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miryum · 2 months ago
Simon Riley has a lot of weird little quirks that I couldn’t fit in any other fic idea
Simon Riley knows how to braid hair and braid it well. French, Dutch, fishtail, anything you wanted. Little tiny braids didn’t deter him either. He would sit on the couch, you standing or sitting between his thick thighs and glare silently in concentration as he braided your hair. He’s also able to pick up any hairstyle real easily. Show him some inspiration on Pinterest and he’ll be able to replicate it almost perfectly. Simon isn’t as good at buns because he can’t quite get how to twist his wrist just right, but give him a strand of hair and he loves to weave it between his fingers. It makes him feel close to you and he is so proud when you wear the braid all throughout the day
Simon Riley folds laundry with military precision and gets a little miffed if you fold the laundry wrong. He literally grumbles and mutters to himself and then re-folds the entire load. He tries to show you how to fold it, but you don’t care as much as him, so he just does it himself. Laundry and the majority of the cleaning goes to Simon because as much as he has qualms about the way you do laundry, don’t even get him started on the way you attempt to clean the house. It’s better for everyone if he just does it
Simon Riley likes to rub his face over your pillow. Especially before or after deployment, he’s like a cat. He circles your pillow in his beefy arms and just presses his cheek to it again and again. It’s like he’s scenting it so that when he goes away, you won’t forget him. You think it’s absolutely adorable and you like to scratch at his hair as he does it
Simon Riley has very strong opinions about Christmas lights. He likes to put them up every year because he grew up Catholic (though he’s now an atheist) and it reminds him of his childhood. He doesn’t really care whether the lights are all white or different colours, but he cannot stand it if they blink. It’s much too annoying and busy and he thinks it’s a cry for attention. It also doesn’t help that sometimes he sees them out of the corner of his eye and the red ones look like the lights on a bomb or the green ones like the call signal on a radio
Simon Riley likes to buy you jewellery. He likes to buy anything and everything that he thinks will look pretty on you. When he finds something with little birds on it, he can’t help but splurge because you’re his Birdie and he loves you
Simon Riley is really good at most any sport, you name it. Rugby, basketball, baseball, American football, the list goes on and on. But put a gun to his head and tell him to score a goal for football and he would take the bullet. There’s really no explanation for it. One could blame it on his utter behemoth size, but he’s able to dribble the basketball or swing at the baseball hurtling towards him, but his feet just trip over themselves as he tries to get the bloody football down the field. He hates that little black and white ball with a burning passion
Simon Riley who is actually pretty involved in the VA. He doesn’t go out and advocate for more funding or anything, but if he sees a homeless veteran, he definitely guides them in the right direction. He goes there once a week just to catch up with everyone. You think it’s very healthy that he’s establishing a community for himself and he really enjoys it – you can see it in his eyes after he comes home Simon Riley who needs to sleep on the couch sometimes after deployment. It’s not that he doesn’t want to hold you close, but the mattress is sometimes a bit too soft for him after sleeping on the ground or in a hard cot for weeks on end. You usually end up joining him, just splaying out on his chest. After a night or two, he returns to his place in the bed, holding you close
Simon Riley has the 141 insignia tattooed on his bicep and then the numbers on his chest. He was going to put the numbers over his heart, but, a week before his appointment, he had met you and some little part of him told him to move the tattoo up three inches. He was very glad he decided to move it because a year later he had gotten your initials with a little bird tattooed right over his heart
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
Writing Ideas: 200+ Character Quirks
Behavioral Quirks
always wants to sit facing the door
bites lip when thinking or trying to remember something
chain smokes
chews gum all the time
clears throat frequently
eating all of one type of food before moving on to the next item on the plate
flipping hair back over one’s shoulders
grasping a fork or spoon with one’s full fist to eat
jingles keys
laughs very loud
licks lips frequently
makes humming noises
makes very intense eye contact with people
moves around a lot when talking to a group
paces when thinking
points at people when talking to them
prefers to sit on the end of a row rather than between people
sniffs frequently
snorts when laughing
taps chin or nose when thinking
taps fingernails on surfaces
tends to giggle
uses air quotes when talking
very distinctive laugh noises
whistles the tune to songs
Communication Style Quirks
chats nervously when there is lull in conversation
chooses words very carefully; speaks in an exacting way
describes things very precisely
doesn’t speak up unless directly asked a question
embellishes or exaggerates stories or information
enunciates words very precisely
gestures a lot when talking
habitually avoids eye contact
hinting at one wants rather than stating it directly
insists on face-to-face conversations (rather than phone or text)
insists on having the last word
makes up a nickname for everyone
pauses a long time before speaking
restating what other people have already said
speaks in a way such that statements come across like questions
speaks with an accent
talking to oneself
talks very fast
talks with a sing-songy cadence
unreadable facial expressions
uses a particular dialect
very expressive facial expressions
very reserved in demeanor
winks at people when talking to them
Eating- and Drinking- Related Quirks
always orders the same food in a restaurant
barely chews food before swallowing
brings snacks everywhere
burps or belches loudly at the end of meals
constantly talks about dieting
counts the number of chews before swallowing
drinks coffee or tea very frequently
eats while driving the car
extremely delicate eater
grazes throughout the day
makes nasty remarks about other people’s food
makes sure everyone knows they’re vegan
messy eater
only eats organic food
picks food off other people’s plates
prefers junk food to home-cooked meals
pretends to be a dainty eater but pigs out in private
refuses to eat leftovers
snacks excessively
takes huge bites of food
takes other people’s food without asking
tries to win over everyone to their way of eating
tucks a napkin into one’s shirt when eating
wont’ eat in front of other people
won’t eat food that other people cook
Personality Quirks
adrenaline junkie
brags about one’s own accomplishments
high levels of enthusiasm
likes to be the center of attention
makes assumptions about others’ motives
makes snap judgements about other people
needs the approval of others
obsessive about personal hygiene
overly trusting of other people
plans things to the most minute detail
quick to recognize others accomplishments
seeks adventure or new experiences
seeks stability
suspicious or distrustful of others
takes credit for other’s work
tendency to one-up other people’s accomplishments
tendency to pull for the underdog
tendency to react emotionally
tendency to respond objectively
tendency to take things personally
tenderhearted nature
tends to be argumentative just for the sake of arguing
tends to see how things unfold without planning ahead
very outgoing in demeanor
won’t touch people, even to shake hand
Physical Traits and Quirks
a lot of freckles
a lot of tattoos or unusual tattoos
always too cold
always too warm
asymmetrical features
athletic build
different color eyes
distinctive moles
extremely tall or short
lanky build
messy, free-flowing hair
missing or extra appendages
perfectly coiffed hair
red nose
twitchy eye
unique birthmark
unusual color eyes
unusual facial features
unusual hair color
unusual hair style
very long fingernails
weight range
Posture Quirks
crossing legs at the ankle when seated
