#my heavens
143bc · 1 year
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fallen-goldfishcracker · 11 months
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Yeeess cower before the child. Be afraid. You should be shaking in your boots that's a man on a mission. He's there's, he's square, he's terrifying, he's gotten two hours of sleep in the last week. Cower before him.
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real-odark · 2 months
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yourlowkeyidiot3 · 1 year
Spamvil so real
This MIGHT be them in ch7 ending
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frozenhi-chews · 6 months
Me planning out honeymoon stuff when Starlo and Pancake aren't even engaged cuz the thought of marrying him flusters me too much to even think about it for more than ten seconds
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warcrimesimulator · 10 months
I hate how acknowledging unfairness in the world is seen as "childish". Maybe children are right. I don't think you should be proud of the fact that you've become complacent with the state of your miserable existence and took on this loser "it is what it is" mentality. Things can be better.
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daftlads · 1 month
@worldneeds 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐃 would you relax for a second? i'm just checking on you. / ryan and dylan yeah
"i'm relaxed. who said i'm not relaxed? i'm on ambien i'm so relaxed." his voice is about four octaves higher than usual, the look in his eyes misty the same way milk is when you add coffee, a swirling sort of murk. in the last hour he's spent maybe twenty minutes staring, unwavering, at the space his hand used to take up and the other forty trying desperately to look anywhere else, but he's fine. there's no pain.
dylan's been trying to keep himself in check. there's hunger, but he thinks that's just the normal kind, none of the ravenous slavering need that nick had, and he has a headache, but he took a bunch of drugs on an empty stomach, so maybe that's par for the course. "see? chilling like a villain. or, like, a slightly perturbed camp counselor. i'm- it's all good. we're all cool in dylanville."
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notherpuppet · 2 months
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Guardian Angel AU 👼🏼🪽⚔️🩸
It’s radioapple and Chaggie because I’m entirely self serving in my fanart/fanfics lollll
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shmushes · 10 months
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seagreenlaurin · 6 months
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ducktollers · 1 year
if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with. Captivated by a man with big sparkly brown eyes and slutty hands and a pretty waist you may be entitled to financial compensation
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illuminatedferret · 1 month
post-canon fics where hua cheng gets amnesia'd back into wuming, who inevitably finds out His Beloved Is Married always read like the meme "I'll be his second husband." (what happened to the first?) "Nothing you can prove."
jump to xie lian, who knows exactly what mental contortions the love of his life would go to rather than recognize that xie lian loves him, deciding to humor wuming's murder fantasy for shits and giggles. 'you want to murder my husband, wuming? hm, i dont know... he is nice. except for the time he proposed to me and then immediately walked it back as a joke- oh, you'd treat me better than that? you'd never do something so cruel? well... im listening.'
cue hua cheng getting his memories back like "gege i thought we were over this. gege. gege stop laughing. gege please. i said sorry!"
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i watched My Neighbor Totoro for the first time, here's my chronological viewing experience:
woo-hoo! dusty old japanese house with japanese architectural details aplenty
these kids got some ENERGY my goodness
family dynamic's adorable. peak quality dad humor
kids: our house is haunted. parents: that's so cool!
hell yeah, wrinkled old lady rep. we need more friendly old women with potato faces and warts like storybook witches. the backbone of society, these ladies
Plot Summary: Small Child Bothers Local Wildlife
sacred tree sacred tree sacred tree
Introducing Totoro! nobody said this fucker's got TEETH???
Uh-Oh! Inadequate Parental Supervision Detected
(you misplaced your four year old! you're not supposed to do that)
4-year-old: i met a magic forest spirit. dad: oh shit fr?
4-year-old: *angrily hugs sister* missed u bitch
this small child has a smile like a toad. like a really really cute toad. like the cutest toad in all existence. i love her she's perfection please just let this child be happy
rice paddies are so pretty....so back breaking....rice is such a prissy crop
*my crush is stranded in a rainstorm* takethisumbrellait'syoursnowBYE *runs away in panic im so good at flirting*
Giant Chinchilla Learns To Hold Umbrella, Is Fucking Delighted By Experience
take this, it will help you on your quest! *hands u trail mix wrapped in a leaf*
crouching down to peer at dirt--A++ top notch foundational childhood experience
mom has a big ass forehead
honey! the chinchillas are performing Rituals in the backyard again
help yeah let's jack and the bean stalk this shit
huh so we're all just climbing aboard the giant chinchilla's tiddies now ok
class trip!
the pure adrenaline of Vegetable Gardening
no! the small child is crying! she is bawling her eyes out. no no no. i can't cope with this. emotionally i cannot cope 🥺🥺🥺
i've only had Mei one hour but if anything happens to her i will raze this earth and everyone on it
please someone make this small child smile again
oh no the tall child is crying too
i can't take this. my heart can't take this.
i need a drink
small child running determined to deliver magic veggies to the hospital. this kid is my hero
she is also unsupervised. so, so unsupervised
babe you are FOUR
godDAMMIT ghibli, you cannot give me watercolor sunsets while a small child is missing. u are killing me. my heart is giving out. this is me, experiencing heart failure.
Totoro to the rescue!
no wait CATBUS to the rescue!
i admit i initially thought the cat was a creep. alice in wonderland prejudiced me. i have revised my notions of smiling cats
i've decided the cat is a metaphor for the magic of a robust public transport system
MEI'S OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and so is mom. she's a lovely lady im sorry for what i said about her forehead. it's a noble forehead.
happy ending YES bitch!!!!!!
ok. ok ok ok. that was magical.
(as a first-time adult viewer i was worried i wouldn't be able to Access the Magic. but i could and i did and it was incredible. that was culture. that was ART. joy distilled into animated form. holy rites of childhood. i understand now. how glorious, this world we grow out of. how full of marvels. i'm going outside to smell grass and sun and get dirt under my fingernails. miraculous.)
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frozenhi-chews · 2 years
7 and 10 for Spamton (@ava-ships)
"AN OTHER QUESTION FOR [Moi]?? WELL [Lucky Dollar] ME!!!!
THE 10TH [Quest For-]
'WHAT'S [My Favorite Thing] AB OUT ANGEL CAKES?' EVERYTH1NG!!!! YOU THIN K [eye] WOULD B HEaR IF IT WASN;T FOR HER??? [*$>@^] NO!!!! hER [Genorsity] AND [Kind Heart] AND [[...you okay Spam Bam??] SHE'S GIVEN ME M0RE TH AN [Enemie(s)].
SHE HAS [givn] IT. TELL HER I SAID [I Love You] WONTCHA [Kid]?"
Thanks for the ask! The game is here
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bishy437 · 8 months
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he won
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tempo-takoyaki · 4 months
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Listen, I love the "XL helps HC to see how beautiful he is" scenario as much as the next person... But I also see it like this.
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