#lost tribes
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slashdementia7734 · 2 months ago
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spacebookettes · 5 months ago
An end of books essay
A Lemon Saved the World
They made fun of the Uraam, all this worlds people. They joked about their real naivety, their science; not their poetry or art. The Uraam’s poetry was considered beyond this particular world. Every aspect of the Uraam's understanding of the world: Their spirituality is informed by poetry. The bee does not transfer pollen from fruit tree to fruit tree, the winged humbugs make tea for the flowers of this planets limes and give each bloom a little drink from their backpacks, the tea swirls and swirls down the flowers and stems then into the roots where green mites freeze the tea into tiny eggs that elastically spring back up the stems of the lime bush and into fruits, one shot like pin balls. The children of the rest of this world draw the mites and the winged humbugs and the teachers make the children write about pollen next to the drawings. The children dress as the mites for Uraam Halloween. Eating frozen lime flavoured eggs and tea flavoured humbugs.
An expeditioner brought something new to the Uraam, a lemon, a GMO lemon from the new worlds: through the dense jungle the lemon stayed perfect for the 8 day journey, unrefrigerated. The Uraam decided that the new fruit was made by lightning mists of New World Mountain, shocked into the world on damp days of mouldy spores, they believed the lemon contains lightning and is forbidden to be eaten; less your bowels glow in the dark and glow mites find new homes. This story is passed along to the new world, taught around classrooms and campfires for a thousand years. The Uraam still persist in that thousand years.
Peter Stringer
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demaparbat-hp · 5 months ago
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He truly did.
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ghett0-g0rgeous1989ad · 10 months ago
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jahveedap · 1 year ago
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love-letters-to-yehovah · 1 year ago
Save us Oh YeHoVaH our God, gather us from the nations!
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coreofthebible · 1 year ago
Resurrection part 3: Daniel's "end of days" resurrection prophecy
We are continuing the third essay today in a four-part series on the topic of resurrection. So far in our exploration of this far-reaching topic, we have viewed instances of individual, bodily resurrections throughout the Bible. We also looked at what Yeshua taught about all the righteous throughout the history of Israel who were still considered as alive to God, since “God is not the God of the…
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deadstonemasonssociety · 2 years ago
Anthropologist Makes Contact With An Isolated Tribe For The First Time
Documents first contact with members of a previously isolated tribe called the Txapanawa on the bank of the Envira River in the village of Simpatia in Brazil. The Anthropologist is José Carlos Meirelles.
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grouper · 19 days ago
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five generations of natural selection.
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queen-morgana91 · 7 months ago
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Aang and Hakoda have a very respectful relationship, I love the in-laws ❤
He canonically granted Aang honorary status as the Son-in-law of the Chief and that’s beautiful
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serpentface · 8 months ago
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A witch of the Naig-Troibadnnas (Yellowtail river valley) people, resting and enjoying a smoke of the mild stimulant brolge leaf on a hot summer day.
Witches are a small part of the everyday cultural framework among the Hill Tribes. They are individuals considered born possessed by a virgranul, a type of disembodied wild spirit that seeks to inhabit human flesh, either entering the body at the moment of conception, or entering the body at the moment of death. The latter is a dire circumstance that requires significant intercession to fix (the dead body may wander off without rites, leaving the person's soul trapped and liable to warp into the dangerous fuldaigh spirit), while the former circumstance is what causes a person to be born a witch.
In the case of those afflicted in the womb, possession by virgranul is lifelong, and is both a curse and blessing- it divides and isolates them from the human world and causes other wild spirits (both benevolent and malicious) to be perpetually drawn to them, but also allows for them to be attuned to the subtleties of spirits, and able to work magic and divination that the everyday person is incapable of.
Witches are usually recognized from a young age due to marked behavioral differences or atypical development, though are sometimes simply identified as such without obvious behavioral indications, by other witches having read signs of their coming. Their occurrence is not frequent, usually once in a generation for any given tribe. An identified witch child will be taken from their family (the timing varies by tradition, though is usually upon puberty) and into mentorship by an established witch, who will impart their accumulated knowledge and skill and teach the child how to best harness their condition.
One can be a witch regardless of their gender, with the only commonality being that they must remain unmarried, and are expected to never have children (deemed too dangerous, unavoidably placing a child in the path of potentially harmful wild spirits). With no spouses or children to support them in holding a household and herds, witches are instead supported by their communities as means of payment for their services. They typically live in semi-isolation in the boundaries between the village and wilderness (a reflection of their own division between the world of people and of wild spirits, and a protective measure for their communities), and will periodically be brought needed supplies. They do not commonly enter villages unless summoned, or for the sake of certain holidays and festivals, and live most of their lives in seclusion aside from any given mentee (who will in turn care for their mentor in old age).
The societal function of witches is as intermediaries between people and their ancestors, people and wild spirits, and as especially skilled performers of practical magic (most commonly weaving protective spells into worn items, such as clothing or the nose rings of cattle). Forms of practical magic and intercession with ancestors and spirits are performed by all members of society, but a witch has intimate, detailed knowledge of such things and tremendous natural skill that makes them an invaluable asset.
