#like did he have that skin before or after the eggs went missing
moonavem · 10 months
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solar-wing · 8 months
⚣ Five & One 💪🏻
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⚣💪🏻 A/N → This is a re-post and, once again, it was inspired by this post by @gone-batty-fics. I'm leaving the full NSFW version up here since it's not that much, so no need for an extra link. I hope you guys enjoy reading this around a second time and sorry if any of you have been missing it. This was my most popular post on my previous account and I'm sad I gotta start it over, but oh well. WARNINGS: Breathplay/Choking, Implied Size Kink, Jealous and Possessive Behavior, Rough Anal, Violence, etc.
⚣💪🏻 Summary → Five times people thought you needed rescuing from your boyfriend, Jason Todd. And the one time, someone needed rescuing from you.
⚣💪🏻 Words → 7.8k
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
Also, vote in my Omegaverse/Yandere poll here!
⚣ ENJOY 💪🏻
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Okay, you got it.
Your boyfriend was a very intimidating and scary guy when he wanted to be. But, that didn’t mean people had to keep asking you if you needed saving like you were some damsel in distress. You weren’t even a damsel! You were a damsmen. Damsman? A Damson?
Oh, forget it. Point still stands, people needed to stop treating you like you needed rescuing. You were fine! Besides, when he wasn’t out hunting criminals, Jason was literally the least threatening person in the world. It was you bitches should be worried about! And if bitches didn’t believe you, bitches could just find out on their own.
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The first time wasn’t bad. You considered it actually sweet and could see how under the circumstances someone was not aware of the dynamic between you and the vigilante.
It was a sunny day in Gotham for once. Everyone was out, enjoying the sunshine while having barbecues in the parks, strolling down the street in sunhats and sandals, and going swimming at the local pools. You were no different, seeing the usual moody and depressing atmosphere absent from the sky and deciding immediately to take advantage of it and drag your boyfriend Jason out, making the whole day a date between you two.
You and Jason decided on simple outfits since the sun was out and the temperatures were warmer than usual. You decided on a regular button-up, leaving the top three buttons down to show some skin, which your boyfriend both loved and hated since he could ogle your chest with no shame, but anyone else could do the same. You paired it with some boat shoes and simple shorts that did an excellent job hugging your ‘boo-twah,’ a nickname Jason gave your ass for its large-hand-friendly size, as he liked to say.
“Instead of like boo-tee, it’s boo-TWAH. It’s just out there.” He explained one morning when you had spent the night at his place. Jason, sitting and ogling at his boyfriend in his well-fitted yoga pants and sleeveless hoodie while you made breakfast.
“You are such a nerd.” You laughed at him.
“Well, this nerd scored big,” He responded before landing a heavy smack on your behind, which you chastised him for since he made you almost fling the eggs you were scrambling out of the pan.
Back to the sunny day, Jason dressed simply too but was more relaxed than you. He went for a comfortable pair of joggers, one of his nicer gym shoes, and a tank top covered by a sleeveless hoodie since he got hot easily.
A few months after you and Jason got together, he told you about his double life and his family’s. It explained why when he would spend the night at your house a few times, you’d play doctor while wondering where he was getting all these bruises and wounds. As you and Jason grew closer and began to explore your ‘interest’ in each other’s bodies, you’d find he was actually shy about his body even though the man was built like a tank.
It wasn’t necessarily his body he was ashamed of. It was his scars he actually didn’t like. All things he saw as painful reminders of his more than rough past, especially the bigger ones he had received from Joker. You were patient with him and reminded him at every possible chance that his scars were nothing to be ashamed of. Instead, they were to be celebrated and seen as trophies. Reminders that in the face of everything thrown at him, he came out on top stronger than ever.
Over time, Jason became more confident and comfortable in his body. He bought more shirts, tank tops, and shorts that showed his arms, chest, and legs. Even going as far as cutting the sleeves off some of his hoodies since you owned many pairs, and he loved how they looked on you. He’d prefer to wear yours, but since you were much smaller than him, he’d end up stretching or ripping them. Now, you were no dainty stick or anything like that. You had some meat on your bones and were taller than the average guy. But again, Jason is built like a tank and very much dwarfed you in size.
You weren’t complaining. 
He also loved the benefit of the sleeveless hoodies as they made him look more intimidating, which helped whenever he noticed other guys and girls at the gym ogling you a little too long for his liking. He didn’t care who it was, Jason would always look out for and protect you.
Yet, others seemed to see it differently as you walked down the street in Gotham, going in and out of the various stores. You were both sipping on some slushies while chatting about whatever, Jason holding your shopping bags in one hand. You tried to snatch the bags from him multiple times since you didn’t want to feel like Jason was your butler or servant. Besides, you worked out too. Look at your arms! You could carry Jason if you wanted to.
Okay, yes, you knew that was a lie but you were allowed to dream. You’d get there…someday.
“Jason, give me my bag. I can carry it myself!” You said, trying to reach for the bag again.
“Sorry, Bugs, you know the rules. You’re not allowed to carry anything in my presence. Well, except my love for you. That’s heavy enough as it is.” Jason said with a cheeky smile.
You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend’s corny behavior and another one of his nicknames for you. You’d made the mistake of bringing Jason around your best friend during a study session for one of your classes. He revealed your childhood obsession with Looney Tunes and how many times when you reacted to a situation, you were a carbon copy of Bugs Bunny with his sarcasm and behavior.
“Get away from me dude,” You said, putting distance between yourself and the brick wall of a man.
“Ah, get back here.”
Jason grabbed you by your waist and pulled you to his side, nuzzling his face into your neck while tickling your sides.
“Jason, stop!” You shouted in laughter, trying to push him away.
“Never! You are now my hostage.” He joked back with you.
You stood there for a few more seconds wrestling with each other on the sidewalk. Someone should really scold you two for acting so cutesy and loving out and public like that. WE GET IT! You’re in love! Stop rubbing it in our faces.
When you broke apart, you found yourselves outside a bookstore. You saw Jason’s eyes light up even if his face didn’t show it. He turned towards you, giving you his best puppy-dog eyes and pout.
“Oh, get in there you dork. But, don’t max out your dad’s credit card!” You said, successfully pushing him off you.
He leaned down to plant a kiss on your lips before shooting into the store like the Flash. “No promises!” He yelled over his shoulder.
While he was in the store living out his childhood fantasy, you decided to let your ankles rest since you had been on them for a few hours. Jason offered to carry you at one point, and though it was tempting, you declined.
You sat on a nearby bench while scrolling on your phone for a bit. Your head shot up when you spotted someone approaching you from the street. It was two girls, both who looked to be in their late 20s to early 30s, carrying concerned looks on their faces.
“Hi!” You spoke with a smile, waving to the women walking up to you.
“Hey, are you okay?” One of them asked when they got to you.
Now, you had a confused expression on yours.
“I’m sorry?” You responded with a puzzled eyebrow raised.
“We were across the street when we saw that guy grabbing you. We can walk with you to the police station if he’s harassing you.” The other woman said.
‘Were these chicks on crack?’ You thought.
“Um, I think there’s been some confusion–” You started but was interrupted by the door swinging open, an excited Jason springing out of the store.
“BABE! THEY’VE GOT A MINT-CONDITIONED PRIDE & PREJUDICE! Can I get it?! Please!!!” Jason shouted while running up to you and grabbing you by your arms.
You could barely keep off the amused smile on your face while looking around your boyfriend’s shoulder to see the two girls looking shocked and embarrassed by your giant for a boyfriend, begging you for a book like a kid.
Jason turned around as well, seeing the two women staring at you two while he just pulled you closer to his body, wrapping his arms around you.
“Who are your friends, Bugs?”
“Just some nice girls being friendly,” You answered before using your hand to turn Jason’s head back toward you. “Don’t you already have three copies at home, Jason? Why do you need another?”
“Okay, but those are all old copies and are falling apart. This one is BRAND NEW! Never been opened. Please!!!”
You could only sigh at his antics before turning back to the girls, “I’m fine, ladies. But, thank you for asking.”
They both nodded with embarrassment before walking off down the street, Jason watching them with a confused expression before looking down at you.
“What was that about?”
“Don’t worry about it.
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This one also wasn’t so bad, but it was still annoying.
Your parents were out of town for a month for their anniversary, so you invited Jason over. When he got there and saw how your cupboards and fridge were damn near empty, he was upset at you for not telling him you had no food and your parents for not supplying you with anything.
Truth be told, they literally just forgot to go before they left. Jason always wondered where you got your forgetfulness from. Now, he knew.
So, he dragged you to your local wholesale store once again with his adoptive father’s credit card to stock and load your cabinets so you wouldn’t go hungry. Well, really so, Jason wouldn’t go hungry since he would be spending a lot of time at your place now. Again, the man was like a mountain, so of course, he ate like one.
You had been in the store for about 15 minutes, and already your cart was damn near half-full.
“Jay, don’t you think this is enough? We don’t have to get a bunch of stuff today.” You voiced, eyeing the growing basket with concern.
“Bugs, you can’t stay in your house for a month and not have any food. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you go hungry?” He responded while grabbing four boxes of your favorite cereal brands off the shelf and placing them neatly in the basket.
If it’s one thing that shocked you to learn about Jason was that he was very clean and organized with anything. You expected that trait more out of his brothers like Tim or Damian. But in truth, Tim was more of an organized chaos type of guy, and Damian was very simplistic, so he didn’t really need to organize much, except for his drawings and paintings, which he sometimes left scattered all over his desk.
Dick was a mess that couldn’t be saved. God bless the soul that ended up with that man.
But Jason was the cleanest out of all of them. The man could barely go two days without scrubbing down or re-organizing something. Again, you weren’t complaining. Every time he came over, he’d clean your room without you even asking.
“Okay, but my parents did leave me money to order out. Plus, I don’t want Bruce thinking I’m using you for money, or anything like that, especially since you keep taking his credit card.” You pointed out to which your boyfriend scoffed in response.
“Please, as much as that man has put me through, maxing out his credit card is the last thing he’s worried about me doing. And don’t worry, he and the rest of the family love you. Honestly, if it wasn’t for you dating me and the fact that you have great parents, I wouldn’t be surprised if the old man didn’t try to adopt you, which, if I haven’t mentioned this already, I don’t recommend.” He finished while heading further down the breakfast food aisle and grabbing boxes of Pop-Tarts.
“Fourth time.” You stated. Jason does not hold back regarding his tense relationship with his adoptive parent.
That was something you’d also been watching him work on. 
When Jason met your parents and saw the relationship between your father and you, it opened up an emotional wound he wasn’t prepared for. And though he still had some resentment toward the Billionaire Playboy, aka the Dark Knight, for not sending Joker to the seventh ring of hell after his death, it didn’t mean he didn’t still care for and love the man. He just had mental blocks he needed to work through, and you’d be there to support him.
Jason was about to give you one of his dorky responses until he realized he forgot the credit card in your car.
“Shoot, I forgot the card in the car. Where’re your keys?” He asked.
You handed them to him, and he gave you a quick kiss and a slap on the ass with a warning to not put anything back before rushing towards the entrance/exit of the store. Rolling your eyes, you moved down the aisle scoffing at his warning. Of course, he knew you were going to try and put some of the items back. Just like you knew him better than himself sometimes, it was the same for him with you. He could predict your next move before it popped into your head which you found very cute but extremely annoying at times.
While you stood there for a few moments scrolling on your phone out of boredom, you heard a voice speak up behind you.
“Excuse me.”
You turned around to see two guys around your age standing behind you. You figured they were trying to get to something behind you, so you moved yourself and your cart out of the way.
“Oh, my bad. Here ya go.”
“No, no! Not that. We were just wondering if you needed help getting your car or getting away from that guy. We saw him drag you in here.”
You barely held back the eye roll that was itching in your skull. Yes, Jason did somewhat have to drag you into the store since you insisted that you didn’t need to go grocery shopping. But, what happened to common sense? If Jason truly was holding you hostage or had bad intentions for you, why in the world would he bring you to a grocery store out of all places?!
Seriously, what were they thinking? That he was going to stick a Fruit-Loops box over your head and torture you with your most hated juice flavor?
A small sigh escaped your mouth before you responded to the boys, “Okay, this is not what it looks like. That guy is my boyfriend, and we’re just grocery shopping. I promise I’m fine.” You assured the guys.
“Are you sure? He isn’t forcing you to say any of this, right? I know that guy’s intimidating, but we can call security or the police to help you.”
Before you could respond, you both heard the sounds of quick footsteps approaching from around the corner. You turned to see him holding a plate with two large slices of pepperoni pizza and a large orange soda.
“Babe, I got you two slices of pizza and your favorite soda from the food court. I know you haven’t eaten today, so I figured you could snack on this, and then we can get you some chicken tenders and fries from your favorite restaurant after we leave here.” He offered while handing you the plate, looking at you with the most adoring gaze.
This boy really did have your whole heart. You could only wonder what you did to deserve someone like him.
When Jason took note of the two other guys standing by you looking dumbfounded, his arm instantly found its way around your waist, pulling you into his side while eyeing the two boys suspiciously and on guard. Anyone that wasn’t your parents, best friend, or his family, Jason saw as a potential threat. Even his family sometimes was included in that list a few times, and living in Gotham, you could never be too careful.
And any excuse for Jason to show you as his to anyone else watching was always an appreciated opportunity.
“Can I help you, fellas?” Jason said, a stern tone in his voice while eyeing the two down with every menacing look he could muster in his eyes.
You’ve never seen two guys who looked like they wanted to shit their pants so bad and run in the opposite direction. They started stuttering out a response before you took pity on them.
“They’re fine, Jay. They were just trying to grab some cereal behind me. I was just moving out of their way.” You threw a look toward the boys, who looked at you confused before they caught on to what you were trying to say.
“Y-Yeah m-man. Just ... um gra-grabbing some Frosted flakes.” One of the dudes said, pointing his fingers toward the boxes right behind you.
Jason eyed that finger with malice before he felt your fingers turning his face toward you.
“Hey, stop it. I’m good. Now, are you going to let them get their cereal and let me eat my pizza before it gets cold?”
A small smile crossed his face while he backed you both up moving the cart as well. You ruffled his hair watching the two boys grab a box and run down the aisle with their tails between their legs. He let out his usual whine, using his other arm to fix his hair.
“Shut up, you big baby. You promised me chicken tenders and fries, so get a move on before I get a food attitude.”
Jason smirked at your words before the hand around your waist moved to your butt, palming and squeezing your cheeks under the ‘hoochie’ shorts you were wearing.
“I know something better that’ll fill you up and take care of that attitude for you.” He whispered in your ear before giving a nip.
At least you weren’t in front of the salads when this was happening.
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This wasn’t bad. It was actually funny, and you got a friend out of it.
You and Jason were at the gym, getting a workout in. You decided you both liked going in the afternoon when it was less busy. It was leg and glutes day for you (per usual) while Jason was working chest and shoulders. 
Two of your favorite body parts on him, including his arms, but that’s not important.
Now, you both agreed when you went to the gym that you would do your workouts separately but your warm-ups and cardio together. So, at some point, Jason was on the Smith machine doing a shoulder bench press while you were on another bench doing Bulgarian split squats.
Of course, the gym was a place where people met each other all the time. And, in many of those meetings and interactions, people would find others attractive and want to date or hook up with them. You were no exception to these rules. You were approached many times by both girls and guys, but you always politely declined. Well, you tried at least before Jason walked over and made it clear who you were with.
It was no secret to anyone that Jason did not only get easily jealous at the thought of you giving your attention and time away to someone who was not him, but he was also the living definition of anger issues. Match that with his very selfish and possessive attitude towards you, and you had a man ready and WILLING to do just about anything to anyone who dared lay a finger on you in the wrong way.
So, whenever someone deemed themselves stupid brave enough to approach you and flirt a little or leave a teasing touch to one of your arms, you’d try to give them a warning but it was always too late. They’d quickly find a towering shadow looming over them and turned to see a less than pleased Jason staring down at them with his bulging arms crossed over his chest. These being one of the few moments Jason gladly showed off his scars because they communicated his message quickly and effectively.
Back. The. Fuck. Off.
That was usually enough to get them to do just that. Most of the time, at least.
There always ended up being at least one guy or girl who wouldn’t take no for an answer. This time, it was a guy who kept finding himself next to you during your sets. Jason was watching you from afar with hooded and irritated eyes as he also noticed your gym shadow moving around with you. 
The guy decided to play smart and keep his hands off you since he could tell your brute of a boyfriend was watching his every move. The only reason he didn’t do anything was because he knew if he did, the guy could claim Jason as the aggressor, and since this was your favorite gym because your college’s gym was always crowded, he didn’t want to risk you getting in trouble and banned.
So, when Jason went to the bathroom, the creep took advantage of the moment and offered to ‘spot’ you on your set of squats with the smith machine, which you were sure was just an excuse for him to get behind you so he could ogle your ass and ‘accidentally’ grind his dirty crotch into it.
Luckily, a girl working out nearby noticed your uncomfortable stance when the man came over to ‘help’ you while you were setting up and immediately stopped her workout to shoo him away.
“Dude, he’s clearly not interested. So either go and finish your workout or pack up and get out!”
He tried to get defensive and argue with her, but when she revealed her boyfriend was one of the owners and threatened to have him kicked out and banned, he finally backed off. He made sure to point out how you weren’t even all the hot anyway to mask his hurt pride while you threw an appreciative look toward her.
When he left and Jason returned from the bathroom, the girl unleashed her rage on him as well.
“And you too! I’ve seen you harassing and stalking him all over the gym. I’ll kick your ass out too and have you banned if you don’t leave him alone.” She scolded the dark-haired man.
Jason looked confused while you just laughed before grabbing his arm and pulling him to you, “Nah, don’t worry about him. This one’s good.” You said, reaching up to ruffle his hair, even though you had to stretch a little bit.
Jason pouted down at you in childish anger, “I told you don’t do that! Do you know how long it takes to get this in the right floppy position?” He whined while trying to fix his hair.
She looked back and forth between you two before realization dawned upon her.
“Boyfriend who’s a menace to everyone but is a total baby when around you?”
You gasped, “Girl, how’d you know?”
“Mine’s the exact same.”
“Oh, we’re gonna be great friends.” You declared.
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Okay, this time, it was lowkey your fault, but still. People should be able to tell the difference between an actual cry for help and a joke.
Jason decided to take you to one of his favorite cafes in Gotham since you were in desperate need of a study break. You picked up some classes over the summer, so the schedule was much more tightly packed since they had to speed up a four-month course into two with the semester being divided into two sections.
Jason was sitting on one of the lounge chairs reading while you were sipping on some apple juice and reading a fanfic story on your phone. Whether or not it was smut was not important and nobody would be able to tell by the look on your face. At least until you read over one particular part that had you gasping out loud which managed to catch your boyfriend’s attention.
“Nothing.” You quickly said, liking the fic quickly and closing the browser, knowing Jason was not going to drop it.
“Uh uh, Bugs. What were you looking at?” He asked, setting his book on the table and moving over to your side of the table.
“Nothing Jay! I promise it was nothing.”
“Oh really? So you wouldn’t mind if I looked at your phone then?”
You felt your cheeks heat up while Jason took notice of your tense stance, peering at you and your phone while slowly leaning toward you from his crouched stance.
“Let me see your phone.”
“Give me your phone.”
“I said no.”
“Bugs,” Jason said, now mocking a stern look on his face, “Give. Me. Your. Phone.”
He held out his hand for emphasis, and you felt your fingers reflexively tighten around your smart device. You stared back at him with your own dour expression, “No. Means. No.”
You both stared into each other’s eyes for a moment before he suddenly grabbed at your phone, attempting to snatch it from your hand. It became a tug-of-war over the device while you both consciously tried not to be too much of a disturbance to the other patrons of the cafe.
This is where it accidentally was your fault.
“Help! Assault! Violence! Thief!”
You thought you were shouting it quietly, but there was a reason your family always told you to quiet down when you thought you were speaking at a normal volume. You got it from your mother really. Strong voices and all…
“Dude, fucking back off!”
You both heard the deep voice shout before you watched a guy tackle Jason to the ground, feeling hands coming to your side.
“Oh my god, are you okay?!” This random brunette said while checking you over to make sure you weren’t hurt.
You were FINE. However, you were worried as hell now. Not for Jason at all, cause… Well, ya know.
You were scared for the other guy that had tackled Jason. Your boyfriend did NOT do well with physical touch, considering how long it took him to get comfortable with just cuddling with you. Let alone sudden physical touch? And the man is used to fighting criminals at night and having to be on guard 24/7 if he feels something suddenly grab or touch him? Yeah, you were hoping this didn’t end in a trip to the precinct like last time.
