#new spinjitzu
boomfam · 9 months
Sora x Arin ship name poll:
Let me make this clear, I don't actually ship them (not in the slightest actually) BUT I do think that they still deserve a proper ship name. SO, here are the options:
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kindaasrikal · 3 months
Something something Lloyd affectionately biting people cause Oni are known cannibalists and he can’t help it so it became a sign of affection until after the whole crystallised situation happened he has a panic attack and freaks out and bites a bloody chunk out of Wu’s hand. And in the complete silence of a frozen group of ninjas with a horrified Lloyd held by an equally horrified Cole, Wu pulls a batman and goes “Hm.” The skin between his pointer and thumb laying on the ground.
Turns out, Wu has an identical bite scar his opposite hand from Garmadon.
He also has one on his forearm from a wild Misako. Don’t ask why, she’ll say self defence, but he says it’s from a wild animal attack.
Edit: it runs in the family (Wu used to bite the Fsm and once accidentally bit Morro, who was so baffled he just bit back???)
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spinjitsuburst · 6 months
watching secrets of the forbidden spinjitzu while i get some stuff done and i like to think wu's overly harsh vibe at the beginning of the season is him trying to reclaim SOME sense of authority after his ninja literally had to raiSE HIM FROM A CHILD GFDHKJGKJ
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grilledcheese-savage · 5 months
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@emperor-pavoom as much as I love cyber-punk Tox… I’m okay with the new punk Mohawk Tox 😁
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bebackthen · 4 months
its still raining, why is it still raining?
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woffles-4-waffles · 1 year
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For one of my classes we had to create a children’s book cover so decided to draw the yet to be released Tea Time Terror with my own spin!! I’d like to thank @franticbreadtelephone for the writing!
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icy-watch · 9 months
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Child, WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!
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So in the first part of the Pilots, Cole, Zane, and Jay are no where to be seen while Kai’s training. We actually see them show up up at the end of the first part.
But we never actually learn what they’re doing while off screen. And depending on how long it’s been since Wu left and returned and Kai trained it could be a few days to probably a week a most.
Now here’s the thing, in the first episode we meet Lloyd. And the first thing Cole says is
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Again. Now, Lloyd has already announced himself to the town so we don’t know if they already knew his name beforehand or not
But Cole is the one to say that Lloyd is Garmadon’s son and that he 1) went to a boarding school for bad boys and 2) that’s he’s escaped before
So what if the mission the three of them were on in the pilots was making sure Lloyd got back to Darkly’s after escaping previously?
(Also without Dragons or vehicles its possible for their journey to take them multiple days if they’re on foot.)
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mxshmxsh · 3 months
Part two:
I could make art of this, but didn't so do feel free to.
FSM: It's pride month you know what to do
Garms: Huh what
Garms: What do you want me to do- like be gay for a news reporter or what
Part one // Part two
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ravenrambles6229 · 6 months
dragons rising really went "so what if we fucking nail every character and make every character fucking rule and introduce a bunch of new characters and oh here's kai just getting the best characterization in years/fucking ever. like man kai deserves some time so let's just make him the best. here's all the depth to kai that you've been imagining for the past decade. just for you" and then i'm supposed to be normal about it
also the fact that he made this big sacrifice, telling bonsel to close the portal, and nobody even gets to know he willingly sacrificed himself this time. cuz they couldn't hear him.
oh and here's a kai and nya kid flashback go cry about it
last season we had a kid lloyd flashback. any bets on kid jay, cole, or newly built zane flashbacks?
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kassycreations · 1 year
Brad Tudabone, Echo Julien and Akita are all like “I love my partner.” And their partners are horrors beyond mankind’s comprehension
(This post is about citrus, greenflower and jadewolf)
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parachutingkitten · 10 months
No actually, time can't pass differently in the never realm.
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Sorry Doc, but now that you're the one making lore tweets, you get the prolonged tumblr rants from me.
To be fair, he does seem to be handling things in a way I much prefer to tommy. Cryptic self deprecation at a (maybe?) mistake is always a better look than doubling down, so this is all incredibly light hearted, but here we go:
If time does in fact work differently, then I have to assume that means time is moving more quickly in the never realm. Zane gets sent to the Never-Realm, and in the time it takes for the ninja to follow, sixty years passes in the never. Great.
