#lots of tw's on this one yall
s0ulhealer · 8 months
I always say this but non chileans fans of Pedro really dont give a fuck when he posts or shares chilean related things like right now we have MASSIVE wildfires going on. 100+ people lost their lives in Viña, Quilpué and more and that list is only going to grow because there is so much devastation that we have no enough resources to retrieve the corpses. This is the most deadly dissaster in our country since the 2010 earthquake in Constitución.
Lots of people lost their homes, loved ones, sources of income. In Viña we had a 100+ years old massive garden, home to lot of native species of flora and wildlife and it was totally destroyed by the fire.
And i guess this hits specially for Pedro since almost everytime he comes to Chile, he stays in Cachagua which as Viña is located in Región de Valparaíso.
We need all the help possible and if you care about the man, at least you can donate or share the links he posted.
You can donate here: Desafío levantemos Chile
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Danny covered his nose with his hand. Where ever he landed smelled absolutely foul, like rotten fruit and burning tires mixed with chem lab.
"Remind me to bring a face mask the next time I explore the Infinite Realms." He muttered, before kicking a soda can down the alley he was in and being repulsed by the squelch sound it made when it came into contact with a very questionable looking puddle, "Better yet, a gas mask." He glanced at the puddle again, "Or I could go full Hazmat." Clockwork had told him this world was full of superheros and villians and to steer clear of it, but once he learned there were aliens in this world he couldn't help himself. Danny had always been weak to his curiosity, but he liked to believe he was cautious, and chose to stay in his Phantom for for added protection.
Turning on his heel he exited onto a deserted street lined on one side by a chain-link fence. The sky above him was filled with clouds so ominous and dark that Danny honestly couldn't tell you if it was night or day, all he knew was that it was going to rain soon and hopefully these awful smells would be drowned out by the downpour.
Danny got his wish only minutes later. Thankfully Phantom was unbothered by the cold and could just bask in the rain as it fell apon him. A lesser known fact about ghosts is that thier clothes are made from thier ectoplasm and are part of thier bodies, much like a second layer of skin, so one would be able to feel things on thier clothes as easily as they would with thier bare skin. The level of sensitivity varies with the type of clothing however. All this to say Danny loved the feeling of the rivulets of rainwater traveling down his ghostly hazmat suit.
He was so preoccupied with enjoying the sensation that he didn't notice anything was wrong until he was jolted forward from the weight of someone landing on his back. The person was quick and precise, taking no time at all to have his wrists pinned behind his back and- weirdly enough- thier teeth digging into the material around his neck.
His parents designed the Hazmat suit Danny was wearing not only to deal with dangerous chemicals, but to fight supernatural foes. The area around the neck was reinforced with the intention of protecting against fatal gunshots and decapitations so naturally someone's jaw wasn't going to be enough to break through to his neck.
Danny let out a laugh as the person kept chewing on his neck like a confused puppy. Oh, Danny thought, they've gone feral. It was odd for someone to go feral but it could occur when a person has gone through something traumatic recently or through extreme stress. It made sense since the person ridding piggy back on him was dressed like a superhero. Danny wondered if that was why the person didn't have a scent. Danny learns facepalmed when he remembered that scentblockers existed and not everyone's scent dramatically changed whenever they went out as a hero. The scent change was probably one of the few things that have kept him alive up to this point to be honest.
"So, I guess you're not going to tell me why you're chewing on my neck like the worlds most pathetic vampire, are you?" No one deserves that title more than the fruitloop to be honest. He made a mental note to use that one against Vlad the next time he saw him.
Chewy whined at this, seeming to slump a bit from the apparent failure to bite him. What was that about? Was this actually a vampire? How would a vampire even react to Dannys ecto-blood combo meal anyway? Would it be like food poisoning? Or would it taste amazing from one undead to another. "I'm not exactly human, are you sure you wanna bite me? I might not taste so good." Danny warned, but the moment he mentioned letting the person bite him they were eager again.
Danny chuckled and unzipped the material only a bit before it was loose enough to move out of the way. The vampires bite came with a sharp pain like he expected but there was no suction. No drinking of blood. Just some weirdo biting Danny on the neck. Huh.
Danny hoped he didn't get rabies from this.
He must have accidentally said that out loud as there was a small laugh from the rooftops above them. There stood another person in a superhero outfit with some really tall dude dressed as a giant bat, and that was when Danny decided to bail. It was one thing to let a maybe vampire bite you in a random street in the middle of the night but more of them? And ones a big scary furry? Hard pass.
Phantom did as Phantoms do and went invisible and intangible, escaping from Biteys jaws and startling the heros. He ignored the distressed whine Munchy let out after loosing their spookyest chew toy and quickly rubbed the scent gland near dannys jaw on the top of thier head as an act of comfort before bolting.
Danny poked at the bite mark on his neck. Screw rabies, he better not get turned into a werewolf. He didn't need that on top of his ghostly crap. Sam seemed fascinated by the mark, after all, it wasn't every day that Danny got a scar, especially one so obvious. Most injuries heal quickly and leave no trace of him ever being injured in the first place which helped a lot in keeping his secret identity.
Luckily Danny hadn't needed to lie to mom and dad. He truthfully told them about some wierdo jumping off of a nearby rooftop and plunging thier teeth into his neck and that two other people had tried to corner him during this. He assured his mom that he had gotten away quickly but was a little shaken by it and his dad praised him for being brave and managing to escape.
That was nice. But he still had to figure out what was up with this bite...and why he felt so compelled to go back to that city.
Back to that hero.
Aka an A/B/O au where in Danny's universe all the Alphas are extinct and the betas followed soon after and the DC universe all the Omegas went extinct and betas followed after . Not like a "they finally went extinct in the 1700s after centuries of thier numbers dwindling" thing and became a myth/fairytale (tho I like that too) but a "this might be the missing link between cave men and modern humans" kinda thing.
Its up to you which bat bit Danny and exactly what that means. I love abo aus without smut cause there's so much potential for chaos and I am very much ace.
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yooniesim · 1 year
I know nobody gives a shit about this in comparison so posting a save file with uncredited builds in it, but reminder of that time @mapanou started calling me out of name and spewing hateful nazi ideology at me out of nowhere just bc i made a lukewarm criticism of a paywaller and I dared to say black people are often criticized more for being angry... but since only one of my parents are black that ain't allowed 😬 some of yall acted like this was okay but I didn't forget it, I notice how some of their friends are acting all betrayed now bc their homie turned out to be a sims content thief but you knew who you were laying down with clearly. You were glad to support an extremely nasty ass person when the vitriol was directed at me, but God forbid someone not credit a build! anyway guess who was struck down and it wasn't me bitch 💀
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That aside, since the insufferable cunt had the nerve to mention the One Drop Rule, which has been used as a tool to discriminate against all black people and keep their mixed offspring othered for as many generations as possible, here's some sources on what it actually refers to (and some related articles about the struggles of mixed race people). It's a method of discrimination by white supremacists, not a way for mixed race people that you think are unworthy of speaking to "claim" to be black. If you're lurking, mapanou, i hope you and your friends read them and understand something you should have already at your "very big age".
