#most of  the news is him caring and supporting charities
elennemigo · 2 years
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1st ✧  Benedict featuring in the new Choose Love Shop video. (Gallery)
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4th ✧ “£90,000 to buy three ambulances for Ukraine were raised at a charity event organized by embassies of Ukraine and Estonia in the UK. The initiative was supported by famous British actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Jude Law. “
5th ✧ A new project announcement: Benedict joined the cast of  “The Book of Clarence”.
7th ✧ Benedict visited the Carney´s Community, to see their work with young people, as part of Laureus Sport. (More photos: x x )
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13rd ✧”In a statement endorsed by int'l artists such as Benedict Cumberbatch and @KenLoachSixteen, a group of Iranian artists abroad announced the formation of an association to support the rights of political prisoners & artists jailed during ongoing protests.”
15th ✧ New pics from a 2019 MG Motors campaign surfaced.
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29th ✧ Benedict reads George Bernard Shaw's hilariously grumpy letters.
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                 ❯───「 FIN 」───❮
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strawbeerossi · 11 months
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid
Description: You’re the new genius on campus. Spencer doesn’t like that one bit. Whenever there is a poker competition for charity held by the FBI, it only makes sense that you are both coming for each other’s necks.
Content/Warnings: Snarky!Spencer and snarky!reader, gambling, two characters are just alike so they hate each other trope, sex in a bathroom, finger sucking, unprotected sex, creampie.
I have no knowledge on poker. Sorry 😭
Word Count: 2.3K
Anon Request: You don’t have to do this but it’s my birthday on sunday (5th Nov) and i was wondering if you could do a Spencer one-shot. Maybe a little enemies to lovers sitch. smutty ofc 😉😉😉😉
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Happy birthday Anon 😘🎂
🏷️ @kr-1-sta @iluvreid @nervousmoongiver @multifandom-on-the-side @ferrjulie @lov1ngreid @sobbingcryingattsizzles @doriantomybasil @thegluesong @rosiehale23 @queermaxwooo @rubyatarah @smallgayandnotokay @Princesskuzimu
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Spencer wasn’t a jealous guy by any means, nor was he the type to be so self absorbed that he could care about someone’s opinion of him changing. As cocky as it sounded, he knew that he was going to always be the person on the team with the most knowledge on any given subject. That was until you joined the team.
You rivalled him in the academic department, having an IQ of 187. You didn’t have the eidetic memory though, so Spencer liked to think he could one up you in that department. You might have been good with any form of maths or science, however you didn’t hold a candle to the amount of vast knowledge that he carried in his memory alone.
Your first day on the team determined your relationship, you getting angry at the way he would so quickly talk over you when a question was being asked. You came into this job excited, wanting to spend time with the whole group that seemed so close knit from an outside perspective. Instead, you were met with an immature imbecile who really thought you’d allow him to speak over you.
As weeks turned into months, things didn’t seem to change. You wouldn’t dare admit it but it did upset you just a tiny bit that he never actually gave you a chance. Ever since you spouted off your first contribution to a briefing, it was like he had to upstage you. Instead of discussing things like mature adults however, you both gave each other the most childish treatment. In your mind, he deserved it. He foolishly believed he was better than you for what reason? Was it because he was threatened that a woman came in to take over his genius position? Was he jealous of all the attention the team paid you without an eye roll, the opposite of what they did for him? You’d never know.
Whenever there was a poker competition that was brought up by the director of the FBI, it was a silly idea to want to gamble all night. Even for charity, you would rather just donate to the cause and go home to read a good book and have a tall glass of red wine. “Are you going to participate in the big game?” You had asked as you leaned against the counter in the kitchenette, a cup of coffee in your hand as you were talking with Penelope, Derek and Emily. “I might go just to support the charity. Nobody is gonna win whenever Reid is there. That guy is..” Penelope whistled while sipping from her own mug. “What do you mean? Him?” Derek was chuckling at your disbelief. “Poker is just a big math equation to him. He grew up in Vegas and can count cards. Nobody stands a chance against him. Not even you, mama.”
The words had you frowning. “I think I could kick his ass with no problem.” Emily was scoffing at your confidence. “Sure you will. I’m telling you, this isn’t something you wanna get into with him. Especially when betting is involved. He’s gonna get you, every single time.” You weren’t buying that. There was no way that these abilities couldn’t be outsmarted. Spencer wasn’t as smart as he thought he was. You were going to prove that.
When the day finally came along, you were paying for your ticket at the door before heading inside the large venue the FBI director had rented out, mainly to make sure that it was possible to fit all the agents and other people who purchased tickets for the poker tournament. You’d worn a black dress for the event, wanting to use your prized assets (wink) to take care of the men who were easy to distract. You’d made it to one of the many tables set up and placed your clutch beside you on the table, the chips you’d already purchased being stacked up in front of you while you waited for the table to fill.
Spencer had seen you the minute he came in and he knew where he needed to be for the night. Contrary to popular belief, he didn’t completely hate your guts. He always thought he would’ve liked you, however with you puffing out your chest and trying to take over his position on the team, he wouldn’t just lay down and take it. He fought back, anyone would. “Good evening.” He greeted you, making your eyes roll at his formality. “Hello, Reid.” You spoke in a monotone voice while resting your chin against the palm of your hand. You were just happy he willingly signed himself up for defeat whenever he sat beside you. This was a war that you intended to win.
Derek and Emily were funnily enough the two that day at the same table in order to get your game kicked off. As the cards were being dealt, you were confident. A flush. That’s not so bad. Luck was on your side, all you had to do was have a good poker face. As your eyes darted around the table, you were only raising an eyebrow once you made it to Spencer. He was staring at you so hard that you felt like he could see right through you. He was trying to read you. Another reason to keep a straight face as you return the questioning stares. “I’ll raise 20.” Spencer spoke, words slow and calculated as he tossed his chips in the middle of the table. “I’m folding.” Emily huffed, cards being put down on the table as she brought a hand to rub her face from frustration. “I’m calling.” You hummed while glancing over at Derek, who’d done the same.
With a straight from Derek, a flush from you, and a fucking royal flush from Spencer, you could feel your eye twitching. There was no way. He looked as cocky as ever, a smirk on his face as he was leaning over to get the chips. “Shall we go for another game?” He asked, making Emily nudge your side. “I told you.” She hissed. Maybe she was right. No! No, she’s not. You’re gonna do this even if it’s the last thing you do.
As the games continued, the tension between you and Spencer had grown much stronger from just how competitive you were being with one another. He was single handedly leaving you with nothing every play so far, causing you to run low on chips.
It was the last game whenever you had enough, pushing every chip in the middle of the table. “Fuck you, I’m all in.” You frowned, Derek and Emily pushing their own chips in just to end this whole thing sooner rather than later. “All in? That’s so foolish.” Spencer scoffed, however it didn’t stop him from adding his massive collection of poker chips to the pot. “I think you should’ve learned by now that I’m going to take this home.” He said, his tone cocky as he was looking over the new cards that were being passed around the table.
“I just wanna get another drink.” Emily muttered her own commentary to Derek, who nodded in agreement. “I know exactly what you mean.” He grumbled in return. This game had lost the fun nature of it whenever you and Spencer were too focused on one-upping one another.
You had the last laugh though, the look on Spencer’s face the moment that he realized you had a straight flush when he only had one pair was something you wanted photographed and framed. “Well. I don’t mean to brag Dr. Reid, but I just beat the best card counter in Vegas!” You smirked, leaning over the table to use your arms to scoop the chips close. Now, the way you leaned over the table gave a nice, tasteful view of your breasts threatening to spill over the neckline of your dress. “And that’s the game. Sorry.” You hummed, watching the way Spencer stared at you, a fire behind his eyes as he glared at you. “You got lucky! That’s all. You really think you can beat me when I’m not at my best?”
“That’s all the time, Spencer. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have chips to redeem.” You smirk, stacking them on the little tray before heading off. Which after you’d redeemed your winnings, you were walking off to the bathrooms. Spencer was still bitter, last you seen of him was him storming off to go god knows where. Whenever you had finished doing your business and you were washing your hands, your eyes were glancing up when the door was being pushed open. Whenever you saw the same agent who was still looking at you like he wanted to ring your throat, you couldn’t help but snort out a laugh. “This is the woman’s bathroom, Reid. What are you? A pervert?” You asked, staring over at him with amusement.
Although amusement turned to confusion when he was turning the lock on the door. “You know. I’m tired of your problem with me. You really think you’re better than me?” Spencer asked, walking closer. “Is that really a question?” You asked. Every ounce of cockiness was gone though whenever he had you trapped against the counter of the bathroom. “You really do. I think you need to be humbled. Nobody likes a cocky brat.” He huffed, making you scoff. “What are you gonna do? Huh? Gonna lecture me with your useless and boring facts like you always do? If anyone needs to be humbled, it’s you.” You seethed.
What Spencer did next caught you by surprise. The feeling of your teeth clashing together was felt immediately after as he was slamming his lips into yours. It wasn’t a soft ‘ease your way in’ kind of kiss. No. This was an angry ‘you need to learn a lesson’ kiss. You were dumbfounded. It didn’t stop you from returning the kiss that was dripping with rage and desire, your arms around his shoulders as your body leaned into his frame. “Always thing you’re better than me.” He murmured against your lips, his hands moving from your hips to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze as he was gently lifting you up to sit you on the counter. His lips were pulling from yours as he was sliding his hands up the black dress you wore tonight, his hands finding their way to your panties. Instead of taking them off though, your eyes were widening when you heard the sound of fabric tearing. “What the fuck?!” The words were in a high pitched squeak, Spencer shrugging as he was getting the ruined underwear. “You don’t need them. You like the attention anyway. I’m sure you’d like to bend over a table and show the whole place your pussy anyway.” He murmured, hand already working on his belt.
