#he LOVED being powerful. he was very proud of his powers. he was at the top of the world. what he disliked was being so lonely at the top.
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creativewritersposts · 1 day ago
Dating him/ headcanon - Luke Hughes
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summary; Luke Hughes x reader
Some situations/ little details how your relationship looks like.
warning(s); maybe grammar errors, fluff edition
authors note; requested / do you want to read more like this? Let me know ♡
✧ When you're shopping for new clothes he always asks for your opinion because he knows after one week it owns you.
✧ He doesn't want to miss anything important in your life, Luke bought a small calendar and pinned it to his fridge. because the fridge is his best friend
✧ You're very emotional and powerful as a character, when you're overthinking and can't sleep he's always there to calm you down, cuddling with you and listening to your thoughts, until you fall asleep. Because of his busy schedule he bought you a teddy bear and puts his cologne on it.
✧ when you watch reality shows, he's arguing first why you're watching this "shit", ten minutes later he's in front of the television being the number one gossip girl. Always rewatching new episodes when he's on the road, just to update you.
✧ You're both stubborn. Thank God you're not arguing often but when you do, you need space from each other until you realize how stupid this fight was and apologizing at the same time.
✧ He's definitely not the "man" in this relationship. A spider in the bathroom? - you have to remove it. A day off? He likes to have a face mask with you. it's absolutely adorable
✧ He wants the world to know who you are. He loves having you around with his family & friends and inviting you to all his games to be his lucky charm.
✧ Luke is not good with flirting signals. He never does this on purpose, he's just confused easily. "It's a little bit cold, isn't it?"
"I told you", until he realizes your death stare and understands. "You can have my hoodie" with a kiss.
✧ You love having dates combined with sporting events.
✧ He knows he's lucky with his job but knows you're working really hard and having different shifts. He's always telling/ texting you, how proud he is!
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cornsmash · 3 days ago
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Mohawk!Mark x Male!reader
Word Count: 1164
Author’s Notes: You are essentially a male Eve variant, or you have her powers, whatever is your vice. Me personally I think Mohawk wouldn’t be so sadistic and as violent to someone he “cares” about like some of the other Marks. Don’t get me wrong he’s still an asshole and evil but he’s your evil asshole. Maybe I’ll make a part 2, depends on how people feel.
You sat in your bed as sunlight beamed through your window, the sun slowly descending down the horizon. Staring at it trying to ingrain its beauty into your memory. It was one of the last things left untouched in this world, your home and everything within it was destroyed. And rebuilt into a cheap imitation of what it once was, viltrumite influence was very much present. You rested your head on your arms, a slight breeze came through the window.
You closed your eyes and the memories came flooding back, Mark betraying humanity, the destruction and chaos caused, other viltrumites coming to finish the job. The way Mark looked at you as you confronted him, he had looked so conflicted at you. Your emotions got the better of you, a punch you tried to throw didn’t even connect. As Conquest punched you, causing your body to fly miles away, with him following. Mark had screamed “Wait!” But your body was already miles away.
You had tried your best to fight back against him, configurations of walls, bullets, swords, anything, anything at all to at least keep him distant from you. Yet nothing couldn’t stop the force or mass of this beast.
“Stand down worm” He announced. Your mouth was dripping blood, your lungs felt like they would give out at any minute. Every second you heaved causing hot flashes of pain to flow through your body. One eye was already shut from the bruising and swelling. Your bones creaked as you tried to summon a spear to throw, Conquest just shook his head.
“For being from such an inferior species you lasted much longer than expected…but not good enough”
Before you knew it his fist was coming towards your face, you didn’t even have time to take a step back before all you felt was incomprehensible pain and darkness.
You jumped as you heard Mark enter “Hey sugar tits, the fuck are you looking so depressed for?”
Mark only smirked as you glared at him “Come on, don’t look at me like that, did I do anything wrong?” He asked in a mocking tone.
You sneered, turning your head away from him.
“Be moody all you like, I got you something.”
You jumped and screeched as you felt ice cold metal hit your bare back. “WHAT THE FUCK-“ . You stopped as you turned midway to yell at him, in his hand was a..Pepsi can?
“W- How- How they hell did you get this?” You asked about grabbing the can and inspecting it. The feel of the cold metal and sloshing liquid brought nostalgia. You grimaced as it gave you a familiar sense of a life long ago. Mark had his hands on his hips and a smile as if he did something to be proud of.
“Well I know how much you loved Pepsi and of course miss it. You were a goddamn addict for that shit, surprised you never got cavities” He remarked pulling the sides of your mouth, while you tried to bat them away.
“So I found an old Pepsi factory, had some people do some shit and got it running again. Only for youuu and me..duh” He continued, poking your nose with the tip of his tongue sticking out. You let out a deep sigh as you opened the can and took a sip. Mark stared waiting for your response as you took another sip trying to absorb the flavor. It’d been so long since you last drank soda, so you had to re-remember what it tasted like from a couple of sips.
”It actually tastes the same” You remarked in disbelief. Mark only made a “hmph” sound with a smile. Sitting at the end of your bed, close to your feet. Neither of you said anything as another small breeze wafted through the place. He grabbed your feet from under the blanket and started to rub them. You propped the pillows to sit you up and laid down, sipping on your soda, staring at the window. Mark continued to rub your feet, switching to a different foot after spending time on one. Your legs were never the same, your feet often ached from pain. Walking was something foreign to you now, relying on either flying or a wheelchair to get around.
You flexed your toes and Mark stopped, rising from the bed before pushing your head with his finger.
“Anyways, sugar tits I’m gonna be out for awhile, don’t fuck up your room again, would hate to sedate you..again.” He remarked, his eyes squinting before he turned around and left.
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help but feel that he meant it. Looking out your window again the sun only had the tip of it still showing. Only one sip left in the can, you stared into the opening, the darkness within ever blank. One that was ever so familiar to you.
Voices were all around you were swarming and then disappeared, you couldn’t see anything, just darkness, not even the washes of faint color you saw when you closed your eyes were there. Everything burned, your muscles were sore and ached, you could feel scabs that had an insane itch to them. And you couldn’t move, unsure if it was due to your body having been completely broken or something was holding you down. You didn’t care, you wanted out, you needed to move at least one limb. You tried to lift up your arm but sharp pain scattered throughout. A hoarse cry left your throat, your eyes started to water giving some relief through the waves of pain.
Lifting your leg resulted in the same, you took a sharp breath that barely reached your lungs. After a minute of breathing you mustered whatever little strength that was in your body. You kicked your leg up but just as quickly as it rose it was snagged by something. Your ears ring with pain as waves wash through your body, your leg seared and now couldn’t rest laying down. What felt like a liquid soaked your leg, tears now streaming from your eyes. Your mouth was wide open though you were unsure if any sound left it. Then you felt someone hold your leg up, fear flooded your mind.
You tried to resist but your body had no strength so you could only let out cries, you felt a needle prick your skin before you could jump a hand was on your chest. Even with its light touch it was enough to hold you down. Cries still emanated from your mouth as you felt someone release the strap on your leg. As numbness flowed through your body you couldn’t tell what they were doing. Whoever had their hand on your chest removed it and took your hand. A grasp so carefully gentle as they gave air light kisses your knuckles. Slight chokes were the only sound you could produce as you felt your consciousness slipping.
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physics-of-one-piece · 3 days ago
Part 12 of Punk Hazard Dub Watch Party
Chopper & Mocha 😭😭
Luffy is out the dumpster
Luffy FINALLY using Conqueror Haki, about damn time.
I love angry Dub Luffy. He even sounds properly grown-up when angry.
“Good.” (Drops him) Okay, angry Dub Luffy is hot wow 😳😳 (makes notes for Merlot & Primroses bcs this would be done by Doffy too, no I don’t take arguments)
“How is some stupid gas outpacing me?”
“Because you keep going in the wrong direction.”
Usopp on the other side of the door where Caesar is, he has the worst luck 🤣🤣
I love when Luffy turns serious. Just love it.
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He’s so sexy.
“The world’s most dangerous warlord.” HA, I TOLD YOU ALL, I ALWAYS SAY HE IS THE MOST DANGEROUS WARLORD, love being right.
“Doesn’t it send a chill down your spine?” Not really, no. Smiles are like 10% likely to succeed I’m better off searching for a real Devil Fruit if I’m THAT desperate. And SMILE made Eaters are completely ridiculous, too, so… yeah, I was like expecting Kaido’s army to be scary but it was just… not.
“Doflamingo… the four emperors… tell me, do you truly have the guts to pick a fight with them?”
People really do NOT know Luffy 🤣
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“What’d you say?” Dub Luffy is fckn badass ohoho
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Proof Luffy is Doffy's D. kid part 1 ☝🏻
Ohoho here it comes.
“I’m picking a fight. That’s what I’ve been doing my whole life!”
And he sent Caesar flying like a boss
Dub Luffy I love you. Omg what a badass
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Eee 616 is next ep where Doffy will appear, Dub Doffy my love and Dub Law about to cut the SAD and Vergo in half oooh I can’t wait.
When Dub Luffy gets serious he sounds more adult, which is just wonderful
“The craziest pirate of them all.” (Shows Doflamingo) I feel so seen cus my thoughts exactly.
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Toei are such Doffy fans, I see you Toei, I see you, thank you Toei. He is just so freaky (in a good way) and sexually shown like he fucks and they want us all to know it and that he would fuck the viewer too which yeah I’n down, is he free tonight?
The absolute fucking silence of Luffy and him just walking toward Caesar while Caesar panics and talks… yeah, he’s Doffy’s D. kid, they’re very much alike here 🤣🤣
Luffy starting to swing his arm to get ready for a punch hahahahaha I love him
“How about you listen to me? I’m not scared of you!”
Law my baby 🥹
Zoro is still lost 🤣🤣
“Well done, Smoker. I can take things from here. Thanks for keeping your end of the deal.” YESSS, DUB LAW IS BACK LET’S GOOO HE IS ABOUT TO CRUSH VERGO YES YES YES YES GET HIM LAW
Law adding that Mr Vergo oh Dub Law is so snarky I love him
“But I don’t think you’ll be sitting on the throne of power forever. Either of you!” YEAAAH!
Yes! Dub Doffy 🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳😍😍💕💕💕
“You’re about to lose your right-hand man.” & “That means you can kiss your supply of SAD goodbye.”
“You didn’t see this coming because you were overconfident. You always have been.” God I love Dub Law
“So please, feel free cackling like an arrogant idiot while you plot your next move.” Omg Dub Law is destroying him hahahaha omg
“You do a pretty decent job of acting like a tough guy, runt!” Gosh, Dub Doffy calling Law a runt is kinda cute awww
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“Think about what happened last time.” You mfr, Dub Doffy, I have PTSD stop 😭😭 also I love how his voice lowers and just sounds so DANGEROUS when he’s serious and threatening, like wow
“How did that turn out for you?” Gosh, I can FEEL like he’s condescendingly cooing at Law OH I AM GONNA AAAAA
“Not very well. You crossed Vergo. And what did he do to you then?” Law literally from what I remember of that didn’t attack Vergo back then? He literally was crying and begging him to stop. He didn’t cross shit. He was 13 and scared and dying 😭😭😭 FUCK YOU LEAVE LAW ALONE 😭😭😭
I adore Dub Doffy omg
“You remember… I’m sure it was quite traumatic.” Dub Doffy does not hold back that is cruel. Aight. Cut em Law. That’s enough of victim blaming from them for today.
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That’s for Cora, Vergo, you bastard! MY BBY LAW I’M SO PROUD OF YOU 🥹🥹🥹🫶🏻🎉🎉🎉
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“Here we are, Joker. I opened the gate.” Yesss, Dub Law! 🥳🥳🎉🎉
“The gears are broken. There is no turning back for anyone.”
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Doffy 😍😍 even if he is angry 😭
Tagging my Doffy moots: @fanaticsnail @moonbaby26 @ohnomyhooves @daydreamer-in-training @dummyduck44 @doffyslittledove @shanalikeanna
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sparklingmusicofstars · 2 days ago
Hamefura : Is Millidiana a good mother ?
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Well my answer is obvious : not at all. I think she is an awful mother.
I have a lot of reasons to think that :
1.She doesn't think of her daughter's happiness
When Catarina got engaged to Geordo we saw that she was happy at first, like her husband but then she changed her mind after Catarina became more wild. The reason is simple, unlike Luigi she was never happy for her because she was going to marry someone she loved but only because it means that she could brag about her daughter most likely becoming the future queen and gaining more power for the Claes family. She doesn't care about whether Catarina loves Geordo or not. And now she doesn't want Catarina to marry into the royal family, not because she is worried about her daughter having a hard time or not loving Geordo, but because she is scared that she would bring shame to her because she is not a perfect noble lady. And when Catarina go on a trip for the Ministry instead of being worried and asking her to be careful she only told her not to do anything weird during it. (And no, being dense and not realizing that Geordo loves Catarina isn't an excuse for being selfish)
Also she doesn't want Catarina to travel for a reason very different from her husband. Luigi is worried for Catarina because he is protective towards her and doesn't want to let her to her own devices. While Millidiana isn't worried for Catarina (or at least she doesn't show it at all) she is just worried that like she said “the shame would eventually find its way back to me" which is an awful thing to say to her child. She doesn't even hide the fact that she is ashamed of her daughter and is a very self-centered person.
2.In Fortune Lover she is very cruel towards her children.
Yes, I know what you want to say "she thought that Keith was the illegimate son of her husband" BUT I don't know if it's the case for everyone but If I think my husband has cheated on me I would go giving him a piece of my mind instead of taking it out on the poor innocent child. She's not 5 years old. Of course she is not forced to love him in one day but she can at least try and if she can't do that then just leave him at peace. Moreover she was not only mean to Keith but also to Catarina. In FL she didn't seem to really care about her daughter and only taught her to hate her little brother and let her bully him because it was what she wanted. She also raised her to be proud of her status and being very aware of the norms of nobles. I personally think that FL!Catarina was actually a loving girl who only wanted to be loved by her parents, she didn't have a picture-perfect family while growing up because of the misunderstanding between her parents, she really loved her father but her mother was distant towards her so maybe she was scared that her mother would hate her if she wasn't mean with her little brother since they seem to have become closer after that. Of course she was also resentful towards Keith because his arrival almost broke her family but I don't think it was the main reason.
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On this picture we can see that Catarina looks like nothing but an adorable little girl who loves her father.
So my theory is that the reason Catarina became a villainess is mostly because of her mother. After all most of a child's personality is created by their environnement, nobody was born bad. (of course it's not the only reason)
In other words FL!Catarina was just an innocent little girl who suffered from a lack of love because of her parent's relationship.
3. She prefers Keith and doesn't hide it.
In the novel it is explicitely mentionned that Keith is by far her favorite child, because he has better manners than Catarina. She clearly thinks Catarina has nothing going for her. Normally you are supposed to love your children uncondionnally, they don't need to do anything to earn your love.
She also let Anne mostly raise her daughter in hamefura and only talks to her to teach her about the manners of a noble. How do you want a child to be at ease with you if all you do when you meet them is screaming and scolding them ?(especially for an entire night, to the point she had bags under her eyes) Now Catarina is close to traumatized by that.
4. She thinks very lowly of Catarina
In LN5 when the mothers of other nobles said that Catarina was called a saintness at the academy she immediately think it's a mistake and that they are talking about Keith (which is already very mean) that it was impossible Catarina was a saint. But she also thinks Catarina is "devilish" while everyone knows that she is incredibly kind. Her words in LN1 when she described her were also very awful
"Even the single daughter born of my body has turned out to be such a terrible child!"
It's really not a good thing to say in front of your 8 years old daughter. (because, yes Catarina was in the room) I would be very hurt if I was her. Also when Keith disappeared she immediately thought it was because he thought taking care of Catarina was a burden to him because she was too unsufferable and that he hated her just because the servants said Keith looked a bit depressed after talking to Catarina lately. And since Catarina has very low self esteem she immediately believed her and felt very guilty. While Millidiana WAS the one who told Keith to keep an eye on Catarina and he did because he loves her, everybody knows that. (And no, being dense still not make that forgivable)
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She also thinks that she is
"so problematic, that she often wonders where she went wrong in bringing her up."
which is also a very horrible thing for a mother to say.
Or also "An appreciation society? For that devilish daughter of mine? Who could appreciate that monkey ? Are they sure it is not Keith they are talking about ?"
5. She doesn't support her daughter in anything.
When Catarina asks her parents if they could come to the festival of the academy of magic while her father couldn't because of work, her mother didn't come because she was ashamed of Catarina. I think that in the anime they thought it was too sad so they changed that but when Luigi said that it was a shame that Catarina wasn't in the play, she only said that it was for the best because she would definitely find a way to ruin it. Not a very nice thing to say when your child is doing her best to do a good play with her friends.
