#most def ada
toadwarts · 1 year
Leon has so many partners/datemates and it's so cool he manages that with only two hands and one heart. Love you babygirl
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okitanoniisan · 8 months
i've been going insane because i knew machine gun kiss's cinematic felt off, but i posted this recording of the original yakuza 5 version forever ago and it's like, actually on time, so. here's a comparison.
i assume what probably happened was that they redid the lip sync for current kiryu's model, so that matches up, but the actual cinematic doesn't.
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huellitaa · 7 months
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨ feeling uncomfy in ur own skin
ok so this is something ive been struggling with for years. like i wake up some days and just feel Eugh way more than id like to. SO i decided i'd make a little guide on this! for me and for you 🩷✨
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 reasons why we could be feeling uncomfortable with ourselves and who we are
♡ having a shitty mental diet and consuming media and things that make you feel bad abt urself
♡ being in an environment where we're constantly being judged or put down, even over the most basic things
♡ hanging around negative people or negative places
♡ not giving urself enough credit for ur own achievements and accomplishments
♡ changing urself constantly for others and not having a clear sense of self to hold on to
♡ not having boundaries on how you and others treat you
♡ staying stagnant in the same place in your life and not changing (🎀🗒️also read: get comfy being uncomfy ♡)
♡ not paying enough attention to yourself and avoiding your genuine thoughts, feelings and emotions
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🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 1. be gentle with yourself!
pleasepleaseplease its ok to have bad days its ok to not feel great every day. treat yourself as you would someone you love. if you just aren't feeling good today, then you aren't feeling good! honour that and respect that and deal with that accordingly. even if you are uncomfortable with yourself right now or you don't like yourself right now, please try and treat yourself with care regardless, because no matter what stage you are in in your life right now you are and always will be the most important person in ur life, so TREAT URSELF LIKE IT🫶💖
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 2. inspiration, not comparison!
i know its often told not to go looking at people who are ahead of you in these times but hear me out. i think looking at and observing people you admire who are further ahead of you is very motivating to build yourself up and *become more like them* in your own way. you look up to them because of ___? what can you do to become your own version of that? thinking like this gets me more inspired to just get out of bed because i want to be more like them.
two words for this one - NO. COMPARISON. gaining inspiration from others to better yourself and comparing yourself to others are two completely different things. 🫶 (shameless self promo, but i have a post on this here! 🩷✨)
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 3. analysis: detective work chapter!
journal and think and think to urself why u might feel like this or what caused this. when did it start? has anything happened lately that may have caused this? how does it feel, in depth? what can you do to combat this? how can you make it through the day & make it so you do even better tomorrow?
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 4. channeling the mindset!
back to my point on our idols, thinking like them & thinking what they'd do in this situation helps me a lot. personally one of my idols is ada lovelace so whenever im really tired and unmotivated or insecure on my abilities or appearance or anything else i think to myself "what would she do?" and 9 times out of 10 im up at my desk in my cutest outfit hard at work. this is def one of my favourite points and something i use on the daily for like literally everything and 100% recommend 🩷✨
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 5. what would i do?
similarly, ask urself what the best version of yourself or the version of urself youre working towards would do in this situation. be your own inspiration. be ur own muse. would they stay in bed and rot all day? if the answer is no then ur up. out. immediately. ask urself what they would do. if ur feeling drained, would they take a day off to do some self care and recharge? if ur feeling sad, would they be gentle with themselves and let themselves feel sad for a little while & try to work to the root of the problem?
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 6. understanding yourself!
make a list of the things that make you the happiest and most comfortable & productive and the things that make you the unhappiest and the opposite of those things. i mentioned this in my recharge day post, but figuring out these will help you find out which negative behaviours or habits are lowering ur vibrations and making u feel like this, and help u to engage more in the things that make you happy with yourself and everything around you 💗✨
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 7. pay attention!
pay close attention to ur internal landscape and your self talk throughout the day. note down every little thing you notice, even if you think it won't be helpful; for example, do you find yourself indulging in negative talk abt urself, negative talk abt others, constantly being pessimistic and expecting the worst, indulging in judgement and criticism of urself and everyone around you, getting distracted easily, and so on.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 8. what would i do, part 2
like i mentioned earlier, you should be your own inspiration. you should be your own muse. as much as it's nice to have idols, when ur trying to change something about urself and adjust and improve ur own behaviours, you should be mainly focusing on what you want to achieve by changing said behaviours. do you know who you're working towards being? do you know how you want to feel? do you know what you are changing these things you feel into? think about whether or not the person you are now lines up with the person you want to be in all aspects of ur life. if you feel like you aren't even trying to meet these standards then of course ur gonna feel bad about urself. of course don't be too hard on urself, but keep this in mind. 💓✨
finally, remember that these things are temporary and it wont be like this forever. ur beautiful and perfect no matter what and in these times u gotta show up for yourself even more and never give up! i believe in u 🫶🩷
all my love 💗💬✨🎀
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vehicle headcanons bc im like. so bored
Lenore 100% rides a motorcycle, most likely a Harley or a Triumph. She enjoys a good street race, but only on remote roads that have been marked off and never spontaneously or on high ways. She used to do stunts with dirt bikes and atv's before her injury, but it plays hell with her hip now, so she just rides standard. She doesn't drive much, but if she had to get a car, it'd be a classic muscle car like a Firebird. She's an offensive driver insofar as she's more than willing to take a fender bender to prove a point and she will chase a bitch down if they run. Only if it's just her in the car, though. She mostly drives one-handed and rests her right hand on the console (or Annabel's thigh). She does enjoy cruising in a car but not as much as feeling Annabel hug her from behind on a bike
Annabel's ride would be Lenore a Cadillac, Porsche, and an Audi. She switches them out as the occasion calls for it. Her father bought all three. She trades them in for the lastest models every five years or earlier bc she couldn't be caught dead in a model that's gone out of style. People assume she likes being chauffeured around, but being in a vehicle she has no direct control of gives her hives, so 9 times out 10, she's going to be the one driving. The only people she trusts on the wheel are Prospero and Lenore. Very defensive driver bc she's always thinking 20 steps ahead and can smell bullshit from a mile away. She tells people she prefers convertibles for the visibility, but she really just likes watching Lenore hop over the door into the passenger seat.
Ada would sell her soul for a bright pink Porsche. Unfortunately, a brand new one is def out of her price range, and every time she buys a used one that she can afford, it craps out in like five months or so. She's forced to settle on a lightest burgundy Camry she can find at some point and she's bitching about it to everyone that can hear. She is the most godawful driver you will ever see. Road rage like no other. For years, she thought turn signals were a useless formality until a horrified Prospero told her otherwise. The fact that she has a license is the eighth wonder of the world (her tester was severely hungover). She keeps subtly asking to borrow Annabel's Porsche, but Anna just smiles and changes the subject.
