#Wu had deal with a group of panicking Ninja AND a crying Lloyd after
kindaasrikal · 3 months
Something something Lloyd affectionately biting people cause Oni are known cannibalists and he can’t help it so it became a sign of affection until after the whole crystallised situation happened he has a panic attack and freaks out and bites a bloody chunk out of Wu’s hand. And in the complete silence of a frozen group of ninjas with a horrified Lloyd held by an equally horrified Cole, Wu pulls a batman and goes “Hm.” The skin between his pointer and thumb laying on the ground.
Turns out, Wu has an identical bite scar his opposite hand from Garmadon.
He also has one on his forearm from a wild Misako. Don’t ask why, she’ll say self defence, but he says it’s from a wild animal attack.
Edit: it runs in the family (Wu used to bite the Fsm and once accidentally bit Morro, who was so baffled he just bit back???)
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Kairro AU where Ray and Maya decide to use the Reversal Blade on Kairro after the end of s7 to get their son back
What is coherent timeline???
You know what? This is happening after the last prompt shot
Nya had blasted him with enough water to drown a small town. It forced Morro out, but Kai screamed so much more than last time. Physically Kai was a lot better, but something was wrong this time.
He staggered and gaped, gripping his chest like it was in pain. He was crying, but they were ready for that part, it was his expression that caused them to flock to him. He was in absolute anguish.
Kai kept trying to push them all away, he wasn’t as weak as he was last time, so it was harder to restraint him. By the time they got a crazed and panicking Kai under control, Morro had already snuck off, ready to try and take Kai away from them another day.
Kai’s breathes were coming in unevenly and his eyes were glassy.
Lloyd came forward and put his face right in front of Kai’s, forcing him to look him in the eyes.
“Kai? Kai it’s me. It’s Lloyd. Are you there?” He asked urgently.
“I.....” Kai gasped. “I....we.....I......where? Where is....where am I?”
“You’re safe.” Nya explained. 
“No....no...” Kai said, shaking his head. “Where’s we? Us? Me?”
He stared at them pleadingly.
“Morro is gone.” Zane said.
“Not....not Morro...me.....I.....I’m.....” Kai muttered. “Me....us....me?”
“This is worse than last time.” Cole pointed out.
“Kairro was....he was talking about himself in first person.” Lloyd said, biting his lip. “I thought I got Kai to push back a little but...”
They all looked at Kai, who was frantically looking around for his missing piece.
“It wasn’t enough.” Cole said sadly.
“Here we go again.” Nya sighed.
She just hopped there was still something of her brother to help recover this time.
After Kai got passed the confusion, he hit the withdrawal hard. He fought and screamed for them to give Morro back while they tried to force food and water into him.
Wu gave him a very wide berth, knowing that Kai would try to hurt him if he saw him.
His parents came to try and help take care of him and were horrified.
“This was what he was like?” Maya asked.
“I mean it wasn’t as bad and he wasn’t as strong, but pretty much.” Nya sighed.
“What do you mean he wasn’t as strong?” she asked while she petted his hair.
Kai was currently sedated.
“I mean the being possessed put a lot of strain on his body, but since he and Morro were already....mixed” Nya said the word with disgust “It wasn’t as physically taxing this time.”
“That’s good at least.” Maya said.
“Not really. It also means that the bleed over continued at a faster rate.” Nya said sadly, starring at a cup of water. “We probably lost a lot more of him this time.” 
Nya wasn’t looking forward to any more “I should’ve been the green ninja” behavior, or the ruthless competitiveness that she knew didn’t belong to her brother. She hated watching her brother become spiteful when she knew he wasn’t supposed to be the type to hold onto hate like that.
“Is there anything we can do?” Maya asked, teary eyed herself.
Nya shook her head gently.
“You can’t unmix inks.” she said, quoting what Wu had told her when she had asked the same question early on. “You’d need some magic undo button for that.”
Maya stood up sharply.
“So be it!” she said, with a fire in her eyes that Nya had always thought Kai got from their father.
“What are you-”
She was out the door before Nya could finish her question.
“The reversal blade?” Lloyd asked.
“It could work, right?” Ray asked.
“Well...” Nya said
“Theoretically, it is possible.” Zane said. “But there’s no telling what it’ll do to him.”
“We can’t just leave him as is.” Maya said passionately.
“It’s worth a shot.” Cole shrugged.
