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Just your regular anime lover and Lookism verse obsessed author 馃槉
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thefiery-phoenix 8 months ago
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That's actually an interesting scenario. I've seen the Phantom of the Opera at Broadway when I was a kid, I was kinda young so I didn't really understand much of it. All I liked was the Phantom's mask lol. And I've gone with the original and the ACTUAL Phantom of the Opera here that took place in Paris at the The Palais Garnier or Op茅ra Garnier and I actually like the Phantom of the Opera :)
You were supposed to give a show today at the Paris Opera House, Palais Garnier. You were the main character of the play, Christine Daae. You were nervous since you didn't think that you could actually pull it off and in other words, one could say that you had stage fright. You started taking deep breaths to calm yourself down and you tried to rehearse your parts along with your songs
What you didn't know was that there was a person from underground or the sewers watching your every move. The Phantom was captivated and mesmerized by your beauty and your charming melodious voice whenever you practiced. She manipulated and spooked the crew of giving you the leading character in the play, giving you all the key roles. She gazed up at you, wistfully thinking how wonderful and lovely it would be to have you in her arms. She was scared and ashamed to show herself to you since she was rather disfigured and afraid that you might recoil in disgust when you look at her. Hence she was forced to silently observe you from the shadows, heart aching and yearning for your touch and your soft pink rosy lips on hers
However, there were 2 people she didn't like from the crew. One was the lady who played the role of Meg Giry the Prima Donna (Chief singer) and the other was the guy playing the role of the Viscount Raoul de Chagny since he fell in love with you. She made a plan to keep a close eye on them to ensure that they didn't mess your part in the play
You practiced for days and today it was the Opening Night. For days you had practiced, you couldn't afford to mess this up. Wanda was looking at you with interest, and with admiration in her eyes that even though you were nervous, you were still ready to face the people and do your part. She admired your bravery and courage and she oh, how she wished to do something to calm you down
Just then Meg Giry, the lead singer of the play asked you how you were doing. You didn't really suspect her of having any ill intentions towards you and you were too naive and trusting for your own good. The Phantom irritated at the cause of the disturbance from your practice peeked more close to see who you were talking to you and she scowled, an irritated frown on her face. Meg handed you a caffeinated drink to which you gladly accepted with a smile on your face and you drank it in front of her. She smirked deviously, talked with you for a few minutes and congratulated you for your acting and voice. But the Phantom knew better, she started getting livid. Who was this woman and how DARE they try doing something to you just before the play! You might not have noticed Meg's evil smirk and her ill feelings towards you but Wanda knew better. Her heart immediately started feeling heavy, wanting to protect you from all this and embrace you in her loving arms, where you don't have to fear anything. You were obviously too good and pure for this world and Wanda was now angry that someone was taking advantage of your niceness. Wanda still didn't want to reveal herself to you since she was a little insecure about herself but she made a mental note to make sure nothing happens to you today on Opening Night
Soon, it was time for you to sing your part and you took a deep breath, and you braced yourself and headed out to the center of the stage. The Phantom was silently cheering you on, captivated by how wonderful you look and how... angelic and divine you appeared while singing, like a true goddess from he heavens above. She felt all her negative emotions from a long time vanish when your melodious voice filled the Opera
(Lyrics don't belong to me, they're composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber from the movie 'Phantom of the Opera')
'Think of me, think of me fondly When we've said goodbye Remember me, once in a while Please promise me you'll try When you find that once again you long To take your heart back and be free If you ever find a moment Spare a thought for me....
We never said our love was evergreen Or as unchanging as the sea But if you can still remember Stop and think of me Think of all the things We've shared and seen Don't think about the way Things might have been'
You suddenly hit the wrong note and your face flushed red with embarrassment as people started staring you, some of them whispering. Then you started coughing and sputtering as Meg Giry started smirking at your behavior. You then understood that she had given you a drink that had caffeine in it and caffeine makes the voice weak for a while. You looked at her with anger and hurt in your eyes and she started singing
(Song's name is 'Please Miss Giry' composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber from the movie, 'Love Never Dies')
'Please, Miss Giry! I want to go back! I want my mother...
The sea is calm The sea is gray It washes everything away
Please, you're hurting me!
Don't worry, it's almost over
Sink into the deep Blue, and cool, and kind Then drift off to sleep Let the past unwind Leave the hurt behind
Gustave! Mother! No, I'm not done yet!'
By now Wanda was literally fuming that her beloved was cast aside for this random upstart. How DARE that.... that woman do that you and sabotage your singing? You could feel a few tears prickling your eyes and it fell down on the floor lightly. You thought that today would be the best day of your life, feeling proud as you stand held high and sing. You thought nothing could dampen your spirits but you were wrong. No one noticed your silent tears except for Wanda and she felt an ocean of emotions like anger, sympathy, love, sadness course through her body. All for you. She wasn't having any more of this nonsense and as the woman kept on singing, she grew even more infuriated and decided to do something about her
She sneakily came out of her hiding place and she snuck towards the gallery, used her powers to make the chandelier dangling above the proscenium fall down. It was on the verge of collapse but Wanda thought one step ahead. While the chandelier was still dangling loosely she made her grand appearance, startling everyone in the theatre and she pulled you in her embrace. Before you could even process what happened the chandelier finally came crashing down and she whisked you off with her
You looked up at her, wondering what she was going to do with you now and you sniffled, and whimpered in fright. "Please let me go...I'm sorry if I did something wrong''. She succumbed to her overwhelming desire of having you in her arms at long last and she dried your tears and spoke "My love... I have waited for far too long to have you in my arms. Hearing your divine wonderful voice, it made me feel... alive and like a person again. The way you were treated today in front of all those who don't deserve to be graced by your presence made my blood boil. You are far too pure and angelic to be tainted by the darkness of the world. I apologize that you were captured by a monster like me but... I will do my best to protect you''
She dried your tears lovingly and continued, "The world doesn't deserve an angel like you, my love~". The last thing you remembered was losing consciousness in a mysterious stranger's arms, wondering if all this was just a dream. Oh, if only it was a dream....
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thefiery-phoenix 8 months ago
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For the past few days, you've been paying attention to your writing more than your siblings and now they were getting sick of it. They've been patient long enough. Now, it was time for you to give them some attention
The first 2-3 days when you didn't join them for daily group cuddles they let it slide. But when you started doing it regularly they got sad and kinda pissed. Were they not good enough for you anymore? Do you want something from them? They'll give you whatever you ask for, just please hug them and spoil them with love, they're adorable cinnamon rolls that need love
At first they thought you were talking to some guy and you were in a relationship with him. So both of them confronted you about it and you burst out laughing and told them that you were just writing a book. "Then who is this... Trevor Chase person we saw on your phone in the list of contacts?" Pietro demanded. "He's just my editor and wait... how do you know the password to my phone?" you stared at him and Wanda hastily came to his rescue. "No changing the subject, you've barely been paying any attention to us lately. Now we're going to steal you away for a while, work will just have to wait'' and they dragged you to the couch where you guys cuddled for hours and hours together
So now if you want to work in peace, you'll have to hug them, or hold them and show them love and affection otherwise they'll be pestering you and hovering around you. What? Is it so wrong to get some love from your youngest sibling?
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thefiery-phoenix 8 months ago
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Wanda as a big sister would no doubt be super NICE! She's like the nicest big sister one could ever ask for. You both were devastated when Pietro died. Of course, you weren't exactly there when he died but he made Wanda promise him one thing: That she'd always look after you and take care of you. Wanda held that promise to her heart and she made a vow to guard you with her very life
Your siblings would go to any lengths to make sure you're safe. So now that Pietro's gone, Wanda will be making sure that you're safe. Even though Wanda just wants you to be all right, her protectiveness can be rather... overbearing at times. You can get frustrated all you want, once she makes up her mind about something she ain't gonna let it go
Apart from her using her magic to secretly stalk you at times and invading your privacy, there will be times where Wanda will just hold you in her warm embrace and she'll ask you how you're feeling and if you're all right and general stuff that happened today in her caring soft big sister. She will always be all ears when you're telling her something
She likes cuddling with you and sometimes, she likes being the little spoon. But most of the times, she'll be the big spoon since she likes wrapping her arms around her baby sis. And plus, it also gives her a feeling that she's protecting you from the dangers of the world. You are a navie little angel and Wanda would be damned if something happened to you. Oh, and btw, she won't be allowing you to talk to other guys except the Avengers much less date. And besides, you're off limits to all of them anyways, anyone who tries to ask you out ends up getting on the wrong side of your over protective big sister's magic that'll make them running away in terror
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thefiery-phoenix 8 months ago
So, in this scenario, Natasha Romanoff is the Queen of Hearts from Alice in the Wonderland, and it's an AU thing, so hope you enjoy. And I am so sorry for disappearing for so long, I was busy with university tests and entrance exams and such but guess who's finally gotten into a business school? Yours truly is now an official university student馃槉
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I can imagine that when Natasha first sees you, she might think that you're weak and fragile. At least in the Wonderland AU
When she heard you talk, she was surprised. You were soft... docile and so... innocent and naive and she immediately knew that you were different. You didn't act scared around her even though she yelled 'OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!' at random moments. You piped up her interest and she thanked her lucky stars mentally that you weren't mad as the Mad Hatter or the March Hare or irritating as that darn Cheshire cat who seemed to have a fondness of singing nonsense at random times
She invited you to play croquet and when you told her that you didn't know how to play, she offered to show you. This surprised several of the guards since well... it's not everyday you see an angry woman who has random bursts of anger teaching a random girl how to play her favorite game. She handed you a bird that was fit for being the stick? (Lol I never played croquet so I have no idea what it's called sorry TvT). She swung the bird and the little hedgehog or puffball that she used as a ball started rolling around here and there and when the crowd erupted in cheers, you knew that she was victorious
Meanwhile you were having trouble with your own bird. It was being highly uncooperative and when it lifted your skirt up with it's beak, Natasha widened her eyes and turned away with a blush. Then she caught some of the guards staring at you and now she was angry and if you guys guessed that she was going to say 'OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!' you win a cookie! 馃崻
She came close to you, put her arms around you that made you all flustered and she smirked. She found herself a new hobby, teasing you. She thought the way you blushed was so cute, now she had no intention of letting you go. EVER. And when you capture the Queen of Hearts Heart, you can be damn sure that she ain't gonna let go