One Drop Rule on Wikipedia (for the basic concept + more sources)
How The "One Drop Rule" Became a Tool of White Supremacy
How The Nazis Were Inspired by Jim Crow
Understanding the Stressors and Types of Discrimination That Can Affect Multiracial Individuals
Exploring Black mixed-race experiences of Black rejection
Not Enough Or Double The Prejudice: On Being Black & Asian American
Why Imposter Syndrome Goes Deep for Multiracial People
When Your Own Family Is Racist Toward You
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^ the basic gist for the lazy. and just an added bit. I don't know if mapanou has ever seen me, because I barely know them and certainly didn't share with them, but I have been doxxed plenty and my pics probably shared to them by others and im obviously not white though i am light skinned. im very proud of my dark natural hair, brown eyes, thick lips and big nose that I all got from my father. I have nothing to prove nor hide about who I am. I am black and asian and white and I love every part of what makes me, me. I am mixed race and if you don't believe or like me as I am that's your problem not mine. just wanna clear that up for all the people that may have been confused about it. and for all my followers that are mixed, especially black and asian, I love you and you have a place here. your voices and experiences are valuable and you deserve to be heard. that's all I got to say.
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anxiously-sidequesting · 10 months
My Personal Shadow Magic Headcanons - "Shadow Sickness"
I'm so autistic and lazy so here's another weirdly-worded headcanons post from me at 4 AM (lmk if I need to tag this as anything specific btw
What I'm personally calling "Shadow Sickness" is the official, prolonged version of Backlash - adverse effects that target the practitioner even outside of the duel circle and in their everyday lives. While "Backlash" refers to the immediate and spontaneous barrage of attacks that takes place after a Shadow spell, "Shadow Sickness" is the gradual deterioration of the practitioner's mind, body, and soul. True to the name, this effect likens more to an illness, a virus; something that's alive and slowly takes over until there is nothing healthy left behind. The symptoms are emotional, physical, mental, and even spiritual.
While regular Magic has life force within it, Shadow Magic is the only type of magic that can be considered "sentient". Not a thinking being with goals and plans, but something living and breathing with the most basic instincts. It's what's considered "Chaotic" and dangerous about it - the Wizard bends and controls regular Magic, but Shadow Magic can bend and control the Wizard. It is the only type of magic that can "fight back" in its own way.
This sentience is what allows for Shadow Sickness and Backlash to happen - these are purely just the results of it "fighting back". The Shadow Magic is reacting to the practitioner. It's acting by its nature by rearing its head back and snapping the hand that controls it. If the practitioner is NOT sound and secure in their mental, physical, and spiritual health, then Backlash and Shadow Sickness can cause even more adverse effects within the Wizard and as a result can suffer more severely.
Symptoms of Shadow Sickness
Symptoms of Shadow Sickness can vary between physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The "virus" affects every single aspect of the being, down to their very life. The severity of these symptoms can also vary depending on certain variables. Unlike a true virus, Shadow Sickness has no "incubation period" and can flare up at any time during which the Wizard is practicing Shadow Magic. These symptoms include:
Physical scarring (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) - one of the only symptoms that comprise of all four categories. Scars may appear on the Wizard's body that take various shapes and forms: most commonly taken after that individual's unsolved trauma. This includes old grudges, previous serious injuries that have not healed correctly, repressed memories, obsessions and delusions, etc. No two scars look the same (i.e. two different wizards who have a fear of spiders will have scars that look entirely different from the other). Depending on the severity these scars can cause physical discomfort (tingling, numbness, pain, leathery skin, decay/cellular deterioration) and can greatly impact how the Wizard looks to others to how the Wizard can move around.
Involuntary movements (physical, mental, spiritual) - the Wizard may begin suffering from accidental and spontaneous gestures and movement that is either randomized or triggered. This can include loss of coordination, disorientation, mini seizures, jerks and spasms, etc. Other than being physically affected, the Wizard is not suffering from any medical emergencies. The individual is fully conscious and aware when this happens and depending on the severity, can recover seconds after. This is one of the only symptoms where others could be harmed due to a wayward hand that comes flying out by accident. There is also a magical version of this, where involuntary spells or bursts of magic can be cast spontaneously (hence the 'spiritual' aspects of this symptom as mana comes from the soul). Usually these magical bursts are Shadow Magic and not the Wizard's primary or secondary Magic abilities. (Another involuntary trait recorded is the Wizard suddenly switching to an ancient "Shadow Language" in mid-speech.)
Hallucinations (physical, mental) - the Wizard may begin to experience things that cannot be detected by any other individual. Usually these hallucinations start out as smells or taste first, but there are reports of the Wizard hearing, sensing, and even seeing things to start out with. Contrary to popular belief not all hallucinations are violent or even turn out to be that way, some reports even describe them as pleasant. Hallucinations vary from each Wizard even with those who share the same traumas or fears. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the Wizard can either be fully aware or completely immersed within them. Since these are only hallucinations they cannot harm the Wizard but can cause further deterioration to the mind.
Depleted energy/"Mana Loss" (physical, spiritual) - as the Shadow Sickness takes hold, eventually the Wizard will be slowly sapped of strength and magical energy. THIS IS DIFFERENT FROM IF THE WIZARD IS SKILLED IN SHADOW MAGIC. A Wizard can practice Shadow Magic and still NOT be affected by this. Since Shadow Magic "takes", Shadow Sickness does the same and gradually depletes the Wizard's energy. Like how Backlash takes health in a duel, Shadow Sickness takes your life. This is the only symptom that is constant in all cases of Shadow Sickness. Not only will the ability to cast spells be taken away, but overall physical health will suffer as well and the individual is more susceptible to regular diseases due to a compromised immune system. This symptom only appears in the very last stages of Shadow Sickness and is the last symptom of the individual experiences in their lifetime.