In show it seems like it takes maybe a day or two for the ninja to realize what's happened and follow after him. For some easy math, let's just round it out to about 6 days, meaning that each day in ninjago is a decade in the never.
Problem is, we see pix and wu waiting for the ninja to return. We have at least 2 incidents in ninjago taking place on separate days (The Absolute Worst and Kaiju Protocol), meaning at minimum, the ninja are gone for 2 days ninjago time, which would imply the ninja were in the never realm for 2 whole decades which... can not be true.
So, maybe I did some estimating wrong. What if it took the ninja a solid month to grieve their loss, and then realized there was hope and go after Zane? That takes the ratio down to about 2 years in the never for every ninjago day. 4 years is still an insanely long time which does not map up to what we see in the never realm. In MotM, the ninja refer to this and other missions as all happening within the span of "weeks", implying that not only do all these missions happen immediately back to back, but that their time in the never realm was no more than a couple weeks. Now, they may be referring to the time that passed in Ninjago alone, but the way it's phrased seems to imply the time experienced by the ninja themselves. It's phrased as a reminder that they haven't been home in a while, which they obviously wouldn't need to be reminded of, if they had spent more than a month or so away, nevermind 4 years.
But say that we assume the never adventure took place over the course of a full month in never time, the most I am willing to conceed before later statements don't make sense. That leaves us with a 1/15 ratio, meaning the gap between Zane being blasted away, and the ninja following after him is 4 years. That... can not be true. There is no chance it took Wu 4 years to go and visit aspheera for the first time. There is no way everyone looks the same, the team hasn't split up, and Pixal just happens to still be having plot relevant nightmares. There is no way the time skip between episodes 14 and 15 of season 11 is 4 times as long as between seasons 14 and 15.
All of this is not to mention, we're still using our extremely conservative estimate of the ninja being gone for 2 days ninjago time, which not only assumes that the absolute worst and Kaiju Protocol happen back to back, but also that the news broke to the papers that the ninja had left, it was printed, and a paper was discarded close enough to blow over prison walls, in less than a day.
So, unless "time passed differently" means that time literally started passing differently when the ninja entered into the realm, normalizing it to ninjago time... I do not see what this could possibly mean. We see a montage of time passing in episode 17 that shows us a day in the never is just about as long as we would expect, if not maybe longer. The only way I can think that this might make sense is if people in the never realm refer to a day as a year- meaning Zane was corrupted for maybe 2 months max. And that kinda undercuts the drama a bit, don't it?
Btw, any way you slice it, formlings definitely age differently. Akita's tribe gets frozen as winter comes to the never realm, when she's a child, and 60 years later, she is a teenager seeking revenge. Which for those who care (me, I'm saying this for me), means if you like the 'Lloyd has life extending Oni blood like his dad' HC, Akita may be a decent choice to ship.
I do appreciate his attempts to make this the canon answer, as it does feel less stupid than the time travel thing. The 60 year blast from tommy feels inherently random and without purpose, and so comes across as a plot hole filler more than anything else. Unfortunately, this explanation is pretty impossible unless you want to introduce some MAJOR time skips to the timeline, or change the 60 year timeframe all together.
Anyway, the consistent time difference is impossible, and Akita has a very long expected life span. Unless they explicitly decide to kill her off, there is no reason to believe she is dead.
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
Wu hc he is the type to see a random animal and be like “can we take it home”. Ever since birth. Every dragon ever is his animal friend. Like all the guardian dragons and then the core dragons. He’s a crazy dragon lady man. He also has the feral chicken. And he adopted the most rowdy of animals. The ninja.
