#Apart from my main couple because I have at least a little bit of mercy
telleroftime · 3 months
My favourite thing is traumatising my OCs just because my friends like them a little too much. No one gets a happy ending as long as I am concerned.
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blueteller · 3 years
How I rate stuff (because, why not?)
I enjoy fiction a lot. While most of the time I don't strictly put things in categories (also, my tastes and opinions might change over time), I thought it would be fun to make a post about how I rate different series and works of fiction that I like – or don't like.
So here's a couple of examples, on the scale of 0-10:
(Remember this is based on my enjoyment, not objective criticism! Beside I'm a pretty lax critic, I truly start to dislike things only like, 3 and below. So have mercy on me! I'm just being honest)
10/10 - I have very few complaints, nothing more than nitpicks. Otherwise I enjoy everything about it. (Example: Avatar the Last Airbender - love everyhing about it)
9/10 - I have one major issue or a couple minor ones, but apart from that it's similar: I love it (My little Pony: Friendship is Magic - surprisingly, I love most of it)
8/10 - I have some issues which I consider visible, but still liked it a lot (Star Wars series - not all of it, but the best of it)
7/10 - I have a significant amount of issues, but still mostly liked it (Harry Potter series - my favorite bashing series, so many plot holes to tear through, it's hilarious)
6/10 - liked it, but probably wasn't a fan (Pokemon franchise - my childhood, but not nearly on the top of my list)
5/10 - I didn't dislike it, but I wasn't invested either (Star vs Forces of Evil - I liked the Eclipsa plotline at first but otherwise, ehh)
4/10 - something bugged me about this, so I dropped it (Attack on Titan - I'm like, nope, canibalism is a big no no for me, sorry)
3/10 - something bugged me and probably made me mad, definitely dropped it (the Twilight saga - the romance is GROSS, but at least it's so bad it's funny)
2/19 - I really don't like this and I have strong feelings about it! (Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian the movie - it's personal, they completely ruined one of my favorite books ever, why did they make Caspian and Peter into emo jerks??)
1/10 - oh I HATE this (that one Robinson Crusoe movie adaptation I saw once in class when I was 11, where they turned the MC racist for drama: I am still full of rage because that book was pretty cool, so like, whyyyy)
0/10 - I am in denial of its existence and happier that way. (Last Airbender Live Action Movie. There's no movie in Ba Sing Se.)
Other series I enjoyed:
Fullmetal Alchemist (Manga/Brotherhood): 10/10, very well structured, engaging, funny and 100% satisfying. Never gets old.
My Hero Academia: 10/10, love the world and the characters. Can't wait for the conclusion
The Chronicles of Narnia: 10/10, the first book series that wasn't for school that I ever read by myself. Still my favorite series of all time
Lord of the Rings: 9.5/10, I only love it less than max because it's very long and Narnia is my 10/10 fantasy series. Sorry LOTR, there can only be one favorite, even if I admit that LOTR is factually better quality-wise. I'm subjective, you know?
Danny Phantom: 7/10, it has many problems but the premise is GREAT and it has killer aesthetic. It's kinda unforgettable, even.
Some recenty found series:
Trash of the Count's Family: 10/10, recently found it, fell in love pretty fast. The characters alone are enough for me, but the story is honestly great as well
Solo leveling: 8/10, interesting, fun, simple in enjoyment. Not too long either. My biggest pitpick would be that the story was a bit simple, but it's exactly what it's supposed to be.
Suicide Hunter: 7/10, interesting, very funny at places, still too brutal for me (sooo much suicide and mindbreaking stuff... but I get why people like it).
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint: 5/10, don't kill me for this, I have reasons! It is interesting, and I like most of the characters, but I'm just not a fan of the main plot. There's just something unappealing for me about the whole "gladiator premise" (where a superior power creates the scenario where random people are forced to kill each other). Same reason why I never liked the Hunger Games (which I'd probably rate 4/10) and I'll never watch Squid Game.
The S Classes That I raised: 6/10, it is interesting, fun and hilarious in many places, but the supporting cast somehow didn't quite click for me just yet. The rating might change in the future, who knows?
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
City Lights . ( Namjoon x OC)
Pairing : OC x Kim Namjoon.
Genre : Angst. Romance.
Rating 18 + 
Word Count : 2900
Warnings :  Mature Themes , Explicit Sexual Content . Slow burn. Like slower than a snail.
Summary :
Widowed and destitute, Son Yang Mi leaves the comfort of her small , secluded  fishing village and travels to the intimidating city of Seoul with her young son. She has a plan, one that involves finding a job, getting her son into a good school and building a life for herself.
Now, three years later she has a job , working as a live in house keeper for the Kim family, specifically for the son,  Kim Namjoon, a famous rapper and producer. 
Its a job that puts a roof over her head and she’ll do anything to keep it. 
But fate has other plans.
Chapter 1 ~
Akogare (ah-koh-ga-reh)Often translated directly as a sort of frustrated “yearning”, “desire”, or “longing” .
Seoul in summer was a sight to behold. I blinked back against the bright sunlight, staring out into the stunning skyline of the city as the sun rose over it , and although it was just a little past seven in the morning, the air was warm and invigorating. The mid July sun shone down with no mercy, and there was no trace of the rain that had lashed city just the previous night.
It had been three whole years but the relief that came from breathing fresh air, untainted by the damp musk of fishing trowels and sweaty men, was still unrivalled.
I shook off the feather duster in my hand, moving to carefully clean the wicker woven chairs on the artificial lawn in the balcony. Dusting the entire condo down was a mind numbing exercise in patience, so i tried to get it out of the way, early in the morning when my son was still asleep.
At six years old, Junsu was a bright , happy child. Summer vacation meant days sleeping in and evenings spent frolicking with the other kids in the building and he was content with being alone in our small shared room, reading or playing with his toys while I went about the day’s work.
I glanced at the clock, grimacing.
It was almost eight . And although Mr. Kim wasn’t due back home for another twelve hours, I felt a little jittery and nervous.
Kim Namjoon , renowned rapper, producer, writer , poet and what not. The apartment was his but he was usually on tour, traveling all over the world to promote his book and to perform in sold out stadiums. For an A list celebrity, he was surprisingly humble.
For the past three years, him and his model fiancée  Lee Mina had spent a total of maybe seven months in the condo. They were a sweet couple, or so I’d always thought , a bit formal with each other but clearly in love . Mr. Kim was a kind, soft spoken young man and I’d never heard him raise his voice unless he was in the company of his very dear friends.
Just a little over a week ago , both of them  had left Korea for the States , the tabloids screaming about a luxurious destination wedding in the Caribbean and I had been asked to take a few weeks off . The newly weds wouldn’t be back for quite a while and they would let me know when I had to come back to the condo.
I’d been toying with the idea of visiting my in laws in Gwangyog, maybe even dropping by to see some old friends there but yesterday , Mr. Kim’s mother had given me a call letting me know her son was coming home. 
The conversation went something like this :
Yang Mi, I hope you haven’t left yet?
No, Ma'am, I haven’t.
Joon-ah is going to be back tomorrow.
Oh, is Ms Lee arriving as well?
No, Just him He’s going to be alone.
Yes, Ma'am.
Please don’t mention anything about Mina or the wedding.
No ma'am of course not.
I’ll drop by later . Cook him something warm and filling. And make sure the house is cleaned well.
Yes, Ma’ am.
And that was that.
It took the better part of the day to finish cleaning and setting up the house . I washed the window slats, changed the sheets, arranged the books that had been left scattered all over his bedroom. The walk-in closet was littered with a bunch of his clothes and I made sure his gym bag was stocked with fresh towels, spare clothes and his favorite head and wrist bands. 
For someone so careful and calculated, he was really quite a messy man. 
i did his laundry, making sure he had ample clothes at least for another two weeks, creasing the handkerchiefs and carefully removing lint from his jackets. 
I also carefully sorted out the feminine clothing from the laundry and from the cupboard, folding them neatly and placing them in the lowest shelf of the closet, where he wouldn’t find them. It wasn’t hard, hiding traces of his fiancee from the condo, because it had never really been her home. other than a few spare pieces of underwear and a couple of t shirts and skirts, there weren’t many articles of clothing belonging to Ms. Lee. 
But I still got rid of the bobby pins and hair ties, the spare lip gloss and mascara.
Junsu spent the entire day in our room, reading and drawing, only venturing out every few hours to grab a snack. I left him with his drawing tab ( a gift from Mr. Kim for his 5th birthday )  and his favorite book, asking the security guard at the end of the hallway to keep an eye on the door, while i went out to buy groceries.
Lots of meat, no sea food, healthy snacks and high protein fiber bars. I stocked up on sauces and bought a fresh batch of eggs, oranges and grapes . Mrs. Kim had sent a large amount of kimchi a few weeks ago and that was still in the pantry.
i stopped for a second, staring around at the almost deserted store. Most of the other housekeepers shopped at the bigger, more exclusive store on the other side of the residential complex. But Mr. Kim had a very selective palette, which meant that I had to be very particular about the brands i bought.
When i came back home at around six, Junsu was on the floor in the living space and i felt my heart jump in panic.
“Baby!! I’ve told you not to come out here when I’m not home!” I protested bleakly and he pouted.
“I need to show you my gift for Mr. Kim!!” He said softly. I smiled moving to put away the groceries and glancing at the clock. It was a little past six. I had to call Yungyu.
“Did you draw him something ? “ I asked curiously, checking to see if the beer shelf was stocked. probably should have done that before going out for the groceries, I thought regretfully.
“Yeah! Look!!” Junsu held his tab out and my heart dropped.
For a six year old, Junsu drew very well. And there was really no mistaking the very obvious wedding scene on the screen.
Oh, Good God.
“ That looks amazing honey.” I said gently. “ But, I heard that Ms Lee isn’t coming over this time..”
Junsu frowned.
“Well, I’m not sure. But remember how we spoke about saying the right things? When something upsets someone, we do not bring it up.” I reminded him gently. My son hesitated but nodded.
“Okay. I’m sorry. “ He said softly.
“No baby, its not your fault. It’s just that we want Mr. Kim to be happy right? We don’t wanna upset him...”
He smiled at that.
“When he’s happy, his dimples come out.” He said with a giggle. I laughed.
“yes they do... So let’s try and get those dimples out as often as we can alright? Why don’t you show him that picture you drew of yeontan the other day? He’ll really like that....”
“Okay...but i need to go color it!” Junsu yelled, already running back into our room. I watched him go before reaching for the phone and dialing, Yungyu, the chauffeur.
“Are you on the way here? ” i said briskly.
“Just starting from home...” Yungyu muttered, “ I’m supposed to be on vacation now! Why is he coming back so soon?” 
“Just hurry up !! We can’t keep him waiting!!” I said sharply, before hanging up. 
I made a quick check of all the rooms, filling up water bottles for his gym routine in the morning and stashing them in the fridge before moving to get dinner started. 
i set the water on boil for the stew, before moving to peel cucumbers for the salad. I chopped the cucumber , along with some fresh cherry tomatoes . I watched the water boil, thinly slicing an onion and adding it to the bowl as well. The dressing was pretty simple,  soy sauce, rice vinegar, honey and sesame oil . I sprinkled some sesame seeds on the bowl, used the salad tongs to give the whole thing a nice toss and set it aside. 
I braised the chicken first , peeling and chopping potatoes and carrots to add to the stew . In a few minutes, the rich smell of lightly spiced chicken and garlic and perilla  leaves began filling the kitchen and I turned on the rice cooker as well. 
The door bell rang at six forty and i opened the door to reveal Yungyu. 
I grabbed the keys to the Palisade, handing them over to him.
“Did you hear?” He whispered urgently.
I frowned.
“They say Mr. Kim called off the wedding!” He whispered, wide eyed. 
I glared at him.
“Who told you that?” i demanded...
“Seojoon from the gate said-”
“Why don’t you ask Seojoon from the gate to mind his own damn business?” I snapped. 
Yungyu looked suitably chastised. i felt a little bad. Yungyu was still young and curiosity was hardly a sin. 
“His flight lands at eight exactly. Hurry okay?” I said with a smile, ruffling his hair.
He brightened, peering over my shoulder into the house.
“Where’s the little one?” He asked curiously.
“ Painting something for Mr. Kim... Go ahead, hurry up.” I shooed him away, locking the door behind him. I fixed a plate of food for Junsu and sent him to eat, before moving to check on the stew. +
By the time eight thirty rolled around I had the table set and ready. I washed my face quickly in the small bath attached to our room , making sure I was dressed well. Junsu wasn’t allowed in the main house unless Mr. Kim specifically asked for him and my son usually stayed in. 
Junsu and I stayed in a bedroom , not large by any means but big enough for a queen sized bed, a table and chair for Junsu and small dresser where I kept a comb and a tube of night cream. I stared at my face, licking my lips as I smoothed my hair out. 
I glanced at the bed. 
Junsu was asleep , having dozed off while coloring his picture and I carefully extracted the tab from under his fingers, moving him around to lay on the soft pillows. I tucked him in gently, brushing the hair off his face. 
“In peace , I will lie down to sleep, for You alone will let me rest in safety.” I whispered gently against his forehead, kissing the soft skin. I felt my lips wobble , a debilitating wave of affection flooding me as the sweet scent of my baby, filled my senses.
 I would die for you, I thought fiercely, kissing him again. 
The sound of the front door opening made me jump. 
Swearing, i smoothed the fabric of my skirt, running to the kitchen. 
“Thank you for picking me up Yungyu, I’m sorry you had to cut short on your vacation.” Mr. Kim’s deep voice filled the hallway and I quickly grabbed a glass, filling it with water and placing it on the dinner tray.
“Not a problem, Sir. “ Yungyu’s cheerful voice responded.
“How are you going home?” Mr. Kim asked. 
“I’ll take the bus.”
A pause and then, 
“Here’s some cash. Get a cab.” 
I could hear the relief in Yungyu’s voice as he let out a , “ Thank you sir.” 
I fixed his plate carefully, the bowl of rice, the bowl of chicken stew, and the salad neatly arranged next to the napkin and the chopsticks. I heard him move across the condo, the sound of his suitcases as he wrestled them towards his bedroom and I frowned. Yungyu should’ve have brought those in for him. 
I finished reheating all of the food and carefully carried the dinner tray to the bedroom. 
Mr. Kim’s bedroom was right at the end of the hallway and the door was open. The full length mirror on the opposite wall showed him sitting on the small couch in his room, legs spread and elbows resting on his knees as he ran his fingers through his hair. 
I raised my hand, ready to knock on the wood. 
“Fuck!” He shouted, kicking out at the coffee table with enough force to send the furniture skidding half way across the room. 
I froze in the hallways stunned. 
“You’re such a fucking fool , Namjoon !!” He muttered angrily and I swallowed, turning on my heel and quickly walking back to the kitchen. 
Maybe I ought to wait till he asked for dinner.
He didn’t ask for dinner. 
I stayed sitting on the floor of the kitchen, waiting and lightly dozing as I heard him talk to his parents on the phone. I heard him open the liquor cabinet in his room, the sound of ice sloshing against glass, the sound of whiskey being poured carefully and i sighed. 
I had to get to bed. It was already a little past eleven. 
Sometime in the night, I woke up sweating.... 
Wondering what woke me up, I blinked groggily, glancing at Junsu. He was still sound asleep. 
Sighing, I climbed out of the bed, carefully making my way to Mr. Kim’s room, peering in carefully. 
He was asleep on the sofa.
I stared at the way his long legs stretched over the armrest, his lean hips twisted to accommodate his broad shoulders on the couch and I winced. He was definitely going to regret that in the morning. 
I stared at the half empty bottle of whiskey on the table and sighed, moving to take off his shoes carefully. He didn’t stir. 
I grabbed a pillow from the bed, carefully lifting his head and slipping it under. I placed a comforter over his shoulders, pulling it down to cover his legs. 
Force of habit almost made me brush his hair off his forehead but I stopped myself. 
The clock on the wall read three fifty am. God, I was going to feel terrible tomorrow. I carefully tip toed out, shutting the door behind me
I picked the comforter from the floor, carefully folding it and placing it on the bed, before grabbing the empty bottle of whiskey and glass . i could hear the shower running. The curtains were still drawn in and I tugged on the strings to get them to open. Sunlight spilled in through the floor length windows. The bed wasn’t slept in, so I opened the closet to grab a couple of towels, laying them on the bed for him. 
The bathroom door opened and i quickly straightened, wanting to race out of the room but it was too late. Thankfully he was dressed,  a pair of loose sweats and a loose t shirt . He was running a towel through his hair and his face brightened at the sight of me. 
“Yang Mi! You’re here....” He said cheerfully. 
“Good morning sir.” I said softly, offering him a small smile. 
He smiled brightly, hair damp and dimples deep. The white t shirt he had on was almost fully soaked through and he shook his head, sending stray water droplets all over the place, a few landing on my cheeks. 
“I didn’t see you last night...” He said casually, moving to drop the wet towel in the hamper, grabbing one of the fresh ones I’d laid on the bed. 
“I thought you would like your privacy sir, you looked exhausted.” 
He smiled.
“ Thank you for the blanket and the pillow by the way. And the shoes.” 
I bowed quickly.
“I’ll get your breakfast done, sir.” I bowed again before quickly getting out. 
I moved to the kitchen grabbing the oranges I’d got the previous day . Mr. Kim wasn’t fond of traditional korean dishes in the morning. He preferred freshly squeezed juice and toast, sometimes with an omelet perhaps. 
I fixed his breakfast quickly, setting it all in the tray . He was still moving around in the bedroom and I heard him drag his worktable to the windows, which meant he was going to stay in the bedroom. 
Pouring his coffee into a cup, I carefully picked up the breakfast tray , moving to his room slowly. 
I used my foot to knock on the door.
After a pause of a few seconds, 
“Come in Yang Mi!”
I carefully moved to the small table in front of the couch, placing the tray right in front of him. The scent of his body wash, green apple and strawberries, hit me hard. 
“Where’s Junsu?” He asked casually.
“Still asleep sir. It’s Summer so school’s out.” I smiled, grabbing his phone from the table to make space for his tray. 
The phone buzzed just as I was about to place it back down and I blinked.
 Mina calling.......
 I swallowed, not sure what to do, placing the phone down quickly.
“Uh..you have ...” I waved vaguely at the device before bowing again and moving back. 
“close the door on your way out, Yang Mi...” He said gently and I quickly obeyed. 
I moved to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee for myself. I stayed leaning over the counter and even through the locked door, I could hear him . 
“Just don’t call me Mina...i don’t want to talk about this!!!” 
I swallowed, glancing out of the window again. It was a bright, clear morning. 
A second later, the door to his bedroom slammed open and he stormed out. I watched him from my spot in the kitchen, his fists clenched as he rushed out to the front door.
The door shut behind him and I exhaled. 
Once I as done with my coffee, I moved to his room to clear the breakfast tray. His phone was still on the table.
It began ringing again just as I left the room. 
"Mrs. Kim.” i said respectfully, bowing . She gave me a short smile.
“Where’s Namjoon? I’ve been calling him for the past hour.” She pushed past me into the house and I bit my lips.
“He went out about an hour ago. He left his phone behind.” I explained.
She stopped, sighing. 
“Fine, I’ll wait for him. “ She moved to sit on the couch, glancing around the room. 
“Should I get you something ma'am?” I asked softly and she smiled.
“Get me a glass of lemonade, Yangmi.” She said brusquely and i nodded, running to the kitchen. 
“Did Mina come over?” She called out as I got the lemons out of the cooler.
“No ma'am.” i replied.
“Did she call?” 
  I remembered the phone ringing, how upset it had made Namjoon, how he had stormed out.
“I don’t know ma'am!” I said softly. 
She nodded.
“Okay. You can leave.” She said quietly. i bowed and went back into the kitchen. 
I peered out of the window as I fixed her a glass , and my eyes fell on a familiar figure, coming back in through the front gate. Even from this distance there was no mistaking the long legs and messy blonde hair. 
I bit my lips, mind racing.
 Mrs Kim and her son had a volatile relationship, to say the least. 
And something told me that Mr. Kim was probably not in the right frame of mind to argue with his mother, now. The man was upset but apparently, neither his mother nor his ex fiancée understood that. instead of giving him space they were hounding him. 
I hesitated for a second  before making a quick decision. 
I grabbed the tray with her lemonade and moved to her quickly.
“Thank you.” She said sharply. “ Turn on the Air Conditioner for me, will you?” 
I fumbled with the remote, grabbing his phone from the table , turning it on before moving to the front door and rushing out. 
I almost ran into him as he came out of the elevator , and i jerked back stumbling a bit to stop myself from crashing into his chest. He let out a , ‘ Whoa, “  his hands reaching out to grip my elbows. 
“Careful. What’s wrong?” He asked gently and I swallowed.
“Your mother’s here.” I said quickly, “ Sir.” 
“Oh, fuck.” He groaned. I swallowed.
“You can leave.” I blurted out. “It’s Tuesday. She has her charity work meeting at ten. Its almost nine. She won’t stay long....” 
His eyes met mine, lips parting in surprise. 
“I really can’t meet her now.” He said apologetically.
I nodded.
“Of course, I understand , sir. Just be back in an hour , she’ll be go-”
The elevator buzzed , the doors nearly closing over my shoulders and I flinched. He swore and stuck his arm out to keep it open. 
I stared at him before holding his phone out.
“Here you go sir. “ 
He chuckled taking it from me and shaking his head.
“i feel like a kid, sneaking away from my mom.” His eyes reached mine, twinkling, “ Who would’ve thought the quiet, timid Yang Mi would be my partner in crime. “ 
I didn’t reply, just smiled. 
And then he hesitated. “ Is Junsu awake?”
I blinked.
“Uh...yes sir,...he’s playing in the park downstairs with the other kids.”
“Great... Would you mind if i take him out for ice cream?”
I stared at him. 
“Oh..uh...of course not. Sure.. I mean.. he’ll love that... Sir. Thank you.. You don’t have to -”
“Consider it thank you for helping me with my mother.” He smiled again and i found myself staring at his dimples again. i swallowed. 
“in that case, he loves butter scotch.” I smiled. 
The dimples appeared and i bit my lips. 
“Thank you Yang Mi.” He said slowly. 
“Yes, Sir.” 
Author’s Note : Finally a hyungline fic !!! ugh... I’ve been wanting to write a Namjoon fic for ages and I really hope you guys will like this one :’( Feedback is much appreciated. 
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kpopinesss · 5 years
[ateez] S A N ➱ baby daddy au
Tumblr media
warnings: teen pregnancy
a/n: sorry ya’ll I accidentally posted this on my main lol - @atinybitofau
• raising a son on your own was hard.
• raising a son whose genes were on par to his notorious father was even harder—
• a hooligan. a mischievous troublemaker.
• an eyesore in morality.
• and yes, your son was just like him.
• cold. ruthless. blood thirsty.
• but unlike San, your son loved you enough never to leave you.
• appreciated the things you did for him enough to stay.
• “Eomma..”
• you turn on your side when your son interrupts your slumber,
• injuries blatant on his tethered arm.
• raising a child who’s now 13 since you were 16 never easy.
• “Where were you, Ari?”
• he sits at the edge of your bed and leans for the warmth only a mother could give. “I was trying to get your medicine.. but I ended up causing a scene and the store owner kicked me out.”
• you sigh letting him lay down beside you. “It’s just a little cold. You don’t need to go and risk your life to save mine.”
• he wants to ask you.
• he’s old enough..
• why hasn’t his father came back to be the one the take care of you?
• to take care of him.
• why do you have to suffer alone?
• “Ari, just do me a favor and take care of yourself the way you do for me.” you cuddle into your sons warmth too. “That’s all I need.”
• but you’re lying.
• you’re getting sicker.
• and he can’t take it anymore.
• he goes to lower than the low to find something to save you, his mother.
• eventually ending up tied up in San’s gang house.
• brutally beat for intervening a drug heist—
• “Alright you little shit,” San holds your son up by the collar, blood running down his face mixed with his tears. “I don’t care that you’re 13 years old. Hell you could’ve been 10 and I’ll still beat the living crap out of you. No one just comes barging into a drug heist for no reason. That’s not just a coincidence.”
• it is.
• it really is.
• and maybe god was just giving him a sign.
• because you were on the verge of dying—
• and his own son being dealt his life and in the hands of his own father,
• yet San still didn’t know what was going on.
• what sign god was trying to give him.
• “I have to admit.” San runs a finger down his son’s chiseled jaw and smirks. “You’ve got a nice face. But in a couple minutes, you might not even be able to recognize it anymore.”
• “I-I-I was just trying to get medicine for my mom! I swear.”
• San really needed to get a clue.
• not all drugs were recreational.
• and some—
• some can actually save lives not just make dirty money.
• “You think I’ll believe that sissy crap?”
• Ari shudders looking to his torn up jeans. “H-her pictures in my wallet. I swear, she’s the only thing I’ll do anything illegal for. I promise I wasn’t trying to fuck anything up. She’d kill me if I got involved. Kill herself if I pushed myself too far.”
• he’s convinced at the desperation in the poor kid’s voice.
• normally not as merciful but he digs through the kid’s pocket for the picture anyway.
• and he should be glad he did because shit—
• the picture of you made him go from 100 to 0 real quick.
• “Y/n?”
• “T-that’s her! That’s my mom.”
• San glances up at the beat up kid, horrified.
• horrified at the sight.
• that he was basically beating to death a walking replica of himself.
• an age far enough that fit the time he left you.
• “You’re telling me my high school sweetheart..” San’s bloody fingers curl around your picture. “The woman you’ve been trying to steal medication for is your mom? The woman in this picture.”
• he’s at first in denial.
• that the kid he almost beat to death was your son.
• but denial hits him even harder the chances he could also be the father.
• “M-my mom is everything to me.” Ari bawls his last tears out begging for his own father to spare his life. or anything to save yours. “She’s only got me. I’ve only got her. S-sir please. At least save her. If you wanna kill me sir, please save my mom first.”
• his jaw clenches,
• still knealt down on one knee propped in front of his pleading son.
• studying every feature of his face.
• how on par everything was to his own.
• San was beating up his son, he realized.
• holy shit he was about to kill his own son.
• “Why didn’t she tell me?”
• “W-what?” his son chokes. “What do you mean?”
• “Fucking hell— kid, I think I’m your dad.”
• the five days that your son was held captive was long enough for your body to grow cold and weaker.
• laying in a hospital bed nearly blacked out.
• your son cries over your body as you sleep.
• hoping he’s not too late.
• not too late to give you the one thing that might be able to keep you alive.
• a husband?
• finally a father to your child.
• “You’re the husband?” the doctor finds San watching from the doorway awkwardly glancing at the black dressed men who towered behind him. “You’ve got quite the entourage there, sir. But not even an army of soldiers would be able to save your wife right now. She’s hanging on a thin line. Barely holding on. That woman needs a miracle if she wants to live the next good years of her life.”
• San watches as his son that he never knew about cries over you.
• wishes you would’ve told him..
• he would’ve stayed.
• would’ve loved you.
• why were you always so selfish? always wanting to do things that pushed you too far even if there were another option available.
• “Eomma.”
• you hear everything.
• your son.
• San.
• “Ma, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to get the medicine. I got into trouble again, ma. I’m sorry.” Ari folds his hand over your limp one’s. “B-but I have something even better. Someone who could help you and me. He can take care of us, ma.”
• it hurts.
• you want to wake up for your son because he deserves the world.
• he deserves a fight for the both of you but the option you chose came short.
• in the past, the option of never telling San in the first place of his own son.
• “Ma.. he’s gonna talk to you okay? I’m gonna let him talk to you.” Ari sniffles and suddenly your hand gets replaced with a different warmth. “He’s gonna tell you it’s gonna be okay. I love you, eomma. I love you. We’re gonna be okay.”
• it’s almost enough.
• your heart beats a little faster.
• burns a little more so you could breathe on your own.
• it’s definitely working.
• “You shoulda told me, bubba.”
• the nickname San had given you years ago,
• a nickname you thought you’d never hear again, rings in your ear and that light so far away,
• it gets further.
• “You shoulda told me about him. About you.” he lifts your hand against his trembling lips. “13 years? 13 years after I tell you to take care of yourself and now you’re almost dying. Come on now. My girl was a fighter. Pushed herself harder than she wanted to.”
• his voice is like a mantra—
• a dream that gives you a little bit more of life you we’re starting to lose.
• “Bubba, you were the love of my life. And I didn’t tell you enough how much I appreciated you. I know it may be too late and if god forbid I do lose you, I will make sure our baby stays safe okay?”
• you think if you were awake right now you’d be crying.
• as if a weight lifted off your shoulders.
• cause the one person who could save you right now—you and your son,
• was right here.
• ready to go merciless to keep you two safe.
• “I left loving you. And I’ll come back loving you. 13 years only kept us apart. But let me tell you, y/n, it never stopped me from loving you.”
• he’s unsure when he lets go of your hand.
• usually gets what he wants with one word—
• cause he’s a notorious mobster.
• but let’s just say you were the one thing he wanted he could’ve never gotten even with two words.
• 3?
• “I love you.” he continues. “And if I’m gonna have to love our son the way I should’ve loved you then so be it.”
• but life’s not like movies where you wake up right during a miracle.
• this miracle takes time.
• and after an EXPENSIVE deal of money and medicine to keep you alive,
• a year it takes for you to finally open your eyes.
• to a nice hospital bed room.
• filled with flowers and the reminiscent scent of old spice and San.
• your hair’s a bit longer.
• the sun’s definitely brighter.
• but not as bright as the smile you see once you turn to the side.
• “Good morning beautiful.” San reaches his forehead against yours. “How were your dreams?”
• you choke on a decent reply. “S-San?”
• “The one and only.”
• “Where’s— Where’s Ari? Where’s my—“
• “Our?” San chuckles softly. “You mean our son.”
• you kind of remember.
• it takes a while to remember the voices and the dreams in your head.
• how waking up to find them real was surreal on its own.
• “He’s at school, bubba.” San cradles your face in the palm of his hand staring at you like he was hypnotized. “I’ll have someone pick him up. Tell him mommy’s awake.”
• “San..” you shake your head in his hand. “How is this real?”
• “Our son might be a miracle worker. Brought us together the way we made him. Brought me so I could keep you alive.”
• cheesy as you remember.
• although this handsome and older version of your old flame you aren’t too sure.
• “So you just show up while I’m in a coma and play daddy while I sleep?” you hoarsely chuckle while he smiles against your lips. “Even after 13 years, you won’t grudge against me for not telling you?”
• “I can’t blame you for trying to save yourselves.” he admits with his lips still on yours. “I wasn’t good enough for you. I know still I’m not. But I’m gonna try this time. Even if I have to pretend I’m not who I am sometimes.”
• you two are interrupted by a crying teenager.
• one you remembered resembled San.
• but now them standing right next to each other,
• looking like two carbon copies and a surreal dream in your head.
• maybe you are dead...
• “Ma!” he shoves his father away abruptly. “Look ma! I brought dad! He helped pay your debt, pays for my school. Even finished the hospital bills.”
• you glare at your always boisterous ex boyfriend and long lost father to your son.
• “You did what?”
• “Did I mention this was my way of getting back at you for not telling me about my 14 year old son?”
• “San how the hell am I gonna pay you back?”
• you just woke up.
• and the doctor runs in ready to sedate to keep you stable for at least more than 24 hours.
• but the way San looks at you is enough.
• him being there like your life long medication itself.
• holding your hand while your son holds your other one proposing,
• “Marry me. And we can call it even.”
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actuallybarb · 4 years
The Aftermath ~ Part 10
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Summary: y/n almost murders someone but jake peralta talks her out of it
Pairing: peter parker x reader
Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, trauma, the end is nigh
Word Count: 2095
A/N: it’s almost done. 
