#my brain is very tired today
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adventures-written · 2 years ago
;; @needlenxggin​ || Plotted Starter featuring Knives Regression!AU.
It was dark and cold at first. Something about the environment around him felt off. “Vash..?” he called out in the darkness, the panic settling in his chest. He was alone, and it scared him. “Vash!? Rem?!” he called out, looking around in this dark voice. The young Independent whipped and turned, but there was nothing in any direction.
The panic only grew, bubbling inside of him. Normally, Nai was fairly level-headed, but right now it was far too overwhelming. There was this strange feeling, almost like drowning. He gripped at his head, struggling to shake off this uncomfortable feeling he had.
“VASH!” The young Independent shot up suddenly, his breathing ragged as his surroundings hit him. He didn’t recognize the room he was in. It wasn’t familiar to him. Was this on the ship? Where were Vash and Rem? His breathing slowed a little as he saw the large tank filled with a multitude of Plants all together. “...” And then he looked around. All over the floor of this room were thick, black roots. They spanned the room and traveled well outside of it. In the center of the room was some sort of console. It looked almost like the ones he’d see Rem use on the ship.
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Nai didn’t feel good. His head ached and he felt tired, but he couldn’t sleep. Not yet. He had to find Vash and Rem. He hadn’t even noticed the other in the room, far too focus on himself. That was until he went to stand up. The tall figure was off-putting. It was someone he didn’t immediately recognize. Had someone woken from one of the Pods?
“W-Who are you?!” he asked, glaring at the tall figure wearily.
He would not recognize Vash at first, but Vash most certainly would recognize this form. His brother sat before him, appearing as his younger self. Unlike the dreams that Vash had been tormented with though, this one was real. 
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saturnniidae · 1 month ago
Al and Ed's dynamic is so funny bc Edward's got such a complex about being the older one even tho the difference is by one year and he thinks himself a single mother of one raising Al by himself and he needs to protect his little baby brother at all costs then Alphonse is like holding Ed's leash and telling him no when he barks/lunges at passers-by and is making sure he gets his rabies shots and doesn't die doing something stupid also protecting him at all costs etc
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timethehobo · 2 months ago
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We could all use a nice hug.
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sciderman · 7 days ago
Hope you're doing well Sci!
thank you!! i'm doing much better!! i'm still getting used to how goddamn different everything is for me, but i'm a lot healthier and sexier than i was!
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chiropteracupola · 4 months ago
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Along the shore from Lazy Head, hard abeam Half Island...
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moeblob · 1 month ago
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I'm so tired today. Take the Ringleaders of the group.
So I mentioned that I was a little nervous about talking about the plot and it still stands but uh. Basically, the friends all live in reality. And their "reality" is like our reality (obviously with exceptions that I make to the current time line) but some people can create portals. The portals lead to other dimensions. Some are alternate dimensions similar to reality. Some are dimensions to peaceful lands. Some are dimensions to magical lands.
This dimension maker can lead his friends to an alternate dimension in hostile lands with violent monsters but. The thing is. When they die in the other dimension, they just get booted back to their reality. So the Ringleader (Real) recruits his friend group to go die for fun, like a very mentally stable young adult would do.
Also, this is not the same in every dimension. It's simply the same dimension destination every time, so Ringleader (Real) isn't about to generate a portal to some Other Dimension where death could be permanent. He's content just traveling to the one violent dimension.
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keeps-ache · 5 months ago
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sigh. i did it </3
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dors-ee · 9 days ago
What they showed was smart. It answers the questions "how did he pull her back to want to live" and "does she reciprocate in this universe?" and "reconciling Jinx vs Powder in Main Universe" Yes showing ekko and the tree for himself as character -and not reduced to a love interest- would have been good for him.
But for timebomb I think they showed what was lacking to make their ship more complete in the show.
Not saying the deleted scenes wouldn't have been nice but they were a bonus. Not a necessity. What lacked in the show -and by lakcing it was detrimental to their relationship/characters- was I think "how did he convince her/helped her get better/wanting to live" and "does she reciprocate here". And simply showing them together in main AU. (edit 2 :+ that Ekko loves her here too and not just Powder as in the AU)
I'm not happy with my wording there, I struggle to put into words what what was lacking and what the MV filled. it's The whole helping her see light and a better universe/version of her is possible and that she is still loved and how he reconciles Jinx/Powder for Main AU (and that he loves her here. This version of her.)
Basically the junction and transition from AU to MU and them in MU. ach I'm really struggling to word it here.
