#low quality cabbage
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lastoneout · 1 year ago
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please have this recreation of the infamous low-quality cabbage I made myself in 20mins for my twitch streams bcs I somehow convinced myself making it from scratch was easier than just cutting it out of a screenshot
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catastrophic-crow · 2 years ago
pondering my orb cabbage
I heard reference to something about how all anime are required to have good looking cabbage because of That One Time. So simply looking up "anime cabbage" I found the source.
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Some harem anime way back in the day had an episode where the characters cooked, and they animated cabbage so terribly like this it left a bad mark on the anime community forever. Apparently this is part of the reason why all food usually looks good in anime, even moreso than the regular show sometimes. With cabbage being especially well drawn.
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A complaint, apparently in a paper.
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The first show when released internationally was reanimated in this part.
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And high quality or low quality cabbage is sometimes referenced.
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I learned of this because the most recent Hologra episode has noel eating cabbage, tearing apart a fine quality cabbage into two low poly halves.
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kedreeva · 24 days ago
theres a lot of wild peafowl near where i live. if i wanted to feed them, would it be an alright thing to do, and what should i feed them?
Wild or feral? it makes a difference.
If you live in part of the world where there are legit wild peafowl, please leave them alone, as you do not want to habituate them to human interaction.
If you live where there are feral peafowl (like florida or cali or something), then it's fine to feed them! It is best to offer them protein- feeder insects, feeder mouse pinkies, feeder fish, raw shrimp, raw fish, roasted peanuts (a favorite, but give them human-grade peanuts, not bird peanuts, to avoid the risk of aflatoxins). I wouldn't give domestic meats right now, given the H5N1 issues abounding, but usually you'd be able to offer cooked domestic meats (beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, etc). You can also give them chopped fruits (grapes, strawberries, melons, tomatoes, pomegranate, cucumber, etc), EXCEPT no avocado, or whole (watermelon is beloved in the summer!), and you can TRY chopped veggies but they... are not terribly fond of most veggies. Big hard ones like squash/zucchini are usually well received, and they will eat a bag of frozen veggies (particularly peas) if you can find a bag with no/low sodium. You can give whole leafy greens (kale, spinach, dark green romaine, leaf lettuce, collard greens etc), but these are usually best tied up to something so they can rip off pieces, like a stake. You can get whole grains and seeds- black oil sunflower seeds are valued highly by them. Whole corn can be given in modertion. Safflower, wheat, milo, rice (cooked or uncooked), popcorn. Barley and oats are not great for them due to the way they process. Cooked pasta and cooked potatoes are fan favorites, but should be given in moderation (spiral pasta is beloved here, mixed into a pasta salad of other stuff they can have). Lastly, suet nugget treats are the absolute favorite treat for EVERY bird I own. All of the other treats have at least one bird that doesn't really give a shit about it. there are NO birds that don't SCRAMBLE to eat suet nuggets, and berry flavor is the favorite. If you have the space for it, you can pick up a bag of good quality high-protein turkey starter (NOT purina) and give them a bowl of it after you've added water to make it soft/ferment it a little. They ALSO all unilaterally love this treat, and it's really good for them (unlike the nugget treats).
Please do NOT give them garlic or onions (allicin isn't great for them), cabbage during spring/summer months (too high in oxalates when they need calcium), avocado, chocolate, dairy products, bread, or cat food (or other dry pet foods). If you're uncertain about something you want to try, feel free to message me!
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prettieinpink · 1 year ago
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based on a health link article
Cycle syncing is when we match our menstrual cycle to our health lifestyle, such as nutrition and exercise. By using your menstrual cycle as a guide of your health throughout, you become in tune of your hormonal needs
Our menstrual cycle has 3 distinct phases excluding your period, which occur over a month.
Follicular(menstruation happens in this phase). Lasts for 6-14 days. Estrogen and progesterone are increasing.
Ovulatory. Lasts for 15-17 days. Estrogen is at its peak, testosterone and progesterone are increasing.