favors one side vs. the other when standing
frequently shifts from side to side
lays head down on desk or table
leaning back in ones chair
leans in toward people who are speaking
leans on things when standing up
leans to one side when standing
looks straight ahead
propping one’s feet up on furniture
rests head in hands when seated
shifting from one foot to another when standing
shifts or squirms when sitting
sitting with one’s legs crossed
stands or sits extremely still
stands up extremely straight
stands with hands behind back
stands with hands on hips
stands with hyperextended knees
tends to lean away from people
tends to slouch
tends to stretch a lot
tilts head down most of the time
Quirky Movements and Walking Habits
adjusting sleeves frequently
bouncing one’s leg when sitting
bouncy walk
cracking knuckles frequently
determined, purposeful walk
enters rooms hesitantly
extent to which a person’s arms swing when they walk
loose limbed way of walking
meandering walk
often breaks into a jog when walking
picking at nail polish
pulling down on one’s jacket or skirt
pulling sleeves down over one’s hands
scratches one’s head frequently
scratching one’s face
shakes foot when sitting with legs crossed
sidles up to people
takes large steps
takes tiny, mincing steps
tends to push past other people abruptly
tugging a sweater or jacket from left to right
twisting to crack one’s back or next
walks at a very rapid pace
walks with a limp
walks with an even stride
Signature Accessories
always carries an umbrella
always wears a scarf
carries a briefcase everywhere
carries a huge purse
constantly wears a hat
has earbuds in (or headphones on) all the time
is never seen without a certain piece of jewelry
keeps a pocket square in a suit jacket
keeps sunglasses on all the time
never seen without a backpack
totes a pet in one’s purse or other bag
uses a pocket watch
wears a flower in one’s hair
wears a headband
wears a large fitness tracking device
wears a lot of jewelry
wears a nametag
wears an overcoat or other distinctive outerwear
wears bangle bracelets that jingle
wears enormous earrings
wears huge glasses
wears socks with weird patterns or in strange colors
Signature Clothing Style
always looks perfectly pressed
always wears boots
always wears tennis shoes
appears to have been professionally styled
becomes disheveled with very little activity
doesn’t worry about whether clothing items coordinate with each other
dresses in a flashy style
dresses in exercise apparel even when not exercising
dresses in very revealing apparel
overdresses or underdresses for occasions
squeezes into clothing that is to small
wears cheap knock-offs of designer fashions
wears clothes made for much younger people
wears loose fitting clothes
wears only designer labels
wears shorts even when it’s freezing outside
wears socks with sandals
wears stiletto heels all the time
wears the latest styles
wears the same color clothing all the time
wears the same style of clothes all the time
wears very outdated styles
wears wrinkled clothes
Other Quirks to Consider for Characters
answers for other people instead of letting them speak
complains about everything
constantly complains about aches and pains
constantly correcting other people’s grammar
constantly misplaces certain items, like keys or glasses
expects unquestioning loyalty from people
frequently gets hiccups
gets heavily involved in campaigning for political candidates
has hypochondriac tendencies
holds other people to higher standards than themselves
is easily influenced or swayed
makes snap judgements about other people
makes unusual snoring noises
participates in marches and protests
quick to find fault in others
seeks out flattery
seems to turn all conversations political
takes in stray animals frequently
tends to look for the bright side in every situation
tends to make biased remarks about others
Source ⚜ More: References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs 600+ Personality Traits ⚜ 170 Quirks ⚜ 100 Sensory Words
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autumnmobile12 · 8 months ago
Headcanon that when Fuyumi manifested her Quirk, she accidentally froze the kitchen floor in knee-deep ice and Rei right along with it.
Rei: So Fuyumi manifested her Quirk and, long story short, I need you to come home and melt me out of the floor.
Endeavor: ...can you get Touya to do it?
Rei: He's two. And he's a little upset about the floor situation because, and I quote, 'his legs don't work' because, 'the floor broke.' It took him forty-five minutes to Bambi-scramble across the ice in order to bring me my phone so I could call you.
Endeavor: All right, I'll be home in twenty. Stay put.
Rei: Duh. .... I can hear you laughing, Enji, and for the record, this had better not be an office story tomorrow.
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premiumbitch · 1 month ago
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THOSE weird MHA fans DNI, gtfo. anyways, If you're seeking inspiration for powers or quirks in your My Hero Academia desired reality, I've got you covered! While I’m not a huge MHA fan myself, like at all, I did some research and thought these ideas could be helpful. Enjoy!
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The user can create floating crystal shards from their body that explode into a cascading, glass-like dust upon impact. These shards can be fired as projectiles, controlled midair for delayed detonations, or used as melee weapons. The explosions release energy that can knock opponents back or momentarily disorient them. If the user concentrates, they can cause the shards to create temporary reflective surfaces, distorting light to create illusions.
The user must be cautious, as creating too many shards weakens their skin, making them more fragile to physical attacks. The reflective illusions drain mental focus, and overuse can cause headaches and blurred vision. Additionally, once the shards explode, they cannot be reformed, meaning wasted attacks deplete their resources quickly.
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The user can produce invisible sound chains that tether them to surfaces, people, or even soundwaves themselves. These chains allow them to pull themselves toward objects, bind enemies in place, or amplify sounds by sending reverberations through the chains. If an enemy is struck with an attack while tethered, the force can be repeated, creating an “echo” effect that magnifies the damage.
The chains only last for a limited time before breaking, and maintaining multiple at once strains the user’s vocal cords, eventually causing temporary muteness. The echoes can backfire if poorly controlled, sending the amplified force back at the user. The chains are also affected by environmental noise, making them harder to manage in chaotic areas.
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The user can create small patches of void-like darkness that they can step into, disappearing and reappearing through another patch within range. These voids absorb energy-based attacks, negating lasers or fire, and they can also trap objects inside, making them vanish temporarily. The user can extend these voids over their limbs to create intangible strikes that phase through defenses before solidifying on impact.
The voids cannot stay open for long, and creating too many at once causes them to collapse unpredictably. If the user enters a void and loses focus, they risk becoming trapped in their own ability for a short time. The voids do not block physical attacks, making the user vulnerable if they rely too much on phasing.
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The user can generate thin, nearly invisible threads from their fingertips that attach to people or objects, allowing them to control their movements like puppets. They can use the threads to manipulate weapons from a distance, pull themselves toward surfaces, or even force enemies into unnatural movements by overriding their muscle control.
The threads are extremely fragile and break under excessive strain. The more people or objects the user tries to control, the weaker each individual thread becomes. If an enemy has a strong enough will or physical resistance, they can break free. Overuse of this quirk causes muscle spasms in the user’s hands, temporarily paralyzing them.