Pluto has a crappy little Beetle that he stole from his dad, and to separate it from him would be to cut his heart out with a rusty butter knife. He's also a defensive driver but not in the same way Anna is. He's just very hyperaware of everything, which is great for snap reactions but can cause him to overreact sometimes. Does not play music or take his eyes off the road ever bc he's scared of getting distracted. Prefers taking mainroads bc high way speeds makes him nervous. He loves his car, but he'll typically just take the bus for short distances. The only time he's even marginally relaxed while driving is when his friends are with him, especially Eulalie.
Montessori has a Mustang, and he drives it like an asshole. I'm talking tailgating, cutting, muffler delete, zero turn signal whatsoever, always going at least twenty over, racing randoms on the highway etc etc. Rarely gets road rage, but causes it on a daily basis. One of his favorite plays is talking someone into a race, losing on purpose, betting money on a second race, and smoking their ass with his turbocharger. Yes, his car is kitted with every mod known to man, and yes, it does look like a douchebag owns it. He keeps trying to goad Lenore into a race, and she keeps rejecting him bc 1. She knows his schemes, and 2. She's not entirely convinced he won't try to run her over.
Eulalie prefers not to drive and doesn't own a car. It took forever to get her license bc she's so easily distracted that she's at risk of drifting into other lanes and/or hitting something. She did manage to get it eventually, but having to be constantly vigilant stresses her out, so she just bikes/skates (skateboarder Eulalie real) or uses public transit or grabs a ride from a friend. Despite everything, she's actually a very good and courteous driver when she's paying attention. She stops for pedestrians, bikers, ducks on the road, and so on. Her driving style is very smooth and steady in a way that could lull you to sleep. Until she has to slam the breaks to avoid sailing into oncoming traffic. She thinks it'd be really cool to own a Hearse with a black/purple color scheme, though. She shares a bus pass with Pluto
(Pt.2 cuz this got too long)
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So given the writer’s strike, some people are concerned about their shows and movies being postponed or canceled, and aside from the fact networks have already BEEN canceling shows for no reason for years (I still maintain a healthy anger about what Netflix did to Sense8), I thought I would suggest some books on disasters you might want to read if you’re into that sort of history. Which you are if you’re here, I imagine.
Note: I’m suggesting these books because most books on disasters don’t get a huge audience, and so I recommend them because this sort of writing can be hard on the writer and requires a bunch of research. We throw so much money at true crime, we can spare a few bucks for the stories of people who died in disasters.
Also, please check with these with your local small bookstore or library. Amazon can be great, but let’s lend a hand to those who need us more.
Recommended books:
“The Circus Fire,” by Stewart O’Nan - This is one my favorite books on a disaster, because the whole thing creates a very vivid image of the circus prior to the fire in Hartford in July of 1944. There’s one specific line in the book which always makes me pause because it’s so affecting, about how everyone who escaped being able to hear the sounds of the animals screaming as they died - except all of the animals were out of the tent by then.
“The Only Plane in the Sky,” by Garrett Graff - This, I highly recommend you get on audiobook. It’s an oral history of the events of 9/11 with a full cast, and it’s incredibly affecting to listen to.
“Ada Blackjack: A True Story of Survival in the Arctic,” by Jennifer Niven - Ada Blackjack was a badass: flawed and weak at times, but hardy and steady when necessary. Half of her story is how she survived, but half is how she was exploited following her rescue. Both stories need to be known.
“Alive,” by Piers Paul Read - If you’re watching “Yellowjackets,” this should be required reading. If you’ve seen the movie adaptation from the 90s, there is WAY more you don’t know. The story of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 is a tough read, but a worthy one.
“A Night to Remember,” by Walter Lord - This is to disaster nonfiction what “In Cold Blood” is to true crime. It’s not a long read, but it’s a great one. Lord had the advantage of writing the book while many of the Titanic survivors were still alive and could give a very good description of what they went through.
“Dying to Cross,” by Jorge Ramos - I recommend this not just because it is good, but because it is timely. Nineteen people died in an un-air-conditioned truck as they were attempting to make their way into the states from over the Mexican border. It’s a horrific story, and one that humanizes an issue for whom some people need to be faced with the humans involved and what they go through.
“Bath Massacre: America’s First School Bombing,” by Arnie Bernstein - Harold Schecter also wrote a very good book on the Bath school massacre called “Maniac,” but I have a preference for this version. It’s a good reminder that schools in the U.S. didn’t just become targets in the last twenty years or so.
“Into Thin Air,” by Jon Krakauer - I feel like this is a gimme, but it’s a fantastic book from someone who was actually on Mount Everest during the 1996 disaster and knew those involved very well. I happen to like Krakauer’s work anyway - I even like “Into the Wild” despite my feelings about McCandless and his legacy - but it’s understandably my favorite.
“And the Band Played On,” by Randy Shilts - The one thing I will say is that Shilts’ treatment of Gaetan Dugas is *rough* to say the least and outright wrong on some points, God knows. But it’s still an amazing book, and if you come out of it not wanting to dig up Reagan and punch him a bunch I’m impressed at your restraint.
“Triangle: The Fire That Changed America,” by David von Drehle - The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire is one of the disasters I am most interested in, and I would argue this is the definitive book on the subject. Also, if this book introduces you to both Clara Lemlich and Frances Perkins … I mean, talk about badass women.
“The Radium Girls,” by Kate Moore - Look, I’ll say this. If you know of the Radium Girls, this is a great book on their story. If you don’t know, go in blind and prepared to be horrified.
“Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine,” by Anne Applebaum - Ukraine has always been a target. During the Holodomor, they were victims of one of the worst genocides in history.
“Midnight in Chernobyl,” by Adam Higginbotham - Like the miniseries? This is a great source for more information for what happened at Chernobyl and all of the ass-covering involved.
"Boston Strong: A City's Triumph Over Tragedy," by Casey Sherman and Dave Wedge - If you’re interested in the Boston marathon bombing, I really thought this book did a good job of connecting the stories of the victims, the authorities searching for the killers, and the killers themselves.
“Show Me the Bodies: How We Let Grenfell Tower,” by Peter Apps - As I understand it, Apps did a lot of covering the Grenfell Tower fire for the British press, and it shows. He provides a mountain of information, and you will come out of reading this book absolutely LIVID about what authorities allowed to happen in Grenfell and so many other council estates in the UK.
