#bc lucis got too silly w it
the-acid-pear · 23 days
Yesterday I had 3 thoughts but I was like I'll remember tomorrow I won't wake up to type them now and I forgot two BUT I remembered one of them so that's huge
#luly talks#something w Lucis and Dee. I'll draw it later#it's very important to have two ocs for the same franchise so they can do things the other can't#girls who died as kids but are now on their 20s...#i did think a lot about lucis biology and i remember joking about them only being a demon bc they're argentinian#though that's a bit silly ambiguous bc like. sure in their comic everyone is a monster but like#they're also more psychotic than me so there was a thought of them being actually just human and seeing everyone like this bc bleeh!#lucis story really is one of neglect isn't it#i mean same one i faced but worse#bc lucis got too silly w it#i also thought a bit about their biology i think I'm gonna implement the angel demon thing with their grandma being a form of angelic being#but (bio) grandpa a demon#hence why their dad and them are one too#and well something that is STILL canon is that their mom is a clown but clowns are a kind of imp#so that's why their little brother is impish#idk what their step dad would be but i know their older brother would be part ram bc. its funny#he's an aries you see.#but i didnt just think of lucis in general i had had thoughts about dsaf i forgor 😢#aside from this one 👍#i mean i remember L.L. having a breakdown too but WHEN arent they not having one?#something about midori but i remember that too well to be one of the forgotten memories#like i vaguely recall something w the phoneys either harry or pete but nothing coherent#i do remember i y#thought of drawing jake w high heels pussy puss puss style but i think that was something i thought in the afternoon#you people can't imagine how many thoughts per second i experience y'all literally get such a mostly sanitized version of it#I'd make a chart of Lucis' relationships w her coworkers tho........ i rlly like Lucis lmao#OH SHIT I REMEMBERED I THOUGHT OF MIDORI AND DTRAP INTERACTING id think of that further there's something there ok#<- related to l.l. of course. her daughter etc.
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lunarhobbits · 6 months
misc sweeney hcs
(disclaimer. i am new-ish here and have no idea how popular/prevalent any of these are go easy on me ok. also a lot of these are dadben related wh o o p s)
i've seen some variance of if this is canon in fics and stuff but i really do like the idea of the barkers also living above the pie shop in addition to the barbershop being there. similar situation w the pie shop/lovett living quarters. ig it's just easier to picture in my head then????
(p sure the b*rton film confirms smth like this but i'm ignoring it bc i don't like that guy. this idea is mine now)
part of the reason i like this so much is it means that benjamin barker had all the more time to have lovely moments with lucy and johanna when he wasn't busy with clients
(this also makes sweeney returning there without them all the more painful. if he sits and doesn't do anything then he's flooded by memories of the life he had in those same walls fifteen years ago. like no wonder sweeney's so bent out of shape by being forced to wait for the judge and the beadle to come to him)
johanna had only JUST started walking when ben was transported. he was so excited and happy and loved to try and assist her, encouraging her to take steps holding his hands. chattering away about her with any customer that would listen, perhaps even showing her off ("look at my jo! she's such a fine girl!" "i'm sure she is, mr. barker, but could you please finish shaving me?")
he bought johanna a little lacy bonnet when she was a week old. she didn't need something so fancy at such a young age, and lucy had already sewn her a few bonnets months prior. it wasn't the most sound financial decision he ever made. but oh, his girl just had to have it, and it's a little big, she could grow into it! (lucy admits she looks very cute with it on, even though she says johanna doesn't need it)
(the bonnet is left forgotten in a drawer somewhere for years, until sweeney opens that particular drawer and finds it gathering dust upon his return. he feels sick seeing it, reminding him again how much he missed. then he puts it back and refuses to give it any mind.)
nellie lovett was infuriated by lucy barker in that way that you can't quite pinpoint why you're mad other than they're "too perfect" or "too pretty" or something. ofc there was the fact she was married to ben, but i think there was a little "get out of my school" energy going on there too
idk exactly how lucy ended up on the street (or in bedlam, as lovett says in the finale) but i do think that nellie was, sadly, at least complicit in inaction to stop this from happening (if not having thrown her out herself)
anthony is the sweetest dude around and genuinely loves johanna. doesn't matter that he barely knows her when he says he'd marry her, he knows that he's going to be happy as long as she is
johanna loves him too, and she's surprised by it. not because of anything to do with anthony, but because she's felt so little real love in her life (that she can remember). it's a wonderful and frightening rush looking at him, sometimes, but then he squeezes her hand, or does something silly, or even just sneezes or clears his throat and she's brought back down to reality, in a good way. that anthony is real, and human like her. she doesn't have to "earn" his love by being utterly perfect.
they get out of london basically as soon as they can, just wanting to leave it all behind, at least for a while
it took a little time and arguing but anthony did end up getting a good sum of money from the judge's death, through johanna's inheritance going to her husband (him). they immediately used this money to finance travel. they both love to travel, anthony promising to show her the beauty of the world that, still, cannot rival her in his eyes
this is all i got that's coherent rn really lol. anyway here you go sweeney todd fans who liked/reblogged my post haha @demonbarberofbeepbeep @captains-clever-goose @little-lovett @fabulousairpirate @funnygirlthatbelle
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halforcdad · 1 year
20 hours later and I still can't get over Kacy....
[Spoiler alert for those who haven't seen ncis hawaii 2x20]
Them...reenacting their first meeting...on their anniversary...just looking at each other w heart eyes and soft smiles...*look at a photo of them* *cry*
that scene! that episode!
