#marauders stan scare me
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the-most-faithful Ā· 2 months ago
New day, new discussion with a Snater who twists the canon to justify bullying Snape
The other day I commented on a Tiktok video listing James' good deeds (with fanon additions, as usual) to say that James was a good person and didn't deserve to die, I wrote this comment
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Obviously I expected someone to reply, but some real gems came out xD
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So follow the reasoning, because it's funny.
First let's discuss whether James has matured or not, that's fine, it's a matter of interpretation from the little we know from the canon but then we get to the point, Snape was a special case, he responded to James' attacks after seven years of bullying.
So according to this person if a victim of bullying responds then he is no longer a victim. Clear, right? If someone attacks you you just have to suffer and maybe even in silence. Realizing that the thing doesn't hold up he goes to the classic "But it wasn't bullying, they were rivals" But when I say that 2 vs 1 is not equal and cannot be rivalry then he changes again by putting in the field guess what?
Death Eaters SA Mary. False, we don't know what Mulciber TRIED to do to Mary. In the fandom this Headcanon is very popular but it is indeed a Headcanon. But then what does what Mulciber tried to do have to do with the fact that Snape was bullied? Was James responding to something Mulciber tried to do by taking it out on Snape who had done nothing? This doesn't make any sense at all
And then of course we only see Snape's point of view so it could be different, maybe he wasn't the victim. Really? The Snaters don't know the canon. Memories are OBJECTIVE, we see the facts as they happened, the thoughts and feelings are Harry's watching.
Then strangely he didn't bring up the point "Snape cursed Muggle-borns" I hope this person has come to his senses and realized he said something non-canonical
Ma preparati perchĆØ ora ridiamo:
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"It wasn't always 2 vs 1" most of the time Snape was with Death Eaters gang.
WHERE? But when? This is another assumption, if Snape had been with others who defended him then James and Sirius would not have attacked him (because they are cowards)
But at least he admitted that Snape was the victim in this episode. So why continue, he admitted it, stop, and instead in order to blame the victim he puts forward other ASSUMPTIONS, Snape created the Sectumpsempra, so what? To curse James? We don't know why he created it (which I then wrote to him) But hey Sirius admitted that they were idiots BUT they bullied Snape (Another admission, they BULLIED SNAPE) because he was a racist. But this is also false
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So it's never said that James never attacked Mulciber and others, so it could have happened? But of course, it's never said that Hermione isn't actually The Rock with a wig so she could be. But do they really do that?? Plus they wouldn't have attacked Malfoy because he was older? So they only picked on the weakest, just like real bullies
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James and Sirius as the twins? Well on this point I have a lot to say, I know I've been saying it for months but I'll soon publish a chapter dedicated to this. Let's say that if the Twins had been Slytherins everyone would have called them bullies, so this similarity does not go in favor of the Snaters. But here comes a pearl
"Snape was attacking muggleborns"
Snape attacked muggle-borns? Dude, have you ever read the books? When, for Morgana's sake, would this have happened?
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Let's see what he'll answer.
(and then he also brought up the fact that Snape was to blame for the attack on the Potters and that he only asked for mercy for Lily, but now this point is so stupid that I have an automatic answer)
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the-most-faithful Ā· 1 year ago
This solidifies my belief. Marauder Stans can't read seriously. They have incorrect values, it makes no sense to say that bullying is not bullying if the victim reacts or if the bullying is not constant. Also because it was. James and Sirius bullied Snape constantly, as seen in the Slytherin's behavior.
Bullying is always wrong, no matter who the victim is or what they have done. Also, forgive me, but heavily bullying someone who is already close to unsavory people like Avery and Mulciber, a person who is mistreated by their Muggle father and is attracted to the dark arts doesn't seem intelligent to me. It would be like throwing a lame person off a cliff. I don't want to be insensitive but come on, it's also James and Sirius' fault that Snape joined the Death Eaters. When I hear someone say that "Snape deserved to be bullied" I shudder. How will people who say these things raise future children?
Marauders stan on Tiktok are so funny
So Snape was worse than the marauders and committed a hate crime to lily but yeah sirius never made the prank, that didnt happens because is out of character šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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I don't think sirius could do that... Because that definitely didn't happen that way. Come on, Sirius used the Levicourpius to move Snape. And Snape carefully put Sirius on a stretcher. See the difference? Plus sirius grown man still calling snape snivellus...
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Heres your canon... And is Poor reading comprehension
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nekokvmaa Ā· 4 days ago
Canā€™t play papas scooperia without seeing Severus and Lily in my character and server character and I feel so brainrotted for it
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0-eternal-entity-0 Ā· 2 years ago
Ello ello..it has been a while
So..I wrote a story after a year of writers block and it was for the marauders era/snera with snulciber and a small hint of snupin...IF you guys are interested hereā€™s the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48398452 now it might not be much but it was what I wanted to write..so..yeah hope its not too awful AHAHAH
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maxdibert Ā· 4 months ago
can i vent here?
i wannaĀ scream every time marauders stans pulling snape-creepy-obsessive-stalker narrative (ugh but heā€™s not the one with a tracking map and invisible cloak, is he?)