You shouldn’t have been as wet as you were. This was Spencer. Annoying, rambling, stupidly smart Spencer. The same guy who talked over you, who treated you like you weren’t a valued team member. Yet here you were, sitting on a bathroom counter at a convention center while the same man you despised was pulling his hard cock out of his slacks. “Who knows, maybe this will calm you down. In fact, I think it’ll get all that pent up anger and frustration out, I’m sure.” His tone was condescending, much different than you’d expect from the sweet Spencer Reid persona that he carried.
“Shut the fuck up.” You spat, making the male shake his head. “See? Brat.” He murmured, now pushing your thighs apart while guiding the leaking tip of his shaft to your entrance. “Let’s teach you a lesson.” One of your hands was gripping onto his shoulder, the other clutching the marble countertop as you let your head lean against the mirror in the bathroom the minute his cock was sinking inside of you. “F-fuck.”
“Who knew that this would shut you up?” He asked with a smirk, his eyebrow raising. “Maybe I should’ve done this sooner. Think you secretly love the idea of me fucking you like this. Bet it’s all you’ve ever dreamed of.” He continued to taunt, rendering you speechless for the first time ever. As he fucked into your pussy, his hand was ultimately covering your mouth from your loud moans. “As much as I’d love for everyone to know that I’m doing this, I don’t think we need to alert the whole building.” He mumbled through clenched teeth, ultimately shoving two fingers in your mouth in order to muffle everything without having to completely cover half of your face.
“I’m gonna cum soon.” He warned, knowing that just by the feeling of your inner walls spasming and clenching tight around him, you weren’t far behind. “Fuck. What if I fill you up with my cum? Get you pregnant? Then I could have the satisfaction of knowing that you’re never gonna get rid of me. Gonna have my child inside of you, keeping a piece of me right there with you.” His words had your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you let your legs tighten around his waist from his sloppy thrusts. With a rush of white making your body run hot, you were clutching his shoulder as you’d reached your orgasm, the creamy arousal coating his cock as he was giving a few more thrusts before the gush of hot cum was painting your insides.
You were both flushed, beads of sweat on your skin as you stared at one another. Spencer was gently pulling his fingers from your mouth while brushing his hair back with one hand. “Can you stop trying to compete with me now?! I’m so tired of this.” He grumbled, making you scoff weakly as you were closing your eyes to help come down from your post orgasmic high.
“Not if you’re gonna fuck me like that every time I do it. I think we should go play another game.”
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[DEMO] [Last Updated: June 28, 2024]
"Hold fast, Child of Cassandra. Those who heed not your words will understand in time. What approaches cannot be contained."
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You’ve been on the road your whole life. Orphaned at birth and failed by the systems meant to keep you in line, you’ve learned how to take care of yourself. After years of being haunted by strange visions that nobody believes, you stumble across the small town of Charity’s Cross - and everything begins to fall into place.
Play as a young wayward prophet, haunted by visions and cursed to never be believed. Inspired by mythology and ancient folklore, The Curse of Cassandra is an urban fantasy story about family, belonging, and the places we call home.
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Explore the town of Charity's Cross, and uncover long-buried secrets that really should have been left untouched.
Run into a group of misfits, and become part of a family that accepts you flaws and all.
Queer joy! Just a whole lot of queer joy and celebration <3
No romance (sorry, not sorry). This is a game about love, but romance is not the focus. You're allowed to headcanon whatever you'd like about your prophet's sexuality, but your interactions with the cast will always be strictly platonic.
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The Prophet - That's you! Human, but with a touch of bloodline magic that haunts your every step. In other words, you're cursed, and it's a real pain.
Daniel Weaver [he/him, 52yo] - Werewolf, kindergarten teacher, all around softie. Would do anything to protect his family, and that includes you.
Arthur "Art" Shields [he/him, 45yo] - Werewolf, caretaker, one of two people in the family who actually knows how to cook. The house is his happy place, and he makes sure it's welcoming and comforting for whoever may walk in the door.
Catrin Galanis [she/her, 49yo] - Gryphon, antiques dealer, gives hugs like handshakes. Once the guardian to a magic stash of treasure, she now guards her own treasure: her children.
Carmine Levesque [she/her, 137yo] - Vampire, fashion designer, the person that's always in the house despite not technically living there. That bat up in the rafters might not be her... but you'd better wave just in case.
Ari Galanis [he/him, 21yo] - Werewolf, college student, sunshine personified. He's earnest (perhaps a little too eager) to meet someone new and bring them into the family's dynamic.
James Weaver [they/them, 17yo] - Werewolf, high schooler, introvert extraordinaire. Getting them to participate in family game night is like trying to wrangle a cat into a bathtub.
Sadie Graves [she/her, 13yo] - Banshee, middle schooler, going through a bit of an angsty phase. She's not exactly the most pleasant to interact with sometimes, but her family supports her wholeheartedly.
Eleni Doran [she/???, 4yo] - Changeling, kindergartener, weird little girl. Nobody's quite sure anymore where she came from, or even what she is, but she's the one person that actually believes your visions.
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What The Fuck is Wrong with You?
Elect Biden and shut the fuck up about his age.
Donald J Trump is arguably the most ignorant, disgusting, demented man that anyone in America can name. Why are Democrats, news pundits and internet morons continuing to talk about Biden being old?
Donald Trump tried to overthrow the government of the United States of America and lost over 60 lawsuits to that effect. He incited and supported an insurrection that saw Americans attack the Capitol and try to capture or kill American lawmakers.
Who the fuck cares if Biden is old?
Donald J Trump named three Supreme Court Justices who ended Roe v Wade and have now rendered the Separation of Powers and check and balances in the US Constitution as "null and void."
Biden is just 3 years older than Trump, and who cares?
Donald Trump goes on insane, meandering, half-baked rants at political rallies, slurring his words, unable to complete sentences, losing track of his thoughts, and calling for Americans to be hurt, have their rights taken away and worse. He treats everyone around him, including other Republicans, like trash.
But Biden is old.
Donald Trump pretended that COVID was a hoax, suggested the American people ingest bleach to fight it, and smeared the leading scientists battling COVID, which resulted in about a million deaths in the United States in a year.
But Joe Biden is pretty old.
Donald Trump was accused of rape by over 20 women, found guilty of sexual assault in 2024 and made lurid comments about his own daughter. He also cheated on all three of his wives, including his latest wife while she was pregnant. Then he tried to cover it up by paying hush money to a porn star.
Biden is an old guy.
Donald Trump banned Muslims from America, put thousands of people in cages at the border and tried to get the Ukrainian president to lie about Joe Biden.
But Joe Biden isn't a youngin anymore.
Trump said African nations were "shithole countries" and said white supremacists were "very fine people." Trump said immigrants were taking "Black jobs". He also ignored the hurricane catastrophe in Puerto Rico, which took 3000 lives.
But Biden is old.
Trump's family foundation was found to have ripped off charities, he's banned from doing business in New York, and his daughter and son-in-law received $2 billion from the Saudis at the end of his presidency. He's bankrupted or failed in every business he's ever had, from Trump Steaks to Trump Air to Trump University to all the casinos.
But hey, Biden is old.
Trump did a deal with Afghanistan to let the Taliban out of prison so they could (and did) take over the country. He's sided with Putin against NATO. He said nothing about the Saudis killing a journalist. Donald Trump eased restrictions on loan sharks, exploded the deficit and made friends with North Korea. He told over 3000 lies.
But old Joe is old.
Biden is old.
Donald Trump is easily the worst human being anyone has ever encountered, and all anyone can talk about is how old Biden is. What the fuck is wrong with you?
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myoddessy · 2 years
out with the old, in with the new | w2s/harry lewis
summary —new accounts, new lifestyle, new clubs every night. an insight into just what—and who—youtube's non-youtuber it girl got up to during her split from harry
*once again following the lead of @whoetoshaw and her bog universe's iconic breakup era ALSO, one of the twitter threads is rlly grainy and I'm sorry abt that, i couldn't properly fix it so you have to just zoom in on it 😭
2023, January
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2018, July.
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liked by zoeleonards, taliamar, masonmount, and 11, 824 others
yourusername lay all your love on me 🌻🍹☀️
tagged: zoeleonards, chloemitchells
zoeleonards london reality, greece fantasy 💔😞
yourusername ibiza couldn't come sooner!
ynfan omg shes glowing 🤩🤩
chloemitchells mykonos has never looked better 🤤😍😘
yourusername love u, lover girl 😘😘 ❤️❤️
2018, August.