kate leaning in whispering excitedly in a busy bar to lucy (strangely enough, it reminded me very vaguely of a scene from this fic i love) to keep going! and let me tell you i was not prepared for the zoom out showing just how close they really were and kate's hand on lucy's arm! and lucy's hand on top of it! like hello is this allowed
Tumblr media
and can we for a second appreciate that while lucy made the first move, kate answered in kind telling her to come closer? i feel like we focus on lucy's game a lot (rightfully so bc girl's got moves), but as their banter, lucy's praise (almost always highlighting how smart and charming kate is), and this scene show: whistler's got mad rizz too LMAOOO
lucy saying in the beginning of the episode how she wanted to celebrate their awesomeness as a couple and how far they've come and then the episode ending with them at the bar they first met, reenacting their first conversation, where kate literally spells out the differences between that night and this reenactment (they're too intimate now to commit to the casual dance they were doing the first time and that makes me wanna scream), where we can see clearly just how far they've come with their body language, their easy, intimate conversation (Kate reassuring Lucy that it isn't silly and being all for it, s1 kate would never), them breaking character laughing at themselves, enjoying this moment with each other and the love that would eventually come out of it
all this plus everything we got in 2x19, kacy is so fucking back baby
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coconoct · 3 months
late night ramble but ig heres my 2 cents of this poll (not directly attaching this to the poll cause im a coward LOL)
ofc, i won't put my thoughts on luci/belphe/asmo. ik we get tidbits of them through their nobles or pb's prev games but i wanna judge them based on how they actually show up in-game. i also know there's prob gonna be some luci lore later when gamigin update is out (atm its like abt 4 or so days till that update's release) but i'll just omit my thoughts on luci for now
ok now for the rest of the kings:
i should also put a disclaimer that i don't read any of the unholy board stories unless if it's mammon's, so for the other kings that aren't mammon my opinions are purely based off of main story or event appearances or how they act in comics
satan - honestly pretty ok w him. i'm kinda biased when it comes to mc being recoginized as their own person rather than purely just the descendant of solomon so i like him based on that. idk i don't have any strong opinions abt him i just see him as a very fluffy cat :3
mammon - absolutely love him. 0 flaws. wins the idgaf war. my absolute fav squeak toy. lol ok but fr tho i don't really have any complaints abt him. will spoil tf out of mc and wants to ensure their safety. also sees mc as mc and was even kinda disgusted(? idk a better word for this💀💀) by the fact that a part of solomons soul can be sensed in them, almost as if he doesnt want it to be in the way of mc. also wasnt afraid to call out the fact that sitri kept calling mc solomon. and ofc the love at first sight thing is great too but also the bodyworship (or ig faceworship bc he only just kissed mc's entire face??) before the confession like UGH... absolutely weak for that man (devil?). idk i dont rlly see that many mammon fans rlly anywhere and it saddens me hes such a good char outside of just having huge tibbies. srsly tho pb pls we get it he has huge tits you dont need to constantly bring it up the char sprite is literally right in front of us-
cant wait for the next chapter w the big lore dump abt mammon and hope we finally get a pt 2 of his h scene (hopium)
no srsly he's the only king w 1 h scene, satan and levi got 2,, WHERE IS MAMMON'S PT 2
as a side comment also i love the silly banter btwn mammon and satan like they are truly besties from the cross on their foreheads to matching skill names to the amnt of times they throw hands and still hang out and care for each other
beel - hes ok ig? i think lore-wise hes gonna be one of the more interesting ones considering how "mysterious" he is i.e. constantly wandering, almost being an absent king. like what led to the constant wandering? what did andrealphus mean when he said beel is the key to ending the war? how does his cloning work? i kinda feel bad for bael and the other nobels needing to manage everything while beels away but i don't rlly hate him for it? at least not now considering we don't rlly know the definite reason and i want to assume the best and say he has a valid reason for being absent so he could protect his region. hate is a strong word ig its more of a slight dislike towards beel, but its like this 🤏 small of a dislike im still overall neutral abt him
levi - falling into the majority from the poll i have to agree that levi is my least fav king also lol. i get where he's coming from and why he acts the way he does, i just dont like how he's written? or ig moreso how he's written in the perspective of mc. tho tbh that's more of an mc issue than a levi issue, but i got pretty tired of the story constantly reminding us how pretty levi is (similar to how we always get reminded of how big mammon is/how huge mammons tits are). idk its like a gut feeling to not like/trust him. i also just don't really vibe w him in general even before we were actually introduced to him in main story. hes a good attacker gameplay-wise tho lol
so yeah, those are my thoughts for now. ofc they could change in the future when we get more info abt all of them but we'll see
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3lectra-he4rt · 8 months
since there’s only a few weeks left until the day of reckoning,,
What scenes do you *need* in the ballad movie?
This one’s gonna be a long one, i’m pasting it from my notes app. (Some have emojis cause i was going through the rings of hell while reading) Buckle up. Also, some are just very vague in the sense that i just want *something* like what i’ve described.
- Coriolanus reading the letter from Tigris
- When Lucy was crying in the classroom with Coryo
- When Coriolanus gave Lucy the compact
- When Lucy is running from Reaper
- Arachne’s death
- Sejanus putting the breadcrumbs over Arachne and her tribute after they died, either Coriolanus noticing him doing so or it in the background for us to find
- Reaper making the graveyard
- Reaper cutting the flag
- Sejanus going into the arena and everything that followed (and him putting the breadcrumbs over Marcus!!)
- Sejanus showing up to be a peacekeeper with Coriolanus
- When Coriolanus calls Clemensia “Clemmie” </333
- When Clemensia comes into Coriolanus’ hospital room in the middle of the night
- The pus coming out of Clemensia when she is bitten (it NEEDS to be blue, pink, and yellow)
- Coriolanus and Lysistrata. Them while watching the games and strategizing bc Lysistrata has Jessup, but also just them being silly together ☹️☹️☹️
- Tigris with her fathers coat
- “Lucy Gray, having languished in Dr.Gaul’s lab, would be long dead, and his heart dead with her.” (Coriolanus thinking of his future)
- Sejanus’ house + “Ma’s corner” 😭😭😭
- C: “I don’t know what ever possessed me to ask for twelve.” S: “Completely random, obviously,”
- Lucy saving Coriolanus from the bombing, a shot of when her arm is around his shoulder and he’s clutching the ruffles of her skirt (the clutching is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.)
- Him parading her around the monkey house when he get stuck in there w her and the other tributes
- The picnic at the zoo </33
- Coriolanus holding Clemensia from behind when the snakes show up in the arena
- When Smiley says there’s going to be someone named “Lucy something” singing at the hob the book says “His girl. His love. His Lucy Gray.”
- Ma’s explanation of the bread crumbs
- “We pour money into our industries, not into the districts themselves,” said Sejanus. “The people are on their own.”
- Literally just the daughter of Mayor Lipp’s name. It’s Mayfair.
