#libra fortuna
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astrojadex · 5 days ago
Can you make a mood board for the chart below?
Scorpio Sun
Virgo Moon
Virgo Rising
Scorpio Venus
Libra Mercury
Pisces Mars
Midheaven Gemini
Black Moon Lilith Taurus
Virgo Jupiter
Aphrodite asteroid Ares
Bacchus Asteroid Libra
Lust Asteroid Capricorn
Fama Asteroid Leo
Fortuna Asteroid Libra
Sirene Asteroid in Sagittarius
Kleopatra Asteroid in Aquarius
Hey, I did two mood boards for your placements as there was so many and I wanted it to be meaningful. I separated them into a main placements mood board and an asteroid placements mood board.
I hope you like it! 🤍
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Scorpio Sun ☉ Virgo Moon ☾ Virgo Rising ↑ Scorpio Venus ♀️ Libra Mercury ☿ Pisces Mars ♂️ Virgo Jupiter ♃ Gemini Midheaven 𝓂𝓬
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Taurus Black Moon Lilith ⚸ Aries Aphrodite ♀️Libra Bacchus ℬ
Capricorn Lust ❦︎ Leo Fama ✰ Libra Fortuna ☘︎ Sagittarius Siren 𓇼
Aquarius Cleopatra 𓋹
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lunaapudleonem · 9 months ago
If you like my replies please consider donating 1$ to my buy me a coffee account on this link!! It would mean a lot and it shows that my work is appreciated <3
& anyone who is interested in a natal chart/synastry reading can dm me !!
Placements that indicate an acting talent/love for acting 🎭
5th house stellium
Neptune in the 5th house
Leo placements (especially Moon & rising)
Sun in the 5th house
Moon in the 5th house
The ruler of the 5th house positively aspected
Fortuna in the 5th house
Jupiter in the 5th house
ASC positively aspected (also Venus/Jupiter/Moon in the 1st house)
Moon trine/sextile ASC
Leo/Libra rising
Mercury conjunct/trine/sextile Neptune
Asteroid Dionysus in the 1st/5th house
Cancer Sun/Moon/rising
Leo/Gemini MC
10th house stellium
Sun in the 10th house
Venus in the 10th house
Neptune in the 10th house
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kjnger · 2 months ago
Royal Positions in Astrology
& Common Traits Found in Royal Family Members
& Moon in Libra, Taurus, or Leo.
& Moon in the 10th house or Sun in the 10th house.
& Square or opposition between the Sun and Saturn, symbolizing authority.
& Prominent Pluto (power struggles).
& Saturn may be in a significant position.
& Ascendant in Leo, Capricorn, or Libra.
& Sun at 0 degrees or 29 degrees.
& Sun and Saturn are noticeable in angular houses.
& Interestingly, Jupiter might also be in angular houses, indicating prosperity.
& Saturn in the 12th house signifies repressed emotions and the pressures of authority.
& Positions in the 5th, 11th, 10th, and 7th houses stand out.
& The 7th house is frequently seen in those who join the royal family through marriage or gain prominence after marriage.
& Interestingly, Scorpio's influence is also observed in charts.
& When it comes to asteroids:
GOLD #4955
KING #2305
KONIG #3815
MIDAS #1981
PRINZ #4595
QUEEN #5457
SILVER #5325
TYCHE #258
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northopalshore · 5 months ago
hii! love that last post from you <3 you're alw so great and detailed! i was just wondering what are the signs of a really rich spouse... mostly wondering because based off reading your posts i've gotten the impression mine might be? (i have sun,venus and groom in 2nd house in gpc)
Rich Spouse Indicators
in the Natal birth chart, Juno & Groom Persona Chart
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Listed most to least likely. Also how wealthy they are accordingly.
꩜ Jupiter in the 8th House (juno, natal)
꩜ Jupiter in the 2nd House (juno, gpc)
꩜ Libra 8th house (natal)
꩜ Venus in the 8th house (natal)
꩜ 8th house ruler in 7th house (natal, juno)
꩜ 8th house ruler conjunct jupiter
꩜ 7th house ruler in the 8th house (natal, juno)
꩜ Part of fortune in 2nd (gpc)
꩜ Part of fortune in the 8th (natal)
꩜ Fortuna (19) in 2nd house (juno, gpc)
꩜ Fortuna (19) in 8th house (natal)
꩜ venus in the 2nd house (juno, gpc)
꩜ libra/taurus 2nd house (juno, gpc)
꩜ 8th house ruler in 2nd house (natal)
꩜ 8th house ruler in 4th house (natal) This means they could be born well off.
꩜ 8th house ruler in libra
꩜ Jupiter in Libra in general
ฅ Princess Diana has her 8th house ruler & part of fortune in the 7th house. Her sun trines Neptune retrograde in the 10th house in Scorpio. She married into royalty, a family with a long history & that is prestigeous or closed to the public. She has a public marriage but you can see how restrictive it was. (Natal placidus chart, leo over the 8th house)
ฅ Michael Jackson has Jupiter in his 8th house. His first marriage was with Lisa Marie Presley (Elvis Presley's daughter).
ฅ Debbie Rowe, Michael Jackson's 2nd wife also has Jupiter in the 8th and well.. she married Michael Jackson.
Off topic but I have very similar placements to her lmaoo no wonder Michael Jackson has always been my celebrity crush/my type. Jupiter in the 8th, same sun, rising, mercury & venus. Our moons are opposite (hers in Libra, mine is Aries)
I can't marry MJ though TT. Rest in peace, love. We'll take it from here.
ฅ Meghan Markle's 8th house ruler is in the 3rd house but it's in libra. Her Jupiter is also in libra & it conjuncts Saturn (her 8th house ruler). She married into the British royal family.
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To answer your question:
Sun & Venus (as well as Mars) in the 2nd house (GPC) to me, means that your future spouse is someone with taste. I'm not sure if I can definitively say he is wealthy (specifically HOW wealthy lmao) but it would only make sense for someone with their drive & aesthetics so heavily focused to be at least well off yes?
Being in the 2nd house, it's likely he'll be spending a lot of his time into earning money and his appearance or even belongings. Always making sure he looks his best.
Groom here means he'll be even more so after marriage. Perhaps he'll be the one to fixate on the aesthetics of your home.
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Hope this helps 🫶🏻
Thanks for reading!
@northopalshore 2024 all rights reserved.
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year ago
October 2023 witch guide
Full moon: October 28th
New moon: October 14th
Sabbats: Samhain
October Hunter's Moon
Known as: Blood moon, drying rice moon, falling leaf moon, freezing moon, migrating moon, moon of the changing seasons, shedding moon, ten colds moon, winterfelleth & windermanoth
Element: Air
Zodiac: Libra & Scorpio
Nature spirits: Frost faeries & Plant faeries
Deities: Apollo, Astarte, Belili, Cernunnos, Demeter, Hathor, Herne, Horned God, Ishtar, Kore, Lakshmi & Mercury
Animals: Elephant, jackal, ram, scorpion & stag
Birds: Crow, heron & robin
Trees: Acacia, apple, cypress & yew
Herbs/Plants: Angelica, apple blossom, burdock, catnip, pennyroyal, sweet Annie, thyme & Uva ursi
Flowers: Calendula, cosmos & marigold
Scents: Apple blossom, cherry & strawberry
Stones: Amethyst, beryl, obsidian, opal, tourmaline & turquoise
Colors: Black, dark blue, Dark greens & purples
Energy: Artistic works, balance, creativity, harmony, inner cleansing, justice, karma, legal matters, mental stimulation, partnerships, reincarnation & uncovering mysteries or secrets
It is believed that this name originates from the fact that it was a signal for hunters to prepare for the upcoming cold winter by going hunting. This is because animals were beginning to fatten up in preparation for the winter season. Moreover, since fields had recently been cleared out under the Harvest Moon, hunters could easily spot deer and other animals that had come out to search for remaining scraps. Additionally, foxes and wolves would also come out to prey on these animals.
The earliest use of the term “Hunter’s Moon,” cited in the Oxford English Dictionary, is from 1710. Some sources suggest that other names for the Hunter’s Moon are the Sanguine or Blood Moon, either associated with the blood from hunting or the color of the changing autumn leaves. 
Also known as: All Hallow's Eve,  Ancestor Night, Feast of Apples, Feast of Sam-fuim, Feast of Souls, Feast of the Dead, Geimhreadh, Hallowmass, Martinmass, Old Hallowmas, Pagan New Year, Samana, Samhuinn, Samonios, Shadowfest & Third Harvest
Season: Fall
Symbols: Apples, bats, besom(brooms), black cats, cauldrons, ghosts, gourds, jack-o-lanterns, pumpkins, scarecrows & witches
Colors: Black, gold, orange, silver & white
Oils/incense: Basil, cloves, copal, frankincense, gum mastic, heather, heliotrope, mint, myrrh & nutmeg
Animals: Bat, boar, cat cattle & dogs
Stones: Amber, anatase, black calcite, black obsidian, black tourmaline, brass, carnelian, clear quartz diamond, garnet, gold, granite, hematite, iron, jet, marble, pearl, pyrite, ruby, sandstone, sardonyx, smokey quartz, steel & tektite
Foods: Apples, ale, beef, cider, corm, fruits, garlic, gourds, grains, hazelnuts, herbal teas, mushroom, nettle, nuts, pears, pomegranates, pork, poultry, pumpkin pie, sunflower seeds, thistle, turnips & wine (mulled)
Herbs/plants: Acorn, Allspice, catnip, corn, dittany of Crete, hazel, mandrake, mugwort, mullien, oak leaves, pine, rosemary, sage, straw, tarragon, thistle, wormwood & yellow cedar
Flowers: Calendula, chrysanthemum, deadly nightshade, rue & fumitory
Goddesses: Al-lat, Baba Yaga, Badb, Banba, Bast, Bebhionn, Bronach, Brunhilde, Cailleach, Carlin, Cassandra, Cerridwen, Copper Woman, Crobh Dearg, Devanyani, Dolya, Edda, Elli, Eris, Erishkigal, Fortuna, Frau Holde, Hecate, Hel, Ishtar, Kali, Macha Mania, Morrigan, Nemesis, Nephthys, Nicneven & Rhiannon
Gods: Arawan, Baron Samede, Belenus, Coyote, Cronus, Dagda, Dis, Hades, Loki, Nefertum, Odin, Osiris, Pluto, Woden & Xocatl
Issues Intentions & Powers: Crossroads, darkness, death, divination, honoring ancestors, introspection, the otherworld/underworld, release, visions & wisdom (of the crone)
Spellwork: Divination, fire magick, night magick, shape-shifting, spirit calling & water magick
Related festivals:
• Day of the Dead- (Spanish: Día de Muertos or Día de los Muertos) is a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, though other days, such as October 31 or November 6, may be included depending on the locality. It is widely observed in Mexico, where it largely developed & is also observed in other places, especially by people of Mexican heritage. Although related to the simultaneous Christian remembrances for Hallowtide, it has a much less solemn tone and is portrayed as a holiday of joyful celebration rather than mourning. The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. These celebrations can take a humorous tone, as celebrants remember funny events and anecdotes about the departed.
