#moana theories
disneyfanatic1993 · 4 months
Moana 2 Teaser Trailer
•My Disney-fied brain: “Aww, how cute! They’re giving Moana a little sibling! 😍”
I know it’s not true, but I also know I’m not the only one who thought this. 😂
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sharkiiv · 2 months
Maui and Tamatoa had some serious tension in the movie. Like is that just me?
Tamatoa acts like they went through a crazy demigod/crustacean breakup. And Moana is js tryna get them back together fr 😔
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cherllyio · 6 months
you know the song Ship In A Bottle??? it reminds me of your au macaque
Oh yea i know that song!!! And i can acutlly see that, now that you mention it! Lemme just real quick do an analysis...
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Lyric Analysis
You set sail alone, there is no crew No one on the deck who can help you This is all your own battle to win This is your ship and you are the captain
Fun fact: Macaques "shadow powers" in this AU is more or less a relfection of Mental ilness. And how, him not getting help/wanting help, makes it worse. This can also be explained with this line:
I feel scared and I'm starting to sink And I only sink deeper the deeper I think
And the next example... Yea that explains what happens when Wukong(acddently) makes it worse, because he doesent realise what is going on with Macaque:
There are red spots under your eyes From when you cry into the sky Ocean waters rising above your neck, mmm You feel the glass start to crack
This is because when Wukong got trapped under the Mountain, and they had "The Argument", it just made. Macaque felt so lost and alone after this(for 500 years)
Honestly the whole song could just be an animatic of Macaque getting worse and worse. (if i had the skill and time to do so-)
But thank you!! I really appreciate that you remembered my AU and found a song that matches!!
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My theory is that Moana and Moana 2 is a prequel before lilo and stitch and the movie is about lilo and Nani ancestor Moana , Simea Motunui, and her father and mother, and the reason why Maui was in the future movie lilo and stitch as a fish is to protect Moana and simea future descendants, what you think please leave comments
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flynncorvus · 8 months
Wall-E is a Disney Princess 🤖✨👗
(CW: Theorizing! This is all done in good fun, hope you enjoy!)
In Moana, Maui says that to be a princess, someone has to be: A) Have an Animal Sidekick B) Daughter of a Chief (Someone important) C) Sings! And what do we see Wall-E doing?
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He has an Animal Sidekick
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Manufactured (basically child of) by ‘Buy and Large’, the ‘chief’ of Earth, basically
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(Couldn’t find an image, so have this) He ‘Sings’ Hello Dolly, because he recorded the song, and replays it throughout the movie! (Kinda a big-ish plot point) ««—————•—————»»
Yes, I just watched Wall-E. Yes, it’s my favorite movie ever Yes, me and my dad came up with this Yes, I am slightly a maniac Yes, that also means my dad is a maniac Yes, where do you think I got it from?
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eternalfayee · 8 months
dr master list ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚:
♡ percy jackson
♡ wwe
♡ danger force
♡ waiting room
♡ ever after high
♡ enola holmes
♡ teen titans
♡ teen titans go
♡ mermaid
♡ circus
♡ brooklyn nine-nine
♡ fame
♡ teen fame/influencer
♡ total drama island
♡ the really loud house
♡ dance moms
♡ k12
♡ kc undercover
♡ victorious
♡ gilmore girls
♡ wednesday
♡ hogwarts group
♡ fantasy
♡ my little pony group
♡ royal group
♡ moana
♡ boarding school
♡ wild n out
♡ barbie life in the dream house
♡ steven universe
♡ inheritance games
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kalismoon · 19 days
Remember that scene in Lilo and Stitch where Lilo is late because it was sandwich day and she says “it’s an abomination to feed Pudge the fish, tuna because what is tuna? FISH!” (Paraphrasing).
And then she mentions it’s important because Pudge controls the weather.
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Did you know that Maui in Moana turns into a fish? And did you know that in the folklore, Maui can control the weather?
