siriusremusblack · 3 hours
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Drew Snape for the first time and accidentally fell a little in love with him, whoops
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siriusremusblack · 3 hours
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uu its 4 am and j cant sleep... anyways let him cook 🔥🔥🔥
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siriusremusblack · 3 hours
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Sevvy with some stubble🖤
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siriusremusblack · 3 hours
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siriusremusblack · 3 hours
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siriusremusblack · 3 hours
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Picture day
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siriusremusblack · 3 hours
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siriusremusblack · 4 hours
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siriusremusblack · 4 hours
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Every damn time when Potter finds himself a new opportunity to die
I should probably use markers more often
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siriusremusblack · 4 hours
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siriusremusblack · 4 hours
Alright, let’s break this thing down shall we?
Severus Snape was a complex morally grey character. As a child he was neglected by both parents, abused by his father and then when he went to Hogwarts he was bullied, harassed, stalked, SA’d and almost murdered by James and the other marauders.
During his life at Hogwarts Severus went through things NO ONE should ever experience. He only had one friend, Lily Evans, who he knew since before going to Hogwarts. Severus was not obsessed with her. Yes, it says he loves her, but let’s not forget there are multiple forms of love than just romantic, and romantic love does not equal obsession either.
During a time when Severus was being SA’d in front of a crowd he said a slur directed towards his best friend. However let us not forget that this slur applies to himself as well. This only happened ONCE, not multiple times. Moving forward, Severus felt genuinely guilty for his actions. It had happened in a very stressful situation. He apologized later on and when Lily decided not to continue their friendship he respected that and stayed away.
Now. He was a death eater, yes? Well, that didn’t come from him hating muggles. He didn’t hate them. He just had horrible experiences with them. He was groomed into becoming a death eater by the older slytherin students that knew he wanted a place to belong. Often times people that have experienced abuse for a significant amount of time with subconsciously look for people with the same traits because it is familiar. That’s what they know. Severus only ever knew abuse. Even with Lily their relationship was rocky and a bit toxic. Lily blamed him for Petunia’s jealousy and them opening and reading Petunia’s letter which was Lily’s idea in the first place.
Lily did not reject Severus multiple times. She rejected JAMES POTTER, Severus’ main tormentor multiple times. James was the one that couldn’t take no for an answer. James is the one that was obsessive towards Lily. James was the one to threaten Lily. It was JAMES.
Now. Why SHOULD Severus care about James? The man who with his friends bullied, harassed, stalked, SA’d, and almost murdered him? He didn’t have to care about James. In fact most people wouldn’t care about their abusers if they were about to die or died. Now. He didn’t care for Harry? Ok. Why should he? He didn’t know the kid. He was the child of one of his abusers. He was also being targeted by the dark lord so he couldn’t exactly ask him to be spared because guess what? He’d have died! Oh and yeah. He cared about Lily. His childhood best friend who was the only person to ever show him any semblance of genuine affection. So yes, he’s going to care more about his best friend than his abuser or a child he never met that would get him killed if he even mentions the idea of sparing him to the dark lord.
Canonically Regulus was NOT forced into becoming a death eater. He joined willingly and was the family’s golden child. He was loved and cared for by his parents. He was a Voldemort fanboy who wanted to join the death eaters. He bargained Kretcher his house elf to Voldemort but then realized that was a mistake. He betrayed Voldemort to save his house elf and it got him killed.
Was Severus Snape a bully? No. Unless you could Minerva McGonagall and the other professors in this too, then no he was not a bully. Severus is very similar to Minerva. The only reason why Harry liked Minerva is because she blatantly favors him and his friends. Severus does not and Harry doesn’t like him for that. Severus was a fair but strict teacher. Harry himself even admits Severus did his job well and graded fairly. He was just, rude. He was snarky, sarcastic, rude. Let’s not forget so was Minerva but she favored her house. Minerva also locked Neville out of the gryffindor dorms when there was a convicted murderer on the loose who had a knife. But we’re not talking about Minerva here, so let’s move on.
