thecharactergarden · 10 years
(( *deep breath* Okay. Here we go.
I'm seriously considering putting this blog on full hiatus, and it's looking more and more like that's going to have to be the case. With a busier-than-ever school year coming up that is already stressing me out, my new rpg and my other blog, I'm spending less and less time over here, as I'm sure some of you have noticed. Doing things over here is slowly becoming less and less fun-not that you aren't all amazing partners, because you are and I thank you for bearing with me over the past few weeks, but my muses are becoming harder and harder to call forth, and they almost seem to be fading away (to put it extremely dramatically-but then, I am a writer, what did you expect?).
I love my muses, and I love you guys. But the fact that all of my drafts are half-finished at best is seriously bothering me, and the fact that you have to wait for weeks for your replies is simply unfair. Therefore, I'm moving over to Idoun and my new RPG for the time being. I may very well return here, but for now, I can be found on those two accounts, and save for sporadic appearances (like tonight, in which I'll try to get you your replies) this blog is officially on hiatus. Thank you all for roleplaying and putting up with me and my muses, and hopefully we'll be back soon. ))
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thecharactergarden · 10 years
"Control doesn't matter. We can handle that part. We just need your power. We have a spell that can defeat them, but not without a shadow witch." Emily was almost begging now. "Please. They won't stop with us.They'll hunt and kill many more witches if they aren't stopped now. And..." she took a deep breath. "And if you help us with our problem, we will help you with yours in any way that we can."
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  "Love, I have my own psychotic vampire to deal with." The young Shadow Witch began, eyebrow raised as those hazel orbs danced upon the strangers features. "Besides, what makes you think I can even help you? I don’t exactly have endless knowledge of this stuff. Or really, any control over my powers. Shit just kinda happens when I really need it to." Ellana then explained, as a hand moved it’s way throughout her dark messy brown locks.
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thecharactergarden · 10 years
"As far away from them as possible." Arthur replied, grabbing Nicole's hand. He shot a quick glance behind them-the three men were still pursuing them,  and one was pulling out what looked like a gun from his belt. Well, he'd hoped he would actually be able to explain his power first but it seemed like he had no choice. Arthur launched a fireball at them, hopefully deterring the trio slightly. "Let's go to my apartment, we'll be safer there. This way," he said, trying to keep her close as he shifted direction.
  "Jesus!" Nicole cried, clinging to Arthur and running next to him. He was in much better shape than she was, but she kept up with him. Barely. "Where are we going?" she asked him, doing her best not to run out of breath.
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thecharactergarden · 10 years
My url pretty please?
Opinion on;
Character in general: Haz'le is absolutely adorable and I love her. She's very real, I would say, and I'd love to have her as a friend in real life.How they play them: Amazingly. It's always a pleasure to RP with Haz'le.The Mun: One of the most wonderful muns around. She is ridiculously sweet and always there if I need help. She is an amazing person and I wish i could be like her.
Do I:
RP with them: Yes.Want to RP with them: YES.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Both mun and muse are absolutely fantastic, and I look forward to RP'ing with them for a long time to come.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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thecharactergarden · 10 years
Send me a url and I'll answer the following;;
Opinion on;
Character in general: How they play them: The Mun:
Do I:
RP with them: Want to RP with them:
What is my;
Overall Opinion:
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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thecharactergarden · 10 years
(( Okay, I'm officially on semi-hiatus because I have so much to do that I actually get a mini-panic attack every time I come over here AND I have a bunch of RL stuff that I have to do (Junior year of high school is not fun). You can find me on Idoun or my new RP (which I'm considering not doing after all, but I'll still kinda be over there). This announcement extends to both of those accounts as well. ))
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thecharactergarden · 10 years
Headcanon: Caldwell Coven Powers
Children of Susanna Caldwell and Timothy Thornton:
Emily: Force fields.
Children of Danielle Lieberman and Joe Caldwell:
Lucy: Aerokinesis (control over air).
Jenna: Chlorokinesis (control over plants).
Anna: Aura Reading.
John: Apportation (inanimate object teleportation).
Phillip: Cyrokinesis (control over ice).
Children of Julia Caldwell and William Fairchild:
Johanna: Empathy.