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And wouldn’t it be weird as hell if this wasn’t a coincidence?
lol, I think it actually is because originally animators hid their work on Lilo and Stitch from their bosses. They were like, “this is too weird of a film for Disney” and it wasn’t til when the majority of the work had been finished, was their side project discovered and immediately loved.
So I don’t think this was an intentional lore for Disney but rather a funny coincidence.
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hollowwhisperings · 1 year
Worlds Disney Won't Let Nomura Use For KH (& the Worlds Disney Wants but Nomura Doesn't):
Toy Story: Nomura refused to make KH3 until Disney let him use Pixar... and thus Toy Story. Toy Story seems to have set up much of the premise of Phase 2 of KH & the emotional resolution of Phase 1 (saying goodbye to childhood, to Kairi).
Frozen: there are Theory Vids on YT that go into the idea in depth but, ultimately, it amounts to Disney changing its mind about letting Elsa have a Heartless between bringing Frozen up to Nomura BEFORE the film's release, the development of KH3, the successful reception of Frozen & susequent planning for a sequel, then the release of KH3. Elsa going Full Riku, Sora seeing her conflict firsthand (as opposed to in KH1 & the Anna POV KH3 ended up with) would have better enabled Sora's Context for RIKU'S villain arc (& why he was able to redeem himself).
High School Musical: the HetNorm analogies of musical theatre & Chad getting Mad at his best friend for [leaving him behind/having a girlfriend], followed by Everything About Ryan & Chad in HSM2... THOSE are the themese Nomura would be interested in & he'd even figure out how to make Basketball Heartless INTERESTING in order to use them. RIP Chad/Ryan.
Lilo & Stitch's World AND Moana's World: we will get one or the other, never both because Disney would see TWO indigenous islander girls & consider their stories interchangable. The only loophole I could think of that would enable both worlds to exist in the same game would be if Lilo's World was the "Future" of Moana's. As is, it seems Inevitable that Nomura will ask to use Moana: whether it's to compare Moana with Riku (island kids who want to explore, who get bad advice on heroism but ultimately choose 'love', who have Explorer Ancestors) or in parallel with Kairi (who is now starting her OWN journey, independently of her friends, and will ultimately lead her back to her forgotten roots)... Nomura will get his "playble Island World". If Stitch conveniently crash lands halfway through Moana's journey? EVEN FUNNIER.
The Goofy Movie: imagine getting Goofy Backstory all of a sudden, complete with the Awkward Realization that Goofy has had a Grown Up Son back home that Sora has been reminding him of. o_o;
Cinderella 3: this film is basically Chain of Memories but EXPLICITLY ROMANTIC. it would, hilariously, cast Naminé as Anastasia AND as 'Fairy Godmother'. The return to Cinderella's World JUST to emphasise Sora as CinderRiku's 'Dream'... using the Oblivion Keyblade & Sora's Necklace as a narrative glass slipper might even be overkill by that point.
Maleficent: Nomura probably wouldn't be interested in using a story about parental love, at this point in the series, except to point out Maleficent was Riku's Evil Fairy Godmother in KH1 & will be having her Comeback now that CinderRiku is rescuing his Prince Sorara with True Love... AGAIN (DDD's plotline is essentially the same as Sleeping Beauty's). There's no need to include Maleficent's World when its plot is playing out with the KH-original cast - it would be background repurposing to clarify narrative intent. though, given how slow audiences are about picking up on non-het romantic subtext... Nomura MAY need Maleficent's home turf after all.
Star Wars: it would be kind of redundant to have Jedi in KH unless they were redressed as ancient Keyblade Wielders. Star Wars would only hammer in the "Xehanort was actually Anakin Skywalker, now you need to find his Palpatine" thing for KAIRI & the Wayfinder Trio (who any present-continuation plotlines of Ancient Masters would naturally fall to).
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almadesarrollo · 4 months
Part 1:
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To begin with, I think the movie is going to be long, taking into account that it is a series transformed into a movie, and that is why I think it will be divided into 2 parts and Moana will make 3 trips, 2 round trips, the third being the end of the movie and a one-way trip to never return to his island and tribe.
