#maybe ill try writing something like that
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grossinnit · 2 days ago
this rant is only applicable to fanfic so bear with me here.
i enjoy being creative. i enjoy discussing my ideas. i like seeing my ideas turned into a story, and i like doing it myself. i love learning about other ways people would’ve gone with a prompt. yes i kinda suck at and hate writing (maybe hate is a strong word but it’s not something that brings me joy). but every other aspect of it i enjoy. so i suck it up for that one part. and i try getting better at it so one day ill understand more of it and be able to enjoy it.
i didn’t enjoy a lot of things when i first started out, and i enjoyed other parts of it. swimming? i fucking despised having to warm up and everything else, but i liked coming out and getting food with my dad after practice. i hated robotics cuz i was sooo bad and i got yelled at constantly by the mentors for fucking up. now i’m better and i enjoy it. sure that part is shallow and seems like i only enjoy things im good at. but that’s not the case. it’s not black or white.
i like every other aspect of writing except for the writing, if that makes sense. the penning down and coming up with words, the real writing - if you will, i am not a fan of. but everything else that comes before and after that step make up for it.
i know it’s a recreational hobby, but i kind of think quitting things just because we don’t enjoy parts of it limits our growth. and puts us in a box. i’m making something silly into a very boring rant ik but i had to get this out of me.
Unpopular opinion but if you don't enjoy the process you should find a different thing to do.
And I think this is true in general but now I'm talking about it in the context of AI.
If you don't enjoy making art and only care about the end piece and how it'll look and how much traction it"lol get online then making art is not something for you, find something you enjoy from start to finish.
Same goes for writing: if you do not enjoy writing and rewriting and then some more and instead want AI to write for you, being a writer is not something you should pursue.
Sure, not every part of creative process is going to be equally enjoyable but you should get satisfaction from solving the problems along the way and you should get a sense of accomplishment on your way of "making the piece yours" and you should have a sense of ownership once you are done.
None of these things will come from typing in a prompt into chatGPT. And I am sad to see so many people are missing on the opportunity to experience the joy of making something with their own hands and brains.
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bambisturns · 1 day ago
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“I still kept the ring, even if ill never be your bride, why?”
Warnings: none just very sad(?)
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Moving on from Matt was like taking pills dry. It was hard to do. The love you both shared was so intimate, so caring, just so loving in general. It’s hard to believe that just a few short months after your spilt he was with a new girl. Kissing her, being happy with her, cute little dates the paparazzi caught them on, him telling her he loves her.
How can he love her? How could he be so fine without you? How could he not care? You were stuck in a daze, a daze filled with anger, sadness and jealousy. But shortly youve come to the realization that maybe it was for the better…
You and Matt weren’t toxic, if anything the relationship you guys had was one of the most intense relationships you’ve ever been in, you’ve never had so much love, care, and admiration for anyone in your entire life. You and Matt were always so open about your relationship, but when he got down on one knee on a private vacation with just your families to ask you to marry him, you both agreed to keep it private for the time since it was something so intimate for the both of you.
So when your cleaning you bedroom and you find the diamond ring tucked away in your jewelry box, the emotions all came flooding in at once. You kept the ring, you never knew why, you both surely would never get back together and there surely would never be the day that youd call yourself his wife, but maybe you just wanted a reminder of that love you both shared, or maybe you just wanted to keep it as a reminder to yourself that maybe just maybe he may still love you.
and maybe you prayed that every time Matt told his new girl that he loved her it was just a lie.
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a/n: honestly idk if this is good or not lmao. Im just trying to get better at writing and stuff so im pushing shit out like its fucking bills that need to be paid 😭. The triplets have their first show tomorrow, whose all going? Everyone be safe and have fun!
🏷️: @grace-sturnz , @matts-girlfriend , @courta13 , @r0set0y , @thecrawlys , @fadedstvrn , @ribbonlovergirl
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nakylvr · 16 hours ago
Everybdy been on about a/b/o in ur asks so id like to present a plot.... idk js something a lil random since i kinda dont wanna write it because im lazy... honestly might take this for myself and run w it js lmk if i should write this...
