#mha season 2
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shiggyartist · 9 months ago
He was so fucking cute in that mall scene.
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sweetmoonpeaches · 4 months ago
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So I’m rewatching MHA season 2 and like all things you tend to notice little things that make you kinda think. And I’m not sure if someone said this already but I’m going to still put my thoughts out there lol.
Let’s start by saying this. From what I’ve seen of the stadium there is only two main pathways to the battle part of the stadium and I’m going to call them point A and point B from now on. (Point C is where spectators are at)
After their fight uraraka is taken to get fixed by recovery girl afterwards she goes to the point A waiting room. Deku then heads to the point A waiting room because his fight is up next.
We then see bakugou on the point A side of the stadium.
but why?
The only reason I can come up with is that he was going to speak with Uraraka. My second idea is they just needed him to be there so that deku and bakugou could be there at the same time (My last idea will be at the end of the post)
But the only reason why I don’t think that’s the case on why he was over there is that they make a very deliberate choice to show his reaction to seeing deku. He has a more “surprised” reaction, Before getting upset. Like… He wasn’t expecting him to be there.
This next part I find interesting because it’s really telling about bakugo as a character in general lol
NOTE: I can’t translate Japanese so I’ll only be using the English version of this and maybe next time I’ll use official translations of the manga.
Bakugou then stops deku before he leaves to the waiting room. He then blames deku thinking that the meteor shower was deku’s idea. He then states…
“You would come up with something that annoying. “If we end up-”
And then he’s cut off by deku but the part that stood out to me is him saying “if we end up-“
I want to know exactly what “we” he is talking about “we” as in himself and deku? Or we as in himself and uraraka?
my crack theory idea of what he was going to say could be:
A: bakugou saying that he (as in deku) could have really hurt her by having her do what she did
B: bakugou saying that we could have fought longer if you didn’t give her the idea
Because he honestly did want to keep fighting. He did have a hard time blasting the meteor shower.
I don’t really think he’d actually be worried about hurting her though, but I can still see him getting upset at a deku plan that could potentially hurt others. That’s why he saw her plan as stupid it relied heavily on her getting blasted over and over again.
I honestly think I have an idea of what exactly he wanted to say to her or what he could have said:
It honestly wouldn’t be too far from what he said to deku. He’d still get upset with her asking her why exactly she did what she did. And she would have told him that it wasn’t a deku plan it was her plan.
There’s a reason why Horokoshi didn’t have bakugou and uraraka have this conversation.
Bakugou needed to hear it from deku. It doesn’t make since for him to be all that angry with uraraka. Annoyed yes but not angry.
The conversation between deku and bakugou ends there it’s focused on bakugous expression. He’s annoyed and slightly twitches not having anything else to say.
As I said before I have one last “idea” of why he was over there he could have been trying to go over to where 1A is sitting. I tried looking up a layout for the stadium but there isn’t really a map detailing the floor plans because honestly why would you need that?
Unless your a crazy person writing a in depth explanation of why I think a character was on his way to a classmates waiting room
Ok ok I swear one last thing! I think a few years back someone (not sure who this was a few years ago lol) had said he was trying to return her damaged jacket. Which I really don’t think that’s it. Because 1. Why would he care to do that? 2. Even while walking up the steps he wasn’t holding anything and 3. They probably gave the jacket back to her when giving her a new jacket. It’s a neat HC though!
Horokoshi is really good at adding a layer of subtext over certain things. So much so that it makes people like me read into certain things. And ofc we will never know if that’s what he was doing but I honestly really think he really was on his way over there. There should have been either an exit to class 1A’s seats on his side of the stadium or I’m pretty sure that the waiting rooms are not actually connected to the hallways leading to the stadium seats.
If I missed something I’ll probably make an update post or something.
I’m not even sure if anyone will even see this
UPDATE: it’s only been like an hour but the ep bakugo vs todoroki at least confirms one thing it wasn’t an accident that he was headed over to where uraraka was as confirmed that he did in fact go into the wrong room later in this episode
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swordsandarrows · 2 months ago
Rewatching MHA from the start. Currently at the Sports Festival arc where the business course is debating over Midoriya's future profitability potential and the one kid flat out says, "His appearance is out." Like EXCUUUUSEEEE MEEEEE why the FUCK does everyone in this universe paint Izuku as "plain" when he's probably one of the most adorably designed characters???!!! How is he PLAIN?! Mf's got curly, green ass hair, a face full of freckles, big fat emerald eyes, and y'all wanna call him "plain."