Luteal. Lasts for 18-28 days. Estrogen and progesterone are high, but if the egg stays unfertilised, the hormones decrease and the cycle repeats.
Your hormones are at its lowest, so light exercise and cardio is better suited for your stamina here. Yoga, walking, stretching, jogging
Hormones are increasing, so high intensity exercises are suited for this phase as your energy is higher. gym, cycling, skip rope, running, HIIT
As your body prepares itself for another cycle, energy may be low, so light or moderate exercise is best. Pilates, ab exercises, any strength training
Your Estrogen will begin to increase in this stage. Drink warm beverages to help with cramps. Despite your cravings, limit fatty/oily foods, caffeine and watch your sodium intake. Eat foods that help with metabolising your estrogen.
broccoli, sauerkraut, cabbage, high quality meats, cauliflower, spinach, sesame seeds, flaxseeds
Your estrogen is the highest so opt for foods that support your liver, protect you from environmental toxins(as they can impact your hormones) and are anti-inflammatory.
Leafy greens, whole grains, eggs, legumes, high quality meat & fish, garlic, almonds, whole fruits
Estrogen and progesterone are high, but will begin to decrease. Magnesium rich foods to help fight fatigue, and foods that help with serotonin are best.
Leafy greens, quinoa, buckwheat, dark chocolate, spinach, pumpkin seeds, sweet potatoes, beans, avocado
This is the phase when your cycle is beginning to repeat, so you want to ensure that your diet is optimal. Avoid caffeinated drinks, sugar, deep fried foods and high amounts of dairy.
To start implementing these changes to your lifestyle, track your cycle and begin to identify how long each phase lasts for. Pay attention to how your body responds to each phase.
with that, I wish you luck 💖🎀 i hope we all stay healthy and happy together 👏
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
Looking for a Shabbat dinner centerpiece or a hearty midweek meal? Picture cubes of eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes and potatoes cooked together to create that special harmony only veggies that grew together in the sun achieve. You’re thinking of ratatouille, right? But what I have in mind is a heartier dish from Romania and Bulgaria called ghiveci or guvech.
Romanian ghiveci and Bulgarian guvech are indeed very similar to the famous ratatouille, but being peasant’s food, they’re more rustic and substantial. The veggies for guvech are cut into large, uneven chunks, and can be cooked all together at once, while for ratatouille, each component is fried separately before they are combined. This makes guvech preparation much easier, and allows for creative improvisations; you can easily add any vegetables in season. Besides the mandatory eggplant, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes and potatoes, green beans or okra are common. Guvech is seasoned very simply with salt, black pepper and occasionally paprika, to let the produce shine. The Bulgarian version is cooked with fatty meat, while most Romanian versions are vegan.
“In Bulgaria, guvech used to be cooked in a clay pot called gyuveche,” Etti Ben Yosef, a Bulgarian Jew who lives in Israel, told me. “The stew was cooked in the oven for many hours at low temperature.” 
But these days, when Ben Yosef makes guvech for Shabbat dinner, she uses a pressure cooker to precook the beef short ribs before adding them to the vegetables. Then, she cooks the entire stew on the stove for a long time, putting it in the oven for the final hour to give it a nice crust. She feels lucky to share the recipe with her adult children. “I keep the tradition so the kids will remember,” she said.
Guvech’s origins can be traced to the Ottoman Empire that ruled the Balkan region for hundreds of years. The original Turkish dish, called güveç, is cooked in a wide, clay dish by the same name. It’s very similar to the Bulgarian guvech and includes chicken, lamb or beef. There are many other variations of the dish throughout the Balkans. Bosnian Đuveč or djuvec is the name of a clay pot as well as a veggie casserole that’s cooked with rice; Greek giouvetsi is also cooked with rice. In Romania, the eggplant-tomato version is considered summer ghiveci, while winter ghiveci is prepared with carrots, cabbage, cauliflower and mushrooms. 
