#mentions of league of villains
gayfortheplot · 2 months
The mha ending is false. This is the true ending; the League are all happy, safe, and alive, and they'll live on together forever, being the dumb, chaotic found family they've always been.
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(They're on their way to McDonald's. About a 50/50 chance the building will be burnt to the ground by the time they leave. Depends on if their ice cream machine is broken again or not.) Also:
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This? This isn't some "ghost" or "vision" or whatever, that's ridiculous lmao. This is real. It's just Tomura on his way home from the pharmacy after picking up Magne's estrogen and Dabi's antipsychotics.
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newtscamandersbf · 14 days
saw this ss on twt and im sorry but im starting to think some of yall actually like when characters are predators cause first it was accusing afo of p3dophilia / sa (despite the fact grooming can be non-sexual) and now its this shit 😭😭
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like this is actually crazy yall we are told MULTIPLE times that toga feels safe with the league because they are the only ones who accepted her for who she was 😭😭 its not like she was the only woman or kid in the league either like at some point there were magne and mustard. the league lets anyone in regardless of background this is soo ..
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atlasofoverthinking · 23 days
remember this?
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chapte 220
remember how we we were robbed of spinner narrating the mva arc? bc i do and i'm still mad about it
for those who don't remember or haven't watch the anime: in the anime, izuku also narrate the mva even though it's spinner in the manga
i want to give the benefit of the doubt to those who worked on the anime. at first i didn't understand why spinner was the narrator either as he didn't seem like an important character
but now that mha is over, it's seems obvious that this narration was hinting at spinner's book, if not a part of the book itself
this entire arc is basically "yeah we're villains but we're also people and we care about each other, here's our story". so it doesn't make sense that izuku narrates it, but it does for spinner. his league was his reason to be, he let himself get mutilated/tortured/whatever you wanna call what afo did to him in the final arc for the league, and especially for shigaraki
so yeah, i wish we could have gotten narrator spinner
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nelkcats · 2 years
Phantom Park
Look, Danny hated clowns, he really hated them, but theme parks? He loved them, when one of the tours came to Amity his Rogues agreed with the feeling after having fun for hours.
And they offered a truce in exchange of forming their own thematic park for a while, and go over the world, wich sounded bad at first, he didn't want to leave Amity, but some vacations...
Ghost thematic Park it is
So, they created a lot of attractions, give Ember her own concerts, Skulker had a place showing how to hunt, Johnny and Kitty had fun with their motorcycles, Technus was administrating some cool games, Lunch lady was making some food for everyone and he had his own ice rollercoaster, they were having so much fun ¡they even made some money!
Now, if only the heroes stayed out of their business would be wonderful, this was the six time he was being "interrogated", they were traveling for god sake, they have a schedule, Batman didn't appreciate it
But Danny didn't care what Batman thought, they weren't metas, they weren't invading anything and everything was legal, the lord of vengeance could go sulk elsewhere, and he let him know, the six times he couldn't find anything
Really, it was not his problem if Harley, Ivy and Klarion liked the park, villains have free time too, his own rogues were having fun and Red Hood, Arsenal, Kid Flash and Nightwing were eating ice cream with them!
Is not his problem if they were too "bright" for the "heroes" or whatever, Flash was the only one with some respect at the end of the day when they passed his city
Seriously, most of the heroes were treating them like criminals, dealers or simple villains, which was starting to frustrate him a lot, his rogues tried to comfort him, but the brilliant and dumb heroes didn't understand, ¡This is a truce! his own "villains" (he never saw them as such) were laughing, playing, and completely peaceful without causing anything harmful
At some point in the interviews, Danny got fed up, did the heroes want to play this game? Fine, there's a reason people say don't treat someone like a villain or they'll see themselves as one, and even though Danny wasn't bad, none denied that he was petty, so at his next stop he decided, it was time to prove how haunted the park was and teach these guys a lesson
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buttercupshands · 6 months
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Happy (almost belated) Birthday, Tenko Shimura!
wanted to draw something light after... you know 419...
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moodyvoid · 14 days
If Shiggy did end up marrying you (because of the bouquet or not) Magne and Toga would throw you the best bachelorette party!
With every fiber of my being, I fully trust Magne to throw the wildest fucking rager of a party ever.