“Dark Tide: The Great Molasses Flood of 1919,” by Stephen Puleo - I feel as though the molasses flood gets treated like a joke a lot of the time, but y’all, twenty people died. That area of Boston was *wrecked*. The photos of the devastation are terrifying. Puleo treats all of this with the proper respect it deserves.
“In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex,” by Nathaniel Philbrick - Forget the movie. Read the book.
“The Great Influenza,” by John M. Barry - Want to read about the 1918 flu epidemic? Want to be mad that a hundred years later we didn’t learn a damn thing?
Now, that’s just a start. If anyone wants, I can always post photos of my disaster book collection on Kindle and next to my recording desk. Or if there’s a specific disaster you’re interested in, I may know of a good book about it you can read.
But just remember if SAG and the directors’ guild joins the strike too - there is so much out there to occupy your time until they come back. Entertainment work is work, and it deserves to be supported financially and fairly as such. Rock on, WGA. ✊
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voidconversations · 1 year
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navi. | masterlist.
what i think her love languages are (all my opinion so if you don’t agree that’s fine).
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
↳ her love language: gift giving.
she would spoil you with so many gifts. she would def take you to whatever store you wanted and buy out the whole place if you asked
i feel like she’s not the sentimental type, with her job and all, so her gift giving only applies to store bought gifts
she might buy something (like a necklace) with something only you two would know about though (like an inside joke or a saying)
but that’s the extent of her sentimentality
↳ her love language: acts of service.
to me, ada is the type of woman to want to take care of her partner
maybe she’d see a mess that needed to be cleaned up but knows you’ve been stressed lately, so she’d clean it while you were away for the evening, so you can return to a clean home
she’d make you meals when she notices you’ve been overworking yourself and forgetting to eat
anything broken in your home that you’ve been meaning to take care of would suddenly be fixed or replaced
↳ her love language: words of affirmation.
she doesn’t even realize she does this one
she’s not the type to give out praise all the time, but with you it’s just so easy
when you think you’ve done something wrong or maybe you’re working on something you hate, she’s the first to look it over and tell you all the things you did right. she’ll tell you if anything needs to be rethought out but she’ll never insult you or put you down for it
i feel like she’d be the type to support her partner 100%, you’ll always have her in your corner ready to defend you/support you
↳ her love language: pet names.
she’s such a pet name woman
will call you a pretty thing literally all the time, you could be wearing the most comfortable lazy lounging clothes and she’d still compliment you “well aren’t you a pretty thing?”
sweetheart, baby, love, angel. it really depends on how she’s feeling that day
she calls you everything except your name and it’s gotten to the point where sometimes you wonder if she forgot it
she didn’t of course
↳ her love language: physical touch.
this but very subtle, especially in public
when she’s at home she has to constantly have some part of her body touching yours. her legs tangled with yours on the couch, her fingers brushing through your hair in bed, etc
she loves when you get all clingy, although she’d never admit it
when she’s in a bad mood she likes her space but on a rare occasion she’ll seek out your warmth for comfort
in public she might hook her pinky with yours or play footsies with you underneath a table, but she hovers more than anything. she’s def not a fan of pda
↳ her love language: communication.
this is where it gets tricky
she wants you to be open and honest with her 24/7, she hates guessing how you feel, she’d rather know
anytime you close off to her, she’s immediately getting you to talk, even if you don’t want to
but it’s not the same for her
she’ll dance around how she actually feels and is a master at evading talking about things she doesn’t want to talk about
it causes arguments but she’s trying to open up more, for you
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note: i could’ve made this a lot more detailed but i didn’t want this to be too long cause they’re just some headcannons i have. also, i am still writing ghosting you! i just couldn’t get this out of my head so i needed to write something small for ada. she literally lives in my head rent free, 24/7…
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ilovechuuy4 · 11 months
Hello!! I really loved your writing style and I was wondering if you could do bsd characters going shopping with gn!reader 🤭 like what they’d buy and do at the store?
A/N: hai! Hello! So when i read this I wasn’t sure if you wanted headcanons or scenarios so a did a bit of both! Some characters don’t have scenarios but if you want any specific character(s) feel free to request again! This might take longer than anything because I am working on two other things! But I’ll try my best to get it out as soon as possible and I really hope you like it! (There is a little bit of all characters from ADA, PM, & DOA) I'm also trying it to post stuff AS often and just take breaks between posts so please bare with me! (I also wasn't sure if you wanted it to be a friend thing or not.. 😭
Armed Detective Agency
Characters; Dazai, Yosano, Atsushi
•cuponer. For sure but not because he doesn't want to spend money it's just because he is broke(he lost his wallet in the river remember?
• He would try getting you into goodwill. But if you refuse he's making you pay (he would get you like.. Two things from more expensive places w kunikida's wallet)
• She goes all out for you getting you anything you want and then she goes to get food with you(basically giving you royalty treatment)
•She will end up spending over 1000 dollars for sure, 500 for you and 500 for her, all her money too
Atsushi 🐯
• He wouldnt know exactly what to get you but he would try helping
• Atsushi is the one to see something he would think you would look good in and ask "what about this one? It would look nice on you"
Port Mafia
Characters; Chuuya, Akutugawa & Gin (together
• he definitely has big money, buying you all the fancy and expensive things. Any store you wanna go to he will (def recommending things for your too)
• Y'all will be at the store for hours on end trying on different things getting the perfect outfit(s) for you
Akutugawa & Gin🔪
• Gin is helping you find everything and akutugawa is paying since akutugawa isn't too social anyways
• Akutugawa would probably recommend two or three places he shops at but that's all, meanwhile gin is running around with you helping find things that fit you well
Decay of Angels
Characters; Fyodor, Bram
• he would just pay he wouldn't help you too much. Maybe recommend some places but that's about it.
• he would want you to buy a lot if stuff so he could just spoil you (he's def not into shopping with that one fucking shit)
• Bram def drags you into hot topic if you drag him into more preppy places (he'd pay for everything
• the moment y'all walk into the store he is already be tired after one store
characters; Dazai O, Chuuya N, Fyodor D.
Yours and Dazai's shopping trips were usual thrift stores or goodwill stops(but like.. Thrift store have GOOD stuff) but today's was different. Dazai had told you he took Kunkida's wallet, you was worried but he said it was fine because he did it a lot, but was it REALLY okay? Okay maybe it was okay. Don't get anyone wrong, stealing is wrong but. Kunikida knew how Dazai was for sure this basically happened daily. So you just went on with it, just this day.
