#like omg he had no idea what was going on
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ꕤ helping hand ꕤ

Warnings: brief mention of Sabaody & Marineford in Luffy's part Genre: fluff Characters: Luffy, Zoro, & Law Summary: How they realize they have feelings for you (acts of service edition) Author's Note: We're back finally omg. Zoro's part of this stumped me so hard because I wanted to keep the idea I had for him for the next installment of this series so sorry if this one falls flat! I kind of hate it, but I promise all the Zoro fans out there will be well-fed in the next segment. ;_; I'm so glad you guys have been enjoying them so far. I hope you guys enjoy this one and as always happy reading! masterlist

Luffy always acts on instinct which makes it all the more pure when he does something nice.
If he sees something that reminds him of someone or wants to do something nice, he'll just do it. He's also surrounded by people who are constantly doing the same for him. However, I think someone really going the extra mile to do something meaningful for him would most likely make his heart flutter and cause him to re-evaluate how he feels about you.
Storms are a common occurrence out on the sea, especially while traveling in the Grand Line. They've had their fair share of wild storms, sometimes with weather phenomena beyond belief, but Luffy loved them all.
Caution to the wind, he was always sitting on the mast, right on the Sunny where he belonged. Nami hated it, always yelling at him about how one of these days he would fall in and something bad would happen, but he knew Zoro would always go and get him, so did it really matter?
So, when he was sitting on the Sunny as he always did and another storm began to start, he simply shoved his hat further onto his head and ignored at all of the crew's attempts to get him to come down and head inside.
"You're gonna get yourself killed, Luffy!" Nami scolded, yelling from her place on the upper deck as Luffy continued ignoring her.
He simply laughed, turning to look at her over his shoulder as the crew scrambled around trying to ready the ship for the winds and rain. "If I fall, Zoro will just come and get me!"
The man in question was still dozing on the deck, seemingly unbothered by the onslaught of rain pelting him. Nami glared, walking down the stairs and hitting him on the head hard enough to leave a welt and the two of them began to bicker. Luffy laughed again, always enjoying his crew's antics and trusting that they would figure everything out. They always did.
He catches your eyes as you're starting to run around the deck, grabbing furniture and rushing it inside with Sanji's help and you flash him a reassuring smile. He returns it, watching as you pick up the foldable table Robin was reading at not a few minutes ago before running inside. He feels warmth spread across his chest and he tells himself that it's his sign that everything will be fine. And it is for a while until a particularly harsh wave crashes against the side of the Sunny as he's watching you grab the last of the furniture. He loses his grip, his balance thrown off by being twisted around and looking the wrong way, and before he can catch himself he's splashing into the sea, sapping all his strength in an instant.
The cold water rushes around him, pulling him further and further down into the water and he can feel his vision blurring the longer he stays in the water. He vaguely sees someone jump into the water causing a splash above and then Zoro's familiar green hair is swimming towards him. All he can manage to do is give him a weak smile before Zoro grabs him and hauls him back up to the surface of the water. Eventually, he's laid out on the deck of the ship, the crew immediately crowding around him as he coughs out water from his mouth.
"You idiot, this is exactly what I said would happen!" Nami chides, hitting him on the head this time instead of Zoro.
He groans, complaining half-heartedly. "But Zoro got me just like I said!"
Nami bickers with him for a little longer until he has enough strength to sit up. He reaches behind him to grab his hat and pull it onto his head once again but is surprised when he's met only with the cold skin of his neck instead of the familiar well-worn straw. His hand goes to his head next, wondering if somehow he was already wearing it and it hadn't fallen off his head while he was in the water, but all he's met with is his wet messy hair.
"Where's my hat?" he asks, turning to Zoro.
Zoro cracks open his eye from where he settled in to resume his nap and looks like he's about to give some snarky reply before he stops. His mouth snaps shut and his eye widens slightly as he seems to remember something.
"I don't know," he says, causing a wave of anxiety to crash through Luffy immediately. "I just pulled you out of the water. I didn't see your hat. Isn't it around your neck?"
Luffy stands up then, running over to the side of the railing to look for it. The waves have picked up in intensity so despite his best efforts, he can't find any signs of his hat. He looks over his shoulder, the rest of the crew besides Zoro oblivious to his panic, too busy resuming their clearing of the ship's deck. He once again catches your eyes and you immediately sense that something is wrong, like you always seem to be able to do when it comes to him, and you run over as Zoro curses under his breath and gets up himself.
"What's wrong Luffy?" you ask, concern evident as you meet him.
He looks back out at the water, still desperately searching for any hint of yellow or red as he responds. "My hat."
It doesn't explain anything, but you know him well enough to fill in the blanks, immediately looking at him and noticing its absence and putting the rest together. By now, it seems that Zoro has informed the rest of the crew as the ship is coming to a halt and everybody has begun to look out to the sea for his hat.
He moves back toward the figurehead, thinking that maybe it caught on the Sunny's head before he fell but has no luck. He can feel a pit forming in his stomach at the thought of him losing his hat forever, of not being able to keep his promise to Shanks, but then he hears your shout.
"I can see it!"
He runs over to the stairs, eyes following your point out to sea and finally, he sees his hat. It's a little far out, but it's there, floating on the water's surface amongst the waves. He looks back just in time to see you hauling yourself up onto the railing, throwing your jacket onto the deck before jumping headfirst into the icy cold water. He hears some shouts of protest from the crew but you've already disappeared into the water, oblivious to their cries.
"What are they thinking?" Usopp calls as he begins climbing the ladder up to the crow's nest. "The waves are so powerful, will they be ok?"
A new kind of panic wells inside of him at Usopps words. He knows that you're strong and he's seen you swim before on the few rare beach days the crew gets, but he also knows that the ocean is a force to be reckoned with, waves and currents pushing and pulling with intense force. He runs over to the railing once more, keeping his eyes trained on his hat and waiting to see you pop up next to it. The rest of the crew joins him quickly, everyone waiting with bated breath as you swim under the water.
Eventually after what feels like minutes but was most likely only a few seconds, you do pop out of the water right next to his hat. You grab it in your hand and turn to face the ship, waving your hand with a smile. His relief is short-lived, however, when a giant wave comes crashing down right on you, pulling you under the water. He hears someone scream your name and it takes a few seconds before he realizes that it's him screaming. He wants to jump in and save you like his instincts are telling him but he feels so helpless, just like on Sabaody, just like at Marineford, because you're right there and he can't help you.
Thankfully, before his body can move and doom himself to drowning, Zoro is jumping in after you. Once again, he's left waiting, wondering if this is how the crew always feels when he's gone overboard and needed to get saved. Seconds tick by before the water breaks once more and there you two are. Zoro begins paddling over to the ship and you're coughing water out while clutching his hat to your chest.
When you're finally lifted onto the ship, all you can do is lean against the railing, still holding his hat to your chest. You finish catching your breath as Robin comes over holding your jacket. You smile up at everyone, first at Robin and then at him. You lift the hat up towards him. "I got it, safe and sound."
The crew breathes a giant sigh of relief, seeing you and your humor still intact. Robin leans you forward and lays your jacket over your shoulders while Nami begins to criticize you for jeopardizing your health. All he can do is stand in front of you, paralyzed as he watches you recovering from your swim. The breeze picks up again and a particularly strong one causes you to shiver, clothes still soaked with seawater.
"Come on, let's go inside. We don't want anyone catching a cold," Nami says, ushering everyone inside.
You stand up with Robin's help and before you go inside, you step towards him. You're holding the hat out to him, more firmly this time as your strength from fighting the water comes back.
"Here," you offer, "The string is broken, so you'll need to fix it but otherwise it's in good condition."
He picks it up, brushing his hand over the familiar three slashes in the top that Nami had carefully sown up all those years ago and he's filled with such gratitude for you. You risked your life to go and retrieve his hat after his carelessness, had held it so close to you as if it was something precious, knowing how important it was to him that you would throw caution to the wind, so it's with a smile that he finds himself placing the hat on your head instead of his own.
"You wear it for now. Consider it my thanks!" he says, his sunny smile radiating the warmth that's spreading across his own chest at the thought that you would risk so much for what most would consider just a hat.
As he heads inside and Sanji begins to serve dinner, he can't help the flutter in his heart every time you look at him in his hat. It suits you so well that he can't find it in himself to take it back from you until you settle it on his head before heading to bed. From now on, he finds more excuses to give his hat to you, and every time it makes his heart stop. He realizes quite quickly why he's feeling this way and it only encourages him to give you his hat even more. The person he loves deserves it, after all.

Zoro really values the actions of others. It's easy to say things without following through, so purposeful actions or a promise kept means everything.
Zoro never says anything he doesn't mean, but he certainly doesn't say anything he doesn't intend to follow through on. Actions prove everything to him and he values the fact he's on a crew that feels the same. I think someone sharing that same devotion to showing care and intent through your actions, especially if it's something for him, would be huge and make him realize his feelings for you.
Zoro isn't one to hold back, but especially not when he fights. He gives everything he has to give, plus a little bit more. In order to be the best, he'll push himself well past his limits. He doesn't see the issue with it, always willing to sacrifice himself for the team because the best should be able to take it. To handle the weight of the world.
Normally, this method works out, but it also leads to him getting wounded more often than he likes to admit.
He always lets Chopper treat his injuries but doesn't always strictly adhere to his recovery plans. Before his injuries truly have a chance to fully heal, he's already off to his next battle or training session. Over time, those injuries turn into something much worse and that was exactly what happened in the Straw Hat's most recent fight.
He'd gone into the battle with a strained muscle in his arm and all it took was for him to put a little too much power into a swing for it to turn into a full-on tear. Chopper had given him a long lecture after the fight and was still getting on him about properly resting this time around as he finished treating him.
"I put a wrapping on the affected area to keep it compressed. You need to rest and keep the area elevated as much as possible. Ice it for 15 minutes every few hours," Chopper instructed as he began rooting around in his medicinal cabinets for something, "I'm serious this time. If you keep pushing yourself you'll cause irreparable damage."
Zoro nodded, humming lowly in agreement as he twisted his arm, trying to get used to the bandages. After a few more seconds, Chopper found what he was looking for and grabbed a small metal tin. He got down from the desk and gave the container to Zoro, who opened it to find a green salve inside.
"That should help with the recovery process. If you apply it once a day it should speed up the healing. I would apply it myself, but it works best when you apply it with skin-to-skin contact which my hooves can't do. You'll have to ask someone else to help," Chopper explained.
"I'll just do it myself," Zoro said, getting up to leave.
"Zoro," Chopper said, the seriousness of Chopper's voice forcing him to stop. All it took was one look from Chopper for him to get the message. He sighed, relenting easily. "Fine. I'll ask someone."
The rest of the day was as close to normal as he could possibly get. He slept on the deck, argued with Sanji (sans swords), and ate dinner with everyone like any other day. He'd almost forgotten he was injured until he went to do his nightly training and received a nasty glare from Chopper that forced him to reconsider.
It was his own personal hell to not be able to train himself like he's used to, but what was even worse was knowing he'd need to suck up his own pride and ask someone to rub ointment all over his arm the next day.
There was only one person on the ship he'd even consider asking, so he wasted no time the next day ci coming to find you.
He knew the most likely place to find you was in the library with your nose in a book and he was pleased when he found you there, all by yourself. He made his presence known by clearing his throat and you smiled at him as you set your book down and gave him your full attention. "I don't suppose you're here to read a book?" you teased.
He rolled his eyes, not even deeming to give a response as he crossed his arms to prepare himself. "No, I'm here to... ask for a favor."
"A favor? Sure, what is it," you asked, any pretense of teasing gone.
Zoro took the chair next to you and placed the container of ointment in front of you. You frowned, not understanding.
"Chopper gave me some stuff to put on my arm, but he told me I needed someone to help me," he explained, a frown pulling at his lips as he continued. "I'd appreciate it if it could be you who does it."
At this, you smiled. Zoro felt his cheeks warm as you shifted your body to face him. "Alright, sure. I can help you."
You never failed to surprise him with how easily you came to his aid. He started to unwrap his arm as you grabbed some of the salve with your fingers. When he finished unwrapping his arm, he held it out to you in an offering. You took his arm in your free hand, your touch more gentle than it ever needed to be with him, and began to rub the mixture into his arm.
"So, why exactly do you need help with this?" you asked to break the silence.
"Something about skin-to-skin," he grumbled, enjoying the feeling of your fingers massaging his skin more than he liked to admit. "Chopper said it heats up or something. Speeds it up."
"Well, I'm happy to help," you hummed, grabbing some more of the mixture and moving to a new spot.
It was cold at first, but the skin of your palm against his arm made it bearable. The longer you rubbed, the more it heated up and the more aware of your touch he became. He couldn't help the way his heart picked up the pace and he only prayed you couldn't feel it.
What the hell was up with him?
When you finally finished, you wiped your palm off and closed the tin, handing it back to him. "How long do you have to do this for?" you asked, already getting back into your book.
"A week or something," he sighed, already missing his regular routine after only one day.
"Gotcha. Well, I'll be here tomorrow if you need me," you said, giving him one last smile before continuing to read your book.
Once again, here you were offering him an olive branch. He felt his stomach flip as he left the room, but he told himself it was his nerves. That being read by you so easily caught him off guard.
For the next week, he came down to have you apply his ointment for him and every day you did it without complaint. Sometimes, he'd stick around, content to enjoy your company over sleeping on the deck. Sometimes, you'd tell him about your research and any progress you'd made while other times he'd doze off while you read your next bit of literature.
Soon enough, his last day of rest comes along and while you're applying his rub, he knows he has to say something.
"Thank you," he mumbles, clearing his throat before continuing, "For helping me."
"Of course. I'm always here for you," you reply, your voice light with the smile that lights up your face.
The question slips out before he can think better of it. He flinches, his immediate reaction to pull away, but with your firm grasp on his arm, he can't get far. Your brows are furrowed and when you look up at him he can't help but get nervous, because the truth is that he does want to know. He can't understand why you always drop everything for him, with a devotion he's only given and rarely received, and why it makes his stomach flip and his heart clench.
"Why?" you repeat, the slightest laugh in your voice as you grin up at him. "Because we're a team. I'd do it for all of you."
He can't help but feel disappointed in your answer, but he doesn't know why. He's about to brush it off and continue when you beat him to it.
"But also... I guess I do it because I can't help but want to. There's just something about you that I can't say no to. When you ask for help, what else can I do but give it to you?"
Zoro is silent for a moment as he lets your words sink in. You continue on like you haven't just bared your soul to him, like sharing something so vulnerable with him wasn't difficult in the slightest. Something about those words made him feel like he was floating, his heart soaring amongst the clouds.
"I feel the same," he says, forcing himself to respond after a long minute of silence.
For a moment, he could swear you clench his arm a little tighter, but your touch is feather light before he has time to process, so he writes it off as his imagination.
After that, he parts ways with one last final thank you, but his thoughts linger on your answer to his question long past that. He mulls it over until he feels like he's lived the moment a million times. It's not until days later that he realizes why your devotion to him makes his heart skip a beat and the realization only makes his feelings worse.