1st part [the call and tribute to moana 1]
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Here we will see many references to the first film, such as when he touches the water with his hands or when he reads the stars etc… all this with 2 objectives, on the one hand to remember a little what the first film was about (in that sense it is a parallel to when Olaf told the frozen movie in the forest, so you wouldn't get lost hahaha) and the other is to say goodbye to everything that Moana gave us in that beautiful adventure, why? because she will surely, in some way or another, sacrifice herself and abandon part of her humanity… therefore it will make us very nostalgic, they will seek to touch the heart as with Elsa discovering the truth, IT WILL BE THE CALM before the storm. . That's why she wears a costume so similar to the one in the first movie.
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The movie will begin with that scene, and her with the conch, as a sign that she has arrived, it seems that she returned from a trip, or going with the boat to explore, this scene is important because it is a reminder of Moana's childhood. and how her destiny will change, that's why there is a conch change with the crab, because she is destined to be in a place in the same way that Elsa was, in a brief sequence, she tells us how her destiny will change… and here We already have a parallel with frozen 2:
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Frozen begins with a lullaby, in it it practically talks about Elsa's home, that there, the water, that sea, she will find the answers, etc., what is the theme of innocent warrior? It also sounds like a lullaby, and it happens just like Elsa does when they are little.
(What is Moana's fate? Well, I'm going to develop this later, along with this scene that are connected, let's go in parts, okay?)
The thing is this, Moana is going to receive this call, the one she talks about in the trailer, but this call will be partly ignored by Moana herself because it's like she's a little between her town and taking risks, now it's like She is going to have more responsibilities with the issue that she is a sailor and has to teach and lead her people, so it is a yes and a no, her intuition is going to tell her yes, but she is going to ignore it following her head, a little like the first movie, with that call of the ocean, however, this will change when the lightning event occurs in the village,
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which is going to suffer serious damage, again the tribe and the village are in danger, the island becomes uninhabitable, the island dies again, therefore THEY HAVE TO IMMIGRATE TO ANOTHER ISLAND, now they have knowledge and more importantly, they have someone to lead them.
Now I want to stop on this for a moment, we see that this disaster is natural, it is lightning, so it has to do with storms and rains, the origin may have to do with some god of nature who is angry with them, and is not in harmony with humanity, there may be a conflict, they may have done something they shouldn't, etc… or it may even be battles between gods and demigods, (alluding to the fact that Te-Fiti became Te-Fiti). Ka because Maui stole her heart)
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This is like in frozen 2 that the people and elements of the forest were fighting with Arendelle for the offense the kingdom did…
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Here it will be something similar, but within Polynesian culture and mythology, this God or natural force that attacks may be Tawhirimatea or a being inspired by this deity, we know that Disney does that a lot:
Tawhirimatea in Polynesian mythology is the god of climate and meteorology, he controls everything that has to do with this; lightning, storms, rain, blizzards etc….
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Another option is that this comes from a being from Lalotai, or it could be that it is a mixture of these two, in this story, that Tawhirimatea lives there and that's where all the attacks come from, well, what a coincidence that when in the first movie the 2 protagonists They are there, the sky is cloudy:
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THEN FACED WITH THIS, Moana will beat the drum to consult with her ancestors and ask what is happening with these types of attacks? and also for the islands and the direction,
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Her ancestors will answer her, they will tell her that they must leave the island, and connect with the sea as she said in the trailer: "travel new skies", then she will communicate it to her tribe and go alone on an express trip,
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and I say express because this trip will be short in the narrative sense, there will be no obstacles or anything, since they intend to make reference to when Moana traveled alone for the first time to return the heart
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and since there is a lot of movie to tell, this will be brief, on this trip we will see all the references to what she experienced on her 1st trip, what she learned and see how she has matured.