Wong dropped Peter and I off on the roof of my apartment. “Stay safe.” Then he was gone, and we were alone. Well, alone until the calvary could get there. The Avengers were working with the FBI and the Nine-Nine for a perimeter, but I didn’t really think it would matter. This person was clearly determined to get to me, they wouldn’t let a police perimeter get in the way.
“Who do you think it is?” Peter asked quietly, his eyes on the sky. He was decked out in his Spider-Man suit, his first appearance since his name was cleared, and I could feel his leg bouncing with joy. Sam mentioned a suit at some point for me, but we were a bit preoccupied to actually get around to it. I had to make do with my Vans and the comm in my ear.
I kept my eyes on the ground. My apartment building wasn’t exceedingly tall, but it gave me a fairly good vantage point for the happenings of New York City. “Someone from Beck’s crew. I did kind of ruin their lives, someone is bound to be pissed as hell.”
“I didn’t even — do you feel that?”
It started out subtle. Barely a flinch. But then the ground started to shake harder and harder. And then I saw the cause.
Sand. Tons of it. Rolling in from the coast.
And straight toward a person.
The sand piled around him and he just kept getting bigger and bigger until a giant sand man was standing in the middle of Fourth Street.
And all I could think of was Mr. Sandman by The Chordettes.
“Y/N Y/L/N!” he (It? Do we even worry about proper pronouns?) shouted. Peter flinched at how loud his voice was, but that was the least of my concerns. “It is time for you to meet your doom!”
“Good!” I shouted back. “Make it quick, I hear they have unlimited mimosas in heaven!”
Maybe (definitely) my self-preservation skills were skewed, but I couldn’t miss the opportunity. And the longer I had him monologuing, the longer he didn’t kill people.
“You made me become this,” he shouted again, “and now you will pay the price!”
Then he slammed his sand-fist as close to me and Peter as he could reach.
“At least he just got right to the point,” I mumbled. I looked at Peter. “I’m really hoping him being this big makes him slower. I’ll see if I can do something about the sand.”
“I’ll try and web him up, see if we can topple him over.”
“Great.” Peter swung away and I lifted myself between buildings, trying to get close enough without being in hitting distance.
Sand is trickier than rocks because the particles are loose. But if I could compress them, or maybe add some water...
Fuck it, let’s just do it.
I got closer (my first mistake) until I could feel the sand particles whirling around me. I latched onto a few (my second mistake) and tried to pull them away from the Sand Man (my third mistake).
Why are these mistakes, Y/N, this sounds like a foolproof plan.
Well, you see, I thought I was pulling the sand away from the body.
I was pulling the Sand Man toward me.
And I realized it a second too late.
His hand swiped me off the roof and sent me crashing into the ground below. “You won’t fool me so easily, Y/N. You’re going to pay for what you did.” I brushed the gravel off my palms and groaned as I stood up, my ribs on fire. Before I could get my bearings, though, sand started to swirl around me and lifted me into the sky. Sand Man tossed me around like a rag doll, trying to give me whiplash, before he threw me up in the air and let me fall, no support.
He wasn’t expecting Peter, though.
“I gotcha,” his voice rang in my ear. We landed a couple blocks away and his hands immediately reached for my shoulders. “Are you okay, are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” I snapped probably a bit too harshly. “Look, if we’re going to be successful at all with this thing, just assume I’m okay, okay? Thanks for catching me.” I leaned forward and kissed him right on his jaw, mask and all, then I ran back into the center of the street.
“You want a piece of me?” I shouted at him (I’ve decided on ‘him’). “Come and get me.”
Then I pulled a Bolin and made the street split with lava.
Peter stayed up top and tried to tie up the Sand Man, but I pushed the lava forward, underneath his feet. I was hoping it would start to melt the sand, but he just compressed the particles and held his ground.
“It’s like he is the sand,” Peter’s voice echoed in my ear.
He is the sand.
“I have an idea! I could really use some back up.”
“What’s up?” Peter, Sam, and Wanda met me on the ground.
“Distract him. Get as many bits of sand away from him as possible. Not enough to notice, but enough to start shaking him down. Got it?”
They nodded. “You’re the boss, Y/N,” Sam said with a wink, then he flew up in the sky.
I stayed low, but close. And I let my senses take over.
This guy, he was literally the sand. The more sand, the bigger he got. So, take away the sand, and he’ll get smaller. I just had to keep the sand away.
I was chucking rocks and balls of fire and gusts of air at the Sand Man, but that was all on autopilot. The main part of my brain was focusing on the sand that fell, and making sure to blow it far enough away to stop him from getting it back so quickly.
And it started to work. Slowly but surely, Sand Man was getting smaller, and he didn’t notice.
But he would eventually, and I needed a plan for that.
Sand castles stick together better when the sand is damp, that’s just how they work. But when sand is too wet, it falls apart.
No sand, no man.
“When you guys see the big wave coming in, get the hell out of here, got it?”
“Y/N, what are you planning?”
“It’s kind of a long shot, but just let me try it. Keep the sand away until the last second, okay?”
I walked out into the middle of the road and reached for the water. There were thousands of gallons rushing beneath me, but those were too damaging to New York City, and it’s been through enough. I reached further and further until I felt the salt of the ocean and I let it take over my senses. There was a huge tug in my gut and the sound of the waves rushed over my ears.
I looked at the Sand Man, the guy responsible for my parents’ disappearance, the guy who had made my life a living hell the past week, and I screamed.
A huge maverick of a wave came through New York City and crashed on the Sand Man. Wanda, Peter, and Sam got out of the way just in time.
The Sand Man toppled over and lost even more sand, but he started to get back up.
“Hell no.” My hand formed a fist and I felt the water following my movements. The huge water fist came up and landed one huge uppercut to his jaw and sent him down all over again. Then I made my own hurricane with him in the middle of it. More and more sand was lost in the water, and once he was down to size...
I dropped him.
But he didn’t have Peter to catch him.
He slammed against the asphalt and finally dissipated into a normal-sized man, even if he was still made out of sand. I unclenched my fists and the water made its way back to the ocean, taking a few park benches and a hot dog stand with it.
I stood over him and shouted, “Who the hell are you?” hoping he would open his eyes at my unrelenting fury. This jackass had my parents, I wasn’t going to show mercy.
And he had the audacity to laugh. “You’ll never find them, Y/N. Over my dead body.”
My hands flickered with lightning. “That can be arranged.”
“No killing, Y/N,” a new voice rang out in my ear.
“Jake? You’re on comms?”
“I know, cool, right? I’m talking directly into Spider-Man’s ear. Whatever, anyway, no killing, we still need information from him.”
I glared at the Sand Man and he just blinked lazily at me. “What’s your name?”
“Like I said, over my—“ I zapped him once, just a little spark, but his body (can we even call it that? it’s literally sand) shuddered. “Bitch.”
“That’s not very nice.” Peter landed softly beside me and glared at him too, his mask eyes narrowed. “If anyone’s a bitch, here, it’s definitely you.” Sam and Wanda joined us on the ground, and eventually the 99 joined us too, Jake at the front.
“Y/N that was awesome! The way you got the huge wave to come through and then you made a hurricane and ohmygoditsspiderman.” Jake couldn’t help but start blushing, just a little bit. “Can — can I have your autograph?”
Peter glanced at me, a smirk on my face, before responding, “Uh, yeah, sure, ‘course. You got a pen and paper?”
“How are we supposed to cuff this guy?” Diaz asked, looking at the Sand Man. “Last I checked sand isn’t the most stable.”
We all just kind of looked at each other for a second before I stepped forward and grabbed Sand Man’s wrists. My concentration was kind of shot, but I had enough left to focus all of my energy into my hands, heating them to a temperature well above comfortable. Slowly, glass started to form from the melted sand, and I slammed his wrists together, bonding them. “You’re not going anywhere any time soon.”
“That seems like cruel and unusual punishment.”
“Tell me where my parents are and maybe I’ll let you out.”
He just grinned and followed the detectives into the squad car, where Detective Diaz may or may not have smashed some sand in the door.
I turned to Peter and wrapped my arm around his waist. “Can we go?”
“I don’t see why not.” His grip tightened around me and we swung out of the wreckage. I completely wrapped my legs around his hips and latched my other arm around his shoulders, but I kept my eyes wide open.
I could get used to this.
I recognized the apartment building we landed on — I’d visited Peter up here plenty of times to remember the small dying plant in the corner of the roof and the twinkle lights that ran out of battery a long time ago. “C’mon,” Peter said as he started for the fire escape, “let’s get cleaned up.”
May washed my jeans while I showered and I airbended them dry, but my shirt was torn to pieces. Peter left out his old band t-shirt, but I could barely get it on. My rib cage was already starting to splotch with blue and purple bruises, and with my adrenaline wearing off, I felt every hit I took today. After a few grunts a multiple hisses of pain I looked over at my jeans then back down at my legs and had one definitive thought: “there’s no way in hell I’m putting those back on.”
I stuck my head out the bathroom door and whispered, “Pst, Peter.”
His own head popped out of his bedroom door. “What?”
“Can I steal some sweats?”
“Oh, yeah, sure.” His head disappeared and reappeared a second later. “Here.”
“Thanks.” A couple more grunts later and I was completely dressed in Peter Parker’s wardrobe (no complaints there). I walked back into his room and he was laying on his bed, Gilmore Girls playing on his laptop. “I got you hooked, didn’t I?”
“I just want Luke and Lorelai to end up together, is that too much to ask?”
I snickered. “No.” I laid down beside him and, ignoring the painful protests my ribs screamed at me, I curled into his side. We got ten minutes into an episode before I whispered, “Do you really think we’ll find them?”
“Yeah, I really do.”
His heart was steady.
tags: @eridanuswave​ @vampirestrawberries​ @yougottalovefandoms​
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sanoiro · 4 years
Lucifer 5x09 - Family Dinner -Spoilers & Speculation
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Written by Joe Henderson
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Directed by Nathan Hope
Nathan Hope has directed
1x02 - Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil 1x13 - Take Me Back to Hell 2x01 - Everything's Coming Up Lucifer 2x07 - Trip to Stabby Town  2x10 - Quid Pro Ho 3x05 - Welcome Back, Charlotte Richards 3x19 - Orange Is the New Maze 5x07 - Our Mojo He will also direct Episode 2 or 3 of S6
Behind The Scenes Video 
Ignore the fact that I accidentally watermarked it with the number 519... 
The Case & Deckerstar
Now we can start with the case of the week.
The murder happens at Golf n Stuff which is rather popular due to the scenes that were shot there for The Karate Kid. Rafferty was actually giddy over that.
So we have a murder. After over 70 episodes we know that the case of the week is somehow connected to the main plot and that it leads to a resolving of Lucifer’s issues or at least a small or big breakthrough.
The victim in this case was burned to death or at least he was… charred. A bit like how Mum ‘enlightened’ Jared in 2x17 but worse.
(In order to make sure most bts are included I have put them in the same file in their original resolution and you need to open the image and zoom. You can do it from your PC, MAC or mobile)
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The mini golf has several fun statues like knights and pirates but what was not supposed to be there was the figure at the hole where nearby the victim was found. To be more You might have guessed it has many teeth by the photo and the answer is, it’s a reddish dragon head.
Back in December I came across the props building it and I thought it was cool but I wasn’t aware it was for Lucifer as the account is not affiliated with our crew or production. So imagine my surprise when a friend told me about what she had seen on the lot and going through the archived bts I found the victim photo as well.
You may have noticed it but in two particular episodes more dragons made their appearance. First it was at the second showrunner’s office in 503. There we see a dragon impelled by a sword, it seemed really out of place but I then correlated it with Baphament’s blade which is a representation of Azrael’s blade.
Later on I saw something else. In 508 Pete’s apartment had shelves dedicated to dragon figures as well as some knights. All along I was wondering can I even meta about that? What can it symbolise if it means anything at all? For some reason all I could think was the movie ‘Dragonheart’.
But let’s assume they have laid some hints, so far we have seen that they go very basic on bible and comic material so it’s funny how dragon-like Lucifer was presented in Series 3 of the black label of DC/ vertigo. But there are also more tidbits.
Now in 1x12 you all remember the Angel who was defeating a very Lucifer-looking Satan?
That was a prop. But it is derived by the work of Guido Reni ‘Michael and Satan’ (1636) Who was in turn influenced by Raphael’s painting ‘St. Michael Vanquishing Satan’ (1518) and if we go to Raphael’s early works... St. Michael (1504-1505)
The investigation of this ‘week’s’ case has its usual suspect chase which leads us to an arcade where we can spot some members of the crew doing rounds with the go-carts on that location. What I do know is that we are looking for someone young as far as guest posts go but other than that not much is known. The case seems to be progressing slowly but at some point the murderer appears to want to skip town so the leads bring us to L.A.’s train Union Station.
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We also have scenes at the precinct during the case as we have seen from Aimee’s bts but not much is known there. 
Now the suspect might be played by the elusive guest of this episode John Clover whose appearance was posted on Reddit and had sparked the first speculations over the title of the episode.
We should now wonder whether the theme of this episode’s case which takes us to gaming areas has anything to do with how Lucifer views his Father’s appearance in the mid-season finale and whether it will provide him with a resolution to not act in a rush way. The same after all happened with Mum.
Do not forget that Lucifer in Season 2 and especially at the beginning with Mum and when he thought Earl Johnson was his Father, Lucifer’s plans changed as his vengeance turned to a slow paced questioning over why their relationship deteriorated. 
For an Angel who was ‘forced’ - not yet clarified so let’s not take that for granted- to punish the guilty Lucifer seems to be more merciful, understanding and open to explanations in the long run especially with the people who wronged him. Amenadiel, Michael, Uriel, Azrael, Mum, and Earl ‘God’ Johnson.
As Amenadiel said in the Pilot Lucifer away from Hell showed restrain and mercy… Perhaps it is true that we cannot escape from what we truly are. In any case that’s meta talk!
Back to the Union Station. 
In the train station we have a bts where we can see Chloe and Lucifer chasing the suspect and from the photos and videos outside of it we can safely say they are successful on apprehending the murderer.
Now a funny incident was that during the shooting the area was closed to the actual travelers but somehow a Japanese tourist ended up sitting where the background actors were. No idea if it was her Pizza or it was given by the craft service but the girl was obviously bewildered on what was happening. It’s the little absurdities of life I guess…
It seems though as a lighthearted episode at first...
Do not be mistaken, the writers, cast and showrunners have revealed that in S5P2 we enter the emotional and equally dark (In P1 I missed the darkness aside from Pete of course) part of this season. It means that by the end of 5x09 as we roll on the last minutes of this episode, Lucifer is heavily conflicted and a resolution is needed, one that seems to be somewhat provided.
Since P1 I thought it would be weird to have Deckerstar break up for effect, in order to break us, especially since S5 was supposed to be the last season and S6 is effectively from what they imply (again cast and showrunners) an epilogue. So do not expect Deckerstar to break up but on the contrary as we saw Lucifer and Chloe in 507 they pull each other back up. 
It is why I’m wondering what will be unraveled after the arrest of 5x09’s murderer.
The end of the episode takes us at night to L.A.’s Grand Park. The Grand Park is across the City Hall by the way, and for the Christmas season it was decorated with a Christmas tree made out of light bulbs.
In the bts the prominent colour of that tree is deep lilac. That’s where our next Deckerstar moment will unravel. We should also be ready for the Lucifer Universe to acknowledge yet another holiday of the human world, Christmas!
A tiny break here but you should remember that on each side of the elevator we have two bronze plates depicting the transfer of Christ after he was taken down dead from the Cross. So in the most discrete of ways Lucifer’s Universe has acknowledged Christ and perhaps it was because before the Sumerian text set Amenadiel as the favourite son, in Season 1 and for the majority of S2 we knew Lucifer as the favourite one.
On the cross Christ (no I didn’t write Lucifer at first :P) according to the scripts in a moment of lapsed faith “Father, Father why do you abandon me?”. In a way we might meta that for 516 but also for what Lucifer has experienced so far and has so eloquently expressed in 3x11 and in 1x09.  
But back to the Deckerstar moment…
It takes place on the ‘balcony’ above the fountain as the purple Christmas tree is behind them. The setting happens at night and provides the place for our characters to talk, to open up and perhaps even express certain fears but also be urged to take advantage of the current circumstances.
From my perspective is the scene of a couple that talks a difficult matter but at the end of that talk they know each has the other’s back so they can step forward, take that chance and their partner will always be there to catch them if they fall. It is also how we will experience Lucifer finally opening up without Linda probing him. But whatever comes forward also gives space to truths and a realisation which will break our Devil as we have seen from the bts of the next episodes.
We might even have an understanding why ‘I love you’s’ are difficult for Lucifer and for Chloe to also realise that. We might even get Lucifer to say it. Here is to hoping…
On a final note. Maze in this episode seems to have gone MIA but many times we do not see the bts of every scene so all we have is Lesley-Ann’s bts from her trailer during that time. Also do not forget how things ended in 508. Maze did betray Lucifer and with God on Earth... 
The Dinner
This episode is expected to open back to the precinct. The reason is because it is a mid-season finale which means that the in between scenes are not implied but also because of some spoilers we had back in December.
As you remember the actress who played officer Cacuzza had posted on Twitter that she and Lauren were in a ‘very small’ room which had just been painted. That room we can safely say is the ‘evidence room’ and that Cacuzza managed finally to find a way to close the surveillance in order to take a nap.
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Now do remember that back in S4 Cacuzza was also the officer who let Lucifer ‘sample’ the drug busts… I’m not sure if that will come back somehow but we do know that Cacuzza will appear later this season, whether alive or not is yet to be seen.
What we do know is from the clues that were given by the actress.
1) She will be in the same room as Chloe meaning we will revisit the evidence room once Dad arrives and perhaps it will be a comic moment? Perhaps a random human will figure things out? But what was interesting is that according to the bts photo we see the actress and Lauren in their own clothes while Dennis is in his ‘Dad/God’ clothes.
2) Both Chloe and Officer Cacuzza were supposed to act distressed and shaken. If we take the ‘I love you’ element from that scene for Chloe let’s remember that the evidence is suddenly a bit of a mess. A glass has broken, the sound and effect will be heard once the time has started running again and they are two cops in a room with no idea of what is happening outside. So perhaps the shaken and distressed effect comes before they open the door (or walk out) and are sure there is no imminent threat.
3) In my opinion in this episode Cacuzza has some lines no matter how brief they might be.
Now the question here is how to proceed.
We obviously have a Family Dinner from which only two bts exist. 
If we assume that the Family Dinner is arranged after the brothers have hid their wings and then Dad has met Linda then the dinner is set up by a very flabbergasted Linda.
I do expect Linda to bow by the way and for this dinner to bring some elements from 1x10 Pops. For this speculation I’ll include the video of the scene from that episode and I’ll try to tie them up with 5x09.
All the episodes in P2 are meant to do a full circle and the writers have based most of their storytelling on the events of S1 and S2.
So first the spoilers of what we know from 5x09 and then the ties we may find with 1x10 and some more past episodes.  
The 11 minutes are quite long but is it really all things concerning? 
Henderson tweeted that there will be 5 actors but as we know know Ellis plays two characters which is why the dinner scene may have taken three days to shoot so we should count six people at the Dinner Table.
The location will be (most probably) at Linda’s house as we have seen from a bts that her main table is full of different varieties of fruits and food in an attempt to recreate an Olympian affluent meal. For Linda is only normal to be out of her element and try to impress God. So far she has been almost killed by his ex, has a child that can be snatched away to the Silver City if she is not deemed worthy perhaps or even because of Charlie’s half genetic code.
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Remember there was a stand in actor for Michael 
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The problem Linda also faces is that she has supported Lucifer. Yes, he is her friend but how will God react to that? Having a human siding with His rebellious son? Linda as it has been written knows how far pissed off celestials can go and I’m sure she remembers Lucifer’s agony and fear over his Father where Chloe was concerned. So she tries, really tries to present a wonderful setting for the grandfather of her child.
So we do have Linda in the mix. Obviously God, Amenadiel, Lucifer and Michael. That makes us five characters and four actors. Little Charlie also makes an appearance as far as I’m aware as the twin babies were on set and that also contributes on why the scene took so long to be shot. However the babies do not count as the sixth character. Chloe though does.
In short we have:
Another thing we should take into account for this scene is Rafferty’s posted script page of the midseason finale.
While Amenadiel and Lucifer appear shocked and in awe, Michael seems rather pleased. I mean he literally ‘Grins with excitement’.
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Amenadiel in 5x03 said that the only one who was talking to the throne meanwhile Henderson as far as I remember in one of the post P1 interviews, revealed that God and Michael have a relationship that Lucifer wishes he had with Him. D.B on one of the virtual cons (or ET interview. I have issues with keeping track of them now) have said that the scene at the family dinner would be gut wrenching and absolutely fall down hilarious’.
So in this dinner we will get to know our characters more and as Ildy and Henderson have said Lucifer will go back being a 14 year old at the Thanksgiving table. That perhaps is the reason why the script episodes 510 and 511were reversed. The last time that had happened was in S1 in order for Lucifer’s vulnerability to not come too soon in the season. In the case of these two episodes I believe it has to do with Lucifer’s emotional state but also the constant collisions he will have with his father in the Family Dinner but also during the Musical episode.
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Another aspect to consider is that if 5x09 reminds us a lot of 1x10 -Pops right now and 5x10 the Musical episode is directly influenced by 2x16 - God Johnson.
The next section will now be dedicated to a quick recap of 1x10 - Pops and the possible connection to Michael and his story.
Michael in 5x09 teases Chloe as she is kept captive that there is a bigger plan and ‘Spoiler Alert’ it will be EPIC. That can be left alone as a promise to see more of that plan in S5P2 but before we go forward we should also go back in 2x04 - Weaponiser.
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Do you see the parallel? How far Uriel’s view of the ‘Patterns’ could go was always a meta I couldn’t crack. Sure Michael hinted as per one Anon hinted on Tumblr that Michael might have been the one to urge Uriel on Earth to kill Mum and hopefully Lucifer as well. It is also perhaps why we were reminded of Azrael’s Blade in 5x03 - Diablo with Baphament’s blade, the only blade that could kill the Devil. Perhaps that was Michael’s plan back then but it didn’t work out.
But is Michael the big villain? According to the showrunners no. There are more things happening but Michael has a reasoning, has a story, one that explains his deformity and is the hero of his own story as all  the other season ‘villains’ so far were. Mum, Amenadiel, Malcolm, Kinley, even Cain.
What the Interviews say about Michael:
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Beginning with the parallel between the dinner we had in 1x10’s dinner and plot, and in what may have in episode 5x09 I would like to remind you- 
- at this point I have censored some spoilers, not speculations, spoilers for episodes of P2 that will not be added in the S&S -
I’ll return to this topic and explore it thoroughly as the S&S are written but for now remember that 1x10 might tell us more than what we think right now and it might take us as a point of reference even up to 5x16.
Between 1x10 and 5x09 we can also wonder what are God’s intentions, can we attribute them all to Michael’s manipulation or it goes beyond that because the showrunners have promised us an emotional P2. I do believe issues are addressed and Lucifer will have to come face to face with some hard truths without that meaning that Dad was always right.
In the Pilot - wait.. Pilot? Yes, 5x09 is an episode that slowly builds us to the very end. There are spoilers and references that need to be addressed from past and future episodes before and after 5x09.
We need to address that in the Pilot, Lucifer told Delilah the very truth he uttered to Linda where he was concerned in S4 (4x08). God has nothing to do with your mess. Like Delilah, Lucifer was putting the blame to others, circumstances and even questioned God. He was wasting his eternal life and his talent, which he eventually found in crime solving.
On cue we get to the scene with Chloe asking God what she is doing to a bar with Lucifer. And what follows is Chloe telling Lucifer how she saw things differently from everyone and she paid for it. That story for me at least rings a bell.
We still do not know why Lucifer was cast out, the actual reason. No matter the sexescapeding with Eve or the rebellion what was the core of all that acting out as Linda called it in season 2? Whatever it was if we go back to 3x11 we will see that Chloe in the Pilot is basically Lucifer in 3x11.
They feel alone, misjudged and while Chloe tries to move on and later in S1 finds what actually happened, in Lucifer’s case he gives up on waiting for forgiveness from his Father until Michael comes, and tells him that even his Fall was a manipulation.
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In Pops Lucifer asked something very interesting what did the sous chef wanted? And the answer was to surpass Pops. I do wonder if that’s what Lucifer wanted in a way and of course Michael on Lucifer’s expense. Two ‘children’ fighting for attention but only one was groomed to take over.
Speaking of taking over at the end of the episode of 1x10 we learn that Pops despite what Junior had done still had his son in his mind for taking over the restaurant. Pops believed in his son but allowed him space to grow eventually when everything failed.
If you remember Zadkiel’s spoiler we see that in 5x15 for some reason Lucifer wants to re-join the Host. That aside from a reconciliation shows that like Junior, Lucifer for his own reasons - we do not know what has happened but we will go back to that in the S&S of 5x15 - wants what divine power has to offer.
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What happens next is again interesting -censored-. I just want you to see how we do not deal with standalones but everything progresses towards a point, a familiar yet innovative point for the series.
In episode 2x01, Lucifer asks mockingly an offended Chloe who did she thought he took after, his Dad? That happened because Lucifer believed to have taken more after his mother but as we know genetics is a funny thing, Celestial genetics even more so.
God’s absence from Lucifer’s life shaped him. He did drove Lucifer to become something he wasn’t but after 4.5 seasons can we claim that Lucifer and God are nothing alike? 
Maze I believe was spot on on the similarities God and Lucifer held.
Lucifer believes in justice, in truth and is able to love. He has been more of an Angel than any non fallen Angel has ever been so far. 
Amenadiel tricked a dead human to kill Lucifer thus condemning him again in Hell however as we know from Charlotte’s case a redemption was not impossible. 
Uriel wanted to kill his mother and wouldn’t hesitate to kill Chloe in the process. Azrael is basically a liar and manipulator, Remiel would gleefully cut open a human for their half-celestial baby while Michael is really-really messed up.
So what has happened?
Like with Junior, Lucifer was pushed by his Father to become the man he is today. And Lucifer likes what he is, who he is because he sees the change and is even afraid of not being real when that change is questioned or exposed to him.
The same happened with Amenadiel, once he decided to embrace humanity and brotherhood. He changed for the better and became more ‘angelic’.
So yes, Junior’s story does apply to Lucifer on many levels. But Junior didn’t have that dinner with his Father, Lucifer will as they will do two more of his siblings. Some will be hurt, some will feel betrayed and some may walk out.
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Which brings us to a very big question. 
Was Mum truthful when she said to Lucifer, his Dad wanted to destroy him? If the answer is yes, how will both deal with that? Because Lucifer may have not totally believed Mum.
If that answer comes to play we should consider it as the common question children come forward to when they learn they were not planned or their parents had opted at first to have an abortion. The fact that they didn’t get on with the abortion or had willingly made a child does affect their feelings towards that child now? Do they regret it? Do they want what that child has become?
These are all tough questions and sometimes the answers are not easy either. Mainly because humans like celestials with human emotions as it seems, are secure and balanced only with the totality of a circumstance. Everything or nothing, the rest in between are not welcome and it’s bound to hurt.
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Finally, on this 1x10 weird reminisce. Can we say that Lucifer will be allowed in the end to create something that represents him? I think he may but more about that in 5x16 S&S.
Probably the story will not end with redemption but with Lucifer finally becoming his own person one that resembles a lot of Dad and Dad may accept or even encourage that path. That does not mean he will start anew though
Which brings us back to the adversary of 1x10 - Pops. The sous chef believed that Junior was not worthy of his father’s tolerance and reward so she made sure to destroy his reputation and went as far as trying to kill him. That sounds a lot like Michael.
Michael’s speech towards Maze about what was happening in the Silver City in 5x02 did echo the sous chef words:
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So we should wonder if Michael will succeed to a point to ruin Lucifer’s chances and leave Lucifer live with the consequences in the end as our hero learns to move on from whatever injustice happened or the writers will provide a catharsis.
And a final question here… Is Amenadiel really the favourite son? I somehow doubt that, perhaps I’ll be proved wrong as in many interviews Henderson has gone back to Amenadiel’s arc as he learns he is the ‘favourite’ and so far he has not said anything to contradict the belief 2x17 brought to us with so many translated Sumerian words.
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But as we said teh Dinner will not be cathartic on the contrary so does that mean that Lucifer eventually walks away? Probably.
At the photos that were posted near Christmas we have two bts one crystal clear and the other more hazy which shows Lucifer at the Penthouse and Dad being there in his white cardigan. I do suspect that meeting at the penthouse happens after the dinner but it does not resolve things between Father and son. it is also possible that it’s why we need the very emotional scene from the musical to be moved forward and 511 script to become 5x10 aired episode.
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Perhaps the comment on it’s not just Lucifer who hits the keys was referring to Dad and not Maze in 5x01.
Although we cannot be sure on what will happen in the penthouse and whether Scarlet was meant to join that scene or simply was on set for the day (highly probable) for another scene, we do know that in this episode we had a LUX night. A most perhaps unconventional one.
By this point you know that the writers are ready to address everything or at least make parallels and so somehow we have one with 1x09 - A Priest Walks Into A Bar. This time however it is seems like God Walks Into His Son’s Bar.
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If the camera is clear enough we can see God (?) talking to a white person. I would have loved it if it was Dan but I cannot tell for sure.
Whether that visit happens before or after the family dinner I believe it may happen before as the clothes Dennis wore at the lot around that time were different from the white we saw him appear with in the end of 5x08. Of course that does not say much as we will see Dad in the same/similar white clothes in at least three different episodes in Part 2.
Therefore in the conclusion of this S&S we should speculate that the Dinner is placed at the middle of the episode and a resolution is reached for Deckerstar in the end of the episode but Lucifer’s turmoil did fit better through the musical episode hence the change. 
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vs-redemption · 4 years
Crime is Common. Logic is Rare. (Ch 7)
Chapter Seven: Questions (HawksxGN!Reader)
Plot summary: You thought your hands were full as a regular quirk geneticist, but then you meet Hawks and things get even more exciting!
⚠️This story contains spoilers from the manga.
⚠️Some events and plot points have been altered from the original manga
Next Chapter : Chapter Guide
Watching the fight between Endeavor, Hawks, and the Nomu was horrible for so many reasons. It had only been a few months since the Kamino incident which had resulted in a demolished district, plenty dead, even more injured, and All Might’s sudden retirement. It had appeared that they might lose the new number one hero this time, but thanks to his fiery determination, Endeavor managed to kill what everyone was calling the “high-end” Nomu. What was even more miraculous, there hadn’t been a single casualty due to the support of Hawks and his amazing feathers. You were sure that you weren’t the only one to notice that this particular Nomu had been on a whole other level than the others though. It had almost been strong enough to take out the two top heroes and had caused an insane amount of damage to the city.
“Is my face still magical?” Hawks asks you the next day. He’d called you into his office for your daily report. He looks at you with puppy eyes while pointing to his face where his visor had been smashed in during the fight. He had a nice sized cut down the middle of his forehead.
“That’s not funny,” You tell him flatly. “You could’ve died.”
“Endeavor had it worse than me,” he states while shrugging. “He’s still in the hospital.”
“Yeah, but look at your wings!” You gesture to the two small stumps poking out the back of his jacket. It wasn’t pretty. “They’re gone.”
“My feathers will grow back in a couple days,” Hawks promises with his trademark cheesy grin.
“You’re lucky that guy from the league of villains that showed up didn’t try to fight you,” you couldn’t help lecturing a bit. The battle had really scared you. Hawks lets out a sigh, looking a bit more solemn now.
“Yeah,” he agrees.
“Endeavor was barely standing, and your feathers were all burned up,” you tilt your head curiously. “Why didn’t he attack? It doesn’t make sense.”
“Shouldn’t we just be grateful that he didn’t?” Hawks asks with a hopeful smile.
