#lowered lifestyle
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kas-e · 30 days ago
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Slammed '93 Nissan 300zx
Static. Staggered 19" wheels (Hp Racing). Hard parked in South Salt Lake City, Utah.
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livesunique · 1 year ago
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Schloss Marienburg, Pattensen, Lower Saxony, Germany
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marswasnothere · 3 months ago
Maxiel idea - lycanthrope daniel and human max, 2017, 1158 words ripped straight from my discord messages to myself from nine months ago
Lycanthropy - werewolf-ism, used in cool werewolf films and shows, Lycanopathy - proper modern term for werewolf-ism, medical diagnosis, Lycaniasis - time during transformed wolf state, Anthroiasis - time during transformed human state, Lycanalgia - severe pain experienced during transformation, [Lyc-] - wolf [-an-] - human [-suffixes] - related to specific part of condition
Someone prompted it in the kinkmeme which I saw on Tumblr but with no date attached so i can't find it
But werewolf Daniel but he turns into a poodle
I don't know if they mean a full on poodle or a weird scraggly half man half poodle but I'm gonna choose the second to make it supernatural
And throwing in some puppy play when Daniels in his human form
Now the scene I imagined was Daniel shifting back into his human form, naked, under a blanket, with Max watching over him to make sure he's safe. He's never done it with someone to help him before, so he's a bit self conscious. Daniel shifts back, writhing on the floor, it's painful but it will end. He drops down, kneeling, taking a minute to just breathe and relax the aching in his bones.
His head itches. He yipes and whines, then tries reaching a leg over to scratch his head with his paw- foot. His paw, no, his foot. What? He can't reach and growls to himself. He's getting older, he can't stretch as much, curse this stupid fucking poodle. 
"Daniel. Daniel, hey, look at me!" Max says to him.
Daniel glances over, panting, leg half raised in the air. Max grabs his paw- hand. His hand? Max grabs his hand and aligns it with his own, stretching their fingers out in a rhythmic pattern.
"Daniel. You've shifted back. Human mode. You've got hands, see?"
Daniel stares at his hand. His tongue retracts back in his mouth and he drops his leg. He's in his human form, yes, that's right, he's human right now. Max hasn't seen that happen before. Daniel gets stuck in his doggy state of mind. His own brain restricting him from standing upright or speaking. It's probably just crossed wires, he usually needs half an hour to go back to acting like a regular human being. It's weird, but he's used to it.
Daniel covers himself up and apologises to Max, explaining what happened and how it just happens to him. Max found it scary. He thought Daniel lost all humanity for a second and would be stuck like that forever and ever. Daniel laughs.
"Not unless you want me to. I know poodle Danny is a bit easier to handle than regular ole me." Self deprecating jokes usually do good. But Max doesn't smile. Sort of. It cocks up in the corner, then he winces, and pouts, and smirks, and- there's a lot on his face. He's contemplating something
Daniel’s a black poodle
Werewolf genes or whatever runs in the family
Came from his grandad, skipped his mum, and landed on him
Everything was normal when he was born, until a month into being a tiny teensy baby, he became a hairless, eyes closed, tiny puppy and cried and cried for hours on end because his bones and skin hurt his tiny lil body and his mum called over a lycanopathic friend to help and everyone was exhausted by the end of it.
Ok yeah werewolves are distinguishable from regular dogs. Their breed depends entirely on their parents/ancestors breed and origin, not what country they're from. They’re gangly, they have longer limbs no matter what breed, and have eyes that look eerily human from certain angles. They keep their human intelligence, with a couple of dog-like instincts poking through, but they can’t communicate in spoken language. Their shifts follow the cycle of the moon, not on every full moon like people usually think, but still on cycle. Daniel always shifts two days after a new moon, just as a thin crescent appears in the night sky. Werewolves stay shifted for an average of 8 hours overnight. Some sleep through being shifted to heal from the pain of shifting, others stay awake fueled by instincts and hunting desires, only to wake in the morning extremely tired. All depends on the person, the breed,
There’s been handfuls of lycanthropes in any profession, formula one is no excuse. Most prefer to hide their status, taking suppressants if their shifts fall on race days, and staying far away from the media when their cycle catches up with them.
