#moana kid
disneyfanatic1993 · 4 months
Moana 2 Teaser Trailer
•My Disney-fied brain: “Aww, how cute! They’re giving Moana a little sibling! 😍”
I know it’s not true, but I also know I’m not the only one who thought this. 😂
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keticatowo · 19 days
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I forgot to show how macaques glow. And you were pinned to the wall.
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icarusredwings · 18 days
kidwades opinion on Moana? you can do all of em if you want, but i’m specifically curious about logan’s kidwade!
- @laddies-rambles
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So firstly, Nessa's Wade is definitely the type to stare wide-eyed and with a small triangle mouth when there is singing or water scenes. He especially likes baby moana, and if Ness lets him, he'll put his hands on the screen and sit up a bit more excitedly. "Baby?" He'll ask her because he didn't really yap, so he's more of a gabber, very few actual words but a lot of huffs, sighs, whines, grunts, etc. She has come to learn "Be easy with her. She's little" gets his hands off the tv and he sits back on his knees with his hands in his lap. Wades undying love for children is so strong that even as his smallest self he still wants to keep them safe. It's so cute though to see him shift around excitedly and full out giggle at the baby scene every time though.
In all honesty it breaks Vanessa's heart considering they were supposed to start a family but now that isn't such a good idea. They've already had a long talk about it while he was big and as much as it broke him, he didn't want to risk their child having any mental issues or problems like him incase they ended up being genetic.
Logan's wade, much like Al's wade, thinks of her grandmother as Al and cries every single time. The movie is a huge range of emotions for him so sometimes can stress him out more depending how little he is today, you will see him tear up, make a pouting grunting noise and then run off to find Al. He hugs her and curls up with her, rambling that he doesn't want her to die and that it's not fair for her to leave him forever. This is usually when Logan would intervene if Al was persay- Sleeping and then jumped on for snuggles, Logan would have to pull him away and comfort him. He's already (MISTAKENLY) tried to explain the concept of death to him while he was like this, and it made things WAY worse. Like WAAAAYYY worse.
So now- He's learned to skip this part.
"Kid, Look over there!!!" *skips this entire scene*
"What?" "Aw shucks I thought I saw something. Oh well." And he never notices really that it's skipped. It's never a good idea to let such a little mind with multiple opinions linger on such a big thought for long. Other then that though, he ADORES the water scenes and it makes Logan question if he should take him to the beach but then remembers that he cant swim and gets a bit upset about that.
Poolveriness' Wade is just as same obsessed with the water scenes but is actually able to handle the entire movie, understanding the powers that moana has and that this movie is "Very girl power" as he says. He also likes the green earthly woman and the sparkly crab. Sometimes, he will vocal stem. "I ate my grandma."
He heavily enjoys watching her walk through the water and such and tells them that she's "Princess jesus"
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cherllyio · 6 months
The Warrior of Flower Fruit Mountain
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This is Macaques design from my Moana AU.
He is currently an enomurs and terryfing Shadow Monster, but he was once Sun Wukongs old "friend", and travel buddy on their many voyages together in the past.
Why is he like this? Well i made little angsty backstory, with clues to what happend to the once great Warrior.
You can read it either here, or on A03 where i also posted it (here)
The Voyager, The Sun and The Monster
Chapter 1 (Prolouge): Drowned by your Love
There is a small island, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, where both terrifying demons and small monkeys live together. One of these creatures inhabiting the Island, while just as much monkey and demon as the rest, stand outs quite a lot.
He has beautiful silk white hair, six magical ears, that can catch the wind flap of a bird thousands of miles away, and a pair of radiant golden eyes, that will pierce through anyone who dares come near.
His name? Liu Mihou. Also rightfully known as “The Warrior of Flower Fruit Mountain”
On normal circumstances The Warrior would be either be training, gathering food supplies for him and the other monkeys, or making his presence known, to any hostile idiot, dumb enough to try and challenge him. 
But not today. Today, you can find The Warrior in the early morning light, preparing for voyage he is not sure when, or if he will ever come back from.
Yet... The Silk Monkey knows it will be worth it. For the person he is looking for is worth everything, and more, that can be worth something in this world.
 “The King of Flower Fruit Mountain!”, “The great sage equal to heaven!”, “The Monkey King!”. Or, as Mihou knew him: “My Sun”.
Just a few hundred years ago, these two celestial monkeys were sailing through all the great oceans together. Battling through storms, strong enough to destroy entire islands, becoming more powerful than the other demons could ever hope to become, and at the same time forming a bond strong enough, to become something greater than friendship.
Except…that all changed when Sun Wukong started playing against a power, he was not prepared for. The power of the Jade Emperor.
