The Yandere Onmyoji (Requests are Open!)
19 posts
I'm just another Yandere content writing blog || she/her || SFW and NSFW || rq are currently open || Just call me Myoji-san for short
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
theyandereonmyoji · 9 months ago
Hello! Do you write or Are you thinking of writing call of duty or nah?
I'm very sorry dear Anon! But I have no plans of writing for COD. I have a list of the franchises I'll write for in my first post, so you can check it out and see anything else that might interest you!
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theyandereonmyoji · 9 months ago
I saw you write for Fire Emblem. Do you write for the older games, or is it just Three Houses as most blogs sadly do?
Hello dear Anon!! Yup! I've played every game in the series (recently finished Engage actually) So feel free to ask for any character you want, old or new!!
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theyandereonmyoji · 1 year ago
I really liked the headcannons of shadow and sonic when you’re petting their quills could I request the same thing for sliver?
First time requestion sorry if it didn’t make sense lol
Hello anon!! I'm so sorry for the long hiatus, but what's promised is due and I was able to finish this request! I hope you enjoy dear,
Romantic Yandere Silver the Hedgehog with a Reader that likes to pet his ears and quills
TW: obsessive behavior
Bold of you to assume he didn’t ask you to pet him first, anon, because honestly he just loves getting any type of affection from you. He would ask you to please do so, and when he sees that you want to pet him, he wouldn’t even bother to try to hide how happy he is. Honestly his over-eagerness for you to pet him might make things awkward at first, but at time goes on, you two will grow more used to it. You’re not the only one getting physical affection, however, even if it’s just holding one of yours hands while the other one is busy, or even hugging you as if you were a teddy bear with the excuse of helping you reach his quills better (even if it would be easier to just turn around), Silver’s more than happy to reciprocate your affection.
He’s internally begging for you to scratch his ears, not necessarily because he might be feeling some itch there, but he just can’t resist the feeling of your soft fingers tracing his ears, to him, it’s the closest thing to heaven on earth. He just wishes it could last forever…but, there's a teeny-tiny problem regarding that, and it’s the fact his ears are too ticklish. He tries his best to contain his laughter but he just can’t help it, it’s too much for him to handle, so he needs to take some breaks to catch some air, much to his dismay. Nonetheless, he will not be deterred from his goal, after all, there isn’t a single second with you to be wasted, he knows more than most how precious time with loved one is.
You might confuse his quills for pillows from how soft they are. Heck, are quills even capable of being that soft? Well, the answer to that would be: Yes, yes they can. There’s just something about him that just *melts* when here’s anywhere near you, and in turn, you might forget you’re caressing his quills rather than feathers. When he’s stressed, and his quills are particularly spiky, he’s a combination of Sonic and Shadow. Shadow because he’s scared to hurt you and therefore keeps his distance until he feels relaxed enough…and Sonic because he won’t last long and immediately go in for a hug to try to calm himself down, and it works like a charm. Next thing both of you know, his quills are soft yet again.
Silver isn’t exactly someone you would call busy due to him having a lot on his plate, rather, there’s just so much he wants to do in your timeline that he just can’t in his future. Either way, you’re getting dragged to it, and it’s impossible to say no to him lest you can tolerate his puppy eyes, and trust me, he gives puppies a run for their money. Next thing you know, you two are going around a city he wanted to visit or attending his little garden (you know, the one from IDW), and for the entirety of  your date, together, he’s holding your hand for the entire day. He’ll only ever let go if there was danger nearby and he needed you to get somewhere safe, and well, whoever decided to ruin his date will pay tenfold
If there are instances where you have to do something…well, he’ll certainly be insistent about going with you, saying that he can help you if you need, if you reject though, he’ll spend the rest of the day dejected. He’ll try to make himself seem busy while he wait for you, but to him it’ll feel like an eternity, as he tries to occupy himself with anything he can hoping that ignoring the passage of time will make it go by faster. By the time you’re done, Silver will tackle you down with a hug, failing miserably to hide how much he’s missed you. After that, the rest of the day will be you, him, and cuddles, lots of them. He wants to enjoy every second he gets to be with you, and getting his ears and quills petted is such a nice bonus for the both of you.
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theyandereonmyoji · 1 year ago
do you write for wwmh miles?
I...believe that's an AU correct? I'll have to pass on AUs unless I am personally attached to it, and I would most likely do a post regarding AUs I wanna write to give readers a heads-up, sorry for the inconvenience dear!
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theyandereonmyoji · 1 year ago
✦- Hey Myoji_san (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ★ ...!, how are you ? , i think that i haven't Hear form you , like month or more ?, however i just to check on you , make sure your ok , and remember to eat&drink , and tell you your amazing person , and very loved too, and i love your writing , thanks so much, have nice day !!!!! ♡♡♡💜💜💜💗💝-✦....
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Hello! Sadly last year and this month have been quite busy and emotionally overwhelming for me, and I had to take a break from a lot of stuff in order to work on my mental health and IRL responsibilities. Sadly I'm not in the spot I would like to be but I'm slowly getting there! Thank you for your kind words Marnie, I should be more free to work on certain requests I have long overdue and get those done ASAP, as well as announce a little surprise I had under wraps! Stay tuned ppl, Myoji-san will soon grab the pen again and get back to work!
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theyandereonmyoji · 1 year ago
Check out this piece of art by a friend of mine!
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The stars glittered like tiny crystals in the sky as the moon cast its ethereal glow across the enchanted lake, casting a spotlight upon a solitary figure clothed in a white feathered dress dancing along its surface. Her feet glided across the water as if she was floating on air in a dance that arose from the depths of her soul. For it was only through this nightly ritual that she felt just a small taste of freedom... Freedom that she had lost many moons ago under the same starlight that now taunted her through the lake's prison bars. She was a bird locked in a cage with no hope of escape. Though a small part of her wondered if perhaps some day, freedom might find her?
After several days of pouring my heart and soul into this piece, it's finally finished! It isn't perfect. But if I want to have any hope of finishing Sonictober on time I can't work on it forever. I just have to make notes for next time so I can continue to improve. I combined the prompts Starlight, Locked, and Lake for this. I took a lot of inspiration from Swan Lake and the official Sonic Channel art of Shadow and Maria for the rendering, atmosphere, and colors!
