#my hero is over and i’m not ok
loverln · 2 days
i got the CUTEST stickers from a seller on etsy today <333
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he could’ve just said “i’m katsuki midoriya”
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salty-an-disco · 6 months
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Always fucking breaks me T^T
And he says it so flatly too, like “Why are we even doing this? Why are you making us go through all this hell? Is it even worth it?”
He’s so tired and worn out. If the Tower is us giving up on Hero—our agency—then The Moment of Clarity is us wearing him so thin that there’s simply no more choices to make anymore.
Wait, actually–
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This might just literally be Hero blocking our choices. After all–
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chaoflaka · 3 months
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victimized-martyr · 1 year
(For the OTP ask game!) 23 and 68? 🤔
23. Which of the two would you rather team up with for a game of laser tag?
Me? I’m in south park rn? self insert? Oh god.
Well, if this question posits that Kyle and Cartman will be against each other and I have to pick sides, it doesn’t matter who I pick. Their competitive nature will render me a casualty. It’s giving me SOT and TFBW flashbacks… Kyle and Cartman fighting against each other becomes a whole thing, and everyone ends up suffering for it. Screw this question, I’m picking a third option. I’m going home lololol
68. Which of the two would you choose to be stuck with in an emergency?
Oh! hm… Kyle and Cartman are quick thinkers, Kyle is a bit more resourceful, not to mention he’s got a stable head on his shoulders. meanwhile, Cartman is a natural leader, and has this weird talent for predicting how people will respond or react, he just seems attuned to the world of SP (yes, I get those comments are for the funny hahas but bear with me here). If Cartman isn't anticipating leaving me behind, I’d side with him. The show tends to favor him (if he’s not being a major asshole) and he ends up coming out on top. Kyle has less luck and while he’s more likely to care for my well-being, I might end up getting screwed over. Well, hm... I think either way I’m getting screwed over.
Y’all rly out here expecting me to pick between a douche and a turd at these questions smh I'm having a Stan moment. Do I really gotta pick 😭 get me outta here
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daisi3ds · 2 months
I think if we all go listen to Besitos by pierce the veil and think about how it’s literally Bakugo, that would be pretty cool
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lesbiansonamy · 7 months
yknow what’s better than having good omens hyperfixation? mixing sonic to the mix bc im OBSESSED to analyzing how characters of various franchises reacting to the little guy (a multifaceted little hedgehog who’s faced god(s), alternate dimensions of his own self, and an enjoyer of ancient literature in his free time)
and since no one else is making that content, i’ll be doing it myself. so without further ado, i hope u enjoy !!!
sonic and good omens crossover
i feel when they meet, despite being immortal beings that have experienced more than the human mind could ever comprehend, aziraphale and crowley react to an anthropomorphic talking blue hedgehog that’s suddenly falling into their world like any other human beings: they are TERRIFIED
well. terrified as one can be at 15 year old pubescent teenage hedgehog. because after their initial fear, they’re just. Fucking confused at him and his existence; how does a creature come to be in this world? they’d ask their respective sides if they didn’t want to deal with the mess that comes with it
sonic claims that he's “used to being isekaied” (“whatever that means,”crowley mumbles) and he’ll be “fine on his own” (“fine my arse!”) but aziraphale INSISTS that the lad has a roof under his bed because anthropomorphic hedgehog or not, he is NOT letting a teenager be homeless
sonic initially thinks aziraphale is kinda overbearing and crowley is way too overprotective bc like. He’s fine! hes dealt with situations more extreme than being transported to another world (my man (gender neutral) literally DIED & was tortured for 6 months straight in a war) yet hes getting help here; it almost feels like hes being looked down on and he does NOT appreciate it
he doesn’t reject their help but he’s not the most receptive either. whenever aziraphale tries to have tea breaks, he’s “away” (out on a run) or asleep (coincidentally the same time it’s tea time)
it’s only when aziraphale catches him browsing his books and jovially gives him a few book recommendations of his own (because bookworms never have just One Rec) that he lets the two in. it’s when he starts to genuinely like the two
one fact that goes untalked about is that sonic is an AVID reader. like. my hedgehog canonically has read WAR AND PEACE in the wreck it ralph 2 movie. so getting his own personal recommendation from aziraphale means a lot. he can not only have new literature but better understand aziraphale as a being—not angel or demon, but just being. book recs can say a lot about a person after all
eventually accumulates to aziraphale bonds and sonic bonding over books. aziraphale loves giving him recommendations—but ironically, has to slow down for him bc my speedy boy (gender neutral) is what i hc as a slow reader (opposite of a bookworm).
in essence, aziraphale adjusts his reading speed accordingly so sonic can keep up with him, much like sonic does for his friends (tails). something something parallels <3 they have tea and biscuits when they’re done with a book and discuss it together. aziraphale loooves talking about the deep meanings of things, while sonic enjoys listening to him. he also listens to aziraphale talk about book bindings and smile, simply bc it reminds him of his home (wherever his friends are: tails)
crowley sees all this bonding and is secretly like 🥺🥺 bc it’s not often u see aziraphale so. Doting in regards to his special interest (books, especially book collections) so he gets sonic more books for him to read. or in aziraphale’s case, keep in his bookstore. sonic isn’t much of a hoarder so he’s like. “you can sell them when i’m done” but both are too attached to the symbolism
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inbarfink · 10 months
Okay, with the 2010’s era of cartoons now firmly in the rear view, I’m curious…
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If I missed your favorite 2010’s cartoon, feel free to add them in the tags. If I get enough ‘what about X’ comments I’ll probably do a second poll with all of the write-in answers. Please just note that I’m talking about cartoons that started between 2010 and 2019 (and preferably ended before 2020, that's less mandatory but I want to prioritize cartoons that did all or at least the majority of their run during the New Tens), there’s a reason why ‘Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts’ or ‘The Owl House’ are not on the list.
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galactic-space · 1 year
Finally decided to watch Mha. Only four episodes in but I finally get deku I think
He’s just like every other hero in anime. The only difference is that he’s been beaten down so much that he’s pretty much gained this pathetic looking exterior to better protect himself from others. You see it yourself, everyone thought he would get nowhere because of how he acted. If you act weak, then you’ll look meek, and no one will even look at you. ( he probably would have been fully invisible if it weren’t for “every one else is all extras” )
Deku has learned helplessness. Hell if it weren’t for his stubbornness I think he would have turned out so much worse. It’s interesting really.
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loverln · 16 hours
i saw someone posting their work doodles today so i thought i’d share mine!
i usually cut them out while i’m at work and paste them in when i get home :))
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evielmostdefinitely · 7 months
slightly odd request but i’ve LOVED cold tonight and the others in the mini series and i was wondering if you could write something where reader gets into a disagreement with the caption wife of a politician snow HATES and reader does everything correct and is ‘well behaved’ for snow so when he gets her home she sort of breaks down in concern he’ll punish her and she’s worrying he’s mad at her but instead he just comforts her and tells her how good she is etc etc , maybe some praising smut if you fancy ? totally ok if it’s not your cup of tea !!!!
bitter cold |young!coriolanus snow x capitol!reader|
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prompt: as requested above :)
contains: alludes to dom/sub themes but not super heavy. possessive, dark snow. reader gets hurt (not by snow). slight smut at the end but not super graphic.
“Mrs. Snow,” The snarl in her tone, you could practically picture the baring teeth, lips pursed in a forced smile that resembled more of a grimace waiting behind you; Cypher Crane. 
You turned, a polite smile on your lips- years of training. These dinners weren’t new to you by any means. You had grown up attending numerous socialite events such as this, only now, you were the President’s wife. 
“Cypher,” You greeted the brunette woman with a clenched grin. “Lovely to see you.” 
“Yes,” She hissed, eyes trailing down your figure, over your outfit with a flare of her nose in disapproval. “I’m sure it is.” 
You winced, sucking in a breath. And so it begins, you thought. Cypher was your age, you’d grown up going to school together, school yard friends even, at one point. Until you married Coriolanus. Since the death of her elder sister, Arachne, the entire Crane family had blamed Coriolanus. It was his idea that they go see the tributes, and therefore his fault she died. It never bothered Corio, he’d roll his eyes and wave it off, “The family is grieving. Let them blame me if it makes them feel better.” He’d scoff. Still, it upset you, their constant provoking. 
You cleared your throat lightly, scanning the room for Coriolanus on the other end, desperate to be away from Cypher, the tension already too much. “If you’ll excuse me, my husband needs me-” 
“-No, I need to have a word with you.” Cypher blocked your step easily, clutching her champagne flute. Your heart hammered, trying to stay calm, cool. 
“About?” You lifted a brow, tone lifting to stay light and casual- unbothered, hoping you would stay the same. 
“The games,” Her eyes narrowed, lips fixing in a tight line. 
Your heart dropped. Corio had made a number of changes to the games. Alongside Dr. Gaul, the two were working to gain more and more viewers. His first games, and he wanted them to be perfect. The changes had been announced to the sponsors council only a few days prior. You were sure that was why Cypher wanted to talk to you.
“Your husband,” Her words drenched in venomous disgust. “Made changes to the games.” You sucked in a breath as she took a step closer to you. “To the tributes.” 
Your eyes darted around. Where were your friends? Where was Corio? Tigris? Anyone to help you. 
“Yes, he has.” You nodded, swallowing the growing lump in your throat. “Dr. Gaul and Coriolanus thought it best that the tributes be welcomed and celebrated for their sacrifices-” 
“-I fucking know what he said.” Cypher snapped, her voice bouncing off the marble of the room, catching the attention of the guests around you- maybe the whole room. You were too scared to look, truthfully. Coriolanus’ icy, curious gaze had found yours, brows furrowed. 
“I was there when this ridiculous idea was presented, and quite frankly I’m surprised at you.” Cypher sneered, finger jabbing dangerously close towards your face. “Your own daily endorsing this-this monstrosity. Treating tributes as heroes? Funding new trains and tearing down the tribute zoo? Giving them this pedestal to parade around on?” 