If Morro had a beating heart, it would’ve stopped. They were going to pull him out of his other half! He’d go back to how he was before.
He couldn’t! He wouldn’t let them!
He was originally planning on waiting until he had an opening to get to Kai, but he didn’t have time. He had to take action!
Jay had been in the kitchen since it was his night to cook. Morro took him.
He fought him and Morro hated the feeling of it. He hated being in Jay’s body, he hated listening to his prattling thoughts that were sort of endearing. Morro didn’t hate Jay, just being in his body. Jay was his friend, er, well Kai’s friend. Oh, what difference did it make!?
“A LOT!” screamed Jay’s thoughts. Morro pushed him down. He just needed to deal with that reversal blade and then he could get out.
“Guys! Stop!” Morro yelled, using Jay’s voice.
“Jay? What is it?” Nya asked.
He’d managed to stop them before he got to Kai, good. He’d have to do something about precious Nya before he could do any fighting. She could force him out at any time. So, he’d have to play the role.
“What are you doing!?” He asked
They explained their plan to use the reversal blade on Kai.
“But what if it hurts him?” Morro asked desperately. “Maybe we should think this through more before we do anything drastic.”
He didn’t know what his plan was long term. He just needed to stall them until he thought of one. Maybe if he could get them to put it down, he could steal it and hide it where they’d never find it?
“Jay, what else can we do? You know Kai is getting worse. If Morro does this any more times, we might not have any more of Kai to get back.” Nya said with tears in her eyes.
Morro didn’t want her to cry. she’d stop crying when it was a reality and they had to accept him and Kai as one person. Then she’s be his little sister and have to love him like she loved Kai.
“But we don’t want him anymore hurt than he already is!” Morro said.
Nya teetered with the rest of the group, debating if they should wait or not.
Jay gave a very unexpected push at that moment.
Eyes went wide and they took a step back.
“DAMN IT!” Morro swore in his own voice.
Nya was already reeling up, better get out before he had to deal with that. Morro left Jay’s body and frantically pushed passed, trying to get to Kai before they did.
The race was on, the whole group tore down the hall to Kai’s room.
Kai didn’t have time to register that Morro had found him before the door burst open and a furious Nya sprayed down the room like a water hose.
“DON’T YOU DARE!” she screamed.
Kai coughed up water and started to voice his protest when his father stepped forward with a timeblade on his arm. He used it on Kai, and everything started spinning.
Kai felt his soul shift and move. He felt a lot lighter as things evaporated, but stronger and things grew and came back. Like coming into a room full of old friends, while taking off weights he’d long since forgotten he was carrying.
For the first time since the day Morro had first possessed him at the museum, Kai felt whole.
“WHAT DID YOU DO!?!?!?” Morro screamed in rage.
Nya started throwing streams of water at him before he could make any attacks though.
“This isn’t over. This isn’t over!” Morro roared as he disappeared.
“Kai?” Nya turned and asked.
“I’m....I’m me! just me!” Kai said, breaking out into a grin “He’s not here! And I don’t miss him!”
Nya shuddered with relief and collapsed.
Kai tried to run over to her but was still restrained.
The all laughed.
That got long. I’m sorry for that. But I’m also sort of proud of it?
(No Editing, we die like men)
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00fairylights00 · 7 years
I’ll Be Fine
This story is from my Wattpad, I thought there wasn’t enough love for this soft boi so I wrote this pile of fluff
Pairing: Sick!Lloyd x Reader
Word Count: 4,147
Warnings: None
Story Type: mainly fluff tiny bits of angst sprinkled throughout 
Key: (A/S/A) - After School Activity
I thought it would be good to mention that this is set after the events of the movie
I put it under the cut because it’s over 4000 words
I stood in shock and slight worry as Lloyd snapped at Kai again, I leaned over to Cole and whispered precariously,
“That’s the fourth time today.” Cole nodded slowly in affirmation.
Lloyd’s breathing was irregular and there was something going on underneath the surface that none of us were able to see, even Zane’s high tech scanners couldn’t detect what was wrong with him.
The boy in green had been in a bad mood since he woke up only to be teased by Kai when they met up in the front hall, the joke that left Kai’s lips at twenty past eight this morning did not have as a good a reaction as he had hoped, a harmless,
“Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” and Lloyd was yelling obscenities for all of the school to hear, another couple passing remarks made at morning break by students he didn’t know had him yelling the first time and had us holding him down the second time.