Don’t ask.
“I’m fine. But, I do suggest you quickly get your friend off my boyfriend before he has to go to the hospital.” You assured the girl while warning her at the same time.
She looked at you confused, “Boyfriend? Wait, huh? We thought that guy was attacking you and trying to steal your phone. And don’t worry, my boyfriend’s a professional kickboxer. He can handle him.”
‘Yeah. Mine has anger issues and was trained by Batman and can re-load two guns in under twenty seconds with his arms tied behind his back.’
You both turned your heads to see Jason holding the other guy in a chokehold while looking up at you.
“Aww, man! He spilled my coffee over my book.” Jason whined, “Babe, can you get me another one, please?”
“Yes, Jason. Can you do me a favor and let him go before you break his neck?”
Jason rolled his eyes before releasing the guy, who went into a coughing fit on the ground as he caught his breath.
When he sat back at the table as the girl went to help her boyfriend off the floor after giving you both weird looks, he set your phone on the surface, eyeing you with a quizzical look.
“What?” You asked after he stared at you for a few more minutes.
“Really? Yandere?”
Your heart jumped in your chest, and you were ready to bolt for the door.
“So, all those times you swore you weren’t trying to make me jealous just to get a reaction outta me, were you actually just trying to get me to tie you up and lock you in my room?” He said with a dark look in his eyes and a cheeky smirk on his lips.
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Now, this was just ridiculous. Of course, it made sense, but you were thoroughly pissed off when it happened.
You and Jason had returned to his apartment after having dinner with his family at Wayne Manor. Bruce decided he wanted to have at least one family dinner a month, and since you were considered an honorary Wayne and everyone loved you, of course, you were invited. Jason, on the other hand, was still hesitant.
Even though he was working on his relationship with Bruce and trying to move past his mental scars, his family still brought up some sensitive subjects for him. Typically, they made his insecurities flare up a lot more. You were Jason’s safe space. So, he wasn’t really keen on mixing the things that made him question himself and the person who made him feel the most loved and secure together.
You didn’t push, still wanting to go at his pace and let him bring you around more when he was ready. The day of the dinner, you figured he either had a change of heart or somebody had talked to Jason and convinced him to bring you along, and you had a great time. Jason was a bit quiet throughout the evening, but you could see a small part of him was happy at seeing how you integrated well into his family dynamic. He took great pleasure in how you humbled Dick a few times as well.
But, something was off, but you couldn’t tell what it was. You knew Jason was usually the quieter one out of the rest of his siblings. When you were around, he showed more of his goofiness and playful side. You barely saw that at all tonight. You knew he was watching you as you made conversation with Bruce, argued back and forth with Damian, repeatedly told Tim he needed to get more sleep, snapped photos with Steph, joked with Duke, and even learned a little sign language from Cass.
He watched as you offered to help Alfred with the dishes, who respectfully declined, but did make his appreciation known to you and the others, especially Tim.
“I offer to help you sometimes, Alfred!” Tim shouted while chasing after the butler offering his help.
Usually, Jason would laugh at any moment that came at the expense of Tim’s sanity.
None of that happened. 
So, when you got back to his place, you asked him what was wrong. He remained silent as he just looked at you, but you could see there was a storm behind his eyes. When you came up to rub his arm and hug him, his hands shot up to your neck, wrapping around it firmly but not tight to where you couldn’t breathe.
Your hands grabbed his wrists as he maneuvered you against the wall that connected the living room to the kitchen. He placed his lips roughly on yours, forcing his tongue into your mouth while never loosening his hold on your neck.
“Mine. Not theirs, mine.” He muttered against your lips before quickly taking his hands off your neck, ripping your clothes off while ridding himself of his.
In less than two minutes, Jason had you pressed back against the wall, your legs wrapped around his waist, and his long and girthy member tucked deep inside your ass, fucking you with hard and menacing thrusts. His large and rough hands were back around your neck, now squeezing around your neck as you moaned breathlessly against him.
Jason took immense pride in your sounds of satisfaction and whining, increasing his already brutal pace in your guts while slowly stealing more of your breath away. Jason’s hard breaths pounded against your face as he stared at your now sweaty and ragged body, limping weakly against him. You placed your arms on his shoulder but were careful to avoid his neck, knowing that along with some other areas on his body were off-limits unless specified otherwise.
This was the dynamic between you two always. Anyone could see how Jason was wrapped around your finger in public and even in private whenever you two were just lounging around and relaxing. In these moments, you were fully under Jason’s authority. You lay completely at his mercy while he dominated your body and controlled where, when, and how you got pleasured. 
The who rarely came into question as though your boyfriend had considered it a few times, you didn’t see a day likely where Jason’s jealousy and possessiveness would let him allow someone else to see you in this manner. No, you were for his eyes only.
And the why, well that was simple. Jason had needs, you had needs. And, no one was better suited to fulfill those needs than your boyfriend. Though with him, anything could spark those needs at any given time. Whether the dark-haired boy was just feeling horny and wanted some ass. You decided to wear a tempting outfit, and he decided he was going to right then and there he would have you, whether in the house, in the car, or in public, it didn’t matter. If he felt you were being a little too friendly with someone else, he’d be happy to remind you about who you belonged to. The why was simple; if Jason wanted you, he would have you. No ifs, and’s, or but’s about it.
“J-Jason... nngh p-please-” You begged, feeling yourself nearing the edge as your dick was crushed between Jason and your hot and sweaty abdomens.
“Say my name again,” He ordered, feeling how he flexed his dick inside you while still pounding your sore hole.
His name fell from your lips in a needy moan as you felt his fingers pressing against your windpipes. You could feel how the wall behind you became slick from your sweat as your body jutted up and down against it with Jason’s increasingly erratic thrusts.
He grunted in approval of your increasingly loud whines as you both approached your climaxes. Jason fully squeezed your neck at this point as he punched your insides with his cock. Your own member was feeling the pressures as well as it repeatedly smashed against Jason’s abs before you reached your end, screaming out in blissful agony.
Jason came to his finish with his own groan as you felt him bury himself with his cum deep inside you. You let out soft little whines feeling his appendage throb against your walls. Even though you knew he didn’t like hands around his neck, he didn’t object to you rubbing a hand down his nape. He gave you a warning glance at first, but when he felt your soft hands rubbing up and down his skin, he visibly relaxed, placing a kiss on your cheek.
The quiet and sweet moment though was abruptly ruined by the sound of Jason’s front door being kicked in and heavy boots rushing into his apartment.
“GOTHAM P.D.!” You heard the intruders shout.
Of all the fucking things…
Well, when the cops came around and found you and your naked boyfriend against the wall, and his hands around your neck, you had to admit it didn’t look good.
You had to quickly explain to the officers it wasn’t what it looked like and that everything was consensual. Against the orders of the cops, Jason did not move one inch off the wall, keeping your body covered with his. He’d sooner dip himself in another Lazarus Pit than let these arrogant blue caps have even the smallest peek at you.
So, with a little charm and finesse, you convinced the cops to walk out and let you and him get dressed. Jason couldn’t decide what he was more upset about. 
The fact that his door was off its hinges, or that one of his neighbors called the cops on him thinking Jason had been abusing you, or that your private moment was intruded upon and some pervy cops basically saw you naked.
Yeah, he was going to be extra brutal on patrol tonight.
After a call was made to Commonionser Gordon at Jason’s request, the cops dropped everything and left you two alone when Gordon made it clear this was a bogus call.  “Jason? Abusing Y/N? That boy is the biggest simp this city’s ever seen. Whoever called that in was obviously misinformed.”
Even if it was true, Jason didn’t appreciate being called a simp. He didn’t deny it, though.
You could barely hold back your laughs to which your boyfriend responded with a harsh smack to your very sore ass. It was a wonder how you were even standing on your legs as they still felt like jelly.
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“I’m sorry, but I just can’t see him in that manner.”
“No way, he’s way too sweet and innocent to be like that.”
“Dude, have you met your own boyfriend?”
These were all things said to Jason when he would complain to them about how he was tired of everyone thinking he was a threat to you and not seeing the truth. If anything, you were more of a threat to Jason and honestly, should be placed on a national security watch list for some of the things that have come out of your mouth.
The only one who really knew and understood what Jason was talking about was your best friend, who was the first one to warn Jason. The boy didn’t believe him either at first and ended up finding out the hard way.
Well, it looked like Jason’s brothers were also about to find out as they had come to your school’s campus looking for him. You were happy to see the Wayne siblings, as some time had passed since the last dinner. For some reason, seeing how easily you interacted with his brothers drove up Jason’s jealousy to a new level. As soon as they showed up, Jason placed you on his lap, and you could feel his prominent bulge throbbing under you. You knew immediately you were in for it when you both got home.
When you got up to go to the bathroom, Jason was going to follow you, intending to give you a little preview of what to expect in the stalls, but was stopped by Dick, who said they had something important they needed to talk to him about.
Before that could happen, a new presence appeared at your table, and your best friend visibly and audibly groaned at who it was.
“Hi there.” Jason heard a sickly sweet voice say, turning to see another boy he’d heard of.
“Xavion.” Jason heard your best friend mutter under his breath.
He knew that name. He’d heard you curse it and mutter it in irritation and anger plenty of times. He purposefully went out of his way to piss you off and pick with you on multiple occasions. He also thought that because his dads were rich and gave him everything he wanted, he was entitled to anything and everything, including other people’s significant others.
No one knew what started the rivalry between you two, but they knew it got cemented when he had sex with your first college boyfriend while you guys were dating and then went on to sleep with any guy you had the slightest attraction to.
So, Jason would be no different when he placed himself a little too close for the dark-haired boy’s liking, trying to maneuver himself away.
“I’ve seen you around on campus before. Are you a student here?”
“Xavion, don’t you have someone else to harass and stalk?” Your best friend commented with an irritated eye roll.
The boy in question only threw a dirty glance at your comrade before turning back to your boyfriend, taking considerable delight in looking him up and down, “Damn, aren’t you a big boy. You’re Y/N’s boyfriend, right? Gotten bored yet?”
Everyone tensed at that, watching how Xavion only got bolder in his flirting, “I’d understand if you did. Y/N’s just not that interesting, and honestly, a little ran through. I’d be happy to show you other options though,” He voiced with a suggestive tone.
Dick, Tim, and Damian watched with slightly nervous eyes as the promiscuous boy moved his hand that was caressing Jason’s arm and placed it around his neck, waiting for the ball to drop as the second Wayne kid's hands began to twitch on the table.
Before anyone could move to stop it, they saw Xavion get literally yanked off of Jason and onto the ground. Your boyfriend and his siblings along with your best friend who began to cheer your name watched as you dragged the slut onto the ground by the back of his shirt and proceeded to WHALE on him.
No one had noticed you coming back from the bathroom, too busy watching Xavion rub his hands all over your boyfriend. When you got closer and saw what was happening, you immediately saw red and picked up your pace, only to dash into a mad sprint when you saw his hand touch Jason’s neck.
Jason after breaking out of his stunned trance immediately ran over to pull you off the screaming boy who was crying for help. Dick and Tim ran over to pull Xavion out of your grasp, just barely managing to save him from what would have been a devastating kick from your boot to his face.
“Touch my boyfriend again and see what happens bitch!” You shouted out at the boy. Luckily, you were in a secluded part of campus, so no one had seen the fight. But, when Xavion had gotten off the ground looking thoroughly fucked up, he tried to run up on you, seeing Jason holding you back and thinking he had an open shot.
Little did he or Jason expect, you used your smaller stature to slip out of Jason’s hold and rushed the boy before kicking your leg up and landing that hit that was taken from you earlier. You took sick satisfaction hearing and feeling the crunch under your foot as it connected with his nose.
Dick, Tim, and Damian watched in complete shock seeing you beat the shit out of this boy. Now, they could really see why you and Jason were such a good match for each other.
When Jason got you back in his arms, he made sure to hold on a little tighter to you so you couldn’t slip away again. Dick and Tim had to help the sobbing boy cradling his broken nose, saying they would take him to the emergency room.
Jason pulled you both back towards the table, sitting you down on his lap as he held your hands down. He could not help how hard he was under you and didn’t care to hide it. Watching that display had him a different level of horny and he frankly couldn’t wait to take you home.
After a few moments passed and you settled down, everyone looked up to the sound of a throat clearing.
“Todd, I don’t know if I ever told you this before,” Damian started, looking at you both with his usual judgemental stare, “...Good job.” He said with a nod toward you.
You were both surprised, Jason especially, as neither of you had ever heard the youngest Robin give out a compliment.
“If you screw this up somehow, which I have little doubt that you’ll find a way, I will not hesitate to end you.”
There was the Damian you both knew.
“I second that motion,” Your best friend added to which you just laughed.
“Shut it, gremlin.” Jason retorted before squeezing you against his body.
“Don’t worry, Damian. I don’t think Jason will do anything to screw this up. Besides, if he does do something stupid, he’ll have me to worry about.” You said, a mischievous twinkle in your eye.
You heard Jason growl lowly against you before grinding you into his lap, letting you feel his hardness poking you through your shorts. You popped his arm to which he responded with a pinch on your ass, your best friend watching in disgusted amusement.
“You two make me sick.”
“Back at you, ugly.” You responded.
Damian turned his head, looking in the direction where Dick and Tim took Xavion to an ER room, “I despise harlots.”
“OH! Speaking of which, thank you, Damian, for reminding me.” You said before leaning over Jason to grab your bag and pull out your laptop.
“What are you doing?” Your boyfriend asked.
“Insurance. I knew the day would come when that hoe went too far. So just in case he decides to go to the university about this little spat, I’m emailing a detailed description of how everything went down, along with photos and evidence of his affairs with various teachers and staff. To them, it will look like Xavion attacked me out of retaliation because he thought I would snitch on him about his sexual misconduct. Now, tell me, babe, did you feel physically violated?” You asked while making various edits to your already drafted email.
“Huh?” Jason replied confused.
“Just say yes.” Your best friend told him with a smirk.
“Um, yes? I think…”
“Perfect! Putting that down for the record, so, if that slut decides to try to get me in trouble, I can show I had completely justifiable reasons to hand him his ass on a concrete platter.” You stated a little too cheerily to be considered not disturbing.
Your best friend was not surprised by this at all, while Damian and Jason looked at you like you had two heads.
“Isn’t the expression ‘silver platter?’” Damian pointed out.
“Yeah, but I dragged his ass up and down on concrete, so it’s a concrete platter today.”
You looked up to see the two Robins staring at you.
“What? Bitches fucked around, so bitches found out. Don’t blame me.” You said while continuing to type.
“I fucking love you,” Jason said while biting at your ear lobe, making you laugh.
Damian could only scoff as he watched you two.
“And people swear Todd’s the threat.”
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☀️ | Jason Todd/Red Hood | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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hybbart · 5 months
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Day 2170: Jimmy makes the mistake of searching for their missing goat...
Short story below
It started with a head count of the sheep, when Jimmy realized three were missing. Three sheep and one obnoxious ruddy goat he never seemed able to shake no matter how early in the morning they took off or how distracted it was when they did so. They weren’t his sheep. For all he knew, Bigb had come along and taken them to slaughter (Three at once was far too much for their flock) or for shearing (there weren’t any that needed shearing). But the stupid goat missing even when Jimmy placed himself in prime headbutting position right in front of the manure stall was too strange to ignore. So, he went on a search.
The first thing he should have done was tell Tango. Jimmy wanted to, but it had been over a week since he saw the man before dinner. Besides, there was no way to know if he was somewhere Jimmy could reach. They let Tango have free reign so he could work, but without Bigb’s escort Jimmy’s movement within the so-called kingdom was limited. So, he stupidly wandered off alone after his work, straining his flight muscles to do so. No one told an avian where they could go.
He heard the ear splitting scream first. Distressed bleats, drowned out by the shuffling of feet and groans of the dead. It led him to the edge of Ren’s kingdom, beyond reinforced fences. Stubbornness more than anything flew him over it. The stupid goat screamed again, echoing through the buildings that were growing in height. It was coming from the overpass.
A ruddy face poked over the rail, and then screamed at Jimmy. “You wretched little beast, what are you doing?” He shouted back at it. Jimmy could hear them above, dozens if not hundreds of stumbling steps just out of sight, and the terrified bleats. He sprinted up the walkway. Just grab the stupid goat and run.
Then he tripped. Over what he never saw, something that seemed like it hadn’t been there. But he tripped nonetheless, and he went face first into the pavement. Jimmy had barely pushed up off the ground, ready to yell at the goat standing only a few feet ahead for causing him so much trouble. Then the ground exploded. Instinct pulled him into the air, but he was too caught off-guard to fly and only tossed himself up further. At least he wore his coat, or his arms might not have any skin left from how far he skidded across the pavement.
The world spun. His ears rang. Something snapped its pus and algae-coated jaws right in Jimmy’s face. He stumbled back into the stupid goat. Zombies. A whole pack. They completely surrounded them, held back only by feeble makeshift barriers that were already starting to collapse. The sheep trotted about, searching for an escape that no longer existed. It only riled the zombies further.
Of course this was how he would die. The world ends and he finds paradise with his rancher in the middle of it all for a few years, only to have it burnt out from under him and get torn apart alone in a city street anyways. He hated that stupid goat so much.
A rattle and crack. The first barrier fell. Zombies roared to life, shoving each other so they might get to Jimmy first. He tried to flutter away but the ground was suddenly above him and his wings slapped uselessly against a rail. In the far distance beyond the ring of his bones and blood in his veins he thought he heard his name.
The world went dark, then exploded. Once there was a zombie reaching out for him and then there was blood-splattered ivory. The force with which the spikes locked together created a gust that knocked Jimmy and the surrounding zombies onto their butts. They slowly drew apart, serrated edges grinding away what little flesh had not popped like a rotten egg. In the brief moment the rest of the zombies were stunned an enormous paw slammed down, crushing several zombies beneath.
Jimmy stared up in stunned silence as a form loomed over them. A great beast of a dog, if the dog’s ribs and shoulders had been replaced with human bones and forced into something vaguely reminiscent of a human chest under all the canine musculature. Limbs extended for bipedal motion bent into a quadrupedal position.
Existence look painful, in so many ways. It took it out on unaware zombies. They clawed and bit at its flesh but they were little more than fleas, lacking even the strength to penetrate its thick hide through all its fur. The beast let them, so focused on tearing others apart.
One zombie dragged its half-body all the way up its muzzle, reaching for its eye. Then its head was gone. Tattered remains of its skull splattered across the beast’s cheek while an explosion burnt Jimmy’s ears. A second shot, right through its chest, and the corpse fell away while the beast howled a too-human noise.
“Stop, don’t go up there!”
Jimmy’s ears twitched at the familiar voice of his rancher through the ringing, accompanies by Skizz’s voice. His head swivelled behind him, where the back half of the beast’s body hung off the side of the overpass. A single set of black claws clambered over its back. Jimmy let out a distressed whistle, the most his numb body could do in that moment, when Tango leapt across the gap onto the sidewalk and nearly smacked face first into railing. He recovered quickly in his panicked state, eyes wildly searching until they landed on Jimmy and he bolted towards him. “Jimmy, are you okay?!”
“Are you okay.” He repeated back thoughtlessly, reaching out for his rancher as he collapsed beside the avian. “What-”
There was another roar. The beast moved above them. Both ducked into one another. A paw the size of the abandoned cars swatted at a patch of zombies. Panic began to truly set in. Tango’s terror was palpable and soaked through the shock until Jimmy’s wings beat against the concrete. Fly, far away.
“Hey, you jerks!” Skizz landed on the road behind them, grabbing at the stupid goat before it could ram him. “Stop messing around and let’s get outta here!”
They scrambled to their feet, not needing to be told twice. Jimmy almost asked about the goat before he saw it bounding ahead of them like scaling a giant dog-man was typical. There was no time to relax even on the ground, as Skizz yanked them away towards a door. Bigb was already there, cautiously holding it open and trying to hold Revy back. He barricaded the doorway as soon as they were through. Another bang rang outside which Jimmy could now identify as a gunshot.
Frazzled and on an adrenaline rush, Tango pushed past Revy’s worried whines and went straight for the two men. “What the heck was that!”
“Top, buddy, calm down-”
“Don’t tell me to be calm!” He snapped as his fire prickled down his back. “What. Was that.”
Skizz and Bigb glanced at each other warily. “This isn’t exactly how we wanted to tell you guys.” Bigb scratched the back of his head.
“Well, too bad. We’re not leaving this room until you do. That hing nearly squishificated my rancher!”