You both played croquet for a while and you told the Queen that you had to find a way to go home. Natasha stared at you for a moment and narrowed her eyes, thinking of what to do to make you stay and then an idea popped in her head. Her lips twisted in a smirk and she asked you to follow her and she might have a way of helping you. Once you entered her castle's courtroom, she told you to wait there and she'd be back. She then came back with a cookie that had the words 'Eat me' on it and she told you to eat it. Your sweet, unsuspecting kind soul didn't think that what she gave you might end up being harmful for you but you were so innocent and naive and that's what the Queen of Hearts loved. A soft, innocent sweet and docile little thing like yourself who'll follow her orders without question and depend on her and ONLY HER
You soon started to feel dizzy and within a fraction of seconds, you were about to fall down but she caught you and embraced you. You murmured ''Wh-what's going on?' you groggily asked her and squirmed in her grasp. She just shushed you and told you to sleep and she called some of her guards to take you to a room for you to rest. You won't be leaving Wonderland anytime soon that's for sure and for once, she actually considered thanking the Cheshire Cat since if it were not for him, she would never have met YOU. Her HEART
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thefiery-phoenix 11 months ago
Can someone please explain what's the deal with this certain milkman from the not my neighbor game? Did I miss something for why people are simping over him so much? Who is he? What is he and why is all over my feed? Help I have so many questions 馃槶
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thefiery-phoenix 11 months ago
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You were just coming back from hanging out with your friends and to be honest, you didn't really feel like going to hang out with them that day since all you wanted to do was just stay at home and chill and watch a movie. But you still went anyways since one of your friends asked you to go and you didn't want to disappoint her. In other words, you always tried to make people happy even if you didn't really feel like doing something
You entered your house, changed your clothes and decided to see a movie. You started flicking through the movies list in your laptop trying to decide which movie to see. You then settled on watching a movie of the Avengers and you began watching. You found Tony Stark to be kinda charming but cocky as well. And as for Barn Zemo, you could actually sympathize with him since you had gone through a couple of losses as well in the past. You tried to imagine how both of them would be if they ever had a fight among themselves or if they ever decided to collaborate and join forces. What you didn't know was that your little 'imagination' would come true some time later
Then you felt hungry and you sighed and got up. You looked around for some food but all you managed to get was a chips packet. "Damn... looks like I'll have to go shopping for food now'' you thought and went out of you house after taking your wallet with you. You had to go through an alleyway since there was construction taking place at your street and you found it quite bothersome. You didn't really like walking through alleys since they were too quiet and creepy
You started walking a bit faster and you saw the store's blinking lights and your face practically beamed. But just then, a portal opened up behind you and started sucking you in. You tried grabbing at a lamp post but you were too late and you started screaming for help but no one was there around you, you were alone
You were falling and falling and falling and the last thing you remembered was that you were staring at THE Avengers! Immediately almost all of them positioned themselves in their fighting stance and Steve demanded "Who are you and what are you doing here?". You were still in a bit of a shock that you were in a room with the Avengers but you managed to squeak "Oh... uhm.. I'm Y/N and please, I mean no harm! I don't have any weapons I promise!" They all looked at one another and Tony Stark smirked at you and spoke "So sweetheart, where you from? I mean it's not everyday you find a beautiful sweet girl like you appearing from thin air. Not unless, of course you have powers that is...'' You blushed at his comment and some of the Avengers just rolled their eyes and Steve muttered 'Give it a rest Stark...'.
You then proceeded to tell them that a portal sucked you in and Steve assured you that it would be all right and they'd find a way to make sure you reach your home safely. But till that time you were more than welcome to stay with them. You actually enjoyed spending time with them, they were all really cool and even Tony. He kept hitting on you though and flirting with you 24/ 7 always making you go flustered. Things were going real great for you for a while. But of course, like all good things must come to an end, a terrible law of nature, yours did too. You soon found yourself at the clutches of a villain by the name Barn Zemo
He kidnapped you while you were taking a walk in a park along with Sam and Bucky. They tried fighting him but he ended up grabbing you and made a run for it. Truth be told, you didn't really have that much of a miserable time being Zemo's captive, he treated you fairly well. He told you about his past, how his family were killed and even though you hated yourself for it, you were starting to sympathize with him and comfort him. At that very moment, he could sense that you were someone different. For the first time, someone had finally started to see him as human.... with feelings and not some monster. He ended up falling for you real quick though lol
Meanwhile the Avengers back at the tower were agitated and restless. They needed to get you back, especially Tony Stark. He was really good at maintaining a poker face but inside, he felt sick and was freaking the heck out. Pretty soon the Avengers had tracked down Zemo and they were fighting him. Tony was incredibly pissed at him for taking you away and they both were going for the kill literally. "Y/N is mine you rusted tin can!" growled Zemo. "Keep dreaming loser'' smirked back Tony and started fighting with him and his henchmen. The both of them had such wonderful plans for you. Tony wanted to keep you safe with him and he'd even planned on asking you out. Then he'd make sure you stayed with him at all times since he couldn't lose you. But of course, that scumbag had to ruin everything. Meanwhile Zemo had plans of his own for you: He'd treat you like a royal, giving you everything you desire as long as you stayed with him. But one thing was for sure: Neither of them would back down till the other would end up dead...
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thefiery-phoenix 11 months ago
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I can see Vivi becoming infatuated with you before Xiaolong and it doesn't matter how you meet her, you could be some bartender at Club Vivi, or you could be at the club enjoying with your friends or you could be one of the members of the Worker's Affiliates, she falls for you first and she'll fall HARD. She'll immediately make her loyal bodyguard Xiaolong bring you to her and he'll have a stoic look as always and nod as he obeys her, however his interest in you is piqued. What exactly could be so interesting about you that you've managed to capture Vivi's attention like that? Nevertheless, you'll be taken to the private room where Vivi is and of course, once you get inside, there's no way for you to get out since there are literal assassins guarding the door
"Hi, you look cute, want to be friends?" asked a girl with brown hair and pink colored glasses on her head wearing a blue jacket and some pink pants, as she had an enthusiastic expression on her face and offered you a purple colored pacifier. You looked startled out of your wits and you felt confused as to why she was offering you a pacifier of all things and why the heck she'd take you to some private room. You smiled awkwardly and tried to look for a way out when you spotted her bodyguard Xiaolong glaring at you with an intimidating stare, his eyes conveying a hidden threat and message that you'd most likely regret it if you reject her advances towards you. You plastered a smile on your face and accepted her pacifier, unsure of what to do with it before she pulled you onto the couch next to her and started chatting about something excitedly while you tried to keep up with her mindless chatter
When she offered you some alcohol, you politely refused her and shook your head and she looked at you with a childlike curiosity and her eyes surveyed your features, you looked like a goody two shoes in her opinion, who's never done drugs or touched alcohol and she smirked. She was going to have too much fun with you, she couldn't wait to make you hers and for her to sink her claws into you. You're squirming slightly from nervousness which she finds amusing and slightly adorable an Xiaolong watches you from the corner of the room as well, finding your squirming amusing and endearing at the same time. "What are you doing in a club if you aren't going to drink? Especially MY club?'' asked Vivi as she looked at you with an intrigued look. "Oh, I'm just here to celebrate my friend's birthday...I'm not really one for parties to be honest or clubs...I'm just here for my friend'' you said and smiled politely as her eyes narrowed slightly. It hadn't even been a whole hour for her to know you and yet she already found herself growing to despise and develop a hatred towards these silly insignificant pathetic creatures you called your 'friends'
In Xiaolong's eyes, you look like an untouched lotus in a murky pond, a breath of fresh air in all the toxicity and nonsense he has to deal with on a daily basis. He could make out that you had a heart of gold when you tried to prevent Vivi from doing her drugs as usual. While Vivi looked at you amused that you asked her not to do drugs, Xiaolong appreciated how kind and noble hearted you were. He could find his heart growing and developing a soft spot for you despite looking stoic and composed and collected on the outside. Vivi wanted to keep talking with you till you told her you had to leave and she frowned at you. Leave? Oh no no, that's not how things work, when she takes a liking to you, you're staying with her and by her side, PERMANENTLY. She'll pout and whine so much you'll feel like ripping your ears off, she'll smother you with her attention and words so much you'll feel suffocated in her mere presence alone which is what she desires. You'll obviously tell her that you can't spend more time with her and that you're glad you've become friends with her(Somewhat), you have to put your foot down firmly and tell her that you need to get going. That's when her smile will disappear and she'll look at you with this unnerving expression that'll send a cold sense of dread settling inside your veins
You'll hastily tell her to have a good night as you back away from her slowly, missing the slight nod she gives to Xiaolong nearby who just holds your arms and prevents you from leaving. Your heart beat almost stops and your face pales in fright as you squirm around helplessly, pleading with her to let you go. " look so cute when you're squirming like a helpless little're my friend now, okay? And friends don't leave each other~" she said in a singsong voice as her eyes glinted with obsessive manic desire for you. That was the last thing you've heard her say before you felt a needle prick the nape of your neck and you could feel yourself losing consciousness and you blacked out in an instant
You wake up in some kind of lavish bed with soft bedding and you see fuzzy pink cuffs on your wrists and you let out a shrill screech on top of your lungs as you recalled what happened. Vivi just looks at you with a pout on her face. "What's the matter, don't you want to stay here? Don't you want to be my friend? I told you friends don't leave each other...'' she spoke as you looked at her like she was insane(Mainly because she IS). You don't need to worry your pretty little head about going back to your old life, not when you have your 'best friend' here to keep you company. For the love of god, don't mention anyone else's names in her presence, she's possessive and controlling as hell and she wants you to be devoted and loyal to her, she won't stand for some other insignificant little pest occupying your mind when your thoughts should be comprised of hers. She feels like you're betraying her or something and you can bet your allowance that she'll be sending Xiaolong and the rest of the other members after you so called precious friends. You don't need to worry about the blood stains on their suits, just focus on being with her, that's all
Even though she does drugs, she's a damn good listener and she will listen to whatever you say. Just because she's in that drugged out state, she can still HEAR every word you say subconsciously or something and if anything interesting slips out like your past with some guy or how you used to be friends with this one girl back in your elementary school, she'll remember it all right. Then you know the drill of what happens. She wants you to tell her EVERYTHING about your life, you'll be sitting across her with those fuzzy pink cuffs on your hands, forced to tell her about your life history. Even if you deliberately leave out a few details here and there she'll just have to do her own research of course and that wouldn't take her long
No way is she going to share you with her friends, you're her special and exclusive friend but you feel more like a pet for her. You'll be forced to sit next to her whenever she and her friends are up to their usual antics of doing drugs and you tremble helplessly, which is something Xiaolong cannot bear to see. By now he's grown quite fond of you, perhaps even fonder than Vivi has of you and he'll just gently shush you and cradle you in his arms. While Vivi is overbearing openly, Xiaolong is overbearing secretly. He'll always have his eye on you at all times. Vivi and Xiaolong have come to a mutual understanding with each other that they like you and want you to be with them, every time Xiaolong sees you, his heart grows warm with love and affection for you. He's also quite the keen listener and notes down every single detail of whatever you tell Vivi and him, they both have elephant like memories