Bulgarian Sephardi Jews and Romanian Ashkenazi Jews brought guvech to Israel (where it’s pronounced “ghe-vech”) and made the dish widely popular. No wonder, given that eggplant and tomatoes are so beloved in Israel and are of such high quality. Early Israeli versions can be found in Molly Bar David’s “Folkloric Cookbook” from 1964. The first version includes 14 different vegetables (including celery root and cauliflower) and meat. The second version is for Romanian ghiveci that’s baked with a whole fish on top.
The vegetarian Romanian version is probably most common in Israel nowadays. And although it is  traditionally served over rice, I like to serve it on another Romanian staple, mamaliga. It’s the definition of comfort food. 
This recipe is the Bulgarian version of guvech that includes meat. You can make the recipe vegetarian by simply omitting the meat. The rest of the ingredients and instructions stay the same.
It is recommended, and easy, to add any seasonal vegetables to the basic guvech. Consider adding: 1 lb butternut squash or sweet potato, cut into ½-inch dice; ½ lb whole okra, stems removed; or ½ lb green beans, cut into 1-inch pieces.
You can cook the meat, if using, up to two days in advance. Store the cooked meat in the fridge with the cooking liquid. Before using, remove from the fridge and discard the fat on the top of the pot (the fat will be solid and white in color). 
Guvech keeps in the fridge for up to four days.
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rainbowgod666 · 1 year ago
*s q u i n t*
hey hang on.
It's so fucked up that the girls in fortnite have to fight instead of frotting and sucking each other off.
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shoku-and-awe · 2 years ago
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@melissaabroad, I dug up some old photos! I've seen a few in a neighborhood of Western Tokyo with a lot of agricultural fields but not really elsewhere in the city? They sell local produce and sometimes potted plants.
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They're pretty low-tech "machines" and only take exact change. Sometimes the farmer will make change for you, sometimes they're far from the farm and you're on your own. Oh, also, it seems like the price is set per cubbyhole and can't be changed—if they want to sell a cabbage for ¥250, they put it in a ¥300 cubby with a ¥50 coin taped to it.
They have a calendar up listing what items they expect and when. When I've bought unusual vegetables there, they sometimes come with recipe ideas. The food prices are generally comparable to normal supermarket veggies, sometimes cheaper, but the quality is fresher or comparable to organic. The plant prices are usually cheap, and they generally do surprisingly well? At least the herbs have.
The disadvantage is that you can't really rely on them. Selection is limited and unpredictable, they tend to sell out early, and they pull down the shutters at 7pm. But idk, even when I end up missing out, their existence makes me happy! They were a good destination for my shitty pandemic walks in 2020. They will make you smile.
(Referencing this post)
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angel-dustspo · 4 months ago
Daily check in – Day 12
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played basketball for 25 mins
4km night walk
Steps: 13 575
breakfast: yogurt bowl with chia seeds, banana, cranberries, tangerine + 3 brazil nuts
snack: an apple, ½ of a sandwich
lunch: big portion of sweet mac n cheese, ½ baked pumpkin, ½ carrot and some cabbage salad
dinner: ½ vanilla protein pudding, some yogurt with pomegranates, 1 rice cake with banana and honey, whipped cream
Water intake: 2 liters
Sleep: low quality, like 5h
Did extra work for english like 2h
2 hours of english tutoring
Sreen time: really low
Self care:
Procrastinated for a bit but did everything for the physical self care!!!
Watched my favourite recovery youtube channel while painting my nails (thing that I never made time for but I've wanted for the longest time)
Emotion of the day:
Happiness, had a really great day, looked well and laughed a lot!!
Thoughts for tomorrow:
I hope everything goes really well on my math exam🙏
I hope I look and feel my best tomorrow!!
I will probably attempt at making muffins for the first time (?)
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mr-jack-letterman · 1 year ago
Even more au doodles because I have way too much free time.