Tulpas (emotional, mental, spiritual) - contrasting hallucinations, Tulpas are the Wizard's visions made real. A Tulpa (from Shadow Sickness) is a physical and magical manifestation of the Wizard suffering from the Shadow "virus". Although it is born from the subconscious of another being, it is a separate entity all its own and has the ability to make decisions and have feelings and desires. However, these feelings and desires are not really of their own and reflect the Wizard's subconscious fears and threat responses. (i.e. our Azteca Tulpa in Khrysalis that formed due to unresolved survivor's guilt. Its "goal" was to destroy us and fully consume us within itself, similar to how guilt behaves in reality). Tulpas can either be created from visions, nightmares, intense and obsessive thoughts, or even previous hallucinations.
Can Shadow Sickness be reversed, or cured?
Shadow Sickness can be reversed, yes, or more commonly halted. Unless the Wizard is fully submersed in their mental and spiritual anguish ((Malistaire even though he wasn't using shadow magic; Morganthe even though that wasn't what killed her)) Shadow Sickness can be stopped. The road to recovery varies wildly from each person so there is no set "recovery time" in which you are expected to be fully healed. It is your own journey and it is ultimately your say whether or not you are better. Clinically, recovery can be sorted between these categories
HALTED: In which the Shadow Sickness is no longer infecting the individual but the symptoms may still persist. These symptoms do not get worse or better, but the Wizard's mind is clear and their soul is at peace. Wizards may either learn to live comfortably and adapt with their Halted condition or could continue to strive for partial or full recovery.
PARTIAL RECOVERY: In which the Shadow Sickness is reversed slightly or moderately. The effects are not all the way gone but are measured to be better than when the Wizard was still infected. In this state any severe symptoms the Wizard is experiencing are now moderate or slight, or less frequent. Just like in the Halted category, the Wizard is sound of mind, body, and soul.
FULL RECOVERY: In which Shadow Sickness is totally reversed and there are no more symptoms that persist. Full, 100% recovery is actually quite rare in the Spiral and a lot of scholars consider the Full Recovery to count as "70% or more reduced" - meaning the symptoms are very slight and few and far in between. Technically this is still a Partial Recovery but due to the above fact and how difficult it is to reverse Shadow Sickness, 'Full Recovery' is an umbrella term. Some individuals even claim Full Recovery even if their symptoms are moderate, because their mind and soul are no longer diseased.
ONE LAST FACT TO LEAVE OFF WITH: Not every Wizard who practices Shadow Magic suffers from Shadow Sickness, and alternatively even the most skilled Shadowmage can develop Shadow Sickness.
okay this took days. bye hope you liked this
#btw tagging some of these symptoms jic theyre triggering to some#tw seizures#tw hallucinations#lmk if i need to tag anything else#BUT YEAH THIS IS IT#i got lazy at the end but i def wanna expand on this#a few things i wanna talk about more in depth: the 'shadow language' thing and the 'mana comes from the soul' thing#BUT THIS WAS SUPER FUN TO MAKE#giving holly even MORE trauma#due to canon reasons and because i love suffering holly isnt even in the “halted” category#theyre still suffering from ongoing shadow sickness. its progressing a hell of a lot slower than others but shes def feeling it#due to ambrose's thinky veiled threat of always being watched and everyone else unintentionally-#-brushing aside holly's health the shadow sickness remains undetected#except for velma. she sees that shit#but since holly is the master of bottling things up theyre like “ahaha what virus” (throws up black blood)#holly has the scarring as the worst symptom and has a few specific scars i wanna talk about in another post#but they also suffer from hallucinations and the shadow language thing#since holly is unintentionally holding off the worst of the Sickness she doesnt have the mana depletion yet#i think i forgot like maybe one or two symptoms but im so tired ugh. this is all yall are getting for now LMAO#idk if this is even a good post. im proud of it#one symptom i forgot to mention is madness. or i think thats the end result same as depletion#its what morganthe suffered dueing the end of her life as a giant apider creature she just fully succumbed to the madness#wizard101#w101#wiz101#text posts
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fiendishartist2 · 2 years
guilty of your innocence– mp100
“It’s very nice to finally meet you, Ms. Serizawa!”
The man on her doorstep was holding out a very sweaty hand. When she took it, she was treated to the clammiest handshake she had ever experienced.
Her boy– lovely, sweet, naive Katsuya– was smiling at her, eyes wide and imploring. Despite the grin pulling at his lips, his hands were shaking where they were clasped in front of his chest. Poor Katsuya looked like he was on the brink of collapse. The nervous tilt of his eyebrows were screaming at her to accept the man.
She didn’t know whether to spare his feelings or tell the truth.
Katsuya had called her earlier in the day, asking if she was free for a visit after work. For her son, she would always be free, she told him– but she accepted anyway. Despite their previously strained relationship, Katsuya was one of her favourite people. She loved when he swung by her residential area, coming for lunch or dinner whenever he made time in his busy schedule.
He told her he had a surprise for her– someone he wanted her to meet. She was ecstatic, of course; still overwhelmingly proud of her son for getting out into the world. And now, he was meeting people and making friends! She baked snacks with vigour, fueled by the need to impress whoever their guest would be.
Now she wished she hadn’t broken her back over those little cakes.
The man Katsuya presented her with was incredibly underwhelming– if not downright concerning. He spoke with a certain degree of smarminess, like he was trying to sell her something. His smile glinted– sharp and intelligent, but much too disarming. The man’s arms pinwheeled around as he spoke at a mile a minute; the lack of self-awareness was another red-flag raised with the others. Adding to his persona, the man’s hair was an unnatural shade of blond, the colour of box bleach done in the middle of the night in a cramped bathroom. On his strung-out frame, he wore an oversized– yet puzzlingly too-small– suit. It crinkled, thin fabric bunching up around his waist and shoulders. The pant legs didn’t quite reach his ankles, revealing unprofessional magenta socks. He was trying to distract her with his big, showy smiles and empty niceties– and she was already suspicious.
With narrowed eyes, she sized him up. She instilled as much distrust into her glare as her 5’3” stature could manage. Judging by the beads of sweat gathering under his bangs, the man was rightfully intimidated.
Katsuya led them into the house, passing by his mother to plant the man in her living room. He left him alone with a squeeze of his shoulder. The man looked like he was trying desperately to not throw up on her carpet. He smiled around his clear nausea– she wanted to laugh at the way his face was nearly green, like a cartoon character, but alarms were going off in her ears. She didn't like this disingenuous man who had swept up her Katsuya at all.
As Katsuya puttered around the kitchen, collecting mugs and tea bags as he set water boiling in the kettle with his powers, she sat on the armchair opposite the man, cornering him.
She levelled him with another icy look, crossing her arms. The man straightened, steeling himself like he was getting ready for an argument.