when regulus stans(that are also anti snape) listing reasons why they like his character inĀ canon discussions, and they justā€¦describing canon snape???(i guess fanon too impactful for them huh)
istg they were not this bad before, i have a theory that the shift on the behaviour of these stans is marked by the existence of ā°app and *redacted* fic
This obsession with Regulus has really caught me by surprise because Iā€™ve been out of the fandom for a few years, and when I first got into it back in the days of Fanfiction.net and LiveJournal, he wasnā€™t a character anyone really paid attention to, or at least if they did, they portrayed him as a sort of 70s Draco Malfoy and that was about it. The fact that heā€™s now being treated as a victim of abuse and mistreatment who had no choice but to join the Death Eaters is laughable to me because itā€™s well-established in canon (Sirius himself says it) that his brother always followed the familyā€™s rules and was actually Walburgaā€™s favorite because of it. (Though Iā€™ve always thought that if Walburga had so much contempt for her eldest son, it wasnā€™t just about politics, but because Sirius and she had very similar personalities: both were uncontrollable and insufferable, and she couldnā€™t stand seeing herself reflected in someone who despised everything she valued. And that Regulus probably had a calmer, more malleable, less confrontational character like his father. But anyway.)
Regulus is no martyr. Regulus was a young aristocrat completely aligned with his social class and its prevailing ideas, just like Draco or many of the Slytherins who were Death Eater children during Harryā€™s time. Iā€™ve always seen Regulus as similar to Narcissa (in contrast to Sirius, whoā€™s like Bellatrix) with pride in his surname and bloodline, with the belief that being who they are makes them superior to others, and with the firm conviction that those beneath them are worth much less or nothing at all. And, like Narcissa, I donā€™t see him as sadistic, just someone who joined what he joined feeling quite sure of himself but then got scared when things got out of hand. Itā€™s something that happens to many people who join far-right groups, completely convinced of what theyā€™re seeking, but then back down when they come face-to-face with extreme violence. But to project him as some poor victimā€¦ Please. Not only is it incoherent and a betrayal of canon, but it also takes away all the characterā€™s depth. Youā€™re stripping away the tragedy of his regret. Youā€™re robbing him of the chance to become disillusioned with what happened and rebel against it. Itā€™s a mess.
Iā€™m convinced that the new Marauders fans simply hate Snape because: 1) heā€™s the living, canonical representation that their favorite characters were bullies and abusers, and it completely destroys the narrative theyā€™ve created of the idyllic, super-progressive group of friends; 2) because theyā€™re classist jerks who prefer to fangirl over the cool rich kids with money and status who are on the dark side, essentially turning it into some kind of magical Gossip Girl; and 3) because heā€™s not canonically attractive, and therefore they canā€™t make aesthetic TikTok videos with him. Itā€™s such a superficial and absurd perspective, much like treating as canon a bunch of characters whose personalities, relationships, and stories donā€™t exist in the books because for most of them, we only know their names. But hey, fans like this have just enough brain cells to not crap themselves, soā€¦
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enfinizatics Ā· 2 years ago
ā€‹you guys really donā€™t know how we act in the snapedom do you šŸ’€
snape apologists: omg poor baby boy he never did anything wrong heā€™s had a rough childhood but he was always a sweetheart like hes a total victim! a victim!!! hes never done anything to warrant what he got and he deserves sm better than that absolute *insert any misogynistic term here* lily he totally didnā€™t deserve what SHE did to him šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢
canon snape, literally making whole ass spells that torture his enemies and being an overall sassy feral shit who also happens to be part of a gang of terrorists:
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birdiebirdjay Ā· 5 months ago
controversial opinions on characters? (specifically harry potter)
hi anon! thanks for the ask :)
hmmmm i have quite a few
i don't like luna lovegood. i think she's very irritating as a person and i would absolutely go batshit if i had to interact with her in real life. she is the wizard equivalent of a flat earther and an anti vaxxer, not a spiritual guide. hermione wasn't narrow minded for doubting her and xeno, they were the narrow minded ones for never questioning their beliefs despite the MOUNTAINS of evidence against them. rahhh she makes me so angry. (i hate that i have to specify, but this isn't misogynistic, i would feel the same if she was a guy.)
lucius malfoy is a relatively harmless guy, he's just slippery. he gives me such peacock vibes. he just wants to show off and look rich and not be questioned. (also he def dotes on narcissa and draco which is adorable to explore in fics <3 i think he would be an amazing father to a little girl and would have loved a daughter which i like exploring in my fics, but that's just a headcanon)
draco is the same way, i feel. iirc he's usually too scared to start shit unless crabbe and goyle are there, he just makes me laugh tbh. of course he does do and say some shitty things but i am just. unable to take him seriously. this may be because i haven't thought about his character in a while, but as of right now, i don't really see him as evil OR a sympathetic little boy. he's just. a little dude. (he is more dangerous than his father though, i'll give him that.) i mean if marauders stans are allowed to glorify james potter and put him on a pedestal, i'm allowed to have this.
percy weasley! i love percy so much, i think this is an uncommon opinion but i don't really know. i think he's amazing, i've already talked about him a lot on my blog so ye :)
i think the weasley family is dysfunctional asf. i don't think i personally can explain it, but this post by @/arkadijxpancakes does a great job of comprehensively analyzing their history and dynamics as well as showing why each weasley is the way they are. super good read!
albus dumbledore: i don't know why this is controversial but i actually think he was a good character, all things considered. yes, he did some bad things, but they were to help save the wizarding world in the end. he set it all up.
severus snape: i think he's awesome, deserved WAY better, and was a traumatized character who is severely overhated. please don't try to fight me on this, you'll just give me a headache.
