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bewareofdeaddove · 1 year ago
Once you start harassing people over their tastes in fiction, you've gone too far.
You should not be sending anon hate.
You should not be telling people to kill themselves.
You should not be contacting people's family members, job, or school.
You should not be sending people gore.
You should not be telling people that they deserve their trauma.
You should not be attacking people over liking something fictional. At that point, you're the problem. Not the person making things you don't like, YOU. Harassment is never acceptable.
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tamarahtalkstv · 4 months ago
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“I Just Fixed Their Art—“
No, No, No. You Defaced It. Use Big Words Art Theft.
Don’t You Dare Hide Behind Wanting To Help SA Victims.
If Anything You’re Hurting Them In A Way.
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demonic-shadowlucifer · 6 months ago
I was gonna wait for the poll to close to share this, but I think I've gotten enough results on that one to move on. I've chosen to make this into a full-on survey because I don't wanna spam this blog with polls lmfao. I also included the poll question in case anyone who answered wrong the first time can change that. Once again, you don't have to be associated with either side (or even identify as 'neutralship') to take this. This is an open discussion.
Additionally, I encourage yall to reblog so others can answer too!/nf
Once again, please be civil in the reblogs. Also, rude/inflammatory answers on the final question will not be counted.
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lungofthefang · 6 months ago
As an ex-anti, the way that some proshippers act regarding people who left the proship community due to traumatic experiences is honestly very disgusting and some of you really need to grow a heart.
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Can you imagine a proshipper talking about their traumatic experiences as an ex-anti and in response, antis laughed at them? You all would be fuming, so why is it magically okay when it’s the reverse of that? “This is funny!” “Lmfao!” “Why seek help?” This isn’t even counting the times I’ve seen proshippers say that ex proshippers are dumb or evil or lacking in morals when being an ex proshipper ≠ being an anti.
Congratulations if you’ve never had a bad experience while in the proship community but a lot of other people, me included, can’t say the same.
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Hey Listen!
I am a Darkshipper Profic Comshipper, I enjoy making edits, userboxes, stamps, Icons and other cool stuff. I hope we can all get along here.
We do not have a dni, and the only thing we do not want to interact is pro contact paras and toxic antishippers.
You can call me navi!
What You Can Request You can request edits, stamps, and icons. You must include an image for userboxes and what you want the userbox to say!
We identify as nonharmful transids, but we do not support terms like transrace, transabled, or transnazi. I do not care if you are radqueer, just do not be weird to us.
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Anti contact para
Proship related
Non harmful transids
Basically anything that's not in what you cannot request.
What you cant request! And what I wont accept!
Pro contact paras
Irl Consang
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proshipezreal · 3 months ago
Do you know any other proship/neutral editblogs?
I want to follow some more editors and be a lil community but I have no clue what tags I'd have to look to find one- and figured you would know of some
Yes? No? So we usually don't really care about edit blogs' discourse stances so we don't necessarily have an easily accessible list of people who are explicitly pro/neu-ship
Here are a few proship/neuship/no dni edit blogs that we DO know of!!
[not directly tagging anyone because the anxiety is really bad for some reason? but they're all the correct urls we promise just copy paste]
(also if you're mentioned and want to be removed let me know and I'll take you off!! /gen) (it might be a while since I don't check this blog constantly but I will do it 🙏)
Explicitly proship:
cheeseyproship (doesn't appear to be editing focused but does do moodboards!)
stimmers-please-interact (do stimboards count as edits? I'm deciding they do)
black-salt-cage (also a stimboard account)
batexe (says profiction but I'm counting that lol)
- ★ -
Explicitly neutralship:
- ★ -
No DNI or none that we could find:*
*we cannot guarantee these people are okay with pro/neu-ship interaction but they at least don't explicitly state they're not so. beggars can't be choosers.
mydarlingedits (E) | pochisden (18+)
That being said...
Any and all pro/neu-ship or no dni edit blogs feel free to reblog and promote yourself!!
Or reblog and promote your own favourite pro/neu-ship or no dni editors!!
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slowlyshamelesscolor · 1 year ago
What is Neutralship?