"Who are you?" She asked bluntly. He barely faltered, crossing his legs and leaning in. He still had that sickly-sweet customer service smile plastered on his face.
"Reigen Arataka," he stopped, like he was about to continue that sentence, but decided against it at the last minute. Pink dusted his cheeks and he cleared his throat, "I'm Katsuya's… business partner. It's nice to meet you Ms…?" He reiterated. She didn't return the sentiment.
She hummed, brushing him off, "And how do you know my son?"
Clanging sounded from the kitchen, causing her to startle– Katsuya must have dropped something. Concern flashed across Reigen's face as he peered into the kitchen, eyebrows drawn in a look that conveyed worry where she expected fear. It had been a long time since the sound of something hitting the floor in her home was cause for light concern instead of anxiety. Reigen relaxed when a bright "I'm okay!" floated in from the kitchen.
"Well, that's actually a funny story," he started, uncrossing and crossing his legs again the opposite way. It was like he couldn't stop moving, "Katsuya and I actually met at his old uh– 'job'."
Her heart stopped beating.
The last time a man in a suit with a fake smile and hollow words took her Katsuya, she lost him for three years. To hear that they met through the abusive man her son had just barely escaped from was a punch to the gut.
Already, Reigen was trying to explain himself. His hands flailed around like restless hummingbirds and if she hadn't been lost in her own fear and anger, she would want to bat them away.
"Not- I mean, it was after his old boss was arrested and- and I am not part of Claw or anything like that-!" He swiped a sweaty hand across his sweaty face, laughing shrilly, "You see, my kids– well, they're not really my kids but- but anyways!"
Was Katsuya in a bad place again?
It seemed like he was getting better– he had his own apartment that he paid for with his own money. She thought he had a real job, since he earned a consistent wage and spoke highly of his new boss– even quite affectionately at times. Katsuya went to school, he had friends; he was finally experiencing the world in a way she never thought possible. Nothing like the closed off, frightened boy she had known his whole life.
But, had he just been passed from one controlling force to another? Did she fail to see her son was struggling again?
Katsuya returned from the kitchen. His bubbly presence cut off Reigen's flustered ramblings, attention drawn solely to him. In his hands, Katsuya carried two steaming mugs of tea; behind him, a third cup bobbed lazily in the air, suspended in a shimmering cloud of magenta and black. She tried not to stare at the obvious and carefree display of psychic powers– but after so many years of it being just a depressing background hum in her home, it was still surprising to see it expressed so openly.
He handed them each a mug, sitting next to Reigen and letting his own settle gracefully into his cupped hands.
"Watch out, it's still hot," he murmured, earning an unimpressed pout from Reigen. Katsuya giggled into his tea and she nearly choked on her own– it had to have been years since she heard him sound so happy.
"So, what were you guys talking about?" Katsuya asked innocently. Reigen winced, turning away and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Just- ah… how we met." He confessed sullenly. In the tense silence, Reigen sipped his tea at an obnoxious volume. He set it down seconds later with a yelp.
Katsuya pursed his lips, carefully avoiding eye contact with his mother.
She cut in with a stern tone, "Katsuya," worry settled just under her words, "I thought you were done with that whole organisation. Are you…" She cleared her throat, but her voice still came out as nothing more than a whisper, "Do you need help, sweetheart?"
Her son looked absolutely stricken.
"Wh- Mama, what do you mean? Of course I'm not part of Claw anymore. I told you, they disbanded," his hands hugged his cup tighter as they started trembling, "A-and… um, I like where I am now."
His free hand wrapped around Reigen's arm, wrinkling the cheap fabric. A blotchy red blush spread across Reigen's entire face– just the sight of it gave her second hand embarrassment. Then her son's words caught up with her.
This is the man her son chose? This annoying, two-faced, car-salesman-esque man? A man who had power over him as his boss– and wasn't that just like his old 'employer'? Wasn't Suzuki just another person with too much control over her Katsuya– her poor son who would flock to anyone who could point him in the direction of normalcy–
Beeping filled the air; her cakes were done in the oven.
She set her mug down harshly. Tea splashed over the edges, staining her nearly spotless coffee table.
Ms. Serizawa stomped into her kitchen, breathing angrily through the tightness in her chest. Her heart spasmed with each intake, sending her head spinning. She propped herself up against the counter.
She balled her fists at her sides; her shoulders hunched as she squeezed her eyes shut. The tightness in her chest spread to her throat.
She failed again. Katsuya was going to be taken away from her again and it would be her fault for not noticing again. What was wrong with her? How could she be such a horrible mother? Was she just that negligent that he felt like he couldn't come to her for help? Was she not reaching out enough? It had to be her– there had to be a reason that her Katsuya kept falling into the hands of so many controlling men– it was a clear pattern and all signs pointed to her failure as a parent.
Soft footsteps shuffled up to her. He held his breath in anticipation, but didn't try to start the conversation.
"Why?" She mumbled, voice strangled. Katsuya sighed, shuffling closer to her side. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted him lift his arm– as if he was going to snake it around her shoulders– and then let it drop as he averted his eyes.
"Is it me?" She asked, again with no explanation, "Am I a bad mother, Katsuya?"
He startled, looking up from his feet to stare at her in disbelief.
"What? Why would you say that, of course you're- what makes you think that?" He stumbled over his words but she could see the genuine worry on his face. She could have laughed at how relieved that made her. Katsuya believed in everyone in his life, despite the ways he had been burned by that same trust. Whether anyone actually deserved that earnest support, though, was something she often doubted.
The green number on the digital display of her oven flashed '0:00' over and over. Every few seconds, it let out a piercing shriek, reminding her that her cakes would be ruined soon if she didn't do something about it. She didn't move turn the oven off.
"I let all of this happen to you and now look!" He tensed, "You're being taken advantage of again-"
"I am not being taken advantage of." The low rumble of his voice made her finally look up at him. Her son's face was set into a disillusioned scowl; eyebrows set low and mouth puckered into a frown.
Some part of her– buried deep down since her son left for Claw– wanted to hide from that angry face. Anger meant powers and powers always meant bad things in her home.
She could never be afraid of her lovely Katsuya, but psychic powers? Her stomach roiled for the first time in a while.
Slowly, his face smoothed back into worry. A wry smile pulled at his lips.
"I'm not as naive as you think I am," he chuckled without any humour, gaze fixed on his hands as he picked at his thumbnail, "Is that what you're worried about?"
She couldn't bring herself answer him. Shame flooded her stomach.
"Reigen is nothing like Suzuki," he continued resolutely. Fondness creased his eyes, "He's helped me become someone I can be proud of. I'm grateful for all of the opportunities he's given me, but…"
Katsuya looked up at her, face sharp with determination.