lily evans: this is a very new opinion of mine but... i don't think she was a great person. i used to wonder 'how could james potter, a shitty little twit twat, end up with such a wonderful and kind and amazing person?' but i've come to realize, she's really not those things. she was kind of a bad friend from what we know. i still think she's very interesting, but not necessarily a good person.
harry potter!! i want to include him because i think that quite frankly he is an awesome little dude but is super underrated and borderline disliked by a big part of the fandom. though i personally feel like he could have been written better in some ways, i still love him tons and i think he deserves more appreciation <33 (also i adore the idea of an oddly specific au where percy and oliver team up to take care of lil tiny first year harry)
neville longbottom: this may be the most controversial one yet but i just don't feel the hype. i feel like he was largely unimportant in the first six books besides as a side character (but it's been a while since i read most of them, so correct me if i'm wrong) and yeah he was cool in the seventh, but like... i still don't feel it. he was pretty boring imo. i think i logically understand why he's loved, but i don't personally relate :/
(canon) james potter: hate him. -100000000/10. he can go die. (OH WAIT HE ALREADY DID!) i'm sorry, i just cannot like him. fanon james is awesome and super cute and lovable, but fanon james is a whole different person than canon james. if we compare young severus to harry, james is dudley dursley in literally every way. rich, privileged, gets away with everything, and loves picking on powerless and vulnerable people for fun. the only difference is that james potter tended to do it with a partner/group, and dudley could do it on his own. oh, and dudley apologized, i guess. it was pretty half assed but we did see him trying to be better with the teacup and stuff. they both suck, obviously, but at least dudley had a slight turning point. maybe i just don't like james because we never saw him be apologetic or regret anything in canon? idk.
cho chang: i honestly really liked her! i thought she and harry could have been super cute ever since i read the third book. now obviously valentines day of 1996 was a disaster, but i still think that if she and harry had met up again after the war and after they had figured themselves out, they could have sort of talked and apologized and moved on and possibly rekindled. idk, this isn't really as ~controversial~ as some of the others because i feel like cho chang is just more forgotten than unpopular or controversial, but i don't see a lot of charry content out there so i'm putting this here :]
one last thing i almost forgot, VIKTOR KRUM IS A FUCKING CREEP!! i used to be more hesitant about voicing this opinion because he's so loved in the fandom, but GOD DAMN he's a creep. as a famous, rich, popular adult, he asks out a 15 year old and is super nice to her and appreciates her intellect and is generally very sweet to her, but that just. that literally just sounds like grooming to me?? wtf?? i mean if i was asked out at 15 by an 18 year old, i would be VERY creeped out. also he comments on how attractive ginny (15 at the time) is at bill's wedding when HE IS IN HIS 20s. he then makes a comment along the lines of 'what's the point of being famous if all the good looking girls are taken?' HEY HERE'S AN IDEA, FIND A WOMAN INSTEAD OF A GIRL??
there's gotta be more controversial opinions i have but no one else comes to mind right now; feel free to request opinions on specific characters! i have a lot of those :]
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siriusremusblack Ā· 4 months ago
My Marauders Ranking. Best to WORST.
Alright. Since, I asked yā€™all to rank the Marauders a while ago I will do so as well now!
Alright at number one we have Remus. Heā€™s similar to Severus in the way that he was poor, an outcast, and he was a Halfblood. Joined a group of people (that werenā€™t the best influencers) to feel accepted and appreciated. Wanted. All that stuff. He actually got that but was too much of a coward to speak his mind about the bullying he didnā€™t agree with supposedly. Though I do understand that point since like Sev he was poor, a Halfblood and pretty much friendless without the Marauders so he was probably scared theyā€™d bully him to if he ā€œbetrayedā€ James.
At number two we got Sirius. Sirius seems like an immature idiotic dude. He seems easily manipulated and like someone that trusts people blindly. I dunno. Thatā€™s just the vibes I got from him. He also has similarities to Severus. For instance both were friends to one of Harryā€™s parents and both helped out Harry in their own way. Two sides of the same coin I suppose. But Sirius was definitely an idiot unlike Severus- (at least in my opinion) he almost killed Sev. Maybe he didnā€™t realize Sev could probably die or maybe he did. But either way heā€™s an idiot because he obviously didnā€™t think of the consequences of his actions and expected his friend who he used for this terrible act to be fine with it. Like what??? Where is this manā€™s braincells???
At number three we have Peter. I donā€™t particularly like him. He was a coward and he betrayed his friends. He didnā€™t really care for them not like how the Marauders fandom portrays him anyways. Maybe he did care but. He cared more about power, authority and control more. He joined James and the others for what could be offered to him. Once he met someone stronger than James he left, betrayed them and got James killed. That isnā€™t a friend I would want around me. Heā€™s that toxic ā€˜friendā€™ that stays in the friend group and the group chats collecting information on everyone there to give to your exā€™s or ex friends or bullies for money or whatever. A fake.