Vivi isn't cruel, to Xiaolong at least since she'll allow him to hold your hand and be physically intimate with you and all that. You fill the empty voids in both of their hearts, it's like you're a missing puzzle piece that they've wanted for so long and now they finally have you in their clutches. Xiaolong likes holding you in his arms, you feel so small and fragile and delicate like a porcelain doll, he wonders how you've survived for so long without having someone to look after you but no matter, he's there for you and so is Vivi. You'll now be forced to even sleep on the same bed as them and they're so possessive, their arms will be wrapped around you while you're sandwiched between the both of them. Xiaolong will straight up destroy people who breathe the same air as you, you belong to them now. NO one has the right to look at you anymore and god forbid someone makes the dumb mistake of trying to flirt with you. He doesn't care if it's one of Vivi's friends either, he'll just straight up punch them and knock their teeth out and proceed to use his Guandao to deal with that little pest for good. How? By slicing their head off. Of course you'll be traumatized as heck by the sight and you'll be a whimpering sobbing tearful mess and Vivi and Xiaolong would just hug you and soothe you and dry your tears
I pray for you if you ever think of escaping from them, it's best if you just let go of that idea completely. If you somehow manage to escape even though it seems HIGHLY unlikely, but like I said, IF you do, Vivi would just track you down in mere seconds, she's the daughter of a Chinese billionaire and all she has to do is just pull in a few strings with Eugene and Mitsuki to find you and Xiaolong and the other Worker's members along with the Bicheon gang would be on the hunt for you so there's no way you wouldn't be found in an hour or so. Vivi is genuinely hurt and upset, how could you leave her like this, you were supposed to be with her. Xiaolong loved you and his mind is racing with thoughts of you being injured which is something he hates to think about, he can't fathom you getting hurt
When you're eventually found, Xiaolong will just carry you in his arms and any protest from your end would immediately die out the second you see his cold dark menacing look, looking like he's ready to murder someone. He'll then proceed to scold you like a child for leaving and how it's not safe for you to be without him or Vivi. It's for your own good and when Vivi finds out that you're back she isn't pouting or sad anymore. She's genuinely mad that you left and now she has to punish you. She may or may not slip in a few sedatives into your food to make you more pliant and docile. However if someone assisted you in trying to escape, they better be praying to whatever god they believe in since she won't go easy on them at all. She'll strap them to a table and drug them and use all sorts of acids on them and find sadistic pleasure in just straight up torturing them till she finally pours hydrochoric acid on their face like how she was about to do to Daniel while you're forced to watch her 'entertainment' for you. You don't need to cry like that, she'll never hurt you, she loves you after all. Miraculously if the unfortunate soul ends up surviving after all the torture inflicted upon them Xiaolong would just end up killing them anyway, they can't take any chances. Any witnesses for your kidnapping or your 'home coming' are taken care of by murder, bribery, blackmail and so on
They do have their soft moments with you too, they like running their fingers through your hair and like it when you speak or sing or just talk to them in general. They'll look at you with love sick obsessive gazes if you decide to show them a dance or one of your talents. Vivi isn't heartless, she'll allow you to have your hobbies provided she and Xiaolong be there with you. You have no privacy anymore because they both are constantly breathing down your neck at every second of the day. They also like cuddling with you too, you'll be in between them and they'll hold you. One thing they both can agree on is that you can't take care of yourself and you need them to take care of you, you're their helpless little doll that they'll take care of. Vivi likes nuzzling into your neck like a cat and rests her head against your lap and Xiaolong will hold you in his arms and kiss your head softly and hold your hand. He likes how soft and gentle your hands are compared to his rough and calloused ones. The day you decide to give in and reciprocate even a small kiss on their cheek they'll be over the moon. Xiaolong's heart would hammer against his chest and he'll kiss the back of your hand with a soft smile on his face and Vivi would squeal in excitement like a high school girl with a crush and pepper your face with more kisses
You definitely won't be leaving them anytime soon. They've created a hell on earth for you to be their heaven...
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thefiery-phoenix 11 months ago
Hello! Is it ok if I request Yandere headcanons for Gitae kim? It鈥檚 ok if you鈥檙e not ok with it! Also just wanted to say that I really love all your Yandere content!
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Freaking hell, he creeps me TF out but why does he look so good, it's just unfair
Please, for the sake of your own sanity, RUN. Just RUN. That's it. Or at least, run as much as you can since he'll end up finding you anyway since he's the leader of a freaking Cartel and the son of Gapryong Kim after all and is a complete sadistic beast in the form of a man. It's rare that he would ever develop feelings for someone and even if he does, he'll be too egoistic and arrogant and proud to admit it, he'll treat you more like a pet of some sort to be precise. But you're HIS little pet, that he loves in his own dark twisted way. It doesn't matter how you meet this deranged flesh eating cannibal here, the second he sets his eyes on you and his mouth curves upwards into a smirk, that's when you're a goner and you might as well just kiss goodbye to your life and freedom
It was a usual day for you and you were walking back to your house after a long tiring day. You put on some earphones and walked down the alleyway, humming to your favorite tunes feeling the cool breeze against your skin. You tried to ignore the men lurking in the alleyway with beer bottles and cigarettes strewn on the ground as they looked drunk and intoxicated while their lecherous gazes landed on you, leering at you and making all sorts of lewd perverse comments about your body that made your skin crawl. You put your head down and didn't want to get into some kind of confrontation which was the last thing you wanted, when one of them ended up grabbing you by your wrist and you screeched on top of your lungs and thrashed around for all you were worth, pleading with them to let you go as tears streamed down your cheeks and your neatly combed hair was now frizzled and became unkempt with a few of your hair strands falling into your face. One of the men ended up striking you hard across your face as you whimpered in pain and clutched at your now stinging cheek and trembled. Before one of them was about to tear off your shirt, in the blink of an eye, the man's hand was now on the ground leaking crimson as the man screamed in agony and fear and you felt your heart stop beating when your gaze landed on a raven haired guy with blood splattered across his well toned muscular chest and had a black leather jacket with a cruel smile etched on his face as he watched the man fall to the ground, whimpering at the sight of his severed hand
What the man did next would remain ingrained into your memory forever. The stranger with the axe swung his axe around and the head of the man who'd been tormenting you now lay on the ground, his crimson blood painting the gravel of the ground crimson as he cut off a chunk of his flesh and bit into it and tore through the meat like an apex predator. At this point you didn't know if you were safe even after being supposedly saved by this man in front of you as his eyes landed on your whimpering and trembling figure and he smirked sadistically. "Relax little girl, I'm not going to eat you...unless you want me to'' he spoke as his eyes surveyed across your features. You reminded him of a scared vulnerable little prey, a weak little lamb that he could take advantage of and the mere thought of it just excited him as his eyes glinted with malice. Before he could even say something else, your fear consumed you and you ended up blacking out and losing your consciousness. You were about to pummel straight to the ground before he grabbed you by your waist and held you in his arms as he let out a soft chuckle, amused that you fell for him already which did give him a bit of an ego boost
You were so weak, so helpless and so fragile like a little doll that he would love to have in his grasp. He wonders how you'd react if you'd see him in his full glory while he beats up people and murders them on a usual day, you wouldn't even last a second without trembling and crying like the helpless little lamb that you were, which was cute in his opinion. "Looks like I'm takin' you home, eh?'' he said as he hoisted you over his shoulders like a sack of flour and fished out your ID to find your address and made his way to your house. You were quite surprised when you woke up the next day in your own bed and you felt your head was slightly groggy as you massaged your temples and sighed to yourself, secretly glad you were away from that cannibal. You made your way into the living room only to find the same guy napping on your couch, with blood still splattered over his chest as your eyes widened and your face paled and you let out a shrill screech of bloody murder. "Damn it woman...can't even let me nap after I saved you...'' grumbled the guy as he looked at you and his eyes narrowed slightly. He enjoyed watching you squirm and fidget nervously, he could see you were torn between trying to be a good host and thanking him for saving you yesterday to contemplating passing out again. "You know...I expect some sort of thanks from you little girl'' he said as he got up from your couch and strode over to you, his massive frame towering over your body as you gulped nervously
"I-I could give you money if you want...please don't kill me'' you whimpered. "Silly naive girl, who said I wanted your're interesting...I'm keeping you with me'' he said with a smirk. You tried to make a run for it when he grabbed your hands and pinned your arms above your head and cooed at you condescendingly, "Well now that's just rude isn't it? You should thank your savior properly. Now don't make this hard for both of a good little girl for your savior, would you?" he asked as he patted your cheek a few times and caressed your cheek as he lifted you in his arms yet again and you let out a nervous squeak. "Don't you think you should get to know me or something before you literally kidnap me?" you asked him as he looked at you with an amused smile on his face. "Plenty of time to do all that get to know you crap. I'm Gitae by the way since you're so insistent on introductions and crap and this isn't a kidnapping...I'm taking what's mine'' he said as he carried you out of your house
What he wants, he gets. That's it. He wasn't going to waste a single second without taking you back with him, of course, he could have kidnapped you in the night but the element of surprise was what made things more interesting for him. Your cute little reactions to whatever he did riled him up so much. No way was he going to let you go now. The next thing you knew, you were sitting in a black car with him next to you and a few other people who had tattoos as you couldn't believe what you'd gotten yourself into. You silently let tears stream down your face and you looked out the window. Gitae wrapped a black jacket around you since you were still in your night clothes as he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer to him. Don't get fooled by his actions though, he's as unpredictable as the weather
If you thought Samuel or Eugene were messed up psychopaths, allow me to introduce you all to the poster boy of being a RED BANNER. He's obsessive, manipulative and won't hesitate to literally gaslight you. While he won't physically hurt you, the same cannot be said to those around you unfortunately. He wants your attention on him, he wants you to cling to his arm like the helpless little doll that you are and look at him with those wide eyes of yours, being all pliant and dependent on him. Whenever you squirm when he touches you he just finds it so amusing and cute, he can't help but put you on his lap when he has his meetings with the men from his cartel while you have a pink collar around you pretty little neck that has HIS name on it so people will know you belong to him. As if those love bites and hickeys on your neck, thighs and arms aren't a testament of you being his. He likes marking you wherever he can, you're his property, HIS doll. Of course, anyone who looks at you for a moment too long or if their gaze wanders to a certain part of your body that belongs to him, he's just going to gouge their eyes out like knife cutting through a slab of butter. And then he'd kiss you on your soft kissable lips possessively and aggressively like a dying man needing air, running his hands over your body till you're literally gasping for breath, in front of everyone else to show those losers that they won't ever be able to have you as their minds are now ingrained with the dire consequences of laying their eyes on Gitae Kim's girl
Whatever hopes you have of escaping from him, it's best to get it out of your mind before he ends up killing and eating one of your dear loved ones right in front of you. You're his little pet, he won't tolerate any form of disobedience from you and he'll tell you how it's your fault they're dead and it's all because you dared to leave him. Your punishment is getting handcuffed to the bed till you're allowed to walk. It's best to just accept his advances towards you because there is no escaping from this deranged psycho at all...
