#twine if
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fir-fireweed · 3 days ago
Nsfw, kinda?
How would the ROs react to MC accidentally walking in on them while they’re changing?
I sat on this one for a while because my brain couldn’t handle the many considerations. What attunement is MC? Are they still pretending to be mute and deaf? Do I reveal [insert any number of spoilers]?
But it was a good scenario that got my gears moving (drat you, anon) and I wanted to answer it. I’m taking liberties with the time line here. This is pre-relationship/early relationship, so still awkward. Also, post voice reveal.
Below the cut for kinda nsfw. Also contains spoilers because I couldn’t avoid them all. 🥴
You open the door to the room without knocking, then pause inside, your hand still on the door handle.
Calliope stares at you, frozen in surprise. She balances on one foot, one hand propped on the corner of her bureau supporting her weight, and the other removing her trunk hose off her lifted foot. She’s stripped down to just her camicia, a light cotton undershirt with a wide neckline. She’s bending low, the neck revealing the curve of her breasts, while the bottom hem of her shirt just barely covers the tops of her naked thighs.
You blink for a moment before quickly averting your gaze. “I’m sorry!”
You move to leave but there’s a thump and a laugh behind you. You look over your shoulder to find Calliope on her back laughing, her ankles tangled in her tights.
“It’s ok, really!” she says between giggles. “A little help here?”
You crouch beside her and help extricate her from the clinging material, all the while trying not to look at the way her shirt creeps up her leg. Finally free, she stands, tugging her hem down with her hands. It extends the length but stretches the thin fabric across her chest.
You keep your eyes fixed on hers, the sparkle in their golden depths nearly as bright as her smile.
“Thank you,” she breathes.
You open the door to the room without knocking, then pause inside, your hand still on the door handle.
Corinne stands in a beam of light coming through the window, her back to you. Her hair is piled messily on top of her head, accenting the slender curve of her long neck and bare shoulders. She’s naked from the waist up except for a strip of thick cotton wrapped around her breasts. Her hands pause at the waist of her breeches, in the process of removing them.
She grabs for her shirt and you look away.
“I’m sorry…”
Your words halt when you realize she’s only covered her hands and forearms with the shirt, unconcerned with the rest of her state of undress. You turn fully to face her, your eyes on hers.
“You don’t have to hide that from me, you know,” you tell her softly.
“I’m not hiding, I’m…” She purses her lips as she tries to find a way to describe her not-hiding. “I’m removing obstacles.”
“Then you should drop the shirt.” You reach forward and clasp her hands through the cloth. “I treasure these hands, and the woman they’re a part of.”
You stand still for a moment, smiling at each other. The sun is in her eyes, causing them to tear up. Or perhaps it’s something else.
“Ahem,” she coughs awkwardly. “I still need to change…”
“Right, sorry!” You spin on your heel and leave the room.
You open the door to the room without knocking, then pause inside, your hand still on the door handle.
Vicente stands inside, his head slightly bowed as he unlaces the strings at the top of his pants. He’s shirtless, and his pants sit low upon the sinewy ridge of his hips. He raises his head just slightly upon your entrance, one eye visible through the long curtain of his hair. He holds perfectly still, the strings draped around his slender fingers.
You know you should walk back out of the room, avert your gaze. Anything but continue to stare. But your eyes linger on the toned muscles of their pale chest, along the beautiful slope of their shoulders, to the sharp lines of their arms.
“Does it frighten you?”
His voice is so low you’re not sure anyone else would have heard it.
You blink. Frighten is definitely not the word you would have chosen in this moment. Then you see his reflection in the mirror behind him and you suck in a breath.
His back is a brutal landscape of long scars and raised welts. Countless lashes extend from his shoulders to waist. Most are pale-pink and long since healed, but a few are still red and appear horrifyingly recent.
You meet his gaze. Their expression is still calm, but there’s a question in his eyes, a quiet ache.
Anger flushes your skin. Frightened is far from what you are.
You open the door to the room without knocking, then pause inside, your hand still on the door handle.
Bayram stands with his back to you, revealing the full expanse of his mosaic tattoo. His belted sash is on the floor, providing you a full view of his strong, solid frame. He carries a few extra pounds, some extra padding around the middle—the body of a man who indulges equally at work and at play.
But you’ve seen all that before, given the man’s aversion to shirts.
What you haven’t seen is the scintilating dip of his back as it rolls into the curve of a very fine, nicely rounded ass.