About a few hours pass, y'all had ate, went to the usual thrift shops AND the mall stopping by various places (whatever stores you like) Your hands were full of bags and you were ready to go home, but Dazai wanted to bring you to one more place, a jewelry store.. Y'all entered and everything was different prices ranges the most expensive around 30k and the lowest was around 4k, but they all looked like, couple/friendship rings/necklaces/bracelets so maybe that was the reason it was SO expensive.
A few minutes of wondering and then something caught Dazai's eye. It was gold matching rings, they look so, beautiful yet of course so expensive. But Dazai didn't use Kunikida's card, he pulled out another. It was his own, he then got his finger sized and your finger sized. If it wasn't obvious to you now, it was clearly obvious when he slides the matching ring on his finger and the other on yours.
Dazai placed a gently kiss on your soft (h/c) hair, running his fingers through it right after. He loved you dearly and it showed, he used his saved and limited money to buy you and him something personal. It had yalls initials ingraved on them on the outside, and in the inside was the date y'all started dating. It was simple yet so loving. "I really love you, babe" he spoke smooth and slowly, placing a soft kiss on your lips.
One day on Chuuya's day off, he decided to drag you to the mall to get you more clothing (he just wanted to spoil you and that's exactly what he did.) Yall were in the mall from 11am to 4pm, trying on clothes, finding accessories, getting you anything you wanted at this point. He loved you dearly and he just wanted to spoil you today.
His hand was clasping yours tightly as he brought you to clothing stores, candy shops, anywhere throughout the big mall, carrying you when your legs hurt. He was such a good boyfriend and it showed SO much, it was so nice to see his love he has towards you. And at the end of the day you both were pretty tired it was around 4:30pm, y'all stayed at the mall for 5 hours, which is obviously too long of time to be in a mall, yall's hands full of bags, small, big, medium, all different sizes of bags from different places and stores.
At the end of the day y'all were walking to the car, loading everything inside when Chuuya came up hugging you from behind. His head nuzzling into the back of your neck. "I have a surprise for you" Chuuya mumbles against your skin. He then let's go and quickly goes around the car.
When Chuuya came back, he had a big bouquet of (fav flowers) and a couple bags of (fav candy) along with a small-ish box it could either hold a ring or a necklace. Chuuya gently held out the items waiting for you to take them. Once you did, you slowly open the box. It was a small necklace. There was a heart shaped pendant hanging on the necklace with a picture of you and Chuuya. Chuuya slowly brought you into a love full hug, holding you close, swaying the both if you back and forth. Placing a soft kiss apon your head. "Happy one year, sweetheart.." He said calmly, holding you close to his chest as you hug back.
You walk into a designer store (what ever one) browsing the multiple things on shelves, hangers, folded up on racks. They all looked so expensive but your boyfriend, Fyodor, told you he wanted to spoil you tonight even if everything was expensive. He had his arm drapped around your waist as y'all walked through and past multiple designer clothes and accessories. You felt bad if you got anything but he DID say get what you want. So you grabbed a shirt or three and a few accessories, which was around 5k..
This went on for about two or three hours stopped by ANY designer shop Fyodor thought was nice. Y'all had about three different bags from designer places and theyre probably was total of 20k spent tonight. You felt bad that Fyodor was spending so much money on you for no reason but you didn't want to ruin anything. Once y'all had decided y'all were done shopping, y'all had went to go eat. It was a resovation at a fancy restaurant. Fyodor planned this night like it meant everything to him.
Y'all had finished the food and when y'all walked out the restaurant, you heard Fyodor call your name. He seemed a decent feet back from you but y'all were in the cross walk so you said give you a minute and he shouldn't stop in the middle on the crosss walk. And once y'all arrived at the car, Fyodor called out your name once more he was much closer now but he seemed well, lower?
When you turned around, you saw your boyfriend's purple eyes looking up at you from where he kneels on one knee on the ground. A beautiful ring in a small red velvet colored box, open and pointed towards you. The ring itself looked even more expensive than the clothes y'all had bought today. The top was covered and small diamonds, how much did Fyodor exactly spend? But that wasn't the point right now, Fyodor spoke up, his thick Russian accent present. "Darling, will you marry me? Please? I want you to be with me my entire life, I love you so much, Mota lyubov"
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alvivaarts · 1 year
About Separate Ways (Spoilers)
Wow, guys. I was super excited to get gameplay footage/input from friends about Separate Ways (too broke to own the base game myself) to put into my longfic, but aside from some super cute Luis/Ada moments, I am... dissapointed.
Capcom hire me, at least I can keep the plot consistent because what the actual fuck.
Will discuss below to avoid spoilers (much more story than gameplay, but gameplay wasn't great either), but I'm not going into insane detail save for some things. READERS BE WARNED!
I'm also specifically looking at this through the lens of my own fanfic, Simulation Swarm, which is my take on how Las Plagas works and infected!Leon (in addition, infected!Ashley and a lot of Leon's unacknowledged trauma and relationship issues throughout the game series). I was majorly excited about Separate Ways because it implied that Ada also gets infected- which I really want to still implement even if it changes a LOT of major things about the fic.
I'll go over the good stuff first. AKA, stuff I'm keeping, and not retconning.
1- Luis' characterization was still amazing. It was really nice to see his character balance out Ada's, how he's still as chipper as he can be. Additionally, it's VERY clear how much he cares for Leon and Ashley alike, and he goes out of his way to get Ada the suppressant and still respects her throughout that process. 2- Pesanta/IT/U-3's design with slightly more of a scorpion shape. That was sick! 3- The fact that Ada was aware of most of Leon's movements and a lot of what happened, and in a way was following him around and handling things he couldn't/wasn't aware of. * 4- Ada didn't help Leon into the chair, Ashley did. But that scene isn't even shown. 5- Luis and Ada def had chemistry, and it was so cute!
Well! Short list. Now for the bad stuff. AKA, shit I'm retconning/ignoring/pretending never happened (most of the DLC).