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thefiery-phoenix 11 months ago
Ik you鈥檝e got most the hp charecters with an Indian reader, but what about yan. Blaise zabini with an Indian reader lol?
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If this offended anyone I apologize in advance, my intention was not to offend you and if you feel offended by it, I'll take it down
He was supposed to hate you and loathe every single part of you, he hated the way you sounded so melodious when you spoke in your native language with someone or when he saw you in those beautiful Ghagra cholis and sarees and lehangas. He hated the way his heart grew soft and warm when it came to you and yet he finds himself getting drawn towards you. He's appalled at himself for taking an interest in you and yet he despises seeing you hanging around those gits from Gryffindor and his eyes narrow to slits whenever he sees you laughing at something that blood traitor Weasley said. It infuriates him even more when you speak to other people about your culture except for him, it's like you're indirectly telling him that he's not good enough for you. How dare you give your attention to someone else other than him? He doesn't really make an issue and a scene about it though, he just broods with a stoic yet seething rage bubbling inside him whenever you interact with someone that's not him
One day during the Potions class, you got berated by Snape for messing up the potion and your eyes prickled with tears as you huffed under your breath. "Vedhava...gadidha mokhamoda(Translation from Telugu to English: Donkey faced fool) '' you grumbled to yourself under your breath and Blaise was intrigued by what you said. Of course, part of him felt slightly bad and somewhat sympathetic when he saw your eyes prickle with tears but his feelings of sympathy was thrown out the damn window when he spotted one of your pesky friends telling you that he'd tutor you later in Potions. After a somewhat polite yet life threatening chat which involved Blaise threatening to use the unforgivable curses on your annoying friend after slamming him against the wall, he found you in the library reading as he smirked to himself, feeling proud that he was finally able to have his moment with you
However he managed to compose himself and maintained his usual stoic demeanor and approached you as he pulled a chair next to you and sat next to you coming up with an instant excuse for his actions. "Professor Snape asked me to tutor you in Potions since you're absolutely deplorable at it'' he replied as you rolled your eyes but sighed as you accepted your fate. You expected him to be condescending and rude because of the way he was with the other people but with you, he was surprisingly patient. His eyes would often trail towards your hands which was covered in Mehendi designs to your arms and he couldn't help but think that your hands looked stunning with those intricate floral patterns on your hands. "What's that on your hand?" he asked you and you told him about your cousin's wedding that you attend a month ago and he seemed quite interested in listening to more about your culture and traditions
At the end of the tutoring session, he asked you what exactly you'd muttered during the Potions class and when you told him about it, his lips tugged upwards into an amused grin and let out a soft chuckle. You definitely were an interesting one in his eyes. As a way of thanking him for tutoring you, you decided to treat him to some of your favorite Darjeeling tea and he watched your beautiful mehendi designed hands prepare some Darjeeling tea for him. He took one sip and was instantly impressed with the enriching taste and flavor and let out a quiet approving hum of contentment while the two of you sat in comfortable silence drinking Darjeeling tea. You told him you'd visited Darjeeling when you were a kid and spoke of the lush greenery there and how it's mainly known for its tea and the scenic breathtaking views of especially the Kanchenjunga mountains. He listened to your every word with rapt attention and his mind started wandering and thinking about scenarios of the two of you heading to Darjeeling one day. There was no denying it anymore, he was growing infatuated with you
He adores seeing how flustered you get when he picks up speaking in Hindi just to see your embarrassed expressions. He'll pick up speaking those romantic quotes called Shayaris to see you blush and he finds it endearing how you're at a loss for words. He has a smirk on his face as he caresses your cheek and spouts out a Shayari like "Gulmohar, Harisinghar aur Palash ke phool jis mausam mein din raat barsenge, barrish ki tarah main milunga tumse...(Translation from Hindi to English: Like the flowers of the Gulmohar, the Harisinghar and the palash that shower on you day and night, the same way my love for you never fades away just like the continuous rains of the monsoon. Taken from the TV show Prithvi Vallabh which is one of my FAVORITE shows of all time in Indian TV shows). You just stare at him and he loves the way you look so surprised and caught off guard
He's very interested in knowing more about your culture and traditions and will do some research and read books to know more and is pleasantly surprised when you can even speak in Hindi as well. He's very fascinated with the Indian epics such as the Mahabharata and the Ramayana and tales of Indian gods and goddesses as well. He likes to hear about Arundhati and Vashishta as the perfect couple and thinks very highly of the pure spiritual love Lord Krishna and Radha have for each other. You've introduced him to Indian delicacies such as Chole Bhature(It is a combination of fried bread called Bhatura and spicy chickpeas which are called chole), Dosas(A dosa is a thin, savory crepe in South Indian cuisine made from a fermented batter of ground white gram and rice. Dosas are served hot, often with chutney and sambar), Vada Pavs(A vegetarian fast food dish native to the Indian state of Maharashtra. The dish consists of a deep fried potato dumpling placed inside a bread bun sliced almost in half through the middle. It is generally accompanied with one or more chutneys and a green chili pepper) and such but his favorite would have to be the Aloo Parathas(North Indian whole wheat flabreads with a spiced potato filling), he loves the way the spices blend together and likes the savory taste of the cold curd to go along with it
He can understand why Chai(Tea) is an emotion for you, he looks forward to having garam masala chai with you during the evenings especially when it rains, while the two of you listen to songs of popular singers such as Arjith Singh, Armaan Malik, Sid Sriram and Anirudh Ravichander while there's only the light of the Diya(An Oil lamp) to illuminate the room to make it more romantic and serene
He's somewhat amused with you complaining about the lack of logic in Indian movies sometimes but likes watching them with you. He likes the detail and cinematography that goes into making such films, especially RRR and Padmaavat. As much as he'd never admit it to you out loud for the sake of his ego, he actually likes movies which have sentimental meanings behind them such as Taare Zameen Par, 12th Fail, Chhichhore and 3 Idiots and such. There are Indian TV shows he likes watching with you as well such as Yeh Un Dino Ki baat hai, which he thinks is quite a nice love story between Naina and Sameer, Operation MBBS, Kota Factory and such. The two of you like making fun of the illogical scenes that take place in TV shows that defy the laws of physics and humanity like a lady literally falling into a suitcase, someone literally picking off a piece of the moon and such which amuse him greatly but likes to listen to you rant about it while he has an amused smile on his face. He also thinks it's quite adorable and cute whenever you switch to cussing in Hindi
When you tell him about the burden you've faced as a kid from your parents and relatives and how they always expected you to be the so called golden child of the family, he could sense your sadness which made him infuriated with your family. His expression instantly soured when you told him about your struggles regarding your education before you arrived at Hogwarts and his jaw clenched slightly in anger. He simply held your hand and traced gentle patterns on the back of your hand while you both sat in comfortable silence. He didn't like the way your parents compared you to other people, frankly he thought they were quite blind and silly not to realize how talented and precious you were. His heart truly does go out for you when he hears about how you've questioned your self worth plenty of times just because you got horrible scores before which fuels his obsession to protect you and keep you safe from such nonsense and toxicity
Of course, there are times when he does get insanely possessive as well and for a completely IRRATIONAL reason too. He heard you play the Veena and the flute and he felt himself getting lost in the magic of your melodious tunes, it was like you played the songs of the gods. He had a soft smile on his face, reserved solely for you when he saw your face etched in concentration while you created the most soulful music he'd ever heard. His mind started thinking of other people hearing your music which filled his heart with a cold fury. No one else deserved to hear your melody, it was meant and reserved only for him, the rest were all undeserving scumbags and prats in his opinion. The first time he saw you in a Bharatnatyam or Kuchipudi dance getup, he swore to Merlin his heart almost stopped beating. You looked like a goddess or an apsara who descended from the heavens above as you looked ethereal and had that radiant glow on you with your jewelry, your dress, your makeup and the jasmine flowers adorning your silky smooth hair. He couldn't take his eyes off you as his eyes followed your every movement when you danced, you were truly an Indian goddess, the way your eye movements coordinated with your leg movements and the Mudras when you performed your dance with the sound of the anklets resonating around looked divine. After your dance was done, he told you that you did a wonderful dance and complimented you for it. If you're struggling to remove your anklets he'll put your foot on his lap and smirk in amusement at your bashful expression while he helps you take off your anklets
You'll invite him to one of your cousin's weddings at some point and he's very intrigued by everything that happens there. He'll be dressed in a gold and green kurta while you're dressed in a green Ghagra choli or a green saree with intricate gold borders and your body would be adorned with gold jewelry and you'd have the traditional maang tikka(An ornament worn on the forehead) and he'd just stare at you unable to say anything for a few seconds as he drinks in your elegance and radiant divine beauty. While your cousin is dressed in the red bridal saree, he can't wait for you to be dressed in a red bridal saree as well getting married to him. He pays close attention to detail and all the traditional customs and rituals, he likes the way the bride and the groom go around the holy Yagnam 7 times, he thinks it's a nice way of offering vows in the presence of the fire to unite the couple. After the wedding ceremony was finished, you and Blaise were at the banquet hall for the dinner and you mentioned that you were heading to the food counters to get some desserts. No sooner had you gone there, some guy snuck his arm around your waist and started hitting on you with all sorts of cheesy pick up lines. Blaise spotted this and his eyes narrowed to slits as he strode towards you and the guy and twisted his hand. If you think he'd be spared, you thought wrong. He'd personally deal with the bloody git who dared to touch you by cornering him in a secluded area away from the guests and use the Sectumsempra spell on him and feels sadistic pleasure course through his veins as the guy is now convulsing and twitching on the ground losing liters of blood while you remain blissfully unaware of his dark twisted tendencies he terms as love for you
If someone decides to ever make fun of your culture or hurt you in any way, they better hope and PRAY that lord Shani is in a decent mood because Blaise will NOT take such things lightly. He won't give them the satisfaction of a quick death, he'll make it slow and agonizing as possible taking his own sweet time while he has a sadistic grin etched on his face, relishing in the screams of agony of the schmuck who made the mistake of tormenting you. After light of the world finally leaves their eyes, he'll be satisfied and to cheer you up, he'll bring a box of your favorite assortment of sweets such as the Kaju Burfi, the coconut laddoos, the kalakands and a few packets of your favorite snacks such as the iconic Haldirams mixture packets and such where the two of you would spend time in each other's company listening to your favorite Indian songs
It was only a matter of time before he would 'save you' from all the darkness of society in the Wizarding World by taking you for himself and having a traditional Indian wedding to marry you, even if he has to stain his hands with more blood to ensure this dream of his turns into a reality...