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The user can create energy-forged weapons that temporarily exist in a different phase of reality, allowing them to pass through matter before fully solidifying. They can throw a blade, phase it through a wall, then make it tangible again behind an opponent for surprise attacks. These weapons can also disrupt other quirks that rely on energy or elemental control by severing their connection.
The weapons require intense focus to maintain, and if the user loses control, they might not materialize properly or disappear entirely. The phasing effect only lasts for a few seconds, making timing crucial. The weapons also cause strain on the user’s hands, and overuse can result in temporary numbness, limiting their combat ability.
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punchablelunchable · 4 months ago
Harry takes the steps two at a time, but Draco takes them one at a time at lightning speed
Draco gets tattoos but Harry gets piercings (Luna does most of them)
Draco says babe and baby but Harry says love
Draco loves when Harry wears crop tops but Harry loves it when Draco wears Muggle suits
Draco has to be practically forced to share his trauma but Harry brings his up casually bc he thinks it's normal
Tall Draco and top Harry
Draco becomes the potions professor and Harry becomes the DADA professor
Draco can't stay asleep but Harry can't fall asleep
Draco's love language is acts of service (followed by words of affirmation) but Harry's is gift giving (followed by physical touch)
Draco runs but Harry weight lifts (both think the others build and ability is extremely hot)
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nonoel-28 · 8 months ago
I head-canon that Monoma has a part time job as a quirk specialist and/or counselor. Because of his quirk, he's able to quickly analyze what a quirk is and how to use it effectively and efficiently. So when a kid's first quirk comes in and they are unsure of what it is or someone in general has a hard time controlling their quirks, Monoma will help them by copying the quirk and help them figure out what it is, how to use/controll it, etc...
Monoma was inspired to start this side career when Aizawa asked him that one time to copy Eri's quirk so they could figure out more about it (it is one of my favorite parts in the series).
Side note: Monoma is as much of a quirk nerd as Midoriya is, notebooks and all (he's just a bit more subtle about it lol). During school, Midoriya and him would have long discussions about quirks and their applications, bouncing off ideas, comparing and exchanging notes, etc... And even after school, they try to meet up at least once a month to catch up and discuss quirks. If one of Monoma's patient's quirk is particularly perplexing, he will call Midoriya for a 2nd opinion, and vice versa with Midoriya's students.
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animestsstuff2 · 7 months ago
DynamightX is typing…
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Bakugou Katsuki! X FemReader
Prompt: in which you are unknowingly texting Bakugou Katsuki
There will be abbreviations used for the messaging parts just things like u instead of you to fit todays texting!
Content warning: bakugou insulting you, slight crushing on Kirishima! (Lowkey love Kiri)
You rolled over from your previous position snatching your phone from the charging cable and squinting at the bright light. You couldn’t sleep at all. A sigh left your lips as you opened the messaging app you had downloaded a while ago.
Denki likes to use it when you guys are playing online games. You scrolled past your usual group chat which had a few notifications, most likely Denki can’t sleep either and is begging someone to play with him. You had joined a few different chat rooms, one was related to your quirk and a few others just had relating interests to you.
You scrolled down finding an active one and just as you went to join your message request pinged. Your brows pinched together as you checked the message box. You didn’t recognise the name at all.
DynamightX has sent you a message request!
None of your friends from UA had this username and you couldn’t think of anyone else. You clicked onto it. It was late and you were bored, what harm could come of it?.
DynamightX: why ya even in that chat if you’re not gonna talk about your quirk.
Your brows furrowed as you read the message. Who was this guy? Your mind quickly went to the chat you were in for quirks. It had a few people in it with varying quirks. You swiped onto the chat and typed their name.
Nothing—they hadn’t talked about their quirk once. They only ever spoke to insult someone else’s quirk—jerk. You clicked the profile and scrolled seeing they weren’t in any other chats except that one and had nothing in their bio. You swiped back onto the message request and began typing. Your knees bent and legs swaying in the air as you pulled your pillow further under your chin.
XAmethysta_: you’ve never talked about ur quirk either so why are u bothering me for?
DynamightX: i at least talk in that chat room. Bet ur some quirkless loser nerding out over other peoples.
Your jaw literally dropped as you felt yourself grow angry. Who the hell was this person? You typed back furiously.
XAmethysta_: i am not quirkless and even if i was that doesn’t make me a loser. Ur a loser for msging me about this, got nothing better to do?
DynamightX: I obviously have something better to do. U clearly don’t tho stalking that dumb chat.
XAymethysta_: good go do it then and stop bothering me.
You swiped off the app and turned your phone off rolling back over and closing your eyes. You eventually drifted off to sleep after continuously tossing and turning in frustration over what that person said to you.
He must absolutely hate his quirk if he gets on like that
You sat in class Jirou to your left and Mina to your right as you talked about the shopping trip after school today. It was almost the end of school lunch was soon and then you’d be out in no time to hang out with your friends.
“So who is all coming again?” You asked and Mina immediately began listing names.
“Uraraka, Kaminari um—Shoto I think obviously Kirishima. I don’t know if Bakugou is coming” Your cheeks tinged and Mina rolled her eyes. You had a bit of a crush on the red head.
“Hey Kirishima! Are you and Bakugou coming after school today?” Your eyes darted over to the group of boys. Kirishima glanced at all three of you and you quickly averted your gaze from his sharp grin.
“Heck yeah! What time we meetin’? And just at the usual spot?” He asked.
“Hmm say an hour after school ends?” Mina told him. You looked back to see him nod with confirmation and swivel back round in his seat to face his friends.
Your eyes caught the all too familiar narrowed red eyes of his best friend and you just puffed your cheeks out, rolling your eyes at the rude blonde boy who just glowered more at you. The pencil he held smoking from his overheated palm.
“Gosh he really hates you Y/N” Jirou snickered and you just shrugged.
“Good. I’d never be friends with someone like him” You grimaced hearing the bell ring and heading out for lunch.
“Bakugous not that bad. He helped Kirishima study for the final exams” Mina pipped up.
“Yeah plus he sometimes shares the food he makes in the dorm with whoever’s there” Jirou added. You just shook your head.
“Don’t care—guy’s a big bully. Y’couldn’t even pay me to like him” You shot back.
You actually didn’t mind him when you first joined. You kinda assumed his personality was a result of having a great quirk, well off parents and being both academically talented and attractive but after getting to know him better—well slightly nothing was redeeming.
He also hated you from the first day. If he wasn’t ignoring your entire existence he was constantly berating you. He found you training one day and went on about how he’d be so much better at using your quirk than you and that you sucked at using it.
You stared down at the buffet of food before you in the line with your friends, swallowing dryly.
Plus thinking about him makes you lose your appetite he sucks that much!