Alpha!Manon who likes Omega!Sophia and both were exes. They broke up 2 years ago and Sophia is now dating Alpha!Lara. Id say alphas under the age of 20 cant uhm help omegas with their heat simply because they dont have enough control of their rut yet because they're too young. And since the only other older member of the katz is Daniela, who happens to be a beta (they cant help either cuz trying would js cause sophia more pain) Manon has to step up and help sophia with her heat. Now heres the fun part.... id say Lara would get REAL jealous and say she cant and insist on helping sophia, but its too risky. So Manon has to help, but then YOU step up, as an omega and having just turned 20 this year, you told Manon to mark you so she could supress her rut and prevent herself from marking Sophia. Shes hesitant but does it, and afterwards, helps sophia with her heat. She expected to feel more, esp since she still liked her ex, but she felt nothing. It was weird how tiring and boring helping sophia felt, almost as if it was a chore. And idk take the story from there, js a fun lil plot i wanted to show. Ill write it up and reveal who i am if you want LOL
girl i think you'd be better off writing this ngl cause 😭 but i will still yap a little bit here 😋
cause having manon mark you so she doesn't mark sophia she's so hesitant but does it anyway despite still having some feelings for sophia despite them not even being together anymore. thankfully she can't mark her, but it's odd to her how tiring it was to help sophia through her heat, like she had to do it, rather than wanting to. she knows she shouldn't have feelings still, especially with sophia having moved onto lara, and tbh they probably deteriorate a little after helping the filipina through her heat and not enjoying it whatsoever.
then maybe you're going through your heat and you have to rely on manon since she marked you and she's hesitating, but when she sees you sprawled on the bed writhing around whimpering, she feels something stir inside her. she asks if you need some help, and when you look up at her with teary eyes she just coos at you and tells you that she'll take care of you. it's almost baffling how different it is helping you through your heat rather than sophia. you have manon going slow, whispering soft praises in your ear about how good you're doing for her, how pretty you look under her. then she starts losing control when you want her to go faster, her hips speeding up snapping against yours at a fast pace leaving you both moaning loudly and the second you beg her to knot you she'll go insane. she's just muttering in your ear how pretty you'd look full of her pups, how much better you feel than sophia, how good of an omega you're being for her. and when she finishes she's moaning into your neck pathetically, breathing heavily.
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resldue · 9 months ago
i did enjoy netflix's moxie Atlas a great deal. Im by no means a critic or whatever, and whenever I watch smth for the first time, most of the glaring issues or difficulties usually slip past my notice because im emotionally invested. these issues cannot slip by if im not emotionally engaged with the characters and their relationships with one another. as such i understand there are many problems i personally did not pick up on until they were pointed out to me, but i still had a great time with the movie. it made me laugh, and more importantly, it made me feel and even cry at the end, and thats what matters most to me.
overall its not a perfect movie. but in entertainment value, for me, it came pretty damn close.
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starry-sophrosyne · 3 days ago
Referring to this post:
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@crashingstar69 - just for you XD /j -- I had this rotting my inbox for WEEKS and now i've come back to it, just for my own purposes.. XD
1st post of this little rabbithole of mine, which is a spin off of my wotc timeskip au (spun off of pen's wotc fic) and is a three-parter, the intial post about it is here ( ´﹀` )
(also this became so fucking long bc i tried adding a little more analysis from Crashing's pov and it spiraled WAY out of control to become an entire/in-depth view of Cherie's experience and development after Mon Cheroi's marriage from Crashing's pov, I plan to reblog this post with it like I did for my TTOS King Of Soph drabble but I genuinely HATE the way I have the second "part" worded so idk when ill post it-)
Despite being one of the queen's personal maids, Crash found themself seeking regular work whenever they had nothing to do, rather than standing idle. They had simply been going through the unused rooms, to clean them up and lighten up the castle, when they noticed something special. This crystal blue glass, in particular, had always caught their eye, even from their previous rounds of cleaning in the past months. It was one of the only gifts the King Of Skill had kept from Cherie's family's extensive dowry after they had married. It sat in a display case of an unused study, collecting dust but still glimmering in the far-away light of the window.
After opening the cabinet to clean the contents inside, they paused, before setting the feather duster aside, and taking the glass out the case. Rotating the glass by it's stem, they stared at their reflection in it's triangular basin. The faint layer of grey dust upon it coated their fingertips, peeling off of the crystal. It was.. just as mocking as ever.