This behaviour was very unlike Lloyd, he was usually a happy-go-lucky kid save for some teen angst moments but we all have those, this Lloyd was different.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this angry,” Cole stated as we trailed behind the group to the cafeteria.
“I mean when he was fighting his dad he was pretty volatile but he hasn’t been in this kind of mood for a while.” Cole continued.
“I hope he’s okay.” I added, “I would ask but he’s brushed me off every time.” and it’s true I had asked three times if he was feeling okay and he’d brushed me off saying he was just tired or he didn’t want to talk about it, He was being very cold.
We walked into the cafeteria and the room fell deathly quiet, we all walked in silence waiting for something to happen or someone to speak and that’s when it happened, Lloyd stopped turned around and yelled full force at the kids we’d passed,
“Don’t you have anything better to do, quit staring!” This was very weird, ‘maybe Lloyd is possessed or something?’ I thought but quickly discarded my idea when I saw him curl his head into his arms once he sat down.
I caught up with everyone at the table, Nya, Jay and Kai having gone off to join the lunch line, I took a seat next to Lloyd who was slumped onto the table, I thought he had fallen asleep again, considering in two of the classes he had with me he’d just fallen asleep and to add to that, the falling asleep in class thing was becoming more and more frequent which worried me, he’d been doing it for two weeks now. I ran a hand through his blond locks and a low hum resonated from the back of his throat.
Unaware to us Lloyd was keeping his head down because he couldn’t handle the light and sound all at once, he was dizzy but he didn’t want to show off that weakness.
He lifted his head to me and gave a small smile at my attempts to comfort him to which I smiled back, his glossy eyes darted to my wrist where I had a multitude of different coloured hair ties, He cleared his throat,
“Hey, could I borrow a hair tie?” I almost didn’t hear him but I got the idea of what he wanted by where his finger was pointing,
“Yeah, sure.” I hurriedly exclaimed as I passed him a blue hair tie.
He slowly bunched all of his hair in one hand and tried to tie it away for it to only fall out to which he would huff angrily and try again, quite honestly seeing him repeat this action three times just pissed me off so I leaned forward and plucked the hair tie out of his fingers and got to work tying it back.
Once happy with my work I let out a satisfied sigh and lay a light kiss to the exposed skin of his temple, only to reel back in surprise as I felt how hot his skin was,
“Hey, are you feeling alright?” I asked quietly.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” He was lying through his teeth and he knew I could tell.
“Oh! I don’t know, maybe because you’re burning up with a fever, Lloyd you aren’t well you should go home.” I exclaimed as I started to pack up my things to take him to the office so he could phone home, only for him to lay his hand on my wrist, stopping my actions. It was like his body was on fire.
“Don’t worry about it (Y/N), I’ve got to go to the library and I’ll be there for last period anyway, and it’s Friday! Win-win right?” He tried his best to get me to believe that he would be okay. I wasn’t buying it.
“I’ll come with you!” I stated defiantly only for him to shut me down again.
“No no, that’s fine, I’ll be fine. I’ll see you after school yeah?” He asked as he stood shakily, I wanted so badly to go with him but from the way he had been behaving I thought it best to let him have his space, I sighed dejectedly.
“Okay, but take it easy alright?” He smirked at me and drew a cross over his heart.
“I promise.” He kissed the top of my head and said his goodbye’s, before he left a thought crossed my mind,
“Lloyd!” I yelled as I bounded toward him, he looked at me questionably quirking an eyebrow as his lips drew into a smile.
“I’ve got a (A/S/A) meeting after school, it’ll take fifteen minutes so I won’t be able to walk home with you,” I explained.
“I’ll wait, fifteen minutes should be fine.” He said shifting his weight between his feet.
“No, you should go home and-” He cut me off with a hand to my shoulder
“(Y/N), it’s seriously fine, I can wait.” he gave me a little-lopsided grin that I couldn’t ever say no to, damn he’s crafty, I embraced him and gave him a kiss on the cheek letting him leave but only afterwards could I feel just how much heat his body was radiating in the late spring weather.
Lloyd sat in a beanbag at the back of the library, desperately trying to focus on the book his class had been set for English, or well he was desperately trying to focus on staying awake, lucky for him he didn’t have as much sensory overload here, the library was quiet save for the hushed voices of students talking to themselves about different notes for exams and the sound of muted footsteps on the carpeted floor.
It was tranquil.