You walked to the food court with your friends. Your hand full of bags from your favourite shops as you spotted the rest of your group. The only seat now left was between Kirishima and Bakugou. Your cheeks tinged a bit as you sat down, scooting your chair closer to Kirishima and away from the blonde who was on his phone having it faced away from you and typing furiously.
“Hey Y/N, get anything nice?” You turned your head and found Kirishima leaning quite close. Your cheeks warming as you embarrassingly cleared your throat.
“Y-Yeah! Um, just—y’know clothes and stuff nothing crazy” You literally wanted to crawl into a hole and die. That was so embarrassing.
“Yeah? I got this new jumper, what’dya think?” He pulled a red and black designed hoodie from a bag. A classic colour for him.
“Mm! It’s super nice, looks really comfy too!” He nodded in agreement. Your eyes darted behind you to Mina who was giving a pink thumbs up.
“Kirishima man, c’mon i’m starvin’ you said we’d get food when the girls got here” Kaminari moaned as he flopped back in his chair.
“Okay okay chill out dude. Its chivalrous to wait on the girls y’know” he got up from his seat and looked back down at you.
“You hungry Y/N? Want me to get you something?” He asked and you quickly shook your head, face burning.
“N-No thank you so much! B-but I can get myself—please it’s okay!” You rushed out, skin warm and mouth dry. He just gave you a grin and nodded heading off with Kaminari.
You turned to speak to Mina and cry about how embarrassing that was when your phone buzzed in your pocket. You pulled it out checking to see if it was your parents trying to reach you. Your brows furrowed at the notification from that app.
DynamightX has sent you a message!
You opened the app and clicked onto the chat between the two of you. Your brows pulled together.
DynamightX: finally spoke today in the group chat about ur quirk.
XAmethysta_: ok? What u coming here to insult me privately?
DynamightX: u should train with someone who can send high level blasts or hits at ur forcefields if u wanna make them more durable
Your lips parted in a slight shock, brows raising before pulling together again. Who the hell was this person? Why were they complimenting you. They always, always insult every other person who even speaks in that chat room. You didn’t really know how to respond fingers twitching but not typing.
DynamightX: or u can stay a weak ass nerd for all I care. Ur parents not teach u to thank someone when they’re helpin ya.
Your face warmed at their message. You chewed on your lip, glancing up and seeing your friends engrossed in conversation with one another as you quickly typed a response.
XAmethysta_: sorry thanks i’ll have to try that. Whats your quirk?
DynamightX is typing…
You sat staring a little longer when the text bubble disappeared, shrugging you stuck your phone back into your pocket and seen Kirishima and Kaminari had returned. He placed a tray of your favourite food in front of you and your eyes lit up as you looked at him.
“Aw my favourite!” You grinned as his own crinkled eyes met yours. “You didn’t have to Kirishima but thank you”
“Y-Yeah well I just seen it and y’know I know you’ve mentioned its your favourite so-“ he rubbed the back of his neck as his cheeks matched his hair. You just blushed and smiled back as you turned to dig in.
Bakugou glanced at the food you were eating and then back at you. You were completely unaware of the blondes eyes on you as you spoke to Uraraka who sat across from you. He looked back down at his phone which sat under the table in his lap as he stared at the message which he didn’t want to send.
He wanted to keep who he was a secret to whoever this person he was texting was. It was..nice not having any expectations.
There you were again tossing and turning unable to sleep as you groaned and tossed the blanket from your body. You would think with how impressive and highly modernised UA was that they could at least install better air conditioning.
You sat up shifting some pillows behind your back and grabbing your phone. It had been just over a week of messaging this boy something you had found out after talking about a new clothing line and being told to shut up because he was a boy and he didn’t care.
XAmethysta_: u awake?
Your fingers twiddled with one another as you stared at the message. He probably wasn’t he went to bed every single night between 10 and 11pm, sometimes earlier but never later than 11. You wished you had that sleep schedule. You always stayed up late.
You sighed and moved to set your phone back down when it buzzed and you flicked it back on seeing his username beside the notification. You couldn’t stop the grin sneaking its way onto your face as your toes curled into the sheets. You were just happy to have someone to talk to.
It would he weird to be crushing on someone you don’t even know even if you have been talking non-stop for over a week.
DynamightX: i was till u texted me. What’dya want loser
You chewed your lips and rolled your eyes.
XAmethysta_: shut up u grump. I can’t sleep.
DynamightX: so why is that my problem??
XAmethysta: because everyone else is asleep rn and ur not! C’mon theres a reason why ur awake, tell me.
You waited for a response and whilst you waited Bakugou sat against his head board staring at the same string of messages. His own skin warm and face relaxed for once. A whisper of a smile on his face as he typed then deleted and then retyped but then deleted again the same string of words just laid out differently. His cheeks puffed out as he finally decided to share some personal information and hit send.
DynamightX: this girl I go to school with was annoying me today
XAmethysta_: oh what did she do?
DynamightX: nothing specific she just is annoying. Her face or something idk
You snorted at his response. This poor girl she probably is very nice and just goes about her day and this guy just finds her annoying for some reason. Bakugou waited for your response after sharing that information. He didn’t share a lot about himself to you, maybe it was the stranger danger instilled within him from a child or because you shared enough for the both of you.
He knew a lot about you already after such a short time. He knew your favourite song, animal and colour. The way you like to organise your clothes and the food you like the most. He even knew about some of your friends but you didn’t mention names. He knew things about you except your actual name and what you looked like.
XAmethysta_: lol her face or something? Shut up you probably hate her cuz shes better than u
DynamightX: shut up loser. I’m better than everyone at this school
XAmethysta_: yeah sureee if thats not why u dislike her then ask her to train with u and beat her
DynamightX: don’t tell me what to do. Why are u up anyways
XAmethysta_: AC in my schools dorms suck. Too warm rn
DynamightX: try sweatin all the time cuz of your quirk then complain to me about bein too warm
XAmethysta: omg! Is your quirk sweat?! Is that why you insult other people is being able to sweat loads your quirk!
DynamightX: shut up u ass it is not my quirk and that counts as ur guess for today.
XAmethysta: noo cmon that can’t count as my guess. Its not even the morning
DynamightX: it counts so quit yappin at me and accept it. I’m going to bed now to don’t msg me botherin me.
XAmethysta: okayyy ur so dramatic ! Sweet dreams sweaty boy!
DynamightX is typing…
You clicked your phone off and rolled over to bed closing your eyes and smiling slightly as you thought of the boy you were messaging. You eyes closing as you fell asleep.
Bakugou, however, was sat chewing his lip as he stared at his message to you.
:My quirk is Explosion. I could beat you any day loser.
He deleted it and threw his phone aside as he pulled the sheets over him, thinking about who he was texting and feeling his skin prickle. His mind going to the advice you gave him and the feeling turned sour as he thought about you. The girl he went to school with. He really disliked you. He didn’t know why nor did he care but he knew now what he was going to do
He was going to take your advice and confront you with a battle.