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nyaskitten · 2 years
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Here are my concept designs for "The Stone Wars" prequel idea that's been spinjitzu-ing in my brain since yesterday
ID's under the cut instead of on the images now because holy shit they're not very usable on the actual images. (ALSO they're long as FUCK!! I tested with like, a v standard, basic screen reader and it took 4 minutes and 30 seconds???)
also please reblog this took a lot of time and I hate how the Stone Warriors came out (aside from Kozu kinda, his head is too big tho) :(
The first image depicts the Lego Ninjago villain known as "the Overlord" in his "first form". He is seen with four arms, all in varying forms of motion. He has black skin, with several golden markings. He also has four legs, akin to that of his "centaur form" from Ninjago Crystalized. He has a very long, purple loincloth, and he wears grey and gold thigh guards, as well as grey and gold bracelets. He has a long tail with a large tuft of fur at the end, and two sets of horns, one reddish-pink, one white. He also has very messy hair, akin to a mane. The text on the image reads (from left to right) "Overlord's 1st form", "Retractable(?) claws", "2 sets of horns", "Thighs/wrist armor similar to Stone Warriors", and "left hind leg".
The second image features "The First Spinjitzu Master", whose name is abbreviated on the canvas as "FSM". He wears a dark sandy colored gi, with yellow lines on the left, and purple on the right. He wears a golden belt, and black pants. The inner side of the pants has one purple streak and one gold streak. On his arms he wears golden wrapping, and on his calfs to his shins, he wears a darker sand color, with brown shoes. He has a long, golden tail with fluffy parts. His hair is brown and sandy, with a sandy spot in the brown. He also wears a dark-sandy conical hat, and has a braid wrapped with gold.
He has four arms surrounding his body, all floating, separated from himself. The text reads (from left-to-right); "FSM - Post-Soul Split", "Floaty arms", "His gi still has purple, only changes AFTER he beats the Overlord", and "Dragon horns not grown".
The third, and final image depicts four members of the "Stone Army", those being "Kozu", "Stone Warrior", "Stone Swordsman", and "Stone Scout".
Kozu is a large, bulky warrior dressed in red armor, with black sleeves, and red bracelets lined with silver. He wears a dark red belt around his waist, and two sets of thigh guards for each leg, red and silver. He also has armor similar to a loincloth. On his breastplate is a silver medallion with a green gemstone, and a few spikes. He wears a black samurai helmet, (meant to depict the Helmet of Shadows) with a silver mantle. He also wears a red mask, and has green eyes, white "skin", and red markings on his face. He also has red and silver boots.
The Stone Warrior wears red and silver armor like Kozu's however his arms are solely red, with black hands. He has similar thigh guards to Kozu's, and he wears a black samurai helmet, with red horns on them. On his chest is a grey medallion with a green gemstone. His skin is black, and he has green eyes and red markings on his face. He also has red and silver boots.
The Stone Swordsman has a red and silver breastplate, and plated armor that's colored dark gray underneath. He has a dark red belt, and much simpler thigh armor than Kozu and the Stone Warrior's. He wears one pauldron on his right arm, with a few spikes sticking out. He lacks armor on his arms, and instead shows his yellow markings on his black skin. On his chest is a grey medallion with a green gemstone. He wears a red conical hat and a dark gray samurai mask over his mouth. He also has red and silver boots.
Lastly, the Stone Scout is much shorter than the other soldiers, sporting a red conical hat, an archer's arrow holder on his back, a shoulder pad on his right shoulder, a right arm with minimal armor, and a left arm covered in armor. He has a dark red belt, red and silver armor all over his torso, and thigh guards. Unlike his fellow soldiers, he lacks any footwear. On his chest is a grey medallion with a green gemstone. He also has black skin, green eyes, and blue markings./ end id ]
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elizabethrzg · 2 years
all im saying is the childhood friends Cole and Jay hc is incredibly great but its even better and writes itself when you consider the facts:
Jay very clearly was bullied when he was younger (his whole not good bc he was raised in a junkyard and insecurities and all of that) 
Cole canonically got in trouble because he fought a bully at school as a kid
Look all I’m saying is these two details add up and I am so insane over the fact this writes itself and i have so many thoughts abt what this hc means for their friendship
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i really hope that after the devour died the fsm took her soul and cleansed it so she could rest in the grasslands and be there with him and wait for genesis to join them one day and maybe lloyd if he eventually goes there
It be like-
FSM: So. Have you been taking care of my dragon?
Lloyd: Have you been taking care of my snake????
. . .
But no I love this idea and am absorbing it into my psyche immediately
Just imagine the reunion ;w;)/
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