His thumbs are hooked into the waistline of his pants and he’s paused mid way into lowering them. His eyes meet yours in the mirror and he grins. He removes his hands and the pants fall completely.
You quickly raise your eyes up to the ceiling, to the half open door, anywhere but the increasingly tempting view in the mirror.
“Would you mind closing the door for me, love?”
“Oh, uh, sure,” you say, pushing the door close.
“Oh, are you staying in?”
You hadn’t thought that one through. The deep rumble of his laugh behind you is shutting down your brain.
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thesovereignsring-if · 3 days ago
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Patreon Update (03/22/25)
Hello hello! Today is update day!
This update includes the Empress's route of the festival, which consists of about 5.5k+ words on content with small tweaks here and there. With this update all 4 routes during the festival are complete.
Next update will contain the last section of the festival before we dive into chapter 1. Please expect it somewhere in April. Thanks so much for supporting me through everything. Please enjoy! <3
And a reminder that the PUBLIC update will be on March 29th!
Play here (Patreon)
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fables-if · 22 hours ago
Now onto the next (ehe, the construction of my house in your ask box is complete, so now I'm a lurker resident)
Classic ask number 2! MC to the Romanced ROs: "Would you love me if I was a worm?"
And also, as kid MC to Granny, at bedtime, very sleepily, suddenly posing this question.
Thank youuu!
Gotta love a classic! Here we go: Ana: Ana would laugh at MC for being cute and a little bit stupid (with love) and she'd tell them that
"No, I wouldn't love you if you were a worm, silly. At least not in the same way since I wouldn't be able to get to know you the same way. I would love you the same way I love every creature and living being that exists in this plane. With respect, reverence, and care, but my love for you is too deep, too personal to ever compare to that" If MC gets grumpy because, in the end, her answer is no, she would grab their face and kiss them on their forehead. "Look, if you were to turn into a worm right now, I would love you the same. I'd free you into the fertile and green earth of our forests and put a little red bow on your neck so I can tell you're my little worm. I'd fight so that the forest remains untouched by human hands, unpolluted so you would be able to live you're best life. I'd look for the tastiest plants and I'd give them to you on special occasions" Diana/Diego/Dix: Dix (I'm going to use the gender-neutral name cause it's too long to write every single one) would just raise an eyebrow, questioning if MC is just kidding or being mushy. Then they'd negate with their head. "Nope. You would be a worm and I a human. How would that even work? I guess I could keep you as a pet but that seems rather unfair to wormy you. Also, what kinda question is this? Would you remain with your mind and conscience? Then that would be horrible. I would rather die than anything like that happening to either of us." If MC gets mad or is sad about their answer, they'd remain unfazed saying that if they ever turn into a worm but remain human intelligence, to please just kill them if you truly love them. I think this question would remain in their mind for a long time and they would ask other people and try to debate those who say they would still love their partner or would let their worm loved one alive. Anne/Antón/An: An would enthusiastically hug MC, and pet their hair while agreeing that they would love them if they were ever a worm. "Of course, I would love you if you turned into a worm. I would make you a house with worm-sized furniture and I would give you fancy lettuce to eat. I would carry you on my shoulder while I take walks or work so you never feel lonely. " They would proceed to get invested in the idea of making a worm house and would start to draw the blueprint and think of what materials they should use to make it comfortable for worms. They're very skilled with manual labor so in a week or so MC would have a worm house delivered by An
"So if you ever turn into a worm, you'd always have a comfortable place to live"
Bingen: Bingen would get nervous because he would not know what to say and how to say it so MC doesn't take it the wrong way. He doesn't do well with this sort of thing hahaha. I think he'd just be sweet with MC, intuitively knowing they need comfort and sweetness. "Yes, I would. I would let you wander my vegetable patch and eat all my plants, I would let you roam free and be happy as a little worm while I fight for a more eco-conscious world where your worm life is as valuable as it should be. "
And then he'd make some bomb hot choco for MC and would insist on watching one of their favorite comfort movies because in his mind, MC is going through a rough patch if they wonder if he wouldn't love them in every form and in every life. Caterina: Caterina would tuck little MC in their bed, kiss their forehead sweetly, and stroke their little face. "Of course, I would love you if you were a worm. You're my grandchild by choice, silly. That choice remains even if you were a little rat. I would let you wander the garden all you want, take care of you while you're sick, protect you from harm, and teach you what you need. Just as I do now. Human or worm, darling, you're still my darling child" And then she'd hug MC warmly. If they were to ask this while they were still young, she'd worry if they feel unloved since the death of their family was still fresh and would make sure that the next day MC would receive extra hugs, kisses, and love.