Maybe yall should talk about how 1st/2nd season Katsuki looks like a sewer rat hopped up on steroids 🙄 (don't hate, I love Katsuki, but the animators did that poor boy dirty af lmao)
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confundida25 · 4 months ago
Im rewaching all Mha like a normal person and... Guys, gals.
Is so Insane how obsess Bakugo is toward Deku. Im in the sport festival arc, and the sheer of madness he get because Todoroki openly defys Deku like, that is my rival Todoroki! Move the hell out, all his láser focus thing of been the Best, he is always aware of Izuku. He alongs with Aizawa analies his movements in his battle agains Shinzo, there are scene when he is so weirdly quiet and thoughfoul??? I dont know guys, I need to make like a 30 slides of a power point about each one of his micro reaction.
Is so funny that he is so weird about Todoroki rivalry with Deku but he ignore the (also very public declaration of rivalry?) one Tenya did, like what Bakugo??? Iida is not a tread in your book?? Four eyes is not after your man?? What is happening???
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chagrin-roses · 1 year ago
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feeling nostalgic for bnha lately hehe
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lenniereadsalot · 1 year ago
Rewatching MHA has made me realize that Izuku should've just moaned when Shiggy had his hand around his neck. Like my guy probably would've let go pretty quick then
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mexican-cryptdez · 11 months ago
Things that I was aware of before watching MHA
Endeavor is trash
Iida goes on a murder arc
Shoto todoroki is a sweet pea who needs more practice at being social
Grand tronino dies
Bakugo goes through a major character development
Earphone Jack is definitely bi
Denki is dumb
Creati is super powerful and great
Azawia is gay and married to present Mic
Nedzu is scary
Shinso is underrated and also cool
Deku is just a little lad who 1. Needs therapy 2. Needs sleep 3. Needs a hug
Ochako is broke
My opinion on these after watching 30 something episodes of MHA
Endeavor could've been a great hero if he wasn't a dick filled with hubris
Iida murder "arc" was less than a week and would probably snap again I feel it
Shoto todoroki is a sweet pea who needs more practice at being social
Idk when this happens but I really like him and will be sad when he does die
He's not that bad. I think best jeanist gentle parenting would do him good tho he needs to be explosive and humbled in a good way
I forgot how to spell her real name but yeah she is and honestly a little mean but she's cool
I don't think he is. I think he's neat
Haven't seen her do much but she's great and just needs a proper chance to fight
I believe this as truth
I don't know how but I'll trust that I guess (wtf is he)
I want to see more but he seems fun
I haven't even finished season 2 and I feel this as true
It's literally her greatest motivator but also she can kick ass
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i-will-just-nyom-bi · 6 months ago
So I am rewatching BNHA season 2, the Final Exam arc. It's one of my favorites.
And after hearing Aizawa say that they paired up the kids by their weak points against teachers that would make them suffer (except for Bakugou & Deku. They got paired up bc they "didn't get along"), I started analyzing every match up to find the idea.
There are really obvious ones, like Kirishima and Satou against Cementos (they both rely on brute force and Cementos just floods them with cement), Aoyama and Uraraka against 13 (Light & gravity against black hole) and so on...
Some were harder to grasp, like Tsuyu & Tokoyami. I think it's because their quirk lets them get far both as an attack and as escape, so if theres a lot of "enemies" who're waiting all around, it gets harder.
But man, why were Sero & Mineta paired up against Midnight??
Yeah, they're both boys, so her quirk works on them, but both their quirks lets them trap Midnight just by putting a piece of hair/tape in her way and bam. She can't move. You can run away or cuff her.
But this pairing is bad for Midnight and not for the students, so why did they get paired?? Plus both of them are far ranged, especially Sero.
I personally think that against Midnight they needed someone who can't do far range, and a boy. For example: Ojirou, Sato, Kirishima. They need to get close to her in order to use their quirks.