“Is that what the sheep are for?” Jimmy’s voice came out airy and high, still gasping for breaths. He could feel his heart pounding in the veins of his neck. Revy practically crawled into his lap, trying to lick away the anxiousness as it bled into the poor pup. “Are you keeping something like that as some sort of zombie killing pet? Are you mad?”
Skizz let out a humourless laugh. “A pet! Don’t let Martyn hear that!”
“Shh.” Bigb chastised before taking a deep breath. “That’s not a pet, it’s Ren.”
“Ren?” Jimmy repeated in disbelief.
“It happens like once a month. He just grows and grows all day until he’s... That.”
“And he doesn’t stop until he gets tired.” Skizz interjected. His arms waved wildly. “So we- it was Martyn’s idea. We distract him with the zombies. That way he doesn’t destroy anything. We’ve cleared out half the city with him! And... And, y’know, it’s a ton of fertilizer for the gardens and stuff. It’s like a win-win.”
It was far from what Jimmy would call a win-win. They’d run into many a strange way of living after the end of the world, but this certainly took the cake. And it was one he had no desire to join in on. “We’re leaving.” He declared bluntly, finally pulling himself up off the floor. Tango gave a firm nod as well, joining his rancher’s side.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
It was Martyn, rifle in hand and pointed directly at the ranchers. They huddled together.
“Martyn, c’mon.” Skizz tried to defuse, but backed off when Martyn nudged his rifle towards him for the briefest moment.
“We had a deal. You get your stuff back and then you help us fix the farms. You owe us.”
Jimmy gaped. “You set us up! Don’t think I don’t know!” Out of the corner of his eye he saw Bigb flinch, and that was all Jimmy needed to know he was right on the money. “We aren’t gonna live around that thing!”
But Martyn didn’t back down, glaring daggers into them. “Ren can’t help what he is. You got a problem with us making the best of a bad situation?”
“I have a problem with you not telling us one of you turns into a giant murder dog!”
“You wouldn’t have even known if you didn’t go snooping where you shouldn’t!”
“Well, forgive me for not trusting the people with a huge zombie pit who tricked us into being here in the first place!”
“Okay, let’s calm down.” Skizz finally interjected. He paused, waiting to see if they would comply. Jimmy wanted so badly to continue yelling. If it weren’t for them they’d be out on the road still instead of here. They wouldn’t have burnt through so many supplies trying to look for their animals. Jimmy wouldn’t have nearly suffocated several times between the separation and getting their stuff back. Tango would still have his prosthetic intact instead of struggling through the work they pushed onto him one-handed just to earn some scraps.
Martyn finally lowered his gun, glaring at the wall instead of them now. “This is exactly why we didn’t tell you. What else are we supposed to do? If you’re going to be annoying about it at least blame me, Ren’s been nothing but accommodating. You could at least return the courtesy.”
“Accommodating?” Jimmy squawked, wings flared against the ceiling. “Tango hasn’t had a day off in a week, it’s like you’re intentionally not giving him any time to work on rebuilding his arm!”
“Jim.” Tango murmured, voice wary. Jimmy knew what he would say. We’re outnumbered, they have a gun, I still need an arm, you’re not recovered you need to calm your breathing, there’s still a giant dog tearing everything apart outside. All of the many very valid reasons not to pick a fight here and now. Jimmy didn’t want to hear them out loud. He wanted to scream.
Bigb’s the one to step forward. “Look I think we’ve all just... gotten off on the wrong foot!”
Jimmy bristled. “The wrong-”
“If it’s information you want, I think we can give you that. Right?” Martyn looked ready to protest, but Skizz hurriedly nodded in agreement before he could speak up. There was a crash outside that sent Martyn running to his king’s aid, muttering something aggressive over Bigb’s shoulder before he stormed out. “Right. But maybe we should move this somewhere else while we talk?”
The ranchers shared a look. There was nothing Jimmy would prefer more than to tell them to shove it and run off, but Revenge’s whine reminded him they still had their stuff scattered about the kingdom. Tango gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “... Fine. But anymore threats and we’re out of here!” He snapped between gasps. Breathing was becoming difficult.
Skizz and Bigb agreed, solemn as they navigated the group back to the rec building. The closer they got to the more of Ren’s subjects appeared, going about their day, wilfully oblivious to the groans and roars that still vibrated in Jimmy’s ears.
What mess had they stumbled their way into?
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lichenes · 1 month
on my hands and knees begging for domestic fluff w joost. cooking together, doing livestreams, playing video games, ANYTHING plz <3
My friend read the ask and suggested the whole plot so it came out like a crack fic near the end but oh well, the sillies :D Hope you like it anon and thank you for the ask!!
CW: cursing, broken washing machines??? wc: 689
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He walked through the door inhaling the familiar scent of your shared home. “You’re home!” You said with excitement, thrilled to see Joost. He talked to you about the latest concert, his eyes sparkling with joy when he described a huge group of people shouting the lyrics to his song alongside him. 
You were happy to finally have him back home as this was the last concert of the tour. He expressed how grateful he was for your support and couldn’t quite stop apologising for - as he called it - abandoning you for so long. You reassured him constantly hoping he would one day realise what made him happy, made you happy.
You both were too tired to do anything more than discuss things on the surface level. “You know I wouldn’t give you up for anything in the world.” He said as you both were laying in your shared bed. You nodded, constantly surprised by the level of affection he sported while extremely tired. 
You woke up well rested, finally not worrying if he was okay, he was next to you after all. “I’m doing laundry, do you need anything washed?” You said no and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for you two. When he was done with the load he got into the kitchen and hugged you from behind inhaling your scent. 
“Missed you.” He mumbled into your neck tickling you with his breath. “Missed you too.” You were standing over the stove with a wooden spoon stirring the scrambled eggs. Joost thought proved to be a severe distraction. “I need to focus on the task at hand, Joost.” He let his gorgeous laugh out. “I knoww~ but I didn’t have much time to spend with you and I need you now.” Your face got warmer at those words. “You’ve got me all to yourself lovely.” You said this time making his fair skin turn a shade of red. 
He stopped hugging you and opted instead to set the table. It was quite small but enough for both of you to dine. He made sure to give you your favourite glass. You served the food up. He commented on how tasty it was despite it being only eggs and salt. “It’s hard to fuck up scrambled eggs.” You said with a slight jest in your voice. He laughed and continued. “But it’s not impossible!” 
You went into the living room of your apartment after he was done with washing the dishes and you were done drying them. Your day was spent laying in bed and watching some stupid series full of cheesy jokes which were just cringey enough to make both your stomachs hurt from the laughter. At some point you stood up and went into the bathroom.
Your socks were met with a wet floor which you didn’t expect. Suddenly you realised what was going on. “Joost!” You shouted, calling him over. “What’s up?” He walked right into the puddle. “The washing machine malfunctioned… grab some cloths.” He nodded and walked up to the closet and pulled out some, handing it to you with a smile on his face to cheer you up before the work you both were going to do soon. 
Unfortunately you didn’t catch the malfunction in time which meant the floor panels lifted due to the moisture they absorbed. Renovations were long overdue and you were planning on changing up the floors anyway you told yourself when you saw the panels literally de-gluing themselves from the floor. 
You decided on a herringbone style of floors this time opting to lay them yourselves, after all how hard could it be? You bought raw planks and let Joost lay his heart out. You loved seeing him work all stuck in his own world. He weatherproofed the planks after cutting them up into size appropriate pieces and made your home look brand new with the shining new floors. 
“You did a great job baby.” You said when he came over excited to show you his work. “We should monitor our washing machine better next time though, we wouldn’t want to ruin these gorgeous floors.” 
•───────•°•❀•°•───────••────────•°•❀•°•────────• masterlist
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dduane · 7 months
Okay, time to get on with this Nutella and crushed-hazelnut roll cake I've been plotting for the last couple of weeks. (One of our neighbors did us a favor just now and I want to bring them some of this to say Thank You.)
The recipe looks quite sound—no surprise, as this lady's website is full of great stuff. But I'm going to have to spoof it somewhat, as it's predicated on the use of a sheet pan size that wouldn't fit into our oven (the usual US-size-vs-European-size hardware- and appliance-size issue). Probably I'll wind up baking about 75% of the batter in the 10x15-inch pan I've got and the rest in a smaller 9x7-inch, so that the sheet cake doesn't come out so thick that it refuses to roll correctly.
...Got to toast the hazelnuts first, anyway. I'll add pics to this post as I go along.
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ETA 1: The hazelnuts, just out of the oven. The aroma in the kitchen is fabulous. :) (We've got a tabletop microwave-cum-fan oven that has about a hundred custom cooking/baking programs built into it, and one of them is for toasting nuts.) (Oh look, @petermorwood got a shot of one of the special menus from the manual when he was posting about the microwave sponge cake.)
...Had I not had the fancy gadget, I'd have just put the hazelnuts on a baking sheet and toasted them at 180C/375ish F for ten or fifteen minutes, stirring the nuts around every five minutes or so until the outsides went nice and brown. The skins rub right off when the nuts cool down, if you don't want them. But I left some in so they'd keep their toastier flavor. These are a soft nut after toasting/roasting, so they crush really easily.
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Meanwhile, while sitting still a moment before getting the mise en place together for the cake, and idly scrolling down through the menu on Sky Movies: wow, I really do need new glasses in a hurry. Saw the movie title "Fred Claus" and read it as "Fried Clams." (sigh) After the holidays, for sure. (It's the usual problem. These glasses are trifocals, you have to point-and-steer them to get the right results depending on what you're looking at, and sometimes you're distracted or in a hurry and can not be bothered to do the hunting-for-focus thing, and as a result you get comical results.) (sigh)
Now the mise en place:
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...So typical. You're trying to have it be pretty for the photo and one of the egg yolks breaks. (eyeroll)
Anyway. Not shown here: running off to give the stand mixer's bowl an extra wash to make sure it's absolutely clean, because any grease getting into egg whites being beaten will inhibit how well they fluff up.
So, time to get on with that.
First thing, though: the baking pans need to be prepared while the egg whites and so forth are beating.
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So the recipe suggests that you should butter both the pans and the parchment paper used to line them. And speaking as one who's writing this after rolling the cakes up, I can speak directly to its effectiveness. The cake sheets pretty much leapt out of the pans. As I can imagine all too clearly what having to convince them out would be like, better to go overboard with the butter at this stage. I buttered the pans with solid butter and then melted a couple of tablespoonsful and brushed the baking-parchment liners with them.
Lining the pans with the paper, btw, is much assisted by having buttered them first. You just press the paper down and it sticks. Then you go get the scissors and cut off whatever's hanging out.
And now comes the part where you make the cake batter.
First you beat the egg whites and half the granulated sugar to the stiff-peak stage. (Took my mixer about five minutes.)
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Then in a different bowl you beat the egg yolks and the rest of that sugar together. Somehow I missed getting a pic of this: apologies. It's the usual "beat together until pale, light, and fluffy." Took about seven minutes for that.
Then: sift together the flour, cocoa, salt and baking powder, The logistics of the original recipe get a little complicated at this point—it sounds like a third bowl is being called for. But at that point I'd decided that I already had more than the usual number of bowls to deal with, not to mention the one I'd just sifted the dry ingredients into. And we don't have a dishwasher. So I just said "The hell with that", added the coffee and vanilla to the egg yolk mixture, and mixed it a bit more: then spooned about half the sifted dry ingredients in, and pulsed the mixer a few times: then added the rest of the dry stuff and mixed again, very slow, just wanting to make sure that everything was completely combined. (As usual with cakes at this point, the idea is to get everything well mixed without doing anything to develop the gluten in the flour. I never let the mixer go very fast.)
...Then comes the "folding in the egg whites" part of the operation. Always use the biggest spatula you've got for this.
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Then, when you finish this stage (again, sorry, no pic, I was busy racking my brains over what tool would be best for this job) you spread the batter in the pans.
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When I finished with this task I was very glad that I had an offset spatula, because if I'd attempted this with a regular mixing spatula, I don't think the result would have been anything like this even. This batter is light but it's also moderately firm... and with the best will in the world, no amount of shimmying the pans around on the work surface is ever going to even that batter out. As for its thickness in the pans: we're talking about a centimeter at the most.
And then: into the oven for ten minutes, while setting up the pieces of cocoa-powder-dusted baking parchment meant to receive them. I don't have pics of them in the pans when they came out, because the get-them-out-of-the-pans stage is kind of a time-sensitive thing (like immediately). So I got on with it.
They fell straight out onto the prepared sheets with no trouble at all. The small one fell out by itself: the large one fell out with the baking parchment still clinging to it, but not so desperately that it took more than gently lifting it away between finger and thumb to get rid of it.
And then came the rolling. I did the little one by myself, to get a sense of the technique: then asked @petermorwood to video the rolling of the larger one.
...So now they get left to their own devices until, oh, tomorrow morning, I guess. That's when I'll move on to the next stages.
My plan is to unroll the little cake as a test: brush it inside with warmed/semi-liquid Nutella: sprinkle the Nutella with crushed hazelnuts, which theoretically/please gods will stick to it if gently assisted; and then contrive a filling that will taste at least somewhat of Nutella but not be too sweet to bear. Then the ganache will be made using that fabulous Belgian chocolate that came in a couple of weeks back, and when the whole cake's put together and has had a little time to rest, Peter and I will test it and see if it's something we feel confident enough to offer to other people.
So we'll see how it all goes. Tune in again tomorrow for more hijinks... :)
ETA 2, December 23: When we last saw our cake rolls, the two of them (the one baked in the Euro-size pan, and the smaller one where the spare batter went) were sitting innocently on the counter, waiting to settle enough to be unrolled.
Now's the time. And guess what?
DIsaster! (-Ish. As you'll see.)
The first small sheet of cake was just too small to deal with this treatment without immediately cracking into one-inch slices upon unrolling. I therefore won't waste your time with that video. Instead, you should have a look at the video of the bigger-baked sheet as it gets unrolled, and watch it crack in pieces! (This was either due to the baked sheet being too thick, or too thin. More diagnostics are needed before we come to a verdict.)
But first: the buttercream filling, which worked just fine.
This is the recipe I used:
This recipe worked perfectly. There's zero reason to inflict a long video about this on you, as I was working in a cold kitchen (with three stone walls, two external...) and the butter and sugar took something like half an hour to get friendly enough so that the Nutella could finally be added.
One thing I will show you, though. It's been a long time since I bothered buying confectioners' sugar / icing sugar, because when I need it, I make it myself... in the (very old and beat up-looking) coffee grinder. The sugar's grind comes up finer than that of a lot of commercially made icing sugars... and unlike too many confectioners' sugars in North America, there's no cornstarch in it (which they put in to keep it from caking with storage).
If you try this, make sure not to forget to brush the grinder out well afterwards, and wipe it clean with a damp paper towel. Otherwise the sugar, which is very hygroscopic, will go solid, glue the blade to its spindle, and be a real nuisance to clean out after the fact.
Meanwhile, here's the Nutella buttercream frosting after it's done. Just a very quick clip here, so you can see what the texture should be like when you pull the beater out of the mixture. (Volume down on this, please: it's really noisy.) If it's not soft enough, do as the recipe recommends: add a tablespoonful of milk or so and beat well until things soften up a bit. Add another, and do the same again, if you need to.
So now we come to the baked-cake unrolling. (Apologies for the black bars at the top and bottom of the video. For reasons best known to itself the phone insisted on recording in 9:16/portrait format, and the bars are an artifact of flipping it back into landscape...)
...So after all that, both cakes, the big and the small, are in the fridge now, stabilizing. And there we'll leave matters until tomorrow.
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iolypse · 1 year
alright! shit went down last night, huh?
I'm gonna run through the events that took place, then break it all down. (this whole thing is 1.4k+— sorry!)
qcellbit, our newest mad theorist, spent some time going around the island asking the members who've been here the longest about their experiences. how they got to the island, if they remember anything from before the island, the dragon, the duck, the messages, the binary code fuckers, cucurucho, the eggs, etc etc.
one particularly interesting bit of info was given to him by qphilza, who explained the existence of the airships and his investigation of a particularly large one. after showing qcellbit some items he looted from said ship, including a netherite pickaxe, enchanted golden apples, and chorus fruit, he talks about how a binary monster chased him all the way back to mainland, trying to kill him the whole time. he mentions that when accidentally right clicking it, a baby certificate popped up just like what happens when you right click the eggs. he then recounts that qfit threw a bomb to kill the entity, which promptly despawned so they couldn't loot its body.
he says that a short amount of time later, the entity appeared again and gave him a book with coordinates on it. said coordinates lead to an odd machine built at qluzu's house.
later on, qcellbit explains all of this to his fellow theory brothers, and with qphil in tow, they go to investigate. it's exactly as qphil said— an odd machine, specifically a few blocks of which are admin placed, and what looks like a screen that could hold code inside? the machine also has an eight on it. maybe tracking the number of eggs?
(the original number, maybe. there are only seven eggs alive right now, ten eggs have existed total. with tallulah and richarlyson as late additions, yeah, that makes eight original eggs.)
qcellbit, qbad, qmaximus, and qfoolish all discuss this. one of them is suddenly given a book with code that translates to say "LEAVE". they debate this for a little while— is it saying to leave the machine, or leave the island? they aren't sure.
I'm not really caught up on qluzu's lore, but apparently there's some alternate version of qluzu called arin, and arin is a machine of some sort. arin may allegedly be part of the machine they look at now?
they then decide that they need to at least see if it would be possible to escape. the portal that the initial trains came through still exists, so they all leave their kids with qphil and go investigate.
qphil, now alone with chayanne, richarlyson, and leonarda, all of which have a single life, sets up a table and decides to ask them about their past. do they remember anything at all from being kidnapped and returned cracked? no. he turns to richarlyson, then— newest egg, the only one left uncracked— and asks about the dragon. was it small like a little lizard, or large, larger than luzu's house? richarlyson specifically says that he thinks— doesn't know, but thinks— that the dragon is very, very large.
it's then that a binary entity with a name translating to "AI" attacks (very briefly, it appears with cucurucho's skin, though I personally believe this to be a simple glitch unrelated to any actual lore, same with the eggs occasionally appearing with normal mc skins), immediately going for chayanne. qphil quickly sends out messages telling the others to come back now, and he and the eggs try their damned best to fight it off. qphil has to pop an enchanted golden apple, and it seems like the eggs' guns aren't really doing anything. the binary entity isn't going down. it flees just before the others return. they never quite reached the portal.
qphil takes chayanne home after this. chayanne tells him that he's missing his gun. did it break? he's not sure. it might've, but it's gone now.
meanwhile, qroier and qbobby are on a boat ride, far from mainland. they make it to shore, and that's when the binary entity— the same one that just attacked qphil and the eggs he was looking after— attacks. it forces them into the water, and bobby drowns while trying to escape it. the entity exclusively attacked bobby the entire time, not once going after qroier. as soon as bobby was confirmed dead, it swam to the surface and flew off.
there's more that happened after this— I haven't watched the full clips, but some include a mob typically only spawned by the binary entities showing up and attacking qbbh while he and tallulah were making a beach house, and cucurucho appearing within the hidden parts of qcellbit's base while he was in the middle of theorizing.
so! onto the actual analysis part of this bullshit.
the binary entities. there's at least six of them, 01101100 "l" (lowercase L) who originally attacked qphil, 101010110101 (has no direct translation, too many numbers) who attacked arin, 1001010 "J" who attacked qcellbit, 100101001 ")" (?????) who attacked leonarda, 01101001 "i" who attacked qmariana, and now 01000001 01001001 "AI" who attacked qphil and qroier separately (not including other binary entities I may have missed).
some of them are very determined to kill the eggs (looking at AI specifically), while others freely attack players (lowercase L), so it's hard to pinpoint if they have a collective motive here.