- The execution of Arlo Chance + ‘Lil’ coming through the crowd for him
- “What’s bothering you? And don’t say nothing.”
- Everyone slapping each other’s backs after drinking some of the stuff smiley got in the Hob
- “It reminds me of the capitol” “you don’t say home.” “No. For me, that will always be district 2.”
- The hob fight
- “And yes, I’d be happy to go with you.”
- C: “Do I look okay?” S: “Gorgeous. Trust me, that lips working for you, soldier.”
- Lucy and Coriolanus’s argument with Billy Taupe
- C: “I thought you were letting this whole rebel thing go!” S: “I can’t, all right? It’s part of who I am..”
- Sejanus having drugs in his locker box
- ‘High-as-a-Kite-Bottom’
- L: “that’s what my daddy thought, too. And he ended up with more bullet holes than I could count on my fingers,”
- “ "Well, that's it, then. I saved you from the fire, and you saved me from the snakes. We're responsible for each other's lives now." "Are we?" he asked. "Sure," she said. "You're mine and I'm yours. It's written in the stars." "No escaping that." “
- “ "You know, Sejanus, I'm your friend. More than a friend. You're the closest thing I'll ever have to a brother. And there are special rules for family. If you need help . . . I mean, if you get into something you can't handle ... I'm here." Tears welled up in Sejanus's eyes. "Thank you, Coryo. That means a lot. You may be the only person in the world who I actually trust." Ah, trust again. The air was full of it. "Come here." He pulled Sejanus into an embrace.”
- Barb Azure is a LESBIAN?? “She just started seeing a gal down the road,” (Lucy talking abt Barb Azure
- L: “People have been around for a long time without the capitol. I expect they’ll be here a long time after.”
- Cc finding Katniss for Lucy
- The lake being the same lake as THG trilogy, Coriolanus noticing the house that would end up being so important for Katniss in THG
- The explanation of the covey’s names (song + color)
- The “we all have a ballad, and this is Lucy’s!” Scene with the song
- Sejanus looking like an eight year old boy to Coriolanus as he’s being pulled up to be hanged
- Sejanus saying “Coryo” while being pulled up to be executed
- Sejanus’s last word being “Ma!”
- Coriolanus’s absolute breakdown after Sejanus died
- The epilogue.
- "Because we credit them with innocence. And if even the most innocent among us turn to killers in the Hunger Games, what does that say? That our essential nature is violent," Snow explained.
Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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hatsunerandal · 1 year
part two of playlist analysis!!
pt 1 <;-
lets get right back into it!!
moving in place - shauna dean cokeland hc that lockwood was pretty fucking reckless after jess dies-before george showed up and did. very dangerous things.
summertime sadness - lana del rey just before lucy left, at the door, lockwood trying to get her not to leave.
star shopping - lil peep (for more context, i have a slight obsession with the stars and the stars mean more than the world to me) SHES LOCKWOODS STARS SHES LOCKWOODS STARS SHES LOCKWOODS STARS WAILS SOBS SCREAMS SHOUTS ARFURFSDFJGK
scott pilgrim vs my gpa - mom jeans ...am i allowed ot say lockwoodcore again.
cherry wine - hozier GOT ANOTHER HOZIER SONG BOYS. its so soft. theyre sitting in bed at night after a particularly bad panic attack and lucy is stroking his hair as cherry wine plays. 
brian is the most beautiful - memo boy sleepy trance-ish vibe sort of thing dont ask idk it just. vibes
over population at the end of everything is less of a worry, haha ('a letter to you' from mother 3') - no love in the house of gold idk sad vibes you do with this what you want.
wasteland, baby - hozier OMOMWOMWOWOMOWOMOMWM beloved theyre so cute and in love shes brushing his hair as they get ready in the morning they are in love.
cdbaby <3 - chloe moriondo i had too. lockwood bumping ts the first night lucy is there and george is telling him to stfu bc hes to loud and its 10 pm.
el manana - gorillaz more lockwood being sad bc lucy is gone :(
november has come - gorillaz tbh this one should be in a george playlist i just feel like hed like this song
i really wanna stay at your house - rosa walton, hallie coggins locklyle reminds me so much of lucy and david (cyberpunk edgerunners) so they get the lucy/david song <3
luna moth - maya hawke lucy feels like shes ruined the group dynamic after she joined the company :(
tongues & teeth - the cranewives oh lordy lord lord i have many words to say and none of them will be coherent. EORROUFUFH this is such a lockwood song you dont understand hes so afraid of being close to people. hes horrible afraid of letting lucy in because hes afraid kipps is right and she'll leave. hes so afriad i love him dearly hes so me (im projecting) 
tv - billie eilish god lucy feels so useless and worthless. she ruined the teams dynamic as soon as she showed up. the repetition of 'maybe im the problem' at the end is her talking to herself in the shower
something in the orange - zach bryan god theyre so stupid and sad i love them i miss them dearly thats all u get thank u  genesis - grimes they are walking around at night. they should not be. genesis ensues. great - mccafferty uh oh mccafferty time be prepared (i do not support nick!!) god this song is so lockwood hes so insecure and sad. he thinks hes alone. PLOT TWIST lucy is outside his door also crying because she can hear his cries. throat - mccafferty mmm what if i just [hands lockwood (slight) substance abuse problems] kill me for this if youd like but i just. i think he. gasoline. - mccafferty song told from lucy's pov, why you ask? 'when your sister died/that changed everything' HRMST unforgiveable curse #3 - mccafferty 'im useless without her/i hope that i dissolve' LOCKWOOD YOU SILLY MOTHER FUCKER YOU ARE VALUED BY MORE PEOPLE THAN JUST LUCY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD cotton candy - mccafferty 'im so lovely/at making destructive decisions' the entirety of l&co ^ graveyard - mccafferty idk why just. lucy after the teams death vibes (the team being the team in her home town w norrie and thems. witchcraft - mccafferty ok ik the song. is not fluffy vibes but idk idk it just gives me fluffy locklyle cuddle vibes dont ask why because i am unable to answer. lights are on - tom rosenthal oh my god just imagine lucy walking past portland row after she left, staring into lockwoods window. hes there too. its to dark for her to see him but they make eyecontact before she briskly turns and walks in the other direction and lockwood just starts crying. cocaine jesus - rainbow kitten surprise same thing as lights are on maybe a slightly different font maybe its george who knows [shrug] sweet tooth - maya hawke bfs, even gfs if you will (yes im talking about a technically het couple, what about it?) mike walton - basement version - adjust the sails hrmrhrhff lockwood sitting in the basement pretending