#miserable cars 2 headcanons
cars2-renaissance · 15 days
This week on, losing sleep to Finnland agony:
He had to make the report.
I think he would've caught up to Crabby after the oil rigs and got back on board to make it back to the harbor. But that time he would've been silent as the grave the whole way.
He would've had to go back to the place he and Leland had been staying. It would've still had the things Leland was traveling with.
He would've had to make the report. He sent the pictures of the camera off to London and he would've reported the oil platforms. Maybe there was a video call on which he gave his report. Then at the end...
"Where's Agent Turbo?"
"He didn't make it."
"My condolences. Stay where you are. We'll be sending an update soon."
I bet the video transmission Leland sent was still on Finns computer. I wonder if he tried to watch it again at some point. I doubt he made it very far. I know he cried after that. Finn is really good at stuffing his emotions down and carrying on. It's how he stays alive in situations like that. But at the end of the day it has to come back up. What a miserable night that must've been.
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BG3 Characters Safest Driver Headcanons
I've been thinking about that poll from months ago way too much, so I've pulled this from my drafts. In this essay, I will explain why Boo is the best driver. Astarion: Terrible. Absolutely terrible driver. He is doing his makeup with the visor down, looking at the mirror more than the road. Suspend your disbelief, he's driving in this universe. He can use mirrors. ♥ You have to grab the steering wheel, regularly. Without warning, the man twists around to find his purse in the back seat because he wants a different eyeliner than what he grabbed. You are on aux duty. He hates everything you've picked. 2/10, he lawyered his way into that license Gale: You would think he would be safe, but then you remember that Gale didn't pay attention in boring classes. And how hard could driving really be?? The man knows how to drive perfectly textbook. He also thinks he knows how to do it better than everyone else. He does not adapt well to poor drivers. The roads are full of poor drivers. He is yeling "Zipper!" at the merging traffic. You spend five minutes in the parking lot so he can find just the right song for the trip.
6/10, you will probably not die Halsin: The man drives slow, I'm sorry. He's fuel efficient as you can get with the windows down. He pulls over and stops traffic for ducks crossing the road, no matter what the current road conditions are. He stops to show you the new tree the neighbor got. He is a Yellowstone Park tourist. He wants to show you the world, one traffic-stopping mid-road parking job at a time. There is no music, we are listening to nature today. 4/10, you will be rear-ended with him and not the way most people want Jaheira: I stand by what I said last time: Jaheira reminds me of so many older women I know. She drives like she wants someone to start shit with her. She's so conditioned by having 5 kids fighting in the backseat at all times that every time she's behind the wheel she's having Vietnam-level flashbacks. Her blood is pumping in her ears. There is no road, there is only the red of her vision. She won't start the road rage incident directly, but by god, she will end it. (You tried to ask about music, but the look she gave you when asked killed the question.) 5/10, you make it to your destination intact. But at what cost? Your pants are a different color at the end of the trip than they were at the beginning. Karlach: Karlach is talking with her hands while she drives. She's fiddling with the radio constantly. You've blown four red lights. Three of them were the same red light because she took a wrong turn. She will not use GPS, she's got the vibe of where she's going. She was trying to show you something on her phone at the same time. It cannot wait. It was so good you have to see it right now. The tunes are so loud she hasn't heard the sirens behind her. 4/10, the tunes almost make up for it Lae'zel: You are helping her check her mirror distance before you get in the car. You are buckled in before the car even starts. You are not allowed to touch the light in the car if it is dark out. She was taught that it's illegal to have on at night and she takes that shit seriously. You are on blindspot-watching duty at all times. You're not allowed to have music on the in car, it is a distraction. 7/10, we are efficient, but we are miserable Minsc: Minsc cannot drive. Minsc was meant to drive today, but Minsc got into the wrong seat. We are all relieved. Jaheira trained him wrong on purpose and will kill you if you correct him. 0/10, don't even try. He will survive the accident, you will not. Minthara: Minthara, light of my life. She is gremlin cackling and riding bumpers the whole time. People are pulling off constantly to get away from her. You are white-knuckling in the passenger seat and are too afraid to let go of the bitch-bar. You pray her airbags are up to date because your life has not stopped flashing before your eyes since you got onto the road. We are exclusively listening to The Flight of the Valkyries. 7/10, it is shockingly efficient when no one else is on the road anymore
Shadowheart: I have been in many a 'Shadowhearts' car. The car is more of a problem than she is. She drives the type of car that makes people go, "You live like this?" She drives a manual. She was not trained to drive a manual. Almost every single dash light is on, the ones that aren't had their bulbs die out years ago. We don't know how old that trash is, but it lives here now. She has one of those cassette players that has to hook into your phone to come out the speakers. Good luck finding the right adaptor in the mess. 4/10, girl get your shit together Wyll: Wyll is the best driver, hands down...when he is alone. Like all things in his life, his greatest flaw is being too polite. He turns his whole fucking head to look at you when you talk because that is the polite thing to do. The road is secondary to how important your conversation and companionship are to him. And you can't not talk him! He's asking you genuine questions about your day because he's interested. You get to listen to whatever you want and he's totally down for it even if it's not normally his thing. He'll find something he likes about it. Alone: 100/10, he somehow makes everyone better drivers by just being on the road With you: 5/10, Wyll, please, look at the road. ;_;
Boo: My eyes are closed. It's better this way. We made it there in record time. I don't know how it happened. I don't need to know how it happened. ?/10, it's best if you don't think about it
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st7rnioioss · 4 months
౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆ arguments with bf!matt headcanons pt. 2
matt sturniolo x reader
warnings: fluff, idk??😫 some are kiiind of suggestive, sorry i cant help it
a/n: hello hello, long awaited part 2😛 enjoy😇 i fell asleep btw HELP i’m so sorry i took so long
part 1
- Wanting to sleep on the couch because you got into an argument? Not happening. Matt is picking you up when he’s sure you’re asleep, gently placing you in your shared bed, pulling you closer (angry cuddles - pt. 1). Even tho you’re still upset with each other, he’s not going to bed without you beside him.
- (suggestive!!) Matt noticed you had gotten jealous because he posted a picture with a past girlfriend. He’d laugh it off at first, laughing at your stern face, pulling you in to kiss you. He quickly made sure to show you how much he loves you. (as in spending the whole night in his room, making sure when you wake up tomorrow you’re sure he’s the only girl he could ever want).
- I can never imagine Matt fighting for real with his girlfriend. I feel like both of you would realise it was built up stress or tiredness and had nothing to do with each other. After yelling for a bit he’d pull you in for a hug, whispering ‘sorry’.
- (suggestive!!) If he’s cocky enough he’d have make-up sex with you. Soft, slow sex, whispering countless times how sorry he is and how much he loves you. He wouldn’t do this all the time as he prefers to talk it out. Getting to understand exactly what you’re feeling and why, and the other way around.
- Taking you on late night drives!! He’d pull you into the passenger seat even tho you protested, driving around town, maybe getting food, talking it out like this. You didn’t protest though, deep down this is one of your favourite ways to spend time with Matt.
- One time you had gotten so upset you left his house to go to your own, even tho you practically lived with the triplets. Friday rolled around, and Thursday night there was no car video recorded yet. Saturday morning you checked your phone, realising they hadn’t posted their Friday video. You got concerned, going to their house to find Nick and Chris in the living room.
‘Is everything alright? I noticed you guys didn’t post anything yesterday.’ you asked as you sat beside Nick, Chris looking up from his phone.
‘Yeah, Matt is fucking miserable. I don’t know, he said you guys got into an argument this Tuesday. He haven’t left bed.’ Chris mumbled, looking back down on his phone.
Immediately you sat up, finding Matt huddled up in his bed. There was dark, the curtains still shut, no light from his phone. You tiptoed closer, realising he was asleep. He looked peaceful, but you couldn’t help but feel guilty.
Your clothes was in Matt’s closet, taking a hoodie and a pair of pyjamas pants to cuddle up against Matt’s back. He must’ve waken up, because he mumbled a low ‘is it you? y/n?’, turning his head.
‘Yeah, it’s me. I’m so so sorry, Matt.’ you smiled apologetically, caressing his cheek with your thumb. His expression softened, leaning in to kiss your lips.
‘God, I’ve missed that.’ he whispered, a smile tugging on his lips before he leaning in again.
- After having an episode like this (literally one time), he’d take you out the next day. You insisted it should be the other way around since you had been in the wrong, but Matt insisted on taking you (in reality he just wanted to be ‘friends again’).
‘Matt, you’re annoying. Go away.’ I hissed, pushing Matt away from attempting to kiss me with a hand on his chest. I was keeping my gaze on my phone in front of me. I had moved to the couch after our tiny discussion.
‘Oh, come on. Are you still mad?’ Matt smirked, kind of amused by your reaction. It seemed like nothing to him, but you were pretending to be pissed.
‘You’re not funny. Move, I can’t see my phone.’ I pushed his head away. Matt stood up, looking at me for a second before returning to his room.
After a tiny hour, I felt my eyes getting droopy. It was scrolling mindlessly, my eyes half closed. I decided to stand up as my head was literally tilting to the side.
Almost falling over my own feet, I stumbled into Matt’s room, dropping to my knees onto his bed. ‘Someone changed their mind, hm?’ Matt teased, looking up from his phone.
‘Shut up.’ I mumbled, closing my eyes as my head hit his chest, cuddling up in his covers. I almost instantly fell asleep, the last thing I noticed being Matt turning off the light, pulling me closer with a kiss on the top of my head.
- If Matt had to leave early the next day after an argument, I’m so convinced he’d leave a small note or letter along with a flower (or two) on the kitchen counter
a/n: if you couldn’t tell, i was running out of ideas🤩
taglist: @chrissgirlsstuff @leah-loves-lilies @toriinie @cupidzsq @lacysturniolo @iluvmattyb @ratatioulle @emma4eva @riasturns @sstvrnioloo @sweetbabydoe @elliewrites1 @its-jennarose @abbypost let me know if you'd like to be added!
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crushedsweets · 1 month
I'm the sweetest girl in town; so why are you so mean? Nina 'the Killer' Hopkins in Creeped PT 3: NEW MESSAGE
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General disclaimer: This AU is an amalgamation of headcanons, fanon, canon, and the occasional rewrite. There is an overarching story that HEAVILY strays from their canon stories. TW for toxic relationships, murder, and violence. Please take care of yourself and only engage in content you can handle.
❥Nina’s nails anxiously tapped against the front desk of a shoddy motel. It was one of the first she stayed at when she moved to Tuscaloosa, so when ‘Mark’ asked to meet her somewhere discreet, she immediately thought back to her miserable nights here.
❥She paid for the night and awkwardly made her way to the room, long acrylics fidgeting with the key. She felt eyes burning into her. The receptionist glaring at her down the hall, the truckers peering through the blinds, roomkeepers casting judgmental glances. She kept texting Mark, asking when he’d show up. 
❥By time Nina entered the room, he stopped replying entirely. She deadbolted the door and sat on the dusty mattress, quietly running her hands along her thighs to self-soothe. She kicked off her baggy sweatpants, revealing a mini skirt and torn tights. Nina just wanted Mark to reply. She didn’t want to get stood up. She wanted to see him so badly. She dressed up for him in uncomfortable clothes, did her makeup especially pretty, washed her hair and shaved her legs.
❥An hour went by with nothing. She would pace around the room and send him a text every few minutes. Peek through the blinds, scanning over the dark parking lot. Rain poured hard onto the asphalt and the street lamps flickered. A few busted up cars were littered about the lot. She’d text him a photo of it, making a comment about how pretty it looked. Then, Nina would return to the bathroom. Reapply her lipstick, fix her mascara, re-do her ponytail. Then text him again. Then flip through channels. Then text him again. She eventually laid down on the bed, staring blankly at their messages. Her hopes were dissipating, until-
❥New Message! ❥”im outside, open the door. its cold”
❥Nina was quick. She shot right up out of bed, her head snapping towards the door and its peeling paint. She smoothed her hair back down, fixed her skirt, cleared her voice, and stood at the peephole. Standing on her toes, she could see a man through it. Maybe 5’6, in a white, rain-soaked hoodie. He had shaggy black hair and a black face mask. His eyes were piercing. 
❥”Mark?” Nina’s voice cracked through the door, more high-pitched than she intended. ❥”Open the door, Nina.” He rasped. Nina’s heart skipped out of her chest. She fumbled with the deadbolt, earning a sigh from the other side of the door. Finally, she cracked it open. He simply pushed it, nudging her to the side and slamming it behind them. Nina’s pulse shot through the roof, eyes darting over his entire figure. 
