#low carb sushi
ketoportal · 2 years
Har du undret dig over om man kan lave sushi som ikke indeholder så mange kulhydrater? Med denne keto sushi opskrift er det muligt, og det er virkelig fantastisk.Inden jeg lagde min livstil om var jeg afhængig af sushi og har savnet det en del. Hvis jeg endeligt havde en cheat dag så var der sushi på menuen. jeg troede ikke helt at jeg vil kunne lave en low carb udgave af sushi der smager så…
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mischas · 2 years
I was rewatching 2x09 and I hate that the first half is so good. how did we go from marissa and summer talking about having a sleepover and watching full house to them ending up in a bar? and saying things like "if we don't talk about boys we have nothing to talk about" the good old 2000s misogyny 😭 but the potential!! imagine a real girls night with lindsay and they actually bond and they talk shit about ryan a little (like when he drops lindsay off acting all protective and she says "I'm not 8" and marissa goes "yeah I'll take care of her, dad") it would've been so fun
These people could be so lazy it's ridiculous. At least if they want their Bait Shop drama they can stop by there after they do face masks and bake cookies like teenage girls actually do. I really think after the fan/critical hype of s1 they thought they could do anything they wanted with low effort and people would just eat it up. Also the highkey bi/homophobia of Seth not being able to handle Alex having had a girlfriend. Big yikes that does not age well.
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stewartkamora · 1 year
Low Carb Cucumber Sushi Towers
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disneyshiddenmagic · 1 year
Low Carb Cucumber Sushi Towers
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HOW I’VE BEEN SUCESSFULLY LOSING WEIGHT: Notes from a former binge eater ♥️
*this guide is to show how ~I~ do things and offer advice on how to do it MY way. I am in no way encouraging anyone to do themselves harm. First off,
That being said.. this is literally the longest I’ve ever gone without bingeing. It’s just,,, easy this time. Once you get a feel of what it’s like to be skinny you just don’t crave junk as much anymore bc you KNOW it’s not worth it. The trick is to eat clean 90% of the time and allow your favorite treats 10% do the time. Fit them into your calorie limit!!! Here’s some personal favorites that have helped me lose like 20lbs in the past 2 months.
I tend to do one higher- calorie drink during the day (protein shake, Starbucks, etc) and one healthy filling but low cal meal and a sweet snack at the end of the night.
Mediterranean salad (~150): mixed greens, chopped bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, red onion. Little bit of feta cheese. Balsamic vinegar (not dressing or vinegarette!!!!) I don’t add meat but you could totally add chicken for low cal high protein choice. You could also add olives but I don’t fw them.
Chocolate Protein shakes from the gas station (loll). They’re 220 cal on average and a great treat. Strawberry one is good too.
SEAWEED SNACKS they’re literally 30-60 calories for a pack and kill my urge to eat chips!!! Please give them a try!
Soups. Soups that are already portioned and have the calorie amount posted. I add extra seasonings and spice to boost metabolism.
Coffee!! With almond milk and a little coffee creamer. It’s worth the calories if you want a coffee just make one it’s better than going to Starbucks.
Sushi: I’m vegetarian so I get an avocado and cucumber roll. It’s so good with fresh ginger and a little soy sauce. Sometimes I will be craving it allllllll day and have it as my OMAD so rewarding 🥹
Miso soup>>>>>> add tofu and seaweed and onions!! And mushrooms if you like them.
Monster Ultra energy drinks,,,, yeah I know they’re bad for you but I love them.
Fruits!!! I especially love strawberries, watermelon, cherries, blackberries, pineapple and mangoes.
Trail mix: dried cherries, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, cashews. High in calories but perfect for killing hunger. High protein keeps you full and muscles strong, high healthy fats will keep your hair and skin and nails beautiful.
Chocolates: SMALL PORTIONS. if you can’t eat just eat a piece without bingeing, do NOT buy a big bag. what I do is I buy a bar of whatever chocolate I’m craving for my bf and we share it piece by piece. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white, hazelnut, with coffee beans, with toffee, fruits, chocolate is the best thing ever 🍫
Starbucks! My fav drinks are matcha lattes (hot/iced), iced white chocolate mocha, caramel macchiato, and occasionally a pumpkin spice latte. Peppermint mochas on the holidays. Oat milk always
Baked goods. Same deal as the chocolate, ONLY BUY THE PORTION YOURE GOING TO EAT. If you have been craving a croissant, go get one. One. Don’t buy a whole dozen of them. You will end up bingeing trust me. My favs are cinnamon rolls <3
I’m going to the gym!!! Consistently for the first time in my life. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. Spend 30 min on the treadmill alternating between incline walking and easy paced jogging. Put on a YouTube video. Wear pink and bring a cute water bottle. You have to make an experience out of it! I stick to cardio and full body stretches plus ocasional (light) strength workouts w my bf.
I don’t drink anymore. Just 🍃. Alc is so high in sugar and carbs and it’s literally poison bro. I know it’s hard to stop but once you do you’ll feel so much better.
I rarely weigh myself. I’m at my bfs house all the time so I only step on my scale maybe 3 times a month. It’s been a game changer!!!
I practice mindfulness and speak kindly to myself. Basically sweetspo + affirmations to myself all the time.
Taking more pride in your appearance will also help motivate you. You think you’ll still want to binge after you took a full body shower, clean PJ’s or outfit, painted your nails, skincare and makeup done, whitened your teeth and lit a candle? No thanks.
Limit stupid, negative, useless media consumption. Watch things that have to do with your hobbies/ interests and your social media algorithms begin to kinda clean themselves up over time. My pages are all about exercise, study blogs, beauty tips and sciencey stuff. No more drama or celebrity nonsense. Cut down your following!!
Remember you only have one life on earth. You’re young and hot once. Don’t you want to grab this chance while you have it? Unfortunately your beauty is your currency especially as a woman, so if there’s anything I can do to give myself a better life I will. Losing just a few pounds of fat will make the craziest difference in ways you’d never expect. Free and discounted stuff. More people smile at you and listen to what you have to say. Both literal and figurative doors will be opened for you.Clothes fit better bc they’re more flattering when your body is fit and healthy. While it feels good to get validation from other people, the best part of it is looking in the mirror and feeling proud instead of ashamed. The inner confidence that comes from successful transformation………….there’s no other feeling that compares. If you know, you know. I’m just saying,, the choice is yours 🤷🏼‍♀️
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jungkook: Why Not 🔞
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In which Jungkook has you figured out. Dirty humor, mean and bratty- you're pretty much simply a bitch. So why are you crying over some scraped up knees and a dirty plushy?
Tags/Warnings: non-Idol AU, enemies to lovers, reader acts like she could kill but is actually a cinnamon roll, Jungkook just simply is a cinnamon roll, adult themes, fluff, romance, short!reader go cry about it, smut but very low-carb (handjob, cum in pants oops), slight DDLG-aspects/themes? Soft daddy/dom vibes from kook?
Length: longer than JKs Dick career
Additional Content: How So (Part 2)
A/N: have to post it shortened bc the longer version breaks the app :) have some fluff comfort after all that angst psycho shit I posted.
It's not like Jungkook hates you. He really, honestly, doesn't.
In fact, he admires how honest you are, in a way. You seem comfortable with yourself, which shows in a healthy amount of confidence, no thought wasted on what people might think of your outfit or makeup. You're very expressive and creative, and you always work out solutions whenever everyone else would suggest simply giving up.
You're just.. too bold for him. He's not really interested in most things you discuss- which is often something lewd- and he also doesn't really share any interests with you. You're a miss know-it-all, you get dramatic if you don't get your way, and you manipulate people around you to even out your road ahead. You make demeaning jokes about yourself and you always put yourself down in a comedic manner- and he just doesn't like that. Even so, he still never casts you out, or ignores you. It's odd, because whenever you have one on one interactions, he can't help but feel like you're not the same as with others around. Just like right now.