Crash's hands shook as their grip on the glass tightened, squeezing its base; but the durable crystal held steady despite feeling so delicate, digging the circular bottom into their palms. It was something so beautiful, left forgotten, cast out of memory rather than admired, left to rot out of sight; It's true beauty was unable to be seen by anyone. It was a painful parallel, to the king and queen's relationship. How could the king, who had everything given to him on a silver platter, disregard his wife, the queen, the way he did? No, how could he disregard Cherie like that?
They became enraged thinking about it again; Gritting their teeth together, they settled for barely nipping the flesh of their inner lip with their own teeth. Calm and collected, composure was such of the title that needed to be upheld as one of the queen's personal maids, no matter the personal grievances.
"Interested in that piece, I see?"
"!!" Crashing jumped at the sudden voice with a startled yelp. The fright was enough to make the glass slip from Crashing's grasp, causing them to panic as they then made various cartoonish grabs at it, practically falling over in the process, before finally catching it with a desperate final swipe.
Crashing let out a sigh of relief, steadying themselves as the sudden adrenaline began to fade away, heart still pounding in their chest. They slowly turned around, only to see Cherie, standing what would've been right over their shoulder. Despite having been there the whole time, they had only just now noticed her presence, and the suddenness of said realization along with their unsettled nerves caused them to panic again. Crash let out another screech, but just as quickly, cut themself off, managing to compose themselves once they had realized who it was past the sudden shock. Erratic heartbeat hammering in their ears, as they stammered:
"Ah, m-my lady!- You scared me!-"
Cherie barely held back a giggle from Crashing's reaction, a soft exhale coming from her nose instead as she tried to suppress the involuntary smile that spread across her face, reaching forward to take the glass from their hands: "This glass was the work of an artisan from the TCNation. Supposedly she lives far into the snowy mountains, in a place almost entirely unaccessible. It's said those mountains are carved peaks of crystal themselves, although, I doubt that."
As she continued, she twirled the glass around by it's stem. She didn't look up at Crash while doing so, seemingly fixated on her a specific part of appearance in the glass, and yet, her gaze seemed vacant: "And they say the carver was a lady too! Could you imagine that? A woman all alone way up in the mountains, working away at timeless crystal?"
The idea seemed to amuse her, her grin curling upwards as she let out a soft laugh. It's litheness made Crash's heart flutter, but they forced out a hesitant laugh in return, trying to act natural despite knowing that Cherie had indeed seem them make a fool of themself.
"It's said she stays up there in order to view the stars, but still.. It's almost a shame, to be that alone and isolated, wouldn't you think?"
The pause made Crashing stiffen, as did the shift in Cherie's tone. It was extremely subtle, barely detectable, but the soft amusement had faded from her voice within the last remark. It's somber contents were telling, knew knowing what she was thinking of. Her troubles, her ailments; His returned apathy for her love, and the mistrust of her son whom she had neglected for her own disillusion. All of this had been a result of the king, and it made a sort of vengeance burn through their blood. They could only mask it outwardly as apology, bbut Cherie noticed this anyways, having known them for so long and understanding what they truly thought behind their outwards manifestations.
Cherie looked at them with an almost somber look, if only for a split second, before a small apologetic smile graced her lips. She rested her hands over Crashing's, cradling her hands and the glass, staring into it as if it were a crystal ball once again. Crashing was almost entranced by her, her gentle gaze, and flustered by how close she was; her rosey perfume was intoxicating despite her wearing it in smaller amounts through out the years as it wafted into her nose. Cherie looked back up, an intent swirling in her eyes as her smile softened at the edges.
"Keep it, Crashing."
".. Huh?!"
Cherie giggled once more, her lips splitting into another genuine grin as Crashing stumbled over their words, an evident panic in their voice.
"M-my lady, I couldn't possibly!-"
But Cherie stilled them, holding a finger up to their face, dangeorusly close to their lips. It was enough to quell them, as they went silent almost immediately out of shock. Cherie tried to limit the grin that stretched across her face, pressing her lips together. Crashing had always been the one who could easily make her laugh.