I've seen some people theorize that they are the interference in the messages players have been receiving— jumbled numbers and letters and morse code hidden within the videos, a voice asking "are you there?". I would have said they're trying to get players to leave the island by making it more dangerous and more unappealing, getting rid of the eggs so they no longer have any reason to stay, but then there's AI, who specifically attacked while the theory brothers were attempting to escape. A distraction, most certainly— I don't buy that this is a mere coincidence.
something I have noticed is that their activity has been more and more frequent the more the theory brothers spread what they've discovered, today revealing to qroier most everything they've been able to decipher, just a few days ago explaining things to qphil and inviting qcellbit to the group.
clearly they don't want people knowing things. they don't want the code deciphered, they don't want the island residents to learn what's happening beneath the surface.
so they're not trying to get them to leave the island, and the code within the video is likely not theirs (it's in a totally different format anyways— morse code and jumbled numbers and letters as opposed to pure binary code). when they received the book telling them to leave, it most likely meant to leave the machine. they're tormenting the eggs to further build emotional attachment and discourage attempts to escape or solve the code.
so whose code is this, if not the binary entities'?
no fucking clue! I do quite doubt it's cucurucho, and it's most certainly not the duck. it may be an outside source knowledgeable to the census bureau's potential crimes, or a possible survivor and escapist from long ago. the island was definitely once inhabited judging by the run down buildings that existed when the first batch of island residents arrived.
one thing I've been thinking about lately is the fact that they had to bring power to the island.
we haven't really seen anything come of that, have we? why would the island need power? there's odd outlets put in the wall, what's their use? why would something need to be linked to the wall?
wasn't the attempt kind of unsuccessful? both groups fucked up the puzzle in the train station, but they were let out anyway?
small little theory of mine is that they somehow drew power from the eggs to bring the brazilians there, cracking them in the process, but I really don't have any proof or anything to back this up. it's just a potential explanation as to why the eggs disappeared and came back cracked on the very same day the brazilians arrived.
I will say that some of the eggs have acted somewhat different since that all happened. while it may just be a response to the trauma they experienced, I feel like chayanne and tallulah have both been wandering a lot more than they used to lately. they always stuck fairly close to their parents, but it seems like they've both been straying a bit.
I'm honestly spitballing at this point, just trying to get a grasp on all this info. at the very least, I'm almost 100% certain the dragon never existed, and something is super fucking wrong with this island!
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 months
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 21: Psychology in the Field of Aesthetics
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Leo saunters into Mikey's traincar sometime in the afternoon. Mikey slept half the day away, missing breakfast and is just about to miss out on lunch. Raph and Casey made some beef ramen with eggs, and Leo has prepared a tray for Mikey in case he was willing to eat, along with some grilled cheese and juice. Mikey will like that...
The lair is kind of quiet today. It reminds Leo of the week when Mikey was gone... it was too quiet. No one wanted to say anything, and everyone was hiding out in their own spaces doing their own thing to try and find a way to help bring him home somehow. Donnie locked himself away in his labs. Raph was training away his anger and fear. Casey, April, and Cass fought over patrol every single night. And Leo... Leo was going out of his mind.
Some nights Leo just went to the buildings across from the TCRI and watched the building. Just... watched it. Like maybe if he stared at it long enough, it would spit out Mikey. He'd perch there for hours until the sun came up, and then he'd hurry home before the others caught him. He knew that they knew, but none of them ever spoke about it. Donnie knew because of the trackers. Raph knew because there was no hiding anything from the oldest sibling. But they were kind enough to not say anything... or maybe, they were too busy stressing and trying to cope in their own ways.
But it was just too quiet in the lair, no matter what they did to cope.
Mikey was always the loudest of the bunch -- very talkative and outgoing, doing his best to brighten the mood whenever someone was feeling down. But when Mikey went missing... so did the sunshine.
Leo knew that there would be a period where Mikey would be quiet when he got home. It was the same for him after the invasion. Leo had only been in the Prison Dimension for a few minutes, but that was enough to keep him silent for days before he finally started talking about menial things. What food he wanted for dinner. Cracking a joke. Laughing at a Jupiter Jim scene. Whether or not his cast itched. It took even longer for him to talk about what he'd been through. And he knew that Mikey would act fine about it all, he'd clam up about what had happened but be some version of himself, until he finally felt comfortable sharing what he'd been through.
But that had been back when he assumed that Mikey would come home in the same state he'd left.
Not mutated and mangled...
And it's still quiet in the lair.
Day by day, Mikey has been getting better and filling the home with his light and laughter. But it's... strained. Stifled. Something is lingering under the surface, something is bothering Mikey. And he won't, or can't explain what it is.
Leo rolls his shoulders as he walks down the hall. They still ache from yesterday. Mikey didn't break the skin, but there are huge bruises and marks from where he had his death-grip on him. Leo chose to wear his hoodie to hide them, which helped. No one's asked about it, so it must be working.
Leo slides the door to Mikey's room open, poking his head inside as he knocks on the doorframe.
"Miguel? You awake?"
He hears Mikey shuffle under the blankets. A head pokes out, and in the darkness Leo sees sleepy eyes open with a startling glow.
"Mhm..." Mikey mumbles.
"Cool. You want some lunch? It's soup and sandwiches," Leo offers.
"Okay..." he yawns, slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Gonna... get down from th'hammock..."
"Good idea. And hey, your vocab is sounding better!" Leo congratulates, as Mikey climbs down and settles on one of the beanbags.
Mikey yawns once more before getting situated, dragging the blanket he had with him off the hammock and wrapping it over his shoulders.
Leo walks over to him, his feet crinkle some paper left on the floor. Uh oh, did he ruin a Mikey original? He'll have to check... In the meantime, he places the tray down on Mikey's lap. Mikey sniffs the bowl and smiles.
"Smells good," he says.
"Raph and Casey did a sweet job, huh?"
"Mhm," Mikey mumbles as he starts to slurp up the noodles and broth.
"Mind if I turn on a light?" Leo asks, walking to the lightswitch.
Mikey nods with a mumble, continuing to much on the eggs.
Leo flicks the lights on. Mikey flinches. Same old, same old.
On the floor is a roll of paper, figures scribbled across it with finger paint and acrylics. Leo kneels down besides the paper and stares at it.
"Mikey," he whispers, "when did you make this?"
Mikey looks up, noodles hanging from his lip and nose. He shrugs before dipping his face back into the bowl.
"Yesterday. Sick. I forgot about that."
Leo traces his finger over the green and yellow doodle of Mikey... he isn't as skilled as he used to be, but the emotion is still conveyed.
There's a drawing of Mikey in a cage, a person in a white coat is kicking the bars and making him cry. Mikey drew anger emanating off of the man, exclamation points and storm clouds showing his fury and how loud the man must've been.
Another sketch shows Mikey being poked with needles, each one filled with random colours -- neon green, blood red, and hot pink with yellow eyes drawn within them.
One drawing shows Mikey turning blue as frost engulfs him from a weird hair-dryer or something.
Leo looks back up at Mikey. He knew there was something lingering under the surface...
"Hey, Mike?"
Mikey looks up at him, holding the bowl up as he downs the broth in large gulps.
"Do you think... we could do some more art like this?" he asks, holding up the paper.
Mikey stares at the drawings. He swallows hard. He slowly lowers the now-empty bowl onto the tray. His tail taps nervously against the floor. His toes curl with growing anxiety.
"Um... m-m-maybe. Mmmmiiiikey... doesn't really like those drawings. I-I... I don't like them. They, uh.... what's word... bring back scared feelings."
Leo nods.
"I understand. But... I think this is important, Mikey. It would help us understand better about how to take care of you. And maybe it'll help you feel better?"
Mikey fidgets, poking the sandwich.
"But I totally get it if you don't think you're ready!" Leo adds. "After the invasion and everything, I didn't want to talk to anyone. Nobody. I wanted to keep it bottled up inside, because I was scared of getting hurt again, or maybe hurting you guys by telling you what I'd been dealing with... because... it was a lot."
Mikey looks up slowly. Leo is still staring down at the drawings, he doesn't see the concern and confusion on Mikey's face. What is Leo talking about? What invasion?
"...But you were the one to help me get it off my chest. Dr. Feelings really knocked some sense into me. And... it did kind of hurt, it was scary, but everyone was there to help me get through it, and we talked it all out -- Donnie's integrating with the ship, Raph's krangification, you with the portal, and me with the Prison Dimension and all the stuff that I was dealing with."
Leo finally looks up at his baby brother.
"So, I just wanna do that for you. I want to be your Dr. Feelings. Do you think... we could do that?"
Mikey shifts his weight as he considers it.
"...Does Mikey -- Do I have to talk about it?"
"I guess not... You can just draw whatever comes to mind. Is that okay?"
Mikey swallows nervously.
"Make Leo happy?"
"This is about making YOU happy," Leo responds. "I just want to help you heal. Maybe... this could be like 'art therapy', if that exists... that exists, right?"
Mikey chuckles. It probably exists now...
"Okay. We can do art therapy."
Leo's eyes brighten.
"Really? You're okay for this?"
"Just let me finish my food," Mikey mumbles, taking the sandwich and biting into it.
"No problemo, my guy," Leo says, pointing finger guns at him. "I'll go see if the guys wanna join in."
Leo runs out of the room, taking Mikey's empty bowl with him.
He doesn't see the nervous expression Mikey makes...
This... this will be good, right? Mikey do good?
Leo has gathered Raph and Casey into the bedroom with him. Donnie declined to participate, saying he had a lot of work to catch up on. He had that 'don't speak to me or I will commit murder' look on his face, so Leo left him be.
Mikey is sitting in the center of the room, Raph on his right side and Casey to his left. Leo cops a squat across from him, dumping a series of crayons and coloured pencils out for them all to use.
"Okay, so here's what's up -- we're all gonna draw along with Mikey to help the creative juices flow. He's gonna try and draw some moments from the past week for us."
Casey nods as he grabs a pencil and starts to scribble. Raph's brow furrows a bit.
"Leo... are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Mikey and I talked it over, and so long as he doesn’t actually have to talk about it yet, he's okay with it," Leo explains, already started on a drawing of his own. "Right, Miguel?"
Mikey nods silently as he dips his tail in a bottle of green paint and starts to draw himself.
Raph sighs and grabs a pen.
"Fine... Mikey does love to draw. But if at any point this becomes too much for him, we stop pushin' him. Got it?"
"Absolutely," Leo agrees. "He can just draw whatever he wants to instead."
Mikey studies the paper with intensity. He doesn't know what to draw. What do they want? What does Leo want? Mikey doesn't like how messy his art is right now, it discourages him. He feels like he should be doing better at this... but his hands shake whenever he picks up a pencil or paintbrush. His tail is the only thing that doesn't sway when he draws, but the end is so big the brushstrokes tend to be huge and fat and sloppy.
Mikey doesn't like his art right now. It makes him upset.
Use that, Instinct whispers. Use it for fuel.
Fuel for what?
Art. They want pain. Give it to them.
Pain... Leo mentioned something about that earlier. He said this would help him hurt less, by sharing his pain.
Well... Mikey trusts Leo.
If he wants pain, Mikey can provide!
Mikey starts drawing with purpose now, concentrating on the posing, finding colours that pop to show terror or the ones that are grey and dull to show despair. The human stick figures are made to be scary, the limbs distorted and disproportionate, their faces empty. They look like monsters.
Mikey draws his shell shattering into pieces like broken glass.
He clenches his jaw.
He draws robots with glowing eyes attacking him.
His shoulders tense up and tighten.
He draws animals strewn apart and ripped to shreds.
He breath fastens, he growls.
He draws his claws red and bloody.
His hands curl into fists.
He draws himself strapped down to a table with knives and electric things coming to change him.
Mikey's eyes blur over with stinging salty tears.
He draws a scary man with a large machine over his head --
He stops and looks up in shock.
Leo, Casey, and Raph are staring at him, wide-eyed and terrified.
"...Mikey... you good?"
Mikey nods, confused why they're so concerned until he looks down at his tail.
The spikes are all raised. The quills on his shoulders, too. His shell scutes are in offense mode. He suddenly realizes he's been growling under his breath this whole time. He pauses and takes a look at the paper he's been drawing on. He's been crumpling it up under his fists.
"...o-ohh... um. Oops."
He doesn’t know what else to say. He did what they wanted; he did what Leo wanted, right?
Mikey do good?
Raph reaches over and takes Mikey's artwork.
"Okay, I think that's enough for now. No more art therapy--"
"No!" Mikey yells, reaching back for the papers.
Raph freezes at Mikey's volume.
"I-I --" he stutters, trying to calm himself down.
The ridges on his shell flatten, and his tail smoothes out as he takes a breath and sits in shame for his outburst.
"I wanna draw..." he pouts. "M-maybe not... that stuff anymore, but... I wanna draw..."
He looks up at Raph.
"Don't take away the drawing stuff from me, please?"
Raph's heart breaks, though he maintains a pretty good poker face. How could he say no to him? Especially after everything.
Plus, the way he phrased it makes Raph think that there were things taken from Mikey by the EPF.
"Alrighty then," he replies, setting the art supplies back down. "We can keep drawin'. Art therapy can continue. But now, we're just gonna draw what makes us happy, okay?"
Mikey nods with excitement, dipping his tail in the paint as he tries to draw something new. Pain didn't make them happy, it made them scared of Mikey. Again. So what can he draw now? Happy things, Raph said. Draw things that are happy... that make Mikey happy.
He draws his brothers. He draws Splinter. He draws Casey and April and the human girl that smells like Casey. Mostly he draws foods. Different types of food. Burgers, steaks, BLTs, fried chicken, grilled fish, hot dogs, meats and cold cuts and proteins. Pizzas upon pizzas upon pizzas.
Casey starts taking notes of all the foods he draws so that he can try to make them for him later...
Mikey smiles as he draws.
Leo is drawing himself doing all kinds of cool poses. He isn't very skilled, but he's having fun.
Raph is drawing cute animals and teddy bears and some princess in pink with the word "Peach" scribbled over her.
Casey draws what looks like Leo, but the arm is wrong... it looks like Raph's arm. Casey draws what looks like Donnie, but taller and more buff and almost kinda scary with how serious he is. He draws a third turtle, one that is smaller and wears an orange cape and has hair? Huh. Mikey wonders who that last turtle is.
But they all seem smiley, cheery, happy.
Mikey likes art therapy.
Raph rubs the 'memory sauce' on Mikey's head as he snuggles into bed for the night.
"You all good? All bundled up nice and cozy?"
Mikey purrs.
"All goooooood... thank you for rubs..."
"Hey, that's what Raph is here for," he chuckles.
Mikey exhales with comfort as Raph's hands delicately massage the glowing purple-ish slime into his skin. Despite the size of his hands and the many rough calluses he has, Raph takes care to stay gentle and soothing with his rubbing. Mikey's eyes move under his eyelids as Raph administers the salve, as if he's watching a movie in his brain. Raph wonders what memory he's seeing...
Mikey yawns, his tongue curling and flicking from his mouth as he exhales.
"Nighty-night, Raphie... love you..."
Raph smiles and kisses the one exposed part of his forehead.
"Love you too, big man."
He smiles as Mikey seems to fall asleep. He reaches down to where they've been drawing for most of the day and takes Mikey's therapy drawings.
Radio silence.
I'm awake! a voice from his head shouts, followed by an Oof! Ow.
Raph tries not to snicker.
Did I wake you?
No, no, I was just lying down on my bed hoping someone would shout with the mind meld and disturb the oh-so-cumbersome peaceful quiet, Leo grumbles back. Why, what's up?
I figured we could look over Mikey's therapy art.
Oh. Right, that. I'll be there in a minute.
True to his word, Leo comes in a second later wearing his hoodie and some unicorn slippers.
"You ready?"
Raph nods and leaves Mikey to his rest. The two boys go to Raph's room. It's further away from Mikey's car than Leo's, so they can have privacy without fear of waking him.
The two boys spread out the crumpled sheets, looking in numb devastation at the depicted scenes.
"So... what now?" Leo asks.
"Whaddya mean, 'what now'? The art therapy was your idea, Leo!"
"Yeah, but... I mean, what comes next? We just look at it?" he asks. "I figured we could have... I dunno, had Mikey here or something. I didn't actually think we'd get this far without him. I mean, what is most of this? I wish he'd labeled a few of these..."
"Well, it's a little tough to decipher exactly what happened to him, but..." Raph peers down at a specific drawing of a needle filled with pink sludge. "I can guess what this is."
Leo looks down at the drawing. He swallows when he sees the familiar shade of sickening pink.
"So, Mikey knows he's mutated with krang?"
"Looks that way."
"Then... why hasn't he said anything? Or acted out about it? If I found out that I had that in my genes, you can bet I'd be hysterical 24/7 over it."
"I would too..." Raph nods weakly.
"So why isn't he?" Leo asks, taking a closer look. "Why is he so... nonchalant about it?"
"After everything we've been through... you think he didn't want us to know?" Raph wonders aloud.
"If he didn't, then he wouldn't have drawn it so plainly," Leo shoots down. "But... maybe he doesn't realize what it is..."
"Huh?" Raph looks up from the drawing to his brother. "What, like, he didn't know it was krang, just knew it was bad?"
"Maybe not even that. He has memory damage, and he didn't even react when he saw the krangified horde... maybe... he doesn't remember what the krang are...?"
"...On the one hand, that's twisted and horrible," Raph mutters, his face pale. "On the other... what I wouldn't give to forget them like he did."
"Ditto," Leo sighs heavily as he moves on to another art piece.
His eyes fall on one where Mikey drew a very gruesome depiction of an animal.
"Euuugh boy," he groans, taking the paper away before Raph can spot it. "Don't look at this one."
"Why?" he asks.
"It would trigger you," Leo sighs. "Let's just say... Mikey won't be getting a pet anytime soon."
Raph's head tilts.
"I don't get it."
"Good. Here's hoping you don't," Leo says as he turns the page upside down. "But Mikey... Mikey did some stuff in that lab, I'm realizing."
"What kind of 'stuff'?" Raph asks nervously.
"I... dunno. But he had to hurt things, I think. Survival of the fittest type of junk, maybe..."
Raph swallows.
"Leo... I dunno if we should be doing this without him..."
"You saw how he was reacting to just drawings of the memories," Leo retorts, grabbing a new sheet. "He's not ready for that... I thought he might be, but he isn't yet. And that's okay, we'll wait till he's ready to talk."
"That's what I mean," Raph says, pulling the sheet away from Leo. "This feels like an invasion of privacy. Mikey should be here to talk us through these, he should be the one explaining what's up rather than us just rifling through his innermost fears and traumas like some --"
Raph pauses when he sees the drawing he stole from Leo.
"...What? Like some what?" Leo asks, waiting for his brother to finish his thought.
He doesn't. Instead he stares at the drawing in his hands.
Leo bunny-hops over the pile of paper and peeks at the artwork...
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"...Dude..." Leo whispers, turning to look at Raphael. "...what the heck is that."
"...I don't know," Raph whispers back. "...Do you think... it's... Mikey?"
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Unconventional Flowers Event - March Bonus
Dahlias for Holi ft. Nanami
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A/N: March bonus prompt for my Unconventional Flowers Event. I honestly was hoping for a very unique holiday and this got my attention in all the right ways. Requested by @sitarawrites. For more information on the Festival of Colors, visit Wikipedia.
Rating: E, fluffy
Pairing: Nanami x reader (Desi reader implied)
Word Count: 971
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People had been skeptical of your marriage to Nanami, wondering how you would ever blend your rich, individual backgrounds. For the two of you, it just meant more cultural holidays to celebrate together, and spoiling each other with a wider variety of food and sweets accompanying each one. You knew he’d adapt well, he’s proven that when you were dating, even though Indian festivals tended to be crowded and loud. 
And you loved him for the way he kept up the rules that fell on your festival days. Vegetarian food only, and though he didn’t need to, he sat in the back while you offered your prayers, his hair damp because it was customary to always have your hair washed on festival days. The first piece of prasad which you offered to him with love after all the prayers and poojas were done, broken in half as he feeds it to you as well. It was bliss.
But the one festival Nanami refused to participate in was Holi. He had no qualms against the day in general, but rather, the way it was celebrated, by throwing colored water and powder onto others to celebrate the triumph of good over evil. You’d pouted because Holi also celebrated the love between Lord Krishna and his eternal love Radha, the most well-known romantic story in all of Hindu mythology. Not that he hadn’t given it a fair try. You’d told him to wear something old and casual but the man simply didn’t own anything that fell under those categories. He spluttered along gingerly at the fairgrounds while everyone played, his hair weighed down in his eyes by dyed water in shades of shocking pink, electric yellow, and robin’s egg blue. 
He hated the wetness, the noise, and the fact that the dyes used in the water and powder didn’t rub off for days (seriously, what was in that stuff?). After his first one which had occurred back when you were both initially dating, he’d politely told you he would not be participating in the ones to come as he tried to rub off the darkening pink that had stained his face, neck, and ears. The color had only taken in more on his pale skin, making him look like he had a bad sunburn, something that Gojo and Yuji had been quick to point out while teasing him to no end. 
So it became the rule that he would sit with you during the morning for prayers, and you went with your family and friends to the fairgrounds to celebrate the rest of the day by throwing color at each other. The first Holi after you got married though, you felt a small twinge of sadness that your husband would be absent for this affair but you hid it, pressing a kiss to his cheek before leaving.