This traitorous act against the emperor, would ultimately end in the great sage’s downfall, where he would be catched and imprisoned by the Buddha himself, and pinned down by his very hand. And now, he was now trapped under “Five Element Mountains”, until an unknown destiny would free him.
Nobody, not even the wisest of the immortals, knew when that day would come.
It’s been 500 years since the great sage’s new destiny, fell upon him. Yet now... he has disappeared.
Mihou didn’t know how or where, or if it was done by fair means or foul. He solely knew that the once immense mountain, that had once sealed away his sun, was now only rubles and ashes of its former greatness.
Initially Mihou had been exited, ecstatic even, about this news. However, he quickly realized that like mountain, the King too was gone.
No messages, no clues, no anything. He was truly… gone... But he wasn’t "gone, gone" that would be crazy! "Sun Wukong, The Great sage equal to heaven" could never, would never.... Yea... His sun is fine, he will surely find him!
Plus, Mihou got all the things he needs to find The King, his magic ears being a big part of it. And then… they can be together again, and everything will be balanced, just like before! After all, how can a moon shine without its sun?
He confidently looks down at his own reflection, his silk white hair and shining ears animated in the cold and radiant water below. Everything is going to be ok.
But then he notices the dark roots crawling up his hair.
Dark roots that are slithering its way inside his silk white hair, like an infection, and turning it as dark as a burned corpse.
And nearly, one thirds of his entire mane can’t reflect any of the suns glow back anymore. And it will never be able to do it again.
For a second, it catches The Warrior off guard, but he really shouldn’t haven’t been surprised by this.
These dark roots have slowly been taking up more and more of his silk white hair, for well… Mihou keeps failing to remember that, but it was before his sun disappeared, he knows that much.
Mihou closes his eyes, trying to push the thoughts back. But instead, an old memory creeps up, and fills his soul with dread.
A demon. It attacked them.
They were young, stupid and furthermore in love, and together, they thought nothing could stop. Neither in celestial realm nor on earth.
Sure, Mihou was barely half the power of his counterpart, but that didn’t matter. It never really had mattered. The only thing Mihou and Wukong had ever cared about was each other.
Except, this time, it DID matter. Because… Wukong got hurt. Badly hurt.
There had been so much blood… Macaque could barely look at him… and Mihou had started panicking… while a piercing cry had cut through the air, when his Sun was impaled… The world turned around… everything had become so awfully quiet.
And Mihou had just been STANDING THERE. He had done nothing, but tremoring in horror over the cursed remains that was his dying sun. And then that awful, awful demon that had HURT HIS SUN, started whispering terrible, terrible words in his all too powerful ears…
“Oh, how sad” … “did he mean much too you?” … “What a pity…” … “you should have protected him better then…”
And… He listened. For wasn’t it true?
Wasn’t he the one who now stood beside his fading sun, that could barely light any brighter than the flickers of an ending campfire? Wasn’t he the one who had just been standing by his side, while his sun had worked so hard for everyone. Worked so hard and continued getting stronger. To get strong enough to protect his people. To protect Mihou. And he is now dying for the sake of a six eared demon, that would never be able to pay him back. Mihou hadn’t earned any of that. Wukong hadn’t deserved that. Mihou was a traitor.
The demon didn’t even notice, before it was too late. The demon didn’t even notice, before his insides lay before him, and he lied next to it. The demon didn’t even seem to notice Mihou’s scream of agony and pain, before his soul had already left his body.
Everything after that was a blur.
A blur filled with small glimpses of his dying sun, while an unworthy Warrior had desperately tried to save him.
And when the world finally came back into the view, his sun… His sun was ok. His sun was ok. His sun was ok.
“Sorry I scared you so badly there, my dear moon”, Wukong had said with a sad look on his face. “I must admit, he wasn’t as strong as me, but he sure was clever.” His sun had said with a grin on his face.
And oh… How Mihou could have looked at that smile forever. Yet… he was constantly reminded of what had happened.
If that demon… If that god forsaken demon had been any stronger, just a bit, Wukong…
Mihou couldn’t risk that… Never again would he look at his dying sun, covered in his own torn open flesh and shattered bones. Never again would he hear, Wukong’s breath draw close to its final limit. Never again would The Great Sage be betrayed by his own Warrior, who he thought he could trust to always protect him.
For in The Warriors own eyes, he was a traitor. A foul soul who would simply overserve as a prejudiced destiny would drown out the only spark of hope left for their island and its people.
Hence why Mihou did, what he did next.
On the darkest day of the year, where the shadows rosed higher, than their own creators, Mihou stood in the middle of an abandoned Island. He was hoping for someone who could help. And soon enough, someone rose up. The silhouette of the darkness. A spirit. One made of magic not seen quite often.