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adreneline-rushing · 3 months ago
A dinner at the Todoroki household
Endeavor, actually trying to engage for once: So, Shouto, got any crushes?
Shouto, who’s been dating Sero for the past two months: No, I got a boyfriend. *slurps soba passive-aggressively*
Endeavor: a BOYfriend???????
Natsuo, who met this really cute and awkward antisocial boy at a Smash Bros convention three months ago and now they’re dating: Cool me too!
Endeavor, cradling his head in his hands in despair: does ANYONE in this house like women?
Fuyumi, who’s actively sneaking Miruko into the house: me!
Dabi, who’s literally in bed with Hawks sleeping on his chest: I sense bullshit in the air.
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emilywrites185 · 2 months ago
List of Quirks
(The categorized lists are below)
What is a quirk?
Quirks are habits, attitudes, mannerisms, or behaviors that are unusual, unexpected, or strange.
People have quirks, and your characters and locations should too. Think obsessions, a silly or unusual laugh, habits like pacing around the room, knuckle cracking, or braiding or twisting hair while thinking. Someone could always be cold, even in the summer without AC. An old man could have the habit of checking his mailbox twice a day, so much so that there is a path of trampled grass leading to his mailbox.
Locations can have quirks. The front door might have to be pushed or pulled in a certain way to engage the lock. The sink faucets could be switched. The hot water tap could really be the cold water tap despite the label.
Think of somewhere you've lived or a person you knew. What stood out to you about them? What did you find bizarre, aggravating, or charming about them?
Quirks will serve as the little details that will make your characters and settings lifelike. These quirks will say a lot about what you are describing, and they can even be used to allude to something important in your plot. There could be significant explanations to the quirks you choose which can add a layer of depth to your story.
Personality Quirks:
Thorough planner
Never plans for anything
Lone wolf
Needs approval
High strung
Takes things seriously
Skeptical of everything
Loves to argue
Avoids people
Avoids touching people
Honest to a fault
Impulsive liar
The Martyr
Compulsive flirt
Ambitious but lazy
Behavioral Quirks:
Picks at nails
Smokes only certain brands
Drinks a homemade concoction of choice
Tops their food with a specific dressing or additional ingredient
Loud laugh
Subdued laugh
Whistles or hums when walking
Always misses the trash can
Touches their face when they talk
Gets a stomachache at tense moments
Stutters when talking to someone attractive
If they clean is always a deep clean
Avoids public restrooms
Collection of ducks
Collections in general
Very loud sneezes
Kitten sneezes
Hisses when thinking
Always sounds angry even when they aren't
Has a hard time articulating feelings or desires
Often gets cliches or common phrases wrong
Physical Quirks:
Twitchy eye
Twitchy foot
Extremely flexible
Extremely inflexible
Two colored eyes
Chipped nails
Long perfect nails
Distinctive weight distribution
Very short
Very tall
Distinctive marks like birth marks or scars
Wears new clothes but has an old beaten-up suitcase or bag
Fingers full of rings
Never seen without makeup
Never wears their hair down
Cracked glasses
Socks never match
Old people sweaters
One sock pulled up, the other falling down
Half tucked shirt
Always a pen in the shirt pocket
Wears only a specific color
Crooked pins or name tag
Wears anything with their favorite animal
Wears slippers out in public
Location Quirks:
Squeaky steps
Window that jams
Lot full of old trees
A popular place of business with limited, inconvenient hours
House locks that are hard to open
A front door without weather stripping
Plumbing that rattles when water runs
Whistling windows
Creaky couch
Wavy, uneven floors
Always windy
A yard where critters are always seen
A public place that seems to attract certain people or animals
Always spotless
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quirkwizard · 4 months ago
The Metapocalypse
So when the series ended, I saw that a handful of fans were confused or disappointed about a certain plot point being resolved. That being the Quirk Doomsday Theory. I saw many fans follow that this idea would be important to the manga somehow. Now, I could easily dismiss this as fans latching onto something when the author never intended it to be that important. However, I still wanted to discuss it. Because I do think that there is something to this concept, but not in the way that everyone seems to think it is.
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The Quirk Singularity, or the Quirk Doomsday Theory, is the idea that Quirks become stronger with each generation as they begin to intermingle with one another. And, when these Quirks grow too strong, more complicated, and dangerous to handle. The Quirks as a whole would grow to the point where people and society at large would not be able to handle them. Now, there isn't any denying that something like this is happening. There are a lot of examples of Quirks getting strong as time passes. There are the kids that Bakugou and Shoto work with, there's evidence from Destro's book about kids beating their parents during mock battles, and the absurd heights of the kids of Class 1-A. So it's clear that the manga is pushing the idea that Quirks are getting stronger.
However, the "doomsday" part of the theory is a lot more questionable. Of the Quirks we've seen, there haven't been any major examples of Quirks being too dangerous from the previous generations. Just look at all the pro heroes and the students. They all have their own downsides, but none of them are so strong as to be an active, uncontrollable threat to themselves and anyone around them like the theory is suggesting. What examples we do have are questionable. Tomura and Aoyama were originally the prime examples of this. However, it was eventually revealed that Tomura and Aoyama were given their Quirks. It's an unnatural process, one that their bodies were designed for. They hardly seem like the most fitting examples now.
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I would argue the best examples are Dabi and Eri. Yes, their Quirks are dangerous, both to themselves and other people. Yet again, though, Dabi is a result of a very specific combination of powers. Two powers that are active counters to one another and have a very high chance of going wrong. If anything, he could just as easily be used as an example of Quirks potentially getting weaker when they intermingle. Eri is a deviation as well. Her power is so far out of the scope of the setting that I'm not even sure if it counts. Even then, they aren't a threat to the world at large. With the right help, whether it be through training their powers or giving them the right equipment, they could easily live among everyone else. Shoot, you could snap off Eri's horn, and her power becomes harmless.
The only person who really pushes for this idea is Dr. Garaki himself. And yes, Garaki is the number one authority on Quirks in the series. If anyone can have any say on what is happening with Quirks, it's him. However, he's also the guy who made the theory. Of course he's going to see everything as confirmation for his idea, like what's happening with Tomura or the drug made from Eri. All while cackling like a madman about it. He isn't exactly an unbiased source. Especially since a lot of what supported his theory he had some hand in, such as Tomura's bizarre body modifications. There's a reason why people keep calling him crazy, like Present Mic. Because when you really look at the theory and compare it with what we've seen, it doesn't line up.
