#Myoji-san answers
theyandereonmyoji · 1 year
Hello! Do you think you could write a bit about what would happen if Shadow accidentally hurt the reader badly?
Also, I wanted to tell you I think your writing is amazing! I hope you are drinking lots of water and getting enough sleep♡
I'm not quite sure what did you mean exactly by write a bit, so I'll just take it literally and write a paragraph or two about it. So, Shadow's patience with you is nigh-unbreakable, so getting to that situation to begin with is thankfully for you hard. However, if you're stubborn enough to want to break the camel's back, it isn't impossible. In the very few scenarios where I can see this happening is if he's stopping you from doing something that would cause you harm (according to him anyways, and in most cases he's on point, key word: most). Maybe in an escape attempt from the only place he considers "safe" for you would end up with him breaking a limb or two if you resist too much. O maybe you're doing something rather risky and in his attempt to get you out of harm's way, you end up getting hurt anyways. If you want to see a scenario like this, I recommend reading @yanderegrizzsworld's "You Left me no Choice" for something like this anon! (also her writing is just great overall, so check out her stuff). As for the original question, well, on one hand he would feel incredibly guilty about it. He might not show it much but that's more on how stoic he can be rather than him not trying his best to make it up to you. He'll treat whatever wound he caused, big or small, and give you a sincere apology for it. On the other hand...prepare to get scolded, Shadow is going to make sure that this never happens again, but he also needs you to cooperative you know, he may even go as far as punish you, depending of what you did.
Overall, try to not give him a heart attack 'kay?
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theyandereonmyoji · 1 year
I love love loved the boom headcanons!! They were all so good and your writing is chefs kiss💖 I LOVE THEM SMM♡♡
Can you write about how affectionate they both are too? Specially toward little questions like "look look!! Aren't I pretty?!" and stuff like that from a darling who's very affectionate at times(mostly for boom sonic since he's a liiiittle shy when it comes to expressing his feelings)
Glad you liked what I wrote anon, but for this I'm probably not going to write too much, just a few paragraphs When it comes to Boom!Sonic, he's really competent at hiding how shy he is towards you, and also hides just how much of an attention seeker he is, unlike his canon counterpart where he tries to . He's never going to ask you to praise him, even if subtly, he'll just show off how cool he is to the point you would be a moron not to praise his talents. When he kidnaps you though, he drops that mask slightly, mostly behaving like Canon!Sonic, where he's basically pushing you to give him any compliment, literally any, just give it to him, it's almost sad how desperate he is. Boom!Metal Sonic is not too different from his canon counterpart. AKA: He's literally a robotic, homicidal puppy and if you don't compliment him, he will murder everyone until you do. Well, he would do it anyways, but hey, at least it will take longer, and murders will not get progressively worse to the point you don't even know whose body it is. It's almost like a messed up routine: Wake up, eat the food he gives you, see him bring in someone's corpse as a "gift", sleep, rinse and repeat. Also, don't bother trying to tell him to stop, he'll just take that as a challenge and you will not like what happens next.
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theyandereonmyoji · 2 years
But what if the reader Shadow is trying to protect is kind of scared of him too? He's very scary at times you know......
(I assume that you're only asking a question out of curiosity and this is not a rq. If you wanted a written request for this however, feel free to ask again for one) Well, one's thing for sure, you're going to break his heart. He's not an idiot, Shadow knows that he can seem (and can be) scary, and in most cases, it's not an issue. With you (AKA: the reader) though, that's a huge problem he needs to fix ASAP, after all, how can Shadow tell himself he's capable of protecting you if you're scared to death of him? He'll try to do anything to fix that, but with every failed attempt, things might get...ugly. No pressure, but you want to get over that fear of yours sooner rather than later!
(PD: I'll start using the message at the beginning for stuff like this, just in case!)
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theyandereonmyoji · 4 months
I saw you write for Fire Emblem. Do you write for the older games, or is it just Three Houses as most blogs sadly do?
Hello dear Anon!! Yup! I've played every game in the series (recently finished Engage actually) So feel free to ask for any character you want, old or new!!
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theyandereonmyoji · 7 months
do you write for wwmh miles?
I...believe that's an AU correct? I'll have to pass on AUs unless I am personally attached to it, and I would most likely do a post regarding AUs I wanna write to give readers a heads-up, sorry for the inconvenience dear!
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theyandereonmyoji · 8 months
✦- Hey Myoji_san (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ★ ...!, how are you ? , i think that i haven't Hear form you , like month or more ?, however i just to check on you , make sure your ok , and remember to eat&drink , and tell you your amazing person , and very loved too, and i love your writing , thanks so much, have nice day !!!!! ♡♡♡💜💜💜💗💝-✦....
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Hello! Sadly last year and this month have been quite busy and emotionally overwhelming for me, and I had to take a break from a lot of stuff in order to work on my mental health and IRL responsibilities. Sadly I'm not in the spot I would like to be but I'm slowly getting there! Thank you for your kind words Marnie, I should be more free to work on certain requests I have long overdue and get those done ASAP, as well as announce a little surprise I had under wraps! Stay tuned ppl, Myoji-san will soon grab the pen again and get back to work!
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theyandereonmyoji · 4 months
Hello! Do you write or Are you thinking of writing call of duty or nah?
I'm very sorry dear Anon! But I have no plans of writing for COD. I have a list of the franchises I'll write for in my first post, so you can check it out and see anything else that might interest you!
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