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liked by chloemitchells, tobjizzle, leahwilliamson, and 20,349 others
yourusername snuck behind a dj booth and had a blast, had a few more shots than I should've, fell more in love with my girls. ibiza, you will forever be famous 🍾✨️
zoeleonards it was nice having the hotel room to just myself and Chloe for a bit x 🤣🤭
chloemitchells @ynfangirl who's that? never heard of him 🤷‍♀️
ynloverrrr it HAS to be true
freyanightingale beautiful girl ❤️
yourusername ❤️❤️❤️
sidemenfav the way that her, freya, and talia still like each others posts and support each other 💔
liked by yourusername, taliamar, and freyanightingale
ynandharry tobi likes every one of her posts, too. they really are family no matter what 😭
2019, January
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liked by pierregasly, zerkaa, mabel, and 30,568 others
yourusername we're able to have semi-classy girls trips, who knew?
tagged: zoeleonards
chloemitchells gutted I couldn't make it, I miss u two beautiful girls 😭❤️
yourusername CHLO!!! it wasn't the same without you, babe xx
zoeleonards I missed placing bets on who y/n was gonna make a move on 💔
chloemitchells yeah, give her some slack... it's usually placing bets on who's gonna make a move on her 😉
ynfanpage queen we need tips on how to live our best lives because you are teaching us all rn
yourusername 1) the only long term relationship you need to focus on is the one with yourself. 2) surround yourself with people you love and support & who will love and support you. 3) learn to not give a fuck what anyone else things because everyone's too busy in their own heads to care ❤️❤️
taliaminterr how is your life so aesthetic?? irl gossip girl vibes!!
yourusername babe trust my life doesn't look like this day to day, I only show the fun bits. rn it's 4am and I've got four day old greasy hair, dried mascara under my eyes (I watched UP without taking off my makeup first), and I'm eating cereal and drinking flat coke zero. I am not the standard you should aim for 😭😭
ynslover I love how open and honest she is about her content. she's actually such a good role model
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liked by taliamar, freyanightingale, chloemitchells, and 19,519 others
yourusername apparently people think the party life in my photo dumps is my day-to-day? babes, if I can teach any of you one thing in life, it's that half the shit you see online is fake. half the 'candid' moments are staged, same goes for almost every picture you see. so here's a little dump of my actual reality
zoeleonards yeah guys she's actually so messy it's insane. it makes me want to move out
yourusername SHUT IT. zoë has about three different vases of dead flowers in her room because she forgets to take them out.
zoeleonards that's nothing on the old cups in your room
yourusername BLOCKING U
ynslover how does it feel to be the most relatable influencer ever even though you're not an influencer?
taliamar omg you've still got the vinyls!!
yourusername ofc, babe! I needed something to remember our days of charity shop hopping
2023, January
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chaoticallyfluffy · 4 months
To celebrate pride month I’m gonna get myself cancelled by saying my sexuality headcanons for DC characters! Most of which I know pretty much nothing about! Please don’t kill me :D
This is a long post and NONE of this is canon. I have very little knowledge on any of these guys these headcanons are based purely on vibes and it’s all for fun so take it with a jar full of salt.
He would be bi. I have no doubt about it. His Brucie persona would be very open about it, flirting with potential sponsors at galas no matter the gender to convince them to donate more to his charity as well as flirting with the reporters just to spread the rumors that he's a playboy. As Batman he’d be much more quiet about it. He never talks about himself so no one knows anything about him. No one ever realizes he is bi until he reveals his identity and as one of the most prominent openly bisexual celebrities in the world, they realize right away.
He was born a man and understands and supports transgender people but he never thought too hard about it for himself and is very confident in his gender being male. He is comfortable with being feminine at times without it reflecting his gender and sometimes dresses in drag for photoshoots and paparazzi.
Diana/Wonder Woman :
She lived in a society of exclusively women where lesbian was the default. You either liked women, or you liked no one at all. She was the latter for many years until she met Steve and then she felt something strange for the first time. It took her a long time to realize it was love and that she was only attracted to men which is why she never felt anything for the women in her previous home.
When she hears about transgender people she’s a little bit offended by people ‘deciding’ not to be a woman at first but that’s because she misunderstood the concept. After a bit of explaining she not only accepts it, but becomes a huge ally and will defend their rights fiercely. She has never considered she would be anything but female and is incredibly confident in her own gender.
He’d be just a tiny bit bi but he doesn’t know since he never put much thought into it and much prefers women anyway. He gets a bit uncomfortable when people talk about lgbtq+ things since he doesn’t understand it but he supports it anyway and will fly over pride parades with various flags given to him by Bruce.
He knows transgender people exist but doesn’t understand that being trans is an possibility for him specifically. It just never crossed his mind. When asked his pronouns he says “I’m a man :)” and he’s so kind about it and clearly trying so most people just smile and nod and don’t bother explaining that that isn’t an answer.
Barry Allen/Flash:
He definitely experimented in college and wasn’t exactly opposed, but romantically he is only into women and after marrying Iris he had no reason to keep trying new things. He loves his wife and that’s all that matters. When Wally comes out to him as gay he’s very supportive but doesn’t understand much and promptly researches every single lgbtq+ label in existence.
He doesn’t fully understand transgender stuff but he’s trying really hard. Right now he’s too busy memorizing the names and flags of every sexuality. Check back in a few weeks when he realizes theres more to it than that and actually pays attention to things like transgender rights and homophobia. He will be a changed man and a fierce ally, trying hard to shed light on these issues and change the laws to be more inclusive.
Martian manhunter:
Gender and sexuality are human concepts. Biological sex is irrelevant to a shapeshifter so why would he let it limit him? He doesn’t understand why it matters so much to humans but he tries to understand. He knows a lot more about the lgbtq+ community than most people and fights for their rights but still doesn’t care much about his own labels.
He accepts whatever pronouns other use for him. He literally could not care less.
(I just wrote so much stuff and it all got deleted. Pain.)
Hal Jordan/ Green Lantern:
After travelling through space for so long you start to realize that human gender norms are kinda stupid. When you meet enough sexless space blobs who’s pronouns are based on developmental stages or races with thirty seven sexes and only one set of pronouns for all of them, you start to question if “male” is really the only optjon for you. He doesn’t know his gender quite yet but he’s pretty confident he’s not exactly a man. He doesn’t talk about it much except with people he’s very close to. He has noticed that he has a heavy preference towards 'women' no matter the species, as long as they're sentient.
Billy Batson/ Captain Marvel/ Shazam:
I think he’d be biromantic asexual trans man because hes my favourite boy and I say so. Again, do not kill me. He’s canonically dated and had crushes on girls but I feel like the whole ‘sometimes looks like an adult’ thing would really complicate things and he would try to push away any romantic feelings to not let it distract him from his work or cause any problems. It would probably take him a good few years to realize that he also likes guys and even longer to realize he never really felt anything further than romantic about anyone.
He knew he was trans since he knew what gender was. He has never identified as a girl and as soon as he could talk he told his parents he was a boy they were like “alrighty then!” And treated him accordingly. Hair cuts, pronouns, clothing and such. He didn’t even realize it was seen as ‘abnormal’ until his parents died. his uncle refused to call him by the correct pronouns and all his foster homes after that were similarly transphobic. He never faltered though and when he started living on the streets, he threw away all the dresses and bows his previous fosters got him and never looked back.
Batkids lightning round:
Richard Grayson/Nightwing:
Very openly gay while in costume. Still open out of costume but is just the teeniest bit quieter about it (aka when he’s out of costume he can’t yell at villains about being homophobic for hitting a gay man every time he takes a punch)
He’s a man (either trans or cis, i havent decided yet lol) but he isn’t afraid to wear a dress and makeup every once in a while and is very comfortable with his femininity and masculinity.
Jason Todd:
Who cares? He sure doesn’t. He’s dated women and doesn’t think it’s necessary to explore any further.
He’s never explored his gender and is a bit toxicly masculine but he can, will, and has killed people for being transphobic or making a transgender person feel even slightly uncomfortable. Huge ally though he doesn’t talk much about lgbtq+ rights, it’s just so obvious to him that he doesn’t think it needs to be talked about. A fan group online keeps a tally of how many homophobes and transphobes he's sent to the hospital and the number is unbelievably high.
Tim drake:
Unlabelled. He doesn’t have time to think about any of that but he knows he’s probably not straight, especially considering he has dated men, women, and nonbinary folk. It doesn’t really matter much to him.
Same thing for gender, who has the time? He identifies as male because looking too deep when he feels just fine as a guy would be a waste of time to him. If he had a transgender friend suggest it though, he would look a bit deeper and find that he’s either cis or gender apathetic. At that point he'd get bored and stop again lol.
Damian Wayne:
He has other things to worry about. Like eliminating all crime, for example. And polishing his swords. He'll deal with the whole 'romance' thing when he is the appropriate marriage age and will select if he wants to date a girl or a boy then. (He has not yet realized that isn't how it works. He'll realize hes aroace eventually but for now teaching Alfred the cat how to steal from Tim is much more important)
Other misc hero’s:
Zatanna: bi with a preference for women.
John Constantine: (edited this one because it was misunderstood) Bi but that’s none of your business. Won’t go out of his way to hide it but isn’t gonna tell you about it either unless it’s actually relevant.
Kon-el/Conner Kent/ Superboy: Gay. Maybe one day he’ll try dating a woman or something just to see if he’s interested but for now he knows he likes men so he’s sticking to that. They use He/they pronouns.
Wally west/ kid flash: Gay. Thought he was bi for a bit but realized he was just trying to hold on to a tiny bit of normalcy and accepted he would never be ‘normal’. He’s very happy with his boyfriend now! Experimented with different pronouns for a few months but ended up being a cis man. The experience really helped him understand the community better and hes glad he tried it out even in it didnt result in a big self discovery or anything.
And thats it! If you have a different headcanon please tell me in the comments/reblogs/tags/whatever!! I’m super interested to hear them.
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arrietty-rune · 1 year
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Hello there ! Updated my AU The Steam Tales of Elmore and redesigned some characters since the first drawings were a bit meh
The story happens in a steampunk version of Elmore so news features and locations in the city, outside this, the citizens are (almost) the same as the show.
The story follow mainly the kids, being older here, having the routine as always. But strange things happens everywhere in the town and are called anomalies. They are recognizable by glitches and have different forms, like objects, weird crack on wall, floor and even... entities.
As they're shown to be dangerous to citizens, they have to be destroyed. A group of teens are working to fix or eliminate them as quickly as possible, but finding them could take a while. Nobody know where they are coming from and why they attack people.
You can like/rb this post without reading what's next!! For some being interested by more (including a small description of each character), here we go ♡
These characters are the common/main ones, idk about a main protagonist ngl !! Here's a small description of each of them !
Gumball Watterson (15 years old): An optimistic kid who always tries to be the hero but mostly fails due to unknown knowledge from the enemy… Alco because he acts before he thinks, despite being smart sometimes.
Darwin Watterson (13 years old): Gumball's little brother who is very nice and seems to be very innocent and like to comfort the others. He was a family pet before he grew lungs and gain the ability of speaking, but unlike in The Origins, he never grew legs. His mechanic ones were gifted thanks to charity.