Daniel is no different. Despite being perfect pr material, Daniel keeps the gangly black poodle within him away from watching eyes. He takes suppressants when shifting falls of media or race days. The team knows, Sebastian knows, and now Max Verstappen needs to know too. He’s going to bring it up professionally to Max, explain everything and dispel whatever stereotypes Max probably believes in, when he can’t find his suppressants after a Grand Prix but the team doesn’t think anything of it, because he doesn’t need to do anything on Monday night. And Max wants to hang out. Well shit.
Michael usually helps him after he’s shifted, needing food that won’t make regular Daniel nor dog Daniel break out in an allergic reaction, letting him hop into the shower to pee and clean up afterwards, and keeping him trained up and entertained. Maybe this can be a teaching moment for Max.
Daniel opens the door to Max and welcomes him in, then sits him down to explain why he’s so jittery. He explains he’s a werewolf, a lycanthrope, and he’s going to be shifting tonight. Max will be stuck with dog Daniel for the entire night. Max takes it pretty well, bluntly asking facts like any good dutchman, and then takes Michael’s delivery of specialty canned lycan food for Daniel, a dog bed, and a handful of toys.
Daniel apologises that he’s going to have to get naked, to avoid ruining his clothes, in front of a 19 year old Max. Max is chill with it. As night falls and Daniel feels his skin start to itch, he hides under a blanket and strips off his clothes. Max, for some reason, folds them.
He lies on the floor, twitching and groaning, then grabs the blanket and stuffs a corner in his mouth as he screams. His shift takes full force and Max watches on in fear. Daniel told him to keep his distance, but he wants so badly to hug Daniel, massage his shoulders, ease his pain as his bones meld and change.
The lump under the blanket stops moving, then a black curly tail pops out from underneath.
There’s a bark, and Daniel stands up. He shakes the blanket off and stretches, revealing a lanky black poodle. He looks up and Max and Max shudders. Daniel scoffs internally. First time seeing a real werewolf’s eyes? They aren’t the scary, cool golden slits like tv shows say.
“Okay… okay, cool. What was it, one bark for yes, two for no.” 
Daniel barks. “Of course. Cool.” 
Daniel’s tail wags. Max smiles. Daniel pads on over and sniffs Max, getting used to his scent to remind himself he’s in a safe space. Max reaches a hand down to pet him, then retracts, not sure if that’s a respectful thing to do. Daniel notices, and jumps up to nuzzle against him, prompting Max to pet him in return.
I got a bit too into world building and making everything make sense and im seconds away from researching the cycle of the moon from 2017
But other than that
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nourishcolourbites · 8 days ago
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x-marge · 5 months ago
my toxic batman movie opinion is that battinson will only get one robin if he ever gets one at all and i think Jasons backstory is much more in line with the class divided city themes and i kind of think we should just skip over dick just this once
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toyastales · 14 days ago
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Casa em Taipa in Portugal
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bredforloyalty · 5 months ago
"you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up / you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" has had a profound impact on my internal world not because of the meaning of the interaction itself but because i think "i want to fuck him so bad it makes me look stupid." so many times like all the time. so true this is STUPID as Fuuck + i need an exorcism
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Cortisol is what helps regulate your metabolism, blood sugar levels, memory function and reduces inflammation. Cortisol is great.
BUT if you’re someone who is consistently stressed, have pituitary gland issues or are on certain medication, there’s a chance your cortisol levels may be high.
