#made it a little angsty
l4long-winded · 3 days
ooh i have a lil carmy something for u~ something v silly and totally whipped carm just can’t believe reader is his girlfriend and she chose him 🥹 u can make it whatever genre u like since i adore everything i read from this mwah
there's insecurity behind this. a question of deserving or not. the answer, to carmy, is simple: he doesn't. he doesn't believe he deserves you, not even on his best day.
he does little things for you besides the obvious (which is cooking up meals to show his affection, confiding in sydney often about what you may like or appreciate, and then overcomplicating things despite how she reminds him how you'd be happy with a plain sandwich). irons clothes when he can't sleep, brews your coffee in the morning, picks your favorite fruits at the farmer's market, and there's the way he yaps to people about you.
sometimes at work, sometimes to strangers. he's not used to this. being enamored like this, anxiously afraid of losing you, and oddly waiting for someone to tell him that this is all a fluke. you're not his. you never were. you're entertaining him perhaps out of pity, perhaps because of the mask he's mastered around you, or perhaps until something inevitably better comes along.
until that time comes, carmen sits back to observe you. you're currently jamming out, his phone in your hand that's operated as the dj, skipping songs and typing them in according to your instruction, dancing along to the music as you drive. he finds himself unconsciously rocking along with you. specifically you, not the rhythm of the music, you. he craves syncopation.
eventually, you catch wind of carmen's eyes while stopped at a red light. you look at him, breathing out a happy laugh. you stole your glances, knew he was watching you almost this whole time.
even as you took the scenic route.
"have a question or something?"
"no," he rubs his knuckles over his lips, "just... admiring a little."
you playfully roll your eyes at his antics despite the flip your stomach does. the light turns green, your attention mostly back on the road, hands gripping the wheel as you subconsciously lessen your dancing under the awareness of carmen's gaze.
"so, you're gonna stare at me this entire time?"
carmen takes a moment to think about that. he really can't believe how he landed you. he really can't believe that he's kept you this long. that negative voice in the back of his head tells him to dwell on this because who knows when you'll come to your senses. he has now with you. in the present moment, you're beautiful. lively. tragic. all his.
"yeah... yeah, i think i am."
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roguelov · 10 months
Adding to that music playlist ask of a fellow asker the other day, what if one of the songs in reader's playlist is 'Blinding lights'!! Its such a beautiful song and the lyrics sound like it could totally be about him too! "Cuz i can't sleep until i feel your touch" 😭❤
When he listens to it for the first time he realizes how much reader loves him and he doesn't know what to do so he's just like 'Dream.exe has stopped working' XD
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I can’t right now I’m smiling like a lovestruck fool
Like you listening to your music through a speaker and when that song comes on when Dream is in the room. Seeing your carefree spirit and hearing the lyrics, he smiles to himself. But, such sweet softness is brought with a sudden realization of his affection for you
He just freezes as his mind spirals out of control
His heart races. Maybe he starts reflecting on his past relationships and is like ‘shit, those didn’t end well’ and maybe doubts himself. He basically becomes a mess of wanting you and wanting to keep you ten feet away from him
You finally see him and ask him what’s wrong
But all he can manage is short ‘nothing’ before rushing off (like a swirl of sand and gone in seconds)
You are just left dumbfounded but ultimately shrug it off. You promise to yourself you’ll ask him later
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starays13 · 5 months
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I made more Jailboi stuff.
He technically wasn’t in his normal clothing for the scene this is from but I tried what he was wearing and it looked weird, so I decided to disregard AU canon for the sake of art
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potatobugz · 1 year
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*picks you up and dips u in a vat of acid*
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sparkypantaloons · 10 months
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Thinking about Bruce and the piles of shoes by the door to Wayne Manor.
How before Martha and Thomas were murdered there were loads of pairs. Thomas' work shoes and his golf shoes and his tennis shoes. Martha's party shoes and her comfy shoes and her slippers. Bruce's school shoes and his wellies and his crocs.
And then... then there are only Alfred and Bruce's funeral shoes. (And eventually Bruce's shoes are gone too.)
Except one day Dick comes along and there are lots again. School shoes and sneakers and wellies and little boots, next to Bruce's giant versions.
Until Dick goes...
But then Jason arrives and Dick comes back every so often and there are more shoes than there have ever been.
Only, then Jason dies. And Bruce is stood at the door of his home and all of Jason's shoes are there but nobody will ever wear them again.