-On that trip we will see more reference to the 1 movie, look at these 2 scenes from the trailer:
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They don't belong to the same moment!!!…we see it in their wardrobe, it's different-
The thing is that she will find the island and then she will return, but in between that night, in which she will travel, she will have a storm similar to the one in the 1st movie and she will sink in the water, that will be where she establishes contact with that whale. , or sea creature,
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(We can see this in that when the scene takes place she is wearing the same costume as at the beginning, it is not the new design)
He will ask you for help, because of what is happening or will give you clues to the conflict, the same one that caused the lightning, (which I'm sure I already told you, comes from Lalotai) this creature will be the one who guides you later, (in the same way that Bruni, the fire lizard did with Elsa towards the voice she heard)
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towards the conflict which is "far beyond" never better said, after this, she will inform her tribe when she returns and they will leave again on a new journey, because as a lover of the ocean, she wants to protect it and this conflict would be damaging no only to the sea and the ecosystem but to his tribe and family
We continue in the next part….
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We read in the next part.
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parroset · 7 months
Incredibly self indulgent but here's Aaravos with a (fitting) Moana quote:
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Based on the theory that his heart was taken from him during his fall.
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flightofthejackdaw · 2 months
World ideas for KH4:
Ones that are basically confirmed:
- Toy Story: Prolly set during or after TS3, continues the theme of growing up and friendships changing, and how we keep those we love with us even when they aren’t there
- Star Wars: Hopefully original trilogy, it’s also a world that would be massive and just kinda fun especially if we get a Keyblade Lightsaber!
- Fantasia: with how Kh4 is shaping up to be DDD 2 electric boogaloo it just makes sense to bring this back. It would be great to see them adapt other shorts into a world! I’m hoping for the Ballerina and Tim solider one, due to Sora/Riku parallels
Ones the people want:
- Zootopia: Animal Sora!
- Elemental: A bit new but could have fun designs, cloud Sora sounds adorable
- Coco; The land of the dead is gorgeous, and seeing Donald and Goofy as Alebrijes would be awesome
- The Incredibles: A classic, also superhero Sora would just be cute
- Moana: so Sora can look at ANOTHER Disney princess and be like ‘she’s just like Riku’, also she and Ariel are the closest princess with stories similar to Riku and KH1
- Treasure Planet: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!
- Wish: Nomura could make it good, I will go crazy if he’s allowed to do what he wants with it and he just makes it better (which isn’t a hard task lol)
- Encanto: Sora bonding with Mirabel about being normal people surrounded by extraordinary people, and how what makes you ‘gifted’ is what you make of yourself rather than what you were born as (Necklace theory/Sora and Riku Child of Destiny thoughs)
- Princess and the Frog: Tina deserves some love, and we’d get to see Dr Faciller again. I also just want to see friends on the other side in game
- Inside out: Getting into Sora’s thoughts, feelings and memories would be great, as it’s time for him to have some introspection on everything that’s happened (also Necklace theory anyone?)
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i-wanted-a-salad · 4 months
OK, I've been holding onto this for a while and am finally ready to share my TGWDLM theory.
Emma is infected.
Well, infected but not a part of the hivemind.
First of all, she gets better at singing. In the first scene in Beanies, when she sings "I've been brewing up your coffee", her voice isn't great. But in the next scene in Beanies, her voice is so much better when she sings "Black coffee, I'm your coffee gal" and 'Cup of Roasted Coffee'. Of course, she could just be not trying in the first scene, but then why does she try in the second scene? Also, she said she was up all night learning the dance, which I don't think she would bother with. I think this is the infection slowly influencing her. However, there is the fact that Emma didn't know the end of the dance. But since Emma is infected but not part of the hivemind, I think she just wouldn't know it cause Zoey and Nora probably learned it from the hivemind.
Secondly, what Paul says to Emma at the start of Inevitable is interesting. He sings "Emma I'm sorry you lost your way". He is part of the hivemind, so he'd know that Emma is infected. She hasn't joined the hivemind, so he thinks that she has lost her way by resisting.
Finally, she interacts with the audience. We know that the infected can break the fourth wall (when they announce the end of the scene at the end of Lah Dee Dah Dah Day). Before she's taken away, she's pleading with the audience. At this point, the infected haven't done anything to her, so the only way she could interact with the audience is if she's infected.
