#not to mention rebuilding isles
pageofheartdj · 1 year
Ooookay gonna talk about raedarila housing as if I didn’t before and if I contradict myself, no I am not xD
Nope do not likey the idea of the portal door being THE door for Owl House. I do love the idea of Hooty constantly leaving to hang out and work with Lilith, but still not straight up abandoning the Owl House. He is THE Owl House!
BUT! I also love Noceda bying the Wittebane house and I think I thought about this before xD
So. The fam is big and they can’t fully relocate to Human Realm and Demon Realm because they have established lives, so they can have the portal door inside the house connecting the Owl House and Noceda House. Raine moving in with Eda and Collector taking the whole tower to get wild xD And Hunter having his own big room in the basement and Darius moving in with Camila. Luz is a wanderer and she is a constant roomie with Vee, who mostly took over her old room and with King who mostly took over her new room xD She doesn’t mind at all!
And also. Why can’t there be two portal doors?? The second one would be in Owl House’s back yard leading to Wittebane porch so trusted friends and family can use it and Wittebane house can be used as a place for big gatherings in general <3
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zfiledh · 1 year
Headcanons: The Owl House
In no particular order:
Luz and Camila took Amity, Hunter, Gus and Willow to Comic Con dressed like characters from Cosmic Frontier. They actually got to meet the creator(s) of Cosmic Frontier, who were very bemused by Gus and Hunter asking a multitude of questions and Gus’ warning about the giraffes. Luz and Amity got to hang out with fans of The Good Witch Azura.
After the Collector installed the new portal door, Jacob Hopkins managed to get out of jail and attempted to sneak into the house. The last anyone heard from Jacob, he was trying to set up an online fundraiser to get home from Mars (when he really was sent to a place called Quinhagak, Alaska.)
Months after Belos fell, Alador and Odalia divorced. Odalia tried to revive their original arms business, but it fell flat. Amity, Edric and Emira never spoke to her again.
Masha learned the truth about Vee and the Demon Realm. In fact, they’re one of the first humans to attend Gus’ Human Student Exchange Program.
Some sketchy ex-Coven Heads (the Potions Head, Terra, & Adrian) and Kikimora attempted to take over the Boiling Isles and replace the vacancy left by Belos. This was quickly thwarted by the B.A.T.T.s C.A.T.T.s and the Hexside squad and a thorough investigation and trial took place. Unsurprisingly, Odalia was also implicated in the plot because of the subpar Abomotons that were used. The plotters and Odalia were banished from the Boiling Isles and sent to Titan Trapper Island to live out their sentence. Kikimora worked out a plea deal and that’s how she was found working with Matt Tholomule to rebuild Bonesborough.
Eda and her dad have a better relationship these days, to Gwendolyn’s delight. Dell and Gwendolyn have also doted on King and Hunter. In fact, Eda was the one who introduced Hunter to Dell after Luz mentioned that Hunter wanted to learn how to carve Palismen.
A delegation was sent to Titan Trapper Island, and Bill is no longer the leader there. Tarak was appointed as the new leader and he promised that he and his people will not to go after the last Titan (King). It also helped that The Collector was included in that delegation to seal the deal and promised to build a portal between the two islands if the Titan Trappers behaved...and changed their way of dressing and the name of their island.
Lilith unlocked her harpy form the same way Eda did: with cookies made by Hooty. However, it wasn’t as “smooth” as Eda’s transformation, but with the help from Eda, Gwendolyn, and Camila, she was able to take control of her transformations. Hooty was also temporarily banned from the kitchen. Right after she managed this, Lilith showed off her transformation in front of Flora.
Luz told Eda what Papa Titan told her, and Eda felt honored. Though Eda was a bit offended about the Titan questioning her homemade apple blood recipe.
The Therapy Coven had never been busy after the fall of Belos. Hunter and Raine in particular spent some time with them because of the shared trauma of possession by Belos.
Hunter elected to stay with Darius, though he's always welcome with the Nocedas back in the Human Realm, with the Parks, the Blights (minus Odalia), Eda, and the senior Clawthornes.
Willow introduced Hunter to her dads after Hunter finished gushing about sewing and wolves with Darius and Eberwolf.
Boscha peaked in high school.
The Bat Queen sensed that there was something about Hunter, and Hunter told her about Flapjack’s sacrifice. After that talk, Hunter also became welcome in The Bat Queen’s forest.
Luz and Amity got more “mundane, slice-of-life dates”, both in the human realm and the demon realm.
The Collector visits King from time to time, and the Hexside squad learned to relax around them and teach them about how to approach people and play other games.
There was an attempt to introduce Camila to the food in the Boiling Isles. Suffice to say, she was only able to eat griffin eggs like Luz, though she found the animals there quite fascinating.
Viney and Jerbo eventually became friends again, to Barkus’ relief. (Barkus knew they would become friends, it was a matter of when.)
Principal Bump officially retired as Principal the following year. That was not the end of his love of education because he spent the next year to reach out to Glandus and St. Epiderm about revising their curriculum and offering multiple magic tracks.
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cloned-eyes · 1 year
Stormy seas | Part I
Merman!Wrecker x GN!Reader
Part II
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Living your whole life on the small paradise that Pabu is you find yourself discovering something truly impossible after a storm had raged over Island. And soon you discover secerts whom had waited for years to be discoverd
WARNINGS: mentions of destructions and death and dead bodies, alot of time spend on the ocean, no use of Y/N, no describtion of outer appearance in any way, there will be darker elements as the story progresses, just mentioning it here already. I also have no idea about sailing and ships in gerneral so bare with me - sorry to anyone who actually knows how to operate a boat and doesn't need google to sort things out
No beta read/ Did my best to spell and grammar check but english isn't my first language so bare with me. Hope it's somewhat readable.
It was getting late and you had to head to the shore more sooner than later at this point, but you didn't feel like leaving just yet. The ocean had been raging up until two days ago. Waves, bigger than you had ever seen them before in your life crashing against the isle without mercy. Greedily swallowing the lower levels of Pabu for days and only spitting out ruins of what had been homes – entire lives- just mere days before. It was a tragedy really. It hadn't been the first storm they had encounter but the force with which it had hit the island was beyond what they had anticipated. Shep blamed himself quite a lot for what had happened, even though nothing had been in his control at any point. No body could have foreseen the catastrophe that was about to unfold itself over Pabu and once it did there was little one could've done against it any ways.
You tried your best to comfort him. The destruction was greatly yes and it would take quite a lot of time to rebuild everything, but nothing that couldn't be fixed. The more servere part however where the individuals who had fallen victim to the flood. Up until now there had been at least five people fallen victim to the devilish waves, over another ten still missing. It wasn't his fault and while slim there was still hope to find those who were lost alive. You told him that. Told him that he had done his best and that he succeeded in keeping his people save, many saved due to his quick thinking and immediate evacuating as soon as he realized this wasn't just a usual storm to encounter. Though he might not fully believed your words, being extremely hard on himself, you still believed it at least reassured him a bit.
The first day after the storm was the worse. Seeing the whole scale of destruction. A lot of places in lower Pabu were covered in water still, the tide only slowly flowing back.
Saving anything was tricky, especially since the storm had raged for a few days and had not only devoured the homes of so many citizens of the Isle but also their ships. You were one of the few lucky enough to rediscover yours intact. Sure, it was a bit flooded and roughed up but nothing you couldn't fix quickly.
And due to that you were chosen to search the coastline for anything but more importantly anyone. Other ships, belongings that would have survive the storm by miracle, possible still alive animals floating around on wreckage and of course those people who were still missing. You prayed to whatever entity was listening that you would be spared of coming into contact with dead floating bodies and instead found them alive.
And while sailing the coast line up and down, keeping your eyes open you also occupied yourself with picking up said wreckage and anything that didn't belong in the ocean while also watching out for stray nets. You assumed that the storm had caused quite the damage, tearing away the nets of of local fisherman and making them an extreme hazard for marine life.
There was so much junk floating in the water and it took very little time for your small ship to fill up fast.
Leaning down you grabbed a plastic bottle swimming past your boat. Inspecting it you found a small crab caged inside it. Fiddling your pocket knife out of your jackets pockets you swiftly got to work, slicing open the bottle before gently releasing the crab back into the water. Eyes looking after it as it slowly drifted back into the deep.