When you arrive home, Nanami has laid down a towel trail from the door into the bathroom so that the color wouldn’t drip onto the carpet. You can’t help but appreciate his foresight on this; you loved Holi, but you certainly didn’t want to ruin the carpet. Under the hot spray, you let yourself wash off the colors that stuck to your body, watching them swirl into each other as they went down the drain. Honestly, it was only the pink that actually stuck, the rest of the colors washing off easily.  You step out, clean and fresh, and pad into the bedroom, to find Nanami sitting patiently on the bed with a cotton bag in his hands.
“Hey,” you say softly, tired from all the running around at the fairground and now the heat of the shower.
“Hey yourself.” He pats the space next to him. You oblige and sit next to him, the bed feeling soft and comforting after a long, energetic day.
“Did you have fun?” he gently rubs the top of your ear, now pink like a flamingo.
“Yeah. Missed you though.” You lace your fingers with his. 
“I know. Your face said it all when you left.” He kisses your hair, now washed and dried, smelling fragrant. “I’m sorry it disappoints you so much. But I just can’t find a way to enjoy playing Holi.”
You turn to kiss his jaw. “It’s not like you didn’t try. And you were miserable the whole time. It’s ok. It’s just one festival.”
“True. But. Maybe you and I can play Holi in a different way? One that involves colors but none of the mess?”
You look at him curiously, wondering what he had in mind before he hands you the bag he was holding. You peek into it and see that it’s filled to the brim with dahlias, your favorite flower. 
“Lay back.” You do as instructed, scooting up towards the pillows. Nanami dips his hand into the bag, picking up a pink flower. 
“Pink, to symbolize kindness and beauty.” He begins to lay all the pink flowers from the bag across your body shoulder to shoulder, like a devotee worshiping a goddess, and the act causes a rush of love to zoom through you.  
“Yellow, for cheer.” He places these across your chest and you hold still, not daring to move lest they fall off. 
“Orange, for celebrations and goodness.” These go across your stomach which is now jittery like there are a million butterflies in it. 
“Purple for respect and devotion.” The blooms are placed delicately along your legs and you feel giddy from the romance of it all. 
You lay there, colors all over your body, which was the whole point of Holi in the first place. Nanami carefully makes his way back up to your face, giving you a tender kiss on the lips, his eyes full of love.
“Happy Holi y/n. I hope this makes up for it.” 
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All animated lines and banners by @/ cafekitsune
@bleach-your-panties @bleachbrainrotbro @kr0wu @grimmjowssoulmate-blog @j-u-u-z-o @brittscafe @keiva1000 @buttercupbitches @vee33ee @cindyneko-strider @dreaming-about-seireitei @quinnyundertow @naoyagasm @sitarawrites @sehunaeri @kentosgirlie @strawberrymuffinlovin @ickkck-09 @connorsui @arabidp0ssum @teasore @un-aesthetic @jadedjane
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kkaatzchen · 1 month
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MerMay Special! : Mer!Gaz x Diver!Soap
Cw/Tags: Smut/nsfw, badly written Scottish accent, trans Soap, mer stuff, possessive Gaz kind of, Gaz has two dicks, eggs/oviposition, they get it on in the water, dubious consent but only because Soap isn’t aware of what he’s getting into, he agrees though, kind of rushed writing, not beta read because I have no beta reader 😔, help I still don’t know how to tag
/// NSFW under cut ///
John was tasked with another dive that day. He’d been inspecting a reef a few miles out from the coast. There’d been a recent chemical spill that affected the habitat, but it had been cleaned up and the reef was beginning to flourish again. Color was returning along with fish and a few mers. Mers had become a regular sighting for the diver, and he was no longer very scared of them as he was at first. 
There was one mer that seemed to stick around the reef fairly often, but would dash off when it saw John coming near. The more often he visited, though, the mer realized that he wasn’t a threat and was there to help the reef flourish. It would linger around the reef for a few moments while John did his inspection, then slowly swim off. That morphed into hanging around the entire time John was there. That morphed into John trying to spark up a conversation.
“Name’s Johnny,” he introduced himself. His voice was a bit garbled through the mask he wore under water, but he was at least understandable.
The mer peeked out from a coral fan and blinked once, slowly. “Gaz” the mer replied. 
Johnny took his time now to get a good look at the mer. He’d seen it no, him before, but never took the time to really look at him. See if he could determine what fish he was crossed with. Glossy dark skin, a shimmery black tail with white and blue markings in circular patterning, and long dark hair twisted into thick locks and embellished with various shiny things and pieces of coral.
An emperor angelfish. Those markings gave it away.
“I’ve started seein’ ye around often here,” the diver said. “Startin’ to like me?”
“Something like that..” Gaz replied, approaching him a bit more.
“I was wondering’ where all yer friends went off to. They never seem to visit.?”
Fuck. So the diver had noticed that Gaz was now the only mer hanging around the reef.
“Oh.. I guess they must have found a different reef,” the mer suggested, knowing full damn well he chased them off.
“If I ever see you around this reef with that diver, you’re good as dead!” He’d growled at the last mer that had stuck around despite his earlier threats. “That’s my fuckin’ human. And it seems to be his favorite reef, so it’s his.”
“Ah, could’ve been.” Johnny accepted the answer as truth.
The rest of his inspection of the reef went by smoothly. It was recovering very nicely. The steady conversation with Gaz kept him even longer than usual, and the hour and a half in his air tank had dwindled to only 35 minutes left.
“I best be goin’,” John spoke up. The mer waved him off. “It was nice to finally get to know ya.”
To say Gaz was happy or excited was a sick understatement. He wanted that diver, Johnny he now knew, ever since he caught sight of him. He wanted that human. And he wanted him even more now that spring was here and he would have eggs to deposit.
It was a while after that Johnny visited the reef again. Since it was doing so much better, it didn’t need to be checked on as often. Of course, he saw his new favorite mer there.
“Hey, Gaz,” he greeted. “This is goin to be one of my last times checkin’ in on yer reef..” he said bittersweetly. He was glad the reef was doing so well, but he’d miss his new friend. “I’ll be here two more times, once a month..”
The wave of disappointment that washed over the mer was I describable. He felt cold. He knew he’d only have a limited time to claim him, then.
“Well then.. I want to show you somewhere special,” Gaz said hopefully.
“A’m probably not supposed t’ drift off with mers on the job,” Jonny joked, “but I’ll agree.”
After his once-over of the reef, John was led by Gaz to a small cove near the shore. John recognized it as not too far from the dock he’d come from for each reef inspection. There was a hollow that opened into a very short cave. Cracks in the top let in a bit of light, but there was a string of solar powered lights inside as well. Johnny briefly wondered if someone had known about this spot and put the light in themself.
“... I decorated it a bit. I hoped you might like it,” Gaz spoke up.
Johnny had lifted himself up into the opening, sitting on a ledge. The space was nicely dry, even now at high tide.
“For me.?” John asked curiously. Gaz nodded after a moment.
“I was maybe hoping… that you’d like to be my human.” The mer admitted.
Johnny was slightly taken aback, but now that he knew Gaz wanted him to be his, it made sense why he’d been the only mer around the reef. The only mer around *him*, Johnny realized.
“It wouldn’t hurt, would it?” The human grinned in reply. Johnny wasn’t the most educated about mers, that was apparent. Not a whole lot of people were, so it wasn’t too surprising. Gaz sure as hell wasn’t going to second guess his acceptance, though.
In John’s head, accepting to be the mer’s human was simply a matter of visiting him often, maybe giving some gifts to convey affection. How wrong he was…
Johnny stopped by the little cove the next day and found Gaz there waiting for him. He smiled at seeing the mer, thinking it was nice of him to stay and wait for Johnny to arrive.
“Hey, Gaz,” he grinned.
“Johnny!” The mer grinned right back, pointed teeth and eyes bright with excitement. Johnny actually came.
The human was in his wetsuit already and slipped down into the water to get into the cove. He sat up on the edge of the rock again, just like last time. Gaz peeked out of the water just between his legs.
“Are you ready to become my human?” The mer asked with a smile.
“Ready as ever,” John replied. Though he wasn’t exactly sure what this meant, he agreed.
Gaz pulled him back down into the water and worked the zipper of his wetsuit down. It seemed like what was happening only just now dawned on the human. His face flushed slightly, not feeling the smartest. It should have been obvious that this was what I was getting into! He thought to himself. Nonetheless, he wasn’t going to back out now.
The water was cold on Johnny’s skin without the wetsuit. It had been discarded onto a dry ledge, thankfully, instead of the water. He looked down to see that two lengths protruded from a small slit on the mer’s front. To say it was intimidating was a drastic understatement for Johnny. He glanced up at Gaz with worry in his eyes, yet his body was reacting in its own way. A warmth built in his abdomen that was quickly generating wetness between his thighs.
“You’ll be okay,” Gaz assured him. The mer had nothing but desire in his gaze as he lined up both of his lengths with Johnny’s entrance and began easing them in.
Johnny’s hands rested on the mer’s shoulders, his nails digging into the skin at the burn of the stretch he was taking. He writhed, trying to get away at the same time he was trying to get closer.
It was a good few minutes of painful stretch and sweet words from the mer to calm him until John was able to take in both cocks to the hilt. He was more than impressed with himself.
“Good fuckin’ god, Gaz.. all mers got two o’ these things..?” Johnny panted, face flushed. Whole body flushed, really.
“Mhm,” Gaz nodded simply. The mer was more than lost in thought. He was trying his best not to wreck the man before him. He had waited for this moment for months now. He was just ready to get this human - his human, his Johnny - full of his eggs.
Gaz tried his best to start out slow for his human. Johnny had to tell him to slow down a few times, though, but he was trying his best regardless.
Meanwhile, Johnny’s thoughts were running wild. The stretch was definitely painful, yes, but it might have been just about the best thing he’d ever felt. And he could tell the mer was trying to be careful even with how eager he was. It wasn’t too long before the pain mellowed out to a dull burn, though. The cool water was soothing that sensation as well.
“Fuck..” John breathed out, lazily rolling his hips down against Gaz. The mer made a peculiar trilling noise and gave a quick thrust into him, eliciting a gasp from John. The pace slowly began picking up. The human was feeling a coil of heat build up in his stomach that seemed ready to snap at any moment.
While the sounds were lovely to Gaz’s ears, he wasn’t focused on Johnny’s noises of pleasure. He was focused on the four eggs that he could give to Johnny and how the human would carry them so well for him.
“Promise to keep comin’ back..?” Gaz murmured hopefully.
“Wouldn’t-… wouldn’t be lettin’ ya-.. do this if I planned.. t’ up an’ leave afterwards..” John replied breathlessly.
Heavily encouraged by this response, Gaz sped up his movements. It wasn’t long before he felt a subtle shifting inside of himself, and knew that it was the four eggs.
John felt another stretch at his entrance, but it passed. Odd, he thought. Maybe he imagined it. But when he felt something press at the barrier of his cervix, he knew he hadn’t imagined it. He gave a wince and a breathy noise of pain, but the thing squeezed past. Johnny’s eyes were wide with concern, but he was oddly aroused and somehow not freaking out about this.
“Gaz-… Gaz, what was that…?” He managed to ask, feeling another brief stretch to his entrance.
Gaz was confused. Didn’t Johnny know what he had agreed to? Wasn’t he aware that this would happen?
“It’s my eggs, you’re taking them. You’re taking them very well, too,” he told the human, praising him as well when the second was deposited.
The human relaxed for some reason, even though that thought didn’t make him feel much better. What was he going to do.? He didn’t know how to take care of mer young. He pushed the thought aside. That could be dealt with later. Now, the coil in his stomach was a second away from snapping.
His core tightened up, causing the third stretch to struggle past. The feeling of it against his walls was intoxicating, and the sensation alone made him forget about all of the complications he was stepping into. His nails dug into the mer’s shoulders again as he felt the egg press hard against his cervix, then push past. That was all he needed.
Johnny’s head lifted back with pleasure, his body tensing up as euphoria washed over him like water. Or maybe that was just his surroundings.
Gaz took this as a good sign, elated that he could make the human react like that. The last egg was pushed past, and suddenly John felt warm substance filling him up. The mer’s release, he figured, still coming down from his orgasm.
John missed the fullness when Gaz finally pulled out, but it was an immediate relief. Even in the water he could tell that a gush of fluid left his core following the mer’s retraction. He shuddered and leaned forward against Gaz’s body.
“Thank you, thank you Johnny,” the mer trilled. “My human now…” he seemed almost comforted by that fact. He hugged John against himself tenderly.
John felt on the verge of sleep, but too awake at the same time. It took him a moment to get himself back together.
Gaz slowly lifted the human up onto the stone ledge. Johnny situated himself, looking over his body. There was no physical evidence that he was carrying the mer’s eggs, but he could feel it.
“You’d better take a second to rest,” Gaz spoke up, breaking Johnny out of his thoughts, “and when you’re alright to get home, rest some more.”
“Yeah… yeah, I’ll do that..”
/// fin. ///
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
Could you do one where both Wanda and Nat are sick and super clingy to reader and just want to cuddle
Clingy Cuddles And Warm Snuggles
〚 Notes - This req was so cute! I loved writing it! Hopefully you enjoy reading :D 〛
〚 Summary - You come home from a mission to find that the compound’s been swept with a cold, meaning its up to you to take care of your sick girlfriends.〛
〚 Wordcount - 1720 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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You sighed a deep exhale of relief as the warm air of the compound met your skin. You’d just spent a long weekend up in the chilly mountains of Canada on a solo-mission so it was safe to say you were more than thankful for the warmth. However, as you made your way inside the compound, you immediately noticed something was off. The place was actually quiet? 
That was something which almost never happened, there was always so form of background noise even if it was just the sounds of a distant conversation or the humming of background music. But no, it was almost silent. You shrugged and being naturally curious person that you were, you headed over the kitchen to both investigate and make yourself a snack. 
Luckily as you approached the kitchen you could hear faint sounds of life. The recognisable sizzle of something frying echoed down the halls. Opening the door, you were met with the sight of Clint as he stood over the cooker, making himself some bacon and eggs. The sound of the door closing announced your entrance and the Archer turned towards you, giving you a small smile. 
“Welcome back Y/N,” He came over and gave you a quick hug before pulling away to muffle a cough into his elbow, “How did everything go?” 
“It went alright, glad to be back though,” You replied as you grabbed yourself rummaged around the snack cupboard before settling on a bag of Doritos, “Where is everyone though? It's so dead in here, usually you can't get a break from the noise.” 
“Y’know I can make you some decent food if you’d like,” He smirked, nodding down towards your choice of snack, “and It’s been like this all weekend, Tony managed to spread around some sort of bug, and it's really knocked people out. This is the first time I’ve been up in a day or so” 
  “Really?” You raised an eyebrow; it definitely wasn’t like Clint to stay in bed. It wasn’t often that anyone at the compound got sick really but when they did, it always seemed to spread like wildfire, especially since you all lived in such close-contact with each other. 
“Yeah, it’s been rough. Even Rodgers is down, we had to explain that cold ‘remedies’ from the 40’s weren’t exactly scientifically accurate after he tried convincing us to ‘take a good ol’ fashioned bit of whiskey’ to feel better.” 
You let yourself chuckle at that, remembering how Steve first reacted to seeing a bottle of DayQuil.  
While you loved catching up with Clint, you couldn’t help but miss the presence of two very special people and you found yourself asking, “Have you seen Nat or Wanda anywhere?” 
Clint thought for a second, “I think they’re still up in their room, last I heard neither of them were feeling too good either so they’re probably still in bed trying to sleep this crap off.” 
“Both of them?” You asked, slightly taken aback. The pair of them never got sick often, Nat had a great immune system and whenever someone was sick Wanda was always the one to go round wiping down surfaces with anti-bacterial wipes, meaning neither of them got sick that often even if there was something going round. 
“Yeah, I don’t think Wanda’s excellent wet-wiping skills were enough to save her this time,” Clint sniffled lightheartly but he must’ve picked up on your anxious expression as he soon came over and gave your shoulder a quick squeeze, “I'm sure they’ll both be okay, go on, go and see them.” 
You nodded, sending him a grateful smile, “Thanks Clint, hope you enjoy your bacon!” You called as you left the kitchen, setting off in the direction of your room. 
It was only a quick walk to your room, as you approached the door you made sure to open it quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone inside. As light floods into the room the sight before you weren’t exactly what you were expecting. 
On one side of the bed is a bundle of blankets, the main duvet and many other blankets are all tightly huddled around a shivering auburn-haired woman, only the top of her head poking out from within. In juxtaposition to this, Natasha was laid next to her on the bare mattress wearing her favourite sports bra and one of your pairs of silk shorts. 
“Y/N?” Natasha mumbled as she lifted her head from the pillow. Her poor voice sounded so unbelievably hoarse. 
“Hi baby, a little birdie told me you weren’t feeling too well.” You sympathised as you let the bags you had been carrying fall to the floor. To your surprise Nat pulled herself up and out of the bed and shakily padded towards you. 
She’d almost reached you before swaying drastically, as she seemed to lose her balance. Luckily, you’d seen this coming and managed to catch her in your arms, wrapping one around her waist to support her closely, “Easy there, let’s get you back in bed sweetie.” 
“Mm thanks,” Natasha whispered, letting you guide her back to the bed, “It’s been a while since I was this sick. My body feels all weak.” 
“That bad, huh?” 
To answer your question, Wanda let out a wet cough and curled herself further into her ball of blankets, the sound of which led you to go back over to your bag and taking one of the water bottles you had stored in there before placing it on the nightstand next to her, “You okay in there sweetheart?” You spoke down into her hair, pressing a small kiss to the exposed part of her forehead. 
"Mmh, my body feels like it's been hit with a truck,” She sniffles as a shiver runs down her spine the feeling of your lips brush against her skin. Wanda tries to smile up at you, but there's so little strength left in her, she has trouble lifting her face from the blankets. 
“Hh’iiitshoo! ‘tschioo!” Hh-Hh’tshiew!” 
You looked over to see Nat sniffling thickly as she rubbed her nose against her wrist and judging from the overflowing trash can and empty tissue box next to her side of the bed, it becomes obvious that she’s going to need some more. 
“Bless Natty, you want me to get you some tissues?” You cooed, as you came to sit on the edge of the bed, brushing your hand down her cheeks to move back the loose strands of hair which had fallen infront of her face, not missing the heat which radiated from her, “You feel abit feverish sweetie, have you taken your temp’ recently? 
Natasha shook her head, “I took Wanda’s earlier, it was 38.6 but I haven't taken mine.”  
“Awh sweetie, that’s so amazing of you to take Wanda’s but just remember that you need to look after yourself too,” You smiled, as you kissed her warm cheek, “Settle back down and I’ll go find the thermometer.” 
“Bless you! I’ll get you those tissues too.” 
Finding both items was easy, Nat had left the thermometer on the sink in your bathroom and a supply closet a little further down the hallway was always stocked with plenty of tissues. Coming back to the room, you placed the fresh tissue box in Natasha’s lap and shuffled up onto the bed, nesting yourself between the two women. You took Nat’s temperature first, mainly because she was the one clinging to your side and to no-one's surprise, she did have a fever. 
“Wands? I need you to come out of your little blanket bundle for me sweetheart.” You coaxed her, not wanting her brain to melt inside of her head. Even if she felt freezing, you were positively sure that she was running still a fever. 
Your suspicions were proven correct when she eventually wiggled herself free of the blankets to let you check her temp. Wanda coughed again as you helped her sit up, sneaking a hand down her shirt to rub small comforting circling along her back. 
“You should drink some of that water baby, it’ll help.” You soothed, Wanda took your advice and took careful sips of the water. Giving a tired yawn once she’d finished, she took the opportunity to lay herself over you, resting her head on your chest. 
“Comfy?” You smiled to yourself once she’d settled back down but you soon felt Nat cuddle further into your side, shuffling up so her head would rest alongside Wanda’s, the two women contently cuddling into you, craving your touch. 
“I missed you.” Wanda admitted  
"Missed you too, Wands" Your heartbeat quickening as the woman snuggles herself into your body. A small yawn escapes you as the two women lay in your arms. The bed creaked as you gently shifted your body, tucking in Natasha with a light arm around her shoulders, “I missed both of you.” 
Nat went to mumble something only both she and Wanda sneezed simultaneously instead, earning a small noise of amusement from the red-headed spy.
“Oh, bless you, bless you! Aw, my poor sweet girls, how on earth did you both get so sick, hm?” You sighed as Wanda sneezed down in her blankets again, and surprisingly she didn’t make a fuss when you reached across to grab a tissue to wipe her nose with, “I don’t think I’ve seen either of you feel so icky.” 