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crownofefflorescence · 2 days ago
🥀 Demo Update: WOO!
Got some early feedback on the unfinished demo: they actually lol'd at a few dialogue options (despite the somewhat serious tone) which is always a good sign in my opinion. Time to get that to-do list finished!
I'm hype to share Garden of Bones 1.0.0 with you! Don't be fooled - a lot has changed since the alpha version that only my lovely playtesters will ever get to see.
It's about 10x times longer now as well.
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Probably because there are some really subtle variations tbh: since this is my first IF I'm really not sure how valuable some of the choices are? So I've been trying different things.
Expecting to learn as I go what's important and what isn't for player immersion, but fingers crossed that every experience will feel a bit different, even in the prologue and first chapter. Definitely need to clean up a few of these 198356918 variables, ahem...
I'll cross that bridge never when necessary.
Thanks for reading and also for following this dev blog!
All 400 of you.
Send help I was not prepared for that.
Had to post a quick update because I can finally see the vision coming together after multiple bouts of illness and unexpected delays, and this has me in a truly fantastic mood!
~ Effie
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childrenofcain-if · 7 months ago
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Wealth. Power. Death.
The Ballad of the Young Gods is a dark academia interactive fiction story, with dark fantasy and psychological thriller themes. Some of the romances also contain tropes and storylines which may be disturbing to some readers.
It is based on media like “Ninth House” by Leigh Bardugo, “The Secret History” by Donna Tart, “Masters of Death” by Olivie Blake, and SYFY’s “Deadly Class”.
It is rated 18+ for depictions of swearing, sexual themes, violence, and death.
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Getting into an Ivy League school is a dream that thousands of American students nurse from a young age. Luckily for you, that dream is your reality. Four years of continuous hard work and pressure have made you a proud freshman at Yale University. And as if that wasn’t enough, you have been handpicked to attend Rathore College, whose selection process is revered across all the nation’s top educational institutions. But you should’ve known this stroke of luck came with a catch.
Yale is a crucible of power, where secret societies wield arcane magic and the dead are far from silent. The illustrious House of Styx wants you and this is a situation that not even your money can get you out of.
They are powerful, elite, and most of all, controlling beyond recognition. They are also the heart of the eight secret societies that attach themselves to Yale. From the White House to Hollywood’s most acclaimed stars, their influence reaches farther than anyone can dare to imagine.
A sinister conspiracy brews under Styx’s watchful gaze, one that threatens to unravel the fragile balance between the living and the dead. But in a graveyard of secrets, you and your accomplices are the ones with the shovels. You’re now in a world where the past is never truly dead, and the lines between life and death blur with each passing day.
But some secrets are better left buried, and some prophecies are destined to drag you to hell.
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Cédric Armand Lacroix / Céline Armelle Lacroix (M/F)
Vindictive. Conniving. Ruthless.
As the heir to the Lacroix fortune, C is every bit as arrogant as their bloodline demands them to be. Even after the messy divorce of their parents which further led to their disownment by their father, Alain Lacroix, they refuse to give up on their dignity. They’ve vowed to destroy him one day and take what’s rightful theirs, brick by brick. The world bent to C’s whims, what money couldn't buy them, those pale green eyes probably did.
There is nothing that they can’t have, especially if they set their mind to that. That is until you came along and stayed one step ahead of them every time in everything that mattered. It wasn’t just the fortune or the legacy at stake; it was the bruising of their pride, the constant reminder that someone—anyone—could outmaneuver them. But beneath the layers of resentment and anger, there’s something more—something darker, even more dangerous.
An obsession takes root, one that blurs the line between hatred and fascination. And they vow to spend their whole life despising you for everything.
Romance trope: Enemies / Academic Rivals to Lovers.
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Vance Kasper Næsholm / Vanessa Karina Næsholm (M/F)
Pious. Haunted. Disillusioned.
Raised under the oppressive influence of a rigid, fire-and-brimstone faith in a Danish Catholic orphanage, they were taught to see demons in every shadow and sin in every touch. Forever haunted by the visions provided by a wrathful God they can neither fully grasp their mind around nor escape from, their only reprieve came on the day they got adopted at the age of six and diagnosed with schizophrenia. But the truth of their ‘psychosis’ may be far more sinister than any medical diagnosis could account for.