Can someone maybe explain?
Sorry if the text is hard to read. I'm sleep deprived
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burstbubbbles · 3 months ago
- i loved the first opening theme and this one is really good too!! todoroki doing yoga in a park took me out tho lol
- okay at the end of s1 they said that aizawa might lose the mobility of his eyeballs or sth and now they are completely ignoring that. like he's all bandaged up like a mummy but his eyes magically work. how convenient. not complaining though.
- i really did not remember deku winning the obstacle race but i love that he's smart. maybe im completely off with this, but i feel like the average shonnen protagonist of the 2000s was more like naruto: determined, loud, extroverted, a little dumb sometimes, but ultimately really noble. and izuku kind of breaks away from this stereotype in a way ?? like he's a really big nerd with a noble heart and that's why he wins in different fights, at least at the start. i feel like it was probably a breath of fresh air back when mha started.
- bakugo the feminist™ !!! (when he was asked why he didn't have mercy on a fragile girl [uraraka] he replied "what part of her was fragile?")
- it's really clear now to me that horikoshi loved tokoyami's character design and powers lmao. he won easily against everyone but bakugo. slay.
- something i like ab bnha too is that bakugo, who seems like a mindless bully at the start who only got blessed with amazing superpowers, is actually smart too. it's not just deku. it seems like hori cares a lot about making it clear that in order to be the best, you have to study your craft thoroughly. in his fight against kirishima and later with tokoyami, he figures out their weaknesses quickly and uses them against them to win. he's not just really powerful (although that obviously helps), he's also pretty observant.
- good on recovery girl for not indulging deku breaking his entire body all the time lmao. i had forgotten for how long the boy literally couldn't control his quirk. it was getting frustrating to watch.
- i had also forgotten that this is when deku got his hand scars (after fighting todoroki on the sports festival). good to know!
- STAIN ARC ??? ALREADY ??? idk why i remembered it the other way around, i thought bakugo got kidnapped and rescued and LATER they did the whole stain thing. whoa. this changes things.
- ngl pink ua girl had a point when she said BAKUGO KATSUKI IS NOT A MONSTERRRR SO STOP CHAINING HIM LIKE HE IS ONE like seriously you're a hero school and that's all you can come up with ?
- this is gonna sound really dumb but i just realized uravity is supposed to sound like the japanese pronunciation of gravity (which ofc is a play on words with uraraka's name, that much i already knew. like i said, i first watched bnha when i was 15, don't judge me.)
- lmao bakugo really chose the agency that would twinkify him
- gran torino is such an interesting character, i wish we got more of him
- iida (ab deku fighting stain): those moves... he's moving like... bakugo!
- ↑ idk why but i thought that was so sweet
- todoroki is so silly when he's not being angsty. like, i knew that, but this episode is when it starts showing for the first time methinks.
- IIDA RECEIVED NERVE DAMAGE IN HIS LEFT HAND??? why is that never brought up again (or maybe it was and i just didn't notice? unlikely).
- i never noticed before but the nomus are so much like the evas from evangelion !!
- in chapter 1 or 2 of the first season, it was said that all might got his stomach injuries by fighting a named villain (sth like "toxic man" or whatever), but now gran torino said it was AFO. either it's a plot hole or the story all might told izuku was fake, which is more likely.
- deku basing most of his new moves on bakugo's style is such a good way of reminding the audience of the fact that they're childhood friends and that deku has always looked up to bakugo. it's not just animosity between them but also deep admiration.
- all might: midoriya shonnen, i probably won't be by your side when you have to fight AFO
also all might: *lives at least another 10 years*
- ngl rewatching bnha is making me really sad about SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS the fact that deku ends up losing OFA. like, the thing is that it's a good ending, it makes sense for the show, but it's still such a huge process of grief for him. imagine wanting sth your whole entire life and facing that you'll never have it, then getting it, living one shitty year with it and losing it forever. i think a part of deku will die with OFA. but i liked that he ended up with hopes of becoming a hero again anyway, and i do love him as a teacher. the ending harry potter deserved.