But over the years there are more and more until one day Bruce is stood there and there's a giant pile of shoes by the door. Bruce's own shoes and Alfred's shoes. Dick's and Babs and Jason's. Cass's shoes and her ballet shoe bag. Steph's high tops and Tim's Jordans. Duke's sneaks and Damian's school shoes.
Haphazardly strewn by the door, scuff marks against the wall. And Bruce realises it's just about the best sight to he could possibly come home to.
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limeartichoke · 3 months
mmm idk how i feel abt this but I'm posting it anyway cause i know someone will appreciate it ‼️‼️
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the-sleepless · 3 months
I finished it!!!!!!
Probably the best artwork I’ve done to date-
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I hope you guys enjoy my silly little art- fjdhdhdhsh-
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kakyogay · 11 months
siggy and hunterator (I really need to name these slugerators)
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and my apology for making this bunch a bit more serious that the other
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dootznbootz · 6 months
Greetings, my dear Mads.
Would you be ever so generous and talk about your headcanons about Menelaus & Polites' relationship with Odysseus?
*cracks knuckles*
I think I should preface this and say that I'm ace/demisexual and that affects...everything. Both of these relationships are basically QPP. Forehead kisses, snuggles, just affectionate. (which I have Odysseus VERY strange with. He's very hot and cold. He's extremely affectionate with his family but Menelaus and Polites' are basically the only two whom Odysseus will not glare at if they put their hand on Odysseus' shoulder)
I'll do Odysseus and Polites first as they're shorter.
Mostly takes place during the Odyssey. And these two are friends. During the year at Circe's...yeah, Odysseus cries on Polites' shoulder multiple times. I have a plan for Circe's thing but that's darker and... YEAH. 🥺 Someday I will write it but yeah. Odysseus is NOT well. Nightmares...other thingsksdljf ds
I have many thoughts on the relationship that Odysseus and Menelaus have. I really love having vulnerable human moments and seeing the potential of Odysseus and Menelaus? GOLD MINE!
I think it's because they're kind of opposites yet UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER. Odysseus is a chatterbox and Menelaus is a man of few words. Menelaus is very honorable most of the time while Odysseus is...Odysseus. Odysseus tells stories while Menelaus gets straight to the point. They've been friends for a long time (They literally are each other's wingmen for my fics during the suitors of Helen. And Odysseus loves Menelaus' hugs.)
Odysseus is kind of a dick to EVERYONE during the Trojan war and that is a lot of the "I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE!!! I WANT TO GO HOME!! I MISS MY WIFE AND SON!!!" so he's an ass.
But with Menelaus? He can't be mad. BECAUSE THEY BOTH GET IT. They miss their wives. They miss their kids. And Odysseus is just like, "I can't be mad at you...I know that if it had been Penelope kidnapped, I would have done the same...Wanna go cry together?🥺"
They oftentimes will just...visit each other for a good cry. Holding each other and letting the other ramble about whatever they need. Resting foreheads together. Doing each other's hair. Simply CHILLING! THEY UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE OPPOSITES 😭
Also I have this stupid image in my head that's like a crackfic
Rando: "Hey, How come Odysseus has never stolen from you/stabbed you/insulted you/set your stuff on fire?" Menelaus: "Odysseus? Him?! No! He's a trickster, yes. But he's not a bad man! I'd trust him with my life!" Odysseus: "Yeah! I'm such a fucking sweetheart!" *Someone's tent bursts into flames behind him, from Olive Oil Odysseus purposely set up to light shit on fire*
Idk if I'll get the chance to write this fic idea but I want it to be after Odysseus steals the Palladium. He's alone with Menelaus and "Hey...I saw Helen...She still loves you and she misses you... She says she's sorry."
And Poor Menelaus just breaks. He wants to know everything that happened. And Odysseus answers. Odysseus just holds him while he cries. Probably starts tearing up himself. And just fall asleep together. This has happened multiple times. They can be VULNERABLE with each other!!! Menelaus is one of the few men Odysseus wouldn't steal from or kill in his sleep! Plus it's canon that Menelaus gives the best hugs (I asked Homer. He told me. shush!)
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I LOVE THEM!!!! THey are so soft while still being warriors and kings because they're mortal MEN. Who have so many feelings inside them both (especially during Trojan war) I LOVE IT!!!1ksldjf
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multifandomenjoyerr · 8 months
Hi honey!(/p, if the nickname makes you uncomfy let me know!!) it’s me again!