“Darling,” Coriolanus’ tone was tight, it made your heart skip. You looked at him, eyes rounded in fear, pinned against the wall. Cypher close to you, Coriolanus behind her. “Is everything alright?” You knew he was upset about the commotion, the improperness of it. 
Your words jumbled in your mouth, fumbling over a calm, collected response. Cypher never turned, never moved, kept her furious gaze on you. “You know my sister was killed by one of those tributes?” Cypher sneered. 
The room stilled, Coriolanus’ eyes falling to you. You weren’t sure what to do, uncomfortable and a little frightened. “You do know it, and now you want to reward them? Reward the rebellion? That’s what you’re doing aren’t you?” 
“No.” You shook your head. “No, never, I- we would never-” 
“-Liar!” Cypher roared, lunging at you. She shoved you against the wall, your head smacking the heavy marble, wincing through clenched vision, waiting for the strike. 
Instead, Coriolanus had her, arms wrenched around her shoulders, shoving her with such force to the ground before the Peacekeepers drug her away. “You killed my sister! You did, Snow! And now you’re rewarding the ones who killed her! Her blood is on your hands, you rebels!” 
“Move,” Corio shoved the Avoxes out of the way, eyes scanning over your features furiously. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?” He whispered, jaw clenched in fear, maybe rage. 
“I-I’m alright.” You took a shaky breath, reaching to the back of your head, rubbing the forming knot. Corio’s grip tightened around you.
“Take her to my lab.” Gaul commanded the guards, bright eye wandering wickedly Coriolanus’ way. He nodded, lips pursed furiously, one arm around you. “Clear everyone out.” He commanded with a sharp jerk of his head. 
“Corio, I-I’m fine.” Your breath shuddered, gripping his arm to steady yourself. “Everyone doesn’t have to leave-” 
“-I’m taking you to be examined.” Coriolanus’ jaw was tight, pulling you down the Capitol’s steps with a fury. 
“I don’t need that, darling, I promise. I-I’m alright.” Your heart beat furiously. You had ruined his event. You knew how important this was, and you let it get out of hand. Now, Corio was furious, and why wouldn’t he be? 
“You need to be examined.” Coriolanus’ tone was sharp, leaving no room for argument. Instead, his hand wrapped tighter around your bicep, hauling you to the private wing of the Capitol’s mansion- your shared wing. 
You didn’t fight, sure if you opened your mouth, you might be sick. Instead you sat obediently, letting the doctor examine you, avoiding Coriolanus’ intense, watchful gaze on you. Your fate was sealed, you knew it. Knew that he was upset with you- that he’d punish you for such a display.
The doctor checked you, wrote it off as a mild concussion with orders to not sleep. Coriolanus’ response of “I will ensure of it,” in such a cutting, firm tone, made you shiver. 
The room was eerily still when the doctor left, just you and Coriolanus residing in your bedroom, a thick tension in the air. 
“How are you feeling?” You jumped at the sound of his voice, sharper than normal, though his brows were furrowed with something softer. Concern, perhaps? 
“I-I’m ok, Corio.” You swallowed your nerves, clutching the duvet of the bed. “Just an ache.” 
“How bad of an ache? You didn’t tell the doctor this.” Corio huffed, standing quickly, crossing the bedroom with a fury. 
“Corio, don’t. I’m fine.” You shook your head, moving off the edge after him.
 Coriolanus turned around, frowning at you. “You’re not supposed to be up.” He huffed, harsher than he meant to. “Sit down.” 
You flinched, scurrying back obediently. “I’m sorry. I-I just, I’m fine. I promise. I’m ok.” You stuttered, stomach dropping and twisting with fear. 
Corio paused, watching you with careful eyes. He’d written off your skittish behavior as fear from the situation, fear from being hurt. Now, he watched you cower before him, eyes peering at him the way those he executed did, trembling with pure horror. 
An unpleasant heaviness settled in his chest, sinking to his stomach. “My love,” Corio frowned, stepping towards you. “Are you alright?” 
“I’m ok, Corio, I promise. I-I’m just-just…” You looked at him, head turned down, curled into yourself. 
Coriolanus knelt in front of you, between your legs, taking your face into his hands gently, stomach lurching at the way you tensed. “What’s the matter?” He whispered, blue eyes scanning your face for a sign, any indication as to why you were so fearful. 
You hesitated, lip rolling between your teeth. You wanted to stay silent, be obedient and not further him any more. His gentle touches were lulling you, coaxing your own anxieties out of you. 
“Corio, I swear, I-I did not mean for that conversation to get out of hand as it did.” Your eyes met his gaze hesitantly. “I tried to excuse myself. I tried to de-escalate it, and-and move away, but she was so… determined.” 
Coriolanus waited, blinking, still in his own confusion. Your hands twisted in your own clammy grip. “I didn’t mean to ruin your event. I-I was just trying to be polite and-and it got out of hand-” 
“-I know that.” Coriolanus tilted his head gently. “Darling, this isn’t your fault.” 
“She approached me, and-and I should have walked away or-or called you over-” 
“-You did what you should have done.” Coriolanus said firmly, lips pressing together. “I need to know who is with me and who is against me. There are far too many rebels, unscared and ready to strike. Clearly, the Crane family is one and will be dealt with.” You shuddered at the sneer in his tone, the venomous threat ominous of what was to come for the Crane family, what Cypher was already experiencing in Gaul’s lab. 
“I wish that would have been done without her laying a hand on you,” Corio grit, anger flashing through those dazzling, blue eyes that had you swooning when their gaze met yours. “But, I can assure that will not be possible for her to do. Not for much longer.” 
Your grip tightened this time, clutching his hand fiercely, like a lifeline. “You’re not angry with me?” 
“I could never be.” Coriolanus shook his head. “You defended me, I heard you- others heard you.” His lips curled in a soft smile. “I couldn’t have asked for anything better.” 
You beamed under his praise, relaxing into his touch. Corio’s fingers brushed over your knuckles carefully. “Are you feeling ok?” He asked, softer now. A touch of… worry in his tone? 
“Yes,” You nodded, pressing your forehead to his, your noses touching. “It’s just an ache.” 
Coriolanus’ hand tightened in yours. “I should have her whole fucking bloodline removed for that. For putting her hands on you.” 
“Don’t.” You whispered, shaking your head gently. “She’s upset. She lost her sister.” 
“She’ll be losing more than that tonight, my darling, rest assured.” Corio hissed, that cloudy darkness seeping back into his gaze. “I will make sure of it.” 
You didn’t fight him, didn’t try to sway him. You didn’t want to upset him further, there was nothing that could change Cypher’s fate anyways. 
Instead, you let him dote on you. You let Corio’s fingers brush through your hair, parting your scalp, running lightly over the small knot there. His lips were soft, pressing a gentle kiss to the sore area, before replacing it with ice. He even held the ice pack in place when your arm got tired, like a true, doting husband. 
Your eyes would droop, a soft pat to your leg waking you, a stern stare that had you blushing bashfully, thighs pressing together. 
“You have to stay awake, my love.” Corio reminded with a soft grumble, rubbing your scalp gently. 
“So keep me awake.” You purred, pressing up on his chest lightly, body between his legs. Corio grinned, hands cupping your cheeks, pulling you into him, lips hungrily devouring yours. He moved you gently into the goose feather pillows, lips dragging down your cheek, jaw, biting at your neck. He was so sweet to you, fucking you how you liked- on your stomach, his body folded on top of yours, hands intertwined, hot breath grunting and moaning into your ear.
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justmeinadaze · 1 month
Yin & Yang (Steddie X You)
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A/N: This post got me feeling some kind of way🫠 .
Warnings: Older Daddy Eddie (Late 30s)/ Older Dom Mr. Harrington (Late 30s) & Younger Fem Sub Y/N (mid 20s)
SMUT, LOTS of dirty talk, male masturbation, fingering, talks of sharing (duh), slight innocence kink (if you squint; she's new to the dynamic), ANGST, reader deals with a rude customer and Eddie saves the day. A fight between Eddie and Y/N are mentioned.
Word Count: 4838
Donate to my Ko-Fi <3
Everyone always said Edward Munson was a rude, pretentious asshole. News outlets, websites, social media; everyone who met him briefly or not at all expressed a particular distain for him that you always found amusing when the topic came up. 
Visually, he did seem a bit aloof whenever the businessman did any kind of interview or was asked any kind of question. It was always a bit odd seeing a music producer get so much attention especially one who focused on the heavy metal scene but everyone who hated him also tended to agree that he was a genius at the craft. 
The bands he signed and prompted always hit high numbers on their respective charts making him and them a ton of extra money in the process. 
Anything you read or heard you skimmed past mostly because that wasn’t exactly your scene nor did you know anything when it came to what goes on the background of the music industry. Working at a coffee shop wasn’t extravagant or lucrative but it got you through till you could figure what actually was your scene and go from there. 
That’s how you met him. 
On a particularly rough shift, a man was screaming at you about an order that you supposedly got wrong as you tried to control the tears from spilling down your face. 
“How stupid are you?! It’s coffee not a fucking math equation. You just put the right liquid in the right cup and fucking hand it to me! It’s not that hard! Fucking moron.”
“Excuse me.” The man turned just as the handsome gentleman who addressed him hung up his phone and shoved it into his coat pocket. “I understand you’re a bit stressed but I’m going to have to ask you to stop harassing the young lady. It’s not her fault and she’s doing her best.”
“Pfft. Fuck off, douchebag. This doesn’t concern you.”
“It actually does because you couldn’t handle this situation in a quiet calm manner. You’re ruining everyone’s morning including mine. Now…either take the coffee she’s giving you or wait for her to make a new one patiently.”
The man’s fist flew but the gentleman moved out of the way, grabbing his wrist, and twisting it as he forced the man to kneel before him. 
“Ok. If this is the way you want to do this, that’s fine. Sweetheart…” When he addressed you, you immediately stood at attention ready to die for this man if he asked after what he had just done. “Can you hand me that cup there? Thank you.”, he praises, flashing you a small smile that makes you giddy. “Now, apologize to the young lady.”