You're currently all eating at a sushi place - you're sitting across from him, cleavage dangerously exposed, but he's got no right to be offended by it. In a way, he admires the way you seem to be so comfortable. But he can't help but notice the way you keep adjusting your top all the time, tugging and pulling constantly.
If it's making you so fidgety, why wear it? It irritates him a bit. He'll never understand why most girls choose fashion over comfort.
Your best friend Namjoon had told him before that you're actually not like this at all. That you're a great friend, caring and gentle and actually very fragile, and even a little shy and quiet when no one's around - however, Jungkook believes that's just your best friend trying to make you look good. You're totally fine the way you are - you're just too much for him personally. There's nothing wrong with that.
Just because he might not enjoy your personality, doesn't mean you have to change it.
But he doesn't question it, continues to eat and listen in on conversations, laughing along jokes and funny stories. He likes the energy of this. It's unforced, comfortable, easy. He's just about to continue eating, when he notices the glance you throw at his plate, something you've done a couple of times now, seemingly thinking about something, before looking away again, engaging in the conversation as if to distract yourself. "Do you want a piece?" He asks you as soon as there's a good moment, a bit more quiet as to not interrupt the current topic being discussed at the table.
You look at him, wide-eyed just for a second, before you shake your head. "It's fine. I'll maybe try it next time, though." You tell him with a smile. "Does it taste good?" You wonder, and he can't help but be amused. How come you can make straight-up dick-jokes at the dinner table, but you can't accept his offered food that you clearly got your eyes on?
"I don't know if my taste is the same as yours." He shrugs, watching as you chew on the inside of your lip now. "Let's trade, if that makes you feel better." He offers instead, and at that, you visibly perk up, eagerly putting a piece of yours on his plate to receive his.
You're.. kind of cute like this. Oddly so.
He watches without staring too much as you eat his gifted piece of sushi, clearly enjoying the taste of it as you swing your legs under the table a little. "This is good." You comment, making him nod with a smile before you both pay attention to the conversation again.
He doesn't really think much about the whole interaction afterwards.
It's not like it's anything special.
"Ah, fuck." Namjoon curses, looking at his phone. "God, fuck. Yoongi I'm so sorry, I forgot I was supposed to drive with Y/N to her doctor's appointment today." He apologizes, making Jungkook look up from his phone.
"Is it something bad?" Yoongi asks, genuinely a bit concerned as Namjoon just seems unsure.
"We don't know, just a routine thing."He replies. "But you never know. And she's a little anxious, too. I wouldn't want her taking the bus or anything alone in that state." He explains, and everyone seems to agree that that's not a good idea. You're well known to not possess the most basic orientation skills sometimes - and with your head all over the place like this, it could just end with you getting hurt.
"What if I drive her real quick?" Jungkook offers casually, looking up from his phone from where he sits on the small sofa in Yoongi's studio. "You both can continue working, and I didn't have anything to do anyways." He shrugs.
"You know what, great idea." Yoongi chimes up.
"I'll.. text her. See if she's okay with that." Namjoon offers with a little hesitance, making Jungkook wonder how serious this appointment really is. Did you have any health troubles you'd been hiding? He's always been told to never judge a book by its cover. Maybe you were just putting on a tough mask to cover up what you thought was weakness?
Jungkook doesn't believe in that. You've always been this way ever since he'd met you.
"She said she's fine with it." Namjoon sighs after a moment, making Jungkook lock his phone and get up. "Here, let me at least bring you down." Namjoon offers, walking out the studio and towards the underground garage where Jungkook has his car parked. "Listen- can you do me a favor?" He wonders, and Jungkook nods.
"Sure." He says, opening the driver's door to throw his wallet into the back together with his jacket. "What is it?"
"Listen, it's a.. gynecologists' appointment." Namjoon says, quietly so, while Jungkook just.. stares, unable to quite grasp on why his friend would say it in a way that makes it seem as if the word is something you can't ever say out loud. So you're going to a specialist. So what? "It's her first time there. She's honestly terrified, so, if you could maybe go in with her and sit in the waiting room? Just, to keep her mind off of things." Namjoon carefully says.
Again, Jungkook just shrugs, before nodding. "Sure, no issue." He says, getting into the car. "I'll text you when she's back home then. You go up and help Yoongi." He says, before putting his phone into the holder, maps app opened to find where you're waiting.
He's a bit confused inside the car. With the way you're always talking, he'd been sure you would've been a regular at those places. Not because he thought you were a whore, God no, but he just believed until now that you'd be someone who's open and casual with it.
So why are you terrified of a simple doctor's visit?
"You uhm.. really don't have to." You mumble quietly next to him, anxiously playing with your hands in your lap. You've been quiet the entire time, not really talking at all, and especially not looking at him. He's a little worried about that, wondering if you're maybe in pain, or really unwell in general to the point of changing your personality like this. "I know this must be weird for you." You say quietly.
"Not really, no. I went to one of these with my mom once, so its fine." He shrugs next to you, trying to maybe soothe your nerves by showing you that he's not at all weirded out or uncomfortable. To be honest, he's a bit surprised- because right now, the girl sitting next to him, isn't at all the girl he'd thought he had figured out.
However, he also assumes you might just be heavily uncomfortable with your health, which could add to you just behaving like you do right now. "You feeling okay? Should I ask them how long it's gonna be?" He asks, and you just shake your head.
"No, I can wait." You just say, trying hard to appear unbothered now. "Guess I'm just not really looking forward to a fifty-plus year-old digging around where the light doesn't reach, you know?" You attempt to joke as always, but Jungkook can spot the fakeness of it.
"Joon said it's your first time." He says, locking his phone now before putting it away.
"Son of a bitch." You curse under your breath, leaning back in your seat with your arms crossed and legs thrown forwards, heels hitting the floor. You look almost defensive now, as if he'd just insulted you. "Yeah, I didn't need to go until now." You shrug. "But my regular physician keeps bugging me to check some stuff out, and Joon has been bothering me about it too." You say. "Not like he's got anything to do with my vagina for that matter."
"Well, he worries." Jungkook shrugs next to you. "And if you've got health issues, you should always get them checked out for that matter. Could be nothing, could be something. I can understand him." He explains to you. "He cares a lot about you."
"hmhm." You affirm quietly, a bit distant now, staring at the tips of your shoes. "Joon has always been a really good friend." You say, and jungkook nods. Namjoon is the main connection between Jungkook and you- the older guy being somewhat of a brother to him, in a way. He really admired his friend a lot, for his achievements as well as his determination to always better himself. He can't deny that he never really quite understood your friendship with him- with you being so extremely different from him- but he never questioned either. "He's honest." You mumble out, and Jungkook has to agree.
"He is." Jungkook nods, though he feels like there's something more to it. He doesn't get to ask however, because your name is suddenly called- and you jump up, taking a deep breath. "Hey-" Jungkook asks, and you look down to where he sits, as he smiles encouragingly. "-You'll be fine." He promises, and you nod, before disappearing with the nurse into the examination room.
It doesn't take too long for you to emerge back out, a prescription written in front as he gets your coat and walks towards you to the counter. "If it gets any worse, just give us a call, alright?" The nurse asks, and you just quietly nod before you walk out with Jungkook trailing right behind you.
"Everything alright?" He asks, and you nod, though next to him in the car, you run your hands over your face.
"I don't ever wanna go there again." You groan, hands still hiding your face as Jungkook looks at you a bit concerned now.
"Did something happen?" He asks seriously, canceling his action of starting the car.
You take down your hands. "No. It was just.. weird." You say. "The questions were nasty. I don't know." You say quietly, and Jungkook can do nothing but start the car to drive you home. He wishes he could- but at the end of the day, this is something he can't and won't ever really understand fully. He hopes it's just the new experience freaking you out.
Parking in front of your apartment building, you really look a bit terrified now. No longer because of the appointment though- but because of the honestly world-ending rain hitting his car like it's trying to smash it flat into the concrete below. "Its really going hard outside now." Jungkook laughs, but you don't seem to be in a joking manner at all. "If you run you won't get wet."
"I don't want you to drive in this weather." You say meekly, barely able to be heard over the loud rain.