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theyandereonmyoji · 2 years ago
General Yandere Silver the Hedgehog Headcanons
Well, I’ve been receiving quite a few requests for Silver, so I thought that, before responding any of those, I should post some of my general headcanons (Also sorry about the hiatus, but thankfully I should be free for a long while) TW: implied murder and kidnapping
This sweet, naive hedgehog would take a long time before he realized he felt anything…special towards you. He’s just happy to have friends he can talk to. After all, he can get pretty lonely back in his future, even with how much he wants to make friends and hang out with them, he can’t. However, after a long while, he starts asking himself tons of questions about his behavior. Like why do his eyes wander off to where you are when hanging out with a bunch of your mutual friends, or why does he get so nervous when you two are alone. Whether his feelings towards you are purely platonic or even romantic, he’ll eventually realize how truly intense his feelings are.
His attitude towards you wouldn't change much on a surface level, he’s still the eager, optimistic hedgehog that wears his heart on his sleeves and likes to be around you. Yet, those traits that would make him a lovable dork in most situations, is what ultimately causes him to be rather intense when you two are together. He’s basically like an overgrown puppy, lovable and ultimately doesn’t want to cause you any issues, yet he can be extremely overbearing and not allow you to have any personal space. It doesn’t matter how boring or mundane your activities are for the day, he’s always there, for better or for worse.
If one day you decide that he’s just too intense for you and ask him to please leave you alone for a while, he will give be noticeably sad even if he tries to hide it, but he will leave you alone…for a little while anyways, him lasting a day without you is a miracle, but eventually he’ll beg you for you two to hang out again, swearing that he will try to give you your space, but to please let him be around you again. And honestly you would need to be heartless to say no to the poor guy, he’s just trying his best, can you really stay mad at him for long? From then on, he respects your personal space a bit more, though he does still have his moments where that type of behavior can resurface.
Despite how sweet and caring he is towards you (and towards any of his friends really) He can be quite…serious for a lack of a better term. If he sees anything or anyone that he might consider a threat, well, mercy might not be in his vocabulary that day. Honestly it’s like a on/off switch, one moment he’s being the sweetest cinnamon roll to ever exist towards all of his friends, and even more towards you, the next he’s willing to commit murder for your sake. Trust me when I say you want to stop him before things get messy, if not for the sake of whatever poor fella crossed him that day, at least to have a healthy conscience at the end of that day. After all, Silver sees no reason to hide what he’s willing to do for you
The poor boy gets jealous easily and he’s terrible at hiding it. The thing he’s not terrible at is gaslighting himself though. After all, there’s no way he would ever harm someone innocent, they must be evil in some way, he just knows you’re not safe with them. Pray to whatever god you believe in (or to good luck if you’re not religious, whatever works) that he doesn’t find enough “evidence” to support his claim that your friend is a menace, because once he does, there’s no stopping him. He’s a stubborn one, and in his eyes, it’s not like he’s doing anything wrong. He’s just keeping everyone you safe away from that bastard, but it’s ok now, they’ll be gone soon, so don’t worry about it, ok?
I hope you like gifts, because with Silver you’re going to get a lot of hand-made ones. He wishes nothing more than to make you smile, and he figured out that a good way to do so would be gifts. Baked good, some small crafts, he’ll try to make anything, and while they might not be of the best quality, it’s the intention that counts, and again, you would have to be absolutely heartless to tell him that you don’t like his gifts, especially with those puppy eyes of his. He’s just so happy when you acknowledge all of his hard work to make you happy, he just can’t get enough of your smile, it’s almost like oxygen to him, he just can’t get enough of it. He’s willing to do anything for you, quite literally. 
Silver probably has the least stable breaking point out of everyone, mostly cuz he’s so used to thinking about how everything can go wrong due to his ruined future, that basically anything happening to you is catastrophic in his eyes. You got a scratch? He panics, a fight with someone? Pray they get a quick death. Eventually as things get worse and worse (according to him anyways) he’ll decide that he’s had enough and not let you go anywhere without him, or more accurately, let you go anywhere at all. Reasoning with him is impossible, after all he’s as stubborn as can get, and as much as he loves you, he’s not taking no for an answer, after all it’s all for your sake, so shouldn’t you be happy?
The only possible way I can see you escaping from him is if you somehow gain his trust enough for him to let his guard down, slip up, and give you a chance to peace out…but good luck with that. It isn’t that he wouldn’t trust you, but he’s just incapable of being apart from you, so a moment when you’re alone are too few and far between, I doubt you would even have a proper plan to escape him. In the case you somehow do manage to do so, your freedom won’t last long, he’s really adept with that psychokinesis of his, so the moment he sees you it’s game over. He would try to justify to himself why would you ever want to run away, after all, it’s impossible for him to see what he did wrong, you probably were just anxious, but no need to worry, he will always be there for you
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theyandereonmyoji · 2 years ago
Hello! Do you think you could write a bit about what would happen if Shadow accidentally hurt the reader badly?
Also, I wanted to tell you I think your writing is amazing! I hope you are drinking lots of water and getting enough sleep♡
I'm not quite sure what did you mean exactly by write a bit, so I'll just take it literally and write a paragraph or two about it. So, Shadow's patience with you is nigh-unbreakable, so getting to that situation to begin with is thankfully for you hard. However, if you're stubborn enough to want to break the camel's back, it isn't impossible. In the very few scenarios where I can see this happening is if he's stopping you from doing something that would cause you harm (according to him anyways, and in most cases he's on point, key word: most). Maybe in an escape attempt from the only place he considers "safe" for you would end up with him breaking a limb or two if you resist too much. O maybe you're doing something rather risky and in his attempt to get you out of harm's way, you end up getting hurt anyways. If you want to see a scenario like this, I recommend reading @yanderegrizzsworld's "You Left me no Choice" for something like this anon! (also her writing is just great overall, so check out her stuff). As for the original question, well, on one hand he would feel incredibly guilty about it. He might not show it much but that's more on how stoic he can be rather than him not trying his best to make it up to you. He'll treat whatever wound he caused, big or small, and give you a sincere apology for it. On the other hand...prepare to get scolded, Shadow is going to make sure that this never happens again, but he also needs you to cooperative you know, he may even go as far as punish you, depending of what you did.
Overall, try to not give him a heart attack 'kay?
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theyandereonmyoji · 2 years ago
Yandere Sonic deeply in love with a reader that attempted suicide before knowing him?
Yandere Sonic the Hedgehog with Darling that has attempted to commit suicide before meeting him
I’m sorry from making you wait a long time for this one anon, but I did want to write some more SFW requests before posting this one, anyways, here you go!