The water slowly got black, golden streaks dancing on the waves as the sun began to set. Gaze lifting to roam over the water surrounding you you quickly caught the sight of buoy 13. Of course it had to be 13.
A shiver run down your spine as the fine hairs in your neck stood up. The black waters.
Everyone on Pabu tried to avoid these waters. Not only because they were quite far away from the shore but also because a lot of bad things had happened here. No one knew why exactly but the amount of boats who had capsized here was scary. At least ten fisherman had drowned here over the years. But you suspected that there had to been more, since this was only the number of bodies who could be retrieved not taking into account those washed onto the shores and those who were never seen again. Many suspected that due to the many rocks hidden beneath the surface many tricky streams had developed in this area. Strong enough to push unsuspecting boats against the sharp rock, tearing them open in the process and letting them sink quickly. It was the most logical theory however, there also was a second option.
You had grown up with the stories about dangerous, vicious sea creatures roaming this part of the coast. Tearing apart ships, sinking them to feast upon the crew. Devouring those poor souls so swiftly that only their bones reached the bottom of the ocean. You didn't liked those stories and as an adult you doubted their possibility. While many of the bodies that had been found had missing limbs and bite marks it was more logical to assume that those stemmed from sharks and other bigger predatory fish who populated the nearby waters and not some fairytale sea monsters. Still, now that the sun was setting and the wind got colder this dammed buoy radiated an aura of threat, making your stomach drop.
You decided to head back not wanting to accidentality sink yourself after all. Getting ready to turn your ship around and head for the shore you suddenly caught something in the corner of your eye. A splashing noise. Short but loud.
For a moment you thought you had imagined things, believing your mind was playing tricks on you. Another shiver hit you, a voice in the back of your head screaming for you to move your butt and get back on land as fast as you could. However a other part of your mind – and a stronger one at that – told you to stay and to take a look around. Hopeful to find whatever had just flashed by.
It was getting hard to see anything really, since the horizon had nearly swallowed the sun whole by now.
Eyes scanning over the pitch black waves nothing caught your attention. Ready to admit that you paranoia was getting the best of you, you were about to start your ships engine as something big floating in the water caught your attention. There was no way you could make out what exactly it was from where you currently stood but after focusing extremely hard your eyes could make something out that appeared to be a net wrapped around whatever swam there. Concerned that this might could be a marine creature – or a missing person- caught up in a lethal trap you started your engine, cautiously approaching it. Getting nearer to it you could make out something that looked like a fin of sorts. You couldn't really tell since the last ray of light had disappeared by now and your ships headlights only provided enough light ahead to see where you were navigating your ship.
You let out a relieved sigh, at least it wasn't a human body.
Carefully positioning your ship besides whatever floated there you could confirm that what you had spotted was indeed a fin. A big fin. Whatever this creature was, it certainly was massive.
You watched it a moment to see if it still moved, which was hard to tell by the way the waves rocked both your ship and the creature. Careful to not go overboard you reached out to gently grab the fin, softly shaking it to see if you got a response. After a few seconds you felt a weak resistance followed up by a weak attempt to move the fin. The creature was still alive.
Letting out yet another relived huff you tried to figure out the scale of entanglement. The hard plastic fibre wrapped itself around the dark body in a merciless tight manner, following it's shape into the dark waves, disappearing out of sight. This was less then ideal and you hoped that you could fix it from up here, even though you had no idea how bad it was beneath the pitch black surface. Hoping for the best, you really prayed it would be enough for this individual to free itself after you gave it the little support you were currently able to offer. Steadying yourself you reached for the net, trying to get the body closer to your ship so you could better see were to cut the fibre.
You felt the tensing muscles and then movement. It was a soft resistance but even from the rather gentle movement your could tell that whatever this creature was, it was strong. Perfectly able to tear you out of your boat if you weren't careful.
It's fin moved, splashing water which hit your face. You softly shook your head to get the droplets away from your face.
“Easy there”, you murmured softly, “just wanting to help ya.”
Pulling it even closer you waited for a moment to make sure it wouldn't suddenly lash out in an attempt to get away from you. Once you felt secure enough that it would remain calm – even though you could never tell with wild, wounded animals- you began to work equally swiftly and carefully. Skilfully cutting the net open, freeing the skin beneath it little by little.
The more fibre you cut open, the more the tail started to move again. Motion that got more and more powerful with each second passing, testing its nearly found freedom.
Slicing apart a particular big entangled part of netting you felt the rest of the straps swiftly loosening.
A small smile appeared on your lips. You almost had it. Carefully tugging on the strands your freed the creature more and more, encouraging it to move with a gently petting on its tail, softly pushing it. The tail moved, much more confident this time, smoothly wiggling itself out of the remaining net, quickly disappearing into the black depths again.
You were admittedly a bit disappointed that it was so dark and you hadn't been able to see much more than the fin and part of the tail, curios about what kind of creature you just had freed. Taking a few moments to watch look at the now empty waves in hopes that it might came back. Obviously a ridiculous want but hey, one could dream.
Hoisting the remaining net into your boat you eventually set course for Pabu, finally heading back to the bright lit shore.
And while your way back was smooth and undisturbed you couldn't quite shake the feeling of being watched. Head spinning around a few times in hopes to catch anything, shaking your head at the the absurdity of your paranoia.
Tiredness was probably catching up to you and if you were honest you couldn't wait to get some sleep.
Still, the feeling of being followed lasted until you were in direct proximity of the makeshift harbour. The bright lights of the upper city now fully illuminating the pier your head snapped around as you heard soft splashing behind you.
Heart pounding you stared at the line were the lights of the pier and the shadows of the night met in a hard line. You were clearly imagine things, weren't you. Involuntarily the stories of the islands elders were back in the front of your brain.
Dangerous and vicious creature, waiting to sink unsuspecting boats and devouring whoever was on it.
You really tried to be rational but you somehow couldn't shake those absurd thoughts off your shoulders.
If it hadn't been for Shep, who had called out for you while already waiting on the edge of the dock, you would probably stayed there all night, staring wholes into the pitch black waves. Tearing your eyes away after once last sharp glance you finally called it a day. Being greeted and helped out your boat by Shep the man instantly briefed you in on what had happened in the city so far, distracting you from your suspicious feelings, at least for now.
Had had weird dreams that night. Your brain clearly having trouble processing things. Swimming in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by black waves a black fin circled you. Sometimes it came closer sometimes it strayed away further but it always remained somewhat close. No matter how hard you tried you couldn't swim away, being stuck watching this fin circling you. An unsettling feeling rattled your bones. Even once you woke up it wouldn't leave you and for the first time in a long time - if not ever – you felt uneasy about getting back out onto the open ocean.
The feeling passed eventually. Well not exactly passed but rather ousted by the grim discovery found on the beach the next day. One of the missing individuals had been found. Dead.
Washed to the docks between other wreckage. It was a daunting tragedy for everyone who lived on the island. You had been at Sheps side that morning. Laying a hand on his shoulder to offer him comfort. It wasn't much but you felt there were no words who could aid in this situation either. A harsh setback that caused a lot of doubt,dwindling the hopes of finding the other missing persons alive. A chance that realistically got slimmer with each hour passing.
After they salvage the poor soul out of the water you were back on your boat, scouring the waters surrounding the island as the days before.
Sure, you still felt like being watched sometimes. Sailing out on the open ocean could be equally beautiful as scary. Especially so when you had to keep your eyes open for missing people, possibly encountering their dead bodies. But after your third encounter with angered seabirds you figured that those winged devils were stalking you in chances of getting their hands – wings...beaks? - whatever, on something tasty, even if it was only your lunch.
The ocean was calm and a warm breeze washed over your boat. Waves softly rocking it. It was still early in the morning. The sun had yet to rise but her rays were already dying the night sky in warm pastel colours of orange and purple. It had been three days since you the dead body had been fished out from beneath the dock. Fortunately five of the other people missing were found still alive and in somewhat good condition. Dehydrated as hell but alive. A good omen.