“The six eared Macaque asks for my help. Don’t you have enough assistance from the king already?” the spirit remarked in a gravelly, judging, voice, whilst turning itself into a clone of The Great Sage to prove its point.
“Yes, please, I need your wisdom…”
“My wisdom… Well, there sure is a considerably amount of that, you will have to be more specific…”
Even though he knew exactly, what he had been come for, it still took Mihou a few seconds, before he finally answered:
“How do I protect someone, who is stronger than me? How do I make sure, I can help someone, when I barely have the strength of the wind, against a storm coming their way?”
Mihou could feel small tears starting to pierce through his eyes, yet he did little to stop them. “How do I make sure, I don’t betray the people I love, when they need me the most?”
The silence after that was barely enough time for the water to hit shore in its never-ending rhythm. Despite that, it had felt like millions of winters and summers had already passed, by the time the silhouette finally spoke again.
“There is one way….”
Mihou looked up.
“However, as all things, it comes with great consequences.”
“I will do anything, please! Just tell me what I need to do!”
The silhouette seemed to watch him like a hawk.
“You are more stupid than you look, Warrior of Flower Fruit Mountain.”
The shadow started morphing into something else.
“Liu’er Mihou, for my power you need to know. This power requires the utmost control. One step aside could lead you drowning in its pit, leaving you only as host to submit.”
The shadows showed The Warrior consumed by shadows, until there is no light left in him.
Mihou took a deep breath.
“How can I control it then?”
“Warrior, only destiny will be your reaper.”
It morphs back into its normal silhouette.
“Now… do you accept this power?”
Mihou, looking back, should probably have thought it more through. But back then, the guilt and love for his Sun had been so strong, it had almost blinded him.
“I do, I accept it.”
And then everything went black.
Hundreds of years later, Mihou still doesn’t know, how or when he ended back on Flower Fruit Mountain.
But that didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered then, was the power he had now. The power to protect the island, its monkeys and… his sun.
Wukong was skeptical at first, luckily the King had always been more of the oblivious type, so he quickly started to pride the new power as much as Lihou used too.
The newfound power Liu’er Mihou had gained were shadow powers. He could manipulate, create or absorb any shadow as he pleased.
This power also made it easier for him to learn the “72 transformations”, which Wukong had already learned hundreds of years ago, since Mihou could “copy” them using his shadow powers, until he didn’t need Wukong by his side anymore to do it.
Though, as all things, it wouldn’t last long until he learned the consequences of his choices firsthand.
Wukong and Mihou had been fighting a demon, who was stronger than what they were used to, but they had been fighting a lot of them recently, anyway. However, for just a second, Macaque had become cocky, and his let the shadow powers run free to devour their enemy whole.
Expect, after the fight was over, Macaque noticed the dark hair for the first time.
It had been small at first, barely noticeable, but with every “slip up” it had gotten more and more noticeable.
It wasn’t just if he got cocky in battle. If something had hurt him mentally, it would also grow. Which, when Wukong got trapped under the mountain… The infection had grown to the length of two small snakes crawling up his legs and arms in just a few hours.
Moreover, when they got into a fight while Wukong was trapped… The fur on his legs was almost completely black.
So, the 500 years that had slowly been passing by had been both a physically and mental war in his head, that from each day that had went by got closer and closer to winning…
The lack of a king also meant that more demons had started to attack Flower Fruit Mountain, therefore Macaque had to use way more power than usual, which would just make the curse worse...
And then every night, if it was a quiet one, he would cry himself to sleep, in his now empty nest.
Yet, as the black fur was getting dangerously close to his heart, which Mihou did not want to find out what happened if it reached it, there was… hope.
Wukong was free now after all!
Mihou was so sure, that as soon as they found each other again. When he could finally embrace that golden fur again, everything would be fine.
And as Mihou looked down the boat, now ready for the long voyage ahead, he felt A hope rise in his chest, for the first time in these 500 years.
Everything will be ok; nothing bad ever happen anymore.
Wukong is waiting for him after him after all!
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jacarandaaaas · 7 months
spreading my agenda
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pardonmydelays · 10 months
ok i need to see something
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paschameleon · 23 days
Here is the rest of the princess kids!!!