6. She is making her daughter's inferiority complex getting worse
Honestly I'm very angry everytime Millidiana says that Catarina isn't worthy to marry a prince. She is worsening her complex and makes Catarina even denser because it makes her think the same. She thinks nobody could love someone like her. I don't understand why Millidiana does that to her own daughter, she is acting like the other noble ladies who want to marry Geordo. Although she knows how it feels to be envied and insulted by nobles to the point where you think the same as them, which is exactly what happen to Catarina. And still she is not helping her, or at least she does it in a very bad way. Moreover in LN3 we saw that hearing the kind of words Millidiana always says to her daughter made Selena very sad and depressed while to Catarina it's just her day to day life at home. It shows clearly that to any other girl than Catarina those words would really hurt and even traumatized someone. Not because Catarina is strong enough to endure insults and painful words means that she deserves them.
7. Catarina thought that her mother wouldn't pay for her ransom if it was too high.(the worse)
When Catarina was kidnapped she was sure that if the ransom was too high her mother wouldn't pay. Which is incredibly dreadful when you think of it. Catarina, who is always optimistic about everything thought something like that. To be honest I also thought that since she really gave off this impression. I felt really sorry for Catarina at this moment, moreover her family doesn't have any money issue so it would just mean that she thinks that her daughter isn't worth paying a high price to save her.
Conclusion :
So, to me Millidiana is an horrible mother and I'm glad mine isn't like that. The anime and the manga gave this a funny and light tone so we don't understand it at first glance and Catarina is so innocent that she doesn't understand most of the time when her mother says or do something bad or she doesn't care. I know it's also a matter of personality so Millidiana is not forced to be very sweet to Radea Ascart's extent but she should at least try to be kinder. There were moments in the series where I was seriously wondering if she even loves Catarina. And I think it's the case at the end, but at the very minimum.
Like usual it's only my opinion and you are free to feel what you want about it.
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symphonyofsilence · 6 months ago
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Let the poor man rest.
#also no he doesn't want to experience life as a normal person. no he wouldn't sacrifice his powers to live again.#he LOVED being powerful. he was very proud of his powers. he was at the top of the world. what he disliked was being so lonely at the top.#which having reunited with Geto now he is not.#and he wanted to keep the next generation safe due to his past regrets and teach a generation of kids to be at the top together.#and he wanted to get rid of the corrupt higher-ups and reform the Jujutsu society.#and he did all of that. Yuta and Yuuji are both alive and safe and the kids are all reunited with each other stronger than ever#and the higher-ups are d**d.#Gojo obviously wouldn't hate to keep living. he clearly didn't expect to lose and die. but as he himself confirmed#he died doing what he loved. he went out the way he wanted. he went out with a bang. he had the best fight of his life and gave it his all.#as he said 'he had fun'. he said it would have been embarrassing if he died of old age or sickness.#and now that he's gone he's happy with his friends and especially Geto. he found peace.#He said it himself 'Now i'm wishing that it's not just a dream'.#also for those of you who say that Geto & Gojo wouldn't be together because one would go to hell and one to heaven... no. just no.#first of all. Gojo did a mass m*r*** before his death#second of all. they're Buddhists. they don't have heaven and hell. don't bring Abrahamic religions into everything.#and you'd be surprised by the excuses the Abrahamic religions find to not let people in heaven.#probably Gojo wouldn't go to heaven even if he didn't kill the higher-ups due to...idk... occasionaly doing pranks or sth.#but Gege apparently created a whole other afterlife of his own. and Toji Geto Gojo Nanami and everyone were all gathered there together.#you SAW that. so stop.#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#gojo satoru#satoru gojo#jjk gojo#gege akutami#my two cents#satosugu
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luck-of-the-drawings · 11 months ago
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"I think this is the most inhuman; and human, that I've ever felt.." MUCH CAN HAPPEN IN A YEAR. IN FIVE YEARS. A DECADE. imagine how much can happen in a century. just ONE (1). How will you grow? what phases do you find? even in 5 years, you will find patterns.
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#jrwi suckening spoilers#jrwi the suckening#arthur bennett#HEY SO THE REALLY FUNNY THING THAT THE CHARACTER DID THAT SEEMED RLY SILLY N GOOFY IN THE MOMENT?#LIKE THE WHIPLASH BETWEEN SERIOUS N SILLY ALMOST PISSED YOU OFF? WHAT IF I FOUND A WAY TO MAKE YOU SAD ABOUT IT#this was meant to be a scribble that would be a bigger part of a bigger page.might leave it on that page.#but still. bc o that i nearly posted it onto my wacky side blog.BUT NAYY I SPENT TOO MUCH TIME N ENERGY N YOU GOTTA SEE IT#ARTHUR BENNETT DRIVES ME CRAZY. I FEEL LIKE ITS ODD FOR HIM TO BE SO TECHNOLOGICALLY OUT OF TOUCH#WHERE HAS HE BEEN. HAS HE BEEN IN WAR? IS THAT WHERE MAGNUS CAME FROM? WHERE WAS HE WHEN HE WAS WITH EDWARDS CREW?#ARTHURRR I HAVE QUESTIONS ARTTHUUURR!! HEY CAN I ALSO ASK; WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BECOME#DO YOU THINK HE HAD ANY IDEA HE WOULD VEER CLOSER AND CLOSER TO THE MONSTER HE DESPISES. ALL BC HE DESERVES IT. OR WATEVER#HE FASCINATES ME SO MUCH. TO LOOK AT THE STONE COLD STOIC FOOL FROM THE START OF THE SHOW#AND TO FIND OUT THAT HE USED TO BE A BAD BOY.. A DELINQUENT... A LIL PRANKSTER.... MY GODDD THATS ADORABLE#I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW MORE.... BUT I DOUBT THE LAST EPISODE IS GONNA ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS..i love arthur bennett so much....#AS FOR THE ART!! i mostly used the fire alpaca watercolor brush. tbh im not a brush guy. anti aliased default pen tends to be my main game#but LATELY IM SQQQUIRMIN OUT OF AN ARTBLOCK so expirimenting like this is helping#DONT LOOK TOO HARD AT IT!! im still proud tho. colors are fun :3 im also very proud of the backgrounds#I LOVE THE CARTOON THING where the background looks all fancy n painted but the characters are solid colors#what else can i ramble abt. OH YEAH. i looked up the bikes to make sure they were time accurate tehehehe. 1913 to 2012.#almost a century apart!! isnt that neat? ALSO FUUUCK CAN I JUST MAKE A QUICK CONFESSION. DOWN HERE IN MY TAGS.#only the strongest can read my tags anwyay. SO I REALIZED WHY I LOVE ARTHUR SO MUCH. TIME IS A FLAT CIRCLE#while arthur is a Stoic and Cool vampire w a knack for being playful/silly; who alsos been alive fora century thus witnessing HORRORs#THERE HAPPENS TO BE A ROBOT FROM A BAND W A TITANIUM ALLOY SPINAL COLLUMN#WHOS A Stoic and Cool ROBOT w a knack for being playful/silly; who alsos been alive fora century thus witnessing HORRORS#the fuckkkiiinnngggnn The Spine from steam powered giraffe. WHATEVER. i cant escape from my heart. i guess.#i think The Spine and Arthur could be friends. Arthur saw the band perform back when they were the Steam Man Band#EDIT: WOOPS I DIDNT REALIZE THIS WOULD END UP IN THE SPG TAG. HI GUYS DIDNT KNOW U WERE STILL ALIVE SORREE 4 THE CROSS CONTAMINATION
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mamawasatesttube · 2 years ago
i do genuinely think an adult, fully-realized kon would be able to defeat superman in a fight. not just saying that bc he's my fav or whatever but because like. ttk is so op. telekinetic power with the range and raw strength to destroy every single gun in LA, and the finesse of control to not destroy anything else? that alone is a huge force to be reckoned with. add kryptonian abilities on top of that and you've got a fucking powerhouse. like um devs? op tbh pls nerf (except don't, because i find that sooooo tasty.)
because to clark, i think this is a good thing! it isn't quite so lonely when he's got a little brother/son/they really can't label it but they're family, who understands the alienation. the burden of having so much power. the fear of what your own hands can do. he sees in kon a kindred spirit, although it also saddens him that kon has to feel this burden too.
but kon?
oh, kon is terrified of himself.
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crystalisedtem · 1 month ago
Do we think that in order to deal with Bridget after they supposedly took her in that they removed her memory so as a result, she doesn’t remember the existence of superheroes and supervillains but most importantly, Oliver?
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tonycries · 3 months ago
Like a Dog!
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Synopsis. Jealous? How cute. He’s yours - and he’ll fúck you until you won’t forget it.
Pairings. [SEPARATE] Higuruma x Reader, Gojo x Reader, Ino x Reader, Sukuna x Reader, Choso x Reader, Geto x Reader, Nanami x Reader, Toji x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, jealousy s, marathons, NÉEDY BOYS, dúmbifícation, proposals, creampíes, praise, GOJO’S POWERS, márking, they’re YOURS, true form Sukuna, dp, Sukuna’s tattoos, cervíx kíssing, fitting it, talking you through it, p slápping, p talking, ex-husband!Toji, spítting, comfort, pet names, swéaring.
A/N. Hope you have a lovely week <3
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♡ TOJI FUSHIGURO - Wedding vows!
“Soooo…” Toji’s sneaking long, languid drags of his fat thumb up and down your sappy folds. And it makes your breath hitch, your thighs quivering just in time for him to sidle two staggering palms underneath and stretch. Wide open. “-still...jealous, doll?”
Ruining you for what seemed like copious hours upon hours non-stop, that very same question left Toji’s scarred lips in cloudy little pants like a smug mantra. 
The bed was recklessly creaky at this point, splinters cracking with every sloppy pound that had your sanity doing much the same. 
And Toji’s crushing you against the clammy mounds of his Herculean pecs, heaving. Gasping. So, so needy that just about all you can do at this point is bumble out an embarrassed little, “Wh-why?”
“Because m’yours, mama.” Whining as his sheeny-lathered lips snicker from right beside your tender ear, and his mushroomy tip grazes right down his favorite target of your treacly slit. Slow. Steady. “And I hafta prove it.”
Nevermind the fact that he was talking like he wasn’t your ex-husband of just a few days. 
Nevermind the fact that you’re sure the pulpy depths of your poor cunt was already utterly bruised and battered with the exact bulky circumference of Toji’s proud crownhead. Because Toji Fushiguro could never dream of being with another.
He’s tugging you even more pliably into this mean full nelson of his, squeezing out a thick few dewdrops of buttery pre that lather your puckered hole. Rotund, curvaceous mound of his fattened head swirling patterned circles at your snug hole around and around-
“Don’ tell me this pretty pussy’s hngh- forgotten about me already?” He’s murking out, planting exactly three simpering swats! to your slick-flooded entrance before sinking in- “Heh- yeahhh that’s what I fuckin’ thought.”
Because your drooling cunt was always so greedy for him - your bloated pussy lips struggling and hungry being opened oh-so-widely agape. It made your slackened maw lather with a fresh wave of saliva at the sheerly raw stretch.
“Good girl- good fuckin’ girl takin’ all of me.” Toji’s huffing out, head tilting sleazily to the side to take in every inch of the heavenly bouquet envisioned right below him. “Bet ya missed me all deep inside, huh? S’that why you’re gettin’ all jealous over some rando?”
But, of course, the silent treatment never worked on Toji - and you’re finding him cooing, “Awww, c’mon my wife-” Such pointed, loving emphasis, “-talk to me. Lemme hear those pretty noises.”
And you hate the way that his rumbling baritone tilts into something mockingly higher. You hate the way that his bludgeoning tip rims around your gooey slick-filled entrance and makes your voice crack.
“T-talking about ah- jealous-” You’re managing out, and Toji’s willowy eyes widen ever-so-slightly at the way you can manage out coherent syllables even through each punctuating drill. “-but I ngh- saw the way you looked at my coworker, you green-eyed m-monster.”
He’s scoffing, spanking your overstuffed pussy once. Twice. Thrice just for good measure. “Feisty, aren’t you, mama?”
And every minute wiggle is dampered helplessly by the way that he’d curled two large forearms - muscular and veiny - around your legs to embrace you tightly. Chin rested over your head, “He was only bein’ nice-”
“And nice isn’t gonna get your hngh- cute cunt sucking like as slut like this.” Toji’s rolling his eyes, “Don’t joke with me now, doll, spread those pretty hngh- legs n’ lemme see her. No need to be shy.”
Massively engulfing hands of his crown the topped curve of your dangling knees and mold you to every one of Toji’s lecherous whims until you almost do feel shy. But there was absolutely nothing shy about the way that he was now leering at you.
Hot breath wafting with the sound of a low whistle, “Shiiiit- pretty lil’ thing, huh? Don’tcha know how much m’weak for ya? Why the fuck would I ever wan’ anyone else? Silly girl…”
“S-stop- staring—” You’re whining out, fingers tangling through the tresses of Toji’s darkly silken bangs and pulling. A blasphemous little action that earns you a heavy-handed thud of his bloated head into your soppy cervix. 
“How can I not stare, mama- she’s mine, isn’t she?” And there was something in his tone, something…edged and rough- and you swear that Toji was the one that sounded somewhat jealous. Sounded gone. “And I’m yours, of course.”
Ruined every time his ruddied tip was skimming past the syrupy adhesive-like maze of your insides and thumping right into the targeted bullseye of your cervix. 
He’s so hot underneath you - feverish. The ridged ladders of his washboard abs slipping and sliding a lewd massage underneath your back. And the feeling is so heavenly that you’re wondering why you ever signed those divorce papers in Higuruma’s office in the first place.
“No needa worry- M’yours, doll-” Grit out. Harsh. Punishing as much as his deep strokes were messing up your poor insides. Making sure that you won’t forget. Voice seeping with something wild, “H-heh. Divorced or not- a d-divorce which won’t last for ngh- long anyway- I got every part of ya ah- fucking memorized, y’know? Think I’d do that for hngh- anyone else?”
“E-every?” Your legs and voice are wobbling like jelly at his words.
As if to prove his point, he’s thumbing gluttonously over the rounded outline of where he was rummaging your sodden walls. Shooting out a few wiry spatters of pre that almost fill you up to the brim - so much of it - once he’s gliding over with a few cocky touches.
“My favorite spot s’always here-” The tremors of his recoiling bounces into your spongy womb rattle your melty mind. You feel the jitters of his thick thigh muscles when he arches into a curve up, up, up. “-knock knock.”
“S-so…” Mumbling, shit- Toji was fucking you like he couldn’t get enough of you. “-filthy.”
He’s rolling his eyes at that little comment - you like it, anyway if that warm geyser streaming from between your mushy folds told him anything. 
“N’ I remember that your hngh- favorite spot was here…” Oh, you knew what he was doing - you knew exactly the way in which Toji’s dark brows would scrunch with rude delight when his strawberry divot slurs right past that magical spot. “Orrrrr…here-” Ramming resoundingly with his left-leaning girth in exactly the opposite way from the spot that only he could reach so well. Toji’s tongue pops out to lap at his sneaky dribble of saliva - he was loving this. “Whoops…maybe-”
“F-fuck-” You’re all but begging, your whimpers going straight to that forevermore bloated shaft of his. Pumping in a few horny ounces that make him grow even thicker, “-fine- fuck! Please-”
“Hm…” Toji’s tutting, bangs sticking to the plane of his prespired forehead as he shakes his head understandingly. Mockingly so. “What’s that?”
He’s lolling out his tongue to lap at the salty pearls of tears beginning to waterfall from your fluttering eyes, “Say ‘please- husband.’”
The embarrassment and pure irritation curdling in your veins was strong, but your need - your throb from the wet patch between your legs, and that spot was even stronger. Shit, you needed him. “P-please…my husband.”
Ah, the words are barely spilling from your mouth, barely even reaching our own ears before Toji’s making you see white-hot pleasure flickering behind your lids. A drawling keen dragging out from your throat as soon as his curvaceous cockhead nuzzles up in a sweet, sweet hug into your g-spot. 
And your ears can only thunder with your heartbeat, your spine bowing as your husband plaps his fat cock into your most candied spots over and over and over-
“One more thing.” Something cool touches your face, and only seconds later do you recognize it to be a phone. Your phone. “Tell that lil’ loser of a coworker that yer hgh- married. And-” Another deafening pap! “-expecting.”
♡ NANAMI KENTO - Yours, always.
“I…I’m sorry, my love.” Nanami hisses - he heaves the moment his buttery-topped tip was sinking past your puckered entrance. And there’s a dangerous furrow between his neat, blond brows, “But I can’t have ya sayin’ anything bad about my wife.”