There is a few small things that stop this from being a perfect theory. If she's infected, why doesn't she sing well when asked to sing the beginning of Moana? I can only assume it was out of self-preservation, as if someone had just shot someone who sang well, you wouldn't sing well around them. If she can't sing before being infected, why/who was she in Brigadoon? Not sure, maybe she didn't have a choice, maybe she was in the ensemble.
I also don't really know why Emma would be like this. Why is she out of all people the one immune to the hivemind? I could make up a bunch of angst to explain it, but maybe she's just like that. Human bodies are weird, so maybe she's just the exception.
But hey, that's just a theory. A TGWDLM theory!
Anyway, this is just a fun little theory I came up with. Feel free to poke holes in my theory, just remember to not take it too seriously.
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disney-is-mylife · 3 months
My Disney Villain Categorization because I have lost control of my life
Disclaimer: I am ONLY counting movies from the Walt Disney Animation Studios line-up. That means, no Pixar, DisneyToon, no live-action, etc etc.
If y'all ever want to know what kind of Disnerd I am..... here ya go. I don't come up with theories or headcanons. Instead, I categorize! So here's the giant list no one asked for lmao:
There are Four Major Categories:
Personal Grudge
Means to an End
Each category has two sub-categories, plus sometimes an extra sub-sub-category:
Totalitarianism: The Selfish Tyrant & Imperialism
Personal Grudge: Rise to Power (Aka, Hate Your Dad) & Obsession
Means to an End: Animal/Child Cruelty & Forces of Nature
Ambiguous: Intangible & It's Complicated
Without any further ado, let's dive in!
Tier 1: Totalitarianism
The Selfish Tyrant
What it says on the tin. Already a monarch, already has power, and just abuses it for their own personal reasons.
Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland)
Prince John (Robin Hood)
King Candy/Turbo (Wreck-It Ralph)
King Magnifico (Wish)
Even if it's not literally imperialism, these are the villains who are interested in "spreading" their power, to subjugate others for their own selfish needs, etc.
The Horned King (The Black Cauldron)
Ratigan (The Great Mouse Detective)
Gov. Ratcliffe (Pocahontas)
Shan Yu (Mulan)
Lt. Rourke (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
Alameda Slim (Home on the Range)
King Runeard (Frozen 2)
Tier 2: Personal Grudge
Rise to Power (aka, Hate You/Your Dad)
This formula was particularly popular during the Renaissance (almost HALF of those films employed this!)
Ursula (The Little Mermaid)
Jafar (Aladdin)
Scar (The Lion King)
Hades (Hercules)
Yzma (The Emperor's New Groove)
Dr. Facilier (The Princess and the Frog)
Hans (Frozen)
Bellwether (Zootopia)
These are the villains who don't want or need more power, but rather are fixated on the protagonist, for one reason or another.
Evil Queen (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
Captain Hook (Peter Pan)
Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Shere Khan (The Jungle Book)
Amos Slade (The Fox and the Hound)
Bowler Hat Guy (Meet the Robinsons)
Callaghan (Big Hero 6)
Most of these are toxic romantic abusers, but familial ones are counted as well.
Lumpjaw (Fun & Fancy Free; the Bongo sequence)
Lady Tremaine (Cinderella)
Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)
Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Jack-in-the-Box (Fantasia 2000; the Steadfast Tin Soldier sequence)
Mother Gothel (Tangled)
Ralph (Ralph Breaks the Internet)
Tier 3: Means to an End
These are the villains who have no real interest in "power," but are willing to use unethical methods to get what they want (usually monetary or material desires).
Cruella DeVil (101 Dalmatians)
Edgar (The Aristocats)
Clayton (Tarzan)
Every single Pinocchio villain (besides Monstro lol)!!
Medusa (The Rescuers)
Sykes (Oliver & Company)
McCleach (The Rescuers Down Under)
Forces of Nature
What it says on the tin. These aren't really "bad guys," no matter how scary they appear. They're just Nature and a source of conflict for our heroes.