This time around 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 Anti-Power Couple Au 🎉🎉🎉🎉 (by @starry-blue-echoes)
I think my Hol Horse bias is showing-
Anyway cute Holpol nonsense YIPPEEEE (click for better quality)
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I simultaneously love and hate the design I made for him. Cause on one hand I think he looks cool as hell but on the other he has so many details the amount of times I forgot his ear piercing/braid/stubble/bullet necklace/strings on his hat/wedding ring/which side the wrist bands went on is low-key ridiculous and completely my own fault 💀/silly
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These are the best hands I've ever drawn in my life ngl.
Fun fact: "Mon petit chou" with no context means "my little cabbage" when directly translated to English. Because you know if Polnareff is gonna call Hol a French pet name it's gonna be something simultaneously rly sweet in French but wack in English NSNDNNDD
There's more context than that behind why "my little cabbage" is considered a French term of endearment but that's an info dump for another day 😭
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I don't have much to say for this one other than the doddle of one of the Sex Pistols holding Emperor is one of my favorite things and I'm using it as a reaction image now.
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I wish I could have done more with their outfits but I just didn't have the time to design anything rly unique 😭.
I genuinely hope the random huge drops of fanart aren't overwhelming or anything for ya- I just get in a flow of doin em and don't realize how much I've done until I've ran out of scenarios to draw :') wish ya the best ✌️/gen
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soylent-crocodile · 10 months ago
Manocow (Monster)
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(Art by Anonymous)
(This was mostly inspired by my love of weird medieval bestiary creatures, as well as being, yknow. A sea cow.)
CR5 CN Large Magical Beast HD6
One of the sea’s strangest creations, the manocow is a rare creature known as a temptor to some men and a savior to others, luring some men to a watery grave and letting others ride to safety on their backs. These are not disparate groups with differing philosophies; a manocow is ruled by whims as shifting as the tides, and one who seeks the sounds of sailors meeting their deaths on the rocks might feel a compulsion to help others in a fortnight. These are motivated neither by malice of compassion, but by a simple curiosity and desire for sensation. Stranded sailors are sometimes known to use manocows for companionship, although their minds are ill suited to interpersonal relationships or conversation.
Manocows are common prey to larger, more powerful aquatic monsters. They are a favored food to sea cats and sea drakes, although drakes have been known to use the hypnotic abilities of manocow to their advantage, letting them lure sailors into the water and snapping up the distracted humanoids. 
Manocows are surprisingly fast and agile swimmers. They can exist safely on land for some time, but their human hands make them poor walkers and drying out makes them at risk for infection; as such, they mostly stay to beaches and sandbars. Their inability to travel inland obviously restricts their diet, and it’s rare knowledge that a manocow has a deep hunger for cabbages, which are inland plants. A manocow will make most any deal for a fresh head of cabbage, although they aren’t good at sticking to such a deal for long. 
This creature looks like a long-horned bull with a long meaty body that ends in a finned tail, but its most unnerving quality is the human hands it bears on its forelegs. Misc- CR5 CN Large Magical Beast HD6 Init:+1 Senses: Perception:+9, Low-Light Vision Stats- Str:19(+4) Dex:13(+1) Con:20(+5) Int:5(-3) Wis:16(+3) Cha:16(+3) BAB:+6/+1 Space:10ft Reach:10ft Defense- HP:63(6d10+30) AC:16(+6 Natural, +1 Dex, -1 Size) Fort:+10 Ref:+6 Will:+7 CMD:22 Resist: Cold 10, Fire 10 Special Defenses: DR2/Slashing and Piercing  Offense- Gore +9(2d8+6) CMB:+11(+13 Bull Rush) Speed:10ft, 50ft Swim Special Attacks: Proficiency with Simple Weapons Feats- Power Attack (-2/+4), Lingering Performance, Improved Bull Rush Skills- Bluff +4, Perception +9, Survival +4, Swim +13 Special Qualities- Bardic Performance (17/day, DC16, Fascination, Inspire Courage +2, Inspire Competence +2), Tempting Song Ecology- Environment- Beach, Oceans (Cold, Temperate) Languages- Common, Aquan Organization- Solitary Treasure- None Special Abilities- Bardic Performance- A manocow is a skilled performer, particularly talented in the vocal arts. They gain Bardic Performance as a bard with level equal to their racial hit die, except they only gain access to Fascination, Inspire Courage, and Inspire Competence. Proficiency with Simple Weapons- A manocow is proficient with all simple weapons. Tempting Song- As an immediate action, a manocow can convince a person who has been Fascinated by its bardic abilities to leap into the water. That person must make a will save with DC equal to the manocow’s Fascinate ability or leap into the water and attempt to swim to the manocow.