• All Saints Day- is a Christian solemnity celebrated in honor of all the saints & martyrs of the Church, whether they are known or unknown
• Dedicate an altar to loved ones who have passed
• Boil a simmer pot to cleanse your space
• Have a silent dinner
• Light a candle for your loved ones & yourself
• Decorate your house and/or altar
• Release negative energy & cleanse your with a ritual bath
• Pull tarot cards to see what may be in store for you ahead
• Cleanse, clean & de-clutter your space
• Leave offerings to the Fae
• Journal & reflect on your accomplishments, challenges & everything you did this year
•Go on a nature walk
• Learn a new form of divination
• Have a bonfire with your friends and/or family
• Carve pumpkins
• Express yourself creatively through art, music, ect
• Visit a cemetery & help clean off areas that need it or to visit a family member/ ancestor & leave an offering
• Hold a seance
• Bake spooky treats & bread as offerings
• Refresh your protection magicks, sigils & rituals
Samhain is a Gaelic festival on 1 November marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or "darker half" of the year. Celebrations begin on the evening of 31 October, since the Celtic day began and ended at sunset.
This fire festival is celebrated on October 31st & is considered the Pagan New Year. It is the first Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year, a cross-quarter festival & the third (final) harvest festival of the mundane year. This is the time when the veil between the worlds of the living & those who have passed is the thinnest, which allows greater communication between the two
Some believe this is the time of the Goddess's mourning of the death of the God until his rebirth at Yule. The Goddess's sadness can be seen in the shortening, darkening days & the arrival of cold weather
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's 2023 magical almanac: practical magic for everyday living
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
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lunarlianna · 2 years ago
Part of Fortune
The Part of Fortune is an Arabic point in astrology, calculated using the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant positions. In order to see where it’s yours, I’ll say check on astro.com or astro-seek.com. On astro.com you’ll need to go on extended chart selection->additional objects-> select Pars of Fortunae and on Astro-seek.com it’ll calculate automatically once you enter your birth details. It's your personal beacon of joy and success, often related to matters like money and material well-being. This special point gains even more significance when it aligns with friendly planets like Venus and Jupiter. Your Part of Fortune sign represents qualities you should embrace for achieving your goals, and its opposite sign should be avoided for long-term success. Embodying these qualities is crucial for success, as it's a logical and unemotional indicator of prosperity and guides you toward material success and happiness in the later stages of life. Developing these traits consciously can enhance your fortune.
POF in Aries: with the Part of Fortune in Aries, your inner fire is your key to success. Embrace challenges head-on, even if you have to go it alone at times. Trust your intuition and be spontaneous in pursuing your goals. Don't let others sway you; follow your instincts. Take bold action and don't fear failure. This placement encourages you to be self-assertive, confident, and creative, finding happiness in your independent spirit. However, be cautious of letting the opinions of others block your intuition, especially with the opposite sign Libra, which might lead you astray from your true path. Your success comes when you act decisively and prioritize independence.
POF in Taurus: with the Part of Fortune in Taurus, success comes through steady, patient work. Embrace a logical, fact-based approach to tasks, even when emotions run high. When you face setbacks, regroup and persist. Stick to what you know and avoid unnecessary risks. You thrive in a calm, predictable environment, but remember that change is inevitable, so stay adaptable and trust your sense of timing. Your inner peace is a source of strength. The opposing sign, Scorpio, teaches you the importance of embracing change without fear, understanding that transformation is a natural part of life.
POF in Gemine: with the Part of Fortune in Gemini, flexibility is your path to success. Embrace change and diversity, engage with different people, and explore various perspectives. Adaptation is your key to achievement, and success often comes through a series of progressive steps. Networking plays a significant role in your journey, as you find joy and success through communication and connections. Opposite in Sagittarius, you can connect diverse ideas and people. Avoid personal judgments, embrace relative perspectives, and cultivate an open, impersonal view to foster growth and harmonious connections.
POF in Cancer: trust your gut feelings to discern what's right and avoid wasted efforts. While hard work is crucial, combining it with intuition is essential. Nurturing is your path to happiness. Your warmth and maternal instincts shine through, and you find security in building on a solid emotional foundation. Success comes from embracing the beginnings of things, whether it's a project, idea, or relationship. Avoid rushing the process; instead, nurture growth naturally. The opposing sign, Capricorn, teaches you the value of patience and flexibility in achieving your goals, reminding you that the journey is as important as the destination.
POF in Leo: your success blossoms through generosity and optimism. Lead by example rather than preaching, and infuse creativity into everything you do. Connect emotionally to your pursuits, and give without expecting anything in return. Your path to achievement lies in pouring your heart into your endeavors and inspiring others. You thrive as a center of attention, finding happiness in creative self-expression and receiving recognition for your achievements. Avoid imposing your methods on others; let them accept or reject your offerings without attachment to the outcome.
POF in Virgo: your path to success relies on order, diligence, and attention to detail. Address daily tasks promptly and logically, without feeling overwhelmed. Establish a healthy daily routine as it's essential for your success. Take time for introspection to manage sensitivity to others' energies. Avoid excessive identification with others and navigate overwhelming emotions, which may arise due to the opposing Pisces energy. Seek inner peace and truth through careful discernment and mindfulness. Your talent lies in noticing and harmonizing details, and you thrive when nurturing your well-being.
POF in Libra: success thrives through balance, tolerance, and harmonious partnerships. Avoid hasty decisions and the urge to go it alone, especially when starting out. Maintain equilibrium, cultivate diplomacy, and create win-win situations with others. Sharing and caring for those around you is vital. Find joy and success in cultivating harmonious relationships, appreciating beauty, and seeking fairness and justice. Your ability to cooperate and consider multiple perspectives is your strength. Avoid taking desires too personally and strive for a balanced, inclusive approach to decision-making.
POF in Scorpio: success comes from intuition and inner wisdom. Avoid becoming overly focused on material pursuits or status. Your ability to tap into deep, transformative energies is your strength. Trust your intuition and explore the inner meaning of things. You're drawn to exploring spiritual and occult realms. Balance your intense Scorpio energy with the peaceful stability of Taurus (the opposite sign), recognizing the importance of security but avoiding repression. Strive to use your transformative abilities for the greater good and maintain an impersonal perspective to find harmony and inner peace.
POF in Sagittarius: honesty and directness are your pathways to success. Avoid the inclination to lie or act erratically, as these behaviors won't lead to long-term achievement. Embrace adventure, explore new horizons, and immerse yourself in different cultures. Your fortune may come unexpectedly or in unexpected places. Embrace belief and faith, and don't fear taking risks for the sake of learning and adventure. Detach from concerns about what others think and focus on your passions to find joy and share it through example.
POF in Capricorn: success comes through perseverance and a focus on hard facts over emotions. Take responsibility for your path and work diligently to achieve your goals. Avoid getting bogged down by others' actions or negative emotions, as they can drain your energy. Rise above fear and doubt, stay true to your long-term goals, and maintain self-discipline. Your fortune lies in creating lasting value through hard work and dedication. Embrace the role of an authority figure in your life and society, and find joy in the slow but steady progress toward your ambitions.
POF in Aquarius: your success lies in embracing your uniqueness and unconventional approach. Avoid the temptation to seek power and recognition in a conventional manner. Instead, see your differences as neutral and revel in your individuality. Think outside the box, detach from the need for approval, and focus on contributing to your community with innovative ideas. Avoid getting wrapped up in ego-driven pursuits and recognize the power of your detachment and objectivity in freeing yourself from societal expectations. Share your unique insights and ideas to help others liberate themselves.
POF in Pisces: success comes when you embrace a detached approach to your goals. Flow with the universal energy, allowing it to guide your path without trying to manipulate or control outcomes. Be open to changes in your objectives along the way, and avoid taking things too personally, seeing them as energetic reactions rather than personal affronts. By focusing on higher ideals, imagination, and creativity, you'll find happiness and prosperity. Your intuition and connection to the unity of all beings will lead you to success as you align your mind with higher consciousness and let your imagination lead the way. Avoid identifying too strongly with the finite world and instead flow with the mysteries of life.
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eliaskew · 5 months ago
Hello! I understand that naming characters can be difficult, I also understand that when we create AU's in which a character is trans or hiding and need to create a deadname/fake name it can be a struggle. HOWEVER-
When it comes to naming Black OC's or giving characters like Sirius and Regulus genderbent/deadnames I will not take any excuses for things like "Siriana" and "Regina". That is about the only family in canon who already HAS a naming convention, and yes, I realise not all of them follow it. However most DO.
So! For your perusal, I have taken the liberty of spending two weeks of my life scrolling Wikipedia to find a list of constellations, star names and star nicknames that could be used instead! Please use them I beg of you.
As a helpful guide, any names already used in canon are starred. Any names that MIGHT be used in canon (it's been ages since I've read the actual books, forgive me if I've missed any) are double starred.
And without further ado I present...