to be filing things WRONG hes crying :) romantic homicide - d4vd LITERALLY JUST THE FIRST LINE IS SO LOCKWOOD 'im scared/feels like you dont care' LOCKWOOD LOCKWOOD LOCKWOOD LOCKWOOD LOCKWOOD thats all u get ty call it fate, call it karma - the strokes 'can i waste your time here on the sidewalk?' KIPPS THAT YOU??? nah this song is lockwood watching kipps and lucy talk on the sidewalk and is just like ??????????WHAT bathtub - the front bottoms YOU WILL NOT tell me this isnt anthony lockwood. you cant. i will go more in depth of this anyone asks. i mean anyone a single person can be slightly interested and i will do it. car lights - james marriott oh how fittes at 50 ball of them. i will not elaborate jim bogart - the front bottoms 'i would sleep better on your floor than i would ever in my bed' alright lockwood PACK IT UP YOU PATHETIC SIMP stupid for you - waterparks this time its LUCY being a simp PLOT TWIST lockwood may be a pathetic man but lucy is a pathetic woman they are so cute together my little squishy scrungles dark beach - pastel ghost hes sleeping on her chest and shes calmly braiding his hair fight me theyre so cute i love them riptide - vance joy yea i added riptide what about it. theyre so in love i love them theyre so cute sobs hes so in love shes so in love theyre so <33333 kids - mgmt GUESS WHAT ITS ANOTHER SONG ABOUT THEM BEING CHILDREN IN A TERRIBLE WORKPLACE tire swing - kimya dawson cozy breakfast vibes. lucy is singing lockwood and george are whistling. george is also cooking because lockwood isnt trusted near an oven after the careless whisper incident the 30th - billie eilish yall. yall remember when lockwood got shot. yea that. no surprises - radiohead is this self explanatory. orbitron - duster guess whos having a breakdown? ITS LUCY THIS TIME MF MWAHAHHAHAH. she is breaking down in the shower. oopsie. part 3 coming shortly :)
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caspianxth · 6 months
Hi Em, how are you? This is more of a letter but I hope it’s fun! Sorry for the delay but I’m so excited to give you your gift, I have an idea I hope you’ll find fun! Nice Percy Jackson icon by the way, I love the first few episodes. And thank you for adding the trailer ❤️ It sounds so interesting and that one scene where Maia is in the white gown and Thomas is behind her and she looks over her shoulder did something to me lol. I’ll have to check it out! For my own show rec I just started watching Elementary and it is excellent (it also features a super well used Lucy Liu!) I just went back to the fancam and that’s crazy! They’re in love! “I can’t imagine life without you in it” my god!
Also no need to apologize for the messages getting long because this is getting long too! First pick is Selfie, it’s this romantic (towards the end :( ) comedy that’s a remake of My Fair Ladg starring John Cho and Karen Gillan and it’s adorable and funny and the only significant age gap romance I’ve ever truly adored (bc it’s not weird, they’re just bringing new insights to the table but they compliment each other so well!) and then it got canceled on a cliffhanger after one season and it pains me. Here’s a fancam so you get what I mean!
I would also bring back The Get Down, which was canceled after one season and was an early Netflix original that genuinely seemed so cool. Lastly, I would bring back We Are Lady Parts, which is this British show about a group of Muslim women in a punk rock band that’s absolutely hilarious. I am hoping that it’s suffering from British tv scheduling and just taking its sweet time to return. I think I’m just leaning towards shows gone too soon but if I had to pick a show that ended perfectly but that I just want more of if I would go Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (but then cut out half of season three because ugh. Do you have a character who joined a show and you just couldn’t stand him? Mine is named Nathaniel.)
Since we’re gearing up towards bitch pack holiday swap I wanted to ask if you had any happy memories with bitch pack this last year that you’re grateful for? I always love our guessing games, they get so silly (and hello to anyone from bitch pack reading this!! <3) — your secret santa, ☃️
bestie do Not apologize for the delay I am glad that u are sending these at all!! I mean ik the server asks for everyone who participates to send them but I still like them <3. so I actually made this icon when entertainment weekly got some hq stills for a preview article, but I held onto it for this exact moment sdghdhg. also the eps were SO GOOD AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I am not nearly as talented as others in the server but if u want an icon hit me up w who u want! they don't take me too long now since I make them decently often <3. also re artful dodger of course also that scene where maia looks back at thomas Should make u feel some typa way!!! they're *chef's kiss* from ep one (where that scene is lol). also I actually love elementary we used to watch it in my house when it aired on cbs!!! when sherlock and watson finally slept together I was Hollering!!!!!! also tho TOOK U LONG ENOUGH UR SUPPOSED TO BE A GENIUS SHERLOCK!!!!!!!! LIKE SHE'S SO HOT HOW DID U NOT MAKE SHACKING UP W HER PRIORITY #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! elementary>>>>>> bbc sherlock!!!
I think I watched some of selfie (?) but I will check this fancam situation out to familiarize!! I saw my fair lady w audrey hepburn and I do like that movie and I do love some adaptations!! also I feel u w cliffhanger endings they're the Worst like the oa has such a cliffhanger ending bc it was supposed to be 5 seasons not 2 :(. netflix are snakes for doing us both dirty w cancelling originals of theirs that we loved </3. also will be checking out we are lady parts that sounds incredible and I do love british tv! I have never seen crazy ex girlfriend but I do prefer that shows end when they are good instead of keeping themselves going and becoming bad and I certainly would drop parts of shows (cough cough titans cough cough) if I had been a screenwriter in some shows. also in this house we hate nathaniel (idk him but if u hate him, I hate him)!!!
ooh bpack memories is a good one hmm.....I loved seeing what in the m*tt channel got starboarded without context (if ur a mod don't add me I don't need context jsdgdkjfgkfdhg), the jokes we were making when sc**ter was losing all his clients and the jokes the night that karlie kloss was in the 300s level at eras, kasia's plane drawing after the fact (still absolutely sent me), the bees/honey things, battling the mee6! bot that we did not know could in fact talk to us as a knight in search of the perfect nachos, the tmnt classical art lecture slide, winning the hunger games simulator on the first round despite never hunger gamesing once in my life, when everyone had the same taylor then destiel names/icons, and sending ppl to the brig!! what were urs bestie???