"But, I'm also helping myself. Reigen is different because– well, because he makes me feel different," she wanted to argue with him, but he steamrolled over her in a way she never would have expected, "I have my own life– I set boundaries and have friends outside of the office. Suzuki…" Katsuya blinked rapidly, face darkening again, "He didn't want me going to school or-or seeing you like I do now. He didn't want me to know anything except what he told me."
"I like when Reigen's proud of me," he admitted, hand finding a perch on his neck as he smiled abashedly, "But I don't need his approval like I needed Suzuki's. I don't need him to make me feel… uhm– feel like I'm worth something."
He stared down at her, eyes glittering with untapped emotion. Hope danced between the gentle tilt of his eyebrows and pooled in the upturned corners of his mouth. All she could do was nod her head in acknowledgement.
He spoke softer now, pressing a light hand on her back, "I can take care of myself now. You don't have to worry so much about me, Mama."
"Yes I do!" She choked out, tears springing to her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back consolingly.
"Trust me? Please?" He asked, meeker than his grandiose speech, but just as earnest. She shook her head.
"I don't know how to do that…" She admitted into his shoulder, speaking so softly she couldn't be sure he heard her. She didn't know if she wanted him to.
He pulled away and her heart twisted.
"Why not start now?" Another voice joined from the doorway. Reigen waved at her ruefully. Quickly, she dried her damp cheeks on a tea towel.
Katsuya huffed out a content laugh, shaking his head at Reigen's incredibly well-timed (and definitely calculated) entrance. She joined in, a little hysterically, after a while. She shook with the weight of her tumultuous emotions, anchoring herself with a hand on Katsuya's shoulder.
The oven timer beeped again and she jumped out of her skin.
"My cakes!" She shouted, horror wiping away all traces of the sorrow that had made its home in the creases of her face.
Armed with a pair of oven mitts and two men trying to mask their mirth with sympathy, she fished out the mini cakes she spent all afternoon baking.
They were blackened with char.
She ran a hand through her hair, tossing them out swiftly before her guest could get a good look at them. Katsuya rubbed her shoulder, still chucking a little under his breath.
"It's okay, Mama, don't worry about it." He smiled reassuringly.
"Thank you, honey, it's just… I don't have anything else to give you two other than tea."
"Oh!" Reigen dashed out of the room, rustling around the front hall. He came back with a sheepish smile on his face, brandishing a plate of cookies to her.
"They're not perfect, but I wanted to make something for you– and y'know, Teru really needed help with this baking assignment so I thought, why not, right? You don't have to take them, obviously, I made them at like midnight yesterday– and they probably have all kinds of grubby kid germs since Teru couldn't stop tasting the frosting no matter how many times I–"
"God, does this one ever shut up? Give those here." She swiped at her eyes subtly, taking the plate from a dumbstruck Reigen.
Katsuya laughed the hardest she had ever heard him.
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a-dumbo-octopus · 1 year
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
Going off your post (idk I sort of like conspiracies & theories). Here's my take::
So I semi remember a tweet after Stadium Stampede when the photo of OC bloodied and basically being carried out by Trent & Chuck was posted... Danhausen mentioned how he could take him (I may be remembering wrong)... What if when he comes back he takes the belt? Like every cursed item if it's returned it breaks the curse? Just a thought. I'd love to know your opinion or theory on this?
first of all, welcome to the theory crafting conspiracy zone youre so welcome to come here i love this shit so much even tho im probably wrong 9/10 times when i theorize about things but its so fun to do and one of my favorite ways to consume wrestling lol
second, i found this tweet?
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which sets up some. interesting implications for sure. if i had seen this earlier tbh i would have assumed this was more in relation to the all out match with mox, seeing how oc was pushed to the very limit in there and "to pay times debt" could easily be taken as having an opponent that could finally beat him after oc has suffered for so long and was on the end of his rope mentally and physically finally; however as we stand right now, with ocs second reign starting, clearly in much darker tone than before, and danhausen teasing his return, this could mean anything
i do love the take of danhausen being the one thats able to lift the curse from the belt tho, as someone who originally cursed it, if he gets his hands on it. personally i would enjoy seeing oc run as champ again as long as possible tho, ssooo in my perfect little imagination this wouldnt mean that danhausen gets to be the champion, but he joins forced with oc, turning them both heel (as is a very clear implication here in both of their demeanors lbr) - oc remains unchanged because he knows what he is like now as a champion. what he has to do. the vicious side of him that he has to tap into to keep that belt
tbh maybe tagging with danhausen would make him even more wicked. i mean that man got oc to wear something out of ordinary during their tag match at revolution (BLACK DENIM MY BELOVED), who knows what kind of a hold he can have on oc when the mans already corrupted to hell and back and danhausen is ready to show a more wicked side of him upon return as well
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blizzardz · 7 months
is anyone able to tell me anything about that book where it was about this boy who was obsessed with a website where people posted weird/paranormal things and the website was hosting a contest where whoever posted the best photo of something bizarre would win a trip to somewhere or whatever. And this boy's parents were separated and he wanted nothing more than to win the trip so he can spend time with his dad AT ALL and he's so desperate for it that he's very dismissive towards his little sister and is very selfish as little boys are
and also his mother was still going to school and they weren't too well off financially and just kinda scraping by and ALSO HIS SISTER HAD SOME KIND OF ILLNESS. So then when he and his sister find a skeleton hand growing out of their backyard, he's excited bc like, holy shit he can win the contest with this and see his never-at-all present dad. and his sister just makes friends with the skeleton lmao. but also they have no problem hiding the skeleton from their mother or anyone because apparently no one else can see him?
and it's just kinda weird for a bit. he keeps posting pictures of the skeleton (his sister named it "Princey") but they keep getting taken down bc everyone in the forums believed it was wayyyy to absurd that a skeleton grew in their backyard so it was taken down for supposedly being photoshopped
Then this reoccurring theme keeps coming up of "people see what they want to see," which like ok.