“Ow, I’m sorry!”, the man cringes when his wrist is twisted a bit more. 
“Good. Take this coffee and get the fuck out of my sight. If I see you here again I won’t be so nice.”
Disregarding the Styrofoam in the gentleman’s hand, the rude customer quickly gets to his feet before running out of the store. Sighing, your hero places the coffee in front of you.
“Thank you…for defending me… He was being such an asshole.”
“Yeah, he was. It’s not your fault he didn’t order the correct thing. I can be an asshole myself but I know when and where to use it.” When you giggled, his beautiful eyes scan you over as if trying to get a read on you with the little information in front of him. 
“Are you, um, are you Edward?”, you ask as you slide him the coffee with the name scrawled across. 
Again, he glances you over and later on you would learn he was looking for recognition. Everyone he interacted with knew his name and who he was. You were the first person in years who seemed to regard him as just another stranger which fascinated him.
“I am but you can call me Eddie. That’s what my friends call me.”
“Oh. Um, we’re friends?”
“For now, but I’d like to be more whenever you’re open to it.”
Another smile stretched across his face when he noticed your own turn bright red as you blushed. 
“You don’t even know my name.”
Coyly, he leans his elbows on to your counter as his eyes stare at your chest. At first you feel self-conscious before you realize he’s looking at your name tag and you let out a tiny laugh to break the tension.
“I’m sorry, I just—”
“Do I make you nervous?” 
“A little.”
“Honest. I like that. How about this. I can pick you up after your shift today and we can start with dinner and go from there.”
“I don’t have any clothes to change into.”
“That’s ok. I think you look perfect as is and I promise when I come get you I won’t be dressed as formal.”
“O-Ok, Eddie.”
“Good. Good girl. I’ll see you tonight.”
That evening, he showed up right as the shop was about to close and when you told him it would be a few more minutes, he nodded as he patiently waited by the front door. You occasionally snuck glances at him as he browsed his phone. True to his word, he wore jeans and sneakers with a nice white button up shirt that he had rolled up to his elbows. With how he looked this morning, you imagined for him this was dressed pretty down. While his hair was slicked back when you last saw him, now his waves seemed to have a mind of their own making him seem less intimidating and quite adorable. 
Eddie asked you so many different questions about yourself, silently listening as you both ate at the restaurant he took you to. You learned fairly quickly, while he seemed like a man of few words, his body language spoke loudly. His chocolate eyes never left yours as he hung on each and every word you spoke. When you said something he found even remotely funny, his lips would flicker into a slight smirk before returning to their proper alignment. When your drink ran low, his finger would raise and a waiter would promptly run your way with a refill and as the night progressed you found his leg leaning against yours with a little sigh escaping his chest when you didn’t shy away. 
“I feel kind of selfish. I’ve been talking about myself a lot but I feel like I don’t know anything about you.”
“Honestly, sweetheart, it’s a nice reprieve. Everyone I run into knows me and my perceived reputation so to finally meet someone who doesn’t know me is a breath of fresh air.”
“Reputation…”, you repeated the word apprehensively. 
“Um, I’m kind of known as being a jerk.”
“You don’t seem like that to me.”
Eddie smiled so wide this time that his teeth came into view and you knew at that moment you’d do whatever it took to see him smile like that as much as possible. 
“Thank you for that. I can be when I need to be. In my line of work people tend to take advantage pretty early on and I wanted this industry to know I’m not someone to fuck with.”
“Do you make movies or?”
“Music. I’m a music producer for some heavy metal bands.”
“Oh wow! That’s so amazing. I would love to know more! Did you use to play?”
When he finally began to open up, hours passed like minutes and you were so entranced that you didn’t even realize the restaurant was getting ready to close. 
Eddie told you at one point he was in a band but hated the way they were cast aside for being “to generic” and “stuck in the past” so he took matters into his own hands. He bought a building and turned it into a label where he could help produce his friend’s music. He learned everything he could about production and managing, getting everything together, and essentially put Corroded Coffin on the map. 
He found that he actually loved working behind the scenes and stuck with it from that point forward. Now he’s a well-respected name in his field earning triple what he would have made as a guitarist. 
“What’s the name of the label you first opened?”
“Franklin Production; my mother’s maiden name. It seemed right because her money bought the building and she always loved music. She died when I was young.”
When his head hung, your heart broke. 
“Oh my God, Eddie. I’m so sorry.”
His mood changed in the blink of an eye as he breathily chuckled and glanced at his watch. 
“Shit, Y/N, it’s almost 1am. You have to be exhausted after your long shift today. Let me pay for our meal here and then I can take you home.”
“We’ve ordered so much food and drinks. Please let me help pay.” He paused at your comment then as his eyes met your now confused ones. “What?”
“I’ve only met one person who ever offered something like you just did and that man is my best friend.”
“I mean…it’s rude…isn’t it? It’s not fair for me to expect you to pay for everything.”
“Fuck me, baby.” Your eyelids visibly flutter at the term of endearment; coming out of his mouth with a sultry husk that made you swoon. “You’re really something special. I appreciate the offer but when you’re with me, honey, I can take care of you. It’s my pleasure quite honestly.”
You watched him pay the waiter and leave him way more than 15% before Eddie grabs your hand, leading you back to his car. 
That night he dropped you off at your apartment continuing to be the perfect gentleman as he walked you to your door and kept his hands behind his back as you slowly turned your key. Before you entered, however, you paused and hastily turned to plant a small kiss on his lips. Without waiting for a retort, you want inside and shut your door with a little giggle, watching through the peephole to see what he’d do. 
Eddie’s fingers softly brushed against his mouth as he grinned the way you enjoyed at the restaurant. 
You had been together now for a few months and you loved him with every fiber of your being. Eddie was extremely protective over you insisting you quit your job and move in with him. 
“Sweetheart, I don’t want you being somewhere where some fucker can belittle you and make you feel like trash. I can take care of you till you find a new job that makes you happy and people treat you with the respect you deserve.”
“Eddie, I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re not asking; I’m offering.”, he cooed as his hands cupped your cheeks. “You know how much Daddy loves looking after his pretty girl.”
The first time he called himself Daddy, you blushed and hid behind your hands making him smile as he chuckled low in his throat. 
“Have you ever called a man Daddy before?” When you giggle and curl tighter into your body, he climbed into the bed beside you and pulled you to his side. “It’s ok, sweetheart. Nothing to be embarrassed about with me. Can I show you something?”
Eddie grins when you drop your palms and show him your beautiful face. 
“Good girl.”, he praises as he takes ahold of your hand and kisses the back of it. With his eyes locked on yours, he gradually places it on the bulge in his slacks. “You feel that? Do you feel how hard I am just from being around you as is? You don’t have to do or say anything you don’t want to, princess. I’ll still be here and I’ll still want to fuck you till you can barely move.”
A smile twitched on his lips when your breathing stuttered. 
“I-I-I’ve never called anyone Daddy before or done anything that’s not…”
“Vanilla?”, he helped when your sentence stalled. “Vanilla’s ok to. Definitely a delicious flavor that can’t be disregarded. Can I tell you a secret?”
“Of course.”
Eddie leans in till his mouth is just hovering over the shell of your ear. 
“The fact that you’re so nervous and innocent to all this really fucking turns me on.”
When his cock strains a bit more against the fabric and pushes back against your hand, you can’t help but release a little whine as you push your thighs together. 
“What’s wrong, baby? Got a bit of an ache between your legs?”
“Yes.”, you breath out heavily as his palm ghosts up your thigh and his lips tenderly peck along your neck. 
“I can help with that if you want.”
“Y-Yes, Daddy, please.”
Now, you were more than comfortable especially since he was always so patient with you when it came to almost everything. Unlike your past relationships, you were genuinely surprised at how little the two of you fought if at all. Eddie was a force in his business but when you two were together he was always as accommodating as possible. The one time you ever saw his anger directed towards you was when you forgot your phone when you went on a girl’s night out with your friends. 
When you came home at 2 in the morning, he was waiting in the living room and pacing with a glass of whiskey in his hand. 
“It’s 2 in the morning, Y/N! I’ve been worried sick! You forgot your phone. What if something happened to you and you couldn’t reach me!?”
“Eddie, it’s ok! I just forgot it. I promise I’ll do better next time—”
“That’s not the point! What if there hadn’t been a next time!? I’m responsible for you!”
“I don’t know what you want me to say!! I’m sorry!!”
“You watch that fucking tone with me, little girl!”
“Oh yeah. Or what?!”
When the glass in his hand shattered into the wall behind you everything became abruptly silent. Tears stung your eyes as you grabbed the little trashcan nearby and scooted towards the mess, sinking to your knees as you collect the pieces. 
“Y/N, baby. No. No, no. Let me clean this, please.”, Eddie begged, his tone much softer than before as he kneeled beside you. 
When he tried to take the sharp items from your grasp, you angrily pulled away from him. 
“I didn’t mean to forget my phone. It was an honest mistake and you had no right screaming at me like you just did!”
“I know. You’re right, sweetheart. You are absolutely right. I just… fuck… I’m so sorry, Y/N. I love you so much and the idea of something happening to you or you getting hurt just terrifies me. I shouldn’t have reacted this way.”
Blinking up at him, your hand reaches for his own. 
“You love me?”
“Yeah, Y/N, of course. Since I met you behind that coffee counter.”
After tackling him excitedly, you beamed as you kissed his lips. 
“I love you to.”
People on the outside didn’t seem to understand why you were with him but they didn’t know him the way you did. Eddie was sweet, funny, and incredibly kind despite his hardened outer exterior. According to the man himself, the only other person who understood him the same way you did was a man you had yet to meet. 
Steven Harrington was a name you knew solely due to his reputation in media. 
He was always portrayed as just another trust fund baby who was utilizing daddy’s money to do whatever he wanted. He got in trouble constantly but brushed it off with a sexy smile and a calm demeanor that made even the biggest skeptic want to trust him.
The first time Eddie mentioned him by name was after you noticed him watching one of Steve’s interviews. 