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thefiery-phoenix 11 months ago
Do you do a/b/o? If yes, can you do platonic yandere avengers where the reader is an alpha but the avengers don't really acknowledge that and treat them like a fragile thing
Sure, I haven't really written for the A/b/o dynamic that often so forgive me if my writing might seem a bit rusty here
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Everyone born in the world had to adhere to the rules and norms of society, based on the divisions and the hierarchy of being an alpha, a beta or an omega. Your mother was an omega and your father was an alpha, you were thankful that your father wasn't one of those toxic alphas that mistreated their partner. You frankly couldn't really care less about what you were, as long as you got to lead your life on your own terms. Unfortunately you were a late bloomer and it was still undecided what you were, your parents were somewhat worried about you but you were taking it easy. You felt like you had everything under control, even after you joined the Avengers which was saying something till the day finally arrived when your scent started acting up without your knowledge
Of course, you liked the Avengers and considered them your family, but it annoyed you whenever they'd baby you and infantilize you like you couldn't do something by yourself. You're rarely ever allowed to go on missions without someone keeping an eye out for you and even then, you're just handling things from being safely inside the Quinjet which does make you grumpy at times since you're not getting that thrill and excitement of being in a fight despite your powers and skills. Every time you'd complain about it, Steve would just smile at you like you said something adorable and Bucky and Natasha would have amused smirks playing on their faces while Tony openly snickers at your frustration and pats your head and coos at you in a slightly patronizing manner that you're too young for such things. Bruce can understand your frustrations but he has to agree with them, you were pretty young and it was still undecided WHAT you were, if your phermones started acting up during a fight or a battle people could take advantage of it which was something NONE of them wanted happening
What you thought to be a regular day for you turned out to be a day that changed the course of your life completely. You were in the Quinjet as usual and while Steve, Bucky, Natasha and Clint and Tony were busy fighting against the HYDRA agents outside, some of them managed to sneak inside the Quinjet, however before you were about to attack and fight to stand your ground, you felt a strange sensation inside your gut. You tried to ignore the feeling but it just continued to grow stronger to the point where you could barely even stand properly. Your face turned pale and beads of sweat started forming on your head as the room was filled with the scent of a lingering burning odor in the atmosphere. Bruce was with you and he instantly knew you were going through the process of finding out your identity and could make out that you were an Alpha from your scent
"Well, we have an Alpha on our hands here boys...we could use someone like you'' said one of the HYDRA agents with a nasty smirk on his face and tried to tranquilize you before Wanda used her magic on them and blasted them away from your range. The mission was quickly aborted since their main priority was to ensure that you got back to the compound so you could get the help that you needed. You were clutching your abdomen in pain as your scent kept growing stronger and your face started looking flushed and you could feel like your temperate soared, like you had a fever and you didn't know why but you had a sudden balloon of pent up rage and anger growing inside you while you squirmed around in discomfort. Natasha stroked your hair with a sympathetic look on her face and Wanda tried to use her magic to ease your mind from the pain and discomfort
After you reached the compound, Bruce ran a few tests for you and handed you some medicine and it was soon an established fact that you were indeed, an Alpha. Most of them were frankly quite surprised at the news when they heard that you were an Alpha since you didn't really come off an Alpha to them. They still saw you as their precious little angel that needed protection and guidance nonetheless, if anything it just increased their possessiveness and obsessive levels of protecting you even more. Being an Alpha means that you now have quite the bounty on your head, there were plenty of dangers you'd be exposed to which was why they'll all take extra steps and measures to keep you safe like Tony asking JARVIS you don't leave the tower without their permission and giving them access to all your social media activities and whatnot
They don't really care about how strong you are anymore, they see you as someone they need to protect. You're a little thing that doesn't know the ways of the world, let them keep you safe. It's dangerous outside anyways, so you won't really be allowed to leave the compound anymore. And even if you do, Steve, Bucky and Natasha will always accompany you while Clint is ready on standby as a backup in case someone gets too close for their liking to give them a 'little warning' with his arrows.
You'll most definitely be spoiled rotten with the avengers since they tend to baby you A LOT! And unfortunately for you, that also means no doing dangerous stuff and no going on missions with them or even entering the kitchen for that matter since who knows WHAT sort of dangerous items you could injure yourself with there
They're like your very own personal body guards and they've all formed a schedule who gets to spend time with you on what days and everything. Sometimes it even ends up in fights since they ALL want to spend time with you lol, but be glad that another Civil War doesn't take place. They'll cuddle you and you'll be suffocated with their presence that it might be a bit overwhelming for you at times but hey, on the bright side no one would ever mess with you again. As suffocating and smothering their presence might be for you, they just want what's best for you. There's no reason for you to burden yourself with the nonsense happening around the world, and do you really need to see your parents? They can't keep you safe like the avengers do so...your new home is with them and they have no intention of ever letting you have your old life back. But it's all for your own good in the end and they hope you'll get to see how much they love you one fine day
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thefiery-phoenix 11 months ago
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Not me having delusional fantasies and living in my delulu era of being a housewife for a possessive sanity is messed up and I think I need help lol. But I'm a huge sucker for wearing those pink aprons and having mittens on my hands while my imaginary non existent husband nuzzles my neck...I really need help at this point...
By no means did Taesoo ever think there would be a time when he would end up falling in love with someone so much to the point that he would literally be willing to kidnap them to ensure they become his. Had anyone ever told him that fine day would come he would have just laughed in their face and would have ended up punching the lights out of them while mumbling something about how he doesn't see the need for love. The years pass by and he'd rather take this to the grave than ever admit it for crying out loud but he felt like he needed a companion in life. A strange feeling of emptiness would settle inside his heart whenever he'd stroll through the streets of Ansan and see people happy with their families, of course, he had his own brat of a student Hudson to consider a son, but what he needed was a partner. Someone to protect and someone to love and that's when he met you
He didn't really believe in the concept of love at first sight but there was something about you that just exuded charm, grace and innocence. You were much shorter than him and he couldn't help but he slightly amused how short you were compared to him, he could literally lift you by your arms like you were a child as his imposing large muscular frame towered over yours. The way you spoke, the way you smiled that beautiful smile of yours, he could feel his heart growing warm and his cheeks getting slightly flushed. His mind would start working in an overdrive and it doesn't really take that long for him to fall in love with you. You're a precious doll in his eyes, you remind him of an innocent little thing that needed his protection. His eyes wandered to your lips, wondering how soft those lips of yours were if he'd kissed them, what sort of cute noises you would be making solely for HIM and him alone while he kisses you and holds you in his strong arms and shields you from the outside world because you're way too precious for that
It won't matter how you've met him, the only ending you'll be having is being with him. He'll obviously ask Hudson to find out more about you to which he'd agree although he cannot help but detect slight amusement in his student's voice when he gets to know about his infatuation and obsession for you but all in all, he honestly doesn't really blame him. What's not there to love about you, he can't wait to have you all for himself, hidden away from the prying eyes of the other lecherous filthy men who dare to eye what's his with no shame whatsoever far away on his mountain in his cabin where it would be just the two of you. He's already imagining how blissful married life with you would be, how adorable you'd look going around the house and taking care of him and the house with your gentle loving personality that he fell in love with. He doesn't think his feelings for you are spiraling out of control, he just sees it as a way of keeping you safe from the dangers of the world. He'd know PLENTY about it because of all the nonsense that keeps happening around Ansan everyday and the things he's been through
It's not an easy change and transition for you when you find out that he's literally kidnapped you and laced your food with sleeping pills under the pretext of having dinner with him one night. Of course, part of him definitely feels bad that he had to slip sleeping pills in your food but his obsessive love for you and possessive tendencies overlap his sense of rationality and whatever logic he had in his mind was gone out of the window as his mind is filled with thoughts of how all this is for your own good and it's to keep you safe. He knows it'll take a while for you to adjust to your new life with him but he doesn't mind, take all the time you need. He's more than willing to be patient for you and since he treats you with gentlemanly chivalry and would rather bust an artery than hurt you physically or emotionally, it won't be long till you develop the Stockholm syndrome for him
By now you've grown accustomed and used to living with him and the two of you had a small private wedding where only trusted friends of his arrived for the occasion. Of course, he had to resist the urge to literally throttle Jaegyon Na by his neck when he saw him trying to use cheesy pick up lines on you with that stupid smirk of his. Even he got used to seeing you waddle around the cabin in that cute little pink apron hugging your body busying yourself with chores like cooking or other household activities. He wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles his face into your neck and plants a few gentle loving kisses on your cheeks and lips telling you how much he loves you and holds you tightly in his possessive grasp, like he's worried you'd end up running off at any given second. It was so alluring and mesmerizing to watch you take care of the house, you were the reason he felt like his heart now had warmth. You were the reason his house was now a home with your elegant bright presence
You started getting a bit restless recently. You felt slightly guilty as you watched him come back with a somewhat tired expression at times and you felt like easing his burden and stress. A few days later, the two of you were seated at the table and having the dinner that you made. "My love...your culinary skills are amazing as always'' spoke Taesoo in a gentle tone with a soft smile on his face as he ate his food from his plate. He loved having whatever you made for him since it was made with your love and your delicate hands, what sort of husband would he be for you if he wouldn't eat his wife's cooking? You smiled but only briefly as your mind was occupied on asking him something that you were slightly apprehensive about and you had that distant and pensive look on your face, looking lost in thought. He instantly knew there was something on your mind, he could always read you like an open book and could decipher your every action and thought