Enjoining the exquisiteness of a quiet morning you sipped on your steaming hot caf and snacked a few treats that served as a breakfast for you. Than you heard it, a soft clank to your right. Head snapping so fast it nearly dislocated your neck your eyes fell on the back of your ship. Eyes wide you starred at the small shell now lying on the upper edge of your boats side. That definitely hadn't been there before. And while the inside of your head screamed 'NONONONO.NOPE.NOPEDY-NOPE.ABSOLUTLY NOT' you still got up after what felt like five minutes of staring at the shell to inspect it closer. Well, not the shell per se, more so in hopes to figure out where it had come from all of the sudden.
Picking it up you turned it around a few times, sharply inspecting it as of to find an engraving which had an explanation to all of it. It was quite pretty you had to admit. A fine piece to add to your collection if you had found it yourself but at the moment it only triggered feelings of fight or flight rather than awe.
Suddenly another clank and a short splash echoing after wards. Swiftly turning around you eyes found another shell. This time on the opposite side of your boat.
This was getting weird. Especially since now you had conformation that something was definitely circling your boat thanks to the splash your ears had picked up. You took a few steps away from the edge of your boat, hesitant to pick up the other shell. Instead you starred at it intensely, closely listening for any other sounds that could help you locate where whatever circled your boat was. Fidgeting with the first shell you currently still held between your fingers your racing mind tried to figure out what to do. At the same time a overpowering wave of curiosity hit you, begging you to risk a look over your boats edge.
Vicious creatures that sink boats...
You shook your head in a desperate attempt to get rid of those words. The last thing you needed right now was to lose your cool to your lively imagination.
Your body froze. Standing there for maker knows how long you waited. Waited for anything to happen. It felt like an eternity. Nothing happened. No further splashing, no further clanks and no further appearing of random shells on your boat.
Unease still pumped through your veins but your limbs began to move again, as you very quietly and cautiously made your way to the ships edge.
Your gaze fell on the shell. An equally beautiful one to the one you already received. Though you didn't picked it up and instead dared to peak over the ships edge, risking a glimpse onto the water.
The sight of nothing greeted you. Well, nothing besides empty waves and you dared to lean over a bit more, taking a closer look at the waters beneath you in hopes to see something – anything- in the depths.
Yet again your eyes picked up nothing.
Questioning yourself if you had lost your mind you placed your hands on the wet edge, scowling deeply. You were going crazy, weren't you? Lost deep in thought you temporarily ignored your
surroundings completely.
The sudden sound made you jump. So much so that you found your arms slipping from the boats edge, losing balance and falling face first over the gunwale. Diving into the cold water had you confused and panicked. Body acting on instinct, arms paddling to get your head above water. You clothes greedily drank away the ocean, soaking themselves to the brim in seconds. It was heavy but you managed to get your head above water. Coughing violently you tried to get the water out of your eyes while also staying afloat. Hands grasping for anything to cling onto they eventually found the slick side of your boat. Unable to get a secure grip at first you eventually managed to get a hold of a lower part of the gunwale. Steadying yourself, your were finally able to wipe any remaining water out of your eyes with your other hand. Taking in deep breaths you took an alerted look around you. Your eyes were met with nothing but your body felt that something was there. Not willing to fuck around and find out you tried to make your way to the rear end of your boat as fast as you could. Trying to heave your body up and failing miserably so, you suddenly felt two strong hands gripping onto each side of your body, gently pushing you upwards with ease. While every thought in your mind froze instantly your body was at least still functional, moving on it's own and climbing back onto your boat. Knees falling onto the deck you scattered away from the gunwale in seconds. Heart racing and blood rushing in your ears you gawked at the rear end of the ship. Every muscle tense, lungs shallowly breathing you waited. Mind still trying to process what just had happened.
After another eternity something moved. Flinching you intensely watched as a taloned hand carefully placed a shell on the edge of the rear end. Unable to do anything you just continued to stare.
The hand appeared yet again, placing another shell on the edge.
You gulped, taking in a deep breath. What was going on?
Your body began to move again. Slowly, very slowly and as quiet as you could you moved over to the rear in a ducked position. Cautiously sliding up the ships wall to throw a glimpse over it. Nothing was there but you heard water splashing. So that creature was still there. Your eyes fell on the shells and before you could spare a second thought you finger softly pushed one of them over the edge. The shell fell and you heard a soft “blob” as it fell into the water. Crouching back down your eyes were glued to the edge.
After a minute the hand reappeared, softly putting the shell back. Your eyes grew wider.
And while you still felt freaked out you also started to burn up with curiosity. Maybe it was foolish but you felt like if whatever was keeping you company right know wanted to hurt you, it would have drowned you when it had the chance a few moments ago.
Fuelled by a hot wave of curiosity and boldness your finger slowly pushed the other shell into the water. This time it was retrieved a bit faster. Your the fearful glint in your eyes soon made space for a more awe one as you watched the sharp talons yet again placing the shell back with up most delicacy. The urge to reach out and catch a touch of them suddenly seemed overbearing and for a second you wondered what has gotten into you. You scoped closer to the ships edge, careful to not make any sound. Slowly getting up just enough to look over onto the water you pushed the shells in yet again. Hoping your plan would work, now eager to see whatever was down there.
Your gaze was fixed on the shell. Watching as it slowly sank down, softly glistening in the light until disappearing into the deep blue sea. Disappointment stung softly in your chest as nothing happened. You seemingly weren't as slick as you had thought of yourself to be.
Your head flew to the side, spotting the shell.
It was apparent that this thing was smart. Whether or not it was playing games with you or was shy was still to be found out and you were determined to do so. You pushed the other shell at your disposal over board before swiftly making your way over to the other shell, pushing it in as well. You were sure that the creature was aware of your location on the ship, picking up your movements vibrating though the ship and into the water. But you hoped that if you were quick enough you could catch a glimpse or at least gather a bit more trust with your playful behaviour.
Waiting intensely for were the shells would resurface next your eyes constantly scanned over your boat, ears carefully listing for any sounds that could give away the creatures position.
The faintest of splashes echoed behind you. Turning around in slow motion – partly because you didn't want to startle the creature and partly because you didn't wanted to startle yourself either – your eyes fell on a rather human face, or at least parts of it. It took you by genuinely surprise, certainly not expecting anything like what you were currently encountering. The head just stretched out far enough for you to see it, eyes barely looking over the gunwale. Two mismatched eyes examine you, filled to the brim with unfiltered curiosity. Unable to do anything other than to directly stare back your mouth fell slightly agape.
Were you imagining things? Because if not for the eyes you could swear there was a man eyeing you up and down. It...He – you assumed it was a he- was bald. Bronze skin shimmering in the morning sun. His right eye was a pitch black, shiny orb. Eyes like a shark. Meanwhile the other one was coloured in a milky white, pupil tinted in a ghostly dull grey. You assumed he had lost his sight on the left side of his face. Backing up your theory by the plentiful amount of thick angry scar tissue surrounding said eye, spreading over his skull like a spiders web.
You couldn't bring yourself to tear your eyes away from his scars. In any other circumstance you would have felt awful for blatantly staring like this but right know your brain had stopped functioning properly.
Shivers ran down your spine and you weren't sure whether you should pity him or be afraid because of those marks life had left on him.
“What are you?”
The words fell out of your mouth without second thought. Your brain hadn't even registered that you had said them out loud at first. Not to mention that your voice was merely a weak whisper. But to your surprise you caught how the eyes of the creature ….man -whatever softly wrinkled. A clear sign of him smiling? Surely your mind was playing tricks on you.
You flinched, caught completely off guard by the strange sound of a raspy, deep voice. Nearly sounding human, but not quite enough for you to fully believe it. Fine hairs in your neck standing up. Goose pumps exploding across your skin. You couldn't believe your ears. Did it- he just speak? To you? Answering your question – understanding you?
“I'm Wrecker”, he clarified. Head swiftly disappearing behind the gunwale. Something snapped and you immediately rushed to lean over the ships edge, nearly falling of it again, in an attempt to get a closer look on him. Not willing to lose him out of your sight yet again.
It was a sharp yell. A desperate attempt to buy you time. Staring onto the water you saw nothing but the deep blue. Cursing under your breath you mind raced.