1- Ada's infection is weird as fuck. She got... shot? And infected? And then, infuriatingly (because I've spent WAY too much time thinking about the physiology of Las Plagas and researching w/ the help of others how the infection would work) PUKES UP her plagas?!?!? HELLO!? This in particular drives me insane because like. Las Plagas nests and develops behind the sternum, between the lungs, where it can attach to the nervous system along the spine. It is TOO BIG for a human body to fight against, it's growth shoving lungs out of the way is why people cough up blood. It's nowhere near the throat or stomach and clearly it's extremely well engineered/evolved for human hosts not to end up in conveniently the wrong location. And if she did puke it up, at that point, miraculously, after two days? Her intestines are fucked. She's dying of internal bleeding. I don't fucking care how much of a bad bitch Ada is because at that point Wesker wasn't gonna help her. The fuck? Capcom, know your own lore challenge. 2- We got NO backstory, not even HINTS about Ada's past and origins. Again. 3- * Seriously made Ada's character into a very flat character and removed a lot of the urgency/clear want for her to help Leon from the original DLC. Seriously, she does not gaf about anything but her mission and making it more convenient for herself. Everything she does to help Leon is sheerly coincedence- which, honest to fuck, does not line up. Especially considering she appears to completely lack empathy until... uh oh, Wesker wants to kill a bunch of people? Like sure, she has that BRIEF conversation with Leon in the boat but like... what happened to the people she has history with, the people she could've ABSOLUTELY been saving to spite Wesker and allow her to have her own motives until whoop-de-doo, uh oh, gotta stop a genocide! Be so for real. 4- Bonus: After Luis helped her and she'd made the deal to get him out, he, still dying, calls her with a warning about Krauser. It took a long time for him to die. She SHOWED UP after witnessing the fight and pretty much just... left him. Despite all of that. Which I get from a 'not fucking with canon' standpoint, but seriously. 0 effort. 5- Krauser literally fucking gets away when she fights him???? 6- Wesker keeps making appearances. For some reason. It's not even clear why, he literally just shows up to be intimidating and to threaten Ada into doing the job but like. At that point, honest to fuck, he could've done it himself? Also it was majorly hard to empathize with Ada considering we STILL KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HER OR HER MOTIVATIONS. 7- Luis has no distinct fire trauma. (Okay. Revoking this after the discussion, I just had a no media literacy moment after everything I was taking in. Luis' response was actually pretty good and honestly? Should be appreciated. Though it does bring up another point- while I love Luis, I guess I was walking in with it more being an expectation for it to be 'Ada's Story'. We didn't get that, though the Luis background was great!) 8- Ashley's interaction with Ada was a single line asking for help and Ada just. Walks off.
Anyway, everything I've seen first hand and have discussed with others has left a sour taste in my mouth. Boo, @Capcom. Good thing I can make up my own stupid little stories and pretend that none of that happened.
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glitch-karma · 1 year
hello! can i request the headcanons of bsd boys (ADA, port mafia, guild, DOA, and hunting dogs) playing genshin impact? i wanna know what is their fav characters/elemental/region hehehe~ thanks in advance!
I LOVED writing this one
I can see him liking Pryo characters the most
Someone who plays for fighting and building, not for lore and quests
I can see him maining Klee/Diluc
Definitely, the type to brag all the time
Joins people's worlds to steal stuff then leave like an asshole
I can see his main team being Diluc, Xiao, Ganyu and Xingqiu
When playing with ANYONE he'll pull out Klee and burn the grass to annoy tf out of them
Played it maybe once cause Dazai forced him
Did not understand the point in it
Ended up uninstalling it literally an hour later
Has been playing it even before Dazai
Has almost every character (and ALL of them are built)
Mains Heizou for Obvious reasons
Likes swirling electro the most
Likes to humble brag but in a mean way
"Yeah I mean, I only play it on occasion I guess I'm just good!"
He's lying
In reality, he spends way too much of his and Fukuzawas money
Definitely still not so patiently waiting for Dansleif to be playable
Dazai got him into the game
He plays it mostly for the story quests so his characters aren't very built
LOVES Anemo and Dendro
He was so excited when Baizhu was announced
He cried really hard when he did the Chasam quest
Mains Kazuha
He LOVES Collei so much
When he first started the game he was confused why Barbra wasn't doing any damage
Cyno reminds him of Akutagawa
Got into it from random ads
Mains Beidou and Yelan
Has been pulling for Shenhe for so long but still doesn't have her
LOVES Inazuma
Fav vision is definitely Electro
She has played through all of Shonens quests
Ranpo forced him to play and he likes it
Ranpo helps him with domains and farming
Enjoys the lore and how it's written, specifically Khaenri'ah lore
Is also waiting for Dansleif to be playable
He's an Albedo main
Relates a lil too hard to Sucrose and Xingqiu
Played to try to surpass Dazai
He wants to out-damage Dazai so bad but..
Poor baby doesn't know how to build correctly.
like he gave a physical build to Yanfei
Chuuya LOVES Cryo
He definitely at one point was a Kaeya main
He freaked out the first time he did 2k damage
Joins Dazai's world and says "You suck" Then leaves
Only plays it because Dazai plays it
Has tried to get good characters to earn Dazai's approval but he ALWAYS loses his 50/50's
Gets on calls with Dazai to try to show how good he is
"...Why did you put blizzard strayer on Diluc." "..."
Trys to get every character Dazai has
Honestly, he doesn't know what he's doing
Bought an acc from someone with insane stats
Bullys kids on the internet with it
He plays unironically (Unlike Fyodor)
Definitely does that ritual of throwing characters off cliffs before wishing
DEF a Hutao main
Has Fydor to actually play but always fails
That trend where you change the models of your characters? He's ALL about that
Changed Klee into a cursed model of a duck
Mains Layla because he loves her
It's his comfort game after a long day at the casino
He plays for the lore and character design
He doesn't really have time for games
Genshin, unfortunately, doesn't have accessible playing for him
I don't think he'd play either way but oh well
He saw a picture of Itto and Immediately installed it
Doesn't understand the cooking function
Is also confused about the look of the food
After meeting the Adepti he actually tried eating flowers
Jouno stopped him
Likes Xiao cause of the sticker of him eating snow
Thinks it's a stupid anime game
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asingleflyingfuck · 10 months
Random BSD Headcanons bc I have thoughts and don’t feel like sorting them
I’m probably not going to elaborate in this post but probably in another or let me know if there are specific ones you want me to elaborate on
I’m starting with my trans headcanons bc of a tiktok and it’s all that’s been on my mind
Transfem Sigma is great and I love it but I raise you
Intersex Sigma
Thank you @/skyj80 on tiktok for this one
Also from video: Transmasc Kunikida
He gives off strong he/they energy
You know who else gives off he/they energy?
Also enby Ranpo
Specifically amab
Will probably elaborate on that one at some point
Also transfem Lucy and Kouyou
Transmasc Chuuya has my heart
Also genderfluid Dazai
Wouldn’t give a fuck about pronouns
I know I said I wouldn’t elaborate but I have to for one part of this
It’s like kind of related but could also not be
Dazai in dresses but can’t wear heels for shit
He’s like a baby deer trying to walk
Y’all see how he’s built
Chuuya on the other hand
Walks like a fucking pro
Moving on
I have it so they must have it
Kunikida (obvi)
Ranpo and Poe (tism4tism but opposite parts of the spectrum)
Speaking of Ranpo
I think Fukuzawa is allistic OR undiagnosed
Super supportive tho and does tons of research and asking Ranpo questions and for his opinion on things
Akutagawa but he masks
Like this man masks so fucking hard
Def elaborating later
Speaking of masking
Will also be elaborating
Probably won’t elaborate
Louisa. May. Alcott.