“Tony can't keep his gross germs to himself.” Natasha sniffled, vowing that once she was better, she’d be going over to his lab to lecture him about proper hygiene. 
“Well Tony should be very afraid then.” You smirked, knowing Natasha fully intended to give the man a piece of her mind once she felt well enough but for now, she was thankful that you were here to hold her 
“How about you two try and get some sleep, I bet that’d help a little.” You smiled, pressing soft kisses to their warm foreheads as they settled down. A comfortable silence settled around the three of them in the dimly lit bedroom. Their chests rise and fall with each breath as they drifted off to sleep.
Sure, you had tons of paperwork and a mission report that you should’ve been doing but that could wait. Being there to cuddle your sick girlfriends was the only true thing that mattered. 
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adminbryantsaki · 9 months
Alpha! Shouta x Omega! reader Winter Rut.
(I do not own My Hero Academia or the characters within. Anything associated with that fandom belongs to Horikoshi Kohei. This story belongs to my 2023 Spice-tober collection. I hope you enjoy. If this story isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee move on. Reader discretion is advised.)
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TW: Omegaverse shenanigans, sex scene.
WC: 844
You were wrapped up in a fluffy blanket front of a window in your log cabin, watching the snow fall outside, with a fire crackling away in the fireplace. You had your face pressed up against the glass as you could smell the cold, crisp scent of the snow outside. Your head turned to the front door when it opened, showing that your Alpha had returned home from a grocery trip. You ran over and gave him a hug before he could even take his shoes off.
“Missed me, didn’t you?” He asked as he hugged you and guided you out of the entry way so he could close the door and begin putting the groceries away with your help. As you put the bread and eggs away into the fridge, he checked the crock pot that he had prepared that morning with some white and red onions on the bottom, sliced up chicken that was previously frozen, a whole head of cabbage that had been chopped up, along with granulated garlic, paprika, bay leaf and tarragon that made the cabin smell amazing. He stirred the contents in the crockpot before putting some rice he bought from the store that day into the rice cooker along with some water and setting the machine to cook while he arranged the freezer for the new packages of meat that he purchased earlier in the day.
 You sat in your chair and rested your head on the table as you watched your Alpha finish putting the groceries away and plating what he made for dinner. He walked over, setting plates of food in front of you and him, sitting down to finally eat. The two of you enjoyed the meal as you talked about your day.
 Once the meal had been eaten, Shouta set the dishes in the sink to soak before he picked you up from your chair and carried you to his den in the living room where he laid you down on the thick, warm blanket and kissed you gently. You nuzzled into his neck and you could smell the scent of pine trees after a heavy rainstorm and hot coffee coming from his neck and filling your nostrils, making your brain go fuzzy with the underlying pheromones coming from his rut scent. “Alpha’s in rut. Do you need help?” “Would I have you in my den if I wanted to take this rut on alone? Of course I’d love to have your help.” He told you and kissed your neck, gently dragging his teeth along your sensitive flesh as it was exposed to slight draft of cold air. You gasped and gripped onto his shirt as a shiver was sent down your spine.
“I-I’ll help you. Just get me warm. Your den has a draft and I don’t like it.” You told him. He kissed you and fixed the wall of his den to not let any cold air in before he went back to leaving several bite marks all over your neck and shoulders. He worked his way down, easing you out of your blanket, letting you wrap your limbs around his torso, burying your face into his neck as he slid your sweatpants off along with your underwear, and he pushed them away from where you were laying. He looked back at you and kissed you gently, supporting himself up on his arms and sliding his erection into you and making quick work of thrusting in and out of you at a rapid pace, making you moan into his neck and grip onto his shirt as he rutted into you. You could smell the faint scent of the tarragon from the dinner on his skin which helped you relax more and let him thrust deeper into you, growling deeply into your ear. You came long before he did, making him smirk and keep thrusting into you until he released deep into your womb along with you cumming for a second time.
He waited a few minutes before he kissed you deeply and pulled out of you, laying next to you, and watching you come down from your high at your own pace. He pulled you close to his chest and you snuggled right into him. “You’re warm, Alpha.” You told him and he smiled. You looked out a window in his den at the snow falling outside calmly and in a peaceful manner with the fireplace crackling in the background. You felt your eyelids grow heavy and Shouta encouraged you to fall asleep as you were safe in his arms. You did so and he fell asleep soon after you did.
The End.
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weird-addiction · 9 months
Dragon Factory
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Pairing: House of the Dragon x Male!Reader, Platonic!Aemond Targaryen x Male!Reader
Genre: Neutral
Warnings: Descriptions of dragon death, mentions of gore, dismembered dragon, mentions of bones poking out of skin, mentions of illegal things and drugs, dragon organs and bones, Manipulation.
A/n: Based off the song Rainbow Factory
Have you ever wondered where or rather what happens to dragons when they die? Well, no one ever has wondered, the Valyrians were just happy enough to even have dragons. Since the beasts have lived longer for hundreds of years, they have never thought about what happened to them in the afterlife.
Well, let’s just say a dragon’s tale is not as nice as one may make it seem. 
Let’s delve deeper into dragon philosophy, far beyond that of Old Valyrian’s mythology. The people of Westeros very easily judged the Targaryens as being gods and lived comfortably within their homeland. There is a dark story to every fairytale after all.
Within the eastern parts of the unknown world, there is a place so well built that it looks like it fell out of the heavens. Fog, mist that surrounds the area looks like clouds that came from the stars. 
It was said that in those very halls, the dragons are built, made and put into their eggs. This is where the first true dragons made their appearances. 
Within the stories and myths that have been lost to time, the myth originated before the doom happened, and so after, the legend has died out with the new generations of House Targaryen, Velayron and Celtigar. 
The legends that were told for years, it is as it says below. 
‘Once a dragon dies,
It’s collected by their creator.
Taken apart,
The same way it was born.
It shall be renewed, remade, reborn.’
Since the reign and conquest of Aegon the Conqueror, when Meraxes and Queen Rhaenys both were shot down in Dorne, the Dornish reported that when they went to collect and tow the body of the dragon. The corpse was not whole, there were many parts already missing.
They suspected some people wanted a part of the dragon as an artifact, that rumor was believable until they realized and saw the entire wing that was missing from its left side. 
The eyes, the left wing, half of its teeth, scales of different parts, bones that were cut out from under its flesh, were all missing. However, one thing was for sure, the flesh that was torn seemed to be cut with precision. The person that did it, knew what they were doing and have been doing it for a long time. The wing that was torn off left no traces except for the bone that was poking as it was snapped off. 
And since then, that is still one of the biggest mysteries of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. 
The current princess of the realm, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen sat in Godswood under the same maple tree, with one of her friends in court next to her. Y/n L/n of the mysterious house L/n, he stood next to her leaning against the tree. 
The princess has just finished reading a story from the book of mythologies, Rhaenyra then turned towards him with a smile on her face. 
“What about you?” She asked, the book was still in her lap.
“Pardon princess?” Y/n spoke back, with confusion in his tone.
“What do you think happens to dragons after they die?” Her smile did not leave her face, features full of curiosity. 
Y/n thought through it for a moment before speaking again. “I am not the one with dragons princess, I do not know what happens to them.” 
“You must at least have thought of it before. I mean, the great Targaryen’s dragons, what happens to such great beasts after they die and rot away.” Rhaenyra’s words imply that she did indeed want an answer. 
“I am just an assassin that works for the council, I do not know of such things.” Y/n responded, his own smile stretching out on his lips.
“Oh please, you are anything but.” Rhaenyra stood up and licked arms with him. “You are anything but ‘just an assassin’.” 
“Rhaenyra we shouldn’t…link arms.”
“Why’s that?”
“I am not your betrothed.”
“But you are my friend.”
Y/n let out a sigh as they began to walk through the halls, Y/n was just an assassin that Viserys hired to take out anything to shut down anything that didn’t need Viserys to have dragons burn anything down.
No one knew of his origins, his house was a mystery to the court and council, but they wanted him regardless as his skills were very valuable. 
That night, Viserys has told Y/n of something going on in the city, so Y/n went to check it out in case it threatened the crown in any way. When Y/n got to Flea Bottom, finding the source of the problem which was just someone selling illegal artifacts and drugs. Realizing it was such a small problem, Y/n let them go, because if he did get that one man arrested, he might as well have the gold cloaks and arrest everyone that lived in Flea Bottom.
By the time he was walking to return to the Red Keep, he stopped by the dragon pit and checked on the dragons. Making sure no dragon was dying, or any of the eggs were not going to hatch. The dragon keepers had already left, going to the room where most of the eggs were kept in incubators. As soon as he stepped foot in there, he sensed something was wrong.
One of the eggs was not going to hatch, opening the incubator and taking out the egg. The egg was covered in silver colored scales, because it was in the incubator it should have been warm. But the egg was cold, not a sense of warmth as he held it in his hands. 
“Don’t worry. You will not be wasted.” Y/n mumbled to himself, his eyes not leaving the egg. Tucking it into his coat, carrying it back with him as he returned to his rooms through the secret passageways.
The next morning, he went to Viserys to ask for leave for a couple of days. The king agreed, it was not the first time that Y/n had done this.
“Again? Alright. Be safe Y/n.” 
“Of course, Your Grace.” He bowed before leaving the king’s rooms.
The dragon egg tucked into his coat as he walked to the gates, a horse that was already there for him. Mounting his steed with ease as the guards opened the gates. He rode east for days until he finally arrived at the ports to the Narrow Sea. 
This will be the last time he will ever step foot in the Crownlands known as the assassin within the king’s council, the next time he sees the Red Keep would be years from now. 
Once he docked on the easter lands, he managed to buy another horse and ride even more east. He arrived at his destination after months of travel. 
His palace was still as good as new. 
Y/n had managed to keep it hidden for all these years, doing what he was put into this world to do, remaking the dragons. When he saw the egg that went cold, Y/n made a decision; to raise the dragon as his own. In the future, it would be easier to collect parts and make transporting so much easier. 
His palace has been here even before Old Valyria had risen to power, Y/n was immortal just like the dragons that he remade and have been reborn again and again. 
Getting right to work as he got inside, the servants taking care of his horse and other needs. Cracking open the egg as saw the baby dragon that has already died, by the looks of it the wings weren’t even formed right.
Replacing the wings was the first part, taking the bones of bigger wings of others that had collected over the years, crafting them into a new pair of baby wings. Using the fire to merge the bones together. The wings were mended into its back rather than the front legs, as the original dragons had them like that instead. Everything else about the dragon was fine, but it did not have a heartbeat. 
Taking a jar off the shelf, the jar contained hearts of dragons that if anyone ever saw it, they would run and never look back. Pulling out a small one and putting it inside the one that just came out of the egg. 
The procedure was over rather quickly, Y/n’s hands were now covered in blood. 
Now he just had to get it into a new egg and put it into another incubator and wait for it to hatch. 
It only took three months before the dragon finally hatched, forming a bond with Y/n as it saw its creator for the first time. 
For the next ten years he raised the dragon on his own, the dragon he named Vallath. And that is when he returned to Westeros to see if he could collect anything else, while the people within the workshop of his palace will continue to make new dragons for years to come. 
When he was flying west, he flew over Pentos and felt like something was off. Y/n told Vallath to fly lower and settle down a good distance away from the source of the problem.
 Y/n snuck into the fortress and followed his instincts of where he felt the dying dragon, it led him into a room where there was a fireplace and a dragon egg leaned against the metal bars in front of the fire. He could tell the dragon within had not yet died, picking it up with urgency, he quickly left the room and snuck back out unnoticed.
Getting back to Vallath as he urged the beast to fly, Y/n realized his dragon had sensed another, or even multiple more dragons in the same area.
“What is it boy?” The dragon growled back, turning his head to point to where he was staring at earlier. 
A big green dragon flying in the distant skies, Y/n’s eyes narrowed as he knew who that dragon was. 
“Vhagar. Queen Visenya’s dragon, now claimed by the Lady Laena of house Velayron. As I have heard of course. “Worry not, ignore her and let’s go.” Patting his dragon’s neck as he got onto Vallath’s back.
Taking off once again, this time fully back to King’s Landing.
Y/n landed further away from the city to hide Vallath from the smallfolk’s eyes, he landed near the dragon pit to check on the dragons. Just for old times sake. 
When he entered the giant dome of a building, he saw some kids getting taught by the keepers while a dragon walked towards them. The dragon was small, barely able to fly or even carry anyone on their back. 
One of the keepers saw him and came over and talked with, fortunately, he knew High Valyrian well. He was around when the language was first created after all.
Y/n told the dragon keeper to tell Viserys he was back, the king would know who he is. The dragon keeper nodded and left to get the guards outside. Y/n stayed in the shadows and watched as the kids trained with the young dragon, soon their lesson concluded and the keeper left them.
He then saw they brought out a pig, three of the kids left and one was left. And by the looks of it, he was going down into the place where the dragon rested. This could mean a death sentence, so he followed quickly to make sure nothing stupid happened. 
Down into the tunnels, he saw fire lighting up the rocky tunnels up ahead, he walked fast to see what was happening. And there he saw it, the dragon Dreamfyre blowing out fire upwards as a threat. The kid he still did not know the name of, fell over in fear and turned to run. Y/n went over and pushed the kid behind him, while holding out a hand as he calmed Dreamfyre. 
Grabbing the smaller figure and getting out from the underground. The child did not struggle against him, but just went along with him.
“What were you thinking?” Y/n whispered yelled to him.
“I just wanted a dragon.” 
He could barely hear the words, but he did, and Y/n looked at him with confusion. 
“You do not have one? Well, that’s odd. But, not every Targaryen was a dragon rider, you know.” Y/n shrugged his shoulders.
“All my siblings have one! Even my nephews do! I am the only Targaryen with no dragon.” The older paused for a second as he let go of the child.
“What’s your name, boy?” 
“Aemond Targaryen.”
“Your parents?” 
“I am the second son of Viserys Targaryen and Alicent Hightower.” 
Y/n had to process what in the seven rings of hell he just heard. “I’m sorry. What?!” 
Aemond was taken back by this strange man, he had never even seen him in court or anywhere in the council before. 
“Alicent married. Viserys. What in the fuck happened while I was gone.” 
Aemond just looked and stood there confused.
Y/n went to the familiar rooms of the king, last time he was here was ten years ago. The guard yelled out his name, announcing his arrival to whoever was inside.
“Viserys?” The king before him was too different from how he remembered him last. 
“Y/n? Oh, Y/n. How good it is to have you back.”
Y/n was at a loss for words, Viserys was pretty already dying in front of him. His hairs are already falling out and his face has sunken to show his bones almost.
“Are you going to inform me of what happened when I was away?” 
Viserys nodded and began to explain, at the end he paused before asking the younger of where he went for ten years. “You said you had to leave for a few days. Then, next thing you were gone for ten years.”
“Yes…sorry about that..” Y/n’s voice was quiet, Viserys almost didn’t hear him.
The king wanted to know where he had been, but the other only responded with “Don’t worry about it.” With a smile at the end.
That night, the king threw a feast for having Y/n back at court. Everyone was seated at the long table as Y/n walked in, what caught everyone’s attention was the choice of clothing he wore that night. 
His robes were made of dragon scales and skin, they shimmered in the lighting of the hall. The different colors of the skins, the dark ones and bright ones contrasting each other, made him look like an actual dragon; and not just metaphorically. Around his neck, it sat a silver dragon necklace, an actual dragon that curled around him. 
He got to the table and sat down, he sat next to Alicent who was now a lot older, while on his other side were her children. Soon the feast began, Y/n made small conversation with Alicent. It did not take him long to know that Alicent was trying to get on his good side and have him side with Aegon being the future king.
What she did not know was that Y/n could care less about even being here, he did not care about who was king. As long as there were dragon parts for him to collect as they died, he would stay and do his job.
During the dinner, Aemond kept looking over at him, Y/n noticed this and it was quite obvious that the young prince wanted something. 
“My husband told me you have been away from court for ten years. Why is that?” Alicent asked.
“Oh, it is nothing, Your Grace. The matter was originally small, but turned into something bigger that I could not return for years.” Y/n lied right through his teeth, but the queen believed him regardless.
From across the table, he saw Rhaenyra sitting with her own children and husband; Laenor Velayron. When he was still at court, Rhaenyra had a thing for her own uncle he was sure, considering the fact the inbreeding and incest within the Targaryens don’t surprise him anymore. But another thing he had heard was that Laenor was interested in men instead of women, so how he had children with Rhaenyra was a mystery to him.
The feast went well, nothing happened, during it many people came up and asked him where he got the robes he was wearing. Y/n lied again saying it was just collected from the dragons when he was in King’s Landing, then explaining that the dragon skins were fake and made by seamstresses that he requested from his journey east. After a couple of hours, most of the guests have already started to leave. Y/n returned to his own chambers but he did not prepare to go to bed, but instead he put on his assassin clothing that had changed so no one would recognize him.
Sneaking out with the secret passageways, he made his way into the Dragon Pit again to look for parts. Luckily, there was a dragon that seemed to have died a while ago but no one noticed, it was a young dragon that had died to unknown causes. The dragon was alright in size, certainly big enough to collect the parts from and put them to good use.
Setting the bag he had brought with him to the side, he brought out a tool to start cutting away with the dragon’s parts. First came the inspecting to see if they were still worth something. 
“Eyes. Good enough to be reused, take those. Wings, big enough to develop fully if reborn into another. Horns and spikes…already decaying and too small to be of any use, leave those. Legs, strong and have potential to be fully grown with muscle and tissue. Skin and scales can be harvested for other uses. ” Y/n concluded after the inspection of the outside of the dragon, the organs and bones will have to wait until he cuts into it fully.
Taking out his tool, which was just a more powerful dagger, Y/n began to slice away at the different parts.
First it was the wings. Holding the wing still as he cut into the base of the bone, slicing through the bone like a hot knife through butter. At the end of the cutting it managed to get stuck, so Y/n pulled it off with his own strength, some of the skin came off with it. Then he did the same thing with the other wing, the second wing came off easier than the first one. The wings were in the bag so as to not get them dirty or lost.
Second was the legs, they took a bit more time but it was no problem. The legs came off just as easily, but it took a lot more effort to cut them through the bone as the back leg bones are formed to be stronger by default. Third was the eyes, they needed a bit more precision but nothing that Y/n has not done before. He just needed to be careful of some of the nerves, and then cut around and dismember the right ones and get it out with no other damage. 
Lastly, it was the skin and scales, it was basically skinning the dragon itself. The procedure required a bit more precision. He started at the wing area where the skin was already coming off, putting the dagger flatly under the hard skin and slicing through it making it come off easily. Piece by piece, the skin and scales along with it came off. Soon, the once dragon was now just a body of flesh, some of the bones in the body were now almost visible through the skin. The skull no longer held any resemblance to a dragon, other than the horns, the skull was completely stripped of its scales. The eye sockets hollow with nothing to fill it.
As Y/n cleaned up and put the parts he had cut into the bag he had brought with him, around the corner he heard a noise. Turning to see what had made such sounds, the corner of his eyes had caught a glimpse of silver-blonde hair in the dark. Taking the bag with him and swinging it over his shoulder, he turned the corner and saw a young prince. It was none other than the prince Aemond. 
“What. Are you doing here?” His words held slight venom, as his tone was annoyed that someone had found him doing his work.
“...” The prince did not dare speak, the violet eyes avoided the e/c ones that were narrowed and glaring burning holes into him.
“Speak!” This made Aemond flinch, but finally he managed to find his voice and speak out.
“I-I followed you here…and since it was the Dragon Pit I thought….” He trailed off. This only made Y/n even more annoyed. 
“What? What is it? You think I need protection? Is that it?” His glare did not stop but his voice had turned softer. 
Aemond could only stay quiet again, but really, he had nothing he could say anyway. 
“If that is the case then you have been proven wrong, as I am unharmed in front of your eyes. Now prince, let’s get you back to your chambers before someone finds you gone at this hour.” Y/n began to walk away and the young prince followed behind him.
Going through the same passageways that he came from, Y/n managed to sneak back to his rooms and without being noticed. Aemond however did not leave him alone, instead the young prince followed the older to his chambers instead. Y/n of course noticed this, but no matter how much he tried to get Aemond to go back to his room the younger continued to follow him, so he gave up in the end and let him follow him back. 
Once he got back, the bag was set on the ground as he opened it and reviewed what he gathered. That was when the young Targaryen spoke up about something.
“Why do you collect the parts of dragons?” Y/n’s movements stopped as turned around to look at Aemond. 