Monstro (Pinocchio)
T-Rex (Fantasia; the Rite of Spring sequence)
"Man" (Bambi)
The Wolf (Make Mine Music; Peter & the Wolf sequence)
The Rat (Lady and the Tramp)
Black Bear (The Fox and the Hound)
The Firebird (Fantasia 2000; the Firebird Suite sequence)
Carnotaurus (Dinosaur)
Te Ka (Moana)
Don't Fuck with the Fae
Same principle as Forces of Nature, only fantastical/supernatural examples, and as a result, are often more petty or cruel. But mostly, they don't actually do any harm when left alone. But if you cross their path....
Zeus (Fantasia; the Pastoral Symphony sequence)
Chernabog (Fantasia; the Night on Bald Mountain sequence)
Willy the Giant (Fun & Fancy Free; Mickey and the Beanstalk sequence)
The Headless Horseman (The Adventures of Ichabod & Mr. Toad; Sleepy Hollow sequence)
Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone)
Tamatoa (Moana)
Tier 4: Ambiguous
I'm just gonna list the films that have a sorta "villain"-ish, in the sense that there's a major conflict/theme that hurts the protagonists, but is mostly very.... vague or metaphorical.
Dumbo (society/prejudice)
Lady and the Tramp (classism/animal cruelty)
The Fox & the Hound (yes, I counted Amos Slade and the Bear previously, but the "true" villain is Prejudice)
Brother Bear (ironically, would fit under "Obsession/Revenge"..... if the target was more than just an ordinary bear)
Chicken Little (society/bad parents)
Bolt (reality)
Encanto (generational trauma)
Strange World (generational trauma)
It's Complicated:
Honestly, I straight up could not decide on a category for these movies because their "villains" are much more complicated than your average Disney antagonist.
Lilo & Stith
Treasure Planet
Raya and the Last Dragon
And finally!
No Villains:
Here's the handful of Disney movies with absolutely ZERO villains or major antagonists or themes that can be interpreted as the "true" villain/conflict.
(I don't count the Heffalumps and Woozles, because they only exist in Pooh's dream lol)
Saludos Amigos
The Three Cabelleros
Melody Time
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh (2011)
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If you don't mind, could you please write some stories centered on SeraBel? I have no idea what they would be about but I think I'm down for almost anything, I just love these two so much, that discovery snippet was beautiful
Thank you so much!!
I do plan and want to write more for them, I just have no specific plot in mind currently. I don’t know when exactly but you’ll definitely see more of them!
I’m also contemplating taking Moana out of some of the many AUs she’s in. She’s there because she massively won polls (at the time when I had no OC for Mirabel) but then when I actually post stuff for them, it gets no interaction? Like at least sixty people voted for her, you mean to tell me not one of them stuck around to see her in the actual AU/fic/art/quote/etc? 😂. Proving the theory that nobody seems to actually care for her - she’s just the favourite or “least bad” option on the poll.
I digress, there just isn’t a point in using Moana; especially when she was picked by people who clearly aren’t here to see it, right? I might as well use Sera!
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My theory is that Nani and lilo ancestor or Moana and Simea on they mother side I think the island that Moana and her crew go to in second movie is Kokaua Town , what you think please retweet
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flynncorvus · 8 months
Moana Was High 🌊✨🌿
(CW: Obviously I will mention that, but this theory is all in good fun! Read with Caution and Responsibility!)
So you know that scene in the Boat Storage Cave, where Moana bangs on the drum? The whole song with Lin Manuel Miranda? (Our Hamilton King fr)
Well, she was in a large, damp, and moist area; with very minimal light. Perfect place for the growth of- wait for it- FUNGI! 🍄
And when she bangs on the drum;
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(Sorry for poor quality, only GIF I could Find)
Guess what happens.
There are ~spores~
And they fly into her face
What happens right after she bangs on the drum? Oh right, the sails start to glow. She can see her ancestors. And she can hear all of them singing.
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My dad pointed this one out, and I thought it was funny-
Thank you Dad for feeding my unhinged Tumblr Feed
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