“Fucking idiot.”, he chuckled light-heartedly, turning the screen of his phone so you could watch to when you climbed into bed beside him. “This is the guy I was telling you about. Steve Harrington has been my best friend for years.”
“This is your best friend?”
When he nods, you focus on the interview in front of you.
“No, no. Trust me, that company would be crazy to sell right now in this economy. Once things bounce back it will be worth way more than it is now. Then again…if they sell I could buy it and turn it into a hotel or some s***. Go ahead than! Sell that f***er!”, he laughs making you giggle as well when his nose scrunches adorably. 
“Steve is actually a very clever business guy. People constantly underestimate him because he acts like a playboy.”
“So…he’s the yin to your yang?”
Eddie smirks down at you before kissing your forehead. 
“You could say that.”
The more your boyfriend told you about him the more you wanted to meet him. Eddie seemed to genuinely care about this person and as his girlfriend you wanted him to get to know him as well. The first time you spoke to him was after you moved in with Ed and he called to congratulate you both. 
“Hey! Are you Y/N?”
“I am.”, you grin. 
“Oh good. I don’t know what I would have done if you said no. ‘EDDIE! Some random pretty girl is in your place!’”, Steve laughed. 
“Pft. How do you know I’m pretty?”
“Because a sexy voice like yours must be inside a beautiful woman. I’m kind of jealous.”
He said it so smoothly that if you weren’t already sitting you’re sure his words would have knocked you off your feet. Your eyes glanced towards Eddie who was watching you from his spot on the couch. 
“Uh oh. Did I lose you, honey? Sorry. Sometimes I come on a bit too strong.”
“No, no. It’s ok. You just… you remind me of him.”, you exhale as you get up and walk towards your boyfriend. 
“Of who? Of Eddie? I take that as a compliment. He’s a good man.”
“Yeah he is but that’s not exactly what I meant.”
“Oh? Well then use your words, pretty girl. Who do I remind you of? I’m DYING to know.”
Eddie softly smirks as he watches your breathing stagger the same way it does when you’re intimidated by something. His ring covered fingers gently trace down your arm making you shiver. 
“Tell me.”
The two words that followed came out as a strong command that told you to obey. The contradiction of how he spoke now to how he had before made you dizzy and you desperately wanted more. 
After tossing the phone next to Eddie, you covered your face with your palms and ran up the stairs. A few moments later, the man you loved climbed into bed beside you and collected you into his arms. 
“Talk to me, baby. Remember, no matter what there’s nothing to be embaressed about, ok?” He smiled when he felt you nod against his chest. “I know Steve can be a bit much at first but he’s a good person who’s been through a lot of bullshit.”
As you sniffle, you tilt back so you could see his face. 
“I feel bad.”
“About what, sweetheart?”
“I liked the way he spoke to me. It turned me on the same way you do.”
“Ok…why does that make you feel bad?”
You shrug. “I love you.”
That makes him genuinely smile. 
“I love you to, Y/N, so much. That’s why I trust you, babe. I, um, I have a confession to make.” When you sit up to give him your full attention, he does the same. “I’ve known Steve for a long time and I trust that man with my life. I’ve told him things I’ve never told anyone and he’s done the same. You said, sweetheart, he’s the yin to my yang and you’re right. Fuck… how do I say this…”
“You want to share me?”
The innocent way you asked your question drove him insane but he pushed down the need to fuck you for the time being. 
“Kind of, yes. I…I wanted to see how you two got along and if it worked out, maybe, we could fly to go meet him and… you’d still be mine but he’d—”
“Use me.”
“Fuck, baby, you have to stop saying things like that the way you are.”, Eddie panted excitedly as he adjusted the growing bulge in his pants. 
“May I ask why? Why you would want to share me like that?”
“Of course, Y/N, you can always ask me anything. You hold the power here especially when it comes to this. I just… he’s my best friend and I want him to be happy to. In these past few months, you’ve changed my world and I just want to give him some of that. I, um, I also think…”
“Tell me, Daddy. Please.”, you beg in your tiny voice that has his eyes closing as he tries to control himself. 
“Fuck… I think it would be incredibly hot to watch you fuck him.”
You had told him you were open but apprehensive because it was all new territory for you. Both men came up with an idea to help you get acclimated to the idea. 
“Hey all. Wow, Jesus Christ Munson, you undersold your girlfriend’s beauty. Hot damn.”
You giggled as Eddie rolled his eyes at his friend who was laughing himself from his side of the computer screen. It looked like Steve had the device he was using for this facetime visit resting on his lower stomach as he leaned against the headboard of his bed looking incredibly sexy with his ruffled hair and tank top just barely covering the chest hair that littered his skin. 
Eddie had you sitting in between his own legs as he rested his head against your shoulder and his arms hugged you to him. 
“I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable. If I do at any point please just let me know and I’ll respect your boundaries.”
“You don’t make me uncomfortable but, uh, you kind of intimidate me a bit…more than Eddie did.”
“Is it because I start at 10 and go from there? Yeah, casualties of growing up in chaotic household and then starting a business where your biggest competitor is your father.”
“What DO you do? Ed said you’re an investor?”
“Kind of.  I invested in a friend’s tech company many years ago and that paid off in a big way. They make medical supplies that are high quality for a cheaper price. I’m trying to expand so we can invest in more—Pfft! Listen to me talking about all that bullshit. Let’s talk about something else.”
“No, hey! That’s amazing that you do that. My father needed supplies like that but it was so hard for him to afford stuff. You’ve probably helped so many people. What supplies has your company helped make?”
Steve blinked, sitting up straighter.
“I told you.”, Eddie sings as he places a delicate kiss along your skin. 
“D-Did I do something wrong? Am I not allowed to ask him questions?”, you asked genuinely worried you crossed a line. 
“Most people, let alone women, don’t care enough to ask us things like you just did.”
“Maybe you two are spending time around the wrong people.”
“Maybe… Damn, Eddie. She’s perfect. Where did you find her because obviously I’ve been looking in the wrong places.”
“Hm. I found her in a coffee shop being yelled at by some asshole. Fucker.”, he growled before you tilted back and kissed his cheek. “It’s not just her personality either. Her body fucking drives me crazy. Even just watching her walk from the bed to the bathroom makes me so fucking hard.”
“Yeah? Your Daddy says you have sexy body. Can you show it to me?”
“Only if you’re comfortable, princess.”, Eddie whispers in your ear.
“Can you help me, Daddy?”
Nodding, he removes each item of your clothing till you were naked for the man on the screen in front of you. 
“Fuck me. I’m not just saying this, Y/N, but you’re so gorgeous.”
“Thank you.”, you groan as you lick your lips. “May I see you?”
“Well, since you asked so nicely.”, he smirks. 
Your whole body tingled as you watched him undress until you sucked in a sharp intake of air when his cock sprang free from his cotton confinement. 
“He’s so big.”, you murmur against Eddie’s cheek as his eyes remain downcast to focus on you. “How will it fit?”
“We’ll make fit, pretty girl. Steve and I can take care of you.”
“Everything alright?”
“Yeah. Little one is worried about your splitting her in half. “
“Don’t worry, honey, I’m a gentleman to. I’m not going to just shove my dick inside of you. Even if it takes hours, we can eat and finger your little pussy till she’s ready.”
“Fuck, Daddy, please.”
Aggressively, Eddie opens your legs wide putting you on display and making Steve groan. 
“Wet already and no one’s even touched you yet.”, he responded mockingly before leaning over his cock to spit on his tip and stroke himself. “How tight is she, Munson?”
You moaned loudly as Eddie inserted two of his thick fingers into your cunt and your head leaned back against him.
“So fucking tight, Harrington, and greedy. Her pussy just sucks me in and chokes my dick when she cums. Add in her sexy little noises and the way her face scrunches…” 
“Open your eyes, Y/N.” Steve smiles when you do what he asks. “Good girl. She listens to. Fuck, baby, don’t take those eyes off me. God, I’m—mmm—I’m dying to feel those pretty lips around my cock.”
“You’re really good at sucking cock, aren’t you, sweetheart?”
“Y-Yes, Daddy. I’m…M’close.”
“I know, pretty girl. I can feel it. Why don’t you tell Stevie how bad you want his cum.”
You mewl as Eddie moves at a faster pace with the sound of your slick echoing around the room. 
“Please, Mr. Harrington, Sir. I-I-I want your cum so much. I want to feel you—ahhhh—feel your cock in my mouth till you spill down my throat.”
“Jesus Christ.”, he grunted and you both watched as his release hit his thigh. 
“You did so good, sweetheart. Cum for Daddy now, baby.”, Eddie praised as your back pushed against his chest and you panted as you came. “That’s my girl. Good girl. Ride it out on my fingers till you come back to me. That’s it.”
“Fucking hell. That was amazing, honey.” Steve watch with fascination as you turned your body and wrapped an arm around Eddie’s chest as you curled into his warm chest. “Everything ok?”
“She’s fine. It’s something baby girl does when she cums hard like that. She’ll squeeze me like a fucking Teddy bear and fall asleep. Sometimes it’s for a few minutes or a few hours. At first I thought it was the headspace but I don’t know. Either way I love it.”
“Yeah, man. If she had a good time and is open to it I have that party coming up in a month. You two can fly down and we can hang out. Of course, nothing has to happen. I can always just show you guys around and get to know her more.”
“I’ll let you know when she wakes up and we talk about it.”
“No problem. No problem. Hey, maybe at most, you and I can fuck around.”, Steve replies as he coyly raises his eyebrows making his friend laugh.
“Ok, calm down over there.”
“Oh, come on. Not like it would be the first time—”
“Good night, asshole.”, Eddie teases as he cuts him off and closes the laptop.
“Are you alright, sweetheart?”, Eddie asks as he watches you fidget with your hands as you stare at your reflection in the metal of the elevator. 
“Yeah. I’m just a little nervous. This is your best friend and I know how much he means to you. I don’t want to…I don’t know…fuck anything up.”
“Fuck, I still think it’s hot when you get all jittery like this.”, he chuckles as he takes your palm in his. “You have absolutely nothing to worry about. I love you so I know for a fact he will. Just keep being your unique self, baby, and no matter what I’ll be here if you need anything.”