Overall, Severus Snape was no different from the other professors expect for the fact that as a child he went through multiple traumatic events. These events continued to affect him as an adult, because that is what trauma does. It doesn’t just go away and there isn’t such thing as simply “getting over it”.
Prolonged childhood trauma at a young age like how Severus experienced causes multiple disorders. DID/OSDD, C-PTSD/PTSD, NPD, ASPD, HPD, etc. These disorders, the trauma they stem from, they don’t go away. You can go to therapy to reduce the symptoms and get the disorders into remission, but that’s it. The disorders will still be there, the trauma will still be there, but the symptoms will be more manageable.
But you see, Severus didn’t have any form of support. Not as a child and not as an adult. The only person he had was himself, and even then that wasn’t much.
Severus’ coping mechanism was to have control, to be in control because when he was in control he was safe. If he was in control no one could hurt him. Yes it’s not a healthy coping mechanism but Severus was never taught how to properly cope with things because he had no one to help him with it. When people go through abuse and have no support system they find ways to cope, healthy or not. That’s normal. Doesn’t make it good though (if it’s an unhealthy coping mechanism I mean).
When Severus’ lost control of the situation in the fifth book (goblet of fire) while teaching Harry Potter occlumency, he reacted in a great way. Harry saw a very traumatic and intimate memory that Severus did not want him to see. It made him feel vulnerable and weak. He was also now having those old memories feel like fresh ones, a flash backs if you will. His memory of that horrible moment had been played out for a student, the child of his abuser who, defended his father up to that point. Obviously Severus wouldn’t react to that. People going through flashbacks of traumatic experiences don’t react well to those around them. You cannot expect Severus too especially when someone saw the memories when they weren’t supposed to.
Severus also didn’t throw Harry into the wall. He grabbed his shoulders and shoved him. It’s different. He never physically injured students except that time and he felt horrible about it afterwards. Which we can see, might I add.
Severus Snape was a complex fleshed out mortally grey character. Regulus Black was a one dimensional character that only showed up in about three pages and had no relevancy other than the fact he made it harder to find a horcrux.
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"you can't defend regulus and not defend snape"
actually, yes, i can. watch me.
snape was a child abuser, who regularly insulted, embarrassed and physically injured his students on a daily basis. he only was part of the order bc he had an unhealthy obsession with his childhood bestfriend, who he called a slur on several occasions. who he, on top of trying to kill her husband, didn't care about her child or family until her life was in danger. he only became "good" when the woman who had rejected him several times might have been injured. he was such a terrible teacher and human being, that one of his student's BIGGEST FEAR was him. he was racist and a blood supremecist, even though he was a half a blood himself. he was not "morally gray", he was a horrible person.
regulus black was forced to become a death eater by his family, and in the end, betrayed voldemort and gave up his life to try to end the war. he loved his house elf, and did everything to make sure kreacher made it out alive. he was not an abuser, he was the abused.
so, yes, i can defend regulus and not defend snape.
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siriusremusblack · 5 hours
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siriusremusblack · 11 hours
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Even Snape sometimes fails a potion experiment 🧪🧪🧪
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siriusremusblack · 11 hours
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I always draw snape with shark teeth cause its easier and admitedly people give it a pass but lately I have been digging the human crooked teeth look, its so often given to characters to signify they are stupid/uneducated but I kinda like them.
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siriusremusblack · 11 hours
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siriusremusblack · 12 hours
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siriusremusblack · 13 hours
//Hello. I just want to say thank you for following me, and I'm sorry that I have not interacted much with you, except for a bit of lurking on my Severus account; my mental health has not been good. Anyway, I have been wanting to send a question to your Severus, but I am not sure what to ask.<3
You’re welcome! It’s alright, no worries. If you think of any questions later on feel free to ask <3<3
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