❥But he just let out a groan, pulling his hood down and walking to a chair. He plopped down, getting comfortable and leaning into it. His head tilted back against the chair, visibly exhausted. She watched his Adam's apple bob for a moment. Everything was silent. Just his slow breaths and her tapping against her phone. 
❥He sliced through the tension with ease. “How long did I have you waiting?” 
❥Nina laughed first, waving her hands and settling back onto the bed. She insisted it wasn’t long, she was just so excited. He nodded, finally craning his head back to look her in the eye. She couldn’t really handle it. He asked her a few more questions, mostly about the motel. How much it cost, how often she came here. He seemed to be accusing her of frequenting motels to meet guys online.
❥It proved too much for Nina. She began to stand, anxiously dismissing herself to the bathroom. She thought she was going to throw up. His head rolled to the side as she hurried to the bathroom, watching her curiously.
❥She stood at the sink for a moment, chest heaving. She wiped at her eyes, careful not to smudge her makeup. Why was she so nervous? She was so comfortable with him online. She told him so much, and she thought he listened intently. Maybe it was the face mask? Could she ask him to take it off? Maybe he had a cold. Would that be rude? He could just be awkward. Not everyone is the exact same over text and in person. Or she caught him on a bad day. It was late and he seemed like he walked in the rain. She needs to calm down, give him a chance. He wasn't doing anything wrong. This was Mark, her friend.
❥There was a firm knock at the door.
❥”Why’re you hiding in there, Nina?” She didn’t even know how to respond. She didn’t lock the door, which they both noticed at the same time. He pushed it open, and Nina simply stepped back. She wasn’t thinking, just letting him put her where he wanted.
❥He wasn’t wearing the mask anymore. He was pretty pale, skin resembling an old classmate she knew with vitiligo. He had a few piercings, including eyebrows, a triple bridge, and snake bites. But these details were miniscule in comparison to the torn flesh of his cheeks. Violent, jagged scars from the corner of his lips to his ears. Mark really was a Jeff fanboy, huh?
❥Nina choked on a gasp at first, but the gasp turned to a cry when he violently shoved her back, forcing her into the tub and climbing in after her. His knee pressed into her gut and his forearm pinned her wrists above her head, uncomfortably grinding her bones into the tile walls. She was about to scream, but his palm fit harshly against her mouth. Nina’s legs were hooked over the edge of the tub, due to him shoving her in the short way.
❥He began whispering to her. It started with mindless rambles that were difficult to comprehend. Nina began to cry, muffled against his calloused hand. He leaned down, licking her tears and spitting to the left, now grumbling about her makeup. He kept it up for a bit, until he made a remark about her appearance. Something about a pretty girl like her liking a guy like him, how odd that was. Her struggling weakened by this point, eyes going wide as his head tilted into her shoulder. 
❥He kept going on and on. Bringing up how much Nina liked him, how obsessed she was. Bringing up posts she made in the past or mentioning his favorite photos of her. How he killed people just like she described. He'd ask her for ideas, and he'd share them all with her. It wasn't hypothetical, it wasn't a fantasy, it wasn't a story.
❥It was funny, actually. Despite her fixation, Nina didn’t even realize who he was. She thought this was Mark, a random Jeff fanboy ready to make Nina his first copycat victim. But the more he spoke and the more she frantically studied his face, everything set in.
❥This was her idol.
❥Seated on top of her, touching her, speaking to her, going on and on about how pretty she is. He stalked her page for hours on end, too, reciting all the posts that she’d made on him. To anyone else, they’d have understood it was from his own ego. To Nina, it was for her. Just like she dedicated the last three years to Jeff, he had dedicated one to her. He had been texting her. He asks her for photos. He tells her how creative and beautiful she is. He sends her images of Jeff’s crime scenes before she could even find them online. His crime scenes. 
❥He didn’t make sense half the time. He’d bring in random names and information totally irrelevant to her, or so she thought. He kept talking about a girl named ‘Clocky’ and how annoyed he was that ‘Clocky’ was hiding Nina from him. Something about her being a shitty wingman.
❥He eventually relaxed on top of her, removing the forearm that pinned her wrists to the bathtub wall. Instead of his knee pressed into her stomach, he placed them on each side of her. Her legs remained hooked over the tub, but she had long stopped kicking. She was sniffling a little, letting her sore arms drop to her sides. He made her agree not to scream if he let go of her face. She nodded desperately.
❥He removed his hand carefully, eyes scanning over her expression, watching her throat to see if she’s about to scream. 
❥”I love you,” was an insane thing to say. He stared at her for a moment, before throwing his head back and barking out laughter. His rough hands grabbed at her face, nodding along as he confirmed that he was well aware. Just like he spent the last few minutes going on his mindless rambles, she did the same. Whispering about what he meant to her, how strong he was, how much she wanted to be like him. How she’d do anything to fuck that bitch Claudia up the way he mutilated Randy. She shared what she did that one day, but began crying when he laughed. He joked about how weak she was, but she agreed with him. 
❥She clung to his hoodie. They sat like that for a while, having an uncomfortable, bizarre conversation in the bathtub. It largely centered Nina’s webpages, blogs, and forums. How it fed his ego. He kept making backhanded comments about her, but she warped them all into compliments. Eventually, he stood, yanking her out and making her wash her face. He liked her, unfortunately.
❥Nina was truly living out a long-time fantasy. Her and Jeff began to frequently see each other. Much to Natalie’s horror, Nina pulled her aside at work one day and shared this news. Brought up the ‘Clocky’ comments, and Natalie dragged Nina outside by the dumpsters and quietly scolded her. She tried to warn Nina, saying that regardless of her own friendship with Jeff, Nina was making a stupid choice. And it scared Natalie, too. Nina didn’t seem too stable. What if she started to run her mouth? Get Jeff in trouble, dragging cops along to her farmhouse?
❥Well, Clocky got an apartment that year. She kept in touch with everyone all the same, but she switched into a new career and housing situation. Leaving Jeff and Nina alone.
❥It started with Jeff tugging Nina along, bringing her to the forest and laying her down on his dirty mattress. They’d fool around, talk, he’d go through her blog right in front of her and laugh at her. Even if it made her nervous, she did a good job at convincing herself they were laughing together. They were bonding. 
❥Eventually, he began tagging along to her apartment. It was a cute, comfortable little place. It had heating and cooling, a stocked fridge, washer and dryer, a fucking kitchen for once. A TV, too. He began staying night after night. Nina always made him dinner, always washed his clothes, always let him relax. He’d bring her to lay down with him and she’d melt into his touch.
❥It seemed soft, at first. Jeff began introducing her to the messier parts of his life. She met BEN, she met Toby, she met Jack. They all scared her a little, but when Jeff threw his arm around Nina and made a comment about ‘his girl,’ she was over the moon. The group liked her a decent bit, and she clicked quite well with Toby. It helped that Toby was close friends with Natalie, a beautiful coincidence that made the three a solid trio. 
❥Nina wanted to integrate fully into Jeff’s life. She kept up her obsessive research on his friends, or whatever she could find. Apparently, BEN did a great job at wiping information online, which explained why Nina had such a hard time finding information on such an infamous killer. However, BEN didn’t wipe anything with Liu. Liu wasn’t an ally or friend to any of them. But he was Jeff’s brother, and Nina learned some fantastic news about him. He had moved to Alabama recently. Nina wanted to grow close with him, too. 
❥Outside of Nina’s blossoming friendships with Jeff’s crowd, the two began to get into some trouble together. Jeff would have Nina help steal alcohol, as they were only 19 and 20. He’d send her to talk to plugs for him, saying that Nina gets weed cheaper on account of her pretty face. 
❥One day, they were doing exactly that. They were hanging around a relatively empty parking lot in a dead shopping center, waiting for some guy to show up and sell Nina some weed. Jeff was in the distance, observing as the man pulled up to Nina leaning against one of the lot’s lamps. The guy parked, got out of the car, and chatted Nina up for a while. Jeff watched as the man pushed Nina’s hair back, leaning too close and saying God knows what. 
❥Jeff stalked up to the situation, pretending he was on his way to a nearby car. The guy didn’t even look his way, not until Jeff suddenly slipped into the picture. It was sudden and sloppy, but Jeff never needed to practice his violence. He pushed Nina out of the way and began to crash the guys’ head into the metal pole, repeating it until Nina was frantically crying and begging him to stop. The guy crumpled to the floor afterwards, blood pooling beneath him. The sight was too familiar for Nina. Images of 16 year old Claudia beneath her flashed before her eyes.
❥Suddenly, Jeff started rummaging through the man’s pockets. Yanking out his wallet, phone, some weed, a lighter, and his keys. He told Nina to get in the car.
❥Nina protested, but Jeff shouted it this time. So like the sweet girl Nina is, she listened. Jeff dragged the man into the trunk and climbed into the driver's seat. 
❥Jeff was reckless in every way. He was impulsive, brash, and unpredictable. In this random dude’s car, he began barrelling down the streets. It was night time in their fairly small town, leaving the roads quite empty. He had all the windows rolled down, laughing as their hair whipped around them. Jeff’s adrenaline was pumping violently, while Nina was crying and begging him to slow down. He was going 110mph down a random highway, doubling the speed limit. 
❥Nothing Nina said could stop him. He was at an all time high once again, a victim in the trunk of a stolen car and pretty Nina beside him, wailing and afraid. 
❥Nina didn’t know what to think when she saw him driving towards the biggest lake in the county. There was a poorly made pier leading far into the lake, but Nina swore Jeff was going to slow down. Please slow down. She panicked more when he reached over with one hand, unbuckling her seatbelt. What the fuck was he doing?
❥It surprised them both when the car actually flew into the water. Nina’s screams were cut off as she inhaled that dirty lake. Water immediately flooded the vehicle and moonlight reflected through the murky water. She desperately fought her way through the open window, swimming to the surface. She choked up the water and sucked in as much air as her lungs would allow. Fuck, she was so scared. She sobbed, trying to regain enough composure to keep her afloat, weak kicking and splashing. She barely made out the shoreline, desperately swimming her way there with chunky platforms and soaked clothes. Jeff got to the shore first, but returned to the water to help drag Nina out of it.
❥Before she could cry at how cruel that was, he lifted her up and crashed his lips into hers. His arms moved tightly around her waist, lifting her feet above water and laughing loudly as he spun her around. The muddy water splashed all over as he cackled, still pulling her further away from the lake in his arms.
❥”I fuckin’ love you, Nina!” He barked, still on a high as he dropped them both to the ground, smothering her in his excitement. That was the first time he said that to her. 
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caramel1mochi · 20 days
One Hazy Winter [Iso x F! Reader] [6]
[ Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 ]
Genre: Angst, fluff ‎ 
TW: Heavy depression, implied suicide ‎ ‎ 
Words: 5.8k ‎ 
Synopsis: One winter before his disappearance, you told your boyfriend Yu about a question you’ve had for so long; one even he could hardly respond to. It took many more hopeless winters for you to finally have your answer.‎ 
Note: Please don't copy or steal my work and pass it off as your own! If you'd like to use one of my headcanons or something, I'd love it if you tagged or asked.
Heya! So I planned on doing this after I finished this story, turns out the scenes were too long and I need split it in two. Anyway, while I was tidying this, I couldn't decide on who the protagonist for my next x reader should be. So I'm making a poll! I'll be posting it within the next few days. I'm REALLY leaning towards Clove, but I thought it would be better if you guys chose instead. Thanks and have a good read!
。+❤ฺ·。❤ฺ·。+❤ฺ· +❤·。❤ฺ·。+❤ฺ·
Ying immediately rushed to her car when you shut the call and sped towards Yu’s house with only a coat to keep her warm.
Her neighbourhood’s location didn’t allow the haze to obscure too much of the residents’ vision. It was a good amount, but not debilitatingly blinding like your area unfortunately was.
And to her relief, the storm had abated by the time she had finally arrived at Yu’s house. For a moment, she was led to believe that you weren’t there yet, but all of that hope quickly dissipated once she saw faint footsteps imprinted on the thick snow just in front of her. Even with the storm that was still ongoing at the time, the rapid snowflakes weren’t falling fast enough to fully cover them.
This let her know you arrived way before her, all in the middle of a blizzard.