CW: mentions of suicide and kidnapping, read at your own discretion
The only way he’s ever going to find out about this is if you explicitly tell him. Whether it’s platonic or romantic, you two must be really close if you’re willing to talk to him about such a touchy subject. Once you decide to tell him about it though, he’ll stay awfully quiet for a minute, and then proceed to hug you. You two will stay like that for a long while, and while in most cases this would be nothing short of torture for the blue blur that’s always seeking the thrill of adventure, he’s willing to just stay there with you in this painful silence. He can’t do anything to change the past, but the least he could do is give you a shoulder to cry on.
After that, not much changes about him, he’s the same Sonic the Hedgehog you’ve known all this time. Yet, you can’t help but notice how…adamant he is at making you laugh, how cheerful he tries to be around you, and how he awkwardly changes the topic of whatever conversation you two were having when it starts getting slightly dark. You appreciate him going out of his way to keep you happy, but at the same time you’re concerned that perhaps he’s pushing his own feeling aside for your sake, and that just doesn’t sit well with you. If you try to confront him about it though, he’ll just shrug it off with a smile and tell you to not worry.
If he ever sees you feeling down, or heaven forbid, crying, well, good luck getting him off of you. He won’t leave you alone until he’s 100% sure you’re ok, and even then, he’s still frequently checking up on you. On one hand, he’s so reassuring and caring when you’re just having a terrible day, and you want nothing than for him to stay by your side. However, this also makes him quite overwhelming to deal with when it’s just a minor problem you had that day. It doesn’t matter how much you try to explain that you’re fine, he’s stubborn as a mule and he’s not going to budge any time soon
And sure enough, this will only get worse once he forces you to live with him. Having your freedom taken away by someone you trusted won’t be the best for your mental health, and Sonic does feel guilty about it, but it’s fine, you can count on him to keep you safe an happy, you have absolutely nothing to fear. You can just tell him about how you feel, he’ll do anything he can to make you feel better. He’ll go about the rest of your days trying to make everything seems as normal as possible, he might even become more lenient about letting you outside…as long as he’s always there with you.
In the very unfortunate scenario where you choose to try to take your own life again…well, he’s not going to like that, at all. This would be the time where you see him at his worst. After making sure you’re safe, he’ll proceed to secure the entire house so that you’re not capable of killing yourself. He tries his best to comfort you and make you smile, yet you’re not blind, it’s blatantly obvious how shaken he was by what happened. He’s terrified of losing you, especially to yourself, and if he has to take away what little freedom he allowed you to keep so you’ll be safe, he will. 
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theyandereonmyoji · 2 years ago
I love love loved the boom headcanons!! They were all so good and your writing is chefs kiss💖 I LOVE THEM SMM♡♡
Can you write about how affectionate they both are too? Specially toward little questions like "look look!! Aren't I pretty?!" and stuff like that from a darling who's very affectionate at times(mostly for boom sonic since he's a liiiittle shy when it comes to expressing his feelings)
Glad you liked what I wrote anon, but for this I'm probably not going to write too much, just a few paragraphs When it comes to Boom!Sonic, he's really competent at hiding how shy he is towards you, and also hides just how much of an attention seeker he is, unlike his canon counterpart where he tries to . He's never going to ask you to praise him, even if subtly, he'll just show off how cool he is to the point you would be a moron not to praise his talents. When he kidnaps you though, he drops that mask slightly, mostly behaving like Canon!Sonic, where he's basically pushing you to give him any compliment, literally any, just give it to him, it's almost sad how desperate he is. Boom!Metal Sonic is not too different from his canon counterpart. AKA: He's literally a robotic, homicidal puppy and if you don't compliment him, he will murder everyone until you do. Well, he would do it anyways, but hey, at least it will take longer, and murders will not get progressively worse to the point you don't even know whose body it is. It's almost like a messed up routine: Wake up, eat the food he gives you, see him bring in someone's corpse as a "gift", sleep, rinse and repeat. Also, don't bother trying to tell him to stop, he'll just take that as a challenge and you will not like what happens next.
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theyandereonmyoji · 2 years ago
can I request a yandere Infinite?? Just please make him a little softer to his darling, I need to pet the dog in sonic forces so bad thank you♡♡
General Yandere Infinte Headcanons
Oh you sweet summer child, I actually feel bad for you
CW: Kidnapping, implied gore
I am seriously sorry for you anon, but the softest you’re gonna get out of this guy is a life of endless torture with a jackal the refuses to let you go, or even grant you the mercy of death. This doesn’t mean that he isn’t capable showing you love, it’s just that this man probably is occupied feeding his own ego to show you any real signs that he cares for you. He much prefers to believe that he just keeps you around like a toy just to amuse himself, the despair in your face is just too delicious for him after all, he’s certainly never going to get bored “playing” with you. Sadly for you that means both physical and psychological torture until he gets bored again and tosses you aside.
You too most likely met when he was destroying a city to aid Eggman in his ambition to conquer the world. Normally, in most cases he would’ve just seen you as yet another worm squirming pathetically for its life, but there was just something…special about you. The way you just kept clinging to your miserable life despite not having any chance of surviving an encounter with him was just so pathetic, so desperate, and so oddly captivating. Since then, he just can’t keep thinking about you, about how you would look if he twisted of all your bones simultaneously, or burned you alive, the possibilities are endless.
The fact that he can’t stop thinking about you in his own messed up way, frustrates him to no end. Compared to you, anyone else he tortures or mercilessly kills just fall flat compared to you, he just can’t satisfy his lust for power and crushing the weak anymore, he hates it. In his most frustrated days he can’t stop rambling to any stranger that’s unlucky enough to stumble upon the furious jackal, telling them about everything he plans to do to you once he finds you. Perhaps he says a bit too much to said strangers as their fear slowly turns into confusion, but Infinite doesn’t have the energy to care about that, dead men tell no tales after all.
If you decide to be foolish enough to join the resistance, congratulations, you just increased your chances of Infinite capturing you and make you live the rest of your life through a living hell. If he sees you in one of your futile missions to stop him and Eggman, he’ll ignore any orders he was given by the doctor and prioritize your capture. It’s not like it would take him too long anyways, with the power of the Phantom Ruby, killing anyone near you, finish his job and locking you up in a cell isn’t going to be a big deal to him. And if his “boss” has any complains about how much time he’s “wasting” with you. Infinite might just as well…get rid of the real nuisance that’s getting on his way.
The first days of your imprisonment will be hell incarnate. Days will feel like an eternity as he takes out all pent-up frustration on you, as he does some thing that are not apt for the faint of heart, you would need a soul of steel to be able to go through all of that and not have a mental break down, even then be certain that you would not come off unscathed. Eventually his “playtime sessions” would become more of a routine, as he would laugh maniacally while submitting you to various  types of “punishment” for you to learn how to behave, he can’t have his favorite toy disrespecting him now, so sit still and let him hear your screams as he experiments with the Phantom Ruby.