“Wrecker, yes? Is that your name? Please come back”, you pleaded while restlessly searching through the wave. A carpet of bubbles appeared from under the ship, bursting open as soon as they broke through the waters surface. They were followed by a figure. The way the waves were rocking against your boat slightly distorted his facial features as he stared up at you just barley beneath the water line. Your wide eyes stared at him in awe, fascinated as you caught a glimpse of the rest of his body, or at least what you could make out from up here. Two wide flippers kept his body perfectly still, steadily floating. Only the upper part of him seemed to be human, the lower part had very strong similarities to a whale shark, at least colour wise.
He was absolutely massive. Even from what little you could see from your current position you were certain that he was huge. Three and a half meters, minimum.
It was clear as day that you were imitated by his size, by him. Period.
Your eyes as big as oranges and probably quite the ridiculous view from down there. He pulled his lips back, razor sharp teeth flashing underneath the waves and it took a moment to realize that he was grinning up to you- at you. Amused by you.
A short offended scream echoed through the back of your head. Was he making fun of you? A ridiculous thought but judging by the distorted sight under you a quite possibly true one.
Involuntarily puffing your cheeks your eyebrows knitted together. His grin spread wider even more.
Definitely amused by you.
You leaned down a bit further, hands securely gripping onto the ships edge. If you fell over again so be it. You were soaked to the bones anyway and maybe it would grant you a closer look at him anyway. He let himself sink a bit. Clearly toying with your attempts to get a better look at him. You huffed, scowling after him.
“A jokester, that's what you are”, you spoke into the waves, doubting that he could understand your murmuring underneath surrounded by water. However, his head tilt was a clear sign against your assumptions. His grin faltered ever yo slightly, shrinking into a smile, teeth no longer flared. His intense gaze broke free from yours. Looking somewhere into the wide open sea as of something else was catching his attention. Offering you one last glance he let himself sink further into the depths, massive body gracefully twisting with ease, diving into the endless blue beneath you.
Eyes catching the shimmers of light flashing over his dark tail you caught a quick glimpse of his strange looking dorsal fin. He was far to deep down by now to make out any more defined details which kept you yet again pondering about so many things.
But even from the short amount of what you had seen you couldn't help yourself to be amazed.
He was beautiful.
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@moss-tombstone @marierg
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sergeantsporks · 9 months
Consider this: AU where Belos dies due to a complete fluke. Like say, a piece of ceiling falls on top of him while he's tinkering in his creepy workshop or something.
This causes all of the magic that he's absorbed over the course of his very long life to suddenly be freed from him and, well... Cue massive explosion.
The Castle? Ground zero, there's nothing left of it besides a crater. The Chest of The Titan? Totally obliviated. The Boiling Isles is now effectively cut in half. The Skull, Neck, Both Shoulders and the Right and Left Arms are on one side, while the lower Torso, Pelvis, Knee and the Toes are on the other.
Hunter is the only member of Emperor's Coven "elite" to survive... because he wasn't there when Belos blew his Castle skyward. His "dearest uncle" sent him away on a mission beforehand. Nothing more than glorified busy-work, just meant to get Hunter out of his hair for the day.
So, in addition to Belos, Kikimora, all of the Coven Heads and goodly number of Coven Scouts and Coven Guards are dead as well. Plus whoever else lived and worked in the Castle... and the Chest as well.
It's the biggest environmental disaster to ever hit The Isles.
Hunter doesn't know what to do. He's just lost everything in one fell swoop. He can't even get close to the only place he's ever called home because The Boiling Sea is rapidly filling in the area the Chest once was. He knows that no one could've survived, but he's in shock and can't accept that.
So, what do you think Sergeant?
Well, given that the entire government just blew up along with the only person who knew what was up with the day of unity (and presumably any information about the day of unity would have been in the now-destroyed keep), I think Hunter's best option would be to lay low and start a new life as just Hunter and not the golden guard. Because there's going to be rioting, and EVERYONE is going to be looking for either a leader or a scapegoat, and you don't really want to be the one person who could be used as either. Not to mention he just needs time to PROCESS everything he just lost without the pressure of either of those roles being pushed on him.
Let's go the "best" case scenario and Hunter is now de-facto head of the Isles. Everything has to be rebuilt, he needs to recruit new people into the emperor's coven since most of everyone is dead, and the idea of just trying to keep the peace and keep wars from breaking out... yeah, I don't think it'll be great. At first, things would be fine because I think there would be a lot of effort put into recovering bodies, resettling survivors, and rebuilding the edges. But once the shock wore off and people started thinking a little more... I mean, that's a fifty year leader gone, and Belos was manipulating things BEFORE the empire was established. It's not going to go well for Hunter. Especially if this is pre season 2, and he doesn't even have the barest hints of a support network.
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rpgsandbox · 8 months
The 10 Most Anticipated TTRPGs For 2024!
EN World's annual vote on the most anticipated titles of the coming year, and yes, some games have appeared on this list in previous years.
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10 Tales of the Valiant (Kobold Press)
1st appearance Kobold Press joins the 'alternate 5E' club with this rewritten, non-OGL version of the game! A million dollar Kickstarter last year, and a new one for the GM's book going on right now, Kobold Press announced this as 'Project Black Flag' during the OGL crisis of 2023, but being unable to trademark that name opted for Tales of the Valiant instead. The system, however, is still called the Black Flag Roleplaying System.
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9. Mothership 1E (Tuesday Night Games)
3rd appearance On this list three years running, the boxed Mothership 1E game should be coming out this year! This is sci-fi horror at its best -- you can play scientists, teamsters, androids, and marines using the d100 'Panic Engine'. Yep, it's Alien(s), pretty much.
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8. Monty Python's Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Program (Exalted Funeral)
2nd Appearance Exalted Funeral made quite a splash when they announced this game last year, which went on to make neary $2M on Kickstarter. And how could they not? It's Monty Python fergoodnessake! A rules-lite gaming system, spam, a minigame with catapults, spam, coconut dice rollers, spam, and an irrepressible Python-eque sense of humour. Did I mention the spam? It was at #10 on this list last year, but it's claimed to #8 this year.
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7. Daggerheart (Darrington Press)
1st appearance From the Critical Role folks, Daggerheart is a new fantasy TTRPG with its own original system coming out this year with "A fresh take on fantasy RPGs, designed for long-term campaign play and rich character progression."
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6. Cohors Cthulhu (Modiphius)
1st appearance It's Ancient Rome. It's Cthulhu. It uses Modiphius' in-house 2d20 System. You can be a gladiator, a centurion, or a Germanic hero. Did I mention Cthulhu?
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5. Dolmenwood (Necrotic Gnome)
1st appearance The British Isles, a ton of folklore, and a giant Kickstarter--Dolmenwood is a dark, whimsical fantasy TTRPG drawing from fairy tales and lets you "journey through tangled woods and mossy bowers, forage for magical mushrooms and herbs, discover rune-carved standing stones and hidden fairy roads, venture into fungal grottoes and forsaken ruins, battle oozing monstrosities, haggle with goblin merchants, and drink tea with fairies."
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4. Pendragon 6E (Chaosium)
4th appearance Last year's winner was on this list waaaaay back in 425 AD, and it's still here! Well, maybe not that far back, but it's shown up in 2021 at #4, 2022 at #3, 2023 at #1, and now 2024 at #4! What can we say? People are clearly anticipating it... still.
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3. 13th Age 2nd Edition (Pelgrane Press)
2nd appearance 13th Age is over a decade old now, and was our most anticipated game way back in 2013. Now the new edition is coming! It's compatible with the original, but revised and with a ton more... stuff! 13th Age 2E was #3 in last year's list!
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2. The Electric State Roleplaying Game (Free League)
1st appearance Free League is always on these lists, and for good reason. This gorgeous looking game is described as "A road trip on the verge of reality in visual artist and author Simon Stålenhag's vision of an apocalyptic alternate 1990s".
