#anyway if i could draw id make this an angsty fluffy little comic
sparkypantaloons · 10 months
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Thinking about Bruce and the piles of shoes by the door to Wayne Manor.
How before Martha and Thomas were murdered there were loads of pairs. Thomas' work shoes and his golf shoes and his tennis shoes. Martha's party shoes and her comfy shoes and her slippers. Bruce's school shoes and his wellies and his crocs.
And then... then there are only Alfred and Bruce's funeral shoes. (And eventually Bruce's shoes are gone too.)
Except one day Dick comes along and there are lots again. School shoes and sneakers and wellies and little boots, next to Bruce's giant versions.
Until Dick goes...
But then Jason arrives and Dick comes back every so often and there are more shoes than there have ever been.
Only, then Jason dies. And Bruce is stood at the door of his home and all of Jason's shoes are there but nobody will ever wear them again.
But over the years there are more and more until one day Bruce is stood there and there's a giant pile of shoes by the door. Bruce's own shoes and Alfred's shoes. Dick's and Babs and Jason's. Cass's shoes and her ballet shoe bag. Steph's high tops and Tim's Jordans. Duke's sneaks and Damian's school shoes.
Haphazardly strewn by the door, scuff marks against the wall. And Bruce realises it's just about the best sight to he could possibly come home to.
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