Ying slowly stepped out of her car and hugged herself in an effort to keep herself safe from the cold. It wasn’t much, and she wasn’t exactly built to stay warm with just her hands, but it was the best she could do at the moment.
She took out her spare keys and scrambled to open the front door, all while struggling to ignore the stinging cold temperature of the handle she so desperately pulled on. With one final click, the door swung open, and she was swiftly allowed an entrance to a house as lifeless and miserable as the atmosphere that engulfed her. With a deep breath, she rushed right through, swallowing all her fears with her.
‎ ‎
Everything was dark; the air was heavy… It all felt so constricted and suffocating. The windows were shut, and the lingering smog and rapid snowfall effortlessly blocked any sun rays from entering. But despite all of this, the house still felt unbearably cold from the inside. That, and there was still a considerable amount of misplaced light coming from... Her eyes promptly fell on the source, and it didn’t take long for her to come to her own conclusion.
The doors to the backyard were ajar, and this freely let in the cold and the snow without concern for the consequences. It was easy to tell that you pulled them open and rushed outside as fast as you could.
A sigh escaped her, and she moved through the vast yet smothering living room.
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
She called out, the echo of her voice only forcing her to outline the shakiness of it, how concerned she was. Even her muffled steps weren’t spared from the mocking reverberation around her as she slowly marched towards the double doors. And with each step, the higher the possibility was that you had died. Hypothermia at the absolute best. But at worst? Even if it logically made sense, she wanted to do anything but consider it.
It didn't take long for her to finally arrive in front of the two doors, her bare fingers slowly wrapping around the handle.
‎ ‎
“Y/N, are you out here?”
‎ ‎
Ying asked sheepishly as she pulled it wide open. But immediately, she fell into silence at the sight.
In front of her were the very trees that were so lively and vivid just a few weeks ago. Their hypnotisingly green leaves, and especially the white flowers she found so pretty. All of it was missing; it was violently ripped off with little regard. Now, the only thing all of the dead branches were capable of lifting was the very snow that killed it, all signs of life having scattered within mere hours.
There were no flowers. There were no leaves. All that remained was the filthy aroma of death and a few lemons that swung hopelessly in the wind, all dangling under the mercy of the second incoming blizzard. Only one more push from the merciless winds was all it took for them to disappear as well.
Ying's eyes then fell on your figure. You were on your knees, not too far away from the decaying trees you were facing, hands on your lap, shoulders slumped, silent, and... unmoving. Still like a statue. It's not that she wasn't beyond grateful that you were alive; she absolutely was, but this... this stasis, so to speak, immediately flooded her with concern.
At least when Yu was in a state somewhat similar to yours, Ying could tell that he was alive. You looked no different from a dead body.
‎ ‎
“Are… Are you okay…?”
‎ ‎
Ying slowly moved down the steps concealed by snow, her feet digging through inches upon inches of it before finally reaching solid ground. You had already processed her presence by the time she got close.
But even as she placed one hand on your shoulder, you didn't react. You couldn’t. Once she leaned closer for a better look, only now could Ying just barely dig out the empty expression on your face through the small openings in your pitch-black hair. The pure, unalloyed sense of detachment etched on your features, and that dreadful empty glare. Even though it was quite a laughable expectation considering who you were, she had assumed there would be tears, or… for you to scream, something like that. Somehow, this was much, much worse.
She stopped and knelt right beside you, unsure how to ease your sorrows after such a loss. Not when you were so silent and gave her absolutely nothing to work with.
‎ ‎
"Y/N, I'm– I’m so sorry..."
‎ ‎
Ying earned naught of a response from you.
You didn’t bother to note just how stiff and numb the tips of your fingers felt. It could be bloody frostbite for all you care, but that did little to shift your concerns. It was nothing in the face of what had just happened. It was hard to convince yourself not to chop down all of the trees again and call it quits. Drop gardening and rot in bed all day. Just like last time.
It took you years to build up the courage to plant again, let alone enter your dead boyfriend's house and spend more than two minutes there. Just a few years ago, the thought of your parents' and Yu's favourite fruits would nauseate you.
You thought you had come so far, only for this to happen. And in your mind, there was one concept that had now become clear. Everything you ever work for, everything that could ever make you happy, winter will be there to wash it all away in the blink of an eye… for no reason. So really, why bother? You mused to yourself, ignorant to the snow that surrounded your now-numb legs. Why bother plucking the last few lemons that dangled from the branches? They'd rot anyway. Or something would be wrong with them. Infested with some fungal disease you missed, probably. They'd wither away like everything else.
Your parents, Yu, and now this.
You felt all of the misery that used to swim in your mind return. And in this situation, it was the only thing that felt familiar. The familiarity of the heaviness in your body that would prevent you from moving, and the familiarity of vehemently refusing to see a tomorrow if Yu wasn't within your vicinity. The familiarity of depending on others for a better state of mind.
Ying flinched once you stood up all of a sudden and moved forward. She immediately followed your lead, placing one hand on your shoulder to stop you.
‎ ‎
"What are you doing?"
‎ ‎
"I'm taking those lemons."
‎ ‎
"What? No, it's too dangerous. Let's just head back inside, I–"
‎ ‎
"Go inside– are you kidding? So I can mope when the blizzard inevitably takes it all away? I'm not going to do that anymore."
‎ ‎
“Y/N, it’s too dangerous!”
‎ ‎
You ignored her.
But just as you took a step away, you felt a firm hold on your wrist that forced you to cut your path short. You angrily met Ying's gaze in response, but she was quick to speak before you could.
‎ ‎
"Listen to me! We can wait for the blizzard to pass, plant another tree, and start all over again. Anything. Please just listen to me, Y/N. This is suicide!"
‎ ‎
"I've had enough of this! I'm not going to be passive anymore! Don't you dare drag me down!"
‎ ‎
She furrowed her brow.
‎ ‎
“These trees can die, Y/N, we can always plant another; but what if something happens to you?!”
‎ ‎
“Let go of me! You’re wasting your breath.”
‎ ‎
You attempted to pull away, but Ying kept you firmly in her hold. So much so, you were sure she could cut off your circulation with a bit more pressure. Since when was she this strong?
‎ ‎
"I understand that winter took everything from you and put you in depression. But, please, don't let it take you away as well!"
‎ ‎
"Winter didn't put me in anything, Ying. I let winter do this to me." You clenched your fist. "And I'm fed up with it! I don't want to be happy because Yu is with me, or because the trees are still standing, or– or because of something else, I want to be happy because I want what’s best for me!" 
‎ ‎
You narrowed your eyes. 
‎ ‎
"I finally care about the woman I see in the mirror, Ying. And winter can take that when I'm six feet under!"
‎ ‎
With her mind overwhelmed, you managed to escape her grasp in the midst of your words. And immediately, you took your chance and moved towards the trees. Ying, in panic, called out for you,
‎ ‎
"Wait, wait I–" she quickly followed, "let me help you, okay? Let me help you."
‎ ‎
Her hand was placed on your shoulder instead. And immediately, this forced you to stop as you looked at her once more.
‎ ‎
"Your determination is admirable, Y/N. And... if you're so adamant about this, then I'd like to support you in the process."
‎ ‎
You stared at her for a few prolonged seconds, attempting to deduce whether or not she was serious. And she was. Ying, the woman who undeniably had more of an incentive to stay alive, desired to help you under the threat of another blizzard.
Once this realisation dawned on you, a weak smile played on your lips.
‎ ‎
"Thank you, Ying."
‎ ‎
She met you with a smile a lot wider and more natural than yours. Then, with a subtle gesture, both of you moved towards the trees and aimed to pluck the last few remaining lemons and make sure you used them to their absolute fullest potential.
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
Six trees were planted, and you only managed to harvest about thirteen Meyer lemons. Which was embarrassing, since you would've usually come back with no less than six baskets stuffed with the golden fruit if it weren't for the blizzard. The urge to call it a pitiful harvest and toss it all perked up, but doing that would be giving in and crawling back to the prison of misery you tried too hard to escape from. You were so close. You couldn’t give up now.
The doors were slammed shut behind the two of you, and you quickly set down the mostly-empty basket. But before you could recount them, the gloves you wore were forcefully snatched away from you, and Ying immediately took your hands in hers.
‎ ‎
"Look at how blue your fingers are! Any longer, and you could have these amputated."
‎ ‎
Her soft fingers intertwined with yours. And somehow, the longer she kept this embrace still, the weaker the blue tint would be. Warmth shortly began enveloping your hands.
‎ ‎
"Ying, is there any reason for this?"
‎ ‎
"For what?"
‎ ‎
You used your eyes to point at what she was doing. And as per usual, it took her a moment to realise what you meant, a titter escaping her once she finally caught on.
‎ ‎
"Oh, the– uhh, the warmth from my hands, it– it helps, that is all."
‎ ‎
You stared at her with a raised eyebrow, accompanied by an unamused expression. That's one magically warm hand, you mulled whilst the blood returned to your fingers. But you were too exhausted to actually make that comment. And instead, you opted to wait for her until she was done holding you.
It only took a few extra seconds until Ying allowed you to finally pull your hands away. And once you did, you squeezed your index finger, taking in the sensation of being able to feel your limbs again. Thankfully, the heaviness was gone... both physically and mentally.
‎ ‎
"Thank you, Ying. This should make things easier–"
‎ ‎
The words were lodged in your throat once Ying suddenly forced you into a tight hug.
A sigh escaped her, almost as if the two of you had just escaped a life-threatening situation. Maybe to her, sure, but it didn’t really matter to you.
‎ ‎
"I'm so proud of you, Y/N. You've come so far." She pulled away. "I– I don't condone you risking your life, and please, never, ever do this again, but I commend you on your bravery."
‎ ‎
"Thank you...?"
‎ ‎
"Oh! I almost forgot, are you free this March?"
‎ ‎
You were confused about how to feel about her compliments, but this question, combined with the whiplash, was all it took for you to completely forget about what she said. Besides, how many times has she asked this now?
But, to be fair, she never really received a direct answer from you. From what you remembered, anyway.
‎ ‎
"Yes, I am. What is it with you and March?"
‎ ‎
"That's because we're visiting Yu's grandmother in the spring!"
‎ ‎
"Spring? But the lemons–"
‎ ‎
"We'll bake them into lemon bars! Something with a texture so soft, it’ll be exactly like biting into a sweet cloud! What do you think?"
‎ ‎
She inadvertently held and squeezed both of your hands to emphasise her words. And by God, you couldn't help but smile at her excitement. Even you couldn’t deny how cute it was to see her like this.
You escaped her grasp and held her wrist instead, moving down the dark corridor so you could lead her to the kitchen.
‎ ‎
"I'm sure she'll love it, Ying."
‎ ‎
With a beaming smile, your boss quickly snatched the basket on the way and continued following you. You could tell by the grin on her face that she was daydreaming about the day you'd both finally take the train to Yu's grandma again, to visit her after so long. And, admittedly, you couldn't help but do the same.
March is definitely going to be a fun month when it finally comes around. Besides, Yu’s grandmother always preferred softer foods, didn’t she? If, again, your memory served you correctly.
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
Winter, two years ago.
‎ ‎
Why don't you just break up with him?
Seriously, what was the point of any of this? The stress of dating a man who shamelessly kept so many secrets from you? Honesty is supposed to be one of the pillars of a relationship, isn't it? And yet, it was nowhere to be seen in this one.
That's what ran through your mind for an entire day.
You've been dating Yu for a while now, and it felt like your relationship had been progressing at an adequate rate. He showed you many details about his life, including his house… but he refused to even disclose who the woman in the picture was. And this time, as opposed to how patient you've been for the past few years you've been dating him, you saw red.
Why didn’t he tell you about her? What did he have to hide? Was there something you just weren’t meant to know?
But... you stayed quiet. You acted like nothing was wrong for the rest of the day. The anger instead built up until it spilt at work the next day, and your co-workers had the pleasure of hearing about the turmoil in your seemingly peaceful relationship for the first time. So they planted a few ideas in your head. 
And you believed them. In fact, no, you didn't just believe them, you also began adding on to them once your shift was over.
He didn't tell you who the woman in the picture was; he didn't tell you who his parents were; how he managed to buy a whole house at the age of fifteen (oh, but apparently his grandmother 'helped him'); and he didn't even tell you why he had to be so tight-lipped or why his bloody eyes were purple.