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1. Shadow of the Weird Wizard (Schwalb Entertainment)
3rd appearance First announced by Rob Schwalb a couple of years ago, this is a more family-friendly version of his acclaimed RPG, Shadow of the Demon Lord. SHADOW OF THE WEIRD WIZARD is a fantasy roleplaying game in which you and your friends assume the roles of characters who explore the borderlands and make them safe for the refugees escaping the doom that has befallen the old country. Unsafe are these lands: the Weird Wizard released monsters to roam the countryside, cruel faeries haunt the shadows, undead drag themselves free from their tombs, and old, ancient evils stir once more. If the displaced people would rebuild their lives, they need heroes to protect them. Finally at the top of the list after being #7 in 2022, and #6 in 2023!
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beanie-beebo-writes · 5 months
TWs: Grief, canonical death of a loved one (pet), suicidal implications, brief emetophobia mention
Pairings: Huntlow (mentioned)
Category: Owl House, genfic
It was spring again, Flapjack's favorite time of the year. Yet again, it always felt like every season was his favorite. The little cardinal was always so enthused about the littlest things. It was one of the things Hunter missed most about him. It helped give Hunter a new-found appreciation for life; fresh eyes to take in everything the isles had to offer. Probably quite literally now.
Hunter approached the Grom tree at the edge of the forest, looking up to see it was in full bloom. Just the way Flapjack liked it. Hunter smiled and picked a blossom gently.
Back in the human realm, the palisman seemed to gravitate towards something called a "cherry tree". And when Hunter got the chance to observe its flowers, he started to understand why. The petals were a soft pink and smelled of a light natural scent, akin to the Grom tree back home. They were truly beautiful, and Flapjack adored them. Whenever the little bird could, he would fly up and nestle himself into the center of one. It usually left a light, pleasant odor on his feathers; it was quite calming to Hunter.
Back home, he would find Flapjack doing the same with the Grom tree flowers. It definitely was an amusing sight to see; a small little creature enjoying something that seemed so mundane to a "witch" like Hunter. Yet again he did spend most of his years holed up in a castle, only going out for work related duties.
The memories of Flapjack brought a shallow pool of tears to his eyes- he pushed them away. He needed to properly set off to see his palisman first before having his usual (and probably much needed) catharsis.
It wasn't long before he came across the familiar grave down a hillside. The flower blossom was carefully tucked in the a handbag Willow had crafted for him while starting to rebuild the isles. She had always seen him picking up small things on their walks together, and figured a handbag would be much more practical than shoving everything in his pockets. And Hunter would admit, it did preserve the flowers much better at least.
Hunter shakily walked towards where he and his friends chose Flapjack's final resting place. He felt like throwing up, even if he had been here numerous times before.
"Hey Flap, I.. got those flowers you like." He said wobbily.
Hunter stared at the slab of rock under his wavering gaze; he allowed the tears to fall now. Hunter cried softly, only the sound of the leaves rustling in the light breeze heard around him. The noise made him glance up at the trees for a moment, taking in the truly beautiful scenery that surrounded him. One would probably usually take the gentle breeze as a sign of their loved ones saying hello, but that wasn't the case for Hunter. He had never felt so alone and empty in his life. Not since he donned that white robe all those years ago.
He sniffled and blinked away remaining tears as he looked back to his friend's grave. Those words etched across it almost burned a hole through his chest. "Thank you for finding me."
And that you did.
"I know it's been two years since.. that night. But I.. I can't let you go, Flap. I just can't." Hunter cried. "It's too hard without you here. And.. every day that goes by..."
Hunter trailed off momentarily as an ugly cry erupted from his throat again.
"Every day that goes by I can't help but think that's one less day you're here."
He looked at Flapjack's grave in pained silence, almost expecting his palisman to offer a reassuring coo in response. But it was silent. It made Hunter want to retreat inside himself like he did the night he lost him.
"I know you would be here comforting me right now but... it's just not the same. And.. I don't think it ever will be."
The grave sat in front of him almost mockingly. He fumed through fresh, hot tears.
"Why did you have to leave me?! Why couldn't you let the Titan take me instead?" He cried out.
All he was met with was the same silence he faced every time he came here, and it gnawed at him ravenously.
"It isn't fair!" Hunter cried. "You didn't deserve this- I don't deserve this!"
The forest around Hunter seemed to come to life with each outburst. The wind picked up gradually, swirling around Hunter as if to embrace him. His mental state kept him in a red hot fury; he was too lost in his own harrowing thoughts to notice the shift around him.
"You hurt me Flapjack, how could you? If you wanted to help me, I should've stayed dead!"
Hunter's cries echoed off into the sea of trees, swallowing them whole. It made Hunter's stomach sink. He was truly... alone. The trees had stopped completely in that moment. Hunter paused and noticed how quiet it was. And how alone he truly felt. That feeling was enough to switch the anger back on.
"You know, it makes me even question if you were my friend. Or if it was just a mistake, just like the one you made by choosing me in the first place."
A familiar trill of tweets whistled nearby, simultaneously sounding as if it was yards away. Hunter jumped and searched the trees for the source. After a minute or so of finding nothing, he angrily shook it off. Being vulnerable was a mistake.
Hunter stood from where he knelt, feeling the anger dissipate into defeat. He glanced at the grave again.
"I can't be here." He muttered to himself.
Just as he walked away, he could've sworn he heard his companion's sweet tunes once more.
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numericalbridge · 2 months
001 for Dariraine or 002 for Lilith.
Hi! Thank you for the ask!
when I started shipping it if I did: i can't remember, but probably when the 'Oh, Titan' aired and there was more art of them.
my thoughts: i don't actually actively ship it (even in my dariraine au the focus is not exactly on romance), mostly because i don't usually ship anything in the specific fandom way; but the dynamic of the two rebel leaders who started at the wrong footing via misunderstandings and then became closer is really interesting to me, both platonically and romantically. Plus i usually enjoy good romantic side plots between secondary characters. And as a platonic dynamic, their scene in Oh, Titan was such an unexpected but pleasant surprise. They were so fun! But, as i've mentioned before, the way ER was written and the way their friendship was there just for 1,5 scenes still leaves their canon dynamic in a very weird place for me, so i only see it as a ship in an AU/as somewhat removed from canon.
What makes me happy about them: i like that they had seemingly overcome their differences and reached a certain level of trust between ER and Oh, Titan. Yet at the same time they can and will annoy each other with stupid little things. Like, they sounded very fond of each other when they were explaining things to Luz, then it was immediately followed by Darius teasing Raine over their acting, and Raine tormenting Darius with the team name, only to then switch to the scene where they are holding that scroll together at the rebel table? A+ moments.
What makes me sad about them: in-universe it's that they have lost so much time they could have spend working together, all because of the mistrust/miscommunication/whatever ended their schooltime friendship. And on meta level it's that Darius wanted to protect Raine, as they have said themselves + whether intentionally or not it was implied that he agreed to not involve Eda (even when it would mean going with more dangerous plans), so it seems like he indulged Raine a lot, but we never got a moment of Raine doing the same for him.
things done in fanfic that annoy me: i don't think i've read any fic with them as a ship (sorry if i am forgetting anything) because usually shippy dariraine fics are either smut or they are a side pair in a long story that i am not interested in. But when it's platonic their friendship is often just there for them to give each other relationship advice rather than exploring their own dynamic. Also the way their personalities flip-flop depending on the fic type, when it's clear it is just meant to serve other dynamics rather than an actual attempt at characterization (for example, if it's a Hollow Mind fic and it's dad*rius then Raine would be soo over the top ruthless, but if it is a raed*a fic then it's the opposite and Darius just doesn't care about 'some teenagers')
things I look for in fanfic: at this point just a fic about their own dynamic whether platonic or shippy😭
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Eda or Camila for Raine (no one understands ramila like i do😐), and Camila or Perry for Darius
My happily ever after for them: they participate in the rebuilding and reforming of the Boiling Isles while annoying each other and at the same time being ready to kill for each other.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: they switch
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: just working on something together like the scene at the end of Oh, Titan. Or scheming.
How I feel about this character: i really liked season 1 Lilith as an antagonist and the flashbacks of her dynamic with Eda when they were younger. I never doubted that she would be redeemed, but i don't like how her arc was handled in season 2, especially season 2b, especially Oh Titan.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: no one, obviously
My favourite platonic relationships: her friendships with Hooty and Steve were very cute. Her relationship with Eda was mostly really interesting, and her relationship with their mother - even if not positive - was interesting too.