Gideon: Hyper speed.
Brianna: Hydrokinesis (control over water).
0 notes
thecharactergarden · 10 years
For people who don't like the new update and use xkit (which you totally should, it's awesome).
Introducing No Sidebar
No Sidebar is a simple (and experimental) extension that disables the “preview panel” and opens the blog in a new tab instead of on the right side of the screen when you click on an avatar or username.
Since it’s pretty new, please let me know if you experience any problems by sending me an ask. Thank you!
I’m working on bringing One-Click Reblog and more functions to the sidebar view if you enjoy using it.
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thecharactergarden · 10 years
((You can also message me here.))
(( Okay so as I’m doing dafts, I am trying to make a superhero roleplay blog-group-thing and am looking for both a graphics person and a co-admin (since I can’t graphic for shit and I have no idea what I’m doing, respectively). If you’re interested, please message me and I can give you more details. Thanks! ))
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thecharactergarden · 10 years
Receiving Haz'le's magic, Galatea hummed her approval as she began wrapping the objects with alternating strips of Haz'le's spring magic and her own sea magic, beginning to chant her earlier mental mantra under her breath. Finishing the mixture, the swirling mass of magic was absorbed by the objects, which quickly became sand, water and other natural components. Smiling with satisfaction, Galatea turned to Haz'le. "Are you alright?" she asked, knowing the other fairy had been nervous about this.
Closed starter for thecharactersgarden
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thecharactergarden · 10 years
(( *faceplants into the dash* ))
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thecharactergarden · 10 years
Charlotte smiled at the other girl before a familiar voice caused her to shoot to her feet, eyes wide and face pale, a gasp escaping from her lips as the other spoke.
"How...touching," said the Duchess, emerging from the trees. She was cloaked in black, her smile venomous, her eyes cold. "I'm so sorry to intrude on this happy moment, but I believe it's time we had one of our own. Don't you, Charlotte?" The girl flinched at the sound of her own name and turned away.
The Duchess's stare moved to Haz'le next. "And who might you be?" she asked silkily.
Open starter
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thecharactergarden · 10 years
NEW VERSE: Galatea
Siren Song:
After the death of Acis, Galatea's heart turned to ice, and she gave up both her fairyhood and position as protector of the Waters to become a siren, luring men to their deaths through song. 
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thecharactergarden · 10 years
(( Okay, so about half my drafts are done. I'll finish the rest soon. Sorry to keep you all waiting. 
Currently I owe:
glitter-tornado (x2)
If you are not on this list and you should be, please like this post! ))
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thecharactergarden · 10 years
"Well?" Emily asked. Lady Adrienne Beauchamp, the subject of the portrait, had been a prominent student in the days of the founders, though she didn't talk about it unless pressed. She was usually a good source of information, though, and was well-liked by both students and teachers. "It was three second years, Professors," she told them. "Gryffindors, I believe." Emily rolled her eyes-of course they were. "They went that way," the portrait said, pointing. "Thank you, Miss Beauchamp," Emily told the portrait, who accepted the thanks with a stately nod. Sighing, she turned to her companion. "Are we going to chase them?"
  Lucas had his own wand drawn but when nothing happened for several seconds he turned towards the nearest portrait.  “Care to tell us who it was?”  It was a convenience that sometimes panned out but sometimes did not. The portrait grinned and disappear down two frames to stand even with the two teachers.
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thecharactergarden · 10 years
"There's a group of vampires who're trying to threaten the witches here. They've already killed two of us, and I'm not sure how much longer we'll be able to hold out against them. Somehow they've managed to break through the most powerful protective spells we know." She hugs herself, trying to wipe the images of bloodstained walls from her memory. "They say that you're one of the most powerful witches to ever exist. Will you help us?"
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         ”My help?         What would you need         my help for?” The brunette asked, eyebrow raised, as curiosity gleamed behind those hazel eyes.
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thecharactergarden · 10 years
"I'm a whitelighter. I don't know what you were expecting, but there's only so much I can do." Even with the power of fire, he couldn't really do much-but Arthur kept that to himself.
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  "Whatever, it’s not like any of it counts anymore. Whatever I try, whoever I team up with, it’s not enough…"
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