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Klaroline mostly, but tvdu fanfic
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thelazuliknight · 4 hours ago
Laz’s TVDU headcanons pt 2
Idc what the show wants us to think, but based on the characters actual interests here are jobs and majors and stuff.
Fight me but Elena doesn’t give Stem student. Like Elena is girl boss, but not woman in stem girl boss. If she can’t be a writer bc of trauma and grief that makes sense, but that girl is still an English student through and through and pretty sure Miranda was a historian. Imagine her as an editor or a publisher.
I 100% vibe with broadcast journalism for Caroline, same with being an actress. But she is born for event planning, project management, and also she would do so well in politics. And her as a headmistress does make sense, but like as someone actually there at the school…. I blame CW contracts on that more than the writers though. For once it’s not their fault (even though blaming the writers is fun). I do blame the writers for how they did the school in general, and wish they didn’t do that.
Bonnie! The real woman in stem girl boss. Idk why but I feel like she would do really well as some kind of biologist or botanist, especially with witchy connection to nature. But like also she gives occult studies and more than that archeology. I feel like she would do well with that. But also idk why she gives wickedly good at math vibes. Or! Hear me out, she would be a great therapist. And a really good lawyer. Witches are basically just natural lawyers but against physics, so I think she’d be great at it.
On the other hand I see Jeremy being another arty kid. I strongly believe that he would be a great art teacher. That or graphic designer by day and vampire hunter by night. Also see him just joining the military for a bit.
Tyler actually would be a great coach, or just good with real estate. I feel like he was always preparing for his dad’s title from childhood, even if he didn’t really want it, but I do think he was interested. If not that, professional athlete, or even just simply another art teacher. I also see him doing tattoo art work, or being an illustrator for graphic novels and books in general.
Matt becoming a Mayor made sense. Him being a cop made sense. I see him being the kind of guy to run for Senator eventually, and he’s the shitty option that somehow won, and then he believes he has a chance to run for president. He doesn’t succeed that far though. Thank God.
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thelazuliknight · 8 hours ago
Did someone order an easy way to change season 4 of TVD completely but naturally?
WELL ORDER UP!!!! Because we have a plot hole for closing! It's glorious too! Unfortunately, it does require an early Jeremey death. But technically he should not have come back with the Gilbert Ring when Elena killed him with knife during her hunter's curse era. Because bro was already a hunter! Which that that contradicts with the whole Jeremey is dead-dead thing on the island. He was already a hunter when Elena killed him. So he shouldn't have come back. If you want to bring him back or not later, up to you, but here is what you can work with! 1. Hallucinating Elena Gilbert who has killed not one, but two hunters. And now is Hallucinating Jeremey! So she can be losing it! But also clinging to the visions because she can fool herself into thinking she didn't kill Jeremey! And so by the time she comes to terms with it, she won't need to flip her switch. Ta da! Gets rid of teh Deus ex Machina of Elena just not having them anymore like three days in when Klaus had to deal with them for 52 years? 2. You can have now Bonnie obsessingly trying to either cure Elena or bring Jeremey back! Maybe even subconscously angry at Elena and not sure how to cope with it. You can have her learning to take care of herself too, and give her the self-care arc she deserves. (Also this gives her more resolve to start expression, or she will be too busy too). 3. Tyler and grief, bro may rush his plans! Jeremy was at this point his besties. What if he tries to irrationally blame this on Klaus and shouldn't? Maybe he gets hurried. Whatever you do, know Tyler can not go unaffected! 4. Kol isn't angry at Jeremy yet, and possibly sees the kid as a strange friend. May pay respects. Also Kol doesn't die. Amazing! They don't even make the plan! 5. The day after is the Pagent episode, so do what you will with that. The episode that should have been amazing Klaroline moment (which can still happen, Caroline seems to be the type to busy herself when grieving). And also the episode when they discover Delena sire bond, and with Elena in Hunter's curse mode, you can do crazy things with the sire bond? Does it break with her in this state for so long? Or Does Damon bring her mild solace? Or Does Damon make it worse? Who knows! Your choice! 6. Stefan doesn't know what to do! but he is also freshly broken up with, probably blames himself for Jeremy's death (bc it's Stefan), and also because Bonnie is thinking she can bring Jeremy back, Elena is in denial, Damon is trying to help Elena, and Tyler is in Revenge station, he and Caroline are probably the only ones planning a funeral for Jeremey at all. Matt probably was too clueless to realize that there wasn't anyone else who would.