"I'll just wait until it's better." He waves off, looking at you drowned in the orange interior light of his car. You seem to think, before you turn to look at him, eyes reflecting the led lights all around like mirrors. You're really pretty, without all that makeup.
"You can come up? Just, it's cold, and if you leave the car running that's bad for the environment and you're also wasting gas-" you ramble, and he laughs, shutting down the car at that, before grabbing his keys.
"Alright." He shrugs. "If you're cool with that." He asks, and you nod after a moment. He chuckles a bit, before grabbing onto the door handle, still looking at you. "On three?" He asks, and your face lights up in playfulness.
"One?" You start, making him grin.
"Two.." he continues, making you smile as well, before you both pull on the handle.
Your apartment is everything he did not expect.
"Sorry, it's a bit messy.." you say, taking off your shoes before you slip into the pink slippers close by. The coat hooks on the side of the entrance are cat shaped. The mat where the shoes are put is pink. And from what he can see, everything you have is bright, pastel colored, cute.
Almost innocently so.
You're right and wrong with it being messy, he notices as he walks into the apartment. It's small, but cozy- blankets and round plushies littering the couch close by, kitchen sink containing some dishes you didn't wash or didn't put away yet. It is a bit untidy, but not messy, in his eyes.
It just.. looks like his own apartment. Simply alive.
"Do you.. want tea?" You ask, quietly, and he nods as he walks closer to you in the open kitchen. "I.. have a lot of different flavors so.. just choose one you like." You explain, opening a cabinet that's basically all about tea. Different mugs, mostly animal designs, flower shaped coasters, sugar and many different brands and flavors of tea, boxes a bit unaligned. He pulls out a little baggy of the box that's the most empty, making you smile a bit shyly. "I like that one the most." You admit.
"I assumed. Might as well try it then." He shrugs casually, letting you boil the water while he looks around from his spot. "Your apartment is really nice." He comments.
"Thank you." You answer quietly, pouring the water into the two mugs. "Namjoon sometimes sleeps over because, according to him, my pull-out couch is more comfy than his own bed." You joke, and Jungkook laughs.
"That sounds like him." He nods, accepting the mug before you both walk towards said couch. "Granted, he sleeps on a mattress on the floor though." He tells you.
You laugh. "He's way too much of a cheapskate to buy a bedframe." You shake your head. "He could just buy it and pay it off monthly." You say.
"He could. But I guess we'll never know why he refuses to buy one." Jungkook answers, watching as you toe off your slippers to get more comfortable on the couch next to him- before you put the mug back on the small table, jumping up towards the windows, opening them. "Its still raining heavy." He says, and you nod, turning off the lights, streetlights of the city illuminating the room enough to still see, as you walk back on the couch, pulling a blanket over your shoulders. "What're you doing?" He chuckles when you put one over his shoulders as well.
"I like listening to the rain. And it smells nice." You say, wind blowing into the apartment. "And airing out is important too." You tell him, leaning your head against the backrest of the couch. He nods.
This is nice.
He'd never really thought of those aspects of rain, has always just seen it as bad. It's already slowly stopping to rain so hard, now just a soft mist, but you're right. It smells nice, not like the usual faint city smog, but clean, and fresh. The air might be cold, icy on the tip of his nose, but its also refreshing, calming.
"This is nice." He comments before he turns, noticing a bit of weight on his back. You're asleep, resting against his back, and he uses this moment to look at you a bit.
Maybe Namjoon had been right, he thinks as he adjusts you to lay your head on his thigh, tucking your blanket in around you.
Maybe you're not who he thought you were.
"What do you mean you were inside her apartment?" Namjoon asks, visibly surprised as he puts down his chopsticks for a moment. "She let you inside?"
"It was raining hard, didn't want to let me drive home, so I had some tea at hers and left later. She fell asleep anyways, she was pretty beat, so I left a note and drove home after closing her windows." Jungkook casually explains, continuing his lunch across his friend.
"You do know she doesn't even let her own mother visit, right?" Namjoon asks, and Jungkook shakes his head.
"No, how would I know?" He says. "From how she acts and speaks, I thought she'd have regular visitors." He says, scooping up some rice as his friend across shakes his head.
"No. She hates visitors. She doesn't even open for the mailman." Namjoon says. "Her apartment is her safety zone. I'm surprised she let you in." He shrugs.
"Maybe you just don't know her that well." Jungkook teases his friend.
"You simply don't know her at all, Jungkook." He says. "Listen.. I, don't know how to say this.. " he starts, and Jungkook raises his brow in confusion.
"I'm not gonna fuck her, if that's what you're worried about." He says, and Namjoon runs a hand over his face.
"Thats.. that wasn't something I was worried about until you mentioned it actually." He mumbles. "So yeah. Don't do that please. And also, don't.. just, don't get too close to her. In general."
"Why?" Jungkook wonders honestly now. "Joon, she's not gonna break my heart or something. I'm an adult man, not a lovesick boy going through puberty. She's not even my type." He laughs.
"Jungkook, I'm serious." The older guy says, picking his chopsticks back up. "Just.. leave it as it is right now."
"What're you worried about?" Jungkook wants to know, finishing his meal as he wipes his hands clean. "You seem so serious about this."
"Because I am." He underlines again. "I told you before, she's not who she pretends she is." He reminds the younger, who leans back, arms crossed.
"What, is she a criminal?" He wonders. "Sells drugs? Owns guns? Criminal record?"
"Theres things I won't tell you cause that's not my right." Namjoon explains. "You're a good guy, I know that, she knows that. But if you get too close, she'll just get attached again." He sighs.
"And?" Jungkook clicks his tongue. "Nothing wrong with that. We're attached too. That's what friendships are. Attachments."
"I meant it as in, more than that." Namjoon mumbles in a somber tone.
"Oh." Jungkook realizes. "I.. don't think I'm her type anyways." He laughs it off, but Namjoon doesn't seem convinced.
"Just.. keep your distance." He warns. "Its for the best."
Namjoon doesn't tell him anything about you since that day.
You don't seem to hang out with everybody as much, and he himself hasn't seen you in what's been weeks now. Everytime he checks on you via your best friend, all he gets is a short answer that's way too vague to be the actual truth. Jungkook isn't sure why he's so interested in the first place. Maybe it's that small tiny glimpse of you that you've shown him, let him taste, before disappearing from his radar.
It bothers him, mainly because he feels like Namjoon has made him out to be the bad guy that's going to break your heart it seems. He's never given a clear reason why. He's never done anything wrong.
But its not like you've vanished into thin air, and because of pure luck, he spots you in a store he's visiting quite often, crouched down at the plushy-section. He almost didn't recognize you, pastel pink bucket hat and facemask hiding you pretty well- but for some reason, he still somehow knows it's you.
You seem to struggle between buying one or the other, holding both as you glance from one of the plush toys to the other.
"Tough decision, hm?" He asks, careful not to startle you but he still does, the seemingly sudden attack of his voice sending you straight onto your butt from your squatting position. "Sorry, I didn't mean to spook you like that." He chuckles, helping you up and standing.
"No worries. I didn't pay attention." You say, while you hold onto the still packaged stuffed animals. "And uh.. yeah. I was thinking of taking, you know, maybe one." You mumble more or less. "Both are too expensive."
"Yeah, they price these pretty high in my opinion." He affirms, poking one of the plastic bags you're holding. "What's so special about these?" He wonders, and your eyes suddenly grow bigger, hands squishing the thing eagerly.
"They're squishy, and soft!" You explain to him eagerly. "Try it! They're like, I don't know, stress balls or something!" You say, and he does as you say, pulling and pressing down on the round purple creature.
"Hm yeah okay, I can see where you're coming from." He nods, charmed by your cute enthusiasm over the toy. "So, which one you taking?"
"I.. like the color of this one, and its a shark, but the other one is a chicken and cute too.. like, look at those little wings.." you complain, pulling on said wings a bit before you look down. "I don't know."