“You don’t seem like the type of guy to just chalk something like that up to good luck,” you point out with a frown. “He had the top two heroes at his mercy, but he just walked away?” Hawks purses his lips and scratches at his head.
“I think the police will probably look into that,” he laughs.
“Why did he even show himself at all?” your train of thought was going full speed ahead now. Maybe it was because of your quirk, but you could get fixated on small details sometimes. They nagged at your brain until you could determine if they were significant or not. “That’s unusual. None of the league’s members showed up during the Hosu incident. The leader and that portal guy were spotted watching from a distance, but they never fought or engaged the heroes in any way.” You paused for a moment to organize your thoughts. “Yeah! And in Kamino, the entire league got warped away by that All For One guy. They never participated in the fight. It was just him and the Nomus. So why did that blue fire guy come out into the open this time?”
“Who knows what goes on in the minds of villains,” Hawks shrugs. “You could drive yourself crazy trying to understand why they do the terrible things they do.”
“Yeah,” you shake out of your trance. “Sorry, I didn’t meant to go off like that. I’m glad you’re okay though. And it looks like Endeavor is going to make a full recovery.”
“I hear he’ll have a nasty scar, but he’ll be just fine in a few days,” Hawks assures you. “I’m sorry you had to be out here when this happened but try not to think on it or let it get to you too much.”
“Okay,” You agree before getting back to the topic of his lab.
Unfortunately though, you couldn’t stop thinking about it. Even a couple weeks after your trip to Hawks’ agency had ended, you still found yourself ruminating over the High-End fight. So far, the league of villains had kept all their activity around one area on the main island of Japan. Why had they chosen to release a Nomu all the way down in Kyushu all of a sudden? And what was more, the Nomu had appeared right when Endeavor had arrived in that region. Had they known he was going there? Were they targeting him now that All Might had retired? Why had they waited to attack him in such an inconvenient location? All the questions swirling around your head were driving you to distraction and testing your boss’ nerves. Perhaps Hawks had been right. You’d go crazy if you tried to figure out the inner workings of a villain’s mind.
Speaking of the bird, you were growing more and more annoyed with him as the days passed. You understood that he was a busy guy, but surely he should’ve gotten back to you about the job offer by now, or at least had someone else do it. Before you’d come home, he’d promised to contact you as soon as he could. You had his personal number now, but honestly you were worried about bothering him or overstepping some boundary. It wasn’t until you saw reports that he’d been seen around your area that you decided to pick up the phone and call him. He sounded surprised to hear from you, but not angry, and agreed to meet with you for a couple hours over the weekend.
“Aw, so this meeting is really about business huh?” Hawks sighs in faux disappointment when you explain your frustrations as you both stroll through the park where you’d chosen to meet. It was a little chilly outside, so there weren’t many people around to bother you. “I thought we were friends now.”
“If we’re friends, why’d you leave me hanging for so long?” You weren’t letting him off the hook. You were glad to see he was still okay though. His face was completely healed and his bright red wings were as full and vibrant as ever. His quirk really was incredible.
“I thought I told the research department to email you,” Hawks awkwardly scratches at his head.
“Does that mean you’re not offering me a position?” You ask and this question seems to shock him.
“No!” he states. “It’s just that I haven’t figured out how best to utilize your talents at my agency yet.” That was an annoying response.
“If you don’t know if I can do anything else to benefit your agency, then you don’t have to hire me,” you couldn’t help but feel like something was off about this whole thing, but you couldn’t put a finger on what it was. Hawks was the one who had been pursuing you for the job, but now he seemed to be second guessing it. Not getting the job was a little disappointing, but it wasn’t the end of the world for you.
“I’m sorry,” Hawks gives you a sad smile. “I shouldn’t keep you waiting. The thing is, the hero commission wants me working in this area for a while so it might actually be better to have you here.” You had no idea if that was just an excuse of if he meant it, but you decided to drop it for now.
“So, did they ever figure out what was up with that high-end Nomu?” you ask. Hawks smiles, but it looks forced.
“I haven’t heard anything that hasn’t been reported in the news already,” He says and you’re sure he’s lying. This was the guy who had picked your brain for hours about the research you’d done in your lab and the studies you’d observed in Tokyo. There was no way he hadn’t made sure to know every scrap of information they’d picked up from the Nomu he’d help to fight.
“Why didn’t it attack you?” you ask.
“What?” His golden eyes go wide.
“That Nomu only went after Endeavor,” you tell him. “I watched the video a few times. That Nomu went straight for Endeavor every time. And after Endeavor went down, it started causing damage around the city. It never went after you.” Hawks stares at you for a moment before shaking his head.
“That fight really got into your head, didn’t it?” He asks. “They’re still studying that Nomu, so we can’t know for sure why it acted the way it did.”
“Yeah, I guess.” It wasn’t a satisfying answer. You’d already emailed the research lab in Tokyo to ask if you could come back, but they’d claimed the pass you’d obtained from Hawks still had limitations. They weren’t going to let you anywhere near the high-end Nomu. You’d kind of expected that much, but it just made you all the more curious.
Because Hawks was extremely busy, you weren’t able to talk to him for much longer. He had patrols to do, but he said he’d try to schedule another meeting with you soon. Somehow he’d been able to dodge and dance around everything you’d been hoping to get answers for. It was very frustrating. You went back to your apartment wondering if would ever actually get back in touch with you again.
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meowdymista · 4 years
Van der Driscoll Pt8
Part 7 - Masterlist
Part 9
This is somehow only 3800 words long, possibly because I killed three pages of flashback and squished it into a handful of paragraphs. BUT there’s no in game script this time (hooray!) so hopefully will be a bit more of a fun read.
Gentle reminder that the only reason I’m still writing this discarded one shot is because @memekingofwwiii and @artisticpoet replied to the original post three months ago. Any feedback always goes a long way, and if you wish this project had died back at the beginning, you have them to blame #sorrynotsorry
“Miss LN, if you do not quit your incessant pacing, I will tie you to the mill stone in Rhodes and rent you out as a donkey!”
Your apology is empty and Miss Grimshaw’s scowl tells you she knows it. Hosea folds down the paper, pressing precisely over the creases before setting it aside. “They won’t be long now, I’m sure of it.”
O’Driscoll’s had intercepted Mr Pearson on his way to Rhodes with the message that Colm was proposing a truce. They claimed it was better to rally together as a dying species than to let the Pinkertons pick off smaller groups fighting amongst themselves.
That wasn't your primary concern. The thought of the O’Driscoll’s so close to camp rattled you, and shook Kieran like an oversized jelly. There was a chance they wouldn’t see through your altered appearance and you could slip past them, but for Kieran who rode with them for two months... To be shot on sight would be a mercy, and both of you knew that that wasn’t the O’Driscoll way.
Dutch announced that as doubtful as the proposition was, he wasn’t going to waste the opportunity to put the past behind him. Assigning Micah as his number two and Arthur as back up, the trio rode out of camp despite the shaking heads and words of disapproval.
“We’ve been in worse situations before and got out of it,” continues Hosea, his bright eyes tired. “Arthur’s the best shot in camp. He’ll take care of any trouble before it starts.”
You hum in acknowledgement before dismissing yourself. You haven’t told anyone about the vibrantly vivid dreams you’ve been having. Abigail has told you in the past that she had them a lot whilst expecting Jack, something to do with the raging hormones, but you can’t shake the dread that’s become sediment in the bottom of your heart. There is something about the way Dream Micah is relentless in his beatings... the way he sneers at every missed punch from Dream Arthur… the shine of moonlight on the infamous double action revolver with its custom black and red grip, and the flicker of fire highlighting the etching Vengeance is hereby mine. To know Arthur is out there with Micah’s only cheerleader is unsettling to say the least. What if it’s not the chaos of change? What if these dreams are a premonition?
You shake the thought of Dutch’s polished boots crushing Arthur’s outstretched fingers from your mind. A dream, you tell yourself firmly. A dream and nothing more.
Stripping to your undergarments, you wade out into the lake in search of a distraction. There’s an island not too far from shore. You could be alone with your thoughts there if you took the boat out, or even if one of the horses wanted to take a swim, but the nagging in your stomach has tied a knot to the centre of the camp. You can’t wander far for fear of the Dream Arthur’s beaten corpse welcoming you back.
“Miss Thomas, I-” Kieran squawks loudly from the shoreline, staring up awkwardly into the evening sky. You sigh and retreat enough to stay underwater whilst remaining within earshot. “I-I’m sorry, M-Miss, I didn’t think you was- that you were-!”
“It’s fine, Kieran. Pass me the towel on that rock?” He obliges, eyes still scouring the heavens like a lost monk until you’ve tied it around your waist and shrugged on one of Arthur’s old shirts. “You heard something?”
“Should I have? Oh, about Arthur and Dutch. They ain’t back yet. I was- I was just wanting to, erm, to check how you was feelin’ with the whole… Colm... thing.”
You consider lying. It would be an appetising distraction to feed him a cool indifferent nature and watch him squirm in paranoia, however you’re not sure how much longer you can fight the burn of madness at the edge of your mind. 
“Scared shitless,” you admit eventually, the corners of your mouth tugging downwards despite your best efforts. “Not even for Arthur being gone, but… if they know. If they know the truth, or if they find out about…” Your fingers touch the soft curve of your stomach. “About Arthur and... I don’t know what I’ll do. What we can do.”
Kieran nods quietly, clearing his throat as his eyes dart over the shore, like a rabbit catching the scent of coyotes on the wind. “Colm burns through men like cigars, but Lord knows what them O’Driscoll boys’ll do if they get their hands on us.”
“We’ll be dead if we’re lucky,” you mumble, turning a smooth pebble in your hands before skimming it over the water. “The lucky ones… they go quick.”
You can feel his gaze burning into the side of your skull, but you try to keep your posture indifferent. You know what he’s going to ask before he even inhales.
“What happened with Peader? Was it quick or…?”
“Quick.” You skim another stone as your heart battles its way into your throat. You don’t have the energy to feign ignorance this time. “I made sure of that.”
“What- what he do?”
Shadows move around the camp, indifferent to your whereabouts. Taking a deep breath, you begin to tell the story honestly, hoping that perhaps if you acknowledge and repent your sin out loud, whatever God there is out there will return Arthur to you.
You tell him about meeting Peader in a quiet saloon on the outskirts of Blackwater - a place where even the cobwebs had moved on in anticipation for the new place opening on the main road. How Peader swooped in, landing on a chair opposite you, his grin brighter than a beacon from his day drinking.
“Yull never guess the shit I just got us. A boat with a shit tonne o’ gold is docking here end o’ this week. Minimum security, no guards, easy pickings. Can you believe it?”
“No,” you scoff, stifling a yawn. “Ain’t no such thing.”
“Tha’s what I said, but this feller I was talkin’ to was from the bank. He was sayin’ that it'd be the steal of the century if anyone pulled it off. They’d tried hiring security, but no one was taking ‘em up on it. Said it was travelling too far, was too high risk of being hit, so they decided to play it all poker like and just send the ferry anyways.”
“And you trust this feller?”
“Sure, as much as anyone else I meet on the street.”
“How’d you know he isn’t setting us up? Or that he really works for the bank?”
“Bastard was dressed up all fancy. Had the same chain on his waistcoat you see ‘em all wearing and the stupid twirly moustache. Ain’t many jobs that afford a man a belly like his. He reeked of paper and safe codes, trust me.”
You tell Kieran how the saloon was empty apart from the bartender and a man catching a nap in a booth across the room, neglecting to mention the way his white hat sat low over his eyes and the thick blond handlebar moustache twitching in sleep. You do tell him the details of the job - that Peader reckoned you’d need at least five men to carry the gold, plus a couple more for shooting. You even tell him when the ferry docked - a date black on your tongue - and how your panic was exacerbated with rising frustration when Peader began to bite back at your doubt, accusing you of doubting him, of stealing the credit for past jobs he’d arranged.
“Obviously some other outlaws got wind of the same tip you did. It’s not the first time we’ve crossed paths with folk like us - and with the law tightening up the way it is, of course we’re gonna start stepping on each other’s toes-”
“Look, I get you have your day trips or mini vacations and the like. I get you’re a good shot an’ all, but you’ve gotta stop lyin’ to me! Knocking me out and keeping the take for yourself-”
“There was no take, Peter, because I was hauling your heavy ass out of their way! Them Van der Linde’s are a better shot than either of us, an’ between a few dollars and a can of vegetables or an extra gun at my side, I’ll choose the latter every time.”
You take a deep breath to slow your quaking heart and keep your emotions from getting the better of you. Your voice cracks as you recall following your friend outside for him to tell you Colm had come by camp earlier that week asking for you. His black eyes fiery, the stubble on his face uneven from his last shave... The proper use of his given name was lost on the wind whistling over the plains, because Colm had personally promoted you. You, who had no prior experience with weaponry before Peader took the time to show you. 
Your vision fades to black. The panic, the total contrast to your good friend, everything accumulates to cast darkness over your sight. You know this can only end one way, and it’s too painful to consider. The pearl grip in your hand is cool at first touch, but quickly grows hot as your ears ring with bullets fired.
The stallion rears and bolts west of town.
Kieran must realise he’s openly gawping as he quickly clears his throat. “W-was that the same ferry these fellers hit?”
You nod, swallowing hard. “Guess the idiot that told Peter didn’t keep his trap shut.”
“I heard he was working with them Pinkertons?”
You shrug sadly. “I might have… twisted the truth a little when Colm asked about him. Made it sound like he was a snitch… with hindsight he would have got us all killed, but he knew too much about me. Suddenly, with Colm asking after me, he had motive to dig deeper and find out the truth. I couldn’t risk it.”
You catch Kieran’s hand hesitating in the corner of your eye, before he decides the comfort would be improper and instead puts it back into his own lap. “I’m sorry to hear that, Miss. Sometimes we gotta make choices an’... an’ we just have to live with what comes afterward.”
You hum in agreement. Kieran takes a deep breath, clearly about to say something else, when you hear a horse whinny in the distance. Apologising hastily, you jump to your feet, relief flooding you as you hurry back up onto the grass in time to see the Count and Baylock trotting in with their owner’s sat tall astride them.
“So?” calls Hosea from the front of the crowd gathered by the hitching posts.
Dutch shakes his head once, sighing. “We ain’t got shot at least.”
Your ears strain for further movement, your stomach dropping every passing second as the chill of your recurring nightmare creeps down your spine. “Where’s Arthur?” 
“Calm down, Guinevere, he’s probably off doin’ somethin’ or other.” Micah smiles all smarmy. “Probably watchin’ our backs, being the little hero that he is. He’ll be back before long.”
Hosea mirrors your frown of concern. “You ain’t seen him?”
“He’ll be fine, Hosea,” Dutch sighs, waving his hand dismissively as he strolls back to the large white tent on the shore. “He always is.”
You shiver violently. Arthur never lets the group disperse after a job until everyone is accounted for. One night after a few too many bottles of whisky, Karen had told you how Arthur had to be all but dragged from Blackwater during their hasty retreat into Ambarino. Eventually Dutch had ordered him to scout ahead for somewhere to camp so that they didn’t need to worry about losing their sharpest shooter to any law catching up to them.
You pull yourself away and head back to the waters, trying to hear any gunshots or further movement beneath Hosea’s continued dispute.
“I see Micah and Dutch are back?” You shrug at Kieran’s hesitant observation. “I’m sure he’s fine. You seen him with a gun?”
You drop the towel and sink your head under the water as soon as you’re able to, effectively ending the conversation. When your head next breaks the surface, Kieran is gone and your towel is folded neatly in his place.
You don’t sleep that night. You can’t sleep. Despite the luxury of space for your expanding body and the warm Lemoyne air acting as a blanket in its own right, you’re still unable to rest without his body heat, without the weight of his arm around you, pressing against your back, the itch of facial hair on your exposed skin.
Every little movement has you sat up expectantly. There is no need for privacy without Arthur’s preference for hidden intimacies, so you’ve rolled up every wall of your tent to keep lookout. The fires in camp are dying down to ash as Micah caresses his knife with sandpaper nearby.
“Yes, Miss LN?” Micah smirks. “Can I help you?”
“What have you done?” Your voice is barely a whisper. Micah’s breathy laugh matches your volume - the most manners he has shown you since you met.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
“Where is Arthur?” You’re stood behind him, your fists shaking at your side as you try to contain the terror of the unknown. “You must know something.”
“Guinevere, I’m sure your white knight will make an appearance eventually.” Shaking his head, he chuckles and turns back to the wisps of burning ash. “I mean, unless another princess has taken his attention. What’s her name? Maggie? Molly?” He throws you another look over his shoulder. “Or was it the queen that took off with someone else? I ain’t ever really had the patience for fairy stories myself.”
“He wouldn’t just disappear!” you argue, setting aside your confusion at his jibes. “This is Arthur. What did he say after you left Colm?”
“He told me he needed a little less mollycoddling from his baby carrier.” He scoffs, his pale grey eyes meeting yours in the last of the light. “How do I know? It ain’t no secret we ain’t the closest of buddies. Maybe he’s done a John and got cold feet, hmm? Now leave me alone!”
When the sun eventually rises, you pull your blouse and skirts over your underclothes without bothering to wash. With a fist full of pins to fix your hair out of your face, you hurry over to where Miss Molly is applying a faceful of powders.
“Jesus wept!” she gasps, stepping back as though your dishevelment was contagious. “What happened to you?”
Looking up at the interruption, Dutch marks his page and sits up. “Something the matter, Miss?”
“Arthur’s still not back.”
He rolls his eyes, body relaxing and book already reopened with his finger finding where he left off. “When you’ve known Arthur as long as I have-”
“I’m not saying he doesn’t disappear for days, I just want to know what happened after you saw Colm.”
“Why? Has your escape plan backfired?” The thick moustache twitches in fake humour. “Maybe your O’Driscoll charm has paid off and Arthur’s switched sides, taking your place as Colm’s number two.”
“Arthur would never betray you like that,” you argue, but the flash in the leader’s eyes makes you question the degree of betrayal felt when you were brought into camp. “You all rode off together. You must have seen him leave to cover for you? What happened when you met back up?”
“He’d already left, Y/N. It was clearly far too underwhelming for him. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like a little quiet. Some of us still have to earn our keep, you know.”
Not wanting to waste energy on a force as strong as Dutch, you busy yourself with chores. You feed the chickens, you feed the horses, you darn socks, all whilst watching the treeline. Even Miss Grimshaw’s fury cannot stir you away from the outskirts, and so by midday, with confidence in your position as most detested in camp, your decision proves easy.
“Kieran, do you have a spare saddle?”
The jittery head snapped up, gaping at you. “Going out, Miss?”
“To look for Arthur. I’ll be back, I promise.”
“You can’t go alone, Miss, especially not- not in your condition.”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes, no small feat with your lack of sleep. “I looked after myself before, and I can look after myself again.”
“Mr Morgan will kill me if anything were to happen to you.” He licks his lips, his hands wringing the corner of his jacket. “Lemme grab somebody to go with you-”
“Kieran I said I’m fine!”
“I- I- I can come. Jus’ gimme a minute to saddle up Branwen.” He’s itching with anxiety. “Shit, I don’t wanna think what Mr Van der Linde will do if we go off together.”
“Something wrong?” Charles watches you both closely as he pauses his stroll back from guard duty.
"Arthur’s not back yet. I’m going to look for him.”
His gaze slides over to Kieran, then shakes his head. “I’ll come with you. It’s best you stay here, Kieran - one missing O’Driscoll is less concerning than two.”
“A-Are you sure, Mr Smith?” The relief is palpable. “Then Y/N take Branwen. She’ll do you right.”
You try to keep your tics of impatience internalized whilst the men fix the horses. Hosea seems to be watching you in the distance. You almost believe he gives you a nod before acting as a distraction to Dutch, allowing you to lead Branwen out of camp behind Charles and Taima.
“Do you know where they met with them?”
You shake your head clear, digging your heels in to ride up alongside your companion. “The Heartlands, I think, but I don’t know the exact location. Can’t be further than Valentine.”
“I think you’re right about Valentine - there’s no real vantage point past Emerald Ranch. Dutch talked like Arthur was a surprise, so he would probably need a good hiding spot with a clear view.”
“Must be further out than Dewberry Creek… they wouldn’t have taken so long to get back.”
Charles hums in agreement. “Let’s head that way anyway and get up on a ridge. There’s a whisky tree with quite the view, might help us narrow our search.”
A long silence stretches between you. It would have been comfortable if it weren’t for the intrusive thoughts, the ghost of imaginary gunpowder tainting your nostrils, the burning images of Dutch’s boot crushing his outstretched fingers…
Just a dream.
You arrive at the summit and draw your binoculars, scouting the horizon, desperately trying to pick between each grain of dirt.
“I reckon we should take each of these points.” Charles gestures to each summit on the horizon. “If we take them one by one, we’re sure to overlap their meeting point, and maybe find some clues.”
You mumble in agreement, chewing on your lip as he focuses his strong brown gaze on you.
“Did Arthur say something about this to you?” he asks finally.
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve been on edge pretty much since they mounted up… Is everything alright between you?”
You laugh, albeit shakily, at the prospect of something coming between you. “We’re fine. I just keep having some real bad dreams and... “ You exhale loudly. “I’d feel better if I knew where he was.”
Charles nods and doesn’t press for details. He’s like Arthur that way - unwilling to speak unless necessary. You let the silence coddle you again as you descend and re-ascend another peak.
You hurry to him at the first syllable of your name, cursing the ache of your muscles slowing you down. Charles is crouched by the rocky edge, examining the ground closely.
“Reckon this could be our man?” he asks, gesturing at the disturbed dirt. Yes, you realise, it very well could be. The length of the disturbance was almost Arthur’s height - especially if he had rested on his elbows to watch over. You try to picture his broad shoulders and envisage the same broad distance.
Could there have been a scuffle? There’s not enough disturbance for him to have leaned back onto his knees and stood up - one of the arms is smudged, like he had rolled over. The inconsistencies in the outline… had he stood up and walked all over where he had been lying, or was someone else here?
Charles seems to share your doubts as he points out the multiple horse tracks. “Either this spot is popular with the locals, or there’s been a group here in the past couple of days.”
“Dutch and Micah split off earlier down the track - Arthur came up here alone.”
Charles hums again, fanning the panic in your gut. “Did they meet up again afterwards?”
“Did they hell!” you scowl. “Neither of them would tell me what happened after they parted ways.”
Charles sighs, mounting Taima gracefully. “The tracks seem to double down this way.”
You follow, enveloped again in the silence bar your thudding heart. At the bottom, you find an old camp. Charles decides it’s about a day old. You don’t really say much before spotting the blood not much further away. Alarm bells are ringing and you’re feeling faint.
I guess I saw you an’ the mess I might leave you in one day.
“Y/N?” Charles’ round face surfaces before your eyes, his forehead furrowing. “Are you alright? Here, I have some water…”
“They got him, didn’t they?” You can feel your stomach turning, but you haven’t eaten since they left the day before. “The blood - it’s Arthur’s, isn’t it?”
“Could be animal’s blood,” counters Charles calmly. “They might have set up camp nearby to save carrying the carcass.”
You try to stand, determined to keep searching, but Charles holds you down by your shoulder. “Rest. Kieran was right - Arthur won’t be happy if he finds you in this state.”
“Provided he comes back!” you argue, but you can feel the world spinning around you. As if already aware about your lack of sustenance, Charles pushes a bread roll into your hand, and you begin to eat wordlessly.
“Are you strong enough to ride?” he asks eventually.
You nod, brushing crumbs from your clothes as you look out towards the setting sun. “How far do you reckon they’ve got?”
“We’re going back to camp.” You whisk around ready to protest, but Charles steadies you easily. “Falling off your horse is one thing, but it’s completely different when you're carrying a child. I’ll come back for him, but for now let’s get you safe and pick up some reinforcements.”
You reluctantly agree, even if it’s just for the way your mind rattles as he helps you mount up. Charles rides close beside you, ready to grab you when you sway too precariously. The ride back is much slower than the ride out.
Hold on, Arthur. They’re coming.
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bewareofchris · 5 years
Help! My plot is stalled!
It’s alright, friends.  We’ve all been there, sitting at a desk or laying in our beds, staring at the screen wondering what in the holy beef jerky has gone wrong because our ability to write has just come to a screeching halt.
We’re uninspired.
We’re unmoved.
We’re incapable of figuring out what happens next.
It’s time like this that our instinct is to grab a machete and start cutting through extraneous characters like a boiled steak knife through Jell-O.  We’re throwing romantic curve balls and car crashes at our protagonist so quickly they don’t have time to recover from one before they’re being traumatized by another.
Sometimes, we think, now is the time to reveal that our beloved Protagonist is actually an alien from another planet who survives by consuming the souls of lap dogs and his insatiable thirst for Pekineses is causing him great distress because the human mate he has chosen for himself has three such delicious morsels.
BUT, never fear my friends.  Here are some ideas to help you get out of that hellish valley of despair and back on track.
Take a break.  Have a snack.  Stretch your limbs.  Go for a walk.  Call a friend who listens to things and explain to them how your story is stupid and you hate it and it won’t move.  You don’t need to let your friend talk at all. Just keep complaining about your story until suddenly you realize what went wrong.
Daydream about what your character would do if you were to suddenly abandon him/her with six kids under the age of 5 at a busy theme park.  Or what he/she would do if they suddenly found themselves trying to talk two very angry kingly types out of starting a civil war because they disagree on which side of their toast to spread butter on.  Put your character in the MOST ridiculous scenario you could possibly imagine.  Make them rationalize their way out of it.  Don’t make it easy.  Six kids under the age of 5 when you’ve never dealt with children is basically hell.  Let your character suffer, and fail, improve and finally win (or at least survive).
Fantasize about beating your characters with a metal pipe.  Imagine their pleas for mercy as they try in vain to remind you that they are fictional constructs and this is not their fault.
Once you’ve cleaned your system of these violent urges toward non-real people, sit back down.  Re-read what you’ve written, if it’s still as bad as you thought it was, here are some actual bits of advice:
Regardless of what Rafiki once said about moving on and forgetting the past, the problem that you are presently experiencing is mostly caused by something that went wrong in the recent events of your story.  Take another look at the latest choices that your main or side characters made and ask yourself if maybe them making A DIFFERENT CHOICE might put your story back to rights.
Take another look at your character and his/her story so far.  Is your character excelling in every facet of his/her life?  Have they faced any obstacles that amounted to more than a mild inconvenience?  Are they generally well-liked?  Respected?  Do they have noticeable faults?  Are these faults presented in a way that allows other people to be annoyed by them?  Have these faults gotten in the character’s way?  If your main character is Too Good and Such Winning or Basically Useless and Always Failing then your story is imbalanced and it can’t move forward because you’re not allowing the protagonist to experience growth and change.
Are there relationships?  Friendships?  Family?  Rivalrys? ROMANCE?  You need relationships of at least 2 different types in a story.  Preferably more.  And they can’t all be the same kind with different names.  And they need to also be developing with your characters.  So Protag makes an unpopular choice with his family but his BFF is loving it and his Romantic Interest thinks it could be good for him.  You have so much material right there!
DO. NOT. MURDER. ANYONE.  Dismemberment is okay if you really want to have to take the time out of your story to focus on the emotional and physical effects that a traumatic event inflicts on your protagonist.
DO NOT MAKE YOUR ROMANTIC INTERESTS HATE EACH OTHER OVER SOMETHING STUPID.  Please.  Please don’t do this.  It’s really just not worth it.  If you make them so angry at one another they’re screaming death threats and then the next day they’re like: I guess we love one another again you cheapen the impact.  If this is a story about overcoming things and growing as people and forgiveness then yes, break them up and get them back together but don’t do it just to have an exciting screaming sequence.  Or do.  I mean, you do you.
Instead of tearing your couple apart, have them get together.  Have them spend a weekend doing silly, childish, amazing things.  Let them smooch, and cuddle, and eat candy together.  Let them waste money they don’t staying overnight in a fancy hotel.
Visit a Significant Character from your Protag’s past because they are in need of comfort and guidance.  Allow them to reminisce about the good old days, and whine about how they don’t feel like they’ll ever be that happy again.  Let your Significant Character hit your Protag with a rolled up newspaper.  STOP BEING A NINNY, PROTAG.  STOP IT IMMEDIATELY.
Give your Protag an unexpected promotion.  You were just a kid that cleaned stables, but we noticed that you’ve got a real way about you that suggests you’re WIZARD MATERIAL.  Build that Protag up, let him feel pride and joy and love.
(And then make the person that promoted him have questionable morals.  Make him vaguely untrustworthy.  Watch your starry-eyed protag battle against a shady man of questionable intentions to see who wins in the end!  But not with the fate of the whole world.  Like the fate of a small village at most.)
Give your Protag the single worst day of his entire life that does not involve physical altercations and/or death.  Maybe he/she pulled a muscle having athletic sex that morning, was distracted by the pain in the shower,got soap in their eyes, limped to the car to find it was out of gas, went to a busy gas station, got coffee that was too cold to enjoy, was late to work, had more work than usual, the pain meds never started working, left his lunch at home, couldn’t buy anything because they ran out of time, had to listen to the Obnoxious Co-Worker next to them complaining about Obnoxious Co Workers Obviously Useless Significant Other for an hour and a half, left work late, forgot about plans to meet up with a friend, got ignored by friend at meet up, comes home and collapses in a pile of self-pity and physical pain and has Significant Other rub their aching pulled muscle and listen to their complaints.
You could do a car wreck, or you could just ruin your Protag’s entire life by having the transmission die in the middle of traffic.
The point I’m trying to get across here is that you have to have a journey that is balanced with ups and downs.  If you’re only going up, or you’re only going down, or you’re not going anywhere at all but straight forward on a 300 mile car trip across a flat surface with no trees, there’s no story there.
You could shoot someone, or you could have your Protagonist do something that injures their relationship with their Best Friend and Confidante.  Then your Protag protests their innocence to the point that it’s obvious they are being Stupid now.  Let them roll around in undeserved pity.  Let nobody else agree with them, and still they refuse to acknowledge they are stupid.  And then let them FINALLY, sort of, a little, admit they were wrong and instead of them offering a half-assed apology and moving on like it never happened, make them work to repair the damage they inflicted.  
Put your Protag in a position where they have to defend a friend/family member or romantic interest in a non-physical way.  Susan from Biology was telling Quentin and Theodore that Protag’s BFF eats his own snot.  And Protag is like OH MY GOD I’M GOING TO GO FIND SUSAN AND SCREAM A STRONGLY WORDED LETTER AT HER.  (or start vicious rumors about her behind her back, and take utterly glee at her humiliation, and then finally think: did I go to far?  I don’t think I went too far.)
DO. NOT. GET. SOMEONE. PREGNANT.  Do you knows what happens when someone’s pregnant?  They end up with a baby.  (Or a miscarriage.)  That pregnancy cannot be handwaved away.  If you’re not here to write about the amazing journey from sex to birth and lifetime of parenting that follows, you are not here to get someone knocked up for the drama.
Sure, let your Protag develop a desperate attraction to someone’s that not the Primary Love Interest but if the Primary Love Interest and Protag already have sexual and romantic tension building between them, maybe let the audience know that this is one of those things where you’re lonely and you want companionship and it’s not really that fair to Someone You Just Met and Now Want to Have Sex With.  Let Primary Love Interest struggle to be supportive.  or let Protag and Primarily Love Interest be mean-spirited little shits and mock the poor Someone You Just Met.
DO. NOT. MURDER. AN. ENTIRE. VILLAGE.  Did a spell go bad?  Did a curse escape?  Did your magical being accidentally create a sixteen foot tall metal horse with a thirst for squirrel hearts?  Remember that wholesale murdering of innocent side characters nobody cares about does effectively nothing for your story.  Don’t kill the entire village.  Let your character freak out because he/she misplaced a curse and ANYONE COULD HAVE IT.  Let them ransack the village developing a reputation as a mad man to find it.  Let him work furiously to develop a cure to the curse and refuse to rest until everyone’s been inoculated against said Curse, and then idk, he finds it on the floor under his work station.  Or, let him realize a curse is missing and he just kind of says nothing while he watches the village to see how effective it is.