Now to cure Elena from curse, one could cure her from vampirism, but the cure is now mapless. Shane may struggle much more to manipulate Bonnie, because she just shuts herself in. Also maybe Hybrid sacrifice is botched, so is there even an expression triangle?Does Jeremy come to life? Who knows? You know! Here is the fanfic ex machina!
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thelazuliknight · 18 hours ago
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The sweetest moment by BrET13
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thelazuliknight · 18 hours ago
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Yayz my first (not sketch) Klaus x Caroline pic! :dummy:
I tried to capture their characters but I have to say that drawing Klaus is quite difficult to me… @.@ But he got his stubble this time… x’D
I really love their relationship, it’s somehow interesting, isn’t it? *w* And I’m so happy that there’s a lot of Klaroline fans. So I needed to draw it! x3
Let’s hope that we can see more about them! >u<
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thelazuliknight · 19 hours ago
Title: In the Light of the Moon
Rating: M
Chapters: 5/?
Pairing: Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson
Summary: There, in her backyard, sat a wolf.
Healthy and strong, the beast was all long legs and lean muscle, with a gleaming coat and sharp eyes. He was beautiful too, with his thick tawny fur that gleamed almost golden in the pale rays of moonlight. It looked so soft, she just wanted to bury her hands in it and pet him.
Combined with the familiar glowing golden eyes of a Hybrid, he made for a fierce sight. Unnatural, but all the more beautiful for it. And he was big too, bigger than any dog she'd ever seen. Bigger than Tyler in wolf form, and definitely bigger than Jules.
Or; in which Caroline makes a new friend.
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thelazuliknight · 1 day ago
what do you think about Hayley?
I think she was made as a plot device, not a person, and therefore has no real character.
I mean, when she was first introduced, she had a good premise---we learn she grew up with foster parents, and when she turned for the first time, they kicked her out. I think that's a really neat insight into the werewolf world they should have explored a whole lot more. If she's in her early/mid-twenties does that mean she's been turning since she was a teenager? Is she an experienced werewolf, having been running with other packs ever since she was kicked out? What happened when she was kicked out? Was she homeless for a while, forced to hitchhike and live on the streets, thinking herself a monster until she realised there were more people like her? How did she find that out? Did she bump into a werewolf in a bar? Was there a werewolf that took her under his/her wing, taught her everything she knew? Did she find her own family, even though they shared no blood?
The problem is, TVDU has a horrible habit of creating female characters for a specific purpose, and not expanding on them otherwise. Hayley was supposed to be likeable because they intended to air TO and Plec wanted the baby plotline. She wasn't a homewrecker, because Tyler wasn't actually cheating on Caroline with her, see? It's just a ploy to distract Klaus! Hayley's actually trying to help the hybrids out of the good of her heart!
Yeah, well, that's all good and dandy, but Julie---[takes a huge breath]---my darling, you forgot you made Hayley a decietful bitch who betrays the hybrids to Klaus just for the promise of information on her parents. Which, don't get me wrong---I think the twist made her character all the more interesting. It would have been better if her alliance with Shane was revealed later and came as more of a shock. But again, Hayley was a plot device, and the writers were using her for all the wrong reasons, reaching their crescendo of mysognistic bad decisions when they had her get pregnant with Klaus' child and later, forced her own plotline with the NOLA werewolves just to give her something to do rather than just be Klaus' shacked up momma.
Like all the characters in TVDU, she had great potential, especially as a morally grey character or antagonist.
But as always, the execution was shite.
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thelazuliknight · 1 day ago
I have a strong dislike for bashing fics. Not because I don’t dislike characters, but I feel like when an author goes into a fic with a vehement hatred or dislike for character, with only a goal to dish out consequences for all the reasons they hate that character it removes nuance and a dimensionality to the narrative. Every character is still a human (even if maybe technically they are not) and should be written as such. Every flaw should be a strength somewhere, and a strength should be a flaw elsewhere. I think it’s important to remember nuance when writing, even the characters you dislike, and with that you can still create consequences, but also moral dilemma, and with it agency for the characters.