And he was so serious - seriously in love with the way you were gaping up with spit-flooded lips when one of his thick, calloused digits massage over your eagerly peaked clit with the chillingly golden band of his wedding ring. Matching with yours. 
Your fingers dig into the plane of your husband’s unfairly broad shoulders underneath his blue button-up, all rippling muscles and sheer dripping sex appeal. He hadn’t even bothered to take his office clothes before helping you…feel better. “Kento, I-I’m just sayin’ your new c-coworker is so much prettier-”
Only for him to cut you off with a heavy-handed spank to your treacly cunt, and a rumbling growl - rasping from beneath his stern lips once Nanami grants you with a filthy, filthy glissade of a French kiss. And you could taste him - taste yourself from his makeout with your slobbery pussy just before.
Your sticky slick lacquering his gummy lips in a candied glaze, slipping and sliding all the way down the dimpled edges of his grin, his chin, down below between his cushiony pecs- 
It was like a badge of honor, and Nanami Kento gladly and proudly adorned it.
You’re just leaking from that gooey spot between your legs when he’s back to pressing peck after peck on both your lips and your cushy g-spot. Dribbles of translucent slick drenching Nanami’s tawny happy trail - and his ring. 
One that’s pushed between your lecherously parted lips to swirl around that whiny cavern of your mouth, making you just shut up-
“G-gonna-” Clawing at his strong forearms, shocked that you were being halfway choked by your dear, gentle husband. “-gonna get dirty this way, K-Ken-”
“No, don’t mind getting…dirty if it’s you.” You’re hearing Nanami gasp from above you, murky pants of his shooting out in a rasping ah! ah! ah! And his droopily half-lidded eyes just bore into yours with sweet connection, “And I hate disrespectin’ my ngh- wife, this way but…but m’not gonna go easy on you tonight, darlin’.”
The bed sings out splintering creaks with every thud! of Nanami’s fatly bloated tip smooching up against your spongy cervix. Every bouncy bludgeon spurting out the most dewy ribbons of his precum from the very tip of his rounded crownhead. Proud and ruthless.
You can only wring your fingers through Nanami’s golden strands, unsticking stray locks from his prespired forehead. Babbles upon babbles spill from your lips, “I-fuck! Kentoooo- it f-feels so good.”
“Good, hm? Th-tha’s right-” Freely thumbing away a few puddly gumdrops of saliva that’d begun just spilling from the corners of your maw with every hit after hit- 
And every clashing pivot of his toned hipbones sting, heat blossoming up your spine in this sloppy mess of a mating press that Nanami had manhandled you into. But he needed more- more more more-
“S-shoooo good, Ken- right there-” Lewd little strings of hiccups are bubbling from your chest and wafting up between the bustling fingers still toying with your mouth and making you suck. Tongue swirling up the cold engraved metal of his ring as if your favorite honeyed lolly, “Always feels so ngh- good havin’ you inside me-”
Too good.
Unable to help yourself from greedily clasping onto that dangling yellowy tie sticking to your sweat-simmered tits and pulling-
And oh, this makes Nanami gasp- free hand slamming! down onto the timber bedframe. This makes his hips hammer forward with a loudly ringing pap! Plummy, split cockhead probing into your cervix hard. 
Never slowing down, never stopping- hell, he doesn’t think he even could right now. 
“H-heh, my clever girl.” A kiss against your forehead. “My needy girl.” Your cheeks. Each side. “My ngh- beautiful girl- most beautiful girl in this world.”
There’s such utter and true loving in his foggy mahogany eyes that you almost feel shy. “D-don’t look at me like that, Kento.”
“Y’know I only h-have eyes for you, my love…” Accompanied by the digits rummaging deep inside your sultry mouth to reel back with a sodden plap! And dip down to caressingly pinch your plump clit, “C’mon- tighter. Mark me up. Tight.”
And there’s nothing you can do but listen to what he says.
How could you not?
Not when the ever-sensible Nanami Kento was begging - pleading - down at you to choke his velveteen tie even tighter around his attractive throat. Adam’s apple bobbing at your increasing strain, lightning bolts of veins thumping when you squeeze.
“Yeahhh- don’ be shy. Let everyone know- fuuuuck-” Bleary head falling back with every adhesive-like cling of your elastic walls - or, at least, trying to if it wasn’t for your chokehold with his tie. Nanami’s lips curl into an oh-so-feral snarl, head tilting to the side to chafe his own flesh with the ropey bruises of your actions. “-mark me up s-so that the whole office knows m’yours. And I…”
Fuck, you looked so cute fucked dumb and drooling on his fat dick like this. 
Nanami’s thick muscular thighs are shivering at this point, shovelling your own further and further upon the more he could feel himself losing his fucking mind. 
“And I’m gonna m-marry you.” Bumbling out over and over like a mantra now, Nanami was so pussydrunk that his rotund tip wasn’t even kissing up against the bullseye of your g-spot directly anymore. Breath hitching, “Gonna marry- hngh- needa marry. B-be your husband- and-” Just dragging out achy massages of his swollen length to lustre every gooey inch of you with layers on top of voluminous layers of his- cum? “Sh-shit.”
Because Nanami was cumming and he couldn’t stop. 
Heaps of weighty ropes splatter across your elastic channel, it’s swashing around in thick masses every time he’s fucking it back deeply into you. “I love you.”
At this moment, you’re sure that it’s your mind splintering into a million pieces, and only many, many hours later do you realize that it’s your poor broken bedframe. Because you’re overspilling with drooling dredges of pearlescent seed and bliss when that finally pushes you over the edge, too. “K-Kentoooo-”
“Shhh sh sh- m’here Hold onto me-” he’s rasping out. Airy. Depraved. Like Nanami doesn’t even know that the words are leaving his lips. “So perfect…wanna marry you, darling.”
You can only blurt out a drunken giggle, “Ken- we’re ngh- already married.”
“Oh…then…you already know m’yours…” Nuzzling his face into his favorite hideout at the crook of your neck, Nanami’s words are almost cracking into a whine - a plea for the very first time in his life. “-body and soul.”
“Why hello to you, too.” You flinch when Geto snickers once his sneaking fingers massage downwards to pry open your thoroughly puckered and drooling pussy lips. He wasn’t talking to you. “Wanna help me make my girl all happy again?”
And he’s humming along, throwing your pliable legs easily over his sculptured shoulders with an understanding nod. “Mmmm- needy one, aren’tcha?”
“You’re s-such a tease.” You’re huffing out, brows knitting in a way that only made the pretty man above you kiss away. 
“And you’re such a green-eyed lil’ monster.” He’s purring back, a rasping growl leaking its way into Geto’s teasing words. “And as much as I love that ah- jealous pout on ya, gorgeous, better know it only makes me…harder.”
Geto’s snaking a hand to pry your drunkenly lolling head to veer downwards, chuckling at the way your droopy eyes widen when you’re taking note of his staggeringly bloated cock laid right there between your legs. Red and angry. So ready to pump the heated geyser between your legs full of his inches, that he can’t help but bawl out a ribbony string of pre smearing across your tummy. Enough so that you can almost taste it-
“What? What happened to my heh- snappy girl, huh?” Inky bangs mussing up when he’s cocking his head to simply leer. Such a sleazy look of depravity taking over all of his features, “Too big?” 
You’re shaking your head - gasping, “Y-yes but I want it- want you hck! inside me so badly, Suguru—”
“Say m’name like that n’ I’ll cum.” He’s rolling his eyes, truly unabashed and greedy. With a sopping wet plap! Geto’s planting your treacly slit with a spank, only for you to be presented with the big beefy expanse of his pale forearm before you can even make a whiny noise. “Now, bite down and take it.”
You think you could sob when every long, girthy inch of his fills you up to your very brim. Bulky globular tip kissing past your gluey lips and mazing you open so widely around him, until your elastic walls were tautly stretched till you could feel every ridge, every thumping vein, every goopy spurt of warm pre that showered your melty insides. 
“Heh.” Fuck, Geto’s heart just lurches with something warm at that heart-eyed cross of your pupils. Such a pretty picture. “Can ya count how many inches f’me, gorgeous?”
Ah, you couldn’t think much less count with just how battering Geto was with his mindless ruts just to fit inside. Washboard abs flexing with every push, push, push-
You’re letting go of his heated flesh with a soppy pwah! bursting from your lungs. “E-eight?” Only to be hit with a messy thud! of his thick cockhead dragging down your mushy walls, throbbing veins thumping at your tenderized spots in time with your very heartbeat. Oh. “Nine?”
“Atta girl.” The calloused mountains of his palms covet underneath your thighs and manhandle you even closer to lock them around his neck. Tighter. “Got a whole nine inches j-just for you, alllll for this pretty pussy right here.”
You can’t help but feel like a fucking toy at the merciless hands of Geto Suguru - and he’s more than happy to pliantly jerk you around until you were halfway through sobbing at the sheer pounds after pounds.
Your glossed lips can only part open when he’s punctuating each thrust with a tug on the precious hood of your clit, and Geto was always the best with his fingers. Dipping and swirling them around dexterously to make you see flashing stars, “Sugu, it- It feels- so-”
“Ah ah- louder.” Mahogany headboard clattering against the walls, about to break. To snap. Just as much as he was right about now. “Don’ hold back any fuck- pretty noises from me. The entire ah- place hasn’t heard ya yet.”
“Mhmm, does it feel hah- good when big bad Sugu is fucking you stupid?” Leaving a sweet little pap! of his blushing red tip particularly hard into your g-spot, you swear you could taste the bliss of his bumpy veins branding into your tenderized orifices. “When ya don’t have to think about ngh- aaaany of those silly things?”
And you couldn’t worry about anything - not that too-flirty new member of the association, not your jealousy - not when Geto was fucking each and every thought out of your poor mind. 
Barely even registering it even once one engulfing hand curls gently at the back of your neck to hide away your prespired face into the clammy crook of his neck. So pretty and supple when he’s guiding you to bite, “C’mon then- heh- mark me. Use me. Show off that m’yours.”
“Y-you’re enjoying this-” you’re whining, though, nosing away to pinprick littering bites that blossom and bloom, and show off even if he had his traditional robes on. 
“And you’re turned on.” He’s finishing off your never-ending mewls, head lolling backwards drunkenly to give you an even bigger canvas to work with. “Feeling me all deep inside-” Splaying out a palm along your tummy to feel for that cylindrical outline of something hard. Aching. Bumping up in wet smooches into your deepest spots. “Such a possessive lil’ thing milkin’ me. I need you to fuck me. Fuh-fuck me.”
Muttering, “Ngh- should- should fuck you in front of the whole cult to l-let them know.” Your murky huffs are laced with something grumbling that makes his fattened tip twitch. 
It’s only then and there that you hear notorious clan leader Geto Suguru whimper. For the first time ever in his life, breaking at the seams when your nails rake pretty red valleys down the mountainous expanse of his Adonis-like back. 
Flexing and rippling and fuck-
Fuck, Geto thinks he could almost cum right then and there at the awe-strucken expression smeared all over your face. The way your lips were curling with trickling rivulets of drool and you barely even realize.
“That’s right-” He’s cooing at your nonsensical babbling like it was his favorite conversation, and you’ve never seen him so fucked. So much like putty underneath your hands as you leave marks for days. Maw slagging open with a smirk, heady lids so heavy and hypnotized that they’re practically closed. “That’s right, that’s riiiight- That can be arranged.”
Your greedy fingerpads tangle with his silken locks and jerk in shock, syrupy sap leaking sobbing between your pursed lips and forming a little ring right at Geto’s hulking base once you’re registering what he said. “Can be- arranged?”
And ah- Geto knows he loves you. He really, really loves you. Marked and yours, he’s whispering, “Anything for my girl. Because m’yours and yours forever and ever.”
♡ CHOSO KAMO - “I-I’m yours…”
And not even the way that poor Choso was buried vulgarly deep into every syrupy nook and cranny of your pretty pussy would stop him from rambling those whimpering words. In fact, it was the opposite. 
He was so thoroughly pussydrunk that just a few sloppy sucks of our glutinous walls makes Choso’s heaving chest stutter mid-fuck. Drooling maw falling pathetically open at the sheen sprays formulating around his swollen, rose-pink shaft. 
So glossy and pretty that he feels hypnotized.
“Cho…” Only snapping half-awake once your trembly fingers dive into Choso’s slightly dampened chestnut locks. And the flutters of his long lashes are so adorable, “D’you ngh- mean that?”
“Of course! Don’t be silly, my baby–” And he can’t even believe what he’s hearing - you? The light of his life? Fucking jealous over a too-flirty sorcerer? God, if it wasn’t for the way that his breath hitches at the dewy cling of your mushy walls exactly around his sensitive underside, then Choso would’ve thought that he was dreaming. “You know you’re the ah! only one for me.”
And he meant it with every pound after papping pound of his plumpened, ruddy crownhead drawing spattered gashes into your rubbery channel. 
Rubbing over one slender thumb to trailway the peak of your buttony clit, Choso can’t hold back his keening whine at just how much wetter that makes your already-slobbering pussy. Swirling pressurized gyrations over and over, he’s muttering away, “G-gonna prove it- g’na make you cum- ngh- have to- ah fuck-”
“Oh- shit- B-baby, I can’t stop-” You’re whispering at the fountained squirt of your slick flooding the sultry non-existent space between you two - you’re so responsive today, and Choso thinks he could cum just from this. 
“Fuck me-” he’s dribbling through roughly parted lips, nose crinkling with utter bliss. “Fuck me- ngh- Yeah yeah yeah, milk me and make me yours, baby- only ever want you to milk me.”
You’re snickering with such utter loving in your eyes that it makes him shy. “H-heh, so cute when you’re fucking yourself so hah- deep in me like this, baby.”
He could whine, could beg your cute cunt for more. Could feel not even a mere inkling of embarrassment as his tongue lolls out like such a slut to slide glazy digits all the way into the back of his greedy throat. Dewy eyes shuttering at the sugarcoated taste of your sweet, sweet juices-
“Oh, but you sh-shouldn’t ever need to be jealous. I w-wanna…” he’s starting off with a tremoring wobble of his jutted, strawberry-pink lips. Thickly viscous coatings of saliva and your slick hanging off of them like a sticky second skin, “-wanna s-stuff my face between your pretty legs forever and ever, baby–”
And Choso couldn’t fucking believe the words were spilling from his mouth - he was supposed to be making his poor girl feel better. Supposed to be comforting you.
But these are so sinful that it makes your beloved boyfriend burn a bright blossoming red, such a pretty flush eating one the apples of his cheeks. One you can’t help but cup, “S’that all?”
Shit, Choso can feel his buttery pre coil out in a few soppy splotches that puddle at the end of your pulpy cervix, split-ended shaft making such a mess. His hefty breeder balls clench tautly at the teasing tone of your voice- dammit. He can’t cum before you.
“N-no.” Pearly white teeth sinking into his gummy bottom lip, Choso chews away as if it was his favorite candy. Trying so-very-hard to hold himself back. “Wanna fuck her- ngh-” And just one look– just one sneaking spy down at where he was disappearing back and forth always left him stupidly speechless. “-her…p-pretty lips until I…die. Think m’ngh- addicted, baby—”
He was so precious.
Tear-streaked face nuzzling the crook of your neck, dexterous fingers knotting around the bulky base of his length. And the only thing that Choso’s heavy tongue can jumble out is a mixture of your name and please- please please-
“Aww, Cho–” You’re prying his sweaty face away to gaze down ravenously into yours, and just the sweet eye contact is enough to make his skin even more feverishly blushing pink. “Are you close?”
A lie - and both of you knew it.
Because Choso’s streaks of thumping veins down his sensitive cock always throbbed so much harder when it was building up. His dark lashes lacquering with a salty layer of tears, sculptured abs flexing and pulling tight when his sloppy hips pap! pap! pap! into your fleshy mounds like such an animal.
Choso has never felt more out of control - more and more like his sanity was fraying away with every bumpy nudge of his dewdropping rotund tip into your bouncy sweet spots. With every drag of your raking nails down his scalp in a way that makes him think he would fucking purr if he could-
“I…I lied.” He’s confessing like his greatest sin, one arm wrangling around your waist to smush your naked tits against his cushy pecs. Cozy. “M’gonna cum-”
“Cum f’me, Choso.”
Biting back a shrilling mewl at the lecherous use of his full name, he’s already feeling the white-hot shockwaves of his tightly teetering orgasm swirling around in his thwacking balls. Urgently latching two soft-padded fingertips onto your clit, Choso pinches-
And then you’re both cumming.
You don’t know who was first - but in the depths of your lust-filmed mind, you’re sure you tied for the hardest. Because you’re seeing ivory - or make that was just the thickly viscous globs of seed that verspilled from your knotted cunt. 