- on the topic of other hero's journey stories, i was thinking about the OFA/AFO backstory that all might tells deku close to the end of this season. a lot of parallels can be drawn between bnha and naruto, but im glad that the story of the brothers isn't reflected here. in naruto, you have asura and indra, and naruto and sasuke reflect their souls perfectly, that's what fuels their fated, innate rivalry. here, in bnha, one might have assumed that deku and bakugo would echo the original OFA-user and AFO brothers respectively, with bakugo turning evil out of resentment and frustration but eventually getting saved by deku and coming back to the good side (like sasuke). im glad horikoshi didn't go that way. im glad their rivalry stems from their own relationship and that bakugo, despite being very flawed, deals with his own character development without straying away from his core beliefs. i think about naruto and lots of other shonnen animes and hero-stories when watching bnha because i feel like it's very meta in the way it deals with a 'hero-society', so idk. i thought that was good writing from horikoshi.
- the way i have absolutely ZERO recollection of the exams before the camping trip ??? LIKE GENUINELY ZERO ???
- aizawa trapping todoroki by hanging him and putting shurikens below him (to which todoroki says, "is he a ninja?") just HAS to be an homage to kakashi and his genin exam :')
- i like that, while all might wants deku to be his successor, AFO wants shigaraki to be his "new me". it's another parallel between OFA and AFO, while OFA is a cumulative power that's passed on from generation to generation, AFO is exclusive to one, even when it's passed down to someone else, it's solely to keep the original user going.
that is all for now! i'll eventually post sth for s3!
things im noticing as i rewatch bnha, an ongoing thread:
- deku really was such a nerd lmao he's just like me fr (like i KNEW but i didn't remember how much i could relate to it. oops.)
- it's also interesting that he always fights back against bakugo and calls him an idiot a lot. idk why (probably because of fandom characterization) i remembered early-seasons deku as a lot more innocent and scared of bakugo. like, here's the thing, deku is scared of pretty much everything at the start because he's shy/anxious. he gets nervous talking to most of his classmates (especially, but not only, girls) when he first meets them and starts trembling when he gets elected as class president before handing the role to iida. so basically, his anxiety isn't reserved to bakugo like i remembered – if anything, he seems to get over his fear of getting bullied by him pretty quickly once he realizes he can fight back.
- kaminari tried to ask uraraka out in their first or second day of school and she was like "uhhh i like to eat... uhh... WAIT DEKU CAME BACK FROM THE NURSE'S OFFICE" lol i really didn't remember that
- bakugo's insecurity was always there. as you're reading this you might be thinking i first watched mha with my eyes closed or sth, and you're not very far from the truth. here's the thing, i first watched it when i was like 14-15, so all i knew back then was that bakugo was insufferable and i didn't think further than that. of course, he ended up becoming one of my favorite bnha characters after reading all of the manga, but it's cool to realize his character arc was foreshadowed from the beginning and didn't just magically start around season 3.
- but yeah, anyway, bakugo's insecurity and his envy over deku's natural noble nature was always there, since season 1. also, deku's real admiration over bakugo was also there. like, going back to my other point, deku wasn't just Not Overly Scared of bakugo, he actually looked up to him despite knowing he was deeply flawed. tbh they were always a bit crazy about each other.
- uraraka is so funny i love her.
- all of class 1A was so chaotic good coded
- like they collectively made fun of bakugo on the bus to USJ for being rude lol. they really bonded over their shared dislike for the guy.
- bakugo gets fucking HUMBLED all of s1. i would also be irrationally angry ngl.
- the dialogues in the first season sometimes are so unnatural for the sake of exposition, like all might telling recovery girl: "do you mind not talking so loudly ab OFA? only you, a close friend, the principal, and midoriya know about OFA. but most professors and some pro heroes also know about my condition and not being able to fight for more than 3 hours a day" like WHO TALKS LIKE THAT ??!1?1?
- deku had to go to recovery girl's office a total of 4 times (if i counted correctly) for broken limbs of fingers in HIS FIRST WEEK of school. which is funnier considering no one else from class 1A had to go even once.
- damn shigaraki was a skinny legend before he got OP
- aizawa did not react at all when he first saw kurogiri (about the shirakumo thing). that was surprising.
- also. AIZAWA IS SO BADASS?? like yes i knew he was badass from the later seasons, but i genuinely didn't remember his first fighting sequence at USJ where he single-handedly fights like at least 20 villains.