"Think of it as a gift, for taking care of me after all this time.."
She paused, her eyes dimming in brightness once again as they filled with remorse; it almost made Crashing want to say something, but they didn't, holding their voice in fear of disturbing their mistress, waiting in high held anticipation for the next words that would come out of her mouth. It was almost laughable, they thought, how every word that came out of Cherie's mouth managed to make their heart leap. Cherie cradled Crashing's hands again, rubbing her thumb over their hand in some sort of contemplative manner, trying to find the right words. Cherie had come to understand, to not let too much of her and Brent's rocky relationship meet the ears of the servants. But Crashing was an exception, and this hinderance was more like her struggle to put the ideas lightly versus deciding if it made sense to tell them.
"Besides, Brent won't realize it's missing anyways. It's just another one of my family's gifts, nothing too important to him."
Her voice trailed off in the end, turning into silence as she exhaled, her shoulders dropped, and Crashing's heart fell. They had long since mastered a poker face, despite their crestfallen. It made them almost angry, once again, but for Cherie, they would do anything. Raising Cherie's hands up with their own, holding the glass between the two, they gave her a soft smile.
"Thank you, my lady."
And, maybe it was a figment of their imagination, but they swore they saw Cherie's face flush ever so slightly at their honest and given softness. No, they were being delusional. Sincerity was nothing but a given, and Cherie had always been suffering since.. Since. Every reminder was another flare up of anger that they struggled to keep down. However, Cherie didn't respond, and for a moment, it brought Crashing panic, as their smile morphed into a sheepish grin, anxiety starting to pound in their chest. It wasn't until Cherie smiled back, her gaze was soft but pure, a passion in her eyes. She truly was always grateful for Crashing, who had been by her side since they were little children.
"Of course, Crashing."
honestly i think we all need weight of the crown self inserts
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xxplastic-cubexx · 4 months ago
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personal happiness or what the fuck ever
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#xmen#xmen comics#cherik#charles xavier#erik lehnsherr#professor x#magneto#jeans here too but ssh#snap sketches#i havent posted anything in what feels like forever and i GUESS i have to remind people i do draw sometimes. whatever.#aka in my brain i have at LEAST a five-page doujin where this gets incredibly nsft but i dont have TIME for that these days do i#so for now we get just. these scribbles. ill be able to make something exemplary again someday i swear <- optimistic#i think im going to close my comms off for the rest of december once i get through the batch i have now#which ... doesnt sound hard since the amount i have will probably take me to the end of december anyway 💀#i just need everyone to believe me i have better visions for yaoifying issue 309 .... the opportunity is right there...#like wdym the dream sequence is gon end on a panel of erik's eyes as he reinforces the idea charles needs happiness like scott and jean's..#call up your ex. right now charles.#what got me peeved about this issue is i have no idea what color eriks outfit could be vjaeLVKEJARK its like.#is he wearing a lab coat over a suit .... i think thats the intention ... or maybe it is a trench coat....#idk shit for me to figure out if i ever get the time to explore this thing again#LIKE UGH IM SCREAMING i have Such Visions that i dont have time to execute and theyre killing me#maybe ill just write them down idfk <- trying to write fanfiction ends even worse for me than trying to draw#anyways. im gonna drive myself mad good night everyone#i have to go to a christmas party tomorrow night. later tonight. whatever.#BYE
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voiceofthe · 4 months ago
princess concept i've been thinking about is like. let's just go all in on those options that are like "no i'm fine with the world ending." you go down to the basement and tell her that you were sent to kill her because she's going to end the world, and that's why you're going to get her out of there. the princess, momentarily shocked and wanting to protest, quickly readjusts to the idea. the narrator completely flips out and tries to take over as quickly as possible. i'm tentatively calling the chapter 2 of this the harbinger with a chapter 3 being the dawn
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wackulart · 1 year ago
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there's somethin strange abt those boys......
god brother au sketches for funsies :]
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sympathytea · 2 months ago
So this is a sequel to this post mainly because there was some crucial details in the finale that I missed, but this is specifically going to be focusing on Parrot rather than Evbo, although Evbo is still going to be part of this whole theory. Lets start.