Aside from copious amounts of alcohol, there are:
Black lights, fog machines, bubble machines, a banger music playlist, glow sticks, drag queen/drag king performances, a bouncy castle, someone’s making balloon animals for some reason — you all end up in a strangers pool ???
You and Magne are both messy drunk, having the time of your lives and Toga catches everything on her phone.
The next day, Shigaraki sees the pictures and videos and he’s like “Damn, all me the guys did was order pizza and play Mario Party.”
Then he notices Twice in some of the photos and he’s like “When the hell did Twice go there???” and realizes that Twice left him with a double cause he was the only guy invited to go to girls night and he didn’t want to hurt his feelings lmao 💀
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wanderingmind867 · 6 months
I hate batman. A lot. I want to tear that man down, bit by bit. I want to write a story where he tries to kill the rest of the justice league in a paranoid haze, and then has to face consequences. I want him gone. Dead. Forever erased from existence. We keep the villains and maybe the supporting cast. We ditch him. We have to. He is one of my least favourite superheroes. He's always boring! So goddamn boring! I will preach until I'm dead: Get rid of batman!
Ditch the darkness! Give us more Superman and Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel/Shazam. DC should go back to their repository of old heroes, but leave batman the hell alone. Replace him with Wesley Dodds or something if we have to! But leave batman alone! Forever!
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thr0wnawayy · 2 months
Kota: The Idolist
It had been 4 weeks since the broadcast, Kota still felt sick.
Kota Izumi had once hated heroes, then he began to admire them and now he found himself thrown through a loop.
His hero had killed someone.
Sure, they were possessed by a rambling lunatic and before, whatever happened at Jaku, he was a villain in his own right.
But still Kota couldn't bring himself to see what had happened as heroic. The villains needed to be stopped there was no denying that.
But to kill them.
Kota wasn't stupid, he knew that (most of them) hadn't got there themselves. Maybe they were like him once.
Kota had been lost after his parents died, no one could understand him, nor did they try to.
Everything fell on his shoulders, if he didn't like heroes then there was something fundamentally wrong about him.
If he wanted to be left alone, he had an "attitude".
No one seemed to care that his parents had died, they only saw the Waterhose duo. They didn't seem to care about the loss of life, just the loss of manpower.
As if that was all his parents were worth. Not as loving parents, not as good, kind hearted people, not as individuals with there own thoughts, aspirations and ideas.
Only as quirks, as Heroes.
And now his hero had lost his own, the one thing people seemed to value above all else.
That scared Kota, it scared him when Midoriya had a non-reaction to possibly losing his dream, it scared him when he looked at Eri (a good look this time) and realized her horn had been cut off.
It scared him to think that no one cared.
Alone in his closed off bedroom, Kota only had one thought: Had they felt cornered too?.
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patchworkprince · 1 year
I love you villains. I love you antagonists. I love you morally grey characters. I love you traitors. I love you spies. I love you double agents.
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haine-kleine · 2 months
ngl pretty hilarious that Spinner and Izuku have similar backgrounds when it comes to training. both were sedentary homestay twinks and Spinner especially barely left his room where he was spending his entire time gaming. except Deku is the one who needed to get the Best quirk or ultra expensive mecha suit to do heroic activities despite supposedly completing Allmight's special anti-littering training while Spinner just took a bunch of giant swords and rolled with it. my man had learned driving on Grand Theft Auto and apparently gaming was enough to teach him swordsmanship as well.
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isabeauwolf · 3 months
Guess this is a shorta Q&A and Story about how my Overhaul x Villainess OC Mary x Dabi x Shiggy fanfic came about and its creation. 🤣🫣 Ugh, what a mess 😅 Plus, a tiny sneak peak/ scenario
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Down in the underground labyrinth of the Shie Hassaikai base, inside the secret meeting room Dabi and Tomura Shigaraki sat on one side of the couch while Mary and Overhaul sat on the other across from the clear coffee table.
Our Author sat in-between the couch in a loveseat. "Originally, last year I decided to make my own Overhaul x Villainess OC x Shiggy fanfic since I had dialogue and scenes written down all over the place." She sighed.
An awkward silence settled over the room.
Dabi waved. "Princess, why dontcha come play with me instead of Bird face." He gave Mary a small coy smile, "I won't bite. Unless you want me to."