So, what is the point of all this? Why introduce this theory outside of some neat worldbuilding? I think it has more to do with the themes of the story than being any kind of plot point. The only two people who believe in the idea are All For One and Garaki. Two old, long-lived men who want nothing more than for things to regress and stagnate. That's the whole point of them as villains. The Quirk Doomsday Theory is supposed to show the villain's stance against progress. That it's something to be feared. However, the series runs counter to this. That people shouldn't be afraid of things progressing. That older generations should be working to cultivate and help the next generation grow. It's why when it's first introduced, it's when Bakugou and the gang are doing that exact thing with all the troubled kids.
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sysboxes · 4 months ago
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[Text: This alter/headmate/user misses their quirk.]
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[Text: This alter misses their quirk.]
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[Text: this headmate misses their quirk.]
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[Text: This user misses their quirk.]
like/reblog if you save or use
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thekingofwinterblog · 8 months ago
So just a funny little detail i noticed.
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Overhaul is still alive, and behind bars. And he still has his quirk.
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Meaning that if there is always the possibility that Monoma could copy his quirk and fix up every single injury the Heroes sustained during the war, short of bringing one for all back.
Just a thought I had.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 6 months ago
Writing Ideas: 170 Character Quirks
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Quirk—a peculiar trait; idiosyncrasy; memorable little things about a character’s personality that make them charming, endearing, weird, or unique; can be cute habits; is anything worth describing about a character.
Very introverted, quiet and reserved, keeps to themselves
Highly extroverted, loves socializing and meeting new people
Mega control freak who has to have everything their way
Neat freak (often coincides with control freak)
Total slob who never knows where anything is
Super stubborn and will never admit when they’re wrong
Brutally honest and can’t lie to save their life
Extremely judgmental of other people
Short-tempered, especially when irritated
Always patient, even when frustrated
Hilarious or odd sense of humor
Very hard to make them laugh
Loves to eat and is obsessed with food
Loves to drink and is constantly partying
Constantly complains about everything
Extremely loyal and will do anything for their friends/family
Adventurous and willing to try anything
Cautious and careful no matter what
Energetic, hardly ever needs to rest
Sleeps all the time and still gets tired during the day
Horrible sense of direction and constantly gets lost
Overachiever who loves school/structure
Really modest and won’t ever brag about themselves
Extremely emotional and will cry at the drop of a hat
Stoic and detached, rarely shows emotion
Wildcard whose behavior is unpredictable, even to their friends
Notoriously two-faced and will betray anyone
Charismatic and can convince anyone to do their bidding
Very proper and always polite to others
Dates tons of people and has a new boyfriend or girlfriend every week
Obsessive personality — whether it’s a TV show, brand, musical artist, or even another person, they’ll get attached and think/talk about it constantly
Unique eye or hair color
Has two different eye colors
Extremely short or tall
Some discerning physical mark — birthmark, freckles, mole, or scar
Wears unusual glasses
Has braces and headgear
Large feet — may mean they’re clumsy
Bites their nails/lips or chews on their hair
Constantly fidgeting and can’t sit still
Acne, eczema, or other skin problems
Many tattoos or piercings
Often sick or has allergies (constantly sniffling/blowing their nose)
Talks very loudly or quietly
Says everything like it’s a question
Terrible breath — may be a coffee drinker
Gets sweaty easily (especially when nervous)
Unusually hairy arms or legs
Very long painted nails
Always wears a faceful of makeup
Has a stutter or other speech impediment
Incessantly clicks a pen
Often tucks their hair behind their ears
Constantly chews gum
Has a toothpick dangling from their mouth
Always picking their teeth
Smokes and has a raspy voice
Breathes heavily or snores
Is extremely muscular
Walks very slowly or quickly
Left-handed or ambidextrous
Constantly scratching themselves
Has some noticeable physical tic, like a twitch
Always wears a distinct item of clothing or accessory — a favorite pair of socks, a lucky jersey, or even a particular shade of lipstick
Fantastic cook or baker
Skilled musician (piano, guitar, violin, etc.)
Artistic talent (drawing, painting, sculpting, etc.)
Model athlete (football, hockey, swimming, etc.)
Great at voices/ventriloquy
Can do sleight-of-hand — may be a pickpocket
Speaks multiple languages, even obscure ones
Knows everything about history
Mathematical or scientific genius
Brilliant coder and can hack into any database
Skilled mechanical inventor
Can build or put together anything
Super-quick logical reasoning
Exceptional memory/genius IQ (several of the above might fall under this)
Special connection with animals
Super empathetic and understanding of other people
Extremely fast runner
Contortionist (can twist their body into any shape)
Psychic talent (can predict the future)
Amazing mechanic
Super strength, flying, invisibility or other superpowers
Unusually high tolerance for pain
Survival skills like hunting and fishing
Quick reflexes, acts fast in a crisis
Brave and fearless, not scared of anything
Able to talk their way out of any trouble/invent stories on the fly
Awful driver
Always running late
Illegible handwriting
Terrible at public speaking
Socially awkward — hard for them to make friends
Has tons of credit card debt from online shopping
Self-destructive and always wants what’s worst for them
Gets blackout drunk every time they go out
Extremely conceited or arrogant
Compulsive liar
Manipulative of friends
Gets jealous over nothing
Often mean for no reason
Unbelievably self-centered
Extremely passive-aggressive
Is a hero who doesn’t like using their superpowers
Arachnophobia (irrational fear of spiders)
Coulrophobia (irrational fear of clowns)
Agoraphobia (irrational fear of leaving the house)
Pantophobia (fear of everything)
Pale skin
Crooked smile
“Intense” stare
Relentless clumsiness
Artificial hair colors that are supposedly natural
Characters thinking they’re unattractive when everyone else thinks they’re beautiful
Dresses all in one color
Bedroom is decorated exactly like a Pinterest picture
Won’t drink still water, only sparkling
Refuses to use headphones and blasts their music in public
Always dresses too nicely for the occasion
Walks around barefoot, even in stores and other public places
Hates being inside, sleeps and goes to the bathroom outdoors
Can’t help but look in every mirror they pass
Wears a small plastic backpack everywhere
Preps their meals three weeks in advance
Drinks shots of espresso all day long
Sings opera in the shower
Always sneezes around pets
Has a collection of something mundane
Makes their own (terrible) abstract art and hangs it on their walls
Gets super excited about Christmas and then really depressed in January
Refuses to wear glasses even though they need them
Carries around a secret teddy bear
Has been wearing the same friendship bracelet for three years
Fastidiously lint-rolls all their clothing
Will leave a shop or restaurant if someone walks in with a baby
Extremely superstitious (knocks on wood, avoids the number 13, etc.)
Drops everything other people ask them to hold
Likes to go out dancing by themselves
Prefers to have the lights off or dimmed at all times
Only reads books written before 1900
Only watches movies that get really bad reviews
Always wears multiple sweaters on top of each other
Won’t eat anything that doesn’t have bread (at least on the side)
Thinks they’re a time-traveler from the medieval era
Gives friends and family excellent homemade presents
Leaves the office last every day so they can push all the chairs in
Hates jagged numbers (always fills their gas tank to the dollar, sends emails on the hour, etc.)