SIDE QUESTS, so here me out.  This works best for longer stories and serial type works of fiction, but if your character has only one goal and never any other goals or distractions or purposes or interests you are seriously shooting yourself in the foot.  Don’t focus all your energy on Protag Loves Love Interest.  Protag also has Family Drama.  (Did you hear that Bobert is trying to buy a fucking boat?  A boat!  Why does he need a boat!  He can’t swim.  He’s going to die.  A boat.  A god damn boat.)  Protag has ambitions at work that are being undercut by Evil Boss.  (And anyway, Worst Boss Ever, he just comes over and drops this massive work load on my desk and he smiles at me because the Main Boss is coming tomorrow and my desk will be the only one covered in unfinished work.  What choice do I have?  I can’t quit, I need this promotion, so I stick to it.  I stay late, I work as hard as I can and...)
I know it’s not for everyone but Sex.  Unless your characters are Too Young to have a developed sexuality, that sexuality needs to be in your story.  I mean, if your entire story takes place and Grandma’s funeral, then you probably can skip this one.  But if your story takes place over any length of time, sex and sex-adjacent things need to be brought up.  They don’t need to be graphic.  They don’t need to be gross.  It can be a kiss, or the yearning for a kiss.  It can be a meaningful, flirtatious touch.  It can be the idea of a flirtatious touch.  There can be complaints of a need for flirtatious touches.  To each their own comfort level, but some sense of sexuality and how that is a Driving Urge in your character is also good.
Introduce a Rival.  Go ahead.  Let your uncontested King of Bowling protag meet a New Challenger.  Send them spiral with fear that they may not be top dog anymore.
Force your Protag and Antagonist to form a momentary truce.  Let them come to some understanding of the other that makes their future interactions more difficult.  
Strike your Protag with a Great Unfairness.  They didn’t get the promotion.  They couldn’t pay the bills.  They weren’t selected to be court jester.  They didn’t get to the store on time.  Someone else got to the top of the summit before them and now they’re basically trash to history.
Randomly have your supposed Antagonist turn out to Actually a Decent Guy that you’ve been blaming for all the wrongs in the world because it was convenient and really the actual antagonist can’t be defeated because he/she overpowers you somehow.  But with Actually a Decent Guy and his Surprisingly Nice Friends and you and your friends, you stand a chance.
Push your protagonist into a mud puddle.  Just for shits and giggles, make it so there’s not a dead body in there with him.  Or put one in if you want.  Nothing says ‘happy fun times at plot-stalled high’ like a decomposing corpse where one shouldn’t be.
Break your Protagonists heart, and let there be people that love them.  
Have fun, take your time, embrace the mundane and ridiculous aspects of life.  ALWAYS give your character flaws, and make them aware of them, and let them grow.  That’s the story.  All the other nonsense, the car wrecks and gunshots, and serial killers doesn’t matter in the end.  The reader is looking for Relationships That Matter and Characters that Grow.  Characters that stink of humanity, that reflect something about human beings the reader has met (or the reader themselves).  They want to connect, they want to love your character and they can’t do that if your character is Perfect.  Nobody’s perfect.  Stories stagnate when they can’t grow.  Let your story grow.  Let your characters grow.
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jungshookz · 6 years
beauty & the bookworm {librarian!namjoon}
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→ pairing: kim namjoon x reader
→ genre: librarian!namjoon who’s a little nerdy a little dorky but we loVe it, university!au, y/n’s the brat this time around, fluff softer than clouds, a bit of heartwrenching angst :’(, BTS as in BIG TIME smU T
→ wordcount: 20.8k this will definitely make the app crash as per usual don’t come for me
→ note: okay first and foremost i apologize because this is wAY overdue! i started writing librarian!joon in october but i kept putting him off and it’s not what he deserves :-(( but the most important thing is that he’s here now and he’s ready to trip his way into your hearts!! also i finally gave one of my fics a title instead of just naming the au so we’re spicing things up for the new year! enjoy!! 
pst if u wanna talk to y/n or joonie or even jimin u know what to do ;-)
(gif isn’t mine!)
(((and the read more function iS there but most of the time it doesn’t work on mobile :// i am sorry don’t attack me by sending passive-aggressive anon messages)))
you’ve always been the type of person to just go with the flow
whenever life throws an obstacle your way you somehow always aLways make it out alive
you always have a backup plan and you never worry about anything
because worrying gives you frowning wrinkles and you want your skin to remain smooth and beautiful
maybe it’s maybelline??? maybe it’s just not giving a fuCk
but this is the first time you’ve ever been… slightly concerned
you are in unfamiliar territory because you feel
and you don’t like this feeling at all
“i don’t know what to tell you, y/n. you’re failing three of your courses. you need extra credit.” your counsellor looks at you and then looks back down at his laptop where he has your transcript opened up
“okay! okay okay cool cool cool that’s fine” you clear your throat and nod quickly “extra credit is fine. no need to worry.”
“well, i wouldn’t say no need to worry. there’s definitely room for worry here.”
you thought you had the hang of this university thing but apparently not since jin just told you you’re failing three of your damn courses
kim seokjin - he graduated like two years ago and is your academic counsellor
he’s a pretty cool guy most of the time!! sometimes his dad jokes makes you want to slam your face into a wall but other than that he’s cool
and he’s always there to help you whenever you feel like you’re struggling
he’s a good counsellor but right now he’s being an awful counsellor and not even offering you an ouNCe of support
just kidding you’re just mad at yourself and you’re taking it out on literally anyone you see  
you lean forward a little to try and get a sneak peek of your transcript and jin shifts his laptop away
you huff and lean back against the plushy sofa chair “so… how am i supposed to get extra credit?” you inspect your nails uninterestedly because you’re supposed to be napping right now but obviouSly you’re not going to be able to catch some extra z’s today because of this stupid meeting about your stupid grades
“summer school is an option.”
just the thought of summer school makes you feel nauseous
you’re not going to spend two months writing a philosophy paper or studying for an exam when you could be on a beach somewhere or on a road trip with jimin and the others
thank u next bitch
“please tell me there’s something else. anything else??” you frown and slump against his desk and he lets out a sigh before rifling through some loose papers on his desk
“which prof do i have to go down on to get extra credit” you joke but the smile drops from your face when jin raises a disapproving brow at you  
“if you’re lucky, maybe you can find a part-time job on campus. usually you can get extra credit from doing things here! last i heard there was a position to be the school mascot!”
having to jump around in a slightly damp and sewage-scented costume for two hours??
no thanks
jin can tell by your expression that that’s the last thing you want
“i hate to break it to you, y/n, but you can’t exactly be picky here. go to main hall where they stick up all those posters and job offers - maybe you’ll find something good! cheer up, hm?”
“yeah, yeah” you murmur and scratch the back of your head before standing up and swinging your bag over your shoulder
“oh, and y/n?”
“maybe you should study instead of watching netflix all the time - you really have to boost your grades this term otherwise… y’know” he winces
‘y’know’ means you’re not going to frickin graduate
“…bye jin” you mutter and shut the door behind you before letting out a breath
that was a depressing conversation
jin didn’t even tell you a dad joke this time around
as you make your way to the main hall you can’t help but let out another sigh of disappointment
in high school you had eeeehhhhh average grades like you were kinda dumb but not thAt dumb
but you never expected yourself to faiL classes
you thought you were smarter than this!!! obviously not tho
you let out a huff as you stand in front of the bulletin board
there’s an overwhelming number of posters ranging from poetry sLAM competitions to math tutoring services and you don’t know where the heck to start
okay let’s see
what can we do
‘do you have school spirit? do you need extra credit? why not try being our adorable school masco-‘
“nope” you click your tongue and immediately look at the next poster
‘looking for a philosophy tutor for philosophy102’
philosophy is one of the classes you’re failing so maybe not that one either
‘looking for water girl/water boy for new school year! email coach bang for more details’
good god
the water girl??
that would be pathetic
that min yoongi tho
wOO you are definitely thirsty for him
but not thirsty enOugh because there’s no way you’re going to be known as the dang water girl
‘ocean expedition next summer? come to seashell city and explore the ancient legend of the mermaid… extra credit included!’
now thAt sounds cool
but next summer??? you’re not planning to still be here neXt summer
you’re running out of options here
the ones that you’ve seen just don’t sit well with you
the ones that seem okay are already all booked up
you raise a brow when you find a smaller note pinned under an obnoxiously neon pink ‘JOIN THE CHEERLEADING SQUAD’ poster
oh cute
it’s a picture of a book
‘booking for extra credit? there’s no one to blame but your-shelf if you let this job opportunity slip away! come to the library and check it out!’
you cringe in your soul and shake your head
a 60 year old grandpa definitely wrote this up
you take the note off the bulletin board and re-read it
are u really going 2 do this
you really gon spend most of your time at the library instead of, oh, i don’t know, literally anYTHING ELSE
“beggars can’t be choosers” you mumble to yourself
plus this option doesn’t seem like it needs a lot of skill so it should be easy-peasy lemon-squeezy
the extra credit will just fall right onto your lap                                  
but at the same time
you despise the library
it’s too quiet
you can’t eat or drink in there
it always smells like musty old books
everyone’s always hogging the charging ports
you can’t talk without someone giving you a dirty look because apParently you’re being too loud when you wereN’T EVEN being that loud
your stomach always rumbles in the library and you end up not studying because you’re too focused on wondering what you should get for dinner
the last time you were at the library you were only there because jimin wanted to get some studying done and he needed a study partner
but that was literally like last year
now if he wants a study partner you tell him ‘it’s mY way or the highway’ which means you force him to study at your dinky apartment
you purse your lips and read the note yet aGAin
it seems like this is the option that makes you want to rip your fingernails off the least
it’s the library i guess
“what’s the matter with you?” jimin pokes your cheek with his fork before digging into his spaghetti
you scowl and rub the dot of tomato sauce off your cheek
“i’m failing three of my classes” you mutter before slumping against the table “and now i have to work at the library everyday to get extra credit”
jimin shrugs
“at least you’re not failing all of your classes?”
“i’m taking four courses this semester. i’m failing three out of four classes.”
jimin pauses and purses his pillowy lips
“like i said…at least you’re not failing four out of four classes?” he offers through a mouthful of pasta
he swallows “plus the library isn’t all that bad! books are… books are like… cool”
“you’re not doing a very good job of making me feel better”
“well, i don’t wanna be that friend - but you kinda did this to yourself!!!! working at the library is a consequence of not doing well in class, y/n. i’m sorry to break it to you, but you gotta do what you gotta do. you’re not allowed to complain because you let this happen to yourself.” jimin sighs frustratedly because as much as he loves you it’s so iRRitating when you’re whining about problems that could’ve very easily been avoided
“ya i guess so” you mutter
it’ll be fine
becoming a librarian will be great
maybe you’ll absorb the information from all the books that you’ll be hanging around with all day and become smart enough to graduate and not need the extra credit
jimin jumps when you let out a groan and smack your head against the table in defeat
life is really kicking your ass right now and is showing absolutely no mercy
“you want me to go in with you and drop you off at the counter?” jimin smiles sweetly and you shake your head and slip your arm from his
“this is a battle i’m going to have to face alone.” you shake a fist in front of you
“go on, my brave warrior.” jimin says dramatically before nodding “i’ll see you tomorrow!”
you let out a sigh before pushing the doors open and letting yourself in
you see a couple people sitting here studying
it is exam season after all
speaking of exam season u should probably start studying
you don’t remember the last time you were at the library
you came in once because you needed to pee really bad and this was where the nearest washroom was
also why is it so biG
there’s nobody at the front counter so you assume the guy went to the back because there’s like another room behind the desk
you whistle a tune to yourself as you lean against the counter and scroll through your phone
you’re blissfully unaware of the many people who are glaring at you because of your awful whistling
it’s when you get a (very rude) ’shh!’ that you raise a hand in defence and stop the whistling
it’s too quiET in here the whistling was necessary
these ungrateful assholes should be thankful
“hi there! can i help you with something?” you jump ten feet into the air from the voice that breaks the silence
you turn around and there’s this this tall ass tree of a guy standing behind the counter
he smiles at you and you immediately notice his sweet smile and cute dimples
he tilts his head before reaching up to adjust his glasses
“um, i…” he looks down and his eyes light up when he sees his poster in your hand
“oh, y/n! i didn’t know you were interested in working at the library” huh
he knows your name?
how does he know you
…do you know him?
well you have to know him otherwise how does he know your name
he pushes his glasses up and waits for you to respond
you decide to play along with it for the sake of a good first impression
or..,.,. good second impression??
you’re tempted to tell him you’re only doing this because you have no choice and also you’re failing your classes but he probably doesn’t want to hear all of that
“yeah! a little extra credit never hurts” you laugh and scratch the back of your neck “it’s nice to see you… again…?” you trail off because obviously you have no idea what his name is
you’re still confused as to how he knows your name
he kind of blinks at you and his eyebrows knit together in confusion before he’s like oOh okay i see what’s happening here
“i, uh, i’m namjoon, ha. i’m actually- we were in the same philosophy lecture last year. you… you bumped into me on the first day of class and spilt your coffee all over me.” namjoon chuckles awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck
oh yiKES
your cheeks flame up immediately and you press your lips together
good first impression!!!!1!1!
“oh! oh, right! yeah, of course i remember you, joonie!” the nickname slips out to try and soothe the awkward situation but you don’t think it’s working that well “i’m sorry about that, by the way. you know how klutzy i am” you clear your throat
namjoon chuckles awkwardly and scratches the back of his head
and then u remember an important detail
you raise a brow
“wait but like didn’t you graduate last year? you’re older than me aren’t you?”
“yes, i graduated last year. and yes, I’m older than you”
“….so why r u still here”
“i like it here! it’s as simple as that” namjoon shrugs and you hum in response
personally speaking
once you graduate (if u even graduate lol roasted) there is no turning back
you don’t want to come back here
you wasted four years in this torturous hell why would you willingly come back
but now that he reminded you that you two were in the same philosophy lecture it’s kind of coming back to you
you’ve seen his face like once or twice
he always sat in the front and always raised his hands to answer questions or remind the professor of assignments and oHhH right kim naMjOon
sometimes you and kook poke fun at him because like he’s genuinely suCh a n3rd and a dork aNd a try hard anD he always corrected people over the most minuscule mistakes and he’s a neat freak and wow you are suddenly realising you’re not a huge fan of namjoon
“please, i prefer namjoon.” namjoon clears his throat before setting the pile of books down on the counter “so… you wanna start working here? become the ~junior librarian~?” he sticks his hands out and does some jazz hands and you resist the urge to roll your eyes because woW that was lame
“yep, i need the extra credit” you shrug and lean against the counter
“why do you need extra credit?”
“i don’t think that’s any of your business, namjoon.” you tilt your head and namjoon’s like alright fair enough
“look. it’s pretty obvious you need some help around here.” you gesture to the cart stacked with like a trillion books sitting by the desk “and no one else has applied to help out according to your sad poster- i’m pretty much your only option, bro” you shrug as if to say ‘it’s not my fault’
namjoon definitely doesn’t appreciate the tone and the attitude that you’re giving him
but you’re not wrong
surprisingly not a lot of people have come up to him wanting the job as the junior librarian
it’s kind of disappointing
being a librarian is so much fun!!!!!!
who wouldn’t want to be surrounded by books all day????
and no offence
but he doesn’t really want to give you this job because you’re just so,,., snooty and kinda rude
and you seem like you don’t care about anything
aNd you seem kinda disorganised
he’s just getting that ~vibe~ from you
but he doesn’t have a choice because he does really need the help and you need the extra credit so it works out for both of u
and he’s mature enough to work well with someone he doesn’t like so he’s sure he’ll be fine
namjoon purses his lips and exhales
“fine… i suppose i can let you work alongside me. but just to let you, i have a system for everything, so i would really appreciate if you followed the rules that i set in place and-“ you keep staring at him but you’ve drowned him out and you’re just singing a song in your head
“do you understand?” he finishes and adjusts his glasses before giving you a pointed look  
“ya man i gotcha” you click your tongue before pushing yourself off the counter and clapping your hands together “so chief where do i start” you take your backpack off and swiNG it over the counter and it fLOps to the ground loudly
namjoon’s eye twitches when your books spill out of your bag and you don’t bother picking it up
what’s a job that’ll take a while and will require you to be awaY from him
namjoon disappears behind the counter for a split second before reappearing with a duster and a rag
“those shelves over there need to be dusted.”
you raise your brows in disbelief
is that it
easy frickin peASY ladies and gents
“at least try and make it hard for me.” you snort and snatch the duster and rag from him
extra credit - here we come! goodbye suMMER scHOOL
“see, i told you it wasn’t going to be bad!” jimin points out after you finish fleXing to him about how good of a dust job you did on those bookshelves
weird flex but ok lol
“i know!! i don’t actually mind the library, now that i think about it. the dead silence is kinda relaxing. but-“ you raise a finger “i’m not sure about that namjoon guy”
“he’s the librarian. he graduated last year and- god, he’s just… he’s such a nerd. which isn’t a bad thing, i guess? you know what i’m saying, right? he’s just,,,, i don’t know… he seems like the kinda guy who’d get a heart attack from breaking a tinY rule or something,, or i feel like if i drop a book he’ll start crying like he’s thAt kind of person”
jimin nods understandably before shrugging “i get it… but i’m sure if you give him a chance you’ll warm up and you’ll get along!! even if you don’t get along just keep it mind that you’re only doing this for a couple of months.”
“yeah, i guess.”
jimin’s usually right so you’ll take his word for it
maybe namjoon isn’t as much of a stick in the mud as you think he is
you’ll be fine
remember how in the beginning of all of this you were like this is going to be easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy
it’s not
it’s not easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy
in fact it’s difficult-difficult-orange-difficult
why are there so many books here???????? it’s never ending!! every time you put one away like ten more appear on the counter and then namjoon’s like mmMm c’mon pick up the pace there’s a lot to do around here
you haven’t even had a chance to sit down for a minute because the library is huGe and you have to walk everywhere to make sure each book is in the right place and no books are overdue and if books aRe overdue to have to go and harass the person that still has the book and the point is THIS IS HARD AND YOU ARE TIRED
no wonder no one wanted this job!!!!!!!!! it’s hard work!!!!!!!!!!
you can’t help but wonder if that water girl job is still available but the thought of having to talk to someone like min yoongi makes you nervous so you shake the thought out of your head
namjoon is boring
SO boring
what kind of modern young man willingly wears sweaters and cardigans and button up shirts all the damn time
also?? he keeps candies in his pockets
like he’ll be sorting through some files and then stops and he rifles through his pockets and pulls out a hard candy and pops it into his mouth
they’re those salted caramel hard candies and you’ve been tempted to ask him for one but.,,.,., u don’t want any of his damn pANT candy
also he’s so quiet and you’re very chatty so that’s another thing to add to the list of things you hate about kim namjoon
whenever you try to talk about your day he replies with mm’s and ah’s but never does anything to continue the conversation so you’re left in awkward silence waiting for a reaction
aLSO he has egg salad or tuna or plain turkey sandwiches and like vegetable soup and a piece of fruit (he literally said an apple a day keeps the doctor away one time and you were like what century are you living in???) for lunch most of the time and it sTANKS it’s awful  
and when you try to crack a joke he never gets the punchline which is infuriating because you like to think that you’re somewhat of a funny person
aren’t you??????
all he gives you is a polite laugh and a nod before he goes back to his book
you don’t know how long you can keep doing this
it’s been a month and a bit since you started working at the library
and namjoon would rather give himself a trillion paper cuts than work with you
“y/n - you’re supposed to stamp the first page in the book - not the coVer of the book.” namjoon presses his lips together to keep himself from screaming when he sees you with a mountain of already wrONGLY stamped books
“oh. can’t you like erase the ink or something?”
“no you can’t- you can’t just erasE the ink the stamp is gonna be there forever”
“it’s okay i only stamped like 20 books” you shrug and instinctively stamp the book in your hands “…21 books”
“y/n whY… why did you use a glittery pink pen for the book record sheets”
“it makes it pretty! it’s not a big deal no one sees these sheets besides you and i” you grin and take the sheet from namjoon and he feels his soul die a little when you scribble something down with a neon green marker
also you keep giving yourself little breaks?? and the only breAK that is allowed on your schedule is your lunch break or the occasional washroom break whenever you need it
but you give yourself these nonexistent breaks
‘granola bar break’ - you take 30 minutes off to eat one single granola bar
‘texting break’ - this one’s worse because it happens more frequently like the two of you will be filing things together and namjoon likes to keep things working like a well-oiled machine but it’s hard to do that when you keep pausing to text someone and then you’re like okay where were we like it ruINS THE FLOW
‘reading break’ - THIS is awful because namjoon will see you study and he’ll be like okay at least she’s doing something educational and he peeks over and you’ve literally got your phone out scrolling through memes on instagram
and when he reprimands you for taking too many breaks you always wave him off and tell him to relax and to not get his panties in a twist
he feels like you’re doing this on purpose
pushing his buttons
getting under his skin in the worst way possible
also you keep calling him random names and he hATES IT he just wants to be called namjoon because that’s his name
“hey joon”
“good morning joonie”
“hi joonathan”
“joona- namjoon!”
“whaddup dimples”
“hey bookworm”
“hey nerd”
“what’s up four-eyes”
“yo yo yo dork”
“oi egghead where’d i put my phone”
“it’s namjoon - and feet off the counter” it’s almost automatic at this point when namjoon shoVes your legs off the counter and you nearly fall off your chair from the force
he gives you a warning look when you move to put your feet back up and you huff grumpily
“no messy foods in the library” you gawk when namjoon picks up your takeaway box of spaghetti and proceeds to dump it into the bin
“don’t use the books as coasters” namjoon snatches your drink and picks up the book then wipes the condensation from your drink off the front cover
“no more texting during work hours” your phone disappears from your hands and you blink down at your fingers because that was sO speedy
“oH my god am i even allowed to breathe in here???” you snap exasperatedly because you and jimin were talking about how kook slipped in the cafeteria and got banana milk all over tae’s new shoes and taheyung freAKED it was hilarious
namjoon blinks down at you before opening up a drawer and dropping your phone in there before proceeding to l o c k the drawer
are you KIDDING me
is this bitch for real???? he just locked up your phone???????
“i don’t know. your breathing is kind of loud, so we’ll have to figure out a way around that issue.” and with that he turns his back with a huff but not before turning to face you one last time so he can look you right in the eye as he drops your can of soda into the bin
it’s pretty obvious that you and namjoon most certainly do not like each other but the both of you are just being very passive aggressive and tip-toeing around the elephant in the library
you let out a breath and dig your nails into your palm
deep breaths deep breaths
we’re doing this to graduate
we can do this
no biggie
remember how you promised yourself you’d be more responsible when it came to your work load
obviously you forgot about that promise
because you have a final in a week and a half that you completely forgot about that even frickin jungkook was aware about
and now you have to jam a whole semester’s worth of information into your head and finish that 12 page paper for your history class and work on your presentation for your film class and there’s just so much that you have to do and you don’t have enough time to do everything
you decided to skip your last lecture of the day (you asked tae to take notes for you and he’s usually good at that so you’re not worried) to come to the library and study
and you couldn’t find an empty table or anything so you figured you’d just study at the desk
you’re surprised to see that namjoon isn’t around because he practically lives at the library
okay it’s whatever
he’d probably distract you anyway
you plop yourself down on the chair and proceed to pull out all your notes and books and markers and you dump it all on the table
you crack your knuckles and look down at the mountain in front of you
let’s do this
namjoon hums a tune to himself as he opens the door and enters the library
he’s in an especially good mood today for some reason
the smile falters on his face when he realises that he’s going to be spending the rest of the day with you and that’s definitely going to soil his mood
you’re usually late because you always come after your classes so he expects that he’ll be in a good mood for about twenty more minutes or so
namjoon pauses when he sees the top of your head poking out from behind the front counter
on time?
he looks at his watch
no you’re not just on time
you’re… early
you’ve never been early to a shift before
how odd
maybe someone finally lit a fire under your ass and you’re finally being more responsible!!
he’s still in a good mood
he’s about to give you a chirpy greeting (and this time he’s not going to correct you if you address him using another one of your lame nicknames) and then he’s suddenly aware of the scene in front of his eyes
“y/n?” namjoon furrows his brows to see you with your face buried in your arms and you’re surrounded by like teN textbooks and a lot of scrap paper with random notes scribbled on them and a million highlighters and pens “…whatcha up to?”
you don’t respond and he leans over the counter a little more
…are you even alive
suddenly you look up at namjoon
he takes a step back in surprise at the sight of your red and watery eyes and he’s like o shit she crying
“are you okay??” he unlocks the gate and steps behind the front counter to join you
“i don’t know anything, namjoon. i literally don’t know anything and my final is in a week and a half.” you sniffle and reach up to wipe your tears away
“oh god. i’m going to fail this exam and this is totally going to put my life on hold and everyone’s going to graduate before me and i’ll be stuck here because of how stupid i am” you sob and slam a textbook shut and namjoon jumps
he’s never seen you like this before
he’s never seen you so… defeated
usually you’re all smiles and you have a smartass comment ready to go at all times and even when he shuts you down you don’t let that stop you
so for the first time ever
when he sees you with puffy eyes and a trembling bottom lip and a permanent frown on your face
he feels… bad
and you called him namjoon
not joon or dimples or bookworm
this is serious
even though you piss him off everyday because of how irritating you are
you don’t deserve to be this sad
namjoon sets his briefcase down before pulling his chair over and sitting down next to you
he looks over at all the textbooks briefly before looking up at you “what are you studying?” he hands you the box of tissues that are on his side of the desk and you thank him quietly before sniffling and wiping the tear that’s trailing down your cheek
“um, philosophy.” you sound kind of nasally from how much crying you’ve done but whatever “right now i’m looking at the main branches of philosophy but i just don’t geT it.”
“okay, well…” namjoon glances at your handwritten notes for a second and all you’ve written down is ‘philosophy notes’ with a bright purple marker
oh god
is he really going to do this
is he really going to help you right now
because he could totally just tell you to put your notes away and do your job
but instead he’s deciding that he’s going to help you study for your finals
even though you’ve been nothing but an obnoxious piece of shIT for the past two months
he’s going to help you whether you like it or not
“let’s start off with differentiating between the branches. typically, there are four branches. sometimes there are five, but for philosophy301 you just focus on four. logic, epistemology, metaphysics, and-“
“what are you doing?” you interrupt namjoon and look at him confusedly
he’s helping you?
“i’m… explaining the four branches of philosophy. at least i’m trying to. what’s wrong?” he tilts his head and blinks twice “oh, you know what, maybe i shouldn’t… because i can’t focus if your study station is a pig sty.” he starts cleaning up your papers and putting your highlighters back into your pencil case
he pauses in the middle of stacking your textbooks to look at you “don’t just stare at me - clean up! and then we’ll get on with it.”
“namjoon, you don’t have to-“
“y/n, i swear to god.” namjoon groans quietly and taps the top of your head with a pen “stop being so stubborn and just be a good girl.”
you raise your hands in defence
you can’t help the little smile that twitches at the corner of your mouth
namjoon’s helping you
…you knew he had a soft spot for u
(little do you know that you have a soft spot for him too)
namjoon spends the next two and a half hours explaining many different philosophical concepts to you and he answers every single one of your questions
at one point you get a little shy because you feel like your questions are dumb but namjoon reassures you that your questions are most certainly not dumb
he even paused to tell you a story of how in one of his classes he raised his hand and forgot what he was going to ask by the time the prof got to him so he ended up asking the prof ‘what class is this?’
that made you crack uP because you can imagine namjoon’s flushed cheeks and nervous stammer so clearly
also namjoon shared his lunch with you which was a surprise (today he brought in a turkey sandwich and an apple)
“my favourite sandwich is actually turkey on whole wheat with spicy mustard - and my favourite kind of apple is honey crisp!”
“spicy mustard is too much flavour for me. i just like putting mayo. and i’m a red apple kinda guy.”
“you’re boring” you tease him as you bite into the sandwich
“am not! don’t attack me for liking the plainer things in life!”
even though the ingredients are pretty plain somehow it still works and you find yourself scarfing it down in like thirty seconds
namjoon pulls a hard candy out of his pocket and offers it to you
“you’re giving me one of your precious candies??” you gasp and pluck it so delicately from his fingers as if it were made of glass or something
“it’s only because i feel bad for you because you criEd so don’t expect anymore candies from me” namjoon snorts and bites into an apple slice “also i always see you staring at me whenever i pull out a candy”
“it’s only because i’m wondering if they’re stale or not” you unwrap it and pop it into your mouth quickly before namjoon can take it back
“they most certainly are not!” he gasps in mock offence before reaching up to adjust his glasses
“your glasses are just as dorky as you” you reach over and brush your fingers over the thick rims and namjoon scowls before smacking your hand away
“don’t make me regret helping you and sharing my food with you” he points an accusatory finger in your direction and you grin cheekily “now, c’mon - let’s talk about famous philosophers and then we’ll start making some flash cards!”
“i like flash cards!!! ooh we can use my mArkERs-“ you start rambling excitedly about your multicoloured markers and namjoon finds himself smiling fondly as he watches you rummage through your pencil case
maybe you’re not so bad after all
“yES you got it again! alright who do we have next…” namjoon shuffles through the pile of flashcards on his lap
“okay-“ he pauses to read the notes on the back of the flashcard before holding it up for you “who is saint thomas aquinas?”
“ooh, i know this one!!” you raise your hand even though you’re the onLY One stuDYING
you’re so lame
endearingly lame
“hm, any takers?” namjoon plays along and pretends to look around a classroom of people before pointing at you “ah! yes, miss y/l/n?”
he’s just as lame as you are
you clear your throat and sit up straighter
“saint thomas aquinas was a 13th century dominican friar, theologian and doctor of the church, born in what is known today as the lazio region of italy.”
“okay, and what did he do?”
“uh, his most important contribution to western thought is the concept of natural theology! …right?”
“mm, go on” namjoon leans back against his chair and plucks at his bottom lip as he skims over the notes on the back of the card again
“he… adhered to the platonic and aristotelian principle of realism, which holds that certain absolutes exist in the universe, including the existence of the universe itself…?”
namjoon puts the card down and stares at you and ur like o shit am i wrong
a smile creeps onto his face and he raises his fist for you to bump “you got it!”
“yAY” you give him a fist bump and apologise quietly when you hear someone in the distance go ‘shh!!!!!’
they’ve shushed you like five times in the last hour
both you and namjoon exchange glances before bursting into giggles
“uGHhgH namJOoON” you groan and slump against the table as you twirl your pencil between your fingers
today’s been a pretty slow day
wednesdays are your longest days because you have classes from 9 to 6
and now you’re at the library and namjoon is forcing you to study even though you’re like hey let’s rearrange books or something!!!! let me do my job!!!!
“no complaining! now sit up straight and listen to me.”
you ignore him and continue twirling your pencil around
“y/n. sit up and listen.” he sighs and raises an eyebrow
you curse to yourself quietly before forcing yourself to sit up but you slump against the chair as if your bones were made of jelly
better than nothing
“okay, let me tell you about the gemeinschaft-gesellschaft dichotomy. it was proposed by tönnies as a purely conceptual tool rather than an ideal type in the way it was used by max weber to accentuate the key elements of a historic or social change. got it?”
you give namjoon a pointed look before huffing “no”
namjoon lets out a slow sigh and looks through his notes again
meanwhile you’re spinning around and around on your wheely chair
namjoon’s hand shoots out and grips onto the arm of your chair to stop you “how about we take a break?”