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adamsvanrhijn · 4 years
what would you like to see happen in 2 downton 2 abbey?
so i’ve already said that da2 would be best as a christmas movie or christmas special (really it would be best as a miniseries but whatev) & i stand by that - it would allow everyone to come together again & they could even justify bringing rose & atticus back if they wanted, since lily james indicated disappointment in not being able to be included and everyone loves her. espec with some of the things set up in the first film. 
this scenario would work best in 1928, skip another year and a half. the dowager countess made it longer than she thought and died in like late summer or something AND edith has a little baby (a boy for obvious reasons) so other characters (rose, rosamund) have reasons to be around if so desired.
additionally, the king of england at this time happens to be very ill, so his 2nd valet:
a) is not at sandringham house 2+ train connections away from york b) probably is getting more time off at christmas than he normally would  c) has 2+ reasons to spend it in yorkshire
what i feel within my rights to hope for: 
rose, with or without atticus
more of the children, espec since rose has a daughter who would be ~3 by now, so they can introduce a new one and give them all a subplot
thomas gets a subplot away from everybody else, freeing up carson Again, thomas and richard kiss on screen
daisy and andy if theyre married got married offscreen and arent lovey dovey awful ooc about it
resolution for the unhappiness and dissatisfaction of mary & edith introduced in DOWNAB-19
mrs hughes rockin it somehow
anna and bates get to go run their b&b in the end
mrs patmore gets to retire at the end, probably leaving daisy to be head cook but she decides she’s okay with this bc paternal aristocrats
some kind of fancy evening ball 
hints of baxley à la the first one
lucy/tom... tom bonds w/ her a lot about the servant part and the heiress part doesnt come up til the end. she gets to wear something that isnt dowdy servant uniform at some point. i like tuppence middleton and find her attractive.
carson is revealed to be the next one in soon to be fatal declining health
if it’s christmas i assume theyll go rom-dramedy like they did for the 1st one and maybe we can have little a silly mistletoe plot, as a treat
now. what i would LIKE... is more involved than this.... though much of the above still applies:
dowager died between films
carson died between films
daisy and andy don’t get married/aren’t married yet (xmas 1927? something else 1927?)
children subplot............ now with 100% more thomas in it. someone gets a piggy back ride
thomas and richard get to kiss on screen and also they get to dance on screen
baxley canon
lucy smith was socialist all along
rose runs the plot and connects upstairs and downstairs as is her fashion
more edith in states of undress
i think it would be funny if they all had different hair again
fwiw i think richard will definitely be coming back (bc this movie exists in a world where max brown and his agent just made a lot of money and they will want in again) and he won’t be married (bc they gave that reveal away already and were vocal in not wanting to do it) but thomas is going to have to suffer before good things can happen to him. if that pattern gets broken then great but i think that’s unlikely. we’ll doubtless see lucy & maude again too.
i have no idea what they’ll do if it isn’t a christmas film... set half of it in london? idk. there needs to be some kind of guiding theme for a movie and i think a holiday fits the bill
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thediverismylove · 5 years
i forgot that you existed — don’t like the beginning she sounds like a robot lol. “in my feelings more than drake”??? girl no thank you. not a big fan of this song. 3/10. fave lyric is “it isn’t love / it isn’t hate / it’s just indifference”; least fave is “in my feelings more than drake, yeah”.
cruel summer — love the production on this one! her voice sounds really good and i love the way she sings “cruel summer”. 8.5/10. fave lyric is “so cut the headlights / summer’s a knife / i’m always waiting for you just to cut to the bone”; no least fave lyrics here!
lover — the TENDERNESS of this song! love how easy and pretty and acoustic it it is. 9.5/10. fave lyric is “my heart’s been borrowed and yours has been blue / all’s well that ends well to end up with you”; no least fave again!
the man — okay “when everyone believes you / what’s that like?” wig! also when she’s like if i was a man…….then i’d be the man…….and the synths do That in the background? it does feel very Feminism 101 in the verses but the chorus is fun! idk i expected more from this one and it’s def fun but not an all time fave. 6/10. fave lyric is “i’m so sick of running as fast as i can / wondering if i’d get there quicker if i was a man”; least fave is “and they would toast to me, oh, let the players play / i’d be just like leo in saint tropez”.
the archer — SO gorgeous and vulnerable! love the gentle and introspective vibes of this one and how simple the backing track is. her voice is so pretty in this one! would love to hear this totally acoustic. 9.5/10. fave lyric is “i cut off my nose just to spite my face / and i hate my reflection for years and years”; least fave is the pre-chorus bit that’s similar to humpty dumpty you know the one lol.
i think he knows — ugh hate the intro again talky-singing works well for her sometimes but it really doesn’t work here. very bored by this one. it feels like it’s trying so hard to be fun but it doesn’t have particularly interesting instrumentals/synths/whatever and her voice is way too talky-singy for me here. the last chorus is kinda fun but not enough to fix the whole song. 4/10. favorite lyric is “he got my heartbeat / skipping down sixteenth avenue baby”; least fave is “he got that boyish look that i like in a man / i am an architect, i’m drawing up the plans”.
miss americana & the heartbreak prince — pretty intro! the talky-singing works a little better for me here. the pageant/prom conceit is fun. very amused by her still comparing her adult life to high school prom considering she left high school at like what 15/16 for music? jdeasjkkjcskjn it’s fun tho this song is fun. i have a feeling this one will grow on me. 8/10. fave lyric is “we're so sad, we paint the town blue / voted most likely to run away with you”; least fave is the “she’s a bad bad girl bit” lol 
paper rings — ooh fun intro! like whatever effect they have over her voice. this one has a really cool beat. like the kiss me once/kiss me twice bit. the chorus is really sweet! the tune is very dance-worthy. i could def see this being played in a romcom (cue me adding it to the playlist for my gay summer camp romcom). didn’t expect to like this one so much but i’m enjoying it a lot so far! idk abt the lyrics im not even listening that closely jfekwjakjnkjn i just love the beat and the effect they have over her voice. also can’t stop thinking about when rey @theglowpt2 said “wrap your arms around me, baby boy” sounds something the try guys would shout at each other lmfao. 8.5/10. fave lyric is “darling, you’re the one i want / and paper rings and picture frames and dirty dreams / oh, you’re the one i want”; least fave is “wrap your arms around me, baby boy” bc of aforementioned try guys energies making it humorous instead of cute as intended for me.