"My dear, there is something on your mind...isn't there?" asked Taesoo as he surveyed your features with calculating eyes, trying to detect whether or not you'd tell him about your thoughts. His statement might have looked like it was a question but it was a formality with the hidden underlying implication for you to tell him about what was bothering you. You let out a sigh and looked at him and fiddled your thumbs nervously. " it okay if I could get a job? Or could I resume my old job?' you asked him with a soft voice and looked at him with a hopeful expression, your heart racing in trepidation for his response, however all you were met with was a pin drop silence which filled you with a slight sense of dread. Taesoo immediately stopped eating and his smile vanished as his expression morphed into a stoic one as he looked at you with a calculated gaze. He always encouraged you to follow your hobbies and your passion but you getting a job was a slightly unexpected turn of events for him, a question he wasn't anticipating but was dreading this conversation with you early on beforehand as he rehearsed his answers for this exact moment
Looking at your soft and innocent and hopeful expression made his heart warm with affection for you but he had to be firm with you about this, as your husband, as your protector. You were his wife, he didn't want you out of your comfort zone and didn't like to entertain the thought of you being away from him for even a single second. He hated to be the one to crush that hope in your eyes but it was necessary, to keep you safe. He took your soft hand in his large rough calloused ones and traced gentle circles on the back of your hand to make it easier for you to handle his rejection of the idea you'd just proposed since the thought of other men being around you and looking at HIS wife with their lecherous gazes made him livid and the mere thought alone made him want to punch a hole into a wall
"My dear, you need not worry about getting a job and stressing yourself out about it. Your only concern is to look after the home and let me provide for you. I make enough for the both of us as it is, I don't see any reason for you to be burdened by a job'' he answered with a gentle yet firm look on his face. You pouted slightly at his response and you looked somewhat crestfallen, which he felt bad about. Your pout was adorable yet it stung his heart at the same time. "I know but...I feel somewhat useless just being at home and barely doing anything all day long, I'm not even doing anything useful and I feel bad seeing you work hard and coming back home all tired and sometimes beat up...I thought I could help out as well so you wouldn't need to worry about me being a burden for you'' you mumbled and averted your gaze from his eyes which narrowed as soon as the words left your mouth
Your words tugged at his heartstrings, yet his mind went back to the traditional role of wanting to be your protector and provider as your husband. Your words and thoughts moved him and touched him honestly, you were already precious enough and the last thing he needed was for you to bear burden on those shoulders of yours. He was slightly hurt you saw yourself a burden, he loved coming back home to you and wrapping you in his arms and feeling your soft touches and just being with you. He wished you could see how much his heart soared with affection and ecstasy whenever he'd come back home to you, making him feel like a true king indeed. However his features softened after a few moments when he saw you averting your eyes from his as he pulled you closer to him and made you sit on his lap and he cupped your cheek lovingly and caressed it and made you look at his eyes
"Hush my love, don't speak such nonsense again. You are by no means a burden for me, you are the reason my house feels like a home. Without you, this place would be an empty shell, like it used to before I met you. You mean everything to me, you are my darling wife...let me take care of you just like how you take care of me, you give me so much comfort and peace by being with not fret about such things'' he answered as he continued to stroke your cheek affectionately with a tender loving look in his eyes reserved only for you, his dear wife who reigned over his heart. "I know...but I still feel like a useless housewife though, I feel like I'm barely doing anything'' you whispered with an insecure look in your eyes. Your insecure look cut through his heart like a knife, it pained him to see you be insecure of yourself and doubt yourself so much like this as he chuckled softly and brushed a few strands of hair from your face
"You do not need to worry about such things, you help me out so much with your love. I feel grateful to come back home to you everyday, where I can feel your soft gentle touches and your love for me. That's more than enough...I do not trust the world, I cannot let anything happen to you my love...society these days is dangerous and I will not risk your safety...I want you to be happy and relax, that's all. You're more than enough for me and by no means are you a useless housewife. You look so adorable with your little apron and mittens and the way you bustle around the kitchen cooking in those adorable dresses of keep the home running, my lovely little housewife...don't ever let me hear you call yourself useless again'' he replied with a soft yet firm tone and you nodded slowly which made him pleased
In the end, you were forced to give up the opinion of you having a job since there was no way he was going to stand for it but it was all for your safety after all. You were his lovely housewife, who provided him with so much love and comfort he could ever hope for and now that he had for you himself, he'd be damned to let you get away from him. Don't worry your pretty little head about anything and just let him provide for you, you're his darling little housewife after all...
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thefiery-phoenix 11 months ago
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So, this guy is a FREAKING SADIST!!! And that's not a shocker considering the fact that he used to work with Overhaul
He never really had time for such a useless thing like love in his life. He always thought love was stupid and pointless and having someone else in his life would just distract him from his goals but... after he saw YOU, a pro hero, fighting against them along with the other pro heroes, for the VERY FIRST time EVER in his life, he started viewing love in a different way. He felt his heart beat go out of the roof as he saw you but he couldn't help but feel sad that you were fighting against them聽
Pretty soon after the fight was over, Kurono made sure not to hurt you or even lay a finger on you since he was now OBSESSED with you. Who were you?聽
He tried doing some research about you like what sort of a pro hero you were and wanted to find out more about your quirk and what all you did as a part of your daily routine聽
You can BET he sent some men of his and installed cameras in YOUR OWN house to see what you were always up to. He fell in love with you even more quickly and whenever he'd see someone else step foot into your house, he'd just be raging with jealousy and anger. How DARE you do something like that? Inviting other people to your home while you have someone who's watching over you? True, you might still not know that yet so he started making his presence around you more.... conspicious aka. send you some anonymous gifts聽
After a few days, you'd always get something like your favorite box of chocolates in the mail, or some sappy love letter or love poem for you and a bunch of flower bouquets and all that. For a while you thought it was cute but then it started getting out of hand when he wrote 'I love you my darling' on your bathroom mirror. And then he started doing even MORE creepy things like sending you pictures of where you're going and saying how beautiful and cute you looked and saying how he should kill those pathetic friends of yours since they're 'stealing' you away from him聽
You went to the other pro heroes and told them about that person, however, those who tried helping you ended up in hospitals for many weeks after long and continuous villain attacks at 'random places'聽
He decided to kidnap you as soon as possible, like maybe in a week or so since he just couldn't STAND you being around other people
When it comes to the kidnapping, I think he's just gonna ask some of his goons to drag you and drug you in an alleyway before you have the chance of using your quirk. When they bring you back to his place and when he watches you sleep, he can't help but think how innocent and cute and adorable you were for this world. You were an angel, who didn't care about things like money and fame like the other corrupt heroes. You wanted to save people and you were different from the rest.....
If he has to deal with rivals, he won't have time for that since he's going to be too busy trying to discipline you, but however, if he needs to take out his anger, he'll take it out on you and the person who's gonna get tortured and finally killed by him. Bonus, you're going to have to watch the horror show since he'll force you saying how he's going to die and it's your fault for not loving him and all that聽
You'll be forced to love this sadistic person eventually. Don't EVER try getting on his bad side like trying to drive him over the edge and trying to escape. He's gonna leave you in isolation and behave in a REALLY sadistic manner with you till you're practically BEGGING him to make you feel loved by him and he'll certainly have a cocky evil smile on his lips聽
He might spoil you a little bit, buying you whatever you want if you're good and he'll let you roam ONLY in the house. He can't risk you going out and no doubt he'll ask some people to always keep a close eye on you. I don't know if this guy is good at being romantic and all but let's just say that he likes holding on to your small figure and hugging you聽
Overhaul will be DAMN PISSED when he sees you on his lap for meetings but eventually he'll just get used to your presence and might even offer Kurono to give you regular checkups once in a while (Oh wow, since WHEN did OVERHAUL get so NICE!!?)聽
Kurono might be good to you. Just don't piss him TF off else he's gonna introduce you to his favorite knife TvT
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thefiery-phoenix 11 months ago
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There would be NO DOUBT that they would ALL be HELLA OVERPROTECTIVE about you聽
I mean, Masaru would be kinda chill actually compared to Mitsuki and Katsuki. He won't freak TF out if you talk to other people and have fun with your friends and he's the most lenient one in the family and he doesn't give a damn what you wear. He likes seeing you in all sorts of clothing and thinks his darling little daughter looks good in whatever she wears and won't force you to do anything聽
But when it comes to the question of sleepovers and going to other people's houses WITHOUT EITHER one of the Bakugou's to accompany you is a big no go. They're worried that something might happen to you if you step out of the house and they half wish you'll stop trying to be apro hero. Why be a hero and put your life at risk while you have the big strong Ground Zero as your brother and 2 parents who are perfectly capable of protecting the youngest Bakugou?
Mitsuki, on the other hand will treat you like a child along with Katsuki. Everyone loves spoiling the shit outta you and Mitsuki likes dressing you up in cutesy cutesy little outfits. Mitsuki however will NEVER allow you to break rules like disobeying her when she says no to something and sneaking off with your friends. She simply will NOT tolerate rule breaking and even if you DO manage to sneak around her back, your brother Katsuki will always be there to 'get you on the right track' even if he has to use his quirk on you. They just want what's best for you after all
They are self aware yanderes and their relationship towards you is unhealthy and delusional and they KNOW it but they have to protect you from the horrors of the world. If you used to attend the UA, you bet Katsuki had something to do with why your mom suddenly wanted you to drop out and take a break for sometime and soon that 'break' turned into a never ending relaxing vacation at your home for you. You won't be working anytime soon while they're around that's for sure and while Masaru talks to you, Katsuki and Mitsuki will be busy preparing food for you guys to eat. They don't want you going in the kitchen, what if you accidentally hurt yourself or boil or burn yourself?