My unpopular opinion about this character: i think both her and Luz's arcs would have benefitted if their s2 relationship was more complicated; and i don't like how Lilith - especially considering how she behaved in King's episode in s2a - was presented as this good historian who will uncover the truth, while a brown woman was apparently the bad corrupt historian.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Short answer - i wish her arc and character development were finalized in a serious manner in Oh, Titan episode, and earlier episodes had more focus on the initial awkwardness between her and Luz until it would have been resolved in the time travel episode.
Long answer: I wish her treating Luz as if Luz was a teacher in s2e2 was presented as something Lilith did because she was feeling awkward after what happened between them in s1, with Luz acting awkward in return. Then the tension between them would have been a plot point in the time travel episode, and it would've been resolved by the end of it. As a follow up, in ASiAS instead of the Azura sub-plot, Luz and Amity would have gone to do research with Lilith - resolving Amity and Lilith's mentorship offscreen and freeing time for Willow, Gus and Darius. And in Oh, Titan, Lilith's arc would've ended on a serious note via her travelling with King and Steve and reacting to common people and helping them during the montage, and then a serious conversation regarding King and her worldview.
a headcanon fact: I think she and King would develop a great relationship during the time skip.
for this ask game
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The Owl House Watching and Dreaming Analysis. (Spoilers)
Its over. Its been around 3 years and now its over. Well like Luz says its time for a new chapter now. The majority of my tag is posts about the owl house, and now I have to find a new thing to post on. I like Molly Magee, but so far not enough to spend hours typing out analysis and theories. I got into Ducktales 2 years late and, it has me going through Disney plus to find more shows about the wacky highjinks of the duck family, so if that corner of the Disney fandom is still alive maybe I will pop in their from time to time. I also happen to like a few live action shows.
But before that I want to close out the owl house with 1 (possibly a coupe more posts). This one is my recount and review of the Owl Houses final episode, and will focus on the families and connections at the end, as I feel they were the most important part of the episode, Warning long post and spoilers below.
I will start off with talking about Meeting Kings father and what we learned about Titans. We have comfirmation now that Titans do not have spouces/mates and reproduce Asexually. King’s dad did not object to being refered to as Dad, but was term wise both his dad and mom. Two things: 1 does this mean King (who doesn’t need labels right now because he is only 8) will grow up to be aroace, like Lilith? 2 this is confirmation that he will still be able to become a parent 1 day, which I am glad about, because we know he will outlive Eda, Lilith, and Luz and this way we know he will still be able to have a family again after they pass on. Also we now have confirmation that the baby titan skulls in the trapers room were kings brothers and sisters. Were the Full grown ones his oldest siblings or were they his dad’s siblings. Also the owl beast. I knew it...they? Were a titan, and that were were probably the last living one Bill mentioned since king as an egg couldn’t cry or run, and was still being hidden. At first I thought they might be his parent, but it looks like they are actually either his older sibling or his aunt/uncle... They are still inside his mom and aunt, so they are a part of his life.
So now on to King’s Dad as a parent. Because the Titans heart was still beating he actually was not completely gone. His spirit was alive in the in between realms and was watching over King, is shown to be delighted that his son found such a nice family to raise him, and is confirmed to have had a bit of a hand guiding Luz in how quickly she learned glyphs and wild magic. This all feels like methaphors for Heaven and Guardian Angels. I do not know what Dana belives or if she belives in anything. She certainly hasn’t been shy about making metaphors to the bad parts of religon/christianity. But i am glad she also made these refrences loving and positive. They can be comforting to those that have lost loved ones.
Now on to the Collector. First the older collectors aren’t his gaurdians, they are his older siblings. From their point of view the war between titans and collectors was just them being mean and breaking their baby brothers toys. Okay, they are jerks, and it was a horrible thing to do, but okay the show didn’t go full on SU diamonds parasitic route. This makes me feel a bit better about how our collectors arc ended. King’s family and He forgave each other and are good friends, the collector is confirmed to come visit them from time to time, but he went back to the Star’s to finish growing up. His siblings better feel bad about him having been stuck in thousand year time out because of them, and better leave his new friends alone now. Him going back was one of the three options I felt were possible and while not perfect I genuienly do think it was the best one. The collector was ultimelty to powerful to live on the isles full time without hurting someone, and with all the repairs and rebuilding needed to be done Eda and Raine did not have the time needed to watch him as much as he needed.
No lets go on To Luz. She moved back to the Human realm to live with her mother and sister, and graduate from earth school in graves field. It also looks like Camila was able to eventually forge the documents needed to adopt Vee in the human realm and send her to school with Luz. But we can see that a permenent portal was opened at the old house (how can Camila afford two houses on her single parent vetenairy income? Did she pay in snails and the seller think she had gold?). Luz, Camilia, and eventually Vee (wonder how long that took) made visitations to the demon realm. Luz had the option to chose which realm she wanted to live in once she grew up. It also looks like Eda got upgraded from being Luz’s temporary host parent to being like a God mothe rto her. Camila will always be Luz’s real mother, but Eda still getting to stay in their lives as support is for the best. Camilia and Luz went through so much when Manny died and they were struggling to deal with it by themsleves. I said in an earlier post that I believe the owl house to ultimately be about finding a community that is suportive of you. Camila, Luz, and Vee did not have that before, but they do now.
Now on to Hunter. So the final hints very strongly that he was adopted by Darius, not Camila, and not Eda (who FYI had no positive interactions with Hunter and should not have been considered as heavily as she was by fans). This again makes the most sense. While watchig Thanks to them when Hunter is mentioned to be happy and doing well in the human world I was like “Alright the story still works great if Hunter becomes Hunter Noceda. Darius can just be a mentor to him if he goes back to the iles in summers”. But then when he described the life he wanted at the end of the episode I was confused because everything he said was things he could only do in the demon realm. He wanted to go back perminently. I doubt Camila will ever want to fully live in the demon realm, Luz did probably need to live in both worlds until she was an adult to fully make a fair choice, and you know it took months/years for Vee to step foot there. I still hope Camila got to be Hunters God mom or was in his life as a surogate Aunt. Hey Darius and Eberwolf are implied to have become like Police officers, dedicated to stoping suporters of Belos’s system fromt trying to reinstate it. It thoretically could have been possible that they would be away for stretches and Hunter would need another adult to stay with some of the time.
Reminder of what Darius and Hunter’s relationship was like since a lot of it had to develop off screen. Darius and Hunter are strongly hinted to have started spending more time together post ASIAS, by Hollow Minds Darius had grown so fond of Hunter that he was ready to abort his cover to help him. When Hunter ran away from the EC Darius is confirmed to have tracked him down to ensure he was safe, and Hunter was comfortable leaving his hiding place to go on a mission Darius gave him (protect Luz while she went to break Amity out of the manor). Hunter was very worried/scared when he saw Darius on the stage at the Day of Unity. Also while Hunter did not put Darius’s picture on the wall he started sewing every piece of fabric he could find in the Noceda’s basement and would talk about how this was something he practiced with Darius. So he clearly missed him, but I do not think he realized how much Darius and Eberwolf missed HIM until they came looking for him after waking up. On the subject of Eberwolf and Hunter, I have seen the headcannon that Eberwolf calls Hunter pup/cub but can we as a fandom please come up with a term Hunter uses for Eberwolf. there is no way they call each other “Uncle” and “Nephew”. Those are definitly trigger word for Hunter.
Also the Blue bird Palisman Hunter eventually carved himself. I am glad its a bird, because Hunter had Palisman as therapy/support animals and birds were the animal he was most comfortable with. I want to name his new bird Bananas. Since Bananas, like Flapjacks, were a human food he was unfirmilar with in the demon realm. I am also so glad that show let him grieve Flapjack and take his time before getting a new palisman. Flapjack was Hunters biggest support during his darkest time and I was so afraid that they would trivialize his lose due to the shortened season. But no not only did they give him a grave that got visitited, not only did Hunter get a tattoo of Flapjack, but so did Willow and Luz, maybe Gus and Amity as well. Flapjack was so loved and so missed, as he should be.