Despite all of the above, he can be gentle with you sometimes, as long as you behave. After all, he can’t let his precious little doll break beyond repair, otherwise playing with you won’t be as fun. So, every once in a while, he’ll personally take care of any wounds that are taking a long time to heal, and treating you like a porcelain figure for the rest of the day. Even then, this ultimately brings you more harm than good, messing with you psychologically, like a more messed up version of the carrot and the stick method. Behave, and perhaps the next time he “plays” with you won’t be so bad, he might even take care of you right after, just like this, continue your disobedience and he’ll make sure you have multiple close calls with death in a single day, let alone the entire week.
If you’re insistent on defying him and putting up against his torture, please, just please, if not for your own sake then at least for everyone else’s, don’t call him weak. You’re just begging for the worst death imaginable at this point, and even death is a mercy compared to what will happen next. You see, despite this guy’s huge superiority complex, he still has trauma from the last time he was called that. The last thing he wants is to be reminded of how scared he was back then. Yet here you were, bruised and battered, and somehow still having the guts to call him weak? All I’m able to say now is that what will happen next will probably belong to the sake section. Just consider yourself lucky if you’re still alive.
Once the genius Dr. Eggman conquers the world, his victory will prove to be short-lived as the mercenary turned weapon inevitably turns on him. From then on, a world by Eggman will look like paradise compared to what will happen next. With the Phantom Ruby at his disposal, reality will soon turn to a nightmare fuel where you can’t distinguish fact from fiction. As for you, well, things don’t change, he might let you go outside from your cell, though you should really think it through before going out into the hell you used to call home. Infinite has made himself you eternal tormentor, and he will make sure you stay forever by his side in the eternal nightmare. If you're lucky you'll get to head pat him if he feels merciful enough.
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theyandereonmyoji · 2 years ago
would you like to write for a yandere boom Sonic or a post frontiers Sonic? I feel like those versions are more likely to become obsessed and go out of their way if they do actually fall in love, even going as far as moving in with you without announcing it. Whichever you like more, both of them have voices I'd die for so.. I can't help myself but need one lol
Yandere Sonic the Hedgehog Post-Frontiers: Alone Together
ooh, a Roger simp I see~ to be honest I'm more of a Jason Griffith fan, but I totally get the appeal. I already wrote for Boom Sonic so I decided to do a scenario for Sonic after the event of Frontiers, hope you don't mind dear. ______________________________________________________________
It hasn’t been that long ago since Sonic and his friends came back from their travels to the Starfall Islands. You got to hear all about their crazy adventures there, from Sonic defeating various titans to save Tails, Amy and Knuckles, just to end up having to team up with Eggman and an AI he had created to defeat an entity called “The End”. However, after a long while of chatting about all that had transpired, the topic of what everyone would do next came up, and it seemed like everyone had their own plans that would keep them from seeing each other for a while. To no one’s surprise, Knuckles planned to go back to guarding the Master Emerald in Angel Island, though he also said he would take breaks every once in a while to go on adventures of his own. Amy went on an on about her plans to go out with Cream and Sticks, she seemed just as excited about that as she can be when talking about Sonic. Even Tails had plans to go on adventures on his own for a long while, to be more independent and not rely on Sonic as much as he can sometimes. Speaking of which, when it was Sonic’s turn to tell what were his plans for what to do next, he just said that he would go wherever the next adventure was. Normally, you wouldn’t have any issues with an answer like that, it was Sonic after all, he never was one to think much about where to go next, he would just run around were the wind took him, free to do as he pleased. Yet, there was something about how quiet he was, and how…uncharacteristically sad his eyes seemed the few times you caught him staring at you. But you’re probably exaggerating, right? Yet here you were, sitting in your couch wrapped up with a blanket and holding a cup of recently warmed up coffee, all lights in the house turned off because of a blackout in the area where you lived. The only thing that occupied your mind were how deafening the rain was, and your reminiscing of an event that had happened a week ago. Most of your things were all packed away in boxes of various sizes, and with them most things that you could use to pass time while waiting for the storm to pass, so even though you tried telling yourself to stop thinking too much about what had happened, it was the only thing keeping you from being totally bored, as your phone’s battery had ran out before you were able to charge it. Thankfully you were planning on moving out of this place soon, so you hoped that in the bigger cities blackouts won’t last as long as the ones here, you also hoped to be able to meet more people, as barely no one lived around here, and most friends you had were always on the move or far away where you lived anyways. Suddenly, your thought were suddenly interrupted by a sound different that water drops hitting your house repeatedly, it was a gentle knock on your door, too gentle perhaps, as you could barely hear it, and it probably wasn’t even a knock to begin with. Yet, after a few seconds, the knocking got progressively louder. Yup, your mind wasn’t playing tricks on you, there was someone knocking at your door.
You left your cup of coffee on the short table in front of you, and, still wrapped up in your blanket, you made your way to the door. You unlocked the two locks that it had, one a knob just below the door’s actual knob, that needed only to be slightly turned to the left, and the lock on the door that you needed your house’s keys to unlock, keys that you conveniently had left on the knob already. Once you were done unlocking the door, you  were surprised to see Sonic right outside your door, his blue quills soaking wet and water drops dripping out of them, he was shivering slightly and rubbing his hands on his arms in an attempt to warm himself up. However, once he noticed you we looking at him, he stopped whatever he was doing before, placing one hand on his hip, letting the other one hang around, his shivering was also gone too, and now he was smiling like he usually does. “Hey Y/N…do you mind if I crash at your place for a bit?” 
Your instincts reacted faster than whatever speed the hedgehog in front of you could run at. “Of course! Please, you’re going to catch a cold!” The calm pace at which he came in heavily contrasted how quickly you had opened the door for him. Once he was inside your house, you closed the door behind him, “Hold on, I’ll go grab a towel for you” he stood there by the door as you rushed off to your room, forgetting to check if you had locked the door or not, not like it mattered right now anyways, you were too worried about your friend possibly getting sick. 
You frantically searched in your almost empty room for an extra towel, you felt as if it was taking you an eternity to look through all the empty cabins and drawers, until you finally found a dry, white towel neatly folded inside on of said drawers. Almost as if out of pure instinct, you pulled the towel out and dashed to the door to where Sonic was. “Here! Use this to dry yourself!” You handed him the towel, he took it and proceeded to dry his body, face, and quills with it, it wasn’t perfect but at least he was a lot dryer now than he was a few seconds ago.