Penny Fitzgerald (15 years old): A friendly and helpful girl. Though she like to give help and support, she's a bit reserved. Her family wears shells in tradition but broke hers when she was a toddler. The mask she wears are the remains of it.
Rob Needlemeyer (16 years old): A smart and tall kid who think and do planning before acting. He lost his arm 3 years ago after being in contact with a glitchy crack and is replaced by a mechanic one. As being able to be extended, he uses it commonly in routine, especially to help with one of his dads' works. (nb: Rob was never sent to the Void and isn't aware of its existence.)
Tobias Candella (15 years old): An energetic kid that, like Gumball, act before thinking. He used to be a selfish kid and a troublemaker in the past and tries now to be nice, despite being impulsive. As a playful boy who was addicted to video games once, he like to put references from it. He loves Dnd with passion and is very good as being the Dungeon Master.
Rachel Candella (18 years old): Tobias' big sister. She is smart and careful toward her loved ones but act reserved most of time. She usually works alone and is able to know easily the locations of entities compared to others. (nb: Tobias and Rachel have their mom's family name here since she and Harold are divorced)
Clare Cooper (18 years): A quiet girl that prefers to act or analyse the situation before sharing anything to everyone. She can be rude and is sometimes annoyed of stupid people.
Julius Oppenheimmer Jr. (16 years): A kid used to be a troublemaker. Being nicer today, he still can lost his temper when someone annoys him. As having good fighting skills, he can lead the other kids at fighting anomalies in a easier way.
And voilà ! I hope this give you some interest !! Feel free to ask about this, I'm planning to work on it a lot ♥
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tessa-liam · 8 months
Marabelle Series
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Choices – The Royal Romance, AU 
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret? 
Marabelle Series Masterlist 
Main Pairing – Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor 
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson 
Most characters belong to Pixelberry Studios 
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, crude language & innuendo. 
Not Beta’d - Please excuse all errors. 
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff 
Words: 2389
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The Awakening, Chapter 9 
Chapter Summary – The Duke of Ramsford, Barthelemy Beaumont returns to House Beaumont. Liam prepares for the polo match charity fundraiser in support of disaster relief in Portavira. Sophie attends classes at the University of Cordonia. King Constantine reveals his illness. 
Music Inspiration: The Crown Prince, Waylon Jennings 
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother. 
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events. 
A/N3: My submission for Choices Flashfics @choicesflashfics, Week #68, prompt 1 - “Don’t start something you can’t finish.” 
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 Personal Care Home, Vallenheim 
Standing in the waiting room, staring out of the window at the parking lot outside of the personal care home, the gray-haired man appeared aloof and unapproachable to anyone passing by. That was, until he spotted his wife and eldest son step out of the town car. The corners of his mouth upturned as he saw his auburn-haired wife gracefully step onto the curb and walk toward the building. His son, Bertrand, followed behind her, his back straight, his expression stoic. 
As the two approached the door, the man straightened his posture and smoothed his salt and pepper hair. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the reunion he had been anxiously expecting after the years apart. 
The door swung open, and his wife entered, her dark eyes lighting up as they landed on him. "Barthelemy," she breathed, a smile spreading across her face. 
"Bethany," he replied, stepping toward her and taking her hands in his. "It is so good to see you." 
"And you," she said, squeezing his hands in return. 
Their moment was interrupted by their son, who cleared his throat. "Father," he said, inclining his head respectfully. 
"Bertrand," the man replied. "I trust you've been taking proper care of your mother." 
"Of course," Bertrand replied, a hint of defensiveness in his tone. "I wouldn't dream of doing otherwise." 
Bethany chuckled. "He's done a fine job, Barthelemy, along with Maxwell," she assured him. "I couldn't have asked for better sons." 
Barthelemy nodded, satisfied. "Good." 
He then turned his attention to the doctor, who had been watching the exchange silently. "Is everything in order, Doctor? I'd like to get home to Cordonia as soon as possible." 
"Yes, Your Grace," the doctor replied, handing him a thick folder. "Here are all the instructions and prescriptions you'll need. The nurse will be along shortly with the medication you need to take during your trip home. Just be sure to follow the dosage schedule carefully." 
"Of course," Barthelemy replied, a hint of irritation in his voice. He loathed being told what to do, even by medical professionals. Unbeknownst to Bethany and Bertrand, he was playing, along with the doctor and nurse, the role of a lifetime: The miraculously awakened coma patient. 
The doctor smiled apologetically. "Forgive me, Your Grace. I just want to make sure you have all the information you need."  
"I understand, Doctor. And I appreciate your thoroughness." 
The nurse entered the room with a wheelchair, which Barthelemy at once objected to. 
"Surely, that's not necessary," he protested. 
"It's just protocol, Your Grace," the nurse explained. "It's clinic policy.” 
"Very well," Barthelemy sighed, reluctantly settling into the chair. 
Bethany and Bertrand flanked him, each taking the handle of the wheelchair. 
"Are you ready, Father?" Bertrand asked. 
"As ready as I'll ever be," Barthelemy replied. 
The Cordonian Royal Polo Club 
"Hey, Liam, I thought I'd find you out here," Drake called out as he approached the stable, his boots crunching on the gravel. 
"Oh, hey Drake," Liam answered. "I didn't think you were coming until later." 
"Yeah, well, I finished my rounds early, and I thought I'd come by and see how you're doing. How was the New Year's Ball?"  
"It was excellent," Liam smiled, his mind flashing back to his romantic interlude with Lady Sophie. "We had a lot of fun." 
"I'll bet you did," Drake smirked, knowing that his 'smitten' best friend personally asked Sophie to attend.  
"It's not like that," Liam protested, though his ears turned slightly pink. 
"Mmm hmm.” 
"It's not ..." Liam started. 
"Whatever you say, Liam." Drake chuckled, shaking his head knowingly. 
"Anyway," Liam said, changing the subject, "I'm just getting started on the polo drills."
"Mind if I watch?" 
"Of course not." 
Drake sat on a bench while Liam mounted his horse. His crisp white polo shirt accentuated his tanned muscular physique with his riding breeches and boots. 
"All right, boy, let’s see what you can do," Liam calmly spoke, gently kicking the horse's flanks. 
The horse took off like a shot, galloping across the field at top speed. 
Liam leaned forward, urging the horse on. 
Drake watched, transfixed, as Liam and the horse moved as one, their bodies in perfect sync. 
"That was impressive! Excellent!" Drake called out, as Liam brought the horse to a halt in front of him. 
"Thanks," Liam replied, breathing heavily. "He's a dependable and efficient steed," giving the horse a pat on the neck. 
Liam dismounted and accepted a bottle of water and towel from an attendant. As Liam and Drake walked toward the clubhouse, the ranch hands steered the thoroughbred back to the barn. 
“That reminds me, Drake. Are you still available to join my polo team for the fund-raising event in Portavira next week?” 
 “Yes, Mel and I are looking forward to kicking noble ass." Drake grinned knowing that Neville was on the opposing team.
"I still need to find one more player since Rashad had to cancel."
“What about Sophie? Melanie tells me she played polo in New York.” 
“She mentioned she studied dressage back in the U.S. and was thrilled to learn that Marabelle was quite proficient. That skill could come in handy for the team.” Liam pondered aloud. 
“Sophie is a skilled rider, and she would be a terrific addition to the team, Li.” 
“I can't wait to see her ride again," Liam responded, smiling,
"Uh huh, I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun," Drake smirked. 
Liam sighed, shaking his head. "Not everything has to be a double entendre, Drake." 
"I know, but it's so much more fun that way," he cheekily responded.
University of Cordonia, Capital 
"I can't believe it's been a week since the New Year's Ball," Sophie exclaimed, taking a bite of her sandwich. "Time seems to be flying by." 
"I know," Maxwell replied, stirring his salad. "I feel like I need to plan the next Beaumont Bash already!" 
Sophie laughed. "Do you ever stop thinking about these events?" 
"Not when there's so much work to do to organize," Maxwell grinned. "But that's what makes me so good at it." 
"You certainly are, but Max, this is your last semester...don't start something you can't finish." 
“I don’t have to worry about my grades; I have already met the requirement to graduate with honors.” 
"I've been thinking," Maxwell said, a mischievous glint in his eye, "about a different theme for the next Beaumont Bash after my graduation." 
"And what theme were you thinking about having?" Sophie asked, knowing exactly what was coming. 
"I'm going to make it a costume ball!" 
"I knew it! That sounds like so much fun," Sophie grinned. 
"It will be, and you'll be celebrating your first-year anniversary as a Cordonian.” 
"Of course, I'll be there.” 
"So, how are things with Liam going?" Maxwell asked, his eyes twinkling. 
"Good," Sophie blushed. "We had a great time at the New Year's Ball." 
"Did you have a good time, or 'a good time'?" Maxwell waggled his eyebrows. 
"Okay, okay. I will not push."
"What did I miss?" Daniel asked, as he grabbed a chair to sit down. 
"Sophie was just telling me about her New Year's kiss with Liam," Maxwell winked. 
"Ooh, do tell." 
"There's nothing to tell," Sophie laughed, her cheeks burning. 
"Come on, Soph, give us all the deets," Daniel prodded. 
"Fine. We kissed. It was amazing." 
"I knew it!" Maxwell exclaimed. 
"So, when's the wedding?" Daniel joked. 
"Shut up," Sophie retorted, laughing. 
"Seriously, I'm happy for you. It's been a long time since I've seen you this happy, Squirrel." 
"Thanks, Daniel." 
"So, how are you doing with your Dad coming back tomorrow, Max?" Daniel inquired. 
"I'm okay. I mean, I am glad he is better. But I do not know if I am ready to face him yet.” 
"It's still so weird to me that you and Sophie are related." 
"Yeah, it's a small world," Maxwell chuckled. 
"No kidding. So, what is the deal with your Dad, anyway? What was he doing all that time?" 
"He was in a coma," Maxwell replied, his voice soft. 
