#my empath ass cant take this
ardenation · 4 months
Just my rambles. Also I only remembered sweet tooth existed 2 days before the third season came out so I quickly re-watched season 2 and then season 3 right after AND WHEN I TELL YOU I HAVE THOUGHTS ON THIS SHOW.
spoilers under the cut
Okay, I can't remember which order the episodes are so I'm winging it here and just word vomiting. in my defense my best friend is away camping and I have nobody to yap about this to so tumblr gets it instead.
The first thing I can remember is that whole thing with the bat kid. OH MY GOD. that poor kid man. it's so awful how his parents raised him to believe that what he was was unfit for society, below humans, and not natural. no kid should have to grow up like that. I don't completely blame the parents, but there were some very, very bad decisions made. and the fucking scene where the dad tries to cut off the baby's hybrid traits??? I got SO reminded of when Gus' antler was cut off. baby boy was mutilated. but the difference between the scene with the baby and gus was that nobody was there to stop it from happening. nobody was there to wrangle the saw out of that guy's hands. bruh. tears. I fucking hate it here.
also live laugh love Rani <33
uhh I dunno what comes after that so let's jump to the boat episode! *laughs nervously*
That. freaking. episode. broke me. I didn't even want to keep watching after that (lie) because it was just so incredibly awful. just when they walked onto that boat for the first time and It was dead silent? goosebumps. especially after finding that dead body. by the way, this is when I started to dislike Dr. singh. bro fell way off after Rani left. anyway, I did not trust Darwin AT ALL when he was introduced. I thought he was shady as all hell. Glad I was proved wrong in the end, though. not important. let's talk about those dead bodies and what Gus had to do because that is a whole rodeo.
I admit, when I first heard he was going to have to find and toss dead bodies overboard my first thought was 'FUCK yes trauma angst trauma angst trauma angst' because what can I say, it's how my brain works. it started off pretty chill, the deer boy doing some nice yardwork and tossing the flowers overboard. okay. this is fine. oh, shit, now he's found dead bodies. oh my god he's crying. oh my god i'm crying. MY BABY. MY BABY BOY, WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS TO YOU?! anyway that was probably the most fucked up thing I have ever watched in my life. kill me. kill me- and the fact that he kept all the people's little things as ways to remember them? what the fuck. what the hell netflix. why would you do this. he's just a little kid. I'm going to kill someone. ALSO I fucking KNEW Darwin was going to get sick. I was watching it with my little sister, and when he popped up I went 'bet you Gus is gonna look away and darwin's finger is gonna start twitching' then BOOM. also, that makes it so much worse. at this point I was like, how many more people is this poor kid going to to lose? WHY IS HE SO TRAUMATIZED???
hahaha. boy oh boy.
side note, why was Siana and Birdie actually so cute? I would've loved for their relationship to be explored more before... yk. and Nuka?? my baby. my darling. she means everything, actually.
wait what happens next?? idk
episode 7 time! or at least the end of it.
first of all, FUCK YOU DR. SINGH. I LIKED YOU AT THE START BUT NOW?.ALL THIS DESTINY BULLSHIT 'it's my destiny to kill gus' BRO YOU JUST SAID YOUR DESTINY IS TO MURDER AN INNOCENT CHILD?? WHAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR BRAIN. THIS IS WHY RANI LEFT. and when Adi was getting closer and closer to stab Gus, when he was screaming and kicking, I was actually going to vomit and cry. what the actual fuck. why is this show so incredibly messed up. it's not even funny. this is the most disturbing shit I have seen in a while which is saying a lot. the sheer horror of the things in this show once you start to think about it is insane. anyway before that whole thing I genuinely thought 'hm I think that blood on Adi's knife in the vision thing is actually big man's blood because he probably protected gus' and I was half right? I was not expecting Birdie to be killed AT ALL. It totally took me by surprise. once again, this show is so horrifying and sad. Gus crying over Birdie. i'm going to die. he's an orphan. why is this stupid world so mean to this kid?? he's turning into fucking Peter Parker for god's sake! I really, really thought big man was going to die in that cave. and imagine if he did? Gus would've lost both his parents AND his father figure in just a few months. I would've lost my mind. anyway. birdie's dead. jesus fucking christ. WHY. JUST WHY. NETFLIX, STOP HURTING MY BOY.
Alright, let's see if I can remember literally anything that happens in episode 8.
It was such an emotional rollercoaster fr. I felt like I was getting emotional whiplash every five seconds. he's gonna die! wait, he's gonna live! now this guy is actually gonna murder Gus! wait, now this guy turned good and saved him! holy shit, everybody is going to die- holy shit EVERYBODY IS DEAD! wait, Gus cut himself to bleed on a tree and now they're alive! oh my god, Gus finally snapped! wait, now his dead dad is popping up and convincing him to save people again! OH MY GOD BECKY IS DEAD! WAIT OH MY GOD SHE'S ALIVE! (I think that one was the worst) NO is big man going to die on that mountain?? oh good he's not! omg jordan actually died in the crash!
....there was no resolution to that one. good riddance. sorry Jordan fans.
and then we had the whole reveal of Gus being the narrator the whole time- how tf did I not predict that?? Also, am I the only one who doesn't like stuff that does those huge timeskips where it shows the main characters when they're old. is it just me who doesn't like it. okay i'll go
let's talk about Gus and Wendy for a second. honestly, throughout the whole of season 2 and three there was a little nagging voice in my head saying 'it's a boy and a girl interacting.... you know they're going to end up together' and I would tell my head 'stfu, I wouldn't really like that because there are no good girl boy friendships in any media ever that's completely platonic (mostly, anyway)'. I was hoping SO SO badly Wendy and Gus would stay platonic besties forever, simply because it's cute and stuff like that barely happens. praying to GOD. but I knew deep down it was hopeless from the start. I don't like when media does that. 'oh, look! it's a boy and a girl of the same age meeting as kids! OBVIOUSLY the only possible route to go from here is romance, RIGHT?' I mean i'm biased as a gay enby chronically online person who thinks these stereotypes are shit but it's true. don't get me wrong. I love wendy. I love her so, so so much. but just- WHY?! I was at least hoping it would be somebody we didn't know or something. oh well.
i mean, I guess they only held hands a few times and sat together as old people, so maybe there's a tiny little chance it wasn't romantic? but they also had grandkids. yk what fuck canon. they're old besties. I think they'd be cute either way but I just prefer them friends.
SO. the sweet tooth fanfic community. it's admittedly nonexistent. I went to check the tag earlier and like- what?? it's ALL weird shit. there was like three good ones but just like why Is that all of what's in our fandom?? guys, we have not done well.
I call upon all ao3 authors and encourage them write sweet tooth (if you want to). It doesn't even matter if it's a short fluffy or angst drabble, we just need to wash the weird shit out. go ahead and post that 200 word interaction you wrote between big man and Gus in the aftermath. we need more good fic in this fandom, DESPERATELY.
and why did the writers put Gus through so much. like his dad dies, he's captured, traumatized, mutilated, shot in the leg, shot in the back, traumatizedx100 on the boat, watches his mom get murdered to protect him, has his father figure almost die multiple times, has a scientist try to kill him with a knife while holding him down multiple times, fucking snaps, and idek. WHYYYYYY. WHAT DID HE EVEN DO TO DESERVE THIS?? WHAT DID ANYBODY DO IN THIS SHOW TO DESERVE ALL THAT HAPPENED TO THEM?????? man....