Evangeline (daughter of Tiana and Naveen)
Jamie (daughter of Tiana and Naveen)
Saundra (daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene)
Hazel (daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene)
Flynn (son of Rapunzel and Eugene)
Annora (daughter of Merida and a descendant of one of Mor’du’s brothers)
Moira (daughter of Merida and a descendant of one of Mor’du’s brothers)
Adira (daughter of Merida and a descendant of one of Mor’du’s brothers)
Matai (son of Moana and a childhood friend from Motunui)
Damai (daughter of Raya and Namaari)
Suslio (son of Raya and Namaari)
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sindysugar · 8 months
The thing is... Moana 2 releasing so soon, with the knowledge they possibly dropped the show in favor for a sequel... Got me reminded of other "sequel" movies Disney has done in the past when they were playing with the idea of making shows or just failed attempts...
Got me wondering if Moana 2 will just end up formatted like these...
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summer-time333 · 7 months
Favorite Shapeshifting Characters
Nimona from Nimona (2023)
Vee and Stringbean from The Owl House
Camilo from Encanto
Beast Boy from Teen Titans
MK and Sun Wukong from Lego Monkie Kid
Maui from Moana
Meilin Lee from Turning Red
Marceline and Marshall Lee from Adventure Time
Jake Long from Jake Long: American Dragon
Luca and Alberto from Luca
Sisu from Raya and the Last Dragon
Red from Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
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hatchetasks · 5 months
i wanna give a shoutout to one person i did moana jr with. she was a fisherman in the ensemble and when the chief and moana go one abt "nO oNe GoEs BeYoNd ThE rEaf" she really sold her background acting like. she reacted. like good job.
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
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moltenhair · 8 months
I want to first state that I have no feelings about the Moana sequel one way or the other. Do I like that everything is remakes and sequels right now? No. But it was remakes and sequels when I was a kid too so what room do I have to call the movies for kids today "repetitive"?
With that said: if I see one more person imply that the Moana sequel could have no plot because the first movie resolved the story or that it's just gonna do the same things over again... as if it's not based on a whole ass culture with its own complete ass mythology of stories they could draw from I'm gonna pull my hair out.
There is so much that could be done even if that specific plot point did resolve. When you graduate high school your life doesn't end just because your primary school education plotline resolved. There can be more to a life than a single plotline in a world full of stories waiting to be found.
That being said. Disney, you better NOT just use the plotlines of the first film to fuel the second and ignore all of that mythology. I have a SHRED of faith left in this company's ability to tell stories. Please reach a little higher than the lowest hanging fruit this time.
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cherllyio · 9 months
Lego Monkie Kid x Moana AU
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Rewatched Moana and was like: "Man, Maui is kinda like Wukong" and now we have this
(i might edit this as i go)
MK(Moana): A strange but hyperactive boy, who dreams about great voyages at sea. The same his hero, Sun Wukong, also went on. From a young age, he has felt connection to the ocean, that can never truly be explained.
Wukong(Maui): "The great demigod equal to the seven seas. He has been on many great voyages, on which he has liftided up the sky, created coconuts among many other things. He once had compainions with him on these journeys, but they are all gone now. He also possesed the abilty to transform, but for some reason, cant anymore... He is currently trapped on an Island, unable to get away. He also hates that he is demigod, and will correct anyone who says he is one.
Pigsy and Tang(Moanas parents): The head chief of the island, and his husband, who despartly tried to get MK to stop waisting his time with The Monkie Kings stories and instead become the head chief of the island. They simply dont want him to be like thoughs monsters, from the Monkie king stories, that they may be related to in some way or the other...
Nuwa(Grandma Tala): She isnt MK's real grandma, but he still calls her it (even though her dads does not like her). She told MK all the great stories of the Monkie King, which started his hyperfixation on Sun Wukong and dreams about fantastic voayges. She did this in the hopes he could do... something with this. Im making her morally grey in this AU, since in canon we dont know Nuwa yet.. She was also the one who gave him, his staff-shaped necklace.
Sandy(The water): He is literally a water demon originally- of course i had to make him the morally support water that helps MK through his journery.
Spider Queen(Tamatoa): A giand spider crab, that loves gold as much as herself. She also seems to have the knowledge of why Wukong cant transform anymore.
The Demon Bull family(The coconut pirates): Yea- they just here for the chaos, the funsies, and being good villians, just like the show. :D
Macaque(Tefiti): Once a mighty warrior, that traveled with the great sage, and had a very close bond with. But now he is an angry and terryfing shadow monster Why has he changed? Well, that is the quiston isnt it?;) (Dont worry i have a good angsty backstory for it)
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mekaetee · 1 month
My chronically online ass put together a top 50 song compilation for August!
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blooberri-pi · 4 months
on my school camp i was at this past week, we were watching moana, right and during how far I'll go literally EVERYONE like close to 100 kids screaming the lyrics and close to the end of the song I heard this one girl that I am friends with from the other side of the room yell "Key Change Guys!"
She's great
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jessiesjaded · 10 months
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She looks so sad 😭
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