They'll love cuddling with you and making you feel safe and comfortable in their presence. They have NEVER hit you till date and never will either. And WHO expects parents to starve their own kids? Cuz, they aren't those types of parents
For punishments, they'll just restrict your usage of your favorite items but they won't leave you isolated or without food and water. They aren't THAT heartless psychopaths聽
Katsuki is the world's MOST short tempered brother one can have and you BET he's gonna cling to you 24/7 and tell on you to your parents what you both did the entire day (This boi should come with a blabbermouth and a tattletale warning label). You can hate him all you want for it but he just wants what's best for his youngest sibling. He loves and cares about you too much and he won't cuss around you so much either since he actually rather enjoys your innocence. His blood will BOIL when you talk to other people ESPECIALLY other GUYS and he'll obviously threaten to blow them up, even if you talk to Kirishima
聽Being in relationships is COMPELTELY off the table for you. They will NEVER allow you to date and if you are in a relationship in secret, oh... what a shocker, that scumbag broke up with you the next day? Well, you can BET your allowances your OWN family was behind it but they'll just comfort you as they get you and give you whatever you want
The house will be full of baby pictures of you and Katsuki and you all as a happy family. They'll have guests over a few times but they can't ever let someone try taking you away from them so they'll try limiting the time of the guest's stay in their household instead of maniacally killing them. They won't let pro heroes enter their house either and will come up with INFINITE excuses as to why they can't come in. They just don't want to lose you聽
Just let them take care of you and everything will be all right after all, family ALWAYS knows what's best for you...
''Come on little firecracker, you'll look cute and adorable in that dress and I think we should CERTAINLY put up some pictures of the wall after this. What do you think Masaru?''
''Sure, our little angel looks nice in whatever they wear''
"Tch... you don't look THAT bad firefly..."
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thefiery-phoenix 11 months ago
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He'd be attracted to people who don't have that 'sick disease' also known as a quirk. He'd want someone who's pure and clean and the minute he sees you and your quirkless form, he thinks you're an innocent naive helpless little darling that he NEEDS to protect since the pro heroes suck at doing their job
The idea of him keeping you locked away and isolating you from the rest of the world so you can rely ONLY on him for everything is really tempting and appealing to him (Sadistic prick)
If you had a really strong and useful quirk, he'd still be attracted to you though. Just, he'll make sure to get rid of it and rob you of it by stealing it so he won't have to see you 'suffer'. And THEN, he might lock you up and leave you in isolation聽
If you're someone he decided to protect from everyone else, oh man... I PRAY for ya. He'll try befriending you and worming his way into you life and pretty soon, he'll ask you to come live with him. You agree but when you start rebelling against him, you'll be restricted from using your favorite things and lose your freedom
He thinks that he'd doing everything for the sake of your 'best interests' and to be honest, he knows more about you than anyone, even YOURSELF, considering the amount of time he spent stalking you and asking his men to keep an eye on you. He's like a doctor, but a really creepy and short tempered one. He'll give you regular checkups so expect constant fussing by him over you since he thinks proper health, nutrition and hygiene are a TOP priority聽
If you're behaving well, you'll get all sorts of things you want but you'll have to EARN them by gaining his trust and behave good around him since there's only so much fun one can have when they sit and stare at a wall for 24 hours everyday聽
The WORST thing this sicko might do is try convincing you in his sick and twisted way that he's NOT treating you bad. And after a while, you'll fall into his trap and web of lies and you'll start believing him and start feeling guilty if you misbehave around him. Damn does this dude know how to pull out an UNO Manipulation card聽
Punishments are simple if you try escaping or behaving badly. If you yell and scream at him and throw insults at him, he'll just ban you from using your favorite things and it'll be a really LOOONNGGG time after you get them back. You won't be getting them back till you apologize and admit that you were in the wrong. If you manage to hit him or kick him, you'll be denied of his attention for a while even after you cry out an apology
He isn't going to punish you physically but his punishments can take a really HUGE toll on your mental health and state of mind and so.... like I said, for the sake of your sanity just don't argue with Bird Face and agree to everything he says聽
If you manage to attack him with a weapon (One, HOW TF did you manage to do THAT!? And 2, that's actually way cool Hehehe.... okay, I sound like an evil twin of Sangwoo,imma stop nowTvT) , you'll be isolated in a room with white walls and he'll only come by to give you your meals and THAT'S IT. No screen time, no favorite things, nothing. He'll isolate you till you're practically BEGGING him for forgiveness聽
This dude ain't a Romeo so don't expect him to be all lovey-dovey with you. But occasionally when he feels like it, he might hold you and hug you from time to time and say how glad he is to have found you, his little pure angel to care for and protect. Who KNOWS what would have happened to you by now if you didn't come under his care?
He'll let you roam around the backyard ONLY (Not without you having at least a dozen of heavily armed bodyguards keeping a close eye on you) and if you still complain, he's gonna make sure you're grateful for letting you at least step out of the house聽
He'll let you look after Eri and Eri just ADORES you. She sees you as a parental figure and I won't be surprised if she develops platonic yandere tendencies and feelings towards you. She'll be sad and pouting when you won't focus your attention and honestly, WHO can resist her CUTE adorable little face? I sure as heck can't....
So... Mr Bird Mask is really SCARY yandere who can haunt you in your dreams and become your WORST nightmare unless you abide by his rules and laws. And THAT children, is today's moral of the story UvU
"Angel.... I'm doing this for YOU now it's time for your daily checkup. Don't be a brat, I only want what's best for you~"
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thefiery-phoenix 11 months ago
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Lol, this purple haired insomniac was MADE to be a yandere. As it is he never used to get proper sleep and when he met YOU, that's when his sleep schedule literally went right out of the window and down a drain, no joke. In fact, the reason he keeps having those dark circles beneath his eyes is because he always loses sleep thinking and fretting about you every second of the day. Are you safe? Are you all right? Have you eaten properly? He doesn't want you to neglect your health
He's always deeply worried and concerned for you but negative thoughts always cloud his mind and make him lose his sanity. You were a beautiful sweet innocent little angel. Why the HECK would someone so cute and sweet like you fall in love with someone who has such a villainous quirk? You could never love him the way he's OBSESSED and INFATUATED with you since he's a creepy weirdo (Is it bad I laughed while writing this?)
One day you made the mistake of praising him for using his quirk on Mineta after he tried touching you inappropriately. You clung to him like your life depended on it and YOU of all people actually PRAISED him for his quirk and you even called him your 'hero'. By now he was on cloud INFINITY and you just added more fuel to his crazy little fantasies he has of the 2 of you in his head along with his delusional psychotic thoughts about you 2
One hand, Shinsou just WANTS to use his quirk on you desperately to find out whether you actually like him or not, but part of him tells him not to or else you're gonna hate him till time exists. Surely you'd reject him if he ever asks you out and he's no professor in the romance department nor is he a flirty Romeo. Eventually, he'll turn to Aizawa for help but it's gonna turn out to be useless as hell since even HE'S clueless ASF. Lol, poor souls) but most of all, he's afraid of what sort of monster he might become and what he'll do to YOU if you don't reciprocate his feelings back聽
If you accept them, well and good. You might have a stable and strong relationship and you have similar interests. But he will kidnap you eventually but ONLY if he ever gets insecure and scared that you're gonna leave him (Someone pls give this boi a hug!) And if you don't accept his feelings, you're STILL gonna get kidnapped in either case, you're gonna be toast....
He just wants to use his quirk on you SO BAD to make things much simpler and easier for both of you but he knows that if he does so, he's gonna be no more than some sort of sick psychopathic villain, like everyone always tells him. You told him he was a HERO, YOUR HERO and heroes wouldn't do something like that AT ALL. He's deeply conflicted now and he doesn't want to betray your trust聽
He might stalk you whenever you go somewhere (Secretly, of course) just to make sure that you're gonna be safe. As each day passes, your presence to him is like oxygen. So, he'll resort to breaking into your room at night and try stealing some of your possessions that you won't bother about because of his overwhelming desire for you聽
Like stated before, if Shinsou ever kidnaps you, it'll be a frantic act of him being an insecure scardey pants. He'll be apologizing so many times and asks you so nicely as to not hate him聽
He'll give you your space. He knows how conflicting this whole kidnapping drama fest is for you and he'll let you cry, scream and sob all your anger and feelings out. He'll try reasoning with you in a sick and twisted way trying to convince you that it's for your own good and ensures he'll NEVER hurt you at all. He will NEVER use his quirk on you to make you do things you aren't comfortable with so you're safe with him聽
He'll try his best to make you comfortable (As comfortable one can be while they're chained to a headboard of a bed) and he'll give you whatever you want. He'll let you roam around the house after the first week or so since he doesn't like seeing you tied up (As much as he secretly enjoys it). If you're being stubborn with him by refusing to talk to him or even acknowledge his presence, well... if you're testing his water levels of patience, you better know how to SWIM in them. He isn't really THAT patient and hence, he'll isolate you by just giving you basic necessities like food and water and warm clothes and leaving abruptly after that聽
If you're STILL stubborn with him, THEN he'll use his quirk on you but just for simple stuff like hugging him and burying your head in his chest while he holds you like you're the most precious thing in the world. This was ALL he ever wanted from you, was that TOO MUCH to ask? When you realize he used his quirk on you, you'll be terrified of him for sure, and you'll hate him and it'll be a very long time for you to love him back but if you go back to square one and ignore him like you did before, he won't hesitate to use his quirk on you for more... dark and dire things
''Need I remind you what happened the LAST time you ignored me Kitty cat"
Just play your cards right and in time, you'll see his really soft side for you. He cares about you ALOT, he really does. But if you push him over the edge, he'll make you do all sorts of unsatisfactory things that you won't have a fun time doing. When it comes to rivals and enemies, he'll just use his quirk on them and make it look like some sort of suicide or accident
Loves to spoil you every now and then and he might even get you a pet cat so you both can take care of him
If Shinsou can't convince you to love him, he'll just have to FORCE you to......
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thefiery-phoenix 11 months ago
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They were already dating by the time they met you. They though you were like everyone else, just a regular classmate of theirs, however, they had no idea how WRONG they were聽
To be precise, you were actually kinda hard to ignore, the way your eyes lit and sparkled when people talked about your favorite thing, the way your dazzling smile could make a person see stars, the way your innocence shone through and the determination you always had to help people out no matter what was what attracted them to you. How could you expect BOTH of them NOT to fall INSANELY in love with you?