I think that's all that's in my brain? this wasn't really a review just me spitting words.
moral of the story, I have adopted Gus and that is that. if you managed to get through all this you have a longer attention span than everybody I know combined when they try to listen to me ramble so congrats lmao
and I know I only brought up a few things but don't even get me started on Zhang, Rosie, and her kids because I will not shut up. and Jordan. Jordan why did you do that. and Munaq, that poor guy. ANYWAY I gotta stop talking now cuz it's 9:45pm byeee
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ugh. sick.
lily crying in the common room late at night, and sirius 'i know no sleep' black comes downstairs and is like . oh no what do i do. cant make fun of her bc james likes her. (this takes place shortly after swm so flowerpott aren't tgthr yet). a little talking and lily blurts out that it's about severus (calling her a slur) and sirius makes a face on instinct.
lily being really pissed and being like . you dont know him, we grew up together, that's why his betrayal hurts sm, he wasn't like this - he was awkward and shy and really sweet and he loved me more than anything and hid behind me and couldnt talk to people and now he's doing everything that goes against the very core of my being and he's been doing it for so long and i've been ignoring him, because he's like a brother to me, but it's coming to bite me in the ass and i feel horrid and selfish that i only care because it's about me, but i do and i dont know how i can move past this . i dont want to, because part of me thinks of him as someone who's just misguided - his father's horrible , you kno- - but he's old enough to know what he's doing and i have to confront him but i dont want to
sirius is like wowzers this is sev=reg i feel 4 u . but as lils goes on hes pissed at her who he's always thought was fairly respectable (even not under influence by james) acting stupid and emotional over something that had an easy solution, because if someone's a blood supremacist you leave it's simple as that, isnt it? lily's a coward, to him, now that he's seen her blubbering over a greasy haired unwashed snake who doesnt care for her but he doesn't say anything just scoffs and leaves
(sirius thinks he sees himself in lily and almost empathizes but then he sees regulus and thinks of her as a coward.)
(*&sirius/lily r projecting/under assumption here if you find anything non-canon)
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akpinkprincesss · 1 month
I'm catching up on woe begone and it just got me thinking about some of the characters, like really thinking about them and damn it hurts.
i was thinking about lieutenant and it made me realize that he was a victim. what he went through was worse then anyone could ever imagine and he had to adapt to survive. Of course that doesn't excuse his actions but he isn't a horrible person doing things our of malice, he is a victim who did horrible things his abuser (the man who brainwashed him into obeying his every word) told him to.
and its not like ANY of the other mikes have it easier, michaels especially. Like i think the reason they (michaels) all hate lieutenant is because they have all been through horrible pain and suffering. They all have lost edgar and i think most (if not all) of the ones who are alive right now were held in the compound and also tortured, they just werent brainwashed.
In general i think the michales have a hard time empathizing with other characters because they dont want to get close to others in case they die. But any version of mike also have a hard time empathizing with lieutenant because they were also tortured and they didnt react like that. However they forget that trauma victims will do whatever it takes to survive and in this case lieutenant had to become the perfect solider or else he would die, or worse. and the only character who witnessed the torture first hand is either dead, doesnt interact with lieutenant at all or doesnt care which proves my point (i cannot remember what happened to that michael)
and after i had those realizations it sent me on a mini spiral about the W.B "villains" are actually just victims, these are usually iterations of the mikes. Like this nobody guy who just appeared (for me) i dont know what his deal is (and i dont want you to tell me) but the way hes talking it cant be good. The way he could withstand a gunshot for as long as he did doesnt give me good vibes. of course that could be of his own design but i dont know yet and when it comes to mike walters i can hope for the best but expect the worst.
of course not every villain in the story is a victim, like eagle he can taste the carbon of my bat as i slam it full force into his face. but some of them are just victim to circumstance and the horrible events that always follow mike walters.
thanks for reading my long ass rant, ive had feelings that i needed to get out. i might have more to say on the topic later but for now i will leave it. also ignore grammer mistakes im not in the mood to edit right now :/
ive been listening to this podcast on and off for about 2 years now? so there are bound to be mistakes in lore as i forget things and ill go a few months without listening then binge the 10+ episodes so if you have any notes please add them (without spoilers please i am only on episode 154 thanks)
note: do not take this the wrong way i love this show and this is NOT a criticism of the writing :D
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nonbinarytoast · 1 month
Live-blogging the Magnus protocol episode 26– HELRN RICHARDSON IN THE CREDITS?!?!?!?!
I love Sam being weird about Celia not fully processing the statements. Eye avatar looking ass.
“Magnusing: verb. To insist on poking around stuff to do with the Magnus institute despite Alice’s continued efforts to stop you getting yourselves killed” I love you Alice.
“Just make sure you take protection ok?” I LOVE YOU ALICE!!!!!
Celia just straight pulling out a knife at work is a power move and I need more insane/criminal Celia
“Celia, are you sure that things legal?” She’s sure it’s absolutely not. She definitely took it from the apocalypse.
This statement is so cool I wish accountants were real
Well this is a difficult one for me (I never lost a parent but I’ve also never felt a lot of grief over death and I’m constantly trying to empathize with people so this one is messing me up since I cant seem to empathize with the sadness and fear the statement giver is feeling)
Oh this one is DIFFICULT FOR ME (I legitimately don’t know why but anyone running for their life in such detail is terrifying to me. The idea that one misstep could kill you. The idea that you don’t have a choice.)
Oh she does have a lot of experience in killer tapes
HELEN MY BABY!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Celia having trauma flashbacks from Helen even when she’s not the distortion just because she knows is so cool and I love it so much. She can’t show how scared she is because Helen hasn’t actually done anything. She can’t even show it.
Helen that laugh was beautiful and I love you now WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE “sfx: kissing” THAT I SAW IN THE CREDITS. GIVE IT TO ME NOW JONNY.
JACK!!!!!!!!! LITTLE BABY!!!!!!! THE CHILD!!!!!!!!
Yes Celia!!!!! Be not okay!!!!!! Help yea!!!!!!!!
Good up Jack was just trying to call Sam “daddy” that’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard and I need them to marry each other right now.
Damn that was a roller coaster of emotions for me that was great
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sagemoderocklee · 6 months
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
startin out rlly swingin' ok... well lotta rlly shit takes out there so it's hard to pick just one. i def dont have any screenshots of anything... pickin' one at random is just like anyone callin Neji horrible or abusive for kickin the crap outta Hinata in their match in the prelims of the Chuunins. like 1. designated match; 2. she was literally goading him about his literally enslavement????????? like anyone who wanna cop for hinata is already someone imma side eye cause for all that she goes through from her dad she never actually suffers from the caste system itself and being 12 doesnt excuse her goading him when she knows damn well what shes doin; 3. the girl would not stop cause of stupid ass naruto, so like yeah she got her ass beat and then everyone and their mother jumped in to protect her but only Gai stepped in to keep Gaara from straight up killing Lee like the double standards. like pls tell me you have no concept of slavery without telling me you got no concept of it... prolly watch movies about white women in the south during the civil war and empathize with them too cause their husband or dad beat them
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
i dont know if there is a character i started to hate causa fandom? like i keep to myself and to my focus, and i generally like what i like and dislike what i dislike on its own merit. genuinely i cant think of a single character where im like yeah the fandom has made me despise them. like if i hated a character, i already hated them.
i think if there was anything i could say i developed a hatred for because of the fandom itd be like n*r*gaa but i still like hate that ship on my own too.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
rlly swingin' a bat i havent swung in a minute but or*ch*m*r* is not a trans icon. he's a homophobic and transmisogynistic caricature and tme ppl are quick to disregard that and deny whats textual about this character's preying on children because it doesnt impact them. lack of critical engagement from fandoms has rlly done a number on the way ppl view this character because back in the day we all knew what was up with him re sasuke and didnt need our hands held to know he a predator in multiple ways and that is rooted in the aforemented -phobic caricature-ness. ppl do the same shit with like bugs bunny where it's like no this character was not a queer icon, this character was doin this shit as a joke and ppl need to learn how to differentiate harmful shit from the shit that's in good fun/genuine
and lord if someone tries to send me anon hate about this like they used to just kno you wastin your breath cause i aint gonna give you the time of day
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salemcantupdate · 2 years
I just finished all of the routes in DMMD, so now I’m gonna give my thoughts that nobody asked for in the order I played in!
So, Clear was my first. This is the only play through where I wasn’t googling all of the answers and was simply going with what I thought was right, and all the story beats were very well suited to my likes! Clear still holds a special place in my heart and I love him so so much. His good ending is the only one that made me cry out of all of the routes! Over all, I think this story was very good and I like the direct confrontation with Toue at the end, THOUGH GODDAMMIT HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE TRICK TO HIS GOOD ENDING WHEN I FIRST PLAYED, YOU JUST SIT THERE AND WAIT, HOW WAS I TO KNOW. Ahem. Anyways, Clear is a very good boy who I wanna cuddle with
The next character I got was Mink! He really interested me in the first half because god… his voice… so I definitely was gunning for him. Had the guide all pulled up and everything. And I did enjoy his route, of course, it did make me feel very… eugh in many parts. In general it makes me uncomfortable when I know information is being hidden from me in some way, so Mink never explaining anything was annoying. But that fits the character. BUT, what does drive me insane is that his good ending doesn’t even have you talk to him! He doesn’t apologize or explain! Aoba just hunts him down and it ends on finding me!!!! I wanted so much more!!!!! So, Mink’s route was good but the end just didn’t satisfy me, I desperately wanted more. Also, Mink is likely my favorite character, I have already read so many fanfics about him, I’m kind of obsessed.