Witches personally discern the identities of the spirits living in any given area and will attempt to familiarize themselves with them, learning in depth about their ways, giving warnings of where the particularly dangerous (or mischievous) ones are, and giving recommendations on which will be receptive to offerings in return for boons. When a village needs to commune with a particularly powerful or dangerous spirit (such as a wildfolk witch), they will commonly send their own witch as an intermediary.
They are ascribed have the ability to directly summon ancestors (who otherwise come and go of their own volition, and rarely ever deign to come at the call of one who is not their descendant). This is of great use when a person finds themselves punished by their ancestors with no certainty as to why, or cases where an orphaned child's ancestry must be identified to gain them proper spiritual support.
They are also regarded as having innate qualities of divination, particularly in reading birdsign (itself generally acknowledged as communication from ancestors, and occasionally gods). The average person has basic knowledge in reading omens of birds and a learned repertoire of key signs, but a witch can divine the messages of birdsign in immense and specific detail, through a vast knowledge system of the meanings of the species, sex, flight direction, gaze, prey, number, and songs of birds. It is common for people to approach a witch for a reading of the skies before undertaking a significant venture or life change, in order to receive detailed and specific advice.
Witches are always literate (and will be taught to read and write by their mentor if they cannot already) and will record their repositories of knowledge in tomes. These are items of absolute secrecy and taboo for a non-witch to touch (the consequences can be severe, you really don't want a witch ancestor-spirit upset with you). Witches can often become competitive about the knowledge stored in these tomes and are known to organize heists amongst themselves in order to gain access to each other's secrets. Most people avoid getting themselves entangled into the complicated rivalries of witches, as these competitions can get ugly and result in many a petty curse if one gains a witch's ire.
The only visual cue distinguishing this man as a witch is the tattoos on his forearms, otherwise usually regarded as inappropriate to mark in the contemporary Hill Tribes cultural sphere (the face, upper arms, and sternum is reserved for important clan/tribe/ancestry identification, hands and forearms are reserved for witches, and the rest of the body is appropriate for decoration). These unique forearm tattoos indicate his ancestral connection with a lineage of witches, not blood ancestry but rather the generations of mentors that have produced him. The lines extending down to his fingers are the newest, indicating that he has fully mentored another witch and gained a place in this ancestral line.
The rest of the tattoos here are tribe and blood ancestry identifiers (on the face and upper arms respectively, worn by all members of society), and purely decorative imagery (visible here is a deer, horse, eagle, and a dragon). He also has a snake on his forearm, applied decades ago in an act of youthful rebellion, which has since gotten in the way of critical open skin space.
His clothing is otherwise typical wear for warm seasonal conditions- a man's wool shawl and woven belt, short trousers, decorative deer hide (distinct to the Naig-Troibadnnas), and sandals (these are imported Wardi style sandals, which have been modified with preferred elevated heels). The horn shaped torc on his forearm identifies him as an esteemed elder.
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lazorbeanz · 11 months ago
Y’know what would be nice?
If that the series ended off with Knuckles returning home to Sonic, Tails and Maddie, and (after the rapid fire of questions and scolding for running away which is most likely prone to happen lol) begins to tell them about how he realised he isn’t living with them just to fulfil a vow of protecting the M.E anymore, but rather because he finally found his home
He explains how he finally understands the definition of “home” and what makes one
And if it’s anywhere he is most at home (since losing his tribe), it’s in the small town of Green Hills, with the Wachowski family, because with them is where his place of belonging lies…they are his home, and always were from the moment they took him in
Yeah, I think that would be nice
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demaparbat-hp · 1 month ago
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Zuko drank in the sight of her because some part of him knew he wouldn't get another chance to do so.
She was the most glorious being he had ever seen.
Mother Wolf guides us to the end of something in For the Spirits Chapter X: Following Your Form.
What will the Southern Seas bring? What depths has she pushed us into?
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morangoowada · 3 months ago
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Part 2 of Brazilronpa
Previous part here
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billfinarts · 3 months ago
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Predator: Tales of the Hunt
The Shaman has been watching and now he moves...
Find out more soon!
Colors done by @kenosisofabrami
Lineart and storyboard by me
Tales of the Hunt will be taking a short break for the holidays, but we'll return the week after Christmas!
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shentheauthor · 7 months ago
Thinking about Ji.
Thinking about how he’s the last surviving member of his tribe.
Thinking about how any language or dialect his tribe may have had, is lost forever. Ji’s mind is not meant to remember everything. They forget, and the longer they live, the less they remember their own culture.
He loses the dances his people used to perform. They can’t recall the sound of the music they played. Clothing, food, rituals, even the kind of incense they burned. All of it is gone.
Ji hates that it was him who got the curse of immortality, but I feel like part of that is because he isn’t anything special. It could have been anyone— a poet, a scholar, someone who could better represent the culture that inevitably eroded away with time. Someone who could keep their people alive in more than a literal sense.
But instead, it’s Ji. Unambitious, unremarkable Ji whose only virtue is their immortality. Ji, who can’t play an instrument when they find an old hymn from their tribe, still intact. Ji, who can’t even remember the feeling of their own language in their mouth.
The hollow pit that forms when you forget something that should never be forgotten.
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