"Oh, shit. I am so sorry, Max." 
"It's okay. It's just..." Maxwell paused, looking uncomfortably at his hands. 
"It's hard to know what to believe, you know? After everything he put us through." 
"I get that. But don't forget, he's still your Dad."
"He was a shit one, though," Maxwell pointed out. 
Sophie put her hand on Daniel’s arm, “Let’s change the conversation, Dan.” 
"It’s all right. I always knew that I would have to deal with it eventually. But right now, I just want to focus on graduating and figuring out my next steps." 
"That sounds like a good plan," Daniel agreed. 
"Yeah. It'll all work out in the end." 
"That's the spirit"  
Daniel slid his binder under his arm, "... see you guys later. Oh, and Max, just remember, you've got this." 
"Thanks, man." 
Maxwell watched his friend leave, feeling grateful for the support. 
"He's right, you know," Sophie began. 
"About what?" Maxwell looked at Sophie 
"You've got this. No matter what happens with your father, you will be okay. You're stronger than you realize." 
Maxwell sighed. "I know you are right. I am also grateful that Mom will be there as a buffer for you." 
Sophie wrapped her arm around him. 
"It will be fine. 
Now, let's get to class before we're late." 
Sophie and Maxwell walked together out of the dining hall to their next classes, feeling bolstered by each other's support. 
Cordonian Royal Palace 
King Constantine sat in his study, staring out the window.   
After hearing the devastating prognosis about his health from his personal physician, he directed his queen to track down and summon Leo as soon as possible. Regina, to her credit, tried to assuage her stepson’s concerns as to Constantine's urgency when she found him in the palace gymnasium.
However, Leo knew that his father would not have requested his presence so suddenly unless the news was dire. 
Constantine stood up as Leo and Regina walked into his office, his posture stiff, his face grim. 
Leo looked at his father and at once sensed the seriousness of the situation. 
"Father, you wanted to see me?" 
"Yes, son," Constantine said, his voice low. "I'm afraid I have received some rather unpleasant news." 
"What is it?" Leo asked, his concern piqued. 
"I've just come from a meeting with the royal doctors, and they've given me a prognosis." 
"Yes," Constantine said, his expression darkening. "They've determined that my health has deteriorated to the point where I can no longer carry out my duties as king." 
Leo's blood ran cold. He knew what was coming next.
"W-what are you saying?" 
"I'm saying that my time as king is over. And yours has begun." 
"What?" Leo swallowed loudly. 
"You're going to be crowned king, Leo. And you will ascend the throne immediately." 
"I have advised the Prime Minister to make the formal announcement tomorrow morning to the country." 
"I have begun preparations for your Royal wedding to Madeleine as well." Regina added. 
"What? No!" Leo shouted. 
"Calm yourself, Leo," Constantine admonished. 
"How can you ask me to calm down?" Leo demanded, his hands shaking. "You're asking me to give up my life, my freedom. My future." 
"As the Crown Prince, you know your duty to your country is paramount. It is what you have been preparing for since birth." 
"No. I won't do it." Shaking his head from this unexpected shock. 
"Don't be so dramatic, Leo," Regina said, her tone exasperated. "This is your birthright.” 
"It's not drama," Leo insisted. "I will not marry Madeleine. I don't love her. And she doesn't love me." 
"Love has nothing to do with it. You are betrothed to her noble house," Constantine stated. "This is about duty and honor." 
"And I won't be bound by either," Leo declared, his eyes blazing. "If I have to marry her, I'll abdicate. You can't make me be king." 
Constantine's jaw clenched, and he stared at Leo with a mixture of anger and disappointment. 
Leo turned and stormed out of the room, leaving his father and stepmother behind him, fuming. 
Constantine sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "He'll come around, Regina." 
‘It’s hard to be the crowned prince 
When it all hits home 
You can’t hide behind the wall 
Around the throne’ 
💕Thanks for reading
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@choicesficwriterscreations @choicesflashfics
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mollywog · 4 months
When the Stars Align
RegencyLark Part 1 | RegencyLark Part 2 | RegencyLark Part 3
She needs to find a husband. She came to the conclusion within an hour of Peeta’s return.
After she’d seen him, she’d wandered the streets aimlessly, unable to return to his home, for that’s what it was; his. She’s been living on Peeta’s charity these last two years, though that’s not entirely true. She’s been managing the estate in his absence which must count for something.
She’d only come to town this year for Primrose’s debut season, but now she’s glad of it. She’ll need to begin her search immediately, so she changes direction towards the Odair house to speak to Finnick on the matter.
As a child Katniss had assumed her life would always be an endless string of golden days; Her parents were hopelessly in love and she had the most perfect companion in her sweet little sister. Though they weren’t rich they lived comfortably and most importantly, they were happy. But then at eleven her father had died and she’d watched her mother die a slow and agonizing death from a broken heart. Their modest house was entailed to a distant cousin who was only fourteen himself with a mother and three siblings to support as well and Katniss’s days had faded to a dull gray hue while the Everdeen sisters had mourned their parents and struggled to adjust to their new lives.
Then her God-father, Lord Abernathy, had discovered their situation and invited them to live on his estate as his wards, and while their days had brightened to a rosier glow, Katniss could never forget the hollow look in her mother’s eyes in the weeks after her father’s death as she slipped away from them. Katniss would not allow that to happen to her. She knew she must marry one day, but she swore to herself that she’d never fall in love.
Luckily, she was friends with Finnick Odair; a staple of fashionable society and as such a collector of confidences. When she’d told him of her resolve, he’d been determined to assist her; To not love a husband was one thing, but to not respect him another.
An Earl was much more than the unexceptional daughter of an unknown gentleman could have expected, but they both had trusted Finnick’s judgment in the matter. He’d introduced them at a ball and though many found Graham Mellark’s reserve off-putting, she’d seen the practicality in the man who spoke directly to the purpose or not at all.
He’d called at Abernathy place the next morning where they’d shared tea in companionable silence and within the month they were married.
The first few weeks of their marriage, however, had been painfully awkward. Katniss might have begun to second guess her decision, had it not been for her new brother-in-law. Peeta began visiting frequently and seemed to always know just what to say to lighten the mood and put them both at ease. She realized she had never heard her husband’s laugh before his brother had visited. It had been Peeta who had given her hope that her marriage wasn’t a mistake, but beyond that, she’d enjoyed his company on its own merits. It wasn’t long before she had considered him among her closest acquaintances.
But then Graham had died and despite her careful planning and arranging she’d crumbled, because in the end, she had loved him in her own way. It wasn’t a desperate, wild, romantic love like her parents, but one born of familiarity, friendship, and mutual support.
Worse still, along the way she’d lost Peeta as well and although he’s returned in body, she will not allow herself to believe that they can ever be as they once were.
“I’m in need of a husband,” she announces as soon as the drawing room doors close behind her.
Finnick doesn’t seem surprised, appraising her over his cup of tea before speaking, “This is sudden.”
“Peeta- eh. The Earl of Bakerston has returned home.”
He nods his head, “then this seems an easy solution. You already hold the title, already live on the property and know the estate, you are both unattached, and last I saw, you are both mad for one another.”
She jerks back at his declaration, before she begins shaking her head, the force making her dizzy. “No. No, no, you are mistaken, we are friends… or we were friends… but that was long ago. I have not had a single word from him in two years!” She begins pacing the room and the words begin tumbling out, “oh Finnick, I don’t know what to do. He just… left. I know he had every right to do it. But oh, how I needed him. No, I am certain that he hates me. He would not have gone otherwise. Yes, he was mourning his brother, but so was I! Would it not have been natural for us to find solace in one another?”
“Only too natural and likely why he felt he must put distance between you two.”
Even in her grief she’d known how improper it was for her to ask Peeta to hold her as she’d fallen asleep. She’d asked too much of him. She was not his responsibility and making herself so had driven him away. She hazards a glance in Finnick’s direction to see if he knows the truth of it, but he’s wearing an impassive expression. She shakes her head before continuing, “And now he’s come back, to claim his dues, find his own countess and sire an heir. I have no legal right to any of it. I am at his whim, he could toss me out at a moment's notice. There’s no room for me in Bakerston any longer. Nor at Abernathy house.”
“He has told you this?”
“No, his arrival took me by surprise. I have yet to speak to him.” Oh, she was a coward.
“Ah, yes. That sounds correct.” She scowls at her friend but he waves a dismissive hand, “Sit down, lest you wear a hole in the rug.”
She sinks down on the sofa, “so will you help me?”
“Katniss, I am still not convinced my assistance is necessary. You really should speak to him. Unless you plan to uproot to Abernathy house in the interim, you’ll be sharing a home.”
She makes a distressed noise in the back of her throat. Surely he would take the Earl’s room right beside her own. The idea of sharing a wall feels… intimate. The act of an Earl and his Countess, not a man and his dowager burden. She hadn’t thought that far ahead. Perhaps she could have her things moved down the hall?
“Katniss, I know your reasons for seeking an uncomplicated match the first time, but now that you’ve weathered the worst and come out the other side, would it not be better to take your time and marry for affection? You will not need my help for that.”
She rubs her temples. She was relying on his continued understanding on this front. She wonders when he’s become such a romantic.
He sighs , “well if you are determined, I will only ask that you speak to Peeta before I lend my services.”
It seems a fair enough price, she’ll have to speak to him sooner or later anyways, so she nods, “consider it done, but ready your recommendations, for I am certain I’ll be in need a husband before the season is through.”