Koujaku… hm, his was interesting. Once again the hidden information and lying and whatnot but the tattoo stuff really came out of nowhere for me! But, still it was a lot of fun! And I love that Sky pretty much has his ending in Koujakus bad end! It makes me happy since I do actually like Sly a lot. Also the good ending with Koujaku is just so sweet and cute, the first good ending in the game that made me feel all happy and good. Though… it does bug me that we just flat out don’t see Toue in this, we beat the tattoo artist and that’s it. Guess it doesn’t change the fact that Koujaku’s scrap moment is probably my favorite, just… how Aoba talks to him is still stuck in my head.
Noiz… oh… his route was so disappointing. First of all, no villain at all!?!? Then they say he can’t empathize at all due to lack of pain, which is a bullshit excuse, especially since I’m the locker room area he was clearly starting to empathize for Aoba. And then his good ending?! God it’s terrible! The absolute worst! First of all, they entirely remove his disability WHICH YOU CANT JUST REMOVE WTF, and THEN they half ass it and just show him without almost any of his piercings, he “cleaned up his act” and his sweeping Aoba off his feet to Germany?! We don’t get to see ANY of this character development! Plus it literally got rid of all the stuff I liked about it! We get sold on an edgy pierced up boy that has difficulty empathizing and is a great hacker, but then we end on a fucking Prince Charming rich bitch? UGH
Anyways, to move on from that, Trip and Virus! I wanted to save Ren for last, so I did them first. And… hm, well, it’s not really their route. Just an alternate Ren bad ending. But, I did like it, and I am personally a fan of Trip and Virus. I find them really interesting and I honestly kind of wish we had more in their ending since I just like them a lot. Guess this is just hammering home the point that I need to somehow gain access to Re:Connect, huh…
And now, for the grande finale… Ren!!! Alright! I honestly liked this route from a story perspective the most. Unlike the other routes, I had no gripes with the pacing or the final battle, plus I like how they actually take action very quickly rather than loitering around. By far, this is the best route for Aoba’s growth! Plus the ending with Toue is great and I am quite pleased with the overall worldbuilding. Plus… I do really like Ren! And I do wish we could have somehow saved Sei, not just killing him. And UGH, I want to talk to Sly more!!!! But none of this is proper complaints on the story, I just like it so much that I want more of it! Though, of course the representation of DID is not the best out there, but honestly, with everything I know, it’s actually not all that bad. I even like it for the most part. But yes, over all, I really enjoyed it, a wonderful “canon” ending!!
And thus the rankings
As characters, it has to be Mink, Ren, Clear, Virus and Trip, Koujaku, and Noiz. I do still quite like Noiz, though, don’t worry guys! I just prefer the others.
And for the routes it has to be Ren, Clear, Koujaku, Mink, Noiz, and Virus and Trip. Though they’re only last cause you can hardly call that their route.
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i accidentally submitted the first one in the middle of writing it😟😟but can i please get a jjk and demon slayer matchup if thats too much just jjk, btw i go by she/her<333333
I have reddish brown wavy thick hair and brown eyes i usually leave my hair down but i sometimes put it in braids or pigtails , im 5'1, and have a pear body type im a female and bisexual (male preference)
My hobbies are likeee, working out, playing electric guitar, kickboxing, buying dumb shit that i dont need, baking(especially for loved ones)and i have a few other hobbies
For my personality im an istp and an aquarius if those count for anything, its hard for me to describe my own personality but some people dont get my sense of humor often and i come off as mean. Another thing that makes me come off as rude or mean is my social anxiety in public so i dont say much and i have a resting bitch face not even on purpose. I dont consider myself mean, like i genuinely love making people happy and helping them with things but my social anxiety holds me back on trying to help people and complimenting them .I only have a small group of friends that i talk to but i love them so much. I can be antisocial sometimes because being social all the time drains me, . Though when im with my friends and im really energetic, impulsive, dramatic, opinionated, sarcastic and a little annoying and talk a lot n i always wanna do things+a risk taker i get myself in trouble a lot. I hate it when i go over to peoples houses and they js sit on their phone like wtf did i even come here for ??
Some things i love are animals,doing new things, flowers, nature, horror, the color pink, anything pretty really, motorcycles, pinterest, music(especially metal or rock), incense, smoothie bowls, my friends, plushies, dressing up, halloween,long walks and a lot of other thingsssssss
Some stuff i hate are cheaters, home wreckers, talking to new people, feeling nauseous from panic attacks, fatigue, and wasps.
People tend to see me as less emotional which is true sometimes but when i love i really love hard and i dont get with just anyone and it takes me a while to fall for someone and people don't expect it from me, im so different and emotional when i love somebody and i usually just end up being manipulated, and i dont give up on people easily i try my hardest to empathize with them and work it out.
Another toxic thing is i can be overprotective and possessive in relationships a bit😭
i love love gift giving and physical touch both giving and receiving and i like making my partner handmade gifts that take a lot of effort to show i care though i also like spending money on them
I find it cute when the person im with gets overly jealous but i would never purposely wanna make them feel that way, i know how it feels and they don't deserve that. I hate it when people make me jealous on purpose because they "like it". i love being pampered but ill never ask for it
the littlest thing a person i love would do for me makes me so happyyyyyyyy
(im sorry how fucking long this is whenever i start typing things i cant stop)
I match you with..
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Gojo Satoru
- When he first meets you he’s the one that made the first move.
- Because Gojo is Gojo, he’ll tease you about your fear of wasps. You’ll be walking with him outside and he’ll suddenly be like “OH THERE’S A WASP-”
- He likes your homemade gifts and keeps every last one of them. He always has the biggest smile on his face whenever you give him anything.
- Speaking of gifts, he loves to gift you small things like flowers, your favorite snacks, etc.
- He pampered you before, but when he found out that you love being pampered he’ll spoil you more often.
- If you get sarcastic with him he’ll do the same, sticking his tongue out whenever you give him a jokingly mad glare.
- When he walks by you he likes to flick you on the forehead then smile at you.
- When the two of you are walking he almost always has an arm around you.
- On Halloween (or more like the month of October) he loves to try and scare you out of nowhere.
- He likes to listen to you play the instruments you love, always cheers you on.
- Believes that your protective side is adorable and will most definitely tease you.
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Kyojuro Rengoku
- When you’re first talking to him, he figures out quickly that you don’t really like talking to new people so he always makes sure you’re comfortable.
- He admires that you don’t give up on others easily and that you love to make others happy. He tries to help you with your social anxiety the best he can. If you’re feeling anxious he’ll grab your hand and will squeeze it firmly.
- Whenever you’re feeling nauseous from panic attacks he’ll be there to comfort you. He would get you a cold drink and do whatever you want him to do.
- He thinks that your sense of humor is unique and encourages you to continue making people laugh.
- He absolutely loves your homemade gifts, he thinks it’s very very thoughtful of you to take the time to make something handmade.
- Whenever you two are out in a restaurant he always pulls out your chair for you with a smile on his face.
- He helps you stay motivated to work out and gives you some tips to help some of the soreness.
- He loves to pull you into his chest while you’re cuddling with him.
- When it’s a day off for the both of you, you two will bake together. He always insists on helping you clean afterwards.
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
Normally I? wouldn't care about that live action movie but now i cant help but picture amani in it like she's also disguised as a monster the students do annoy her at times time but then in the final battle she shows up in fighting gear shouting "NOBODY MESSES WITH MY KIDS!" And helps kicks komos ass. Then reveals that she is a human and she simply didn't want komos to take his anger out on innocent kids as well as him trying to destroy her world.
So then on amani reveals some truths about why monster and humans hate each other and prevent another situation like Komos, EVERYONE has to out in the worl to mend unhealed wounds. I guess she also makes sure komos doesn't end up in prison bc she does empathize with him so she makes sure he gets taken to a place where he can finally get help for his issues.