Law is the king of acts of service. This is where his true feelings absolutely shine if you're willing to read between the lines.
I also think this is what means the most to him. Growing up in the circumstances he did, he holds actions in a much higher regard than words or empty promises. I think having someone go out of their way to do something nice or considerate for him, and him actually wanting to do something back in return, would speak volumes to him and would make him consider his feelings.
Law likes to think that he takes good care of himself, but as he struggles to read the same page of his latest reading of choice as the words blur together from exhaustion, he has to concede that the evidence is really stacked against him.
He sets the papers down on his desk, leaning back slightly in his chair and rubbing his hand down his face and against his eyes, trying to will them into focusing when he hears a knock on his office door. A quick glance at the clock indicates that it's a few hours past dinner time and that almost the entire crew should be asleep.
"Come in," he calls out, exhaustion evident in his voice as he straightens back up in the chair. "What is it?"
The door opens and he's immediately met with your warm smile.
"Captain," you greet, peeking into the room with one hand opening the door, "I thought you might still be up."
Your smile softens the edges of the headache that's quickly forming in his head and he knows that you don't interrupt him unless you have something important, so he sits up in his chair even straighter and you take that as your signal to come in. You push the door open and he smells the soft scent of food waft over to him as the door pulls in the air from the hallway. He can feel his stomach churn, realizing just how hungry he is.
The source of the smell becomes immediately apparent when he looks up at you from where he was absentmindedly straightening the papers he set down. In your free hand is a plate piled high with what he assumes is the dinner the crew ate no more than a few hours ago.
"I was on clean-up duty today after dinner, so I made you a plate before I go to bed," you explain, coming over to his desk and carefully placing it on the little space not occupied by books or papers. "You never came out to eat so I thought you'd be hungry."
The meal is simple, but it makes his stomach growl loudly. You smile softly at him and he clicks his tongue against his teeth, the sound only serving to embarrass him and prove you right. He swallows, the fluttery, warm feeling in his chest making him stumble over what he should say. After a few moments of drawn out silence, you seem to take his lack of response as your sign to go.
"Don't stay up too late, ok?"
You're gone before he can say anything back and he finds himself internally kicking himself for just sitting there like an idiot. He sighs, diving into the plate of food after his stomach growls once more. When he's finally about to sleep hours later, he decides to be responsible and brings the plate into the kitchen for the morning crew to take care of. He places it on a counter in the kitchen just as another plate catches his eye.
Walking over, he sees 3 rice balls, carefully wrapped to preserve them, sitting on a plate next to a little note. He recognizes the handwriting as yours almost immediately and he picks it up to read it.
An early morning snack for our hardworking Captain <3
His fingers pinch the edge of the note hard enough to make a dent as he feels heat crawl up his neck and across his face. His eyes linger on the little heart you scribbled at the end of the note and the clenching he feels in his stomach is not at all related to his hunger. He eats the snack, grateful that there's no pickled plum filling, and pockets the note before leaving.
This little routine continues for a few weeks. You don't always appear at the same time, but you always do eventually, knocking on his office door and bringing him a plate of whatever the crew's eaten without him. He also finds himself looking forward to your little notes, the collection of them growing in one of the drawers of his desk. You write something different every night, but there's always that little heart at the end that sends the same warm feeling through him even though he knows it will be there every time.
Tonight, however, he finishes his reading a lot quicker. He's been noticing that happening more frequently, his eyes not blurring so much and allowing him to read everything at a steady pace instead of having to read the same lines over and over. He doesn't want to admit that it has anything to do with the fact that he's now eating at least twice a day consistently, but he is a doctor and he knows it does. With nothing else to read, he decides to bring his plate to the kitchen early and head to bed.
He's surprised when he finds the light on in the kitchen and even more surprised when he sees you still awake, back turned away from him as you hum to yourself. You're not wearing your boiler suit, instead wearing what looks like your pajamas as you mix something in a bowl, completely unaware of his presence. He sets the plate down and clears his throat, watching as you jump slightly before turning around, one hand on your chest as the other grips the counter. You let out a shaky breath of relief, the same honey-sweet smile you always give him melting onto your face as you look at him.
"Oh, it's just you. You scared me," you say, laughing slightly as you calm yourself down. You take a glance at the clock and then look back at him. "You're here early."
He frowns, not needing to look at the clock to know how late it is. He knows that he doesn't usually make it to the kitchen until much later, but he also knows that the crew ate dinner hours ago and that it's well past when you should be asleep, so he doesn't bother answering you, opting instead to answer with a statement of his own. "You're up late."
You smile at him again, always do, and begin mixing the contents of the bowl together once again. He crosses his arms, leaning against the counter as he waits for you to explain.
"Just making your snack," you explain, voice soft as you finally set the bowl down, satisfied with it.
He frowns, finally catching the mixture and recognizing it as the filling of his rice balls. He also sees the steam rising as you have some rice cooking and the sheets of seaweed paper laid out, ready to be molded around the rice.
"Why now? It's late," he continues, something in his gut telling him that he's still missing something here.
He knows he's right when he sees you bite your lip and catches the nervous way your gaze flicks over to him. You always meet him head-on, so to see you avoiding him even slightly makes his heart clench, and not in a good way. He narrows his gaze slightly and you open your mouth, about to say something when you're interrupted by the telltale beeping of the machine telling you the rice is done.
You shut your mouth, lips pressed into a line as you quickly start pouring the rice out and getting ready to mold it. He waits for a few moments, wanting to see if you'll say anything on your own, but quickly realizes you won't. If it was anyone else, he would have lost his patience long ago, but he can't seem to get mad at you like he does the others. You give him so much patience, much more than he's ever deserved, so he takes a different route.
He says your name firmly and watches as you sigh, placing the spoon with the filling in it back down into the bowl as you turn to look at him, guilt written across your face. You only stare at him for a few moments before you finally answer him, turning to resume making the rice balls as you do.
"I'm not on clean-up duty today so I had to wait until they were done. It wouldn't be fair to make them stay up late and clean up after my own personal mess, so whenever I'm not on clean-up duty I always just wait."
He doesn't know why it never occurred to him that you would be going so far out of your way to make his late-night/early-morning snack, but the realization smacks him across the face now. He feels more stupid than he's felt in a long time for not realizing that of course you wouldn't always be on the nightly kitchen duty and even angrier at himself that it took him coming into the kitchen early to realize that you prepared all the food by yourself and that it wasn't something you easily pieced together out of dinner's scraps.
But, along with his anger, he feels the familiar twitch of his heart as it thuds against his ribcage. The warm feeling blooms in his chest once more as the idea that you go out of your way to do something nice for him every night, losing precious sleep in the process, settles on him. He's grateful you aren't looking at him, too absorbed in shaping his rice balls to notice the way his ears flame up and the way his grip tightens on the counter behind him.
He swallows, forcing his mind to quiet down as he directs his attention to you once again.
"Here, all done," you say, picking up the plate and taking the few steps necessary to cross over and hand it to him.
He takes the plate and finds himself speechless again, much like he was the first time you brought him dinner in his office, and he hates that he can't just force the words thank you out of his mouth as you turn to begin cleaning the bowl you used out in the sink. He grips the plate and just stares at it for a little while longer before finally picking one up to eat. He takes his time this time, trying to savor what he now knows is something you make with extreme care and at the cost of your own schedule.
When he looks up, you're sitting on the counter just watching him with a satisfied smile on your face and he decides that he has to at least say something.
"What were you going to write?" he asks. He sees your face scrunch up and your head cock slightly to the side out of confusion and he realizes that he'll need to explain. He can feel his cheeks heat up as he forces himself to clarify. "On the note. What were you going to write?"
"Oh," you say, the nervous smile returning to your face as you look off to the side. You bite your lip again, seemingly debating something before coming to a decision and reaching behind you.
He doesn't know how he hadn't seen it earlier, but in your hand is a small piece of paper, the same one you always write your notes on. You push yourself off the counter and hold it out to him, motioning to the now-empty plate still in his hand. "I'll trade you."
He accepts, his fingers grazing yours as he takes the paper and you grab the plate, turning to wash it in the sink. He looks down at the paper and his heart almost explodes.
Tried a new filling today, let me know if you like it. Don't worry, they're still made with love <3
He stuffs the note into his pocket quickly, feeling his face set aflame. He makes the decision to leave, save himself the embarrassment of you seeing him all worked up, so he clears his throat and makes his way to the doorway. He can feel your eyes on him, burning a hole into his back, but he can't bring himself to face you, so he simply lifts his hand and grunts out a goodnight before walking off.
As he passes his office, he finds himself slowing down. There's a nagging feeling in his chest again that's telling him it's not enough. He wants to say thank you, to express how much it means to him that you would do something like this for him, to tell you that he's noticed it helping him, making his day a little easier and the nights not so long, but he knows the second he opens his mouth that none of that will come out and he's left feeling frustrated all over again. He almost gives up, shoving his hands into his pockets to head to bed, but the feeling of your note he stuffed inside earlier gives him an idea.
He heads inside his office, grabbing a piece of paper and quickly writing his own message down on it. It's short, with no cute little heart to accompany it, but he hopes it gets the message across. He stares at it, the simple thank you he'd managed to write staring back at him, and he shambles it into your room before he can think twice about it.
The next morning, you greet him with an especially large and heartwarming smile and he feels the urge to write you another one, if it means you'll look at him like that again. There's an itch in his chest, gnawing at him all day as his heart stutters every time he thinks about the smile on your face and the image of you in the kitchen making him food. At night, he finds himself unable to read his papers once again, but this time his eyes are focused and his mind isn't foggy. No, this time he just can't stop thinking about you and he knows exactly what that means, the innocent flutter in his chest just another piece of damming evidence to his own feelings.

ღ radishaur — i do not own any of these characters. do not plagiarize. please enjoy and remember to be respectful!