Skew's list of perfectly acceptable Star Names from a-z:
- Andromeda *
- Antlia
- Apus
- Aquila/ Aquilae
- Ara
- Aries
- Auriga
- Alpheratz
- Almach
- Altager
- Agena
- Ancha
- Altair/ Alnair
- Ari
- Alanac
- Arcturus *
- Asellus
- Alazal
- Asterion
- Adhara
- Armus
- Avior
- Argo
- Achird
- Agena 
- Asteroth/ Ashtaroth
- Amansinaya
- Acrux
- Athebyne
- Altais
- Alsafi
- Achernar
- Azha
- Alhena 
- Alphard *
- Ashlesha
- Algol
- Ascella
- Antares
- Apollyon
- Alya
- Alasia
- Alycone
- Atlas
- Asterope
- Atria
- Alcor
- Aniara
- Alula
- Alsephina
- Arcalis
- Borealis
- Betelgeuse
- Bellatrix *
- Bosona
- Caelum
- Carina
- Cassiopeia **
- Centaurus
- Cepheus
- Cetus
- Circinus
- Columba
- Corvus
- Cygnus *
- Capella
- Celaeno
- Caroli
- Chara
- Castra
- Canopus
- Castula
- Collum
- Calvera
- Cursa
- Castor
- Cadens
- Chason
- Ceginus 
- Cymbae
- Chechia
- Cynosura
- Delphinius
- Draco *
- Dolones
- Diphda
- Denebola
- Eridanus
- Elgomaisa
- Eltanin
- Ebla
- Electra
- Errakis
- Fornax
- Fortunae
- Felixvarela
- Franz (yes, legitimately)
- Felis
- Formosa
- Gemini
- Gliese
- Gomeisa
- Gemma (again, yes, legitimately)
- Gnosia
- Geminga
- Gorgonea/ Gorgona
- Gildun
- Hercules
- Hydrus
- Hydra/ Hydria
- Hydor
- Haedus
- Hunor
- Helvetios
- Hyades
- Hyadum
- Hoggar
- Horna
- Izar
- Isis
- Innes
- Itonda
- Irena
- Indus
- Illyrian
- Juza
- Karaka
- Kastra
- Kitalpha
- Kursa
- Koeia
- Kornephoros
- Lacerta
- Leo
- Lepus
- Libra
- Lynx (totally legit. A constellation, in fact)
- Lyra
- Lucida
- Lanceator
- Lancea
- Leonis
- Lucitania
- Mirach
- Mensa
- Monoceros
- Musca
- Mira
- Macondo
- Manus
- Meres
- Meridiana
- Moldoveanu
- Musica
- Moriah
- Mebsuta
- Meissa
- Morava
- Miram
- Media
- Merope (yup, Voldemort's mum had a more Black name than Narcissa)
- Maia
- Norma
- Nembus
- Nova
- Nervia 
- Nicolaus
- Naledi 
- Nosaxa
- Nash
- Natasha (still Legit)
- Octans
- Ophiuchus
- Orion *
- Osiris
- Ogma
- Pavo
- Pegasus
- Phoenix
- Pictor
- Pisces
- Pyxis
- Promethium
- Postrema
- Phoenicia
- Petra
- Princeps 
- Pollux **
- Praecipula
- Polis
- Pipirima 
- Polaris
- Porrima
- Rigil/ Rigel
- Rostrum 
- Rastaban
- Rutilicus
- Regulus *
- Revati
- Rapeto
- Saggita
- Scorpius *  
- Serpens
- Sextans
- Sirius *
- Sarin
- Sargamatha
- Stribor
- Sinistra
- Solaris
- Shaula
- Sterope
- Spica
- Syrma
- Speedy Mic (not one I would recommend but a legitimate star name nonetheless. Also my favourite)
- Taurus
- Tucana
- Titawin
- Tertia
- Tianyi
- Tangra
- Tureis
- Taygeta
- Talitha
- Tania
- Ursa
- Vela
- Virgo
- Volans
- Vulpeca
- Vega 
- Vrischika
- Wezen
- Wurren
- Zibal
- Zosma
- Zavyava
- Zaniah
An important note: not every letter has Star Names. And some have far more than others. Also, this is not all of them. This is a FRACTION of the ones I found so please feel free to look up some more if you hate all of these.
And please. PLEASE use them. If I see another "Regina" I might actually cry.
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astrologged · 2 years ago
Fortunate Astrology Aspects
Some fortunate astrology aspects and placements (in both natal and transit).
Jupiter conjunct or trine the Sun: Brings abundance, success, and optimism. It also enhances creativity and self-confidence.
Part of Fortune in Sagittarius: Brings opportunities for growth, success, and happiness.
Venus conjunct or trine Jupiter: Brings love, beauty, and prosperity. It also indicates luck in financial matters and social connections.
Sun conjunct or trine Uranus: Can bring sudden opportunities, breakthroughs, and unexpected success. It also indicates unique talents and originality.
Fortuna conjunct or trine Jupiter: Greater opportunities and good fortune in life.
Jupiter sextile or trine Neptune: Brings spiritual growth, creativity, and inspiration and might create opportunities for travel and higher education.
Venus conjunct or trine Uranus: This can bring exciting and unexpected romantic experiences, as well as artistic breakthroughs.
Saturn trine or sextile Neptune: This aspect can bring practical and spiritual balance, as well as opportunities for creative self-expression.
Ceres in the 2nd or 6th house: The 2nd house is associated with finances and material possessions, while the 6th house is connected to work and service. A strong Ceres placement in either of these houses can bring a sense of abundance and fulfillment in these areas of life.
Mars trine or sextile Jupiter: Can bring confidence, success, and an ability to take risks. It can also indicate athletic ability and physical strength.
Mercury trine or sextile Uranus: Can bring mental agility, innovation, and an ability to think outside the box. It also indicates strong intuition and psychic ability.
Fortuna in Taurus or Libra: These Venus-ruled signs are associated with wealth and material abundance, so Fortuna in these signs may indicate good fortune in money and resources.
Sun trine or sextile Neptune: Spiritual growth, artistic inspiration, and sensitivity. It also indicates a deep connection with the subconscious and dream work.
Venus trine or sextile Neptune: Romantic, imaginative, and creative energy, psychic abilities and a connection to the spiritual realm.
Part of Fortune conjunct Jupiter: Indicates a fortunate life path and a strong sense of personal destiny. One may be blessed with opportunities and abundance.
Ceres conjunct or trine Jupiter: A sense of abundance and generosity, a nurturing and caring energy that brings prosperity and growth.
Fortuna conjunct the North Node: The North Node represents one's life purpose and destiny, so this conjunction may indicate good fortune in achieving one's goals and fulfilling their purpose in life.
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lunarsights · 1 year ago
𝙉𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙞'𝙨 𝙆𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙖: 𝘼𝙣 𝘼𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡 𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙚
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since this entire "situation" has occurred i've been curious about nicki's chart and made some observations about pluto aquarius and all the karma she's been building up will be affecting her career and legacy in the long run. i got tired of just having the ideas in my head, so i thought why not make a post?
i could also do a reading on this if people want, but i didn't do one just because the astrological part of this will already be so long. i examine a few planets and objects in nicki's chart and in four people who she has "beef" with, and my observations are as follows...
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being an aquarius rising means nicki is seen as very innovative and original. i wouldn’t be surprised if people from her childhood said things like, “it was always expected she would be famous for something. she always stood out”. she might have even been a trendsetter in the areas she frequented, and that idea of being someone who brings something new to certain areas can also be seen in her career. her ascendant is at a taurus degree, so she could also be seen as someone who has money and material things that no one else can get their hands on. her rising is making positive aspects to her sun and fortuna, so this amplifies her uniqueness in her overall personality and also explains her virality when it comes to her fame.
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nicki has her saturn, asteroid fan, medium coeli (MC), and jupiter in scorpio in her tenth house. she has other planets and asteroids too, but they aren’t important for what i’m looking at. her saturn is at 0° which means it is the pure embodiment and energy of the sign it is in. saturn is the most important planet in this astrological interpretation because it deals with responsibility, structure, and karma. with that, scorpio saturn is actually a very powerful, intense placement. it gives the energy of forcing its natives to deal with their responsibilities head on or else they can expect extreme, emotionally painful transformations and repercussions. as for karma, it ensures those who cross them can expect swift and mysterious consequences that have long lasting impact, but these types of consequences can also turn around on the native if they don’t learn from their mistakes or do wrong to others. with her saturn in the tenth house, when nicki does wrong to others it directly impacts her public reputation and career. 
her asteroid fan is at 19° which is a libra degree. this explains the obsessiveness of her fan base because of the scorpio elements. barbz are overly protective of her and could feel an unexplainable connection to her and her achievements. in a sense, they could see what she succeeds in doing as representative of them; they could have thoughts like “those are our accomplishments too; we helped her get those”. these ideas are not in a “she owes us” way though; barbz could see themselves as extensions of nicki in a way. this asteroid is conjunct nicki’s MC, so it also explains why a large part of her image and public perception is tied to her fandom. 
nicki’s MC is at 22° which is the “kill or be killed” degree which is associated with capricorn. i always talk about how this degree can entail great success and attention for someone, but it can also be their greatest downfall if they aren’t careful. i always think of this degree indicating a possible fall from grace which seems to be the energy nicki is in right now. the 22° will always bring about destruction in some way. when nicki was first starting out her reputation involved destroying the older state of the female rap game and creating something new that was more popularized with the general public; now, her reputation is being destroyed because of the reckless ways in which she’s been acting. with her MC conjunct fan, her own fans can also bring about her destruction because of their feverishness.
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nicki’s uranus is in her eleventh house in sagittarius at 5°. i found this interesting because 5° is usually considered to be a short-term fame indicator in comparison to other leo degrees like the 17° or the 29°. nicki’s career has existed for ten long years - especially when taking into account how fast paced the music industry is alone (let alone if you’re a woman in the industry). her time of fame seems to go against this idea of short term fame, but i’d argue it indicates her legacy not being long term which i feel we can already kind of see. nicki was a majorly respected figure for a very long time before the prospect of a viable new female rapper came into play via cardi b. when that happened, the switch from people being fans of nicki to fans of cardi or even haters of nicki became very clear. not only is there a generation of people who do not know the strength of nicki at the highest point of her career, but she is creating a divisive public image which puts her legacy at stake with even those that grew up with her. overall, i feel this makes her public reach in the long run volatile and unsustainable. 
nicki also has asteroid icarus in this house and sign at 11°. asteroid icarus is another indicator of where someone can cause their own downfall if they aren’t careful. with this, nicki could cause her own future to crumble because of the eleventh house influence. she could lose influence over a generation of people and/or over her own friend and work group. the eleventh degree is directly connected to massive wealth, so that could be an indicator her downfall could come with a lot of financial restraint; going from having tons of money to struggling to maintain a lifestyle one has gotten used to.