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bridgerteon · 2 months
Bonus Polin Week: Luke (Newton) Appreciation Day. :)))
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[Still suck at making creative gifs, mood boards and stories, so I'm gonna do another essay to support Polin Week 2024]
I've seen many people praising Nicola Coughlan (who is awesome as Penelope Featherington and Claire Devlin in Derry Girls, which I watched while being bored overseas) who I admire, but not much with Luke Newton. So I volunteer to write an essay why he is one of my inspirations (and current crush this year). So here's my personal explanation why I like Luke Newton:
It's rare to see an actor/actress that has dyslexia and ADHD be part in a major role. That speaks volumes of the pain, suffering, persistance and hard work Luke did. I'm impressed with how he persevere in doing acting roles and then landed a role in playing one of book fans' favourite Bridgerton boy, Colin Bridgerton, which the book is now a global phenomenon. His acting journey from an unknown actor no one cares about or doing menial acting work, to being part of a global sensation and as internet's next new boyfriend this year is a major shift on his career. I'm glad that he gets the recognition he deserves, and has inspired me to improve myself and to be patient until a new opportunity arrives.
Though i don't know any actors who are in Bridgerton, Luke is one of the actors whose name I recognised before, in Disney's The Lodge. He was in a Disney show which involves a lot of singing and teen adventures. It's cool that he has a singing talent as well as acting skills. Sadly, I never get around to watch it as I was too busy studying at uni during that time.
When Luke plays as Colin Bridgerton, I can actually see the emotions he displays throughout Season 3. Though it's hard to show what Colin's thinking (which is where the book explains well in learning his inner thoughts), Luke displays facial expressions and body language that helps explain what he's feeling. He's one of the actors who can emote very well in any TV show and film.
How Luke protrays Colin Bridgerton (in the show) reminds me of... myself. We are both sensitive and emotional, wanting to feel needed, wanting to be respected as ourselves, listens to people - regardless of gender - without judgement, and wanting a love match. We also think changing our personalities or masking ourselves would help make others respect us, but become mentally draining overtime. We also feel that no one would ever love us as ourselves. Luke playing Colin actually makes me feel seen as an introvert but passionate loser who just wants to be loved. It actually makes me elated to see myself through Colin, and that Luke performed him perfectly.
The one performance Luke did that strikes me the most is the Lady Whistledown reveal scene or the betrayal scene. Instead of just being angry, he cried in that scene to demonstrate that he is heartbroken that Penelope is LW. I actually gasped and applauded that both Luke and Nicola made this scene so much better than the book, Romancing Mister Bridgerton, and the other betrayal scene from my childhood TV show. I can feel the heartbreak, self-doubt and vulnerability Luke displays, which makes me deeply connect with Colin, and also one of the reasons why I understand and love Polin.
Additionally, I can see through past interviews that Luke has lack of self-confidence and feeling closed off. I'm actually glad that his 5-year friendship with Nicola Coughlan helps him become more open, and that he can always rely on her if he is overwhelmed. That is friendship, one which I always want to seek. I'm technically jealous he has that, haha.
Through his friendship with Nicola, Luke gets to explore other things that are unknown to him. Nicola encourages him to learn and understand, a statement that I always keep to myself. Because of that, Luke likes listening to Hamilton, become more accepting, and promoting more charity work. I was enraged for "fans" who berate or bully him on anything he does, which makes him feel pessimistic. I don't understand why no one likes him. I'm so grateful that Nicola and genuine fans motivate him and encourage him to be proud of himself.
What has attracted me to Luke is that he has no ego, his adorable and awkward personality, his willingness to learn and understand, down-to-earth, and being a gentleman. Something that is rare in many men these days. That's one of the reasons how I got a crush on him besides being handsome (sorry Jonathan Bailey). Because I'm a Pokemon fan (hence my profile pic), I am planning to nickname my starter Pokemon in the next game, in honour of Luke Newton.
I feel emotionally happy to see his journey as a former struggling actor to one of the best actors recognised in Bridgerton (alongside Nicola Coughlan, as she is also one). I look forward to hear his new acting career in a major role in the future. Thank you, Luke Newton, for playing Colin Bridgerton and being yourself. :)))
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angryschnauzer · 11 months
I realised two months have gone by since i last updated you all, i'm not even sure if anyone is interested anymore. I know i haven't been on much, perhaps sporadically coming on and mindlessly reblogging Henry stuff just for a little escape, but its intermittent at best. I had hoped to be back to writing by now, but life is still a huge pile of shit.
I'm run ragged trying to pay the bills. My wedding decorations business is halfway between slow and dead; the cost of living crisis means weddings aren't really happening, and if they are most of the items i do people are making themselves. My side gig in ebay flipping is quiet too but at least its trickling by. I don't mention this much as people get a lot of abuse over 'thrift store flippers' (Charity Shop resellers here in the UK), but right now its what's keeping my family fed. I buy clothing for £1 from the stinky dregs bin in a charity shop, wash it, mend it, resell it for £4. I'm not making millions or even thousands. I'm lucky if i'm bringing in £150 a week which barely covers our weekly food shop. Its draining that when i do eventually mention this to my friends they immediately start moaning at me that i'm the one 'ruining' charity shops and why its pushing the prices up. But when i calmly tell them its that or i don't eat they go quiet. I'm not the one pushing a 2nd hand coat for £25 which was only £20 brand new which most high street charity shops are doing. Do i like doing this? No. Do i have to? Yes. Because i sure as ain't cute enough for onlyfans.
But the majority of my time over the last couple of months has been spent caring for our son. He's 8 and has type 1 diabetes, and since school started back in September one little shit in his class has spent every waking moment bullying him. This little shit has been stabbing my son with pencils, poking him in the kidneys with whatever he has to hand, laughing and sneering at him at every opportunity even when he's just walking past. Having the adrenaline and cortisol in my son's bloodstream affects how his insulin works, and he builds up an insulin resistance because of all the other hormones in his bloodstream. I've had so many meetings with the school, and have had to get the board of governors involved because when your 8 year old kid says quietly to you "It would be better if i wasn't alive as then *Little Shit* wouldn't be able to bully me" your heart breaks into pieces.
He needs my support more than anything, so every single other thing has been put by the wayside. And its tough. He acts out at home, messes around with his dinner because he feels he needs to be able to control something, but that in turn messes up insulin dosing so i'm spending half the night dealing with highs and lows for his blood sugars. I get at most 5 hours sleep a night.
I have no more energy left. I'm not eating, because i just can't stomach it. I'm 43 and hitting menopause, but my doctor doesn't want to know because "You just need to loose some weight" (don't get be started on fat bias from the NHS).
So i'm filling my time with volunteering at school so i can be 'around' for my Little Dude. He knows that if he's having an awful day, he will find me in the office sorting through paperwork for our next fundraiser. Its not what i want to be doing, but its what i need to be doing.
One day i hope to get back to my writing. I miss being creative and i hate that i have so many stories part written/published. As the months tick by i actually end up seeing stories written by others that have the same characters/plotlines. This is no-ones fault that two stories exist on the same synopsis, it would just seem that they and I have taken the same inspiration from media at some point. But it makes me scared that if i now publish a story i started 2 years ago, i'll be accused of stealing an idea. I don't know what to do. So i just leave my WIP folder abandoned.
For everyone that has stayed with me thank you. For those that have moved onto pastures new, i wish you well and hold no malice.
I do love you all
Mama Schnauz
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yuurei20 · 1 year
Leona Info Compilation part 5: Ruggie (pt3)
We see Leona employ Ruggie in a variety of roles such as protecting him during Beanfest (for a “daily special” from the cafeteria every day for a week), taking on his assignments during Vargas Camp (for a shopping trip that Ruggie took with Leona’s money) and recruit new students for the spell drive club (for doughnuts).
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The task Ruggie dislikes the most might be having to pick up Leona’s room and do laundry, which we hear him complain about fairly often, but Leona pays for washing Ruggie’s clothes along with his own.
Ruggie seems to be uncomfortable with receiving charity—when Silver offers to lend him money, Ruggie refuses—which is possibly why Leona is always having to find roundabout ways to support Ruggie financially.
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Since Ruggie will not accept money unless he feels like he is getting away with something Leona does things like give Ruggie both his wallet and his permission to buy whatever it is he wants in exchange for standing in line at the school store.
If it weren’t for the appearance of a monster that they needed magic in order to fight off, it is likely that Leona had been intending to let Ruggie smuggle a magestone out of the mines to sell, as well.
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In a vignette we see Ruggie talking to himself about wishing he could afford to eat more when Leona suddenly appears behind him.
We do not know how much Leona overheard, but when Ruggie says he needs money to buy detergent for washing Leona’s clothes, Leona tosses him his wallet and tell him to take what he needs and keep the change.
Ruggie points that out he has nothing but large bills and Leona responds, “Why’re you getting all hung up on the details?"
Ruggie reflects that Leona probably wouldn’t even notice if he kept more in change than what the detergent costs, saying, “far be it from me to look a gift horse in the mouth, though. Cha-ching!”, seemingly unaware that that is likely Leona’s exact intent.
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Ruggie charges Leona “at least ten thaumarks an hour” in exchange for his help during Fairy Gala (we never see Leona haggle with Ruggie to try and underpay him; Leona always goes along with whatever price Ruggie dictates), and Ruggie seems free to refuse tasks he does not like, such as passing on messages to Malleus.
When Jamil comments that serving Leona seems “far more painful” than serving Kalim, Ruggie says that serving Kalim would just make him uncomfortable, and there is “a lid for every pot.”
Ruggie himself explains that while Leona is used to ordering people around and is a demanding boss, he is always giving things to Ruggie for him to sell.
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Leona also helps with Ruggie’s education, as Night Raven College is Ruggie’s first time attending a school.
Ruggie says that Leona tutors him on lessons he does not understand and provides him with reference books and old exams, as well as “tons of useful advice”, directly resulting in a significant increase in Ruggie’s grades from “bottom of the ladder” to “somewhere just below the middle”.
In addition to never arguing with Ruggie about money Leona seems to follow his demands in other areas as well, such as not skipping classes that Ruggie insists he must attend and reluctantly eating vegetables that Ruggie puts on his plate for lunch.