Signs your cortisol levels may be high:
- weight gain, mostly around the midsection and upper back
- weight gain and rounding of the face
- fatty deposits between shoulder blades
- deep purple stretch marks on your abdomen
- easy bruising
- muscle weakness
- severe fatigue, easily tired
- irritability
- increased anxiety levels
- difficulty concentrating
- high blood pressure
- headaches
- thinning hair
- difficulty waking up/low energy in the mornings and difficulty falling asleep/high energy at night
So what can you do?
- Let’s get it checked out by a doctor before we worry and add onto the stress.
- Identify stress triggers. Keep a stress diary and write down the fact. Then analyze what about the situation caused you a negative reaction.
- Learn to recognize thoughts that cause stress.
- Pay attention to the quality of your sleep.
- Exercise regularly. Try more low impact exercises and preferably avoid exercising at least 2 hours before bedtime.
- Find something to do. Try out different hobbies. Gardening, journaling, crocheting, art, learning something new, tufting, baking, pottery. The list is endless!
- Laugh often. A study published in 2008 found that even the anticipation of laughter leads to a decrease in blood levels of cortisol, as well as two other stress hormones, adrenaline, and norepinephrine.
- Get a pet. A study showed that interaction with animals affects stress and found that long-term interaction with dogs, even strangers, as well as pet ownership, has a positive effect on cortisol levels. In addition, the interaction between owner and dog increases the level of oxytocin in both.
- Eat more cortisol-lowering foods. Think dark chocolate, probiotics, black tea, green tea, avocados, green leafy vegetables, berries, bananas, nuts and seeds.
- Spend time in nature. A simple walk around the neighborhood, walking barefoot in the grass, birdwatching, gardening, a walk in the park! Just being outside and doing some deep breathing will work wonders.
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groenendaze · 1 year ago
hey :)
I'd love to get a shepherd in the future but so far I only have experience with other breeds (collies). I really loved the temperament and character of shepherds I met so far. My question is: every of those shepherd was trained in bitework or general protection. From what I've seen you're doing mostly frisbee with yours? So I was wondering if it would be possible to mostly do agility, obedience, long hikes and try out sports like flyball or frisbee with a shepherd and not do any bitework, because I don't think I'd like it much. Do you think it still makes sense to get a shepherd then or would just sticking to collies be better?
Thank you so much
Happy Holidays to you, Nettle and Finch!!!
yes our main sports are frisbee and flyball :) but only nettle, finch is retired & a very pretty couch ornament (by his own choice)
i HAVE done bitesport stuff in the past and i will still work on foundations or wedges every once in a while, but it’s not something i love and not something i do very often.
i am guessing by shepherd you are referring to the overarching class of shepherds like belgians/germans/dutches etc. all of these shepherds like having “a job” but this “job” can be anything. you could have a shepherd as just a pet, or a shepherd that is your adventure buddy, no sports required. the only reason my dogs and i do sports is because both of us enjoy them - we wouldn’t do them otherwise :) a shepherd can absolutely be enriched and fulfilled without ever seeing any sort of bitesport - there are so many different shepherd breeds and lines that excel in many different things.
if you think a shepherd would fit your lifestyle more than a collie would and have done your research of the breeder - go for it!
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doecrossing · 11 months ago
I'm not like necessarily against breeding and owning purebred cats like from an ethical standpoint but I don't really... get it.
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coockie8 · 1 year ago
I can't be the only person made like really uncomfortable by "van life" social media influencers. 'Cause they're like basically cosplaying as a homeless person and glamourizing it for clout, right?
I don't know, as someone who knows a lot of homeless people, and who has been on the verge of homelessness several times in my life, it just feels kinda gross to me.
I think it's probably because like 80% of the time these influencers are "roughing it up" in their "van life" in RVs that probably cost more than the mortgage my mom has had to starve herself and work 4 jobs to be able to just barely cover :/
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rainyfestivalsweets · 1 year ago
I wonder if I can make DIY zebra popcorn lower calories by melting and dipping Great Gatsby bars.