“yEs i love that! now that i understand.” you stretch your limbs out but quickly curl up when your stomach rumbles
you forgot that you didn’t get a chance to eat lunch today
namjoon clears his throat
“i actually,.., um, i brought you some food today!” namjoon turns and grabs the paper bag sitting on his desk
you raise a brow
“you did?”
that’s a surprise
that’s actually really nice of him
“you’ve been working and studying pretty hard lately so i thought i’d treat you to lunch! turkey on whole wheat with spicy mustard.” namjoon clears his throat and hands you the bag before reaching up to scratch the back of his neck “and also a honey crisp apple… and two caramel candies.”
he remembered your favourite kind of sandwich and your favourite kind of apple
which means he went out of his way to buy ingredients that he would usually stay the heck away from
that’s… that’s kind of sweet actually
“you remembered what i like?” you reach into the bag and pull out the neatly wrapped sandwich
“the, uh, the dorky glasses make me more observant” namjoon taps the frames gently and you laugh
“look, i didn’t mean- like, dorky isn’t necessarily a bad thing i just- it’s cute! you’re cute” you flush immediately wOw what is wrong with you
you clear your throat “your glasses are cute. your glasses.” you murmur
both you and namjoon avoid gazes and you don’t realise it but both your faces are on fire
namjoon twiddles with his thumbs and bites back his smile  
you’re about to take a bite of your sandwich before you realise he’S not eating anything “hey, where’s your food?”
“oH, right” namjoon twists back and grabs his paper bag
“lemme guess - turkey on white with mayo with a red apple.”
“ah, nice guess, but i’m afraid you’ve been mistaken” namjoon tsks and shakes his head “it’s tuna sandwich tuesday!! and i brought a pear!”
you snort and roll your eyes playfully
only namjoon would have a tuna sandwich tuesday
“i believe that’s another point to me” namjoon leans back against his chair proudly after he makes yet anotHer paper ball dunk into the waste bin
you convinced him to take a lil break since you’ve been studying for an hour and a half and your brain is about to explode
and today you’re the one who brought lunch for him
you bought soup from the cafeteria!! luckily they made his favourite today!! chicken soup
he got so excited when you presented the little take-out bowl to him
he even offered you a spoonful and at first you were like nah but he said look the cafe’s chicken soup is AMAzing you will not regret this
he blew over it to cool it down first before feeding it to you and you were like o shit ur right this is good
he ended up feeding you a couple more spoonfuls as you looked over your notes
it was kinda cute but whateva
so it’s kind of that after-lunch lull where your tummies are full and you’re feeling lazy
which is why you and namjoon are competing in paper-ball
and namjoon is winning which is very surprising
whenever you play paper-ball with jimin you’re always in the lead so you’re not used to thIS
you’re realising now that you might be a bit of a sore loser
“it’s getting hot in here - it must be because i’m on fire.” namjoon smirks as he adds another dash under his name
“lame” you roll your eyes as you crush up another paper ball
“okay but seriously i’m like sweating” namjoon sits up and peels his sweater-vest off before unbuttoning a couple buttons on his shirt and rolling his sleeves up neatly
your eyes flicker over to his now exposed forearms
he has.,.., really sexy arms.,,.. what the hell,.,,
namjoon wheels a little closer to you until his knee is in between your legs “here lemme do it because your paper-balls all sucK” namjoon takes the ball from your hand and you feel a lil ziPzaP when his fingers brush over yours
what the hell x2.,.,.,., his hANDS.,.,.,., even his hANDS ARE SEXY
“what’s the matter with you? where’s the witty retort?” you look up from his hands quickly and namjoon’s grinning at you in a way that makes your heart skip a beat
what’s happening to you
you look away quickly and try to snap yourself out of it
what the fuck
what the fuck is happening
what’s going on with your body
why are your hands clammy
why is your heart racing like this
why do you want him to scoot evEN closer
you like namjoon
oh no
you like namjoon
oh NO sweetie you do NOT like kim namjoon
yes you do
no you don’t
mmmmmyes you do
NO you don’t you can’t like namjoon!!! he’s the worst!
he’s the best and you love him
he wears stupid sweater vests!!
he can pull it off tho and also his button-up is kind of thin today and you can see very faint outlines of his abs and it makes you want to run your hands over his bronzey smooth skin you LOVe it you perv
“y/n? you okay?” namjoon taps your knee gently and raises a brow when you jumP in your seat  
“i’m good! i’m just…” you snatch the paper ball from his grasp and point to the waste bin “i’m just getting my heaD in the game because i’m going to kick your ass”
namjoon laughs before gesturing for you to throw “i’d like to see you try.” he leans back against his chair and crosses his arms
even THAt was sexy
you are losing your mind
you like kim namjoon
“good morning!” namjoon plops down next to you and you let out a little yawn as a good morning “today’s the big day~” he wiggles his brows “you ready?”
you look down at your flashcards and your notes and give a little shrug
you think you’re ready?? maybe
“i guess so??” you murmur and stretch your limbs out
you decided to come to the library before your 8AM exam because.,,,.., uh.,,,.,
okay you just wanted to see namjoon so WHAT
“i have something for you-“ namjoon rummages through his bag before pulling out a bracelet looking thing
a bunch of different shades of purple threads braided together neatly
she looks a little worn out but she still cute
“this was my good luck bracelet when i was doing exams during my last year - i thought maybe you’d want to wear it or something? you don’t have to, obviously, but i know how nervous you are and… yeah, i don’t know… i just wanted to give it to you i guess“
there it is again
your heart just went boom-boom for joon-joon
you press your lips together to hold back a dorky smile before you stick your hand out for namjoon “i need all the luck i can get”
namjoon smiles and shakes his head as he ties the bracelet around your wrist carefully “you don’t need any luck. i believe in you!” he glances at the clock hanging behind you on the wall “you better get going - it’s 7:42.”
you let out a little sigh before getting up off the seat and grabbing your pencil case and your water bottle
namjoon looks up at you with a small smile “i’ll see you after your exam?” he watches as you open the little gate to step out
“if i survive, that is” you retort and namjoon rolls his eyes
you’re about to walk out but you turn around swiftly “namjoon?”
namjoon looks up at you “mm?”
“thank you… for everything.” you murmur shyly while twisting the bracelet around your wrist “you’re… not bad. not bad at all.”
you don’t really know what to saY but all you know is that you’re super appreciative and grateful to have someone like namjoon,,, care about you
and you’re already not good with emotional things so ‘you’re not bad at all’ is a pretty big thing to say in your opinion!!!
lucky for you
namjoon fully understands
namjoon’s cheeks flush slightly and he shakes his head “get outta here you sappy loser”
he lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding once you leave the library
and now that he has this moment alone
a realisation begins to creep into his mind
he likes you
well it’s pretty obvious at this point
things that used to irritate him about you are now endearing
he makes lunch for you willingly
he doesn’t flinch or move away when you initiate contact
he actually pays attention to your lame jokes
he gave you his good luck bracelet for god’s sakes
he likes you
you’ve been on edge for the whole day
this morning you got your philosophy final exam back
for a whole week this exam was on your mind and now it’s finally back in your hands and you can’t even bring yourself to look at your grade
because you’re terrified
you’re terrified that you failed yet another exam and you’ll have to graduate a year behind all of your friends and you’ll have to put your life on hold because you were a dumbass in university
and you’re terrified that you disappointed jin and jimin and namjoon
you don’t want to disappoint namjoon
but your exam has been burning a hole in your backpack and you figure that it’s now or never
“oh pleasepleaseplease” you whisper to yourself as your trembling fingers gently pull the crinkled, folded up piece of paper from your backpack
no need to panic
it’s just your philosophy final that you had to get at least a 90% on to make up for the rest of your shitty grades in that course
you pinch the corner of the page getting ready to flip it open
you take your bottom lip in between your teeth nervously
you squeeze your eyes shut
it’s now or never
you unfold it in one smooth motion and the paper makes a thwacking sound as you do so
you peel an eye open
you peel the other eye open
and the blood drains from your face
namjoon’s in the middle of putting books back onto the shelves
it’s the end of the day and there aren’t a lot of people around so it’s nice and quiet
namjoon likes these nice and quiet days
it’s just him and the books
him and his library
and then he hears something
frantic footsteps slapping against the floor in the distance
someone must be in a rush
he furrows his brows when the footsteps get louder
and he whips around to look at the entrance of the library with narrowed eyes
he yelps in fear when the doors suddenly buRST open and a manic-looking you appears with wide eyes and a huGe (slightly terrifying) grin
you look around the library before you lock gazes with namjoon and if it’s even possible your smile grows wider
oh good god
you look like what’d he’d see in the corner of his room if he ever got sleep paralysis
“yoU BEAUTIFUL TREE OF A MAN I LOVE YOU” the next thing namjoon knows you’re leaping into his arms and he quickly grips under your thighs instinctively so that you don’t fall flat on your ass
he stumbles backwards a little and his fingers dig into the flesh of your thighs as you smoosh kisses all over his face
he’s certainly not complaining but whAt the hell is going on
you drop back down onto your feet and you unravel your arms around namjoon’s neck and throw your hands up in the air “i goT 98% ON MY EXAM” you squeal excitedly before wrapping your arms around his neck in a hug and bouncing up and down and oHHH now he sees why you’re acting like a psychopath
“see!!!! i told you you could do it i’m sO ProuD of you!!!!!!!” namjoon grins and wraps his arms around your waist and twirls you around in a circle “98% is so good!!!!!”
“i know!! i never get a 98% on anything!!!” you giggle and pull away from the crook of his neck
your arms are still wrapped around his neck and his arms are still wrapped around your waist
your breathing slows down a bit as you start to calm down and
your faces are very very close
and suddenly
you feel this overwhelming urge to kiss namjoon
you want him to kiss you
namjoon’s eyes flicker down to your lips and you feel your heart pounding in your chest
it’s going to happen
he’s going to kiss you  
you’re disappointed when he quickly takes a step back and pulls away from you
you clear your throat and smooth your skirt down and namjoon adjusts his wonky glasses
both of your guys’ faces are on fire
“anyways - 98% is really good! aim for 99% next time.” namjoon teases and turns around to look at his book cart again and the moment he turns away from u he mouths a ‘wHAT THE FUCK’ to himself because WHAT THE FUCK
meanwhile your face is on fire because that was deFINTEly something
you guys had a moment
does this mean namjoon likes you back
doES IT?????
“joon” you approach him and tap his shoulder gently before standing next to him
“mhm?” he glances at you briefly before looking back at the books on the cart
you get up on your tiptoes and plant a little smooch on his cheek and namjoon freezes immediately
“is there anything for me to do?” you ask casually as if you didn’t just kiSS HIS CHEEK
“oh shoot you know what i was organising the thriller novels before my exam and i never finished doing that! let me go do that now and then you can give me something else to do” you disappear in between the shelves and namjoon blinks owlishly
he reaches up and brushes his fingers over his hot cheek
and the FATTEST smile appears on his face
today’s been kind of a slow day
namjoon texted you earlier and said he’d be in late today
so here you are
sitting behind the front counter
well, not exactly
lisa, wendy and jisoo came to keep you company even though you insisted you were fine
they texted and asked if you wanted to grab some lunch and when you didn’t respond they all came to ambush you at the library
“yeah, sure! as soon as namjoon gets here we can go get some food.” you smile politely before looking back down at the computer
these girls,,, well they’re not your frieNds exactly
they’re in a couple of your classes
let’s just say they’re a whole lot more popular than you think you’ll ever be
they’ve taken a liking to you for some reason and you don’t mind because the more the merrier!! also it’s kinda cool because in high school you were never really friends with the ‘’’’’cool gals’’’’’’ so there’s that too
also you think another reason why they hang around you is because you’re friends with guys like jimin and jungkook and you don’t want to be that person but like..,,. YEaH ur boy-friends are really attractive so it makes sense to go through you to get to them (spoiler alert jimin and jungkook do not like any single one of these girls but you don’t have the heart to break the news to them)
“namjoon… why does that name sound so familiar” lisa furrows her brows and leans against the counter
“remember? he was that guy in our philosophy lecture last year - the one who sat at the front? he graduated last year” you hum and scribble something down
“oh shit, i remember!!!” lisa gasps “…oh god, he was awful. such a try-hard”
wait what
your head pops up and you furrow your brows “well like he’s not a try-hard he’s just passionate about-“
“i hated him. he kept reminding the prof to give us pop quizzes” wendy shudders
“i bet he’s still a virgin”
“who cares if he-“
“i bet he hasn’t had his first kiss yet”
“we can’t just assume that he hasn’t just because he-“
“yeah, i wouldn’t be surprised” jisoo snorts “who the hell would wanna kiss someone who looks like that?”
what the hell
what kind of assholey thing was that to say??
“oh, c’mon, y/n. the sweater vests. the pervert glasses.”
“he’s tall and gangly. no meat on his bones??”
“i could never even imagine dating a loser like that!”
and suddenly you remember why you don’t like these girls
namjoon is in a very vEry good mood today
and now he gets to spend the rest of the day with you so he’s teN times happier!!!!!!!
plus he brought lunch for you again because he knows that sometimes you neglect your stomach and he can’t have that (and as cute as your stomach rumbles are he wants to make sure you’re eating and not skipping lunch just because you’re too lazy to line up)
he hopes you like the sandwich
he cut it into the shape of a heart just because he thought it was kinda cute
and uh
the heart-sandwich kind of emphasises the fact that he likes you a lot
he picked out a bunch of little daisies from the ground on his way here
and he tied them together in a little bouquet using a blade of grass
very rustic looking bouquet but still adorable!!
he looked like a madman yanKIng all the daisies out of the ground but u know what he’s embracing it because he’s a fool in LOVe
he accidentally stepped on a couple daisies and was like yikes
and he has a couple specks of dirt on his shirt but he’ll deal with it later
today’s the day he’s going to tell you that he likes you ~romantically~ and he’s going to ask if you wanna grab dinner after you guys leave the library tonight
he even made reservations at this cute cafe he hopes you’ll like
and he’s dressed extra spiffy today
his hair is swept back neatly and he even used a lil more gel to keep every strand in place
there’s not one speck of dust on his glasses lens
he ironed his tie and his button-up
and he’s wearing a brand new expensive cologne
all for you!!!!!! because you are woRth it
his heart skips a bit at the mere thought of your smile and that adorable giggle and the way your nose crinkles when he scolds you playfully
frick he likes u sO MCUH
he decides to take the back door today
just because the romance books are on the shelves in the back and he’s in a romantic mood and wants to pick out a book for you to read
he’s thinking Jane Austen’s ‘Persuasion’ is a good one
namjoon’s finger brushes over the spines of the books on the shelves as he looks for it
he perks up when he finds it
he tucks the book under his arm and adjusts his book bag on his shoulder and triple checks that he has everything
sandwich? check
new book?? got it
flowers???? yEs
say it with me now: hoTEL?trivAGo
he hears the murmuring of some voices as he nears the front and he freezes when he hears his name float through the air
he pokes his head out from around the corner and sees you and a couple of who he can safely assume are your girl friends because they’re all giggling about something
namjoon furrows his brows and stays hidden behind a bookshelf
a little eavesdropping never hurts nobody
“you would never go out with someone like namjoon, right? i know i wouldn’t” lisa taps the top of your head to get your attention “not even if we were the last people on earth”
“yeah, i don’t think i would either” you reply automatically because if you said yEs i’d go for namjoon (and u totally would) you’d never hear the end of it
((but at the same time who cares about what these girls think?? they’re not ur real friends))
you don’t want to go out with them anymore
as soon as this conversation ends you’re kicking these assholes the heck out of the library
but you can’t kick them out without saying something nice about namjoon because ?? namjoon is one of the sweetest guys ever and they need to be aware of that
“but without him i wouldn’t have passed my exam so i have to give him some credit for that” you point out and hope that they’ll cut him some slack
wendy leans against the counter and gasps
“oh, i love that, you cold-hearted bitch!!! taking advantage of the smarty-pants virginey loser to pass your exams?? geniuS”
that didn’t exactly work out
“you would never go out with someone like namjoon, right? i know i wouldn’t”
“yeah, i don’t think i would either”
namjoon deflates and he feels his heart clench in his chest
his fingers tighten around the paper bag and he takes a small step back
he knew this day was going too well
you really wouldn’t want to go out with him?
you wouldn’t even give him one chance?
was he really that awful?
“but without him i wouldn’t have passed my exam so i have to give him some credit for that”
“oh, i love that, you cold-hearted bitch!!! taking advantage of the smarty-pants, virginey loser to pass your exams?? geniuS”
namjoon’s eyes flutter shut and he presses his lips together
of course
of coursE this would happen to him
you were the one person that he thought might’ve actually like him back and it turns out you were only using him to pass your exams
how could he not have seen that????
you???? being interested in him?????
i m p o s s i b l e
you don’t go for dorky librarians like him
you go for guys like min yoongi and jeon jungkook and park jimin
well now he just feels stupid
he has a stupid heart shaped sandwich and a stupid honey crisp apple and a stupid packet of animal crackers in this stupid paper bag that has your name on it because he has a stupid crush on you and he really thought you liked him back and he was looking forward to taking you out on a stupid stUPID date
but of course the inevitable happens
you don’t like him… at all.
you used him?
your fingers tighten around the pen and you bite down on your tongue
these girls are getting on your nerves now
you’re kicking them out now you’re done with this  
“anyways - as much as i wanna talk about how much of a loser kim namjoon is,” you say sarcastically and make air quotes “i think i have some work to do so i’m going to have to put a rain check on-“
you jump when you hear the sound of some books toppling off the shelf and everyone immediately looks at the source of the sound
you stand up and peek over the girls’ shoulders
and the blood immediately drains from your face
oh,,,., god
oh no no nO
did he hear everything you said??
namjoon doesn’t think it’s possible for his heart to break even more
but then
“anyways - as much as i wanna talk about how much of a loser kim namjoon is, i think i have some work to do so i’m going to have to put…”
big yikes
this did not go according to plan at all
maybe he should head out the back door and then come in through the front door and just act like everything is normal
that’s a good plan
namjoon turns around to leave but he stumbles over his feet a little and his hands reach out to grip onto the bookshelf  
instead what happens is he shoves a couple books riGHt off the shelf and namjoon curses before automatically dropping to his knees to pick them up
oh shit
where does he go from hERE
namjoon freezes like a deer in headlights and he swallows thickly before slowly turning to look up at you “u-uh, i-i-“
“hey, look what the cat dragged in!” wendy coos and namjoon feels his heart starting to race in his chest when the girls approach him “what do we have here, hm?”
before he has the chance to pick up the paper bag jisoo snAtches it from the ground
“oh, y/n! it’s for you!” she unrolls the top and reaches it before pulling out the sandwich
she coos before pushing her bottom lip out in a mocking pout “aw, isn’t that cute? a wittle heart shaped sandwich for y/n!” her eyes flicker down to the bouquet of daisies that have now been tramPled on “and a bouquet of weeds!! ever the romantic, aren’t you??”
namjoon feels his entire face flush bright red and he’s struggling to put the books back onto the shelf
he’s just doing whatever it takes to avoid eye contact with the girls
“you’re looking a little red, namjoon. maybe you should take that cardigan off?” wendy pinches his cheek and namjoon gets off his knees immediately
although he towers over them he knows they’re the ones holding the power in this moment
“what’s the matter? you’re not even going to say hi to y/n??” lisa frowns before gesturing to you
namjoon locks gazes with you and your heart clenches when you’re able to see the pure hurt and pain in his glassy eyes
he looks away from you immediately and bends down to grab his bag
“nam-“ the next thing you know he spRints towards the front door and leaves
all three girls burst into laughter and jisoo tosses the paper bag and the flowers onto the front counter and it lands right in front of you
your heart tightens at the sight of your name scribbled on it with a little heart drawn next to it
you pick up the bouquet of daises and they flop down against your fingers sadly
“…you guys are assholes” you hiss and start packing up your things
“what? y/n, what’s wr-“
“all of you - get out!” you snap and point towards the door as you zip your backpack up frantically
the girls all exchange glances before scoffing and leaving the library
good fucking riddance
you basically leAp over the gate and sprint towards the front door
you’re not technically supposed to leave the library because no one’s at the front desk but you need to find namjoon
you should’ve said something!!! you should’ve stuck up for joon!!!! why didn’t you???
why didn’t you stick up namjoon who always makes sure you’re drinking enough water and eating enough food and not skipping meals and who always offers to get you a snack whenever he goes to the cafe and is always very patient with you when he’s teaching you something new and is always giving you new books to read
namjoon with his boisterous laugh when you or that shy giggle he does where he covers his mouth and his eyes crinkle
namjoon who makes you feel happy and safe and warm and smart and all the good things in the world
namjoon who makes your heart go boom-boom because of how sweet and caring and wonderful he is
namjoon who has two left feet and has officially tripped his way into your heart
you look like a maniac because you’re sprinting everywhere to try and find namjoon but you seriously don’t know where he is
you’re out of breath and your bag is flopping against your back anD you’re holding onto the daises and the paper bag for dear life
you spend an hour trying to find namjoon
but he’s nowhere to be found
you end up back at the library and you let out a sigh as you shut the gate behind you
it’s the end of the day so there’s nobody around really
the sun is beginning to set
you groan and slam your head against the desk in frustration
an idiot
congratulations, y/n y/l/n - you fucked up.
“thank you” namjoon smiles at the waitress before sitting up a little straighter and reaching out for the sandwich on his plate
he takes a small bite and his eyes flicker to across the booth where you should be
suddenly he’s not feeling very hungry anymore
he swallows his bite and pushes the plate away before slumping against the booth and looking out the window of the cafe
he curses to himself when he feels a lump growing in his throat
he feels dumb crying over you
he should’ve known you would never go for someone like him
he sniffles and reaches up to dab away the single tear that’s threatening to spill over
namjoon doesn’t come to work the next day
instead you’re met with the sight of some random guy sitting behind the counter
his name is hoseok and he’s all smiles and you’re sure he’s a nice guy but he’s really getting on your nerves right now
and he has the audacity to ask you if you need help with anything
he’s sitting in namjoon’s chair!!!!!!
“sorry- where’s namjoon?” you interrupt his little rant about his day and he blinks at you
“hm? oh! uh, not sure… would you like me to try contacting him for you? if you have a question about how things work around here you can always ask me! i used to work at the library but they told me i talked too much buT here i am again because-”
oh my god this guy is infuriating
namjoon doesn’t come to work the next day
or the next
or the next
or the next
you’re starting to get worried
you’ve texted him - no response
you’ve called him - no response
you talked to jin and jin told you that you actually have enough extra credit now!! so you’ve been relieved of your librarian duties buT since namjoon isn’t there you can fill in for him til he comes back
“i thought i was supposed to continue working there til the end of the semester? and after the semester ends i’ll get the extra credit?”
“yeah, i thought so too - but i guess you’ve done such a good job that namjoon’s given you extra exTra credit!! good job!!!” jin grins and claps his hands together “goodbye summer school!!!!!! now, listen, let’s not fail our courses so that i don’t have to have this discussion with you again, how about we…”
o god
namjoon doesn’t want you around anymore thAt’s why he gave you the all extra credit immediately
you slump against the seat as jin continues to blab about a study plan for you
what are you doing to do now?
two weeks pass by and you’ve gone to the library every single day in hopes that namjoon will be there
instead you’re met with hoseok’s smiling face
side note: you’ve warmed up to him he’s actually really sweet
but you just
you miss your joonie
so when you walk into the library after a particularly tiring day and see namjoon sitting at the desk instead of hoseok
you’re understandably a little shook
“namjoon?? where have you been????” you gasp and shut the gate behind you “i-i’ve texted and i tried calling you but you-“
“i just needed a break.” namjoon shrugs
there’s an awkward silence between the two of you and you pluck at a loose thread on your sweater
you need to say something
you had something planned out but for some reason you can’t remember what you were going to say
how about you start off with sorry
that’s a good plan
start off with sorry
easy peasy lemon squeezy
you clear your throat and sit down in your chair before scooting closer to namjoon
he doesn’t budge
that’s a good sign.,., right
“hey, uh, look - i’m sorry-“
“it’s fine.” namjoon replies softly and flips to the next page in his book
it’s obviously not
he can’t even look you in the eye
“namjoon, i-“
“i think you should go. people who aren’t librarians aren’t supposed to be behind the desk.” namjoon snaps his book shut before getting up off his seat and walking over to the gate
he holds it open for you
you deserve that
“i just wanted to say that i’m sorry-“
“yeah, i got it. is there anything else i can help you with?”
u feel awful
you pluck at the purple bracelet around your wrist nervously
“please, just give me a second to explain-“
“you’ve done plenty of explaining. i get it. i’m not good enough for little miss y/n y/l/n.” namjoon scoffs “message received loud and clear.”
“no, that’s not tru-“
“now if you’ll excuse me, i have some students waiting who actually need help.” namjoon gestures to the line of students before pointing at the gate
you swallow the lump in your throat and you stand up and grab your bag
difficult difficult orange difficult
namjoon feels a twinge of guilt nibbling away at his conscience
it’s been about
five days? since he last saw you
five days since you tried apologising and he didn’t even give you a second to explain yourself which honestly wasn’t fair of him
and he wants to talk to you and stuff but,..,., like.,. he’s never experienced anything like this before and he doesn’t know what to do
are the two of you just going to avoid each other for the rest of your time here
the only time you interact will be when you check out a book at the library which very rarELy happens
he can’t help but wonder when he’ll see you again
the next time he sees you he’s definitely going to say something
and it seems like someone up there is either on his side or really hates him
because there you are
behind the counter
but he hasn’t had a chance to prepare for this situation and whAT IS HE GOING TO SAY TO U
it’s then that he notices that something is off
“y/n? what are you doing here? you don’t work here anymore and… it’s saturday.”
namjoon jumps when you whIP around clutching a bunch of books to your chest
“i put all the returned books away. i stamped all the new books on the first page and not the front cover-“
namjoon can barely pay attention to what you’re saying because you look
you looking a little rough girl
there are bags under your bloodshot eyes
your hair is pulled up into a messy bun
there’s a pen stuck through the bun
your reading glasses are tangled in your hair
“i also put the new books into the cataloguing system so you don’t have to spend this weekend doing that anymore!! you can go home and rest if you want!! i-i can take care of it!!”
“how long have you been h-“  
“i’ve restrung all the old books that are falling apart! i-i vacuumed behind the desk and i dusted the bookshelves too-“ you gesture wildly to the bookshelves
“y/n - jesus, you look like you’re about to pass out i think you should rest” namjoon rushes behind the counter and grabs onto your shoulders to steady you because you’re starting to sway a little bit
even though he’s still hurt by what happened he’s not going to prioritise thAt before you especially since you don’t look so good right now
also now that a good amount of time has passed he’s slowly starting to get over it
if you don’t like him like that then you don’t like him like that
there’s nothing he can do about it
he just has to accept it
“no namjoon listen to me look i even restocked on those black pens you like so much and i didn’t use my glittery pink pens when i labelled the books!” you sniffle and look up at him with watery eyes before gesturing to the cup of pens
“yes, i see that-“
“i just need you to know how sorry i am, okay?”
“yes, and i’ve forgiven you-“
“no, you haven’t! you haven’t forgiven me and i can see why! if i were in your shoes i wouldn’t forgive me! i’m just an asshole and there’s literally no excuse in the world to defend what i said about you and i feel awful and i’d understand if you never wanna see me again because i would never wanna see me again-“
“but you’re literally the sweetest guy i’ve ever met and i like you so sO much and you didn’t have to help me study for my finals and you didn’t have to give me extra credit-“
“and you need to know that i don’t think all those awful things about you i was just being stuPId because those girls make me act stupid and i don’t know i should’ve defended you but i didn’t but i reaLLy wanted to but i-i just froze and i didn’t know what to do and aLSO i’m not letting you give me extra credit because i’m smart enough to know that i have to finish working for a full semester before you administer extra credit-
“oH my god will u just shUT UP”
in a raRe act of spontaneity namjoon grabs your cheeks and bends down and plants his lips right against yours
and as cheesy as it seems
f i r e w o r k s
your eyes flutter shut and you fist namjoon’s shirt in your hands as you kiss him back
and then namjoon realizes the the fact he’s kissing you
he’s kissing you
he pulls away quickly and steps back and you immediately miss his warmth but also
he just kissed you
did that really happen??
or are you overtired and you just dreamt that whole thing up??
“i forgive you, alright? and… you can come back and work here for your extra credit.” namjoon clears his throat and scratches the back of his neck “now go and take a nap before you pass out right here right now”
his entire face is on fire
what the hell was THAT
namjoon watches as you lie down behind the counter and cuddle up to a makeshift pillow (his hoodie that he let you borrow after a long night of studying)
a couple days go by
things are
kinda normal ??
you guys are slowly falling back into your old routine
you apologise again and namjoon reassures you that he’s forgiven you and tells you to stop saying sorry before he kicks you out again
you get a chance to fully explain the situation and noW namjoon definitely forgives you
it was a misunderstanding and yeah he was pretty hurt but
he’s over it now
and he tells you to quit apologising otherwise he’ll make you a sandwich with no mayonnaise at aLL and you shut up immediately
you two haven’t brought up the kiss at all
namjoon is mortified
he’s never going to be spontaneous ever again
do you even remember kissing him?? (yes u do and ur freaking out about it)
god he hopes not
if it isn’t obvious by now namjoon is a lil bit of a coward
it’s not his fault!!!!
why would a sane person want to step out of their comfort zone?? just STAY in the comfort zone that’s why it’s called the C OM F O R T zone
things that are within the vicinity of kim namjoon’s comfort zone:
1) adding a touch of sriracha to his sandwiches for a LITTLE bit of a kick
2) drinking soup and wearing a crisp, white button-up because he’s very neat and is 100% positive he won’t get a droplet of soup on his shirt
3) not making a move on you because he doesn’t know what to do and if he doesn’t know what to do he’s just going to leave it like that
you, on the other hand
you are very different
things that are within the vicinity of y/n y/l/n’s comfort zone:
1) adding a SHITloAD of spicy mustard to your sandwiches because p a i n   i s p le a su re
2) drinking soup and wearing a white tee-shirt because who cares?? if u stain the shirt you can just say you bought it like that AND it gives your clothes more character
3) making many maNy moves on namjoon to try and encourage him to reciprocate affection and eventually admit that he has feelings for you
“good morning, joonie~” namjoon’s eyes pop open when you lean down and plant a ‘’;’friendly’;;’;’ kiss on his cheek
that was unexpected
“morning” he clears his throat and stays quiet as you sit down and pull your things out
you wheel closer to him and look down at the desk “whatcha doin?”