#luffy x reader#monkey d. luffy x reader#zoro x reader#roronoa zoro x reader#law x reader#trafalgar law x reader#one piece x reader#radishaur writes
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Hi :3 can i request reader having a fanfiction account about the bllk men and her fics are really famous and they find out and reader is hella embarrassed
(rin and kaiser and sae and anyone else u want:3)
omg i had an idea like this in my drafts so TY FOR REQUESTING 🩵
when they find your fan account
bf bllk x fem!reader. mainly crack n fluff. slight suggestive
itoshi rin
-> you’ve always liked writing and used to only create little stories for idols and celebrities you admired. when bltv took off, your sights shifted, and you kept your hidden online identity from your boyfriend for as long as possible
-> you’re in the middle of reading comments, giggling to yourself, when rin approaches with coffee and a confused grin. “what’s so funny?”
-> you instinctively move to hide your phone, causing his confusion to grow. when you realize how suspicious you look, you suck in a breath and show him the comments, praying he won���t realize they’re for you
-> unfortunately, you’re dumb (his words). “y/n, you used your full name in your bio. that’s dumb.” “i.. there are plenty of y/n’s in the world!” he isn’t listening anymore as he reads your most recent works, jaw dropping when the name that pops on top isn’t his
-> “you wrote about isagi?” “he was heavily requested! i had to give the fans what they want!” “you wound me. this is the deepest betrayal.” “you know, you’re much more dramatic in person than i give you credit for online.” “?!”
michael kaiser
-> you’re too immersed in your writing to hear your boyfriend approach, and kaiser‘s eyes drag across your screen for several moments before his scoff makes you jump out of your skin
-> “roses4kaiser?” he hums in curiosity, more amused by your entirely beet-red face than what’s on your phone screen. you can hear the smile in his voice when he says, “i didn’t realize you had such a way with words, y/n.”
-> i am going to kms. “words? me? sorry, i have no clue what you’re—“ his smile is soft but so full of mischief that your lie dies on your lips. “um. i, uh… yeah, okay. you got me! i’m a terrible girlfriend.”
-> thankfully that gets him laughing. “for hiding your talent from me, maybe. scoot over, i wanna read what your fans think of me~” “you are such a narcissist..” “i’m not the one writing the fanfiction, love.”
itoshi sae
-> “y/n?” “yes?” “what is saeheartz?” you scramble off the couch over to your boyfriend, who is staring at your laptop, and slam it shut. “sorry, you left your screen open.” “it’s nothing! don’t even worry about it,” you tried to laugh but ended up coughing instead
-> but you can see his fingers moving to open the laptop again and scream. it startles him enough to look back at you with wide eyes. “why are you screaming?” “you’re trying to invade my privacy!” “i’m trying to do my taxes.” “… oh.”
-> you skillfully snatch the laptop from in front of him and close all your tabs. you log into his account and flip the device to face him once again. “there! all set.”
-> he hums a quick thanks and flashes you a brief smile before you catch the dark twinkle in his turquoise eyes. “when i finish, we can discuss all the things you write about doing to me, hm?” you think you might have passed out
#requested!#blue lock#bllk#bllk x reader#blue lock x reader#blue lock headcanons#bllk x you#blue lock x you#itoshi rin#bllk rin#michael kaiser#bllk kaiser#itoshi sae#bllk sae#blue lock rin#blue lock kaiser#blue lock sae#bllk fanfic#blue lock fanfic#itoshi rin x you#itoshi rin x reader#itoshi rin headcanons#kaiser x reader#kaiser x you#kaiser headcanons#itoshi sae x you#itoshi sae x reader#sae headcanons#dramatic rintoshi is so funny to me idk why
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They need to stop with this thing where these two adorable and intelligent people that live in the same damn house don't seem to have any meaningful conversation off camera. It's like they are Toy Story toys but in reverse. Like Schrodinger's cat, dead whenever the camera isn't on and alive when it is. How do you be married to a man for five entire years (most of the time without the kids in the house, whether it was because they were at Michael's or because they moved out) and never ask him details about his mother? What did he say when they were planning their wedding? Why is he OK with letting such a big lie go with his wife? Embarrassment is not a good enough excuse for a mature human, I'm sorry. How do you live with a woman for five years and never speak of your mother, even to get it over with? Like, "Hey I don't get along with my mother and we have been estranged basically since my family died and I prefer not to speak about her." Simple.
I just need the writers to give them more interesting conflicts if they have to create marital drama. How about someone trying to seduce either of them? How about trying to solve an issue with the kids? Or crap about being an interracial couple in this context? How about taking care of one of the 118 fam? Or better yet focusing on their partnership. When they play detective alongside each other it's always very entertaining. Why not do that more?
I don't want to complain too much though. The universe giveth and the universe also taketh. It is a rare thing to have a happy couple on TV for this many seasons. A canon OTP is a beautiful thing and I don't want them to be broken up for the sake of drama. But a little continuity and a modicum (not total I'm fine with the campiness) of realism would be nice. I can believe them surviving multiple super disasters. But the characterization issues just personally take me out of the story.
I think the lack of planning also explains the way some of the character arcs fall flat or never come back again. And it gets frustrating to lack basic storytelling 101. That is, we should be able to go back to a previous season or even a few episode before and notice that something was up that we just didn't catch. Chekov's gun is meant both as an imperative to minimize unnecessary details that won't pay off later and don't serve the plot, as well as a statement on the importance of remaining coherent if you write things later into the plot. (Otherwise it's a soap opera. Are we watching a soap opera. Omg. Maybe I'm the problem for misreading the genre when its been an elvated soap all this time.)
We see, for instance, that Bobby doesn't react in any way to the conversation about parenting one's parents when they're in Florida, making it clear that the writers had clearly not yet drafted the idea that Bobby parented his dad when he was just a child. And nothing ever indicated anything about his mom until all of a sudden it's a whole thing. Why didn't he think of at least reaching out to his brother as part of step 9 when they made a whole thing about it with Amir? Oh and we can see this trend very well earlier, when Wendell is introduced out of the blue as this supremely important character just for the purpose of providing Bobby with angst. I don't mean to say they should've thought about this in season 2. But they could've done a better job of soft launching Wendell over the course of a few episodes leading up to the one he died in, so we could care about him. Thank the goddesses that Peter Krause is a great actor because I enjoyed seeing him act despite not feeling much attachment to Wendell. I have cared more about random victims of a random call the team responds to than I did for Wendell.
Hen cheating in season 1 is perhaps the worse this trend ever was. But to be fair, everyone was all over the place in season 1. I would also add Buck's sexual orientation. I truly didn't see this coming at all. We don't get to see Buck coming to terms with it in very subtle ways (ones we may even have missed on first watch) before rushing into his first same sex relationship. If you rewatch after finding out, there is no indication, only inferences you can make in hindsight to make it floe better. That is not the same as subtext and hidden meaning!
And this would be fine if they did not make the bisexuality a big deal. But they do! He's not just a character who happens to be bi to the point where no one truly discusses its meaning. No. They make his coming out a whole thing! It is something he has to deal with and speak of, it changes him, and becomes something that is woven crucially into his character development and arc. So in that sense, you can't have it just appear out of nowhere narratively speaking. You can't just all of a sudden tell us he was checking guys out. You have to show us.
A good dropping hints they do is with Amir. Not solving that in one go and dragging it out all the way to the fire being connected to Bobby and Amir's little misadventure is great. There is a thread there that allows it to feel satisfactory, even as one may criticize the fact that that was a convoluted way to burn the house.
(And evidently you get another instance of complete communication breakdown because Bobby doesn't tell Athena shit and she also does some stupid shit like invite Amir then go after him with a damn gun after telling her kids she's by the books and cops don't abuse their power.)
Ultimately, I think narratively what is wrong with the writing is tied to relying so much on just telling us things instead of showing us (instead they take this energy in building backstories for victims that rival those of the main characters sometimes). We are TOLD about how convoluted the relationship Bobby and his mom is, instead of being shown things the way we were with his dad, for instance. We are TOLD about this failed relationship with his brother instead of being shown. As a result, I don't care much. I can just forget these conversations ever happened and it won't change a thing.
While they don't have to have figured everything out referring to where the story will end, at least they should map out character plots over the course of each season. They need a show bible! An outline of who these characters are exactly, even though we may never get to explore all those aspects, would avoid derailing characters just for zhuzh.
Anyway, I really love Athena and Bobby to death. I think they are fantastic characters. I just wish they were better handled and their arcs more carefully flushed out individually and as a couple, so that they don't so often just do things for the sake of drama that simply do not mesh with the characters they are projected to be most of the time. I think Angela Bassett and Peter Krause deserve better stories to sink their teeth into. Let them act with subtlety during foreshadowing so that they may get a satisfactory build up! And the audience deserves not to be taken for goldfish brains.
I acknowledge that several interruptions skewed the development of the plot, from the pandemic to the writers' and actors strikes to the move in networks. I really hate how we have some season that are so short. We could've had so much more with an 18 ep pilot season! Nevertheless, the MO of just dropping a random drama is a feature at this point, but a bug.
Phew. Glad I got that off my chest.
#I reckon perhaps this is all because most of the audience does not hyperfixate on these people as much#so if you have only caught episodes casually you don't remember or care#you can definitely feel this in the way sometimes even major conflicts are resolved in just a sjngle episode#there is no need to if you expect people to be watching in bursts#911 thoughts#911 abc#bathena#bobby nash#athena grant nash#athena grant#angela bassett#peter krause#hen wilson#evan buckley#buck buckley#poor Wendell#chekhov's gun#narratives#storytelling techniques#textual analysis#character study#911 fam
480 notes
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You and Touya are assigned together for a project and friendship blossoms
Support student touya, quirks, fluff, strangers to friends
(quirk was found on r/BNHA_OC_Characters)
October 9th
4:47 pm
Touya: Is this starshot
You: in the flesh 😝
You: u can call me Y/N tho
You: ur touya right? The support student?
Touya: Yes
You: delish :P
You: r u excited to be my partner for this project x
Touya: No
You: right.
Touya: Come to the lab in two days we can run through what gadget we r gonna make
You: sounds gooddd
October 14th
1:34 pm
Touya: Hurry up
You: I’m sorry 😣
Touya: Not forgiven
Touya: Not sure if I can go on
You: don’t kys please🙁
You: I have peace offerings (m&ms)
Touya: Fine
You: wait where is the support lab again
Touya: Idiot
Touya: Second floor
You: thank you 🤩
October 15th
8:54 pm
Touya: *image attachment*
Touya: It’s a drawing of gloves
You: I coudont draw anything if u put a gun to my head
You: I love them 🩷
Touya: You don’t even know what they do
You: I still love them 🩷
Touya: Kissass
You: HEY
You: so what do they do
Touya: Yk how when u create the projectiles u said they get hot
You: yh
Touya: I think if we make u gloves that can handle hotter and more energy ladden projectiles it can give u a lot more power
Touya: And you’ll be able to handle a lot more when ur fighting
You: wait that’s perfect
You: hwo did u think of this so quickly
Touya: Its kind of my job and my degree
You: true
October 19th
12:43 pm
You: okay I didn’t have time to change
Touya: I can see that
You: not a word out of you 😒
Touya: You look like a tennis ball
Touya: Stop laughing
You: don’t be funny then ..?
You: the librarian is gonna yell at me🙁
Touya: Why the fuck is ur costume neon yellow
Touya: Hard when ur glowing like a fucking street lamp
October 20th
10:45 am
Touya: Tf
You: He’s so funny
Touya: What the fuck
You: he’s in my sisters grades and they r friends apparently
You: our lives… r so intertwined 🥺🥺
You: intertwineeeeddd sewnnn togetheerrrr
Touya: Ew
You: U don’t fuck with that song???
Touya: https/openspotify.dabi23
You: OMG
You: wait ur music taste is so real
Touya: Music rizz
October 22nd
10:47 am
You: *image attachment*
Touya: Tf is that
You: I had some ideas for the design 😅
Touya: Yeah never draw again
October 23rd
7:07 pm
You: hey so
You: yk how ur a tech support
You: does that mean ur good at physics
Touya: Obviously
You: plz help me with my physics hw tomorrow 🙁
Touya: Ur just using me 💔
You: PLEAAAASE I’m literlaly failing
Touya: Fine
October 24th
5:14 pm
You: yk ur really good at like all the support tech stuff
Touya: What?
You: like the building and whatever ur really good with ur hands
You: wait
Touya: U freak
Touya: So obsessed with me
You: I’m never complimenting you again
Touya: Shame
Touya: Loved the attention from you
You: hahahahaha SSSHSHHHH
October 26th
You: hey mr Todoroki
Touya: Never call me that
You: Touya!!
You: can we meet after school plz I now have training at lunch
You: im sorry dont hate me
Touya: 😒
Touya: We can’t the labs r shut today after school
You: shit
You: wait u can come round mine my parents aren’t home
Touya: 😏
You: okay u perv calm down
Touya :🙄
You: are we only communicating in emojis now…?
Touya: 🙂↕️
You: yeah all those fumes from the lab have gotten to ur head
You: I’ll send u my address then 🙈
October 26th
10:07 pm
You: u left ur coat here idiot
Touya: Fuck
You: ur leather coat… EMO ASS
Touya: Fuck u I’m not emo
You: I know what you are..
Touya: Stfu
You: dw I’ll bring it for u tomoz 😝
October 27th
9:27 am
Touya: Did u wear my coat
You: erm no….
Touya: Y/N
Touya: It’s fine dw
You: r u sure
Touya: Smells like u now
You: my ariana grande mod vanilla???
Touya: Smells like shit
You: flip u
October 29th
Touya: Yes
Touya: Really
You: YES they can handle heat sm better than just my hands
Touya: And theres no delay when ur shooting stuff?
You: nope they r litch perfect
Touya: Good
Touya: I was scared the exoskeleton under the second layer would mess with the haptics
You: yes talk nerdy to me🤤
Touya: Stfu
You: but seriously i love them thank u sm
Touya: Dont worry about it
Touya: I’ll finish up the essay then we should be done
You: okay when do u wanna meet
Touya: Its cool i dont need help with the essay
You: yh but i wanna come anyway
Touya: Sorry forgot ur obsessed with me
You: NO
Touya: Come by after school
You: see u there 🙈
October 31st
9:07 pm
You: Touyaaaaaaaaa
You: are u going to hawks halloween party
Touya: Yh
You: what r u wearing
You: im going as gumball and my friend is going as darwin 🐟
You: *photo attachment*
Touya: Why’d you make gumball hot
You: thank u thank u
Touya: Im going as ghostface
Touya: *image attachment*
You: woah
You: sexy 😍
Touya: I always look sexy
You: narcisist much
Touya: Spelling much
You: I guess I’ll see u there then x
Touya: I guess you will
November 1st
You: touya
You: enu busy
You: r u bauy
You: busy
Touya: I’m at a party
You: can. U plz drive me home daewin is making out with hawks
You: and she was m Trude
You: m sorry if ur having fun ill uber
Touya: Nah don’t worry sweetheart
Touya: Meet me out front
You: hthank u sm
November 1st
12:09 pm
You: OMFG my head is killling me
Touya: Ur a very touchy drunk you know that
You: oh god
You: I’m so embarrassed plz forget everything that happened
Touya: I’ll try
You: the worst part is EYE dont even remember
Touya: U wanna be reminded?
You: NO.
You: let me live in my ignorance
Touya: Whatever you say sweetheart
You: OMFG wait ur coat is here again
You: it smells like cigarettes yk
Touya: It’s almost like i smoke
You: Hello lung cancer 😒
November 4th
4:16 pm
You: Touya r u busy rn
Touya: No
You: come get food with me I’m bored and hungry
Touya: Ok
You; OKG that easy 🤑
Touya: Ur paying
You: :/
November 9th
1:07 pm
You: *video attachment*
Touya: Is that u falling on ur ass at the end
Touya: These r the heroes of our future
You: YH the hero YOU are designing tech for 😒
November 10th
2:08 am
Touya: R u awake
Touya: Y/N
You: why is ur ass up we got school tomorrow 😒
Touya: I’m going Taco Bell do u wanna come with me
You: wait y r u going Taco Bell at two am
Touya: Hungry
Touya: Icl I’m high as fuck rn
November 13th
You: *image attachment*
You: do u like my house
Touya: Grown ass hero playing mc
Touya: Go train
You: NO BRO I got my ass beat today
Touya: Lock in
You: *image attachment*
You: my cats Hamzah and Martin
You: if ykyk
Touya: R u playing on bedrock
You: yes
Touya: Add me
You: YAY
November 14th
10:45 am
Touya: Who did that to you
You: huh
Touya: Ur face
Touya: The bruise
You: WTF where r u
Touya: In the same hallway as u
You: omg hey
You: I told u last night I got my ass beat
Touya: Tf who did that to u
You: TetsuTetsu.. he kinda got mad I was pissing him off when we were sparring 😭
Touya: So he punches u in the face
You: it’s fine nothing I can’t handle
Touya: Ok
November 14th
2:34 pm
You: OMF
You: Tetsu just came and apologised to me 🙈
Touya: Good
You: he said he overreacted omg like
You: character development??
Touya: Sure
Touya: Get off ur phone in class
You: yes sir 😒
Touya: Hot
You: EW
November 15th
You: we r going cinema after school plz
You: and watching mickey 17 cause I wanna kiss rob pattinson
Touya: 😒
You: Don’t play with me
You: he’s so fine
Touya: Yeah ik in twilight
You: ????
Touya: I have a sister
You: omg touya lore unlocked 🙏
Touya: Never speaking again
November 18th
5:07 pm
Touya: *image attachment*
Touya: Get online
You: WTF
Touya: Dabi_24 has invited you to play Minecraft!
Touya: Time is ticking sweetheart
Touya: Fine
November 20th
1:40 am
You: do u think we all have soulmates that r like our perfect romantic partner
You: with the red thread and all that
You: and that we’ll meet them one day no matter how long it takes
Touya: Hm
Touya: Idk love is overrated
You: u really think so?
Touya: Sometimes
Touya: Not always
You: cryptic….
Touya: Why do u ask
You: no reason I’m up late and contemplating life 🩷
You: and I just watched Your name
Touya: Goat movie
You: IKR
November 21st
11:05 am
Touya: *image attachment*
Touya: We got an A
You: AWW
Touya: Ew
You: I hope they remark that and give u an F
Touya: Wanna go celebrate at lunch
Touya: School ends early today
You: let’s go to the mall 😏😏😏
Touya: Okay
November 21st
1:09 pm
You: I’ll meet u outside the food court when I’m done
Touya: Why can’t I come with 🙁
You: ur ass is NOT coming into Victoria’s Secret with me
Touya: Trust I know bras really well
You: NO
Touya: Boring
You: I’ll see u later slime
Touya: Kk
Touya: Then lets go to that record shop
You: yes yes
November 21st
1:21 pm
Touya: Y/N
Touya: You need to get out there’s a villain
Touya: Y/N
Missed call
Touya: Y/N please
Missed call
November 21st
8:12 pm
You: never do that again touya
Touya: Do what
You: don’t put urself in danger like that for me
Touya: But I’m him
You: Touya this isn’t funny you could’ve really hurt yourself
Touya: I’m fine sweetheart
You: ur in the hoosoifal you are not fine
Touya: I’m in the hospital actually
You: Touya.
Touya: Sorry
Touya: I’m fine and so are you
Touya: That’s all that matters
You: ur gonna make me cry
Touya: Don’t cry
You: okay I guess
Touya: I’m fine
You: ur not fine ur body is covered in bandages bro
You: u weren’t even awake when I was there
You: that ugly nurse kicked me out I was gonna stay
You: ur skin is all burnt she said
You: I didn’t even know u had a quirk
Touya: Well this is why I don’t use it
Touya: My flames r too strong it fucks my skin up
You: I see
You: is that why ur a support student
Touya: Yes
You: okay good
Touya: Good?
You: well if ur a hero and u hurt yourself what’s the point
You: heroes r overrated anyway
You: and ur good at what u do
You: really good actually
You: and if u weren’t a support student we’d have never met
Touya: U sap
You: says the guy who literally nearly died to save me…
You: now who’s the obsessed one 🙄
Touya: Shut up
Touya: Visiting times start at eight in the morning btw
You: okay good plz don’t be coma ridden this time
Touya: I’ll try
Btw it’s acc canon that touya is a alive and well and in the support course btw if u didn’t know
White hair Touya would fix me.. like I’ll fix HIMMM
bro I’ve been ill all week and I have the WORST FUCKIJG HEADACHE EVE it won’t go omg send help
A knee ways I hope u all enjoyed these text posts r my fav to write 🩷
#b3ach bunn7#oneshot#fluff#touya todoroki x reader#dabi x reader#bnha touya#dabi/reader#bnha dabi#mha dabi#dabi todoroki#dabi touya#dabi x y/n#dabi my hero academia#dabi mha#dabi#dabi x you#touya i love u#mha touya#touya todoroki#todoroki touya#touya x reader#touya x you#touya x y/n
97 notes
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Omg, could you please do a Loki story where Jotuns are basically space penguins, so now Loki has a crush on you and is frantically and meticulously looking for the perfect pebble to give you while Thor just watches and laughs.
The Pebble and the Frost Giant
Pairing: Loki x female reader (y/n)
Summary: Loki is trying to deny big feelings for you so he doesn't ruin your friendship but when he passes an area filled with pebbles and small rocks, he's unable to resist the urge to bring one back for you and tell you he loves you.
A/N: OMG! This is the cutest ask ever, I literally had to write it the second I got it. Most of the time it takes a week or so for me to get an idea from an ask but this one was pretty instant. Thank you so much for sending this, I really hope you like it! 💚
Also, I absolutely love the movie The Pebble and the Penguin! If anyone hasn't seen it, you should! 🐧
"Come on brother," Thor pats Loki on the knee and the younger prince looks up from his book in annoyance.
"I'm not going," Loki resumes reading as if Thor isn't there.
The older Asgardian sighs, "We've got at least an hour until the jet takes off. Let's go down by the water."
"I'm perfectly fine here," he licks his finger before flipping the page. Thor grins and pulls the book from his brother's grasp. "Give it back you oaf!"
"Just twenty minutes," Thor holds the book over his head.
"This trick worked much better when we were children and you towered over me," the younger prince easily reaches up to grip the book.
Before Loki can pull it free from his brother's grasp, Thor yanks it back and tosses it to the ground at their feet. "This is uncalled for," Loki bends to pick up the book but suddenly falls back, landing hard on the jet floor with a grunt.
"Is there a problem?" Thor asks with a smirk.
"No," Loki looks down at Mjolnir as it rests on top of his book. He stands, flicking his hand to produce a second book from his pocket dimension in a haze of green smoke. "I'll just read this-"
Thor chuckles as he pulls the book free from Loki a second time.
"Seriously?" The God of Mischief asks with a defeated sigh.
"Twenty minutes on the beach and I'll leave you alone for the rest of the night," Thor offers.
"For the rest of the week," Loki counters.
"Fine," the God of Thunder agrees and Loki's second book vanishes as the two brothers step out of the jet.
Thor and Loki walk down by the water in silence, the older Asgardian's eyes drift up towards the clouds floating by while Loki scans the beach in boredom. He looks down to check his watch when he's suddenly distracted by a small pile of tide polished stones ahead of him. Without thinking, he leaves his brother's side and begins walking towards them.
He kneels down, picking up a stone from the top of the pile, looking at it closely then tossing it to the side. "No," Loki mumbles to himself as he picks up a second then a third rock. "No," he shakes his head as he examines each for a few seconds.
"Where are you going?" Thor asks but Loki doesn't answer. He's too focused on the scattered rocks in front of him.
"None of these are good," Loki answers, dusting his sand covered hands on his pants.
"Loki," Thor comes closer, standing over his younger brother as he discards a handful of stones. Without a word, Loki gets up and moves to a nearby pile. "Okay seriously, what are you doing?"
"They're rocks," Thor chuckles, amused by his brother's sudden obsession.
"Yes but there has to be one here that's good enough," Loki says. "Not just good, no, it needs to be perfect," he adds in a quieter tone.
"You're not making any sense," he follows the younger prince to yet another pile. "Perfect for what?"
"For who," Loki responds vaguely.
Thor thinks as he follows his brother along the beach, trying figure out who Loki is referring to. To say he has few friends in an understatement, there's really only one person who even comes to mind. "Do you mean Y/N?" Thor asks.
Loki nods, his attention stolen away by an almost perfect stone. Almost isn't good enough though, he thinks as he tosses it towards the water in frustration.
"Why do you need to find one for N/N?" Thor asks as Loki sits on the sand and picks up a handful of rocks, throwing each away one at a time. "Does she collect rocks? I've heard some Midgardians do that. I wonder if that's more interesting than collecting stamps like Jane does?"
Loki doesn't answer this time, too lost in what he's doing, what he needs to do. I have to find it, he thinks. I don't have time for Thor and his ridiculous line of questions. It doesn't matter if he understands why, Norns I don't even understand why but that doesn't matter now. All that matters is finding Y/N the perfect stone. It can't be too big or too small, the size of her palm should work. It can't be broken, no cracked edges or holes, that won't do either. It needs to be perfect because- his frantic thoughts are cut off by his brother shouting.
"Norns! I know what you're doing," he stands over his brother who shifts to stay out of his shadow.
"I doubt that," Loki says without looking up from the stones in his hand. Because I don't know what I'm doing, he thinks.
"You're in love with Y/N," the older god announces when Loki gets up again to continue down the beach.
"Don't be absurd," Loki denies the truth he hides from everyone including you as he kneels down and begins the process of picking up each stone in the new pile one at a time.
"You are!" Thor laughs excitedly. This is a Jotun thing."
"What Jotun thing?" Loki looks up at his brother.
"I know this! I read about it when we were younger," Thor says then sighs as he thinks. "I can't remember the technical term for it but when Jotun men are in love, they bring their potential partner a stone as like a proposal."
"What?" Loki asks as he sits in the sand and looks up at his brother. He had never heard of this tradition before now but he also knows very little about his Jotun heritage. When he was a child, frost giants scared him terribly so he never studied them. Now that he knows the truth, he is almost too afraid to learn what horrid tales about them were accurate and which were only made up stories.
"Penguins on Midgard do it too," Thor continues excitedly as he remembers what he read centuries ago. "Ahh! Pebbling, that's what they call it. Your pebbling, you can't help it is like an instinct Jotun's have."
"That's ridiculous Thor. I'm not pebbling, or whatever you want to call it, because I'm not in love with-" Loki tries to argue with his brother but the words die as he finally finds it. The perfect stone for the most perfect woman on Midgard, Loki thinks as he turns it over in his hand. Norns help me, my brother is right and I'm not sure I'll be able to hide my feelings for her any longer.
Loki opens your office door after knocking and you get up from your desk as soon as he steps inside. "Hi," you greet him happily, meeting him in the middle of the room. "Welcome back."
"Thank you," he smiles when you wrap your arms around him. "I'm glad to be back," Loki says but what he really means is that he's glad to be back with you.
You rest your head on his chest and his hands settle on your back, holding you tightly to him. You could stay in his arms forever and sometimes you think Loki might let you. He doesn't let go first, he never does.
"You know you spoil me with these hugs," you tell him and he chuckles. "You're going to make me think I'm special cause I'm the only person that gets them."
He rubs your back lightly with one hand, "You are special."
Loki's heart pounds in his chest when he catches a glimpse of your blush despite your best efforts to hide it. "I have something for you," he says, clearing his throat.
You blush and slowly drop your arms, taking a step away from him. You don't want to let go but if he keeps talking like that, you're afraid you'll do something stupid like kiss him.
"You do? You didn't have to do that," you tell him as a smile spreads across your face. You can't help but feel excited by the idea that Loki thought of you while he was away. He never brought anything back for you before.
"It's nothing big," he says with a shrug, "It's actually probably stupid." This was a bad idea, he thinks. How could I possibly think she would accept a silly rock and suddenly be mine? I never should have listened to my idiot brother. Loki puts his hand in his coat pocket, running his thumb over the flat edge anxiously.
"I'm sure it's not stupid," you tell him, putting your hand on his arm. "What is it?"
He sighs and you can tell he's nervous which you find both adorable and interesting. You've never seen him act so unsure of himself and it really makes you want to hug him again.
He pulls a palm sized flat stone out of his pocket. It's perfectly circular and a pale gray with a hint of a blue when it catches the light. "I found it on the beach while we were waiting for the jet," he tries to steady his hand when you take it. He knows it's just a simple rock but the Jotun part of him is truly desperate for you to accept it, to accept him.
You smile and take it from him, bringing it close so you can study the smooth stone, "Loki it's so pretty."
"Really?" he asks in disbelief.
"Yeah," you nod quickly, your eyes still on the gift as you walk over to the window and turn it on the light. "Oh, look! it sparkles in the sun," you giggle.
He breaths a sigh of relief and walks over to you. "You like it?"
"I love it," you reach up and kiss the god's cheek lightly without thinking. "I'm sorry," you apologize quickly but when you look up at Loki you're completely surprised by his reaction.
His cheeks redden and he smiles. "It's quite alright," he tells you, his eyes never leaving yours.
You giggle, suddenly feeling even more nervous than you would have if Loki had seemed uncomfortable with the kiss and take a step away from him. Turning your back to him, you move to your desk but you can feel him following you, "I'm gonna keep it right here so I can see it when I miss you." You place the stone in between a photo of your friends and a mug your nephew made you.
"You miss me?" he asks.
"Yeah... when you're away on missions," you suddenly worry this conversation is going to lead to you accidentally telling your friend you love him if you don't figure out how to keep your mouth shut.
"I miss you when I'm gone too," Loki moves a bit closer to you until he's right behind you.
You turn to face him again, "Really?" You can't help but not believe him. For months you've been hoping he might care for you the way you care for him but its been so difficult to get past all of his walls.
He nods, "Always Y/N. The second the jet takes off, I start counting down the minutes until I can see you again."
Now it's your turn to blush deeply when he reaches out to take your hand. When you feel his fingers intertwine with yours, you suddenly get enough to courage to open up a bit more. "I try to plan my meetings around when I know you'll be back," you tell him. "This way I'm free to see you as soon as your home."
He chuckles and cups your cheek, "I would storm in here even if you were in a meeting with Fury just for one of your hugs."
"Y/N," he says, "Since we're being honest, I need to tell you one more thing." You bite your lip but the way he smiles relaxes you instantly. "I want to be more than just your friend, I want to take you on a date." I want you to be mine because I love you, he almost adds but he doesn't want to scare you away.
You giggle knowing he's not lying.
You're unable to form any words at first, looking up at Loki nodding which causes him to laugh a little nervously. "I'm not sure if that's a yes," he says.
"Yes!" you finally find your words but then they flow a little too freely. "I love y-" you stop and correct yourself hoping he won't notice your slip. "I would love to go out with you."
He strokes your cheek gently, moving closer to you as he puts his other hand on your lower back. "That's not what you were going to say," he smirks, the confident Loki you know returning swiftly.
You shake your head and bite your lip, suddenly losing your nerve.
"Fine, I'll go first," his lips are inches from yours. "I am hopelessly in love with you darling."
As soon as the words leave Loki's lips, you press your lips to his, closing your eyes and gripping the fabric on the back of his jacket. He kisses you back and when you finally break the kiss and chuckles, kissing your nose lightly. "Go on, say it," he smiles, holding you close.
You giggle, "I love you too, Loki."
"What are you doing?" Nat asks as you bend down for a closer look.
A few weeks later, you walk with Natasha and Aanda through Central Park on the way back from lunch. You nod as you listen to Wanda complain about Tony, agreeing with her when you accidentally kick a rock on the path in front of you. You stop to take a look at it and smile.
"I don't know, I just thought this one looked cool," you tell them.
"The rock?" Wanda asks.
"Yeah," you pick it up and turn it over in your hand. It's not very large but the rough stone is heart shaped and such a deep gray it's almost black. "I think Loki might like it."
"You two are so weird," Nat laughs.
You smile and put it in your pocket, "That's why we're such a cute couple."
I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
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Oh boy uhm. Really nervous to ask this
First of all, I've recently started following you and I just have to say, I love your work. Everytime I read your posts it has me giggling and kicking my goofy little feet in the air./pos /gen
I was wondering if you could write about what if Doey and his 3 consciousness would do with a blind player /w broken glasses (Their vision is shit and can only make out things if they're REALLY close to their face 💔)
It's completely fine if you don't want to do this or don't have the time, just dropping down a small request :3
AHJBHEJFGWQKJBHKFER, ahem, thank you omg ur so sweet- and also this came to me at the right time because my vision is also ass but I refuse to wear glasses so shhh🤫🤫🤫 AND DO NOT BE NERVOUS ABOUT REQUESTING I DON’T BITE, PINKY SWEAR😤
Doey with a reader whose vision is bad bad 👓🤏😐