In last place. We have James. I said before Sirius seemed like someone easy to manipulate. Who else would do something like that besides James? Itā€™s not stated in canon that James manipulated Sirius and the others HOWEVER. If we look at each of their situations- itā€™s pretty much likely he did. But thatā€™s only by my interpretation of what I saw. Now, another reason why heā€™s at the bottom of the list. He bullied multiple students including Severus. Made a map to stalk people (mainly Severus), harassed, S*xually assaulted/harassed another student (Severus), attempted to blackmail Lily to date him, threatened others, lied to his wife, went out of the house to hangout with his friends instead of being smart and staying home and helping to take care of Harry until Dumbledore took away his invisibility cloak, etc etc. This man is not a good guy in any way. Iā€™m just going to say this now. If he didnā€™t die. If Lily didnā€™t die. If they were together and took care of Harry for those ten years before he went to Hogwarts. James would be a horrible father. Neglectful. Maybe even physically abusive. Neglectful is very much implied with how he left Lily to take care of Harry while he snuck out to hangout with Sirius and likely the others as well while in hiding. Abusive is implied from his actions towards others and even how he treated Lily before they dated. Threatening to continue the bullying on her best friend unless she dated him. Thatā€™s emotionally manipulative. Manipulative in general. Blackmail. Toxic, controlling and downright abusive. So Iā€™m sorry to say to any James stans or kins but heā€™s not a good guy in the slightest. Lily and James likely wouldā€™ve gotten a divorce later down the line if they had survived because of James. He put his family in danger by leaving when they were supposed to be in hiding, he didnā€™t stop bullying and harassing people only got better at hiding, he was lying to his wife, his past actions he had zero remorse for- Lily wouldā€™ve found out eventually. I doubt sheā€™d want to stay with him after finding that out.
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halfblood-princes-crown Ā· 1 year ago
As an ex marauders fan. The Severus snape fans were the only people I ever had nice interactions with other hp universe fans
& the lily evans whorsping made me really uncomfy they all mass commented on Severus fans edits calling him creepy for loving her but the way they are about her low-key scared me/ was actually creepy. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever interact with another blog that posts about anything hp related unless it says anti-marauders. The characters donā€™t really annoy me but the people in that fandom are out of touch in a harmful way as opposed to a fun escapism way
I definitely hear you, anon.
I assure you that you aren't the only one who feels this way. I've gotten asks like this before and Im sure a lot of other Snape blogs have as well.
Honestly, the marauder fandom was my first interaction with the hp fandom in general, and it was more of the fans that threw me off than the characters. Ive loved Snape since I was in 4th grade and let me tell you...I had never felt so outcast in my life šŸ˜­ it was deranged. I was so glad (and surprised) to have found the Snapedom (I haven't said that in so long šŸ˜©)
I think I've talked about the Lily community before but, in my opinion, they only praise her like that because of James. I put MONEY on it that they'd hate her if she would have ended up with Severus, or they'd ignore her if she'd chosen neither of them. Honestly, look at what the wolfstar community does with her character...a tragedy.
But yea, the Snape community is welcoming whether you like the marauders or not. You come in peace, it stays peaceful. I love it šŸ’š
(And a lot of the Snape community likes the marauders as well. In fact, a lot of Snape fans like the marauders more than actual marauders stans, but that's a whole conversation for another dayšŸ¤£)
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hp-confessions Ā· 8 months ago
Seeing Snape and marauders fans argue all the time is like the live reenactment of the characters in a nutshell.
Both will continue arguing over their takes on that era and how their sides are the better choice. However, no one, or at least most of each community refuses to listen to each other. Instead they keep arguing as if itā€™s going to solve things.
Usually itā€™s always just reduced to petty insults.
ā€œSnape deserved to get bulliedā€ On a snape slander post.
ā€œstan bambiā€ on any and EVERYpositive tt centered around snape.
ā€œShe shouldā€™ve gotten with snape anywaysā€ on a jily post.
The same thing happens in the book. Insert the name calling.
Then thereā€™s the apologists/victim blamers.
ā€œSnape didnā€™t do anything wrong. he was right to bully children.ā€
Just because snapes life sucked doesnā€™t mean heā€™s just allowed to take it out on others?
ā€œThey were just fifteen.ā€
Unclothing someone, the shrieking shack incident , and probably having multiple 4v1 isnā€™t justifiable by any means.
ā€œthey maturedā€
Seeing as sirius still calls snape snivilous at his grown age, snape taking any moment he can to slander any of them, or just remus brushing things under the rug id say that yeah no the fuck they didnā€™t.
ā€œsnape saying mudblood was an accidentā€
He still said it.
ā€œShrieking shack was an accidentā€
Remus got exposed and Snape couldā€™vedied.
ā€œWe dont know if they completely took off his underwear so itā€™s not that-ā€œ
exactly. we donā€™t. yet a lot of evidence points towards it but wtv. either way he still took his pants off. Thatā€™s assault.
ā€œHis father and the rest nearly killed me and tormented me for seven straight years.ā€
yes, and thatā€™s bad ofc but that doesnā€™t excuse snape continuing the cycle and doing the same to his students.