“uh,” namjoon looks down at the book on the desk “re-binding a book… it, um, it was kinda falling apart but to be fair it’s a really old book so i can see why-“
“do you need help??” you reach over and brush your fingers over where namjoon’s holding the spine of the book down as he waits for the glue to dry
his cheeks immediately buRST into flames and he yanks his hand away before breaking into a nervous laugh “no!! it’s okay!!! i- uh, i suddenly remembered i.,,. i have to pEE” the chair spiNS in circles from how quickly he zippEd off of it and you let out a small breath
this is going to be a lot harder than u thought
“y/n, where did you- oh, there you are! your soup is getting cold” namjoon scratches the back of his neck
he furrows his brows when he sees you on your tip-toes on the toP STEP of the very VERY old wooden ladder
you turn to glance at him “oh, hey! i’ll be right there. i’m just cataloguing some of these older books”
“okay, um- maybe you should use the metal ladder instead?? didn’t i tell you the wooden one is basically falling apart?” namjoon adjusts his collar nervously
o god
his palms are getting sweaty
you look down at the ladder before shaking your head
“you never told me that”
he DID tell you that but this is all part of your master scheme
although you’re probably going to break every single bone in ur body if you’re not careful so u should probably get off soon
you’re not aware of this yet but the weak wood is starting to splinter a bit under your weight
“i’m fine, joon. look!” namjoon’s heart stops in his chest when you stomp down on the step in a poor attempt to prove its stability “see?? totally fine”
oh my god
you’re purposely trying to kill him aren’t you
luckILY it doesn’t fall apart
and then he hears the first splinter
and a crack
and another crack
namjoon’s superman instincts immediately kick into gear and he zips towards you when the ladder suddenly snaps and you’re sent hurdLING TO THE GROUND
you find yourself in namjoon’s arms in a millisecond after falling and you blink up at him “holy shit”
“i toLD YOU” namjoon scolds and doesn’t budge when you slip an arm around his shoulder and praCTIcally cuddle up to him “i told you the wooden one was crap but you neveR listen to me and you could’ve seriously hurt yourself and whAT was the whole stomping thing are you an IDIOT-“
“you care about me” you grin and poke his chest and namjoon glances down at you
he clears his throat
“of course i care about u” he lets you back down onto your feet and takes a step away from you “now come and eat ur stupid soup before i smack u”
somehow you end up tricking namjoon into feeding you spoonfuls of soup because you’re “still shaken up from what just happened”
namjoon rolls his eyes at your antics but uh
he plays along
“y/n y/l/n??? reading??? preposterous!” you look up from your book when namjoon suddenly appears and sets a stack of books on the countertop
“don’t use your fancy vocabulary in front of me, you know i only know like 3 words maximum”
“what are you reading?” he adjusts his glasses and peeks over a little
“i don’t even know what i’m reading. i just picked it up because i was bored. it’s called ‘Captain Corelli’s Mandolin’. i thought it was about pirates but it’s….. noT.”
of course u thought it was about pirates
“oh! i’ve read that one! Louis de Bernières, right?”
you close the book to look at the front cover
“ya it’s lewis dee bearnards.”
namjoon looks at you like,, okay A+ for effort
“read it out loud”
“don’t you have work to do?”
“i do, but read a line to me! refresh my memory”
“alright, alright - here” you lean your elbows on the counter so that you’re right next to namjoon
you clear your throat and open the book to find where you were at
“When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots are to become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is.”
“Because this is what love is.” namjoon quotes quietly and you put the book down
the two of you lock gazes and you can’t help but notice that something feels different between the two of you
and then you find yourself leaning closer
and closer
and closer
“anYways it’s a really good boOk” namjoon suddenly stands up before clumsily picking up the stack of books “i’ll be in the back!!!!!!”
you groan quietly
SO close
“thanks for walking me home” you smile up at joon and he nods in response “and thanks for lending me your cardigan”
you slip your arm from his as you go to unlock your door
you turn around and wrinkle your nose “you probably want your cardigan ba-“
“you can keep it!” namjoon blurts out and quickly looks away “i mean, um… if you want. you can keep it. so next time you have something to keep you warm when it’s cold?”
you press your lips together to hide your grin and you nod and look down at the plain brown cardigan “okay, well… thanks again.” you murmur and take a lil step closer to namjoon
he looks up at you in surprise and you can FEEL the magnetic attraction bringing the two of you closer and closer
it’s going to happen
he’s going to kiss you at your front door
and it’s going to be magical
and then-
“i think i left my oven on at home” namjoon breathes out and he’s SO close you feel his breath wash over your lips “can i text you later?”
this is fucking ridiculous
you and joon keep having these almost-kiss moments and you will GLADLY smooch the man but he backs out every time and is like hOohOo i’ll be in the back!!!!!!!!! or he’ll be like i NEED 2 PEE or like i NEED TO READ A BOOK NOW
whenever you’re standing near him or your knee brushes over his when you guys are sitting with each other he gets all nervous and jittery and his face gets all flushed and then he’s like i NEED TO DUST SOMETHING
and then when he leaves each time you have to refrain yourself from grabbing the stapler and like stapling your fingers together out of frustration
he’s just so!!!!!!!! he’s being such a nAMJOON
you’ve never really chased a guy down like this before
and at first it was fun but now you’re just frustrated
so you’ve finally decided it’s time for the last resort
as much as you hate confrontation
it’s necessary in this situation
“i have a question for you” you murmur as you scribble a note down in your journal
it’s a pretty quiet afternoon in the library (as per usual except there are less people here since exam season is over)
namjoon’s sitting behind the counter and you’re standing in front of it doing your work because you felt like your ass was going to fall off from how numb it became due to you sitting on it for like 5 hours straight
you set your pencil down quietly “joon.”
namjoon sighs and flips through his book “if it’s about the online library system i told you you have to hit the big green button for it to sav-“
“why don’t you wanna kiss me again? i know you like me too”
wait wat
namjoon chokes on his tea and pats his chest a couple times before quickly adjusting his glasses
did you just
did he hear you right
what the fu
what’s happening
is this a fever dream
you like him too?
“sorry - w-what?”
“i said - i know you like me too. so what’s the problem, dimples?” you lean over on the counter and prop your chin up on your palm
what’s the problem?
the problem is that this is way too good to be true
he knows exactly what’s happening
you don’t like him you only think you like him
he doesn’t need your pity
you’re only saying you like him because he’s the lame librarian and he’s not mr athlete like yoongi and you’re trying to make him feel better
“i- who- look, i don’t know who put this ridiculous idea in your head, but i-i don’t!” namjoon gets up from his chair quickly and walks out from behind the counter
the little gate snAPS shut
“why’d you kiss me in the first place then??”
“to get you to shuT uP” namjoon explains as if it’s the most obvious answer in the world even though he’s definitely lying thru his teeth right now
“to get me to shut up mY ASS”
namjoon bites down on in inside of his cheek and suppresses a groan
OH my god you are so IRRITATING
“wha- if anything, i think you’re the most infuriating, annoying, and obnoxious girl i’ve ever met!” namjoon takes a step towards you and towers over you but you don’t budge “you- you always crash the cataloguing system and you never put the books back in alphabetical order like you’re supposed to and on top of that you’re always bringing your dumb snacks in here and you always leave crumbs everywhere for me to clean up even though i’ve told you multiple times you have to clean up after yoursel- mmph!”
namjoon’s eyes go as wide as saucers when you’re suddenly grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and yanking him down so that you can kiss him
you pull away and namjoon blinks quickly before his cheeks flare up
you let go of his collar and smooth it down before prodding your finger into his chest accusingly
“you have all these complaints about me yet you never activELy try to stop me and that signals to me that yoU LIKE ME- oh!” namjoon’s suddenly grabbing your waist and pushing you up against the counter and then he leans down to mash his lips against yours
you feel the sting from where the counter is digging into your back but holy shit you do noT give a fuck right now
his hands are cupping your face and he tilts his head to deepen the kiss
namjoon licks into your mouth and you let out a small noise of surprise
you whimper and tug at his tie to pull him even closer to you
“waIt wait wait oh god this is highly inappropriate y/n we’re in an educational setting” namjoon pulls away from you and you find yourself chasing after his lips before you’re like you’rE right you’re right
so the two of you step away from each other and you smooth out your shirt while namjoon adjusts his collar
the two of you look at each other and lock gazes
and then you’re immediately lunging at each other again and namjoon’s strong arms wrap around your waist while your arms wrap around his neck
he lifts you up in one swift movement and you find yourself sitting on the countertop leaning down to kiss joon while he slots himself in between your legs and places one hand on your waist while the other rests on your thigh
“you’re a very good kisser” you murmur into the kiss  
“don’t underestimate me” he squeezes your thigh and you smack his hand away when it starts sliding up higher and higher
“so are you still positive that you don’t like me back?” you pout and slide a hand down his chest and namjoon reaches up to wrap his fingers around your wrist
he purses his lips and pretends to think “you might have to kiss me again and then i’ll have a definite answer for you”
you giggle and cup his cheeks before leaning in to give him a sweet little peck and namjoon hums happily
“…yeah, i definitely like you back”
the two of you can’t hide the fat grins on your faces
god bless the library
surprisingly enough you aren’t actually that much of a party person
just because going to parties requires so much damn effort
you take like two hours to slather 10 pounds of makeup on your face and another hour to squeeze into a saucy outfit
and then when you get to the frat house it’s all dark inside so doing your makeup wasn’t even worth it
and when you sit down you have to sit straight otherwise you’ll buSt out of your jeans
you only go to parties because of jimin
he usually takes care of the drinks and it would be plain rude of you to say no to free drinks!!!!!!!!
the basketball team is celebrating their big win and they’re going aLL out and they asked jimin to take care of the drinks for them at this party and so jimin was like ya you don’t have a choice you have to come to the party
and you know jimin’s going to be busy all night so you invited namjoon to come along
no offence to your sweet boyfriend but you hope he doesn’t get too overwhelmed because he gets overwhelmed pretty easily
obviously parties aren’t his scene which isn’t a bad thing
you told him that if he was uncomfortable and wanted to leave you would totally leave with him
you’re predicting that he’s going to show up in a sweater vest or something
bless him
to be fair you’re wearing one of his cardigans over your outfit right now just because it’s still a little chilly out anD the cardigan kind of matched with your ~lewk~ for the night
and also it smells like him and makes u feel cozy
“look at this set up! this is like a legit bar” you smooth your hands over the marble countertop and jimin nods enthusiastically
“i know right!!! you’re lucky that you’re friends with the bartender - so what can i get for you tonight, ma’am?” jimin smirks and tosses a rag over his shoulder before wiggling his brows
“surprise me, minnie” you grin
“where’s namjoon?” jimin plops a chunk of lime into the shaker
“he’s on his way! he wanted to stay back and clean up before coming here and he-“ your phone suddenly buzzes in your pocket “-and he’s calling me right now pardon me” jimin nods and wanders off to the other end of the bar for the ice
“hey, i just got here - where are you?”
“i’m by the bar! i’m wearing your cardigan so-“
“oh! okay, i see you. i’ll see you in a sec” you hang up and slip your phone into your back pocket and jimin wanders back over with your drink
“i’ll start you off with a spicy blackberry margarita” you ‘ooh’ in amazement because this looks like a veRy fancy drink
jimin watches you expectantly as you take a sip and your eyes pop open “this is SO good!!!!! please keep them coming or i’m suing” you murmur while taking the straw in between your lips again
“hi baby” you feel someone slip an arm around you from behind and you immediately recognise that musky cologne when joon props his chin up on your shoulder
“mm- hey dweeb” you pop a quick kiss on his cheek but you’re not really paying attention because this drink is bOMB
“what are you drinking?”
“it’s a spicy blackberry margarita. did you wanna try- woah.” you choke on your drink when namjoon sits on the stool next to you and you get a really reALLy good chance to look at your boyfriend because sweetie this is not your boyfriend
he has his hair slicked back
he’s not wearing his glasses
he has two small silver hoops hanging from his ears
he’s wearing a plain white tee that is very veRy tight around his biceps and a pair of ripped skinny jeans anD a pair of timberlands
y/n.exe has stopped working
whose mans is this
is this your mans???
this is your mans????
“aren’t you going to give me a proper kiss hello?” namjoon tilts his head and pouts
what the hell
what the hell?////???
“who are you and what did you do to namjoon?????” you manage to squeak out
he rolls his eyes playfully before leaning in and slotting his lips against yours
“cute outfit, by the way. a cardigan’s kinda dorky for a house party though, don’t you think?” he raises a brow and tugs you off your seat so you can stand in between his legs
“you’re calling me dorky??”
“i’m not the one wearing a cardigan at a party. have you never been to a party before?” namjoon slips his hands under the cardigan and rests his hands on your hips and gives you a little squeeze
“y/n! hey, girl!” you feel a little piece of your soul die when you hear that familiar pitchy voice
you spin around in namjoon’s grip so that he’s hidden behind you
“wendy! …hey…” you clear your throat
you haven’t spoken to wendy or the others since the incident
just because they’re assholes and u don’t really,.,., like assholes??
“ugh, i’m so glad you made it! look, the girls and i just wanted to give you an apology.”
“well it’s not me you should be apologising to” you raise a brow
wendy scoffs playfully “well it’s not like kim namjoon would be at this party. you can just apologise to him for us or something!”
suddenly namjoon yanks you down so that you’re sitting on his leg
his arm slithers around your waist and your arm hangs loosely around his neck  
“wendy! so nice to see you again!” before you get the chance to say anything namjoon offers the three girls a charming smile
.,,.,.god his teeth are literally perfect
wendy’s brows furrow in confusion
“see you agai- wait, namjoon?” she gawks and you feel a twinge of anger when her eyes graze him from his head to his toes
lisa and jisoo exchange glances before murmuring things to each other
you catch a glimpse of lisa staring at namjoon as if he were a piece of mEat
the AUDACITY of these girls
she takes her bottom lip in between her teeth before her right eye drops in a wink
namjoon sighs
“you alright, lisa? is there something in your eye? you’re blinking weird. and jisoo - i see a widdle piece of lettuce in your teeth.”
the two girls’ faces flush bright red and you press your lips together to keep yourself from laughing
wendy shakes her head “you- wow, you clean up nice…”
“wish i could say the same for you.” he pouts and reaches out to pinch her cheek “you’re looking a little red… maybe the stick up your ass is causing tension?” he suggests and props his chin up on your shoulder
breaking news: wendy has just been COMPleteLY obliterated
“wow… whatever.”
you remain silent as the three girls immediately whiP around and head in the other direction
“…do you think i should go and apologise?” namjoon suggests sheepishly and you turn to look at him
“if anything i think you should’ve taken it farther”
“and this is why i like u”
“i know” you raise your fist and namjoon laughs before bumping his fist against yours “now, c’mon - let’s get you a spicy blackberry margarita”
about two hours have passed
you and joon have been hanging out at the bar mostly
jimin keeps testing new drinks on the two of you
both of you have an ample amount of alcohol flowing through your veins
and now you’re on the couch because the bar was getting too busy
and uh
you’ve always been a affectionate!drunk and namjoon is now realising this
“what’s gotten into you?” namjoon laughs after you rub your nose against his before pulling away to give him a lil kith
“just loving on my boyfrienD” you giggle and wrap his arm around your shoulder before nuzzling against him
in the background you hear the commotion of people getting excited because jungkook’s gone and volunteered himself for body shots
you very faintly see min yoongi and the random thought of that water girl job pops into your head
namjoon takes the red plastic cup away from you “mhm, i think that’s enough for you, missy”
“namjOoooOn” you immediately make grabby hands for your cup and namjoon holds it away from you so that you can’t reach it
you’re practically stretched out on his lap trying to grab it
you huff and roll your eyes “well noW what am i going to do to pass the time”
spoiler alert: u somehow persuade joon into a make-out session on the couch (it was pretty easy and u had good points “everyone’s over in the kitchen doing body shots and also u look super hot tonight”)
you pull away from namjoon and take your bottom lip in between your teeth “…you wanna get outta here?”
“you need to learn how to be more patient” namjoon laughs when you squirm your way in between him and his front door
it’s hard to unlock the door when you’re pressing kisses to his neck aNd tugging at his shirt at the same time
“you need to learn how to find your damn keyS” you groan and tug at his belt
the moment namjoon unlocks the door he pushes you in and the keys clatter to the ground
“now look who needs to learn how to be patient” you squeal when he lifts you up in one swift movement and wraps your legs around his waist
“it’s still you” namjoon murmurs against your mouth and you bite down on his lip in retaliation
he grins and squeezes the underside of your thigh causing you to giggle
“stoP i’m ticklish there” you murmur and namjoon raises a brow
you pull away and jab a finger into his chest “don’t even thiNK about it”
“i have no idea what you’re talking about” namjoon shrugs innocently as he begins the small trek to the bedroom
you don’t know how he hasn’t dropped you yet
like ya you knew he was strong but you didn’t know he was thiS strong
your fingers wrap around his bicep and you give a testing squeeze and you feel a ziP of heat down there when he flexes underneath your fingers
o fuk
you fall onto the mattress and it bounces under your weight and the next thing you know namjoon is hovering over you
“c’mere, you” namjoon breathes out and leans down to press his plump lips against yours
he grunts when you roll your hips against his and let out a whimper
he wants to hear you make more noises for him  
“wait wait wait” you breathe out and pull away from joon
“what’s wrong?” namjoon sits up immediately
what did he do???? o god
he fucked up what did he DO
you reach over to the bedside table and namjoon’s like ??
namjoon blinks quickly as you slip his glasses onto his face
“as much as i liked bad boy namjoon i miss my bookworm”
“do you find visual impairment sexy?” namjoon adjusts his glasses and crinkles his nose
you giggle and lean in to kiss him again
namjoon jumps when he feels your hands tugging at his belt and he immediately reaches down and wraps his fingers around your wrist
“what are you doing?” he breathes out and you move down and start pressing kisses to his neck
“taking your pants off”
well like
he knOWs what you’re doing he just
he doesn’t want to like,, pressure you into doing stuff because he rly likes u and u guys haven’t been together for thAt long
“we don’t have to-“
“why? are you a virgin?” you tease and namjoon scowls playfully as you continue to undo his belt “because i can be gentle with you!”
he doesn’t like this game
“maybe we should get some chocolate covered strawberries and champagne?”
you continue your little jokes even as namjoon pushes you down gently on the bed
your head flops against the pillows
“you want me to light some candles?” you giggle when namjoon gives the side of your bum a smack after peeling your leggings off and tossing them aside
“oh yeah, i love candles. i especially love those vanilla scented ones.” namjoon tilts his head before peeling his shirt off and tossing it aside
you pause in your teasing for a second to admire joon’s sun-kissed tanned god-like skin
you want to take a bite out of his biceps
“maybe we can take a bubble bath or something? to ease your nerves” you coo and poke his nose when he slots himself in between your legs and leans down with his hands on either side of your head
“that does sound nice. i’m trembling with nerves, after all” namjoon sighs and buries his face into the crook of your neck and starts pressing kisses to your skin
“don’t worry - i’ll be gentle with you” you mutter and namjoon snorts before biting down on your shoulder playfully  
oh god
you’re on cloud nine right now
“oh, namjoon,” you gasp and dig your nails into the nape of his neck
your back arches against his chest when he thrusts into you again
your toes curl into the mattress
you’ve never had sex like this before
it’s a slow slow burn and you can already tell that this is the best orgasm you’re ever going to have
“you feel so good” namjoon moans lowly and his raspy voice “s-so warm n tight and you’re all mine- nngh- fuck,”
“oh my god namjoon”  you whimper breathily and your finger dig into his back
namjoon brushes his lips over yours in an almost kiss as he struggles to breathe because you feel so good around him
your vocabulary is very limited at the moment just because your mind is clouded with lust and you can’t focus on anything besides namjoon namjoon namjoon
“good?” namjoon leans down and presses his forehead against yours before his hand is slithering in between your legs
“good, s-so good,” you whine and arch your back against him
he keeps at a steady pace and continues to build up the pleasure and the tingling sensation and your toes curl into the mattress
“nam-namjoon- i-i’m-“ you choke over your words as you finally fall apart beneath him his eyes are hazy with pleasure and his pupils are so dilated that they’ve basically swallowed all colour in his eyes
“i’ve got you, you’re okay,” namjoon murmurs as he starts planting soft kisses along your jawline and then down your neck
the next thing you know you’re seeing stars and you’ve officially been reduced to a trembling whimpering mess
namjoon manages four and a half more thrusts before he’s letting out a groan as his orgasm slams into him suddenly
he gives you one last kiss before rolling off of you
you immediately cuddle up to his chest and the two of you share a moment of silence where you’re just processing what the heck just happened
“…not bad for a virgin, eh?” namjoon grins and you snort against his chest before whacking his arm gently
“c’mon, i think i promised you a bubble bath”
you love your handsome boyfriend
but those thick square frames of his makes him look like such a dork (which makes you love him even more)
sometimes he leaves them on the counter because he says wearing them too much gives him migraines
and you like to take advantage of the situation
“i’m namjoon and i can’t walk five steps without tripping over my feet!” you imitate namjoon and the boys burst out into laughter and you can’t help but feel a sense of pride not only because you know your impression is spot on but it’s also funny as hell
“i’m namjoon and i keep stale candies in my pocket like a grandpa”
another round of laughter and you’re feeling good
“hey wait - where are you guys going??? i haven’t even gotten to the good ones ye-“
you jump when you feel an arm slither around your waist and suddenly you’re being pulled into a hard chest
“i’m namjoon and you’re in big trouble when we get off from work today”
boyfriends usually find it sexy when their girlfriends wear an article of their clothing
and sure you’ve stolen a couple of joonie’s tees and hoodies and he thinks you look adorable drowning in his clothes
but nothing gets him going more than seeing you wear his glasses
especially when you wear them while you’re riding him  
you know that saying
gentleman on the streets but freak in the sheets
namjoon is the epitome of that saying
“nNgh- na- namjoon! ah, joon, fuck-“ namjoon’s glasses slide down until they’re on the tip of your nose and namjoon groans at the sight
his fingers dig into the flesh of your hips and he bucks his hips making you cry out in pleasure
“fuck, look at you, falling apart on my cock - oh, you like it when i talk to you like this? naughty little girl” he reaches up to grasp your chin and presses his lips against yours
in conclusion: nothing gets him going more than seeing you wear his glasses
namjoon’s pretty proud of the fact that he gave you a new appreciation for books
because you’re reading a new book like eveRy week which is great
but now he’s starting to think that you might like books more than you like him
and he’s not typically the kind of person who whines because he thinks whining is annoying and won’t get you anywhere
but you are turning him into a whiney person because of your new infatuation with books
“joon, stop,” you scowl and push him away when he rests his head on your shoulder and starts reading along with you
you like to read alone and he knows that but he likes being near you!!!!!!! and you’ve been silent for like an hour!!!!!! and he misses your voice!!!!! so SUE HIM
“but you’ve been reading for an hour and i’m bored” namjoon pouts and slumps down on the desk
you look down at him and your heart flutters at how cute he looks with his pillowy lips in a pout and his cheek squished against the desk
“well let me finish reading a couple more chapt-“
“a couple more?!” namjoon squawks and gets the attention of some people sitting near the counter
“-and then i’m all yours! it’s just getting to the good part. i don’t bother you when you’re working!”
“because when i’m working, you’re working too! and you actually interAct with me when we work” namjoon grumbles and sits up before grabbing a random book and flipping through it angrily
“well i’m taking a break”
“yEAh like your fifth break in two hours”
“watch the attitude mister”
“u watch youR attitude” namjoon huffs before wheeling back to his side of the counter
he turns and gives you his best angry-looking face and you snort before putting your book down because he looks like an angry puppy
you wheel over to him and rest your cheek on his shoulder and namjoon shakes you off
“have i not been giving you enough attention, hm?” you coo and link your arm with his before grabbing his hand
namjoon doesn’t respond and continues to click on the laptop but he doesn’t let go of your hand
it’s time to pull out
the biG GUNS
you immediately smoosh your lips against his cheek and assault him with kisses and namjoon can’t help but break out into a giggle
this is all he needs to stay happy!!! just kiSs him a couple times a hour and he won’t be whiney anymore
it’s not that hARD TO DO
he reaches up to cup your face and leans in to give you a soft peck before pointing to the book that you abandoned for him
“go and finish reading… bOokworm”
namjoon typically is very gentle when it comes to pretty much everything
when he’s rebinding books he does it with such delicacy and precision so that a page is never out of place
when he’s dusting shelves his wrist flicks so subtlety as to not knock any books over
when he holds your hand he intertwines your fingers with his and it makes you feel soft and cozy on the inside
but the namjoon that is currently in between your legs is not the same namjoon
and you love it
you gasp as namjoon’s fingers dig into the meat of your inner thighs to keep you planted firmly against the bed as you try to buck your hips
“joon, i c-can’t-“ you whimper and squirm underneath him
“yes you can, i know you can,” namjoon purrs and presses a kiss to your inner thigh before leaning down and burying his face in between your legs
he’s already made you cum twice with his fingers alone and now he wants to make you cum with his mouth
“nO namjoon please-“ you mewl and bury your fingers in his hair before yanking “please i need you so bad”
as much as namjoon would like to spend the rest of the day with his face buried in between your legs he knows you’re not going to last much longer so he’ll show some mercy
also he’s like buSting out of his pants so he needs to relieve himself too
namjoon sighs before pulling away and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand
he can’t help but smirk at the sight of you flopped on his bed with your hair in a halo around your head and your cheeks are flushed and your lips are swollen and your eyes are glassy
all because of him
“only because you’ve been such a good girl”
“i- oh!”
namjoon flips you over onto your stomach in one quick motion “and you’re going to continue being a good girl for me, aren’t you?”
you hear the gentle tinkering of his belt and the shuffling of his pants and you bite down on your bottom lip in anticipation
you nod quickly and prop yourself up onto your forearms
namjoon chuckles when you squirm and wiggle your bum against him “patience, jagi”
“i’ve been patient” you murmur into the crook of your elbow and namjoon smacks the side of your bum in warning
your eyes flicker up when you see namjoon’s hand reach out to grip onto the headboard
his other hand is on your hip and you freeze when you feel him easing himself in slowly
he starts off slow to let you adjust
but the moment you give him the green light
all hell breaks loose
namjoon begins fucking into you at a merciless pace and you can’t help but mewl and moan underneath him
you feel like your body isn’t even attached to your minD right now because you’ve never felt pleasure like this before
namjoon stays silent apart from his heavy breathing and the occasional grunt and if that’s not the sexiest sound in the entire world you don’t know what the hell is
“tell me who’s making you feel this good” namjoon growls into your ear and gives you a particularly hard thrust
“y-you, you are, i-i, oh god, namjoon-!“ you gasp and bury your head in the pillows
“up, baby” he warns you and wraps his arm under your stomach as he pulls you and straightens you out
your arms are shaking underneath you as you hold yourself up and namjoon leans down to press a kiss to the back of your neck
and then he’s placing his palm on the small of your back and continuing to push himself into you as deep as he possibly can
your orgasm practically obliterates your body when it finally comes
spots dot your vision and your fingers dig into the mattress and namjoon’s name continues to slip past your lips over and over again
you spasm uncontrollably around namjoon and that triggers his own orgasm because hoLy fuck you’re so warm and tight and-
namjoon pulls out and you feel splatters on the swell of your ass and you hear him groaning lowly as he finally relieves himself
you have no idea what’s happening
all you hear is white noise
all you feel are tingles up and down your spine
“you did such a good job, baby” you weren’t even aware that namjoon left to go to the washroom and now he’s cleaning you up with a warm rag “such a good girl for me” he coos and presses a kiss to your shoulder before he flips you over gently so that you’re on your back
he leans down to give you a sweet peck before nudging his nose against yours
honestly.,,.,. get u a man who can do both
you look up from your phone and namjoon’s holding up the cataloguing notebook with a raised brow
“purple glitter pen??? seriously??” he says in a verY unimpressed manner
your eyes flicker over to the sheet before you look back at your frustrated boyfriend
“…you said you didn’t want me to use pink so i used purple”
namjoon suppresses a groan and pinches the bridge of his nose
some things never change
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bennyboyjones · 4 years
The Getaway (Ben Hardy FanFic) Chapter 2
A/N: Hi! So, here is chapter two to my Ben Hardy  AU Fanfic! There are currently several chapters written, which you can find on Wattpad, but I’ve decided to also upload it here as well. It might be a bit behind, but you’ll still get all the chaps eventually.
What it is: basically, a girl from a small town who is bored of her life decides to take a trip to Nice where she runs into ben, who is also running away from some shit and some romance ensues.
Word count: 4.7k
in this chapter: our main lady meets ben
Spotify playlist
In case you missed it: MASTERLIST
here we go:
day one
My limbs felt heavier than the luggage I was pulling behind me as I trudged through the small airport, following the signs to the buses. I was a lot more relaxed now that I was here and knew what I needed to do and where to go.
When I stepped out of the airport and into the warm sun, I was greeted by the familiar sign: NICE, in huge red letters, stacked on top of one another a few feet away from where I was standing. I let out a sigh of relief and turned to my right, where there was a tiny ticket booth with a woman in a red cap behind the glass.
“Bonjour! Can I have two tickets for bus number seven? To Nice. Please?” I held my phone screen up to the window, knowing that this worked better last time instead of stammering for five minutes, trying to tell her where exactly I was going. She nodded her head while telling me the total. I handed over €10 and took my tickets, shoving one into my wallet and the other into my pocket. “Merci.” Admittedly, I didn’t know much French—barely any at all—but I had tried my best to learn the absolute basics in the three weeks before coming here, something I wish I had done the first time around. I knew how to ask for a cappuccino, how much something was, where the bathroom was, how to ask for several pastries, and more polite phrases such as “how are you” and “have a nice day”.
I stretched my arms out and shook them, then tied my hair into a messy bun before grabbing the handles of my luggage and walking over to the waiting area for my bus. The only other people waiting for bus #7 was a couple, probably mid-fifties, who were acting like they were on their honeymoon. I stood a few feet away from them, sat on my bigger suitcase and pulled out my phone to send a quick text to my mom letting her know I was alive.
I kept the bus route pulled up on my phone, with all the stops that would come before mine, and gripped it tightly in my hands while my eyes scanned the time table for the buses behind me. It was 12:30 now and the next bus wouldn’t come for another thirty-minutes. No one from home was awake at this hour so I had no one to talk to but I hadn’t been on social media for a while and so I turned on my data, opened up Instagram and started scrolling.
I had several direct messages, all from Liam. I rolled my eyes and opened them; every message was full of drunk ramblings: him telling me he didn’t need me, wouldn’t miss me, I was the one losing something, not him, I was making a mistake, but he still loved me and would be willing to forgive me and it went on and on for another ten messages. On impulse, I clicked on his profile and blocked him completely. I planned on posting about my trip, about the fun I planned on having and I didn’t need him storming into my direct messages every time I did so, or texting me his opinions, or commenting on any of it. Whatever we had wasn’t worth the stress anymore.
After exactly thirty-six minutes of mindless scrolling, my bus pulled up and I was the first one on. I smiled at the driver as I handed over my ticket and took a seat in the front row, right next to the doors. Last time, I got on this exact bus and when my stop came I pressed the red button but the bus never stopped and I was stuck walking forty-five minutes back the way the bus had come. That was not happening again.
I sat at the edge of my seat, holding onto my stuff so it wouldn’t roll around the bus as the driver took fast and tight turns, my body rocking back and forth with every one. My phone was in my lap and my eyes darted from the small screen that showed the stops, to the window as I watched stop after stop whizz past me.
I wrapped my legs around one of my suitcases to hold it in place and lifted my hand, poising my thumb over the red button, getting ready to push it. The second Gare de Nice Ville was announced by the lady with the mechanical voice, I slammed my thumb down on the button—twice, but the driver didn’t slow down and I could see the stop coming up through the window. There was another ding as the couple also pushed the button, panic in their eyes. I couldn’t believe that this was about to happen again. I stood up and slammed the red button three more times, the panic rising in my throat. I could feel that I was going to cry, really cry, because I was tired, and anxious, and fucking frustrated that this was happening a second time and I couldn’t understand it.
“Excuse me?” I called as I took a few steps forward in the direction of the driver. The couple was still pressing the button as my stop whipped past the window. “Excusez-moi!” I raised my voice and the driver finally turned his head to look once we were at a stop light. I didn’t know how to say, “you made me miss my stop, dickhead” in French so I settled for looking angry, raising my eyebrows and pointing to my thumb on the red button, which had not stopped pushing on it since he passed the stop. The driver didn’t say anything; he simply nodded, turned back towards the road and started driving again. I refused to sit down and stared at the back of his bald head, taking slow deep breaths in and out, afraid of losing what little composure I had left on this fucking bus.