“Fuh-fuck me-” he’s gurgling out, reeling you into his glimmering, toned body so tightly. Usually so conscious of crushing you with his weight, but now you’re being pinned to the soaked sheets with every ounce of him. He’s melting into you, abs against your tummy, thighs against your own, head dripping into your throat to bite. “Love you- love you love you love- love being yours. And yours o-only.”
Clingy wads of seed sloshing out of you with every sensitive buck, Choso’s still fucking you through your high. Fucking you like he can’t stop the steaming hot piles of cum being poured out into your cozy pussy until you were flooded to the brim.
And through your black-tinged vision you can make out the hypnotized figure of him dipping down two ravaging fingers to smear the clingfilm of lustrous creamy white. Swabbing a generous helping before popping them into his dribbling mouth-
“Baby, did you know curses mate for life?”
♡ RYOMEN SUKUNA - Cross my heart
“Hah- what was that again, silly human?” Sukuna’s crossing over his big beefy arms exactly how he knew you liked, and the way you’re ogling the powerful flexes of his biceps is just so darn cute. “Jealous? Repeat that f’me- for your king.”
As if you could. 
As if Ryomen Sukuna wasn’t just fucking you stupid right now - for what seemed like hours and hours and hours. The fat globe of his bawling cockhead drawing a few trickles of sap down your battered g-spot each and every time. Every vicious rut arching perfectly off of his luxurious throne to leave wet plap! after plap! after plap! on your poor stinging mounds of flesh.
You were supposed to be riding him - but, of course, the king of curses had to steal your thunder. Had to shut up your shrilling whines by bumping his hips into you mercilessly. 
“Oi oi-” Two dark-nailed digits are slicking in front of your deliciously crossed eyes to snap you out of your cockdrunken little haze, and with a sharp snap! your pulpy cervix is being bludgeoned with three thick drags of one strawberry-ruby tip. He’s fisting his other matchingly swollen length with fat fingers, thumbing down those lightning bolted veins mouth-wateringly. “Don’t tell me yer tappin’ out ngh- already?”
Your mewls come out candied and so, so needy. Bonelessly jittery arms curling around Sukuna’s thick neck, to jerk your hips mere sultry inches down his soppily glazed shafts. “I-I’m- not- I was just…”
“And now yer fuckin’ running away.” He’s drawling out, and oh, you could tell that he was enjoying this. Monstrous mouth on his stomach spilling out a few greedy puddles of saliva at that oh-so-desperate pout on your face. Grinning. “Can’t talk but- ya can ah- run away? Where are ya going, huh? Lemme escort ya, brat.”
Before you can even blink, he’s baring you with such a feral grin. Plumpish lips pulled back to show off those elongated canines, rumbling snickers shooting out from between them the very moment Sukuna’s curling a staggering arm around the small of your back. Hard.
Crushing you against the sweat-simmers mountains of his cushiony pecs, you’re at the perfect deepened angle for his second mouth to just dote on the weep tip of your clit. 
“Sh-shit-” Your head tumbles airily backwards at the roughened smooch of his oversized tastebuds down your neglected clit, so hot and greedy that it makes you see stars. Mumbles slurring with every syllable, “Kuna i-it feels so good-”
“Well, duh.” Sukuna has no qualms rolling those glowingly demon-red eyes, plumpened cock swiping copious syrupy dewdrops around and around your puckered hole. “Dunno why ya think of all this- ngh! fuck- stupid shit…Ya really think I make jus’ anyone ah- feel like this?”
You’re huffing, knowing exactly the stupid conversation that got you here. “Not m-my fault- everyone in your court is always trying to be ngh! fuuuck- a-all over you and I just got a little jeal-”
“No shit, woman.” Fuck- you should’ve expected the punishing little pinch of his plushy fingerpads around your beaded nipples. And Sukuna can only tut, “Gettin’ jealous over low-lives for ngh- what? How m’I gonna get that cute lil’ brain of yours to f-finally understand, hm?”
And it’s like he was trying to drill that idea into you. In many ways.
Sukuna’s letting a third of his massive palms pucker up your swollen pussylips. Lecherously so.
Dancing his heated fingertips up and down up and down those saturatedly puffed-up edges before letting the hefty hilt of his stacked shaft fall in a weighty smack! Once. Just enough to make you sound out a shocked yelp at the messy French snog of his second cock down your treacly slit.
Slow and languid - the complete opposite of how vigorously he was now filling you up with those exact inches. “My jealous girl- ngh- one’s not ‘nough, right? Good thing your Kuna has two.”
Yeah, his size was incredible. 
Your parted lips couldn’t stop quivering, couldn’t stop streaming out geysers of cockdrunk spit at just how close you felt to bursting. 
Because his girths were plugging you mind-numbingly full, thumping veins massaging in sweet little glissades down the most treasured sweet spots of your walls. Two of Sukuna’s fingers dip downwards to spread your bulging lips, using every ounce from years upon years of battle just to buck. Up, up, up-
“Sh-shit—” he’s hissing underneath his headily cloudy breath, jaw clenching at the velvety slide of himself stuffing you doubly full. And if Sukuna thought that he wasn’t handling this well, then he wasn’t ready to gaze with glazed eyes up at you. “So- tight. Look at that bulge. Feelin’ full, brat?”
Yes. You could almost sob, pulling on those bubblegum curls at the base of Sukuna’s neck when he’s only pivoting to sink in even deeper. Yes yes yes yes-
“Good. G-gonna make a biiiig mess- here-” You’re whimpering brokenly at the sharp throb of one index of his probing about halfway down your tummy, where Sukuna’s sweltering hot tips were scouring. “-maybe then ya won’t forget who’s yours.”
“M-mine?” You’re blinking your droopy eyes up at him, and shit- he can feel his regal cheekbones burn at the pretty sight.
Drooly little squelches are wafting off from underneath you after every battering ram of an innocent peck up into your goopy depths. And Sukuna only matches the slurping sounds back up above when he latches his lips onto yours.
“Kiss me- kiss me proper.” Your maw dangles open drunkenly with a prying tug from one of his thumbs, “Lick-” And it’s so fucking filthy that you can feel your slobbering pussy lacquer with another candied wave of slick, flooding between your legs and helping you slip and slide in lewd gyrations of his lap. A mess that his excess mouth gladly laps up. “Spit.”
You do - letting the gleaming thick wad splatter onto Sukuna’s eagerly awaiting tongue and lather his mouth even wetter. And you right along with-
With your orgasm taking you by surprise - fuck. Right at the moment your dripping cunt pecks his twin hilts. 
You hadn’t even noticed the way it was building up and up and up- not until you’re letting your eyes sprint to the sluggish back of your head with a moan. 
“I-I’m-” Barely able to stutter out, stomach piling hotly with the shockwave of your high and the pleasurably liquidly masses of Sukuna’s buttery pre. Even more as he watched you fall apart. “-cumming—!”
“I know I know, nasty girl. Fuckin’ filthy.” He’s planting heavy-duty pound after pound to permanently brand all those spots, your cervix, everywhere and anywhere with the rounded circumference of his bloated cockheads. Swiping off those miniscule splatters of remnants, grumbling - with such a content smile. “Gotta work on your h-heh aim, though. Notice anything, brat?” 
Notice? What was there to notice? You muse you could barely even think - barely even breathe with the way that your mind was still jolted with your orgasm. With the way that Sukuna’s bustling cocks were stretching your gluey walls permanently open and-
That’s when your lust-filmed eyes see it - the tattoo. Nothing out of the ordinary to see Sukuna with a cursed marking on his tongue, but what came right after was what had you gasping…your name. Inked right on his flesh.
“Next time ya get- tch…jealous, m’ngh- tattooing your name here-” Drifting down his clawed digits from your hips and over to his own. And then up to his heart. He was dead serious. Planting your agape mouth with a sappy kiss, “-and fuckin’ ya in front of the whole court, my silly human.”
♡ INO TAKUMA - Casual?!
Sure, this arrangement with you was supposed to be casual but…one simple hangout with friends later and Ino Takuma knows you’re the only one he’d ever want to see walk down that damn aisle. He knows.
Because you’ve got your trembly legs practically padlocked greedily around the slender curve of his toned waist, your slobbery folds greedily drooling down every curvaceous inch of him. And oh, he can’t help but let off a quiet whine at the grumpy furrow in your brows, “W-wan’ more, Taku–!”
More more more that made his peachy-pink tip drivel out a few slippery douses of pre down your rubbery walls like your favorite sort of icing. Only adding to the complete and utter mess he’d already made-
“Are ya sure?” Ino’s drawling out, mean hips angling to skim just past the bruised and battered orifice of your g-spot. Slowly puckering up in a French kiss against your cervix, he’s catching a thumb down the eager globs of cum from just before that were now sloshing out of you. Teasing it into his mouth, “Yer already so f-full, pretty- Hmmmm, maybe we should just hngh- rest now-”
Ah, he knew exactly what would happen.
Exactly how it would only take three curls of his fat thumb up and down the lustrous layers of buttery seed that were staining your puffy pussylips for you to snap. To let out a cloudy pant of swears before planting your quivering feet flat on the plush mattress and flip the two of you over. 
Ino’s leaving a stinging spank once the mound of your ass rests right up against the tight curve of his rounded balls, slobbering a glossy snail trail all over his heated skin in a way that make him groan. “Ohhh, love it when yer rough w’me like this.”
“Just one more…” He’s not even sure if you knew just how lethal that pout of yours was, fingers digging into his scalp to pull on his silky chestnut locks. And Ino lets you. Fuck- he lets you. “Want to be s-sure that next time, everyone knows you’re mine.”
Oh. Ino can feel his neat brows raising, hips rummaging upwards into your gluey depths with a mindless slam! “Holy shit. I-is that what this is- you’re ngh- jealous?” Latching onto the pivoting motions of your hips, “That’s so fucking hot.”
Indeed, and who knew that a flirty waitress would leave you fucking the sanity out of him like this. 
Ino’s finding himself keening at the smaller digits of yours staking your nails and your claim all over his pretty tawny hair, his throat, his pecs. Marks upon marks upon marks-
“Hah- fuuuuck- you jus’ feel so ngh- good, baby—” you’re practically purring, jerking your hips to mush his fattened mushroom tip into your sweetest spot with practice. Up and down and Ino can’t look away. “Makes me wanna k-keep ya all to myself.”
“Oh yeah?” He’s quirking up one brow, and you can’t help but find it so rawly sexy the way he does it. “S’that what you hngh- want? Wanna keep me until ya-” Both of you hissing when he’s grazing his soft fingertips across the creamy wads of cum spilling from your soppy slit. Before pushing it back in- “-until ya milk me dry, pretty?”
He was always so mean with his mouth - but the way that Ino was arching his spine the perfect curvature off of the drenched sheets was even meaner. 
Choking out through long, unsteady heaves of his pronounced pecs, “Shit, greedy girl. D-don’t know if I even can cum anymore, y’know?”
“Just one more?”
“Dammit…dammit! Ya know I can’t- ah- resist ya.” He’s tutting, “Just oooone more for m’girl?”
Deep, vulgar strokes plap! plap! plapping! against your own sloppy staccato. Vicious. Hard enough that the excess ribbons of cum smear and sludge all inside your tight entrance. It feels so completely lecherous that you don’t even hesitate before craning one set of fingers behind your back to graze over his puckered ballsack.
Tender touch making Ino’s jaw drop with a whine -  a whine. 
“Y-you vixen–” Soft hair splaying out across the pillowcase like a halo when he’s throwing his head alllll the way back, matching the way his eyes slide behind until all you can see are those ivory whites. “Fucking take it then, always ruinin’ me with this p-pretty pussy o’ yours.”
“S’that so?” You’re musing, teeth sinking into the tender spot right at his left earlobe. And Ino’s face is so sweaty and flushed nuzzling into yours, streaked with a cherry-red blush that looks oh-so-cute. “No need to be shy about it, Taku–” 
“F-fuuuck- don�� say my ngh- name like that.” And there’s something in the way he giggles all pussydrunkenly, “Gonna make me- cum again- Fuuuck, only you could m-make me like this.”
So very drunk off of you and the clingy smooches your sloppy cunt was leaving on his rock-hard length that he just couldn’t stop babbling. Faster. Couldn’t stop running his kiss-bruised mouth with every thwacking thrash! against your magical spots, dotting gumdrops of dangerous pre with every single jackhammer. Sloppier. 
And that smile on your face is heavenly. “Say that again, baby?” But your words are devilish.
As if to whisper his deepest darkest secrets in hoarse, breaking whimpers into your ear, Ino’s curling his dextrous inches of fingers around your throat. Hauling you greedy centimeters closer until his heady breath was bouncing in warm puffs off of your features, in awe taking you in. Drooling. Blushing. Syllables drowning in embarrassment, “Only you can ah- fuck me stupid like this- o-only you…m’yours.”
“Gonna hafta let hngh- everyone know then-” you’re humming, voice so silky smooth but Ino’s ruddied cock could feel the sweltering hot gushes as you only got wetter. “-I’ll be ah- showing you off then-”
“Mhmm– yeah- yeah, whatever you say, sweetness.” He’s sighing underneath his breath when your bounces only grow more vicious. “Proper name, place name…backtory stuff.” Face drooping into the strained crook of his neck and- oh.
And then you bite him and Ino thinks he sees the gates of heaven.
With you, straddling him right then and there like the angel you are. Your needy pussy swallowing up torrential ounces and ounces and ounces of his ribbony cum. The sappy masses mixing and meshing with the already-filthy puddle that he’d made before.
There’s just so much spilling from that strawberry pink divot peaking at his crownhead, that Ino’s entire body hunches over. Sweat-dampened forehead sticking to yours, shivers sprinting down his spine to where he was maintaining a vice-like grip plugging you full of his swirling cum.
Bleeding into his words when he’s muttering up at you through long, fluttering lashes, “C-can we hold hands when we go out now?”
“M’not weak.” He’s spitting out, long snowy lashes fluttering with every sheeny glissade of your puckered pussy lips rovering up and down his achy, overused cock. Up and down up and down up and- “So ngh- m-mark me up.”
And it was just about the only thing that Gojo Satoru wanted - the only thing he yearned for - right after proving to you and everyone else that he was yours. 
He’d just finished smearing your prettily puckered lips with a thick lipstain of sappy cum, before manhandling you on top of him to ride him for hours and hours and hours. You’re so gorgeous milking his fucking soul, with Gojo’s own velvety blindfold dangling off of your neck.
Planting a long, exaggerated snog of his plump rosy lips on your sodden mouth, Gojo’s pulling away with a dramatic pout. “Wan’ to show them how the ah- strongest fucks. For everyone t-to know how well you- hngh!”
You’re proving exactly his point with a clingy clench of your glutinous walls hugging his rummaging cockhead. Slipping and sliding between his leaky mushroom tip between your saturated lips oh-so-easily with just how soaked you were.
With a stinging smack! of his slender, six-inch fingers onto the arched curve of yours ass, Gojo’s helping your bulging lips swallow up every one of his fucking inches. Greedily. 
“Why?” You’re huffing out a clouded pant, hitting Gojo’s playfully loving features. Words taking on a whiny tone that you only ever saw used by your boyfriend himself, “S-so that even more girls could flirt with you when m’right ngh- there-”
Once. Twice. Thrice until Gojo was sure that your sharp mouth was reduced to flooding with nothing but needy whines at his punishing little thwacks. 
Reminding you of how he’d turned down anyone and everyone else that flocked to him.
You can only watch when he’s curling one big, beefy forearm around the pivoting small of your back. Sapphire eyes rolling up at you, “Girl, as much as I hah- looove that feisty hngh- mouth o’ yours. You think just anyone s’gonna make the st-strongest theirs?”
Before you can answer, he’s swabbing out a caramelized wad of translucent saliva, dipping down to your neglected clit and leaving off a pressurized spank.
“Silly lil’ thing. The answer is- no-” He’s humming away, like he wasn’t just driving your body oh-so-feral right about now. Prattles of praises dripping with every dousing dab of his globular tip opening up your gooey depths, “-so no complainin’ now, my girl.”
And it was so true.
With a few copious more kisses lingering on your tongue, Gojo’s blessing your tastebuds with a wet thwack! of his drooly saliva. Pecking away the overspilling spatters beading at the corners of your lips, “See how well ya take it? So no need ta get ngh- jealous, sweetheart.”
And maybe it was high time that you’re asking for a break, high time that you’re breathing in heaving gulps of air to try and organize your dazed mind. 
But the only thing you find yourself doing is carressing your palms to give Gojo’s bulging pecs a good firm squeeze. Digging your nails into the plush muscle in a way that makes his nose crinkle with a whimper.