Could I request Aizawa and Sir Nighteye from bnha as caregivers to a baby regressor? Your the best and remember to drink water!!
💤 Aizawa & Sir Nighteye Cg headcanons 🖍
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🎸; i'm fine with any nicknames! If anything I'm more surprised (I'm not used to being called anything lol) also u are speaking my language honestly,, we need more aizawa and sir nighteye cg!hcs. Especially nighteye because I haven't really seen any of him yet— so I here to deliver:] and remember to drink water as well kiddo!
⚠️: timeouts (brief, with aizawa), implying of Nighteye's future/fate(?), Insecurities (with Nighteye)
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Aizawa 💤
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💤 ; he isn't a people's person, we all know that. Preferring to keep things to himself and prefers to avoid social gatherings and social interactions. However despite not liking the idea of being a 'people person' that doesn't mean he doesn't like kids
💤 ; he doesn't know how to explain why this is, but he hates seeing kids (especially his students) hurt. And this includes age regresors. He is most likely not a stranger to the topic; teaching a whole class id guess there's at least 2 students that regress. So telling him about this was a lot more easier on your part.
💤 ; quite frankly you didn't even plan on telling him at first. After his class before you went to Mic's class he pulled you to the side. he asked you a few questions about it; and after some reassuring words you told him about your regression. He just nodded his head and that was the end of it. Right?
💤 ; well, yes and no. This didn't affect how he taught you in his class. And he didn't really lower his intensity when it came to his rough training. (Afterall, you need to learn the hard way to get better at hero work right?) However after studying your behavior for weeks, he knew when you were Regressing and when you weren't. No matter how good you can mask it, he can sense something going on. Yk, dad senses.
💤 ; he knew he can't physically do much when it comes to training. It you were to slip during mid training he will take you to the side to have a small chat. If you're nonverbal/just don't want to talk about it, he'll take you back inside the school and let you hang out in the teachers lounge for an hour
💤 ; the teachers lounge is basically your small playground because of aizawa. There's a tv, books, a pillow fort, a toy box and fidgets. Don't have it? Just ask and he'll find a way to get it into the office
💤 ; he trust me. He was on his knees begging Nezu to just bringing in the books. Took alot of begging and convincing to get Nezu to bend. But he's got it
💤 ; can and probably will hold your hand at random when you're little. Missions are scary, especially if you're little and can't handle the stress— he will always hold your hand as if spiritually telling you he was there for you
💤 ; anyone saying anything mean to you/about your regression is a good way to be tied over the highway (of course not to the intensity point to where that person is in immediate danger. But to prove a point he wasn't to be messed with. Despite it sounding cruel, nobody says anything to his students. Even the other students.) Or he might just tie the person to a streetlight and it would take hours to get down. It just depends really
💤 ; immediately protective over you. If a villian even so much as put a hand on your shoulder, better watch out. Aizawa is on a rampage and nothing will calm him down until he got you back. And he always finds a way. I can promise you that
💤 ; if you misbehaved the only thing he'd do is put you in a corner and afterwards give you a stern talking to. But don't worry, he usually cracks and he can't find it in his heart to be stern with you
💤 ; proud dad. (holding a picture of you); "LOOK AT MY DAUGHTER/SON/CHILD!!" and will make sure to shove that picture in people's face like a trophy. He's.. interesting lol
💤 ; no such things as limited petnames? Have suggestions? He'll listen. If you don't want to be called anything, he'll listen! But if you don't care, he'll settle with "kid/kiddo/my baby"
💤 ; like taking naps? So does he. He'll invite you to his sleeping bag and will cuddle you inside it. He takes naps like 50% of the time. His favorite hobby fr
💤 ; the type of caregiver to check in on you often via messages. And hey, If you ask enough times he'd stop by your favorite restaurant before coming home
Sir Nighteye 🖍️
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🖍️ ; being a caregiver isn't all sunshine and rainbows for him. He's often insecure about the caregiver 'lifestyle'. Often thinking you'd be better off with a different caregiver, or at least someone who could provide alot more than he could.
🖍️ ; after him being forced to stop being a mentor for Mirio, he grew distant and stopped trying to put effort into helping students in UA. Until he met you.
🖍️ ; him being your mentor and you being his new Mentee was something he didn't agree with at first. All might suggested the idea and he was like "I guess it wouldn't hurt to try."
