#cranky newt
Isn’t that what he wanted? Part two
part one | part two | part three
Tags: @the-flaminhos @zer0brainc3lls
Trigger warning: Mentions of suicide, Violence, character death, sad, a bit gory, guns are mentioned.
(I have quoted parts from the death cure)
The Flare, medical name Virus VC321xb47 was a man-made disease created by the Post-Flares Coalition after the Sun Flares. The idea was to decrease the population to a point where the remaining food supplies would be steady by systematically infecting people with the virus.
However the plan had its flaws. The disease was easily able to mutate and spread, causing a pandemic, and a desperate need for a cure, or some sort of treatment to handle it because otherwise, fatalities would outnumber those born, and humanity would risk extinction.
The last city, 23:19PM, Thomas and Newt had just found and rescued Minho from the WICKED facility. And now they could be safe and happy, just the three of them reunited and Bubbles together with no WICKED to worry or run from again, right?
If only it was that easy and simple. But life’s not fair, easy or simple, they’d learnt that the hard way.
They ran together, trying to reach the tunnels to join everyone as they went to evacuate the progressively breaking city.
Newt, however, fell behind. He couldn’t keep up, his body slowly deteriorated as the virus moved up further. Blackened, dying veins made their way up to his porcelain skin, making his features look like cracking pottery. He coughed and moved against a wall, struggling.
The others were long gone, but Thomas stayed put. He was struggling to walk or support his frame, the black liquid spilling his mouth “Tommy.. please.. I..”
It seemed like a light switch, flicked on every time the flare took a hold of Newt, he’d become aggressive and seem more like a monster. Thomas tried to grab him to carry him to the others but he pushed him away, grabbing the gun from him, more of that vile liquid spilling, he pointed it at the boy he did love so so dearly. Then the switch flicked off and he noticed what he was doing, instantly turning the barrel to face himself. He hated this creature inside him.
The brunette pushed him down, taking the gun off him so he couldn’t hurt himself. Newt frantically took his capsule necklace off, almost snapping it “Take it..” he said breathlessly, barely audible. Thomas was trying to calm him but his attempts were futile.
That switch was flicked on once more.
“TAKE IT!” He yelled at Thomas desperately, snatching his hand to give him it. He tried to find Thomas’ eyes for some clarification he was real. The switch turned off “Tommy.. please do it..” the eyes Thomas found utter comfort in we’re now pleading him to pull the trigger.
Thomas refused.
“Kill me Tommy, if you’ve ever loved me, kill me, please.” The blonde begged, the pleas became more intense “KILL ME! Please! Put me out my misery before I become like them! I don’t wanna become one..” he sobbed, he was quite literally begging for death. For that sick, twisted peace he’d sought for many years before on the maze walls. The pain he felt currently, brought back those all too familiar feelings of loneliness and despair.
Thomas refused once more.
“Do it! Kill me or I kill you!”
“Do it before I become one of them!”
“KILL ME!” And then newt’s eyes cleared, filled with a familiarity, a last gasp of sanity and the aggression stopped, voice soft “please Tommy please.”
And then with his heart falling into the black abyss, Thomas pulled the trigger.
He felt guilty the second he heard the gunshot. He couldn’t even find the tears to cry, he’d just killed the one he loved, Newt, the one he did all this for, he’d just killed him.
The last city, 23:57PM, Thomas and Minho sat over the cold, cold corpse of their beloved friend. Minho closed Newt’s eyes to make it more peaceful for him, like he was sleeping.
There was movement in Newt’s satchel, a small fluffy cat crawled out, walking to her owner in confusion. The poor thing didn’t understand what had happened to her friend. She pawed at Thomas. After noticing that he was crying, she realised.
Her owner was dead.
right so the bubbles mention at the end, I feel so bad for doing that I’d like to formally apologise to specifically @the-flaminhos and @zer0brainc3lls I will get some fluffy Bubbles content for you seen.
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madieflaw · 1 month
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
Fucking Hell, I mention W🤮y🤮l🤮e🤮r once in the Yoko post and all of a sudden I'm getting that 💩 all over my feed, so I guess it's time for another Fuck that Monster.
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ETA: Even the "romantic candles" during the date weren't Tyler's. They were Laurel's, and she moved them to where they needed to be for the Zombie Crackstone Ritual ambiance.
Every...single...thing...he did, he did for Laurel. Hell, even the ill-fated Legally Blonde date was forced at the point that it was because Tyler now knew for certain that Wednesday had Faulkner's Diary--something that Laurel was looking to get her hands on in Episode 3--so he had to have reason to separate her from it to give Laurel enough time to go get it a la Ginny fucking Weasley trashing Harry's room in Chamber of Secrets. (I need to make a Fuck those Writers series, especially since Faulkner's Diary is nothing more than Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them....)