“C-can’t help it, Toru–” Head throwing back with the roaring pap! of his clammy skin sticking to yours with each bounce, you’re stuffing your snug cunt so unbearably full with his massively large inches. And it only makes you want more more more- “-you’re just so pretty…”
“Yeah?” Gojo’s letting his head splay-out into the pillow with a woozy grin smeared all over his ruined features. One set of his biceps rippling when he’s resting it sexily behind him, the other twitching when he’s curling one finger underneath the blindfold at your neck and dragging you until you’re mere sultry inches away. “Ya think m’pretty, huh?”
Your blood curdles in your vein with embarrassment at what you’d just babbled away cockdrunkenly - what you were still babbling out. “Y-yes. Unfairly pretty.”
Fuck, Gojo was just twitching his bulked rotund tip into your goopiest depths. Still so sensitive. Earning you a low whine puffing from between his lips, and the sweetest of kisses against that tender g-spot. 
“H-heh…” And if you were in a better state of mind, you’d have sworn that the great Gojo Satoru’s suave voice trembled with such an obvious crack. “M’gonna marry ya- I swear.”
And that massive diamond ring bunched up in his drawer to be mentioned later, you’re feeling the burning sting of his pampered fingernails raking bruising lines down the curvaceous arch of your spine. The sheer bend of it sending Gojo licking his lips, eyes craning to admire the bumpy pathways of his perfect work.
You’re hissing your own crescents drawing the very same thing all over Gojo’s Herculean front the very moment his jackhammers get too much. Strawberry red lines against his peachy flush. Plummy split-end probing deeply into all your treasure trove of geysers that it felt like just the slightest bit of recoil parting your gluey flesh made him mad. 
“Ohhh, girl-” The smile you’re bared with is so wild - unrestrained. Showing off his sharpened canines like such an animal, drooling and gleaming with mouth-watered sap. Breaths staggering out in hot pants, “-the way you hah- stake your claim on me is sooo sexy. Because m’yours, huh?” 
And maybe if this was any other time then you’re sure you’d be embarrassed at how quickly you’re hurtling into your orgasm headfirst with just those words and the bruising twang of his fingers pinching your clit.
Yet, it feels so good - Gojo Satoru was always the best at whatever he did. 
And right now you can feel your throat burn with the wrenching call of Toru— your hips stuttering down into his almost-thunderously. Riotous, vicious drags to plumpen your favorite spots with the curved angle of his thick cock, so drag out your high for far too long-
But Gojo wasn’t done. Of course, he wasn’t.
Not until spearheading few determinedly roughened thrashes up into your soppy cervix with a gritted slash of his mouth. 
“Yeah yeahh- y-you can handle it, girlie-” Swab after swab after swab that made your second and third orgasms cash into one. “Gotta s-suck me ngh- dry now, m’kay? Make aaaaall of Toyko lose their fuckin’ electrcity- ah- instead of worryin’ that pretty lil’ head with stupid things. Okay?” Final, heaving slopes of his thrusts- “Gotta take eeeverything th-this big cock takes like a champ, m’kay? Because it’s all yours heh…”
And then you’re milking him and you’re milking him until he’s gone. Ruined. 
The strongest reduced to nothing but a lecherous mess of whimpers and feral twitches of his ruby-red tip. Flooding your poor cunt over and over with waterfalls of his creamy sap, so fucking overstimulated that he can feel his footfalls planting down firmly on the mattress. Eyes watering, spine hunching-
Ah, Gojo’s cracking his leaky lids open to a dim bedroom, air murky with sex and buzzing jujutsu. Exactly how he wanted it - for everyone in every ward of Tokyo to know who made him feel this way. So good. To know how he was yours.
Gojo looks up at you, cock jerking ever-so-slightly at your heaving figure straddling him and oh, he’s in love. “Let’s take out the lights in all of Japan this time.”
♡ HIGURUMA HIROMI - Soulmates.
“Cummin’ on my haaaah- cock for the fourth time and still not ‘nough?” And perhaps for the first time ever in his life, the ever-stoic Higuruma Hiromi sounded breathless. Words hitching into a needy lilt of his voice, “-still want fuckin’ more, greedy girl?”
Yes. The answer was yes yes yes yes - and it was bleeding into your every action. 
Steadying your precarious hands on the cool mahogany plane of his office desk. Important law documents rustle and fall with every single motion of your hips pivoting backwards against Higuruma’s toned ones, wrenching out resounding paps! of clammy skin-on-skin. Saturated lips puckering up around every solid, girthy inch he could give, “...J-jus’ want you, Hiromi.”
“Hm, s’that right, angel?” Planting a sudden spank of his thick digits down onto the jiggling mound of your ass. And if you crane your head over your shoulder just right, you’d catch that simpering dimple at the end of his curling grin. “Such a needy girl- bet ya can’t stop thinkin’ about me, huh?”
And- shit, Higuruma wasn’t expecting his lovely angel to actually nod. 
To let your head tumble up and downwards like you were out of control, mewling out affirmative yeses.
Without a second thought, he’s tugging the tattered rest of your tight silken skirt cleanly off. Engulfing palms smoothing over your stinging flesh and spreading your puffed-up pussy lips so wiiidely agape.
Your squirmy hips are being pinned down with one of his strong arms, and the forever-deepening angle of Higuruma hiking up a singular thick thigh. Neat black garter only digging into his supple leg muscles and making them look even bigger. “Take this fuckin’ cock now- no need to be shy.”
What a pretty sight.
Of your sheen-slicked folds struggling and yearning to take up more more more of him. Slobbering out sweltering hot geysers of sickly sweet slick that drizzle between his digits and down to that neat, black happy trail. You were so needy right now and Higuruma has never loved anything more - well, other than his love for simply you, of course. 
“Not a single ngh- inch left- hah- ya really are made f’me, huh? All this for jus’ me?” He’s hissing out over the knocking thuds of your knees bumping into the wooden furniture with each pressurized thrust. But of course, Higuruma couldn’t have that- bending his legs with a grunt to lift your own boneless limbs ever-so-slightly midair. And you take it so fucking well- “M-maybe I hafta make ya ngh- jealous of overtime more often.”
You’re mumbling, “Hiromi—”
For which you’re shut up by the pads of his rounded fingertips rolling over your pulpy clit with a patterned heart. “Kidding- kidding, angel. But I wouldn’t s-say no to ya barging in my office n’ takin’ this fucking cock more ah- often.”
Pump and pump of his vigorous shaft, you feel like you can only perch your hips higher and take it. 
All the while Higuruma’s babbling away pussydrunkenly like he doesn’t even realize it - and he doesn’t. He can’t. The only thing running through his saccharine sweet mind being you you you-
“Awww, nothin’ for ya to be worried about, dear–” Those overstimulated pearls of wet tears gathering at your droopy eyes are lazily wafted away by one of Higuruma’s thumbs. “M’a married fuckin’ man- not to my work. To you, my soulmate.”
“B-but–” Your lower lips juts out in a pout that makes his strawberry pink cockhead jolt like he’d been zapped with a million fucking volts of electricity. Mind too intoxicated to really even register what he said - married. “-makes me feel so lonely n’ jealous some ah- nights, baby–”
“My poor angel-” His face nuzzles into your tear-clammed cheeks, and the miniscule bristle of his five-o-clock shadow makes your trembling orifices only wetter. “-my poor, poor angel. Y’know what we can ngh- do?”
Blinking up dazedly, “What?”
“What if I…” And oh, he’s planing over the middle of your tummy, fingers teetering sensual little circles right above where his rummaging fat cock was making such a mess of your goopy insides. ‘-pumped ya alllll f-full right here.“ Just those sweetly tender words in your ear was enough to make your lips part parchedly, as dry as a desert. “N’ gave our little family a-another hah- member…or two.”
It’s as if as soon as the idea is dropped into your needy head, it’s all that you can think about. 
“Wan– ah-” You’re mewling, “Want it- want it so bad. I-inside please–”
Plummeting your hips in an even sloppier slew of grinds against Higuruma’s, it’s no surprise that his sculptured skin where your ass is meeting and smacking into his is angry and red. But he doesn’t mind-
Fuck, in fact, it makes Higuruma even fucking harder. Every ounce of hot blood in his body bloating up to balloon his swollen crownhead even puffier, and he’s skimming over the sensory pads of his digits over and over your womb to feel for that nudge- that little probe of his ruthless shaft into your depths.
“Yeah? That sound good?” He can’t help but snicker in an uncharacteristically sleazy way at just how eagerly you’re nodding, “‘Course it does- my- ngh! good girl takes it all, doesn’t she?” He’s so filthy with his mouth, driving you closer and closer to the edge, even more so when he’s finally uttering. “N’ m’gonna give my all because m’yours, angel. All yours.”
He was fucking you all the way through your high like he meant it - and was driving the very message into both your gummy cunt and your stupefied mind. 
Over and over in such salacious grounds of his bulky cylindrical shaft swirling into your pudgy cervix. Kissing you hello and goodbye each n’ every time until he can’t hold it in-
Can’t stop. Can’t even falter when the arm manhandling you flatly onto your front sags with the weight of his entirely powerful body. Hunching over with a low groan, Higuruma’s filling you up to the very brim. Even past that with the utter viscous volume of seed treacling past your puckered slit. 
It’s so soppingly soaked that you’re feeling your thighs slip and slide past each other with every squeeze, lathered in a sugary frosting of his cum. Packed and plugged safely inside your goopy depths.
Higuruma can’t help but let his heart twist with utter pride at the way he could feel the matted masses cream and knot around his throbbing shaft inside of you. Ready to keep you locked up in here as long as possible for it to take. 
Overtime be damned, he was on a mission to prove that he’s devoted - that he’s yours.
Which is what finds him sneakily tugging open the second drawer on his desk while you busy yourself trying to catch desperate breaths. To steady yourself. To fucking open your eyes after this thorough ruination of your insides - only to see something big, and glinting on your left ring finger. 
A big, expensive diamond in exactly the design you’d off-handedly mentioned liking years and years ago.
Your mouth drops, and Higuruma’s crooks into a simpering smile. “If that didn’t prove m’all yours- maybe this will, my wife.”
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togglesbloggle · 5 months ago
My boyfriend has really vivid, elaborate dreams. He’ll often wake up and talk about some grand narrative- travel, exploration, politics, performances. I’ve always been a little jealous, he can hold really good plots together for them sometimes.
But anyway, this does have a downside; vivid, elaborate dreams make for vivid, elaborate nightmares. I can usually tell when it’s one of those nights, since he grinds his teeth pretty badly.
I was never quite sure what to do when I knew he was having a bad time of it, though the grinding alone was enough to worry me and push me towards intervening. I used to just shake him gently, hope to rouse him just enough to reset the dream or something, but it wasn’t too effective and anyway waking him up all the time isn’t good for rest.
I’m rather proud of the strategy I eventually settled on: gently, so as not to wake him up, I’d lay one arm across his hands, wrapping his fingers around me so that he was holding on. Nightmares being nightmares, I can usually count on a pretty tight grip when this happens.
It may seem a little odd, but consider that holding on to something with both hands is typically a very agentic frame of mind. We hold on to things that give us power, in one way or another, and possessing objects often makes us feel powerful in some respects. That has consequences, even for a dreaming mind.
I knew it was working when he woke up rather mystified from one such dream, and told me that he’d been running through the caverns of some dungeon or cave system, pursued by monsters, but then all of a sudden he was holding a giant anime sword and fought them off instead. So I got to be a sword for him that night, I was delighted.
I don’t usually get to know exactly what happened, since even for a very vivid dreamer like Ritter, nine tenths of these things get forgotten. But I know I’ve been things like door handles, steering wheels, stuff like that. And even when I don’t know what I am to him, he doesn’t grind his teeth nearly as much- the sleep is deeper and more peaceful, so I get plenty of feedback that it’s working.
It’s such a perfect encapsulation of love in microcosm, isn’t it? No matter how much you mean to them, and how much they mean to you, the gap between two conscious lives is fundamentally separating you. But fundamental does not mean insurmountable. There’s this whole world in him, full of dreams and perspectives that I’ll never truly experience. But I will be a part of those worlds all the same, finding little ways here and there to make sure that the dreams of me make him a better, stronger, and happier person.
Or at least, so one hopes. It’s a difficult challenge, and things often go awry. But usually you get at least a little lucky.
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kisssukuna33 · 2 months ago
HusbandSukuna! Who's never been the one to understand today's relationships. 50/50? No, his woman will never touch a single bill with her delicate fingers as long as he's alive and well.
HusbandSukuna! Who never understood the whole "giving your relationship time before proposing" thing. You aren't a real man if you drag out your relationship and take what you have for granted, Atleast that must have been what he was thinking when he put a big rock on your finger after dating for only 7 months.
HusbandSukuna! Who takes his role as your fiancé VERY seriously. He asked you to move in with him just right after he proposed. He does everything he can to make sure you feel comfortable in his house. He even went as far to renovate half of the house to your liking despite your much protesting that it's not needed.
HusbandSukuna! Who checks everyday to see if you are wearing the ring he put on you. it almost become a habbit for him to kiss the ring in your finger every single morning. Not just in the morning, whenever you two hangout in the public he intentionally kisses it to give other people the signal that his girl is strictly taken.
HusbandSukuna! Who wants to get married as soon as possible but he respect your time and choices. He doesn't want you to get overwhelmed by this at all, so he waits patiently ( had to restraint himself from asking like 5 times)
HusbandSukuna! Who gets so freaking happy when you finally confront him about being ready for marriage. The moment those words slip from your mouth his hands instantly go to your waist to pull you closer, closer till your foreheads are touching, He places a warm kiss on your temple and the next thing you hear makes your heart warm and fuzzy.
"You are the best thing that ever happened to me, I promise to be the best husband and I swear on my life I will take care of you and protect you till I die, I love you"
HusbandSukuna! Who jumps straight into the wedding planning. He hears from his married friends how stressful wedding planning was to them and he determines to not make you experience any bit of the stress, He tries everything in his power to make things go smooth as possible.
HusbandSukuna! Who breakdown in tears the moment he saw you walking the aisle to everyone's shock. The grumpy tatted 6'4 scary big guy who has given them nothing but attitude crying over seeing the love of his life walking down aisle? Who would have thought.
HusbandSukuna! Who immediately intertwine your fingers with his as he looks into your eyes like he sees nothing but the whole world in them and wait no minute to whisper "The prettiest, mine"
HusbandSukuna! who finally breaks free from his staring as the wedding officiant clears his throat to let him know that there's a whole wedding left to finish.
Everyone expect him to do a short vow and get done with it. Sukuna isn't known as the most expressive guy after all, but to everyone's surprise the vow lasted whole 15 minutes!! It was filled with nothing but love and appreciation for you and the little grin plastered in his mouth at the end of the vow makes it obvious how proud he was of himself ( I mean practicing this costed him a years worth friend too, after he suggested Sukuna to add some dirty degrading sex joke about you in the vows he ended up punching the guy as a result, so hell yeah he's proud of this!)
HusbandSukuna! Who keeps the honeymoon destination as a surprise till last minute, and your heart fills with joy as you realize he took you back to the beach you two first met, a place special to you both.
He booked the hotel room with the best view to the beach as expected.
HusbandSukuna! Who's heart feel warm all of a sudden, it's only a year ago he believed himself to be someone who's unable to be loved. Oh how much have changed since then.
HusbandSukuna! Who takes your hand and drags you to the balcony for a dance.
The smell of the beach, evening lightening, sounds of the ocean..All adds to the atmosphere as you two get lost in yourselves.
HusbandSukuna! Who takes a glance at the beach and sees a young family, not much older than both of you playing in the sand with their little girl.
HusbandSukuna! Who has a small smile tugged at his lips as he mentally promises to himself that he will return here again after you two finally complete your own little family.
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No grammar checks, forgive me I'm too lazy
What do we think about part 2?
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cherrybr4t · 4 months ago
older bf! cheol (+18 mdni)
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warnings: just me projecting my daddy issues. SMUT. unprotected sex 😭, fingering and oral (f rec), praising (f rec), daddy cheol. 🫦, creampie, sub!reader, dom!cheol
older bf!cheol who’s the most dependable man in your life. he wants you to count on him completely and he’s proven to be reliable time after time.
older bf!cheol loves taking care of you — loves babying you til the end of time. often cooks for you, buys you food all the time, his number one priority is always to make sure his baby is well fed.
older bf!cheol who’s THE epitome of: yes, i know you can, but let me (!!!!!!) knows you like to prove yourself as a strong and independent woman (which u r) but he wants to do everything for you nonetheless.
older bf!cheol who loves being your number one supporter; he’s always there for whatever important event you have going on — ALWAYS. he’s standing there tall and proud, with a fresh bouquet of your favourite flowers.
older bf!cheol who always leaves his card with you. wants to spoil you. takes pride in being able to spoil his princess rotten — you deserve the whole world and he will, in fact, do everything in his power to give you the world.
older bf!cheol who loves telling you how proud he is of you all the time. no matter what you’ve accomplished, he will be sure that you KNOW that.
he’ll have you seated prettily on his lap, while he hugs you, kisses your hands, down to your knuckles, and your fingertips — “you did so well baby, i’m so proud of you.” he would mutter while gazing at you with overflowing love, lips still puckering on your knuckles.
to say that had an effect on you would be an understatement. you melted like putty under his gaze, his gentle and subtle touches that felt like fire on your skin.