As the tides become even stormier and their medications become ineffective when they arrive at Yale, all V can do is hold on to the last threads of control over their lives. Your first meeting almost makes them teeter over the edge.
Now that they’re your roommate, they’re bound to you by fate or folly, but whether they’ll be a stable ally remains to be seen.
Romance trope: Roommate Romance.
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Wilhelm Johann Ostendorf / Wilhelmine Johanna Ostendorf (M/F)
Exhausted. Abandoned. Lost.
What does the world think of you when you’re a product of brilliance and neglect at the same time? With an Oscar-winning filmmaker for a father and a mother ensconced on the American board of directors at the Louvre, their pedigree is undeniable, yet it is a legacy more hollow than it appears. While their parents sculpted their careers into masterpieces and amassed accolades, they left W to be raised by their paternal aunt and uncle. A sizeable trust fund and periodic checks served as their parents’ only gestures of care, a shallow substitute for the love and attention their only child so desperately craved.
The only times they had felt more than someone who was deeply unlovable were the summers you spent on rusty swingsets and fast bicycles with training wheels. But the swingsets have long been dismantled, and the bicycles have been traded for cars.
The only questions remain—are you the same kid who saw them, really saw them, beyond the reality of being unwanted and the suffocating looks filled with pity that came with their name? Or will this reunion only serve to confirm their deepest fear—that they are, and always have been, truly alone?
Romance trope: Forgotten Childhood Friends to Lovers.
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Dumitru Constantin Diaconu / Dumitra Constantina Diaconu (M/F)
Charismatic. Reckless. Guarded.
D’s name is the one that comes up in almost every conversation about Yale’s wildest parties. A natural-born rockstar charmer with a magnetic presence, they effortlessly draw people into their orbit, collecting hearts and bodies with the ease of someone who’s always been in the center of the gold rush. Despite the countless admirers and the trail of broken hearts left in their wake, you’ll always find them with a Marlboro between their lips and a new person in their arms to warm their bed at night. Their smile is a promise, and their laughter a siren call. In the haze of flashing lights and the thrum of bass that pulses through the walls, they are a heartbreaker in every sense of the word.
Feelings are a complication they don’t allow, a line they never cross. They’ve perfected the art of detachment, of keeping their connections strictly no-strings, because to let someone in would be to risk the vulnerability they’ve long since sworn off.
Will you be the only person they'd let peel back the barbed wire surrounding their heart? Or will you be left with nothing but the faint scent of cinnamon and a tale that wasn't meant to be?
Romance trope: Friends with Benefits / Sex First, Feelings Later. [You will only be able to unlock their romance route through a hookup.]
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Maxwell Edmund Whitlock-Singh / Maxine Edythe Whitlock-Singh (M/F)
Duty-bound. Noble. Untouchable.
Politeness and decorum are second nature to M. They are the embodiment of manners, a living testament to the art of subtlety in a world where spectacle often trumps substance. They are the sort of person who commands attention without seeking it, a product of both royal blood and rigorous self-discipline. Dubbed the “Paragon of Styx,” M is a modern Plato, someone who finds as much solace in philosophical debates as in the classical texts they’ve devoured in multiple languages. As the second-born child of the Crown Princess of Wales, they have always understood that their life would be one of service with every action scrutinized, and every word weighed.
Their intellect is vast, but it is their passion for the esoteric that sets them apart. For all their convictions, there is a restlessness within M that even they cannot fully articulate. It is the paradox of their existence—a life of privilege that feels at times like a gilded cage, a role that demands both reverence and obedience. Indeed, heavy is the head that wears the crown.
Will you make them realize that life is more than duties and expectations? Or will you become yet another figure in the background, another reminder of the golden cage they were born into?
Romance trope: Forbidden Royal Romance / Secret Relationship.
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Step into the shadows as the wealthy heir apparent to a billion-dollar industry who is just starting at Yale University as a freshman.
Be a part of Yale’s most enigmatic secret society, the House of Styx.
Fully customize your character including: pronouns, gender, physical appearance, personality, sexuality, and more.
Romance 1 out of 5 love interests (all of them are gender-selectable).
Study forbidden knowledge, practice dark magic, and try not to fail at your actual coursework.
Test your mind, body, and soul in rituals that blur the line between reality and nightmare.
