#maybe… I drink too much caffeine
bixy · 4 months
Had caffeine at like? 5 or 6pm to study after work and WOW that fucked up my sleep so bad
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bacchuschucklefuck · 3 months
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really like how this panel came out but a chunk of it's gonna get covered up by the speech bubbles so I'm making a keepsake
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i don't know if i am horrible at communicating when i want a little attention or when i feel forgotten, or if people just in general never think it is about them because in their mind all of our needs are met and i am venting about everybody else?
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firemeyr · 1 year
Fox: Y'know! You sure do save a lot of money when you don't have Any hobbies Any and everyone: are you even still sane
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rosylamb · 10 months
Happy Birthday beautiful! How old are you today?
Sweet friend .˳·˖ ♡ 🌸 !
This is for me? Really ??
Eee . . you’re so nice !!
That you took the time to wish me a Happy Birthday really brightens my day, and makes me wish I could give you a hug ♡ ♡
Thank you for thinking of me & for the Birthday greeting !!
I am old enough to drink legally! Not that this makes much of a difference since I don’t drink alcohol :’)
(It tastes bad, and I only know this as my uncle gave me a sip when I was little once, and I spat it out at him accidentally . . then I started crying cus it tasted so awful ;-; That and I just do not drink !!)
My favorite thing to drink instead is strawberry lemonade! Would you like some ?? I can share mine, and one of my cupcakes with you !! ♡
Sending hugs, love, and wishing you an *abundance* of blessings today! Please take care, and all the best to you ~ !!
♡ 🤍 ⊹
⊹ 🧁 ˚ . 🌸 * ⊹ 🤍
♡ ・ 。 ⊹
⊹ 🌸 * XOXO ・。 🧁 ⊹
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bill-gates-hate-blog · 4 months
cutting sugar does tank your mood but the moment you realize that's the thing that's making you spiral it doesn't feel so bad
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inplateaus · 5 months
ok so ive decided to stop drinking energy drinks (so much) and now im going out and looking for nice lemonades and maybe even tea 🤮
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thethingything · 5 months
so we use these little packs of disposable travel toothbrushes that we can keep next to our bed and don't have to rinse after using them or anything because between executive dysfunction, sensory issues, and fatigue, this is basically the only way we can keep up with brushing our teeth regularly.
anyway, I realised we'd almost ran out and went to buy more and they suddenly aren't available anywhere. we'd get a pack of 24 for relatively cheap and now all I can seem to find are packs of 1 or 2 "travel toothbrushes" that are basically just normal toothbrushes for the same price as a pack of the ones we normally get. the brand that made them has nothing about them on its website besides a pack of 2 toothbrushes listed under the same name that aren't the same product.
so anyway now I need to figure out an alternative for the sake of actually being able to manage our dental hygiene because the one thing that was letting us do that somewhat adequately isn't available anymore
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
Man, I love random chest pain and aches, it's so cool and wonderful 🥰
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lavenoon · 2 years
So! We know that in the reverse AU scenario Dawn takes advantage of the fake couple missions to flex how many petnames he knows, and I can't help but wonder. In canon, if Dusk had to do something similar with Robin, like maybe even though they're used to the stealth appeoach, there's a late night ball or something they need to infiltrate to gather info. How would he handle it? He seems a bit shyer in the relationship aspect than Dawn is, or maybe not shyer but less direct and blunt about it haha!
Oh he is shyer, the poor goof.
First we'd have him see Robin's whole face for the first time (Or if it's a masquerade, the teasing about seeing the other half while the rest is covered), which uh. Already kind of gets to him. Then Robin is all dressed up? And flaunting it, because that's just how they are? Good thing he doesn't have a jaw, he would have dropped it maybe.
(Of course completely misses the fact that Robin is equally flustered by seeing him in a suit. Wdym, their rival actually cleans up nice?)
It's a new kind of tension between them as they both don't quite know what to make of these stray feelings about their rival, dancing around each other even as they dance with each other.
In the end, it feels somewhat like Cinderella, and the spell is broken when they either have to intervene or leave. It feels like one night only, and it feels like this was an exception. Lingering touches, hesitant drawing back, trailed off sentences, words that simply won't get out.
They're secret agents. It's their job.
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koukoupepia · 2 years
i wish there was an adhd med that worked for me specifically 
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starl1tsky · 2 months
i wanna vapeeeeee
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smudgefawn · 6 months
me exiting the search function to see the little highlight of followed tags and thinking for a moment ‘oh i should follow the valerian and julian tags :)’. bitch those are your (and bren’s) oc’s. there is no tag to track
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https-zhongli · 9 months
one inconvenience from being a Bad Puppy™️ n spillin all my love onto a cis dude who treats me awfully but is okies bc he called me cute ;3;
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hey let’s maybe not put something that’s the same brand and looks exactly like an existing energy drink product into our lunchable clone marketed towards children
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like, if I was a parent, I would reasonably assume that the full-sized version of the drink packaged with my son’s lunch kit wouldn’t have more caffeine than two cups of black coffee
(let’s be real. that’s just an issue with Prime in general— if you *know* your audience is made of 6-14 year olds, why the fuck would you promote a line of energy drinks to them? Why not juice? Or smoothies? Or even soda? At least soda is just empty calories— if a kid drinks too much soda, they get a stomach ache. If they drink too much caffeine, they get an ER visit)
(Like, surely there’s just as much money there?)
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apfelhalm · 1 year
I've watched the Hidden Inventory/Premature Death arc 3 (three) fucking times now I am going insane with feelings and I don't know where to put them aaaaaaah
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