Sonic gave you back the towel, yet his gaze seemed like it was scanning your entire house, leaving only an awkward silence and a now wet towel between the two of you. “I’m sorry if my house is a little…empty, I’ll be moving out soon so I’ve already packed away most of my things” you hoped that explaining the situation would break the ice and give you two something to talk about, and it kinda did, you snapped him away from his trance and stared at you dead in the eyes, he still kept his usually calm demeanor, yet his eyes has this subtle trace of  that same mournful feeling you got from him that last time you two met. “You’re moving out? Why?”
“Well, it’s a long story, wanna sit down and talk” you gently grab his hand and pull him into the couch, it felt a bit cold, probably due to the still wet gloves…yet there was something about it that felt a bit odd, as if it had something inside of it that should be there. You decide to ignore that thought and let him sit on the couch, he looks at the cup of coffee lying in the table right in front, almost mesmerized by the movement of the steam coming out of the hot tea, but his focus went back immediately to you as you sit down next to him. “So…you said you’re moving out? How come? Seems a bit sudden don’t you think?” Sonic’s inquiry seemed absolutely normal on the surface, yet there was something about how he said it that just seemed off, though you couldn’t pinpoint exactly what. You took a deep breath before giving any answers, inhaling as much air as your lungs could possibly allow you to hold, “Yeah, I was just thinking that, everyone else is always going around and doing all of this amazing stuff, but here I am just wasting my days here without doing much. I just want to do something different with my life! Break the routine, I don’t know!” You were moving harshly all the time as you were explaining your situation, but once you were done, you allow them to fall down into your couch with a loud thud “…It may not seem like much but, I just think leaving this place might be a good start” You look at Sonic, to find a encouraging smile as you try to do something new with your life, to find him doing a thumbs up and tell you something overly cheesy yet somehow still motivating…yet there was none of that. Whatever mask Sonic had up until this point was gone, his face had an expression that showed no emotion at all, just an ice cold stare that sent shivers down your spine
Before you had any chance of asking him what was wrong, he decided to ask you a question of his own “So, does that mean you’re leaving me too?”
Huh? What was he talking about? He could always come visit you. However, you had no time to voice your thoughts and Sonic wasted no time on pinning you below him, almost effortlessly holding both of your arms above your head with a single hand. You desperately tried to get him off of you in any way you could, but that quickly proved to be a herculean task with just how strong he was. Panic quickly took over all of your body, and soon, that panic had led you exhaustion as all your attempts to free yourself were met with failure and soon enough, you had no energy to keep trying.
Once Sonic notice that you had tired yourself out, he looked down at you, no signs of compassion left in his eyes, just pure and utter apathy. “All of you keep leaving me…Tails, Amy, hell even the Knucklehead. You’ve all just decided to go on your own ways and leave me behind. Do you have any idea of how lonely I felt when I was in the Starfall Islands? How painful was it to deal with my entire body and mine getting slowly corrupted, seeing my friends sacrifice themselves to cure me? I thought I would never be able to see them again! And then after all of that, they all have the audacity to just go and ditch me, you got any idea of how any of that feels?!” Lighting struck nearby shortly after, putting you even more on edge as the blue hedgehog on top dumped all of his anger on you. 
He took some deep breaths, seemingly getting calmer, but the ire he manifested just a few seconds was still there, ready to gobble you up like a predator hunting for pray, “I thought that at the very least you would remain here, that everything would remain the same with you…but you’re just as selfish as the rest”. In the middle of his rambling, his grip on your arms had soften up just the tiniest bit, not much, but enough for you to slip out. You seized the opportunity to free your arms and with whatever strength you could muster, successfully getting him off of you, and making him crash against the table, spilling the coffee of his quills. 
You pushed back against any instincts to check and see if he was alright and made a mad dash towards the front door. You were hopeful that your mistake of forgetting to lock the door earlier would come back to save you from him. Yet, as you reached the doorknob, you were met with a horrifying realization 
Clank clank clank The doorknob would not budge, it was locked, and the keys were gone.
If insanity was defined by repeating the same action over and over again expecting a different result, then you truly had gone insane at this very moment. You prayed to the god you believed in that maybe it was just stuck, that it would work soon, you just had to keep at it. But it didn’t move, it wouldn’t. Sonic got up from the now broken table, coffee dripping out of the end of his quills, glaring you down with no empathy for your fear whatsoever. He opened a small gap between his glove and his hand, the same hand you had grabbed a few minutes ago to invite him to sit and chat. Something fell off of it, and he grabbed it before it fell to the floor, holding them on his open palm, letting you see what it was, it was your keys.
“You should consider yourself lucky Y/N…if I were anyone else, I could probably harm you right now…” he approached you slowly, almost like a zombie in an old horror movie. Your knees gave up on you and you slid off the door, sitting on the floor unable to move. Your brain kept yelling to you about how you should be running away right now, your heart tried to jump off your ribcage and make a run for it, yet your body was frozen in place against that locked door, unable to make a move. Sonic was now standing right in front of you, he kneeled at a painfully slow pace, and once he was at your level, he hugged you.
Unexpected was the understatement of the century. He locked you up inside your own house, pinned you against your couch and yelled at you about how lonely he felt, and now he was hugging you, gently rubbing your back with one hand while holding you close with the other, it felt like how a parent would comfort a child over a nightmare they had, yet his unnerving gaze quickly dispelled any illusions of comfort his body projected. “Thankfully, it was just me, I won’t hurt you, I even forgive you for trying to leave me. But we need to fix your little mistake”.
He grabbed your shoulders and pinned you against the door, forcing you to look at him “You won’t move away, right?” He didn’t wait for an answer, not like you could give it to him anyways, you felt a knot on your throat that barely even allowed you to breathe. “You will not sell this house, right?” “You can just return whatever property you were moving to, right?” “You can cancel off whatever deal you had to sell this place, right?”
“We can just live here together, right?”
PD: Tumblr can be a bit annoying with text!