Learn about the secrets that your mother took to her grave. Is she really the same woman you remember so fondly from your childhood?
Will you rise to navigate the sinister plans brewing under the nose of the House? Or will your actions drag you and your companions to the fiery depths of Hell.
W̶̗͖̝͆h̷͕̲̑̎̓̍̄̎͠͝a̵̢̛̫̾̓͗t̴̙̫͛̐͆̾̀̓̔̊͝ ̴̪́́̈́͛̂̉̀͒̊́ạ̸̗̯̲̘̬͗̀ͅr̸̢̪̜̭̼̠̟̜͚̂̈́͋͋̅͑̉́̎͝e̸̩̯͉̿̊̔͛̃̎͝ͅ ̵̢̹̜̤͍͙̩̬̰̜̏̃͝͠y̷̢̨͇̘͍̌́͐̍̆̓̑̐ǫ̶̢̧̡̛̥̤͉͎̟̃̏̍̓̒ͅu̷̓̂̾̇̇͜͝,̸͎̖̮̲̳̻̱̬̎̒͑͝ ̸̡̛̰̌͐c̶̛̪̗̰̻̜̲̘̺͗͊h̴̡͔̦̘̤̖͊̿̓̇i̵͉̘͙̥͍̼̜̐̐̄̅͝͝ĺ̶̡̧̧̼̦̦̗̰̝̼̓̊̀d̸̡͎͔͔̰̖̿̐̈́̓͊̌̃̓͜?̷̩̗̲̫̮͕̍̈́́̽͜͝͝
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SPOTIFY (for RO playlists, click on their names in the cast section)
WRITTEN BY: axel (he/him)
CODED BY: @albywritesfiction (they/them)
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evertidings · 6 months ago
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it's out it's out!! after nearly a year of writing blocks and crying and wanting to throw the entire story away (which i'm now glad i didn't), you can enjoy chapter eleven NOW on itch.io !!
have a mental breakdown
get closer to Blane?? (wait since when were they this nice)
experience some more bickering from K and Rylan (but for different reasons than usual, you'll see)
spar with A and N! (yes we're bringing that back)
try not to break down... again
STATS. 514,500 words (+42.5k)
LINKS. ko-fi & patreon
i know it's been a very long wait for some of you (and it has been for me too, believe me), but thank you for being patient! whether you found this game today or were here from the very beginning, your support means the world to me. i'm so incredibly grateful to have this many people care about something that i'm passionate about. the chapter is on the shorter side, but i hope that it brings you joy (or not? i can't say the content is very joyful) regardless. i promise chapter twelve will take less time than eleven did.
as always, please let me know what you think! oh, and don't hate me for the cliffhanger.
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xiibiibby · 30 days ago
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Vampire: Prodigy – An Interactive Fiction Game
Betrayed. Buried. Forgotten. But not dead.
You sacrificed blood, sweat, and tears to get here. You were to become knighted for your service to the Ancient Council. Your master—your sire, the one who brought you into the world of the undead—promised you eternity. What you got was eternity in darkness.
Decades passed. The world moved on. But you refused to die.
Now, unearthed by mere chance, you rise into a world changed beyond recognition. The delicate balance between vampires and humans is unraveling, and the old laws that once governed your kind are crumbling. Feral vampires run rampant, hunters prowl the streets, and the name of your former master carries whispers of something far worse than betrayal.
You have only one certainty—revenge. But as you hunt the one who damned you, you uncover a deeper, more sinister plot. Something greater threatens you and all vampirekind.
The question is: What will you become?
🩸 Character Customization – Be whoever you want! Define your gender, appearance, and sexuality.
🩸 Forge Your Legacy – Will you be a ruthless predator or a vampire who clings to their last shreds of humanity? 
🩸 Powerful Vampiric Abilities – Choose from ten unique powers, unlocking new choices and interactions throughout the game.
❤️ Romance or Rivalry – Six potential romance options—vampires, hunters, and those caught in between. Will they be your allies, lovers, or enemies?
🩸 A World on the Brink – Navigate the murky politics of vampire society or side with those who seek to erase your kind forever.
🩸 Multiple Endings – Will you fight to save your kind or be the one who seals its fate?
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Silly me, working on multiple projects at once 🤭 The good news is, I'm actually co-writing this one with a close friend, and it's much, much shorter than my other projects.
Ya like vampires? So do I! :D
Decided not to spoil any of the romance options beforehand, so you'll just have to meet 'em in game.