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petermorwood · 2 years ago
An old article, but amusing regardless.
First it was James Lileks and the Gallery of Regrettable Food. What were the photo editors on these cookbooks thinking?
I'm well aware the colour quality of old pictures degrades and yellows, to their detriment, but IMO the images on that website can't have looked very appetising even when new.
There are ways to assemble variegated foodstuffs on a plate that looks attractive, and then there are these.
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Dimly-lit meals for one and Sad desk lunches are yet more shuddersome antidotes to lovingly-photographed food porn erotica (porn would be messy close-ups of eating it).
However, despite what the article suggests, food photography doesn't need "the highest-spec kit while dangling from light-fittings for just the right angle" to look good.
Using a phonecam while out with your friends in a crowded pizzeria isn't going to give the best results, but then neither is a joyless packed lunch on a rainy Monday in February, even if shot with a $33,000 camera like this Hasselblad, and full studio lighting.
@dduane's hobby site European Cuisines (down for maintenance) did just fine for years with a Sony W17, a compact digicam with a superb Zeiss lens.
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Here are Sony shots of an apple upside-down cake made with Beauty of Bath apples from our own tree (they really are pink all the way through) and a quiche Lorraine just out of the oven.
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After a while I got a second-hand Nikon D40 DSLR; the money saved on second-hand let me afford an excellent lens, a top-of-the-line flashgun and that neat little flash which is so much better than the camera's built-in one.
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Here's the Nikon's take on last year's roast-goose-and-all-the-trimmings Christmas Dinner, as well as bacon (corned beef is the Americanised version) and cabbage for St Patrick's Day.
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Now we're mostly using HTC U11+ smartphones whose cameras are not only top-notch but have excellent low-light capability.
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This is good, because our lighting has always been mostly natural daylight with occasional flash and reflector-screen assistance.
Here are U11+ images of soda bread done in a cast-iron casserole or Dutch oven, and Geflügelragout (a stew of roast chicken with red wine and lemon) with saffron-pumpkin noodles.
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This has become Brightwood Vintner's Chicken in the Food and Cooking of the Middle Kingdoms project, and why not? It's delicious! Here's DD and U11+ in action, and the noodle close-up she was shooting in that pic.
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None of the food we shoot is "styled" for photography with varnish for glossiness, paint for cream, machine oil for honey, microwaved cotton-wool for steam and lots of other cunning but inedible trickery.
Our stuff is all for eating - so much so that getting "photograph the food" and "eat the food" in the proper order can sometimes be a struggle.
Like these crumpets, for instance.
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You would, wouldn't you?
I nearly did, giving DD conniptions because she hadn't photographed them yet, and the Kerrygold butter was melting Just Right...
In a choice between shooting Have To Eat images and Want To Eat ones, we'll stay on the Want To side of the fence, and if people looking at those pix also Want To take a bite out of their screens, we're getting the job done.
And we're not hanging from the light-fittings to do it... :->
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lastoneout · 5 months ago
Trick or treat!
You get!
