#tagwhoring though? exactly the same
gontagokuhara · 3 months
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As it had in Celestia’s Palace, the dimensions of Gundham’s blot out the oppressive atmosphere of its surrounding Underworld; a physical relief, certainly, but the anticipatory unease is hard to beat down, even while believing in himself and all of his friends as much as he does. The moment his body registers the absence of the supernatural heat he immediately breaks into the sweat he couldn’t before, thankful for the comparatively cooler air though it leaves him breathing much less evenly.
“…Hey, Shuuichi,” Kokichi begins eventually, tightly, very quietly, the first to get his mouth working now that the reality of what they’re getting themselves into has more concretely set in. “Y’remember that thing I said about the Nether in Minecraft?”
Perhaps predictably, Shuuichi’s the only one feeling up to offering a nervous laugh in response.
“Hey! Stop right there!”
(or: of gods, monsters, and pointy objects chapter twenty-five, wherein the end of the world is approaching fast.)
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