 On to Alador x Darius. I ship the couple but I am so glad how it was handled, with them basically being confirmed to not get together for another 3-4 years. As cute as their dynamic is, it would have been extstreamly problamatic for them to get together soon after the battle with Belos. Alador was just getting out of a long, abusive, marriage. While we do not get a chance to fully explore Darius’s character and what caused him to close himself off from his old friends, we know he was working through some things and closing a chapter on a mission that had been a big focus f his life. Not to mention that both men had teenagrs who had been tramatized and needed/deserved to be their dad’s full focus for the time being. So for that I am glad we did not get the Blight-Deammone step family.
One kinda nice twist was that Alador decided he wanted to build medical machines and Emira was the child that ended up working with him. Emira was the child who seemed to have the least in common with Alador so I liked that they eventualy had something they could do together. A stranger surprise was Amity and Lilith’s reunion, and the strong hints that they started working together again and bonded. Dana dropped them being Mentor and protage like a hot potato after Covention day and was quick to post that they were never close/did not like each other when asked. So its kinda strange that she suddenly had them start caring and tried to portray Lilith as a strong female figure in Amity’s life after her seperating completely from Odalia. This is the big thing I feel should have been either explored more or dropped.
Lastly reagrding the end credits; I am upset that for how many clips we saw of both Steve and Matt towards the end we did not get a single on of them reuniting or together. Come on Show Why. That said I love the jobs they were shown to have afterwards. I expected Steve to maybe get an internship/assistant job at the museum with Lilith, since they were such good friends. Seeing him, still friends with Lilith, but also with the Catt’s and working to rehabilitate other coven scouts was so much better. And finding out that Matt became a hotshot architectural designer on the isles is just perfect. Also I spent 3/4ths of the End credits going “Where is Gus. Do not leave him out of this time jump”. Then I find out he graduated early and was teaching students about the human realm at Eda, Raine, and Lilith’s new university. The little genius. They’re is no confirmation that he and Matt ever got together, but Oh well. Maybe they did and are just not into PDA? maybe did and broke up/were on a break? Maybe they only ever stayed friends? It was my second favorite ship (besides Lumity) but if it didn’t happen that’s okay.
All in All this was the owl house final. It was exciting, intense, it tied up lose ends,and gave our charcters ends that while not perfect, where the best they could have been. Good job Dana. Good Job Owl House Crew. Thank you for the show. Its helped me a lot with getting through the past 3 years.
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mediawhorefics · 9 months
Hi, I’ve never read your fics, but I came upon this on AO3 and thought you might want to be aware. The author doesn’t mention getting permission from you. I didn’t report it because I don’t know the situation. Sorry if I’m bothering you!
“If Tired Tired Sea by MediaWhore was Wolfstar
All credit goes to MediaWhore, All I did here was edit some of the names to match the Marauders Universe.
As a B&B owner on the most remote of all the British Isles, Remus Lupin is used to spending the coldest half of the year in complete isolation, with his dog and the sea as sole companions. Until, one day, a mysterious stranger on a quest to rebuild himself rents a room for the winter.”
heyy you’re not bothering me at all. thanks for letting me know, i really appreciate it.
obvs i’d never give permission for someone to just … steal my work like this and copy and paste it to their fandom 😵‍💫😩😤
wtf is wrong with people for them to do shit like this ????? seriously ??????
anyways… again, thanks for letting me know even if you don’t read my stuff/know my work. i really appreciate you looking out for me anyway ❣️
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astriiformes · 1 year
[OWL HOUSE FINALE SPOILERS] you have the best toh opinions so im bringing my one complaint about the finale to you for thoughts: my big hope for the collector was that they would go to the human realm. i could not imagine something more boring than infinite power, the nothingness they must feel from it. I just wanted them to learn how to climb a tree, know what it feels like to slip and fall but feel the rush of finally perching on the top branch. yaknow?
Hello, I'm honored!!
I liked that the finale kept things open with them (heading out to do some wandering and self-reflection but clearly still swinging by from time to time) so who knows -- multiple worlds are their oyster, and they've got buddies who live there and plenty of time.
It does also look like the new Boiling Isles-Human Realm portal has a splash of Collector magic to it, so I feel like with a little headcanoning you could definitely make the argument they got a quick peek at the other side, maybe jumped in a leaf pile or two while literally everyone else held their breath and maybe also kept them on a very long version of one of those toddler leashes. Either way, I got the sense they helped at least a little with the rebuilding before heading out, which as someone who grew up around a lot of home improvement projects can actually lend itself to some great nonsense. I hope someone handed them a paintbrush and/or some spackling tools and they embraced it with gusto.
(Not to mention -- I feel like fixing and creating things like that is a real bulwark against the entropy and infinity of the universe. Someone get this kid into more crafts!!)
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dragetunge · 10 months
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@murkyhazed like for a starter [Valka]
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"You know Fishlegs has been mentioning for a bit that he's going to be needing some help for the newer riders coming into the academy as soon as its rebuilt. If you'd be interested in something like that?" It had been a bit of an adjustment with everything. Valka being here on Berk. He didn't think he's seen his dad smile this much in the past fifteen years or so. But with the rebuilding of the isle perhaps the other dragon rider would be interested in seeing for herself how much Berk had changed.
It would help with the other rider to stop asking him a million questions about her too. He could talk her ear off for a few hours.
"Or I uh...could give you a new tour after I help at the forge?"
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The Boiling Isles and marriage
So since my last post blew up I've decided I want to share more of my ideas.
In the Boiling Isles, it is customary to exchange a piece of jewelry as a sort of consummation of love.
Post Watching and Dreaming, (but before the timeskip) whilst rebuilding the isles, Luz convinces her fam to take a vacation to the human realm. As a sort of step forward in her plan to intermingle humans with witches and demons.
At this point Raine and Eda have fully admitted to still having feelings for each other (it was very obvious). They've been dating for a while and during the tour of the human realm, they go to this very beautiful very romantic place.
While everyone else is chatting it up and taking pictures, the two of them split off to stare at the sights. They get to talking, reminiscing on their lives together, eventually the topic turns to how much they love and care about each other.
Then it just happens, Raine takes off their earring and gives a small speech about how they'd love to be together for the rest of their living years. Eda says yes, obviously, and takes off her big ol earrings. Raine is a little overwhelmed at the size of them, and Eda remarks that they can downsize if they want.
The rest of the group are watching with joy, awwing and crying at the sweet exchange. Luz, of course, doesn't understand the full extent of what's happening yet. Then Eda announces that they're getting married and Luz is flabbergasted.
She asks about if there's supposed to be a proposal first, which makes everyone else confused. She then explains how an engagement works, to which Raine relates it to their own customs. And now Luz is ecstatic.
Many months later Eda and Raine get married and it's wholesome as hell. Many more months after that, Luz gets an idea. She sets up a date with Amity and it goes nicely. Luz goes into a long winded speech about how much she loves her and then presents her with her grom tiara.
Amity is rightfully surprised, she gently declines her proposal and mentions how they're both still teens. Luz is saddened, but she understands. Then she remembers a remembers a tradition that human teens do. A ring given as promise for the future that they'll get married later.
This makes Amity happy so she gives Luz her necklace.
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tazindrox · 1 year
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It was hard to believe they were only a couple months shy of the Dracthyr’s ‘release date’. It had felt like a lifetime ago that Tazindrox had crawled out of his creche amidst all the chaos and death happening around him, breathing fresh air for the first time in 20,000 years. That had been a confusing and upsetting time in all of their lives, but new beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.
Ten months wasn’t nearly enough time for the Dracthyr to absorb all the new information being suddenly thrown at them. There was so much history, geography, languages, and everything else in between to learn. It was overwhelming, but it was also liberating in a way Taz had never known or felt before. They were free now. Free to pursue their own lives with no expectations forced upon them any longer. While the majority of them did remain behind to assist in the Dragon Isles, Taz included, afterwards he could do…anything. Everything.
At times it felt almost too good to be true.
They were officially a part of Azeroth now and no one could control them. They could go out and get ‘normal’ jobs; some of them opted out of the fighting and already had. Like many others, Taz was still lost about what to do or where to go once the campaign in the Isles was over. Aiding his brethren in retaking their home in the Forbidden Reach and rebuilding was the most obvious option - not to mention the safest and the easiest. 