ā€He was a slytherin! He wasnā€™t a good person!ā€
pretty sure a first year wasnā€™t showing any signs of being death eater material but alright..
then thereā€™s the demonizersā€¦.šŸ˜Ÿ
ā€œSnapes a pedo because if harry was a girl heā€™d be creepy towards harryā€
WHAT THE FUCKšŸ¤¢šŸ¤® NO HES NOT OH MY GOD..šŸ˜ØšŸ˜­ Genuinley what goes through your mind when you think that.. Snaoe would probably still act hateful or if anything heā€™d absolutelyavoid fem!harry because in this hypothetical situation she was similar to lily. Not because heā€™s a pedophile but because of TRAUMA????? HELLO???? Seeing ur bully is one thing but seeing ur dead ex bff is another.. just. because. you. think. he. liked. her. mother. does. not. mean. heā€™s. going. to. become. a. kid. liker. for. her. daughter. just because harryā€™s a gender bend doesnā€™t mean snapes going to transform into a creep. how did you even get that from SNAPE of all people. SNAPE. If you havenā€™t gotten the memo bro DESPIES no he LOATHES the existence of children. heā€™d be the last person to be a pdo. Yes he does care for them obviously, but in a way of where if a pedo was idk being creepy with a child bro would šŸŖ„šŸ’„šŸ§ØšŸ”ŖšŸ§  off that pedoā€¦
ā€œSirius tried to murder snapeā€
ā€¦.noā€¦he didnā€™t. if i recalled sirius was not guilty gor murder charges regarding a rat.. like i said earlier, the shrieking shack incident wasnt okay in the slightest but that doesnā€™t mean it was purposeful attempted murder. they were stupid (no this also doesnā€™t justify their actions) and thought itā€™d scare him and obviously didnā€™t think their little prank through. they werenā€™t trying to murder him they were just being assholes. i donā€™t see sirius using remus to kill, ever. a highly dangerous prank apparently? yeah? murder? no,
ā€œ____/____ didnā€™t contribute at allā€
Snape, sirius, and remus literally threw away his life to save harry. not pettigrew tho heā€™s a little bitch rat i hate pettigrew!!!!!!!šŸ‘ŗšŸ‘ŗ
Anyways, to summarize, everyoneā€™s arguing yet never actually trying to achieve anything but submission when thatā€™s quite literally impossible to accomplish. And thatā€™s because no oneā€™s willing to find a common ground and no one wants to actually create logical arguments. Petty insults and cursed theoretical nonsense isnā€™t going to solve the argument.
Many Snape fans ignore or straight up defend him bullying students and refuse to acknowledge he was in the wrong.
Many marauders fans ignore or straight up defend the bullying and refuse to acknowledge they were in the wrong.
Snape will refuse to back down from Sirius and Lupin and will continue behaving the way he does.
Sirius and Remus will refuse to back down from snape and continue to do the same things they did as schoolboys.
Real or fantasy, this is something that will never be resolved. maybe because no one cares enough to fix it? maybe because they care too much?
either way i guess itā€™d be nice to say i like snape and not immediately stereotyped as a snape apologist or get made fun of by it from friends. Im not stupid and if anything i like that heā€™s morally grey. i donā€™t support his actions, but i like to see characters with faults and put together why they ended up that way. his home life and other (non bullying) aspects of him are relatable and thatā€™s another reason i like him.
i guess itā€™d be nice to talk to marauders fans and let them yap abt fanfics and for them not to think that iā€™m going to instantly call them horrible people for liking the marauders. I may not be in the m fandom but that doesnā€™t mean i wonā€™t be respectful and gen listen to them. iā€™m sure that marauders fans like relate to the non bullying aspects aswell.
anyways yeah, i kinda just wished the fandom was a little more chill and not a fucking dumpster firešŸ’€šŸ’€
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klarolinexluv Ā· 25 days ago
ā€œAll Slytherins are evilā€
Okay, so this is actually not true. This is a stereotype. And a way to drive fear.
Yes, some of them were evil, they became death eaters but you know who else became death eaters. EVERY OTHER FUCKING HOUSE AND NOBODY SAYS ANYTHING!!!!!!!!
You cannot say that all evil came from Slytherin because being evil IS NOT a trait that solely belongs to Slytherin. In fact, NO trait solely belongs to ANY of the Houses. The sorting system is a joke anyway.
I feel uncomfortable actually.
Just the sorting system and the way people fall prey to that single minded thinking that people cannot grow up or change is devastating and I feel it definitely is reflecting the world WE live in.
Regulus Black for example.
He is a Slytherin. He becomes a death eater at 16. The moment he steps into the real deep shit at 17, mans is turning his back and marching to his death to defy Voldemort and try and do something to end him.
That is an example that people can change.
Dorcas Meadowes for example.
She was a Slytherin. She turns her back on majority of her friend group and joins the Order after she graduates. She tears apart what Voldemort was doing and had to be killed by him personally be to be stopped.
That is an example that not all Slytherins are evil.
Severus Snape for example.
He was a Slytherin. He joins the death eaters and fights for them for years until he switches sides and becomes a spy. He ends up playing a major role helping Harry (his methods were decidedly awful) who then went on to kill Voldemort and end the fucking second war.
This is an example of a very morally grey Slytherin who was both good and evil.
I would also like to point out that these people (the Slytherins) are all repeating the words are actions they were taught by their parents and their parents and their peers. This is generational trauma and cycles of abuse whether that is physical, verbal or emotional. These people were conditioned and trained to be this way for generations!
If you think for a moment that Sirius Black, a Gryffindor who was raised for 16 years by Slytherins(who endured centuries of abuse), that he didnā€™t struggle to rid himself of his prejudice and continues to struggle for the rest of his life then you have got another thing coming.
Some people genuinely scare me with their inability to recognise nuances in things.
Prime examples to me of this behaviour in the marauders era are people/shippers/stans who call people who like characters like Regulus Black, fascists.
Like these are the same people who absolutely adore James Potter as if he wasnā€™t a bully in high school. As if he didnā€™t change and grow as a person to become better. As if James didnā€™t take a while to learn from what he was doing and change.
