#disney theories
disneyfanatic1993 · 4 months
Moana 2 Teaser Trailer
•My Disney-fied brain: “Aww, how cute! They’re giving Moana a little sibling! 😍”
I know it’s not true, but I also know I’m not the only one who thought this. 😂
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princess-ibri · 2 years
Finally decided to post my DisneyVerse timeline on here. Also, went through and tagged all posts pertaining to my personal shared Disney universe as #DisneyVerse so they can be easily found :) Enjoy!
(Hope these notes are easy to understand)
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(Nobody come at me with the Encanto placement ok? I know people keep saying its in the 1950s but those are turn of the century clothing styles and I will stick by that xD )
Will edit this as stuff is added/adjusted
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Sadira Father and mother moment before she was born in agarbah. / and the show bridgerton is about sadira father and mother live ( Kate and Anthony) please leave comments
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kalismoon · 19 days
Remember that scene in Lilo and Stitch where Lilo is late because it was sandwich day and she says “it’s an abomination to feed Pudge the fish, tuna because what is tuna? FISH!” (Paraphrasing).
And then she mentions it’s important because Pudge controls the weather.
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Did you know that Maui in Moana turns into a fish? And did you know that in the folklore, Maui can control the weather?
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And wouldn’t it be weird as hell if this wasn’t a coincidence?
lol, I think it actually is because originally animators hid their work on Lilo and Stitch from their bosses. They were like, “this is too weird of a film for Disney” and it wasn’t til when the majority of the work had been finished, was their side project discovered and immediately loved.
So I don’t think this was an intentional lore for Disney but rather a funny coincidence.
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disneytheorizer · 2 months
**Spoiler Alert**
If you haven’t seen the Book of Bill yet, don’t read this post.
Bill Cipher’s possible connection to the Disney Universe:
Throughout the Book of Bill, we see many references to other Disney films and lore. While yes, I know that Gravity Falls is owned by Disney, I feel like not many acknowledge this. Within the Book of Bill, he’s drawn in a Steamboat Willie style, his head is on Chernabog’s body (replacing Chernabog’s head), and of course in the Theraprism room, we see him next to Kronos. While this is the famous painting of Saturn eating his son and while that painting is often referred to as a depiction of Kronos, it’s important to note that this is Disney we’re talking about here and the only major film considered canon within the Disney Universe regarding Greek Mythology is Hercules. In the movie Hercules, it’s villain Hades has fiery blue hair and happens to be the son of Kronos, he also can manipulate blue flames at will. You know who else has been shown to do that? Bill Cipher.
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Could this means there is a possible connection between Bill Cipher and Hades? It’s important to note that Hades appears very different from the other Gods, they all glow whereas he does not, they don’t have any elemental design to them whereas he does. It begs the question if the powers of Hades came from Bill Cipher himself and it ended up changing his appearance. Perhaps Bill saved Hades from Kronos and a deal was made, perhaps Bill is the reason why Hades became a villain in the first place. I know this is a major stretch but in my mind, I feel as if this isn’t coincidental. I always felt as if Bill had some sort of connection to the Disney Canon Universe and technically he does. There have been references to him in DuckTales which is part of the Donald Duck universe which by extension is part of the Mickey Mouse universe which connects to the overall Disney universe.
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veryrobin · 9 months
All the hassle in Lady and the Tramp could have easily been avoided:
Even amount of meatballs — provided both dogs are equally hungry, which in most multi-dog households is an assumption when similar in size — would avoid having to push tomato-sauced meat with the snout
Shorter strands of spaghetti as the dogs clearly struggle to slurp, and, let’s be honest, long spaghetti was meant to be twirled onto a spoon with a fork, two utensils I do not see the dogs using any day soon
Finally, of course, they should have simply served the spaghetti in separate bowls
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notfa-mousyet · 1 year
I was today years old when I realized that A Bug's Life was based off of a Aesop's Fable with a mafia au aftermath story.
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shenna--ss · 2 years
Remus. Just Remus.
Remus: What if- Janus: NO. I AM DONE WITH YOUR CONSPIRACY THEORIES- Remus: Janus: IT'S 5 AM REMUS, THOMAS DOESN'T NEED YOUR CRACKHEAD RIGHT NO- Remus: Boo from Monsters Inc., is the witch from Brave. Roman, in the distance: Oh come on! Not Disney!
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bklily · 7 months
The difference between the TWST servers after this recent March update has been incredibly funny.
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lavenderr-starrs · 1 month
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This is probably just a silly litttle coincidence but I’m watching Cinderella three cause it’s a sweet movie that I thoroughly enjoy and wished it was the second cause it’s genuinely just great
But in the scene where fairy god mothers wand turned her into stone I went “Huh, looks like the statue of the seven”
And that got me thinking of a what if the statues are the ACTUAL seven petrified For their crimes but then maybe 100 of thousands years go by and people of twisted wonderland misinterpreted history when those statues were discovered
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t-dubber · 2 months
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If Stan taught Mabel how to box, then Ford taught Dipper how to shoot, along with some very brief hunter’s safety. He especially wanted someone else to know how that freaky sci-fi gun worked in a pinch.
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ashieeeesh · 1 month
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biceratops7 · 1 year
Ok is ANYONE else talking about the “evil coffee” theory yet??? Or is that just the discord I’m in
Cause like…. Who the FUCK puts THAT much emphasis on a RANDOM CUP OF COFFEE??
I mean Aziraphale literally says “I made my position clear” and then Metaron is immediately like “aAAH, but I brought you.. an OAT milk LaTé 👹” with foreboding music and ominous shots like some scene straight out of a fucking Disney movie, OH Kay… I see you you Jafar sounding bitch 😭😂
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rayroseu · 7 months
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HEAD IN HANDS,,,, Just realized the profound realization that at Knight of Dawn and Meleanor's fight, I know they'll never talk it out... But I just realized that the story even expresses that fact visually....
throughout their fight and even until their death, they stayed at their "masked" form.
So, in Knight of Dawn's view, Meleanor was just a dragon and why the story makes it seem like he's just "insensitive" to the fact she's a living person too, because in that fight, he viewed her a monstrous dragon because Meleanor fought him as that. And, Dawn as a human, can't possibly interpret Meleanor's language as a dragon, much like how Humans are inept in fae language and why humans are still having a difficult time understanding faes and their morals.
The same thing with Meleanor, Knight of Dawn was in full armor in that time, so in Meleanor's point of view, Knight of Dawn was just "a piece of metals". (Like how Malleus viewed Ortho as just a "metallic technology"). Additionally, Knight of Dawn was a person who seem to want to say many things but never did(?), so Meleanor never heard him—
So their resistance, in giving up their role was expressed in the narrative decision that Meleanor fights as a dragon and Knight of Dawn will fight her in full armor and also he's a person who doesn't speak much especially in battles (much like a "metal").
Dawn was only "understood" somewhat when he crashed to Lilia, causing his head armor to fall off.... causing his "mask" to fall off
Its the little things to me OKAYY 🥹🥹😭😭
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wellerdanny · 8 months
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They're sameeee omgsfuzduraru😭
They're giving the Same vibe,
I can't, I really like them together 😭😭😭
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lukewarmoverthinker · 2 months
Idk how many people noticed this but while rewatching gravity falls, in “Carpet Diem” when they find the secret room the first thing Stan notices and grabs are a pair of Fords glasses. Later in the episode we see him cleaning them on the couch.
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