And also his sister's illness is getting worse, and he's starting to actually question like, hey, WHY did a skeleton grow out of our backyard and WHY is he just chilling and WHY can't anyone else see him but it all comes to a head when his sister is hospitalized for her sickness getting really critical. When she passes away, Princey is at her side, and distraught, he like runs out of the hospital and collapses in the parking lot and he looks up at Princey and he realizes why Princey was here. Princey was the grim reaper. Gradually growing and befriending his sister before she passed. His photo gets disqualified, but by this point the boy didn't even care about the contest or the trip anymore, it was completely forgotten about as he realizes how he was so selfish and dismissive of his family trying to chase after someone who never cared enough to be around anyway
And then the closing of the book is the boy and his mother recovering from their loss and they sleep together in a tent in their backyard. He wakes up in the middle of the night and he sees his sister and Princey dancing and playing together. His mom is also awake, and suddenly now, she can see Princey too. And they watch Princey and his sister fade away and it kinda clicks together at the end that the theme of "people see what they want to see" was all about Princey being invisible to some people. His sister saw Princey because she was lonely and wanted a friend. The boy saw Princey because he wanted something strange to win the contest with. Their mother never saw him because why would she ever want to face the worsening condition of her child? And the end just hit me like a fucnking train (HAHA.) because it means that as they were mourning her, they wanted to see her again so badly that THEY DID. PEOPLE SEE WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE.
it was fucking insane and i can't even remember the title or the names of the characters but maybe most possibly it was not something i was supposed to be reading in 2020, the pinnacle of my mental health (lie)
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f3ntime · 8 months
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Mentally unstable teenager kills adoptive psychopath mother after said mother started committing hate crimes against walking salads
this is Paint and Sunrise. (Paint is the one with wings, and the attacker, sunrise is the one getting attacked) Paint had abusive biological parents that normalized things that should be normal. They were abusive mentally and physically, and often forced paint and her siblings to fight over who got to feel loved that day. (Or food, who sleeps inside, who gets water, etc) Paint’s father, Timber, is actually the reason paint is missing an eye. people can only take so much abuse before they crack, and in this case, paint was the first. Hurting others was normal, and is what she was taught to use to either get attention, or what she wants. She wanted freedom. Paint murdered her mother, and attempted to kill her father as well, but he managed to escape, which makes sense since paint was only 7 when that happened. she ran off and basically disappeared off the face of the earth, no one knowing what happened. There was a search for both her and her father, neither were found and her siblings were all taken and put into different homes.
Paint eventually came across someone named Sunset, the daughter of Sunrise. Her “perfect” little angel. The two got along pretty well, and sunset eventually took Paint to go see her mother. Sunrise at this point in time is a extremely powerful gang leader, and had alot of people under her control (mostly because she was able to provide and protect them, but they were also afraid of her. As they should be) Paint didn’t know this untill she was almost 17, but the only reason why paint is alive is because of Sunset, Sunrise’s favorite child.
Paint was adopted into their family after proving to be useful (killing off people without hesitation, and in some of the most gruesome ways possible that she could think of)
the family was made up of Sunrise (mother), Dark (father), Sunset, Light, and Spice (little sisters), Night, Sugar, Clovus, and Vanadinite (Little brothers).
paint is the oldest of her siblings, and has more responsibilities, though she followed sunrise religiously, because she didn’t make her fight for love, she was already loved. Or atleast somewhat loved. While there was a good relationship for a while, it slowly soured and started to deteriorate over time.
that’s all the lore you get out of me today though:)
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gifti3 · 3 months
i think one appeal of gachas is that the fandom is more likely to stay highly active for years and years
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haven-gum-rockrose · 4 months
going through it lately. and by it? i mean absolutely nothing actually.
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stardust-sunset · 8 months
i saw a poll a week ago that asked what the worst sickness induced feeling is
it’s sore throat. 100%.
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widevibratobitch · 6 months
well shit
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
finally convinced myself to apply for the Folx fund help since otherwise im just. not making enough to cover regular doc visits and T rn.
(more venting abt this stuff below the cut feel free to skip)
And as of tonight im out of the vial my housemate generously offered since ae is changing up T methods rn anyway (tho i did try to get out any leftover T from previous syringes in my sharps box into the current vial, in an attempt to save any i could, but it didn't work as well as i wanted it to unfortunately)
I don't want to detransition. I'm genuinely terrified of it bc even just my period returning these last months has sent me spiraling each time. I'm the happiest I've ever been since transitioning (despite any additional Life Horrors occurring alongside it) and i just. I don't want to go back. but I'm not going to rely on my friends and family to bankroll this too while i try and get back on my feet
im nervous to have applied and tbh don't anticipate getting it simply bc goodness knows there's a fuck ton of us in need of help like this, and im just one of many. but holy fucking shit a year of paid for care would make a huge difference. one less expense to weigh on me for at least a little bit, enough time to hopefully get into a better more consistently paying job so i could just afford the usual Folx membership as I would like to rn if it wasn't $89/mo (and even switch back to gel to have a break from the injections for a bit, but that's an extra $50, so nearly $150 for that which rn is Ouch and just not possible to give out monthly which makes me feel so pathetic and shit but i just. Don't have it at a consistent rate rn with the polling center job fuckery and my anxiety with the job)
I don't want to be taking help from someone who needs it more, but if they can spare a spot for me i would be in their debt for the rest of my life and beyond grateful
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
okay so. i'm& not even doing my& usual formatting w/ this. here's the statistics in relations to mmigw2s & other native issues i've& been meaning to post but couldn't for mental health reasons; the last few days have been really hard on me& and us& as a system collectively for trauma reasons. all of it is under the cut. nonnatives don't derail.
Land Back
Indian Residential School Survivors' Society
Google Doc of MMIGW2S/MMIP Resources Including Things For Settlers To Be Aware Of
Strong Hearts Helpline
Hope For Wellness Helpline
Idle No More: Defund The Canadian Police ( "Honor all of the lives lost to the Canadian State – Indigenous lives, Black Lives, Migrant lives, Women and Trans and 2Spirit lives — all of the relatives that we have lost. Use our voices for MMIWG2S, Child Welfare, Birth Alerts, Forced Sterilization, Police/RCMP brutality and all of the injustices we face. We will honor our connections to each other and to the Water, Land, and Sky" )
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Violence Against Native & Alaska Native Women & Men (PDF)
Natives are killed in police encounters at a higher rate than any other racial or ethnic group, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet rarely do these deaths gain the national spotlight.
For every 1 million Natives, an average of 2.9 of them died annually from 1999 to 2015 as a result of a “legal intervention,” according to a CNN review of CDC data broken down by race. The vast majority of these deaths were police shootings. But a few were attributed to other causes, including manhandling. That mortality rate is 12% higher than for African-Americans and three times the rate of whites. 
Natives more likely to be killed by law enforcement than other racial or ethnic groups
Natives are killed in law enforcement actions at a higher rate than any other race or ethnicity, according to CDC data from 1999 to 2015.
The data available likely do not capture all Native deaths in police encounters due to people of mixed race and a relatively large homeless population that is “not on the grid, and are thus horrifically underreported.