Unlike the past month he’d lived through, within in the span of four weeks Lloyd had fought his father, unleashed a monster into Ninjago City, forgiven his father, revealed his secret identity as the green ninja, helped his Dad move into an apartment a couple of blocks away from where he and his Mum are living, became used to his Dad being around a lot more, has been getting ready for end of year exams and to top all that off, Sensei Wu’s training sessions were becoming more frequent and arduous, sometimes not ending until the late hours of the night, although Lloyd would walk the long way home so he was at fault for not getting to bed until two or three in the morning when training had finished around eleven.
He checked his phone for the time and saw that there were a couple of minutes till the final bell and watched as most of his class was already waiting by the double doors, itching to leave and just waste the weekend away.
Lloyd shut his book and stood up slowly, being careful not to trigger any kind of head rush or dizziness although that was spoiled as the bell cut through the silence, screaming loudly to let the students and teachers know that the day is over.
‘Had the bell always been that loud?’ Lloyd wondered as his headache set back in, the pounding sound of blood rushing through his ears made the teen groan and push the heels of his palms into his eyes, he slung his bag over his shoulder haphazardly and weakly pushed his way out of the school not stopping at his locker or looking for his friends, he felt miserable and wanted nothing more to just cuddle up somewhere and sleep so he started his ten minute trek home completely forgetting his prior engagements.
He had made it home.
In one piece was arguable.
He unlocked the door coughing and spluttering as he let the silence of the empty apartment greet him, he dropped his bag at the door and stumbled into the small kitchen kicking his shoes off, not caring where they ended up.
He shuffles into the living room collapsing in a heap on the sofa, his body screaming at him to stop moving as a dull ache and burn starts to set in, he sits up to reach for a thin blanket that’s thrown over the back of the sofa and cuddles up in it, the movement is too much for his body to handle and he feels like he’s going to scream, cry and vomit all at the same time, the poor boy was so distressed and fatigued that he was still dressed in his hoodie and jeans.
He starts to wish someone was here with him, just to tell him that he’ll be fine but he pushes that thought out of his already too loud brain and says to himself that he is sixteen and he can deal with a little headache, nothing a little sleep can’t fix.
He was wrong.
So very wrong.
I looked at my phone again, frantic to leave the classroom.
The meeting had just passed the thirty-minute mark and I was starting to panic, I hope that Lloyd is okay, I’d already sent him a couple of texts, each gaining no response.
My instructors finally dismissed everyone and I was already sprinting out the door and down the hallway, only to find the usual bench that Lloyd would wait for me at empty, my heart dropped a little at the fact that he wasn’t there and that I panicked for nothing but I was also happy that he had gone home and just to be sure that he had, I called him.
When Lloyd didn’t pick up that familiar worry set back in, I called a couple more times to be greeted with a pre-recorded message so I decided to call our friends although each one of them said the same thing, none of them had last period with him and none of them had seen him when school was over.
I wasn’t necessarily sure why I was panicking, I mean it’s completely plausible that he walked home but I guess knowing that he’s sick makes my brain panic., I started walking home.
In a stroke of cliché luck, we both live in the same apartment complex and that’s how we met, we met two years ago. I used the fire escape to get to the roof or just go down a little and watch the cars and city lights but because of how old the fire escape was and the times of day I would use it, the creaking metal got a certain blond boy curious.
It was about six or seven in the evening and I was out on the fire escape, I’d been softly singing a tune when I heard a window a couple of floors below me slid open, a boy of the age of fourteen poked his head out and the rest is history. It’s not as romantic or eventful to say out loud but that encounter means a lot to me.
By the time I had reached the complex door I had sent thirteen messages and left about six voicemails, all with no response, I bolted through the doors and up the emergency stairs all the way to the eighth floor I shoved my key into my front door and threw my bag into the living area startling my mother,
“What’s all this about?” She asks placing her coffee mug down and coming over to me,
“Lloyd has a fever and he said he was gonna wait after school for me even though my meeting went over time and he won’t pick up his phone and I’m worried and-” I spoke fast, loud and with almost no breaks for air,
“Okay calm down, just breathe a second. Go put your bag in your room and then go and see if he’s home if he isn't come back here and I’ll call his mother alright?” My mum explained, steady and calm, which helped my breathing I nodded my head and moved to grab my bag once I’d done what she asked I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went down to the sixth floor.