[Transcript Start] Evbo: -My iron sword, so their swords will never break. Thats why I have to get out of here, so that I can prove to people that there is a way out! Obviously, to do that, I need to make it to level 4. But its a bit tough to do that, since theres no way to rank up apparently. Parrot: ...Wait, what do you mean theres no way to rank up? Evbo: Oh yeah! I probably should've mentioned that every time I try to rank up to a golden sword- Woah, getting up close and personal. But..yeah, theres no water at the bottom, I've died-
[End of transcript.]
This exchange to me, at first, read as rather inconspicuous. Other players have killed Evbo before, or straight up hit him. So it didn't particularly click with me that this was something to pay attention to, but it was a bit weird considering how Parrot is first characterized. His whole introduction with Evbo and Tabi, and him talking about the iron sword layer being peaceful, and trying to protect Evbo's immortal identity, being depressed and isolating himself in a mansion.. It seems odd that this would suddenly shift when the situation becomes "Theres no way out" and him almost getting violent here, like every other character in the series. But he shows restraint in his anger rather than lashing out. Good right? Well... Next time we "meet" Parrot the implications are less than ideal. We learn he is a bow, and that he attempted to tell Evbo this, but the message about Tabi's betrayal got through to him too late. Then something else happens. Evbo, post betrayal and probably wanting to let off some of the stress that has most definitely been bubbling under the surface, Kills the entire iron sword layer. Or atleast very heavily implied that he did, along with Parrot's help. In Evbo's words, he "Killed all the people that were against me." which could either mean like, two people or the entire layer, and I don't think Evbo was particularly keeping track of the "bad" iron swords that came into his cell depending on how populated that layer actually is. The way someone would typically twist this, is that Parrot is willing to do terrible things for his friend's safety and comfort. Which is fine, but hear me out. Considering that Parrot got very close to snapping at Evbo back in episode 4, and was pretty absent throughout the arc where Evbo trains until he gets to the diamond sword layer, and then out of nowhere, helps with a murder spree despite him being one of the more peaceful residents? One that doesn't appear to get into fights, nor is seen going into Evbo's cell for kills? Evbo lets something slip near the end right after describing the massacre that he and Parrot did together. Parrot says:
"I will do my best to make a difference in this world."
Now, this sounds good in theory. Great, even! But consider the stuff we learned from him up until this point, the tiny details that you could easily miss or disregard entirely. Now, what does that phrase imply? Especially with the surrounding context being Evbo and Parrot killing a layer together?
What difference does he intend to make in this world? We don't get more than what Evbo tells us in the narration, but he does mention that he isn't willing to see Parrot just yet, and needs to piece his feelings towards him. What went down between these two that went unseen that left Evbo not wanting to talk to him let alone see him? Fishy, fishy, fishy.
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postmail · 5 months ago
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this was supposed to be a sketch of what ishmael might look like if he grew his hair out post-canon and i blacked out and woke up to this on my computer. help where have the past two hours of my life gone
no tattoos yet because he's fresh off the sea and in nantucket again for the first time since the pequod. i don't think he's happy to be back guys
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quinn-pop · 1 year ago
yet another oc that only exists because i wanted to write something very specific
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(middle is a little older, hence her scar healing. i like to think she gets a glass eye at some point)
anyway this is mira! (they/she) since that wip is almost 20k words and counting i won’t give away too much but long story short she’s the result of meta going “one last time, i promise” and adopting yet another kid
also galaxia kinda indirectly picked the name :)
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i’ve mentioned before that i headcanon that pretty much all astrals are autistic and this is just kinda an extension of that. whereas meta tends to suppress his emotions and conform to others, mira…doesn’t. she gets uncomfortable and upset and lashes out at people easily, and working through their emotions is no small task.
the main reason i chose to write them that way was for the sake of narrative but i’ve grown attached to it because there’s a lot of ideas there i’d like to explore. stuff about navigating emotions and relationships when existing is so suffocatingly uncomfortable. it’s not something i could center around Kirby himself, but i think it makes sense with a post character development meta knight.
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they are very loved (omg oldee cameo???)