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i originally wasn’t going to talk about this placement because i didn’t think it was all that important to what i was going to look at, but by the end you’ll be able to see how it is. mars represents one’s drive, desire, and strength. with a capricorn mars, nicki is very headstrong and structured in her drive and strength. she could be the type of person to plan her actions and goals. she could be very hardworking and undeterred by outside noise. she could be driven by the idea of tradition and her work ethic could be heavily reliant on her emotions and her emotional state - this is even more so true with this placement being the twelfth house.
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𝑳𝒊𝒍 𝑲𝒊𝒎
lil’ kim’s birth time is unconfirmed, but according to astrotheme, her saturn is at 9° in cancer. this means kim’s cancer works undercover and makes not only kim but also those who cross her end up doing some introspection on themselves and makes them reconcile with how they see themselves as a person. those who cross kim could also end up having a fragile emotional state, and their home life could be tumultuous afterwards. additionally, this saturn can be deceiving; one could think they’ve gotten over the worst of their karma, but saturn will come back and be like “actually, i was just planning more on the down low. I decide when i’m done”.
lil’ kim’s saturn is in nicki’s sixth house, so it would directly impact her work habits, health, and ideas of self-improvement. so, nicki crossing kim could result in nicki eventually thinking long and hard about who she is as a person and what she’s done to people as her life has gone on. i would even venture to say at its worst it could present nicki with inexplicable health issues that take a while to discover. this placement could also result in nicki having unstable emotional health and regulation; it could also indicate making nicki’s home life tumultuous enough that it becomes incompatible with her work habits.
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𝑹𝒆𝒎𝒚 𝑴𝒂
remy ma’s birth time is also unconfirmed, but astrotheme says she has a 20° virgo saturn. virgo saturn could impact one’s habits, the way they spend and get money, and the help they receive. so, if saturn were to teach remy ma lessons when she needs them, she could want to be more controlling over her work and life situation than she would otherwise usually be. she could end up working or spending too much, and could find that she’s burned a lot of bridges which makes it harder for her to rely on others for necessary help. the 20° also indicates jealousy, so those who are jealous of her could get the upper hand if karma was to come her way. 
remy ma’s saturn is in nicki’s eighth house and conjuncts her vertex, so all the karma that a virgo saturn carries could be enacted onto nicki because of her beef with remy ma. the eighth house deals with finances, and merging assets (so like what one could receive as an inheritance or what one could gain from their spouse). this makes me think the karma nicki receives from remy ma’s saturn could be directly tied to her financial status. she could find herself jealous of others’ resources; she might even be spending beyond her means. she could be working very hard for very little return. additionally, this karma would impact how much help nicki gets from other people in the industry. by now, it’s very obvious she does not seem to have the hold on people she used to have, so we can see these consequences manifesting very easily now, but the eighth house does move sneakily, so this could’ve been a long time coming and more could be uncovered on her financial state and on how many bridges exactly she’s burned and how.
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𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒊 𝑩
cardi b appears to have an aquarius saturn at 11° in the eleventh degree. if cardi were to cross someone, she could struggle with her community and those around her. she could lose her status in her friend group, and with the 11° she could lose money as a result of her friend group. 
this placement is in nicki’s first house which started my initial observation when i looked into this situation. cardi b is the only person from the four people i’ve chosen to look at whose saturn is in one of nicki’s public houses which explains why nicki’s public image was most affected when she disrespected cardi. nicki did in fact struggle with the community at large when she crossed cardi; the public perception of her faltered, and people felt she was not friendly with new women artists because she was scared they would overtake her unique lane in the industry. i wouldn't be surprised if nicki lost out on a lot of money as a result of the whole fiasco with cardi.
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𝑴𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒐𝒏
megan thee stallion has her pisces saturn at 12° in her eleventh house. megan’s karma could have long-lasting effects on her - in general and spiritually. she could feel disconnected from her friend group and focus more on introspection and her own spirituality. her saturn could lead her to be more daydreamy and ignore certain warning signs about others that she might’ve otherwise paid attention to. the karma she encounters could lead to some kind of spiritual rebirth or insight once she’s learned her lessons. 
this placement is in nicki’s second house which means with nicki crossing megan, her money will be directly affected. i feel this is another indicator of nicki having money problems as a result of all the people she’s crossed and been disrespectful to. megan’s saturn has double piscean energy because of the degree it’s at - this magnifies the intensity of the karma nicki will receive. like i said earlier, three out of four people’s charts i looked at indicated their saturn working undercover, but i would say megan’s saturn will be most impactful because of the sign and degree. it will also cause a lot of people on the outside to be confused about why all the karma is coming so suddenly and why it sticks as opposed to the way other people’s saturn does. megan’s saturn will be most personally destructive to nicki out of the people i’ve looked at in my opinion.
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megan’s sagittarius jupiter is in her eighth house at 12°. megan could be someone who is very open when it comes to understanding and bonding with other people. this could also entail her luck being out of this world and working in mysterious ways or as a result of having some sort of strong spiritual team behind her. she could have luck when it comes to whom she marries and decides to merge finances with if she decides to do that. it could also entail her being very lucky spiritually. 
this placement is in nicki’s eleventh house, and it conjuncts her icarus and sun. with this conjunction, nicki’s downfall (that’s caused by herself) could benefit megan a lot. this gives, the “bitch, i still win” energy megan talks about a lot. it could also reflect back on nicki in that any time megan is gaining a ton, people’s attention to nicki could fade. this loss of attention and resources/luck could cause nicki to get frustrated since the light of her sun is being overtaken by the expansiveness of megan’s jupiter.
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megan’s capricorn MC is in her ninth house at 29°. capricorn MC at a fame degree makes me think fame was always in the cards for megan. the 29° is also a long-term fame degree in comparison to the 5° nicki has with her uranus. The 29° also indicates clairvoyance which makes sense when looking at megan’s come up. if i remember correctly, megan really spoke her fame into existence and other people could tell she was going to blow up when she was in high school. this could also be an indicator megan always knows where she’ll be going in her career; she’ll always have a plan of success or a way to be sure she’s set for the rest of her life. 
this placement is conjunct nicki’s mars in her twelfth house, so megan’s fame and public reputation could impact nicki’s drive and ambition. when both megan and nicki are focused on their craft, they gain success, but nicki seeing megan gain so much success over her could impact her work habits and routine (along with all the karma she’s building up from others over the years). this could create a situation like megan says where “every time i get mentioned, one of y’all bitch-ass niggas get twenty-four hours of attention”; nicki could get so caught up in seeing megan rise that her work falls to the wayside in terms of its structure which can be seen as she’s been yappin�� for like three days now just to release a “response diss” that isn’t very good.
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in short, nicki has built up a lot of karma over the years, and the reason why it's worse is because most of the karma built up is hidden or works behind the scenes until it decides it wants to go public. even then, a lot of the saturn energy is powerful and intense which will cause her to go through many transformations.
the karma she's been building up has been and will continue to affect her public image, but it especially affects her finances in ways that won't be understood by the public until late.
if you needed a reminder that what's done to you will always come back to haunt to you can look to nicki's rise and fall to serve as a warning.
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ladyanakim · 1 month ago
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Nació en Nueva Delhi, India.
Nació el 19 de Septiembre de 1966.
Fue hijp de una Princesa HINDÚ, llamada Swathi Kshatriya, de la misma Dinastía Kshatriya, hija de Rey de ese entonces : Ram Kshatriya, por lo cual era parte de la familia real, pero no tenía derecho a trono, ya que era hijo también de un guerrero sin fortuna.
Su nombre real era Aakesh Kshatriya "Shaka".
Sus ojos era azules y su cabello rubio, debido a que su abuela materna, era una Británica que se caso con su abuelo, el antiguo rey de la India : Shiva Kshatriya.
Es ambidiestro.
Es Homosexual (Nunca le gustado las mujeres)
Sabe hablar varios idiomas: Hindu, Español, Inglés (de parte de su familia materna), Francés, Alemán, Griego y Latin.
También habla los mismos idiomas.
Es vegano (No consume nada de Origen animal, por convicción).
Mide 1.82 METROS.
Pesa : 69 kgs siendo el más delgado de todos los golden Saints.
Veía a Kiki como su hijo adoptivo.
Su única pareja conocida fue : Mü de Aries, con quien inició una relación desde que ambos tenia 12 años.
Era Zurdo desde nacimiento.
Su nacimiento fue muy triste, ya que es soldado con quien su madre se caso, no es su verdadero padre, su madre, la Princesa Swathi, fue abusada por un turista Inglés, de quien quedo embarazada, su madre solo tenía 13 años, fue casada con este soldado, leal a su abuelo, para "Tapar" su deshonra.
Durante su tierna infancia, fue hecho de lado, por la familia imperial de la India: Kshatriya, solo por que nació, producto de un abuso.
Entreno en la India de 1971-1973, para lograr ganar, la armadura de Virgo.
Su comida favorita es: la sopa de Verduras y de Zanahoria.
Su bebida favorita es : Jugo de arándanos.
sospechaba de la Traición de Saga de Geminis, pero se negaba a creer que este fuera un asesino.
Su separación con Mü de Aries fue muy dolorosa, para ambos, ya que es  su mejor Amigo/Pareja.
Siempre creyó que Aioros de Sagitario era inocente.
Le desagradaban Dm de Cáncer, por que este siempre hacia de menos, su religión Budista.
Si le gustará el Kpop, sería: Blink (Blackpink) Midzy (Itzy).