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lillllbabygirl · 2 years
i just really can't take this anymore. any of it. i'm like. done. i am just done. and i am tired. i am so fucking tired. i have this constant headache. i'm fighting so fucking hard no body has any fucking idea how hard i am fighting just to keep fighting, and i am so fucking tired, i am truly just so fucking tired, i can barely take it anymore. i just don't know what to do anymore. i truly can't live a life like this. i can however so 100x better, but no ones given me the chance, nothing's giving me the chance, nothing is letting up. off of my fucking back, and i can't carry all this shit alone anymore. i want forward, but everything's BELIEVE ME, everything's bringing me back, and i can't take it anymore, i really... just can't. i'm the strongest, toughest, most unforgivably hopeful and driven, and solution seeking person i know, and have ever known by far. i truly truly fucking care when i say i care i mean that at least 10x more than you hear it, and i am so tired i can't even have room for my own thoughts anymore, i don't feel like me, i feel fucking used and disgusted with myself and the person that lays here right now, and everyday, is nothing but me, and nothing of a lack of trying and caring and trying to be just as genuinely me as any other fucking day since day 1, since the start. but there are so many days that go by now where i am completely stepped on, and disregarded, and left out of everything that seems like normal and functioning, and social, and just existing, and i'm truly, GOD, I AM TRULY SO FUCKING TIRED OF IT. i just want to be a person and idk why that seems so difficult to me because i have never stopped trying with every inch of me, and i just don't get why i am going no where. i've tried DETACHING, IVE TRIED EVERYTHING AND NOTHING MY POINT IS, I KNOW NO BODY IS GOING TO SAVE ME BUT ME BUT I DIDNT EVEN FUCK MYSELF IN THE FIRST PLACE AND I DIDNT FILL MY PLATE UP LIKE THIS I DIDNT MAKE THE STUPID DECISIONS THAT OTHER PEOPLE MADE FOR ME AND FUCKED ME SO SEVERELY AND ITS TRULY THE SADDEST THING TO SEE MYSELF LIKE THIS BECAUSE I AM REALLY STRUGGLING AND SUFFERING AND FOR SOMEONE WHO HAS NOT EVER STOPPED DOING THAT I KNOW YOU CANT IMAGINE WHAT ITS LIKE FOR ME BECAUSE EVERYBODY I KNOW AT SOME POINT HAS HAD A FUCKING BREAK BUT MY INCREDIBLE AND MOVING AND UNBELIEVABLY RESILIENT STORY AND IMMOVABLE SELF IS SO FUCKING TIRED LORD GOD SOMEBODY JUST READ THIS AND KNOW THAT I AM SO FUCKING TIRED AND TRULY FEEL ME AND EMPATHIZE WITH ME PLEASE BECAUSE THIS SHIT IS LONELY AND I DONT NEED ATTENTION I NEED FUCKING HELP AND IM DONE WITH JUST OF GETTING STARTED ASKING AND IM DONE PUSHING SO HARD TIRELESSLY AT THESE WALLS CLOSING IN ON ME AND IM DONE SELF LOATHING AND IM DONE SELF PITYING AND CRYING AND CLIMBING BUT REALLY JUST CLAWING AT THESE WALLS FOR A WAY UP OUT OF THIS FUCKING HOLE THAT NO BODY SEES AND IM SO TIRED OF BEING SO FUCKING SEEMINGLY OPEN AND HAPPY AND OKAY AND FORGIVING AND UNDERSTANDING AND TOLERANT AND FUNCTIONING AND SEEMING LIKE I AM SURVIVING ALL THIS BULLSHIT BECAUSE IM REALLY REALLY REALLY JUST FUCKING NOT I AM AN AMAZING SMART TALENTED PERSON BUT ALL THOSE ADJECTIVES MEAN NOTHING WHEN THIS IS WHAT I LIVE WITH THESE FUCKING HUGE ASS WALLS WHILE EVERYTHING SEEMS OUT IN THE OPEN AND GOOD AND OKAY AND ITS REALLY JUST NOT! ITS NOT OKAY? I AM NOT OKAY AND I HAVENT EVER BEEN okay OR good, AND THATS ALWAYS THE FUCKING ANSWER YOUVE HEARD FROM ME BECAUSE ITS AUTOMATIC BUT TO BE REAL WITH YOU I HAVEN'T EVER MET SOMEBODY WITH WALLS AS BIG AS MINE AND IS STILL SURVIVING DOWN HERE WHILE STARVING ITS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE AND THIS STRES IS KILLING ME AND I DONT CARE WHAT ANYBODY SAYS. I DONT CARE. I AM TIRED. I AM AWAKE. THERES NO DIFFERENCE, IN THE START AND FINISH OF THE DAY TO ME IM THIS TIRED CONTINUOUSLY, IM THIS HURT ALL THE FUCKING TIME AND IM SO SORE AND I FEEL SO FUCKING FULL OF SHIT FOR TRYING TO BE OKAY ALLLLLL THIS MOTHER FUCKING TIME WHEN I DONT EVEN HAVE A SENSE OF FUCKING TIME SO WHATS THE POINT IN SPENDING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE? EVERYTHING IVE WANTED FEELS LIKE ITS GONE TO ME AND EVERYTHING
but today, just like any other day, i go to sleep feeling sleepless and wakeless at the same time, and ready for the end of the day to start at the beginning again. and somebody not to hear me whining about how i truly feel, because i'd rather secretly wither away, than stare sympathy in the face of the people i just want to say, they're proud of me, and for me to really agree and feel that way because of the accomplishments i've made. no more sitting in place, begging for a damn thing, but providing things to show how i truly feel and who i am today is something to be mattered with. idek if thats a fucking word, but fuck it, means something, i'm too tired anyway, i've said, and done enough now. no this is not a suicide letter, how could i kill myself, when i'm already otw. anyways. fuck this. shit. goodnight/goodmorning. & welcome to my world, & a little time incomprehensible piece of my head. you're welcome. :) congratulations.
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twinstarlovers · 2 years
But bruh I’m starting to get better but my wisdom teeth are hurting so ima take them out when I get home. Ima die swear. I can’t wait to get back home & see midnight. I CANT WAIT TO EAT FOOD AGAIN. I can’t wait to go to Starbucks 😭. I’m in need of my grilled cheese & vanilla bean frappe. I’m in need of noodles & company. I’m in need of pizza. I’m in need of ice cream. The dairy is so natural here that I actually hate it 💀. I like the fake shit in America idc. I CANT WAITTTTTTTT. Ima get back home around 4am. Ima take a shower when I get home & then go to Starbucks around 6-7 🙏🏻. I have not been eating good… or at all here. I’ve been eating a lot of Gorecki soup 🧸🥣💕. I’ve been eating fries too. That’s pretty much it 💀 like I’ve been sleeping A LOT so I haven’t ate much cus of that too. Im the pickiest eater in the GAME. It’s actually not okay but idc.