Anywho, I don't know which demo we'll wrap up first, so I'll keep you posted!
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apotheosisgames · 2 months ago
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↳ YOU ARE A SCAVENGER; a lone wanderer of the galaxies barely scraping by on your derelict secondhand ship. You hunt down abandoned ships and settlements, stripping them of what useful parts you can find and selling those to whoever will pay your prices. It's a dangerous, solitary life, but you don't have much choice in the matter. You have too much of a past to trust a crew or to settle down planetside.
But everything will change when you discover the salvage of a lifetime. Among the ruins of a planet older than you thought possible, you discover an ancient prison, containing something that you thought existed only in myth.
You don't remember what happens next; but when you wake, you're a prisoner on a Consortium ship — and you are no longer alone in your own mind.
↳ YOU ARE NOW A VESSEL; the last vessel of the lost god.
Or is is the lost vessel of the last god? Either way, life as you know it is over. The Consortium — the conglomeration of various companies and governments that rule known space — want your head. The rebels want your power. But what do you want?
Escaped the Consortium with the aid of a fellow prisoner and a disgraced officer. Find a new ship, gather a crew of your own, and forge your place in a universe in which you are now something other than human.
And don't forget.
Gods may rise, but they also fall.
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↳ Play as The Last Vessel of the Lost God, a human who's mind and body has been invaded by a symbiotic (or parasitic?) deity.
↳ Customize your character — choose your gender (female, male, non-binary), pronouns (he/him, she/her, they/them), appearance (height, weight, skin color, hair color, scars, tattoos, & piercings), cybernetic enhancements, and backstory.
↳ Six potential romance options and three optional encounters.
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HOLLIS GALLOWAY ↳ the grifter (they/them)
DAISUKE SAITŌ ↳ the traitor (he/him)
AMANI HAMMOUD ↳ the captain (she/her)
SEBASTIAN JĖZ ↳ the mechanic (he/him)
MARÍSOL ESPINOZA ↳ the psychiatrist (she/her)
SALEM SMITH ↳ the adherent (they/them)
& ENCOUNTERS; ↳ Felix Whitaker; the commodore (he/him) ↳ Renata Zhukova; the rebel (she/her) ↳ Esmé Delacroix; the data broker (they/them)
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bladeweaver-if · 14 days ago
Demo Update (11/03/2025)
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Demo Link
Weaving day is finally here!
So, some caveats before I go any further. Parts of Chapter 2 have been omitted because I still wasn't happy with their quality, and will be readded in the next couple of weeks. I wanted so badly to finish the entire chapter in this update, but that's not feasible. I didn't want to delay a second time, either.
However. Chapter 2 is, now, technically, able to be completed! You will need to be on the route that has Sam accompanying you to the Festival, and make a certain choice in-game that I won't spoil (the game will tell you if the route you're on is unfinished, so don't worry).
Some small changes to content in the prologue and Chapter 1 have come in this update, as I'm continually refining prose and dialogue. A few little UI improvements are present, too. Wow!
We (finally, I know) begin Chapter 3 in this update, starting off with an excursion with Archer. I wonder what waits for MC at home, now that they're ten years old? More of this to come soon, promise!
Once again, I'll let you play through the content of the update, rather than summarising it here. As always, if you come across any mistakes or bugs (as hard as I've worked to remove them, they're certain to still appear, unfortunately) please let me know ASAP!
The first few months of 2025 have been a bit rough, all things considered. I'll be striving to improve my output in March and beyond. Until then, though, happy reading!
Paging @interact-if for the first time, too! Very happy to hear that the page is active once more :)
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shepherds-of-haven · 25 days ago
It's here.
The Shepherds of Haven Twine alpha build is live on Patreon!
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What's New:
UI! A new UI for the game awaits you, including a range of visual themes to switch between light and dark mode, each with its own ‘minimalist’ version for those who favor strict readability! Stat screens, achievements, notifications, codex entries, newspaper articles, journal entries, storefronts, the day off hub, relationships, the character guide, the inventory, your room, trading cards, gambling, and so much more have been redesigned from the ground-up!
Miss the old look? Switch the font to Georgia and use the "Scholar" theme in your settings. You can even toggle "prioritize stat bars" if you want to change everything back to just stat bars!
A vast range of settings to customize your game! Includes several fonts and ways to read the text, including OpenDyslexic font, as well as toggles to disable or enable visual effects, music, and character art. 