What reason did you have to believe that Yu loved you in the first place? That he wasn't some sort of– actually, no, what if he also had other women on the side? You knew that someone with a figure like that would be able to make any girl swoon over him if only he ditched those massive hoodies. 
But it worked. It fooled you, of all people.
These thoughts, unchecked, started growing in your mind until they formed practically a whirlwind, one that only grew at the sight of Yu, who was ready to escort you back home for the day. You were a ticking time bomb at this point, ready to explode at him should he make the mistake of saying one wrong word.
You were still grieving your parents. You had many more things to be worried about than some two-faced snake. So why–
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
He was caught off-guard by your aggressive tone.
‎ ‎
"Are you... okay?"
‎ ‎
He couldn't help but notice just how quiet you were during your whole journey back home.
Your gloominess wasn't anything new by any means. But this misplaced wrath definitely was. He could tell that, just by the way you carried yourself, the heaviness in your steps, your furrowed brows, and your clenched fists, something was wrong. Very wrong.
You averted your gaze to the mounds of snow obscuring the road instead.
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
The atmosphere was unbearably still. But, nevertheless, the two of you moved through it for a few more elongated seconds. And, to Yu, it felt like walking through an ocean of honey. Sans the sweetness of the liquid, much to his misfortune.
The only thing that broke the tension was the chirping of a few nearby crickets, the clicks of both of your boots, and the loud thoughts that gnawed at your mind.
His soft voice felt like such a farce. A mask he put on. It explained a lot, too, especially why his expression was usually blank, and his eyes were the only emotive parts of his face. Sure, it somewhat mirrored yours, but at least you were open about how much you loathed living.
He placed one hand on your shoulder, only further angering you.
‎ ‎
"Hey, why can't you tell me what's bothering you?"
‎ ‎
"What then?"
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
"What do you mean?"
‎ ‎
"What would you do if I told you?"
‎ ‎
"I'll... uh, I'll do my best to fix it. Whatever it is."
‎ ‎
You sighed and instead stuffed your hands inside your deep pockets. Your fingers brushed up against the earbuds he lent you the night before, the same ones you had completely forgotten about until now.
‎ ‎
"We'll talk at home."
‎ ‎
His heart skipped a few beats at this statement, but you didn’t pay him any mind.
‎ ‎
“I need water. I’m stopping by a store.”
‎ ‎
You said. And Yu was quick to pick up on how you phrased that sentence. Nevertheless, he averted his gaze, pulling up the collar so it could conceal the lower portion of his face.
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
That was all he said before the two of you fell back into silence.
This neighbourhood was incredibly shady. The buildings themselves were coming apart, and the sidewalk was so disjointed that you were sure an earthquake must’ve occurred that they couldn’t be bothered to fix. Not only that, but the two of you were alone. But at least Yu had a large enough silhouette to scare off anyone.
Whatever. Getting out of here was the one thing you needed to do right after getting your drink.
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
You entered the one store that was open– well, you were lucky you even found a store to begin with. But just as you thought you could feel safe, the bulletproof glass with the bullet lodged in it worried you.
Only two people were here. A young cashier and a customer wearing all black, muttering stuff to him. He glanced at you from the corner of his eye, looked you up and down, then went back to his conversation. Weird, you mused, but you quickly brushed it off and instead marched towards the aisles.
‎ ‎
“I’ll wait for you here.”
‎ ‎
You responded to your boyfriend with a hum before disappearing into the crisps section. Not that it concerned you too much. Besides, the cashier was there.
You suddenly remembered the argument from yesterday as you continued searching. The thought of breaking up with him was just so seductive at this point. Really, what was the difference between him and the men who’d say anything to please you?
You stopped by where the juices were stocked. Only a foot away, and you’d find exactly what you needed. But you instead took out the earbuds in your pockets. Your fingers tightly wrapped around the case, your thumb successfully concealing the logo. Breaking up with him would ruin a ton of things for you. But it wouldn’t be the end of the world.
Okay. That was it. You’d do it.
‘We’re done.’, that’s what you’d tell him when you see him outside the store. You’d give him the earbuds, break it off, and go back home. Nothing personal, but you weren’t a doormat who was going to take this treatment.
A sigh escaped you.
Then, you pocketed the earbuds, grabbed a water bottle, and moved towards the cashier.
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
You emerged from the stocked aisles with your boyfriend’s name at the tip of your tongue. However, you weren’t met with him loitering around the automatic sliding doors like you expected. In fact, the entire area was empty, both inside and outside.
He was… gone.
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
You audibly called out, but you earned nothing more than your echo in response. Where the heck was he? There’s no way he’d leave you alone in an incredibly dangerous neighbourhood like this.
You quickly moved towards an area that would give you a clear view of each and every aisle. And as you slowly walked across the store to observe every single one, you still couldn’t find him. Actually, you couldn’t find anyone aside from the cashier, who gave you a weird look whilst you paced around.
Maybe he was in the bathroom? No… this store was way too small to have a bathroom. But what if he was outside?
Yes, you’d check there, and call him if you couldn’t find him.
With this plan in mind, you stepped through the doors with your bag tightly clutched in your hand, and stepped towards the sidewalk, careful not to stray too far away from the entrance. You turned your head left and right, but all you were met with were the rows of streetlights that prevented the pitch-black darkness from swallowing you. And… your heart dropped to your chest.
Where was he?! He couldn’t have left. He just couldn’t.
With no time to waste, you took out your phone and rapidly began texting him, moving back through the doors and entering the store once more. It was a struggle to type out any comprehensible words, what with how shaky your hands were.
You texted and texted. But a response was naught. Your eyes widened, and you clutched your phone with unfathomable tightness.
There’s no way Yu would leave you out here alone, right? Even with the animosity between you, this could mean life or death. You could be hurt out here, what on Earth was wrong with him?
It’s okay. It’s fine. It’ll be fine. Maybe he just left for something. Maybe he just took a quick stroll since you took a while to pay? Maybe he’ll be back. He’ll be back. Or maybe your coworkers were right. Maybe he realised you were flirting with the idea of a breakup and decided that this was his act of revenge.
You heaved a sigh.
This was it, huh? Just like that? You should’ve expected him to take the coward’s way out.
Just as you slid your phone back in your pocket and went further inside the store, however, you huffed once you bumped into someone. All relief immediately dissipated the moment you looked up.
It was that scruffy-looking man from earlier, the one who was talking to the cashier. He stood in front of you. Uncomfortably close, and seemingly eager to block you from further entering the store past the sliding doors. You couldn’t help but notice how everything on his body was jet black.
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
Terror immediately coursed through you as you took a step back. Your phone was promptly shoved back in your bag and swiftly zipped up, however.
Why was he still here? You thought he’d left by the time you went to check-out on account of his sudden disappearance. Apparently not…
‎ ‎
“It’s rude not to say it back to me.”
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
His ‘greeting’ was anything but friendly.
And if that wasn’t enough for him, it was impossible not to notice that he also had one hand deep inside the pockets of his hoodie. Crap. 
‎ ‎
“I… need to go.”
‎ ‎
You immediately stepped to the side, but he swiftly moved in front of you.
‎ ‎
“You don’t wanna talk to me?”
‎ ‎
“I’m– I’m in a hurry, I need to…”
‎ ‎
“Don’t be like that. All I need is somethin’ quick.”
‎ ‎
You just couldn’t get to the cashier, not when he kept stopping in front of you and blocking your path. What was worse was that his hand kept digging deeper and deeper into his pocket. And for the love of everything holy, you couldn’t find your voice to tell him off. Then, he lifted his chin to look down on you.
‎ ‎
“Your headphones look sick. Let me see them.”
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
Your heart jumped out of your chest once you saw a gun emerge from his pockets, and he took a few steps closer to you, forcing you to back up again. You were unintentionally pushed out of the store and into the empty streets.
‎ ‎
“Don’t play dumb with me, woman! It’s in your pocket!”
‎ ‎
He shouted as he kept rushing towards you.
But your back suddenly pressed up against a large pole, and escape seemed hopeless in a place like this. There was nobody around. Not even cars that sped down the road. And even if you tried to run or scream, you were sure he’d gun you down before you’d get anywhere.
So you immediately lifted your hands in surrender.
‎ ‎
“Okay! I– I’ll give it to you!”
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
He pointed his weapon at you as you struggled to dig your hands into your pockets. But even here, you could tell he scrutinised you as if you were a mannequin dressed in apparel he really wanted to purchase. He snatched the earbuds once you held them out for him, but he used his chin to point at what you didn’t realise was your neck.
‎ ‎
“Hand me that sweet scarf while you’re at it.”
‎ ‎
He promptly pocketed the device.
This demand only further engulfed you in panic. But that’s not where it ended, he very clearly continued observing you for anything else he wanted. You were okay with handing him your belongings; it wasn’t worth losing your life because you were too stubborn to do so. But those earbuds were Yu’s. Not yours. Nevertheless, without second thought, you clutched the scarf on your neck with both hands and fumbled to rip it off.
An arm shot out from behind the robber and promptly wrapped itself around his neck. The grip was then firmly tightened to an impossible degree. His gun dropped with an audible clank as the robber desperately clawed at the figure’s considerably large arms in a vain attempt to free himself. It only took a few seconds for his movements to stop.
Then, he was dropped to the ground, revealing a very familiar figure behind him.
You didn’t get a good look at his unmoving body or said figure, however, not when you were forcefully pulled close and tightly held in the man’s arms. The scent of lemons swiftly invaded your mind. Somehow, it successfully pulled you out of your state of panic, and you leaned into his comforting touch.
‎ ‎
“Did he hurt you? Are you okay?”
‎ ‎
Yu’s voice was such a soft juxtaposition to the harsh silence he cut through. It was as if all the fury you felt towards him melted, all within a picosecond.
‎ ‎
“I’m… I’m fine…“
‎ ‎
He placed one hand on the back of your head and brought you closer to himself.
‎ ‎
“I– I should’ve known they would’ve pulled something like that.”
‎ ‎
“Was he…”
‎ ‎
“I left to throw something; the cashier wasted my time. Stopped me from going back.”
‎ ‎
The petrifying shock seemed to have seeped through the both of you, judging by how quiet and flat his voice sounded. But you were more shocked at what he’d done to the man. You couldn’t even peer through his thick hoodie, which obscured your vision, since he held you so tightly against it.
‎ ‎
“Is he– Yu, did you kill him?!”
‎ ‎
“He’s fine.”
‎ ‎
Yu held your wrist.
‎ ‎
“Come on. Let’s go.”
‎ ‎
He walked you a few steps, far enough for you to be unable to look back. Not only that, but he used his size to his advantage to block you from seeing the criminal’s unmoving body as he moved further down the sidewalk.
Then he placed both hands on your shoulders, now able to meet your gaze more clearly. He couldn’t help but notice just how blanched your face was.
‎ ‎
“Did he take anything?”
‎ ‎
“Only your headphones…”
‎ ‎
You muttered, and he nodded in response.
‎ ‎
“Stay here. I’ll be fast.”
‎ ‎
He pushed you out of sight for good measure, before moving back down the path you both marched on. And you immediately hid your face in your hands.
Your voice was beyond shaky, and you could hardly understand what on Earth had just happened as sweat dripped down your chin. You weren’t sure where Yu came from. Was it from inside the store? If so, how could you not have noticed the doors slamming shut? But… Your brain hyper-focused the robber. Especially how he writhed like a bug as Yu mercilessly choked him.
Being so caught up in your thoughts, you hadn’t even realised your boyfriend had returned with the earbuds until he placed one hand on your shoulder.
You hesitantly looked up. But this time, Yu could see something awry in your expression. Concern. Directed at him.
‎ ‎
“Did you… kill him?”
‎ ‎
“I only knocked him out.”
‎ ‎
“But how? How did you know how to…”
‎ ‎
“I… I didn’t. I acted on instinct.”
‎ ‎
“Are you kidding? You knew what you were doing back there! Are you trained in self-defence?!”
‎ ‎
Yu... wasn't sure how to respond to this.
‎ ‎
“It’s just the adrenaline, I–”
‎ ‎
“I can’t believe it. You could’ve run away; you could’ve saved yourself. Yet you…”
‎ ‎
“Run away? What– why would I leave you?”
‎ ‎
“I don’t know, it… I assumed you’d pull something like that…”
‎ ‎
“Why would you think that about me?!” 
‎ ‎
You paused for a second.
‎ ‎
“I– I don’t know.”