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theyandereonmyoji · 2 years ago
Myoji-san, I'm so happy you're writing for sth :D !!! thank you for your lovely works - the quill petting one was so adorable and nicely fleshed out. Still can't get over Shadow being low-key needy for pets and finishing work earlier for it... I also hope your day is going nicely. I was wondering if I could respectfully request a love triangle hoho ( Shadow -> MC -> Silver ) ? I'm wondering how you'd write these two competing for the time & affection of another. If this is not something you'd like to write I completely understand, though I do so look forward to any of your future posts :・゚☆
Rivalry: Yandere Shadow the Hedgehog and Yandere Silver the Hedgehog
Awww thank you so much! Don’t worry, love triangles are totally allowed! Also, I have to say that a couple of people have been asking for Silver content, so I’ll probably write headcanons for him really soon. Anyways, hope you enjoy! CW: mentions of potential murder
These two couldn’t be any more different at first glance. Shadow is the overly stoic type that keeps you at arm’s length (or tries to anyways, doesn’t really work as well as he thinks it does) and Silver, a hedgehog who’s somewhat naive and wears his heart up his sleeve, especially when to come to how much he loves you. However, they do have something in common, and that’s they will do anything, and I mean anything to keep you safe. These two have just suffered too much, one watched his best friend get murdered in the past, and the other was born in a future that was ruined from the start, they just want to have someone they can hold on to in the present, and that someone happens to be you.
Shadow’s more closed-off nature makes him a bit jealous of just how openly Silver can express his feelings towards you. The fact that you two are able to share so much with each other, that he can get so close to you without a care in the world, it’s something that Shadow wishes he could do, and loathes about the time-traveling hedgehog. He has come to terms that your relationship with him could never be like that, and he’s willing to do anything to keep you safe, no matter the cost, yet seeing how Silver has the same resolve as him and can allow himself to stay close to you, he loathes it. If Silver knows any better, he should stay away from you, lest he wants to be considered a threat to your safety.
Silver is willing to admit that Shadow is the stronger one out of the two, and he can’t help but envy a bit how reliable Shadow can be towards you. It doesn’t matter how big or small the issue might be, he’s not only willing, but also able to help you with literally anything. It makes him think: If you have Shadow in your life, then how could you ever spare a single glance at him? He wants to be your hero, yet how could he ever be if you had no need for someone like him? One thing is for sure, those thoughts are not going to stop him trying his absolute best for your sake, and who knows? Shadow might be a lot more dangerous than you think, so why go to him when you got Silver? He will never leave your side, ever.
You know how there’s that stereotype that girls pretend to not hate each other in front of others while giving each other death glares in private? Yup, that’s them. It all seems so normal while you’re around, hell, they don’t seem to mind that the other is there. However, the moment you have to go to do something and leave the two, they’ll start confronting each other. Shadow will state how inexperienced he is and that how could he ever keep you safe if he can even beat Shadow in a fair fight. Silver would get angry easily and point out how dangerous Shadow can be towards you with his dubious moral compass and that out of the two, he was the one that tried to destroy the world.
Stuff would rarely get physical, and even if it did, you would never find out. Obsessed with you as they may be, they’ve silently agreed to never involve you directly into any disputes they might have, whether it is one-upping each other in their efforts to have you pick them over the other, or just throwing hands in a good-old fashioned brawl. You might notice the small signs of their rivalry, like Shadow giving off Silver a smug look when you ask him for help, or Silver giggling towards Shadow a bit when you let him hug you, but it’s rather subtle and when you try to question it, both of them will go out of their way to deny any of that, even covering for each other sometimes. 
Honestly, I see this rivalry going one of two ways. Worst case scenario, things will escalate so badly that they will eventually fight each other to the death, with the winner being able to live out the rest of their days alongside you. On the other, and most likely scenario, these two might be able to set their differences aside, and focus on what is truly important: protecting you at all cost. Rivals as they might be, they both are man enough to recognize that the other hedgehog has something they need but severely lack. They both want what is best for you, and even if still argue about who’s doing they job better, at least it’s a scenario where no one dies…you will have two overly powerful, protective and possessive hedgehogs though so good luck with that.
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theyandereonmyoji · 2 years ago
Generally yan hcs for boom! sonic and boom! Metal sonic pls 🥺👉👈 if you don't do for the show ignore this
Yandere Boom!Sonic and Boom!Metal Sonic Headcanons
Hoo boy this one was harder than I thought it would be, and my life got a tad busier than I thought it would, but finally I can post this, hope you enjoy! CW: mentions of kidnapping and murder Boom!Sonic
He’s a lot more sarcastic and subtle when it comes to his feelings. It’s mostly like how the main canon version would act when he wants you to see him as the coolest, just that bumped up to 11. This will in turn makes him a bit less affectionate that counterpart. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t show that he cares about you, he always checks up on you after every fight with Eggman, which in this universe is in a daily basis. This helps him have an excuse to hang out with you, even if just for a bit. After all, gotta make sure all of Eggman’s robots have been destroyed, can’t have one roaming around free and hurting (you) people. 
Any funny shenanigans he and his friends might get involved in will end up you getting involved, mostly because Sonic suggested getting your help for whatever they were doing that day (he won’t admit it was his idea tho, he’ll probably say it was Amy or Tails). At first, there’s no harm to this, just impromptu adventures that make your life more interesting. Yet, it doesn’t take too long for these “adventures” to start only involving you two in more isolated areas, where you basically just watch him showing off how cool he is. At a certain point, you’ll just encounter him everywhere, and while logic might tell you that you shouldn’t be surprised since it’s a small village after all, you can’t shake off the feeling that something about all of this is a bit ominous.
He’s probably way better (or worse) at making up excuses on the spot than his mainline counterpart, if main canon Sonic memorized every excuse in the book, then it’s the same book his Boom counterpart wrote. He was in the same shop of a certain thing you know you enjoy but Sonic would never? Well, one of his friends asked him for something from that shop. You’ve been feeling like you’re being followed lately, now worries, Sonic can check real quick and he can’t find anyone. Someone left a gift outside your door? Weird, it has that thing you wanted to get your hand on but you only told Sonic about it, yet he has an air-tight alibi of why it wasn’t him. If only you knew he lies as naturally as he breathes.
Even with how small the village is, it’s inevitable that you’ll have other friends outside of him and his friend group. This version of Sonic is a lot more subtle when it comes to his jealousy. At first he’ll seemingly just try to deny he’s jealous, and failing miserably leading to a bit of teasing from you or his friends. Yet a few days later, after Eggman ran away from yet another failed attempt of defeating Sonic and his friends, cheer quickly turns to terror as a dead body is found. The villagers are quick to panic and to point their fingers to Eggman, yet, you can’t help but feel that there is something else going on. You won’t have much time to think about that and Sonic drags you along yet another adventure.