You honestly had no idea how you’ve made it this far-
From using your grab pack to grab handles that seem just like a glowing color, to reaching for batteries that seem like a speck of dust, and even not knowing that you killed monsters(you didn’t even realize Catnap died until Poppy told you herself)
Speaking of Miss Wendy’s head, she also has no clue how you came such a long way. But she figured that if you could manage to do all of this without good vision, the things you could do with perfect vision would be unimaginable in a place like this.
Either way you survived and you did the job, that’s all that counted.
After escaping..uhm, a rainbow lion or whatever. You quickly came across a green dinosaur that somehow made piano noises, though for the 15 seconds that you first saw him, the next 15 seconds were how he died. You couldn’t tell what killed him until the something crawled out of the darkness and came straight up towards you.
“Hiya there pallll, don’t worry! I won’t eat you. Ahahah..”
You recognized who that something was, Doey. You were a pass employee after all, but he was hard to see. And hard to understand where he was at during the whole encounter. Was he spying on you when you couldn’t see? Who knows?
The mascot told you to follow him as he managed to squeeze his way through the holes in the brick walls, which made everything wayyyyy more confusing than it had to be.
Appalled, you literally just didn’t know where to go to follow him, you looked up, down, left, right, but all you could see was a blur.
Doey, eventually realized that you weren’t following him, so when be went back to where you first were, he was meant with you trying to grab the handle above(you found out how to follow him eventually) and missing each time miserably.
“Do you need help with that bud?”
(he scared you to death)
You sheepishly told him that you could not see a single thing unless it was real close to you. That’s why you’re missing so much.
He was a bit dumbfounded because if you were “Poppy’s friend,” wouldn’t she had chosen someone who would be the least at risk when it came to this sort of things. He imagined that if he grabbing a handle was a hassle for you, then everything else you’ve done must have been horribly troublesome for you.
Because Poppy wouldn’t let someone who’s basically BLIND do all her dirty work..right?
He decided to deal with that problem later, for now he wants to guide you personally to Save Haven. Somewhere where you can be safe until it’s not, or until he figures out what to do with you.
His way of transporting you was simple, just for you to piggy-back ride him til the area was reached(Jack just wanted a way to kind of actually touch someone without doing it randomly🎀)
Once at Safe Haven he had the Medic check up on you in case you got injured in anyway while he had a “chat” with Poppy.
“You let someone who can barely see go out and do all of the things someone in top-notch shape should be doing?”
“Listen Doey, who else is going to be down here and help us. Who else is capable to do the things they’re doing!?”
“Not them.”
“I know you want this to happen as fast as possible Poppy. But using Y/n isn’t the right option, it’s a miracle they’ve survived for this long. And if they would’ve died, it would’ve caused the Prototypes attention much more then if Y/n hadn’t came here to begin with.”
“You don’t get it, Y/n has potential- you’ve seen what they’ve done!”
“And it’s great, but they’ve done enough. They will stay here until the Prototype is dead, end of discussion Poppy.”
And he means to keep his word until he physically cannot do so anymore.
Matthew is definitely the most concerned about your predicament. When he’s in control he’ll kind of be like a butler or a guidance for you. He makes sure that the other toys in Safe Haven know about your vision so that if they play or you’re helping them do whatever, that they know to either play gentle or not ask too much from you when you’re around.
Kevin did not give two craps at first I’m so so sorry😭 He’s so inconsiderate ain’t he beginning like, they don’t have glasses? Are they poor? When he’s first met you he purposefully hid your items from you just so you get annoyed. But when you got closer with his personality, he yells at anyone who bothers you or hides things from you. A hypocrite at his finest.
Jack used your vision as an opportunity to bond with you. Even if he wasn’t purposely doing it he sometimes uses your lack of sight to his advantage for entertainment. If you need something but can’t see it(it’s literally on your sleeping bag and you’re IN the tent) he makes a game out of it like if he finds it first you have to give him a hug or a high-five. He also wonders about it most too, so you literally just cannot see? Interesting…he said he’d cry if that happened to him. Okay Jack. Okay.
#platonic#ppt#ppt 4#ppt x reader#doey ppt#poppy playtime doey#poppy playtime ch 4#catnap poppy playtime#poppy playtime x reader#poppy playtime#doey x reader#doey poppy playtime#doey the doughman#doey#jack ayers#matthew hallard#kevin barnes#reader just like me fr
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Tony stark with a male model
A one night stand but tony catches feelings . After pursuing him they get in a relationship. But everyone (avengers) thinks its not gonna last , since they kept it secret for readers career
I love your writing ,its the gift that keeps on giving
OMG, I love this idea and it features my favorite avenger :) Just the idea of Tony being with another person in the limelight and who (perhaps) can relate to the idea of no privacy is pretty cute. I let my imagination go wild on this.
Runway Lover
pairing: tony stark x male reader tags: one night stand, flirty male reader, Tony changing your mind, he's really thoughtful, doesn't have clear timeline, nor does reader have a set age but he's definitely younger than Tony
Tony Stark rarely found himself preoccupied with anyone’s interests but his own. He’d lived a life of fleeting conquests, glitzy parties, and elaborate inventions that somehow never failed to fascinate the world—or himself. But you? You’d strolled right into his life with the confidence of a runway model (which you literally were) and changed his entire perspective on what an “entanglement” could be.
The party in the middle of downtown Manhattan was alive with spinning lights and pulsing music. Tony had been invited to some high-end charity event—something he would normally treat as an opportunity to flash his new suit design or advertise Stark Industries’ philanthropic side. Yet that night, all Tony could focus on was the man who’d caught his eye the minute he walked in.
Truth be told, Tony had recognized you from one of those glossy magazine covers Pepper brought in. You were a rising star in the modeling industry, commanding catwalks in Milan, Paris, and New York with effortless poise. Meeting you in person sparked something in Tony’s chest he couldn’t name—a certain curiosity, maybe even a challenge. He was used to everyone swooning or falling over themselves for him. You, however, looked him straight in the eye and gave a smile that suggested you already knew exactly the effect you had on Tony Stark.
He wasn’t used to being read so easily, and he found it irresistible.
The conversation began with harmless banter: Tony dropping flirty one-liners, you leaning in with a mischievous grin. One thing led to another—fingers brushing, pulses quickening. By the end of the night, between hushed whispers and more than a few stolen glances, you both decided to head to Tony’s penthouse.
It wasn’t Tony’s usual approach to actually stay the entire night. Typically, he’d offer breakfast as a courtesy (or an excuse for himself to sneak out gracefully). But he ended up lingering long enough to watch the sunrise with you, feeling strangely at ease simply lying in bed, listening to your soft breathing. In the morning, you parted ways without much fuss—no exchanging numbers, no promises. You had your whirlwind schedule to get back to, and Tony had a million-dollar empire to run and the Avengers to help manage. Both of you knew it was just supposed to be a one-time thrill.
Except Tony couldn’t stop thinking about you.
Days turned into a week, and Tony found himself replaying your smile, recalling the shape of your body beneath him. When he realized he couldn’t get rid of the memory, he did what Tony Stark did best: he acted. Discreet queries here and there. A call to a major modeling agency friend. Casually dropping your name at events in hopes someone might have your info. Finally, he got his hands on your direct contact. Did it feel a tad stalker-like? Maybe, but Tony told himself that was exactly how the world of the rich and famous worked. And he had to see you again.
So began the flowers, the text messages, the “spontaneous” run-ins. At first, you were taken aback by Tony’s sudden interest; you never pegged him as the persistent type. You expected him to forget all about you, chalk the night up to a fling. But the man who invented an arsenal of Iron Man suits was not about to let something slip through his fingers once it piqued his interest.
He invited you to lavish dinners—private and away from paparazzi. He’d take you for helicopter rides at sunset, then drop you off at your next shoot as if it were nothing. He even started learning about haute couture, reading up on modeling contracts and runway schedules just to find ways to accommodate your time.
After weeks of Tony’s relentless flirting and genuine displays of interest, you gave in. Soon, you found yourself falling into a relationship with the billionaire genius…only, you both agreed it had to remain hidden for now. Your modeling career hinged on maintaining your “single, adventurous lifestyle” image, and Tony’s unpredictability threatened to overshadow everything if the press got wind of the two of you.
Sneaking around turned out to be oddly thrilling. Despite Tony’s larger-than-life persona, he excelled at hush-hush getaways—he had the resources, after all. When you weren’t busy traveling for fashion shows, you’d slip into Avengers Tower late at night, or Tony would appear backstage in a private dressing room, carefully timing his visits so no one would suspect a thing.
You knew the risk. Tony was a big name, an unpredictable man with a big personality. You and he were from two completely different worlds, each with its own demands. Models traveled, Tony saved the world. Some nights you worried it would never work long-term. But every time Tony caught your eye, or snuck an arm around your waist in the privacy of a quiet corridor, or whispered how he was grateful you put up with him—every flicker of tenderness reminded you that there might be something real here. Something that transcended your celebrity images.
Tony never missed an opportunity to reassure you. He’d leave encouraging texts right before a big runway show: Knock ‘em dead, handsome. – T. When your schedule exploded and stress weighed on your shoulders, he’d whisk you off on the Stark Industries jet for a day trip somewhere scenic, telling you to breathe. And when you asked him why, when he could be juggling a dozen different things, he chose you?
He always had the same reply: “Because I want to—and because you’re worth it.”
One night, after a particularly grueling day of photo shoots for a designer brand, you arrived back at your apartment to find Tony on your doorstep. He was leaned against the wall, wearing worn jeans and a T-shirt, a baseball cap pulled low. By his feet was takeout from your favorite Thai place.
“Tony, what are you—?”
He shrugged, lifting the bag. “You’ve gotta eat. Also, I was hoping to see if you were free this weekend. I wanted you to come to a small Avengers get-together. I mean, it’s not the big official gatherings—just us plus pizza. Real low-key.”
You blinked. “Wouldn’t that, you know, raise eyebrows about us?”
Tony lifted an eyebrow, lips quirking in a half-grin. “They already have plenty of suspicions. Besides, I…kinda want them to see what I see. When you’re comfortable, of course.” It was a giant step. You knew that the Avengers had never been exactly sold on your relationship. But Tony’s eyes were sincere, and the warm feeling in your chest let you know you were ready to stand by his side.
That weekend, you arrived at a casual get-together in an understated jacket and simple jeans, hardly looking like the runway star the world knew you as. Tony’s eyes lit up when you walked in. A few heads turned—Steve, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, and Sam, plus a couple others. Tony slid an arm around you in full view of everyone, a gesture that spoke volumes. The silence was brief before Sam cleared his throat, stepping forward to greet you warmly. Soon, the hush turned into chatter, and you realized that while there were still a few raised eyebrows, there was also acceptance.
No big announcements, no press releases. Just you, Tony, and a handful of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes sharing pizza and jokes around a low table in the living area of Avengers Tower. Later, as you took a moment to yourself on the balcony, gazing over the sparkling city, Tony joined you. He offered you a soft grin. “Not how I usually do relationships, you know.”
“Oh, I’m aware,” you teased, leaning into him. “But I appreciate it.”
You felt his arm tighten around your waist. His warm breath brushed your ear as he murmured, “I want this—us—to last.”
The city lights twinkled below, but you barely noticed. You turned and caught the gentle gleam in Tony’s eyes. Maybe the Avengers’ doubts would linger for a while, maybe your modeling career would keep forcing you into secret entrances and locked doors. But standing there, pressed against Tony, the noise of doubts and naysayers faded into the background. Because when Tony Stark said he wanted something to last, for once, it didn’t sound like just another promise on the fly. It felt real.
#x male reader#male reader#avengers assemble#the avengers#mcu#mcu fandom#marvel#marvel mcu#avengers#marvel cinematic universe#marvel comics#tony stark x male reader#tony stark#iron man#pepper potts#tony stark x you#tony stark x reader#tony stark fanfiction#Tony stark x male reader#Tony stark x male! reader#iron man x male reader#iron man x reader#captain america#steve rogers
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ i wanna live inside your mind, next to your favorite songs