‎ ‎
“Y/N, please, tell me, did I hurt you? Did I make you upset? I– why would you think that I’d leave you in a place like this?!” Yu shook his head. “Something’s been bothering you since yesterday, right? Please, just tell me what it is; I’ll fix it. Whatever it is, I'll do everything I can to make it right, I–”
‎ ‎
As he spoke, you zoned out and instead observed him. The worry etched on his typically vacant features and that glimmer in his eyes that screamed shock as he tried to grapple with the very concept of upsetting you. He was terrified at the prospect of losing you. Very obviously terrified.
Your thought process was interrupted when he cupped your cheeks in his hands. He held onto you as if you could disappear any second, like some kind of fleeting spirit.
‎ ‎
“I could’ve lost you, Y/N. Something could’ve happened to you…”
‎ ‎
You blankly stared at him for what felt like a few minutes. His words went in one ear and out the other, and all you could focus on was what Yu did to the robber. He choked him. Knocked him out in seconds. This man, the very man who seemed troubled at the sight of the mauled corpse of a pigeon a few years back. You remembered that moment too. You were walking home, and he… saw it. On the side of the road.
You didn’t bother fighting the smile that played on your lips. Then, this smile morphed into a grin, and the grin morphed into misplaced giggling. You began laughing. Loudly. 
Yu blinked.
‎ ‎
“I thought you left,” you said in between gasps of air, “I thought you deserted me. I thought you wouldn’t come back! Can you believe it?”
‎ ‎
He watched you wipe away a tear as you continued,
‎ ‎
“But you knocked him out. He had a gun, Yu. Did you know that? He could’ve killed you. You could’ve died because of me!”
‎ ‎
‎ ‎
Yu flinched once you clutched his wrists and forced them away from yourself. 
‎ ‎
“Because of those secrets. I thought you had other women on the side. And you know what? I knew you were gone the moment he pulled that gun on me.”
‎ ‎
His eyes widened.
‎ ‎
“I was wrong. I was so wrong. You care about me, don’t you?”
‎ ‎
“Of course I care… What kind of question is that?”
‎ ‎
That answer was just as instinctual as his actions back in that alley. And it wasn’t hard to tell that he spoke without thought, his dull tone screamed his intentions behind those words. And you were delighted to hear this.
Yu flinched when you pulled him into a hug, your head buried in his chest.
‎ ‎
“Then I’d be the stupidest woman on Earth if I left.”
‎ ‎
For a few seconds, he stared unresponsively at the brick wall in front of him.
‎ ‎
“Oh– I…”
‎ ‎
He looked down.
Although he needed a few seconds to realise it, Yu finally rested his hands on your back and gently returned the hug. It would take him longer than a few minutes to comprehend most of what you just said. Heck, it took a moment for Yu to even realise you had forgiven him, let alone the fact you pulled him into an embrace. And it felt… like the knot in his stomach had disappeared.
Once he had finally stopped mulling over your random laughter, Yu couldn’t stop himself from smiling like an idiot, a tinge of red painting his previously pale cheeks.
‎ ‎
“Thank you.”
‎ ‎
He muttered.
Yu cared. He truly cared about you, you thought to yourself. Maybe those secrets were kept for a reason. Maybe… Maybe his hands really were tied. But you could wait until he was ready to share them with you, right?
Yeah, you definitely could.
49 notes · View notes
peachirambles · 8 months
hii!!! your headcanons for the OL characters are so cute!!! Would you mind if I requested headcanons or a short fic/drabble on how step 2 Qiu would spend his time with an MC who equally is hating life at that stage and just what they would do either at school or after school/on weekends. (Hint hint they’re both absolutely smitten with eachother)
OMG THANK YOU!!! I always get worried im not writing them accurately 😭😭😭
Originally, I was thinking of doing headcanons for this, but I like the idea I had for this drabble instead sooo here we go! This might be a bit shorter than usual, super sorry about that! Hopefully this isn't too OOC, but i do think Qiu would *try* to distract the mc somehow
Tumblr media
"Where are we going?" The MC quipped, hugging Qiu's back with a strength that betrayed them as the duo zipped down Acorn Road, or more precisely, their home street.
"Wherever." Was Qiu's nearly dismissive reply as they focused on the road ahead of them, much to the absolute shock of their passenger.
"Don't worry about it." Qiu snorted and they could hear the MC groan behind them.
Admittedly, Qiu didn’t want to tell them the truth that they were worried about them. They saw the MC's eyes go from excited and hopeful to tired and miserable as the years flew by, and it became apparent by this point they didn't enjoy their life as much as they did.
A part of Qiu was glad for it. It meant that they weren't alone in feeling like this, and that they could find solace in their very close friend.
The rest of them knew better, though. They knew that this wasn't good from their own personal experience. Qiu wanted to be there for them, someway and somehow. Even if it meant dragging them out of the house to do nothing but sit and ride with Qiu on their bike.
But Qiu wasn't 10 anymore. That big bubble of energy that they had got popped a long time ago, leaving nothing more than a tired and angry husk in its wake. Or at least that's how it felt, most of the time they just... couldn’t be bothered to try.
The MC, however, was a different story.
"Sooo... Do you really not have anywhere to go?" The MC spoke up again as they were riding in some of the residental areas. "Or are you just stringing me along for your enjoyment?"
"Can't I just go on a ride?" Qiu shot back as they made a turn onto another street. "Besides, it's nice to go out and get some fresh air."
"Weren't you the person I had to drag out of the fort they barely fit in a few days ago?"
"That was school." Qiu huffed, their mouth grimacing as the cold air hit their face. "This is different."
"What's different this time?" They could feel the MC's soft smirk in their voice without even looking.
"Well..." Qiu pulled onto main street, deftly avoiding cars and people alike. "It's not school, and two-"
Qiu paused, opting to slow down to pull up right next to the corner store, still looking as old as it was 4 years ago.
"You and I are by ourselves this time." They lazily smirked behind them, their eyes twinking as their poor favorite neighbor's face flooded with warmth, and they couldn’t help but sputter.
"And also because I wanted to go get snacks." Was Qiu's quick reply before the MC could even question their intent. But that's how they always were, Qiu knew that, drop a teasing line, and then immediately change the topic of discussion afterward. And they knew the MC knew too.
"You're such a jerk." The MC huffed, cheeks rosily tinted but there was no anger to be found in their voice.
"Would a jerk get you something from the corner store?" Qiu cocked an eyebrow as they tied their bike to a nearby poke with their chain.
"No, but you're different." The MC chuckled, and Qiu's smirk couldn't help but turn into a soft smile at the sound.
If Qiu couldn’t actually do anything to help the MC navigate this rough terrain of life, then they hoped they were at least a good distraction.
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emeraldsummers · 3 months
Smoker!Dean headcanons (aka if Dean was a smoker throughout the series)
As a teenager, Dean would smoke whenever he could get his hands on a cigarette, but it was pretty rare. Money was too tight to buy them, and it wasn't worth the risk of stealing them, but occasionally, Dean was able to trade for loose cigarettes. He loved the head rush and loved feeling like an adult.
Pre-series, Dean didn't start smoking in earnest until he started doing hunts without his father. John didn't like the smoking, so Dean hid it from him. Still, money was tight, so Dean only smoked a few cigarettes a day at most. His favourite thing in the world was being whiskey buzzed and sharing a cigarette with a girl.
Dean never, ever smoked inside the Impala.
Seasons 1-2 Dean is still smoking a few cigarettes per day, properly addicted at this point, and irritable when he isn't able to get a smoke break. Sam is constantly bugging him to quit, and Dean pretends he could quit any time he wants to. Sam gets non-smoking motel rooms whenever he can, which annoys the hell out of Dean.
Season 3, with the demon deal looming, Dean starts smoking more now, and by the end of the season, he is fully chain smoking regularly. Sam finds it gross but generally allows it to slide because he knows Dean needs it.
Season 4, Dean comes back from Hell with zero physical dependence on nicotine and decides to treat it like a fresh start. He doesn't smoke. He uses his experience with smoking to try (and fail) to empathize with Sam's blood addiction.
Season 5, Dean starts smoking when he's drunk, which turns into smoking when he's stressed, which by the end of the season, when he almost says "yes" to Michael, turns into him smoking all of the time again.
When he lives with Lisa and Ben, he tries to quit for their sake, but he still sneaks a cigarette outside on really bad nights. Lisa pretends not to notice.
Season 6, the smoking continues, but not as heavy as season 5. Sam is actively annoyed about it at this point, and Dean has long stopped finding smoking to be fun.
Season 7, as Dean spirals downwards after Cas' betrayal, he smokes much more heavily. It's starting to affect him physically, especially without Cas to heal him. He starts saying things like, "I'm getting too old for this." Since he isn't able to drive the Impala for most of the season, he smokes in the cars they steal, which really bothers Sam.
In Purgatory, Dean has no choice but to quit cold turkey, which is miserable, and once he's home, he continues that streak into seasons 8 and 9, his longest smoke-free period.
Unfortunately, demon!Dean picks up smoking again, and even when he's cured, smoking becomes one of his coping mechanisms for quelling the Mark.
Seasons 11 and 12, he struggles with trying to quit, going anywhere from days to months at a time without smoking before falling back into it. When Cas dies at the end of season 12, he begins chainsmoking again along with regularly getting black-out drunk, and Sam really worries for his brother's health.
After Cas returns in season 13, Dean begins working to quit again in earnest, creating a system with Sam, Cas, and Jack's help. This time, it sticks through the end of the series, but Dean does heavily consider starting up again as he spirals towards the end of season 15.
Post-series Dean is trying to maintain being smoke-free, especially since Cas is gone and Jack is hands-off. He knows any damage he does will be permanent this time, and he doesn't particularly feel like dying of cancer. But it turns out the boredom of the world not ending is worse for his cravings than the stress was. He starts smoking weed, trying to convince himself it's a proper substitute, but eventually, he just smokes weed because he likes it.
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thefiery-phoenix · 4 months
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Aww... he looks so wholesome and so nice in that picture right? Yeah, well.... don't judge a picture without knowing him since Sugawara is DELUSIONAL and OBSESSIVE ASF
He really thinks and believes that you love him with your heart and you 2 were destined to be soulmates
He is also INSANELY protective of you and you CANNOT convince me otherwise. One day you and Sugawara were walking home from school together, laughing and talking about the things that happened that day and he was busy basking himself in your glorious angelic presence till some moron almost ran you over with his bicycle. Sugawara quickly pushed you out of the way and saved you from getting a sprained ankle but you fell down and hurt your knee on a rock and it started bleeding. Sugawara frantically ripped a part of his shirt and used it to dab your blood while you were laughing it off saying it barely hurt and it was just a simple bruise that's all. But did he listen? OH NOOOOOOOO!!!!! He thought that you were trying to be brave and tough and strong since you were shy that if you started squealing in pain, he'd make fun of you for it but he doesn't blame you at ALL. You were his darling princess, his goddess and he was going to take care of you and you don't have to be tough for him to like you, he likes you just how you are. And as for that guy who was in the car? Yeah, well, his car 'mysteriously' landed in a swamp marsh that was found 3 days later with everything broken and rusting after it was reported missing
This guy will take eyebrow raising questionable precautions for you to be safe even if it means stalking you wherever you go, or as he refers to it as "Watching you from a distance so you'll be safe'' and not to mention him secretly watching you sleep and do your daily routine everyday so he knows you're doing all right and you're taking care of yourself and you're healthy
If you forget to eat or drink water, he'll leave some anonymous notes around your house reminding you to drink water and eat your food at the right time
Doesn't like it when you go to sleep late
He will kidnap you if he thinks you're not safe or not capable of taking care of yourself since he thinks that there are SO many things in the world that could hurt his precious little flower, his angel, his princess/ goddess and he wants to keep you safe from all those horrors of the world by just carefully wrapping his arms around you, embracing you in his arms and making you feel safe in his hugs while he strokes your hair softly telling you how he'll protect you from everything and trails butterfly kisses on your face and down your neck
He probably has a journal or a notebook filled with all your habits so he can please you
ABSO FREAKING LUTELY has a shrine for you since you're his goddess after all and he'll be busy thinking about you 24/7, whether or not you're safe or taking your meals properly or feeling all right and everything
He will infantilize you SO MUCH, you'll start feeling suffocated and stuffy
He will give you your space when you need it. When he first 'took you in his care', he knew how lost and miserable and sad you'd be and so, to cheer you up, he brought some of your stuffed animals from your old house and along with some of your favorite stuff like your favorite books and posters and all that and he'll give you time to adjust to your new home
The type of person to go through your diary just for 'knowing more about you' and if he finds out that you've written about some of your crushes from before, well.... they might mysteriously disappear within a short period of time or get severe injuries
Loves to dress you up but will NEVER make you wear anything uncomfortable. Just say you're feeling uncomfortable and he'll be apologizing a million times and begging you to forgive him
If you try escaping or act up and drive him over the edge, he'll just be upset and sad. Not to mention heartbroken but he'll convince himself that it's just a lover's spat and he'll resolve it by trying to look at the situation from your perspective. If what you asked for is too much he'll just refuse and he'll hold you in his grip till you've calmed down and will hug you and tell you everything's all right and you don't need to be sorry and you were just feeling confused and disoriented
Will be punish you? Are you freaking kidding me? He's the type of person who apologizes if he so much as lays a hand on your hair without your permission. He will NEVER EVER lay a hand on you or shout at you or use your fears against you or even lock you in a room for that matter. Come to think of it, he most certainly won't restrain you with chains and ropes and all that. If at all he DOES have to scold you about something, it'll be like he's gently scolding a toddler and he'll pat your head after that. Honestly, he ain't THAT bad
He'll be reluctant and hesitant to let you outside but he'll eventually cave in and he'll let you roam around ONLY in the back garden, that's IT, nothing more, nothing less. You would live in a cute little cottage
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col-e7 · 1 month
Ninjago headcanons again but my high school with no powers AU (post 2/5)
/!\ TW : traumas, mention of SA, bulliyin, racism, struggling with mental health, panic attacks...