I hope these people realise that change is hard for a lot of people. Circumstances sometimes do not allow for people to change.
Regulus Black and Peter Pettigrew.
The parallel between them is insane.
A Slytherin who becomes a death eater only to realise everything he knows is a lie and decide to defy Voldemort, turning his back on everything he knows and loves.
A Gryffindor who becomes an order member only to turn around and become a death eater for reasons unknown, turning his back on everything he knows and loves.
It is insane to me that people can clump a group of characters together and call them evil without exploring the depth of any of them.
Itā€™s 100% easier to ignore these characters, say they were evil and call it a day because there is so little information about them.
But if you cannot take the time explore things outside of the perspective of ONE character who is incredibly biased in certain aspects, then whatā€™s the point.
I donā€™t think my point is very cohesive here. But whatever.
What Iā€™m trying to say is letā€™s stop generalising and saying ā€œSlytherins are evil because there is not a Slytherin that hasnā€™t gone badā€. ITS NOT TRUE ITS NOT TRUE ITS NOT TRUE!!!!!!
Itā€™s not to the same extend, certainly not because one is WAY worse than the other but this is a form of prejudice. A preconceived idea that all Slytherins are evil. Just like the blood purists saying that muggleborns steal magic, that their blood is dirty.
The blood purist thing is a lot worse because of how extreme it went.
HOWEVER, I think that had the stigma not be around either parties, this would not have escalated so hard.
That might be a hot take actually.
I think Iā€™m going to stop whilst Iā€™m ahead because I feel like Iā€™m insane.
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the-most-faithful Ā· 2 months ago
I think Marauders Stan will never understand this point (or probably don't want to understand)
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James was a bully in canon, whatever "good deeds" he did for his friends doesn't erase his guilt.
Oh yeah Voldemort is a racist mass murderer but hey, he comforted Ginny when she was 11 so he wasn't a bad guy. (Obviously I'm exaggerating but you get the idea)
Also stop, really stop making James and Sirius look like vigilantes who picked on those who supported Voldemort, first of all because it's not true, they bullied people out of boredom. They started picking on Severus when he was 11, already on the train, when they didn't know him yet, they started calling him Snivellus, they tripped him up before they knew him.
Bertram Aubery wasn't a future Death Eater, they swelled his head with an illegal spell.
If they really wanted to take on the future Death Eaters out of a twisted sense of justice they should have attacked people like Malfoy, Mulciber or Avery, instead the two cowards only took it out on the weakest (real Gryffindors)
But then even if it were true AND it is NOT, let's pretend, then you want to tell me that you justify bullying if the victim is a bad person? So it goes based on the bully, you can mistreat, attack, try to kill and SA someone because they are not a good person? This mentality is scary and dangerous. Grow up
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elisedonut Ā· 3 months ago
šŸ§”: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
Oh! I was going to say oh i can't really think of anything else other then Imperioused Percy but immediately after thinking that my brain went pst pssst Stan-
so yes
Stan Shunpike NOT being under an imperious during the last few books
he's not a bad guy he's just a dumbass who talks to much and said something stupid to a veela while trying to flirt
I know like where it comes from because Remus is all like 'this is war how could you possibly know that Harry you're being naive blah blah blah blah you should have killed him you idiot' *not actually what he said but something like that
but like idk Harry is so convinced of him being under and I believe him it makes the most sense to me also puts more weight to the claims of imperious from the first war if there is a character that we know of going through that
unlike Percy where being imperioused takes away from his arc and makes things just less fun Stan being sent to Azkaban on bs charges and getting broke out just to be imperioused and then have to live with that is fascinating to me
he still was an idiot and said something he shouldn't have but the punishment life throws him is so extreme in a way he really doesn't deserve
and there are so many DE characters that are just DE's that stripping one of the more complicated character situations and just changing it to that is just lame to me
a very boring choice imo
šŸ’›: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
uhhhh most of them ngl but in specific
I'm not really into any of the endgame ships except like Bluer but Bluer isn't really popular
but to be fair I'm like that in most fandoms canon ships just don't tend to do much for me overall
I'm very picky on my Draco ships and for me Drarry and Dramione are both kind of yeah ok ig
Pretty much every big marauder era ship that is like a nobody characters
Like why would I ship Barty jr. with who ever Evan is when I can think about him wanting to break his dads new toy (Percy)
šŸ–¤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
Molly Weasley I think she tries yes but i don't think she's as good of a person as some people try to act like she is
šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
Most characters are inherently Bi to me just because so that's difficult
maybe Pansy??? i guess??
šŸ’€: If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
Not that I don't like her and would be like happy that she died but because i think losing someone from the trio would have been neat and out of the choices (Her and Ron) she would be more fun to kill off since Ron already has the scare moment of him abandoning the group that I think would cheapen his death if he came back after that just to die
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timeforbedwolfstar Ā· 3 months ago
Just a little snippet of a DPS x Marauders fic Iā€™m working on.
Let me know what you all think!
Ships: Wolfstar, Anderperry, Jegulus, Jily
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Todd Anderson inhaled deeply, sitting on the dying grass as snow gathered in his hair. The name on the gravestone, usually gleaming dimly, seemed to be taking light from the world, instead of giving it. He choked back tears as, once again, he taped a small piece of paper on the headstone. Thirteen, he thought.
He wiped the tears furiously from his face before walking away from the dead poet's grave.