Life would be great if I didn’t have ocd & wasn’t a germaphobe bruh. I feel like that’s what stops me from living tbh. Like going to the beach is difficult because of my ocd. My Taurus moon doesn’t help. Me being an empath makes it 1000x worse too. I literally hate me. I wish I was constantly on shrooms cus my ocd goes away. I could literally live a stress free life. I swear life without ocd seems like a dream come true. Imagine I can lay in bed w midnight & just sleep w her in peace. I love her so much & it hurts not being able to be close to her physically cus of my ocd. Imagine being able to go to the beach & not worry about the sand. I think I’d even live on the beach if I didn’t have ocd. I know my higher self loves the beach. I was on the beach today but I was just walking. Back then it was worse. I couldn’t step foot on the sand cus I would cry from frustration & being so overwhelmed w having sand everywhere. I remember we were at the beach years ago & my sis was about to faint & they put her in the car & she had sand all over her & I was worrying more about the sand in the car than her about to pass out. That’s what sucks about ocd. I care about the wrong things but I mean #trauma . That’s what happens when you have no control over your own life. I wonder how you will trigger & help me heal my ocd. My ocd seems like impossible to get over like I can’t explain how strong it is. It’s gonna be so painful when I gotta face it. I feel like you can help me tho. In a non codependent way or idk, I feel like you would get me to do things that I wouldn’t usually do like… if you wanna go to the beach, ima wanna go cus you are going & I wanna be w you like… it’s almost like you give things purpose. I mean it makes sense. I think it’s the intensity of the connection obviously. Your Aquarius rising is gonna help my cancer rising sooo much. You will be able to get me out my comfort zone or like push me to do things. Ugh I’m so happy you’re a cancer moon. The universe KNEWWWWWWWWWWWW. Taurus moon & cancer rising me hates to move I swear. These people out here be wanting to do so much shit & explore while I just wanna sit still. There’s a lot of fire that’s why lol. A vacation for me is to sit still. I hate walking. I hate exploring. I would want to but I just don’t wanna move lol. I think that’s what everyone hates about me like my family & my friends. It’s how I really never want to move. I mean old friend had an aqua moon which isn’t compatible w my Taurus moon so that makes sense but people be on my ass likeeee stfu. I wish things could just be put right in front of me instead of me moving like.. let’s say I wanna go France. I don’t wanna do the whole airport thing & pack like I just want to teleport there. I wish I could teleport everywhere. Taurus moon me is so fucking lazy swear to god 😭😭😭. We gonna have a good peaceful life together 😌. HOME BODIES. A balance ofc but…. home bodies. Our house finna be cute af. We should get a tree house fr fr. We still needa go get our baby shit tho likeee a mini kitchen, a mini store :
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We gotta hide our kid stuff in a secret room 🤫🔐
Ain’t nobody gotta know we still babies ☝🏼🤐👧🏻💕👦🏻. We gotta get a lil play-pin!!! Never forgot! ☝🏼
I said a lot 🙄 okay bye 👋🏼🥹💖
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🦊Being Inarizaki's Manager 🦊
Miss Manager Confesses as a Joke to Atsumu
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Inarizaki x Female Manager
Warnings: Swearing, major bullying of Atsumu, honestly he deserves it 💅
AN: This is a request from @loevngyuno! Pls this was one of my favorites to write 🥰
Only second to my primary cause #bullyOikawa2022
Seriously tho, any opportunity you get to knock this GoOdY tWo ShOeS on his bum is an opportunity well deserved
Now, our precious YN doesn't just play jokes for no good reason ok 🤚🏻
I mean, YN can definitely take a joke
But for this to happen, Atsumu definitely deserved it 👏🏻
Honestly, I fully support what you are about to do YN
Anyways here we go, TURN IT UP
So ever since you've become a manager, Atsumu has been the literal bain of your existence
He's always the one who gives you the hardest time
Whatever it maybe, he's making you suffer
"YN the waters not cold enough"
"Like YN can control the water temperature"- Suna 🙄
"YN my towel smells funny"
"It's because you've sweated all over it ya idiot"- Osamu
Even in the group chat, you can't escape this man's criticism
🌟Inarizaki: 2nd place Interhigh Champs and Future Winners of Nationals 🌟
Atsumu: @YN why isn't the gym open yet?
Aran: you can not be serious right now
YN: huh... Atsumu it's like 5am!
Michinari: Atsumu why would you be at school at 5am?
Omimi: better yet, why would YN have the gym open at 5am?
Atsumu: I see I'm the only one with dedication on this team 🙄
Kita: Atsumu it's 5AM! Yn doesn't have to open the gym until 7am and even then she's usually there by 6:30
YN: and may I add that you are never there at by 7am anyways Atsumu
Atsumu: I just think it's interesting that you want to hurt our chances at winning nationals
Suna: why? Because YN won't bend backwards for your every request
Atsumu: is she not our manager? Is it not her job to make sure we have every tool to succeed
Osamu: the only "tool" here is you Sumu
Atsumu: shut yer trap!
Yn: I'll open the gym at 6:30 Atsumu
Atsumu: well I'm here already and it's cold
Aran: and whose fault is that?
Atsumu: ...YNs...
Kita: Atsumu I'm about to bench you!
Suna: *taking screen shots*
Omimi: Jesus Atsumu let YN sleep
Michinari: now I know why nobody wanted to be our manager...
Osamu: YN I'm sorry
Ginjima: why in the hell is everyone away at 5am for!
Suna: *sends screenshots*
YN: Osamu, why couldn't you have eaten Atsumu in the womb or something?
Aran: Good one YN 🤣
Osamu: I do have taste YN 🙄💅
Kita: istg...
This is what you put up with daily YN 🤦‍♀️
However, the final breaking point finally comes right before nationals
Atsumu has been running you ragged with his requests and you've finally had it
It's time to give our twin with the bad hair dye a piece of our mind 💅
So you decide to hit him where it hurts, his ego ☺️
One day, just as practice is ending, Atsumu loses his cool
*Breath in* *Breath- actually scratch that!
Beautiful performance yn 👏🏻
As soon as you leave the gym, you wipe your crocodile tears, clean your hands off and stroll to the club room 😙 🎶
Please you don't even stick around to see what's happened
Of course there's no need, because you told Suna in advance 💅
It's recorded 📱
Atsumu is standing there like 👁👄👁
Osamu is totally eating this up because he knew you'd snap one day
Kita is already mentally rolling over whp the best setter would be to replace Atsumu
Aran is on the verge of tears because you were crying
Please Aran is a total empath 😭
Omimi and Michinari are glaring at Atsumu 😑
Suna is eating this up because please he's the only one you'd trust to keep this a secret 🤣
You are sitting in the club room just patiently waiting for your apology
Probably eating a snack
You deserve it for thay Oscar nominated performance YN 💅
"Yn- YN likes me?"- Atsumu 👁💧👄💧👁
"Well she DID"- Osamu
"Atsumu if you don't go apologize to YN RIGHT NOW"- Kita
"You broke YN's heart you asshole!"- Ginjima
"Now she's probably going to move onto one of the guys on the basketball team"- Suna, poking the bear
🔥 👄🔥 "Oh HELL NO! THATS MY YN"- Atsumu, now stomping out of the gym and to the club room
Please these Nosie Nancy's all follow 🤣
Suna texts you and has his phone cleared of memory space
Atsumu bardges into the club room while you stand there, smirking
Atsumu is hella confused but keeps going...
"YN please I'm so sorry for how badly I treated you!! I like ya too! You are gorgeous, stunning and amazing! Please don't go running to the basketball team YN I'm BEGGING YOU"- Atsumu, now on his knees hugging you
You roll your eyes 🙄
"Atsumu stand up"- you
Atsumu stands up so fast he gets whip lash
You place your hand on his face
"Atsumu, you are the last person I would ever go out with and you deserve every single thing coming to you"- You
Atsumu just stares again 👁👄👁 whet-
Osamu, Kita, Aran, Omimi, Michinari and Ginjima are all stunned 😶😲
"And cut- great job YN"- Suna
You and Suna high five
Atsumu is still staring 👁👄👁- whet
"That's for waking me up at 5am and making me come to the gym"- you, crossing your arms and walking out of the club room
"Damn-" Osamu
"Oof- that was HARASH"- Michinari
"I can't even be mad at her for that"- Kita
"It was a bit much but she proved her point"- Aran
Atsumu is still stunned, man has no words 😢
Osamu is trying not to laugh at this point but failing
Ginjima left the clubroom to laugh in silence 🤣
"So- YN doesn't like me?"- Atsumu
"In your dreams"- you, from down the hallway
Suna is still recording
"I'm making this a whole reel on my instagram"- Suna
Finally it sinks in
"As you should"- you still yelling at him
"This is essentially a group of toddlers"- Kita
"You should have seen the look on your face"- Osamu, laughing so hard he's crying at this point
"You do daily by just existing Atsumu"- You
Oof YN 🤣
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weirdmageddon · 2 years
mbti anon, the type i got when i took the test was infp which is arguably. one of the most (if not the most) annoying and organization-adverse types so maybe that's why i cant get the hand of mbti like you do even though it fascinates me
ok first of all i knew it. being an audacious profiler has its perks
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second. your first mistake was taking a test
pretty much none of those tests are going to be accurate/valid anyway because a.) the way words and sentences are interpreted varies from person to person, b.) the test creator might have biases and stereotypes in their questions pertaining to a certain function and their placement, c.) they may not even use functions or jungian concepts at all rendering the test invalid and misleading anyway (e.g. 16personalities), d.) jungian typology is not trait-based and is inherently difficult if not outright impossible to “test”
16p CONSISTENTLY gives my actual INFJ / Ni(Fe-Ti)Se friend @decamarks “ENFP” no matter how many times she takes it because her big five is high in extraversion and low in conscientousness (social extraversion =/= jungian extraversion btw).
no test is going to be fully accurate. in order to correctly identify your type you need to actively involve yourself in understanding the mechanics and dynamics of cognitive functions. it’s also the only way to get any real use out of it for understanding how you tick and process information, so taking a test for your type also sort of defeats the entire purpose. don’t rely on a test and leave your type up to a surprise result!! if you feel like you’re boxing yourself in, it’s because you probably are; it’s not supposed to be used to box yourself in. you also need good reliable sources that aren’t vague about how they consider the concepts, and that’s pretty much my main motivation and goal in sharing good resources that are universally workable and actually cut through the fat and misleading information to get straight to the heart of it.
you’re not alone in this btw! a LOT of INFPs hate their own type because of the stereotypes. look at these polls on PDB!