At the next stop, he let me off and I had no idea where I was. It looked like a pavilion with a fountain in the center of the patio, shops and cafes situated around it. People were outside sipping from coffee cups and laughing, families strolling in and out of the small shops and I stood there watching it all—the people, the water shooting up from the large fountain—and felt myself take a huge breath. As frustrated and tired as I was, I was happy because I was here again. I could feel the sun beating down on my forehead, the warmth causing goosebumps up my arms before a light breeze rolled through the loose strands of my hair, fluttering my blazer behind me.
I took that moment to remind myself that I was safe, that a short walk wouldn’t kill me and that I was in fucking France for God’s sake and I shouldn’t let a bus driver’s lack of brain cells drive me to hysterics. I was never good with dealing with stress that wasn’t of my own creation; as in, I worked really well under pressure and often procrastinated projects or school work in order to induce said pressure, but when my stress came at the hands of the universe or of other people, I always nearly combusted or cried.
After pulling up Google Maps (again) and mapping out my route (a whole twenty minute walk), I pulled off my blazer and shoved it into my duffel and started on my way.
When I finally found the AirBnb I was way past out of breath and sweaty, so, so sweaty and my arms felt like they were going to fall off. I looked around at the shops next to it, Hermes and small bakery and already knew I made the right choice. I punched in the code the host had emailed me the day before and walked in. The small lobby was all beautifully tiles in blue and cream. Thankfully, there was an elevator straight across from the entry way and I wouldn’t have to figure out how to get all my stuff up three flights of stairs. I stopped in front of the wall of mail boxes to the left of the elevator and searched for mailbox #2B. It was left slightly open, just as the host said, and I reached in and pulled out the small key. I hit the “up” button of the elevator and waited until the door unlocked before opening it and stepping inside the tiny elevator. It was a short trip up and once the door unlocked again, I stepped out into the narrow hall. The apartment was the first one on the right and when I opened the door, I was happy to see it looked just as it did online.
It was a studio, with clean white walls and minimal furniture, all natural wood. There were a few pendant lights hanging from the ceiling every few feet; the full size bed was directly to the left of the door, a door leading to the small balcony directly across from the front door, on the left wall there was a small clothing rack and a book case filled with what looked like super old novels. I pulled off my duffel bag and purse, let my luggage tip over onto the floor, kicked my sneakers off and walked towards the balcony doors. Next to the doors, in a little alcove, was a very small kitchen with just a countertop, a toaster, a small stovetop, and a relatively small fridge; right off the small kitchen was the bathroom with a standing shower, toilet and washing machine.
The first thing I did was shower; airplanes and airports have an uncanny ability to make a person feel dirty and in-between that and my stress sweating I knew I smelled.
Once I was clean, I helped myself to a coffee in the kitchen and stepped out onto the balcony. I shouldn’t have been out there in a towel; there were other people out on their balconies and I was only on the third floor, not very high up and it was midday. I was sure at least some people could see me, but I didn’t care as much as I should’ve. This particular moment fit right in with my romanticization of this trip and so I was going to see it through. I stood there for a long while, sipping the coffee (because it was black as there was no milk in the fridge), leaning against the cool metal railing whose light green paint was slowly chipping, my hair being lightly dried by the small breeze that passed every few moments.
Later on, after I unpacked my luggage and managed to locate an iron, I started getting ready to go out. I curled my hair into waves before slipping on a loose, long sleeved, low-cut, white linen top and a pair of light blue cigarette trousers. In the spirit of the French, I stuck with minimal makeup, just some mascara and a bright red lip. Once I was ready, I grabbed my phone off the charger, my purse, and one of the disposables and slipped on my tan leather mules.
I walked straight ahead to the Promenade de Anglais so I could walk up and down along the water. This was my favorite thing I did the last time I was here. My first night, I walked back and forth for three hours just enjoying the chill of the wind blowing off the sea, keeping my scarf wrapped tightly around my neck with my hands deep in my pockets (it was mid-January). This evening, the feeling was so different but still so familiar. I remembered walking this exact path, passing benches, kids on skateboards, people sitting on the ledge before the promenade dropped into the beach, couples walking along the beach, the restaurants nestled on rocks, the wind traveling through my hair, the salty smell—but I wouldn’t be able to get that first time back. The feeling I had was no longer accessible and active; instead, it lived in nostalgia and imagination.
I wrote about that first time a lot; my journal was filled with poem after poem about the water, the promenade, the sounds of the waves crashing and the voices of people mingling, how I felt like such an outsider but at the same time so welcomed—how I felt so much like myself in a way I had never experienced before. Ever since then, I’ve been chasing her, the girl I was when I was here. Back in New York, I wasn’t the same and I felt as if I was always itchy in my own skin; it didn’t always feel right—the way I acted, spoke, dressed, cared about both others and myself. I wanted to get her back and I was so convinced that coming here would help me find her.
After about an hour or aimless walking I decided to take a seat on one of the many benches on the promenade that faced the beach. It was getting cooler out now, the faint breeze picking up and passing by more frequently.
I watched as a young couple ran around the rocky beach, playfully chasing one another, their mouths opened in what I imagined was laughter, but their voices were drowned out by the sound of the light blue waves coming down on the rocks. There was a longing that formed in my chest; a feeling that I was growing more and more familiar with the past year. It bloomed often, when I saw two people who looked so in love, a girl my age experiencing success, my friends running off to internships and career opportunities, families that were whole.
I pulled out the disposable and snapped a picture of them; him behind her, arms wrapped around her waist, her feet of the floor, hair blowing around like a halo, her eyes shut tight and mouth open in glee, and his head buried in her hair.
I cleared my throat, forcing the longing back down and put the camera away, exchanging it for one of my favorite books, The Bell Jar. My copy was slightly tattered and every page was covered in notes. I really needed a new one, but there was comfort in reading this same copy over and over, rereading the thoughts of an old self.
I was softly reading my book aloud when my stomach growled so loud I checked around me to see if anyone else had heard it.
I hadn’t eaten since the plane, but I also hadn’t been hungry since then because the time difference was messing with my body’s time clock. My eating schedule and sleeping schedule were going to be a bit off for the next few days until I got better adjusted. I checked the time and saw I had around thirty minutes until most of the restaurants opened for dinner service and decided to roam into the winding roads in search of somewhere to eat.
As I walked away from the sea, I kept my eyes trained upwards, locked on the buildings I passed; taking notice of the pale pinks, yellows, and oranges they were painted, the iron window sills and balconies, the soft blues and greens of their window shutters. My eyes roamed over flower shops and bakeries getting ready to close, cafes still packed with people sipping from tiny cups, cigarette smoke floating between them. Every few feet I stopped to skim a menu plastered to the outside of a restaurant, making a mental note when I could read it and found several things I liked and taking a picture of the name with my phone when the whole menu was in French so I could go back to it later.
I stopped at a small stand to buy a post card to send to my mom and brothers; “Merci,” I said as I took my change, postcard and stamp from the large man’s hand. I turned around with my head down and my shoulder hit into something hard.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” I shook my head and repeated myself, “Je suis désolé.”
“Oh my god, hey!”
I squeezed my eyes shut before slowly raising my head, painting on a smile and looking at the man in front of me. I was sure the universe was out to get me; I knew Nice was small, but what were the odds of running into enthusiastic Eric—they had to be miniscule.
“I can’t believe I’m running into you! This is crazy. It really is a small world, isn’t it?” He smiled and ran a hands through his thin hair.
“It must be,” I muttered.
“I know I gave you my number but are you busy right now? Are you hungry? Would you want to grab a bite?”
“Actually,” I hiked my bag further up onto my shoulder and pointed towards the entrance of a restaurant behind him, “I actually have dinner plans. I’m meeting a friend and she’s expecting me any minute.”
His smile faltered slightly, “Oh, well, enjoy!” I started to step around him before he said, “Don’t be afraid to give me a call!”
I threw a thumbs up in his direction and turned to see him still watching me. I had no other choice but to pull open the door and step into the small restaurant I had pointed out.
It was dark inside, the only light coming from the small candles sat atop every table, the overhead lights giving off only a hazy glow. I wasn’t sure if they were exactly open yet, since there was no one in sight, but door was open and the dining room looked set up for dinner.
I reached forward and rang the tiny bell that was on the host stand in front of me.
“Hello?” a man’s voice called out in a thick French accent.
“Hi!” I smiled when he came around from the corner where I assumed the bar was placed. “Are you open?”
“Yes, just still early,” he said while grabbing two menus.
“Oh, no, just one,” I held up a finger and sent him a sheepish smile. I followed him through a labyrinth of empty tables, finally stopping at one that was against the wall on the right side of the room. The man pulled my chair out for me, the dark wooden legs screeching against the deep wine tiled flooring. He placed the menu on the white tablecloth, careful to move the small candle away and collected the extra place setting. “Merci,” I said before he walked away.
I ordered a class of red wine and as I waited for my waiter to return, I heard another person enter the restaurant. Out of pure instinct, I turned my head to look but turned back quickly when I saw the man’s eyes flicker to mine. After a few short murmurs, I heard footsteps as the maître d’ led him to his table—right in front of mine. I kept my eyes trained on the menu trying so hard to keep my nosiness at bay.
“Thank you.” The accent was English, I noted.
Café Gustav turned out to be an Italian restaurant, which I didn’t mind since Italian food was my one of my favorites, but it partially felt wrong to be eating pasta my first night in France. There were so many things that looked so good and so many words I had to punch into Google Translate that, by time my waiter returned, I still wasn’t ready to order. Too embarrassed to ask for a few more minutes again, I scanned the menu quickly one more time and ordered the rigatoni truffes blanches et girolles because truffle was always a good idea.
As I gave the waiter my menu, I snuck a peek at the man in front of me and noticed his eyes glued to his menu, giving me the opportunity to take him in; he was blond, his hair long on top but short on the sides, and he was muscular, I could tell from the way his biceps were outlined through his thin white t-shirt and from the veins lacing the back of his hands. He had a nice jawline, square but slightly heart shaped, and his nose was masculine—not too big and not too small—his lips were small but pink, his cupids bow pronounced, I noticed, as his tongue slipped over them. Look up, look up, look up, I begged, wanting so badly to know what color his eyes were.
“Seems we’re a bit early aren’t we?” I jumped at the sound of his voice, my eyes snapping away from his lips to meet his—green.
My cheeks flushed and embarrassment crawled so far up my neck I felt the tops of my ears burn, “Seems so. I forgot how late people had dinner here.” I grabbed my glass and took a sip, attempting to cover my blush.
“You’ve been here before?”
“Well, not here,” I placed my hands on the table in front of me, “but here,” I started waving my hands around me, “as in Nice.”
He chuckled, “Yes, I assumed we were talking about the city.”
“Oh,” I took another quick sip of my wine and thankfully, my waiter arrived with my food and saved me from embarrassing myself further.
It smelled amazing and my mouth watered as the steam tickled my nose, but I could still feel his eyes on me and was so worried that I ate like an animal that I moved the contents of my dish around with my fork until I heard him place his order with the waiter, “I’ll have whatever she’s having.”
A few moments later, another glass was placed in front of me even though I hadn’t ordered one and wasn’t finished with my first. I gave the waiter a confused look and he pointed to the Brit across from me. When I turned my eyes to him, he held up his own glass and gave me a wink before bringing his drink to his lips. I smiled and raised mine back.
I ate slowly, making sure to savor every bite and not wanting to leave before he did. He was hot and so far extremely charming and British. I wanted this flirtation to go on for as long as possible. We both ate in silence and I periodically stopped to look at him every time his eyes went to his food.
It wasn’t until the waiter took his plate away that he spoke, “You have great taste; the food and the wine were great.”
I had finished a bit before, but had ordered a third glass of wine. The restaurant was about half filled by then, the low murmur of the people around us causing him to slightly raise his voice.
“I know,” I gave him a smile and played with the stem of my glass.
“I’m Ben.”
“Care to have a drink, Josie?”
I tilted my head to the side, turning his offer over in my mind. “I don’t know…” I trailed off. I didn’t know him, as hot as he was. He was confident and charming and I couldn’t tell where the confidence was stemming from. Was he confident because he saw me as an easy mark? Did I look lonely? Did I look desperate?
“One drink.”
I held up my almost empty glass, “Three is my limit,” I downed the rest, “and this was my third.”
He laughed, letting his head fall back, “A coffee then!”
I hummed as though I was considering it. I watched his face, the hope in his eyes and knew I couldn’t say no. I told myself that I would be crazy to pass up a drink with a man who looked that good, with that accent, in a place like Nice. “I think I could do coffee.”
He broke out into a smile and waved me over. I paid for my meal and slipped into the seat opposite him. He reached out and shook my hand before calling the waiter over, “Deux noissettes, s'il vous plaît.”
“You speak French.” I observed, slightly impressed by the accuracy of his accent.
“Only the basics.” He corrected, “I know how to ask for certain things and make very simple conversation, but that’s about it. I used to go to Paris for work once or twice a year so I learned a little bit to get me through.”
“Oh, what do you do?”
“Right now, nothing,” he let out a sigh and brushed a fallen blond lock out of his eyes, “I was in advertising, but it’s not really for me. I mean, I was good at it but I don’t know…” he trailed off and narrowed his eyes at me, “Sorry, you don’t want to hear this.”
“No, I do.” I assured him, “If I didn’t I wouldn’t have agreed to have coffee.”
“What do you do?” he asked once our coffees were placed in front of us.
“Nothing.” I laughed and shook my head when I saw the look on his face, “I swear I’m not making fun of you. I literally do nothing. I’m still in college so I’m a student which means I don’t really do anything.”
“Well, what do you want to do?”
“Write—and maybe edit, maybe be a professor? I don’t know it’s all kind of up in the air right now.”
“Hm, the bookish type.” He took a drink from his small cup and watched me roll my eyes in his direction.
“I wouldn’t say bookish. I read, but I’m not a nerd or anything.” I thought for a moment, “At least, I don��t think I am.”
He chuckled before asking me questions about what I liked to read, why I wanted to write. I kept trying to bring him back to his “nothing,” curious as to what it was he left advertising for but he always deflected and so I dropped it; I didn’t know him well enough to push and I didn’t want to completely obliterate my chances of seeing him again—because I would like to see him again, I found myself thinking. He was sweet and he smelled good, he looked great in his t-shirt and his hair looked soft and his lips looked warm and his eyes were bright and I wanted to see him again.
I found myself disappointed when our cups were empty and the check was on the table, neither of us really able to find an excuse to stay. I could see his eyes searching for something, looking for a reason to stay and I really hoped he would find one because I couldn’t. We needed a reason because we were strangers—we weren’t friends or lovers or business partners, we were two loners who just so happened to end up across from one another. We couldn’t stay simply because we wanted to, it couldn’t be that easy.
“I guess that’s it then,” Ben said before pulling his black leather wallet out of his pocket, dropping money onto the mini tray where the check is.
“I guess it is.” I sighed as I grabbed my bag from off the back of my chair and brushed my hair out of my face.
“It was really nice meeting you,” he said as he scribbled what I assumed was his signature on the receipt.
“You too,” I smiled at him but didn’t walk away.
He slid a piece of paper over to me, his phone number slightly illegible. “We’ll both be here for a while, it would be a shame if you didn’t give me a call.”
I picked it up, “It really would be, wouldn’t it?” I folded the piece of paper neatly, careful not to rip it or smear the ink and placed it in between the pages of my book before tucking it into my bag.
He walked to stand beside me, placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed, “Goodnight, Josie.”
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imnotobsessedwithtv · 5 years
The great Jack Pearson Show
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My timing on This Is Us couldn’t be more perfect. After debating it for awhile, I decided to give the show a shot last month. I loved it, binged it and finished the first three seasons a day before the season 4 premiere. So l am ready to discuss!
When the show first came out, all I heard was good things. Well, mainly people said they were crying throughout the episode. I wasn’t too sure if that was, in fact, a good thing. I’m not a crier (unless I’m on my period) but I assumed I was going to fall victim as well. So far, I have not. But after watching, I do get it. 
For a long time, I wasn’t ready to give time to a show that was going to make me feel as much as the show does. But what the earlier reviews forget to mention is that the show also makes you laugh. I think that’s why Toby is one of my fave’s, actually. I’m pretty sure he’s been Kate’s pleasant surprise, but he has been mine as well. 
A month and a half ago, it was time to explore a new show again and I gave This Is Us a shot. Listen - I wasn’t hooked after the first episode, I was hooked after the first 10 minutes. And then came the plot twist at the end: they’re in different timelines! I beat myself up for not realizing it earlier. So yes, I liked the show. 
However - yes, there is a however -, I’ve realized that there are also some cringeworthy moments in this show. My biggest one is Jack Pearson. O wait, don’t get me wrong - don’t get angry right away either.
I love Jack Pearson as well as Milo Ventimiglia, but isn’t it a little bit too much? He’s the protagonist, the hero. He’s an amazing father and an amazing husband which makes him a pretty great human being to start with. But then he also - the hero that he is - saved their family from the devestating house fire and went back in for the dog. That’s next level. To be fair, that move is also what probably killed him.
Especially in memories of The Big Three, Jack can do no wrong. It’s a little annoying, no? 
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I am glad they finally addressed this in season two. Remember? In one episode, Kevin, his siblings and Rebecca had a group session at Kevin’s rehab. All the while Beth, Miguel and Toby hit a bar together. I found it to be one of the better episodes because they finally (finally!!) addressed how Jack’s alcoholism might’ve been a bigger deal than what we thought at first. Not only that, but Beth, Miguel & Toby also briefly talked about how the family pretty much idolizes Jack (someone Beth & Toby never actually met). 
After that episode and that acknowledgement, I felt like things were slowly getting to be more realistic. And after season three, Jack is no longer perfect. In fact, he had a brother that survived the war, though he lied about that for years. 
Nicki did a terrible thing, though it was an accident. Let’s be real - you don’t take explosives on a boat and you don’t take explosives on a boat with a kid on board. But Jack had no mercy, what so ever. So much so that he pretended his brother was dead? I’m skeptical about the story and have plenty of questions, but I am also glad at the same time. Jack is a human being. Finally. It took the writers long enough. 
It has always bothered me the most because Jack is supposed to be the main character, though had the least depth. The least flaws. They all have bagage. Rebecca, for one, we found out really early she had been hiding William from Randall. This storyline was a big risk because Rebecca could easily be catapulted to the villian by the audience, and I’m pretty sure they didn’t intent her to be one. But they made her human instead. A flawed human. Jack on the other hand.... he didn’t seem real. Especially because of his past. 
He always had hero tendencies, right? Saving his mother from his father. Saving Nicki from his father (and just generally looking out for him). While his family fell apart, Jack never took any missteps. Except for that one poker game, that was so, so stupid. Oh and the robbery he was about to commit but didn’t do because he met Rebecca. So, so stupid. Speaking of, he’s always been a little contradictive to me that he’s not really a talker and doesn’t share his feelings alot, but when he does - when he needs to, he shoots and scores and wins everyone’s hearts. 
But yes, they’re finally starting to shape Jack as a human. Thank you. 
So let’s move on from him and talk about Kevin. How cringeworthy is Kevin? Wait, no, that conversation will take way too long. Kevin is hot, though. So I don’t mind him too much. But I think I might feel the way Beth feels about Kevin.  Speaking of Beth, I LOVE her. She is a QUEEN. And Beth & Randall are GOALS.
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So let’s end this post with a little praise as well. After all, I love this show. I love that this show is REAL. Apart from the, what I call the “American Package” (Europeans tend to see typical Americans show through a different lense, we don’t play football, we play soccer. We don’t have huge houses or cars and we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, nor do we do those kind of “thank you lord for this blessed food” things. We just eat the food.) 
But these couples have real fights. Real issues. I like that. A lot of people like that. I love that Kate is bigger (I don’t know if I want to say the “F” word in this context). I love that because Kate is a strong woman who has complex issues with weight and tries to deal with them. She’s never portrayed as lazy. Nor is she portrayed as someone who’s obsessed with food. Considering the fact that I’ve considered myself as “chubby” ever since I was a teenager, I sort of understand her struggles. Earlier in the series, something she mentioned hit me hard. She said: “If I ever get pregnant, will people be able to see it?”. Good question, right? As we saw in season 3, we didn’t really see it. As someone who has some belly fat, I’ve always been concious about that question as well. 
This show has tackled so much. Obesity (and its stereotypes), racism (and the cultural differences between Randall and the rest of the family), alcoholism/addiction,.. and so much more. And I love that. 
This season, new characters were introduced and I’m here for it. Can’t wait what’s next for this family! 
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(why is Mandy not doing the thing in this gif btw? What’s up with that?) 
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calleo-bricriu · 5 years
Finally finished that awful book.
Go back and look at the rest of it if you want to make yourself hate the fact that anyone is able to publish their terrible, talentless fiction writing.
All right, Chapter 27, extra fun doing this with my parents here.
The faces dad's been making are kind of worth it though; mum just sort of looks up from what she's doing now and again, shakes her head--at the story, not me--and goes back to it.
I'm finishing this horrorshow of a book off tonight so I never have to look at it again unless it's to shove it at someone who hasn't read it but deserves to.
So, we're away from the, "I copied this straight from a newspaper article, look it up!" chapter (which, if you recall, I did look up, and it doesn't exist, he made it up) and on to Obera asking Leigh out of the blue if he'll ever regret having married her.
His answer is less a yes or no and more, "Did I do something to make you mad?"
Her response is even more inexplicable; she tells him he hasn't then adds on, "But you know how a divorced woman is treated by the world."
Not--strictly the right set of priorities here but, all right.
She mentions something about "the money" and I'm not sure if that means we're just skipping the entire part where Mizpra got power of attorney from her addled mother and Leigh--I don't know, physically fought her over or if we're still getting to that and the author forgot and this bit was meant to be closer to the end of the actual story.
Given all of the man's other writing, I think he just forgot.
"You were a child, Obera, when I first met you." Yikes.
And she found that somehow a really romantic way to start things because, "she clung closer to him, and her little body vibrated with thrilling emotions." Is it not possible for this guy to not write like a creep you'd find in the bushes outside a kid's bedroom window?
Obera has a bit of sense at some point and suggest maybe trying to mess with Mizpra, who has already proven herself to be pretty unstable or at least willing to murder a child, might not be the best idea but Leigh is the genius of the story and ignores her.
Sorry, I mean explains why he's right and she's just a silly little girl-woman.
Anyway, Leigh's plan is to have Mizpra shipped off to a mental institution; tells Obera she wouldn't understand that because she wouldn't understand the "diabolical nature of her (Mizpra's) insane passions" and neither would the courts.
So far, we haven't seen much of those though, apart from her getting off on stabbing her sleeping husband with a hat pin and trying to murder a toddler via sending diphtheria tainted toys; the first thing isn't that abnormal, there are whole scenes around--not with hat pins, though, with sharp, single use piercing needles.
The second one is probably a crime, however and I'm still not entirely sure why nobody had her arrested for it since they knew exactly who sent it and how it was tainted.
He then offers to take her to Hawaii, which is where she's from, being a Tahitian princess, after all.
Again, her reaction is described as very child-like. Ew.
He then mentions he heard Mops crying, she says he was because he didn't want to wear shoes, then threw the shoes at her--fairly typical behaviour for a four year old kid but Leigh the Genius Doctor starts telling her that means they need to watch his mental health because he's showing signs of "uncontrolled impulses" and might end up neurotic and insane and probably an alcoholic and a criminal.
Man, he's four.
That's just how four year olds act sometimes.
Even I know that.
They go off for a few pages discussing "training" their four year old and it's all kind of terrible and advocates stopping just short of what you could get arrested for in terms of beating them.
(( Stuff inside gets into--not graphic, but still BDSM which is the ‘shocking’ and ‘perverted’ parts of The Perverts, more casual racism common for the time, and the most disappointing ending to a book I’ve read in ages.))
That somehow goes in to him saying he thinks the states should regulate marriage by law so the "unfit" can't get married; unfit meaning criminals, mental illness, tuberculosis, and "the physically weak and diseased" as well as "the insane".
Then he spins off into how shameful it is the crime rate in the United States is increasing at a "fearful rate".
Obera cuts in saying she think shaving laws regulating marriage sounded terrible to her until her Genius Husband Leigh explained why she was a wrong, silly woman, trying to have thoughts of her own.
That all gets interrupted by a letter from Rev. Bald who brings up some comment he made on the "matter of modern flagellation from a psychologic point of view" on the train, he found a bunch of books on the topic, he's pretty sure you can blame Catholics for it, and that's what makes them insane. Catholics, I mean.
Next is a newspaper article about Mizpra's school for "little half-breeds and Indian girls" which doesn't sound suspicious or weird at all--I mean, in fairness, for the time it was written that was pretty normal language, it just didn't age well at all.
So that article makes Leigh mad, her sister being apparently successful because that's half the problem with Mizpra: She does things women shouldn't be doing, like, not having children, getting an education, not caring if she looks fashionable, not wearing corsets, doing her own legal and financial work--you know, like the horrid witch she is or something.
I mean, honestly by this point in the story I'd team up with Mizpra so one of us could hold Leigh down while the other one just kicked him in the ribs until the noise stopped, he's that insufferable and obnoxiously wrong about everything.
Where was I?
Don't care, the last ten pages were Leigh whining about Catholics.
Chapter 28.
This one starts with a letter, "Los Angeles, -----, 189--" What? Los Angeles is in California, and why are you censoring the year?
It's a letter from Dr. Bell to open this time.
Bunch of stuff about The Spanish, most of it not flattering and about how they make great servants.
Everyone likes Mizpra there, so that's gonig ot make things more difficult.
Lots of paragraphs about how well liked Mizpra is.
No men allowed in the all girls' school, which is framed to be a bad thing but seems pretty reasonable to me.
There's also a little old lady called Penitente that will kill on sight if you're trespassing. She sounds fun.
And, for no reason whatsoever and with no proof, Dr. Bell concludes the whole school is a front for a sex dungeon of Mizpra's that she operates under the guise of "religious ceremony".
I mean obviously, that's where the author is going with it but he really should have spent some time laying down clues that that might be what's happening instead of having no mention or even hint of it then having one main character just randomly know that's what's happening.
So, Leigh decides, this evening, he's going to go and confront Mizpra. I mean, he did some waxing philosophical for a few pages until getting to that point but it was just him thining out loud about how amazing he is; great businessman, great doctor, great author, all around god tier person--we get it, Dr. Howard, Leigh is literally your power fantasy character.
They head off to try and bust Mizpra in the middle of some kind of weird--I don't know what, "active criminal act" prove her insane, or something.  And even if they find her in the place doing what everyone thinks she does: Being a decent, regular person, they'll all be fucked because then they'll look like trespassing, stalker weirdos--which is kind of what they are anyway.
They decide it'd be best to "pounce upon her in the height of oe of her deliriums" which, I think, means they want to bust her mid-orgy in the church basement. Fair enough, I guess; that's probably not the best place to have those anyway.
15 pages of explaining the plan where nothing is actually explained beyond describing the building's exterior.
10 more pages complaining about Catholics, particularly Spanish Catholics.
GET BACK TO THE MAIN PLOT. This is pointless filler.
Leigh eventually calls this all an "errand of mercy" like--just--no. It's not. You've been harassing Mizpra for about ten years in story time here, going out of your way to make fun of her looks, her life choices, her career, her education, her clothes, etc...she's not the bad guy here, Leigh.
Also, you named your kid Mops. Why would you do that to a child?
Chapter 24.
Two pages describing irrelvant scenery.
Look, even Tolkein would read this guy's book and tell him he's too long winded with unnecessary description.
Oh of course it's storming, why wouldn't it be storming? Convenient weather to bust the Bad Character.
So Leigh, being the genius at everything he is (including tracking now) hears a false owl call and knows someone is waiting for them.
Oh, it's the poor "Indian boy" from a few chapters back. "Indian boy here. Bad night, climb. Good night corral bad he squaw." I got nothing here--author didn't even bother giving that character a name.
"Indian boy" leads them to the building because he doesn't like Mizpra, I think. I'm pretty sure she's the "bad squaw". Or the "bad he squaw" except I'm  not sure what a "he squaw" is.
Leigh, of course, has to describe the kid in a creepy way: "Leigh looked at the sweet-voiced lad who stood under the partial roof. His long black hair shining from the rain drops which trickled from it, fell on his bronze, bare shoulders."  Leigh, please calm down.
And finally, after the third time in a couple hundred pages this kid appears, someone addresses him by name, which is Luis, which is definitely not his real name and likely one assigned to him by the church. Still, it's a step above calling him "Indian boy", I guess.
They plan a bit more and sit around smoking while waiting for the right time to go in and get by that Penitente woman who will shoot on sight.
Back to discussing the building layout and occasionally giving Luis many other slightly derogatory nicknames like "brave little Indian boy" and "our little black-haired friend".
He has a sister (re)named Angelia in the school, which is why he's helping them. One of the most reasonable people with a proper reason to want to break in.
He also calls the lady that will shoot on site "old hag squaw".
Chapter 25, finally after two chapters of pointless, repetitive planning, they're going to break into the damn place and of course now it's storming rather a lot.
SO! They get in and all three are immediately horrified by the first glimpse of the chapel. Red is, evidently, a colour they don't like.
Walls and ceiling blood-red, carpet of "funereal" black--just say black, and spell funeral correctly.
Big chandelier with candles that wer elit in a way that made the walls look as though they were on fire. Big ebony cross with a wax woman pawing at it--the sort of thing you see in religious art now and again, and under the chandelier there was pink and white silk for more lighting effects.
Onyx pedestal, golden crucifix, black and gold latticed confessional areas, gold curtains,"many signs of Mizpra's mania" on the walls: Haircloths, wreaths and belts of thorns, steel hooks, rods of iron, leather whips, knotted rope whips, iron and steel instruments of torture that are never described beyond that, a brilliantly coloured and painted altar that was "poisoned, destroyed by the lecherous and realistic painting which hung over it".
The painting is by, "the carnal and lewd Father Gerard", whoever that is.
This honestly sounds like a pretty cool looking room; if I'm meant to be shocked or horrified it's had the opposite effect. Mizpra has an eye for design.
"[...] the whole ch amber swam before his eyes as one flaming pornographic panorama" and that was enough that Leigh was just, "Nope, I've had enough of this, we're leaving," while everyone else went with--I mean they tried to be nice about it but the underlying tone is, "This was YOUR idea, asshole, you're not backing out now."
Noise is heard from the library, that gets drown out by the actual bells of the place going off with the time. Midnight, of course. It's always midnight for these types of scenes.
Nun comes in, they all sort of hide, Nun does regular Nun things and Leigh mutters something about death being marked on her face despite the fact that she's doing nothing out of the ordinary for a Nun but, she's thin, so he thinks she's gross.
Okay, finally something else is happening. Mizpra shows up, the Nun from before--I mean, Leigh, this is just someone's private life you're intruding on here but anyway, this is definitely a BDSM scene with religious overtones and nobody involved is objecting (and definitely didn't consdent to have these three fucking weirdos watch them).
I know this is meant to be shocking but, again, this is not an uncommon thing; Mizpra is being written as a pretty run of the mill Dominatrix, she's not forcing the other girl to do anything she does't want to do, and what's happening is clearly a planned out, scripted scene.
Apart from the three weirdos watching from the shadows.
More descriptions of Mizpra being "manly", of course, and suddenly the Peeping Tom Party decides to burst in and break up the scene.
"Sister, you are not well."
She was fine until you interrupted her, Leigh.
He very politely asks her to accompany him to the asylum which is not really a reasonable thing to ask someone, especially if you already think they're out of their mind and don't realise it.
Her respose was "vulgar voicing with which the vilest curses were mingled". Not an entirely unfair response to, "Please allow me to have you locked up in an insane asylum, thank you."
Luis very neatly bashes the head of the guard lady in with a crucifix, so that wraps up that loose thread but also seems to have angered Mizpra.
You know, because they broke in and murdered someone.
She flips it around and says she lured them all there and now they've all been caught murdering some old lady.