“you are?” the girl who was so desperately seeking for approval surfaced at that moment, and seungcheol is more than happy to go on about how happy he is for you — and how he is so proud of you, in awe of you.
“can i show you baby? how proud daddy is of you,”
you nod eagerly, already slipping into that light headspace, wanting nothing but to be praised by cheol, and to have him take care of you.
“words baby, have you forgotten? no words no reward,” cheol runs his index finger down your lips, pausing at your bottom lip to swipe his thumb over gently. his eyes hooded and dripping with raw lust as he observes the way you squirm on his lap.
“yes….daddy, show me…please,” your quiet whimpers and words altered his brain chemistry at that very moment. he loves you so much and wants nothing but to let you feel exactly how much he adores you.
older bf!cheol loves fucking you on every surface of the house, but right now, he wants to have you laid out on the bed bare for him. princess carries you to your shared bedroom. removes every article of clothing for you — leaving kisses at every area he exposes.
he swears his soul levitates every time he sees how gorgeous you look — especially when you’re looking up at him with those innocent eyes of yours. but he knows better than to think of you as innocent. knows you’re his dirty little angel.
knows you’re itching to have his cock in your mouth, like the obedient slut you always are to him. but tonight it’s all about you — and he’s going to make sure his pretty baby gets what she deserves.
“tell daddy what you need from him angel.” he urges you, hands rubbing across your thighs gently. “hmm?” he hums, head tilted and you’re about to cum for him right then and there.
“want to feel you daddy, your touch your mouth. want it all,” you breath out. he taps on your inner thigh and you immediately spread your legs wide open, propping them up on the bed for him.
“my smart little girl. you listen to daddy so well, don’t need me to remind you anymore hm?” cheol teases your cunt with his finger tip, running them across your wet hole — gushing out more slick every second — and he gathers the slick, rubs them all over your cunt.
“i’m daddy’s smart little girl—nngghh,” you push your hips up a little at his touch, enjoying his undivided attention on you.
“that you are, baby,” he dives down to give kitten licks and kisses around your clit, before going for the main course, flicking his tongue — playing with the growing bundle of nerves. he uses his tongue to spread your juices even more, before pushing his muscle deep inside your cunt and he moans at how warm your cunt feels.
“ohh..daddy, feels so good,” you moan out, hands reaching out to comb through his scalp before grabbing onto his locks.
cheol gets off praises as much as you do. so when he hears how much you’re enjoying him savouring your cunt, he goes harder, determined to outperform himself every time. he keeps his lips suctioned on your clit as his tongue moves ferociously around it. long fingers of his automatically making their way inside your warm cunt.
he pushes in slowly, enjoying the feeling of your textured walls swallowing him in bit by bit. groans around your clit as he realises how easily your pretty little cunt has managed to take two of his fingers.
he starts to massage those walls, eliciting a cry out of you. you tug on his hair harder as you feel him hitting your g-spot the more he pushes those thick fingers in.
“fuck daddy, take it daddy take it, pussy’s all yours,” you cry out, pleasure administered on both points making you lose control as you feel your thighs start to tremble.
“yeah baby, s’all mine. my smart little baby.”
“think you can cum for me baby? cum for your daddy hmm?” he pants as he starts to suck on your clit with urgency, wanting to feel you cum around his fingers.
“i’m right thereee daddy — gonna cum for you, gonna cum,” you cut yourself off as you feel your core start to twitch. letting out the final cry as you cum around cheol’s fingers.
“that’s it baby, so so good for me,”
cheol decides he’s too impatient and wants to pound you into the mattress right after making you cum. wants to see your pretty face as he makes you cum around his cock this time.
“gonna fuck you like you deserve now baby,” he slaps his thick cock on your sensitive cunt a few times. you jerk at the touch, too sensitive yet feeling insatiable.
he slides the tip in, and immediately groans as he gets reminded by how warm and tight your little cunt is. just like you, obedient and perfect. it sucks his cock in and refuses to let it go as he bottoms out.
“so—so big daddy. i love your cock so much,” you cry out, hands grabbing his wrists that are positioned on the sides of your head. his head hangs right above yours, lips bruised from all the lip biting he’s been doing. loves looking right into your eyes as he fucks you.
“fuck baby. you feel incredibly fucking good, can’t even describe it — ah fuck,” he feels your cunt clenching. doesn’t understand how a soaking wet cunt manages to grip onto his cock so tight.
“my little baby, so pretty under daddy. being filled with daddy’s huge cock.” he starts to move, pulls out his cock till the tip is left in you, before slamming it deep inside your cunt in an instant. the sounds you let out are pornographic to say the least, but cheol loves it. loves that he’s the only one that’ll ever make you feel this way.
“my smart smart baby, daddy’s so proud of you. you know that?” he tells you so softly as he holds onto your cheek so tenderly, yet his thrusts continue to get faster and rougher as his hips work like a machine.
you nod, only being able to let out hiccups of tears every time you open your mouth. loves when cheol is being a moving juxtaposition like this. so soft to you on the lips yet fucking you like he fucking means it.
“mm ‘course you knew that, my angel. you always make me proud. always are so so good. s’why you always deserve the best don’t you,” he pants out, moans at the way your cunt is gripping onto him for dear life each time he sends praises towards you.
“thank you daddy. thank you thank you,” you don’t know who or what is wiring your conscious mind right now as you get railed by your boyfriend. you’re stuck in that state of pleasure and cheol fogs up your entire mind, your entire being in the moment.
“the best girl. best angel. always the best for daddy, fuck. i love you baby,” cheol feels himself coming to a close. the thought of you is enough to drive him to the end point. and with your cunt pulsing around him like it’s about to explode anytime soon too, he knows he’s done for.
“daddyy, gonna make me cum again. can i — ngggh — cum again daddy,” you’re always so polite no matter when, it drives him crazy how you’re always his good girl.
“such a good girllll baby, yes you can cum fuck — cum for daddy yeah? gonna make daddy cum too,” he reaches out and in his usual fashion, draws tight figures around your clit to push you over the edge.
it works every time — and now your spasming around him as you feel your orgasm crashing and taking over your entire being. it feels catastrophic, yet heavenly as you cum around cheol’s cock.
“that’s it baby — cumming all over my cock like daddy’s good girl. good fucking girl,” he grunts out a guttural moan, and feels himself fall over as well.
lips on your neck as he spills his hot and thick load of creamy cum inside you. it spills and it spills till it starts to spill out of your cunt. you sigh happily as you feel your cunt so full with his warm load.
“best reward ever daddy,”
older bf!cheol starts to kiss you all over, telling you how good you did for him. he cleans you up, prepares your favourite ramen in minutes after helping you wash up.
older bf!cheol who always looks forward to this part of the day — where he gets to unwind with you, and talk about each other’s days.
need cheol so bad. need him to fix me. hah! anyways! i hope this was okay <3 feel free to comment or rb w/ any feedback if you liked it!! 🍒 muah love u guys ❤️‍🩹
perm taglist 🖤: @gyuguys @black-swan-blog27 @do-you-remember-summer-127 @mrsjohnnysuh
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wisegirl1448 · 23 days ago
why has everyone just decided to disregard everything that makes percy interesting?
we are always begging for a main character who is given a life outside of being a main character and then we were given percy jackson, a demigod in the summer, saving the world and looking good doing it, but is also just a kid.
he skateboards and collects them, he listens to punk rock and alternative rock (are they the same thing or is punk rock a sub-genre?) but doesn't dress 'alt' (like thalia) and has anger issues and has been kicked out of multiple schools for said anger issues, some of them being (court-ordered) military schools.
he also has problems with authorities who abuse their power (gabe, the gods, the nypd etc.) and will not hesitate to call you out on your bullshit no matter how powerful and important and feared you are.
but he has morals and doesn't do things without reason. he has a level of maturity and integrity that isn't even present in most adults. he is really smart and gets better grades than annabeth, and is the most considerate person you will ever meet. he is humble and never tries to be the center of attention.
he's not the most optimistic person in the entire world, but he tries to find reasons to be happy in really crappy situations (when they were traversing Tartarus and he was so happy that annabeth was with him that he started smiling).
he is always grateful for everything he has and tries to show genuine interest in all the things that interest his loved ones, even if they bore him to death (like annabeth with her architecture).
and we completely erase that for some reason to make him nothing but 'annabeth chases' boyfriend,' and, well he is her boyfriend, and he's very proud of that fact, but he is his own person as well.
people get really mad when we erase all of annabeth's character to make her nothing more than percy jacksons' girlfriend but we do it to percy all the time.
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hylemorph · 3 months ago
Anna and Friedrich in Nosferatu (2024)
In a previous post I mentioned how important I think Friedrich is in the story as a representation of the patriarchal ideal, and how it/he crumbles when confronted by everything that has been suppressed in Ellen (manifested in the unavoidable, terrifying form of Orlok). I also think he is a mirror to Orlok in some ways: he says twice how he just cannot resist Anna, he subtly frames his desire for her as an unwilling "affliction." He also defiles Anna's body and his sacred marriage vows by engaging in necrophilia, because his appetite for her is so consuming - he can't resist her even when she's not even there anymore. Ellen's necrophilic act with Orlok represents her unification with the parts of herself that are suppressed/rejected by the men in her life, good and bad. It's dark and fucked up but metaphorically transformative, and consent is absolutely central. Friedrich's necrophilic act involves no consent, no Anna, and it lacks any metaphorical power. He didn't accomplish anything, he just succumbed to his own horror and amplified it.
Friedrich's unhealthy approach to his relationship with Anna consumes them both, and I think this theme is especially evident in the way Anna's pregnancy is discussed. Friedrich tells Thomas that they are expecting but doesn't want it mentioned in front of Anna or Ellen, probably because it wasn't supposed to be public yet. In victorian times people would rarely confirm a pregnancy before the woman was "showing" both because it was considered a private matter and because miscarriage was way more common. But Friedrich tells Thomas early anyways, because he is excited and proud, which is understandable but also selfish in this context. Furthermore, Anna says that "little Friedrich" is "very hungry, just like his father" and later on after Orlok has fed on her, she passes it off as feeling drained by the baby. Even though she seems happy and loves her family, she associates pregnancy with being drained.
This alienated way of understanding parenthood is also evident in the way Friedrich and Anna treat their girls (Louise and Clara I think?) They obviously both adore the girls, but they ignore their terror and assume the monster they see in their room is totally unrelated to all the other scary shit going on, because they're just silly little kids imagining things, right? One girl literally says "I can hear him breathing under my neck!" and they beg Anna not to leave them alone at night, but they are just hushed and told that they're totally safe. It's exactly the kind of dismissal Ellen has been getting her whole life, and so it's not surprising that the girls are haunted by Orlok before anyone else. It's not enough to adore little girls, they will never be safe until they are heard and believed.
Anna as a character apart from her role as wife and mother is a bit harder to parse out, but I think she is also a mirror for Ellen. Ellen's spiritual power is the catalyst for everything that happens, and von Franz says that "in heathen times you might have been a Priestess of Isis." Anna's spiritual inclination is less obvious, but it's there: she seriously listens to Ellen and believes that she is perceiving something real, she just assumes it must be God. Later when she lets Ellen stay with her for the night, she says "God is with us Lenny, I know it." On some level Anna is also in touch with that supernatural, suppressed feminine truth, and she seems to see through the patriarchal facade that Friedrich represents to some degree. But ultimately Anna wants to convince herself and Ellen that the night terrors were just caused by Thomas' absence, and that Ellen just needed her husband back and all would be well. When Thomas does return and Ellen has her faculties again, Anna is very eager to put it all behind them; 'no more talk of demons please, let's just focus on Christmas and being a happy family'. Anna's downfall is that she puts all her faith in the Christian patriarchal narrative even when she can clearly see that there's more going on. Her faith in the Christian God contrasts Ellen's "heathen" spirituality - both women have an innate spiritual sense, but one is more willing to make it fit into the values of their society. Ultimately Anna was consumed by the horror of their alienated position in society just like Ellen was, she just died with less agency.
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fangirl-dot-com · 3 months ago
🕸 With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Driver: Oscar Piastri Genre: SMAU/Fluff Occupation: Actor
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oscarpiastri2013 has posted
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liked by marvel, spider_osc, flickthewrist, lewishamilton, and 930,385 others
oscarpiastri2013 just hanging around set 🤟😁
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user1 oh my gosh he's such a loser....perfect for peter parker
flickthewrist still waiting for him to meet y/n l/n 🥱
user40 who's y/n and why is she important?
flickthewrist she's a formula 1 rookie driving for mclaren (which happens to be Oscar's favorite team) 🤭
user40 hmmmm might have to look into it!
robertdowneyjr you're crushing it kid! 💪
oscarpiastri2013 learned from the best 🥳
lewishamilton my nephews are already waiting to see the movie
landonorris oohhhh ok I see the appeal y/n81
maxverstappen1 we were tired of hearing about him from you
user33 my worlds are colliding and I'm not ready for it 🧍‍♀️
y/n81 has posted
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liked by charles_leclerc, mishi81, mclarenf1, robertdowneyjr, and 1,209,856 others
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user3 I'm definitely NAWT crying like I actually know her in person but I'm so proud!
landonorris ...suck it....lando?? 👁👄👁
landonorris charles_leclerc pls come get your gremlin - I don't want her as a teammate anymore 🧍‍♀️
charles_leclerc I fear she became your problem back in march, I'm keeping my peace
landonorris is that code word for sucking max's d-
charles_leclerc norris you better watch your back next race 😀
landonorris I feel threatened and I don't like it
user45 so underserved - if you can't win without your teammate being told to swap positions then you don't deserve it
user82 kindly shut up 😚
oscarpiastri2013 👏 amazing race!
y/n81 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU (I'm totally normal about this)
maxverstappen1 did she just scream from her motor home??
landonorris yep. get the ear plugs ready.
user57 this is just the beginning of l/n domination - it could bore the fans
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oscarpiastri2013 has posted
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liked by y/n81, dior, mclaren, maxverstappen1, and 2,049,285 others
oscarpiastri2013 I am so very thankful to have been invited to the McLaren garage to witness another spectacular win from Y/n!
(also thank you to the nice worker who lent me a team polo after spilling coffee down my shirt 😁)
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user91 is the movie done filming?? he seems like he's had a lot of time on his hands??
flickthewrist filming ends in a couple of months and then there will be the premier!
user91 thank you!
y/n81 I'm beginning to think you might be lucky
landonorris you seem quite tame?
maxverstappen1 oh she's not. she's about to hyperventilate and Charles is freaking out
oscarpiastri2013 I will have to 🕸stick🕸 around then!
charles_leclerc yeah she just fell out of her chair 🧍‍♀️
chrisevans kid you need to get back to set
robertdowneyjr evans here decided to set fire to the microwave
oscarpiastri2013 fine 🙄
user22 is anyone else ever confused as to WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON IN THE COMMENTS??
lewishamilton I've just decided to roll with it ☕️
user72 finally, a race that showed off y/n's talents! no team orders this time!!
maxverstappen1 has posted
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liked by redbullracing, y/nl/n_updates, landoscaring, and 1,204,402 others
maxverstappen1 didn't know air-max was part-time baby sitting that includes nap time
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user38 this is actually hilarious
user4 this just shows that lando can indeed fall asleep anywhere :D
charles_leclerc they're going to be so pissed when they wake up
maxverstappen1 they sleep on my plane, I get black mail 😈
danielricciardo I fear for my life
maxverstappen1 you should ☺️
robertdowneyjr pls bring the kid back in one piece?? Jon will kill me if he's not
maxverstappen1 👍
mclaren just a pair of sleepy teammates 🧡
maxverstappen1 the bill is $1,203,206 for daycare
mclaren I'm just the admin 🧍‍♀️
user37 ok but Oscar and y/n together would be so cute!!
f1wags has posted
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liked by y/nl/n_updates, pia81, maxverstappen1, and 4,209 others
f1wags so after some recent (very recent) activity between y/n and Oscar, I felt like he needed a little introduction IF he's going to be the newest wag to the paddock!
oscar jack piastri is an australian actor now most known for his role as Peter Parker in the MCU. he made his debut two years ago in Captain America Civil War and now fans are debating if he's the best spiderman yet! the perfect mix of boy-next-door Peter with a sarcastic side behind the iconic mask! Spiderman Homecoming is set to release in theaters January 5, 2025 (two years after the announcement of the movie).