charlie had been streaming for what felt like days. you two had decided to do one of your classic "joint streams", where you two would stream together and swap off who was playing. for the first few hours you played hello kitty island adventure, chatting to charlie's chat while he sat next to you and stared at you dopily like an obedient puppy. then you two swapped to super mario party and charlie got waaay too competitive for a casual game between boyfriend and girlfriend.
"yes! let's fucking go!" he cheered, a victorious grin on his face. you two booted up a round of all-star swingers (which was just baseball) and he absolutely obliterated your character. he even got up and stretched before the round started like the tryhard he was. his character, king boo, cheered as your character, princess peach, cried. the parallel to real life was pretty funny— in game you were devastated, while in real life you just sat there. charlie, feeling bad that he didn't at least give you some mercy (and because chat was grilling him for being a tryhard), he gave you a kiss on the lips. "sorry. i'm a sore winner," he grinned sheepishly.
after around seven rounds of mario party, it was now charlie's turn to take over stream. he started playing "a game about digging a hole" which, no duh, was about digging holes. he started playing animatedly, not even noticing your drooping eyes and the little yawns that escaped your lips.
eventually, he glanced over to his side to see chat blowing up.
k4lenz: omg look at perny !!
medlarmeadows: charlie look to your left!
ilov3thestarz: AWW she's so squishable
as per chat's request demand, charlie turned to his side to see you curled up in the gaming chair, resting your head on the armrest and asleep in the fetal position. an amused smile tugged at his lips, a fond expression replacing his competitive one. "aww," he cooed, echoing chat's sentiments.
he turned down his game volume completely and swiveled his chair towards you. "chat," he whispered, voice low. "let's be quiet, okay? don't wanna wake her up."
resting his forearms on his thighs, he scooted a little closer and turned to chat as if they were there. "psst," he leaned closer to the camera. "should i turn on some calming music while she sleeps?"
chat exploded with yes's and omg couple goals! of course, no chat was without its trolls ("play four big guys!"), but overall they were quiet and the TTS decreased significantly, and when someone did, it was mostly nice things, and charlie had turned the audio down to a very quiet volume.
he draped a fuzzy blanket over your frame, gently putting a hand under your head and sliding a pillow under your head smoothly. he also squeezed fufu, your bunny stuffed animal and "co-streamer", into your arms.
the chat exploded with ideas of calming music, but charlie was determined to find great music on his own. so he typed into youtube "music to fall asleep to", like a grandma using the internet for the first time. he clicked on the first result, classical music. however, he played it for a second and the grating music was more likely to wake you up than lull you into deeper sleep. begrudgingly, he took chat's advice. one chatter said:
slimeypaws: just stalk her spotify smh. amateur
"shit." he muttered under his breath. "yeah, that's a good idea." charlie pulled up your spotify, pernylovesuu. the profile picture was you with fufu tucked under your chin, smiling as the sun framed your face perfectly. charlie's face flushed. "she looks cute in that photo," he murmurs, glancing from the screen towards your sleeping frame. "i mean, she always does." he chuckles fondly, shaking his head gently. "it's just a good photo."
clicking onto your playlists, he found sleepytime. perfect! he turned on the first song of the playlist, say yes to heaven.
"guys, this is my version of heaven." a goofy grin crosses his face as he leans over, ruffling your hair gently. charlie glances from the camera to you and whispers, "okay, chat, i'm gonna move her over to the bed." as careful as a mouse, he slips his hands under you and cradles you to his chest.
moving across the room and cringing when the floorboards creak, he places you down on the bed and tugs the blanket up to your chin, adjusting fufu so the bunny was propped up next to you.
"there, baby. cozy in bed." he smiled proudly, pressing a kiss to your forehead before going back to his stream.
of course, this was charlie, so he ended up shrieking and waking you up with a start. to apologize, the next you streamed a glimmering tiffany & co necklace adorned your neck. slimecicloset identified the necklace to be around $1,250.
guilt is expensive.
divider credits @bernardsbendystraws. inspo for this fic:
(turn up to full volume. hard to hear otherwise b/c charlie's whispering!)
THIS audio i clipped from slimecicle vod's "slimecicle got a new girlfriend" OMG it's literally my favorite slimecicle stream.
aaand my newly implemented taglist!!
@slimeypaws enjoy 😋 !!
#celeb crush#fluffy fanfic#fanfic#charlie slimecicle x reader#slimecicle x y/n#slimecicle x yn#slimecicle x reader#slimecicle x you#charlie slimecicle x y/n#charlie slimecicle#charlie slimesicle x reader#rpf#slimecicle#౨ৎ ࿐࿔ comfortstreamer!reader#charlie slimecicle fanfic#charlie slimecicle fluff#charlie slimecicle x you#slimecicle fanfic#slimecicle fic#charlie slimecicle fic#⋆⑅˚. ࿐࿔ oc x slimecicle
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Omg Chey my best friend hi I have an idea for you if you write for Jensen.
Jensen comes home from filming and Y/n is feeling very proud of him more than normal and he teases yn about it and she ends up teasing him in...other ways if ya get what I mean. 😉
Thanks I love you!
Hi Becah! 🥰
Ofc! I would love to write for you! Hope you like it! ❤️
Push and pull
Jensen Ackles x Girlfriend y/n
Warnings: MNDI! 18+, Oral man receiving
English isn't my first language
Please do not copy my work. Likes, sharing and comments are appreciated!