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Tomura seething in his corner. "I was Yakuza Boys rival before burnt face rudely used a cheat code! She's my Queen and Player 2." Narrowing his crimson iris' at Dabi. "Get your own love interest to seduce from some back alley brothel or hole in the wall, Dabi. I was leveling up and gaining intimacy points long before you showed up." Turning his angry gaze at the author. "How the hell did this happen? It was supposed to be just me and the germ freak fighting for her affections."
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"As I said multiple times, Dabi kept shoving his way into the fanfic like the little impatient gremlin that he is." The author gives a strained smile, obviously tired from lack of sleep and the heat wave outside. "In the end, Mary's got 3 villainous mates. Happy?"
Mary's inner wolf, wagging her tail and jumping up and down "Yay!"
Mary blushing, mismatched eyes widening. "Wait, a minute... Can't we just?!"
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Overhaul sitting besides Mary, glaring at Tomura and Dabi. "Absolutely, not. My angel is my wife." His face scrunched up in both distain and disapproval underneath his beaked plague mask. "Not those filthy arrogant diseased ridden gutter trash."
"Now, now, Kai. My dearest, please calm down." Her wolf ears flat against her head and nuzzling into his side. "It's tradition and law for shifters to have up to 5 mates."
Kai grits his teeth, "I am aware, angel." Uncrossing his arms, reaching behind and pulling her into his side, gloved grip becoming possessive. "It also states that you need permission from your first mate, mine as your husband, and your grandfather's since he is the leader of your clan."
Mary pouts. "True."
Dabi stands, walks over to the married couples couch and plops down on the other side of Mary, grinning lazily. "What can I say Overbeak," scared lips, curling into a smug smirk, "Can't stay away from my firebrand, right, princess?" Casually pressing a hand down on the top of her head, giving headpats between her ears. "Besides, I'm sure little Eri would be sad to miss her new daddy, wouldn't she?"
Kai's thin eyebrow twitched in irritation. "Don't bring, Eri into this, homewrecker."
Tomura fidgeting and hands twitching, curling and uncurling into tight fists. "I'm still here. Don't you two fucking ignore me." He growled underneath Father and cut in.
Dabi scoffs. "Yeah, yeah, we hear ya yappin' handyman." Waving him off. "Can't help that I've got more game than your crusty introverted ass." Removing his hand from the top of Mary's head to lay it across the back of the couch, digits tapping.
"Say that to my face you burnt bastard!"
"What was that?" Dabi cups a hand over his ear, tilting his head. "Can't hear ya over your chapped lips, gamer boy."
Mary interjects, smiling sheepishly. "Guys, calm down. I'm sure we can make this work."
"No, we are not." Kai speaks, the invisible tingling, phantom itching and crawling in his skin made him grimace. "Stop touching, my wife before things get messy and I don't remember inviting you to sit over here."
"You invited us down here, birdman. Saw an empty seat and took it." Dabi gave him the middle finger without looking in the Yakuza Boss' direction. "Blow me."
Tomura snorted and laughed.
Overhaul growled. "As if I would ever stoop to such a low and vulgar suggestion asshole."
Mary felt more and more uncomfortable. She could feel and smell their anger, irritation and each feeling territorial. "To think returning to Japan to honor the union of our clans and engagement to Kai would result in this." She glances at the author. "Am I truly fated to Kai, Tomura and Touya?"
The author nods her head and crosses her arms. "Yup." Holding up her hand, pointing at Overhaul and counting off on her fingers, "Kai gets more funding and men towards his goal, plus marrying his sweetheart," smiling and glancing at the she-wolf, "you get a bigger family, friends and a house filled with children that you always wanted. It's a win-win."
"I get friends?" Mary asked in excited, ears perking up and tail wagging. "Pups of my own?"
Overhaul's golden gaze narrows in suspicion. "How do you know so much?" He's feeling uneasy, despite his calm and masked poker face; he doesn't like being left in the dark or the unknown, threat or otherwise.
Ignoring our sexy birdy, she points at Tomura. "Handyman gets a new teacher and a love interest though he won't admit it."
Author points to Dabi. "Mister steal your girl, here, gets to shove his new status in his dad's face and closer towards his goal."