🖍️ ; he was your mentor for let's say,, 5 months. And you two grown considerably close. Like any mentor and Mentee would. And that's when you had to tell him. It wasn't your cup of tea, but he'd end up finding out sooner rather than later eventually. His response being "oh. I think I saw that in a book of mine somewhere.." so I think he supports?
🖍️ ; it wasn't until the 7th month of his supervision he became your caretaker all together. (With our without guardian (s)) he still looked after you. Took you under his wing when you needed it the most you could say
🖍️ ; he noticed you slipped for the first time when you had a shut down. When he saw you start to cry, he began to almost cry too. Not that he can't handle negative feelings, but it's a weight in which if he messed up he knew he couldn't make up for it (depending the situation)
🖍️ ; that day he kept you in his arms, shushing you quietly and reassuring soft words to you. Not good with actions, but has a way with words for sure
🖍️ ; he cried once you drawn a picture of him. He put a thumbs up and said with a trembling breath: "it's good" while his glasses fogged with tears threatening to spill. My man can't handle affection in any way, trust me. Hell just end up either crying (happily) or praise you for like 2 hours. No in-between.
🖍️ ; he's like siri if you set a reminder but she doesn't stop reminding you and she doesn't shut up. That's basically how he is. "Did you drink water today?" "Did you get a good rest?" "Are you feeling better today?" He has good intentions, but he doesn't shut up
🖍️ ; carries around a backpack with things you might need. Coloring books and crayons, comics/books, maybe a few DVDs if they have a TV in the building, snacks, drinks and any gear if you use any
🖍️ ; the type to be like, "no we have too many (insert something) at home. You don't need any more" and by the end of your shopping trip he buys it anyways
🖍️ ; (if you don't mind petnames) he calls you Kiddo
🖍️ ; if someone has something negative to say, they better say it to his face. And trust me, nobody wants that.
🖍️ ; afraid to look into your future, fear he may see something that he doesn't want to see. So, he tries his best to not do direct eye contact, to not trigger his quirk when with you. He is pretty cautious when it comes to the eye thing ,
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c-kiddo · 1 year
thing is , taliesin jaffes cr characters all so cunt because they would all definitely spit up blood but all for their own unique different reasons and vibes. but babygirl ur mouth is full of blood
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phioneplatinum · 22 days
some harmoknight headcanons i have!! this isn't all of them, but here's some for lyra and tempo!!
Lives in Symphony City, near the exit close to Calypso Beach and the Tori Gate.
Ever since she was younger, she always wanted to protect the people she cared for most. This was her main drive to eventually become a soldier of Melodia.
She mainly patrolled Calypso Beach before the Noizoids struck, but after they did, she found herself patrolling Rock Range and Marching Hills more.
She sometimes gets into small fights with Tyko, but thankfully they simmer down before they get any worse…
Has a weakness for sweets.
Doesn't like talking much. However, he feels comfortable talking to Woodwin and Tappy. Maybe if enough time passes, the same will go for Lyra, Tyko, Cymbi, and Ariana...?
Has a big Allegro plush in his room thanks to Octarina. Sometimes, he's even seen sleeping while hugging the thing…
Sees his mentor as a [grand]father figure of sorts.
He visits his friends quite often! Sometimes they all get together in his house to have fun :D
Can be seen drawing sometimes. His art isn't the greatest, but they're charming enough to make you smile!
Despite saving the world, he still does training. Can't have his skills growing rusty!
Doesn't like going to Baroque Volcano. You know why.
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rexcat · 1 year
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"Look at me..." ~~~~ Original sketch by @Quaithz (twitter) which had a certain "look" I just wanted needed to paint O_O
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heirtotheempire · 10 months
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Here is my gift for @chewyguts / @aroacedindjarin for the @starwars-arttrade-2023 !! A painting of various Boba Fett related things. I like to imagine that Boba has a wall he puts various pictures on to display what he finds important hehe. Believe it or not it was actually pretty difficult to get a decent photo of this, so under the cut are some zoomed in shots for a better look : ]
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Translations for the Aurebesh can be found in the Alt Text.
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raineedayss · 4 days
ok so guess who just beat narinder in cotl??
guess who ALSO was trying to do the quest to free leshy, but in the FIRST ROOM their very first follower (a black cat named theon who dissented because they ran out of food and didn’t have the prison) appeared in a chest and made them fight him and got really sad and cried about it?
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telleroftime · 8 days
My favourite thing is traumatising my OCs just because my friends like them a little too much. No one gets a happy ending as long as I am concerned.
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