I knocked on the door to be greeted by Koko, Lloyd’s mother, she invited me in and went back to stirring a pot on the stove,
“Do you need any help?” I asked and she declined I stood awkwardly for a few seconds and then moved to the living area where Garmadon was sitting on the sofa looking down with a worried expression on his face, I heard a small sniffle come from the sofa and moved around it to see Lloyd cuddled in a blanket shivering uncontrollably,
“Oh god,” I spoke lowly trying not wake him and turned to Garmadon, he held an expression I wasn’t aware he could make, he wore a worried frown and his eyebrows were creased in almost frustration, he looked up at me but his gaze was drawn back to his son when we heard him sneeze harshly and cough into his fist, Lloyd curled in on himself more becoming a small cocoon of blankets and body. It was sad to watch him like this.
Garmadon excused himself saying he was going to see if he could find some things to help the poor kid which left me looking over Lloyd’s frail form, his face was screwed up and frowning and the hood of his jersey was pulled up over his hair. I pulled back carefully and ran my hands through his shaggy blond mop.
I realized that my hair tie was still in his hair, barely holding all of his shaggy locks out of his face, the bits that had fallen out were curled in waves. I took the hair tie out and I noticed that a lot of his hair had gone wavy, something that only happened when he let it dry naturally, and considering he was still in his hoodie and jeans he was probably too hot and started to sweat, poor boy.
I placed the back of my hand against his forehead and it was still boiling hot, Koko walked silently into the room with Garmadon trailing not far behind, Koko knelt down beside me while Garmadon sat in one of the armchairs beside the sofa Lloyd had passed out on.
“I walked in and the lights were off,” Koko started, “and I saw his shoes on the floor and I always tell him to take them off before he comes inside,” She sighs emphasizing the before,
“I came in here and he was just lying on the sofa, running a fever and coughing and sneezing and god, I feel so bad, I should have kept him home today it’s- I just knew something was wrong-” I cut her off,
“Don’t blame yourself, he kept saying he was fine so I couldn’t get him to go home either.” I sighed inwardly at Lloyd’s poorly state, flushed cheeks, messy hair and shivering like he was caught in a snowstorm.
Koko asked me to wake him up so he could eat something and I nodded as she walked away to dish up some soup.
I put my hand on his flushed cheek and started rubbing my thumb back and forth in an attempt to rouse him from his sleep, when that didn’t work I started talking to him in a soft voice, whenever Lloyd was feeling sad or under the weather I would talk in a soft voice and it seemed to help a bit,
“Lloyd,” I whispered,
“Mmm.” He grumbled out, still hanging onto the edges of sleep,
“Hey, Honey?” I asked quietly,
“Yeah?” His voice sounded like he’d swallowed glass,
“Love, I need you to open your eyes for me, can you do that?” I asked, Lloyd groaned and that sent him into a coughing fit,
“Let me see those bright eyes, huh?” Lloyd’s lids lifted slowly to show off bleary green orbs,
“Hi there.” I was still talking softly,
“Hi…” His voice was really small,
“Hi.” I giggled threading my fingers through his curly locks again, he hummed in response and closed his eyes,
“Hey Love, I need you to sit up.” He sniffled but obliged to my request, I held his arms to steady him.
I sat in between him and the arm of the sofa letting him rest his head on my shoulder, I fixed the blanket around him as Koko walked in with a bowl of soup he looked up and gave a weak smile to his Mum taking the bowl with shaky hands and placing it in his lap.
“Thanks, Mum.” His voice was barely above a whisper as he started eating the food slowly, I wrapped my arm around his back and ran my hand up and down his arm, when Lloyd sneezed again Garmadon handed him a tissue to which he looked at his dad and warmly smiled. He had another couple of spoonful’s of soup and then lay his head back in the crook of my neck, still feeling how hot he was I stood up and let him lean against his dad, I took the bowl from Lloyd’s trembling hands and Koko offered to take it from me with a wordless glance, I smiled in return.
“Lloyd I need you sit up straight.” I took a hold of his hands and squeezed them,
“Garmadon could you help get his hoodie off?” He nods his head and helps Lloyd shed his jersey, the green material is discarded onto the floor, Lloyd’s grip on my hands tightens as he whines a little.
“My stomach hurts.” He states in a tiny pained voice, Garmadon leaves the room and comes back seconds later with a bottle in one hand, a packet of painkillers in the second and a glass of water in the third, he handed me the painkillers and water, keeping a hold on the brown glass bottle.