As November 1, 2021, there were 71 First Nations communities under drinking water advisories, 17 out of which had at least two water advisories in place.
97% of Indigenous peoples have experienced violence perpetrated by at least one non-Indigenous person.
Natives are the largest group per capita in the prison system and are more likely to be affected by police violence than any other racial group, The low proportion of Natives may contribute to a lack of media attention for cases of police brutality against them, this is affected by the portion of Natives living on reservations; however, media presence on reservations is low, which results in instances of police brutality against Natives going unrecorded.
An Indigenous person in Canada is more than 10 times more likely to have been shot and killed by a police officer in Canada since 2017 than a white person in Canada. Indigenous Canadians are 11 times more likely than non-Indigenous Canadians to be accused of homicide Indigenous Canadians are 56% more likely to be victims of crime than other Canadians. In 2016, Indigenous Canadians represented 25% of the national male prison population and 35% of the national female prison population.
Though Natives are killed by police at disproportionately high rates, their deaths are not widely known. Cheryl Horn said she thinks nonnatives don't know about brutality against Native people because they "don't experience the same trauma." Schools don't teach about Natives, we aren't in media, television, film or entertainment. For many, we are out of sight, out of mind, so, we don't exist. But the issue is that this invisibility could be a matter of life and death. It's because people aren't paying attention," she said. "This information is out there and readily available. It's time non-Native people start paying attention. So much of this nation's wealth has been built on the theft of Native lands and the enslavement of Black people.
Nearly 1 in 3 Natives (29.2%), over 1 in 4 African Americans (27.2%), 1 in 4 Hispanic/Latinos (23.5%), 1 in 10 Asians (10.5%) and 1 in 10 non-Hispanic whites (9.6%) live below the federal poverty line.
Suicide rates vary depending on region and tribal affiliation but rates are particularly high in the Southwestern United States, the northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains, and in Alaska, and in the Arctic. High suicide rates are often correlated with substance use disorder, alcoholism, depression, and poverty, widespread in many Native American reservations. Studies have shown that early substance use can lead to higher homicide and suicide rates among a population group. Risk factors for suicide often include a sense of hopelessness, alcohol use disorder, depression, poverty and a triggering conflict or event which can include conflict or loss. Among 77% of males that attempted or completed suicide had incomes of less than 10,000 dollars and 79% were unemployed. Native American youth also report higher rates of exposure to violence and sexual and physical abuse, both correlated to suicide rates. Other possible contributing factors include the mother's age at delivery, family conflict, and financial instability. Additionally 20% of all individuals who attempted or completed suicide had a parent who had also attempted or completed suicide.
In 2015 the National Congress of Natives found that an estimated 40 percent of women who are victims of sex trafficking identify as Native, or First Nations.  
Why seek Natives? “We’re associated with fetishes,” such as long hair, exotic looks that sex patrons perceive as Asian or Hispanic, Imus-Nahsonhoya says.”We could look like anything.”
Sex traffickers prey upon young girls and women they perceive as vulnerable. Labor traffickers look for boys and young men, as well as girls, to labor in oil fields, sweatshops, “man camps” and as domestic help. The high rates of poverty and hardship in tribal communities; historical trauma and culture loss; homelessness and runaway youth; high rates of involvement with child welfare systems, including entry into the foster care system; exposure to violence in the home or community; drug and alcohol abuse; and low levels of law enforcement all add up to a community rich in targets for traffickers. Imus-Nahsonhoya says that she learned most of what she knows about trafficking from survivors of this degrading and often dangerous life. “One trafficked woman showed me a list of services and her daily quota,” says Imus-Nahsonhoya. “From age 14 to 17, she had to make $600 a day. But she never saw a dime of that.” That’s why sex trafficking is said to be a $12 billion business.
One in three Native women will be sexually assaulted or raped in her life. Statistics say about 86% of these assaults are committed by non-Native men. While part of this is due to non-Native men preying upon Native women because they’re unlikely to be prosecuted because of tribal sovereignty policies and jurisdiction laws, how we’re viewed is also a factor. The over-sexualization of Native women objectifies us. When we are fetishized and exotified to the point that we lose our humanity, violence ensues.
Natives die due to police violence at a rate 12% higher than other populations. The suicide rate among Natives is the highest of all demographics in this country (22.1%, or 8 percentage points above the overall rate). Childhood poverty (29.2%), teenage pregnancy (29.4%), domestic violence (48% for native women, 41% for native men), and the high school dropout rate (10.1%, 2 full points above Hispanic youth and 4 points above black youth). Natives account for 2.3% of prisoners in this country out of a nationwide total population of approximately 5 million. I’ll let you guess who leads in homelessness.
The crude rates of suicide were highest for Natives, Non-Hispanic males (33.4 per 100,000) and, followed by White, Non-Hispanic males (29.8 per 100,000). Among females the crude rates of suicide were highest for Natives, Non-Hispanic females (11.1 per 100,000) and White, Non-Hispanic females (8.0 per 100,000). The status dropout rate varied by race/ethnicity in 2018. The status dropout rate for Asian 16- to 24-year-olds (1.9 percent) was lower than the rates for their peers who were White (4.2 percent), of Two or more races (5.2 percent), Black (6.4 percent), Hispanic (8.0 percent), Pacific Islander (8.1 percent), and Native (9.5 percent).
Many tribes have their own criminal justice systems, but a convoluted jurisdictional muddle  prevents them from holding non-Native offenders accountable. As a result, many non-Native offenders are virtually immune to prosecution and the lack of jurisdiction over nonnatives is particularly problematic, because:
• Approximately 2/3 of Native women who are sexually assaulted are attacked by non-Native men.
• 59% of Native women report being in relationships with non-Native men.
• In 71% of sexual assaults against Native women, the victim knew her attacker.
• The rate of interracial violence experienced by Natives and Natives is far higher than the rate experienced by Black or White victims.
Native and Native women experience assault and domestic violence at much higher rates than women of any other ethnicity.
• Over 84% of Native women experience violence during their lifetimes.
• Natives are 3 times more likely to experience sexual violence than any other ethnic group. Over half of Native women report having experienced sexual assault.
• 55.5% of Native women experience physical intimate partner violence in their lifetimes; 66.6% experience psychological abuse.