Jensen pushed open the front door, the familiar scent of home greeting him as he stepped inside. The long day of filming was finally over, and all he wanted was to kick back, have a drink, and wrap his arms around his girl.
“Y/n?” he called out, tossing his keys onto the counter.
“In here!” your voice chimed from the living room.
Jensen grinned and made his way toward you, already anticipating the warm hug you always greeted him with. But the moment he stepped into the room, he noticed something different. You were sitting on the couch, practically vibrating with excitement, eyes twinkling as if you had just won the lottery.
Before he could say anything, you jumped up and rushed to him, wrapping your arms around his waist tightly. “Jensen! You were so amazing today,” you gushed, looking up at him with pure admiration.
He chuckled, slightly taken aback. “Uh, thanks, sweetheart.”
“No, really,” you continued, pulling back just enough to look at him. “I was watching the clips from set you send me, and babe, you were phenomenal. The way you deliver your lines, your expressions—God, you’re just incredible.”
Jensen raised an eyebrow, his lips twitching into an amused smirk. “Well, damn. If I’d known I’d get this kind of welcome, I’d have wrapped up sooner.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, grabbing his hands and squeezing them. “I just want you to know how proud I am of you. Like, seriously proud. I don’t say it enough, and I should.”
His smirk deepened as he gently tugged you closer. “Alright, what’s going on?”
“What do you mean?” you asked innocently.
“This,” he gestured between the two of you. “The starry eyes, the overwhelming compliments… not that I don’t appreciate it, but it feels like I just won an Oscar or something.”
You huffed but couldn’t stop the small smile from forming. “Fine,” you admitted. “I was talking to my friends today, and they were all saying how they never really tell their men how proud they are. And that just didn’t sit right with me, so I figured I should make sure you know.”
Jensen’s arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush against him as he chuckled. “Oh, I know, sweetheart. Trust me.” You swatted his chest. “Okay, but I wanted you to really know.”
“Oh, I really know,” he teased, leaning down so his lips brushed your ear. “But now I’m wondering just how far you’re willing to go with this.” You felt the heat rise to your cheeks. “Jensen—”
He grinned, obviously enjoying himself. “Should I expect a banner next time I walk through the door? Maybe a little ‘World’s Best Actor’ trophy waiting on the counter?”
You groaned, shoving at his chest lightly, but he caught your hands and held them. “Or,” he continued, lowering his voice dramatically, “maybe a standing ovation every time I say something impressive?”
You tried to glare at him, but his teasing tone and those damn dimples made it impossible. Instead, you burst into laughter, leaning your forehead against his chest. “I hate you.”
“You love me,” he corrected, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “And I love you too—especially when you’re being all sappy and adorable.”
You sighed, wrapping your arms around him again. “Maybe I overdid it a little.”
“Nah,” Jensen murmured, resting his chin atop your head. “I like it. But if I start getting breakfast in bed for just existing, I might have to start questioning things.” You pulled back just enough to smirk up at him. “No promises.”
Jensen laughed, shaking his head as he leaned down and kissed you deeply. “You’re ridiculous.”
Jensen smirked as he pulled back, his green eyes twinkling with mischief. "So, just to be clear," he started, rubbing his chin as if deep in thought. "If I, say, take out the trash later, does that earn me another heartfelt speech about how I’m the greatest man to ever walk the earth?"
You groaned, shoving his arm. "Jensen."
He chuckled, clearly having too much fun with this. "No, no, I just need to know the rules here. If I bring you coffee in the morning, do I get a tearful monologue about how I’m the most thoughtful and incredible boyfriend of all time?"
You narrowed your eyes at him, lips twitching as you tried not to laugh. "I was just trying to be nice."
"Oh, sweetheart," he sighed dramatically, placing a hand over his chest. "You were more than nice. You were practically worshiping me when I walked through that door. Should I expect a red carpet next time? Maybe a slow clap?"
You rolled your eyes. "You're the worst."
Jensen let out a deep chuckle before leaning in close, his voice dropping to that low, teasing tone that made your heart race. "But you love it." You huffed, crossing your arms. "Maybe I should stop then."
His hands immediately found your waist, pulling you back toward him. "Oh no, no, no. I’m enjoying this way too much." His grin widened. "Please, tell me more about how insanely talented and perfect I am."
You playfully smacked his arm, finally breaking into laughter. "You're impossible." He shrugged. "Or maybe I'm just that amazing that you can’t help yourself."
You shook your head, still laughing, before shooting him a sly look. "Fine. If you want me to stop, I’ll stop." Jensen’s smirk faltered for just a second. "Wait—now hold on."
"Nope," you said, stepping away dramatically. "No more compliments. No more proud speeches. Nothing." He gasped, placing a dramatic hand over his heart. "You wound me."
"Too bad," you teased, flopping onto the couch.
Jensen followed, flopping down beside you and dramatically resting his head on your lap. "You know," he mused, looking up at you with those puppy-dog eyes, "I think I need a little reassurance after such a long, hard day."
You bit your lip, fighting back a smile. "Oh? What kind of reassurance?" He peeked up at you with a grin. "Nothing major." Peering down at his crotch and winked at you.
You rolled your eyes, running your fingers through his hair. "You are so ridiculous."
"And you adore it," he said smugly, closing his eyes as he leaned into your touch. "Just a little compliment then?"
You sighed, giving in. "Fine. Jensen Ackles, you are—" you paused dramatically, and he grinned in anticipation.
You smirked. "A total pain in my ass."
Jensen burst into laughter, reaching up to grab your wrist and pull you down onto the couch with him. "You little—" Your laughter filled the room as he pinned you beneath him, peppering your face with kisses between his chuckles.
Next morning:
Jensen stirred at the sound of soft footsteps entering the room, the scent of bacon and coffee pulling him from sleep. He blinked a few times, adjusting to the morning light just as the curtains were pulled open, flooding the room with golden sunlight.
And then he saw you.
Standing by the window in nothing but a sheer, red babydoll dress that barely covered the matching lingerie underneath, you looked like a walking fantasy. His breath caught in his throat, sleep leaving his body entirely as he propped himself up on one elbow.
"Good morning," you said sweetly, walking over with a tray in your hands.
Jensen grinned, eyes raking over you shamelessly. "Damn," he muttered, running a hand through his messy hair. "Now this is a wake-up call."
You set the tray down beside him, leaning down just enough for him to get a better view. His hands immediately reached for you, but before he could pull you down into the bed, you simply ran your fingers through his hair and patted his head like he was some adorable little puppy.
"Eat your breakfast, baby," you said sweetly. Then, without another word, you turned on your heel and walked straight out the door.
Jensen's jaw dropped.
"Wait, what—" He sat up, looking between the tray of food and the door you had just walked through. He shoved the covers off, still in shock. “Y/N! That it?!” he called after you, but you didn’t answer.
He could hear you humming in the kitchen like you didn’t just wreck his entire morning.
Jensen groaned, falling back against the pillows with a dramatic sigh. He rubbed a hand over his face, shaking his head. “Is this what I get for teasing you?” he muttered.
But no response. You're back stayed turned to him, trying hard not to laugh.
After finishing breakfast, he wandered out to find you, determined to get payback for your little stunt.
Jensen had tried everything—calling your name, sending you pouty looks, even texting you from across the house—but you were on a mission to ignore him.
But when he stepped outside, he froze.
There you were, lying on a lounge chair in the garden, sunbathing in the tiniest bikini he’d ever seen. A book rested in your hands, and you looked completely unbothered, like you hadn’t just sent him into an early-morning crisis.
Jensen’s eyes scanned down your body, over your smooth skin glistening under the sun. He swallowed, running his tongue over his bottom lip as his fingers twitched at his sides.
And then, just when he thought he couldn’t be more distracted, you reached behind you and undid your bikini top.
His mouth went dry.
You tilted your head slightly, calling out in that innocent tone that he knew was anything but. "Babe?" Jensen cleared his throat, trying to play it cool. "Yeah?"
You stretched your arms lazily above your head. "Can you help me put some sunscreen on?"
Jensen smirked. Finally. He strolled toward you, confidence in his step. "Oh, I’d be happy to, sweetheart," he murmured, already imagining how his hands would feel gliding over your warm skin.
But just as he reached you, you rolled onto your stomach, completely facing away from him.
"Just my back, please," you said sweetly, resting your chin on your arms.
Jensen froze mid-step, his smirk faltering as realization sank in. His hands, which had been ready to explore every inch of you, now hovered uselessly as he stared at your perfectly positioned back.
You had played him. Again. He inhaled sharply, shaking his head with a deep chuckle. "Oh, you are evil."
You peeked at him over your shoulder, lips twitching. "Something wrong, baby?"
Jensen narrowed his eyes, squeezing some sunscreen into his hands. Thinking he was going to get you back for this.
As he slowly smoothed the sunscreen over your shoulders, he leaned down, his lips brushing against your ear. "You’re enjoying this way too much, sweetheart."
You hummed, wiggling slightly under his touch. "Mmm, maybe."
Jensen smirked, pressing a teasing kiss to the back of your neck.
Jensen sat in the middle of the bed, his back against the headboard, waiting. He had been patient all day, letting you play your little teasing game, but now? Now it was his turn.
When the bathroom door finally opened, steam rolling out behind you, his eyes darkened. You stepped into the dimly lit bedroom wearing another damn masterpiece—a silky, barely-there nightgown that clung to your curves, the lace teasing at places he was dying to touch.
Jensen exhaled slowly, watching you like a predator watching its prey.
You said nothing as you walked toward the bed, a small, knowing smile playing at your lips. He didn’t move, didn’t speak—just sat there, waiting to see what you’d do next.
Then, slowly, you crawled onto the bed and over his lap, planting yourself right on top of him. Your hands slid up his bare shoulders, nails dragging lightly across his skin, sending a shiver down his spine.
Jensen tilted his head, smirking up at you. "Now what?" he asked, voice low and rough.
You didn’t answer with words. Instead, you leaned in, capturing his lips in a slow, teasing kiss. Your fingers tangled in his hair as you nipped at his bottom lip, eliciting a quiet groan from him.
Jensen’s hands instinctively went to your hips, gripping you just enough to let you know he was done playing nice. But before he could take control, you pulled back, trailing your lips over his jaw and down his chest, leaving soft kisses and sharp little bites along the way.
His breath hitched, his grip on your waist tightening. "Oh, you are so testing me right now," he murmured, voice thick with desire.
You grinned against his skin. "Maybe."
Jensen chuckled darkly, tilting his head back as your lips continued their slow, torturous path. "Sweetheart, I really hope you’re prepared for what happens when I finally decide to stop letting you win."
You paused, looking up at him with mischievous eyes. "Oh, baby," you murmured, pressing a kiss right over his heart. "Who says you’re letting me win?"
Jensen let out a deep, shuddering breath as your head disappeared beneath the covers, the warmth of your lips trailing lower, leaving a path of fire in their wake. His hands instinctively gripped the sheets, anticipation tightening every muscle in his body.
And then—your voice.
“Oh, baby,” you murmured, pressing soft, teasing kisses against his lower abdomen. “You are so beautiful.”
Jensen’s brows shot up, a chuckle escaping him despite the heat pooling in his stomach. “Beautiful?” he echoed, his voice rough with amusement and arousal.
“Mmm,” you hummed, your lips grazing even lower. “So big. So perfect.” You sighed dramatically as if you were admiring a work of art. “Honestly, I don’t think the world understands just how incredible you are.”
Jensen let out a strangled laugh, his head falling back against the pillows. “Oh, come on—”
“No, no,” you interrupted, dragging your nails lightly down his thighs. “I don’t say it enough. You deserve to be worshipped.”
His breath hitched when your lips brushed over where he needed you most, but before he could even react, you pulled back slightly.
“Like, truly,” you went on, dragging this out just to drive him crazy. Your hand wrapped around him pumping and stroking oh so softly. “They should build a toy in your honor. Just so every women can have what I have—‘The Most Perfect Man Alive: A Jensen Ackles Experience.’”
Jensen groaned, throwing an arm over his face as he laughed. “You’re killing me, sweetheart.”You grinned against his skin, planting another teasing kiss on his hip. “Just making sure you know how proud I am of you, baby.”
His hand shot down, fingers threading into your hair, his patience officially gone.
Jensen’s head tilted back against the pillows, his lips parting in a deep, guttural groan as your mouth worked him over in long, slow, torturous strokes. His fingers tightened in your hair, his breathing ragged as you gave him exactly what he needed—just the right amount of pressure, just the right amount of teasing.
His free hand clenched the sheets beside him, muscles taut as fire coiled low in his stomach. Every brush of your fingers against his skin sent another wave of pleasure through him, making it impossible to focus on anything but the feel of you.
“Jesus, Y/N,” he breathed, voice wrecked, his chest rising and falling in uneven gasps.
You hummed in response, the vibrations making him curse under his breath. His entire body tensed as he felt himself teetering on the edge, that delicious build-up threatening to send him over. His grip in your hair tightened, his jaw clenching as he let out a low, desperate moan.
And then...
You stopped.
Jensen’s eyes snapped open, his chest heaving as he looked down in disbelief. “No, no, no,” he groaned, his hips instinctively lifting as if chasing your touch. “Sweetheart—”
But you were already sitting back, lips swollen, eyes twinkling with mischief as you wiped the corner of your mouth with the back of your hand.
“Something wrong, baby?” you asked innocently, tilting your head.
Jensen let out a deep, exasperated laugh, dragging a hand down his face. His entire body was wound so tight he thought he might actually die right then and there.
“You did not just—” He cut himself off with another frustrated groan, throwing his head back against the pillow.
You smirked, running your fingers lightly down his stomach. “What?” you teased. “I thought you liked a little anticipation.”
Jensen exhaled sharply, shaking his head before locking eyes with you. That playful look in your gaze?
He nearly jumped you. Pushing your back on the bed and hovering over you, his body covering the light, so all you could see was the perfect outline of the godlike man avove you. "Oh, you have no idea what you’d just started." He teased I a deep sexy voice.
“You are so in trouble,”, voice dark and full of promise.
Your smirk widened. “Oh, baby,” you whispered, leaning in close, your lips just barely grazing his.
“I’m counting on it.”
Jensen: @jackles010378 @libby99hb @winchesterwild78 @suckitands33 @mostlymarvelgirl @deans-baby-momma @ancles @tulipsvanilla @thesilmarillionblog @jays-bonnie-on-the-side @kr804573 @kamisobsessed @hobby27 @globetrotter28 @kindollss @muhahaha303 @shadysoulangel @lyarr24 @spxideyver @impala67rollingthroughtown @panickedbitch @deansimpalababy @livya99 @yvonneeeee @ladykitana90 @stoneyggirl2 @imsiriuslyreal @panickedbitch @roseblue373 @n-o-p-e-never @ariasong11 @lmpala1967 @sherlockstrangewolf @spnaquakindgdom @writtenbyhollywood @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @healojane @star-yawnznn
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OMG I loved the &team Hyung line ask about girl best friend not wearing a bra! Can I request the same but with their girl best friend accidentally touching their dick?
YESSSSSS!!!! Oh my god I’ve been thinking about this after that ask too!! So let’s reverse the roles!!
each members part is ~600-700 words long
Not proofread btw 😭
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"I will grab your balls and twist them."
"I'm not giving you my last candy! You ate the rest of them already!"
He reached his arm up further, bringing the candy further out of your reach.
"But I'm on my period!!"
"Your inability to produce a child is not my responsibility. Go take Jo's chocolate or something."
"I don't want Jo's chocolate!"
You say, jumping up to try to reach the candy. He laughs as you move to try to pull his arm down, barely able to move him.
"Since when did you get so strong? I used to tackle you."
"Since you started stealing all of my food."
He was looking down at you, a devious smirk playing on his face as you continue to pull him down, but to no avail. He gets the brilliant idea to open the candy, taunting you as he takes his time fiddling with the wrapper. You're basically climbing him like a tree, legs wrapped around his thighs, one arm reaching up to grab at the candy while the other is securely grasping the back of his shirt. You were in a very compromising position. To you guys, this was normal, but to anyone else, this would look very bad.
He gets the candy out of the wrapper, even taking the time to crumple the wrapper up and throw it away before staring straight into your eyes as he slowly pushes the candy past his lips. You look at him with disgust written all over your face, getting ready to untangle your legs from around his body.
But when you go to put your feet on the ground, you accidentally step on his foot. He jumps at the pain causing you let go of your grip on the back of his shirt, quickly trying to grab the end of his shirt before falling ass-first onto the ground. You successfully manage to grab his shirt before falling, but get scared yourself when he starts choking on his candy, spitting it out.
“Dude what the hell?? You went through all that performance to mock me and eat the candy just to choke and spit it out?”
You look down to see that your hand, is in fact, groping his entire penis, to which you proceed to shriek and then fall ass-first onto the ground anyways. You snicker to yourself when he steps back, covering his dick in the process.
“Oh I see, you’re not with child so you had to make sure I couldn’t have one either.”
“Oh please,”
You say, getting up and dusting yourself off.
“I could make anyone want to have a baby with me if I wanted to. I just choose not to. Especially not with you.”
He feigns an offended look, hand to chest like what you said drove a knife through his heart.
“Excuse me? My children would be great, thank you very much.“
“No they wouldn’t. Think of this as me doing a favor for you. We don’t need little K babies running around.”
“You just wanted any excuse to touch my dick, don’t lie.”
You sigh, staring at the sad, choked out piece of candy on the floor.
“If I wanted to touch your dick I would’ve by now— with your consent of course.” (If it’s not a yes then it’s a no!!)
He rolls his eyes, nudging you out of the way to pick up his lost piece of candy.
“Now because of you and your hormones I didn’t get to enjoy my last candy. I hope you’re happy.”
“Me and my hormones say that you suck.”
“I would’ve— on that piece of candy if you didn’t want me so bad.”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes, realizing that arguing with him is pointless.
“I’m gonna go get more candy, and I will not be getting any for you.”
“Don’t touch anyone else’s dick to get them you fiend.”
༄ ༄ ༄
You were getting ready to go out and celebrate your best friend, Fuma’s birthday. You made sure your hair and makeup were looking good, smoothing down any stray hairs and applying a lip stain you knew was going to last you the whole night.
He wanted to go out to a bar with you and a couple of your guys’ friends and you offered to pay for his drinks and food for the night. Upon getting the text that he was here, you hurry to put your shoes on. You smile, making your way inside the car.
“Why are you so dressed up? It’s my birthday, not yours.”
“What if there's fine shit at the bar? I always have to look my best.”
“Wow, looking for a man on MY birthday instead of wanting to celebrate with me, how classy.”
“I am classy.”
He just rolls his eyes, laughing at your antics before driving off. Once you arrive at the bar, you find some of your friends waiting for you.
“There’s the birthday boy!”
K shouts, getting up to hug his friend.
“I’m 26, I'm not a boy.”
Fuma says, everyone laughing at the two.
“Yeah, you're a grandpa.”
You say, earning some laughs from the rest of the group. You join them, refraining from drinking yourself as you said you would let Fuma drink for the night, opting to be his driver for the ride home. A couple of drinks in and the rest of the guys were starting to feel it, standing up and dancing to the live music that was playing. You watch as the guys enjoy themselves, waiting for your soda before joining them.
The space was small, not really allowing for much movement but there was a little crowd of people all dancing. Everyone had their beers or their drinks in their hand so you thought it would be okay for you to bring yours as well, better than leaving it open for someone to mess with anyway. But you should’ve predicted that your little heels and a closed space wouldn’t go well, stumbling over someone’s foot and spilling your drink all down the front of Fuma’s pants. He’s already pretty drunk, so he just laughs as you pull him away to the bathroom, apologizing profusely.
“Oh my god Fuma I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to spill my drink all over you!”
You’d say frantically, stepping into the men’s bathroom and grabbing napkins to dab at the spilled drink. You get his thighs, accidentally touching his dick in the process.
“Are you sure you didn’t? You don’t seem too shy to touch my dick in public.”
And your face turns a bright red, not really realizing that you were brushing against it so often. He doesn’t seem to mind though, looking down at you with a smirk on his face. You couldn’t help how attractive you found him in this moment, not to mention the fact that you were basically on your knees in front of him, involuntarily closing your legs together. You rose to your feet, looking away from him and fanning your face with your hands to calm your nerves, but his stare was piercing. He takes the napkins from your hands, dabbing it around the areas you didn’t get. He throws the napkins out in the trash can that's behind you, lifting your face up with his fingers.
“If only I wasn’t drunk right now, I would’ve taken you right here and now. But you’ll be with me in the morning, right?”
He says, leaving you stunned as he exits the bathroom. You need a second before stepping back outside, needing to think back at the implications of his words. You had planned to drop him off and leave, but maybe you will stay. He was the birthday boy after all, who were you to go against his wishes?
You didn’t normally mind when Nicholas asked you to go shopping with him, often enjoying it because he’d always end up buying the both of you some food or dessert. But when he spent literal hours trying on clothes at the same shop, you were starting to get fed up.
“Remind me again why we’ve been here for 3 hours now?”
“Because I need to find new clothes?”
He replies sassily, opening the curtain to the fitting room to show off his outfit.
“Correction, why have I been here for 3 hours with you?”
“Because I need you to tell me if this looks tough or if it's ugly.”
“It was a rhetorical question.”
“You asked.”
You resisted the urge to slap him, analyzing his outfit. You wanted to tease him, putting on a disinterested look, one that he met with an annoyed expression of his own.
“Does it look good or not?”
“Hmm… I like the shirt and the pants separately but not together, the jacket is okay, maybe with another fit it could look nice but I don’t know, I don’t like it that much.”
Sighing, he closes the curtain and proceeds to take off his clothes. His shirt goes first, then his pants.
“Can you hand me the dark-wash baggy jeans with the rips in the knees. They’re next to you!”
He yells out as if you’re not sitting right outside of his dressing room. You’re scrolling on your phone, grabbing the pair of jeans and handing it to him. He tries them on quickly, but dislikes them almost immediately, taking them off.
“I don’t like these, here take them back and give me the other jeans.”
Again, not paying attention you reach your non phone-bearing hand into the curtain, waiting for him to hand you the pair of pants. He doesn’t see your hand poking in, turning around away from the mirror and walking directly into your open hand. You close your hand in on the material.
“This doesn’t feel like the jeans?”
“That’s because you’re groping my dick right now.”
He grabs your hand, pulling you into the dressing room as you yelp. You see him standing only in his boxers, eyeing his fit physique when you realize who exactly it is that you’re looking at and facing away from him with your eyes shut.
“What the fuck Nicholas why’d you drag me in here?!”
“Why were you groping my dick so much? You don’t know the difference between and dick and jeans?”
You can feel your cheeks burn up at the thought of you groping him so inappropriately, and in public at that. Your voice is small from embarrassment.
“…I wasn’t paying attention… I didn’t know what I was grabbing.”
“Well you’re not apologizing. Did you do it on purpose? Did you want to touch my dick?”
You couldn’t lie and say that you hadn’t found Nicholas attractive. But in any case, this is not the situation you’d imagine yourself admitting that to him. He laughs, walking closer to you, boxing you in between him and the wall. You’re still facing away from him, too shy to face him when he’s almost fully naked.
“Oh Y/N… you could’ve just told me you know? I am your best friend after all.”
“That’s exactly why I couldn’t tell you…”
He leans in closer to you, breath fanning your ear as a wave of relief yet nervousness ripples through your body.
“I can’t lie and say I haven’t thought of it myself…”
You turn around, flinching at how close he is to your face. Your cheeks are burning red at the smirk he has plastered on his face, confidence radiating off of him.
“What are you trying to say, Nicholas?”
“I’m saying that friends are allowed to have a little fun, right?”
Your visible gulp has him chuckling, eyes piercing into yours with his sharp gaze. You had already been here for 3 hours, what was another 30 minutes?
Today was the first time in two weeks that you would see Euijoo. Due to his recent schedules, he didn’t have much time to hang out, let alone do anything else. You arrive at the dorms, knocking on the door. You’re greeted by Harua, who looks so happy to see you.
He says, pulling you into a hug.
“Hi Harua!”
You laugh as he lets you in.
“Euijoo is out right now. He got called in by our manager but he said he should be back soon, no more than two hours.”
You nod your head in understanding. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened.
“That’s okay, I figured this would happen, that’s why I cleared my entire schedule. I’ll just hang out till he gets here like I usually do.”
You say your goodbyes to Harua, as he had plans to go out with Nicholas, and get comfy on the couch. As time goes by, you notice your eyes are getting heavier. You lay down instead, deciding to take a nap until he gets back.
About 45 minutes later, you stir in your sleep. Euijoo is fumbling with his keys outside, casually opening and closing the door before he notices that you’re asleep on the sofa. He laughs to himself, quietly taking off his shoes and making his way around the dorm so as not to wake you up. Upon returning to the living room, he holds back a loud laugh, your snores having grown exponentially loud. He decided to mess with you a bit, knowing now how deep of a sleep you’re in. He carefully makes his way over to you, taking his slipper off and banging it loud on the side of the sofa, causing you to jump, immediately waking you up.
You look around frantically, only to grumble as you look up and see him towering over you, clutching his stomach in silent laughter.
“Oh fuck off.”
You say while launching a pillow at him, going back to your original position, face in the cushions as you start to relax again.
“I’m sorry, that was just too funny!”
He says, still chuckling as he goes to grab the pillow. He throws it on you, shaking you to make you get up.
“C’mon! I’m hungry and there’s this spot I wanna try. You’re probably hungry now that you’re awake.”
You try waving him off, hand randomly flailing in the air as you try to shoo him away. He doesn’t give up though, gently shakes turning into tickles as you start stretching oddly to avoid his fingers.
“Euijoo stop!”
You cry out, laughing. He’s laughing with you until you deliver a particularly rough slap directly onto his dick.
He screams, toppling over you in agony. You’re still laughing as you try to move his body off of you.
“I did tell you to stop.”
“Remind me to never try to have fun with you ever again.”
He moves to sit up, wincing in pain as he does so.
“I think you broke it.”
“I would need to do a whole lot more than that to break it.”
Intrigued by your statement, he raises a brow at you.
“Yeah? Like what?”
“Oh wouldn’t you like to know?”
“Could you grab me an ice pack? It’s the least you could do after compromising me.”
You get up, grabbing him an ice pack and returning with it. Still a little disoriented from sleep and fright, you reach down, going to apply the ice pack in between his legs. Heat rises to his cheeks, shifting in his seat. It’s like you hadn’t realized what you were doing.
“I can do this part myself ya know…”
And you stare at him, blush creeping up onto your cheeks as it hits you what you were about to do.
“O-oh yeah… sorry I got carried away…”
He laughs awkwardly, taking the ice pack from your hands and doing it himself, grabbing a pillow to cover himself as the awkwardness of the situation finally settles in.
“So… food?”
You say, trying to lighten the mood and he nods in agreement, telling you about the place he wanted to try out.
༄ ༄ ༄
These were so fun to write
#starrihan#&team#&team smut#koga yudai#k smut#&team k smut#andteam k smut#fuma smut#murata fuma smut#&team fuma smut#andteam fuma smut#nicholas smut#&team nicholas smut#andteam nicholas smut#wang yixiang#wang yixiang smut#ej#euijoo#byun euijoo#ej smut#euijoo smut#byun euijoo smut#&team ej smut#andteam ej smut#&team euijoo smut#andteam euijoo smut
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Ok, finally have some time carved out to sit and luxuriate in my FaifaWine story! Bring on the sweetness.
Honestly, I feel like their relationship is such a good representation of what a healthy dynamic can look like. Not just for romantic but platonic as well. Mutual support and encouragement is a beautiful thing.
We love a smitten man.