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hospitalterrorizer · 2 months ago
wednesday - thursday
hard time sleeping last night,
but i did go out today, which means you get to see my fugly bangs. and i'm going out tomorrow too, so that means you can see my ugly face tomorrow too... no dreams today though. here i am:
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dirty mirror + outfit that doesn't photograph too well but i really like it, i love that jacket, super nice to wear. i can't decide if i'm fucking ugly or not here, i feel like i am sort of but also not really. there's definitely something that happens when the pics are compressed that whatever happens to make them blurry looks bad to me, or makes me look bad, plus looks bad.
here was this store we went into today, we did go out to see this lunar new year celebration thing but that wasn't particularly good. some people stared when i started to speak, because i don't voice train really. i don't know if i really want to or need to. i feel okay with my voice mostly. i don't like when it's too deep, but if it's 'deep' i'm usually making some kind of joke. this store, anyway, it's a really funny store fully of like, costume jewelry basically, but it's for older women it seems like, they seem to really like it in there, it's kind of fun, i like some of the brooches they had, very tacky and strange, in a pleasant way, it felt truly old in sensibilities but not taste if that makes sense at all. it's like the notion of glamour in 2025, this degraded and cheap thing, it's sort of pretty by that token, it was called duberry fashions:
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some stuff was a little more expensive and felt of higher quality, the belts seemed like they could last you a while and looked kind of nice. i'd like to get one of those.
here are some photos we took while in summerlin. people really hate me in the wealthy parts of town... i guess today will be an 'i feel so ugly' day, i think i look cuter in the mirror but... i want to cut off my stupid head, i feel like a very dumb girl (am i saying girl to affirm that i am feminine i wonder, i'm so bananas it's freaky, the self probing is probably demented (especially demented to make it visible (but it's on my mind and so...))) frankly. it's gonna grow out and be fine, maybe better than before even... i just... if i look ugly now with less bang, does that mean i am truly ugly, am i even ugly, am i just stupid. i have such an intensely low self esteem it feels impossible to fix, only some things soothe that, but being soothed always feels a little wrong. i dunno. i don't think i look bad... i know that... it's been a while since i've taken pictures of myself and i probably should have waited a little longer after having done skincare to do it but... blah blah blah... what is truly ugly, am i ugly. i can't tell. pictures always feel like better measuring sticks. they aren't though. i'm just coo coo... smash my head into a watermelon... did i ever talk about that video, where the cosplay woman smashes her head into a water melon and holds her head after doing it, it made me really emotional and i felt so bad for her and i really related to it, it made me write poetry. i am so distracted by trying to make myself know if i'm actually ugly or not... my forehead can be cute. i might feel better about these pics tomorrow even. it's just different maybe. i was trying to get to talking about being inside dillard's and taking photos, we wandered around the summerlin dillard's and ended up in the men's section and found some funny objects:
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(bowtie obelisk)
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(menacing pelvis)
while in dillard's we saw a peter rabbit tableware set... i wanted it badly... they had this plate it was cabbage shaped... with a little rabbit on it... i wanted it so badly. a couple of those... we could have the most perfect plates ever... if we had the peter rabbit plates. that was a consumerist fantasy of the day. possessing something so grandma-esque.
at the parade, which was insanely stupidly freakishly psychotically crowded for what it was (surely there must have been better ones elsewhere in town?), i got handed this:
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something interesting to ponder. a platform free from violent, erotic, criminal & harmful content. ganjingworld.com.
apparently this is a falun gong thing omg... i wonder if it propelled me into having thoughts, when i came home, about how i like the idea of having my legs cut off to my thighs. violent + erotic, and probably criminal. harmful could be debated i guess. the other side of the ganjing world card says #kindnessiscool. which is a truth, generally. i could join now and win 10,000 dollars. 10k dollars from falun gong... #wow #whoa.
uhmmm, what else to say. oh, i had a thought about something to write, i will go do that.
that was fulfilling to write though i have no clue if it's good. it's re: the thighs, if that's any indication.
i also wrote some lyric ideas out today, and did some more music stuff, i got a second guitar in a song, i got something new written because i am dumb, so that puts me at a totally stupid 67 songs to eventually figure out. but the scope of the next thing feels a little set, there's some songs with already recorded vocals, so those will probably come out.
i should sleep soon, since i've gotta be out tomorrow, but it'll be kinda late, and relaxed... oh... i got cookies today, excited about that, they should last me 6 days, 6 cookies for 6 days. we had to get more sweets today. kind of obsessed with this song right now:
it's crazy how their good songs grown and grow on me, and the records i still have loose attachment to at best. i need to hear some of the bands that came after them, but are related to them. one's called like, mi ami, it seems strange, in a good way. from what i understand one record seems to kind of go off of what this record was doing a bit.
it's 5:30 am,
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ketodiet16 · 2 months ago
20 Foods to Eat on the Keto Diet
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1. Eggs 🥚
A keto staple, rich in protein and healthy fats.