• 17% of Native and Native women have been stalked compared to white Americans, Natives are 2x as likely to die in a car crash, 3.5x more likely to die as a pedestrian, 2x more likely to die in a fire, and 3x more likely to drown (some credit alcohol as a primary cause of this, though access to emergency care is also a contributing factor), Indigenous people are 10x more likely to be shot and killed by police in Canada, 1 in 3 Native women will be assaulted in her lifetime, though specialized studies on more rural reservations/towns have shown that that rate can actually be 12x higher than that (this is due to a ‘culture of lawlessness’ made possible by lack of tribal sovereignty in prosecuting these cases & settler gov’t apathy on the issue, coupled by severe underfunding of community programming and law enforcement; not to mention of course the obvious sexualized racism and colonial sexual politics that inform the systematic rape of Native women at the hands of settlers).
Alaska Natives & Native Americans are 5x more likely to die of tuberculosis (in comparison to white Americans; this is due to low vaccination accessibility & inadequate health care, though there is also a history of purposefully giving Native Americans TB both in “the colonial period” and in residential schools)
Native Americans are more likely to commit suicide than any other ethnic/racial group in the US, though this rate can fluctuate based on demographics—young Alaska Native women, for example, are 19x more likely to commit suicide than any other women their age. (this is largely credited to intergenerational trauma, poverty, sexual assault, domestic abuse, limited health care & mental health services, chronic unemployment, incarceration, lack of opportunity, racism, cultural disconnect, & substance abuse)
American Indians & Alaska Natives have the highest rate of diabetes, out of all ethnic groups in the US; the Pima people have the highest rate of diabetes in the entire world (this is largely due to lack of ability to subsistence hunt and gather traditional foods, the foods that are made available through commod rations, and the lack of affordable healthy food available to low-income communities)
“We are the sickest racial, ethnic population in the United States,” said Irene Vernon, a professor at Colorado State University who specializes in Native American health.
Then there’s the issue of care. A large minority of Native Americans and Alaska Natives live on reservations in rural areas, mostly serviced by clinics, often a lengthy drive to a hospital, and usually strapped for funds. “The money we get for health is less than the money given to prisoners,” Vernon said. “It’s shamefully small, per person.”
More Native Americans die by injury by the age of 44 than any other cause, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Compared to white Americans, Native people are twice as likely to die in a car crash, three and a half times more likely to die as a pedestrian, twice as likely to die by fire and three times more likely to drown, according to the Indian Health Service. According to Vernon, alcohol likely plays a role, as does pure distance from emergency care. But scattered reports suggest a downward slide in the numbers, except for suicide and deadly assaults.
Violent crime on many reservations has skyrocketed in the last decade, even as its dropped across the country. too few tribal officers and federal police, and deeply underfunded tribal courts, have created a pervasive sense of lawlessness. For some tribal nations, brutal murders have become a normal part of life. Last year, the Department of Justice completed a two-year crime-fighting initiative on a handful of reservations modeled after the Iraq War surge. 
We are the victims of violent crimes at rates 250% higher than Whites.
• On some reservations in the United States, the murder rate of Native women is 10 times higher than in the rest of the nation.
• Native children experience PTSD at the same rate as combat veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Native and Native women experience extremely high rates of domestic violence, physical and sexual assault, and murder. Many women do not report violence for a variety of reasons. Many tribes have inadequate or no law enforcement to report these crimes to. In small, isolated communities, victims often fear retribution from perpetrators’ friends and family. Many Native women also never speak of their abuse because they see it as futile; they believe no one can or will help them.
American Indian and Alaska Native men also have high victimization rates. More than four in five American Indian and Alaska Native men (81.6 percent) have experienced violence in their lifetime (see Table 2). This includes 27.5 percent who have experienced sexual violence, 43.2 percent who have experienced physical violence by an intimate partner, 18.6 percent who have experienced stalking, and 73 percent who have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner. Overall, more than 1.4 million American Indian and Alaska Native men have experienced violence in their lifetime.More than one in three American Indian and Alaska Native men (34.6 percent) have experienced violence in the past year. This includes 9.9 percent who have experienced sexual violence, 5.6 percent who have experienced physical violence by an intimate partner, 3.8 percent who have experienced stalking, and 27.3 percent who have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner. Overall, more than 595,000 American Indian and Alaska Native men have experienced violence in the past year.
American Indian and Alaska Native men are 1.3 times as likely as non-Hispanic white-only men to have experienced violence in their lifetime. In particular, American Indian and Alaska Native men are 1.4 times as likely to have experienced physical violence by an intimate partner and 1.4 times as likely to have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime. The other estimates are not significantly different across racial and ethnic groups.
16.4 per cent of Indigenous people live in a home in need of major repairs compared to 5.7 per cent of non-Indigenous people and 17.1 per cent of Indigenous people live in crowded housing.
Indigenous children make up more than half of all children in foster care but only account for 7.7 per cent of all children 14-years-old or younger. Rates are higher in Manitoba, where advocates point to an over-representation of Indigenous children in the child welfare system as a factor in many of the social issues people face.
More than 237,000 people speak an Indigenous language. While the number of people who use one as their first language has been in decline, there has been growth in the number of Indigenous second-language speakers, the census said.
• High poverty rates, especially on reservations, can exacerbate domestic violence trauma.
• Alcohol and drug use on tribal lands is rampant and is associated with domestic violence perpetration. On one Montana reservation, 40% of reported violent crime involved alcohol or drugs.
• Although the federal government recognizes 566 tribes in the US, there are only 26 shelters nationwide providing culturally-specific services to Native and victims/survivors.
Although there is much popular and media attention given to the epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous women, and justly so, the documented murder rate of Indigenous men in Canada is actually higher than that of Indigenous women. Both the Toronto Star and APTN have had stories reporting on Statistics Canada’s figures of Indigenous murder victims between 1980-2012. StatsCan documented 745 Indigenous female homicide victims and 1,750 Indigenous male homicide victims. That’s 14 and 17 per cent of all female and male homicide victims, respectively, despite the fact that, as of 2011, only 4.3 per cent of Canada’s population self-identified as Indigenous. The female figure of 745 Indigenous female homicide victims differs from the 2014 RCMP report of 1,017 murdered and 164 missing Indigenous women since 1980. (The RCMP has yet to provide such a figure for murdered and missing Indigenous men.) Regardless, these figures still show a disparity between Indigenous and settler Canadians’ experiences of violence. Such violence scars communities all across Canada. Lydia Daniels, whose son Colten Pratt has been missing since November 2014, told APTN that “we also wanted to make a statement that we also have murdered and missing men in our communities.” Sandra Banman, whose son Carl was murdered in 2011, stated “In balance and unity with our people, we also need to think about our men. We don’t love our daughters more than we love our sons, so when our sons go missing or are murdered, it hurts the families just as much.”
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When ST fans interpret every antagonistic character to be a child molester for some reason
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