But was safe and easy what he really wanted to do with this new life? He respected those that preferred that option, but now was not the time to play it safe.
Once the fighting was done in the Isles, should he still have his life, he would explore the ‘new’ world and immerse himself in different cultures and languages. Maybe even become an Ambassador of some sort. Life was too fleeting and the Dracthyr were given a second chance to forge their own way in this world. That is just what he planned to do.
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m0chitown · 6 months
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TW: Mentions of death and brief mention of suicide
Starting on a new project called Skullery!
The Platter Isles is a land filled with different kinds of foods alike, all in different shapes, sizes, and tastes living in harmony. Only that's not the truth, is it? As the world turns, so does money and ignorance as both the taste and class hierarchy system shifts between each Isle existing in the current era that they live in. Having to have just gone through The Grate Food War almost a decade and a half ago, the economy was in deep waters as its stalk markets crash and the food supplies scarce, the Isles still rebuilding some of the damage from The Grate Food War as the citizens busy themselves in ways to cope in their cities.
As the economy crashes, the crime rates sky rocket with many of the popular cities loved by The Platter Isles. The bar zone is an Isle in which had colder temperatures in and was a place where dreary crimes and deaths took place.
In the year 1922, over 2,000 citizens of this zone alone has died of many causes. But over 1,000 of those deaths are poison related, many of which were ruled of a natural cause of death or suicide.
A young Jazz Performer sings her heart out during the day, entertaining others in her and her brother's personally owned Jazz Bar before slinking off into the late nights to alter into a private investigator on suspicious deaths and cases all around the Bar Zone, some even active crime related such as an active robbery.
She strives to bring forth justice into the Bar Zone Food Courts whilst shaking the hand of the Devil's Food Cake herself. Little did she know that this simple shake of a hand and her own moral compass would lead to more questions than answers as murder cases would rise rapidly but with little to no tracable evidences but a specific trend, leaving a stark mark on its victims.
Someone's onto her.
Time is ticking.
A race to her own coffin.
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Still working on characters and placing the intricate details within the plot but it's going great! I just don't know how to execute this exactly but I'll definitely finish writing every detail out before wondering I'd I should turn it into a comic, a radio play, or a movie/play :0 I also want to illustrate the map as well!
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marrijaydeboo · 2 years
what iiiiiiif reader was left behind in the boiling isles and when hunter comes back with the others they just TACKLE HIM TO THE GROUND with a hug and is confused why flapjack is not with him
( im still heartbroken :( )
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S3 Hunter x Reader!
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A/N: Ik I said season 3 Hunter but I like this scene okay?
Also anon, I didn't write them going to the boiling isles bc we have no idea what it's like on the other side so I'm sorry if you don't like this
Warning/s: Spoilers, mentions of injuries
!NOT Proofread and will go through editing later!
╭┈──── ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ -𓅪
It's been so long since you last saw your friends and was forced to hide away from The Collector.
If you were a human then it'd be a miracle that you were still alive all by yourself.
"Y/N! King!" Luz cried You were running towards the door that leads to the human realm, you were almost there but before you knew it the door slammed shut leaving you with The Child of Stars "Luz! Belos-!" slam.
You have no idea how you ran away from them. You forgot.
While hiding away from the most chaotic child you've ever seen you also practiced your glyph magic and make new combos
If you were a witch you also made combos and got random old grimoires, textbooks, and notebooks near the Hexsides area and study their contents
Maybe find a location where there's a stash of Titan blood and rebuild a door somehow?
Whilst practicing your skills in an open area you felt a breeze from behind, you thought it was just wind from a spell you were practicing but when you turned around it was a portal, you quickly hid from the nearest tree and you couldn't believe it. It was Belos. I thought Collector killed him?? You thought.
You walked towards the portal and observed, it looked exactly like the portal to get to the human realm and you remembered,
"Luz Belos is-!" slam
No, no, no, no, no, ,no.
"Belos! Some of his parts dropped on Hunter's shoulder!" You opened the door and it didn't have its portal. The Collector giggled from behind, "too slow!"
Which means, if Belos got out of that portal alive then your friends are there!..hopefully alive like him.
You went through the portal, your rubbed your eyes to adjust from the light inside. Not long enough you felt a cool breeze, you looked up at the sky, then to your feet, it was an autumn leaf a crunchy one infact 😩
"Y/N?" You heard a familiar voice, "Luz?", you saw her and the whole group. They look just as messed up as when they left you.
What concerned you more was Hunter, He looked worse. "Hunter?" You felt your voice crack. Almost immediately he stood up from the ground, trying to run towards you.
You sprinted and embraced him, lifting him in the air. You and Hunter were sobbing but also laughing. Everything felt like a dream, it was all too much You felt your knees weaken and you lost your balance, making you fall on top of him, you apologized sitting up.
(I hope y'all can see what I'm seeing/writing 😭)
(@tokosparrow giggles this is the part I hope you like it )
"I can't believe it! It's you!" You held his face while failing in trying NOT to cry. His old scar was larger than the one he had before, "what happened? Where's Flapjack?" he avoided eye contact, "I'm sorry" he breathed out. "I messed up."
You were confused, you thought Belos did this. Why is Hunter apologizing?
He told you everything in a quick summary, You placed an arm behind his back rubbing circles. "Hey, Belos possessing you is not your fault." you looked behind you to see everyone, "I've got a few ideas." Hunter looked at you with curiosity, "huh?"
"First idea, Everyone! Group hug Hunter!" and in a blink of an eye everyone was around Hunter
You all let go of him after he felt a but better, "next idea is to save Eda and everyone else!" Amity looked at you as if it was a dumb idea, "Wait, you aren't with Eda and the others?"
"How did you escape The Collector?!"
"Nope! Been living in some dump for months."
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princess-unipeg · 1 year
On Legacy and Memory
As we say goodbye to The Owl House gang, for now at least, let us consider how we remember history and those who left behind a legacy.
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Philip Wittebane is someone is presented with delusions of grandeur. He prides himself as above those he deemed monstrous. The kinda beings he was taught to hate by the time period he came from. The toxic teachings of colonizers left him with a narrow world view of what was considered “right and wrong” and gave him a justification for the pain he has inflicted over the centuries.
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Philip became Belos and with his rule he could control all the witches and wipe them out in one foul swoop, earning him a title of General Witch Hunter. He was so stubborn in what he feels is his destiny to fulfill he refused to consider the possibility that the world he knew left him behind centuries ago. He wouldn’t be revered for his deeds. Rather he would be scorned at worst and mocked at best. The values he grew up with are no longer acceptable. The modern world views witch hunts as shameful chapters they would rather ignore. The average person wouldn’t even know a Witch Hunter General was a thing. Belos chose to be stuck in the past, lying to himself as this savior of humankind when he was certainly not. Just a petty human who refused to take responsibility for anything, especially his brother’s death.
No one really mourned him when he died. He didn’t even get a glorious death either. Not a grand destruction of visual design, no blasting of light, just a pitiful one caused by the natural environment of the very world he tried to destroy. Finished off by the son of the god he claimed to have spoken to and the 2 adults whose generation was the very first to suffer under his short reign.
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Over the course of 3 short years his influence and legacy slowly fades from memory as the Boiling Isles rebuilds anew.
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With The Emperor’s Coven abolished, the restricting sigils are no more and the buildings he held influence over are destroyed or repurposed. Even the only one to carry his original full human blood is longer influenced by his teachings.
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Hunter chooses to follow the path of witch rather then that of a witch hunter. Creating palisman and no longer capturing them for his uncle’s consumption. What’s really sticking it to his former uncle is that the legacy Hunter chooses to honor is that of the family of very witch who actively went against Belos.
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Not to mention how Flapjack’s the one to be revered and remembered by those he watched over. The Hexside gang even got matching tattoos in honor of this little guy. Not to mention how he’s immortalized by the gravestone that resides in the now vitalized palistrom forest. The very symbol of Caleb and Evelyn’s love lives on while Belos is slowly being forgotten as forgotten folklore.
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Belos didn’t get to tell his story. The Collector was able too and gets sympathized by the heroes. Philip wouldn’t have gotten the same thing since he’s a manipulative liar. Even to himself. The legacy of Flapjack triumphs over Belos.
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