cornelia street — like her voice in the intro it sounds very pretty and soft! don’t like the weird synth thing going on at the beginning tho it’s giving me a headache. don’t like the way she launches into the chorus it feels very abrupt. “we bless the rains on cornelia street” lol is this a toto ref? this one is pretty underwhelming ngl. her voice is pretty in some places here though. would probably enjoy an acoustic version of this a lot more. 6/10. fave lyric is “and baby, i get mystified by how this city screams your name”; no least fave lyric but i hate those loud synth things at the beginning more than anything.
 death by a thousand cuts — totally thought this was gonna be a song about like. bitter ~haters~ or smth by the title. her voice is really pretty after the “my my my” bit! love the synths in this one. the line about the traffic lights…...wig! okay totally expected to not like this one but i kinda like it. laughing at her going “UNITED WE STAND” tho lmfao. this one will def grow on me. 8/10. fave lyric is “i ask the traffic lights if it’ll be alright / they say i don’t know”; least fave is “our songs, our films, united we stand / our country, guess it was a lawless land”.
london boy — oh excited for the absolute INSANITY of this one girls! DID SHE JUST REFER TO HER HOMETOWN AS SOCAL GIRL YOU ARE FROM PENNSYLVANIA!!!!! also so amused about she needs to reference the fact that she is american and her bf is british so many times. if i heard this song out in public i’d have to die. did she make a p!atd ref lol. unfortunate as hell but it’s kinda fun. 4/10. fave is none of it; least fave is all of it. 
 soon you’ll get better — oh this one is gonna make me SOB i just know it!!!! the vulnerableness of it all. thank you for a song about family ms taylor! the harmonies w the dixie chicks i’m ascending. this one is so so gorgeous and heartbreaking and the first song off this album that actually really made me Feel Something. 10/10. fave lyric is “the buttons of my coat were tangled in my hair / in doctor’s office lighting / i didn’t tell you i was scared”; no least fave!!! She’s Perfect
 false god — intro is fun! i like her voice in this one it’s #sexi. the line abt being nyc is funny lol…..girl what does that mean you are not a town what does that MEAAAAN. taylor swift said YES i fuck what about it in this song. the line about being the west village…...what does that mean? he’s expensive??? 6.5/10. fave lyric is “the altar is my hips / even if it’s a false god / we’d still worship this love”; least fave is “staring out the window like i’m not your favorite town / i’m new york city, i’d still do it for you, babe”.
 you need to calm down — i REFUUUUSE to listen to this song all the way it’s so corny and ridiculous. taylor rly thot she was doing smth w this one. 3.5/10. no fave lyric; least fave is like. ALL of it it’s very cheesy.
 afterglow — pretty vocals! love me some vulnerable songs. not much to say about this one lol. i like the chorus a lot. 7.5/10. fave lyric is “fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves / chemistry 'til it blows up, 'til there’s no us / why'd I have to break what i love so much?”; least fave is “tell me that it’s not my fault / tell me that i’m all you want / even when i break your heart”.
 me! — unpopular opinion but i actually prefer me! to yntcd. idk why i just feel like me! knows how ridiculous and silly it is but yntcd does not. maybe that’s just me tho? 4/10. can’t believe she killed the best line of all time aka “hey kids spelling is fun”...that was HILARIOUSLY BAD AND WONDERFUL AT THE SAME TIME. that would’ve been the fave; least fave is the awkward uncomfortable space where “hey kids spelling is fun” used to be.
 it’s nice to have a friend — very forgettable. her vocals here are pretty but the song overall is nothing special imo. do like the dreamy vibes tho! 4.5/10. fave or least fave lyrics tbh it’s just boring to me pretty but boring.
 daylight — WHY is taylor swift so obsessed w/ mentioning that some of her friends turned out to be dicks. absolutely OBSESSED w/ that edit that’s like “i wounded the good and trusted the wicked” over katy perry and karlie kloss respectively it’s peak comedy. very pretty vocals but has some unfortunate lyrics! 5.5/10. fave lyric is “i, i just think that / you are what you love”; least fave is “i wounded the good and i trusted the wicked / clearing the air, i breathed in the smoke”.
overall: probably like a 6.5/10? had some really great tracks like lover & the archer & soon you’ll get better but also some BAD ones like me!, yntcd, and i forgot that you existed. it was a fun time but not an all time fave. in terms of tswift album rankings i’m not sure where i’d put it yet get back to me on that one. anyways i’m gonna go listen to lucy dacus now bye
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bramblepaws · 5 years
I just remembered how LONG we had to wait for Lucy to come back into BCB and I just wanna ramble that I'm so so appreciative that she did return and that she's grown out of her dependency on Mike. Like from day 1 she wanted nothing to do with him, and through that she's grown closer to her other friends! And I know it's silly but all I want from this chapter is for Lucy to talk with David a bit more because side character or not I want his positivity to remind her even he's a friend too. (1/2)
“(2/2) Also I doubt David would ever devulge the info but could you imagine if he and Lucy saw Daisy holding Paulo's arm and they got to talking about how good they are together and David brought up that Paulo once (fictionally) chose Daisy even over Tess? Both of them seem to want the best for Paulo, and I think in their own ways they'll support PauloxDaisy if it happens. I just always enjoyed David's unexpected insight on things and his enthusiastic care for every single friend he has.”