When he flashes you that big toothy grin, you can’t help but smile back as you lean up on your toes to kiss his lips. The doors abruptly swing open and your boyfriend’s demeanor instantly hardens at the sound of loud party guests in the room you both step into. 
Your eyes swing around the area with no sign of the host himself. 
Tugging on Eddie’s bicep, you lead him to the drink station where you desperately chug down some liquid courage as you pray that tonight goes as smoothly as possible.
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tootiecakes234 · 8 months
First Kiss
Your first kiss with Katsuki was overwhelming…
The two of you have been friends since U.A. You’ve gotten so close over past couple years to the point where if your friends saw you they expected him not to be far behind and vice versa.
Best friends, that’s what you’ve settled with because you know Kat had 0 interest in you outside of that. You’ve seen the girls he’s hooked up with and you did not fit that type at all.
And don’t get it wrong, you loved being his best friend. He taught you stand up for yourself and you’d taught him how to speak to people with some level of respect. You guys were good together… yin and yang you liked to think
One night, you’re leaving a hangout you guys had at Mina’s place and Kat is walking you home. It was cool out that night and the moon was shining so bright you could still see the clouds in the sky. Apparently you had been gotten lost looking up at it.
“Oi, earth to y/n…. Get your ass moving. I’m exhausted and I’m ready to get home.”
When you come back to reality and look at him, he does look tired. It was almost 11:30pm and Kat had a strict bed time of 9:30…. 10 if he was feeling frisky.
“You do realize I don’t need you to walk me home. I’m a pro hero. I think I can take care of myself”
“Psh…. It’s not a criminal I’m worried about taking you out. It’s your clumsy ass coordination. You’re going to end up offing yourself if you don’t learn how to walk like an adult”
Ok so yea… maybe you had sprained your ankle last year while walking up some stairs. That’s wasn’t your fault tho… it was the stair ‘s fault.
“Are you ever gonna let that go?? Isn’t it getting a little old?”
“It still makes me laugh so nope…”
You rolled your eyes at him. He’s such a dick.
You were now walking up the same previously mentioned stairs to your apartment with Katsuki on your heels.
“ Are these the tights you were talking about the other day?? The ones that make your ass look “the best it’s ever looked””
“ Yea!!! Doesn’t it look amazing??!? I gave Mina the link while we were at her house because she mention how fantastic they looked on me”
“Sure I guess. I ain’t seen anything your ass doesn’t look good in but whatever you say”
You didn’t know what to say to that. He was just upfront like that. The man had little to no filter. Thank god you were at your door. You were unlocking it and about to go inside..
You turned around to look at him.
“What’s up”
“I uhm… well….”
“Come on, spit it out. I ain’t got all night”
He stared you directly in your eyes and said
“Fuck it”
Before you had time to react you were pressed up against the wall and his lips were on yours. Calling what happened a kiss seemed to be a real understatement. It was more like he was consuming you. More so than he already had. You got lost in him. Your hands were in his hair and his arms were around your waist pressing you against him.
When he pulled away you found yourself chasing his lips because you were afraid if it stopped, it might never start again.
“Next time, instead of bitching to raccoon eyes about how you don’t think you’re my type, just come straight to me dumbass. Since when do you keep secrets from me?”
You were really trying to pull your train of thought together but it was really hard when his lips still looked so inviting.
Kat realizes you’re not paying attention to him and flicks you in the forehead.
“Hey asshole. You know I hate when you do that”
“Then pull yourself together. I know I kiss like a god but that doesn’t mean you get to space out.”
He was smirking at you. Katsuki Bakugo had just kissed you and was now standing in front of you looking all suave and handsome. If you died here, you’d die a very happy person.
Your brain started playing catch and you realized something
“So you were eavesdropping on a private conversation?? And I wasn’t bitching… she was asking about you and me yet again and I was explaining to her that I didn’t think it’d ever happen”
You said the last part a little softer because you were embarrassed talking about all of this
“I wasn’t eavesdropping… it was shitty hair. Idk what you think my type is but apparently you got it all wrong”
He does not elaborate or tell you that you are his type. He just leaves it at that so you side step it
“I’m gonna kill Eiji…”
You guys sit there for a second until
“Anyways I’m tired . I’m going home to salvage the little bit of sleep I am going to get tonight. See ya later.”
And he turned to leave. Just like that.
“So that’s it… you kiss me, reveal my biggest secret and leave”
All you can do is sit there befuddled and confused.
“Yep. See ya tomorrow”
Katsuki actually leaves after that. He was not playing about his sleep. You do get a message about 10minutes later letting you know he’s home and also requesting the link to the tights you had on that night.
You ask him why he needs that and all he says is that you need them in more colors than just black… ha! You knew your ass looked good in these!
*you do not know until weeks later that in his head, that kiss was the start of y’all’s relationship. Asshole never does actually ask you but what else do you really expect from the angry Pomeranian?🤷🏾‍♀️
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slayfics · 2 months
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Eijiro teaches you how to use his headpiece.
1.2k words
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“You guys are all wrong,” Minoru declared. “Yaoyorozu has the best hero costume.”
“Can you not be a perv just once Mineta!” Mina yelled, bonking him on the head.
You all had been discussing who had the best hero costume in the common room of the dorms before Minoru interrupted with his own opinions.
You rolled your eyes ignoring him and moving on, “Kirishima, I think your costume is pretty cool,”
“What really?!” The redhead perked up on the couch.
“No way! How is that any less of a pervy answer than Mineta?! Come on, what about me? My jacket is pretty cool!” Denki said eager for attention.
Mina ignored Denki’s desperate cry for praise and turned to you, “It is kind of an interesting choice since Kirishima’s costume is basically just pants,” Mina giggled.
Your cheeks flushed at your friend’s words, “No no! I’m not trying to be a creep or anything!” You backtracked.
“It’s ok don’t worry! I uh- didn’t think that” Eijiro said blushing alongside you.
“I was thinking about your headpiece when I answered, you designed it yourself?? It looks so cool!” You spoke trying to redeem yourself.
“Nah- don’t lie. You just like watching him run around without a shirt,” Denki huffed.
“Leave them alone man!” Eijiro said shoving Denki off the couch. “Yeah, I designed it myself,” he spoke turning his attention back to you. A prideful smile on his face from your praise.
“That’s really impressive!” You smiled. “How does it work?? Is it hard to get on?”
“The thing breaks every time he’s in a fight! It’s not that impressive…” Denki mumbled to himself on the floor.
Eijiro ignored him and answered, “It just latches on- it’s pretty simple. I can go grab it and show you.” He offered.
“Oh-ok!” You blushed, as he sprang off the couch to head up to his dorm.
“Wait!” Mina called. “Why don’t you just go upstairs with Kirishima? Then he doesn’t have to make so many trips up and down the elevator,” Mina suggested with a sly smile.
“Are you kidding me?!” Denki exclaimed, but Mina covered his mouth.
“Go you two!” Mina encouraged, shooing at you both with her free hand.
“I uh-,” you hesitated on the couch.
“It’s ok with me,” Eijiro spoke but quickly added- “I mean as long as you’re comfortable with it!”
“I am, as long as you don’t mind me in your room,” you answered.
“Go go go, we’ll be here. Right, Kaminari?” Mina said aggressively to him. Denki giving up just nodded and rolled his eyes at Mina.
“Alright let’s go,” Eijiro waved at you to follow him, with ab apprehensive smile.
Once you both were out of earshot Mina let out a laugh. “Man, they need so much help,” she declared.
“Maybe but- you don’t have to be pushing them together,” Denki complained.
“Oh, get over it. They have been crushing on each other for a long time now.” She answered.
The elevator ride up to Eijiro’s room was long and filled with awkward conversation.
“Could I get in trouble for being here?” You asked nervously.
“Nah I doubt it- besides I’m just showing you how my headpiece works right? I suppose that could be useful to know in the future if we’re ever teamed up together,” Eijiro justified.
“Yeah, you’re right,” you agreed nodding happily.
You both made your way to his dorm door. You briefly remembered what his dorm looked like when your class held the dorm competition- but when Eijiro opened the door it was more intense than you remembered. The bright red curtains brought a whimsical sense to the room, and the posters covering the walls illuminated the room with his personality.
“Oh wow,” you exclaimed following him inside.
“I know I know- I already heard it from Hagakure. It’s not a very appealing room,” Eijiro said sadly.
“No! I love it!” You sang.
“What really?! Thanks,” he said smiling and blushing as he looked around for his hero costume. “All right, here it is!” he said, pulling his headpiece out.
Eijiro sat on his bed, and you nervously followed his lead sitting next to him.
“It’s easy I just put it on like this-,” he said placing it on, “then lock into place on the side.” The headpiece made a snapping sound as he locked it in.
“Oh, I guess that is really easy,” you laughed nervously feeling silly for asking how it worked now. “Can I see it?”
“Yeah, sure!” He answered and took off the headpiece, handing it to you.
It was heavier than you expected and cold to the touch. "Wow, this doesn't bother you?"
"Nope! Keeps me protected from getting hit in my weak spots," He answered.
"Can I try?" You asked.
Eijiro nodded and chuckled in amusement thinking it was cute you wanted to try on a part of his costume, but when you moved closer and placed your hands around his head he froze. He hadn't realized you meant you wanted to put it on for him.
Eijiro felt his breath catch in his throat as you were just inches away from him carefully placing his headpiece on.
You secured the metal piece around his face before catching sight of him staring intently at you. His gaze made your hands start to shake as you went to snap the headpiece in place. His vermillion eyes sparkled as he looked at you with a bashful smile.
The warmth of your hands on either side of him was intoxicating and he felt how could get lost there when suddenly, "Ow!" he yelped.
Your shaking hands had caused you to pinch the side of his face as you snapped the headpiece together.
"OH MY GOD, I'M SO SORRY!" you exclaimed springing up off the bed.
"It's ok!" Eijiro said, reaching his hand out to reassure you.
You wanted to believe him, but you saw a drop of blood drip down to his cheek.  