Kidnapping? Please, why would he need that here? There’s nothing beyond that tiny village you two are in, there’s nowhere else for you to run, so don’t even think about it. Just enjoy the rest of your days as you get involved into whatever Sonic drags you into, and don’t think too deeply about why the person you talked to yesterday suddenly disappeared without a trace. Or why another one has injuries that look as if they were made by quills instead of machine claws. Sonic killing some villagers? As if, besides who would ever believe such an outlandish theory? He’s the hero, so get those petty little ideas out of your head.
Boom!Metal Sonic
With how often Eggman attacks that village, it is somewhat hard to notice how Metal Sonic has been coming alongside him more and more, as it happens gradually. Something that is obvious for you to notice is that you always come across him as you run away from Eggman’s robots. Yet he never attacks you for some reason, opting lo leave shortly after to fight Sonic. You can’t stop thinking about those robotic, emotionless eyes staring deep into your soul, it’s like you can feel them even when you know no one is there. Your friends and family try their best to help you distract yourself from that feeling but you can’t…and maybe you’re not as crazy as you think
While he is fiercely loyal to Eggman, he uses what free time he gets to…observe you, for a lack of a better word. He makes sure to gather as much data as he can about you: your routine, likes, dislikes, and…any potential obstacles you consider “people close to you”. To get him off of you will be quite the task, he’s just as fast as the real Sonic, plus being mechanical and more silent. Figuring out from where he’s watching you would be a pain, but actually managing to make him lose track of you? I wish you all the luck in the world dear, you’re gonna need it. Especially in that tiny village.
If you have the terrible luck of getting caught in middle of the crossfire with no where to run, you’ll get to see him spare at glance at you before going back to fighting. However, you can notice how he becomes more…unhinged, feral even. Even when it comes to Sonic with whom he already has some beef with, fights against the metallic copy becomes harder for the heroes, as Metal goes from hard to deal with to the heroes barely making it out alive. Once Eggman is defeated, Metal Sonic will retreat alongside his creator, but you should probably stay away from Metal Sonic if he’s involved in a fight, unless you want this tiny village to be reduced to a mountain of corpses
Metal Sonic would turn your life into a living nightmare rather quickly. It’s a shame really, you would wake up a day like any other and go out just to live yet another boring day of your life…Yet you can’t feel a sense of dread in the air, and when you get close to opening the door of your house to go out, you can smell something rotting just outside. As you open the door, it bumps into something, and when you decide to take a look of what it is, you find a body lying there, beaten up and slashed to a bloody mess. As the authorities arrive the crimes thankfully cannot be linked back at you, but you’ll soon find everyone avoiding you like the plague.
While the canon version of Metal Sonic would not have taken this long before any kidnapping happened, the Boom version probably would’ve needed to wait for an opportunity to make sure no one was around to see where he would take you. One day you’ll just see how those cold machine eyes look at you as he knocks you out and snatches you somewhere only he knows. As much as the robot might hate to admit it, perhaps he shares more with the meat bag version of himself, wanting your praise and admiration as he brings in a copious amount of various gifts. He worked so hard to get them you know? That item over there was the last one in stock and it was hard to get to it without being spotted, and that guy over there was much harder to kill than he thought it would, but he was still able to bring back the body as a trophy. So please tell him he’s the best, and that he’s the only one you need.
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theyandereonmyoji · 2 years ago
But what if the reader Shadow is trying to protect is kind of scared of him too? He's very scary at times you know......
(I assume that you're only asking a question out of curiosity and this is not a rq. If you wanted a written request for this however, feel free to ask again for one) Well, one's thing for sure, you're going to break his heart. He's not an idiot, Shadow knows that he can seem (and can be) scary, and in most cases, it's not an issue. With you (AKA: the reader) though, that's a huge problem he needs to fix ASAP, after all, how can Shadow tell himself he's capable of protecting you if you're scared to death of him? He'll try to do anything to fix that, but with every failed attempt, things might get...ugly. No pressure, but you want to get over that fear of yours sooner rather than later!
(PD: I'll start using the message at the beginning for stuff like this, just in case!)
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theyandereonmyoji · 2 years ago
General Yandere Shadow the Hedgehog Headcanons
TW:  stalking, murder, kidnapping
Well, good news is, he’s not gonna let absolutely anything bad happen to you, so a toast for that. As for the bad news, he’s probably a bit too overprotective. Can you really blame him for that though? He saw his best friend get shot in front of him while he was powerless to do anything about it, so Shadow’s already on edge about anything that could potentially harm anyone close to him. It doesn’t matter at all if your relationship is purely platonic or more than that, whether just a close friend or a lover, he thinks you’re someone worth keeping safe. 
He doesn’t like to show that cares about you openly, mostly out of fear that if he does, others might see you as a weakness that they can exploit against him. However, when he’s not busy with a missions for G.U.N. or any world-ending crisis, he still works like your personal bodyguard from the shadows (pun absolutely intended). If he sees you in trouble, whether it’s just a rogue badnik attacking whatever it could find or an full-front assault from Eggman or any other villain to where you currently are, he’s ready to step in and save you. If you try to ask him how he found you so quickly, Shadow will just say that he happened to be nearby and saw you were in trouble, which is technically true but you don’t need to know much else.
Shadow treats you as if you were made out of glass, and while he doesn’t worry too much about his own wellbeing since he can’t really get hurt easily no matter how many risks he takes, he knows that those around him aren’t as sturdy as him. If you often get into accidents or dangerous situations where more often than not you get hurt, congratulations, you’ve earned an entire day of mild scolding and having Shadow basically babysit you. No, he won’t take no for an answer. If the reason you why you got hurt was someone else however, well, Shadow will never say a word about what he did that night after you went to sleep, and when you never see that person again, you think it’s best for you to not know.
Keeping secrets from him is impossible, so just follow the saying “Honesty is the Best Policy” to make life easier for both of you. If Shadow sees that you’re trying to hide something from him, he’ll pull any trick in the book to coerce you into telling him. If even that is not enough, he can always use other methods to learn the truth on his own. Regardless, he just wants you to feel safe with him, so he’ll feel frustrated and hurt when you try to hide things from him or even lie, no matter how big or small. Shadow doesn’t take that frustration out on you, but he does give you a stern warning that you’re just make things harder for yourself when you keep secrets from him.
It might not seem like it at first glance, and it might not be at the level of a certain blue hedgehog, but Shadow can be a bit of a showoff himself. He loves to see you depend on him, that you see him as someone that will always take care of you. Whenever you need help with something, he’s more than willing to assist you, and when you thank him, there’s a slight hint of a smug smile on his face. As long as it is between you two, he’ll appreciate each and every compliment you give him more than he’s willing to admit, and while he doesn’t really need it, the fact that you’re so nice of him has him develop an even softer spot for you.