Robust save system! Now, you can not only use 10 different save slots on your browser (including autosaves), you can also download saves directly to your device, arrange and rename them as you like, and even use them to play the game between different devices and browsers!
Interactive maps! Explore and learn about the world of Blest like never before!
Music! A gorgeous custom soundtrack for the game was designed and composed by Ivan Duch and will play at key moments in the story.
Art! New character art, character cards, collectible trading cards, background art, codex documents, bestiary notes, and so much more have now been integrated into the game. Don’t miss the absolutely gorgeous cover designed by Angela Wang!
Fully mobile compatible! Though desktop is strongly recommended for the best gameplay experience, Shepherds is mobile-compatible and feature-rich regardless of what device you play it on.
Other gameplay improvements:
Trouble and Briony are now romanceable by players of all genders.
All players can change their pronouns at any times. Pronouns do not affect romances.
Gambling is now unlocked earlier.
Two day offs is now unlocked earlier.
You can now allocate different points in magic and weaponry training to different skills, not just one at a time.
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For now, the new alpha build is only available on Patreon, primarily because this is all new to me and I was working under a severe crunch after the abrupt closure of Dashingdon. Once all the bugs have been ironed out, I feel less nervy, and the dust has settled down some--and I get some semblance of a functional daily life back again--I'll get to work making a public demo available to everyone. It shouldn't be too long of a wait!
In the meantime, please consider signing up for the Shepherds of Haven newsletter: you'll be notified of only the most important announcements--including the release of the public demo, beta-testing opportunities, DLC announcements, and more. Plus, you'll get a free exclusive digital wallpaper based on Shepherds of Haven! :)
Other new links:
manifold-studios.com - official website for my games
@manifoldstudios - this (shepherds-of-haven) is still my main account, but you can follow this one for a cleaner way to receive just announcements as well!
And, of course, if you want to give the new Twine build a try, you'll want to...
Play here!
I sincerely hope you enjoy! ✨
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loveafterdeath-if · 1 month ago
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The last part of Chapter 2 is out! Here.
Alright, I'll first say it as a warning: it's a big hit or miss. I didn't have any 'bad' outcomes from my Ko-fi supporters, but we never know—some of you might be disappointed or glad. Idk.
Anyway! In this second part of this chap, you will:
Have some alone (short) time with your best friend after your call with Vince
Try not to fall with your RO
Spend time with your group of misfits
Spend time with your brother and other 'second' characters
Have another nice call
Experience a flashback
Go on a date (or decide to cancel it)
Lock your romance route (or decide not to romance any ROs)
Chapter 2 is at 160k words (excluding code), bringing the whole game to 280k words.
This time, you'll have to either restart the whole game or start from chapter 1 or 2, because there are some codes/variations/errors I modified and changed to make them work properly.
But more importantly, enjoy!
If you see any typos, errors, etc., feel free to head to my Discord, send them through asks, or email me those issues. Thanks to the beta testers who helped me through Discord and email!
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fir-fireweed · 2 days ago
Last anon got me thinking of Iredicci babies, and the first thought I had was "oh wow a crying iredicci baby would be like having two crying at once?" and then my second thought was "oh wow since the Iredicci have such a strong connection with each other maybe it would be easier to know that the baby is unconfortable and about to start crying and so they would not have as many chances to full on wail?"
It is fun to think about how common situations are tackled with the iredicci traits
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“Two crying at once” 😂 I suppose it would!
I took this one further and started thinking about twins. They would already have a special bond, but then you add the Iredicci aspect and that could be amazing!
Hmm, ideas for an epilogue or side story 🤔😏
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scissorears-if · 2 months ago
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January 1985.
You are a high schooler, taking your final steps towards adulthood. Your peers generously attribute your strangeness to you being raised on a farm in the sticks and not being around people a lot. Your only remote acquaintance is the kid you take the bus to town with each morning.
Yet, despite your reclusiveness, you appear to have acquired a stalker.
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Scissor Ears is a short, 18+ horror interactive fiction made in Twine. The finished game will be around 30k words long and most likely be released in full once it's complete.
play as a male or female teenager in the 80s
evade your stalker and investigate their motivations
keep the kid who's crushing on you at arm's length
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Note that this IF has only one optional (pseudo-)romance route. As the RO and PC are minors, there will be no explicit scenes between them. Also note that this is the author's trial project to get into working with Twine, hence the short length.