Note : If you're dealing with any of those, please seek help, you're not alone you can do this, you are stronger than you think and my DM are always open if you need to talk :3
Jay Walker
• is 16 y/o
• is in 10th grade
• uses he/him and is a trans guyyy
• is Korean by his biological parents but raised as Irish by his adoptive parents
• can speaks Korean perfectly well and an old Irish dialect
• has heterochromia eyes
• is a freckles head and has ginger/blond mixed hair
• is between 5’6 and 5’7 (1m68) but used to be smaller than Lloyd
• is the 2nd youngest after Lloyd
• he’s born on the 1st April
• has ADHD
• has a collection of rubik’s cubs and always have one in his bag and a key ring with a tiny one and use the big one in class to stay focus
• is a genius in mathematics and P.E. class but just for running
• has hyperfixations are video games, dinosaurs, sharks and spider-man
• is very clumsy
• once tried skateboarding like Kai, Cole and Lloyd but failed miserably
• is a bad loser
• never does his homework, the ultimate procrastinator
• was a gacha/nightcore phase
• listening to all genders of musics but hyper pop>>>
• has an overload room but clean because he has cleaning pulsions at 3am and reorganise his all room during his calls with Cole. His parents had to create their own headphones for the noises during the night
• is a HUGE lover of Christmas and Halloween
• is an anime weeb
• Gave his WII U and all his games with to Lloyd because he knew Kai couldn’t afford it at this time
• Helped Lloyd to bind their chest for the first time with tape and for his birthday he gave him his own binder bcz he didn’t need it anymore
• Make fun of Kai’s height since he get taller than him
• Nobody knows it but him and Cole dated once for a couple months in 9th grade before they decided to broke up because they feel they were just friends
• To him he only had two relationships : one with Cole and one with an another boy named Felix in primary school where they couldn’t stop holding hands, kissing each other on the cheek and helping each other
• Has also a panic disorder which causes him to stress a lot and for the most tiny things. He got medication for it so he doesn’t have like a panic attack a day but he still can feel extremely stressed
• Because of his panic disorder and some bullying things in primary school he did his all middle school plus 9th grade at home
• Can play electric bass thanks to one of his old hyperfixation and sometimes plays songs to Nya even if he makes mistakes because it’s been a long time he didn’t play
• Is a dog person and has a dog call Flash
• Loves his adoptive parents with his all heart
• When he’s angry he cursed in the Irish dialect he learned from his adoptive parents and the others are either dying of laughter or being extremely concerned
• Is in love with Nya for ages and ages but didn’t how to approach her and all so she’s the one who did the first step and talk to him for the first time
• He has testosterone treatment so his voice is still in break and sometimes it is absolutely low and other times it’s high-pitched
• He builds a lot of stuff and knows how to repair cars and often helps Cole with his motorcycle
• His hands are always dirty and dust is often under his nails because of all the stuff he builds
• He has a hate (but he wishes love) relationship with cats since he’s allergic to them
• He’s nyctophobic (extreme fear of dark) and so he always has a little candle or the night light that his parents made for him so he can sleeps
• Used to have horrible panic attacks at night when he has nightmares or because of his nyctophobia and even have to go to the emergency once because of it
• Before getting his driver license he always go to places with his bike
• Before meeting all the friend group members, he always had to pretend he was « normal » because people used to mock him because of his ADHD, his anxiety tics and where he lived (the junkyard)
• He’s the nice and energetic guy of his village, every old ladies thinks he’s really nice while old men thinks he’s too noisy (they’re just jealous-)
• Always make little gifts to Nya that he made himself and love to do big surprises that he took months to prepare just to see her smile on her face
• Was, is and will always #1 Nya’s supporter with Kai ofc
• Is best friend with Cole since he’s been adopted bcz the Walker and the Hence Brookstone families are good friends
• he knows what Cole’s been through and knows to help him
• Nya is his biggest support when he has breakdown she knows what to do, how to deal with it and make him feel better and always listening to him
• Nya and him rarely fight because they work hard on communication and Jay is just freaking happy about that
• Jay will never admit it but he always admired how cool is Kai and even if they fight a lot he knows he can count on them and they know they can count on him if there’s anything
• Zane, Pixal, Nya and him plan every month a weekend to the junkyard to make a new invention together
• Loves to help people he cares about so when he learned that Zane was being bullied by some racists, he managed to always be with him if they go alone somewhere and felt extremely shitty when they got physically assaulted bcz he couldn’t help and even get hit too
• Sometimes he wished he was like Kai, confident and brave enough to fight for his friends
• Always say ily to Cole because he’s THE best friend he ever had and he’s always here when he needs help
• When he helps Kai with their maths homework, he become as strict as a math teacher can be (even worse) and it makes Kai just questionning his whole life
• Made the worse foolishness possible with Cole as a kid
• has arachnophobia
• dance and scream-singing at 3am with Cole on Timber
• is a BIG fan of Fairy Tail (has a plushie of Happy)
Nya Smith
• Is 16
• Is in 10th grade
• Uses the pronouns She/her and identifies as a cis girl
• Bisexual girl
• Mexican/japanese like Kai
• Speaks Spanish
• Is between 5’10/5’11
• Is the 3rd youngest after Jay and Lloyd (she’s older than Jay yes)
• Born on 27 March
• She’s an extreme perfectionist like it already made her sick at some point
• Drive an old but incredible motorcycle she repair with Jay two years ago and loves it, it’s literally her baby
• Is an amazing student in everything except art and literature because she struggles to express her feelings and to words on emotions
• Loves metal music and listening some with Cole
• Is extremely good at sport and even more at swimming
• She's not into dresses but she wouldn't mind wearing a skirt even though she prefers wearing trousers and shorts
• Is definitely not a morning person like she needs coffee to be awake, is addicted to caffeine
• she's been assaulted sexually when she was younger like 11-12 a day Kai has to work late again and couldn’t get Nya in time so she had to go back home alone
• Lloyd and her would definitely have the best sleepover/gossiping together when Kai isn't here for the all night and doing karaoke all night long
• has matching bracelets with Kai that they did when they were young. Her is red and his red
• due to her assault, she’s extremely afraid to be alone outside at night. She hated herself and feels so vulnerable so she build herself a shell and since now she rarely talks about her feelings and emotions, she sees it as weakness, but thanks to Jay she understands that talking and showing her emotions wasn’t about being weak but having the courage to open up to others and face her problems
• used to go in a boxe club with Skylor in middle school
• has undiagnosed ADHD and learned she has some symptoms by Jay who noticed them before they even started dating
• she can skate with rollers but not with a skateboard
• is very passionate about space and love talking about stars, planets and all
• wish Kai let her help him at home and open up more to her
• dated a girl in 7th grade but didn’t tell to anyone because she was worried to disappoint her brothers or friends
• when she has big breakdowns or she’s too angry to talk or see anyone, she takes her motorcycle and goes to the sea, to a secret spot. Sometimes she just watches the waves and put her feet in the water or sometimes she just swim all dressed up until she’s not angry anymore, usually she stayed until the night falls to watch the stars and moon, thinking about her parents until Kai comes and picks her up, worry asf but happy to find her and comfort her on the way home
• didn’t used to sleep without any cuddly toys until Jay offers her one of his favourite and ever since she only sleeps with it and can’t sleep without it
• hates TV shows about love but loves reading old books about impossible relationships
• loves gossiping with Pixal, Vania, Skylor and Cole when they do a sleepover
• she’s BUFF and can easily take her brother and Jay on her back
• get a tattoo of orcas, her favourite animal, on her left arm
• she wants to be a marine biologist and learn all she can about faune and flora of oceans, buy or emprunte books and hold a looot of notebooks where she writes down informations
• she wears bracelets made of leather and the one that Lloyd made her when he was a child
• often make fun of Kai when she sees they doing a whole skincare routine coz he got acne and black spot very easily while she never had a single spot on her face
• did have a crush on Cole when she was 14 and was hurt when he told her he was crushing on Kai and started realising her feelings for Jay (she always considered him as a brother) a year later
• always wanted a cat but she doesn’t know why they’re always scared of her and that’s kinda hurt her in some ways
Zane Julien
• is 17 soon 18
• they’re in 12th grade
• uses they/them/it pronouns and see themselves as non-binary
• they’re demi-panromantic and graysexual
• Russian
• can speak like 10 languages : French, Russian, Italian, Latino Spanish, Chinese, Polish, Creole, Indonesian, Greek and German
• They’re between 6’4 and 6’5 (1m95), which make them the tallest in the group
• It’s the second oldest after Cole
• is born on December, 17th
• has autism
• their longest hyper fixations since they’re little are literature and language study
• have a bionic arm (they're born without their left arm) and they don't like to talk about it, it's kind of a trigger
• has always kind of a loner since they're little, so when they started to befriend with Cole during middle school, they were hella scared
• Cole is their most close friend and the one they trust the most, with their girlfriend, Pixal, of course
• is dating Pixal since 10th grade
• they never feel in love with anyone before Pixal and used to don't understand the concept of love for years
• they always been bullied for either their skin tone or their autism, and developed trust issues and anxiety disorder
• are easily overwhelmed by noise or public places, so they never stay at school too long, only in the morning then they go back home
• are a HUGEEE fan of romantic/dramatic mangas
• has lost its mother when it was only a child and so lived with its father
• are often complimented by their friends about how beautiful their eyes are (they're blue but like a mix of ocean and ice blue)
• can do crochet
• wish that their friends's life could be better and always try to help them
• feel bad when anyone is standing up for them when they get bullied or victim of racism
• feel like a burden
• is active a lot in volunteering actions and associations for example homeless people or victims of any sort of abuse
• even though their hyperfixations are more inclined in the litterature domain, their dream job is to be a doctor or a surgeon
• loves flowers and often gather some when it's walking its way home or anywhre and put them in its herbarium
• don't really like sport but love hiking, they find it really relaxing
• wish their skin were white pretty often
• even if a lot of negative things happened or are happening to them, they always try to stay positive and enthuastic
• is always the first person to listen Cole's music before the other since it was the first to know Cole made music and never make fun of him for that
• their favourite kind of music are indie, classic and ethereal
• has earrings since it is in 8th grade and always has them on (they were its mom's)
• have a EXTREMELY well clean room and hate when people get in and touch things without their permission, it literally can triggers them
• drinks nothing except water and apple juice
• has a budgerigar called Icy because of its white feathers
• their therapist is often bring their conversation oh them getting diagnosed to approve, yes or no, if they're HPI
• are working everyday a bit on being able to go in publics places alone which makes their dad and friends very proud of them
• try as much as they can to give some money or medecine for Kai's IED since they know he doesn't/can't take his pills
• already has a colder body temperature but having its bionic arm makes it a little bit even colder somehow
• love ice cream (fav flavour is vanilla)
• its style of clothes fits in light academia and has a comfort jumper (the only one they have from their mother)
• loves rainbows and has an entire album of pictures of them in its phone
And that's it for the Headcanons of the "main" characters of ninjago, I know I took ages to post it but school has been pretty hard and other personnal problems had been on my mind but i'm really happy to finally show you this post ! As always, you can always put your own HC in the comments or discuss if you disagree with mine, as long it's done with respect ofc ! I want to thank @en0laa who often motivated me to continue this serie so I dedicate this post to her :D
Anyway, I hope y'all doing great and having a great day/night/afternoon ! See ya in the next post !!