Leona does not seem to like the food at the school cafeteria (calling the steaks “cheap” in Book 6) which makes sense, as he is a prince, and he is one of the strictest judges in Culinary Crucible (on par with Vil), grading meals with a 4 that Ruggie grades as 8.
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However, Ruggie has a voice lines saying, “When it comes to cooking, all I can do it throw together whatever’s on hand, but it seems like Leona doesn’t care as long as it’s edible.”
This seems to insinuate that Leona either just prefers Ruggie’s cooking in particular, or at the very least he refuses to complain about it.
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sosayset · 3 months
July 3, 2024
While Republican party members band together to try and elect to the office of President of the United States a pitiful and feeble man pushing 80 years old, a man who is a likely pedophile with strong and well-known ties and connections to Jeffrey Epstein (with some implied incestuous undertones as a likely pedophile), a libel sexual abuser and rapist, a charity and business fraud, a multiple time business and real estate failure and fraud, a five time draft dodger, a felon convicted of 34 crimes and accused of over 50 more, along with dozens of guilty misdemeanor convictions throughout his entire life alongside the recent felony convictions and accusations, a habitual and pathological liar, and also very likely a possible traitor who might have committed wanton treason, Democrats are doing the opposite.
No rallying, no fortifying, no backing the incumbent. No, the Democrats are seemingly trying to call on their strongest and best candidate to step aside and step down because he "looked and sounded too old" for a very select 90 minutes of the last 4 years, while trying to respond to a verbal firehose of uninterrupted and unchallenged lies by the news media and debate "moderators" last week, and it is pathetic.
You can google "Newsroom Opening Scene" for the reference to this paraphrase, but "if liberals and Democrats are so smart, why do they lose so goddamned always."
Above is the reason why.
The most deplorable people in this country are rallying around quite possibly the worst candidate possible to ever run in any election at any level, and convincing the most vulnerable, stupid, and ignorant people they can find that it is in their best interest to vote along with them, even if means stripping those same voters, along with all of the rest of us, the basic tenants of freedoms, our fundamental rights, and even our own right to exist and live; mostly doing that convincing to simply to increase their own personal wealth, and power, and control of the people, all at the expense of those freedoms and rights being repealed.
They are rallying around someone suffering from extreme cognitive decline who is more unfit to serve in office than any other option, ever, and rallying without hesitation or doubt, en masse.
And all of this is happening while the other side is splitting off into small little factions committed to infighting, questioning, and doubting one another and the possible nominations, which, of course. more than opens the door to being beaten and losing like they always do.
I am going to put this plainly; there needs to be a commitment and complete dedication to reelecting Joe Biden to the office of President from everyone of any substance, character, decency, dignity, and intellect in this country. Period and full stop. I do not care what your opinion is of him, his age, his record in office before President, or the like; he is the one and only last best shot left to keep the most unfit and most dangerous candidate ever put forth, the one being championed and never doubted for a moment by his circle of support and enablers for any of the dozens of valid reasons there are, out of office.
This is absolute facts, and when I say this, know and understand that I am right, and there are dozens of reasons why each is true, are as follows:
If you are a woman, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden. If you have a daughter, or a sister, or a niece, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden. If you are a person of color, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden. If you are gay, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden. If you are trans, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden. If you are poor, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden. If you are middle class, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden. If you are in a union or work a union backed job, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden. If you are a student or an educator at any level, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden. If you are a senior citizen, or would like to plan on becoming one in the next ten to fifty years, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden. If you are a doctor or a scientist or a highly educated member of your chosen field, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden. If you are an artist, a writer or author, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden. If you are a journalist, especially an independent journalist not beholden to the mainstream media committed to electing the felon, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden. If you are active duty or a veteran, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden. If you are an immigrant or a naturalized citizen who is legally eligible to do so, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden.
And if you KNOW anyone who is any of these things, at all, at any level, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden; and if you still won’t, you need to have the courage to look ANYONE of these people in the eye and explain exactly why you would use your vote to disenfranchise them, to marginalize them, to endanger them, to harm them, to punish them, and even to accept why you would knowingly do it to yourself, as well, because you likely find yourself among any of those people, as well, because, like it or not, if you value American ideals and freedoms, liberty and justice for all, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden.
Quite literally, if you are anyone EXCEPT Convicted Felon Dnald J. Trmp, it is in your absolute best interest to vote for Joe Biden.
And the sooner you realize that, the sooner you commit to that, and the sooner you tune out ANY outside influence that would suggest otherwise, and this means voting straight blue on every ticket, every election, every year, until this existential threat from the ultra radical right is gone forever, too, the better off you, and all of us will be.
Have a very Happy rest of your Third of July and enjoy the holiday weekend.
Except for maga.  Fuck you all, forever and always.
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pjshermann · 5 months
It took me a couple days to compile them but here is my first round of head canons:
- so many charity shops while in college! basically everything they all wear is bought second hand (Jude always feels too bad to haggle with the sellers and tries to donate anything he doesnt use enough back)
- Jb gets light freckles in the summer
- Like Harold, julia never expected to be a mother
- Harold started cutting Julias hair for her when they began dating: just small trims before he got better at it and is now able to do it consistently decent job
- The first book Jude read in his dorm was the brothers karamazov
- in boston, malcom and jude would stay up late doing puzzles which they spread out onto the already tiny floor
- Jude and malcom are the two who read the most out of the group and jude gets a lot of his book recommendations from malcom
- malcom had a phase of trying to smoke cigarettes in college but let it go after 3 months
- in college. Jb pierced willems ear with a safety pin but it was soonly taken out after getting infected
- malcom sends out an elaborate christmas card from the group. harold keeps it in his desk drawer
- all the way through undergrad to law school, harold kept birds as pets
- harolds new york accent is subtle and mainly comes out when hes laughing
- malcom and willem can always fall asleep on airplanes, jb and jude never can
- jude attentive when it came to taking care of the others if they were sick, making them meals and fussing over their temperature
- one year in college, jb gets really into sewing and tries (and partially succeeds) to make a couple sweaters for willem
- I love the bit about Julia (and willem) loving the outdoors and I like to think that she grew up spending a lot of time in rural areas: maybe staying on her aunts farm and fishing and tending to the animals
- Harold keeps jude’s graduation photo in his home study, his work office, and his wallet
- Both Harold and Judes hair started graying decently early
- Once harold adopted him, Jude tried to learn a bit of yiddish
I also saw that someone asked for domestic jude/willem HCs so here are a few of mine:
- when touching, jude always like to have a hand on willems neck or face— he likes feeling the warmth and having the sense of comfort that its because of him
- I love the line about willem touching judes eyebrow and I think he sometimes will repeatedly do that when jude is tired but can’t fall asleep
- Once sex is established as not part of their relationship, jude can relax more into light hearted physical affection: willem scattering kisses on his collar bones until he gives into the ticklish feeling and laughs, mindlessly leaving a gentle hand on willems stomach in the morning, willem sleepily nuzzling into his neck
- jude mumbling to himself while he reads and willem feeling drunk on the sound
- Willem and Jude like to go see community theatre shows when they have time to support the young actors
OooHHHHH I love these headcanons and I have some Things To Say about them
Harold cutting Julia’s hair
- oh man. Oh MAN. that is too adorable. I love that so much. Cutting his wife’s hair for her STOPPP. Imagine Jude watching them, amused at his parents antics. Maybe you should quit professorhood and become a hairstylist Harold. he just tells Jude quiet you.
Jude and malcom are the two who read the most out of the group and jude gets a lot of his book recommendations from malcom
- now this is the one headcanon I can’t see at first. It’s said in the book that Jude and JB are the novel readers of the group. Malcolm on the other hand, actively refused to engage with literature as a rebellion against his mother (who I think is a literary agent?) and as a result, is more behind than the others when it comes to literature (i.e. discovering post-modernism much later than they did). However, that being said, this could be such a cute concept of Jude (being the one who loves literature and novels the most) helping introduce Malcolm to a love of literature and then Malcolm discovers his own favourite genres and authors and series and recommends them to Jude. Malcolm could be the one who’s more into contemporary literature, while Jude is very much a classics lover
malcom had a phase of trying to smoke cigarettes in college but let it go after 3 months
- MALCOLM AND HIS PHASES !!! The poor boy desperately trying to figure out who he is. I have not forgotten his college attempt of trying to grow out an Afro but it ending up stringy and flat. Malcolm going through every phase imaginable in college and his friends watching and trying to be supportive (well. not JB. He’s fully mocking him every chance)
Harold keeping birds as pets
- gonna be an angsty little shit about this. Brother Luke also kept a bird as a pet. ;) parallels in Jude’s father (“father”) figures oh man
Harold’s New York accent is subtle
- HAROLD AND HIS NEW YORK ACCENT. I absolutely see Harold having a noticeable NY accent, seeing as he’s an older generation too and I think older NYers usually have thicker accents. Im walkin’ ‘ere! >:(
malcom and willem can always fall asleep on airplanes, jb and jude never can
- NEITHER CAN I !!! I’ve slept on planes on rare occasions, mostly when I was younger. But now? The seats are just too uncomfortable and I don’t want to sleep anyways. I could see Jude finding a lot of difficulty with plane seats because of his back. JB, I imagine, is like me; just too excited on the plane to fall asleep (I love air travel it’s so fun). Willem’s probably that guy who as soon as he sits down, puts on an sleep mask and takes a sleeping pill and just. Knocks right out. Malcolm just ends up falling asleep after watching some movies.