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these are comments i found from INFPs regarding this:
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i hate INFJ stereotypes too. i love breaking them every single day. like if you understood the functions its very clear how i am INFJ because you can observe Fe/Ti judgments serving my Ni/Se perceptions very clearly all the time. but by stereotypes i mean the highly-regarded magical psychic intuitive empath 1% indigo children with special powers ass shit. i love to grind it to dust beneath my foot with every opportunity i have just because i can. just to become an embodied example of violating that stereotype according to my own understanding of things/just to demonstrate that the logic is flawed, which is a very Se+Ti mindset (xSTP—my subconscious). i feel no different than an ISTP honestly. only substantial difference is that my mind prioritizes raw perceptions so my judgments serve to arbitrate those perceptions (similarly to ESTP who is just me but flipped upside down: Se(Ti-Fe)Ni), whereas the ISTP is the other way around: prioritizing judgments/principles, and using perceptions to contextualize them. in reality i dont feel like anyone special at all. i’m trying to be anything but that. when in rome, do as the romans do philosophy
if it fascinates you i’d be glad to help you get a handle on it the right way. i’m sure you’ll appreciate it if you properly understand it. it’s really not hard tbh it’s mostly reading, what’s important is not the literal words but the essence the words are trying to communicate. again you can get started with what i linked here and/or can dm me if you need anything
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petruchio · 3 years
Why are people still stuck on this cynical ass take that everything Katniss did was for survival. Did we read the same books? On the surface, that’s what it looks like. But how many times has she gone against her survival instincts to actively care for the people around her? Why the hell would she volunteer for Prim? THAT RIGHT THERE, what started all of this, is an act of love. Why would she willingly protect and bury Rue (which could have been seen as an act of rebellion by the Capitol, putting her at risk?) Why wouldn’t she kill Peeta instead of taking those berries? Yes, she was angry at the Capitol, but if she really wanted to survive and go home peacefully, she’d have killed him right there. Regardless of what type of love you think she had for Peeta at that moment, she did care for him at least platonically—which is also a form of love. THAT’S WHAT SPARKED IT ALL. WHY are we still debating this? Love doesn’t make Katniss a weaker character nor does it make this series any less about survival, violence, and the horrible shit humans can do to each other. It’s what makes these books so damn good. Despite living in a world that forces you into violence for survival, love is something radical. Both things can be true at once ! Sheeshhhhh
UGH youre completely right and it literally shocks me every time. 
and YES i’ve talked so many times about how katniss is CONSTANTLY pushing aside her survival instincts FOR the people she loves, and that’s what makes love the force that drives the ENTIRE hunger games, because everything that sets any of katniss’ crucial character arcs into motion is an act of love. it’s peeta giving her the bread: love. it’s her volunteering for prim: love. it’s her offering peeta the berries: love. it’s her agreeing to do what snow says in order to protect gale and her family: love. it’s her LITERALLY TRYING TO SACRIFICE HERSELF FOR PEETA’S LIFE IN CATCHING FIRE: THAT IS OUT OF LOVE. she’s a survivor in the sense that yes, every *instinct* she has is to keep herself alive, and she’s good at it because the society she lives in has FORCED her to do so. but the majority of the *conscious* choices she makes are driven out of love and compassion.
the other thing i want to complain about is people acting like having empathy isn’t a form of love. like, i’ve gotten more than one comment on my hunger games post arguing that katniss doesn’t do things out of love, she just does things because she can see and empathize with the lives of others, even if she doesn’t personally like them. and i get confused every time, because that literally IS love, it’s the kind that i am talking about in terms of political and social divisions. that literally IS radical love in a society that pushes you to hate anyone who is different from you. to see others with compassion and empathy despite their differences from you IS LOVE. and it’s so frustrating to watch people argue AGAINST that, because 1) that’s the entire point of the hunger games and it isnt even particularly subtle and 2) that’s one of the most damaging and divisive things our society pushes onto us, and that’s exactly what we should be fighting AGAINST. it’s such a narrow and strange perspective to reduce the word “love” to its most basic “romantic” heteronormative nuclear family modeled version that the american media pushes down our throats. love is ALL around us, it comes to us in MANY forms, and we MUST choose it EVERY DAY.
the books are about love and thats what makes them GREAT. i cant understand people who can look at this horrifying story about war and violence and imposed social division and take away from it that the answer is ANYTHING but radical and compassionate love. hate breeds hate and will continue to do so, we have to CHOOSE to break the cycle by extending to others humanity, compassion, empathy, and LOVE. 
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Empathy Ch. 7
@Pairing: Bucky x Empath!Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: smut. It’s soft smut but it’s smut nonetheless. 
Summary: Y/N is an empath tasked with helping the Avengers but healing only comes if you want it.
A/N: This chapter came soooo much easier than the last one. I’m really proud of this one right here. Enjoy! If you want to be tagged just send me an ask.
Chapter 6 ll MASTERLIST
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You awoke the next morning tangled in Bucky’s arms and legs. It took you a few moments to remember where you were and why there was another person wrapped around you. When it dawned on you that you and Bucky had spent a peaceful night in each others arms, uninterrupted by terrifying visions, you couldn’t stop your smile. You carefully turned yourself over so you could face Bucky without waking him. You looked at his serene face, his long eyelashes splayed out on his cheeks, and his full lips soft and relaxed and you thought your heart might burst. Bucky stirred in his sleep. He pulled you closer and buried his face into the crook of your neck and shoulder and you giggled at the scratch of his beard.
“You’re waking me up doll. You’re all excited and you’ve got my heart pounding,” he murmured.  
“Sorry Bucky. But you didn’t have any nightmares. I was just happy,” you replied.
“I know. Dreamt abut you instead,” he said as he started to peck featherlight kisses on your neck.
“What kind of dreams?” you asked, your stomach fluttering.
“All kinds of dreams,” he said. He finally opened his eyes to look at you and his own were twinkling darkly. Your breath stopped at the look in his eyes and the two of you lay staring at each other like that till the air was thick with tension. Bucky shifted up so his face was next to yours on the pillow and began to place kisses on your eyelashes and nose as he’d done the night before. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you impossibly close to him. Your breath was caught in your chest as he got closer and closer to your lips. Finally, finally, when you felt like you would fly apart if he didn’t, he brought his lips to yours. It was tender and soft until it wasn't. Your arms were around his neck and your hands tangled in his hair and his warm hands were at your waist and your stomach and your ass. You don’t know who came up for air first but eventually you broke the kiss and pressed your foreheads together, both breathing heavily. Bucky continued to lay little kisses on your face. Your eyes were closed but you felt a tear slip out from under your lashes as a shudder ran through your body. Bucky pulled back from kissing you and opened his eyes you find your tears flowing freely. He brought his hands up to your face to wipe away your tears and brush the hair out of your face.
“What’s wrong little love?” You were silent for a beat as you tried to organize what you were feeling.
“You love me,” you eventually sighed, opening your eyes to look into his clear blue ones.
“Of course I do! I told you last night and nothings changed,” Bucky replied.
“I know it’s just, I can feel it. I can feel it and it fills me up and makes me stronger and I… I’ve just never felt that before.” Bucky’s look of concern broke into a smile and he kissed you again, this time shifting so he was on top of you caging you in with his arms, making you feel little and loved.