2. Avocados 🥑
High in heart-healthy fats and fiber, perfect for keeping you full.
3. Meat (Beef, Chicken, Pork, Lamb, Turkey, etc.) 🍗🥩
Provides high-quality protein and essential nutrients.
4. Fatty Fish (Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel, Sardines) 🐟
Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, great for brain and heart health.
5. Cheese (Cheddar, Mozzarella, Goat Cheese, Parmesan, etc.) 🧀
Low in carbs, high in fat, and a tasty keto-friendly snack.
6. Butter & Ghee 🧈
Perfect for cooking and adding extra fat to your meals.
7. Coconut Oil 🥥
A great source of MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) for quick energy.
8. Olive Oil 🫒
Packed with antioxidants and healthy monounsaturated fats.
9. Nuts (Almonds, Macadamia, Pecans, Walnuts, etc.) 🌰
Low-carb, high-fat, and great for snacking in moderation.
10. Seeds (Chia, Flaxseeds, Pumpkin, Sunflower, etc.) 🌻
High in fiber, protein, and healthy fats.
11. Full-Fat Dairy (Greek Yogurt, Heavy Cream, Sour Cream) 🥄
Provides healthy fats and probiotics for gut health.
12. Leafy Greens (Spinach, Kale, Lettuce, Swiss Chard, etc.) 🥬
Low in carbs and packed with essential vitamins and minerals.
13. Cruciferous Vegetables (Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, etc.) 🥦
Rich in fiber and antioxidants while keeping carbs low.
14. Berries (Raspberries, Blackberries, Strawberries, Blueberries – in moderation) 🍓
The lowest-carb fruits, full of antioxidants and fiber.
15. Cauliflower 🌾
A perfect substitute for rice, mashed potatoes, or pizza crust.
16. Zucchini 🥒
A versatile low-carb vegetable great for making noodles or chips.
17. Mushrooms 🍄
Low in carbs and packed with nutrients and umami flavor.
18. Peppers (Bell Peppers, Jalapeños, etc.) 🌶
Low in carbs and full of vitamins A & C.
19. Dark Chocolate (85% or Higher, Sugar-Free Preferred) 🍫
A keto-friendly treat with antioxidants.
20. Bone Broth 🍲
Rich in collagen, minerals, and electrolytes to support digestion and hydration
click here to buy keto: https://shorturl.at/KQeEi
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ourrecipebook · 5 months ago
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Minestrone Soup
Serving: 4-6
2 tbsp / 30 ml extra virgin olive oil, plus more to drizzle
1 medium onion, finely diced
3 celery stalks, roughly diced
2 carrots, roughly diced
1 medium zucchini, roughly diced
3 large garlic cloves, finely diced
2 bay leaves (fresh if you have one growing in your garden)
2 fresh rosemary twigs, leaves chopped finely or ½ tsp dried
2 fresh thyme stalks, leaves picked or ½ tsp dried
1 tsp sweet smoked paprika
¼ tsp chilli flakes (optional), adjust to taste
1¼ tsp salt, adjust to taste
2 x 400 g / 14 oz tins quality peeled plum tomatoes
1 large sweet (or regular) potato, cubed into 1.25 cm / 0.5″ dice
150 g / 5.25 oz conchigliette (or other small pasta of choice) or rice (for GF version)
150 g / 5.25 oz savoy cabbage, shredded finely
100 g / 3.5 oz lacinato kale, de-stemmed and shredded finely
1 x 400 g / 14 oz can cannellini beans
black pepper, to taste
Heat the oil in a large, heavy bottomed pot.