Harold keeps Jude’s graduation photo on his desk
- YES YES YES. I wrote a fic about this hehe
Both Harold and Judes hair started graying decently early
- From the stress they both endured in their lives :(. I’d imagine Harold’s hair started greying when Jacob fell ill. It’s said he would get so upset with grief and anger that he’d become sick, so greying prematurely is very much possible. Jude, we already know why he’d be greying. His body just carries stress constantly
jude mumbling to himself while he reads
- Jude being a mumbler reader……..oh my gaush. I love. His voice would probably sound so comforting
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
i have a request after how cute the last different kind of love on shot was. reader is trying to put dylan into preschool, but it’s very expensive because all preschools (at least in usa) are private. reader is struggling to afford putting him in preschool but he really wants to go and make friends. reader is hesitant to ask natasha as she doesn’t want her charity, but natasha obviously sees reader is struggling and helps pay for dylan to go. bonus points if maybe reader was nervous to go to a parent - teacher conference at said preschool (as a first time parent) and auntie nat goes with us as emotional support. thank u sm!!
Drabble - Pre-School
Pairing: CEO! MobBoss! Natasha Romanoff x Single Mom! Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Putting Dylan into pre-school came with stresses of its own.
Comfort | Mentions of Stress & Finical Issues | 0.7K |  
Notes: Been a while since we visited this AU!! I hope you enjoy this!
Different Kind of Love Masterlist
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"Agh!" you sighed to yourself unaware that Natasha had just entered your office. "What's up?" Natasha smiled softly as she slumped down into the chair across from your desk with a coffee in her hand. "I'm just trying to enrol Dylan into pre-school but all the ones that are close by are private and of course, so damn expensive!" you explained as you ran your fingers through your hair. 
"All of them?" Natasha frowned slightly before taking a sip of her coffee. 
"Well, there is a couple that aren't, but they don't really seem like a perfect fit for him. Also, he wasn't a fan of them because the playground wasn't big enough" you playfully rolled your eyes, "he's so excited to start and make new friends. I took him shopping the other day to pick out his lunchbox and backpack and I'm positive he slept with the backpack still on his back that night" you looked at Natasha. 
Natasha placed her mug on your desk and looked at you as if you could read her mind, "Let me pay for his admission" she offered, once again like money was not an issue for her. Well, it wasn't but still. "Nat, thank you but I can't ask you to do that. I'm just going to have maybe do some over time?" You raised a brow in the hopes your boss would be okay with the idea. 
"You're being silly, Y/n. You already have enough on your plate and Dylan needs his mom at home after a long day, so no. You can't just do some extra overtime" She leant forward towards you, "you're too proud to ask for help. I've seen you stressing over this for a few weeks, and I knew you wouldn't ask me so I'm just going to gift it to you" she adds. 
She was right, you were too proud to ever ask for help. It's always just been you and Dylan, and you've been able to make it work but now that Dylan is at an age where he needs to be around children his own age and not just a couple of hours a day at the park. He needs this and you knew even with the extra overtime, it wouldn't be enough to cover life's expenses.
"Now you're overthinking it" Natasha spoke, breaking you out of your thoughts. 
"Are you sure? I will pay you back every cent!" you replied, causing Natasha to chuckle, "You're not paying me back. It's a gift" she reminded you and just like that, there was no point arguing with her. "Thank you so much" you smiled softly although you couldn't help the feeling of guilt, taking money from your boss to help pay for your child's pre-school. 
"Email me that pre-school you want to send him too and I'll take care of it, okay?" Natasha smiled before taking another sip of her coffee.
In four short days, Dylan would be starting his first day at pre-school. To say he was excited was an understatement. Your big, brave boy couldn't stop talking about all the fun things he was he excited to do, all the new friends he would make and most importantly, bringing home all his artwork for you. Of course, he didn't see how nervous you were to see him grow up and take his big step into a new chapter, but Natasha did.
"He's going to be fine. It's Dylan, the kid could make friends with squirrels if you let him" Natasha handed you a glass of wine as she sat on the sofa beside you. "I just thought I would have a little more time with him, he starts pre-school now and the next thing I know he'll be off to college" you looked to your best friend with sad eyes, "I'm not ready to let him grow up so fast, not yet" you added before taking a light sip of your wine. 
"I'm not a mother but you have to be okay with this, you have done such an amazing job raising him and now it's time to let him explore the world in his own way, he's not leaving you and he knows that you will always be there for him" Natasha assures you of your worries as a mother, every mother's worries. "When's the parent teacher meeting?" she asked.  
"Tomorrow at 9am, I'll be a little late to work" you replied. 
"We. We will be a little late to work, I'm coming. If that's okay of course. Can't let you cry in front of his new friends" Natasha replied with a chuckle before sipping her wine. Playfully you slapped her shoulder and took another sip of your wine, "Thank you, again" you smiled.
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Taglist: @marvelogic | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @blackwidow-3 | @lilsmeaux | @mmmmokdok | @wandanats-goodgirl | @toouncreativeforausername | @agent99galanzo | @marvelwomen-simp | @its-just-geek | @fxckmiup | @loneliestafterparty | @pikachooo3 | @monaekelis | 
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dreamwritesimagines · 23 days
helloooo my love I have MANY thoughts!!! I hope you don't mind!!! I'm here just to vent about the MANY reasons why I lowkey think Charm did the right thing in a way. And I knowwww it hurt Bucky's feelings and that's also 100% justified and he's right to feel that way, but let me explain.
First of all ☝🏻 this might be controversial and I would love to hear your thoughts on this honey bc you probably know them more than I do, but I think Bucky would have gotten mad anyway. I love him and he's very hot and they have a great connection, but he is arrogant and he is possesive, and I think from the start he wanted Charm to get to the top through him, by him, and not so much through other people's help (ofc he would have supported her either way but i think he just likes it better when he's an actual crucial part of it). I think he likes feeling needed, especially by her, and any other way pisses him off a little; he would call it being "protective". So if Charm had told him about her plan, in my head he would disapprove the idea in the name of being "protective", they would fight, he'd play the "seems like you don't need me anyway so do whatever you want" card, and they'd end up pretty much in the exact same place. That's just what I think. Sooooo that's why Charm telling him or not telling him makes absolutely no difference to me.
Second of all ✌🏻 this might be way too harsh but honesty, who expects actual, honest to God trust in this business? lmao sorry but it's been said many times that these people can never 100% trust each other. And if I remember correctly, Bucky and Charm weren't oooooverly close right before getting married; they've known each other all their lives but that doesn't make them close, that doesn't equal trust, at least not to me. And yeah of course they have a lot of care and respect for eachother, but let's be for fucking real, as a woman, who 100% trusts a man?????? a man???????¿?¿?? and on top of him being a man, they're in a business like this???????? on than environment???? with the way Charm has been raised and the examples she's had???????? like pleaseeeee give me a fucking break lmao when she said "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to take this from me", that's all I needed to hear. No one can tell me it doesn't make sense or that that fear was unfounded.
So yes, I 100% support Charm, she did nothing wrong, she's the best, she's an icon she's a legend and yeah I mean she's not perfect she has ISSUES and by the love of good its like she's a fucking baby with the way she seems completely incapable of talking and communicating properly, but she's certainly not the careless "perfect new boss" villain Bucky is seeing her as.
and also him saying that to her???????? as if this business sustains itself on charity and good deeds and he's the pope himself?????? give me a fucking break. anyways I could keep ranting forever but it's been too much already sorry darling please let me know what you think if you wanttttt ok love you byeeee
I am putting this under a read more because I am so going to fangirl over you❤️❤️❤️
I think from the start he wanted Charm to get to the top through him, by him, and not so much through other people's help This is such a great analysis on Bucky's character and their dynamic omg omg-
You're absolutely right! Bucky would get upset over Charm's plan whether she told him or not for this exact reason! As much as Bucky says otherwise, there is still a part of him that sees Charm as the girl who had a crush on him and was basically lovestruck whenever he was around, thinking he's so cool 😏 And even though he knows Charm can take care of herself, he wants to be the one who helped Charm the most when it comes to getting that crown 😏
There are two factors for it, for him wanting to be that person, number one is that it is such a huuuge ego boost for him😂 Like you said, he loves being "needed" especially by Charm, because Charm left the town as the girl who got heart eyes whenever he was around, and came back as the girl who hated him and was not impressed by anything he did or said 😁 Even if he is really really good at what he does, it does nothing to Charm -even if it impresses everyone else- so him being the key person to put her there is very important for him😏
The second factor is that, in his head it's a way of making amends 😈 He knows the way he turned her down was quite brutal, and he wants to make himself forgiven for that but Charm is not interested in any apologies coming from him, so he wants to show it with his actions ❤️ By helping her get the crown, he thinks he can prove to her that he's not that person anymore but Rhett helping her? That makes him furious 😈
who expects actual, honest to God trust in this business? YOU ARE RIGHT AND YOU SHOULD SAY IT! 😁
Bucky and Charm weren't close at all! 😂 I mean honestly, they were closer when she had a crush on him, and after he turned her down and she left for college, they didn't even speak to each other except in summer breaks when they had to, and when she came back? The only time she spoke to Bucky was when she wanted to be snarky😁 So of course she doesn't trust him when it comes to that!
let's be for fucking real, as a woman, who 100% trusts a man?????? a man???????¿?¿?? THE FACT THAT I CAN HEAR THIS ASDFGHJKL😂
And there's also the fact that Charm has been actively betrayed by HER OWN FATHER when it comes to business? Like, she had to watch her father take away the heir position she was promised, and give it to her cousin who hasn't stopped rubbing it in her face from day one! 😏 She knows this business consists of constant backstabbing, so she couldn't trust Bucky to just "hand her the crown" 😈
she's certainly not the careless "perfect new boss" villain Bucky is seeing her as. And she was so so surprised to hear that Bucky actually thinks that about her! 😱
and also him saying that to her???????? as if this business sustains itself on charity and good deeds and he's the pope himself?????? I AM SCREAMING YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT😂
Like, so far Bucky has had the privilege not to have been backstabbed by the people closest to him, the same can't be said for Charm! And also, ALSO, he was always seen as the golden heir and when he was made the boss, no one even thought of going against that decision but Charm went from "heir" to "daddy's princess" and she has to prove herself right now to every single powerful person in the city and the people who work for her own family, aka Ian and her father 😈
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