The rest of their relationship, what did or didn't happen, is left to us... and I like that. I like that we are left to imagine, that we are left free. That their themes of "what could have been", and the sadness and tragicness, and "we could have had a wonderful life but in this universe it is complicated and sad and we might want but might not get" are respected. (I worded this better in an earlier post, what their ship hinges on/off in the show, imo.) That we are left with "yes there is something in between them. what exactly? dunno. Imagine. But something is there and they have a special bond and he forgives and helps here". And nothing more.
Stories don't have to show and tell everything. Certain minimums are required, and the show lacked in some of those minimum requirement (still does for Ekko and his tree and him a charcater that is not just a love interest as I said). And technically still lacks them. But the music video gives the lacking elements.
And it's nice. I have not hidden how critical I am of season 2. But I think by not going into "let's show everything" with timebomb by leaving the suspense and what could have been and the maybe yes maybe not and it's complicated and tragic in this universe?
That's good. I can't tell it is good writing, bc it isn't. This wasn't in the show itself. So the show itself isn't well written technically, with that.
I still recognize that in general it is good what rhey did by not showing everything and more of their relationship.
this clip hurts yeah. But also I think... it is what was lacking. And more would be a bonus, a nice bonus but not necessary.
Stories have to leave things up for the imagination. or else they're boring, I think. This one is my own opinion. It is a fine line to walk in between what to show what to leave to the imagination. as i said some things have to be shown, they're the minimum requirements. But not everything have to. I am tired of stories that shows it all to you and take you by the hand and just feed you stiff and you have no work of thought of imagination to do. Stories these days are in one extreme or the other and rarely strike the balance... for me timebomb striked it here, with this MV to complete things.
edit : I knew I was forgetting to say something so : i have been having a blast personally with timebomb bc of how open it was left. Enough was/is defined as a starting point... and then we're free. It's so delicious to have this. I haven't had this in so long, this mix of a little given and defined, sort of a "frame", but left open with lots of possibilities.
also : some could and would argue the theme of forgiveness is still lacking (nah a quick "power to forgive" isn't enough). I think it is implied in the video, with him coming to comfort her and bring her back and everything... But I would still agree that it has been left aside a little too.
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the---hermit · 2 years ago
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Happy hobbit day!! Today I have been pretty tired. I slept very well, but my I guess having to commute is draning a lot of energy from me. I did struggle a bit to stay focused in class, but we touched interesting subjects, and I can confirm I like the way this professor carries the lectures. He did finish a bit later than usual which for me meant missing my bus and having to wait an additional 50 minutes. I phoned my mom to have a chat and pass the time and walked around, and I ended up buying this amazing ghost mug. It's smaller than what I would normally go for, but it's a great addition to my small collection. When I got home I also went to my herbalitst's shop to get a couple of teas i had run out of (and there of course I saw a bunch of other beautiful mugs and I want them all).
Cozy hobbit activities and productivity:
Read first thing in the morning
Packed some lunch before leaving the house
Listened to podcasts during my commute
Had a walk to go to uni and back
3 hour English lit lecture
Got my new beloved mug (i was also looking for a ghost themed tote bag but unfortunately I couldn't find it)
Daily duolingo Irish practice
Highlighted today and yesterday's notes
Crocheting my mushroom cardigan (I am considering packing a ball of yarn in my school bag to crochet a bit on the bus but I haven't tested yet)
Drinking a tea (as I write this) in my new mug under a blanket because my room is freezing
📖: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
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steelthroat · 1 year ago
So, hm... we all agree that female Soundwave sounds like Hatsune Miku, right?
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ninkaku · 5 months ago
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“drop the hair and skincare routine” the world says in unison. it’s 3in1 shampoo and just a bar of soap. his lashes? all natural and that should be listed in his criminal history
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chaosduckies · 6 months ago
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mmm yes, immobilize
gt mind going brrr (in a fearplay way)
Sorry this took so long to answer-
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 7 months ago
haven't had to make one of these for a while...
um okay anyways i'm not doing too hot mentally today!! so i'm gonna take a break for tonight and ask that you please send me Foul Legacy asks (or Arlecchino. honestly i'll take anything at this point) because lord knows i sort of need them
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lighthouseshepard · 8 months ago
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zackcharine · 4 months ago
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jeahreading · 17 days ago
"I'm the one that grabbed you tight and raised you out of perdition" is my roman empire, but like 30 times as intense.
I'm not kidding you, I was GIVING my EXAM, ok writing about slavery in the roman fuckign empire and my mind straight starts playing this phrase back to back like a broken record.
I had to PHYSIUCALLY put my head down for a couple of minutes to recalibrate myself and tell myself that if i fail it's because of Destiel.
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