"NO, YOU'RE BLEEDING!" You yelled, horrified with yourself. You booked it to his bathroom to find some first aid supplies. Eijiro followed behind you- blushing at you rummaging through his stuff in a panic.
"It's ok promise- but let me help you!" He offered.
"Oh man, you're right! First, I hurt you then I rummage through your stuff without asking! I'm the worst!" You proclaimed, dropping your head into your hands.
"No no! Really, it's not a big deal!' Eijiro said attempting to calm you as he brought out a band-aid.
"Here let me help you please!' You begged.
Eijiro smiled sweetly and handed you the band-aid and a cloth, then took his head headpiece off so you could inspect the injury.
Your eyes misted at the sight, "I'm so sorry- that looks like it hurt." You sniffed and dabbed at the injury gently with a cloth to clean off the blood. You moved closer to tend to him, and Eijiro once again felt lost in your close presence.
He smiled down at you, cheeks tinting as your hands grazed his cheek to place on the band-aid. "Believe me- I'm not even thinking about that right now," he said voice low and sultry.
You caught his gaze and blushed at realizing how close you had come to him in your panic. A blush dusted your own cheeks as you tilted your head and asked, "What are you thinking about then?"
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sinners: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @derangedmango @reneinii @zanarkandskylines @pastelbakugou @abadbitchblogs @deluluforcarlos55
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bakubunny · 10 months
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a kindhearted hero
mdni: 18+ content. yes, i do check. you will be blocked.
a/n: here’s the full one shot of the opening excerpt i posted recently. special thanks to my lovely mutual, @shinsos-puppet/@arlerts-angel for sparking the idea. i’ve never written eijirou at length in anything, so i really hope i did our sweet, best boy justice. 💜 - bunny
pairing: pro hero!kirishima eijirou x plus size fem!reader
wc: 4.7k
summary: red riot sees you, a civilian, lookin’ cute with your friends and dynamight gets tired of hearing him gush about it. he takes matters into his own hands by being kirishima’s (asshole) wingman. kiri x reader fluff and eventual smut ensues.
tags: pro hero!kirishima; fem!reader; plus size!reader; aged up characters; fluff and smut; mention of alcohol; explicit consent; lots of pet names, pretty girl, baby, babygirl, angel, sweetheart, sweetie, princess, good girl; praise; encouragement; daddy as title (a few lines towards the end); teasing; grinding; nipple play (f receiving); fingering (f receiving); oral sex (f receiving); rough sex; multiple orgasms; pronebone; unprotected sex with a stranger (it’s not even discussed); creampie; kiri is a nervous sweetheart for the first half; kiri is taller now and has bulked tf up; kiri has a huge dick and i’m not sorry; kiri loves soft bodies, i don’t make the rules; kiri gets possessive; strength/muscle kink; manhandling; size kink if you squint a little
Kirishima stopped. He studied your face.
“What?” you asked.
His brow furrowed. “You don’t believe me, do you?”
He took your face in his hands. “I’ve been telling you all night how I feel about you, but you don’t believe me.”
You gave a nervous look. He wasn’t wrong.
“Oh, you beautiful girl. I’m gonna fuck that right out of you.”
ok now buckle up buttercup and enjoy the ride. 😘
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A scowling blond man walked over from a nook nearby in the club. The closer you looked, it was no less than Dynamight, the number two hero in all of Japan, dressed casually. What the heck was he doing staring you down, a civilian nobody?
“Hey, princess, y’see the guy with the shitty red hair?” he said, pointing in the direction he came from. “‘S Kirishima. He thinks you’re gorgeous, but he’s too much of a wuss to come talk to you. Will you let him buy you a drink so he’ll shut his damn mouth?”
There was only one redhead with “shitty hair” you’d ever heard of in the news in relation to Dynamight, but it couldn’t be that one, right?…
“I-I’m sorry, what?” you said.
You smiled, holding back a look of disbelief, but he must have caught it. He sighed loudly and turned to look the other way. It was dark enough that you couldn’t quite make out the man in the distance.
“Oi! Shitty hair! Get’cher ass over here, she’s not buyin’ it,” he shouted with an irritated look.
A tall, broad-shouldered redhead got up and began moving towards your table, head tucked down and rubbing his neck. He looked up and met your eyes, smiling with cheeks almost as red as his hair. It was that redhead - Red Riot, to be exact. Your eyes went wide and your face flushed.
“Oh no, I’m sorry, I think you’re at the wrong table,” you said, flustered.
This has to be a joke, right? He can’t be serious. There’s no way someone like him could be interested in you. You’d heard and seen in interviews that Dynamight wasn’t exactly nice, but he wouldn’t pull some sort of childish stunt like this as an adult, would he? As a pro hero?
“No, I’m not at the wrong fucking table,” he sneered, crossing his arms.
Red Riot approached the both of you. “Sorry about him, he can be a bit of an ass. I don’t-”
“Shut the fuck up. I’m doing you a favor,” Dynamight said, cutting him off. He turned to you. “This is my friend Kirishima, also known as Red Riot. You should give him a chance.”
Dynamight turned back to Kirishima. “You’re fucking welcome. Play nice,” he said, giving him a clap on the shoulder before walking away.
You both froze awkwardly for a moment before breaking into quiet laughter. He looked you in the eye with a smile.
“I uh…. I hope that’s okay, though,” he said nervously. “You’re absolutely stunning. I’d love to buy you a drink.”
You blushed, smiling in return. “I’d like that a lot.”
You glanced to the two friends you came with that night for approval. The look they had was what you’d expected; one that said, “Are you crazy?? Go!” but they grinned nonetheless as you stood from the seat you were at.
Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the dimness of the atmosphere. Maybe it was the fact that you were falling hard for this guy. But you’d swear Kirishima looked even prettier in real life than anything you’d ever seen or imagined. Shaggy hair, clean and pulled back into a messy bun instead of his signature spiked style, stray pieces falling around his face at the front. Crimson eyes that were bright with joy and crinkled at the corners when he laughed. Slightly tanned skin from spending almost a decade on the field as a pro hero. Laugh lines that had barely begun to settle in from sun exposure and his brilliant, sharp toothed smile that rarely seemed to fade. Though it was only the two of you in your little corner, he had the ability to light up a room just by being there.
And it was hard to believe that he was here, sitting knee to knee with you. Showering you with compliments. Listening intently as he learned the details of your civilian life. Asking questions about your pets, excitedly gushing over pictures, and showing interest in your career. Brushing his thigh against yours. Leaning in to hear what you had to say. Turning faintly pink when you grasped his hand with a laugh before quickly pulling away with a blush of your own. Reaching for your hand and holding it under the table…. Yours was small in his massive hand, and despite being well used and calloused, they were still so soft. (He claimed his friend Ashido once told him he “needed to moisturize his scratchy skin,” and found that it helped him heal, so he stuck with it.)
Kirishima had this innate way of making you feel protected, and you’re pretty sure it had nothing to do with his hero status. All while making the apex of your thighs hot and your cheeks warm.
Okay, so you had to admit, you’d secretly had a little bit of a crush on Red Riot - now Kiri, he’d insisted - before you met him tonight. He was handsome, strong, kind, and humble in any media you’d ever seen him in. Who could blame you for swooning a little inside every time you saw him? (No one. That’s who.) The best part was that none of it was fake. He was honest, sincere, and you could see it in his eyes.
Minutes turned into hours. You’d both switched to drinking water long ago. The number of people in the club had started to dwindle. Yet you were still wrapped up in conversation.
He’d assured your friends that you’d get home safely - a hero’s promise - when they stopped by to say they were heading out. Gave Bakugou (was that what Kiri called him?) a smile and nod of acknowledgement as he and a few other hero faces you recognized from the media moved towards the door. The hero with pink skin and a brightly colored dress gave an excited wave goodbye as they passed. Come to think of it, you were surprised he wasn’t with her, another hero. A pretty hero. But you noticed Bakugou’s hand guiding her by the small of her back, keeping her close as they worked their way through the crowd. You shoved those thoughts down as Kirishima gave your hand a gentle squeeze.
“Listen, I know it’s getting late, but I don’t want this to end,” Kirishima said. “I promised I would get you home safely, and I’ll do that. Buuuut if you want, we can go back to my place and watch a movie.”
He caught the flicker of hesitation on your face, silently wondering if this had been his goal all along, but not opposed to the idea.
His face grew red, eyes wide at what he might be suggesting. “I did mean just a movie! You’re really beautiful and nice to talk to, that’s all I meant. I’m not looking for a fling. Please, don’t get the wrong impression,” he rambled quickly. “B-but I do want that with you! I want you, I just-”
“Kiri. Slow down. It’s okay.” You gave a reassuring smile.
His shoulders relaxed slightly and he smiled as he tucked his head, rubbing his neck. You noticed the way his nervous habit highlighted his massive bicep and shoulder.
“I think that sounds great. I’d love to spend more time with you… no matter what that looks like,” you said, heat rushing to your face as you caught his glance again.
His eyes held a glimmer of hope as he looked down at you. “Really?”
“As long as you can promise me I’ll get a proper date someday soon,” you replied.
“You got it, pretty girl. Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he said, grinning.
There was a shift in the silence you shared. Kirishima hesitated, a question in his eyes.
“Can I?…”
His free hand reached for your face and pulled you in eagerly for a kiss, full of heat and tenderness as your lips met. It knocked the air out of you as your fingers tightened around the hand entwined in your own beneath the table. It was gentle, slow, his thumb stroking your cheek for a moment. Heat built rapidly between your legs, almost throbbing at his touch.
When the kiss broke, you stared into those gorgeous red eyes knowing you were absolutely fucked. This man had you, and there was no way you’d let him go.
The door closed with a soft click as you slipped off your shoes. You turned to Kirishima and realized that he was bigger than you’d thought in dim lighting. He was taller, broader, bulkier than the image you’d had in your head.
“So,” you said.
“So,” he repeated.