She makes fun of Bald for awhile, so he rushes her and tries to strangle her, and she doesn't appear to care in the slightest. She pulls him out to the cliff edge balcony, pulls a rope that apparently makes the balcony fold down for some reason, and they both fall off of the cliff.
And that's...it.
"A brilliant flash of lightning shot out from the heavens, and the white face of Mizpra, defiant as ever, was lighted up as she and Bald turned over in the emptiness of the abyss----THE END."
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swanqueeneverafter · 6 years
After The Sunset, Pt.14
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Wonderland. Past. Rapunzel's Estate. (Tiana bursts through the doors, startling Rapunzel who is sitting in near darkness.) Tiana: "Please forgive the intrusion, but Wonderland needs your help." Rapunzel: (Standing:) "How dare you enter this house? Leave, immediately!" Tiana: "No. I'm sorry but I can't do that. You're our last hope. The Queen of Hearts is tearing Wonderland apart. Now without the Red King or... your daughter, the Red Queen to stop her, Cora's power increases without restraint." Rapunzel: "Even if I cared, what do you expect me to do about it?" Tiana: "You are one of the few people in this land left who has magic. The Queen and her new ally King George have laid waste to anyone who could be a threat to the Queen's power." Dr. Facilier's Lair. Recent Past. (King George looks on dispassionately as his men surround the witch doctor.) Dr. Facilier: "You have no idea what evil forces you will unleash if you kill me." King George: "All magic is evil, Facilier, surely you above all know that. Magic is the reason I'm reduced to serving the Queen of this preposterous land. Magic cost me my wife, son and my kingdom." Dr. Facilier: "You're making a grave mistake." King George: "The biggest mistake I ever made was listening to the likes of you. As least now with the Queen's treasury at my disposal, I can rebuild my army and one day take back my kingdom." Dr. Facilier: "That will never happen. I don't need the bones to read your future. Your fate was sealed the moment you entered my domain. I curse you, I curse your men and your ambitions." King George: "You can't curse anyone if you're dead, my boy. (To his men:) Put him out of my misery." (King George turns and leaves the tent as the soldiers all draw their swords.) Wonderland. Rapunzel's Estate. Continued. Tiana: "Facilier is dead and that makes you the only one left capable of magic." Rapunzel: (Scoffs:) "And much good it has done me. Shall we take a look?" Tiana: (As Rapunzel walks to her daughter's casket:) "No, please." Rapunzel: "Look at her." Tiana: (Despite herself, moves forward to look inside the casket:) "I don't understand. She's-" Rapunzel: "Perfectly preserved. There's one tiny breath left inside this precious little body and I've saved it. Until I can save her." Tiana: "With this kind of magical ability, surely you could defeat the Queen?" Rapunzel: (Shaking her head:) "The only reason the Queen hasn't killed me herself is because she enjoys my suffering. She'd be ready for whatever I could throw at her. (Thinks:) But you... she'd never suspect you." Tiana: "But I don't have magic, I don't stand a chance-" Rapunzel: "You do if I give you what you need to defeat her. (Looking down at her daughter:) Anastasia was an innocent, with the purest of hearts. The only way to bring her back is with an equally pure heart.” Tiana: “I’m not sure I-” Rapunzel: (Grabbing Tiana’s hand, waving her wand over it:) “It’s quite simple. (Tiana’s hand begins to glow:) You will go to the Queen, under the pretense of pleading for mercy for the people of Wonderland. Once you’re inside, you will rip out her heart and kill her. You, Tiana, will become Wonderland’s new Queen and in return, I will have my choice of hearts from that evil witch’s vault.” Tiana: “I-I can’t do that.” Rapunzel: “Oh, yes you can. Because if you don't, every person in that little resistance you've joined will pay the price. It's your choice, Tiana.”
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Forest Path. Present. (Emma walks alone along an old dirt road. Cloaked and wearing distinctly 'wench-like' clothing, the blonde woman seems in no particular hurry to get anywhere. In the distance, the sound of hoof-beats are heard. Smiling, Emma takes a few steps to the side of the road to make room for the carriage that has now pulled up beside her.) Evil Queen: (Opening the carriage door:) "Greetings, Wench." Emma: "Gina, where have you been, it's freezing out here! If I knew you were gonna take so long, I'd have kept my underwear on under this dress." Regina: (Dropping her role momentarily:) "I would have been here sooner if not for some stubborn villagers. Conjuring the carriage took seconds, but borrowing a couple of horses? Not so much. Apparently there are still people who harbour resentment towards the Evil Queen." Emma: (Smirks:) "Imagine that." Evil Queen: (Stands:) "Now, where were we? Ah yes, today I find myself a little... anxious." Emma: "A-anxious, Your Majesty?" Evil Queen: "Indeed. (Stepping down from the carriage and walking seductively towards the 'wench':) I seek someone new to quench my desire and I think... (Reaching out to stroke Emma's hair:) you'd do nicely." Emma: (Bowing slightly:) "H-how may I be of service, Your Majesty?" Evil Queen: "Oh I believe we'll come up with something. Now, be quiet and, (Walking back to the carriage, she opens the door:) get in the carriage." Emma: "Yes, Your Majesty. (Stopping just by the door:) My name is Emma, Your Majesty. Emma Swan-Mills." Evil Queen: "Swan-Mills. So you're married, you little strumpet? Well it matters not, this will be a one time affair, I need not know your name." Emma: "No, Your Majesty, but I just thought you should know my name, before I have you screaming it later." Evil Queen: (Smiling:) "Confident little minx aren't we? Well, despite what you may be used to at home, Queens do not scream." Emma: "We shall see, Your Majesty, (Entering the carriage:) we shall see." (Enjoying their game immensely, Regina chuckles before climbing into the carriage and closing the door behind her.)
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Enchanted Forest. Past. Forbidden Fortress. (Hook opens the large double doors and strides into Maleficent's home.) Hook: (Yells:) "Mal? Mal where are you?" Will: (Cautiously entering behind him:) "Perhaps we're in luck and she's not home?" Hook: "Luck has nothing to do with it. Clearly she doesn't want to see me or she wouldn't have sent the sea-witch Ursula to block my path." Will: "Yeah, personally I'd have taken that as a strong sign to stay away." Hook: "She's carrying my child, Will. The tentacled one told me as much herself. I have to see her. The only reason Mal wants me to stay away is because she's angry. The reason she's angry is because I haven't contacted her in weeks. And the reason I haven't contacted her in weeks is-" Will: "Because I stole the looking glass, yeah I get it." Hook: "Good. So when the time comes, you'll be able to explain it all to her and I'll be-" Will: (Smirks:) "Off the hook?" Hook: (Sighs:) "If Mal decides to spare your life, then maybe she'll be able to free your sister from that tower." Will: "Well that's a lot of 'if's and 'maybe's. What's in it for you, anyway. Why do you care what happens to me and Alice?" Hook: "Because, despite my better judgement, I like you, Will Scarlett. You remind me a little of myself. And, if I help you, then perhaps what I did to my brother won't weigh on my conscience so much." Will: "Captain Hook has a conscience, who'd've thought it eh? (Looking around the large room they find themselves in:) Maleficent’s not one for decorating is she?" Hook: (Pouring himself a drink:) "Mal's lived in darkness for a long time, as have I. Perhaps that's why we get along so well. Now, with a child on the way, there's hope a little light can be brought into that darkness. Keep looking, there must be some clues as to where she's gone." (Will and Hook split up, searching the large room. It's not long before Will notices something on a table beside the fireplace.) Will: "Hang on, this is addressed to you." Hook: (Snatching it out of his hand:) "Give me that. (Hook rips open the letter and begins to read:) 'My dearest Killian... I know you will try to find me, but before you do, I have to be sure that your heart can truly change. In your absence I have discovered a chink in the Dark One's armour: his maid. She holds some sort of power over him that may be the advantage you've been looking for-' She's bloody done it. She's found what I need to exact my revenge on the Crocodile." Will: (Continuing to read the letter as Hook paces excitedly:) "Hang on, it says here she's giving you a choice. Maleficent states that if you choose to go after the Dark One's maid-" Hook: (Dismissively:) "That we can no longer be together. (Waving this off:) The thing you need to know about women, Will, is that they all want to feel chosen, special. In short, they want to know their legs haven't been parted for nothing. But I don't need to choose. I can find the maid and be with Mal and our child." Will: "I don't know, mate. I think she's being pretty clear here. She wants you to give up your quest for revenge so that you can be a family. I think this is a test." Hook: "Mal knows better than anyone what it's like to taste the sweet nectar of revenge. She'll understand, I'll have my revenge and then we'll be together." Will: (Shakes his head:) "Look, I appreciate everything you've done for me recently, but I can't go with you on this one. Apologising for what I did to Maleficent is one thing, but I can't be messing with the Dark One. That's a bit too much for me. This whole thing has been about getting back to my sister and if I get involved with Rumplestiltskin, I just don't see that happening." Hook: "It takes a strong man to admit his limitations. (Offers his hand to Will who takes it:) But it takes a brave man to overcome them." Will: "You should listen to Maleficent on this one, mate. Walk away from your revenge and you can have a family waiting for you." Hook: "Enough! I don't need to choose, thank you, I can and will have both. Now we're done here." (Will stares after Hook as he turns and walks out of the fortress.)
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Enchanted Forest. Past. Dark Castle. (Anna enters Rumplestiltskin’s dark castle, standing in the foyer, looking for him. Rumplestiltskin sits in the main room, a crystal ball in front of him.) Anna: “Rumplestiltskin? Are you here? The door was open.” Rumplestiltskin: “End of the hall, first door on your right. Come on in, dearie.” Anna: (Enters the room and walks to where Rumplestiltskin is sitting:) “My name is Joan. I was hoping you could help me. (Looks at Rumplestiltskin curiously:) Is there something wrong with your skin? (As he stands:) Not that it looks like anything's wrong with your skin. (Chuckles:) You know, I have a cream...” Rumplestiltskin: (Interrupts her:) “Your name isn't Joan. You see, uh, names are my stock and trade, dearie, and yours is... Anna of Arendelle. No need to keep secrets from me. I know more about you... than you think.” Anna: “So… (Chuckles:) You know why I'm here?” Rumplestiltskin: “You want to know why your parents ventured into this strange land.” Anna: “My sister thinks it was because of her, but I know she's wrong. Can you help me?” Rumplestiltskin: “As it happens, your parents paid me a visit on their journey. It would seem when one needs answers, I'm the place to go.” Anna: “What answers did they seek?” Rumplestiltskin: “Well, I can't just tell you, dearie. You see, aside from names, I also have a penchant for making deals.” Anna: “A deal? Sure, I'll make a deal. I'll do whatever it takes to help my sister.” Rumplestiltskin: (Laughs:) “Whatever it takes? Oh, I love it when they say that. (He conjures a tiny bottle into his hand:) At the foot of the dark mountains lives a very old man... prickly sort, probably eats children for breakfast. I want you to put this in his tea.” Anna: “What will it do to him?” Rumplestiltskin: “Sorry, dearie. That's not part of our agreement. Oh, speaking of which... (A long piece of parchment appears in his hand:) our contract. Sign here, and I shall tell you why your parents came to see me. Do we have a deal?” Arendelle. Present. Forest Path. (Anna and Elsa are enjoying a walk together when Anna suddenly yells at her sister.) Anna: (Exclaims:) "Why can't you just tell me?!"
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Elsa: (Continues walking, unfazed:) "We've been through this, Anna." Anna: "Yes, and I still don't believe it. You've been seeing someone and only now thought to tell me?" Elsa: "It's not that I haven't wanted to tell you, it's just... the person I'm seeing isn't ready to meet my family." Anna: (Catching up to her sister:) "What? Why not?" Elsa: (Sighs:) "If you must know, they've had some family issues in their past and-" Anna: (Scoffs:) "Well that narrows it down. Elsa, everyone throughout all the realms has had family issues. We've all have to live with them, what makes this guy so special?" Elsa: "They... (Takes a deep breath before continuing:) just aren't ready for everything that comes with palace life. It can be daunting to some people." Anna: "Oh whatever. Kristoff copes with palace life just fine and he was as far from royalty as you could get." Elsa: "Kristoff still sleeps in the barn with Sven." Anna: "That was only to make sure Sven stayed warm over winter. I spent a few nights in there myself actually. You should try it sometime. (Gasps:) Unless you already know what it's like. Is that where you and your secret lover meet up?" Elsa: "Anna!" Anna: (Teasing:) "Oh I bet he loves to get the Queen all dirty." Elsa: "You're being absurd. Besides they're not like that." Anna: "Why do you keep saying 'they'? (Gasps again:) Are there multiple lovers? Is that why you don't want to tell me?" Elsa: (Sighs:) "No, Anna." Anna: "I mean, it's not like you'd be doing anything wrong if you had multiple suitors, you are the Queen after all and it's not like you're married or anything..." (The sisters continued chattering fades into the distance as they pass by one particularly disheveled looking bush. Poking their heads out covertly, Regina and Emma watch in relief as they once again find themselves alone.) Emma: "Well that was close." Regina: "Too close. It's bad enough getting caught by your mother. I don't know what I'd do if your girlfriend caught us as well." Emma: (Rolls her eyes:) "You know nothing happened between Elsa and I." Regina: "That's not from her lack of trying." Emma: "For the last time, it was a ruse to get you mad enough to shoot a fireball at her. We had to get those ribbons off somehow." Regina: (Picking several twigs from Emma's hair:) “Hmm. Well, at least it sounds as though Elsa's found someone else to warm her icy bed at night." Emma: "Yeah, how about that." Regina: "I wonder who it could be." Emma: (Thinks:) "I might have an idea." Regina: "You do?" Emma: "Mmhmm." Regina: "Well, are you going to tell me?" Emma: (Smirks:) "I'll never tell, you'll have to torture me." Evil Queen: (Smiles broadly as Emma pulls her back down inside the bush:) "That can be arranged."
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Enchanted Forest. Past. Infinite Forest. (Anna is standing a few feet away from the old man’s cottage. The small vile is still in her hands, and she’s looking at it. After a few moments, she sighs and pockets it, before walking over to the door and knocking.) Apprentice: (Answers the door:) “Can I help you?” Anna: “Yes... uh, maybe. I-I-I mean... Can I come in?” Apprentice: “I just put a kettle on the fire. Join me for tea and biscuits.” (Opens the door.) Anna: (Enters and looks around:) “Biscuits. You mean you don't eat children?” Apprentice: (Chuckles:) “Is that what they're saying about me these days?” Anna: “Yes. No! Well... Sorry.” Apprentice: (Starts sweeping the floor:) “So, what brings you so deep into the woods to the home of an alleged devourer of children?” Anna: “I'm on a quest to help my sister, but I seem to have gotten myself a little bit turned around.” Apprentice: “Well, you're welcome to stay as long as you wish. I assure you, the biscuits are delicious, and they are made with flour.” Anna: (Walks over to the kettle when it starts whistling. She pulls out the vial to pour it into his tea, but changes her mind and empties it into the fire. Turns back to look at the Apprentice:) “Do you take sugar?” Dark Castle. A Short Time Later. (Anna is back from the Apprentice’s cottage and stands beside Rumplestiltskin.) Rumplestiltskin: (Holding the now empty vial:) “So, you poured it in the tea?” Anna: “Just as you asked.” Rumplestiltskin: “And he drank it?” Anna: “Every last drop.” Rumplestiltskin: “Good! Then he'll live!” Anna: “So, now can you tell me why my parents came... (Realizes what Rumplestiltskin just said and stops:) Wait, what? What do you mean, ‘live’?” Rumplestiltskin: “He'll live because he drank the antidote you gave him.” Anna: “Antidote? To what?” Rumplestiltskin: “Uh, poison.” Anna: “I thought it was poison.” Rumplestiltskin: (Laughs:) “No! The poison's what he drank yesterday! What you had was the cure for that.” Anna: “I didn't give it to him.” Rumplestiltskin: (Feigns sadness:) “Well, why not? We had a deal.” Anna: “We need more antidote. We have to go back to the cottage. We have to help him.” Rumplestiltskin: (Stands:) “Well... I'm afraid it's far too late for that, dearie. (Waves his hand and shows Anna the Apprentice through the crystal ball. The old man transforms into a mouse:) You should have listened to me when you had the chance.”
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soukitas · 6 years
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Fangless Chapter one: One lost stray dog. 
Pairing: Shinsengumi x Reader (developing story) Genre: Drama. (developing story)  Chapters: 1/?  Word count: 1, 870 Summary: You are a simple country girl, with some skills for the sword, that moved to the capital of a samurai country, you meet a very nice police officer named Yamazaki Sagaru that somehow talks you into trying to get into the Shinsengumi, Hijikata and Okita are the ones to take your interview, but you can’t seem to calm your nerves before it even starts. You are not aware of it yet, but the small risk you took will cause your life to spin around one hundred eighty degrees, adventures are just starting. 
A/N: This is the prologue of my new shinsengumi series called “Fangless”, this special story will be a little complex, since it will have two story directions, the Hijikata route and the Sougo route, I have little planning on this so I’m just going with the flow. Please enjoy it!
— You will do fine.
Yamazaki’s voice was somewhat soothing, although if you were honest to yourself the mere idea of standing before the three heads of the Shinsengumi was absolutely terrifying; the heat of your nervousness could be felt at your palms, sticky from the sweat that relentlessly creeped at the tip of your fingers.
You didn’t quite fit in the average city woman cliché, your father, a brave samurai that had fought alongside the four heavenly kings during the Joui War, didn’t raise you to be so. From a young age, living outside the main city and practically in hiding, you had been trained to defend yourself and those whom you loved, day by day you would pick your father’s sword and swing it at a very worn out tree trunk outside your home, you could even still hear his yelling at night “Leave no openings!” “Swing higher!” and his personal favorite: “THE SWORDS ARE NOT MADE TO CUT BREAD!”. You learned, and you learned well. The days of your youth were filled with stories from your mother, on how your outstanding father was fighting those who tried to take what was ours, you always longed for his return, everyday staring at that one single path, the one you were not allowed to walk, for the day you could see him in the horizon with that bright smile of his. It would be natural to say he didn’t come back, to remark how he bravely took a hit to defend the captain of his unit, keeping him alive and allowing the rest of his comrades to escape, that would later become your motive to seek revenge towards those that didn’t have mercy on your beloved father, yes, that would be natural, but you’re not the main character of some corny Shonen Jump manga, you’re a simple country girl. He returned home, not completely unwounded but well enough to continue raising you as the loving father he was. You grew and became wiser, you had been a model daughter and dedicated student, that’s why your dad did not hesitate to let you go when you told him your mind was made up: You wanted to go to the city, learn the sword formally, possibly at an elite academy that could take you to the next level. He understood right away, his wisdom had always gotten through you, and those famous words were always in the back of your mind no matter what you did, or where you were, “You have to find your samurai way.” He would always say. Yes, your father watched Naruto a lot, but that sentence just made good sense, or so he made you believe.
Your first week in the big city was anything buy easy, your landlord had promised a two-bedroom apartment but forgot to mention the second room was a motel room, and on top of that he had “accidentally” lost the ticket for your first deposit, so you would have to make it again. You were quickly running short of resources, the money you had brought along turned out to be insufficient, you underestimated how expensive living on your own could be, and getting a job was long shot since you had no real work experience. If the whole situation wasn’t shitty enough, there was no way you could’ve expected what happened next, no one informed you about the sword ban, and when a couple of “amanto” confronted you about it you just stopped on your tracks, however, someone in heavens was really on your side, for the police officer that was in charge of your arrest was no other than Yamazaki Sagaru.  A kind man, didn’t seem much older than you, later you would find out it was just his ridiculously toned skin that gave you that idea, but he stood up for you, even when the rude-ass creatures kept calling him a good-for-nothing human, it made your blood burn to the point you could actually feel it’s steam coming out of your ears, but you knew better than to simply react to shallow words. Later that day, even when he took you handcuffed to the headquarters, he would just let you go with a warning, you didn’t seem like a city-girl anyway, he told you to be careful with your sword in public, it was against the law and not of the liking of those humanoids, so if you wanted to avoid trouble you would have to keep it at home. The mere thought lit within you a fire, how could you keep such an important part of you back home like it was just another ornament at the motel? No. You couldn’t. You spoke up against it. Yamazaki was taken aback, very much, but oddly he welcomed your little speech about not giving up a piece of your soul for the contentment of space-trash with a smile. After a little bit of chit-chat, somehow he talked you into taking the upcoming recruiting exam, the physical tests were just two days later, you did excellent and the examiner gave you a pass for the in-person interviews, now this was the tricky part, you already had the underhand for being a woman, let alone the fact that you weren’t really used to being with other people, specially face to face. In short, that’s how you had ended up in this situation, waiting for the commander, vice commander, and the captain of the first unit to arrive for your meeting.
— I’m not even sure of what to say, Yamazaki-san. — you muttered, as if there was anyone else in the room.
— They will just ask you a few questions, be candid, just tell them what you said the other day, you want to protect this country and your loved ones without leaving behind your sword. You are not much different than the rest of us.
The door slid open before you could say anything else and the air seemed to tense up altogether with your body. The first man entered the room, he was tall, dark-haired but you wouldn’t quite describe it as black since it had a glimpse of a greenish tone when the light hit in a right angle, he stood straight at all moments and with a steel-like sort of look in his face, the smoke smell coming from his lit up nicotine stick made your head throb as it entered your nostrils, but since that was the man deciding whether or not you had a job you preferred to keep your thoughts to yourself. Right behind him a second man appeared, he had more the appearance of a kid, at least on his face, ashy brown hair long enough to meet the beginning of his eyebrows that seemed to match pretty well with his red-shining eyes.
— Let’s begin with the interview.
The tallest sat down right before you, legs tucked formally under him, the younger mimicked his actions, both of them seemed expressionless, the captain even seemed bored with the whole situation, you could even make out from his flickering eyelashes that he was probably asleep before he was dragged into this.
— My name is-
— No need. — The vice commander interrupted again. — I don’t think we’re getting anywhere with you, I don’t think you would fit any position.
— Is that so? — you asked back — because I’m a woman?
— Judging a character by their gender is a naive move, you received very good recommendations from the examiner, but your profile is another matter. You just arrived to the capital, you have cero experience in the actual field, and your first meeting with the police was for being arrested.
— That’s actually my fault, Vice commander. — Yamazaki barged in. — You see, she didn’t know about the sword ban and-
— Yamazaki, it’s a crime against our rule code to interrupt your superior, please commit seppuku immediately.
Your new friend sat back down, he seemed terrified but not surprised of his superior’s approach.
— I cannot allow such a cadet to join the academy, there’s so much more you still need to learn which we will not be able to teach you.
You were furious, you knew he made sense, but it still pissed you off the way he talked with such superiority, he hadn’t even taken a look to what you could do with that sword, you knew his decision was final, but something within you didn’t accept it. It was not your plan to join the police, it was nothing near your dream either, but those few minutes Yamazaki had talked so fondly of his labor and how it affected normal people for the better had gotten through you, and passion started pouring from your heart the minute you had stepped into the compound. You didn’t like the sensation of being cornered, so you finally spoke back up.
— I’m sorry, but I was told the commander would be here.  
— Kondou-san was unable to attend.
— As far was I was informed, Kondou-san is the one to make the final decision whether candidates are capable enough to be part of the force, if he is unavailable, I’ll be happy to reschedule this interview.
Without further word you stood up and left the room, leaving those who would have been your bosses behind. There were some shocked looks, specially the one on Yamazaki’s face, but overall the room was silent, with the three men equally speechless.
— A woman who talks back, huh? — the brown-haired guy finally contributed to the conversation.
— Like we didn’t know enough of those already.
The vice commander lit up another cigarette after setting down the burnt out one on the ashtray by his feet. He inhaled the nicotine, feeling its intoxicating effect take over his body before letting it out in what seemed a tired sigh. None of the men’s eyes had left the same spot, the door you had just left through, almost waiting for you to come back and apologize at any instant. You didn’t.
— You know, Hijikata-san, she got the best reviews out of all the applicants. Plus, I like the idea of having someone that can put you in your place around.
— She didn’t put me in my place, Sougo. — The final ashes fell off the second cigarette, making Hijikata do a small clicking of his tongue when it landed on his black uniform. — Yamazaki give the tape of the skills exam to Kondou, and also the tape of this interview. I hate to admit it, but after all he is indeed the one to make the final call on this.
Hijikata stood back up with Sougo following after him.
— Yes, vice commander. — Yamazaki responded respectfully before inquiring again. — So, what do you think?
— Knowing Kondou-san, I think we are about to get ourselves a little stray dog here. You have to be ready, Sougo.
The young man didn’t seem to look back at his superior, his stare was still nailed to the closed door, but if he had paid attention he would have been able to notice that there was a small smirk on his face that came out along with a small exhale.
— Don’t worry, Hijikata-san, it will be my pleasure to turn her into a wolf.
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Last-gasp Brexit deal fix will poison our politics for years
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By Ian Dunt
You can see the outline of a Brexit compromise already. The two sides want it. They're talking kind of the same kind of language. The trouble is that the compromise position is so utterly deranged that it will poison our politics for years.
The only remaining issue preventing a deal is the Irish backstop. This is the promise that, no matter what, there will be a frictionless border in Ireland. Theresa May's solution is to make sure it'll be never be used, by signing up the whole of the UK to the customs union and the single market for goods. The EU's solution is to accept that as a baseline offer but demand that the promise for Ireland remains in the treaty just in case.
The talks are now on what those just-in-case scenarios might be and how to address them. The two main areas of concern are reliability and time.
The former, which May chooses not to mention for obvious reasons, concerns what happens when she is inevitably replaced, either by Jeremy Corbyn or someone in the Tory party. Then her customs union and single market plans might be replaced alongside her and the backstop would have to be activated.
The latter concerns the gap between the end of the transition period and the start of Britain's new trading arrangement. This would leave a window when we weren't connected to the EU ecosystem and the backstop would then kick in.
Both of these points follow from outright stupidity - on both the EU and British side - at the start of negotiations. They now threaten to define us by the same stupidity for years to come.
Back when the Article 50 process started, David Davis promised that the "row of the summer" would be over sequencing. The EU had demanded that we talk about divorce proceedings first, like transition and the backstop, and only then discuss the future relationship. This would produce two documents: one on divorce, which was a legal text, and one on the future relationship, which was a political one.
Davis surrendered instantly, in a way that defined his approach to Brexit: loud talk, lack of preparation, functional incompetence and instant capitulation. But the truth is he was right. It made no sense to talk about Ireland without addressing the future relationship. And we are seeing the consequences of that foolish distinction now, in the inability to use Britain's decision on customs and the single market to neutralise the backstop as an issue.
Now the EU is stuck. It put the backstop down in law, but that relates only to Ireland. This is considered an outrage in Westminster. The promises Britain is making about how the future relationship would make the backstop irrelevant are unreliable, because they're just going in a political declaration which can be easily repealed or ignored by a future prime minister.
But if you allow the backstop proposal to include the whole of the UK, May can use it to smuggle Britain into the customs union and single market without having to take on any of its rules and responsibilities. You've pre-empted trade talks in a kind of cheeky, protocol-inserting fait-accompli.
So the current rumoured solution is to build little legal bridges between the divorce treaty and the political future relationship document. Think of it like an anti-Jacob Rees-Mogg firewall. It would prevent anyone unpicking the future relationship when they take over, but still force May to accept the responsibilities of customs union and single market membership during trade negotiations.
This is sensible, but it will cause havoc among the Brexiters. They will realise that they're being prevented from sabotaging the Brexit deal from outside the EU and will therefore have an incentive to sabotage it now, before we leave.
Things get even more insane when it comes to dealing with the time issue. Again, the EU bears as much culpability as the UK on this. It has been exactly as stupid as No.10. Both of them are living in a little fairy tale house, made of wishes and shortbread.
The transition does not need an extension of one year. It needs an extension of at least five and probably a lot more. Canada, a nuts-and-bolts, goods-only trade deal, took five years to negotiate and two to ratify. The deal we are going to be negotiating, by comparison, is unprecedented in human history. Never before have two large trading entities entered negotiations to pull themselves further apart.
We know how normal trade deals operate. You work down your tariffs. You stitch together some mutual recognitions agreements so that goods move faster. Maybe you do a deal on public procurement and intellectual copyright. And then you're good to go. The crucial thing is that both sides want similar things.
This is completely different. This is about taking two economies which are melded together through regulation, shared institutions and decades-old trade flows and extracting them from one another while trying to sabotage neither.
Negotiators will not be able to point to the usual easy wins of a trade deal - that this sector or that will have gotten rid of tariffs. They will only be able to point to attempts to satisfy a mercurial mandate from a dated referendum. It will be an absolute mess, without useful metrics to assess how it is going. It's not clear what Britain wants or if it can even articulate it, let alone negotiate it.
The opening period of the transition, from April 2019 onwards, will involve no meaningful trade talks at all. First there are the European parliament elections in May, and then the election of a new EU commissioner on the basis of the results. Nothing will get done until that's over with.
Then the British team need to develop a clear idea of what it is they are trying to achieve. What exactly will be the arbitration mechanism in the deal? The European Court of Justice will be involved somehow, but how much involvement can we countenance? How much influence can we get over regulations from Brussels? Norway has a contributory role in the formulation of new laws and active civil service involvement in enacting them at the national level. Is that enough? Or is it insufficient? The more control we want, the longer the talks will drag on.
Then the deal needs to be ratified. This will require the support of all EU member states in their own parliaments, including some regional parliaments, like Wallonia, where the far less controversial Canadian trade deal was nearly destroyed.
And then there is the implementation period (the real one, not the one May invented a couple years back). The new trading arrangements will require infrastructure which must be built and new systems - for IT, staff training, administrative oversight, regulatory surveillance and more - which must be put in place. If you want a glimpse of how hard, time-consuming and fraught with danger that is, consider the government's current struggles with the Universal Credit system, or HMRC's awkward and confused attempts to implement a new clearance system for customs. And then multiply it countless times.
The current transition time limit is 18 months. That is laughable. No-one, not one single person who understands what trade deals involve, thinks it is realistic. And yet there it stands, like they put clowns in charge of an international negotiation.
The new EU offer is of one additional year. And that is the clown's gag. That's the punchline.
This just creates a new cliff edge at the end of 2021. But this one will actually be harder to deal with. The EU's legal power to offer transition is in Article 50. But to get a new power for another transition it has to go to member states and ask for it. And then we're at the mercy of every country in the EU.
On the British side, the offer has been met with the usual self-harming disdain. Tory MP Nadine Dorries launched a typically ignorant attack last night. More will follow. The disconnect between reality and rhetoric in Westminster right now is genuinely alarming. They have watched the UK get pulverised due to the EU's time advantage for two years and learned so little that they now demand it happens again.
If Theresa May is asking for a longer transition period, she is stalling. It’s time to stand aside and let someone who can negotiate get on with it and deliver. I fully support DD as an interim leader. I’ve done my bit. It’s time for my colleagues to do theirs. #Brexit
But even if the transition could be extended to a credible period, we would still be in a living nightmare.
Eventually the EU will pass a law which is against UK interests - probably something on the City. We'll have to take it on and it'll explode into an ugly row. There's also a new EU financial plan for 2021-27 coming down the runway. If we're still in transition then - and we will be - we need to pay into it. But we'll have lost the rebate, so the sum will have gone up, with all the consequent confected outrage that will entail.
This is seriously ugly stuff. The tricks being dreamed up right now might allow May to sign off on a deal, but they do not guarantee she can get it through parliament. Even if she does, they'll either create a new cliff edge in the early 2020s or open up a whole new vista of pain into the end of the next decade.
Any responsible leader would at least extend Article 50 while we try to come up with a viable long-term solution which isn't so fraught with peril. But to suggest this is considered radical and extreme. That's what it's like when you let the lunatics take control. The basic conditions of sanity are precisely those which can never be countenanced.
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