Creía que Afrodita de Piscis, era muy superficial y demasiado vanidoso.
Le gustaba leer libros Budistas y de superación.
Le gustaba ver películas de Misterio.
Sus canciones favoritas, era las canciones de Beethoween.
Su postre favorito era : Helado de Almendras.
Su primera vez con Mü de Aries fue romántica, y tierna, aunque ambos era demasiado torpes.
Jamás creyó que Saga, Camus y Shura, haya jurado lealtad a Hades, siempre creyó que era un plan muy bien elaborado.
Le gustaba cosechar su propia comida, en un Jardín que estaba fuera de Virgo.
Cuando falleció, dejo el collar de las 108 cuentas, en armadura de Virgo, donde Kiki, las resguardo con esmero.
Creía que Ikki de Fénix sería, un excelente sucesor de Aioria de Leo.
Creía que Milo de Escorpio era demasiado infantil, por burlarse de Aioria, sin que este pudiera defenderse.
Le caía bien Aldebaran de Tauro, aunque este, le lastimara las costillas, cuando lo abrazaba.
Jamás conoció a Kanon, hasta días antes de la batalla contra Hades.
Veía a Dohko de Libra como un buen tío adoptivo.
Veía a Shion de Aries como buen patriarca & "Padre" Adoptivo.
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nonogalego · 5 months ago
You're being too hard on Meg. I'd lose my mind suffer from PTSD too if Noel left me for another woman.
Oi, não me entenda mal, minha crítica não foi a Meg ter dito que teve transtorno pós-traumático com o divórcio, não foi esse o ponto!
O ponto foi ela ter dito isso e ainda sim se valer da imagem do Noel pra ter atenção. Se Noel fez tanto mal a ela no divórcio, o normal seria ela evitar falar sobre ele desnecessariamente, certo? Mesmo que eles tenham uma filha e uma história juntos no auge do Britpop, acho que todo mundo já sabe disso, então porque ela tem a necessidade de postar diversas fotos do Noel regularmente? Em 2020 ela disse ter tido transtorno pós-traumático, em 2021 no lançamento do documentário sobre Knewbworth ela postou uma série de fotos dela e do Noel, algumas beijando ele e tudo! Esse ano ela postou fotos do casamento deles (de novo), além dela ter postado sobre a volta do Oasis. Ela tenta o tempo todo ser relacionada ao Noel e ao Oasis. Porquê ela sempre está indo de encontro ao motivo do seu trauma?
Na época que a Meg disse isso em 2020 eu achei um exagero, mas hoje eu a compreendo totalmente. Tudo foi traumatizante e intenso para ela, mas ela também não se ajudou e teve sua parte de culpa nisso tudo!
Ela era uma anônima que virou uma celebridade por procuração por namorar um rockstar. O problema é que ela deixou a fama subir a cabeça dela, e se orgulhou dos títulos dados a ela (pela mídia e por ela mesma) de rainha das festas de Primrose Hill e de ser a terceira mulher mais famosa do Reino Unido depois de Lady Diana e das Spice Girls, sem ter nenhum mérito próprio pra isso! Ela gastou milhares de Libras por dia com drogas, teve o guarda-roupa mais caro da Inglaterra e nunca repetia um vestido (e todos de grife), fez amizade com diversas celebridades, fez procedimentos estéticos grotescos, festejava todos os dias, e mesmo com Noel desistindo das drogas, dele ter vendido Supernova Heights pra se mudar pro interior e mesmo com o nascimento da Anaïs, a Meg não freou seu estilo de vida e foi isso que afastou o Noel dela e o jogou direto nos braços da Sara!
O divórcio foi traumatizante não apenas porque ela foi trocada por outra mulher, mas principalmente pelo grande choque de realidade que ela levou: por mais rica, bem relacionada e "cool" que a mídia a classificasse e ela mesma acreditasse ser, ela era apenas a esposa de Noel Gallagher do Oasis, e nada mais que isso! Quando ela o perdeu, ela perdeu toda a sua moral e relevância pública. Se antes seus exageros eram vistos como algo cool, depois da separação eram vistos como uma piada. Se antes ela era um ícone fashion, depois da separação ela foi considerada brega e vulgar! Meg estava no centro do mundo das celebridades inglesas, e depois da separação ela só era a "histérica" ex-esposa de um rockstar vendendo entrevista pra chamar seu ex de péssimo pai e marido, quando na verdade o público já sabia do histórico de festas e gastos dela e já tinham uma opinião negativa formada sobre ela.
Ela disse que Noel tinha as relações públicas e ela só tinha uma filha... e ela estava certa, era isso mesmo! Era ele quem tinha tudo porque era Noel a celebridade que ganhava milhões de Libras com sua música, ela só era a esposa deslumbrada, e tão deslumbrada com sua fama que não viu que estava perdendo o verdadeiro provedor de sua fama e fortuna para outra mulher!
Foi a queda de sua relevância que realmente a traumatizou, queda essa provocada por ela mesma!
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jartita-me-teneis · 3 months ago
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París, 1729. Francia vive una fuerte crisis económica y el ministro de finanzas tiene una idea: iniciar un sorteo de lotería para poseedores de bonos de la corona.
Un joven escritor y filósofo recibe un rumor extraño: la lotería tiene un punto débil. Voltaire escucha, piensa y sonríe.
El premio es colosal: 500.000 libras (equivalente a más de 15 veces los ingresos anuales de alguien de clase alta).
Pero las bases tenían un fallo matemático. Si un grupo compraba suficientes boletos espec��ficos, podían asegurarse la victoria.
Mientras otros soñaban con la suerte, Voltaire se puso manos a la obra. Junto con un amigo matemático, organizó una red para comprar los boletos exactos. Lo hicieron no una, sino varias veces.
La clave estaba en que otorgaban boletos de lotería a los poseedores de bonos independientemente de cual fuese su inversión. Es decir, que con pequeñas aportaciones múltiples se adquirían más participaciones.
Pero esto no fue solo un golpe maestro contra el azar. Su riqueza le permitió dejar atrás problemas financieros, escribir con libertad y convertirse en una de las mentes más influyentes del Siglo de las Luces.
Aunque lo terminaron pillando y denunciando, el juez determinó que no estaban haciendo nada ilegal. Eso sí, aquel modelo de sorteo terminó.
Dicen que la suerte es ciega. Voltaire demostró que, a veces, el verdadero poder está en mirar más allá de lo evidente.
Javier Lara
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distortedblurs · 6 days ago
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──   (  maris  racal.  22.  demi  woman,  she  /  they.  ) thank  god  you’re  here,  man  -  have  you  seen  MARIJOY  BACALSO  -  COUGHLAN  anywhere?  i  totally  lost  them  after  their  rendition  of  tongue  tied  by  grouplove  last  night.  no?  they’re  like,  aye  -  high  and  go  to  LANGSTON  -  i  think  they’re  a  junior  studying  ENVIRONMENTAL  CHEMISTRY  /  TEXTILE  &  SURFACE  DESIGN?  but  who  knows,  these  days.  all  i  know  is  that  they’re  INGENUOUS,  GOSSIPY,  and  a  LEO.  last  night  they  kept  going  on  and  on  about  how  they  won  MOST  LIKELY  TO  SAVE  BABE  FROM  THE  MEAT  FARM  last  year,  which  is  cool  and  whatever,  but  i  just  wouldn’t  expect  it  out  of  them,  considering  they’re  so,  like,  AUDACIOUS  AND  EUPHORIC,  you  know?  anyways  -  i’m  going  to  check  down  by  café  marta,  i  think  that’s  where  they  like  to  hang.  text  me  if  you  see  them,  okay?  bye!  /  as  penned  by  james,  twenty6,  est,  n/a.
...content  warnings  for...  cancer, parental death & grief.
student  file.
full  name  —  marijoy maluya bacalso - coughlan.
nickname(s)  —  mari; joy; anything you'd like to call them. ms. fortuna; her alias in langston's newspaper back home.
place  of  birth  — kibawe, philippines.
date  of  birth  &  age  —  august 12th, 2002. twenty2.
gender  /  pronouns  —  demi woman, she / they.
sexuality  —  closeted bisexual<3 fight it out.
major  —  constantly changing; currently "environmental chemistry" and textile & surface design.
astrology  —  leo sun, libra moon, sagittarius rising.
dormitory  —  lavender; her side of her dormitory is like the guts of her soul spat back up. hand - knit and personalized sweaters gather across the shoulders of her desk chair; glitter making a permanent home within the fine threads of their only rug. feathers run amok. a strange furry creature nestles its head upon the same pillow she does. every piece of furniture feels like peering through a kaleidoscope.
interests  —  being  everything  everywhere  all  at  once,  a  spawn  -  point  for  endless  chatter  and  idle  gossip.  playing  matchmaker,  loving  herself  -  love  as  a  concept.  true  love,  soulmates;  hurt  /  comfort  fanfiction.  cliche  movie  tropes.  creating  things  from  her  hands,  never  still;  knitting  and  crocheting  and  embroidering  and  weaving.  glitter,  sparkles,  rhinestones,  sequins.  diy  projects.  knowing  she's  capable  at  anything.  renaissance  festivals  and  archery.  the  way  tiny  fish  will  nibble  at  her  toes  when  she's  stood  still  in  a  lake.  maximalism;  bright,  overwhelming  colors  and  patterns.  stripes,  gingham,  checkers,  animal  print.  romance  novels  and  pop  music.  being  alive.  small  animals,  the  fluffier  the  better  though  they  all  deserve  love  and  a  home.  moo  rings  and  candy  necklaces.  funky  textures.  fresh  fruit,  especially  mango.  cocktails.  first  dates.  dancing,  of  all  kinds.  flavored  lip  balms,  kissing.  gourmand  perfumes.  pigs.  possums.  matching  with  her  siblings.  surrealism.  sustainability.