“Why do you need to know about that, young prince? And even if I told you, how would you take the information?” Y/n tilted his head in a playful way, as if teasing Aemond to speak again.
“I will not tell anyone of what you have done, what you do with the dragons will not be known.” Aemond said simply. 
The words were simple yes, but they also implied that Aemond might attempt to blackmail him if he did not tell him what he wanted to know. But Y/n knew better, behind the violet eyes that claimed to want nothing but to know what he was doing the dragon parts, there was something else there as well. A small glint of desire. Aemond wanted something from him. 
“Oh. I see. You want something from me.” Y/n paused for a second as he smiled. “And considering the fact that you have been eyeing the bag I have carried with me, you are interested in my work, no? Go ahead, tell me what you want. Then maybe I will not kill you for knowing my work.” Half of that was a lie, Y/n was not going to actually kill Aemond, just hurt him enough to make sure he never spilled.
“I..I want a dragon, I am the only one that is without a dragon…” Aemond’s voice became more soft, as if already becoming afraid; which was fair considering what he had seen that night already. 
Y/n let out a laugh as he heard the request, going back to the bag and looking over what he had collected. A smile made its way onto his face, perhaps this was a good thing for him after all. Maybe, he could be of use to him.
“A dragon you say? What do you think I do, young prince?” Playfulness laced within his voice.
Aemond took a breath before speaking. “I..I have heard the legend of what happens to a dragon when they die, they get collected by their creator and get remade…” He looked down, in his head to himself he sounded ridiculous to even believe such a legend.
“That. That legend is from the tales of Old Valyria, or rather, beyond that. Most Valyrians knew it, but it soon faded with time. You truly believe in this legend, Aemond?” He needed to know, not many believed in Y/n when he told them who actually was.
“Would it be weird if I say I did..?” 
Moving a hand to pet the top of Aemond’s hair, ruffling it slightly. His eyes softened, seeing the younger like this reminded him of himself a bit. “No, it’s not.” Getting down to Aemond’s level, his eyes shining through the darkness of the room. 
“Tell me. What do I get if I give you this dragon?”
Aemond’s eyes snapped up, realizing the older had accepted his request. “I will not tell anyone what you have done! A-and I will help you with collecting the parts…” He sounded unsure of that last one, but in the heat of the moment he said it anyway.
“You have a deal, prince. But, I do have my own conditions that you must agree to as well.” 
“Anything. Anything to have a dragon to myself!” Aemond replied eagerly. 
“I want your loyalty. Not only that, but I also want you to follow my orders. When I choose to leave Westeros, you will follow. I tell you to defy someone at court, your mother, your father, even your grandfather, you do it. If you can not agree to those, forget about the dragon.” Y/n listed his conditions clearly. 
“I…” Thinking it over, Aemond was not sure he had it in him to do such things. He stood by his mother throughout these years, his loyalty to his family was what he held onto. Now, can he really throw it all away just because he wants a dragon? 
“I do not have much time for you to think this over, if you truly want this dragon then I have to get to work immediately. The conditions in Westeros are not the same as back at my home, these dragon parts will begin to rot in three days' time. Seeing that these came from a dragon that died quite recently, which is odd but convenient nonetheless. So, do you agree to my terms or not?” Y/n was getting annoyed and somewhat irritated.
“Yes, I do.” 
Y/n held out his hand for Aemond to shake, and when the prince did, the deal was finally sealed. “Welcome to my family, Prince Aemond.” 
Over the next couple of days, other than his duties to the court, he would disappear to his rooms and work on the dragon. The body was completed first and then the skin and scales, the body was newly made with the parts that he collected. He brought parts with him back from his factory just in case. Using a special thread that had been the routine for hundreds of years, stitching the parts together on the new dragon body. Soon, the dragon itself was fully constructed. 
The second part was the egg, well, it really was no problem. The dragon egg that he got from Pentos, that is the egg he will use.
Cracking the egg open and taking out the dead dragon from within, then putting the new dragon inside. Finally, taking the broken pieces of the egg and sewing it back, the thread worked its magic to make it seem like nothing was ever out of place or broken.
The dragon egg along with the beast inside was finally complete, but now to give it to Aemond, which meant Viserys and Alicent needed to know that he finally got a dragon.
Walking to the king’s chambers and knocking on the doors gently, he was let in by Viserys saying ‘enter’ from the other side. 
“Your grace, I have come bearing a gift for your son.” Y/n stated, standing tall.
Viserys looked over from his model of Old Valyria, confusion and curiosity written all over. “For Aegon?” 
“No your grace, for Aemond.” Viserys nodded as he put down his tools that were sculpting a small model.
“What is a gift that you must come to me first and not give it straight to my son?” The king questioned.
“It is a rather important gift. I have heard that Prince Aemond is the only one without a dragon?” Y/n changed his tone as he acted like he did not know. Viserys nodded sadly, knowing this to be true.
Showing him the dragon egg, Viserys’ eyes widened slightly seeing such a present. “Where did you..get this?” 
“On my way back from my journey, I found one in the sands, buried. I picked it up to see if it would hatch when I brought it back to the Dragon Pit. It had been incubating for a few days, and showed good signs of hatching.” He paused for a second to catch his breath.
“So, I wish to give it to prince Aemond.” 
“This is a most wonderful gift! Thank you Y/n, I shall give it to him.” Viserys spoke with a full smile on his lips. The king took the egg with a smile.
Y/n left the room, as he did he heard Viserys tell one of his guards to go get Aemond. 
As night fell upon King’s Landing, Aemond went to look for Y/n in his chambers. He knocked and when heard the permission to come in he opened the doors, seeing Y/n on his bed and he seemed to be reading. 
“What is it that you need from me at this hour, Aemond? Can it not wait till to-morrow?” Y/n’s eyes did not move away from the text he was reading.
“I just came to thank you, my father gave me the dragon egg today. Even though I already knew it was you, I still could not help but be excited.” 
An unexpected smile came to Y/n’s lips. “As long as you do not go back on what you have promised me, you and your dragon will be safe under my protection.”
Aemond smiled in return.
Peace did not last forever. Another six years went by in the blink of an eye, and Aemond grew up and now has matured more than anyone else. He was taller than all of his siblings, and even just slightly over Y/n as well.
His dragon has also grown with him, the dragon whom he named Stormfury. The dragon had a grey colored body and had darker scales at his head, its wings were bigger and more powerful than the others. So big that he could not be kept in the Dragon Pit, instead it lived on the outskirts of the city.
Rhaenyra had returned to court and yet she left on the same night. Y/n could care less, there were less dragons dying so there was little to no work for him. But soon, things went from bad to worse.
Viserys passed away in his sleep, and the only people that knew were his small council and Alicent. The greens got Aegon on the throne, crowning him in front of the masses. Making sure everyone knew he was the new monarch. During the crowning, Aemond stood next to his sister, standing there and bowing slightly when Aegon looked towards him. 
Y/n watched on from the shadows, eyeing Aemond with a dark glint within his e/c eyes. He knew a war was brewing on the horizon, it was a matter of time the Dance of the Dragons started.
That night he had overheard that Aemond would go to Storm’s End and treat with Lord Baratheon, taking Stormfury and flying off. He did not return till the late morning of the next day. And when Aemond returned, the prince had a horrified look on his face. Something was definitely wrong.
Alicent and Otto were both discussing what he had done, Aemond said that he managed to get Lord Baratheon’s trust with a marriage pact. But then, he also explained something else that he had done.
“I..I killed Lucereys…” 
Both Alicent and Otto were taken back, Alicent turned away and had her hands to her face while Otto took the role of scolding him. 
“You have only lost one eye, how can you be so blind?” Otto scolded. Aemond looked down in shame. 
Y/n was listening in from the shadows in the corner, when he heard Aemond had done such a deed he stormed over to the prince enraged by his words. Grabbing the prince by his collar and pulling him in close, it seemed like Y/n just grew a lot taller. 
“You. Did. What.”
“I killed him…” Y/n could not deny that he was somewhat impressed that he still had the nerve to fully admit what he did to his face, knowing that this might not end well for him as seeing the assassin was already very mad.
“I gave you that dragon as I took pity, along with the very small kindness that I had that I did oblige to your request. And this is what you use it for? Killing your nephew? Are you blinded by your obsession with him that you had to kill him?” Y/n just raged at him, grabbing him by the shoulders and staring at his violet eye.
For the first time in Aemond’s life, the prince felt true terror through those eyes, he hated this feeling and yet he can not escape its gaze as he was forced to look through them. “Stormfury refused to listen to me..he just kept going..” His voice turned quiet and almost sounded ashamed. 
Y/n looked at Alicent and Otto for a second before looking back at Aemond and shaking his head. “The thought that the Targaryens control the dragons is an illusion. They are living breathing beings that have thoughts of their own. Not mindless weapons that you can bend to your will.” 
The two older Hightowers looked over the situation in concern but also in fascination, for they had no idea of what had happened between the two. Y/n turned to walk away and gestured for Aemond to follow, Alicent called for her son to stay but what she did not know was that her son was no longer hers.
“Aemond. You promised me, remember? Unless, you want your dragon gone.” The prince took one last look at his mother and grandfather, before turning away and walking out of sight.
Walking down the halls of the keep, Aemond had no idea where they were headed. “Pack your things. We are going to leave by nightfall.” 
This made Aemond stop in his tracks, he was not sure how he felt about that. To leave court, his family, his siblings. Y/n on the other hand could only laugh.
“Remember we made this deal the night you asked for that dragon, and when I listed my conditions you agreed. You can not go back on such a promise.” Leaning into Aemond’s ear he whispered. “Because you know what will happen if you defy me.”
Pulling away Y/n returned to his own rooms to pack up his belongings. Aemond stood still for a couple seconds before walking a different path, he had no choice but to leave with him.
 Y/n did not pack too much as it is like he would be back anytime soon, taking what he had packed which was just some clothes. By the time night fell he walked out of the Red Keep for most likely the last time. Getting into the wheelhouse he had ordered, and soon he arrived at the dragon pit. 
Vallath was landed somewhere hidden so he needed to go outside of the city walls to find him, but first he wanted to check on Aemond. And right on time, Aemond was already there with Stormfury. But then, Alicent was also there, it seemed that she was trying to get Aemond to rethink his decision of leaving.
“Aemond, let's go.” 
“Aemond! Wait!” Alicent cried out. “Please, rethink this. We need you here. Rhaenyra has gone to madness and will come after us. You will not be safe on your own!” 
“He is not on his own. He is going with me, he had already promised me long ago. Let’s go, Aemond.” Y/n stated sternly, not caring about Alicent’s opinions.
Both of them climbing onto Stormfury’s saddles as they soon took off, flying outside of the city walls, Y/n told Aemond to land just outside of a nearby forest. “Wait here. You will know when to follow again.”
Y/n walked into the masses of trees, nothing was heard but then a roar sounded through the forest as a dragon flew overhead. 
“Let’s go!” Y/n shouted from the back of Vallath. 
They both flew east, for days, maybe even a week before they landed. The clouds and mist parted for a grand building to appear, it looked to be a place that fell from the heavens and the stars themselves. Aemond looked at what was presented in front of him in awe, he was speechless, his mouth hanging open but his words melted away as he took in what he saw.
Their dragons landed in front of the gates, lowering their backs slightly letting their riders slide from their wings. With a flick of Y/n’s hand, the gates opened as the masked servants bowed at his arrival. Turning to look at Aemond, he was smiling with glee. 
“Welcome, to my world Aemond.”
Aemond followed the other male as they walked in, Aemond then saw the reality of how the dragons were really born. 
Broken pieces of shells collected into piles to be remade, different wings of all sizes were set up and held up in trays to be delivered to be made into something. Stacks of dragon skin and boxes of scales, the skin was in piles like fabric while the scales were like beads ready to be sewed on. Different dragon bodies that were just flesh at the moment shipping throughout the building, along with horns and spikes that were also being sent.
Y/n led them to his office, where he already had a pile of parchment he needed to get through. Setting down his bag, telling his servant to take it to his chambers. 
The Targaryen had a thousand questions running through his mind, but he just could not bring himself to ask them as if thinking they were inappropriate for the timing. Y/n beat him to it when speaking.
“You will work here, and stay with me. Unless, I ever choose to return back to Westeros then you can go back with me. Is that understood?” His tone was harsh like from years ago. 
Aemond nodded as he stood tall but his head was hung low. “Will I ever see my family again?” He finally got the courage to ask. 
“You will see them when we go back to Westeros, which I could only hope to find the time for as I have this work now that I have returned. Let us hope they will still be around when you go back, I can feel a storm brewing in Westeros. After you pull the stunt of kinslaying, well, it is not going to be pretty.” Y/n’s words came with a laugh from his throat.
A servant came into the room and bowed to their lord, waiting for orders as they have been called for moments prior. Y/n noticed this of course.
“Get him into work attire, train him, teach him to do every station of work.” Y/n gestured to Aemond. “Once he knows what he is doing, he is my assistant and right hand. Now go.” The former prince went with the masked servant to get to work, leaving the lord of the factory to himself as he sorted the parchment. 
“Welcome to my bloodline, Aemond. This is where the Targaryens think they got their power from.”
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hopelessromantic5 · 12 days
SydCarmy clip
Artist Carmy
Sydney is his long lost muse.
TBC at a later date 💀
Carmen is a chef, that much is apparent.
But before that, he was an artist.
The notebooks that he kept hidden from the prying eyes of his disastrous family had been his only solace through a…turbulent childhood.
He would sketch whatever caught his eye. A specific bird with a pretty song. A wildflower on the playground that was shining extra bright in the sun.
As he grew, so did his art. Wobbly formations transformed into confident lines and lifelike shading. What was once inanimate became alive.
He drew what he knew. Sugar, Mikey, booths at The Beef, and most importantly, food.
It seemed that food was center of his existence. His mother, his brother, and then eventually, he himself was sucked into the love of food.
Maybe it started because no matter how many awful things they’d said to each other, dinner in the Berzatto house was never missed. They all sat, sometimes (most times) uncomfortably quiet. But still, they were together. A mess, but a mess that belonged to each other.
Maybe it was the way flavors on his tongue seemed to revive Carmy from the dead on days he didn’t think he wanted to be alive; bright mornings after a dreadful night of his mother screaming at him that he was useless, that he could never do anything right. All while she sobbed and shattered her wine glass against the wall.
But something about a breakfast sandwich from the Beef, perfectly curated by his brother, made him forget his life for long enough that he could ride to school in peace, sketching the layers to the egg and glazed bacon, the different cheeses, the perfectly toasted bun.
There was one awful attempt to draw this girl, Claire.
Carmen noticed her when she began hanging out with Mikey, which was already kind of a red flag. But for some reason, the sketches kept ending up distorted and, quite frankly, disturbing to look at. Carmen wound up ripping the pages out and burning them.
Of course, his notebooks and shading pencils began to form dust after Carmy gave his life over to cooking. Becoming a chef was exhausting, and maintaining life as a chef, a Michelin star retaining chef, was soul destroying.
Maybe it was just Carmen’s luck. Maybe he attracted assholes and bullies, people that liked to spit insults down his neck as he stood there and took it. Vomiting it back up, hours later in the alley.
Eleven Madison Park was the worst and best experience of his life. He wouldn’t be as good as he was without it, but he also wouldn’t be as fucked up, as mentally torn apart.
He didn’t think it couldn’t get any worse.
That is, until he got the call.
He should’ve known. Things can always get worse.
Yet, the ultimate dichotomy of the best and worst time of Carmy’s life was yet to come.
As he stood in the back of his dead brother’s collapsing, grease infested, death trap, an angel came to him.
Appearing in the form of a beautiful woman. Skin dark and rich, glowing with a shine all its own. Big, curious brown eyes nervously taking him in, announcing herself.
“Hi, hello. I-I’m Sydney, I called about the sous position? I’m staging today? I think you said I could stage today-“
Carmen’s head was completely fucked. He forgot about the lovely voice on the other end of the phone, after a long day of sarcastic, apathetic dickwads.
“Right! Shit, sorry. Yes, yeah. Carmy.” He gestured to himself.
He took her resume, and was blown away. Not only was she beautiful, she was also capable. Stacked by the CIA and extremely respected restaurants of Chicago.
He thought for a second that he may have been dreaming. The gods had answered his silent prayer of a reprieve in the form of this human goddess who was trained the same way Carmen was trained; knows the ins and outs of a kitchen the way he does. A true partner, in that way.
Nearly a year went by. Arguments were had and healed, copious amounts of cash was found amongst tomato sauce cans, and The Bear finally got off the ground running…after a few minor snags.
Carmy had resigned that night, in the walk-in, to call Claire one more time and end the entire thing, on top of apologizing vehemently. Apologize for ruining yet another good thing, another good person and then let her go on about her perfectly healthy life.
Carmen was ashamed to admit to himself, that he barely even liked her. Nothing was natural, everything felt like a show he was putting on for someone else. Maybe for Mikey, maybe for himself, who knows.
One thing Carmen did know, for sure; it was not good for him. Or the restaurant. Or her. His partner.
She took the worst of it, and Carmen will never forgive himself for that. She did everything, kept his dream alive, while he fucked off and pretended to be something he wasn’t.
Somehow, gratefully and graciously, he’d earned his way back into Syndey’s trust over these last few months. Carmy put his full focus into The Bear, as it should’ve been from the beginning. And he never let her forget that he was there for her, that they were partners. Even when shit got too overwhelming, too much, they would always be there.
They stood by that.
Things were…better than they’d ever been.
The kitchen worked seamlessly, every once in a while there was a small mishap. But that’s what a good kitchen is; one that can run even when the unpredictable happens.
And for The Bear, regular unpredictable is a cake walk compared to their original amount of unpredictable.
He and Sydney moved through the kitchen like two halves of one mind. Wordlessly knowing what the other will need before they have the chance to ask, small gestures of reassurance when they need it. His hand on the small of her back in passing, I’m here, it says.
Her soft smile directed his way when he quietly corrected a new hire on their technique, instead of flying off the handle.
Carmen hadn’t raised his voice that way in a while. While he went to Al-Non and saw Dick (his therapist [that’s his actual name, don’t blame Carmen]), he could credit his better sleep schedule and improved outlook on life to one individual particularly.
The more he saw Sydney, the more she came into his space, the longer she stayed, the more Carmen calmed. For the first time in his life, he was still, tranquil, happy.
It, whatever it was, that special drug, that magic, seemed to just radiate off her skin in waves of pure ethereal light.
She stood in his modest kitchen, throwing her head back laughing at something stupid he said. And Carmen knew peace.
Maybe that’s why the shading pencils that had been shoved into a carboard box in the back of his closet finally made a reappearance.
He was at the market on a random Monday, their one and only day off, when he saw a display of sketchbooks, at the end of an aisle.
Instinct made him throw one in his basket. Black with a singular word embossed on the front in gold.
Carmen’s immediate thought was: that’s cheesy.
At home, sitting on the couch tapping his leg in impatience , he narrowed his eyes at the sketchbook in the center of his kitchen table. He thought maybe it wasn’t such a bad cover.
The word was like an alarm, a reminder that he could always be doing something, creating something new.
As afternoon turned to evening, Carm didn’t notice. He hadn’t looked up.
For the last four hours, he had been practically dead to the world.
All that existed was the image in his mind and the empty pages sitting before him.
The sound of his phone ringing startled him out of his daze. Realizing all of once that he was starving, and he had to pee, and his phone was still ringing.
Fuck, the phone!
He caught it before it went to voicemail.
“Yo!” He was out of breath, for no reason.
“Yo, you good?” Sydney chuckled, poking at him. “Am I still coming over to cook or are you like…training for the marathon?”
“I could run.” He huffed. “You don’t know.”
The smile that he refused to acknowledge was difficult to keep out of his voice, but he managed.
“Ha! I don’t think any Berzatto even knows the definition of the word ‘run’. Except maybe Pete, but he doesn’t count.”
That made a laugh bubble up out of him.
“He does run. Nat complains about his early morning jogs sometimes.”
“Of course he jogs!” She bellowed, cackling on the other end. “Nothing worse than a jogger.” Followed quickly by. “Don’t tell Nat or Pete I said that.”
Carmen sucked his teeth and tilted his head as if weighing his options, though she couldn’t see him.
“I don’t know…”
“Carmen!” He loved this. He loved her.
“I’m fucking with you, Syd. I won’t tell Nat you think her husband is awful because he jogs.”
“Good. Thank you.” She sighed. “Nat loves me more, anyway. She would take my side.”
“Over her husband?” He asked incredulously.
“No, jackass, over you.” She laughed.