Has an imaginary friend they still talk to, even in adulthood
Owns a lizard that they try and use as a guard dog
Listens exclusively to Britney Spears
Leaves little notes in library books for future readers
Uses tissues to hold onto poles on public transportation
Wears their hair in Princess Leia buns
Never goes a day without talking to their mom
Hums “In the Hall of the Mountain King” when they get stressed
Clucks their tongue while walking, so they sound like a horse
Quotes Pulp Fiction all the time
Loves hanging out in completely empty places
Convinced they’re going to die in a freak accident
Grows all their own food in their vegetable garden
Never pays for train or bus tickets
Can recite Shakespearean sonnets
Recycles and eats vegetarian, but only out of guilt
Has a “vision board” posted on their ceiling
Loves the beach but hates swimming
Flicks people in the forehead when they get annoyed
Laughs at everything, even bad jokes
Curates a great Instagram feed of street art
Sources: 1 2 ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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autumnmobile12 · 2 months ago
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Do you suppose Aoyama was ever haunted by the vestige of the person his Quirk was stolen from?
Maybe that's why he's so focused on light and sparkles in his gimmick. He's been having nightmares of this scary shadow person crying, "Give it back, give it back," since he was a kid.
And if he overheard Deku talking about strange shadow people, that would explain why he out of everyone in their class figured out he used to be Quirkless, too.
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winxanity-ii · 1 year ago
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 01 Chapter 01 | distorted reality⌟
╰ ⌞🇨‌🇭‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇮‌🇳‌🇩‌🇪‌🇽‌⌝
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❘ prev. chapter ❘༻✦༺❘ next chapter ❘
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The world swam back into focus, a sickening wave of nausea rolling through you.
Your throat rasped, a metallic tang heavy in your mouth. Blinking away blurry spots, the world swayed violently around you.
There was a dull throb behind your eyes, and a chilling, empty space where your memories should have been with each sluggish heartbeat.
Fear, raw and primal, gnawed at your insides. Where were you? Everything felt...wrong.
Another thunderclap, followed by a blinding flash of lightning, illuminated the room for a split second. Each crackle of electricity sent a jolt of pain through you, a strange disconnect between the storm outside and the ache in your body.
Disoriented, you tried to sit up, only to find your limbs heavy and unresponsive. Groaning, you forced your eyes back open, expecting the sterile white of a hospital room. But instead, you were met with a riot of bubblegum pink and frilly decorations.
Trying to focus, you pushed yourself off the plush bed, tiny legs unsteady and weak on the plush carpet. Drawn by an instinct you didn't understand, you stumbled towards a small, ornate vanity tucked away in a corner.
Another flash illuminated the room, and for a fleeting moment, you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. A face stared back, long, coily red-tinged auburn hair, framed a face unfamiliar and innocent.
However, it was your eyes that truly terrified you.
Golden irises stared back, hypnotic in the flickering light. But it was the crimson rings within them, swirling like miniature storms, that sent a cold dread spiraling down your spine.
These eyes, alien and unsettling, were the only familiar thing in this sea of confusion.
Where are you? Why did everything feel so wrong?
Tears welled up, blurring the vibrant clash of pink and lightning in the reflection. But even the tears felt alien—a betrayal of a body you didn't recognize.
You were adrift in a sea of your own flesh, a puppet with severed strings.
No memories, no identity, just a throbbing head, a strange pain in your body, and fear—a cold, suffocating fear that had no name.
Collapsing onto the plush carpet, you reached for the cool vanity for some semblance of comfort. But instead of finding solace, your hand brushed against a soft, frilly nightgown, another alien entity on your unfamiliar skin.
You were lost, a terrified child in a body that felt wrong, with eyes that held a secret you desperately wanted to remember.
A frantic voice cut through the cacophony of fear in your head. "Sweetheart, are you alright?"
An instinct you didn't understand made you shrink back.
The voice belonged to a woman who rushed to your side, her brow furrowed in worry. Her face, etched with lines of concern, was unfamiliar, yet there was a warmth in her eyes that practically swallowed you whole—you were a star in her desolate sky.
You wanted to ask who she was, who you were, but the moment you tried to form a question, a searing pain lanced through your head. It was easier, for now, to just let the confusion wash over you.
"Come to Mommy~" she reached out, her voice gentle but laced with urgency.
The woman—your apparent mother—sighed, her worry deepening. "Oh, sweetie, you must have been scared with that awful storm. Were you having another bad dream?"
Another dream? The term triggered a flicker of unease.  Dreams?  What dreams?
You clenched your fists, the throbbing in your head intensifying with every attempt to pull a memory from the void.
Frustration welled within you, a surge of anger replacing the fear. "I... I don't remember," you admitted, the words falling flat in the face of your growing anxiety.
Your mother, whoever she was, wrapped her arms around you, a gesture that felt foreign yet strangely comforting.  You didn't know how to react, your body stiff and unyielding in her embrace.
"It's alright, ____~" she soothed, her voice tinged with sadness. "Now come on, let's get you cleaned up and ready for breakfast."
The name "____" hung in the air, a word that felt foreign on your tongue—a borrowed coat ill-fitting your shoulders.
As your short and chubby mother, led you away from the unsettling reflection in the mirror, you stole a glance at her. Her burnt orange hair, once vibrant and full of life, was now streaked with silver, a testament to the years that had passed.
The curls, once perpetually escaping from any attempt at control, were now pulled back in a loose, lopsided bun, seemed to vibrate with nervous energy.
Her honey-tan skin was dusted with a constellation of dark freckles across the bridge of her nose—boring the etchings of time in the form of wrinkles crinkling around her warm, honey-colored eyes. 
Even now, a flicker of worry, a worry that seemed to have become a permanent resident, danced within their depths.
Her name, you vaguely recalled from the panicked jumble in your head, was Mei.
The house itself mirrored Mei—functional, lacking any personal touches.  It spoke of a life lived by routine, devoid of the chaos you once thrived in. The lack of toys or childish decorations was another jarring note.
Here, in this world of beige walls and muted tones, quirks weren't a topic of conversation, a stark difference from the hero-worshipped society you once manipulated.
Here, it seemed, you were utterly ordinary.
Breakfast was a quiet affair.  Your 'father'—Wino, a stoic man with a perpetual peppered five o'clock shadow—presented a stark contrast.
Tall and lanky, he grunted a greeting before disappearing behind a newspaper. His electric green eyes, usually crinkled at the corners from a lifetime of suppressed smiles, were hidden behind thick wire-rimmed glasses.
His hair, once a vibrant auburn, had surrendered to the relentless march of time, turning a stark white that seemed to hold the secrets of countless unspoken words; both he and your mother appeared older than their mid-forties.
