiding you like the plague.
While the canon version of Metal Sonic would not have taken this long before any kidnapping happened, the Boom version probably would’ve needed to wait for an opportunity to make sure no one was around to see where he would take you. One day you’ll just see how those cold machine eyes look at you as he knocks you out and snatches you somewhere only he knows. As much as the robot might hate to admit it, perhaps he shares more with the meat bag version of himself, wanting your praise and admiration as he brings in a copious amount of various gifts. He worked so hard to get them you know? That item over there was the last one in stock and it was hard to get to it without being spotted, and that guy over there was much harder to kill than he thought it would, but he was still able to bring back the body as a trophy. So please tell him he’s the best, and that he’s the only one you need.
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