Dabi's turquoise eyes, brighten with interest. "Oh yeah?"
"Don't ignore me?!" Shigaraki and Overhaul snap at the same time.
"Well, that's all we have tonight." The author winks and giggles.
"Awe, come on, dollface. It's unfair to tease me like that." Dabi pouts.
"What do you mean I get a new master?" Shigaraki asks, confused and irritated. "I'm not a noob player!"
"Do you have a future seeing quirk?" Overhaul stood on his feet, air in room growing chilling, intimidating and dominant, demanding an answer as he fiddles with his glove. "Answer me, woman."
"Kai, you can't kill her. She won't be able to tell our story without her." Mary grabs his arm, rubbing it to try to soothe him.
"Thank you for reading our behind the scenes content on our messy Villains x Villainess romance. Feel free to ask questions, thank you and good night." She waved and blew kisses.
"Wait!" Shigaraki, Dabi and Overhaul yell as the lights turn off in the building.
Mary sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Mimics going to have a bitch fit."
---- end of Q&A 😉💕
Honestly, I wrote this on a whim 🤭 Hope y'all like it. Plus, I promised to give some more crumbles.
Whatcha think? Where our favorite MHA men true to character, or too out of character?
Feel like I don't mention Shiggy more often, whoops 😬 Ta-da! 😆
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@slayfics @i-need-chisaki-redemption-arc @fanofflames @chainslobber @chisvki @xxchisakislittleangelxx @x-kiwi-03 @fabled-lady-twilla @madamebloodmoon What do y'all think?
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lumilasi · 2 months
I guess one silver lining for the canon badly done ending is, that it gave me a boost to continue writing Reclaimed again, as its now basically a 'fix-it" fic lol
I was stuck with that one for so long too....
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scarlettcryptid · 11 months
some of my dabi headcanons:
• his favourite season is winter
• he likes loose fitting clothes
• he likes cold food
the reason for these being that, like 4/5ths of his family, his body is cold resistant and he can't handle heat very well
so, with that in mind, i like to imagine bakugo's "piping hot udon" suggestion to shouto pre-final war is a nice thought that makes sense but...
>shouto: [sets a bowl of piping hot udon in front of touya]
>touya: [stares at it] too hot
>shouto: [freezes it]
>touya: [sluuurp]
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kermit-coded · 7 months
after reading identity crisis i am HAUNTED by the fact that doctor light was a reoccurring teen titans villain. like bro what. he rapes sue dibny and the justice league is just cool with a bunch of teenagers fighting him on the reg???? sure, zatanna essentially lobotomized him but still. even considering the whole memory wipe shenanigans, i still find it insane that the leaguers who knew were just chill with it. like WHAT?
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cosybunny · 16 days
Gotta be real for a moment. More Human Than Human is SO different from anything else I've written. I mean, 'accidentally stumbling face-first into trust via being a snarky little shit and a tired pro hero who's wondering if this mutual nap and cuddles-in-exchange-for-peace-booze-and-information thing technically counts as prostitution' is a new one for me. Is it just gonna be too weird? Is it too strange that I'm more interested in exploring the question of: what happens when you're completely out of control of your body and the only person who can touch you safely is your enemy / what happens if your enemy is completely helpless and your rationality coincides with your personal views (help someone who needs help, this is the person your best friend suffered to keep well) instead writing a good 'ol fashioned Eraserdust PWP? (nothing wrong with those, I got ideas for that, too)
I overthought it (ha, who doesn't from time to time?) and started doubting myself badly. But then I talked to a friend, and they helped me realize I'm just bein' too hard on myself. I'm writing this because it's the kind of thing I wanna read, and the bakery (Ao3) just doesn't have any in stock! Fuck it. Let's be weird.
As a final middle finger salute to my self-doubt, here's another WIP preview below the cut! As well as warnings foooor *checks list* minor body horror, implied dysmorphia, mentions of self harm (Shigaraki is a scratchy bastard), sexual themes... I think that covers it!
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Tumblr took the image quality out back and shot it. Click on the image to see a higher res version.
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buttercupshands · 5 months
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the LoV sketches dump
honorable mentions sketches bc I was rewatching... a lot of episodes while sketching, and it got me both the inspiration for the sketches above and
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(the sign reads 'feral dog DO NOT TOUCH')
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