aversions  —  losing  in  competitions.  unhelpful  negativity,  unnecessary  cruelty.  negative  self  -  talk.  on  the  reverse;  faux  -  positivity,  positivity  without  real  meaning.  being  alone  for  a  long,  long  period  of  time.  when  the  storms  roll  in  one  after  another  and  it  feels  like  she'll  never  see  the  sun,  or  feel  its  light,  ever  again.  extreme  weather.  not  using  sunscreen;  forgetting  her  self  -  care  routine.  sleeping  with  her  makeup  on.  the  idea  of  being  buried  alive.  micro  -  trends  and  fleeting  aesthetics;  not  knowing  oneself.  feeling  judged,  or  like  she  has  to  change  to  be  liked  or  admired  by  someone  else.  heartbreak!  sad  endings!  movies  that  are  all  shock  value  and  no  substance!  being  undermined  and  undervalued  because  of  her  femininity  and  whimsy  and  joy  -
quirks  —  is  unfortunately  in  everyone's  business;  loves  to  know  the  drama,  the  gossip,  what  everyone's  doing.  consistently  and  constantly  trying  to  set  up  her  friends  with  people  they  think  they'd  have  beautiful,  amazing  children  compatibility  with.  knows  every  tiktok  dance  like  muscle  memory.  sings  in  the  car,  in  the  shower,  as  they're  getting  ready,  etc.  never  stops  enjoying  life.  bedazzles  her  crafting  tools  and  her  hairdryer  and  the  steering  wheel  of  her  car  back  home.  only  uses  reusable  grocery  bags.  collects  a  tote  bag  whenever  possible  -  further  customizes  them  however  they  please.  hosts  themed  nights  for  her  friends.  knits  for  everyone  she  knows.  writes  fanfiction  of  her  friends  and  family,  and  other  surrounding  peers.
most  played  —  take a bite  by  beabadoobee.
notable  features  —  bright brown  eyes  filled  with  nothing  but  warmth  and  plump,  rosy  cheeks.  a  beauty  mark  at  the  corner  of  her  lips.  a  new,  lovingly  knitted  sweater  each  day.  hair  filled  with  butterfly  clips  and  charms.
general  disposition  —  dizzyingly bright; pep to every step. energy that cannot be contained and must be let out, like a shaken coke bottle.
character  study  —  mabel pines  (  gravity falls  )  &  elle woods  (  legally blonde  ).
public  record.
for  the  first  seven  years  of  marijoy's  life,  all  she  knows  is  pure  joy.  unadulterated,  complete,  undeniable  -  joy.  the  soft  static  of  a  radio's  song  drifts  in  and  out  of  each  room  of  their  home  in  kibawe;  muddied  footprints  pressed  against  tile  as  she  and  her  siblings  run  circles  around  each  other,  around  the  house  -  out  into  the  warm,  warm  sun.  in  the  evenings,  her  mother  and  aunts  huddle  around  the  kitchen,  and  later  the  dining  table.  there's  always  the  mess  of  laughter,  of  hands  crossing  over  one  another;  stories  told  over  and  over,  one  after  another.
cancer; when  her  mother's  health  falters;  when  the  chemotherapy  tries  to  suction  the  warmth  away  from  her  tanned  skin  and  plump  cheeks  and  wide,  bright  eyes  -  just  like  marijoy's  -  she  doesn't  feel  the  pain.  her  father  tucks  her  into  bed  each  night,  just  the  same;  her  cousins  pile  atop  one  another  inside  their  bedroom  -  a  slumber  party  each  night.  her  aunts  visit  more,  cook  more;  her  mother  still  laughs,  even  when  the  hospital  room  becomes  her  home.  marijoy  isn't  stupid;  she  hears  the  whispers  behind  closed  doors,  the  muffled  sobs  of  her  grandmother.  she  knows  something  terrible  is  happening  -  she  knows  when  it  happens.
parental death, grief; the  love  in  their  family  only  intensifies  after  the  funeral;  grief  in  it's  rawest,  truest  form  -  hugs  that  linger  for  too  far  long,  never  a  moment  alone;  fresh  flowers  each  morning  that  appear  like  magic  atop  their  doorstep.  the  feeling  never  goes  away  -  the  grief,  the  heaviness  in  marijoy's  chest  -  but  as  they  grow  older,  it's  her  mother's  smile  that  reflects  back  at  her  inside  the  mirror.  her  warmth  is  still  there,  still  alive  -  inside  marijoy,  inside  all  of  them.
maybe  that's  why  their  father  is  able  to  fall  in  love  again  five  years  later.  they're  a  tourist  from  america,  tutting  their  own  ducklings  behind  them;  they  play  outside  in  the  summer  rain  as  their  parents  talk  and  laugh  and  talk  some  more  inside  their  home.  a  summer  vacation  becomes  holidays  celebrated  together,  becomes  pick  -  ups  at  the  airport,  becomes  marijoy's  first  visit  to  the  states.  by  the  next  year,  their  father's  remarried  and  they're  moving  across  the  world  to  new  york.
marijoy  misses  the  philippines;  she  always  does  -  but  her  step  parent's  kind,  radiates  a  similar  sort  of  warmth  that  her  mother  used  to,  though  impossible  to  replicate.  it's  harder  to  connect  with  her  step  -  siblings;  their  other  parent's  still  alive,  just  -  gone.  it's  a  different  kind  of  grief;  marijoy  understands.  she  always  understands.  with  time,  it  gets  easier  -  with  time,  more  siblings  join  their  family.  her  teen  years  fly  by;  an  awkward,  gangly  thing  with  a  too  -  loud  laugh  and  a  mouth  full  of  braces,  yet  everyone's  biggest  cheerleader.  she  learns  how  to  adapt,  how  to  fit  in  without  giving  away  the  traits  that  make  her,  her.
attending  langston  -  university  -  makes  marijoy  feel  alive  in  other  ways;  they  feel,  as  much  of  a  cliche  as  it  is,  grown.  a  true  adult,  living  in  the  world.  she's  not  alone  at  the  college,  her  siblings  with  reputations  of  their  own  -  but  marijoy's  name  shines  bright.  she's  always  the  first  to  raise  her  hand,  the  first  to  volunteer  for  a  campus  tour  -  the  first  to  bring  tissues,  the  first  to  wrap  a  bandage.  it's  fun,  but  marijoy  doesn't  know  what  she  wants  out  of  her  future.  doesn't  know  who  to  be,  or  what  -  a  new  major  every  semester,  a  fresh  start  every  year.  sometimes  she  jokes  she'll  be  there  forever  -  but  what  if  she  actually  is?
personal  details.
there's  never  been  a  single  point  in  marijoy's  life  where  she's  went,  wow,  i  should  shut  up.  a  rambler  at  heart  -  she'll  yap  anyone's  ear  off  until  it's  on  the  ground  bleeding.  chronically  talkative,  there's  always  something  for  her  to  talk  about,  and  rarely  anything  that  causes  her  to  stop  short.  will  find  interest  in  anyone's  life,  will  ask  them  a  thousand  questions,  will  want  to  plant  herself  deep  inside  their  brain.
speaking  of  -  yapping  comes  with  gossip,  naturally  -  and  marijoy  is  an  unfortunate  big  mouth.  loves  to  learn  the  drama  that  occurs  in  everyone's  lives,  and  only  needs  a  few  prompts,  a  few  nudges,  until  she's  spilling  everyone's  worst  secrets.  it's  innocent!  she  doesn't  mean  to!  but  it  happens  every  time.
believes  so  strongly  in  true  love  and  soulmates  and  fairy  -  tale  endings  that  it's  not  even  funny.  her  love  for  love  is  strong,  and  true,  and  overbearing.  has  tried  to  set  up  multiple  of  her  friends  on  blind  dates,  and  believes  she's  a  real  life  cupid,  matchmaking  and  all.  has  had  her  fair  share  of  relationships,  all  failing  -  but  hey!  that's  life!  those  frogs  weren't  her  prince!  he's  still  out  there  somewhere!
has  a  personal  life  crisis  every  year  that  results  in  her  switching  majors  into  something  else  entirely;  usually  stays  in  the  design  or  art  realm;  marijoy  is  currently  convinced  she  can  make  an  entirely  new  sustainable  textile  that'll  overtake  the  world  by  storm.  she  also  ate  non  -  edible  glitter  the  first  morning  she  woke  up  in  the  cotswold.  so
back  on  langston's  campus  marijoy  does  have  a  pet  pig.  she  did  save  it  from  a  slaughter  farm.  and  if  that  pig  is  seen  around  castle  fell?  no,  she  didn't  smuggle  it  overseas.  that's  crazy.  like  sooo  crazy.  anyways.  they're  a  strong,  strong  animal  lover.  not  enough  to  be  vegan  -  but  strong  enough  that  there's  usually  a  new  critter  in  her  bed.
she  writes  ...  fanfictions  ...  about  her  friends,  her  peers,  on  occasion  her  professors  ...  it's  a  hobby,  okay!  it's  for  fun!  it's  very  normal!  marijoy  does  not  share  these  with  anyone;  it's  the  only  time  she'll  shield  her  phone's  screen  away  from  someone  else,  ears  deepening  shades  of  red.  it's  like,  probably  not  okay  -  and  marijoy  knows  it.
aside  from  love,�� marijoy  is  obsessed  with  friendship.  a  friend's  friend!  she'd  lay  down  her  life  for  any  of  her  friends  -  and  she  tries  to  befriend  every  person  she  knows!  remembers  the  smallest  details  about  people  -  the  drinks  they  like,  the  scents  they  hate,  favorite  snacks,  and  that  one  really  really  bad  experience  nobody  talks  about.  will  betray  her  own  siblings  if  she  has  to,  that's  how  ride  or  die  she  is.
a  big  fan  of  knitting  ...  and  crocheting  ...  and  anything  that  she  can  create  with  her  own  two  hands.  has  an  insane  amount  of  handknit  sweaters  that  she  wears  daily,  always  a  different  pattern,  always  something  new.  it's  her  go  -  to  gift,  her  ultimate  love  language.  without  the  ability  to  create,  marijoy  wouldn't  know  what  to  do  with  her  time.
overall tries to be optimistic and there for the people in their life, even if she doesn't particularly like them. believes strongly in second chances, and fated encounters - and trying again and again and again and again. she's confident, and enthusiastic, and endlessly energetic - a big ball of energy that probably supplied langston with their power before #moldgate.
desired  plots.
cupid's little targets.  well. well. these are people that marijoy has tried to matchmake or otherwise set up with others. sometimes it goes well! sometimes it goes so horrifically, comedically terrible. friendships could be harmed in the making. this is also open for victims of the fanfictions she writes.  (  infinite  ).
hopeless crushes!  did i mention marijoy's a romantic? girl is down bad for a new person every week. it's very obvious, and mostly endearing. she knows what she wants, and it's love! will you be the one?  (  0 / 3  ).