I cant think of any others rn but if I do they’ll be in an elaborated post
Moving on once again to just some general headcanons
Tecchou has ageusia aka loss of taste
You can’t tell me that man tastes the food combos he makes
Doesn’t explain the way he eats hard boiled eggs tho
Dazai has alexithymia
And chronic pain after Meursault
ALSO uses some sort of mobility aid and is really fucking stubborn about it
Chuuya has chronic pain from using corruption
Kunikida has chronic pain in his hands after getting them back
(psst. can you tell I have chronic pain?)
Fukuzawa acts like a dad to everyone but mainly in small ways
Hirotsu is like a dad to Black Lizard
Fukuzawa feeds the local stray cats
They’ll follow him around parts of the city if he’s nearby
Dazai sometimes feeds the cats with him but they don’t tend to follow him
Kunikida helps with ADA budgeting
He also gives math lessons to Kenji & Kyouka
He’ll tutor anyone who needs help, mainly Atsushi
Speaking of Atsushi
I think he likes Pokémon
Please don’t ask me to elaborate for I simply cannot give an explanation of any sort
Ranpo has 2 snack drawers in his desk
One that anyone can take out of with his permission (mainly Kenji, Kyouka, Atsushi, & Yosano. Fukuzawa can as well he just doesn’t)
The second is for him and him only
Dazai knows a shit ton of languages bc he got bored one day and decided to learn
Going off of this, Chuuya knows French so Dazai never bothered to learn it & just had Chuuya translate if it ever came up
Kyouka loves Sanrio & has assigned everyone in the agency a character
She also has everyone’s crepe orders memorized
Dazai & Ranpo do puzzle races to see who can complete them the fastest
Dazai & Junichiro teach Kenji, Atsushi, & Kyouka their favorite video games
That’s all for now bc it’s like 2am and I can’t think of anymore rn. Tho I’ll probably post another one like this when I do think of more.
I will most likely elaborate on the autistic headcanons and fukudad but let me know if there are any others I should elaborate on!!
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soracities · 1 year
hey mim! i don't have really any poetry books at my house but ive been wanting to get a few. do you have any suggestions or ideas for what i should get? i don't have that much to spend so it'll only be a few books, and because it's a few im wondering if you have any favorites or anything you consider essential to have. asking because you have really excellent taste and i personally mostly read indivual poems (by usually really never the same author) rather than any sort of collections or whatever.
hello anon 🌹
I think if you can tell me which of the poems you've read that you've loved the most I can help a bit more but otherwise, if you are prone to reading individual poems more so than a single collection, then a poetry anthology is a v good thing to have at hand! Ones I've really enjoyed are A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry (ed by Czeslaw Milosz whom I love), The Ecco Anthology of International Poetry (ed. Ilya Kaminsky whom I also adore) and Staying Alive: Unreal Poems for Unreal Times--the latter is part of a trilogy which includes Being Alive and Staying Human, as well as a fourth volume which brings together different poems from the three books, and might be a good way to experience the trilogy if you're on a budget!
Otherwise I don't have essentials, only ones that have really spoken to me--this may be different for you so I would def recommend testing the waters a little by finding some poems from the following poets online--I've probably posted a fair amount of them on my blog, too, I think--and see how you feel about them. In any case, some collections I've really enjoyed were: What the Living Do by Marie Howe, Sonnets and Elegies by Rilke, The Half-Finished Heaven by Tomas Tranströmer, Poppies in July by Sujata Bhatt, Devotions / Felicity by Mary Oliver, Bright Dead Things by Ada Limón, View with a Grain of Sand by Wislawa Szymborska, Concerning the Book That is the Body of the Beloved by Gregory Orr, Tell me / What is This Thing Called Love by Kim Addonzio, Deaf Republic by Ilya Kaminsky, A Tree Within / A Tale of Two Gardens by Octavio Paz, Almond Blossoms and Beyond / Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982 (Mahmoud Darwish), Selected Poems by Paul Eluard
Also, and I don't know where you are in the world or how much books will usually cost there so this will depend on availability etc, but I do think a good idea for when you're trying to find books on a budget (and which is what I did at the start and STILL do), if it's something feasible for you, is to try and locate any secondhand booksellers near you and spend some time browsing the poetry section if they have one. Take your time with them, leaf through a few, or read a handful of the poems and see what speaks to you (it's also a good way of stumbling across something you may not otherwise have discovered).
I rarely, if ever, order my books off am*z*n but I'm also lucky enough to live in a place with very good access to secondhand / independent booksellers so I know this isn't always feasible for everyone. But if you are ordering your books online, and if their selections fall within your budget, I highly recommend world of books or better world books -- again, I don't know where you live or how shipping / delivery costs would work out for you but they're a very good place for secondhand (and new) literature at a lower price if you don't have access to those in person. I hope some of this helps, but again, please feel free to come back and tell me what some of your most loved poems are or if there are uniting themes / styles in the poems you enjoy most! I hope this helps in any case and best of luck, anon 💗
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mo0nfairy · 1 month
Ada being the LEAST horny of the re cast is acc kinna funny I made a list (most to least)
anon you are def NOT far off........ swap carlos and ada and you'll be spot on (you'll see most of why this is in chapter seven hehe)
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Since it’s the Christmas season,do you have any headcanons about what Leon,Ada,and their children do for the holidays?
i do i do i do
without spoiling anything from my fic heheh ;)
still hc that ada's birthday is in nov/dec but i will keep it vague on the date
but they tend to celebrate the holidays because of the kiddos
even if they're homeschooled for the first while or something, they do see things like christmas and santa and want to know more about it
they both let their kids think that santa's real until leon slips up or something lmao
mommy was def kissing santa claus sjfkbdsuofehsip90d8ufjiodngkjsgsndjksdgs
ada's a HUGE GIFTER has the most gifts underneath the christmas tree for leon and the girls
but also leon makes an effort to put things in ada's stocking
but also feel like she'd want them to take a family vacation (or one with just her and leon)
leon moreso humble gifts or things that he thinks that ada or the girls will enjoy more than useful
leon and the girls wake up early to make breakfast in bed for ada for her birthday heheehehe
they decorate the tree!!! leon wants a real tree, but ada's okay with a fake one, mostly because there's no chance of bugs lmao
the girls have a sugar high from the first time they have hot chocolate and marshmallows
they also have tummy aches afterwards lmao
leon does the cooking and baking!! he makes the pancakes in the morning and christmas cookies and does the turkey and stuff!