Or other kinds of my favorite weird Christmas snacks..... HMMM.
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rickchung · 2 years ago
Angel Zheng x "6 Fiction Books That'll Get You Back Into Reading".
Carrie Soto is Back, Call Me by Your Name, The Paris Apartment, Conversations with Friends, Malibu Rising, and Project Hail Mary.
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barbieaiden · 2 years ago
would you consider bunnies high maintenance pets? your bunnies are so adorable it’s making me consider getting one as a pet someday!
i feel like this entirely depends on what you count as high maintenance, like all pets could probably be considered high maintenance in their own way
i've never had a cat but i feel like cats and bunnies are probably around the same maintenance level?? obviously bunnies need to be fed, they always need to have hay and water, and their enclosures need to be cleaned frequently (worth mentioning that at least in my experience bunnies are super easy to litter box train, you can just kind of put a box in a corner and their hay next to it and they'll figure it out lmao), but none of this takes that long or is particularly difficult
if you're not already free roaming your bunnies they need a good amount of time to run around in a bigger area, this is kind of where the more difficult parts of having a bunny comes in because they do like the taste of wires and furniture lmao. wires are easy to hide or bunny proof though and there are things to do about bunnies eating your furniture, though you have to be prepared to try some things out
also bunnies are typically very dependent on social interaction so if you only have one bunny (or unbonded bunnies like i do atm) you need to spend a lot of time with them or they'll get lonely. my first bunny was an only child but actually pretty content being alone but obviously you can't predict the personality your bunny will have so. it's not very difficult to spend time with a bunny though, like you don't necessarily need to pet them for hours or anything you can just kind of be around and pay attention to them when they want you to. also i mean. they look like this
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so petting them for hours is not that difficult either lmao
honestly the biggest con of having a bunny is the thin thin white almost translucent bunny hairs that like to get into your eye??? and then you can't get them out because you can't even find them lmao. but they're definitely worth the trouble
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because-im-freaking-greed · 7 months ago
Another factor is that Senshi maybe got the shortest end of the changeling stick for his role in the party. As a frontline fighter, going from a dwarf, known for being the strongest and sturdiest humans by a decent margin, to an elf, who rank below humans with similar lifestyles/training methods, was a bigger difference than basically anyone else got, except maybe Marcille.
Now, there are elf warriors in that setting, obviously, but the thing is, Senshi's really not particularly skilled at combat or in trained shape! Normally, he makes due off of being a dwarf, and his pot and knife being made of rare, mythical metals, but he's not really ever shown practicing or even exercising in downtime. He's probably comparable to like, a dude who was a linebacker in highschool getting in a fight. So then, when he becomes an elf and loses the natural strength of dwarves, he has almost no trained strength to fall back on and can barely even carry his pot, much less wield it.
And the other aspect of the shortest stick is the new benefits- the big advantage elves have over other human is their mana capacity; they can channel more to cast more and bigger spells than anyone else, with gnomes a close second. This is, unfortunately, entirely wasted on Senshi, who has no magical training whatsoever. He's so lacking in magical experience that he's notably superstitious at the start of the series. Even Marcille, unable to use much magic due to the difference in natural mana capacity between elves and half-feet, was able to make use of the sharper senses the new body gave her.
Ultimately, Senshi was the only person whose transformation and previous training left him fully unable to fill any combat role for the party, making the difference in his general vibe seem greater.
I like to imagine that Senshi isn't acting that different as an Elf, its just coming across different bevause of his looks.
I like to imagine this is how other Dwarves see him, a delicate pretty boy. It's just other races can't read Dwarf body language that well.
Then he's an elf and suddenly they see his mannerisms in a different light, but he's always been this way. They just didn't have Dwarf Goggles.
Like how other Half Foots instantly clock middle aged Chilchuck but everyone else thinks uwu baby
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xxbittersweetsanctuaryxx · 1 month ago
it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts-- it fucking hurts ! ! !
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