BEST BEST BEST FRIENDS!  well. give the thirl what she wants: an endless stream of love and support featuring people she also loves dearly.  (  0 / 5  ).
thorn sides!  they're unamused by marijoy's joy and whimsy. they hate it. it's not endearing, it's not cute, they will not falter! yet. marijoy believes they can change this about them; that she can wear them down.  (  0 / 2  ).
literally  anything  else  we  can  think  of.  i'm  open  to  anything!
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treeofliferpg · 2 years ago
Ideas de rol: Hechizos
Recordamos que el siguiente texto no ha sido redactado por el staff de ToL, solo lo hemos traducido para que pueda llegar a más personas. La autoría pertenece a @goodbyedearfriends. Su tumblr está desactivado, pero podéis leer el post original en nuestro tumblr bajo la etiqueta "idioma original".
ab intra - desde dentro
ab origine - de la fuente
absit iniuria - “que el insulto esté ausente”
absit invidia - “que la envidia esté ausente”
absit omen - “que el presagio esté ausente”
ab uno disce omnes - de uno, aprenden todos
abyssus abyssum invocat - el abismo llama al abismo
a capite ad calcem - de pies a cabeza
acta non verba - acciones, no palabras
ad altiora tendo - “Me esfuerzo por cosas más altas”
ad astra - a las estrellas
ad fontes - a las fuentes
ad meliora - hacia mejores cosas
ad oculos - a los ojos
ad undas - a las olas
ad victoriam - a la victoria
adsum - Estoy aquí
a fortiori - desde la fuerza/fortaleza
a mari usque ad mare - de mar a mar
audeamus - atrevamonos
audentes fortuna iuvat - la fortuna favorece a los valientes
audi, vide, tace - escuchar, ver, callar
beatae memoriae - una memoria bendita
bona fide - de buena fe
bono malum superate - vence al mal con el bien
capax infiniti - sosteniendo el infinito
carpe diem - aprovecha el día
carpe noctem - aprovecha la noche
cave - cuidado
ceteris paribus - todas las cosas son iguales
circa - alrededor
citius, altius, fortius - más rápido, más alto, más fuerte
clavis aurea - llave dorada
cogito ergo sum - Pienso, luego existo
compos mentis - en control de la mente
concilio et labore - con sabiduría y esfuerzo
concordia cum veritate - en armonía con la verdad
concordia salus - bienestar a través de la armonía
coniunctis viribus - con fuerza conectada
consummatum est - estar/está completo
corruptus in extremis - corrupto al extremo
crescit eundo - crece a medida que avanza
de novo - de/desde lo nuevo
de profundis - de/desde lo profundo/profundidades
dies irae - días de ira
dona nobis pacem - danos paz
ego te provoco - te desafío
esse est percipi - ser en lugar de parecer
esse quam videri - ser es ser percibido
esto quod es - ser lo que eres
ex animo - desde el alma
ex luna scientia - de la luna, conocimiento
ex scientia tridens - del conocimiento, poder
ex silentio - de/desde el silencio
ex undis - de/desde las olas del mar
experientia docet - la experiencia enseña
fac et spera - hazlo y espera
fac fortia et patere - haz un acto valiente y aguanta
faciam quodlibet quod necesse est - haz lo que sea necesario
faciam ut mei memineris - Te haré recordar
facta, non verba - hechos no palabras
fortis et liber - fuerte y libre
fortis in arduis - fuerte en las dificultades
gloriosus et liber - glorioso y libre
hic abundant leones - aquí abundan los leones
hic et nunc - aquí y ahora
hic sunt dracones - aquí hay dragones
hinc illae lacrimae - por eso las lágrimas
hinc itur ad astra - desde aquí el camino conduce a las estrellas
igni ferroque - con fuego y hierro
in memoriam - en la memoria
in nocte consilium - el consejo llega de la noche a la mañana
libra - balance
littera scripta manet - las palabras escritas perduran
locus standi - derecho a estar en pie
luceo non uro - Brilla, no te quemes
luctor et emergo - lucho y emerjo
mare liberum - mar libre
memento vivere - recuerda vivir
more ferarum - como bestias
natura non contristatur - la naturaleza no se entristece
nec spe, nec metu - sin esperanza, sin miedo
noli me tangere - no me toques
ophidia in herba - una serpiente en la hierba
pro se - por uno mismo
propria manu - por la propia mano
quaere - buscar
quod abundat non obstat - lo que es abundante no obstaculiza
resurgam - me levantaré
semper ad meliora - siempre hacia cosas mejores
semper anticus - siempre adelante
semper apertus - siempre abierto
semper fortis - siempre valiente
semper liber - siempre libre
stet - dejaló descansar
tuebor - protegeré
vera causa - causa justa/verdadera
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likethemo0n-archive · 9 months ago
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Because loving despite of slaughter means loving everything.
HUNTER SCHAFER? não! é apenas CALISTA BEAUCHAMP, ela é filha de AFRODITE caçadora de ÁRTEMIS do chalé DEZ OITO e tem QUATROCENTOS E QUARENTA E DOIS ANOS. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL TRÊS por estar no acampamento há SÉCULOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, CALI é bastante GENEROSA mas também dizem que ela é MELANCÓLICA. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
The moon is revealing itself to my equally naked heart...
Nome completo: Calista Elizabeth Beauchamp. Data de nascimento: 18 de junho de 1582. Signo: Sol em Gêmeos, ascendente em Libra, lua em Peixes. Local de nascimento: Local desconhecido. Filiação: Afrodite e Henry Beauchamp. Gênero: Mulher transgênero. Sexualidade: Pansexual.
Moon dust in your lungs, stars in your eyes...
Foi na primavera de 1582 que o jovem duque inglês Henry Beauchamp conheceu o amor nos braços da mulher mais bela e encantadora que ele havia colocado os olhos. A jovem de nome Calista havia aparecido misteriosamente na corte inglesa, e pouco se sabia dela. Alguns diziam que era a filha bastarda de um nobre francês, outros que era a herdeira de uma grande fortuna de um mercador italiano. Independente do boatos sobre sua origem incerta, era inegável o magnetismo que ela exercia sobre os homens e mulheres da corte; todas aquelas pessoas simplesmente comiam na mão da jovem de cabelos-- loiros? Castanhos? Levemente arruivados? Pouco importava, todos concordavam que não havia mulher mais bela em toda a corte-- ou, até mesmo, em toda a Europa.
De todos os admiradores, porém, foi Henry que chamou sua atenção. O rapaz de vinte e três anos perdera os pais em uma tempestade no mar e agora precisava lidar com todas as responsabilidades de seu novo título. Todas as jovens da corte lutavam por sua atenção, afinal de contas, quem não desejaria aqueles cabelos dourados que brilhavam ao sol, os olhos azuis emoldurados por pestanas claras, as feições delicadas e o corpo alto e esguio? Além de belo, Henry era um romântico incorrigível, escritor de poesias e excelente tocador de alaúde. Sua imensa fortuna e título, obviamente, apenas o ajudavam a ser ainda mais o partido perfeito para um casamento.
Mas foi Calista, de todas as mulheres, quem conquistou os olhos e o coração de Henry. O caso de amor foi curto, mas intenso; apenas três semanas que marcaram aquela mulher misteriosa para sempre no coração do duque inglês.
Tão abruptamente como chegou, Calista desapareceu sem deixar resquícios. O mistério incendiou ainda mais a corte quando, algumas semanas depois do desaparecimento da mulher, um bebezinho apareceu no quarto que costumava pertencer a ela. Ninguém sabia como ele havia aparecido ali e, apesar de ser humanamente impossível uma concepção tão rápida, Henry sabia que aquele bebê era seu. Sem aceitar discussões, Henry aceitou o bebezinho como seu filho e lhe deu um nome que, séculos e séculos depois, foi completamente esquecido.
Isso porque o bebezinho cresceu e, ainda quando criança, percebeu que o nome, as vestimentas e o tratamento masculino que recebia simplesmente não eram para si. Seu pai e a corte não entendiam ou aceitavam que a criança era uma menina, não um menino, mas isso não a impediu. Quando tinha 15 anos, foi estudar na França e foi lá onde passou a se identificar como mulher oficialmente, fazendo todo o possível para que não descobrissem sobre seu passado na Inglaterra. Adotou o nome de sua mãe, Califa, e deixou o nome masculino para trás, mas apesar de finalmente poder viver como a moça que era, ainda sentia que algo faltava para si.
Foi quando conheceu a deusa Ártemis e suas caçadoras aos 20 anos que entendeu o que estava faltando. Descobriu com elas que era uma semideusa e, após contar a história de sua mãe para Ártemis, ficou claro para a deusa que sua mãe era, na verdade, Afrodite. Foi aceita na caçada, onde aprendeu a lutar e também onde foi capaz de desenvolver o poder de alterar a própria aparência. Ela usa o poder para modificar seu corpo de acordo com a necessidade, ficando mais alta, baixa ou forte se preciso, mas também o usa para ter a aparência feminina que apenas conseguiria com hormônios ou cirurgias, nada disso sendo possível em sua época.
Nunca mais viu seu pai, algo que quase a matou por dentro já que, apesar de tudo, o amava muito, mas sabia que era necessário mantê-lo longe de toda a confusão que os deuses traziam. Com o passar dos séculos, fez o possível para manter a memória dele viva em seu coração; toca vários instrumentos, escreve poesia e sua aparência escolhida tem os mesmos cabelos dourados, os mesmos olhos azuis, os mesmos traços finos e delicados.