Ha, Wine doing the little neck turn for Fai was so cute. They're already so physically comfortable.
God these two are so damn photogenic.
So these pictures are just straight up engagement photos, yes? Everyone worrying about Faifa's game, when that man is 100% the first who's going to be married.
I don't know if "this will hurt me but it's too delicious not to drink" is the product placement they think it is.
Uggh, lady. There are family relationships where you can tease and joke about each other being a pain, but the fact that she is completely oblivious to the fact that she does not have that relationship with Fai is so aggravating. And once again, his face was so clear!
But Wine won't let it stand, and we love him for it.

Junior's acting here... he's so not used to anyone speaking up for how amazing he is. My poor baby.
So she apologizes, then immediately blames the dad. Shitty apology 101.
It is so infuriating, because he is literally telling her exactly what's wrong, and she's not paying any attention.
I love their hugs so much!

You can see how much Wine is Fai's safe space now. How he hugged his mom, vs how he hugs Wine.
And Wine with the healthy question, of thinking about how to move past it! He's so good for Fai.
Wa and Klao doing some growing up! I do wish we had seen a bit more of their journey, but that's just my general constant need for more AouBoom.
Uh, Toey can mind her own damn business. First outing Wine to his friend without permission, then trying to set him up with her brother without even asking first? Boooooo.
Ok, the "make it loud" is where Wine and my introvertedness severely differentiates, lol. That is my idea of torture.
Not "big boy" lolol.