- i had also forgotten that shigaraki calls eraserhead "really cool" so early on in the anime, i thought it was a later-seasons thing.
- this is really obvious but i had forgotten the all might theme's resemblance to superman's theme. it's such a cool little detail tho!
- uraraka and deku definitely were crushing on each other when they first met, but i think it's nice that they ended up developing a really strong friendship instead of getting together after hori didn't consistently develop them romantically. it also makes a lot more sense narratively, like why would we care who deku ends up with at the end of his first year of UA when the story actually ends 8 years after that, and it's very unlikely that you marry the same person you started dating when you were 15. idk, i liked that. i like that you can have two characters who maybe have a crush on each other but can't focus on that due to Circumstances and eventually move on and become good friends. it's a win for the platonic department!
- the animation was kinda bad in the first season 😭 but it's understandable and i had fun watching it regardless.
okay im done with s1 tune in for s2 !!
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blindchat · 4 months ago
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Happy Birthday! Hope nothing monumental is coming in the next few hours! Keep dancing Dabi Jensen release the tapes
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sorrywhattheheck · 2 years ago
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Redrawing all might panels part 2
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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katsu2ji · 7 months ago
(a few of) my bakugou headcannons!
a/n: this is me coping with the ending of the manga </3 KATSUKI I MISS YOU 😞😞
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i think he would much prefer softer music (off the top of my head: keshi, soft radiohead perhaps??, cigarettes after sex, etc.) as opposed to the loud music i often see him paired with—kind of a mix of whatever he likes but mainly lots of soft/chill rnb!!
++ i believe he would be a kendrick fan tbh!!!
i also think he would listen to music A LOT especially when overwhelmed
speaking of which, he gets overwhelmed super easily in social settings—he tends to go quiet when it comes to a group of people, conversing better when one on one (HE JUST LIKE ME FR!!!)
he’s the guy on campus wearing those apple airpod max headphones 24/7; his are black ofc!!
dude is the DRYEST texter ever. he makes you look like you’re begging for your ex back or smth it’s so bad (😭😭)
unless you’re a handful of very specific people, don’t expect a text back for at least a day or two…or whenever he feels like it.
he doesn't carry a bag sometimes and somehow manages to stuff everything in his pockets…his pants sag BAD...
takes his skincare super super seriously and does it every single night without fail. it is a non negotiable for him.
in general he cares about his appearance a lot; not in a self centered or an insecure way, it's just super important to him. if he knows he looks good, then he feels good, which directly impacts his performance in practice/battle—naturally, he has to make sure he's the best looking one there.
he’s a jjk fan!!!
he is the BIGGEST musical hater on the planet QUICK EVERYONE ACT SURPRISED!!!!
he’s SO MEAN when he's hungry like. to the point where you can tell when he's getting there because he just starts going OFF (more than usual, ofc).
he takes his coffee super sweet. he tried to be one of those black coffee guys, but now he just resents them because he can’t stand the taste LMAO also the sugar boost helps his quirk!! that’s the excuse he uses anyway…
aquaphor’s most loyal customer!!! he has at least one on him at all times, even when fighting
he’s super sensitive to smells and you can tell when he’s smelled something he doesn’t like because it’s immediately written all over his face—i’d also say that due to his quirk, he has a fear of constantly smelling bad because of his sweat
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katsu2ji © 2024. please don't copy, modify, or do anything of the sort with my work! i work very hard and you simply do not have my permission.
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nightfaeses · 4 months ago
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like every other hero
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those-rainbow-ninjas · 2 months ago
also mha art idr if i posted,,
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i think these are frommmm august? when i started my mha rewatch and got to the two heroes movie. good god the homosexuals
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THEY DIDNT CANCEL MHA but i feel like thats the type of anime Jon would watch and i wanted him to be upset abt smth (so i picked mha) while Damian was like who cares???? yona of the dawn still doesn't have season two. also Damian gets to do gymnastics cuz Dick adopted Damian (wdym hes still living with Bruce??? not in this house)
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harumichan12 · 7 months ago
Oh my god I’m SCREAMING! HE'S BACK!!!
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