"Why not buy both and just.. skip out on buying any next month?" He wonders. "Treat yourself. For being brave at the doc's." He chuckles, and you start to fidget on the spot a little.
"They're too expensive." You reason. "If I buy both, I won't have enough money to buy proper groceries next week, and Joon has been bugging me about not eating frozen foods all the time.." you complain.
"Well, he's right, that's not exactly healthy." Jungkook agrees, before taking the chicken from you and turning it to see the price tag. "Its alright. Let me buy it then." He shrugs.
"You- no, you really don't have to." You say.
"I know." He smiles. "But I want to."
You don't say anything. You're not sure Jungkook is aware of what he's doing, supporting your bad habit of buying 'kid's stuff' as Namjoon scolds you constantly. Walking towards checkout, you can't help but wonder. "Did you and Joon fight?" You ask, and Jungkook shrugs.
"Not sure, honestly." He admits. "He's.. I guess he doesn't trust me with you."
"What does you mean?" You wonder in a serious manner, careful to make sure the line keeps moving as you walk next to him towards the cash registers.
"Thats what I'm wondering." He says. "Namjoon seems pretty protective over you. I don't know, usually I'd say he's got the hots for you, but he's with Jin, so that can't be the reason." He tells you, before walking closer to the busy cashier.
"As if anyone's got the hots for me but fourty-plus year old men." You scoff.
"Hey now, don't do that." He clicks his tongue. "I bet most guys are just- intimidated by you. You know." He shrugs, waiting in line next to you with the round chicken plush tucked under his arm. "I know I was."
"Was?" You wonder, and he laughs down at you, his smile almost blinding.
"Yeah, definitely past tense." He jokes. "Now I just think you're cute."
You want to question that further. Suddenly, it's your turn, but Jungkook walks right behind you, pulls out his credit card way before you can grab your wallet, pays for both the stuffed animals and walks you out the store.
"How'd you get here?" He wonders, as you both walk outside.
"Bus." You answer, and he nods.
"You want me to drive you home?" He asks. "I don't mind, it's on the way for me."
"Jungkook.." you suddenly say, voice trembling a little as you stand in front of him at the side of the parking lot. "I.. appreciate your kindness but, uhm.. please don't." You say, and he's a bit taken aback by it.
"Did I do something wrong?" He wonders. "If I came off too strong, I apologize. Really didn't mean to."
"Its just that.. I'm kind of tired getting friendzoned." You laugh bitterly. "Its kind of old at this point. Seeing everyone be nice to you and then move on once they've found their special someone."
"Thats.." he starts, brows all scrunched up as he stands in front of you. "You're not some part-time activity." He explains honestly to you. "I'm not being nice to you to fight my boredom or anything like that. And you're definitely not friendzoned." He chuckles a little.
"I'm always friendzoned." You scoff. "I'm just everyone's little sister, or the lewd one that's always up for a random call when the date doesn't show up." You argue.
"Well, here's the thing." Jungkook tells you, gently uncrossing your arms before placing the two round plushies in each, respectively. "I really don't care what's made you build up that tough mean-girl persona you've created. But I'd like to get to know the girl that's looking at me right now, just like this." He grins, tapping the underside of your chin teasingly. "You're teasing me with those glimpses of you every now and then. I want to know more, if you'd let me."
"That 'me' is boring." You say. "She's childish."
"I've thrown a tamper tantrum before." He shrugs.
"She's stupid." You tell him, but he shakes his head.
"I doubt that. We all got brain-farts every now and then." He crosses his arms, amused smirk on his face at your attempts to drive him away.
"She's cries over Disney movies." You try, and he laughs.
"Hey come on, everyone cries over the fox and the hound!" He simply defends, and you sigh, almost annoyed.
"Jungkook you say all that right now as if it won't end with me hopelessly falling in love with you, while you're gonna leave me behind because 'you're sorry but you've met someone and you're a great friend but nothing more'!" You complain.
"You won't even try and let me love you." He softly says, and you're a little shocked at how easy he says the for you dreaded 'L'-word. It's a big word. A heavy one. "I can't stand here and promise you that I'll fall in love with you, because first and foremost, I don't know you. And you don't know me either." He explains. "But that's something we can change. You just have to let me in."
"And you don't have to let me in?" You try and jab at him, making him laugh.
"I don't have to let you in." He simply says. "You've been seeing who I am the whole time. I'm not hiding anything." He shrugs.
"..." you pull the two stuffed animals a bit closer to yourself, plastic crinkling in your arms before you speak. "What if you don't like who I am?" You wonder quietly.
"Then at least we tried." He offers. "Life is scary. Meeting new people is scary. Letting people go is scary." He softly explains. "But if you just hide away from those things, you'll also miss out on opportunities to experience something great. Meet someone special. Or create a memory you'll never forget."
"So you're saying you already know you won't like me?" You say, now just being stubborn to see what he does.
"Stop putting words into my mouth you brat." Be laughs. "I don't like the 'you' that you force yourself to be. I know that for sure." Jungkook tells you, grabbing his car keys from his pant pocket. "But I feel like I'm gonna like this you that's right in front of me right now a lot."
He speaks bold, appears honest. You're still not sure if you trust him. And namjoon had told you to really keep him at distance, stay on high alert of anything.
But somehow, he's caught you, sticky like honey already staining your skin.
And you've always had a sweet tooth.
It kind of feels like sneaking around.
Even though right now, you're doing nothing naughty at all, not even remotely. Jungkook is simply helping you cook, watches the pizza in the oven before he puts the mitts to the side. "You got a timer set?" He wonders, and you nod.
"I've got it to the full time for now, let's hope we don't forget the check every now and then." You say, and he nods, walking into the living room with you. The smell of food is already slowly invading your space, and you open a window to make sure it airs out before you'll go to bed later.
He's staying over. You're surprisingly calm about it.
On the couch, he's looking at you from the side. "What?" You wonder, and he shrugs.
"I'm just wondering." He says. "Why do you act so differently around others?"
"Because everyone walks over you when you're soft." You explain, pulling your legs closer to yourself next to him. "No one takes you seriously. You're just the quiet girl and nothing interesting. No one cares." You mumble.
Jungkook wants to tell you that's not true, but he knows that he'd be wrong. It's sad that soft hearts get put in a hard shell because of what most people think should be an admirable personality. Someone strong doesn't have to be someone who's always bold and loud.
When his fingers find your knee, you stiffen. It makes him question out loud what he's been having on the tip of his tongue for a while now, ever since arriving at your place. "Am I making you uncomfortable?" He wonders, and you shake your head- before shrugging, unsure. "You're a bit confusing. In a way, cause you seem like you want me close, but when I am, you start to look all cornered, just like now." He wonders.
"Yeah well.. when a guy touches me, it's always been just for that." You say. "You know. Sex."
His face becomes serious. You notice quickly how that sounded.
"Nothing bad ever happened! Not really." You admit. "But it's.. I guess I should've told you right from the start. So you won't get your hopes up." You sigh. "I don't.. want to have sex."
"Okay." He says. "Neither do I right now. I just want to touch you. Nothing else."
"Yeah no, I mean it as in- not right now, probably not anytime soon, maybe never?" You ask more or less. "I've.. never had sex before. And at this point it feels like I've just passed all the opportunities to have it with anybody."
"Do you dislike the thought of it?" He wonders. "What's making you uncomfortable about it?"
"I.. guess I'm scared it'll be awkward?" You say, wiggling your feet a bit. "What if I don't like something, for example? Or if I make a weird sound, or, I don't know, don't cum or you don't cum and then it's all wasted time and just awkward.." you try and explain.
"You're intimidated by it." He sums it up for you, and you nod. "Thats fine. First's are scary, no matter what kind."
"I'm an adult." You conquer. He laughs.
"I'm one too, and I'm still freaked out by shit!" He laughs. "But, to get back to the topic, I'm okay with that."
"Okay with not having sex?" You wonder, and he nods.
"I mean, I get it's important for most people, and I like the intimacy of it, yeah. But it's not a necessity." He shrugs. "I can jerk myself off just fine."