“I love you, Y/N, and if you’d let me, I’d like to show you,” he said, his eyes darkening again. You nodded. He kissed you slowly as he inched his leg in between yours. You felt your stomach tighten and you moaned softly into his kiss. Bucky began to inch his hand down your body. He took your leg and hitched it up over his waist as he groped your ass. Your heart was pounding wildly as you felt the emotions building in your chest. You quickly broke the kiss.
“Wait,” you said pulling away from Bucky slightly. Bucky looked horrified. He immediately pulled his hands off you and made space between the two of you.
“I’m so sorry,” he rushed to say and you cut him off with a laugh turning his look of horror into one of confusion.
“No, no. it’s nothing like that,” you said holding his face to allay his fears. “It’s just, sex with me can be pretty… intense. Emotionally.”
“Well, I cant say I’m surprised,” Bucky said with a chuckle.
“Yeah… not a shock obviously. It’s just… I’ve kind of avoided it because of that,” you said avoiding Bucky’s gaze.  
“We don’t have to do anything, darlin’,” Bucky said and you loved him even more for it.
“No,” you said, “No I want to, I really want to, it’s just, well… you’ve been warned.” Bucky laughed at that.
“Noted,” he said as he closed the gap between you once again. He brought his lips to yours and you were lost. Lost in the ocean of your love for each other and every wave threatened to overtake you. You anchored yourself to Bucky and felt peace in the storm.
The two of you were a tangle of arms and legs and Bucky’s hands were everywhere- massaging your breasts and tweaking your nipples, tickling down your sides, and dipping into your core where you needed him most. You moved as one, as though you’d been together the whole time. You both felt dizzy with the mutual love that was swirling between you two.
“Need you Bucky, please,” you breathed out and Bucky obliged. He lined up with your entrance and slid in in one perfect motion, the two of you connecting as though you were made for each other. He set a steady rhythm and you could feel the air in the room growing thick with electricity as the coil in your belly tightened. You whimpered as Bucky brought his fingers down to your bud and you felt as taut as a tightrope. It was only seconds before you snapped and a crack of thunder pealed through the room as you reached your high. Bucky didn’t stop as the waves crashed over you and you immediately felt yourself building again.
“One more for me darlin, I know you’ve got it in you,” he said, his deep voice sending tremors through you. His lips trailed down your neck till they reached your erect nipple which he took between his teeth. The sensations were too much for you and you came again almost immediately as Bucky followed right behind you. Thunder cracked and electricity bounced around the room as you came down from your highs. The sockets in the walls popped and cracked and everything went dark as the lightbulbs flared bright and exploded. You both looked at the mini lightening storm filling the room and burst out laughing
“Well that’s new,” you exclaimed as the storm petered out.
“That’s… what the… is that going to happen every time!?” Bucky asked looking around bewildered.
“I have no idea!” you said. “I think we blew a fuse,” you said seriously and you both burst out laughing. Bucky flopped down beside you and pulled you close. There were goosebumps breaking out on both your skin as you held each other tight.
Bucky turned to you, his expression open and honest where it used to be so closed off. You smiled to see him so happy and reached out to run your finger down his cheek and along his jawline.
“I love you,” he said. “And I’d love to wake up next to your happy little heart forever.” You covered your face at his confession and sobbed with joy. He wrapped himself around you, and gently kissed the top of your head.
The afternoon went pretty much the same as the morning, you and Bucky wrapped tightly around one another, electricity crackling through the room until Steve came and pounded on the door.
“Can you two cut it out!? The whole compound is going bonkers!” He exclaimed.
Bucky leapt off the bed and you managed to figure out what he was doing and cover up just in time. Bucky whipped open the door and stood there stark naked in all his glory.
“Gotcha all wound up, Cap?” Bucky asked smirking. Steve just pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
“Mission briefing in 10 minutes,” he said completely exasperated. “You too, Y/N.”
“You got it Cap!” You said, saluting from the bed. Steve let out another heavy sigh and walked away.
Bucky closed the door and the two of you burst into laughter.
10 minutes later found you and Bucky walking down the hall hand in hand. You glanced down at your intertwined fingers and your heart did a happy dance. Bucky looked at you and smiled, stopping mid stride to kiss you. Soon you were pressed up against the wall, lost in each other’s love. Steve poked his head out of the door and shouted,
“Would you two give it a rest! Everyone’s waiting, come on.” You broke apart in a fit of giggles and quickly followed Steve into the briefing room. Steve stood at the front of the room glaring at you and Bucky and you quickly settled down adopting serious, professional faces.
“First a round of applause for the happy couple. We’re all so glad it finally happened,” Steve said clapping along with the rest of the group. “Second, you two are only allowed to do it at night. People were jumping each other in the hallways and we had to go to the backup generators.” You groaned and hid your face in embarrassment while Bucky roared with laughter.
“Very funny, yes,” Steve said rolling his eyes. You could tell he was actually quite happy for you and his best friend. “Now, we’ve got a mission,” he said. His tone was serious and Bucky, who was still shaking with laughter, sobered up immediately.
“Y/N, your father is here, in a little known South African rainforest on the outskirts of Nelspruit. Very remote, very hard to get in unseen. It’s going to require a two day ride down the Crocodile River. And yes, it’s appropriately named so stay in the boat. From what we can tell on satellite the base is fully loaded with 100 agents. And since human experimentation is the name of the game there will be hostages. We’re bringing in some extra fire power for this one. I feel confident we can take the base, save the hostages, and bring down Dr. Y/L/N. Y/N your job, along with Bucky, is to find your father, subdue him with your powers, and capture him alive. Alright?” He asked glancing around the room, his eyes landed on you. You nodded firmly, your mouth too dry to speak. “Ok, we leave in 20 minutes. Suit up.” He finished with a nod.
“I don’t have a suit,” you muttered under your breath to Bucky. Your nerves were affray and he could feel it.
“Yes you do,” Tony Stark said as he came striding into the room carrying a large silver suitcase. You jumped up in surprise and Tony stuck out his hand in greeting. You took his hand and shook it feeling a bit stunned.
“Quick, what am I thinking,” he asked.
“It would be rude to say,” you replied with a smirk. You and Tony were definitely going to get along.
“Hey Tinman,” Tony said peeking around you at Bucky, who jerked his head up in greeting.
“Why am I Tinman if you’re the one in the can?” Bucky asked sharply.
“Good question, good question. I’ve got one for you, what the hell did the two of you do to my power grid?” Tony asked with his eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, I have some questions about that myself,” you said awkwardly.
“Those question would be better directed to the good doctor,” Tony said, jerking his head toward the man walking through the door who you immediately recognized as Bruce Banner. He looked nervous as he conversed with the demi-god who followed him.
“Or maybe Thor would know. Ask one of them, please don’t make me answer any sex questions involving Barnes.” You nodded, your cheeks glowing pink. Your first conversation with Tony Stark and you were casually chatting about your sex life.
“What’s in the case,” Bucky asked, feeling your embarrassment and changing the subject.
“Glad you asked,” Tony said hoisting the case onto to table in front of you. He offered his thumbprint and clicked the latches and the case sprang open revealing a sleek suit made with black fabric arrayed with black throwing stars. You stared in wonder.
“Now, I understand that, aside from being a super solider, you’re also combat trained?” Tony questioned.
‘I’m shield trained. I’m no Black Widow but I can take down your bog standard Hydra goon,” you replied, your eyes still focused on the deadly point of one of the throwing stars. “How’d you know?” you asked tearing your eyes away from the gleaming metal and fixing Tony with a stare just as sharp.
“Tip from a mutual friend,” he answered.
“Fury,” you muttered.
“Throwing stars, huh?” Bucky asked glancing up at you. You simply nodded and let Tony do the talking, which he seemed very happy to do.
“Y/N is about as good with a throwing star as you are with a knife, is that right? She’s been training with them since she was a teenager,” Tony explained.
“It’s true,” you answered searching Bucky for his thoughts on the matter. He seemed relieved to find you had some battle skills and wouldn’t be walking into this mission unprepared.