A shared laugh broke the tension. Kirishima reached for your face with both hands and leaned in to kiss you, pulling the breath right out of your chest again. It was all consuming, the way his hands cradled your face, fingers already tangling in the hair around your neck. His kisses were warm and sweet.
“Come here,” he whispered as he lifted you into his arms.
You let out a small yelp as he did, wrapping yourself around him more to keep from falling than anything else. “What are you doing?”
Kirishima flashed a cheeky grin. “Unless you want me to stop, I’m doing what I want,” he replied, leaning in for another kiss.
It was visceral, how quickly embarrassment and fear flooded your face with heat as you reciprocated. “Y-you don’t - I’m too-”
“Don’t you fucking dare. Don’t even say it.” Kirishima had a sharp look in his eyes.
“But-” you protested.
“Baby, I train six days a week. I save people for a living. I can carry you,” he said, unwavering, a soft smile forming across his lips.
A flash of warmth hit your cheeks again. You buried your face in his shoulder as it hit you just how strong he was. Kirishima chuckled and turned to walk towards what you presumed was his bedroom. His lips met your skin, placing kisses along the side of your neck. You whimpered softly as a shiver slipped down your neck.
“C’mon now, don’t get shy on me,” he teased. “Haven’t even started.”
“Shush you,” you replied.
Every bit of you was growing hotter by the second with Kirishima’s hands on your body and his lips, fucking hell, how did you already feel a little weak? He laid you down on his bed as he leaned back onto his knees. Reverent crimson eyes raked over you in a short sundress, barely riding up to reveal the tops of your thighs.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he said quietly.
You blushed and gave him a smile.
There was a twinge in your stomach. A thread of doubt. One that said, “but I still have clothes on.” You pushed it down.
You pulled Kirishima closer as he drew you in with firm kisses and a gentle suck on your bottom lip. With your legs wrapped around his middle, your hands wandering over his back and shoulders, you were still in disbelief that this was happening. His hand ran down your side as he moaned deeply, gripping the soft flesh of your hip. His lips grew needy as they moved down your neck, finding a spot that made you pant as your head spun.
A groan rumbled in his chest, sending chills over your skin as his hips pushed into yours; your eyes snapped open, your throat caught. Kirishima rolled his body into you again and holy fuck he was huge. You let out a high pitched whine rather than the moan you anticipated. There’s no fucking way this man is real, you thought as he continued, pulling soft moans from your lips. You cursed under your breath.
“Hmm?” he said with a tone that suggested he already knew.
“Jus’ feels good,” you replied.
Kirishima kissed his way back to your lips as he pushed harder into you, a louder moan bubbling out of you as your cunt fluttered under the thin panties you wore and the heat of his cock.
“Mhm. Y’so big, Kiri,” you said between kisses.
He paused to look you in the eye. “‘S that okay? Won’t hurt my feelings if you say no, honest. I don’t want you t’be scared.”
“More than okay,” you replied, heat rising to your cheeks. “I like it a lot. ‘S what I was kinda hoping for.”
Kirishima's eyes lit up with a flicker of relief as though you’d sung a tune he’d rarely heard. He kissed you hard. “Fuck, you’re just perfect, aren’t you, angel?”
Another thread tugged at your chest. “He’s saying that to sleep with me.”
You smiled playfully. It didn’t quite reach your eyes. “I dunno about perfect, but that’s very sweet of you.”
Kirishima stopped. He studied your face.
“What?” you asked.
His brow furrowed. “You don’t believe me, do you?”
He took your face in his hands. “I’ve been telling you all night how I feel about you, but you don’t believe me.”
You gave a nervous look. He wasn’t wrong.
“Oh, you beautiful girl. I’m gonna fuck that right out of you,” he said.
Kirishima crashed his lips into yours, drawing a whimper from your lips. His mouth didn’t leave you for a second as he picked up where you left off, kissing down over your neck and chest, his hands on your ass. He slid your dress up and groaned at the sight.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so fucking soft,” he said, kisses trailing over your stomach. “So pretty. So perfect.”
The heat of his massive hands washed over you as they wandered your body. Kirishima’s fingers dug gently into your flesh. Clothes rapidly began piling onto the floor; his shirt, your dress, his pants, your bra. His hands immediately went for your chest where he scattered kisses on your skin as he groped, moaning softly when his lips took your nipple into his mouth. Your breath grew heavy. You moaned in return as he sucked and licked the swollen bud. The hot ache between your thighs built as he took his time with each one, only encouraged by your whimpering and the way your hips bucked with need. You felt a rush of sensations as Kirishima began grinding his cock into your leg, an empty flutter and a shiver sliding over you. You reached down to relieve your throbbing clit, but he grabbed your wrist.
“Patient girls get what they want. ‘M not done,” he mumbled.
And fuck if that didn’t just make you ache even more. “Kiri, please.…”
Letting go, his hand slid down over your cunt. He gently rubbed and groaned against your skin when your hips pushed into his hand.
“‘S it, pretty girl, show me what you need,” he said.
And you did, moaning and grinding into him. After making quick work of discarding the last of both your clothes, Kirishima opened your legs and cursed. He ran his hands up your thighs, lips not far behind.
Insecurity began to slip away as you saw Kirishima’s cock twitch as it hung, swollen, hard and red at the sight of you. All of him made you hotter - the look in his eye, broad shoulders and thick arms you had been imagining around your legs all night, strong thighs you wished were caging you at the hips, and a heavy cock that had to be as big as your face, so thick you didn’t think you could wrap your hand around it. He was so kind. He looked at you like you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, like you’d hung the stars just for him. And he going to fuck you dumb.
A shiver ran down your spine and you blushed.
“You’re amazing,” Kirishima said.
You thought to respond as his mouth reached your inner thigh and you gasped. He slid a thick finger into your cunt and pumped slowly. Already, you could feel yourself fluttering and weeping around his hand as you moaned. He slipped a second finger in, slightly curled and reaching a tender spot you couldn’t quite get on your own.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, angel. Don’t stop, I wanna hear your pretty voice,” he said.
Heat rolled over your body. Kirishima sloppily kissed his way around your pussy, never settling where you wanted him.
“Kiri… need you.”
“Yeah? Whatcha need?” he replied with a little smirk.
Your head fell back, letting out a small groan in frustration as he teased.
“Eyes on me,” Kirishima said.
Heat rushed to your face. You locked eyes with him and reached for his head with a soft “please,” guiding him to your clit. He kissed and licked gently, taking it into his mouth. It didn’t take long for intense pleasure to fall over your body. You grabbed hold of his free hand resting on your stomach as the tension in your body built, legs starting to shake.
Kirishima hummed with satisfaction. “Such a sweetheart. C’mon babygirl, you can do it. Jus’ let go. ‘M right here.”
The skill of his mouth pushed you over the edge. His lust-hooded eyes stared into yours as your climax broke with a whining moan. You trembled as it washed over you. He carried you through with his tongue, treating your cunt with care until your body calmed.
“Good girl,” he said.
Your eyes went wide briefly and he smirked. “You like hearing that?”
“Didn’t expect it,” you said.
“Not what I asked.” Kirishima took his hand from you and stroked his cock, covering himself in your cum.
You weren’t sure how, but the tables had turned; now you were the one who was easily flustered while he had every ounce of confidence and a twinkle in his eye.
“Maybe I did a little, yeah,” you said.
“Good. Now tell me, pretty girl, how do you like to be fucked?” he said.
You grabbed a pillow and laid on your stomach with it under your hips and gave your ass a little shake, smiling back at him. “Like this. Come get it.”
“You’re not gonna let me stare into those gorgeous eyes of yours?” he said playfully, lining himself up behind you, rubbing the head of his cock along your folds.
“Maybe next time I’ll ride you. How’s that?” you quipped, peeking his face for a moment as he huffed a laugh and turned pink.
“Y’ready baby? Might hurt but I promise I’ll be gentle.” The heat and thickness of his cock head had you pushing into him as he teased.
“Yes. I can take it, please,” you said.
“You sure? You sound so pretty like this…” he purred.
You blushed. The sound of your wet cunt was obscene and he hadn’t even fucked you yet.
“We can take it easy… go real slow…” he insisted.
“Kiri I swear if you don’t-ohfuckohfuck”
He was already halfway in, pushing deeper as you panted heavily and groaned. Kirishima looked down at you and saw your eyes roll, face laid into the sheets. He pushed himself in fully and you gasped. The slight sting didn’t matter in comparison to the pleasure, goosebumps covering your body.
“Fucking hell Kiri you’re huge and perfect holyshitfucknnngh.”
“Need me to stop already?” His lightly patronizing tone would have been irksome if it weren’t for the fact that you were split wide open and full to the brim with his cock, your pussy clenching hard as he stayed still.
You whipped your head around as far as you could. “Don’t you fucking dare,” you said. It was meant to sound threatening in the same way he had earlier, but it came out desperate and needy. You swallowed hard. “Please.”
You caught him grinning ear to ear as slowly, gently, he started fucking you in long strokes, your moans quickly filling the room. You grabbed another pillow in a vain attempt to muffle the sound. The intensity of the pleasure was overwhelming as your cunt stretched and the sting subsided into bliss.
Kirishima’s hands ran over your ass and up your body as he fucked you, relishing the way your ass moved with him, the way your cunt drew him all the way in over and over as you got wetter. “Fuck you feel so good, angel. Can’t get enough of you. Love watching you take my cock so well. Such a perfect little pussy.”
“Kiri…” you whined, “‘s so good, so fucking good, ‘s perfect.”
Your thoughts were jumbled with the way he had you unraveling with each tender stroke - just enough to feel his hips kissing yours as he pulled you up and into him slightly. The pressure of each thrust against your cunt made you flutter.
“‘N don’t stop after I cum. I can take it,” you said.
You heard a shy laugh behind you. “You like my cock that much, hm?” Kirishima said, leaning down briefly to kiss across your shoulder.
“I do. Y’so fucking big. Feels so good, Kiri. Need you inside me.” Chills ran through you as he hit that deep, sensitive spot behind your cervix that made your feet tingle and your breath stop, orgasm hanging overhead.