You deflate a little, both because you feel more calm now, but also because you don't know how to tell him you might be interested in the entire topic. But it seems like he can read minds.
"We can also, you know, ease into it." He offers. "Doesn't have to be all hard-core bondage first time." Jungkook laughs. "You okay with this whole discussion?" He gently asks, and you nod.
You're weirdly alright with it.
"So let's like- what do you like?" He wonders. "As in, when you masturbate, what's something you enjoy?"
You cringe a bit. He laughs. You're cute.
"I.. uh.." you stammer, voice a lot more quiet now. "I've got like, a vibrator? That's nice." You shrug. "Other than that, uhm, just my hand. You know. Basic stuff."
Jungkook nods. "Ever put something in?"
"It.. uh. Dunno. Never really came from it alone." You say. "Which is also why I think sex with me is gonna be weird because I've never really gotten myself off on just that." You say.
"Doesn't mean anything." He shakes his head. "The mood, foreplay, all of that makes a huge difference. That and the fact that someone else is doing it. I remember my first handjob I got. It was weird as fuck, even though technically I should've been used to it." He laughs. "I think what personally scared me most was just being naked I guess." He offers some past fears of his own.
You nod at that. "Same."
"You're pretty tough." He smiles. "I'm not just saying that. I think you're pretty, with clothes and without as well." He flirts.
"I'm still not having sex with you." You defend yourself, and he shrugs, smiling still.
"I know." He tells you. "I'm still fine with that."
It's quiet for a moment, until you speak up again. You're not sure why you're bringing it up again when you could've just let it go, because clearly you've always been against the idea of having sex with someone. But with Jungkook, for some reason, it's so easy to talk about all of this.
"I.. you said you'd ease into it " you mumble quietly. He nods. "How?"
"I could just jerk you off." He shrugs. "Simple hand job. Clothes can stay on."
"And then?" You wonder.
"Then what?" He chuckles. "The you'll know if you like someone else doing something like that for you." He offers.
"What if I'll fall in love with you then?" You quietly ask, and he impishly smiles.
"Then I've done one he'll of a good job." He jokes, before looking at you more seriously. "In all seriousness though. I wouldn't mind you falling in love with me."
"I can tell." You say, looking away. "You're easy to love."
"Thank you." He offers. "You're very easy to fall in love with too."
"That makes no sense." You roll your eyes. "Love and lust aren't the same. You just want to screw me."
"Do I?" He raises his brows. "Can't lie and say you're not physically attractive to me. But I stand by what I said. If you don't want sex, I won't ask for it."
"You'll just end up leaving me for someone who wants it." You bitterly laugh. He doesn't look happy.
"No." He says. "Okay, do you want be with me? Emotionally, I mean?" He asks you, and you look at him wide eyes. "Yes, I'm asking you out here."
"I-" you stammer, caught off guard. "Yeah?"
"Is that a question or an answer?" He teases, making you whine.
"Maybe? Yes?" You try again, but he just shakes his head.
"Alright." He simply answers. "I'll go look, see if the pizza is burned yet. You calm down, I think I've riled you up enough." He laughs, hand on your shoulder for just a second before he leaves you to yourself, giving you some breathing room.
It gives you time to think.
You like him. He's a nice guy, good looking too, and he seems honest about his intentions. You don't love him yet, but its clear that he's easy to fall in love with. But isn't love a requirement to start a relationship? Can you just get together and then fall in love?
You're not sure. But you also want to find out.
So when he emerges from your kitchen, you call out to him. "I want to." You say, and he looks at you wide eyed for just a moment, before he seems to realize what you're talking about. "I.. wanna be with you." You say.
And he smiles, grins brightly, like a kid just being offered a trip to Disney world.
"Everything alright?" He chuckles, voice breaking the silence in the darkened living room. "I can hear you creeping around."
It's true, you've been trying to keep quiet because you really don't know how to ask this. It's been bugging you for hours now, there's no way it seems you'll be able to fall asleep without at least attempting to solve this issue. But how do you ask for it?
He'd asked you out. You're together now, right?
"I- uh.." you wonder quietly, navigating slowly towards the pull-out couch where he's laying on. "Just wanted to see if everything's alright." You chicken out last moment, and he laughs softly.
"I'm alive and well." He answers you, before he throws back one side of the blankets, patting the spot next to him. "You wanna sleep here?" He wonders, and you sigh.
"How come you know that?" You almost whine, walking closer before you crawl underneath the warmed up blankets he'd been resting under. "Thanks." You say, but he shakes his head.
"No problem. You can come closer, too." He tells you more quietly now that you're already laying next to him.
It takes a moment for you. You're not sure how close you want to get, how close he will let you- so you slowly scoot forwards, inching closer like a scared animal before you finally settle with your head on the inside of his shoulder, arm over his middle. "Is that okay?" You wonder. He nods.
"Definitely." He answers. "Do you cuddle a lot?" He wonders, and you shake your head.
"I've not.. cuddled with anybody since I was a child." You admit. "So I.. jungkook, I'm gonna need a lot of help for this." You confess quietly. "I don't know how this works. How I'm supposed to act, what I'm supposed to do. I don't know what's right and what's not."
"Thats fine." He reassures you.
It's a little silent after that. You don't know what to say, how to ask. Isn't it weird now? Won't you move too fast? "What's going on in there." He teases, finger flicking your head rather gently. You move around a little uncomfortably. He notices right away. "Not good? You can go back to your bed if it's not comfortable." He offers.
"I don't know.." you say, unsure how to put it in words. "..I'm still thinking about what you said. Earlier." You mumble.
"What exactly?" He wonders quietly.
"The uhm.. you know. Sex part." You stammer out.
"I really don't need it." He chuckles. "Might be hard to grasp but if you don't want it I won't bother you with it."
"I want to." You say. It's dead quiet for a moment before you continue. "Like.. how you said. You know, start small, and all that." Tou explain.
"Okay." He answers after a moment. "Right now?" He asks. You nod.
"I just.. don't know what to do. And I didn't shave- oh God okay no maybe some other day then-" you ramble, he laughs.
"Who cares if you shave?" He jokes easily. "Its fine by me. I don't mind it." He tells you.
"You're weird." You cringe a bit. "Guys don't like that-"
"Maybe you've just met idiots then." He shrugs. "I'm honest here. I don't care if you shave or not. You could dye that hair downstairs pink, who am I to tell you what your body has to look like?" He scoffs playfully, making you laugh a little.
This is why you like him. He's easy. Simple. Comfortable.
"Do you want me to use something? Or just my hand?" He wonders quietly, and you just shrug.
"I wanna.. you know. Know if I like what you do." You offer, and he hums an affirmative reply at that, hand under the covers feeling for your thigh.
"You can stop me at any time." He almost whispers. "It won't be awkward, I promise." He assures, and you nod, letting his palm explore under the covers. You're not sure if he's careful or just plain teasing- but most of all, it's strangely exciting.
He moves you a bit, pulls you closer, eyes searching for ant signs of discomfort. "Jungkook..?" You ask quietly, and he chuckles a bit before nodding. "..can you uhm.. maybe kiss me?" You wonder, and there's no reaction for a moment, until he moves again, adjusts himself so he can properly angle himself, lips meeting yours carefully so.
The first one feels weird. You're unsure. You lift your head in a moment if bravery to try again, and it gets more comfortable.
It's nice.
He seems amused, but not at you - more at the fact that you're a lot more independent than you might've thought you'd be in a situation like this.
You're leading him. You're probably not aware, but your body language and responses all speak clearly to him about what you enjoy and what you don't. At first, he stops any advances, but you whine for him to continue. "Just.. cold hands."
"Sorry." He chuckles. "My fingers are pretty cold sometimes." He jokes. You nod, breathing a bit heavier now as soon as his hands warm up, slowly traveling underneath your underwear, middle finger easily finding your most sensitive spot. "Feeling good?" He wonders, and you nod, squirming around a bit.