leon's good at stuffing :)
leon gets ada a pearl necklace for christmas (yes both kinds)
i see ada in her 40s for this au so i see her liking more elegant looking attire for the holidays. but she'll be happy to wear red more also (but they also force her into red antler headbands and christmas looking cringe shit)
leon's in all of the christmas cringe
the twins force their parents to kiss under the mistletoe (they will regret this and will be subjected to their parents affection for the rest of their lives jkdbfskjf)
girls don't share their presents unless it's specifically one that can be shared at the same time. they do spoil them and get them two so they don't fight
helena comes over for the holidays every year with presents for everyone hehe. leon maybe something dumb like a sweater or a wallet. ada something fancy she's wanted. the girls get one educational toy and one fun one each.
spend christmas day in jammies!
also this is like 2014 - 2017 so they have a DS they have to share lmao
the girls go to bed early, they're so eeepy
ada lets leon unwrap his present in bed *gets shot*
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minalblood · 7 months
And finally , long awaited ep 12. Sorry guys !!!
- We start off with one of the characters not wanting to deal with whatever they're dealing with. That's not gonna be relevant throughout I'm sure...
- Have I mentioned that I hate clowns? Cuz hate clowns
- Ah yes! Dean discussing lying to yourself, also gonna be relevant. But I'm even more intrigued that he ties this need for dishonesty intrinsically to hunting.
- John is completely lying to himself and projecting hard on Mary. Not that Mary isn't also lying to herself. Interestingly, John and Mary are the most evenly split here between Sam or Dean coding.
- ok, as someone who has a veritable collection of tarot decks that I also use, I'm so fucking happy to see the Minor Arcana mentioned in fiction. Especially since most just add in Major Arcana cards with little to no relevance or meaning as to why those cards drawn are Majors. And yeah, the witches here aren't doing a reading, but I still love to see Swords and Pentacles mentioned! Might even be a cheeky hint as to how the main witch operates since swords are commonly related to the mental aspect and pentacles to the material/monetary (Known in some decks as coins even). And what is she doing if not playing a mind game in order to win the game and gain the reward for it.
-God, she's an asshole to Ada! No one is an asshole to Ada!
- Well, Limbo def is an apt name. He def acts like a type of inbetween state where you're not dead but you sure aren't living either. I also find it fascinating in the context of Purgatory. Because to Dean Purgatory was pure (or better put for our purposes here, was unfiltered truth) whereas Limbo here is pure avoidance. Essentially ,if Purgatory worked as a place where Dean could be as uncomplicated and true as he could (which yes, that's very much an oversimplification) then Limbo is pure pretending/fake.
- And Mary is once again trying to take command, only here John is refusing, is pushing back against it, where before he'd have gone along or even tried to get the others to fall in line acting as mediator.
- The misdirect of the brother is hilarious in hindsight, they gave him such menacing music as background.
- Love that we have clear signs that if at all possible witches will try to hide.
-John & Lata, hell yeah! Love that she's checking in with him and that she makes sure to clarify that she's the one asking. And gives him the space he's clearly asking for, not pushing against his lie.
- Meanwhile, Mary& Carlos have a much more direct convo but no less empathetic though still focused on John interestingly enough.
- Adore that Carlos was so so shocked by her outburst and then again that she was faking.
- Love a soul trade that is basically a trap
- The way Carlos just forgot their cover. Hahahahaha OMG!!! I love them!
- And the echoes of Sam begin in earnest - parents dead, older brother trying to parent but not having the tools to do so, younger brother running away...
- It's interesting that Limbo was trying to remain in a perpetually happy state (and targetted those he saw as needing the same) but Clarence ended up essentially in a state of perpetual grief. He says he wishes he'd helped Roger through his grief but he himself just traded the grief of his parents death with that of Roger's being taken. An interesting contrast between Limbo & Clarence, and a clear echo of SPN!John there also - mild but present.
- Oh, Carlos,you absolute sweetheart! And no argument against the "you were just a kid too" statement, love to see it!
- OK, now comes me trying to argue that this Rowena is our Rowena. Exhibit A: she was so clearly lying about the Grimoire and not the fact that the MOL stole it - her facial expressions to me read very much like she just made up an excuse to be there and help Ada. We've seen how Romena acts when she's actually trying to get a powerful Grimoire, this was not it. at all. This felt more like her keeping appearences than actually working an angle.
- Neverming, forgot she literally spells it out for us. In other words though, I was right.
-I choose to believe that the demon trapped in the plant is somehow, someway related to her getting Crowley back. I love Crowley so I will not accept any other meaning here. I'd have loved to see what they wanted to do with Rowena later on. Ugh every day I mourn that we didn't get more of this show.
- I take back John projecting. I would actually like to formally apologize to John here cuz Mary is doing the tried and true "dealing with emotions" approach that Sam uses everytime aka she is trying to dictate how John should be reacting to kyle's murder just because he isn't reacting like how she thinks he should be. I do love seeing them fight here, It's a whole mess they've found themselves in and haven't dealt with it at all so far. Make sense it'll all come to a head in this away. John is actually our Dean-mirror here. This fight also echoes the fight between Sam & Dean at Mia Vallens place (word for word even, in some places).
- Also love that John pushes back. And especially that he puts to words what I think a lot of the fandom has said some variation of. That as long as there's one more hunt, a world to save, people in danger then considering an alternate future
becomes that much harder to go towards... And that's not to say this applies 1 to 1 to Sam and Dean, because they quite literally didn't have a choice, but it does speak to the fact that you can't really move forward until you let go of the past that's holding you back or more so even -  though we're moving away from what this ep has to say with this - that you can't really heal from trauma til you're out of the traumatizing situation.
- And continuing our Sam echoes here, it's in fact Mary who's 1st approached by Limbo, Mary who's pain calls out while all the eyes were on John (and once more I'm reminded of the
Werther Box and how it was Sam who nearly killed himself due to a Rowena hallucination via the Box that got so much worryingly closer than Dean who we saw from the start got hit by the spell)
"John: Mary wait for me
Mary: Nope! I do what I want (proceeds to get taken by monster) " oh how the turn tables...
- I gotta say, this wasn't John's fault here. Mary wasn't ok far before their fight and if it had just beenmthe fight then John would've been taken too then. I actually think Limbo might've been honing into people who were, yes in crisis, but refusing to deal with it just like he had been, people looking to bargain away the negativity in their life for even a false sense of happiness.
