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driftingjazzbard · 2 years ago
@needlenxggin from this
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It wasn't the worst place she'd slept, it was at least indoors, but that was about the best that could be said for it. Hadn't exactly been quiet nor restful, and she woke up with what she hoped would only be a temporary headache. Stretching barely helped, yawning was inelegant but mandatory, she still had a smile for Vash, and tripping was not at all intentional.
It wasn't exactly quiet, and someone stuck their head out of a different room with an irritated look and a crass "Go the fuck back to bed if you need to do that shit" before popping right back in again.
"I'm sorry," Erin focused on the man she'd fallen on, trying to give him some space. "I'm a little off this morning. I'd almost say we should've slept outside instead, we might've gotten better rest."
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the27percent · 10 months ago
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At this point, Atieno had heard enough responses like that to at least have a little bit of caution regarding how 'okay' he really was. People had a habit of saying one thing and meaning another thing altogether.
But they weren't going to push on it, the least they could do was respect his privacy in this matter.
"...Right. Just thought I'd double check. Seems like things were getting kind of rough for you over there. Do you always get into those kinds of .. close calls?"
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ninevoltcolt · 1 year ago
@typhoonvash @needlenxggin
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"...Yanno, you ain't like most of the other fake Humanoid Typhoons."
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adventures-written · 1 year ago
@needlenxggin ;; continued from here.
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"Oh you're laying down, Stampede. I know you haven't slept in three days." It was a wild guess, honestly.
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swansongtm · 1 year ago
@needlenxggin cont [x]
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❝ I s'ppose it is... ❞
While Cain was awkward, he at least carried himself well. Making sure he didn't slouch & made sure he made eye contact. Though with everyone else looking so well kept; he looked absolutely scruffy.
He shook Vash's hand, his energy was familiar to him. Viv was right, he was an awful lot like Zerrus. Seemed like he'd get along with this one.
❝ Viv really knows how to pick 'em... She seems to hang with the same type of people. Hopefully she hasn't found a replacement for me... ❞
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redlips-blooddrops-deux · 2 years ago
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“There, was that so bad to admit?”  winking she would step away from his grasp, while slowly sliding her hands down his arms, but flesh and mechanical one, and in end take hold of his hands. “Come along now, better lay down a bit...” she would walk backwards leading him with a promise to make him feel a bit at ease. 
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oflostinfound · 9 months ago
"Hey, Hax, how're you doin'? it's been a little bit since I last bothered you guys with my presence." He chuckles softly.
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|| 💛 ||: ❝ Vash! Darling! It's good to see you! ❞
He's getting a tight one arm hug, the tall daemon chuckling lightly,
|| 💛 ||: ❝ How have you been, darling? ❞
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flameandindifference · 2 years ago
There's a stuffed bear just sitting around, half flopped over. Perhaps it had been lost? The child it belongs to is likely still nearby.
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electricea · 10 months ago
@needlenxggin continued from here.
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"Do you live here or are you also just travelling?" In the summer between his graduation and whatever came next, he'd decided to travel a little and see the world. Maybe somehow, that would inspire him or give him an idea. Either way, he rather liked this place. "A lot of people seem to come here, too."
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splinter-sister · 2 years ago
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Get grabbed, idiot.
Rp bit with @needlenxggin
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adventures-written · 2 years ago
;; @needlenxggin​ || Plotted Starter featuring Knives Regression!AU.
It was dark and cold at first. Something about the environment around him felt off. “Vash..?” he called out in the darkness, the panic settling in his chest. He was alone, and it scared him. “Vash!? Rem?!” he called out, looking around in this dark voice. The young Independent whipped and turned, but there was nothing in any direction.
The panic only grew, bubbling inside of him. Normally, Nai was fairly level-headed, but right now it was far too overwhelming. There was this strange feeling, almost like drowning. He gripped at his head, struggling to shake off this uncomfortable feeling he had.
“VASH!” The young Independent shot up suddenly, his breathing ragged as his surroundings hit him. He didn’t recognize the room he was in. It wasn’t familiar to him. Was this on the ship? Where were Vash and Rem? His breathing slowed a little as he saw the large tank filled with a multitude of Plants all together. “...” And then he looked around. All over the floor of this room were thick, black roots. They spanned the room and traveled well outside of it. In the center of the room was some sort of console. It looked almost like the ones he’d see Rem use on the ship.
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Nai didn’t feel good. His head ached and he felt tired, but he couldn’t sleep. Not yet. He had to find Vash and Rem. He hadn’t even noticed the other in the room, far too focus on himself. That was until he went to stand up. The tall figure was off-putting. It was someone he didn’t immediately recognize. Had someone woken from one of the Pods?
“W-Who are you?!” he asked, glaring at the tall figure wearily.
He would not recognize Vash at first, but Vash most certainly would recognize this form. His brother sat before him, appearing as his younger self. Unlike the dreams that Vash had been tormented with though, this one was real. 
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airxn · 1 year ago
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Brows raising a bit at the consent, he strides over and BITES Vash's shoulder. Not too hard where it breaks skin, but there's a whole lot of pressure.
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@needlenxggin from here.
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starsmuserainbow · 2 years ago
[[ Starter for @needlenxggin !]]
Okay, that was definitely a first in all her times of travelling through space.
Starfire had been flying like normal, using her communicator to make sure she stayed on course while making her way back to Tamaran. Then, suddenly, she was completely thrown off course, as if an insanely strong gust of 'wind' would have hit her. She could only assume it must have been a ship passing too fast for her to even see, or perhaps even an actual attack aimed for her for some reason; but right in this moment, she couldn't really assume or think much. She completely lost control of her flight through this force pushing her, getting flung around hard enough to just spin and fall along with the force, and she could sense that she was entering an atmosphere at some point. Until the crash, she still was unable to do anything or stop herself. Needless to say that she left a huge dent in the ground, though thanks to the tamaranean sturdiness, at least she wasn't knocked out or any badly wounded.
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Groaning as she got herself back up, the first thing that Starfire realized was that her communicator, which she had held in hand as whatever this was happened, did not survive the forces and all that she was holding anymore was a shattered piece of technology. Tucking it away, she lifted herself up further to now stand again, and then looked around. Starfire definitely didn't recognize the planet, but the more important part was that she was stared at. No wonder by that entrance she must have made. "I... I greet you. I do not mean harm," Starfire spoke, repeating as she was going through the languages she knew, like any tamaranean usually did when making contact with someone they didn't know what language they would speak.
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redlips-blooddrops-deux · 2 years ago
"A-ahem! Just curious is all..." He looks off to the side rubbing the nape of his neck.
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“Mhhm, you do remember our arrangement is quite short, you are allowed however to seek benefits from it though~”  giggling she does bump his hips with her own. 
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oflostinfound · 1 year ago
@needlenxggin replied to your post “Eath observing you what do you do?”:
Shows her a cool rock he found for their collection :D
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ Rock! ❞
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ziel-soundwave · 2 years ago
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Even as he’s running, Refrain’s voice is exasperated at best, his pendulum of a scarf waving behind him. “Is it normal for you to be shot at like this?” 
Deja-vu, much? The android wants to pretend he, himself, isn’t used to the idea, but that would very much be a lie. He’d only just wanted to assist the man very clearly fleeing from gunfire, but... hadn’t really intended that he would be added to the line-up of target practice. His brother would say that’s what he gets for being nice to a stranger.
“Please tell me you know a place to hide around here, man.”
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