However, they were scared and nervous to ask you out since they thought that you might find them weird and creepy and so, they kept themselves satisfied by stalking you or 'keeping a close eye on you so nothing bad happens to you' and admired you from far聽
As much as they find your will and iron determination too cute and adorable, they just PRAY and hope that you won't want to become a pro hero in the future since they're really worried about you getting hurt. One time, you had a really nasty gash on your arm after a villain attack and after that, Momo started sniffling and crying saying how she'd be devastated if something bad happened to you while Todoroki looked like he was going to someone's funeral. Let's just say that if they weren't clingy then, they MOST CERTAINLY WILL BE now聽
They know their feelings are crazy, but they're so madly in love with you they can't ignore them. So if you find a mysterious love letter in your locker or small gifts for you here and there, that's no doubt Todoroki and Momo since they're rich kids and all, they just LOVE showing you how much they love you by yeeting presents in your locker (Anonymously, of course)
On a scale on 1-10, to you, they'll just be a solid 2 or 2.5 since you're their divine angel sent from the heavens itself for them to WORSHIP!! They have a GOD DAMN WAREHOUSE filled with all your favorite stuff and before you ask how the hell they managed to pull THAT off, as stated before, they're rich kids and so they have all the required resources and necessities for you to be satisfied聽
They will get INSANELY jealous and be fuming with rage, envy and jealousy when they see you talking or laughing or smiling at someone else. They have the emotional range of a GALAXY when it comes to you. How DARE that filthy annoying pesky scumbag be right NEXT to you!? Oh gods.... he was TOUCHING you!! He PATTED your SHOULDER!!! Well, this is gonna drive 'em insane over the edge and they'll be plotting murder, that's for sure. Satan spawns聽
When you get kidnapped, they'll understand how you feel and they'll be sympathetic. They might kidnap you if they think you're not capable of taking care of yourself and with proper planning, they're gonna keep you under their care. You guys in a mood for surprises? Well, you're gonna get a HUGE one now.....
Endeavour will find out about the obsession his youngest son and his girlfriend have for you and he's gonna actually ENCOURAGE IT, believe it or not (ENDATRASHHHHH I'm coming for ya) and GET THIS!!!: HE'S gonna be the one who's going to make sure you have everything you want and he'll install high tech level security systems around the place you guys are at聽
Momo will worship TF outta you. She dresses you up in all sorts of fancy clothing, makes you eat overly rich food till you're gonna be BEGGING her to stop but she insists on treating you like royalty. Every touch is gonna feel like paradise and heaven for her. And she just wants to take good care of her darling little angel, and provide you with comfort and the BEST of the BEST!
Shoto's intentions towards you can be a bit....unpredictable. Momo might be a gullible yandere, ask for something, you get it. Shoto on the other tends to keep a close eye on you, suspicious whether you would be upto something and always makes sure to see what you're doing. His calculating look analyzes your every move before you can even act upon them
When it comes to punishments, Shoto ain't gonna take it easy on you. He wants to freeze and burn you mildly of course as a reminder that you belong ONLY to THEM and no one else but Momo will intervene and stop him and calm him down. At the very least, your punishment might be having your favorite things taken away from you but they just can't hurt you at all. They DON'T WANT to. Momo will NEVER EVER let Todoroki lay a hand on you and treat you wrong though it might take a while to gain back both of their trust
Aftercare with them is like paradise. They'll smother you with lots of love and treat you like a newfound puppy and take care of you like you're glass
When it comes to dealing with rivals and other enemies who want to steal you away from them , your 'protectors', they are a SOLID 100000000/10 and that people is a FACT! Seriously, whoever tries anything with you is just BEGGING them for a death wish and since they're pro heroes, they're gonna make their death look like some sort of accident after they're done torturing them. Lol, they make Sangwoo and Hitler look like Barney the Dinosaur when it comes to murder聽
They're manipulative, controlling and possessive of you. Will constantly bicker as to where to take you out on dates after you finally develop Stockholm Syndrome
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thefiery-phoenix 11 months ago
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If you were to be kidnapped by the LOV, the league of villains, they would be watching you like creepy stalkers for a VERY LOONG time. It would be really infuriating for them to watch you doing the same boring things over and over again and again for days together. Won't you EVER get bored of living that bland vanilla life? You CLEARLY needed some spice in your life, at least, that's what THEY felt (Read, more like what DABI and TWICE felt. Shigaraki just didn't give a damn about you, that egoistical prick)
But no matter how much Shigaraki claimed that you were a useless spoiled brat, even HE couldn't shake off his feelings for you. Toga and Dabi would often tease him about it which would always result in a full fledged slapping war till mama Kurogiri tells the crybabies to CALM TF down
HECK, even KUROGIRI thinks you won't be so bad... When the other members of the LOV asked him to open up his warp gate and help them kidnap you, he resisted saying that you just needed some time. Even he was curious as to why most of the members of the LOV had suddenly taken an interest in you聽
You were the prey, the victim they ALL fell in love with and the fact that they weren't controlling you yet and possessing you yet was pissing them TF off and was driving them INSANE
It won't be long before they kidnap you. You might be skipping along one day, looking like a happy cute adorable little chipmunk that's excited for something and suddenly, BOOM! Everything goes dark and fog and mist surrounds you (Cue the special effects and the dramatic evil chuckling and creepy organ music playing from the middle of nowhere)聽
You would be TERRIFIED out of your wits to see Kurogiri just staring at you as well as the other members of the LOV as well (Well, of COURSE, who WOULDN'T be scared of out of their minds when you see villains glaring at you?) This is their chance to PROVE to you that you shouldn't place your faith and waste your breath on those pathetic no good hero scum who are useless most of the times anyway聽
You would be gagged for a few days, chained and all. Dabi would have to deal with Toga's constant pestering asking whether she could make you bleed since she thinks you look cute and adorable in red and with blood all over you... Damn, this is scary
Crusty lips would be the MOST SCARIEST yandere, no doubt about that. He'd threaten you the most, show you the LEAST amount of love and affection, and basically, acts like a spoiled kid with the aura of a demon. He might even threaten to turn you to ash if you don't stop flinching away and turning away from him (SOMEONE HAND ME A KNIFE, I HAVE A CRUSTY RAT TO STAB!!!!! UvU)
That arrogant jerkface would LOVE to taunt you, call you all sorts of names and he gets some sick sort of pleasure seeing how HELPLESS you were under HIS control, poor sweet dumb little thing.... He wouldn't actually turn you to ash but seeing the way you squirm around from time to time just makes him feel so... aroused and gets all these crazy thoughts about you that'll be left to YOUR imagination ;)
Is Toga a yandere? BWAHAHAHAHAH XD Is that even a QUESTION to ask? She is the MASTER of all yanderes, and I honestly think she and Ayano Aishi from Yandere Simulator would be best pals and killing buddies. She'd swoon all over you and coo how cute you are in that sickeningly sugar coated voice of hers and say how beautiful you'd look in blood till Dabi pulls her away from you. When it's her turn to spend time with the LOV's 'pet' she's gonna literally POUNCE on you, trying to take your blood, tying you up and making you beg for more (HONESTLY, how TF is she NOT a vampire!!!???) She LOVES being dominant and unfortunately for you, you're her little plaything聽
Twice is kinda chill AND DEADLY scary at the same time. I think he has a bipolar personality since one minute he's gonna be laughing with you and the next minute he's gonna do somethin dangerous towards you. This guy's really unpredictable and it's horrifying. You might be running into HIS arms for comfort AND yet, at the same time, you might be running away from him too like your hair's on fire. This dude's personality is so unpredictable, is damn scary.... TvT聽
Mr Compress might just be the BEST yandere or captor you could EVER ASK for, PERIODT. He'd treat you well and certainly not like it when the other members try harming you in any way. He would never degrade you either. He'll take you to his room at night and show you all聽 sorts of cool magic tricks and slow dance with you like in those cutesy dramatic romantic movies. He'd stroke his thumb over your soft lips, caress your cheeks lovingly and say how cute and adorable and amazing you were and how he'd be your source of comfort from those overgrown morons with an IQ of a sardine tin can. He'll LOVE it when you're dependent on him and ONLY him and he would NEVER bring himself to hurt you like the others (Man, this dude is making me cry....)
Dabi couldn't care less at first when he saw you. He thought you were another little plaything for his use and he'd toss you away like a Kleenex after you were broken. And yet, something about you just attracts him to you and that's actually pretty terrifying. If Dabi's in a bad mood, you better start saying your freaking prayers since this man takes sadism to a WHOLE NOTHER level, it's a question now, who's more of a sadist. Dabi or Shigaraki? If he's in a good mood, he'll just ask you to shut up and cuddle with you and rub some gentle circles on your back
To piss Crusty Face Handyman even MORE, he'll make you sit on his lap during meetings while Shigaraki's gonna be damn pissed at BOTH you and HIM and that'll jus t make the prick Dabi satisfied. Sometimes, he won't be so bad to you, otherwise he's gonna make you do all sorts of things you're uncomfortable with and he's gonna be like your WORST NIGHTMARE in HUMAN form. He and Shigaraki might even TAG TEAM when it comes to your punishments and they CERTAINLY WON'T be your favorite yanderes, that's for SURE
Oh JESUS... when it comes to Spinner he's like the MOST SOFTEST yandere EVER just like Mr. Compress. He LOVES showering you with love and affection, and he's just so pure, he can't EVER hurt you... OMG, MY HEART!!!!!....
He CERTAINLY feels bad with Compress when the league uses you as their personal stress toy and hence, they're the ones who'll actually take care of you and treat you with such gentle care and tender love. He'll be one who'll actually make you happy, by sneaking food for you when the league tries to starve you since you were being bad, talk to you about the things you like and care about, won't EVER touch you inappropriately since he DROWNS in his respect women juice and feels really bad since he can't help you escape. This boi is so PRECIOUS, IMMA DIE FROM A CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!
Kurogiri will be like the parental figure and whenever the punishments get out of hand like the villains trying to touch you inappropriately and all, he'll be there to stop in no time. Though he's a villain, he cares for you just like Compress and Spinner. He won't hesitate to punish you, but his punishments will just be a bit tamer than the ones the others give. His punishments will be something like him just ignoring you for a few hours and all that. He'll make sure to take good and proper care of you and feed you and on time and ensure you aren't malnourished. He'll talk to you about the current things going on around the world and honestly... he ain't so bad
In my opinion, Stain is a chivalrous guy. He won't torture you, EVER nor will he ever invade your personal space. He thinks you're cute and adorable and he'll compliment you oh just a DOZEN times a day. Like Kurogiri, he ensures you're safe and all right and after a harsh treatment with the Terrifying Trio (aka. Stabby blood rat, crusty chicken nugget and BURNT chicken nugget) he'll be there to comfort you and wipe your tears away and gently hold you to sleep after he tends to your injuries. If you're locked away somewhere, he'll at the very least try sneaking some food for you and telling you that you're strong and you'll be able to cope with it and gently encourage you
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