Estava com as outras caçadoras quando tudo aconteceu e está confusa e de coração partido desde o desaparecimento de sua senhora. É difícil ficar reclusa no Acampamento, mas ela sabe que é o necessário no momento.
My love is awake even in the dark...
Número do Chalé: Dez Oito. Poderes: • Manipulação corporal - capacidade de manipular qualquer aspecto de seu próprio corpo. • Aura de amor - Calista consegue ver uma aura vermelha ao redor de quem está apaixonado. Quando a pessoa está perto do objeto de sua afeição, a aura fica ainda maior e mais forte, o que significa que Calista também sabe por quem a pessoa está apaixonada. Habilidades: • Velocidade sobre-humana • Durabilidade sobre-humana Armas: • Possui um arco-e-flecha de bronze celestial que ganhou quando se uniu à caçada. Ele se transforma em um bracelete que possui o desenho de uma lua quando ela não o está usando. • Uma faca de caça de bronze celestial com uma lâmina afiada de um lado e uma serra do outro, com um emblema de pomba com uma lua no cabo de couro. Artefato: • Chicote de serpentes - Um chicote feito de couro de cobra, com uma ponta quádrupla que se transforma em quatro pequenas cobras quando ativado. Cada cobra é imbuída com veneno mágico e obedece aos comandos do portador do chicote. Elas atacam os inimigos com mordidas venenosas e podem até mesmo distraí-los enquanto o usuário prepara outros ataques. Cargos no Acampamento: • Membro da equipe azul de arco e flecha • Instrutora de arco e flecha
A heart that hurts is a heart that works...
Conexões: Aqui. Headcanons: Aqui. Tasks: Aqui. POVs: Aqui. Playlist: Aqui.
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creepywonderland-pony · 2 years ago
Buenas Impresiones
Parodia de Falsas Impresiones, mi fanfic argchi a la Jane Austen. Porque puedo.
Para el Ecuchifinde 2023
Sir González, de la Mansión Santiago, había sido merecedor del título de caballero luego de sus valientes esfuerzos en la guerra y, con ello, de los beneficios de un tranquilo retiro en el campo para disfrutar, junto a un nuevo ingreso de veinte mil libras; de las dichas de un matrimonio joven y una familia que estaba recién conformándose. Allí, al lado de una compañera de temperamento afectuoso y gran sensatez, aprendió a olvidar la vida en el mar y a suavizar su vigoroso carácter con tal de acomodarse al papel de propietario de tierra firme. Siempre gentil y generoso con los que le rodeaban, era considerado un buen señor por la servidumbre y un amigo querido por quienes tuvieron la dicha de conocerlo en sus mejores años.
Pero lamentablemente la rueda de la fortuna nunca para de dar vueltas, y Sir González, quien tuvo la suerte de armarse de honor y fortuna donde otros muchos solo encontraron la muerte, vivió la desgracia de ver partir a aquella a la cual había dedicado todos sus logros cuando apenas empezaba a gozar de la anhelada felicidad connubial. El dolor de la separación, luego de largos años de cartas secretas, promesas, y sueños sobre un futuro juntos, fue demasiado grande para él; y con el corazón roto Sir González se recluyó en su hogar, limitándose a la compañía de la pequeña sociedad del vecindario y de una biblioteca que fue creciendo año tras año, a la par que su carácter volvía cada vez más obtuso y ensimismado. Sin embargo, el destino no fue tan cruel con Sir Manuel González como habría de esperarse, pues junto a él pudo conservar el último regalo de su esposa y su mayor tesoro en esa vida: su amada hija, Manuela. 
La señorita González había vivido sus primeros años como una niña linda, animada y risueña; y aunque casi una vida completa acompañada por el duelo de una madre que apenas logró conocer había disminuido sus ánimos, ni la desdicha ni la soledad consiguieron impedir que creciera para convertirse en una preciosa muchacha. Sus rasgos bonitos habían florecido con la frescura de la juventud, su semblante había adquirido una apacible suavidad, y sus bien cuidados modales se habían vuelto cada vez más encantadores. Si a ello se le sumaba la cuantiosa dote que su título de hija única le había provisto, y su posición como primogénita de un caballero; resultaba evidente que la señorita González estaba destinada a ser el objeto de admiración de todo aquel que la rodease. Y así habría sido, si los buenos atributos de la cuna y las ventajas de una belleza natural hubiesen sido acompañados por un carácter igualmente atractivo; pero, tristemente, los perjuicios de la ausencia de una madre atenta y la protección de un padre demasiado cariñoso causaron estragos en ella que ni las mejores institutrices lograron enmendar. 
Y es que desde niña la señorita González había sufrido de una curiosidad innata que nadie se había preocupado de controlar, y que había encontrado vuelo en la fascinación por la lectura y una escandalosa libertad para hacerse con los volúmenes de la biblioteca de su padre siempre que lo deseara. Para mayor colmo, al haberse encontrado a sí misma como única dueña y señora de la Mansión Santiago a muy temprana edad, había sido mal acostumbrada a ser escuchada en sus ideas y considerada en las decisiones; lo que la había impulsado a convertirse en una joven demasiado segura de su propio juicio y excesivamente independiente. Por si eso fuera poco, su natural timidez, que consistía en el mayor encanto ante los extraños, solía diluirse demasiado rápido en su afilada mente como para que cualquiera que hubiese quedado prendado por su belleza la cortejara más que un par de semanas. En consecuencia, a sus veinte años Manuela González se había transformado en una joven demasiado ingeniosa y despierta para ser del agrado de cualquier caballero sensato en búsqueda de una esposa.
Por fortuna, no existe ningún defecto que el amor no vuelva invisible, y aunque ya a sus dieciséis años transitaba de boca en boca la terrible sentencia de que la señorita González jamás hallaría marido, había más de un par de oídos sordos que se negaban fervientemente a creer que tan cruel futuro estuviese destinado a la mejor de todas las jovencitas. Una de las principales defensoras de Manuela era Lady Burgos, viuda de un terrateniente rico, e íntima de Lady González mientras fueron vecinas. Luego de su repentino fallecimiento había tomado bajo su protección a la pequeña niña, prometiéndose no descansar hasta verla convertida en todo lo que su madre alguna vez soñó. Fue así como las visitas de Lady Burgos junto a su hijo, Francisco, se volvieron una situación recurrente en la Mansión González, hecho al que su dueño jamás puso impedimento alguno, valorando sabiamente el acceso a una opinión femenina en sus planes y agradeciendo, por sobre todo, el poder invocar el recuerdo de su esposa en compañía de una vieja compañera de desdichas.
El por qué dos almas tan cercanas en dolencias y domicilio como Sir González y Lady Burgos no incursionaron en la senda hacia el matrimonio no requiere mayor explicación que el simple hecho que ninguna parte contemplase jamás la posibilidad de una alianza, demasiado ocupados tanto en la crianza como en revivir la memoria de los seres amados como para siquiera poner sus pensamientos en ello, menos aún sus corazones.
En cambio, las razones de por qué jamás se estableciera un compromiso entre la señorita González y el joven señor Burgos, resultó un misterio incomprensible para toda su sociedad hasta que, llegados a una edad oportuna, la misma incertidumbre cayó sobre los susodichos. Fue allí que ambos jóvenes, a pesar de hacer crecido como compañeros de juegos y confidentes desde la cuna, reconocieron en sus afectos más que el candor propio de los amores fraternos. Y tras un par de ires y venires rumiando sus sentimientos, y algo de ayuda de su figura materna, la verdad terminó por volverse aparente, comprometiéndose sus destinos con la bendición de ambos padres de por medio. Un desarrollo de lo más natural dos jóvenes apuestos, de buena crianza y acaudalados; y por lo mismo, celebrado por toda la sociedad, al menos en apariencia.
Por este mismo motivo aconteció que, cuando la señorita González se halló a sí misma perdiéndose en la multitud en una fiesta durante su estadía en Bath; ningún baile se le fue concedido al joven que la rescató de la vergüenza pública. Y de la misma forma fue ignorada la hija del cliente del señor Burgos, aun tras perseguir su interés durante toda la semana que estuvo de visita en su hogar. Estando sus corazones ya ocupados, no había distracción alguna que lograse tentarles a cometer indiscreciones. Y sumergidos en un amor tan dulce como intenso, sus vidas transcurrieron con suma tranquilidad, sin saberse siquiera deseados por ojos ajenos.
Por supuesto, como todo enlace entre dos almas, su romance no estuvo exento de sus propias trabas; pero siendo su amor tan grande y sincero, ningún inconveniente o presión social logro jamás separarles.
Fue así que el joven señor Burgos, conociendo el enorme afecto de su prometida hacía su padre, y la debilidad del caballero en dejar ir a su única compañera y más grande tesoro, no tuvo reparo en ceder su independencia, aceptando vivir tras sus nupcias en la Mansión González; para la leve molestia de Lady Burgos, quien tenía ilusiones de recibir en su nido a los recién casados y los retoños que esperaba de su unión. E igualmente fue con el mismo espíritu, poniéndose por segunda vez en evidencia como el mejor de los hombres, que apoyó a su amada en el proceso de convertirse en una célebre novelista, sin importarle los rumores y malas lenguas que circularon en su nombre por la profesión de su prometida. Nada de ello, ni su reputación ni sus conexiones era importantes, cuando la felicidad de su queridísima Manuel estaba en juego.
Su boda se celebró en su vigésima primavera, ante la bendición de las flores y los murmullos de abejorros; para la sorpresa y envidia de todo su círculo social. Y su vida conyugal imitó el mismo sentimiento de paz que el día en que unieron sus nombres, regalándoles dos niñas y un varón, junto a largos años de ininterrumpida felicidad. Ni un día de penas llovió sobre sus cabezas, dichosos por siempre de haber encontrado a su alma gemela en su propio vecindario y sin esfuerzo de por medio.
Así fue la historia de la señorita González, quien a pesar de todos los rumores y aprensiones que circulaban a su alrededor, no tuvo que esforzarse en hallar al esposo que tanto se pensó que no llegaría, ni tampoco luchar en exceso para cumplir sus sueños. Viviendo contenta, amada y tranquila hasta el final de sus días.
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