As Mei fussed over you, you picked at your food—the unfamiliar taste of fluffy pancakes, a bland echo of the delicacies you once indulged in.
Mei, oblivious to the storm brewing within you, hummed along to a children's show playing on the TV. It depicted brightly colored superheroes battling a giant, fire-breathing lizard.
You watched the scene detachedly; it was both whimsical and confusing.
"Welcome back, young heroes-in-training! Today, we're going to learn all about quirks—those amazing abilities that make our world so unique!"
A flurry of images flashed across the screen: a boy with stretchy limbs, a girl who could manipulate fire, a man who could zoom through the air.  Your brow furrowed in concentration.  This was unlike anything you'd ever known.
"Quirks can be anything from super strength to creating illusions!" the cheerful announcer continued, "It's what makes our society so exciting!"
The show droned on, explaining quirk training, hero schools, and the intricate classifications of these bizarre abilities.  You listened intently, a spark of curiosity igniting within you.
What the hell are these "quirks" they kept droning on about?
Suddenly, a booming voice jolted you from your thoughts.
"Mei, change the channel. Not much point in letting her watch that mess. She won't be developing any quirks soon," Wino sighed behind his newspaper, lowering it down with a grimace. "No use in getting her hopes up."
Your mother bit her lip, a flicker of sadness crossing her features. "But she's only five," she began, her voice tinged with defiance, "we don't know if she's actually quirkless, there's always a chance..." Her words trailed off as Wino stood up and left the room without a glance, leaving behind a lingering scent of pipe tobacco in his wake.
You watched him go, your eyes narrowing a bit. Quirkless? The word itself felt foreign, a label you didn't understand but instinctively disliked.
As if on cue, the monotonous ringing of the house phone cut through the tense silence.  Mei gave you a strained smile before hurrying to answer it.  Left alone, you wandered back to the television, the cartoon announcer's overly enthusiastic voice now droning on about the "Quirkless Woes."
"And remember kids," the announcer chirped in a condescending tone, "if you're unfortunate enough to be born without a Quirk, just remember, there are plenty of perfectly ordinary jobs you can take up! Like... janitorial services! Or... grocery bagging!" His patronizing tone made you huff in annoyance; a strange feeling, a mix of anger and confusion, began to nestle in your chest.
Being Quirkless sounded... boring.
Suddenly, the cheerful theme song was drowned out by a breaking news alert flashing across the screen.
A stern-faced woman with a microphone reported on a villain attack downtown. Live footage showed a hulking man with glowing red eyes causing havoc, his bare fists shattering concrete pillars with ease.
"This is villain Catastrophe causing a rampage in the Musutafu financial district," the newscaster explained. "Heroes are on the scene, but the situation seems critical. We'll continue to bring you updates..."
Your gaze flicked between the cartoon heroes and the real-life devastation; a strange mix of curiosity and... envy? flickered within you.
These people, these heroes, could manipulate reality—defy the laws of physics with the flick of a wrist.
You, on the other hand, were utterly and seemingly ordinary.
The frustration bubbled up again, a familiar feeling you couldn't quite place. Was it the powerlessness? The lack of control? Or perhaps a deeper longing for something more, something you couldn't even articulate?
As the news droned on, Mei switched the TV off, a bright etching itself onto her face. "Come on, sweetie, let's finish your breakfast~" she said gently, "Today's an exciting day, we're learning the alphabet!"
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Later that night, as the rain tapped a gentle rhythm against your window, you lay tucked under the covers, Mei having just left after her nightly goodnight kiss.
Staring out at the slick streets, you tried, in vain, to push past the blank canvas of your memories.
A dull ache throbbed behind your eyes, intensifying with each frustrated attempt.  Your body trembled, a cold sweat slicking your skin.
Suddenly, a sharp pain lanced through your head, and a gasp escaped your lips.
Involuntarily, your eyes flared open, an unsettling yellow glow emanating from them for a fleeting moment.  A metallic tang filled your mouth, and you reached up to your nose, feeling a warm trickle of blood.
Through the ringing in your ears, a voice, faint and distorted, seemed to whisper a name. "...Ma...ki...ma..." it repeated, the syllables blurring together before fading entirely. Each whisper senting a jolt through you, a flicker of a vision erupting behind your closed eyelids.
"...Ma...ki...ma..." The first whisper brought a flash of a pale, porcelain face, a chilling smile stretched impossibly wide across blood-red lips.
Then, darkness.
"...Ma...ki...ma..." The voice pleaded, a touch more insistent this time; and with it, it ignited a vision of slender, crimson-stained fingers wrapped around a length of barbed wire, a look of perverse pleasure contorting the unfamiliar face.
Darkness again.
"...Ma...ki...ma..." The vision that followed this plea was a kaleidoscope of horrors—a city in flames, screams swallowed by the roar of an unseen beast, and that same face, eyes blazing with a cold, predatory hunger.
A wave of nausea washed over you, and you squeezed your eyes shut tighter, willing the visions away.
The whispers began to quicken, a desperate urgency seeping into their tone. "Ma...ki...ma...Ma...ki...ma!" Each utterance felt like a physical blow, a sledgehammer pounding against the fortress of your mind.
With each beat, the visions intensified, a torrent of violence and depravity flooding your senses.
A cackle, laced with madness, echoed in the darkness. You saw twisted shadows writhe on the ground, heard the sickening crunch of bones, felt the heat of searing flames licking at your skin.
And then, her face, crystal clear this time, filled your vision.
The pale girl, the crimson smile—Makima.
Her eyes, once a mesmerizing crimson, were now a bottomless void, devoid of any humanity.
"Makima!" The final whisper arrived in a shout of despair, resonating with horrifying clarity, shattering the last vestiges of your resistance.
Your pupils dilated, a single word echoing in the vast emptiness—Makima.
It was a name, a fragment of who you were, but it offered no explanation for your current existence.
Slowly, the tremor subsided, the yellow glow in your eyes receding, leaving behind a chilling emptiness.  Fear melted into a strange sense of clarity.
You were Makima, but you were also ____.
Calming your ragged breaths, you tested the name on your tongue in a low, raspy whisper. "Makima..."
It held power—a chilling familiarity—but it felt distant, alien.
____, the name your mother called you, felt more comfortable, more like your own.
Yes, you decided; you were ____.
You didn't know who Makima was, but you would find out. And in the meantime, you would carve your own path in this world, as ____.
A determined glint flickered in your eyes, a spark of defiance against the unknown future.
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A/N: EECKKK!! I'm so hyped for this, lol. Just get ready for all the fan-service cuz y'all know i love being delusional, lololo
Anyways, here's a sneek peak, I have like 10+ completed and should start updating regularly in about a week (i plan on having 20+ completed so I won't keeping you guys waiting too long in between updates) See y'all next update ❤️
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