IM ALSO PROUD OF HERRRR she’s so good.... moving forward mostly... Growth
i’d be interested in seeing them interact more too! it’d be interesting because he still leans towards the slapstick, but in a realistic high-school-boy way, and i want to see her interact with someone who’s more silly around her... he DEFINITELY wouldnt drop all the drama on her that everyone else has been and that’d be nice to see! 
though i do have to say that i have mixed feelings on putting david with lucy bc he HAS been really weird w/ her in the past, like, In The Slapstick Era. specifically regarding not respecting boundaries and shit...... so like im unsure how that would come into play now that she’s back
the concept of Lucy being fully down for PauloxDaisy is so good and also kind of funny to me jdkgnfklfndg “oh yeah they HAVE been good friends since the beginning.... can’t believe i didn’t think of this before” 
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askmyboys · 3 years
Levi Snider
I guess, trigger warnings would be death/torture/violence mentions???
| Name: Levi Myers Snider
| Nicknames: Lev or Sni are the only nicknames but these are more so titles some have called him “The Coyote” or a much simpler one “Dice”
| Gender: He/Him
| Age: 34
| Height: 6’3”
| Species/Race: Human
| Hair Color: Caramel Brown (his hair is like,, a slicked back Pompadour)
| Eye Color: Lava Gray (he’s got a scar going over his right eye but he seems to still be able to see out of it)
| Skin Color/Body Type: He’s very pale and he’s pretty average, a bit on the muscular side but nothing too wild
| Appearance: His main outfit is a white suit with a long sleeved black shirt underneath it, he also wears a dark red tie, he wears black pants to match and some black and white oxford shoes, he has a few rings he wears on his fingers, one is a simple silver skull ring, then he has a dice ring, and the main ring though is a golden locket ring (its heart shaped too) and you wanna know whats in there? ...A fucking picture of h i m s e l f. He also has dice earrings he wears as well, he doesn’t have razor sharp teeth BUT he does seem to have fangs! He doesn’t have claws though or any kinds of inhuman features, just a plain ol human man- He does have a LOT of scars lining all over his body, there is no prominent one outta all of em except maybe the one that stands out on his eye n such but other than that, he’s pretty beat up.
| Personality: What can be said about Levi? Well, lots actually, for the basic gist he’s an absolute bastard of a man, he’s narcissistic as all hell about himself and seems to ONLY care about himself (maybe that’s true? Who knows, you’ll have to find out) He’s snarky and sarcastic a lot of the times, and I won’t deny he’s borderline sadistic and cruel, I mean he DOES murder people after all, his favorite weapons seem to either be a baseball bat or a cane, but on the rare occasion he will use one of his knives, he loves the torture aspects as well if he gets the chance! He’s very flirty too like, even if you are his victim he might legit start flirting with you outta the blue before swinging something against your head, he’s a heartbreaker though- he doesn’t care about love or none of that, the only things he loves is himself, murder, torture, and makin money too! (a big time gambler) he just flirts to mess with people and that’s it, if you flirt back he might be surprised but I doubt it’d change the outcome.
Despite being a murderer and 100% a criminal, whenever he sees an animal abuser… He seems to go ballistic at them especially, he doesn’t even give them a chance before swinging his cane over their head n caving their skull in, he’d then take the animal- no matter how small it is and try and get them a home, if nobody wants then fine he’ll take the animal! He has a bigger place than all these dumbasses anyways! If I had to say the only thing he cares about aside from himself is animals, and that’s because he has his own pets back at home, he has four pet rats actually so he’s especially soft toward rats/mice, if you show him pictures of rats/mice that’ll easily get him distracted from talking about himself and how great he is and he’ll focus on them instead, talking about how rats are so fuckin cool! So cute and precious!
He also won’t,, necessarily kill a kid, like he’s still an asshole because if a kid bumps into him he’ll shove ‘em outta the way or if they're just in his way in general he’ll shove them away- If someone was abusing a kid? ...Well, he doesn’t much care about kids, he doesn’t really LIKE kids in fact-  BUT let’s just say he’ll pretend it was an accident when he throws something hard and heavy at the abuser like “Whoops, my fingers slipped” even if he were to hit them with his bat or cane he’d be like “Oops! Butterfingers~!” he’ll then lead the kid somewhere safe and leave them there, because he doesn’t wanna deal with t h a t anymore than need be.
| Side Facts: He’s nicknamed “Dice” for a reason, because he uses a literal dice (it can be any dice, he isnt picky) to determine how many hits he’ll give a victim, the nickname “The Coyote” just kinda comes out because he seems like a scavenger to most people, and he’s pretty damn vicious like one too tbh
Given how he’s dressed and (sure i know he just acts like it) but he genuinely DOES seem to be SOME sorta big shot around the city- He almost seems like he’s in some kinda Mafia, he seems like the Leader even but he mentions nothing about anyone else, no “family” nothing, he seems to act like he’s a one-man-band, a loner, whether he actually has a- well, he’d call them a Pack more than likely but even then it is currently unknown, and it’s even unknown if he would be the Leader, but he’s definitely a big shot- especially at the Casinos, people seem to treat him with a lot of respect and almost… Fear even?
Ofc he’s good at the ones themed up with dice because why wouldn’t he be, it’d be a bit silly if he weren’t good at games involving the very tool he’s used for so many people’s destructions! Aside from that, he seems to be good at Poker in general, Backgammon, Roulette, and Blackjack.
And even if he has an actual Mafia dude, he doesn’t seem to kill just because of business reasons, he seems to just kill for his own reasons- aka he loves the thrill of hunting someone down, he loves torturing his poor victims too I guess but chasing them down and then just catching them alone? That’s some euphoria right there babey! He doesn’t seem to give up so easily either, he’s VERY persistent when it comes to his victims, he’ll exhaust them and even himself before he’d let someone go so easily!
Finally he seems to hang around dark alleyways in the city mostly, but then sometimes you’ll find him w a y on the outskirts of the city, you’ll never find his place of residence- cause he DOES have one I mean the dude is fuckin r i c h, it ain’t nothing sUPER fancy, its honestly more so like a basic sorta home, if ya do find it, it does have some stuff lying around but it doesn’t look SUPER dirty, ofc on its own table is a large rat cage with four little rats just grooming themselves or playing or something, you’d also notice a fuckin scarred up Rottweiler bc honestly? That thing would probs tackle you down the moment you set foot in the d o o r. It won’t bite you or attack or anything not unless he gives a command, that Rottweiler’s name is Lucy by the way-
She’s honestly a sweetheart, super gentle and caring as can be ...if you aren’t trying to hurt Levi or herself or any of the other pets, she’s the protector here! There is also a Black cat that roams around here n there, its not technically his but he feeds em and lets them in when its cold out, and finally- he has two more dogs, one’s a brown and white shih tzu, the fur is pretty messy but its not matted- he would n e v e r… He brushes them as often as he can- honestly that little fucker would bite you before Lucy did, he’s a feral lil shit but still sweet and caring too, mostly toward Levi- and then a small Chinese Crested who you’d rarely see because he’s v e r y shy, and gets nervous around other people very easily.