Neutralship, often known as ship-neutral, refers to those who are "neutral" or unconcerned with shipcourse. They may be pro- or anti-leaning, or completely unaligned.
Neutralship also means your anti harassment. That implies you will not bother someone about their fandom preferences, or pass judgment on their fantasies or ships.
Neufic - those who identify as neufic may be pro- or anti-leaning, or wholly unaligned; they are neutral on fiction and do not engage in ship discourse
And for short, we are called newts.
The purple flags are peacefic. The pink is neutralship.
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Peacefic Emoji combos - ☮🦢, ☮📖, 🌈☮, 🌈🦢, 🦢🌙,
Neutralship emoji combos - 🎀 🫧, 🎀🌙 , 🫧🎀 , 🌈🎀, 🌈 🫧, 🌈🌙
Neufic emoji combos-  💎 🦋, 🌈💎, 💍🦋
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neuship-zone · 1 month ago
Something in the proship community that has bugged me is (some) people's attitude towards making art of a creator('s character) that the creator has explicitly said they're not comfortable with.
Whilst I do think taking approaches like Yaelokre did is kinda sucky and probably only makes the issue worse, that doesn't mean that continuing to make such art is a good thing. Even if you think it's fine, do you think the creator is going to be happy knowing that there's still someone out there happily making the art they detest so much? At least tag your work so that it can only be found if you're specifically looking for it.
And don't act like continuing to make such art is a privilege??? I was talking to someone about this, and I swear their response was something like "why is it being a douchebag to be creative with someone's characters?". Dude, you're drawing minors having sex after the creator told you not to. There's nothing creative about that.
I'm not saying the art should be off the internet (because I think everything deserves to be up, even if it's horrible), I'm saying that it's not a good thing to keep making art that someone's told you not to make. Even worse if it's a real person (cough cough Jayden)
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proantiharrasblocklist · 1 year ago
INSULTS TO USE INSTEAD OF KYS (Credit to William Shakespeare)
He has not so much brain as ear-wax.
Like the toad; ugly and venomous.
Thou art a boil, a plague sore, an embossed carbuncle in my corrupted blood.
Thou elvish-mark’d, abortive, rooting hog!
I do desire that we may be better strangers.
Out of my sight! Thou dost infect my eyes.
Thou cream faced loon.
Thine face is not worth sunburning.
Villain, I have done thy mother.
Thou art unfit for any place but hell.
Away! Thou’rt poison to my blood.
They have a plentiful lack of wit.
You are not worth another word, else I’d call you knave.
Heaven truly knows that thou art false as hell.
I’d beat thee, but I should infect my hands.
You starvelling, you eel-skin, you dried neat’s-tongue, you bull’s-pizzle, you stock-fish–O for breath to utter what is like thee!-you tailor’s-yard, you sheath, you bow-case, you vile standing tuck!
You are as a candle, the better burnt out.
If you spend word for word with me, I shall make your wit bankrupt.
The rankest compound of villainous smell that ever offended nostril.
This kiss is as comfortless as frozen water to a starved snake.
I wonder that you will still be talking. Nobody marks you.
Thou hast no more brain than I have in mine elbows.
Thou damned and luxurious mountain goat. 
She speaks yet she says nothing.
What an ass!
Also I browse for people to add using a separate account, so blocking me won't work if you harass and want to avoid getting added.
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kalkori · 27 days ago
opening thoughts:
ok heres the deal. many casual fandomers like i are very often lost and confused when it comes to proship and antiship because lets be real nobody knows beliefs outside of extremes. especially in the middle. now if you're not in fandoms were these terms aren't life or death it doesnt matter. but it is a problem in fandoms were it kinda is, especially when you do not have!! the extreme beliefs of one side or the other!!!
i propose a solution, a term for the "ma'am i just work here" ideology: neutralship
(i know some have used this term already but not much, and seems in line with what im about to talk about anyway)
the core concept: fandom is quite literally just a space for fun and though things are allowed, i can still call you a dick for xyz. anti-censorship, pro-dont-be-weird-with-that-right-though
if you feel you only somewhat agree with the following, then use whatever language you wish to establish that. i literally am just doing this because i have no fucking clue what people mean whenever they say proship and antiship and im a bit tired of having to avoid both terms so like
for the next section there are two different lists: red flag behavior and jackass behavior. red flag behavior is stuff that falls under This Is A Really Bad Thing To Do, while jackass behavior is moreso like when someone takes the last seat on the bus. im seperating these categories because if i didnt then the whole point of clarity would be out the window because some of yall's reading comprehension. woof.