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"Hermione, the diary isn't the only thing that was stolen from me..."
I just want gen Wednesday gifsets and posts, but that can't even happen here because if I do any type of search in the tags, I get drowned in /Tyler and /Sinclair stuff. But there are better things for me to whine about, so...
I get it, there is a desperate need to pair Wednesday with the 'obvious' (either the barista or the roommate), but I s2g, none of that makes a concerted effort to understand an adolescent whose mind really is, in some ways, more emotionally mature for her age. And fuck the writers for making her flip at the end of Ep 7 towards this guy who she worked so hard to say NO to throughout the previous six episodes.
As for Tyler's 'feelings' he may have developed, it's the inversion of Stockholm Syndrome called Lima Syndrome.
All of which vanished the minute he called her a cockroach and tried to kill her in the Dark Forest forest around Nevermore.
Fuck that monster. 💩✨
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newtstesco · 11 months
Do you think that SMG34 has become a gag just like Plabs from SpongeBob?
you know what i can’t even tell if they’re queerbaiting at this point or making fun of it bc at this point every week i’m expecting a whole episode revolving around smg4 and smg3 or mario taking part in a trend, and it’s kinda wearing me down. commit to smg34 and make it cannon so we can move onto other characters, it’s not really a gag, it’s more like they have a genuine connection and glitch productions just keeps messing with fans by showing them holding hands and trapped in an elevator, it was definitely a gag when snowtrapped was released but at this point it’s not funny, just my opinion, but it’s getting a little grating only focusing on a few characters when you have a whole world built out to experience, like bloopersville, or kevin’s school, or literally anything besides just smg34
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jedi-kat-18 · 1 year
what would happen if newt got the ankle monitor off?
He'd bolt out the door as fast as possible, high on the thrill of victory, visions of apocalyptic destruction dancing through his head, then run right into Hermann coming back from the grocery store. When they both fall on their butts, Hermann quickly notices that the ankle monitor is missing. Then he has to wrangle it back on to Newt, which is kind of like trying to put a collar on a very angry cat, if that cat was the size of a full grown man and was yelling about how much he hates you.
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indig0trolls · 1 year
Lays down in the dirt
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normal-newt · 7 months
Blog post forecast : Cranky migraine posting
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m30wk1ttycat · 3 months
newt, newt x reader headcanons!!
newt, who is a sucker for any type of pet name, or just a nickname. sweet boy, darling, love, newtie - whatever it is, he's melting the second it comes out of your mouth.
he feels like his heart skips a beat whenever you kiss his forehead or just dote on him. blushy boy newt!! he's so adorable when he blushes. denying whatever you're saying, he's looking the other way when you point it out just to tease him. but he knows - and you do, too - that he's so obviously red like a strawberry.
you're never getting rid of him if you offer to cuddle. he's especially clingy in the morning, right after he wakes up - or, in some cases, when he stays up all night, and is grumpy because he couldn't rest, which somehow makes him even clingier.
newt would have a horrible sleep schedule, with all the work, as the second-in-command. like mentioned before, he's cranky when he doesn't get enough sleep.
newt loves it when you play with his hair. it's just something about how gentle you're being, it's making him feel so safe, so cared for.
he gets so embarrassed when his voice cracks. it's adorable, hearing the oh so cool and strong second-in-command's scratchy voice in the mornings or when he'd get sick, but he personally hates it.
daisies are his favourite flower, either to keep or give.
newt, since he's a track-hoe, always makes sure to bring you something from the gardens - flowers, fruit, veggies, anything he can plant and give to you. newt x runner!reader headcanons
newt would hate that you're a runner. he, as a former runner, despises alby for making you a runner. he hates it, he really does, even though he knows you're capable of running in the maze for hours, without getting hurt, he still can't help but worry. he'd watch the maze from afar, waiting for you to come back with the other runners. he doesn't believe in god or isn't religious in any way, but he's still praying for you to make it out safely.
he'd hug you tightly, and make sure you're okay after your run. if you got hurt, he'd help you to the med-jack's hut, and then take care of you. newt x med-jack!reader headcanons
newt would find a way to visit you, even if he was supposed to be working in the gardens.
either offering to walk a track-hoe that got hurt, or him being the one that was hurt, specifically asking for you to tend to him. not that he didn't trust the other two med-jacks, but he prefered you to take care of his injuries, so he could talk to you.
when you'd hear jeff or clint tell you that newt was here, you'd always get worried. why? because you still haven't forgotten the 'accident' in the maze when he broke his leg. you were the one who patched him up, after all. mind racing, you secretly hoped he didn't attempt again, because then you wouldn't know how to react. would you forgive yourself? would you not? (i'm so sorry!!)
thankfully - sort of -, newt was only feeling unwell, or just had a minor injury that would heal in a week or two.
he'd praise about how you're so smart when you wouldn't hesitate to answer a medical question. newt would then ask you about your day as you tend to him, watching you or your work.
this is short, i know - i'll add more stuff, i swear!!