His other roles include The Impossible, In the Heart of the Sea, and The Lost City of Z.
His interests outside of Formula 1 include cricket and chess.
Although there hasn't been an official announcement from either Y/n or Oscar, their friendship so far has been fun to see. Oscar would be Y/n's first boyfriend (as she has previously stated that she has had no time to date due to trying to work toward a full-time Formula 1 seat).
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user2 what is max doing in the likes???
maxverstappen1 shhhhh I'm on a secret mission 🕵️
charles_leclerc it's not a very good secret mission SINCE YOU COMMENTED ABOUT IT
landonorris someone free me from these two I BEG
user84 y/n has also been a fan of Oscar's since The Impossible :)
user8 awwww first boyfriend 🥹 Oscar better not hurt her in anyway or there will be blood
oscarpiastri2013 .....dully noted 🧍‍♀️
user92 I need y/n to be invited to the premier!!!
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y/n81 has posted
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liked by dior, marvel, mclaren, pia81, and 3,048,957 others
y/n81 my spider-boy 🕷❤️
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user92 I'm glad they just decided to hard-launch after max soft-launched for them
charles_leclerc YES FERRARI RED 👏 SO PROUD
landonorris this is betrayal at it's finest - you WILL be hearing from my lawyers
y/n81 I'm surprised you know what that word is
landonorris ya know what? I'm glad that osco has taken you off my hands
charles_leclerc *ferrari red 😌
oscarpiastri2013 my spider-girl 🥺
y/n81 I'm glad you didn't pass out while we tried to do the kiss
oscarpiastri2013 it's not like I hang upside down for a living or anything :)
maxverstappen1 you're welcome for that picture by the way. I still want compensation 🙄
oscarpiastri2013 you can be in the next film?
maxverstappen1 done.
landonorris please, for everything that is good and holy on this planet, GO AWAY
user33 I'm still confused as to what is GOING ON
lewishamilton just sit back and sip
TAG LIST: @scuderiadevils @marauderssworld @mehrmonga @glitterquadricorn @sinofwriting @splaterparty0-0 @ayohockeycheck @evalynkillgrave @bookishnerd1132 @vellicora @misty-inferno @minkyungseokie @khaylin27 @how-what-why-huh @theblueblub @zacian117 @fly-me-away @blueblinkx-blog @ilove-tswizzle @sinnerpalace @thatgirlmj @spilled-coffee-cup @iangelofmusic @suns3treading @roszszs @2pagenumb @ietss @morgan-getty @younxii @phantomxoxo @pastryboyyy @lolzzzzzzzzz @halleest @ggaslyp1 @skepvids @mil0sworld @u5dthsduttd @silkenthusiasts @coldcola @annispamz @fionaschicken @littlegrapejuice @boiohboii @crashingwavesofeuphoria @lancestrollsgf @tribbisweetdear @graciewrote @lozzamez3 @residentdegenerate @e-nonsense
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holybibly · 4 months ago
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𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴 𝔗𝔞𝔩𝔨 | Seonghwa x reader
♡ 𝔓𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤: Owner Seonghwa x Bunny Hybrid Reader ♡ 𝔖𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: Park Seonghwa was truly the most amazing owner ever, who knew exactly how to take care of the little lusty bunnies. Or Seonghwa knows he should be harsher with you and maybe even punish you for your disobedience, but the sugary, whiny tone of your voice as you keep babbling incoherent apologies and your eyes full of unshed tears can't help but make him melt and show some leniency to his naughty little bunny princess. ♡ 𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢 / 𝔄𝔲 / 𝔗𝔯𝔬𝔭𝔢: Smut, Hybrids!Au, Established Relationship, Mating Cycles/In Heat ♡ ℜ𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤: 18+ / 21+ / MDNI ♡ 𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 5.4k ♡ 𝔚𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: Soft dom / daddy !Seonghwa, Bunny / sub!reader, unprotected sex, daddy kink, pet names, fingering, power play, dirty talk, oral, pillow humping, dry sex, сreampie, squirt, scent kink, collars, praise kink, explicit sexual content, explicit language, and more. ♡ 𝔫𝔢𝔱: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity ♡ ℌ𝔬𝔩𝔶 𝔅𝔦𝔟𝔩𝔶 𝔐𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 - check for more ♡ 𝔄|𝔑: Something absolutely dirty sweet, depraved and insanely comfortable (if you know what I mean) ♡ ℌ𝔬𝔩𝔶 𝔅𝔲𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔗𝔞𝔤 𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 at the end of the post. 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖘 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖉
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A soft, airy moan escaped your open lips and became lost into the pile of whipped silk sheets beneath you as you pressed your needy pussy harder against Seonghwa's puffy, impossibly plushy pillow. Every time your swollen, sensitive clit made contact with the luxurious, smooth fabric, your long velour ears twitched slightly and your fluffy cotton tail clenched and quivered with the all-consuming euphoric feeling of pure pleasure that overwhelmed your body at that very moment.
Your sweet, round cheeks flashed with a scarlet blush, and you buried your pretty, blushing face even deeper into the aromatic, fluffy blankets, inhaling deeply and greedily the thick, rich, milky scent of vanilla and powder that belonged to your awesome owner. Your cute front bunny teeth dug into the thick material of the blanket in a futile attempt to stifle your loud whimpering as a new wave of slime poured out of your quivering hole. The pinkish-red marks of your thick, clammy lip gloss glistened on the material, reminding you of the sweet, crushed strawberries that Seonghwa loves so much.
You sob pathetically as you continue to slowly rock your deliciously thick thighs, pressing your leaking pussy against the cooling silky surface of the pillow again and again in the hope of getting more of that desirable and sweet release. You know that good girls shouldn't behave like this and that your handsome, loving owner wouldn't approve at all and might even punish you for behaving like this, but you're doing absolutely nothing to stop you. It was the part of your nature that was being stronger than you.
Seonghwa had always told you that you couldn't touch your pretty princess-pussy without his permission. But lately it had been so hard for you to resist the temptation to run your little fingers into your lacey panties and caress yourself between your legs. Your heat was fast approaching, and each day your craving for affection and touch was becoming more and more palpable, causing the knot of excitement at the bottom of your belly to grow tighter and tighter, until this morning your heat finally hit you with full force.
You told yourself that you would be able to handle this like a big girl and that you would wait until Seonghwa came home. You'd be a dutiful little princess that your daddy would be proud of, you told yourself over and over again, and it worked for a while, until you found yourself on your stomach, desperately rubbing your aching, slimy, wet core against the mattress and, however ashamed you were to admit it, on your favourite plush toy.
Your whole body felt like it was on fire, your cunty was so wet and sticky, your tiny clit was swollen and throbbing weakly with excitement, and a viscous, sweet-smelling slime gushed out of your hole, soaking the sheets beneath you and filling the room with the delicious smell of whipped cream and caramel.
Until now, you have never tried to satisfy yourself in this way before. You have always found it very embarrassing, uncomfortable, and even a little weird. Even though Seonghwa had offered you several times to try rubbing your pretty, princess pussy against his bare, muscular thigh or a plush cushion, you had never decided to do it, too embarrassed by this unusual way of masturbating. Hwa even showed you some videos where a girl was rubbing her cunt on the soft fabric of the sleeping pillow while playing with her hard nipples and occasionally slapping her clit, and something about it really turned you on a lot, but still you remained adamant.
But, God, you were so wrong to have denied yourself such unexpectedly delightful stimulation for so long. And you were even more convinced of this when, as an experimental, you hesitantly shoved Seonghwa's plump, silk pillow between your legs and slowly rubbed your needy cunt against the smooth material, which completely soaked in the scent of your adoring owner. You couldn't deny the fact that it felt really good. So pleasurable, in fact, that the little feeling of guilt you felt about breaking one of your handsome daddy's rules vanished without a trace along with your rapidly growing pleasure.
After so many weeks of wanting caresses and touches, you were in desperate need of them, and as you didn't expect your daddy to be back from work anytime soon, he wouldn't be able to find out about it, so it would be your little guilty pleasure. Or at least it was what you wanted to believe so very much. Your long, doll-like lashes fluttered, and you covered your eyes, enjoying the way your sticky, plump labia parted lustfully, exposing your delicate, quivering folds and small, super-sensitive clit as you rubbed against the fabric of the pillow and pressed harder against it. The hot sensation of euphoric pleasure that you were craving came closer and closer with each frantic movement of your succulent thighs.
The tugging sensation of impending orgasm at the pit of your stomach became more and more tangible with each passing second, and you began to thrust yourself into the pillow with even greater force. 
Everything around you was nothing more than a cacophony of the wet, squelching sounds of your pleasure-seeking, mixed with pathetic sobbing moans and high-pitched squeaks, punctuated only by the occasional loud squeal of Seonghwa's name when the pillow roughly grazed an especially delicate and sensitive area of your pussy. You were so lost in that sinful, voluptuous sensation of burning, forbidden pleasure that you could think of nothing else but the orgasm you wanted as you rubbed your swollen, throbbing clit harder and harder against the damp silk fabric. 
With each shuddering movement of your fleshy, slime-smeared thighs, the force of the friction became more and more overwhelming, pushing you over the edge and sending shocks of intense, electric pleasure straight into your heated, quivering core, causing your tiny, oozing little hole to contract with the desire to be filled with your daddy's thick cock and your fluffy cotton tail to quiver. Damn it, you'd give anything right now to feel Seonghwa's fingers gently squeezing your sensitive, sweet tail, like he used to do it when he was deep inside of you. You were so close, so fucking close, you could practically feel the intoxicating flavour of long-awaited release on your tongue, until the sharp clicking sound of the doorknob brought you back to reality in an instant.
'Princess, I thought it would be nice if tonight...' Seonghwa's deep, velvety voice trails off halfway through the sentence as he walks into his bedroom and sees his adored bunny princess rubbing her sugary, glistening cunt lewdly against his puffy bedroom pillow. Even from his seat in the bedroom doorway, he could see the thick slime of sexual arousal dripping from your quivering petalfolds, and your labia were swollen and lewdly parted by your rubbing on the surface of the pillow, exposing your quivering hole to his dark gaze. Damn, you looked so perfect to eat, and in any other situation he wouldn't have thought twice about immediately pressing his mouth to your cunt and feasting on it for hours, sucking and licking until you squirted, but not now. "I'll come home early." Seonghwa finishes and you squeak shamefully, burying your flushed face in the crumpled sheets and blankets.
To make yourself look more decent, you instinctively squeeze your legs together, forgetting that the puffy silk pillow is still between your thighs. Because of your sudden move, the smooth fabric once again clings to your clit, making you moan lingeringly. An embarrassed strawberry blush spreads across your round cheeks as you feel your gorgeous owner's large palm on your bare bottom.
"Mmm, Daddy... I'm... I'm so sorry." You whimper pitifully as Seonghwa deceptively sweetly caresses the soft, juicy flesh of your butty, lightly digging his fingers into it before roughly squeezing it and pulling your buttock aside, opening your pussy even more for him. There's no doubt in your mind that Seonghwa can see the viscous, sweet-smelling mucus oozing out of your little hole, which is clenching around nothing as a result of his actions.
"Ah, so you feel sorry about that, Princess, isn't it?" Seonghwa says in a condescending tone and digs his fingers even more roughly into your buttock. "Will you be a good girl and turn your pretty face towards your daddy, little bunny, and explain to me what you've been doing here in my absence, or are you going to continue shamelessly rubbing your plump, sticky cunt all over my pillow, like a real slut?"
'Daddy...' You sob helplessly, fidgeting awkwardly in your spot and clumsily pulling the pillow out from under your thighs, which are still trembling from your missed orgasm. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry, Daddy. I didn't mean to upset you." But despite all your pleading, Seonghwa only responds with a loud hum and clicks his tongue contemptuously when he sees the large, wet stain of your slime on the luxurious milky silk of his pillow. Without any soft support under your body, you fall onto the bed and immediately roll over onto your back, pressing yourself against the headboard. Your long velour ears sluggishly flopped back against your head, and you sank your front bunny teeth into your plump lower lip. "I just missed you so much, but Daddy's never home lately. And my heat… It was all so sudden, I felt like I was on fire and daddy wasn't there…I was just in need of some relief."
Right now you look so dishevelled and flushed; your juicy, fleshy thighs are still trembling slightly, covered in a thick, shiny layer of slime oozing from you, a trickle of saliva dripping from the corner of your pretty doll-like mouth, and your tender pussy is all swollen and quivering, just begging for his cock and tongue. And damn it, Seonghwa knows he should be harsher with you and maybe even punish you for your disobedience, but the sugary, whiny tone of your voice as you keep babbling incoherent apologies and your eyes full of unshed tears can't help but make him melt and show some leniency to his naughty little bunny princess. And as hard as it was for Seonghwa to admit, you were right about one thing—he really hadn't been home much lately. 
His new position as editor-in-chief of a fancy fashion magazine took up most of his time and energy. Of course, Seonghwa's promotion had brought him a lot more money, which was immediately reflected in you—luxurious lingerie made of the finest French lace, expensive jewellery, silk sheets, and even gem-encrusted sex toys were presented to you on a golden platter, but with all this, Seonghwa was almost never at home. His constant absence made you so sad and yet so needy at the same time, especially as you were very spoilt sexually and not used to going without sex or heavy erotic caresses for long, but in the last few weeks Hwa had been so busy with work that he hardly touched you, which of course couldn't help but affect your behaviour. 
He sighed heavily and pursed his sensual, overly plump lips slightly, admitting that he had indeed neglected with attention and caresses for you and that it couldn't help but upset him as much as it did you. Seonghwa has always been a very loving and caring owner, and he absolutely hated to see you depressed and frustrated. His sweet bunny should always need to be quality fucked and your pussy warm and fully filled with his cum. 
"So what should I do with my princess bunny?" Seonghwa asks you as he gently runs the tips of his fingers over your knee, sending a slight shiver through your entire body. You sob loudly, shrug your shoulders as you squeeze your thighs even tighter as you feel a new batch of deliciously viscous slime ooze out of your little hole at such a minor touch. "Come here, my little fluffy one." Hwa kneels down elegantly beside the bed and licks his perfectly formed lips lightly. "Daddy, will make it better for you." 
You don't need to be told twice; you slowly crawl over to the edge of the bed and let your feet sink down onto the cold parquet floor. You squeak softly, unconsciously stamping your heel, causing the diamond stars on the bracelet around your ankle to jingle softly as your feet touch the cold, polished wood. The sound Seonghwa likes to hear when he fucks you in the mating press position with your legs practically pressed against your shoulders and your face all wet with tears and saliva. 
"That's my good girl." He praises you, and your chubby cheeks burst into a rich, berry-coloured blush. His beautiful hands begin to stroke your thighs, lightly massaging your plump flesh and purring low at how always soft and warm you are. "Come on, Fluffy, tell Daddy what you've been doing here."
"I've been thinking about you." You confess shamefacedly, biting your lower lip. Seonghwa's touch on your body sends shivers down your spine and makes your pretty dark pink nipples tingle. "I have missed your touch so much, Daddy, your lips, and your cock. I didn't think my heat was going to come today, but I woke up all wet and hot, and I felt empty and frustrated. I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself, and I touched my princess's parts without Daddy's permission. I'm so sorry, Daddy. I really didn't mean to upset you at all."
"Oh baby, it's Daddy who should apologise to you; I'm really sorry for not paying enough attention to you lately." Seonghwa starts to purr velvetily as he spreads your legs in a gentle but insistent motion so that he can get more comfortable between your juicy thighs. "Now Daddy's here, and he'll look after his little sweetheart. Do you want this, fluffy?" He will ask you as he begins to plant hot, open-mouthed kisses on the inside of your thighs. Your sugary honey slime sticks on his plump lips and tongue with every exquisite movement of his mouth as he continues to kiss your tender, thin skin, leaving dark purple hickeys on it. 
"Please, daddy." You say, pouting sweetly, which glistening with saliva and strawberry lip gloss, your long, doll-like eyelashes fluttering. "Touch me, Daddy. I'm going to be so good for you." You press your hands to your heavy, plump tits, squeeze them together a little, and offer them to Seonghwa, knowing how much he loves kissing and licking your breasts and nipples. Hwa can't help but notice how adorable you look right now, all soft and fluffy and already completely fucked for him. That's what he loves most about you—your luscious sweetness and the natural sluttiness that comes with all bunny hybrids. And you've always been so easy to get excited by even the most innocent touch. 