also note: nsfw here will quite literally refer to not safe for work. if you cant have your average boss look over the shoulder and be ok with whatever it is, it is nsfw here.
note 2: I AM NOT TOUCHING THE AO3 STUFF WITH A 10 FOOT POLE HERE. there are some things that can be criticized but also its like. the Only really by fans for fans website that darker topics can be discussed in so its really difficult to balance both things at once
just a whole shit ton of a list below. feel free to copy and paste it in the unlikely scenario i leave this website for good and deactivate
Red Flag Behavior:
If creating for media whose target audience is kids, putting nsfw it where kids can find it without actively searching for it. (Example: Twitter before muskrat got his hands on it. i can personally vouch for the fact that many babies were on twitter and the moderation system was Bad) (exception being if the nsfw content is in the show ofc, excluding media where maybe the age rating was off)
posting sexual nsfw of something a child (who is still currently a child) made, especially as a full grown adult.
while making sexual media that most generally consider morally wrong (as in, glorifying the content in question) to heal from your own trauma is whatever i guess, specifically posting it so people can enjoy the questionable content in question, is generally Kinda Nasty
weirdly specific but very important for me to put here: if a person cannot consent due to a disability, unless you are 100% confident you can portray it right [including being in the same boat yourself]: generally just do not depict said character in sex scenarios!! sometimes its more complicated but most disabled characters who cannot consent are written very obviously as such. (this is about the ableism specifically, fyi)
(as a perisex person,) headcanoning a character as intersex just for how they have sex, or depicting intersex characters as "i have dick and pussay!" OR depicting intersex characters as naturally sexual/violent/rapists due to being intersex....... kinda nasty!
if a creator has said "dont depict character a in b scenarios", knowing this and continuing doing that is generally considered a Really Bad & Disrespectful Thing [there are exceptions, but thats for like "dont draw my character gay!!! im homophobic btw"]
attacking people for a ship you dont like [im talking about making a call out post on twitter dot com with false severe accusations]
thinking sex fics existing at all is Bad
if it isnt a truly sensitive topic that demands intense care to write in a story, it aint your job to police what people write.
you are not required to tag, but if you're gonna put something potentially very triggering, not warning for that is extremely disrespectful at best
That being said, demonizing children in a fandom for being proship or antiship or ruining your fun or whatever is basically one of the worst things you can do short of a crime
[anything that involves getting a real life child into sexual things is where i draw the line between fandom drama to an actual real life problem, so these scenarios will NOT be listed. death threats are also kind of a real crime so]
Jackass Behavior
putting dead dove do not eat and then not including whats in the fic. ok im sorry i know this isnt nessecarily related to this stuff but i swear to god if you dont want to tag just say that dead dove do not eat had a VERY SPECIFIC purpose of saying "it is what it says on the tin". back to your regularly scheduled jackass behavior
catfights over ship/fanworks.
not blocking and moving on, and instead catfighting.
acting as if one side is oppressing the other, or as if proship/antiship is as big of a problem as things like racism.
whether or not fiction effects reality nonsense. it does, but not in the way you think, and almost nobody in fandom is ready for that conversation on a wide-scale level. especially with me because im super annoying. [nowadays it is used almost as a buzzword, nobody talks about it genuinely anymore]
yucking other people's yum
not respecting a creator's word, and actively disrespecting the creator's wants if they do not align with your belief in how you should be able to treat their media
closing thoughts (jumbled i am so sorry):
despite what it seems, this is not an exhaustive list. i swear to god nobody is normal on this website.
if you think anything here is genuinely moreso a proship/antiship idea, say so Respectfully, but theres a good chance i will still disagree. as i said, basically nobody actually knows what these labels are truly believing, so you might be thinking of your side as the "reasonable one". i am basing this off of my experience of what fandom and really normal ass people think concerning these topics‚ so i guess the term neutralship might be a little misleading but oh well.