He hated this. This feeling.
Never again would he lay on his bed, looking across his room to Neil's face, smiling back at him as he recited old poetry to send the pair to sleep.
Never again would he throw a desk set over the ledge with his friend - no, not friend, boyfriend - by his side.
Was it even real? Todd thought. Or was it all just a dream?
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James let out a low growl, staring at the last note from Regulus he had.
A note he could not bring himself to read. It still sat there, unopened, the seal perfect.
How fucking pathetic he was.
Canā€™t even read a god-damned letter from my ex-boyfriend, James thought to himself. Who do I think I am?
There was a knock on his door, and his brother, Peter, opened it slowly. "James?"
James nodded. "Yeah?"
Peter looked nervous. Scared. "D'you think Mom and Dad are mad at us? Because of what happened?"
James stood, leaving the unopened letter on his bed along with everything else he had yet to pack, and embraced his brother with both arms. "No, Pete," he said softly. "They're not mad." He inhaled softly, slowly. "What happened at school wasn't anyone's fault. But Hogwarts is trying to investigate what happened, and it's closed down, for now. So we're going to a different school, just for now. We'll go back there, one day. You'll see."
Peter nodded against his older brother's chest. "Okay. I believe you."
James let him go. "Okay. Go finish packing. We've got a long drive ahead of us."
Peter nodded and turned, but before he left, he looked back at his brother. "Who's that letter from?"
James cast it a glance before looking back at his brother with a smile. "No one. It's fine."
Something in his voice must have resonated with Peter, because he dropped the subject. He left, and James watched him enter his room and close the door behind him.
He inhaled. Let it sit. Exhaled. Turned slowly, back to the letter.
Now or never.
He had to know what it said.
He crossed the room in two long strides, then, before he could second-guess himself, he ripped the seal and pulled out the parchment.
There were three pieces of paper, instead of just one. The first was a letter. James ignored the other two, sitting down to read his boyfriend's final words.
If you're reading this, then something must have happened to me. I only wish I could tell you what it was.
There's just one thing I never came around to telling you. I love you, James. I've always loved you. And if you're reading this, I'm in a better place now. Don't grieve for me for too long. Find a pretty girl, settle down with her, and have a family. For me.
I wish I could put into words just how much you've meant to me, but I'm afraid that if I did, this letter would be too long.
I'm afraid that I do not know what will happen to me, or even if I'll be standing once it's all over. I'm sorry it had to be like this, James. I wish it could have been better.
I wish we could have had more time.
James had lowered his body, slowly, to the floor as he read. And now here he was, grieving, sad, alone, on the floor of his room.
He wanted to break something. To run away and never return. To simply vanish, like Regulus had done.
You should have taken me with you, he whispered brokenly into the silence.
Feeling like his body was made of lead, he unfolded the second paper.
And there was a poem, in Regulus' handwriting. Unfinished. Only two lines were written on the page.
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there. I do not sleep.
James stood, lashing out with his leg. It never made contact with its target.
He wanted to scream. To break something. Because it wasn't true. Regulus was gone, had vanished like the wind.
He would never be found.
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For those of you who read this far, thank you for reading. Please let me know if you'd like to read more.
There wasn't as much Todd as I would like, so I think the next part will have more of him. I wanted to set the mood of the story.
Trying out a new writing style, so lemme know what you think!
Inspired by the following poem -- Immortality, by Clare Harner.
Do not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there. I did not die.
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clingingtoskeletons Ā· 8 months ago
pottermore calls remus brave but sure the problem is the people who dont like to see fake remus stans insulting him every five minutes lol
Wooo boy, okay.
To be clear, I never called myself a Remus stan, nor do I consider myself one. I like his character, and he's my favourite marauder, but I'm nowhere close to a stan.
Second of all... yes, he is brave when it comes to putting himself in physical danger for the sake of others. We see that in how he spies on the werewolves and fights for the Order.
But when it comes to normal and everyday life? Total coward. And I'm surprised it even needs to be said.
(Lengthy below the cut)
ā€¢ Remus let's his friends bully Severus (and, presumably, others) for years and doesn't step in and stop it, despite knowing it's wrong and even when it's his duty to as prefect. Why? Because he's scared of clashing with his only friends and losing his support group.
"Remus functioned as the conscience of this group, but it was an occasionally faulty conscience. He did not approve of their relentless bullying of Severus Snape, but he loved James and Sirius so much, and was so grateful for their acceptance, that he did not always stand up to them as much as he knew he should."
ā€“ Pottermore
ā€¢ Throughout the entirety of PoA, Remus withholds crucial information about an alleged mass murderer who is, presumed at the time, to be targeting one of the students. Even when said alleged murderer breaks into the school, into the Gryffindor common room with a knife, scaring the crap out of Ron and the others ā€“ Remus stays silent. Because he doesn't want to reveal to Dumbledore that his friends had become animagi and that they all abused the sanctuary Dumbledore provided for Remus' transformations during his school years to go frolicking free in the Forbidden Forest. Remus puts the entire student population in danger because he's scared of looking bad. Remus HIMSELF calls this silence 'cowardly'.
Lupinā€™s face had hardened, and there was self-disgust in his voice. "All this year, I have been battling with myself, wondering whether I should tell Dumbledore that Sirius was an Animagus. But I didnā€™t do it. Why? Because I was too cowardly."