“Ouch. A jackass that got his sister stolen by his CDC. Might as well just end it then. Here I was, taking the jeans out of the oven, just for you.”
“Well, now I’ve caught you in a lie. You forget, I see your oven as often as you do, and I haven’t seen a single sighting of denim.”
“I wait til you leave, obviously.”
“Just shut up and buzz me in, weirdo.” He can hear her smile through the phone knowing that he was the one to put it there warmed his blood.
He was floating on a cloud as he made his way to the front door. Leaving it ajar after buzzing her into the building.
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2-lines-and-a-circle · 10 months
Someone you can test time with.
Notes: Morning bliss, established relationship, time skip. Character x reader, Ace and Jack! Long read. Gender neutral reader.
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Ace Trappola ver.
“There it is… I missed seeing that face.”
In the early glow of morning light was a peaceful beauty as they slept soundly in the gold light. What joy was it to wake up to no one other than ______’s face knowing this was the new normal. Everything had been so calm that Ace nearly went back to sleep next to you. Although he quickly shook that feeling off, the blushing man then reluctantly left the bed. Heading towards the bathroom ever so careful, so as not to wake you up, Ace halted midway in his tracks. Rushing back to your side our card soldier softly placed a kiss to your temple as a good morning kiss. Without missing a beat, a soft pink flowed across his face till it faded into a bright red ocean.
For some strange reason it didn’t matter how many times Ace kissed you, he still felt giddy every time. Perhaps the reason he felt such a way had been due to his overflowing love for you. After all the man took pride in being your lover as it meant he was yours and you were his. Together the two of you would test time as the love between you would grow deeper and deeper.
Looking into the mirror Ace was embarrassed to see how the red tint lingered on his pale skin. Wondering to himself the redhead thought of ways to surprise you on a relaxing morning. This was a special day to him as the two of you failed to align your schedule, despite living together.
The first few ideas had been a bunch of tricks, such as pouring coffee into a teacup out of a flowerpot. Or maybe he could make a muffin explode with confetti to wake you up. No, none of those could work. If anything, he knew all of this would cause you to be grumpy for the rest of the day.
Walking out the bathroom Ace once again took a sneak peek into the bedroom. Still in the golden sunlight was a sleeping ______. As the cold wood floorboards hit his feet Ace reached over to the kitchen. Ace as incapable of anything fancy, instead he started working on a very classic breakfast. Two sunny side up eggs, toast (one with jam and one with butter), and finally a pile of pancakes topped with berries.
The smell of golden bliss wafted around the house as Ace prepared everything as best to his abilities. None of it was top class, but Ace knew how to follow a recipe to make it taste good. Presentation wise, well, he had gotten everything to look almost as if it came from a fancy cafe. Those presentation skills from working under Riddle had really paid off.
Just as Ace made his way to plate the food you sleepily entered the kitchen. With slightly blurry vision you happily smelled the delicious breakfast before you. Yet, before you made any comments you wrapped your arms around Ace. A small laugh fell from your lips as you chuckled from seeing Ace’s appearance. Along his torso all the way down to his thighs was your handmade apron. The apron was similar to one's maids wore, but it had pink and red ruffles. On the middle of the apron were five hedgehogs in the colors of red, pink, orange, blue, and green.
What luck did you have to see such a precious thing when you had just woken up. Turning around to face you, Ace tried to cover your eyes using his hand, though it was deemed unsuccessful. Taking a better look at Ace you saw his face turn almost the same shade as his hair. In an attempt to shut you up he told you to clean yourself up, saying your breath stank. Laughing away to the bathroom you wished you had taken this chance to capture a photo. Now, this memory would only last as long as you could recall it.
Jack Howl:
The glow of the orange sky filled the cracks of the bedroom as a broad back reached out in front of you. The light touched your eyes causing you to wake up from the peaceful night. Staring at Jack’s back made you feel a little lonely, it felt like he was out of reach to you. Which you knew was ridiculous as the two of you were mates, but you also knew the bond you shared was stronger than anything you felt before.
Extending your arms to Jack you hugged his back to feel his warm body press against yours. Feeling your hands wrapped around you Jack immediately turned to face you and without missing a beat he held you. Although he had still been half asleep you knew he sensed you. This time you pressed a kiss to his cheek, before closing your eyes once more.
Such a sweet moment ended all too soon as after sleeping for a good five minutes, Jack’s alarm went off. Jumping out of bed Jack swiftly turned off his alarm clock to start getting ready for the day. Meanwhile you woke up due to the sound of disturbed sleep, not that it was a huge problem for you. If anything, you had grown used to the sound of his alarm clock every morning.
Patting your head Jack whispered to you to sleep a little longer, which to his suggestion you did. Jack knew how hard you were working for the past few days and earnestly wanted you to sleep longer. After all, if you couldn’t rest well then you wouldn’t be able to work well. Feeling the glow of the early morning fade away you went back to dreamland.
Making his way to the bathroom Jack efficiently ran through his morning routine just as he did any other day. Then, he kissed you on the forehead before he left for a morning jog. Or so he originally planned, instead Jack wanted to do a little something extra for you. So, before you could wake up, he planned to get you your favorite flowers and breakfast. While Jack could have made everything from scratching, he was far too afraid to wake up from the noise.
Feeling the morning air brush along his skin Jack ran along the morning shops heading for your favorite cafe. Saying the list back to himself as he ran, he made sure he memorized the right order. As soon as he headed into the shop Jack smoothly ordered everything perfectly just as he had imagined. On his way out he even got some freshly baked bread loafs to restock at home.
Home, that’s right. The two of you were living together. Such a normal thing to his life, yet it made him incredibly happy. Jack’s tail even started to wave back and forth from his excitement. Shaking his head from side to side he cleared his mind as if to remind him of what’s next.
Hearing the ring of the bell the gleeful wolf made his way to the shop owner. There he was guided to his flower order. In Jack's hands were a bouquet full of flowers which reflected the early morning. Thanking the owner one last time Jack walked out of the shop envisioning your face as he presented everything to you. A face so full of smiles he couldn’t wait to go home to see.
Entering through the front door he was shocked to hear the sound of the bathroom. Quickly setting everything up Jack placed the bouquet in a vase with water and the food onto a clean plate for two. Without any hesitation he greeted you the moment you walked out of the bathroom door. Placing a kiss to your lips he eagerly showed you his surprise harvest. Smiling to yourself you couldn’t help but melt in Jack’s smile as he shyly displayed his love to you.
Really, you couldn’t have wished for a more beautiful partner than Jack. Turning to face him you held his face in your hands and placed a good morning kiss onto his lips. Then, as you left his face you felt his lips trace yours over and over again. The moment the two of you left each other’s lips you sat down to enjoy your morning surprise with Jack. It was truly a blissful morning where you two had been bound to each other.
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benwvatt · 2 months
wip wednesday!
it's thursday. whatever. i'm late to the party :)
tagged by the amazing @fullsunsets @thesleepyskipper and @nostradamus0
Enjoy a snippet of my upcoming Firstprince RBB fic! (Shhhhh if you've heard me languishing about my lack of writing motivation, no you didn't.) And also a kataang fic snippet below from 'friends have a baby' AU, which I am obsessed with.
tagging @chocomd @itsmoonpeaches @kaalee @priincebutt @elizabethmb
@crime-wives @beachy--head @tailsbeth-writes @binkitten @gordopickett
@likehercules and anyone else who may want to join in!
And there was something special about late-night conversations, Alex knew; June began spending fewer nights in the room down the hall and more at the Moontower, and she’d grown closer to Nora over dollops of strawberry cream cheese and sips from oversized lattes. There was something about that ‘you had to be there’-ness that Alex both enjoyed and went mad over. He was glad for her, he truly was. He just missed his sister. And, uh, a few months after the semester’d begun, June’s status as Alex’s last straight friend… ended. Alex didn’t know that many queer people. He supposed it was only natural that they’d stick together and they got along with him, with his geekiness, with his fury, with his propensity to hold protests at SeaWorld and lob rotten eggs at the doors of Greg Abbott’s house. And, besides, Alex just didn’t know many people, period. Not in a way that made them count as friends. When he met someone who got along with him well, it never turned out quite as well as Alex hoped. Unintentionally, frustratingly, he made connections, not friends, not people to lean on like Nora and like June.
aaaaaaand friends have a baby AU. I am obsessed with Kataang.
(For a bit of context, Katara is 30 here, Aang is 28, they are best friends turned friends-with-benefits turned friends again, and they've decided to have a baby even though they're not dating here.)
Aang cradles her in a hug and, after his nerves have hesitated across her skin and felt her reciprocate, he kisses her cheek. Then the space between her eyebrows, which makes her laugh because he smoothes broad thumbs over the thick hair there 一 “you’re so pretty,” Aang says, not for the first time, and she laughs. She already knows she is, but there’s no way he’s being serious. Where’s the goofy kid who played pranks by the minute, who thought of puns before she could even finish her sentences? How did they get here? Aang grins. “You are pretty. I like you.” “Okay,” Katara mutters, fixed on the movement of his lower lip (nope, nope, she’s absolutely not thinking about how good he is with his mouth, how she found out when they were younger and has been not-so-innocently wondering if, since then, he’s been wanting her too 一 no! That was harebrained, foolish.) She leans in.
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missvelvetsstuff · 1 year
Skin Deep
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky and the reader have been dating for a couple of months when he leaves for a long mission. While he's away the reader worries about him and the stress causes her psoriasis to flare up. By the time he comes home it's pretty bad and she's embarrassed to let him, or anyone, see her.
Notes: reader is female and above average height but I try to keep everything else vague.
She has Chronic Placque Psoriasis, which I was diagnosed with last year. My husband has been awesome but I hate this. Crusty, scaly, itchy "plaques" that are not responding well to treatment, thinning hair patches.
So I wrote my own comfort story. Lemme know what you think.
Warnings: swearing, angst with a happy ending
Y/N woke up early to go to the gym and keep up on the training Bucky insisted she start. Even though he had been gone on a mission for 2 months she had promised to stick with it. As she dressed in her tank top she noticed the red scaly patches on her neck and back. Upon further inspection it started on the crown of her head and was spreading. She had seen it starting a couple of days ago but ignored it, hoping it would calm itself but no such luck.
She shook her head and swore "Damnit, not this mess again. FRIDAY? Can you see if Helen Cho has any time to see me today?"
"Of course, Miss Y/N." After a moment she spoke again "Dr Cho can see you at 12:30. Is that alright for you?"
"Yea, FRIDAY. Thank you."
"Of course, Miss Y/N."
Y\N sighed in frustration at her condition, traded the tank top for long sleeves and her shorts for yoga pants, then put on a headband to cover her hairline. Satisfied that most of the plaques were out of sight she went to meet Nat.
When she opened the door to the gym she saw Natasha leaned up against a wall while Clint worked on the weights. When she saw Y/N enter she waved and started walking over to greet her.
Nat furrowed her brow before she spoke "What's with the long sleeves? I didn't bruise you up too much yesterday, did I?
Y/N chuckled "No, it wasn't you. The crunge is back."
Nat looked concerned "Oh no! Maybe the stress of missing your boy toy? Have you even heard from him?"
Y/N shook her head "No. They're on a total comms blackout. Nothing in or out but I'm sure we would have heard if something horrible happened." She smiled sadly "I just miss him. My bed is cold and I'm not sleeping well."
Nat put an arm around her shoulder "I know but he'll be back. How about a 3 martini lunch to distract you?"
Clint looked up "I'm down for a liquid lunch"
Y/N laughed "I have an appointment with Helen at 12:30 so it'll have to be a late lunch but sure as long as you order in. No one wants to see this mess." She pointed at herself.
Nat shook her head "I don't want to hear that talk. It's not like you have any control over it."
Y/N sighed "that doesn't matter. People see my skin and treat me like a leper. I'm not up for being a public service announcement for psoriasis."
"Alright kid. We'll meet in Tony's lounge at 2:00. That should give you plenty of time with Helen." Clint hugged her.
Nat pipes in "I'll tell Betty(Y/N's boss) I need you for the afternoon.'
After the gym, Y/N went to the common room kitchen to find something for breakfast. She settled on a couple of hard boiled eggs, a banana and some orange juice.
Then a long shower, not too hot so her skin isn't irritated, moisturizing her scalp and dressing in a pair of slacks and long sleeved blouse. It took a few minutes to style her hair to cover the rash to her satisfaction.
She went to work in the PR department on the other side of the compound. She was the only ops employee who had quarters near the Avengers, being friends with Tony and Nat was definitely helpful. Dating Bucky was her bonus for living next to the team.
Her boss, Betty, greeted her with a grim smile "Agent Romanoff has requested your help this afternoon so she will meet you in the Avengers common room after your lunch at 2." She looked Y/N up and down "It is convenient how the Avengers always need your help and never any other employees."
Betty was a control freak and didn't like how Y/N was assigned to her but always pulled away by the team. She wouldn't dare complain but it did rub her the wrong way.
Y/N smiled "We've built up a rapport since I'm over there all the time with Sargent Barnes."
Betty sneered "I cant imagine what anyone would see in-"
Y/N snapped "Don't tax yourself trying, some people can only see in one dimension so I'm sure it's beyond your abilities"
Betty scoffed "You might be their pet right now but they'll get bored, he'll get bored if he doesn't kill you first, and you'll be stuck with me"
"Yeah, sure Betty. Why don't you let me get some work done while I'm here." Y/N smiled and went to her office.
She spent 3 hours working on her paperwork and projects before her phone went off to remind her of her appointment. She cleaned up her desk and waved goodbye to Betty who shot her a dirty look.
Y/N went to the medical wing and saw Helen. This wasn't a new problem so Helen gave her a refill on her meds and a new moisturizing steroid cream with vitamin d. Y/N was grateful for Starks medical coverage since most insurance wouldn't cover such a new medicine.
After scheduling an appointment for 2 weeks to see how she was responding to the new meds Y/N went to her apartment to change into something more comfortable. She picked a long sleeve maxi dress and sandals.
When she arrived at Tony's lounge she saw Nat had already started drinking and Clint came in right after her with the food. They sat in the comfy leather chairs eating tacos and drinking margaritas until dinnertime when they decided to watch a movie. They were all half drunk and argued over what to watch but Y/N and Nat ganged up on Clint and they ended up watching Heathers.
Clint passed out before the movie ended so drunk Nat and Y/N made his face up and put ribbons all over his hair then left him there, giggling as they tip-toed away.
Y/N was a little unsteady so decided to go to her room and sleep it off. She tried to explain that to Nat but it came out sounding like gibberish in between her laughter. Nat decided to follow her to make sure she made it ok and they both ended up passed out in Y/N's room.
Over the next 2 weeks she took good care of her skin but the rash wouldn't back down. The meds kept it from growing but didn't help much beyond that.
It was Friday nite and Y/N was on the roof hitting a joint and tequila shots with Nat. "Where is Clint anyhow?"
Nat scoffed "Some shit about seeing his family. Lame."
After they finished the joint they each had a brownie and slowly made their way back to the residential floor.
Y/N passed out fully clothed but she did remember to take her shoes off.
"Miss Y/N?" She heard her name like it was coming from far away and grunted in reply. FRIDAY tried again "Miss Y/N?" She grumbled then shouted "What" instantly regretting it as her head pounded. "Sargeant Barnes tried to call but you were asleep. He left a message to let you know he will be home this evening"
Y/N sat up quickly to find Nat passed out next to her. "Oh my head!" She grumbled and shoved Nat. "Natasha! What did you do to me? My head is pounding"
Nat rolled off the bed onto the floor "I didn't do anything, you're the one who drank too much. You should know you can't keep up with me."
Nat stood up a little unstable but her eyes were clear and bright.
Y/N was thinking "FRIDAY? What did you just say?"
"Sargeant Barnes sent a message to let you know he will be home this evening."
Y/N looked at Nat "Tonite? But look at me? I can't let Bucky see me like this. He'll never want to touch me again." Her eyes teared up.
Nat put an arm around her "Come on, Barnes is crazy about you, he won't let this stupid rash stop him."
Y/N shook her head, then groaned "But, Nat, I haven't had a flare up since before we started dating. I haven't told him about it yet." She got up slowly and went to look in her bathroom mirror and squealed "No, no, no! It's worse than yesterday. All over my head and down my back." She sat down and looked closer "And look Nat, a bald spot. No two. I can't even cover them up, make up just makes it worse."
Y/N spent the whole day stressing even more than she had been, scared that Bucky would be disgusted by her condition. The itch was making her crazy and nothing was helping, all her usual tricks only seemed to exacerbate the problem.
Her phone rang and she saw it was Bucky "Hey Buck" she answered "You almost here? FRIDAY said tonite but it's not even lunch time."
Bucky chuckled and she felt her insides flutter. "Not yet, doll but I couldn't wait to hear your voice. Feels like forever. I can't wait to see you, hold you. We should land around 4"
She smiled, excited to see him too "Any injuries I should know about?"
"Not me this time, Sam is a little beat up but nothing serious"
"I'll make something for dinner. Any requests?"
Bucky growled lowly "What I want has nothing to do with food doll. I can't wait to show you how bad I've missed you."
Her stomach dropped "Oh well I missed you too. You should probably get a good meal and some rest before, you know, anything else."
Bucky sounded concerned "Is everything alright Doll? You sound stressed. Are you ok?"
She forced a small laugh "Of course, baby. I'm just excited to see you."
"Well, make sure you take a nap after lunch. You're gonna need your strength. Good thing tomorrow is Sunday so we can sleep late.
I'll see you soon, beautiful"
"Bye Bucky"
Y/N spent the day doing chores and trying not to worry too much about Bucky coming home. Even took a nap after lunch, she needed it more than he could know. When she woke up her head was clearer so she showered and then went to make dinner for the team. She picked spaghetti since it was easy to make for a large group. She left the sauce to simmer and had noodles and garlic bread ready to go when they landed.
She went to the hangar to meet the team after changing into a long sleeved shirt and long skirt with a headband covering the rash that had gone past her hairline.
She stood humming and bouncing with excitement and nerves. A little yelp slipped out when she first saw him. He looked tired and dirty but broke out in a huge grin as soon as he saw her.
Y/N ran and threw herself into his arms, he squeezed her tight and buried his head in her hair, breathing her in. "Damn I missed you doll. Felt like forever."
She pulled back so she could kiss him "Same sarge, this dump ain't the same without you"
Bucky smiled while Tony was offended "Dump? You got a lot of nerve there Y/L/N" and strode away grumbling.
Bucky set her down "Come on doll, let me go get a shower"
She kissed him again "Ok, I'll get dinner finished and meet you in the kitchen."
The entire team minus Clint sat at the table as Y/N brought all the food out. She looked at everyone "I hope I made enough pasta"
Bucky smiled "It smells delicious, doll."
She smiled back at him, his smile still gave her butterflies, she couldn't understand how someone like him was into her. She felt like he's way out of her league. Especially with her skin acting up.
After dinner she offered everyone brownies, special or plain. Bucky grabbed her, threw her over his shoulder and grabbed a couple of brownies "Night all, I need some alone time with my girl."
When they got to his room he tossed her onto the bed and climbed on top of her "Do you have any idea how badly I missed you Y/N? Sam was getting tired of me talking in my sleep."
He gently grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her in to kiss him. She tensed when his hand rubbed her neck and he pulled back, noting that the normally soft skin felt dry and crusty "Is everything ok baby? Am I hurting you?" He rubbed her neck gently.
Y/N felt her skin heat up "No Buck, you didn't hurt me. It's just this skin thing that I get. I know it's nasty, I understand if you dont want to touch me." She looked away.
Bucky sighed and gently turned her face to him. She could see the sadness and sincerity in his stormy blue eyes. "Y/N, I always want to touch you but not if it hurts. I never want to hurt you." He kissed her softly "Why didn't you tell me?"
She shrugged "It's gross and embarrassing. People look at me like I have the plague. I haven't had a flare in over a year but stress can bring it on."
Bucky kissed her again and pulled her close "What are you stressed about? Has Betty been on your case again? I can talk to Tony about her if you want."
She giggled "No, that's not it even though she really is awful. Besides, Tony likes me better than you so I could talk to him myself if it was that bad."
"Then what doll?"
Y/N squeezed him and let herself drown in his presence. "I just missed you and was worried. Everything feels so empty without you here."
Bucky kissed her forehead "I know what you mean doll, Sam just isn't as good company as you are."
He held her for a few minutes before a thought crossed his mind. He kissed her on the lips then pulled back to look her in the eyes. "You know what I've heard is a great stress reliever?"
She shook her head "No, what?"
Buckys eyes darkened and he smirked "Orgasms"
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