The Black Cat he named Midnight bc that’s a classic, the shih tzu is named Rocco, the Chinese Crested is named Gizmo (sometimes Levi calls him Goober) and then the rats’ names are
The Grey one is named Remy and is super friendly, sweet, and p active- a lot more active than the others, The Black one is named Squeak (the reason being is he is a LOT more dramatic than the other ones, you can gently press a finger against him and he squeaks) and he is more reserved and sticks to himself mostly, The White one is named Roddy he’s a bit reserved but nothing too much, he mostly prefers to interact with Levi but will sometimes interact with the other rats he can be sweet n such too though, and finally…
This is the first Rat he ever really rescued actually! He’s a light brown colored one and he’s definitely getting up there in age a lil bit but for a short name he’s called Cheddar but his long name is Judge Cheddar of the Council of Cheese, the only time he judges anything? Is when he doesn’t get a tiny bit of cheddar cheese (Levi usually gives it as a treat but not,, every time, he does keep it in moderation) but that’s it for his pets, try to hurt them or do anything bad to em he WILL fucking slaughter you if you don’t die during the longer much more extended version of the torture he’s going to give ya.
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parkwoojin · 7 years
the shipping in the wanna one fandom is cute, can you ship some of you mutuals with the wanna one members
- daniel w/ val @kingdans ; tbh i was debating either dan or ong in the end i flipped a coin which means fate wants her nd dan to be together LOL she’s always screaming abt him in her tags and i think its rlly cute ;; i also think daniel would find her funny and that they’d balance each other out v well! he would take care of her and tell her cheesy jokes that she’d pretend to hate 
-jihoon w/ naia @parkji-hoons ; naia like hardly ever tags posts and the only times she does is when its of jihoon and shes professing her love to him JFDKLS it makes me laugh she’s so great! also jihoon is like an odd sort of manly u know what i mean like though he does do a lot of aegyo he’s v chill and playful so i think he needs a good spirited person to take care of him which i think naia is ideal for, plus jihoon wld make her v happy which she deserves!!
-daehwi w/ claire @dearlydaehwi​ ; her dedication nd love for daehwi is unbelievable!! she is always on the ball w/ info and updates bc she loves him so much and i love screaming about the brand new boys w/ her! she’s also a bright person who’s v easy to talk too, just like daehwi so ofc they belong together…. they soulmates dont u know!! plus they’re both super super cute and i want to protect them both!!!!! 
-jaehwan w/ lucy @kimjaehwanswife​ ; lucy is rlly one of the funniest blogs i follow hJDFLSFAF everytime she makes text posts i die laughing….. she hates and loves jaehwan at the same time like thts tru luv yall!!!!!! she’s also v strongminded and protective of her friends so i think she’d be a good match for jaehwan bc he’s been thru some rough times and she’d be good at cheering him up!! jaehwan, the funniest member of wanna one and lucy, one of the funniest people on tumblr.com wow can u imagine anything better
-seongwoo w/ ginny @ongsecngwoo​ ; i have an unexplainable soft spot for ginny hFJDLFsf is that weird i think its bc she and i tag posts in a similar fashion like our lil comments nd keysmashes hAHA anyway, she’s one of the first ong blogs i followed so i now associate the both of them together so it has to be ginny! 2 kind amazin ppl, ong wld make her laugh a lot and i dun think he’d be pressured about being funny in front of her & THEY CLD GO ON CUTE DRIVES 2GETHER……
-woojin w/ gee @darkpastwoojin​ ; TBH I SHIP ALL WOOJIN STANS W/ WOOJIN WE LOVE OUR GUY!!!! but if i must pick one it has to be gee! like she rlly loves him so much i think she’s rb every post of woojin to exist on tumblr LOL i always see her rb my posts with the cutest tags her love for woojin makes me smile so hard!!! she’s also so kind and sweet! also i called woojin yesterday nd he told me he loves her; no printer just fax out here - them hearts he was shooting out at the fansign? all for her
-guanlin w/ mel @1guanlins ; mel is rlly bright and happy she tags guanlin as her sunshine nd das rlly cute ! and other times she’ll say she wants to light herself on fire bc of him which i think truly captures the duality that both her and guanlin have…. as in sometimes guanlin is the softest baby boy to ever live and other times he looks like he came straight out of a magazine w/ those amAZING visuals i cant believe hes only turning 16 this yr its too much; also mel uses a lot of emojis in her tags which is young hip and in the know just like guanlin #OTP
-jisung w/ jasmyn @yoonjsung ; ah i sometimes see her interactions w/ the emoboiz squad and from what i can tell she’s so caring and kind to her friends so her and jisung would make literally the P E R F E C T match! he’s always looking out for w1 but he needs some1 to look out for him too so i think jasmyn and him would be nice! i think jisung wld also be v attentive plus he’s good w/ kids so thats v important!
-minhyun w/ sarah @minhwangs ; though sarah occupies 3 lanes simultaneously (min, dan, and woojin - how you ask? her car is huge) she belongs w/ minhyun in my heart - the og OTP!!! they’re both such affectionate and kind people who care for others while also retaining some silliness LOL i love sarah!!! treat minhyun well girl…. have tea parties w/ the busan line okay use ur opportunity well
-jinyoung w/ abia @rosybaejin ; bc when i think baejin i think abia she was one of the only baejin blogs i followed for a while so again i associate her w/ jinyoung! 70% of the baejin content on my dash is from her LOL she loves him a lot and i think he’d pair well with her he’s such a soft sweet shy and happy boy
-sungwoon w/ yan @sung-woons ; if you’ve seen yan you’ll know she looks like an angel aka a being who lives up in the clouds and sungwoon is a cloud ill let yall connect the dots!!!! LOL but truly her love for sungwoon is so pure nd cute so i have to ship them 
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