if something is not included that you think should be, let me know, but theres some things i excluded because i think they're more than just proship/antiship. infact in a perfect world i would not have to include the points about disabled and intersex people but if i dont then we will never talk about how fandom treats those problems [and they fall somewhat under the proship/antiship stuff] SO!!
also im literally just doing this because im SO TIRED of this game of telephone so like. dont attack me. im just trying to clear things up. i have more concerning things like the fact my state is legally allowing schools to worsen the quality of life and potentially killing disabled people through a loophole so giant its appears intentional so
if i block you after you interact with this post, do not assume its over the above stuff [though it might be], most likely you're an 18+ blog or something.
this, infact, will be the last time i will ever speak on this topic unprompted goodnight to all my friends
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mywitchcultblr · 9 months ago
I dont think I have the energy to give a fuck about fandom discourse anymore when the world going into the shit in 4x speed. USA is going in the tipping point of either stay as it is now or going full fascism, Palestine is still being bombed, a pos military guy the product of soeharto's (second president and a dictator) era got elected as the president of my country, and bigotry is on the rise everywhere.
Like... I can't I cant give a fuck about people who are angry over incest ship or whatever, and the ethics of straight women consuming yaoi, or how you should treat Astarion ("oh my goD DonT ASCEnd HiM Oh My GoD DONt GEt hIS SCar TatoO"). Your energy better spent doing real changes to save yourself rn instead of getting angry over genshin impact ship, fan art, or whatever drama of the day...
Sure fandom can be used as activism, but whatever drama on your fandom pales in comparison to what happen out there
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tamarahtalkstv · 1 year ago
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At First I Was Going To Make A Joke About How Stupid This Thing Is, But Now That I’m Thinking About It This Is Just More Gross, Infuriating, And Sexist Than It Is Stupid And Funny.
Adult Are Adults.
Fictional Adult Are Fictional Adults.
I Don’t Care What Height They Are, If They Have Curves Or Not, If Their Personality Is Childish Or Adultish, Or If They Look Like A Child Or A Adult.
They Are Adults No Matter What.
Also “ProShippers Take Her And Run”… Can You Just… Not Do Or Say Anything Ever Again?
Either That Or Change Your Ways?
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demonic-shadowlucifer · 6 months ago
A few days ago I started a survey intending to document the experiences others have had while partaking in shipcourse. After going through responses of the first survey, and after reading some critiques and questions yall wanted to know, I think it's time to share the second and final survey of my research!
As usual, please be civil in the reblogs. This is an open discussion. Tagging for visibility: @proship-anti-discussion @proshippers-against-censorship @olderthannetfic
Like with the last survey, this one will remain open for three or four days. Also, you guys are allowed to send in asks detailing your experiences with either side, in case you don't feel like going through the survey.
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roguetelepaths · 5 months ago
when I say writing as a craft is dead and shipcourse killed it I'm implicating both sides in that, by the way.
Like, between proshippers being like "writing is just playing with dolls and you don't have to respect your characters at all! characters aren't people lolol" and antis implying that giving your characters BACKSTORIES is pedophilia... I'm not taking writing advice from any of you people
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Neutralship Userboxes F2U
I created the userboxes not the flags!
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Meaning: A neutralshipper is someone who is neutral on shipcourse (ship discourse) and/or doesnt want to be involved in shipcourse for whatever reason. Most neutralshippers have the same stance as proshippers (anti harassment beliefs) but dislike being associated with the term/use the term “neutralshipper” to avoid any type of harassment from antis. Many neutralshippers are also neutral just because they have had bad experiences with both sides and wish to be associated with neither side.
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newt-mr-sunshine · 1 year ago
Tbh both proshippers and anti shippers have this stigma of telling an innocent person from the other side to KYS from what I’ve seen
For anti’s it’s because they dislike what pros do.
And for pros it’s because they can’t fathom someone disliking something they like.
What happened to treat others the way you want to be treated? What happened to Love Thy Neighbor?
Telling someone to off themselves was never and will never be okay.
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