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evenmyhivemindisempty · 3 months
For the Corinthian: 7, 8, and 19
7. ...the scene that I think adds depth to their character or the relationship this character has with someone.
Literally every scene with Jed, but specifically the ice cream one. He’s just *so* inhuman in very interesting ways. Sure, he’s charming and friendly, but he’s also weird as shit - you can definitely see his nightmare aspect bleeding through when he imitates Barnaby’s voice, and he’s not even trying to be scary! He’s actually legitimately trying to relate to Jed here, but the tools he has at his disposal aren’t necessarily the same ones a human would be equipped with.
His friendship with Jed in general is fascinating to me, especially compared to how he treated him in the comics (stuffing him in the back of his car). It’s funny to me that Corinthian is probably the first adult that actually protected Jed (excluding Gault ofc, but I think that’s more complicated since idk how much he understands/retains from his dreams). I would love for season 2 to have some kind of Jed & Cori 2.0 reunion ugh
8. …a headcanon I have about this character.
I don’t really have any huge, fandom-shaking HC’s for him, but I’ve got a couple smaller ones! For starters, I definitely don’t think he knows who Hob Gadling is at all. I know there’s a lot of HC’s about everyone in the dreaming being fascinated by Dream’s human drinking buddy, but realistically I think very few people notice his once-a-century absence, and if they do, I can’t imagine they’d really care.
I tend to HC Corinthian’s relationship with Dream as a one-sided father/son dynamic, too. Does Corinthian have daddy issues? Absolutely. Can I see him referring to Dream as his “father” to a human or someone who didn’t know what was up? 100%. Would Dream *ever* consider Corinthian his son? Hahaha. Nope.
This one is very silly, but I also HC that Carl topped the hell out of that man. I think Corinthian largely prefers to bottom, and you know, and I think he’s a total pillow princess, too. Baby’s all about *sensation*! He’s soaking it in!
19. …a song that describes how I feel about this character.
Oh man, anytime I hear “I Want More” by Shawn James, my brain immediately screams “Corinthian!” There’s such a raw yearning in that song, combined with this miserable kind of resignation that really tracks with how I imagine the Corinthian wanted so badly to survive and enjoy the waking, but also still probably figured that wasn’t the most likely end to his story.
Some of the lyrics give me the *most* Corinthian energy too:
And I want more of a good thing that makes me feel
I can admit I tend to bite off more than I can handle
This song honestly feels like it’s the Corinthian’s serenade to the waking world itself!
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nanceharringtons · 2 years
Expanding on the whole “my parents never loved each other” scene post, it’s interesting how people use that as their number one reason stancy would never work as it’s not very accurate the way they try to paint it. As if Nancy is allergic to the very idea of ever having a family and should just spend her life devoted to her career. Nowhere in that scene did she mention that she hates kids and the idea of ever having her own family. What she does fear is a loveless marriage for the sake of convenience and having to drop all her ambitions like Karen did to raise said family.
This is 100% not what Steve is offering. If you honestly believe Steve would expect her to give up her dreams and her ambitions to be a stay at home mom then you don’t know either of these characters very well. I mean we’re talking about Steve here. The one this fandom always refers to as the ‘mom’. If anyone was to stay at home, it’d be him. 
There’s a scene in season 2 where Steve and Nancy are in his car and he’s feeling resigned about his future. He mentions how he’s probably just going to end up working for his dad and maybe it wouldn’t be so bad because it pays good and he’d get benefits and could be around for her senior year. This scene, I feel, played into Nancy’s fears of settling. Steve didn’t know what he wanted for himself so he’s resigned himself to working for his dad after high school because it’s the easiest option. 
In season 4 this isn’t the case. Steve grew up a lot in their time apart and he knows what he wants now and he tells Nancy as much. She sees this. You can read it very clearly in the winnebago scene. She isn’t “disgusted” or “repulsed” by his hopes for the future, she’s very clearly intrigued by it and people who are trying to say she isn’t are just willfully ignoring canon in favor of their own headcanon.
It’s also important to note that Steve said Nancy was the most important part of this dream, so it wasn’t so much him saying “I want six kids with you” so much as he was saying “I see you in my future.” It’s also important to note that Nancy can have both. She can have her career and her ambitions and still have a family to come home to and go on summer vacations across the country in a winnebago with. It isn’t like she can have one or the other and the fact that some people treat it like that just says a lot to me. It doesn’t take away from her being an ‘independent girlboss’ nor is it misogynistic for her to want a family, so can we stop throwing around that word when we don’t personally like something? She can have her dreams and still want a family too without it being sexist. 
ALSO, Jonathan mentioned having kids with Nancy in a future where they’re both miserable because he apparently thinks that Nancy would just drop everything to be with him in Cali if he’s honest with her, which... Seriously? Say that this did happen for argument sake... Isn’t that basically the point antis are arguing about how stancy wouldn’t work? Make it make sense.
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bouquetshark · 10 months
Can you do Regressor Wizard w/ Caretaker Cinnamon,,? /nf
Comfort duo (not ship)
Regressor!Wizard Cookie Headcanons
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As a general baseline, Wizard Cookie is still as reserved and watchful as ever -- always being on the lookout as a good wizard is essential!—ooh..is that a trinket? Well, it seems that Wizard Cookie decided to change plans, just for a little bit! Definitely not because he's regressing, oh no he would never! Trust him, the scarf is totally a beard. And... hiding behind his big brother's ankle seems like a nicer idea.
Since Wizard Cookie is canonically a child in game, he might be depicted differently than you'd expect. Since he's going into the mind of a smaller child, and due to his, well, small stature...most don't even know he's regressing if there stranger's.
• Wizard Cookie found out what age regression was through some old tomes and diaries he found --but didn't know that term suited him until Cinnamon Cookie explained more to him.
• Regresses from 2-3, more or less depending on health and mood.
• Despite how front-headed Wizard Cookie is out of regression, he gets distracted quite easily by shiny item's when he's in it. Especially Cinnamon Cookie's golden jewel's on some of his outfits. He won't outright steal them, (usually—blame Chili Pepper Cookie)..and will just simply look or poke at it until he gets bored of it.
• Attempt's to be independent but fails miserably, usually just ends up clinging to Cinnamon like the little brother he is.
• Loves sweets! Ice cream is his jam 100%. No matter how much he refuses to admit his gleaming sweet tooth.
• Despite how young he get's—Wizard Cookie still loves to read! Cinnamon got him some picture book's, but Wizard still reads ancient tomes with page's bigger than his body—curtsey of Blueberry Pie Cookie.
• Loves Cinnamon Cookie very, very much. And does not want to admit it. Especially with all of his silly trick's and rabbits and (totally not super cool) card tricks!
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Caregiver!Cinnamon Cookie Headcanons
As a general baseline, Cinnamon Cookie is a silly and sometimes overenthusiastic caregiver; which can tucker Wizard Cookie out. But, despite that, he's a fantastic big brother and friend to Wizard Cookie. And he wouldn't change him for the world—despite how much he won't admit it. Plus, those card tricks are pretty cool..!
• Does special magic tricks for Wizard Cookie, his favorites are the one's where pulls something out of his ear or makes something disappear. His show rabbit; Cinnamon Bunny, goes with him everywhere!
• Spoils Wizard Cookie a lot, always buys him gift's and trinkets and all sorts of doohickeys on a whim. He does make a lot of money from his magic show's, so it doesn't really affect his wallet as much as you'd think. Not to mention he works in the circus, too, so he always has a couple spare coin's on him for whatever Wizard of himself wants.
• Cinnamon's love language is acts of service, and is very heavy on PDA (Public Displays of Affection). Such as holding hands, pat's on the head, twirling Wizard around in the air...the work's!
• Takes naps with Wizard Cookie in his lap after he's done working, is usually holding him the entire time with a fleece blanket covering the two. Cinnamon Bunny also joins in on these naps! Usually on Cinnamon's face, but...it's funny to Wizard so it's okay.
• Cinnamon Bunny's favorite Cookie is Wizard, much to Cinnamon's defeat. It'll do all of the tricks for him! But not the real magician!
• Likes blasting music in the car, which Wizard doesn't like. So he compromise by giving him some noise cancelling headphones to wear. Now everybody's happy!
• Like his name suggests, Cinnamon Cookie is, well, cinnamon. And because of that, he's obsessed with pumpkin spice lattes. Wizard Cookie doesn't understand it one bit; and honestly doesn't want too.
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Please share your thoughts on Steve being a different kind of outsider! I'm sure your (stranger things) followers like myself would love to hear it? I think you're 100% right about Hopper too
Ohh okay thank you so much for allowing me to rant about this and asking about it. And I’m so thankful that you asked about it.
Okay so about Steve being a different kid of outsider so honestly there’s a bunch that I can go through and I’m going to do it each by season. And then overall thoughts.
Season 1= this is going to be ironic considering that Steve is in the popular group in season 1 however Steve is an outsider in his own popular group. Within the dynamic there are actually a few scenes and one that sticks out to me is when Carol and Tommy and Steve are in the car. Carol is teasing Steve and one thing she says is ‘aww Steve/Stevie has a heart’ which also brings into what happens later with the whole conflict of why Steve doesn’t want to continue being friends with them. Steve himself wants to become a better person and in that scene where Steve is with Tommy and carol after the fight with Jonathan: Steve says himself that they’re miserable and etc. So this is where we see it: he has too big of a moral compass and too big of a heart to actually be within the ‘popular group’ - hell you can even see it way before this. After ever single bad act that we see Steve do in season 1, he immediately regrets it and you can see it on his face that he’s conflicted. Meanwhile contrasting that with carol and Tommy who are just laughing or are having the time of their lives and appear to be experiencing not that much guilt at their actions. I’m not going to be picking sides here and saying that they all weren’t friends however what I’m saying is that in season 1 Steve is being associated with the popular crew while he’s doing something/experiencing something that his other friends who are popular never do. He’s already being shown differently than them (which is also why I hate that huge headcanon of Steve being a vicious bully because canon is literally showing us that while he does have traits of the popular crew - the traits that don’t follow their code are the ones that overrule the traits that do fit in.). He’s too soft to be with the popular crew and that’s what it comes down to. Which also another thing that it comes down too that actually is pretty important in st universe with outsiders: ‘we make our own rules’ - Steve is actively making his own rules and picking what he wants to do and then does it! He reaches a point where he can’t hide anymore behind a facade so instead he for creates how own path with his rules. No one had to tell him to go to the Byers house and apologize he did that all by himself. Hell even at the Byers house he creates his own rules where maybe Jonathan won’t forgive him but Steve will still say that he’s sorry and won’t leave until amends are made. No one made that rule and choice for him: he did himself.
Season 2: in season 2 Steve has lost his crown and it seems like his only true friend is his girlfriend. Steve doesn’t fit into the hierarchy that was established at school anymore and he’s trying to figure out where to go next. However it comes at a screeching halt when he realizes that the life he’s fantasized with Nancy isn’t what is going to happen anymore. That whole bathroom scene at Tina’s party happens and it starts to hit a little bit here. Because Steve is also shown as being a little bit lost now which happens to outsiders. His life isn’t going the way he thought he would anymore but also what’s important in st universe is that the outsiders do something about it. Which Steve does!!! He takes the chance to go to Nancy’s house and apologize! However then that gets hijacked and now Steve’s whole life is on a new path. And where does that path lead: with Dustin. A kid that he barley knows anything about but is still willing to go the mile to help him. Steve is an outsider in his own life right now just wondering around but also taking his life and forging it. But then I have to talk about this scene: the snowball scene where Steve sees Nancy and sighs and goes out of the parking lot. And here here oh it’s so interesting because here is when we see Steve feeling like an outsider in a group of outsiders. All of them are having a fun time at the snow ball hell even Joyce and hopper are all curled up together in a hug. They all have each other after the fact of everything going on meanwhile it seems like Steve’s only connection in that scene is with Dustin in the car. But after that, well the rest of them are together and have each other. Meanwhile Steve’s out of the picture so it’s very interesting that the narrative shows this and shows how Steve is an outsider within the own group ! Meanwhile he’s also an outsider within the school as he doesn’t have many friends and his hierarchy at school disintegrated.