Arm breaking out the sex kitten call sign for his pouty baby is rather perfect.
Yotha! Seriously. I know this is your version of supportive, but your brother is so, so much stronger than you give him credit for.
And of course Wine can immediately pick up on the different vibes Faifa has today.

Perfect descriptor for our boys.
Ugh, who invited Toey?
But also, props to them casting Ohm as Tor, which is 100 times better when you remember he's going to be with Junior and Wine in My Romance Scammer.
Oh Fai, baby, don't let your anxiety get to you. You are what he wants!
On one hand, I like that the friends want to be supportive, on the other, Wine is literally just walking with a dude. Although I guess Fai's phone being off is a rarity. Ok, I'll give them a pass.
Damn, he really is a big boy, isn't he.

Um, where was I?
Oh god, the way Faifa is so sure he's not going to come first.
Tor seems like a genuinely nice dude, he should get a meet cute with someone played by Fluke on campus. (The Fluke who's going to be his partner, not the Fluke who was his partner. Good lord, these names).
I rave about Junior a lot, but I should also mention Mark has been doing such a good job. He is someone who you can see grow in each performance, and I love that for him.

This scene, this scene, y'all.

Faifa being open and honest about his fears. Wine being honest about how Faifa has always been first for him, and his only goal. Faifa's calmness when he realizes that he wasn't chasing a love that he would inevitably lose, but that he's always had it from the beginning. The mutual love and reassurance and comfort and complete and utter safety in one another's arms. I'M NOT CRYING YOU'RE CRYING.
Omg, do not tell me those idiots literally chased Wine all over campus without him noticing. I am dying.
Ok, not to be a downer, but Yotha, this would have been a perfect supportive moment for you to bring the flowers. Just sayin'.
Yeah, these two are definitely gonna be the first married.
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OMG we need a part 3 of the Gavi x tennis reader fic
❦ - love && war 3.

summary:: winning isn’t everything. whether it’s on or off the pitch and that’s something you’ve realised.
warnings:: none.
writers notes:: guys i wanna sob this is really basic, repetitive and idk what to do for the plot but if yg want a part 4 i can do one where he ACTUALLY attends a match bc bros suffering by hearing the match from pedris pov 💔.
tags:: @barcapix @n0vazsq @httpsdana @paucubarsisimp @universefcb @nngkay @cherryloveshs
the first thing you did after leaving the court was check your phone. sweat still clung to your skin, muscles aching from the three set battle you had just fought, but none of that mattered as much as the missed notifications lighting up your screen.
pablo: been refreshing the score like crazy, how did it go?
pablo: mi amor?
pablo: please tell me you won
pablo: shit, did you lose?
pablo: call me as soon as you can, okay?
your heart sank a little as you read his texts. you hated how badly he wanted to be there, how helpless he felt watching the live score update from miles away.
you sighed, quickly typing back.
you: lost in three. close, but not enough.
he read the message almost instantly. the typing bubbles appeared, then stopped. then appeared again.
your phone rang.
you stepped away from the locker room, walking into a quieter hallway before answering.
‘cariño,’ gavi’s voice was soft, but you could hear the frustration underneath. ‘tell me what happened.’
you leaned against the wall, exhaling. ‘she just played better. i had chances, but i didn’t take them. that’s it.’
‘that’s not it,’ he muttered. ‘i know you. i know you’re beating yourself up over every point.’
you closed your eyes for a moment. he wasn’t wrong.
‘i just, i really wanted this one, pablo. and i know i played well, but at the end of the day, i lost. and that’s all anyone will remember.’
‘that’s not true,’ he said instantly. ‘you were amazing. i didn’t even have to watch the match to know that. but it pisses me off that i couldn’t watch. i should’ve been there.’
‘i mean it,’ he cut you off, frustration creeping into his voice. ‘pedri was literally sitting on his ass watching the whole thing while i was stuck playing a match i barely cared about because all i wanted to do was check my phone for updates.’
you let out a small laugh despite yourself. ‘you barely cared about a la liga match?’
‘yes,’ he huffed. ‘well, okay, maybe not barely. but you get what i mean.’
you did. you really did.
‘you have no idea how badly i wanted to see you,’ he continued. ‘at halftime, i grabbed my phone the second i got to the locker room. hansi was giving a whole speech and i wasn’t even listening, i just kept refreshing the score.’
‘pablo, oh my god.’
‘no, listen to this,’ he went on. ‘i had to hide my phone under my shirt when he started walking around because i refused to put it down. i literally thought i was gonna get subbed off for being distracted.’
you bit your lip, torn between being exasperated and incredibly touched.
‘you’re crazy.’
‘for you? yeah, i am,’ he admitted without hesitation. ‘i hate missing your matches. and i swear i’ll be at the next one, even if i have to fight hansi for it.’
you smiled, warmth spreading through your chest. ‘i appreciate the commitment, but i don’t think hansi would take too kindly to that.’
‘too bad. he’ll have to deal with it,’ gavi muttered.
there was a beat of silence before he spoke again, softer this time.
‘you know how proud i am of you, right?’
you swallowed.
‘even if you didn’t win, even if you think it wasn’t enough, you’re incredible. i hope you know that.’
your throat tightened slightly. he always knew exactly what to say.
‘thank you,’ you murmured. ‘really. that means a lot.’
‘i mean it,’ he said. ‘and when i see you, i’m gonna hug you so tight you’ll forget all about today.’
you laughed lightly. ‘looking forward to it.’
‘good. now go rest, okay? we’ll talk later.’
you nodded, even though he couldn’t see you. ‘okay. love you.’
‘love you more, mi amor.’
and just like that, the weight on your chest felt a little lighter.
#football x reader#football one shot#football fluff#football x y/n#football x you#gavi x yn#gavi x you#pablo gavi x y/n#pablo gavi x you#pablo gavi x reader#gavi x reader
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OMG it's been driving me a little crazy since 7x04 and Buck coming out to her. I was just talking about this with @qwordavoider and it's like all of the conversations between Maddie and Buck (that are related to Tommy and/or his romantic life) feel lowkey biphobic/queerphobic. I don't think it's super overt... but there's always a vibe or a line that's just weird and makes you go "wait... huh?"
It almost seems like she doesn't really like Tommy, or --and I hate to say this because it's one of the BoBs's fav argument and I wanna vomit for agreeing 🤢-- it looks as if she wants for Buck and Eddie to actually be in love with each other, or at the very least, she seems very intent on Buck having romantic feelings for Eddie. WHY would you want your bother to have a crush (let alone be in love) with his straight best friend? Not only is it a fucking harmful cliché, but when it does happen, IT SUCKS. Why does she want her little brother to suffer that wtf?
And listen, I understand that they used Maddie as a stand-in for the fandom in 8x11 when she point blank asks Buck if he's in love with Eddie, but then, when Buck said NO, I AM NOT, she STILL seemed disbelieving? Girl, I love you, but you gotta listen and accept what Buck is telling you.
When she told Buck that he maybe needed to just move on and start dating again to get over Tommy and that the universe was gonna send him his special person I was like... WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? Didn't you have to fight to be with Chim? How many hurdles did Maddie and Chim have to overcome before they got together? Imagine if Buck had butted in and meddled and told her to just give it up, that the universe was telling her that a relationship with Chim wasn't a good idea, that she needed to move on and find someone else? IMAGINE? But no, he was supportive. He was cheering them on because he knew Chim made her happy.
And ALSO, whyyyyy do we keep having Buck talk about Tommy/his romantic life just with Maddie? Like, sorry girl, I love you, I truly do, but there's this big aspect that you just don't fully understand about all of this. *cof* It's the ✨️queerness✨️ of it all *cof* Who do we know that might understand that aspect, that has a long-lasting, loving, QUEER relationship and who could give Buck some advice, too? That's right. HEN.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. But this has been grinding my gears a lot.
I really dislike Maddie since they did the her storyline with postnatal depression. Serious topic but they did dirty. But really she can't seeing Buck being bi? Okay, so be it. But not supporting Buck to reach out to Tommy (a no-go) because Tommy is important to him. I really hate this. Poor Buck, he derserves better! Never thought Maddie would be so one track mind, but she is and Buck can't see it. I'd love to see Buck being encourgend to fight for what he wants. I dislike Maddie for many reasons but she seems like to never listen to Buck wants.
And, like, the "would it be so crazy?" when asking Buck if he was in love with Eddie felt very queerphobic to me? Like, no, you can't just have a very close male friend, you must also want to bang them because he's a dude and you like dudes. That's how it works, right?
We know with Tommy and what he was saying it's because he's insecure about his place in Buck's life and if he'll be the first choice. Also note Tommy never said anything about romantic love when he was "joking" about competition. I still maintain that the whole thing might not really be about Eddie, but that was just how Tommy's intense insecurities manifested, especially after seeing how Buck moved into Eddie's old house. Eddie hasn't been an issue for the whole six months they were dating, but now he is? I don't think so. I think Tommy came back and saw how seemingly ok Buck was after their breakup (because he had no actual indication of how Buck actually was) and started questioning his importance in Buck's life. And I absolutely hate that he was (as he thinks) proven right.
Buck, baby. I love you. I'm a Buck girlie. But lashing out and saying things you don't mean when you're angry is not a good trait. Look at what you did to that hunky beefcake. Look at what you did to his facial expressions.
But, with how much Maddie fought to be with Chimney and how much shit they had to go through to be together, her being so dismissive of Buck wanting to reach out to Tommy is pissing me right off.
I know JLH has some damn pull over the lines they give her, I wish she would use it.
#god I hate it here#why do I love this show so much?#it's a fucking mess#🥲🥲🥲🥲#bucktommy#evan buckley#maddie han#911 critical#911 discourse
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so many people hate eurylochus to like. an insane degree. because they think everything he does are acts of self preservation and it’s NOT it’s preservation of the CREW because he’s the voice of the crew RRRASWRRRR
odysseus, polities and eurylochus were such good buddies and worked so well together because odysseus lead them, polities kept high spirits (this makes him sound like a cheerleader. but like idk how else to describe it? he like encourages whimsy. idk.) and eurylochus kept both of them grounded so they wouldn’t do anything stupid. and it was perfect until polities died.
without polities, the crew couldn’t find the positives in odysseus going up to the island to meet with aeolus. it was only eurylochus arguing his opinion, which is, “don’t go, it’s stupid,” literally, physically grounding him. obviously this was going to sway the crew in his favour immensely. eurylochus is like 10x more approachable than odysseus to the crew. eury’s their buddy. ody is the champion of a goddess and their king. so not only does ody then not have that extra polities voice in the argument to help lead ody to a logical conclusion which benefits everyone, he is instead clashing with eurylochus and subsequently the rest of his crew. this pretty much goes the same way for most of the other disagreements they have for the rest of the journey.
eurylochus is also forced to fill in the space that polities left in supporting odysseus as he’s their captain, but he struggles with bridging the gap between seeing him as his captain/king and seeing him as his friend. which is why he switches between calling him, “captain/sir,” to “odysseus,” to “ody,” during mutiny, and then back to “captain.” it’s a verbalisation of his view on odysseus.
so when it comes to opening the windbag, the crew is already on edge about it. he went up alone after fighting with the closest friend he has left in the crew, refuses to open the bag, the winions are all telling them it’s treasure. and there is such a blatant lack of trust between them that likely wasn’t present before; ody would rather stay awake for nine days straight than trust eury not to open the bag. and eurylochus, being naturally mistrusting of gods and mythical creatures in general, would not trust the origins of this bag. he would not trust his friend’s behaviour to be true. he would likely make the connection that the wind bag is making him act like this, so he takes it from him and opens it. not mentioning the insane pressure from the crew he’s likely been put under.
so yeah. people love to paint him as this evil-doer that was trying to usurp odysseus from the beginning but the mutiny only happened because everyone could tell ody was losing himself to this whole “monster” thing, which is what they needed to get home with as many men as possible, but nobody else is likely going to fully realise that unless you sit them down and explain to them the whole process of the journey and explain every little detail in everything that happened. much less eurylochus who is, as established, very stubborn, and very mistrusting of things he does not understand. he didn’t think ody was fit to lead anymore; it wasn’t that he sacrificed six men to scylla, it’s that he just did it and didn’t think of any alternative plan. he didn’t consult anyone else, he just did it. eurylochus could see he was driving himself a little crazy over getting home to his wife. like i’m sure there would’ve been some people who would have volunteered to hold the torches if they all held a big meeting.
and then the cow. how does nobody realise killing helios’s cows is a suicide attempt? eurylochus knew they were going to die, he did not believe they were going to make it home, at least with the cows he can control it and at least his crew won’t die hungry.
anyways. this is a huge wall of text. i know eurylochus haters HATE to see me coming, i’m his no. 1 defender and apologist he does no wrong.
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We all know that if the Uchiha lose someone they love, they tend to make it everyone else's problem. Since the Senju are supposed to parallel the Uchiha, this is somewhat of an inversion to that.
In this universe, the Senju, when unable or unwilling to confront the object of their affections, become their own problem.
Basically, their chakra rebels against them and standard hanahaki symptoms ensue: "flowers" made out of their chakra begin to grow in their lungs. This interferes with both their jutsu and their ability to breathe. The flowers represent the person they're in love with. This continues and worsens until.
A) They confess their feelings to the other person. Letting the feelings themselves flourish. B) Surgery is done to remove the chakra growths which represent their repressed emotions - also ridding them of said emotions.
Of course the we can draw from such a condition is that, in canon, Tobirama killing Izuna was a pure and honest expression of his love. Enough so that he recovered from his illness. Alternatively he slowly wasted away from years and the damage to his chakra network played a part in his eventual death.
Personally, I was thinking Izuna would be represented by red amaryllis or red carnations.
(PS: if you haven't read "For Adoration Grow" yet, go do that now)
Anyways, this is one I actually have a fanfic in the works for. Alas, Tobirama fails to convey his feelings via murder and has to deal with it the old fashion way (pining and repressing them).
#tobiizu#fanfic idea#to you who are always reading my tags:#omg hi!!!#seriously whenever you reblog one of my posts and point out my tags I swoon#anyways in my wip Izuna does not take Tobirama dying well#Tobirama is literally coughing up blood on him and he's still like 'walk it off'#he doesn't know what's going on#as hanahaki is sort of a senju secret#but it just does not compute to him that tobirama could die from this#admiration and respect for the carnations#vs#determination and pride for the amaryllis#bcus of course Izuna is a proud person (maybe even a little cocky)#eventually Izuna's spiral of denial turns into searching the world for any obscure remedy that might help#Which coincidentally sends him out of the village and away from tobirama#tobirama doesn't actually need his feelings returned#He just needs to stop bottling them up#but before they were enemies so of course he wasn't going to say anything#afterwards they had the village and tentative friendship which he considered worth dying for
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#I had NO idea really what to expect#I slapped down my laptop no joke when he first appeared for real#giggling and blushing like a schoolgirl...#omg...#a date with death#date with death#cicitalks#ciciplays#general#thoughts#i really AM going to love him#and also this music is SOOO good#i love this game already
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