ā€“ Prisoner of Azkaban
"However, Remusā€™s old flaw was at work. He had grave suspicions about one of his old friends, a known fugitive, but did not share them with anyone at Hogwarts. His desperate desire to belong and to be liked meant that he was neither as brave nor as honest as he ought to have been."
ā€“ Pottermore
ā€¢ Remus doesn't want to admit his feelings for or marry Tonks due to his own internal fears, despite her feelings on the matter.
"Remusā€™s immediate response was a happiness he had never experienced in his life, but this was extinguished almost at once by a sense of crushing duty. He had always known that he could not marry and run the risk of passing on his painful, shameful condition. He therefore pretended not to understand Tonks, which did not fool her at all. Wiser than Remus, she was sure that he loved her, but that he was refusing to admit it out of mistaken nobility. However, he avoided any further excursions with her, barely talked to her, and started volunteering for the most dangerous missions. Tonks became desperately unhappy, convinced not only that the man she loved would never willingly spend time with her again, but also that he might walk to his death rather than admit his feelings."
ā€“ Pottermore
"He continued to fear that the stigma attached to him would infect his wife and wished for no fanfare around their union; he swung constantly between elation that he was married to the woman of his dreams and terror of what he might have brought upon them both." ā€“ Pottermore
ā€¢ Remus abandons his pregnant wife IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR because of his fears. Harry blatantly, harshly, and rightly calls him out as a coward.
ā€œIā€™d never have believed this,ā€ Harry said. ā€œThe man who taught me to fight dementors ā€“ a coward.ā€
ā€“ Deathly Hallows
"Remus realised that Tonks was pregnant and every fear he had ever had surfaced. He was convinced that he had passed on his condition to an innocent child and that he had condemned Tonks to the same life as his mother, forever moving around, unable to settle, having to hide her increasingly violent child from sight. Full of remorse and self-recrimination, Remus fled, leaving the pregnant Tonks, seeking out Harry and offering to accompany him on whatever death-defying adventure awaited."
ā€“ Pottermore
Those are most of Remus' largest plot presences, and every single one of them boils down to the same thing: Remus driven to inaction or running away altogether due to him being scared.
(noun) coward; a person whoĀ lacksĀ the courage to do orĀ endureĀ dangerous orĀ unpleasantĀ things.
Remus Lupin is one of, if not THE biggest coward in the series. His reasons for being a coward are understandable but not excusable, and that is simply his biggest flaw. If you take away his cowardice (without giving him a proper arc to be better), then he is NOT Remus Lupin.
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elvendorx Ā· 2 years ago
Hi! I really like your blog! I was just wondering, how do you manage to find canon-based marauders content? Iā€™m pretty new to Tumblr and while I follow the main tags, Iā€™m tired of the short and shallow Siriuses, activist Jameses, and naive Lupins that donā€™t seem anything like the marauders I fell in love with. And the hatred for Snape and the condescension towards his fans makes me super scared to interact with blogs since I have posted Snape content on my main blog and I feel like Iā€™d be eaten alive. Iā€™m so overwhelmed! Do you use filters to help you? Or is it just finding and following the right people? Thanks for any and all advice!
hello and thank you! <3
a lot of it honestly is just finding and following the right people. the exact balance of that is personal that it will take a while to feel like you're consistently seeing things on your own specific wavelength but it's definitely doable. i think once you find one blog you really align with, see who they interact with regularly, check out those blogs, then check out who those blogs follow, etc etc. i used to systematically go through likes and reblogs on posts i liked, but once you find a few blogs you really enjoy, you'll end up finding more like-minded people quite naturally. and honestly, anyone who expects you to have the exact same tolerances for different characters as they do is probably not going to be much fun to interact with anyway.
i use filters for things i absolutely never want to see but not everything gets tagged/not everything that is tagged is the thing you don't want to see (so much sirius solo art/gen marauder stuff is tagged wolfstar) but it works and i would recommend it for absolute no-gos.
the main tags unfortunately are not safe spaces anymore and tbh if there's anything worth seeing in there, someone else will reblog it so it ends up on your dash anyway. sometimes i look in the prongsfoot tag but if anything look at anti (ship)/anti (character) tags lol and sometimes finding people who dislike the same things as you is also a good way to find like-minded people - hating can work, kids.
specifically for mwpp stuff, in my broad experience, snape fans are often more comfortable with the morally grey thing so they have solid views on snape AND sirius, james and remus, tho obviously you get the ultra protective stans too. but def follow snape fans if you are even slighty interested in snape, it's a great way of seeing how other pockets of hp fandom function. also, you could have identical views on a character as someone but you love them and they hate them, for the same reasons, and i feel like the joy is in finding the same interpretation, it's very fun and just in life it's good to see different perspectives. i got unfollowed a while back for a snape post i can't even remember but it was like 5 people and honestly the right people will probably be cooler than you think about it :)
so really my advice boils down to:
know what you do and don't want to see
know what you can and can't tolerate seeing (things that annoy you or more serious triggers)
find connections through sources you trust
try finding a mix of people who like the same things as you do/people who dislike the same things you do/people who you might not always agree with in judgement but whose analyses and approaches are objective
and eventually you'll have a great balanced lil circle <3
anyway a few recommendations of people i follow who i think offer great hp ideas:
@remus-poopin @narcissa-black-supermacy @ashesandhackles @urupotter @act-more-like-a-dog-sirius
but also consider anyone i follow/interact with a lot an endorsement! hope u have fun exploring :)
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