"Do you want Daddy to kiss the pretty princess' pussy?" Your breathing accelerates, and you slap your heel against the floor a few times, squirming impatiently in your seat as Seonghwa's gorgeous face practically burrows into your pussy. His hot breath washes over your silky folds and sensitive clit and you moan loudly, squeezing your breasts harder and massaging the soft, juicy mounds with your tiny palms. Seeing your body's enthusiastic response to his touch, a soft, smug laugh escapes Seonghwa's throat, and he blows lightly on your pussy to tease you even more. "So, baby, should I kiss your beautiful pussy? I'm still waiting to hear if you want a kiss."
"Yes, please kiss my pussy daddy; I need it so badly. You moan, pushing your hips closer to Seonghwa's beautiful face, and his feline eyes darken as he sees a thick trickle of mucus oozing from your tiny hole before rolling down between your lush, juicy buttocks and dripping onto the silk sheet. 
"You're so beautiful, bunny, you're driving Daddy crazy. Do you know that, pretty thing?" Seonghwa whispers in a reverent tone and begins to shower your tender mound with short, airy kisses. "You are always so soft and so wet for me. Your sweet little cunt is just begging to be played with and to be filled with Daddy's sperm; do you know that, little bunny?"
"Mmm, daddy, don't say that; it's so embarrassing." Your tone is so terribly whiny, and you look up at him with your big innocent eyes, and from the outside you could really look embarrassed. But in reality, you spread your legs a little more for him and start slowly stroking your hard nipples with the pads of your thumbs. No matter how sweet and adorable a girl you were, your inner slutty bunny nature would always make itself known, and that made you all the more delightful in Songhwa's eyes. 
"There is no need to be embarrassed, my little bunny. Go and show your daddy what a good slut you can be for him. I want to see how you fall apart when I touch you, Princess." Seonghwa says. A thrill of pleasure runs through your body as he reaches out and squeezes your swollen, gooey labia together. He squeezes your tiny, sensitive clit between the soft, peachy halves of your pussy and massages it gently. Such erotic, lascivious stimulation causes a pleasant tingling sensation to run through your most intimate part, and you might feel a hot throbbing inside your vagina, the slippery walls of your cunt quivering with the desire to be filled by Daddy's thick cock. 
You sob softly as Seonghwa runs the tip of his long tongue along your smooth, slippery with sugary slick slit, pushing it lightly between your clenched labia, making the touch even more intense. Your eyes roll up in pleasure as you feel his tongue lick the wide strip of your cunt from your little hole to your swollen clit, dirtying your pretty pussy with his saliva and making it even more wet and messy. His fingers continue to sensually massage the tender, soft flesh of your cunt, and a loud, intermittent moan escapes your throat as Hwa quickly flicks his tongue over your small, throbbing bud. Intense pleasure shoots through your entire body, causing you to arch your back on the bed and tugging at your pretty nipples to intensify the sensation. 
'Please, Daddy, I need you so much... Please give me more.’ 
‘Oh bunny, look at you; you already need me so badly.’ The corner of Seonghwa's sensual, lush lips curves up in a lecherous smirk, and he wetly smacks your clit a few more times before letting go of your labia and instead rubbing the puffy, tender halves with his long, elegant fingers. ‘My bunny has the most beautiful cunt. I'm insanely glad I chose you as my pet, fluffy.’ And he really meant it, not only about being delighted to have you as his little pet baby bunny, but that you had the cutest cunt he'd ever seen. 
Seonghwa always liked to get drunk on pussy. He was the kind of man who could lick you for hours, lost in the feel of the silky folds on his lips, savouring the rich, creamy taste of sticky, honeyed secretions and the wet, sucking sounds interspersed with loud moans and whimpers. And your cunt was the sweetest and most delicious he'd ever tasted; you really were something special, his slutty princess bunny. 
"Daddy, please..." You whimper again, looking up at your owner with big, pleading eyes through of your long, trembling lashes, and squeeze your ample, milky tits together again, hoping that this will seduce your owner to finally fuck you with his tongue and then with his thick, wiry cock until your cunt is swollen with his rich, warm cum and your mouth is drooling. 
And it seems to work, as Seonghwa growls low and finally presses his hot, insatiable mouth against your quivering, oozing cunt. His long, deft tongue slips out of his mouth and swirls between your folds before sliding down to your wet, heated centre, sending waves of intense bliss over your body. 
Seonghwa's hot breath dances across your wet skin, making your lower lips tingle with excitement and your cunt quiver with need. Your juicy thighs trembled slightly as Seonghwa's thumbs pressed against your slit, widening it as he tasted your pussy. The sound he makes as your mucus drips into his mouth is almost pornographic, dark, and hungry—a constant hum of pleasure that vibrates against your clit and echoes deep in your core. 
You moan loudly, arching your back and wiggling your ample hips to press harder against his face as his tongue plunges deep into your quivering hole. His movements are wild, sloppy, and hungry as he digs greedily between your trembling thighs and dripping folds as Seonghwa selflessly sucks the sweet nectar of your arousal from your shrinking hole. 
Your owner's hot breath dances across your damp skin, soft, plump lips sucking roughly at the edge of your swollen pink flesh, your wet insides clenching with frustrating emptiness. Streams of viscous slime pour from you like a waterfall into that beautiful, insatiable mouth, and your entire body shudders in short spasms. 
The scalding heat of lust blossoms with renewed vigour beneath your flushed skin, and you feel the tight knot of pleasure begin to tighten inside you, telling you that orgasm is coming.
 "Ahhhh... Daddy". Your sweet voice trembling with intense excitement, you remove one hand from your chest and instead tangle your fingers in Seonghwa's long hair, clutching the luxurious, thick strands in your fist and pulling lightly at the roots. 
"It feels so good...' Seonghwa whispers drunkenly. "Daddy can never get enough of the sweet little cunt of his precious princess." His sensual, kissable lips stretch into a lazy grin before his mouth closes on your clit and he begins to mercilessly suck and lick it with his hot tongue. The slow, languorous licks quickly pick up speed, making you squirm on the silk sheets and pulling Seonghwa's hair even harder. He's so insatiable, possessively devouring the arousing cunt of his beautiful bunny, his divinely beautiful face practically drowning in your cunt.
Seonghwa, making you feel so good, giving you exactly what you have been craving so desperately for the past few weeks. Every muscle in your body was ready to burst from the sweet, overwhelming pleasure you felt from every deft movement of that long, slippery tongue and the sensual rubbing of those overly plump lips against your cunt.  
"Daddy... I... I...' You snort between stifled, panting moans, unable to form a coherent sentence.
As soon as the words escape your trembling lips, Hwa pulls away from you, causing you to whimper loudly and frustratedly. As his mouth pulls away from your pussy, thin strands of saliva and mucus stretch from your folds to his lips before breaking apart and falling to his chin.
"P-please, indulge me... I-I'm-I'm begging you, I need you so badly. Please, I need you so badly...' At this point, you are openly sobbing. Tears begin to flow down your soft, round cheeks, and you lewdly arch your hips, trying to lure Seonghwa back to your pussy. 
"You are so pretty in your begging, fluffy." Hwa chuckles, his lips still hovering just above your cunt, teasingly blowing his hot, wet breath over it with every word. "Daddy would like to play with you for a little while longer before you come for him. Think of this as a little punishment for your disobedience, my little bunny." The vibrations of Seonghwa's velvety voice caress your cunt, and even this slight stimulation makes you tremble. You're so lost in the sensation that you almost miss the sound of your belt unbuckling and the rustle of your fly, but your keen bunny hearing picks it up. The sound sends a new wave of excitement through your body, hoping that Daddy will give you more than just his magnificent tongue, and so you push your hips closer to Seonghwa in anticipation, spreading your legs wider for him, shamelessly offering him your swollen, messy cunt.  
"Oh, baby, what are you doing?' Hwa asks. His soft, deep voice is tinged with amusement as he looks up at you and touches the inside of your thigh with his fingertips in a light-hearted way. 
"Please, daddy...' You whimper loudly. 'I need you so much!"
"Bunny, you know that only obedient girls get special treatment from Daddy, and I don't think my little girl was on her best behaviour today, was she? Daddy has given you enough already, don't you think?"
'I'm sorry, please...' You whine pitifully. "I'll be a good girl for you. I'll be the best bunny you've ever  had." Your whole body twitches in a painful need for your long-awaited release. 'Please...'
An approving purr escapes Seonghwa's sensual lips as he hears your pleas. You look completely fucked and so seductive; how can he resist you? 
"Don't worry about it, Fluffy. Daddy will take care of everything." With these words, Hwa buries his face between your legs again to run his tongue over your drool and slime-smeared cunt. 
Lick, lick, lick. A hot, nimble tongue flicks skilfully between your labia, causing a loud, bawdy moan to escape your throat and your velour ears to twitch slightly. You can hear the ragged, hoarse breathing of Seonghwa as he caresses himself; the slippery, squelching sound of a graceful hand sliding up his thick, wiry length, punctuated only by his low, jerky moans and soft purrs between the splashes of his tongue across your folds. You can hear him driving his cock into his fist again and again, his heavy, straining testicles slapping against his crotch each time he pushes his magnificent hips into his hand. 
To intensify the stimulation, Hwa presses a finger against your slit and begins to stroke it up and down, from your clit to your little twitching hole and back again. Your hole tingles with anticipation every time the pad of his finger rubs the delicate, thin edges of your vagina. 
Lick, lick, lick. It felt so good, your clit throbbing with warm, sparkling pleasure, and you couldn't hold back a loud squeal as he gently pushed his finger into your pussy. Your cunt welcomed the sweet sensation of being filled, the slippery walls quivering and contracting around the long appendage, oozing hot, sweet juices. His tongue picked up speed again, the gentle, light movements becoming fast and aggressive, intensifying your pleasure, sending powerful waves of bliss over you, wave after wave, echoing the pace of Seonghwa's relentless tongue.
He slides his finger deep in and out of you several times, letting you feel the sweet sensation of fullness and full stretching without for a second interrupting the quick, jerky movements of his tongue on your twitching little clit. Before you can get enough of the sensation, Hwa turns his wrist and presses his fingertips right against your sweet spot. You squeal, jerking your hips and kicking the polished floorboards with your heel as stars explode behind your closed eyelids from the insistent, rough stroking of the tiny, spongy lump of nerves inside you. With each movement of Seonghwa's finger, pressing harder and harder against your G-spot, electrifying, wild bursts of bliss shake your entire body.
 You're both breathing hard, ready to explode in ecstasy. His tongue flicks across your clit, strong, quick strokes as he roughly slides his finger in and out, satisfying the all-consuming hunger you've felt for so long, deprived of sex and pleasure. You can feel Seonghwa's lips curl devilishly as he slides another finger into you, stretching your hole so that more and more of your sweet nectar oozes out of you, coating his fingers.    A steady stream of 'please' and 'daddy' mixed with soft squeaks, squeaky squeals, and the disgusting squelching sounds of your cunt and Seonghwa's hand sliding wetly over his cock fills the bedroom, driving Seonghwa crazy. He has you exactly where he wants you to be and will continue to torment you with his tongue until you pass out from the bliss.
"Oh God!" You cry out, your voice hoarse, high, and whimpering. "I'm so close! So close, Daddy!" You feel a stream of moisture gushing out of you, forming a huge puddle of sticky slime on the silk sheets beneath you. 
Your pussy clenches rhythmically around the long fingers; the sensation of being filled makes the contractions more intense. Wave after wave of euphoric pleasure washes over you, taking your breath away. The intense bliss continues to grow, filling you until it has nowhere else to go and you explode in an overwhelming, squirting orgasm. Your head throws back, your back arching, and your hips convulsively shaking as you press harder against your owner's beautiful face as the gentle movements of his tongue and the fierce sucking of his hot mouth prolong the sensation of pure ecstasy. The overwhelming sensation of orgasm runs through your bones and nerve endings. Barely breathing, you scream Seonghwa's name over and over again, bathing in your delicious bliss as he greedily drinks every last drop of your mucus. Your juices splash all over his face and the sheets as Hwa helps you come down from your high with light, airy kisses around your swollen labia and still twitching clit.
"That's my girl. Look at you, Princess; you've done so well for me." You're still trembling, the residual spasms of your orgasm still running through your body, tingling every inch of your skin, making your legs tremble and your hips shake as you try to become aware of your surroundings. So you don't notice Seonghwa pulling away from you to rub your pussy with his thick cock. 
You scream, overly sensitive from your previous orgasm, so much so that it almost hurts. Your eyes go wide, heavy, and swollen with tears, and you meet Hwa's dark, feline gaze that is fixed on your face as his cock slides between your labia, the swollen, dark pink head resting against your tortured clit with every smooth roll of his hips. Hwa smiles smugly at you and rubs his cock against your folds.
"Here's your favourite treat, bunny." Seonghwa moans lewdly, jamming the head of his cock into your tiny hole, causing your whole body to shake in the ecstasy of repeated orgasm, shuddering in sexual relief at the sensation of fullness as thick, milky cum begins to spurt from the swollen, throbbing head, staining the quivering walls of your cunt and claiming his rights over you.
'That's it, bunny...' Hwa let out a hoarse breath as his balls emptied and the wonderful contractions slowed down and then stopped, leaving him satisfied and relaxed. 'Your favourite treat, my little bunny. Daddy has been feeding this cunt a lot. I know how much you are in love with your owner's sweet, hot cum. Lusty little bunnies need to be stuffed with sperm until their little tummies swell up, don't you agree with me, fluffy? You like the feel of my cream inside you, don't you, Princess Bunny?" Seonghwa squeezes your thick, slippery thigh really hard one last time before letting you go. He pulls his cock out of you, and a thick stream of his cum follows out of your hole. Your little cunt continues to twitch in the afterglow of your intense orgasm, winking at him and pushing more of his load out of her. "Perfect.' He whispered, captivated by the mesmerising sight. Seonghwa reached out and began to rub his cum into your slit. "You are so beautiful, baby girl, well used, dripping with my cum, marked as my little favourite pet'.
All you can do is whimper in response to his words as you feel amazingly fucked and fed. Yes, Seonghwa was indeed an amazing owner who knew exactly how to take care of his lusty little bunny.
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❣ ℌ𝔬𝔩𝔶 𝔅𝔲𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔗𝔞𝔤 𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 ❣ Part I @tiny-apocalypse @captain-joongz @alicedawitchbish @woohwababes @wlv-asteria @wisejudgedragonhairdo @mingisprincesss @lavishloving @teagietots @spooo00oky @sousydive @hwapou @bunnliix @softwsan @mjyungi @fantasy2wonderland @noirsfantasy @cassies-cookies @renaholicss @luffypants @hyukssunflower @watermelon2319 @peachygiku @bunnyxoxodarling @stolasisyourparent @soranosnowbunny @certifiedmoa @sanglix @slvtiny @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @hecateslittlewitchling @xxawl @pastellbunno @starlletsblog @seonghwasstar @hwanring @vtyb23 @pearltinyy @minjaeum @chasevixx @bomi-ja @onedumbho3 @sanglix @cursedeastern @itza-meee @pinkies-things @atinism @mxnsxngie @nenefix-on @therealcuppicake @annafeebou @sharksandminhos @@lixies-pixieboy @@vampzity @0rangemilk @yellow-foxxing @claimmeyourprincess
❣ ℌ𝔬𝔩𝔶 𝔅𝔲𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔗𝔞𝔤 𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 ❣ Part II @unholywriters @hey-syia @hrts4nohee @vnessalau @mlink64 @tessakleine @fr34k4c1dr41n @313hwa @lilyuwon @tiziamattaga @un-knew @wiaxul @siyah-staryis @seonghwasbbgirl @mingisfavgf @bunnyluvr25 @roserperfume @lose-lose07 @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @lelaleleb @bubblebisk @silverlight-h @ chloe-elise-2000 @cookiesandcreammy @mxnsxngie @ghostlovesworld @i-love-ateez @mingisprincesss @vampscan @peachygiku @vampqueen777 @miyaluvvsyou @stay-tiny-things @moondanse94
❣ ℌ𝔬𝔩𝔶 𝔅𝔲𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔗𝔞𝔤 𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 ❣ Part III @yyaurii @infrenchexit @sanniesbum @jaxyy219 @lostxxgirl @m1sss1mp @manipulatedstars @cotton-candycloudz @kienhawon @flowerxsin @londonbridges01 @fluffyyongbokie @sang-09 @hobarihope @sanniesaur @luvbit3z @sanriomilk @s4erin @sanhwalvr @mallielovssyou @slytherinslays @your-bloodbag @cherricola-star @passionandsuga @hwasangel
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