"More." You ask, moving around a little, seemingly unsure where to put your limbs. He's doing it very differently from how you'd do it- but it's nice. He's making you feel good, not just in lust, but also in general.
There really isn't anything weird about it.
Or maybe your brain is just a bit foggy.
You want to stop him suddenly, feeling too sensitive, and he does halter his movements to check in with you. "What's wrong?" He asks.
"Weird. Sensitive- I.. don't know." You say. "I feel like I'm gonna pee or something." You say.
"Have you ever had an orgasm before?" He wonders, and you suddenly think. Have you? You're not sure.
"I.. don't know." You say.
"Hm." He cocks his head to the side a little, amused look on his face. "Lets see then." He almost challenges, resuming his activities, making you squirm yet again as you feel like something might be happening. Your back arches, and suddenly, you're not sure why you can't help but gasp out, his movements perfectly stable as pleasure rolls over you in waves. "There we go." He laughs, watching as you slowly come back down.
"Thank you.." you say breathlessly, before cringing at the sight of his glistening hand. "Uhm.. do you want me to do something too.?"
"It's okay." He says. "I've enjoyed watching you. That's enough." Jungkook chuckles, before pulling back the covers. "No, clean up. I gotta wash my hand and change too." He laughs, slapping your thigh with his clean hand.
"Change?" You wonder, standing up and cringing at the slippery feeling between your legs.
"I told you." He laughs, and only now do you notice a wet spot on his sweatpants as he'd turned on the lights. "I really enjoyed myself as well."
He's warm.
His arm lays heavy over your body, breathing soft and barely noticeable on the skin of your neck. Jungkook has slept close to you the entire night, didn't mind when you stole the blanket from him it seems. He's holding onto you, face clear of any worry, no muscle tensed as he sleeps.
He slowly seems to wake up, pulls you closer for a moment as he stretches his limbs and back, before his tired eyes open. "Hey." He greets with a raspy voice.
"Hey." You quietly greet back. He chuckles.
"How do you feel?" He wonders, pulling you closer with a sleepy grin.
"Good. Happy." You say.
"In love?" He wonders.
You nod.
And he smiles, brighter than the sun already high up in the sky outside your window.
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imstillaghost · 3 months
Hunger games day 3
Total eaten: 497
Total burned: 503
Net: -6
Pounds until GW: 4.8
I lost another pound since yesterday so I am allowed a 500 calorie limit.
I’m gonna be vlogging today!! Idk if I’ll post it but if I do then it’s gonna be on Pinterest. This vlog has been MONTHS in the making of just making draft videos and practicing editing. Hopefully it’s good and lemme know any feedback yall have.
Do you guys want it to just be daily life or entirely ED related? I’m thinking of doing both. Either way today I’m trying to be super productive. I woke up early, did some studying, then woke up my lil bro (who went back to sleep on account of the fact I literally woke him up with police sirens) and then woke up my dad so he could take me to the gym (it’s 5 am atp but that’s how I usually wake up my family) I did some interval training (311 burned) and got an iced caramel machiatto tall with low fat milk (or was it non fat?) (65 eaten). Now I’m home about to take a shower. (I am already at an unhealthy level of caffeine).
After work I had a donut which was not enough carbs to break ketosis cause I only had half. (95 eaten) and then I went to get a pedicure.
I’m obsessed with this book series “stalking Jack the Ripper and I wanted to put the books on hold in advance so I didn’t have to wait too long to get the next book and the LAST BOOK JN THE SERIES IS UNAVALIABLE so I’m buying it on Amazon.
After my pedicure I got sushi! I got a California roll and a tuna roll (224 eaten)
I took a wicked nap and then layed in bed for 30 minutes
After that I had dinner which was some shrimp and broccoli.(178 eaten) then I practiced for my dance recital tomorrow. (171 burned)
Took a shower, put on some pajamas, did my skin care to wash off my makeup.
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urfavana2 · 5 months
ogolnie juz wrocilam do domu i mialam tak pierwsza pogadanke z mama rano o tym, ze za malo jem i zebym zrobila sobie tosty na sniadanie, a nie jadla skyra i powiedziala ze bedzie robila sushi na obiad. Jak wrocilam to znowu zaczela gadac, ze jestem za chuda i mam jesc wiecej. Klocilam sie z nia ze jem mega duzo w szkole i wgl ona mi wyliczyla zapottzebowanie kaloryczne i wyszlo 1600 kcal jesli bym chciala utrzymac wage. Uznalam, ze bede teraz jadla 900-1000 kcal dopoki ona nie zapomni i bede starala sie wiecej spalac. Niestety nie moglam sie wymigac z tych tostow i sushi wiec mam zjedzonych 1080 kcal.. jestem oblesna naprawde. Jutro zostaje w domu, ale ugadalam sie z mama, ze moge jesc male sniadania (powiedzialam ze mi sie rzygac chce po wiekszych i uwierzyla) wiec bede jadla te skyry low carb i kazala mi jesc wieksza kolacje wiec bede jadla kanapki z szynka (210 kcal okolo) albo jajecznice. Postaram sie jeszcze wywalac to jedzenie w miare mozliwosci. Musze jeszcze wymyslic co z obiadami, ale kazala mi jutro zrobic pancake i jeden ma 76 kcal wiec zjem z 4 i do tego owoce. Beda dalej podsumowania i nie ide na recovery jak cos tylko no bede jadla tyle przez mame, a potem jak zapomni to wroce. 4 maja sie waze i dam wam znac z jaka waga zaczynam miesiac, bo dalej daze do tych 40 kg. Rozumiecie, ze ona chciala, zebym zjadla te pancake z nutella ja nmg. To chyba na tyle i mam nadzieje, ze dam rade
chudego dnia motylki🦋💗
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lurinatftbn · 8 months
If you’re down to answer another question like the music one, what are the characters’ favorite in-universe cuisines/culinary preferences? Or, are there any fun reasons why some characters like/dislike certain things as we see in the glossary?
Off the top of my head:
Utsu dislikes fish because it's ubiquitous in Itan cuisine and had a lot of it served to her poorly-prepared as a kid. I think it comes up in the text at some point, but her favorite food is layered pasta dishes like lasagna. (I know what you're thinking, and no, I didn't do it on purpose.)
Kam is a vegan, but obviously only for health reasons since they don't slaughter animals for meat in the setting. She likes very spicy food like chilis and curry - her favorite is stuffed jalapenos. She also likes crepes.
Ran also kinda likes spicy food, but isn't super passionate about cuisine and mostly just goes for low-effort stuff. She eats a lot of stir fry and dumplings.
Theo also worries about his longer-term health which is why he's on a low-carb diet, but renders this pointless by eating tons of chocolate and sweets all the time. He likes hot fudge cakes the best.
Ptolema just really likes meat. Her favorite is just a really well-seasoned blue steak, probably with blue cheese, and she also probably really enjoys whatever the equivalent of brazilian barbecue is.
I don't think I ever decided what foods Seth likes best except that he eats a lot of junk food. I do remember deciding at some point that he really likes almonds despite being allergic to them.
Ophelia is a pescetarian for cultural reasons. Beyond that, she loves trying all sorts of foods, though shellfish and mushrooms are her favorite ingredients.
Lilith is a hyper-picky eater and doesn't like most vegetables or anything too complicated or mixed together. She probably most enjoys very simple things like chicken nuggets, and only takes small bites so she isn't overwhelmed.
As comes up in the story, Bardiya is a recovering alcoholic, which is the reason for his preference note. I think I put somewhere that kebabs are his favorite food.
Ezekiel dislikes onions because of their slimy and crunchy texture. He likes really straightforward food like Sunday roasts, which in-setting would mean he prefers Rhunbardic cuisine, though he'd never admit it.
Fang will eat anything under the sun, but also doesn't care that much about food in the grand scheme of things. Left to their own devices, they will cook everything into some kind of omelette and think it's great.
Linos doesn't like shellfish because, like Su, he ate a lot of it prepared badly when he was young. He enjoys participating in prestige/fine dining, especially for Ysaran and Viraaki food, more for the sense of being part of a cultural moment than the actual flavor.