Season 3: okay steve is at his lowest (and also highest here) so Steve reveals the fact that he didn’t get into college which no doubt brings out the fact that he would feel like he’s an outsider especially in a group full of geniuses. In this season we also start to notice more of how Steve picks up things that the others don’t notice like how he picks up the Russian music on the recording. Steve is also having trouble with girls and having trouble just connecting with people in general in the town (besides maybe Robin) so you have an outsider here where he doesn’t fit in with the town (in fact he’s literally judging some people in the mall) and commenting on what they’re doing. The narrative/framing of the scene with the binoculars in the mall creates an outsider pov where Steve is looking out on the people but not interacting with them.
Season 4: he’s wondering around with no certain direction to go and all of his plans have gone down the drain. He’s not at school with Robin and the others so he doesn’t spend as much time around the others. He’s also not in college so that makes him even more of an outsider. He’s also shown this season not knowing what he wants and struggling to be his ‘true self’ and what type of relationship he wants with girls. He’s a wondering outsider just shifting aimlessly not sure where he’s going but being stuck in a town that doesn’t care about who he is as a person.
Steve is an outsider that doesn’t fit in with the popular gang but also doesn’t fit into the norm of st ‘outsiders’. He’s a jock - he noticed things that others don’t - he makes connections that the other outsiders don’t make - he takes more of the psychical actions - he isn’t afraid to get up into the monsters face meanwhile the others are using at distance weapons. He’s an outsider because he doesn’t fit in with any group - he’s caught between them. He’s caught between the normal vs not normal narrative of st.
Just thought that I would also mention it but Steve is literally paralleled to every single ‘outsider’ and has similarities in each of them. He’s like a bundle of each of them but also his own person.
Also a major major plot line that all of the other outsider characters does fit Steve to a T. A lot of them have a struggle in whether they want to fit in or not and have that struggle of them trying to fit the norm that society has set for them but ultimately deciding that they don’t want to be considered normal. Which we see happening with Steve and his whole ‘king Steve’ and we even see that in season 2 where Steve is trying to fit the norm of being Nancy’s boyfriend and being whoever Nancy wants him to be. But then ends up staying with the kids and being their protector. Also Steve very much does have another problem that aligns with the other ‘outsiders’ in this show. Other characters have a misconception of them but then realize that they’re actually good people so the misconceptions are there from the beginning. And the misconceptions are a key in stranger things as multiple outsider characters align with others having misconceptions of them that aren’t true.
Also thanks for agreeing on the hopper part and lol this got so long but this is what I came up with so ☺️🎉
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chaotic-goodsir · 5 months
Tried to make a playlist of songs I think January 1998 AU Owen would actually know and like, and yeah, I overthought this one far too much 😅 Song list, lyrics and some headcanons below the cut.
I'm working on one of these for Curt too which I'll post soon!
If driving fast cars you like, if low bars you like
1. Anything Goes - Cole Porter
If old hymns you like, if bare limbs you like
If Mae West you like or me undressed you like 
Why, nobody will oppose
One of the first musical songs Owen remembers hearing. Also a song about breaking taboos and changing times which gained more meaning as he got older.
2. There's No Business Like Show Business - Annie Get Your Gun
Yesterday they told you you would not go far
That night you open and there you are
Next day on your dressing room they've hung a star
Let's go on with the show
The first time Owen set foot in a theatre, aged about 10, he decided he wanted to become a actor, but expectations got in the way. After he started working for MI6 this song became a sort of private joke to him, since some of the lyrics could also apply to spying and later working for Chimera.)
3. You Call Everybody Darling - Andrews Sisters
You call everybody darling
And everybody calls you darling too
You don't mean what you're saying
It's just a game you're playing
But you'll find someone else can play the game as well as you
Curt once joked that this song reminds him of Owen, and now Owen is sentimental about it.
4. I Get a Kick Out of You - Frank Sinatra
Practically everything leaves me totally cold
The only exception I know is the case
When I'm out on a quiet spree 
Fighting vainly the old ennui 
And I suddenly turn and see your fabulous face 
Song for Curt, which Curt also likes.
5. Black Coffee - Sarah Vaughan
I'm feelin' mighty lonesome
Haven't slept a wink
I walk the floor and watch the door 
And in between I drink
Song for playing while smoking alone and miserable in a hotel room at 3am before/after a mission, even if the lyrics are technically about being a housewife.
6. Love You Didn't Do Right By Me - Rosemary Clooney
Love, you didn't do right by me
You planned a romance that just hadn't a chance 
And I'm through
Song for playing while smoking alone and miserable after the only person you've ever let yourself fall in love with abandons you.
6. I Could Have Danced All Night - Ella Fitzgerald
I'll never know what made it so exciting 
Why all at once my heart took flight 
I only know when he began to dance with me 
I could have danced, danced, danced all night
From the first musical Owen managed to see on Broadway and the first one he saw with Curt, some time in the 50s. This version of the song is from album they bought in 1963 for Ms Mega.
7. My Funny Valentine - Sarah Vaughan
Is your figure less than Greek?
Is your mouth a little weak?
When you open it to speak, are you smart?
But don't change a hair for me
Not if you care for me
Song for Curt, which Curt does not like.
8. America - Simon & Garfunkel
She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy
I said, "Be careful, his bowtie is really a camera"
"Toss me a cigarette, I think there's one in my raincoat"
"We smoked the last one an hour ago"
Song for Curt and being able to travel again (Owen spent a large part of the 60s in either the safehouse or a high security A.S.S facility) and being an expat in the US.
9. Eleanor Rigby - The Beatles 
Eleanor Rigby died in the church and was buried along with her name
Nobody came
Father McKenzie wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave 
No one was saved
Curt insists that Owen should like the Beatles because he's British. Owen does not like the Beatles. With the exception of this song, which he has complicated feelings about - he's always been curious about people and their lives, and it's one of the things that drew him to spying. And acting. And Chimera.
10. Cabaret - Cabaret
Life is a Cabaret, old chum
It's only a Cabaret, old chum 
And I love a Cabaret.
One of Owen's favourite broadway songs.
10. Waterloo - ABBA
Waterloo, I was defeated you won the war
Waterloo, promise to love you forevermore
Waterloo, couldn't escape if I wanted to
Waterloo, knowing my fate is to be with you
Owen will not admit to anyone that he likes this song, but Curt knows he loves it.
11. Wuthering Heights - Kate Bush
How could you leave me 
When I needed to possess you? 
I hated you, I loved you, too 
Curt makes fun of Owen for liking this song because it's dramatic and angsty and 'classic books are boring.' Owen thinks that Curt just doesn't appreciate intellectual art, or pay attention to lyrics.
12. This Charming Man - The Smiths
Why pamper life's complexity 
When the leather runs smooth 
On the passenger seat? 
I would go out tonight but I haven't got a stitch to wear 
This man said, "It's gruesome that someone so handsome should care" 
Song for Curt, first overheard playing in the cafe Curt and Owen like to visit.
13. Tom's Diner - Suzanne Vega
Oh, this rain it will continue 
Through the morning as I'm listening 
I am thinking of your voice
And of the midnight picnic once upon a time 
Before the rain began 
I finish up my coffee and it's time to catch the train
1980-90s song that reminds 1980s-90s Owen of being 1950s Owen.
14. Non, je ne regrette rien - Edith Piaf
Non, je ne regrette rien
Car ma vie 
Car mes joies 
Ça commence avec toi
Owen once asked Curt to make sure this is played at his funeral. Curt laughed at him for being cliché and pretentious, but he's written it down somewhere to make sure he doesn't forget.
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humanlighthouse · 2 years
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I posted 6,360 times in 2022
That's 475 more posts than 2021!
37 posts created (1%)
6,323 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 635 of my posts in 2022
#my fics - 16 posts
#heihua - 11 posts
#pingxie - 10 posts
#zsx love of my life - 9 posts
#dmbj - 8 posts
#xiaoge my beloved - 7 posts
#hei xiazi - 6 posts
#wu xie - 5 posts
#xiaoge - 5 posts
#me - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#so it often happens that miserable bastards try the passive aggressive approach with me and it fails completely because i go :d :d :d at em
My Top Posts in 2022:
Surprise! 🎉
37 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
Okay so
today i found the best qilin
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The Boy!!!
39 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
I was tagged by @frenchvanillaorchid to post the last song I listened to in order to predict how 2022 will go for me. Making a new chain because the vibe here is probably not gonna be what they expect 😂 but thanks for the tag hun!
And the winner is...
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Welp. 🤣 @s1utspeare i'm blaming this on you, also tagging you 😘 and @jaecomments @mythochondrion @jockvillagersonly @mejomonster @xcziel @rose-nebulijia feel free to ignore this if you don't want to do it or do it even if you're not tagged if you do! ☺✌
43 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Happy Xiaoge Gets Home Day to all who celebrate 🎊🎉
72 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Two random DMBJ headcanons that may or may not be related:
Xiaoge is afraid of flying. He never sets foot in airplanes and takes trains/ cars/ boats or hitchhikes wherever he needs to go.
Hei Xiazi has a flying license from like, 1942, but can figure out how to operate most machines. He even once stole Xiao Hua's brand new jet and managed to land it safely back after a little joyride.
The former might be due to the latter 🤷‍♀️
75 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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telltalebatman · 2 years
❤️, 👻, 🎁 from the fic writing ask game?
whoops jesus, ok, attempt 2 at answering an ask lmao
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic? mmmmmmmmmm let me see. in general probably "A real shithole, that place." he said, leaning in towards her; she watched him attentively, and something in her eyes just made him want to talk, to keep giving her something to listen to, to make her never look away from him. "Rotten to its core and miserable. I bloody loved it there though. It just... Has a way with people. You never know if it's gonna chew you up and spit you out, a broken mass of bones and heartbreak, or if it's going to let you climb on top and feel like the king of the bloody world."
but in my current WIP i've got possibly the funniest "god i think i like you" "actually i am in love with you" conversation exer, bc
"Two, it's exactly what you've told me to do, no? Go and get cancer, die of cardiac arrest, get hit by a car, drink rat poison, yadda yadda yadda."
"Well, uhm, I, uh, wanted for you to die by my hand," she replied, suddenly feeling stupidly flustered. "So... You know. Go easy on the MSG, big guy, I've got a knife with your name on it."
He paused eating, staring at her in silence; with her cheeks the color of good salsa roja, she scoffed angrily and looked away, pursing her lips tightly.
"In that case," he said finally; and she dared not to look at him. "I'll wait with bated breath to feel your knife on my throat."
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
mac gargan from the 2018 ps4 game marvel's spider-man (this specific version of him is my blorbo #2 <3) has a PHD-level in-depth knowledge of chemistry. headcanoning this absolute frenzied maniac as a de-facto genius is just. very funny to me lmao
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
i am currently working on next installment of my lengthy mac gargan/oc series. in this one, frankie both realizes some things about herself, and comes to accept gargan as "no longer the most annoying guy in new york, actually kinda hot and funny and not all that awful to be around oh my god oh fuck i think i want to fuck him"
"Thanks," she said; quickly, before the word died in her throat, or got caught up between her teeth. "What did you do?"
In response, Gargan shrugged.
"I called a friend," he said, looking at her; god, she thought. He literally has to bend his neck to look at me. I literally have to look up at him. What the fuck? "He called his friend. Friend of a friend then called a guy who owed him money. And what do you know - the guy at the end of the chain just so happened to have a PHD in electrical engineering. And the rest... Is history."
"Cool," she said; doing her best to not sound amazed, of course. Gargan seemed to know a lot of people, who also knew a lot of people; she would never have guessed that a random low-ranking Maggia thug like him can just make things happen. That, she always thought, was reserved for the likes of her father; unassuming-looking men in plain suits, who held all the strings attached to the likes of Gargan. "Uhm... Thanks."
"You thanked me already. Do it some more, and I might blush," he said with a quiet, low chuckle; in response Frankie groaned, feeling her cheeks turn a humiliating shade of red at the sound of his laughter. He was still laughing as she jammed her elbow into his ribcage, and the sound of his laughter followed her even as she marched away angrily.
Fucking loser."
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