Once the oil gets hot, throw in diced onion, celery, carrot and zucchini (if using). Sauté on a very low heat until soft (15 minutes).
Next, throw in garlic, bay leaves and herbs. Sauté for another 5 minutes, stirring from time to time.
Mix in smoked paprika, chili (if using) and salt. Adjust the amount of chili to taste.
Add canned tomatoes to the pot, squashing them with a wooden spoon once they are in the pot. Add 0.5 liter / 2 cups of water. Cover and simmer for about 30-45 minutes, until the tomatoes are falling apart. Top up with more water if the pot is looking dry.
Add in about 0.75 liter / 3 more cups of water and cubed potatoes. Once the soup comes to a simmer, count down 5 minutes.
Next add in pasta of choice (use rice for GF version but add it with potatoes as it takes longer to cook). Cover the pot with a lid and simmer for about 6 minutes before adding shredded cabbage and kale.
Finally add in shredded cabbage, kale and drained beans. Simmer for further 5 minutes – until all the ingredients are fully cooked.
Taste, adjust the seasoning.
Divide between bowls, drizzle each portion with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with freshly ground pepper.
This soup gets elevated to the next level by a dollop of basil.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months ago
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Sausage and Kraut Day
Since November 3 is Sausage and Kraut Day, it’s time to load up on the facts about sauerkraut!
• The word “sauerkraut” has its origins in the German language, translating “sour cabbage.” However, the food itself traces its roots to China, where cooks were pickling cabbage in rice wine as early as 200 B.C. It’s believed that Mongolian ruler Genghis Khan brought sauerkraut west during his invasions that conquered most of Eurasia around the year 1237. Fermented sauerkraut stayed fresh during long journeys.
• Sauerkraut was brought to North America by German immigrants, and became a Pennsylvania Dutch specialty. Because the Pennsylvania Dutch believed the food brought good luck, a tradition was started there, eating sauerkraut on New Year’s Day to bring luck for the upcoming year. It’s first mentioned in American writings in 1776.
• To make sauerkraut, cabbage is finely shredded and layered into stone jars, with salt placed between each layer. The amount of salt is equal to 2% of the cabbage’s weight. It is then tamped down with a wooden masher until the juice rises above the cabbage. If the cabbage is low in juice, water is added to the jar until it reaches the desired depth, with the cabbage fully covered.
• The cabbage is then left to ferment at 60 degrees F for several weeks. The proper temperature is vital for the best quality product and to prevent mold and yeast from growing. As it ferments, acid-forming bacteria flourish and convert the cabbage’s sugars into acetic and lactic acids, which will act as preservatives. Refrigeration isn’t required during fermentation, although sometimes the stone jars must be immersed in a tub of cold water to maintain the temperature. Exposure to heat during the process will kill the bacteria that produce the fermentation.
• In many countries, sauerkraut is more than just cabbage. Poland, Russia, and Ukraine add shredded carrots to the brine, and might also include quartered apples or cranberries. Bell pepper and beets are also added ingredients. German cooks might flavor their sauerkraut with juniper berries or caraway seeds, adding white wine to the mix. In the Netherlands, sauerkraut is known as “zuurkool,” while the French call in “choucroute.”
• Commercial manufacturers can or jar sauerkraut by using heat, and some use vinegar in the fermentation process. Unfortunately, much of the nutritional value is lost once the cabbage is cooked, and raw sauerkraut is a much more nutritious product.
• Sauerkraut is filled with health benefits, including its ability to aid in digestion and increase blood circulation. During fermentation, beneficial probiotics that promote gastrointestinal health are produced. It’s also rich in Vitamins A, C, K, and B complex, along with minerals like iron, manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, as well as being a good source of fiber. It provides an increase in energy and metabolism levels and boosts the immune system.
• However, even with all the healthy benefits, sauerkraut isn’t for everyone. Due to the salty brine, it’s very high in sodium, which can be a dangerous thing for those suffering from cardiovascular and renal diseases.
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