I want the hatred for Character A to be Character B’s hatred, not the author’s hatred.
Remember who the character is I guess, and even if you hate them, don’t destroy further them more to validly said hatred, bare their souls out to us raw and untouched, purely them, and show us the scars you see. I want to believe it.
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thelazuliknight · 1 day ago
Adding on to this! I think Rippers can have a favorite type of blood like other vampires, but like it’s harder for them to discover that, because it’s the feeling of the blood drinking that they are addicted too. Like I also think young vampires don’t really know immediately either, like Vicki or Logan never really had time to get past the hunger and really know what they loved.
Oh and I think Rose loved B+ and Trevor looks like he likes AB-
Laz's TVDU Headcanons #1
Okay, it's a known fact that Caroline's favorite blood type is B+. Which I think she favored ironically at first because it made her feel good to say, "Be Positive!" But eventually it grew to be her favorite.
The most common blood types as we know are: A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, AB- (and I don't know enough about blood science stuff to go deeper then them sadly). ____ I like to imagine that the RH factor (negative and positive) are like flavor intensity. Like a positive blood is fuller, more intense, and tends to be preferred by the vampire community on it's own. A bloods are richer, a little more bitter, kind of like a black coffee but metallic. I think Elena, Damon, Aya, and Klaus prefer A- blood the best. And Anna, Tyler, and Elijah like A+.
Now B bloods are sweet, but in a citrus kind of way. Somewhat tart, and where a B- is like eating a clementine. B+ is like nectarine. Stefan and Lexi I imagine love a good B-, and Lucien and Abbie also I think really like B+ like Caroline. I just like Abbie adopting Caroline’s favorite after that moment. AB blood is a unique flavor. It's saltier. Sweet, but savory. I imagine it tastes like a 70% dark chocolate with sea salt. It's rich, but still quite sweet. And I see this being the favorite for say Rebekah, Kol, Katherine, and Enzo when Positive. Marcel, Tristen, and Finn preferred AB-.
O blood is almost flavorless. When positive it's like bread or pasta or grain. But when negative it's basically like water. Like a good, expensive, really well filtered water. But no flavor. (Perks of being a universal doner). But I see Pearl and Lily liking O-, because it tastes great in Tea. And I see Aurora, Alaric when he was one, and Hayley loving an O+. ___ I think witch blood no matter has a smokey undertone to it. Which Caroline finds weird when type B, but blood isn't bad to vampires, but she does find it strange. (I don't think this smokeyness goes away when a witch becomes a vampire).
Werewolf blood tastes kinda bitter. Like a sharp cheddar when A or AB, but like a Grapefruit or a lemon when B. Vampire blood tastes almost fermented, like the alcohol versions of whatever the old version was. The older the vamp the better aged the flavor of blood. O+ vampire blood is whiskey-like. Doppelgänger blood just tastes GOOD (especially Petrova Doppelgänger blood). No matter what. Because it was the blood used to make vampires, it tastes the best to vampires no matter. I also think vampires tend to prefer the blood type they completed transition with. Not always. But they often associate the taste with that rush of power. Older vampires though eventually curate their own hyper specific tastes.
____ I imagine Ester had B blood, and Mikael had A blood. Rebekah, Kol have type B. Elijah and Finn are AB. Freya and Henrik had A blood. and Klaus... is type O...... (Ansel had type O blood).
Elena is B- (Gilbert blood is B, but Isobel was probably O)
Bonnie is AB
Stefan is A+
Damon was O+ (which is why Meredith loves his most of all)
Caroline is type A- (you see the angst I added here, sorry)
Tyler gives B- like Elena (I think Carol Lockwood was a type B-, and Richard was a type O).
Jeremy, Matt, and April all have B+ vibes
Jenna was A
Alaric gives O-
Enzo gives O+ (great
Meredith is B+
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thelazuliknight · 1 day ago
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my girls
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thelazuliknight · 1 day ago
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Katherine and Elena
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thelazuliknight · 1 day ago
Freya: Why does Elijah always do the laundry so loudly?