Neferuaten likes foods like beyaynetu (or, like, pizza) designed specifically to be eaten communally. On her own she mostly just eats salad, though she has extremely specific opinions about wine and whiskey.
Durvasa likes to grow and preserve his own food, and his favorite is dal soup. He also has extremely specific opinions, though only about whiskey. He doesn't like red meat because he dislikes the idea that he's eating the flesh of a one-living being, even if it's replicated.
Zeno technically does not have a diet, and is sustained nutritionally by other means. He enjoys the taste of very indulgent foods like foie gras and controversial food like cultured human meat. He thinks Viraaki food is 'stinky' and 'greasy'.
Hamilcar does not eat except with company, which is why his entry says N/A. He can't taste food in the way he could when he was young, and he finds it upsetting.
Anna enjoys sushi, but is too old to eat much at all.
Mehit theoretically likes the kind of high-concept Saoic cuisine described by Ran early in the story, but is not a very good cook, so mostly eats things like baked potatoes and fried rice. This is partly why Lilith is the way she is, but only like, 20%.
Balthazar skips breakfast because otherwise he ends up overeating, since he's the type who can just keep going long beyond what's healthy. He's the sort of person who enjoys bizarre high-calorie flavors like fried squid dipped in ice cream.
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The Owl House Headcanon on Character's Favorite Japanese Dishes.
Luz Noceda: Okonomiyaki (Hiroshima-Style preferred). She likes it for it is a perfect comforting fusion between pancakes and takoyaki (which she had some bad memory from getting her tongue scrouged by it). Plus, she can choose a variety of fillings, which is great for her neurodivergent vibe (while also easily getting bored).
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Amity Blight: Zaru Soba. She'd likely go for a dish that is simple yet defines Japanese elements. She would enjoy it with chunky chopped spring onion, wasabi-infused dipping, and hot tea on a side. After a few years of trying more Japanese dishes, she also got into shio udon and yakisoba. (and yakisoba-based okonomiyaki with her sweetheart)
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Willow Park: Kimchi Nabe; full of vegetables, proteins from meat, eggs, mushrooms, tofu, and gochujang-rich kimchi (Giving spiciness and Korean-ness that Willow never realized she needed). She loves her nabe with varieties and large quantities of proteins. Especially chicken-based meatballs (like in sumo wrestler Chanko Nabe), chicken breasts, lean slices of beef, and white tofu. Plus, extra spicy.
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Gus Porter: Omurice with ketchup fried rice underneath a blanket of thin and creamy omelet. He prefers creamy demiglace sauce with mushroom and beef stock base, alongside ketchup and a dash of Kewpie mayo. Maybe steamed bacon with low-sodium, crabstick, or fish sausage for the side protein. Plus, he loves Sanrio and doesn't care about locals' eyes upon him enjoying his two plates of My Melody Omurice.(It's kids' size, so two is it).
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Hunter Noceda/Park/Daemonne: Kushiyaki, especially those from old-school Yatai stalls. However, he would avoid poultry-based ones (especially the wings, as tributes to his lifesaver, Flapjack) and alcoholic drinks. He usually goes with beef and vegetables on the same stick. His favorite side drink is Ramune or Calpis yogurt drink. He usually has a few pods of salted edamame first, if offered.
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Vee Noceda: Shojin Ryori meal from local Zen Buddhist temples. Somehow, she can tastes 'magic' in food, and enjoy talking about spiritual and morality topics with Buddhist monks(and nuns). She usually not paying them by money but doing them some cleaning and arranging the sutra. She sometimes enjoy draining magic from Omamori (Green one is a yum!).
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Edalyn Clawthrone: Tantanmen, extra broth, extra noodles, and a few extra pieces of boiled eggs. With rice on the side. After an extreme night (either work, or a party), she carves for carbs, proteins, and spices. Eventually, it becomes her usual comfort dish. Plus, it was worth her two meals and a pretty budget. If she feels extra fancy, maybe some extra meat as well.
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Lilith Clawthrone: Kure's JMSDF (Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force)-style Curry Rice, with milk (low-fat, or soya milk) and salad with a light dressing. She prefers a vegetarian version and original taste that serves Japanese maritime forces. She eventually made her own thanks to befriending a friend who was a chef on a Japanese battleship in the Cold War.
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King Clawthrone: Set of different sushi varieties. He is into nigiri and maki with a few simple ingredients. He is into a grilled saltwater eel, salted boiled ebi (or tempura-fried), churnchy cucumber, and tamago. Onigiri is also his go-to, but he is not into raw meat.
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prettyskul · 2 months
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Use this beutiful diet to relapse
1. when u finish this diet u can continue esting in beeteewn 500 to 800.
2. For day 9 you can eat your favorite food, for example sushi,pizza whatever is your favorite food, it does't matter the calories but it muss be omad (one meal a day)
3. I recoment that the food your eating in this diet are hight in protein and low carb/fat.
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myf00djournal · 6 months
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Crumpet w honey and Nuttelex
13km run 👊🏾 had a gel around 7k in
Grape Gatorade
Reg skcl
Nutrigrain cereal
We washed the doggos
Went out for sushi 🍱 loving this autumn weather and cosy clothes
Had a small salted caramel mocha
Had a lil lie down
Banana protein smoothie
Crumbed basa 🐟 with potato and salad 🥗
Ice cream to come
Roughly tracked, estimated the out of home snacks and items. Around 2200, low on protein but prioritising carbs today to refuel
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coldcrypt · 1 year
I'm marco, 26yo cis guy from UK. I got into weight loss because I wanted motivation to stop drinking around april 2022, and ended up bingeing and purging on avg 3 times a week for abt 6 months. I relapsed back into daily drinking (litre+ of vodka a day) and detoxed in hospital at the start of the year, but have been finding it really difficult to stop and stay stopped, so I'm back here. I've nearly died so many times recently from drinking and I just keep gaining/getting more and more swelling &bloating. If any alcoholics/bulimics have advice for someone who cant stop shovelling it in to get a sustainable deficit, I'd appreciate it a lot. My goal is to be safe about it, but I'm open to anything that works.
I'm experimenting with different methods of weight loss, sometimes fasting, sometimes rezzing, but am very inconsistent. I binge v often. This is not so much an accountability blog, more like recording what I've learnt and just venting. My bmi starting around may20th was 22 ish, was 5th june 20, 4th oct 22.5,and now 20.5 jan27th. Have to get it back to 20, but goal would be 18 with low body fat %. My main goal is to stop drinking and get healthier (thinner).
To do list:
get compression sleeves for running
Things that worked:
going to meetings make it much easier to abstain and think abt other things than food -> much easier rezzing
being distracted by things unrelated to food
having good food options for rezzing prepped, like boiled eggs, or having a solid stock of staples like steak, yoghurt, fruit and veg
not buying food that I will binge on, if I buy it, even if its not for me, I will eat it and get fat
taking longer routes/walking instead of getting train (energy, weather and mood permitting)
peppermint tea
keep it in the day. One day at a time really works, it just takes practise to get into mentally
supporting blood sugar throughout the day, especially if going out/socialising/towards the end of the day (when alc cravings pick up). This is best done with small amounts of carbs following a rly high protein 1st meal
Things that I was doing before but that didn't work out well:
taking K supplements (just eat s. potato for carb allowance, is filling too and has loads of K, stops palpitations when intermittent fasting)
pho, miso or gochujang as soup bases. They are too salty and lead to painful sluggish bloat.
Oyster sauce is not worth the cals
Diet sodas. Caffeine dependence builds really quickly and teeth need help
olive oil for sautéing vegetables. Pointless cals. Fats can come from lean meats like beef steak, eggs and occasional avo as well as omega3 supplements
fasting. At 18 hours I feel like I'm goin mental and at 22+ the palpitations make it uncomfortable to move around or do anything at all
strength training (esp core) at home without equipment. Dont enjoy it at all, not motivated at all
watching hours and hours a day of ED documentaries, scrolling ED tumblr, and watching hours of foodtube every day. Obsession -> binges
hard avoiding carbs. Leads to massive brain rot and feeling morbid. Can't do anything. Inevitable binges, usually alcohol, or 4000 cal of food.
sushi is not really worth it. White sushi rice is too sugary. Its usually a carb craving in disguise, or something to get on the go and is expensive.
weighing every morning just lead to trying to use caffeine as lax and more chaos on energy levels, or obsessing and not being distracted.