- I also gotta mention this is the...2nd monster who's source of power is a mirror (Loki/Gabe being the 1st) Are there others that I'm missing? Is this a pattern?? I don’t remember, pls lemme know.
- Carlos you absolute king! Once more being the one to offer the practical solution, Lata is our theoretical queen though, let it be known,
- FFS! Rowena literally says she's looking for info ABOUT CROWLEY! Is my memory so bad or is my subconscious so active?
-Oh Rowena, there was no need to hurt Ada. Why must two bad bitches fight eachother?!
- Ah John, there you are, stumbling straight into danger. Couldn't let Mary have this one, could you?
- Hate clowns!
- Don't mind Limbo that much right now.
- Wait!!!. John cheated his way here... like he cheated his way into the army, like he, technically, cheated his way to hunting (he's MOL legacy afterall)
- "We never have to fight again about my future or your anger" jesus christ, skinning me alive would hurt less than this line. After all, what causes the whole fight in SPN to occur if not Mary's lack of a future and John's resulting anger (spurned by grief) My god, this fucking line from Mary.
- John is truly our Dean mirror here "it wouldn't be real" echoes so much Dean's feelings about heaven
- Also the pain in John's eyes, even as he is forced to smile might haunt me almost as much as Dean faking a smile in season 7. And I legit cannot look at that scene with Dean.
- Nooo, not the clowns ...
- Carlos and that big heart of theirs saves the day. I love it.
- Lata is however absolutely hilarious here though.
- l love Rowena so much. And she's gorgeous as always!
- Of course we'll be dealing with souls being used up, tiny Jack and Lily Sunder echo, nice!
- Exhibit B for Rowena, she just vanishes into thin air, not her usual way of leaving prior to Queen of Hell status
- Ugh, the "it's been 30 years" since Clarence has seen his brother. The Mary resurection of it all. And John with the "better than never seeing them again" hits hard man!
- Oh Mary, sweetheart.
- I like their resolution a lot. And Millie just giving them all the good news
- Yes Lala you figured it out baby!
- And Ada, I know she ends up telling them, but god when this first aired the Winchester stupidity was fresh to mind so I was soooo concerned for her.
Just the finale left now, I am sad 😔 but excited!
See y'all then!
@noybusiness - thank you for the encouragements! Its finally here!
@shallowseeker - I love reading your thoughts on SPN and had a fantastic time beta reading for you so here's something for u to hoefully enjoy! Hope you feel better soon!
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itsjustelian · 2 years
Why Tanizaki is most definitely being chosen for the ADA and PM switcheroo.
1. It has been mentioned how suited for assassination Tanizaki's ability is.
2. He's also the only ADA member without an arc (idk if Kenji counts, but he's too lovely to be moved over, and he sees the Agency as a side job).
3. Man goes bat shit crazy for his sister. He would most def kill a guy if the Mafia held his sister hostage.
4. He tried to kill Mori during the Cannibalism arc.
On why it can't be anyone else:
1. Ranpo is the backbone of the Agency, him being taken would be detrimental to them. That and I don't think he'd willingly work with the Mafia at all. (Especially if Fukuzawa dies this Arc)
2. Yosano is off limits. The agency would defend her being off limits. Even if Fukuzawa never told her the limits of the deal, Ranpo would prob be able to deduce what he said. Even though she's Mori's first choice in things.
3. Kunikida is in line to be the next Agency boss and cares far too much for his ideals and morals for the Mafia to even want him.
4. Atsushi's the main character, this one's pretty self-explanatory. His place is with the ADA and taking him away from them will ruin all the development that's been put into his character.
5. Kyouka just escaped the Mafia. And Atsushi most definitely will not let her go back. Also, the Mafia still has Kouyou, whose ability is practically the same (and I like to think Kouyou won't want Kyouka to come back).
5. Okay, the big one, Dazai. (This one is absurdly long because I'm taking these points from a debate I had with a friend (@randomanimeartist)and they think Dazai's going back, so yeah). Many of the agency members wouldn't let Dazai be chosen. Yosano knows he's had to work under Mori before and doesn't want him to go through that again, and Kunikida still wants a partner. Alongside that, Atsushi is just now starting to see Dazai instead of the orphanage director when he's stressed. (Dont know if thats a positive or not buTtt) Also, Atsushi still needs a mentor and returning Dazai to the mafia would reverse a ton of work done for his character (and he is the main guy so his development matters the most). Yes, Dazai has the potential to do evil, but he is actively trying to become a better person (if only for Oda). Whereas the only other member who has been seen to be capable of evil (that isn't Kyouka because we know she isn't getting chosen. Atsushi isn't letting go of her, and they already have Kouyou) is Tanizaki. He would literally do ANYTHING for his sister (?) and it's been shown the lengths he is willing to go. Also, Asagiri keeps mentioning that he's a boring guy who kind of just does what he's told, making him perfect Mafia material. I don't think he'll willingly go back. Mori keeps asking him if he wants his position back, and it's probably because he knows that if Dazai is forced to return, he'll just run away again. He's finally making progress, and I feel like going back just isn't an option he'll willingly take.
Apologies for how long this is, lol. I just think Tanizaki deserves his time to shine.
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whimsylinxx · 2 years
Bungou stray dogs manga spoilers
Chapter 105.5
ppl are comfortable w this chapter cuz asagri wouldn't kill a character easily. They struggle but they're eventually saved in the end. but I wouldn't be comfortable when this is abt dazai facing danger. his death in every universe is probable and serves the plot in many ways
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I obv can’t tell what Asagiri’s plans are for every character. I can only say that he doesn’t like killing off important characters, and that I personally hope that Dazai doesn’t die (which also goes for every character tbh)
We all know that killing off odasaku was, unfortunately, necessary for the plot and dazai's character development but Idk whether him killing off would give the same effect on other characters (mainly chuuya)
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If we're talking about dazai, bsd is def his redemption arc. Yes, him dying and saving everyone but himself would be poetic ngl but it'd be a pity if his life is thrown away like that, interrupting that arc. he really never forgot what oda said before dying.
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There's this Tumblr post talking about Dazai's potential death that I really admire and think it's poetic but I can't help but feel sorry for him cuz he's my fav character after all and m pretty sure his death is gonna hurt. Not only from my point of view but also for bsd characters'
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ppl saying "chuuya is pretending that he's still a vampire and he's secretly now working with dazai cuz dazai's speech awakened him" give me one. just fkn one logical explanation to this apart from the power of love wth????
And das dazai being so desperate to be called babygirl and all flirty flirty w this sigma at the most inappropriate time imaginable. I love him sm istg.
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Ah yes and here's another beautiful panel of fyodor that will eventually be turned into a living nightmare by bones
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