Rebekah: So everyone knows that no one helps him out in the house.
Elijah, in the distance: *slams the washing machine shut*
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thelazuliknight · 1 day ago
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FREYA MIKAELSON Sanctuary (Feb 2nd, 2015)
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thelazuliknight · 1 day ago
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step 1: avert the baby’s eyes
step 2: ~violence~
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thelazuliknight · 1 day ago
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thelazuliknight · 1 day ago
Caroline: One day, you’re going to push me too far, and I’m going to kill you. Klaus: Aww, You're making future plans with me. Cute. Caroline: ...
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thelazuliknight · 1 day ago
Laz's TVDU Headcanons #1
Okay, it's a known fact that Caroline's favorite blood type is B+. Which I think she favored ironically at first because it made her feel good to say, "Be Positive!" But eventually it grew to be her favorite.
The most common blood types as we know are: A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, AB- (and I don't know enough about blood science stuff to go deeper then them sadly). ____ I like to imagine that the RH factor (negative and positive) are like flavor intensity. Like a positive blood is fuller, more intense, and tends to be preferred by the vampire community on it's own. A bloods are richer, a little more bitter, kind of like a black coffee but metallic. I think Elena, Damon, Aya, and Klaus prefer A- blood the best. And Anna, Tyler, and Elijah like A+.
Now B bloods are sweet, but in a citrus kind of way. Somewhat tart, and where a B- is like eating a clementine. B+ is like nectarine. Stefan and Lexi I imagine love a good B-, and Lucien and Abbie also I think really like B+ like Caroline. I just like Abbie adopting Caroline’s favorite after that moment. AB blood is a unique flavor. It's saltier. Sweet, but savory. I imagine it tastes like a 70% dark chocolate with sea salt. It's rich, but still quite sweet. And I see this being the favorite for say Rebekah, Kol, Katherine, and Enzo when Positive. Marcel, Tristen, and Finn preferred AB-.
O blood is almost flavorless. When positive it's like bread or pasta or grain. But when negative it's basically like water. Like a good, expensive, really well filtered water. But no flavor. (Perks of being a universal doner). But I see Pearl and Lily liking O-, because it tastes great in Tea. And I see Aurora, Alaric when he was one, and Hayley loving an O+. ___ I think witch blood no matter has a smokey undertone to it. Which Caroline finds weird when type B, but blood isn't bad to vampires, but she does find it strange. (I don't think this smokeyness goes away when a witch becomes a vampire).
Werewolf blood tastes kinda bitter. Like a sharp cheddar when A or AB, but like a Grapefruit or a lemon when B. Vampire blood tastes almost fermented, like the alcohol versions of whatever the old version was. The older the vamp the better aged the flavor of blood. O+ vampire blood is whiskey-like. Doppelgänger blood just tastes GOOD (especially Petrova Doppelgänger blood). No matter what. Because it was the blood used to make vampires, it tastes the best to vampires no matter. I also think vampires tend to prefer the blood type they completed transition with. Not always. But they often associate the taste with that rush of power. Older vampires though eventually curate their own hyper specific tastes.
____ I imagine Ester had B blood, and Mikael had A blood. Rebekah, Kol have type B. Elijah and Finn are AB. Freya and Henrik had A blood. and Klaus... is type O...... (Ansel had type O blood).
Elena is B- (Both John and Grayson Gilbert had blood is B-, but Isobel was probably O)
Bonnie is AB+
Stefan is A+
Damon was O+ (which is why Meredith loves his most of all)
Caroline is type A- (you see the angst I added here, sorry)
Tyler gives B- like Elena (I think Carol Lockwood was a type B-, and Richard was a type O-).
Jeremy, Matt, and April all have B+ vibes
Jenna was A+
Alaric gives O-
Enzo gives O+
Meredith is B+
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thelazuliknight · 1 day ago
Elena: Rebekah got me a "get better soon" card.
Stefan: That's nice of her.
Elena: I wasn't sick, she just thought I could do better.
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