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Trigger Warnings: Mentions and depictions of extreme bullying, drug/alcohol abuse, domestic abuse, child neglect, graphic violence and gore.
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If you're interested, consider reblogging! It helps immensely.
dividers found on @saradika-graphics <3
main project: @pressplay-if
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fables-if · 1 day ago
Imma send them all in one go, so please take your time!
Time to line up the classics asks! MC goes up to the romanced ROs and cups their face: “What if I told you I could fit the whole world in my hands?”
Additional for Rami: What if MC said that while snuggling their face into Rami's fluffy little body (not for healing, just cause 'You're so cute!')
I'M BACK. And here I come. I love this ask. Ana: Ana would be completely flabbergasted for a second and then she'd get a mischievous spark in her eyes, would reach for MCs wrist, pull it out of her face, and force them to cup their own face. She'd smile flirtatiously and say "You got confused, but don't worry, I corrected your mistake. Now, How does it feel to fit the whole world in your hands?" And she would immediately leave MC alone with their thoughts. Probably had a laugh too. Diana/Diego/Dix: Diana/Diego/Dix would literally panic, but only on the inside. From the outside, they would just be looking at MC with their resting bitch face frozen. It would get uncomfortable because of the silence, then they'll snap out of it and start to flirt as a coping mechanism because they never get flustered lmao. They would get close to MC, while they still hold their face, and say "I would tell you're thoroughly mistaken but since you're pretty cute, I might show you the world myself" If MC continues with the flirting or asking, they'll probably just take MC to a mirror. In private they would be freaking out tho wondering if MC was flirting with them or just being friendly. Anne/Antón/An: Anne/Antón/An would just laugh at MC and then squeeze their cheeks for being too cute. They love cheesy stuff like that but only when it comes from MC. They would probably just shout "MCCCC YOU'RE TOO CUTEEEEE" while squeezing their cheeks. Anne/Antón/An would take it as a sweet friend gesture and never think it was intended as flirting. They have a hard time realising that someone is interested in them so they're just friendzoning everyone without realizing it lmao. Bingen: Bingen would start to blush furiously, his heartbeat would rise dangerously, and would start to stutter. He would just stand there, with MC cupping their face, red as a tomato and panicking. Once he calmed down, he would get extremely clingy, giving MC back hugs and blushing continuously. Not say much because flirting makes him nervous and never knows what to say but making a lot of sweet physical contact. Rami: Rami looooves cuddling and loves spending time with MC. He would just curl their serpent-like body around MC's face and just fall asleep like that. If MC says that to him, he'll just look at them and say "Ooooh, are you talking about "Romancable character or Best friend in the game"?" and would just start to tease them a lot. Thank you so much for the asks, I hope I get to answer all of them between today and tomorrow. I've been waaay too busy for my liking lately.
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darkfictionjude · 2 months ago
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Total word count: 689,887K
Celebrate your birthday
Go costume shopping
Get a public dedication
See things that might not be there
Spend some time with that special someone
Get bloody
Do some heavy lifting
Get wet
See what you shouldn’t
Music for this episode: Imre Duran’s Halloween Mixtape ‘94
Reblog if you like my work :)
Play | Spotify
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childrenofcain-if · 5 months ago
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what you can expect in this update comprising both chapter two and three:
get an exclusive invite to the illustrious house of styx.
meet the ROs.
try not to burn down the kitchenette with V.
share a tension-filled dance with C.
go on a swim with D.
do some outfit picking with your chosen RO.
who is that blond(e) stranger in the RE4 costume, and why do they look so familiar?
get choked by an RO for all the wrong reasons (and no, it won’t be kinky. repent for your sins!).
get a glimpse into what exactly is... w̵̢͈̱̻͋̔̾̎͌̋̓̏̚͝r̶̭͈̯͊͛̂̕o̷̧̝̤͇͚͚̓͌̒̈́̏̕̕ņ̴̨̬͚͓̫̱̞̘̰͊́̓̅̈̋͠͝ġ̵̨̺̪̳̘̠ up with you.
there may be some errors with pronouns and other stuff popping up, but you can send them to me on discord so we can promptly correct them. beta testers will be desperately needed for the next update so i’ll open the volunteering forms once chapter four is complete! also, it’s important that you start a new game because new variables has been added which might cause you to get stuck in certain areas!
huge shout-out to my talented big sib, @albywritesfiction, for the massive help in coding everything!
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