“F-fuck, b-baby, right there, don’t stop,” you said. Your mind fell into an empty haze as your legs began to tremble. “I think ‘m c-close.”
“Yeah? Gonna cum for me, princess? Gonna cum on my cock without any help?” he replied.
Your answer was in moans as your back arched and your vision went white. The heat of his hands, his grip tightening on your hips, his encouragement had bliss crashing down over you.
“‘S it, that’s what I like to hear. Let it all out. Cum for me, sweetheart. Make a pretty mess on my cock.” Kirishima moaned as he felt you clench hard around him, watching you come undone for a second time. It was dizzying holding himself back, your cunt like a vice he never wanted to leave. His hips stuttered for a moment, but he continued with a low grunt.
“Such a good girl…” Kirishima said, lacing your skin with kisses as his pace increased.
Your head was spinning with pleasure, sensations radiating up your spine, curling down your legs, trying to process his words fully and failing. “Yes, harder. Fuck me. Please, Kiri… please. Need your cock.”
He groaned. “Y’make it so hard not t’cum with you. Y’know that, angel?” Kirishima grabbed a large fistful of hair at the scalp and pulled gently, lifting your face away from anything that could muffle your moans as his hips collided harder into you, sending electricity over your skin as you panted and let out a cry. “You’re so fucking gorgeous. So soft. So beautiful, every part of you. Y’sound so fucking pretty. Y’feel so damn good, I almost couldn’t stop myself.”
His quiet praise hit you hard and unexpectedly - a wave of heat and tension building in your body, amplified by the grip he had on your hair. The previous one had felt like it hardly passed, but another orgasm was winding itself around your core in anticipation.
“Oh fuck, ‘m sorry, I…mmm.” Your knuckles went white gripping the pillow under your head.
“Hey, hey, no sorry,” he said, his grip falling loose and moving to your side. He could feel how close you were getting with every passing movement, willing his body to hold off once more. “I love it. Y’need to cum again, sweetie?”
“Please,” you replied.
You made movement to reach for your clit a second time, but Kirishima’s hand was quick and found its way there first.
“Nuh uh. ‘M gonna make you cum, baby. You just relax. Can y’do that for me?” he said.
“Mhm.” You nodded dumbly, giving in to his request.
Kirishima’s thick fingertips gently rubbed your swollen clit, a whimper at your throat. Goosebumps trailed across your body as pulled you closer, closer, and over the edge as he fucked you. The lewd sound of your cunt as you came on him drove Kirishima crazy, sweat running down his body. He was drunk on your pussy, fucking you still when sensitivity finally hit.
It was overwhelming but not enough all at once, the feeling of his cock bullying your swollen folds. You reached back to stop him, but he grabbed your wrist, looming over you to put it back where it was.
“Kiri, ‘s too much, please,” you said.
“You can take it, babygirl. Just one more for me, yeah? I know you can do it.” Kirishima’s voice was a mixture of sweet and ragged.
You groaned heavily. “One more,” you repeated. “But c’mere, closer.”
He wrapped himself around you, arms sliding under yours, the burning heat and weight of his body against your back. “Like this?”
“Yes, fuck,” you whined.
You could feel sweat on his chest, the movement of each thrust as he started again, every groan, drunk on the girth and heft of his cock slamming into you, his heavy balls hitting your clit.
Your body began to tremble. “Need t’feel you on me, don’ go, please.”
“Aww, y’really are a little sweetheart, huh?” Kirishima cooed. “Just love bein all wrapped up n safe in my arms while I take care of your pretty pussy.”
“Yes, d-mmmfuck.” You cut yourself off and hid your face.
“‘S okay, angel. You can say it if y’want,” he said gently. “Doesn’ bother me.”
“I can’t,” you said, your cheeks hot.
His voice lowered. “Yes you can. Lemme hear it. Say yes, daddy.”
“Yes, daddy,” you replied weakly.
Kirishima’s thrusts got sloppier as hot, wet kisses hit a tender spot on the crook of your neck. You grabbed and kissed his hand and pushed your hips back to meet his thrusts. He growled into your skin.
“‘S it, baby. That’s my girl. That’s my good fucking girl. My pretty little angel. Take my fucking cock,” he said softly, his breath hot against your ear.
“D-don’ say that,” you slurred, knowing full well that he could hear the way you whimpered and moaned when he did. Knowing he could feel you fluttering erratically around him.
“Why not, hmm?” Kirishima replied. “Y’really think ’m gonna let a pretty little thing like you get away after tonight, lookin’ so perfect, cummin’ all over my cock like this? Beggin’ me not to stop cause y’need more? Bein’ so sweet n lovely that I can’t help but fuck you ‘til you fall apart? ‘Til you know I mean what I say?”
Words failed you as he fucked harder, movements sharper as his orgasm neared. Your head fell forward into the sheets with a loud moan. “N-no.”
“‘S right, princess. ‘M not. ‘M gonna keep you ‘s long ‘s you’ll have me.” Kirishima’s muscles burned from exertion as he spoke, but he didn’t care.
He loved the way your breath went quick and shallow when he found just the right spot that made you tremble, savored the way your moans grew louder and your eyes rolled the harder he went. He got lost in the heat of your breath and the taste of your skin, the perfect way he could rail into you without being gentle or holding back because you needed every bit of him. It made his skin hot, the absolute mess you were making around his cock, fluttering and squeezing him hard enough to lose his damn mind as he moaned into your ear, his grip around your body getting tighter.
“Don’ stop, daddy, please. ‘M close,” you said. It was intoxicating, the way his skin felt against yours, the way each thrust knocked a little bit of the breath out of your lungs as another orgasm drew near. “Cum with me?”
“‘S that what you want, angel? Want me t’cum inside you?” he asked.
“Please, wanna feel you cum,” you said.
Kirishima groaned low in his chest as his need for you took over. His lips and teeth continued to graze your skin with open mouthed kisses as he came, his throbbing cock pushing you over the edge a final time as he fucked you full of cum. You laid together panting until silence took hold.
After a quiet moment, Kirishima pulled out and spread your ass gently, watching his cum trickle down your swollen pussy and thick, soft thighs.
“Fuck, babygirl,” he said. “You’re the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.”
mdni banner created by the lovely @cafekitsune.
manga color edit is mine @bakubunny.
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qtkoshi · 1 year
Maybe gn!Reader and Hobie adopt a kitten and the other three (Pavitr, Gwen, and Miles) come to see the kitten? Maybe a orange kitten gn!Reader wanted to name Spunk or Spike while Hobie gave them a spike collar? Would be cute lol
i luv ur brain anon
"you got....a kitten?"
- ok ok idk if this is what u meant, but u can feel free to run this with the bubblegum reader + hobie bc i think it fits alright :-) - also get a little deep with describing relationship,, but it’s necessary for the plot ! (...) - also!!! tysm for the requests; i am very excited to get into them, but will prob wait till tmrw to release bc it is my birthday today <3 much love to you all
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──★ ˙ ̟ to the stars !
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general headcannons
alright first of all: hobie with a kitten? i’m in tears. 
i love the hc that hobie has a soft spot for cats and the fact that y’all got one together? bye.
this cat is gonna be SPOILED in attention i tell u rn
hobie isn’t as obvious ab it as u, but the amount of times u see him chilling with the cat just perched on his shoulder?? (why are u taking the baby swinging across the city hobie; wait a min now–)
how u got him
imagine this: ur walking past an alley and hear this small little meow; after further investigation you find this tuft of orange fur crying outside the dumpster and
now u gotta take it in what r u talking about!!
bringing him home immediately ; hobie's spidey senses prob picked up the cat's presence before you got in the door.
'baby what's that.' 'c'mon spiderman we got saving to do'
man can't even argue with you
hobie not naming the cat himself bc he doesn’t wanna enforce socio-constructed labels on an unsuspecting creature that can’t consent
u can tho.
and while you very much want to, you tell hobie you gotta think on it for a bit – it has to fit just right!! (tbh he rlly doesn’t mind the cat being nameless, but he’s kinda whipped and will kinda go with what u want if it helps give that pretty lil smile to him again)
spider-squad finding out ab him
the besties r wrapping up something with a fight and hobie’s all k gotta leave and check on the cat and the rest are like ????? 
pav absolutely floored bc how dare did u not mention this sooner hobie
'so you lot wanna come see him?' (inter-dimensional travel ensues) – also never gonna complain ab coming to hobie’s house they all think his place is dope
i’m sure we all know orange cats are fucking crazy and that does not exclude the little gremlin jumping off the walls of your flat rn
hobie ofc is smirking bc his son the cat is a little agent of chaos and he couldn’t be more proud 
you, on the other hand, are just a little tired trying to get the fucker to stay still for a second so u can put on the damn flea medicine
everybody loves him are u kidding (miles a little hesitant tho, he still has beef with the last spiderman-variant cat he met :/ ) 
“so whats its name?” miles was watching with wary eyes as the little ball of fur darted around. with a heavy (and definitely not dramatic) sigh, you walk over to the group “still haven’t picked. we just found him yesterday.”
luv the idea of hobie looking at u anytime ur in the room (stay with me now) — can’t help it u just grab all his attention, maybe stop being so lovely idk
speaking of your relationship: he has spent years battering against everything life throws at him that having your love in the palm of his hands? something to protect not in the way he does as a hero, but in the way to cherish as a person?? give the man a break, he deserves to admire you whenever he can.
anyways hobie’s looking at you before going ‘oh yea’, just grunts and pulls out this little collar with little spikes and their matching and oh my that is so cute
says he found it in some garbage, most def made the collar with some scraps like he did his own (gotta keep it cool yk)
you giddy and putting the collar on the little heathen and just all ‘omg wait a min’
promptly lifting the cat up and “THIS IS SPIKE.”
cue golf claps from the squad with some ooo’s and aah’s
more gen headcannons
remember when hobie and the cat were swinging around the city? yea he's taking that mf everywhere. puts him in his pocket like a little surprise
hobie loves to play fight with the cat
spike is the perfect mix; got hobie’s energy and your brightness it’s a win-win
i could write more but i'll stop here for now 🕸️
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