#tv: leverage
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coolstuffiseverywhere · 1 year ago
My biggest Leverage headcanon is that Sophie, the person under all the masks, can actually act fine in all situations. Sophie Devereaux however, cannot. Whatever cover she was made to be included that she couldn’t act for shit. And while the rest of the alias has mostly fallen to the side, this part is just so instinctual she can’t help it when she has that role.
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year ago
'somebody kiss this man so i don't have to' ykw what we call that in this house. we call those some famous last f*cking words, Eliot Spencer sir
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independent-fics · 10 months ago
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I find myself noticing so many things I haven’t noticed about Leverage season 3 that I hadn’t noticed before even though this is my nth rewatch I’m sure.
But it’s such a strong season and the Moreau build up was great.
I think this scene stuck out to me because it’s only the fourth episode but it’s beginning to hint at Eliot thinking about what he knows about Moreau and his past. I feel like her words remind him why he’s changed what he does but also you can see in his face that he’s thinking about how what he was involved in in the past is now coming back for the team.
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ironworked · 19 days ago
Leverage: Redemption returns on April 17th.
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nossbean · 5 months ago
Tagged by @angelowl-fics, ty 💕!
Rules: without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favourite TV Shows, then tag people.
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No pressure tagging: @thetiniestmoment, @commarogue, @cantareincminor, @countrymint, @smolhours,
@anniegetyourbubblegum, @gesssekai
@horseonthespaceship, @rubyvroom, @bluecityrose, @captainelliecomb, @intellectualhedonist, 🙌💘
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heidiamalia · 11 months ago
oooo 10 and 11 for the fic recs??
okay so i had to do a lil digging for these lolol i apologize for the wait
10/ a fic that isn't prose [poetry, text fic, etc]
after a length of time searching i found the script-formatted fic where crowley and aziraphale create a podcast after the not-apocalypse and i mean -
it's great.
it's a new craze by attheborder
CROWLEY: I try not to make a habit of gratitude, but I must give our appreciation to everyone out there who’s been listening and subscribing to The Ineffable Plan.
AZIRAPHALE: Ooh, yes, we’ve become quite popular, haven’t we?
CROWLEY: Yeah, just hit number eight on the advice charts … No advertising at all.
AZIRAPHALE: Mm. How … miraculous.
CROWLEY: … Aziraphale. You did not.
Crowley and Aziraphale are very possibly the people least qualified, on the entire planet, to start up an advice podcast. But what else is there to do when the world isn’t ending anytime soon, you’re technically on indefinite sabbatical from your lifelong careers, and you need a plausible excuse to spend more time with your best friend who you’re definitely not, absolutely not, maybe just a little, actually maybe overwhelmingly in love with?
i do very much enjoy how thoroughly in you get with this one. we're stuck to the sidelines with the rest of the listeners tagged on twitter and whatnot, watching certain spirals come out and the plot thicken. their voices are so real in my head throughout, without any moment of doubt. i think i laughed right from the summary and didn't stop.
11/ a fic that brought you aboard a new ship
now this line isnt exactly fair because the show itself brought me aboard the ship - the gifsets and the pacific rim comparisons and the long metas to being in sync with each other really introduced me. but the first fic i absolutely remember reading for the ot3 was this one -
safe as houses by thecanaryfalls
Parker and Hardison comfort Eliot, in their weird multimillionare-convicted-felons-who-are-planning-a-life-with-him kind of way.
Set right around The Rundown Job.
this is that middle of the night, quiet and soft piece where you can hear how loud someone's shifting on the couch is -
like does that make sense.
the bit of early early dawn where its too soon to speak up before the birds but you still wanna have that sleepover conversation moment where you have to reassure your best friend you're always gonna be there.
this was that. this is where it was so so solid for me.
ask me about the fic rec meme!
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anghraine · 1 year ago
I love your thoughts on Psych. Have you ever watched Leverage?
Thanks, and nope!
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malkaleh · 2 years ago
The Leverage/Grishaverse fusion in which the Leverage Team take one look at the Grisha-Nikolai-Crows and go ‘NEW CHILDREN. IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO THEM WE WILL RIOT’ because they would
Inspired by a post i rb’d a while back, put 💙s in my ask and I’ll tell you an AU I’ve come up with but never written.
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theinfinitedivides · 9 months ago
did not know it was physically possible for Eliot to make himself look even smaller and non-threatening until he showed up in that gym for the con and turned up the 'well i don't know if i should say this my boss might be mad' dial to absolutely astronomical damage
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independent-fics · 11 months ago
On a Leverage rewatch which has drawn me back to tumblr after years. Can I just say The First David Job is so so good. Like Parker and Hardison getting caught and Sophie and Nate(and by extension Eliot) essentially remind Sterling why they are key players here too by using their skills and “what would Parker/ Hardison do”. And also showing that the team has already learned and grown from each other and each others skills this far it’s just! So good
Also don’t even get me started on the dramatic pause before Eliot told Sterling “he had dental work with his name on it”
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aquariumfaguncle · 1 year ago
he's fighting a beautiful buff lady. her shirt gets ripped and she's left in her slutty little tank top. "come on," you think. "why is the woman always wearing sexier things than her male counterparts." but fear not. now HE takes off his shirt and he's left in HIS slutty little tank top. equality. and then they kiss
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runawayrabbit · 9 months ago
God i love them <3
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Leverage (2008-2012)
2.12 | The Zanzibar Marketplace Job
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heidiamalia · 2 years ago
I'm rewatching for the sake of sound and my adhd while I crochet a new baby blanket for a friend -
I find it so hard to believe Christian believes his character should be AND IS alone after 5 years of OG Leverage and forming Eliot alongside the crew and Hardison & Parker.
My guy, you pulled nsfw threesome stunts as early as s2 bloopers and held some serious emotional eye contact with Hardison and Parker for all seasons.
You rewatched when the relaunch was announced and you're still spewing that Eliot is not redeemable? That he's gonna be alone after everything that happened, after everything that's been said?
Are you watching the same show?
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malkaleh · 2 years ago
The Shadow & Bone + Leverage Crossover is just the Leverage Crew taking one look at the crows etc and going ‘I’ve only had my adopted children for five minutes but if anything happens to them I would kill everyone in this world and then myself”
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cuckoosnest12 · 7 months ago
i miss them dearly
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2024 Leverage Rewatch: 1x1 The Nigerian Job
sophie: *brings out chess metaphors* nate: *batting his eyelashes, twirling his hair* say less
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aardvaark · 8 months ago
i think maggie would be the only person in the leverage universe who DOES notice the leverage team members occasionally becoming famous. like she’d tune into the world news and then have to call the team to check if sophie really died in a small european country during a turbulent election. "no but wasn’t my funeral so poignant? they put my face on the $20 note!" okay great glad to know you’re not dead. she watches a game of baseball on TV and just sighs deeply when the camera pans to eliot. next time she sees the team, she compliments his baseball skills. for some reason he mutters something about a sandwich while looking wistfully into the distance.
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