Press ups make my joints click a lot. Planking is really boring and doesnt feel rewarding.
Using sex for stim instead of food and cooking
Curious about:
feta, olives and cherry tomatoes for satiety.
Broccoli and mushrooms (annoying to prep or dont taste nice when boiled)
chicken sausages for cheap lean protein (think they can be a binge trigger or lead to mental scarcity feelings but not sure if worth)
ways to make cottage cheese not taste shit (cocoa powder is not cutting it)
cardio > strength training maybe. Runner's high > nothing from strength training (that I ever felt anyway).
Finding a way to enjoy strength training
yoga and stretching for stim
skipping breakfast has really mixed vibes. Can feel completely awful, but can also make rezzing much easier. Can also lead to binges in the evening (because there's unspent cals in the budget). Probably best to stick to eating breakfast but keeping it high protein and not eating right away when waking up.
Experiment with meds timings.
minced turkey or discount fish for lean protein variety
ways to make eating salad not miserable, cos it does work rly well for getting a deficit. (Maybe herbs and lemon and chickpeas? Make in bulk? Quinoa? Binge risk)
New plan from 4th Oct '23 can't be strict bc cant track exercise cals without a phone for looking at time spent walking and running so will need to do a gross-in instead of net- in quick basic (aspirational) plan:
1000 cal deficit/day for the next month -> 1500 gross in/day allowance
NO: baked beans, bone broth, oil, paté, pasta, alcohol, caffeine, quiche, cheese, instant snack food, pesto, chorizo, hummus, meal deal foods reason: too sugary or fatty for their worth in flavour. Cause binges every time when rezzing. Not filling enough. Caffeine leads to crashes and the pickmeup is usually food.
LESS: bread, onion, ketchup reason: can be useful carbs in a pinch, less likely to cause binges than above (because they are only accompanied with protein). Onion and ketchup help with mental scarcity and support good vibes
MORE: fruit, veg soup, sweet potato, tuna, s. noodles, fruit juice, avocado, egg, steak, quorn, butternut squash reason: sugar cravings need to be comboed with fibre addition, or fruit juice could be useful diluted for emergency alc cravings. Everything else is lean protein and should be frontloaded in the day. Sweet potato is there for potassium and low glycaemic index carbs. Avo and s. noodles are contentious bc of price and fat/nutritional value reasons
ALTERNATIVES TO EATING: gaming, reading, weighing, cleaning, brushing teeth, counting cals, weights, stretching, running, walking, meetings. mostly overeat because of boredom and to break monotony in free time or to stim. These are alternatives that work and also make rezzing easier in other ways.
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miumiug1rl · 1 year
From average to perfect
My routine that is going to get me from an average bmi to an underweight one asap
Relapsing in my ed and showing everyone I have the discipline to lose all the unnecessary weight!
No one wants to be the fat friend
No one wants to have to hide their body at the beach
No one wants to feel uncomfortable getting dressed up to go out
I’m losing weight to take control back, to lose the weight I gained and to finally become perfect. Losing weight takes discipline, it takes control and it takes time. Goals:
Get into a healthier routine
Get back into restriction
Lose water weight as fast as possible
Get back into fasting
Get my thigh gap back
Start getting abs definition
Practice self control and discipline
Be below my goal weight by the time I go on holiday in September
Stats: 167cm, 62kg bmi 22.2
goals stats: 167cm, 49kg bmi 17.6
Date: 23/07/23
goal date: 01/09/23
( 43 days)
My weight loss plan:
300 calories maximum
pilates workout everyday
low carb
2L of water everyday
Remember electrolytes
Focus on stretching to avoid bulk
No refined sugar
No cakes, cookies, crisps etc
Focus on fruits and whole foods
Of eating out opt for: avocado sushi, Vietnamese noodle salad, soup, nothing
No burgers, hot dogs or non gluten free bread
Protein bars are allowed
72hr+ fasts every week
Follow for daily updates~
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cat-eye-nebula · 8 months
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High Carb Low Fat recipes - High fibre and low-calorie-density. Cooked without oil.
• Crispy lentil taquitos & guacamole or vegan cheese sauce (lentils can be replaced with a cooked meat alternative)
• Easy Rainbow Veggie Sushi
• Asian Veggie & Noodle bowl
• Vegan Nacho Cheese Sauce (prepare with oil-free baked fries, tomato sauce/ketchup, diced tomatoes, green onion, parsley)
Video: Calorie Density Explained (10 minutes) │Several charts on Calorie Density
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instabletay · 9 months
★𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐬★
• My top picks of meals throughout the year to help boost your metabolism and bring you the correct amount of nutrients to get you towards your goals!! •
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REMINDER: eat 3 meals a day and always eat every four to five hours! snacking in between is okay but do it in moderation!
>> you should have carbs, protein, healthy fats, and fiber in your breakfast! <<
• no more cereal! these are loaded with added sugars. instead switch it out with fruits. fruits carry natural sugars that can fuel your sweet tooth and keep you feeling refreshed.
• avocado toast will never fail you! go for wheat bread instead of white bread since whole foods provide more vitamins, minerals, and fiber. wheat bread can help with stubborn belly fat and avocados are always your best bet. They’re rich in many nutrients!
• Eggs help motivate weight loss and have only 78 calories! They’re extremely nutritious and can be eaten with almost anything in your breakfast. It is recommended to only eat 1-2 eggs per day since they’re considered to be high in cholesterol.
• yogurt bowls! These are always super tasty and you’re able to add any fruit of your choice to them! They’re very filling and are super fun and easy to make! especially if you’re not into cooking or can’t cook these are healthy alternatives.
>>> Add me on pinterest to see some of my ideas of breakfast! Here
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>> you should have lean protein, fiber-rich sources or carbs, veggies, and healthy fats in your lunch! <<
• Salads are amazing for lunch. They have Vitamin A and C and lots of calcium and fiber for your diet. It’s low in calories and high in volume and fiber which will keep you satisfied longer. Instead of ranch dressing try to switch it out for oil and vinegar.
• lettuce wraps are my all time favorite. instead of using tortillas you can use lettuce to wrap up your proteins and fibers. This alone can help boost your metabolism and is just as good as a regular wrap!
• sushi bowls! white rice isnt necessarily as good for you but still has its perks! try to switch to brown rice if you can. sushi bowls are healthy for you because it has many veggies and high quality protein. fish provides you with the minerals you need (including iron) and can leave you feeling happy afterwards.
• Meats and Veggies! This one is pretty obvious… your lunch could be as simple as some meats and veggies on your plate. Go for chicken, pork, lamb and beef for your meats since they’re rich in protein. green veggies like broccoli, spinach, kale, etc are always a best option for any diet!
>>> Follow me on pinterest to see some of my ideas of lunch! Here
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>> you should have lean protein, veggies, whole grains, and fruits in your dinner!<<
• Chicken, Rice, and Veggies are an amazing combination for dinner! rich in proteins, fiber, and carbs and will leave you feeling full and ready to end the day off.
• Soups! any soups with beans, mixed veggies, or non processed meats are great for weight loss! These are especially important in the winter if it’s too cold for you to workout! Soups are best made homemade as well.
• Pasta is amazing to eat in moderation. Making your own pasta sauce from greens like spinach or kale can really add flavor to it. They’re extremely customizable and always super tasty!
• Salmon and asparagus! now i know asparagus can make your urine stink, which is always a downgrade, but it carry’s many nutrients like vitamin C and E. it can also relieve inflammatory conditions and salmon packs many proteins to aid weight loss.
>>> Follow me on pinterest to see of my ideas of dinner! Here
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