I placed the water down popping out two painkillers,
“Sunshine, will you be able to swallow these pills for me?” I asked cautiously, he nodded his head slowly and I handed him the two pills, he leant his head back and took the pills as I passed him the glass of water, he lifted his eyebrows at me in a thank you gesture before taking a couple of large gulps of water successfully swallowing the tablets.
He lay back on the sofa and I smiled at him, Garmadon cleared his throat gaining our attention as he passed Lloyd the brown bottle, he cleared his throat,
“It’s ginger ale, it’ll help with that sore stomach.” He trailed off but Lloyd smiled up at him with a look of admiration on his face,
“Thanks, Dad.” He said, his voice seemed to be returning to him. He took small sips out the bottle and Garmadon sat next to him on the sofa as Koko entered the room with their dinner, handing a bowl to Garmadon and taking a seat on the other side of Lloyd, a shrill and very familiar ringtone cut through the sweet silence as my pocket vibrated I looked at the caller ID, Mum.
“Shoot!” I yelped as I answered the phone moving into the kitchen,
“Hey, Mum.”
“Hi love, I need you to come home now before your dinner gets cold.”
“Okay, I’m coming now, will I be able to come back here afterwards?” I pressed and I heard my Mum breathe in as she contemplated my request,
“We’ll see alright, I’ll talk with your father once you get home.” I smiled and ended the call, poking my head around to the family explaining the situation to the family of three, while Garmadon and Koko understood and said their goodbye’s Lloyd looked sad,
“Are you gonna come back?” Lloyd asked softly,
“I don’t know,” I responded,
“I’ll talk to my parents and see if I can come back if you two aren’t against that,” I explained pointing at the two adults, both nodded their heads saying that it was fine if I came back and I smiled at Lloyd who sent a sheepish grin my way, I waved and was out the door and in the elevator within a matter of seconds.
One hour, that’s how long it took my parents to make a decision on whether or not I could go back down to Lloyd’s place.
My mum wasn’t hard to win over but my dad was, he always had some excuse for not letting me see Lloyd, even though he’s currently sick, at this point I was almost just thinking of sending my mum a text and going down the fire escape without proper permission, laying on my bed in a plain T-Shirt and some grey sweats.
I was opening my mum’s contact on my phone when she burst through the door, something she did on a regular occasion, which every time without fail would scare the living daylights out of me,
“Go.” She said excitedly, finally after an hour bargaining my mum had managed to convince my dad to let me go, I gave her a hug and yelled a goodbye to the both of them as I stepped out of my window onto the fire escape, I ran down the metal stairs finding my way to Lloyd’s window.
I looked into the room seeing only one light on which was keeping the room dark, Lloyd was sitting on his bed as his mum gave him a kiss goodnight, I felt a smile creep up my face at the sight. I knocked on the glass which had both their gazes lifted to me, I waved sheepishly as Koko strides over to slide the window open, she stepped away so I could enter,
“I thought you weren’t going to show up,” Lloyd spoke up, I chuckled at his childish antics,
“My parents weren’t really seeing eye-to-eye so it took a little longer than I’d hoped for.” He smiled at me and sat down on the bed next to the blond.
We both said goodnight and Koko left making sure to leave the door open just a crack, I turned to Lloyd who looked at me with sleepy eyes, the painkillers had obviously kicked in. His blond locks were damp again but for a different reason,
“Did you take a shower?” While it was an obvious answer I was still curious, he nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist and lent backwards into his bedsheets, I giggled as the weight of his arms pulled me back with him, when we were both laying back I rolled over and started to run my hands through his hair, those natural curly locks showing themselves once again, he groaned and I pulled my hand away only for him to whine and look up at me with bleary eyes,
“What?” I questioned softly,
“Keep doing that.” He stated as he grabbed my wrist and placed my hand on top of his head, I replied by scratching at his head lightly which had him smiling from ear to ear, he hummed pleasantly and opened his eyes to me again,
“Sorry for being so mean today.” He apologized, he was half awake at this point with the calm warmth of the room, the medications relaxing effects and my hand in his hair he was finding it harder to stay awake,
“Don’t worry about it, I just wish you’d told me about it. I could’ve helped sooner.” I kissed his temple as he drifted in and out of consciousness,
“I’ll keep that in mind for next time,” he responded sleepily as I threaded my fingers through his hair slowly,
“Goodnight sunshine,” I whispered as he wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head into the crook of my neck,
“Night…” He mumbled into my skin as we both drifted into sleep.
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