#love me an ot3
That's not nasty to say at all! HECK YES SHE PEGS THEM BOTH. (Honestly Carmy probably needs to be taken control of a little, he probably takes a while to get relaxed enough to go into subspace, but when he's in there I bet he's like an obedient little puppy for Sydney). AND RICHIE IS SUCH A BRAT, once he wrestles through that toxic overly-macho bullshit he begs for her strap. I need to go back and rewatch season one, I loved seeing their dynamic so much.
ehehehehhe you talkin my language anon.
oh DUDE Carmy would absolutely love giving the reins to someone else, especially someone he knows he can trust and someone he respects. He knows Sydney is gonna take care of him and make him feel good and he doesn't need to feel guilty or overthink. He just needs to he a good boy and listen.
Richie would probably only get interested because he gets jealous of the intimacy that he senses is growing between Carmy and Sydney. And sure, when he finds out about it he is incensed, creeped out even but he too craves affection, attention, and good ole validation. He's willing to try. And of course, he's like, "cmon! just do me like you do carmy." But Syd is a good Dom. She knows that Richie needs something else entirely.
Honestly I feel like the fic writes itself.
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majubengel · 4 months
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Cross Guild sticker set!
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artilite · 4 months
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many many isabeaus... and some sloopis's of course :^) !!!!
i like consolidating my doodles so that's probably what i'm going to do for the most part from now on (^^ゞ!
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transsophiedevereaux · 5 months
been rewatching s1 of leverage and it really hammers home how down bad hardison has been from the start. and it's not even the stupid flirting and telling parker she looks good in the bridesmaid dress.
when the team first gets together they don't really get parker. eliot calls her crazy about twice per episode, sophie clearly feels bad for her, and nate barely cares for anyone at this point. hardison, by contrast, always engages with her, answers her questions, listens to her concerns about the orphanages in the stork job, explains to her that they're a little more than a team, cheekily adresses her, while in character for the juror #6 job, just to make her smile. yes we all remember how parker stabbed the guy from the stork job with a fork, but also remember that, just moments before, while talking stone-faced to this guy she clearly loathes hardison managed to make her laugh with only a stupid vampire joke mocking the mark's accent. she thinks he's funny! they're in love your honour!!
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pendwelling · 2 months
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Sung Hyunje wants to smash more than just Song Taewon's car...
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offdensen · 3 months
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independent-fics · 4 months
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Leverage (2008-2012)
01x03 The Wedding Job
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theinfinitedivides · 8 months
'somebody kiss this man so i don't have to' ykw what we call that in this house. we call those some famous last f*cking words, Eliot Spencer sir
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mustasekittens · 11 months
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power puff girls
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atorionsbelt · 1 year
BREAKING NEWS: phil dunster is an official throuple supporter
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codename-adler · 1 year
this means.
laila. alvarez. laila and alvarez. LAILA. AND. ALVAREZ.
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cartoonybus · 2 months
this is literally them
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ramorazinn · 8 months
“Having a boyfriend is like having a kid, yeah? A lot of work, a lot of responsibility, really rewarding but exhausting! So what you do is get another boyfriend and they can, like, have a play date while you have some wine and a nap.”
— Keeley Fucking Jones, upon OT3 being outed
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 2 years
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Stargazing *:・゚✧
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sunnythanalan · 9 months
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lilisettean · 9 months
Unspoken Rivalry | Zayne/Reader + Implied!Caleb/Reader
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About: Ever since that incident, you rarely mentioned Caleb to anyone. So when you suddenly brought him up while in the fitting room with Zayne, his curiosity was piqued, albeit unwillingly.
Pairings: Zayne/Reader, Implied!Caleb/Reader
Notes: Sorry for repost and not smut haha. Decided to put all my L&DS writings here on this sideblog instead of my main blog because I didn't want to muddle things up. Anyway got this idea when Zayne was surprised at MC knowing how to tie a tie and I was like, HMMM maybe because she had practice with Caleb??? But nope the game went the other way.
AO3: Read here!
Warning: Implied love triangle.
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“I’m shocked. I didn’t expect you to be good at tying a tie.”
You inspected the black tie you had selected for Zayne for a moment, nodding in approval at your own tastes. 
“Why, of course.” You said with a smile, glancing at him before directing him to face the full length mirror before you two. “I had a lot of practice.”
“Caleb.” Zayne raised his eyebrows at the sudden mention of that name; your mutual childhood friend who had sadly passed away months prior. You rarely mentioned him nowadays, so to hear his name slip past your lips without anything prompting was a surprise.
“I… I used to do his tie for him before we went to school.” You whispered, fond memories of you tying his school tie while you complained about him not doing it himself surfaced. It felt like it was just yesterday when you complained about his odd request of making you do this every school day morning, but now… 
“I’m sure he’s capable of doing it himself.” Zayne remarked, careful with his choice of words. He eyed you through the mirror, pointedly ignoring the sting of jealousy that made itself known when he saw you smiled wistfully.
You shook your head and looked ahead, eyes unseeing and absorbed in those innocent, carefree days where everything was still normal. “He said it’s for good luck.” You explained, missing the light bemused snort beside you. “He would whine about not having the goddess of luck’s blessing if I didn’t.” 
‘That could’ve been you in his place.’ A traitorous part of him mumbled, and Zayne promptly shoved that thought back to the corners of his mind. But it ceased to be silenced. ‘That should’ve been you. But you chose to distance yourself.’ 
‘It was for her sake.’ 
‘But was it worth it? Missing precious time with her? Being replaced by someone else?’ That voice hissed, reminding him of the reluctant distance he had placed between him and you. He told himself that it was necessary for him to focus on his studies if he wanted to take care of you in the future, and that indulging in your presence then would only hinder his carefully laid plans. ‘You were the perfect match for her and yet you–’ 
Opting not to let his darker, less desirable thoughts taunt him, Zayne focused on you instead, placing a hand behind the small of your back and brought you before the mirror. 
“Do you think we still match?” He asked, his hushed question barely over the calming instrumentals that the shop you were in chose to play. If it weren’t for him being right next to you, you would’ve missed his question entirely.
You scrutinized his outfit through the mirror, and smiled. “I think we do.” 
“Good.” Zayne let out a breath he unconsciously held back. He stared at his reflection once more, wondering. Would he have had the same treatment if he had stayed?
If Caleb was still the same boy he had met all those years ago, he would’ve hated you extending the same care towards Zayne himself. He remembered being at the receiving end of Caleb’s piercing gaze multiple times when they were still together, especially when you had looked to Zayne instead of him for certain matters.
‘The past matters naught. What’s important is now and the future.’ He thought as he turned his focus towards you, silencing the doubts of you favoring Caleb over him.
“Will you tie my tie for me on that day then?” He asked, the corners of his lip threatening to twitch upward when you stared at him, perplexed.
“Do you need the goddess of luck’s blessing as well?” You joked in response, only to sigh when you realized he was serious. “Don’t tease me, Zayne. Why would you need me to do it anyway?”
“For luck.”
“Why would you need luck of all things? It’s just a banquet!”
“You never know.” Zayne parroted the words you said this morning. You sighed, wondering if he lied about only studying and joined a debate club when he was still in school.
“Fine! I don’t understand why you and Caleb want me to tie it when you two could do it better than me.” A small smile appeared on his face as you grumbled, preparing to change out of the outfit he had picked out for you.
‘You will understand eventually.’ He thought as a staff member approached him with his card and receipt in hand, thanking him for his patronage. 
‘For what man wouldn’t want their goddess' attention?’
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