Despite his seemingly sole desire to protect you from harm, Shadow can also be quite possessive. He’ll be subtle about it, but he’ll control who you can and cannot interact with under the pretext that they might put you in danger and that he’s only looking out for you, and while it’s not totally a lie, he’s also jealous and scared that you might find someone “better” and leave him. If he sees someone getting too close to you, well, he’s no stranger to foul play. Once they’re alone, Shadow will make an example out of them for others to know that you’re off limits. And you’ll be none the wiser to all of this, he knows how to cover his tracks perfectly after all.
Shadow’s breaking point is so easy to snap, it’s practically a ticking bomb. After all, he might be ultimate life form, but something can always happen, and he can’t protect you all the time when you’re out and about living life freely. When an incident eventually happens where you’re badly injured and almost dead, that’ll be the moment when enough is enough. Shadow clearly can’t trust the outside world to be safe enough for you to live in, and he’ll lock you up somewhere isolated and safe. Once you wake up, having recovered a bit from whatever incident hurt you that badly, you’ll quickly find yourself confined inside a tiny room where he can forever keep you safe.
If you think you have any chance of escaping him, sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s pointless, and trying would just annoy him. Of course, this hedgehog has the patience of a saint when it comes to you, and he wouldn’t use that strength of his to hurt you, as least not on purpose. It’s better to be safe than sorry you know? So long as you behave, nothing will happen to you, if anything he might take better care of you than yourself (Yes, I’m calling myself out on this one too). As much as he tries to convince himself, deep down he knows how wrong all of this is, but if it means keeping you safe, he’s willing to do that and more.
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theyandereonmyoji · 2 years ago
Woah another underrated blog enter the sth fandom :0 Welcome mam!
I just checks your rules and made sure that I don't broke anything, so this should be fine :D
Anyways do you mind doing a little write for yandere romantic sonic and shadow (just sonic if you only do one chara) with a reader who always like to touch/pet their ears/quills ?
Like everytime they see a them, reader always become entance by how soft (in their view) their quills/fur and not shying about asking them for touch.
If your feeling uncomfortable, you don't have to do this :p
Hello and thanks for the warm welcome! You didn’t break any rules, but you reminded me that I should probably set a character limit in mine (Don’t worry tho you didn’t come anywhere near to what I was planning). Anyways here you go!
Romantic Yandere Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow the Hedgehog with a Reader that likes to pet their ears and quills
TW: slight mentions of stalking and implied murder
Sonic the Hedgehog
He would absolutely encourage you to touch them! This guy already loves to touch and be touched by you, but the fact that you want to take initiative to touch him would have him over the moon. While you proceed to pet him for however long you want, he would snuggle up against your chest and probably purr a bit (like an oversized cat just that he has quills).
He’s a bit ticklish when it comes to his ears, but doesn’t want admit it for the life of him, after all he has to maintain his image as the coolest hedgehog ever that you can always rely on, and what if you decided to stop touching his ears because of it? No way he would allow for that to happen. It doesn’t matter how many times you ask him why he always giggles when you touch his ears, he has a bible worth of excuses ready to pull out at any second, now please continue touching his ears!
Hedgehogs’ quills are only spiky if they feel threatened or tense, so most of the time Sonic’s quills would feel like touching a pillow. Just letting you run your hand down his quills feels like absolute bliss to him. Sometimes when he feels a bit stressed, he will just grab your hand and run it down his quills, careful to not prick your hand with them, and while they would feel rough for a second, they would turn soft in a matter of seconds, and you two would stay like that for a while.
He would adore every second of you two getting intimate like this, which is why he would always get a bit grumpy if for any reason you two have to stop. If it’s because of him needing to save civilians from Eggman or any other villain causing mayhem, they’ll have to deal with a grumpy hedgehog that looks like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. If they made the mistake of thinking he was any weaker because of this, they’re in for a nasty surprise and a humiliating defeat. The moment he’s done with the threat is the moment where he runs back to you at sonic speed to continue what you guys were doing before.
If it was because you had to go do something important, well first of all, good luck even getting him off of you. And if you do and leave, you’ll have a needy hedgehog following you around without you noticing. Pray to Gaia that no one decides to get too friendly with you that day, because if he sees you too close to his comfort with someone, he might behave a bit too possessive the next time you see him. Don’t pay too much attention to the missing posters, he’ll make sure nothing ever happens to you, as if he’d let you off on your own anyways.
Shadow the Hedgehog
This man is soooo touch-starved and he doesn’t realize it! The request catches him off-guard, and frankly, makes it a bit nervous at first, even if he doesn’t really show it. However, if you’re insistent enough, he would eventually cave in, and try to make the experience comfortable for the both of you. Thing would start off a bit awkward at first, mostly due to Shadow not really knowing what to do in such a situation, but slowly he would come to realize just how much he’s enjoying your touch.
His ears are a bit sensitive, but it’s nothing he can’t handle. However, in his attempt to hide that he’s sensitive there, he makes such a good poker face, that you’ll end up thinking he doesn’t like it. That misunderstanding is quickly cleared up when you try to move your hand away from his ears, as he quickly grabs it and places it in his ears again. Even he would look surprised by the fact he actually did that, the message gets through loud and clear.
He would make sure to guide your hand when it comes to his quills, not because he doesn’t trust you with them, but because he’s scared he’ll hurt you with them. It will sure take a while but after various sessions like this, his quills would eventually soften to your touch and he would stop worrying about them possibly hurting you. He probably would ask you to please stay away if he had a really rough day, in those cases you'll just have to wait patiently, because he’ll eventually cave in to his own desire to feel your hand roaming in his quills.
His life as a G.U.N. agent is a rather busy one, so sadly the opportunities you have to touch his quills and ears are few and far between. However, Shadow will notice that he’s trying to complete his missions faster nowadays, though it would take him a while to realize why. Again, this hedgehog is really touch-starved without knowing, so it would be hard for him to process the idea that he’s that desperate to feel your touch.
In the rare cases where you’re the busy one and not him, he has no issue in following you everywhere you go. He knows that you wouldn’t cheat on him, but he wants to make sure people don’t try to get too near what’s his. So when some random fool makes you uncomfortable by trying to get too personal with you despite you it making clear you don’t want to, well, he doubts you would miss a person like that much anyways. When that person inevitably appears dead in some alley the next day, he’ll make sure to let you touch his quills and ears to comfort you, and let you know that you’re safe with him.
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