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kirby was definitely very excited to have younger siblings after being used to being the youngest in the room for so long!! (with the like. one and only exception being gooey.) he’s super affectionate with both of them and wants to have a close relationship one day, but for now mira is pretty unappreciative of that fact lol. they don’t like being pestered for hugs
everyone else is okay tho
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(i know that’s hard to read. oops. “obvious bite marks”. siblings being siblings.)
mira also has a very love/hate relationship with the egg kid, being so close in age they kinda Have to get along but in typical sibling nature they also fight a lot. sure it’s probably rough for a while but i think in the end they’d be good buddies. maybe not as close as Kirby and Bandee but still.
anyway i have a lot of thoughts and am very busy but. i’m really enjoying writing about all this lately it’s been fun ^^
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gontagokuhara · 9 months ago
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As it had in Celestia’s Palace, the dimensions of Gundham’s blot out the oppressive atmosphere of its surrounding Underworld; a physical relief, certainly, but the anticipatory unease is hard to beat down, even while believing in himself and all of his friends as much as he does. The moment his body registers the absence of the supernatural heat he immediately breaks into the sweat he couldn’t before, thankful for the comparatively cooler air though it leaves him breathing much less evenly.
“…Hey, Shuuichi,” Kokichi begins eventually, tightly, very quietly, the first to get his mouth working now that the reality of what they’re getting themselves into has more concretely set in. “Y’remember that thing I said about the Nether in Minecraft?”
Perhaps predictably, Shuuichi’s the only one feeling up to offering a nervous laugh in response.
“Hey! Stop right there!”
(or: of gods, monsters, and pointy objects chapter twenty-five, wherein the end of the world is approaching fast.)
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xxplastic-cubexx · 7 months ago
Chat have we discussed drunk chess with cherik cause i just think. That would be the darnedest silliest thing they could do
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stxrvel · 5 months ago
so....... what would you guys say if i said that........ ive been writing a fic...... thats not icft....... but its jungkook x f!reader being idiots in love...... friends to lovers........ with angst bc if you dont know already i am A SUCKER for angst......... and that it currently has 8k words and im just halfway through.................................
like........ what would you say.
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b0n3d0g · 1 month ago
well you cant just say krausers cabin au and not elaborate 😼
smiles so big and wide let me tell you all about it
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(putting a cut because I'm the yapper)
basic premise for the au inspired by a convo I had with @/birdycage is Leon spares Krauser after their final fight, and Krauser decides to go live off the grid in a cabin in the woods (he has a small farm which consists of chickens and like basic crops), and then I got super attached to the idea and 2 pages later I have a vague outline for a fic
which basically is like before the events of RE4 meet in a bar and have a one night stand, at the time neither party really knows who the other is but Krauser keeps making weird bug sounds that Wesker's sensitive hearing picks up on which raises some suspicion so Wesker keeps tabs on Krauser and lo and behold he does in fact have that bug (plagas) in him, but since Krauser doesn't die in this au Wesker just continues keeping a distant but close eye on him out of intrigue
cut to after RE5 Wesker survives the volcano because I said so (nothing infected goes down for real the first time) and also transitions (because getting blown up and losing everything cracked that egg wide open), and for the time being is keeping a fairly low profile while slowly trying to rebuild the power she had before getting exploded, and something happens which causes her to have to fully disappear for awhile and so she crashes at Krauser's cabin, threatening to reveal his location to the U.S government if he doesn't comply (not that he wouldn't anyway because lowkey... he is a little lonely out there, but anyway) and eventually, she sticks around long enough that her presence is just the new normal for him, and they slowly start to enjoy eachothers company
what Krauser had forgotten to mention is that Leon is a dog that never lets go of it's bone and he likes to spend his rarely given vacation time also at Krauser's place, and when he comes by he is not super impressed (and a little jealous) with Krauser's new choice of roommate though he will eventually come around, and I imagine Leon and Krauser are a lot closer intimacy-wise even if they aren't expressly like together but over the course of Leon's visit Wesker get brought into that tenderness (even though at first she is heavily resistant the prospect of being held is to enticing)
tldr: Krauser tries to run away from humanity and self isolate in a woodland cabin but his pussy has Wesker and Leon so whipped they'd follow him anywhere and refuse to not be in his life
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shouldwemaybe · 7 months ago
rotating that au where no one dies on the isle and you just keep coming back in my head
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