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flock-talk · 1 year
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Mr newt is a bit cranky today and really not wanting Toto and Toto has been an excellent man trying to diffuse tension and give Newt ample space
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See. Even though newt is canonically is taller than Thomas.
It’s been scientifically proven that he’s actually very smoll. look at him. very tiny. wouldn’t hurt a fly unless he’s cranky.
I don’t make the rules.
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misty-moth · 3 months
Rereading Newt’s route after a year is affecting meee
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He’s so cute and precious and he’s a cranky old man with a heart of gold and and
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fili-is-gone · 1 year
Hiya Sophia, Laura, Filis, Smalleymcsmall - here's the little list of precious Thominho <333 fanfics u may adore :
1) https://archiveofourown.org/works/3181172
2) https://archiveofourown.org/works/5052859
3) https://archiveofourown.org/works/1394452
4) https://archiveofourown.org/works/1479352
5) https://archiveofourown.org/works/2360903
6) https://archiveofourown.org/works/2333870
7) https://archiveofourown.org/works/5169533
8) https://archiveofourown.org/works/5199281
9) https://archiveofourown.org/works/3529196
10) https://archiveofourown.org/works/15793449
+ one of my all time favourite, stupid cranky newt can only watch Tommy & Minho having fun 2gether hahaha 11) https://www.tumblr.com/dylanhoechlin/60565655711/a-surprise-for-newt
Hope u enjoy them all, lmk if you wanna next part <333, btw how are ur Thominho ffs <333? Our OTP <333 is amazing, right??? & million times better than estupido crankmas newtmas... Xoxo.
1. it's fili. just fili.
2. I am not and will never be interested in anything thominho.
3. those anons are not helping your case in getting more thominho content. if anything you're driving people away with your behaviour!
4. I'm really concerned about the amount of time you spent on sending me those anons, commenting on newtmas fics on ao3 and spreading hate on the internet.
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nomoreusername · 1 year
Newt's amazing most of the time but sometimes he's a bit...
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jedi-kat-18 · 1 year
OH ALSO DOMESTICATION, something like, hurt comforty between hermann and newt? newt in pain/frustrated and hermann helping his feral roommate. Prompt, but if it doesn't fit, you don't have to use it: for the last time, i don't want your help!
"For the last time, I don't want your help!" Newt snapped. He swatted Hermann's hand away, his body shaking, eyes wide. "Newton." Hermann said softly. "I was only trying to--" "Well stop trying!" Newt snarled. "It's not gonna work!" There were tears in his eyes. "Why are you even doing this!?" "I already told you, I want to help you get better!" Hermann said. "Why is that so hard for you to believe!?" "Because you hated me!" For a moment, neither of them said anything. They just stood there. Hermann didn't know to respond. Newt was shaking, his fists clenched, tears streaming down his face. "I mean him." Newt's voice was faint, and hoarse. Like he was forcing the words out of his mouth. "You hated him." Hermann said nothing. He simply rested a hand on Newt's shoulder, and slowly, gently, pulled him into a hug. Newt broke down sobbing, and somehow, his hands ended up clinging to Hermann's shoulders. They didn't let go for a long time.
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solfish23 · 2 years
Some post precursor Newmann head canon rambles while I’m sick. Warning? For grotesque explanations of emotional feelings.
I’ve been thinking really hard about how Newt would feel after being brought back from that hive mind hell, how Hermann insisted he was worth saving and how he got him to this point.
Feeling like Hermann cracked his sternum open to pull him out of endless kaiju blue. Pulling his inked and failing heart out to breathe new life into it just to pull him to his feet and push it back in.
Newt was already hopelessly in love with the cranky sweater vest-loving scientist, but to have him come to his aid again and go through all that heartache and stress just to yank him to his feet. He was doomed. His heart is no longer his own; it belongs to Hermann, whose fingers are now permanently stained with Newt's blood mixed with backsplashes of that dreaded kaiju blue.
Hermann would say something like, “I would stain my hands for you over and over if it meant having you with me forever.”
Art will accompany this soon.
*now play Mitskis your best American girl*
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Everyone was saved in tdc ending except cranky newt but nobody cares abt him, so ur right <333...
Damn gurl, Newt ain't my favorite too but that ain't the right way to go about it.
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