“Well the stars are carbon fiber steel. The suit is a bit more high tech. It’s micro mesh kevlar, strongest stuff out there save vibranium. And its woven with a living polymer that will heighten and focus your abilities. Be careful, you’re going to be a lot stronger than you’re used to.” You glanced up at Tony who held your gaze. “Don’t let your emotions run away with you, we want your father alive.” You nodded in understanding.
“Alright. Like the old man said, suit up.”
@saiyanprincessswanie @emmabarnes @sirenphrynne @starlightcrystalline @alexakeyloveloki @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie @pspice639 @thejupe89 @xpurpleglitter @capsgrl @nacho-bucky​ @redbarn1995​ @maybe-a-marvel​ @toe-vind-ek-jou​ @ellefran​ @ginger-swag-rapunzel​ 
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perplexities · 3 years
What are ur top 3 faves and top 3 worstie zodiqc signs❤( lets count ur scorpio and sag as the bonus 4rd and 5rd of the fave ones)
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* lowkey hoping u dont know my signs so u can put them on ur worsie list so we can fight*
omg queen u always send me the best asks abt astro <33 tysm for this! okay obvi excluding scorpio and sag bc Duh. they are superior! here’s my list of top 3 fav and worst zodiac signs in detail bc i am a rambling ass bitch.
top 3 best zodiacs
1. it has to be cancer. cancers get a bad rep bc of the manipulation/meanness (which can sometimes be v true lmao) but they are just so superior in every other way. cancers just have the prettiest and most lovely energy tbh. if they love you, they are the most nurturing, protective souls and have an innate ability to connect via emotional means even if they sometimes struggle w their own emotions. im def bias but water signs are superior but cancer men and women are the only ppl who i have felt truly understand me and who i have connected w most on a spiritual level, no matter the period of time i have known them. (s/o to doris, a cancer queen who was my first friend in the nart fandom and now someone i talk to daily and can’t imagine life without) cancer males are also so sjsjxjxjcncn. they frustrate me but i have been able to understand/connect w them within days of meeting them and vice versa. truly scary.
2. pisces! water sign supremacy bitch. pisces individuals radiate a dreamy like quality abt them. they can v sensitive ofc but trust me. there is a strength to them that is undeniable. they are sensitive to theirs and others emotions bc. its just bc they are v intuitive and emotional ppl. so incredibly empathic bc it’s just natural for them! they are so understanding and patient and just generally lovely. also they would literally kill for u. (entirely thinking abt my bff/beta reader sea, who genuinely is one of the best souls i have ever encountered and it’s bc she’s her but also bc she is a PISCES QUEEN)
3. aquarius. so misunderstood. underneath that goofy free spirited and sometimes child like/zoned out demeanour lies a complicated individual. they are v closed off regardless of how open they seem. which i LOVE. it takes a lot for one to truly trust you and be willing to show you all sides of them bc they are truly insane too lmaoooo. as a scorpio, i have nothing but respect/understanding for that! their sense of humour and ability to make ppl love them is just my fav thing ever. they have wonderful energy. (my childhood best friend of like 18 years is an aqua sun and they are EVERYTHING to me. also maczka is an aqua sun and like they are my beloved)
top 3 worst zodiacs
1. libras ahsjsjsjdjxjxn don’t get me wrong. some of most beloved people in my life are libras like my dad, my aunt and a lot of my friends but bro. they make my brain hurt a lot. as a scorpio it’s hard to ignore how superficial they can be. how surface level and their inability to handle the intensity of scorpio. air signs and water signs have totally diff ways of communicating so it’s just easy for me to buttheads with them. also they NEED to be the prettiest ppl in the room and like… im a scorpio??? that’s just not happening if i am also in that room. it’s beef.
2. gemini. I CANT TRUST THEM! as a water sign i just… they move so weird. like don’t get me wrong, there are times where we vibe and they have good qualities but ultimately they are far too two faced for me and switch up waaayyyyy too much. geminis can be v mean too. they are incredibly moody and don’t seem to have loyalty sjsjxnsjjdcnb im sry. just my experience
3. taurus. omg. like literally ALWAYS fighting w them and they annoy me so easily shxhxnxn. not always but most of the time, they hate me and i hate them. they are too surface level and materialistic, while scoprios are just… completely not. they are scorpios opposites and even if there is love there, ultimately, i can never find complete common ground w them. we will never share the same values, and such bc despite them being exactly like scorpio on a lowkey sense, they choose to front like their not. also. we are both too stubborn to get along unless there is extra work put in. and most of the time, it isn’t worth it for either of us to do that!
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iconsumeheadcanons · 3 years
this is just off the top of my head, but i wanted to classify diegos stutters (like the 3 times in the show?). im studying speech lang pathology and i got a lot of speech/lang difficulties so this is a mix of my own and others experiences, but also take this with a grain of salt
this is mostly an infodump, but also a way to let fans know that there are many forms of stuttering, not just repetitions
tldr: his main stutters are frontal repetitions, blocks, and elongations
1. so ill start with the flashback before a mission where he kinda jumps from shouting ‘normally’ then stands in front of that green mirror to practice his battle catchphrase 🥺 
i cant remember what he was saying AAAAAA i just, remember the sounds in the back of my brain. in this scene he is doing a mix of repetitions (likely bc hes practicing) and elongation.
im sure yall picked up on the situational set off for diego’s stutters, so i’ll point out here that he wasnt struggling with speech until he was alone and faced himself in the mirror. i’m sure in his head he heard reginald berating him, or villains and even his siblings making fun of him. every kid in that house def experiences some form of self-loathing, and until grace came to remind him and care for him, his stutters/anxieties were strong.
diego probably had more of these stutters regularly when he little, but grace likely worked with him often until his stuttering became a sign of stress. more awareness means more frustration :(
this can be written like “I-eyeeeeeeeuh-I wuh-want that knife.” just sorta sound the words out on your own and try to write that sound until the word is complete/dropped out.
2. shutting off grace/(patch dying??) :’(((
here, he has some of his usual fronting repetitions, but here, perhaps because the pure emotional reckoning hes experiencing, he is strongly producing blocks. he has large gaps in his words and he seems to struggle to move his body regularly in these scenes(i think? oh gosh). his breath kinda dies out after each word--which is emotional distress, but can also be caused from struggling to get a fucking word out and your air just keeps going off to superhell :/
when he was younger, im sure these blocks manifested when he was trying not to cry or when hes pissed. he mightve developed blocks after repetitions and elongations had been solidified parts of his speech
writers usually get this kinda thing down with splicing the quotation marks, but i guess to empathize the speech difference you can do, “It’s gon--ing to buh-be--o-o-okuh--kay.” which is kinda excessive, but bro this is how i hear myself every single time :( find a way to mark the end of a sound block basically
3. season 2 at the dinner table
reginald performs oscar-worthy rant of a despicable pre-dad-dad and diego actually cries here so >:(((((
obviously upset, so we can expect blocks and his usual frontal reps, so this isnt much different from number 2 (ha). i think he elongates he as well bc hes trying to talk back to reg. but i wanted to highlight the way you could see his mouth struggle and contort around the sounds he couldn’t make. this manifestation of his distress can be compared to stimming or even moving around to distract from pain, both of which are actions that can be done to metaphorically whatever bad vibes are going on.
so basically help this dude. yo KNOW reg was ableist as shit, so you can bet reggie being an ass to diego can bring out multiple stutters (and maybe even tics)  whether or not either of them want that.
to add more than just speech difficulties in writing/medium, add descriptive words and repetitive/recognizable habits associated w the stutter. maybe someone taps their fingers or waves their hands for the syllables, maybe they frown or get disappointed or try to force their mouth into a more speech productive shape. personally, i have to draw graphs in the air to sound out words with multiple consonants in a row(which is not a stutter diego seems to have). i draw a ‘v’ in the air to say “si-ix-th”, otherwise i get stuck with “si-si-suh-si-susth place”
Bonus!!: you can even add other speech difficulties like switching syllables (caterpillar->callapiter), mispronunciations (harold jenkins->gerald genkins), volume regulation (diego always gets whispery when he stutters), dropoff sounds and interjections (too many ‘uh’s and running-guh.), and many other things. this is definitely SLP heavy bc everyone does some of this when they speak, but i think at the right moments that empathsis on these traits can reveal the emotional state of the character. prolly dont do this everytime (@myself lol)
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