#lgbt term
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hornyverymuch · 9 months ago
happy pride to these two for saying the gayest shit almost 60 years ago on television and singlehandedly inventing slash fiction
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makingqueerhistory · 2 years ago
I’m actually serious about this, if at all possible, right now is a very good time to request queer books from your local library. Whether they get them or not is not in your control, but it is so important to show that there is a desire for queer books. I will also say getting more queer books in libraries and supporting queer authors are pretty fantastic byproducts of any action.
This isn’t something everyone can do, but please do see if you are one of the people who has the privilege to engage in this form of activism, and if you are, leverage that privilege for all you’re worth.
For anyone who can’t think of a queer book to request, here is a little list of some queer books that I think are underrated and might not be in circulation even at larger libraries:
Refusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture by Sherronda J. Brown
Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco     
Harvard's Secret Court: The Savage 1920 Purge of Campus Homosexuals by William Wright    
The Perks of Loving a Wallflower by Erica Ridley   
God Themselves by Jae Nichelle
IRL by Tommy Pico        
The Pink Line: Journeys Across the World's Queer Frontiers by Mark Gevisser
Passing Strange by Ellen Klages             
The New Queer Conscience by Adam Eli
Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl's Confabulous Memoir by Kai Cheng Thom          
Queering the Tarot by Cassandra Snow              
Wash Day Diaries by Jamila Rowser
Queer Magic: Lgbt+ Spirituality and Culture from Around the World by Tomás Prower            
Before We Were Trans: A New History of Gender by Kit Heyam   
Beyond the Pale by Elana Dykewomon 
Hi Honey, I'm Homo! by Matt Baume      
The Deep by Rivers Solomon
Homie: Poems by Danez Smith
The Secret Life of Church Ladies by Deesha Philyaw  
The Companion by E.E. Ottoman 
Kapaemahu by Dean Hamer, Joe Wilson, Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu
Sacrament of Bodies by Romeo Oriogun     
Witching Moon by Poppy Woods 
Tell Me I'm Worthless by Alison Rumfitt    
Dead Collections by Isaac Fellman    
Disintegrate/Dissociate by Arielle Twist           
Dear Senthuran: A Black Spirit Memoir by Akwaeke Emezi             
Peaches and Honey by Imogen Markwell-Tweed      
Nepantla: An Anthology Dedicated to Queer Poets of Color by Christopher Soto
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lesboytism · 3 months ago
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im making numbers on twitter 🔥🔥
14 y/o xenine me would be so proud of myself now
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year ago
The hardest, but most important, part of my transition has been untangling what my personal dysphoria is, and what is more a result of cissexism.
What I mean by this is that I learned that I am not dysphoric about certain aspects of myself, my body, and my life, but my discomfort in these aspects was influenced by the cissexist culture I live in which told me I couldn't exist as myself.
It's definitely a slow process, but I have found that it helps me self-actualize and actually see myself instead of what others demand of me.
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vroomvroomwee · 4 months ago
As an aroace I always feel like an idiot for questioning my identity because it's always some bullshit cycle on the lines of:
Me: I think I want a relationship.
Brain: Oh, okay. So you might not be aroace then?
Me: I guess...
Brain: So you want to have sex with someone?
Me: Ew no? I want to hug someone.
Brain: Okay. So you want to be romantic with someone?
Me: No? Hug....
Brain: ...?
Me: Hug...
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thehorrorwood · 1 month ago
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  ི 🂱  ──   Sirenosexual is a sexuality that can be described as only being sexually and romantically attracted to ones chosen person, favored person, favorite person, etc regardless of gender. This term is not fluid, is not a variant of demi, and is not a variant of pan. Alternatively called ‘Sirenorose’.
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ascxuality · 1 year ago
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slothxio · 7 months ago
my favorite genre of men is gay, depraved, and covered in blood
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deathofamistress · 1 month ago
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a term in which one's identity is, relates to, or can be described as a hostile or dominant animal, an apex predator. wolves, lions, orcas, or other animals can be used as symbolism for predators.
this term is the counterpart to prey. (link)
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coined by @deathofamistress. requested by @fractalvoid.
this is a mogai / liom / qai identity. anyone can use.
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lesboytism · 1 month ago
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𐙚 ﹐genderpunk queer infographic
my infographic! the flag redesign and symbol are also both mine ꒱
can also be shortened to GP movement
we DESPERATELY need this movement because trump is destroying the rights of LGBTQ+ (especially trans people right now), and i want our voices heard!! our body, our fucking choice!! neither nature or biology adhere to the male/female binary!! hrt and gender-affirming surgeries is life-saving and extremely beneficial healthcare, more people regret having children than medically transitioning!! i'm tired of rich old cis men making decisions about what's best for my body!! i'm a proud nonbinary transsexual who uses neopronouns!!! i just want a happy and normal life like everyone else!! is that too much to ask for?? I JUST WANT BASIC FREEDOM AND EQUALITY TO EVERYONE ELSE.
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kittarts · 7 months ago
Do you have sexuality HC's to your favs? You don't need to answer if don't want! I love your art 💖 be safe
I do! Coraline is 100% a bi girl to me aaa, blue hair come on. Wybie is pan and ace spec, he doesn't really know that by labels though, romance not on the brain.
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flag-cat · 3 months ago
Erian and Iresic
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Feeling gay or queer attraction for Non-Binary individuals
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Feeling straight for Non-Binary individuals
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Feeling gay or queer AND straight attraction for Non-Binary individuals. It can be considered a combination of Erian and Iresic.
Anyone can use these flags if they think these labels fit them! You can be any gender and gay, straight or both for Non-Binary people!
[all 3 flags have a version with and without the symbol]
All terms are coined by me and all flags are designed by me!
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dhddmods · 5 months ago
Years back, we coined the terms CTF & CTM at request of intersex friends. Since then, we have seen those terms take off, which we are so happy about! Now, we wish to coin two new terms - CTN (Close-To-Neutral) and CTA (Close-To-Androgynous.)
(PS - Please read and reblog our intersex guide! It is so important to educate yourself and others about the intersex spectrum and intersex bodies!)
Both of the flags are based on the CTF & CTM flags. Pink is for potential feminine sex traits, blue is for potential masculine sex traits, purple is for potential androgynous sex traits, grey is for potential neutral sex traits, and white is for the gender spectrum (representing how intersex people can have any gender.) Black represents intersex individuals that have suffered from genital mutilation, reproductive mutilation, or hormone abuse. Yellow is for the intersex community as a whole.
For the CTA flag, the purple circle represents how androgyny is the focus. For the CTN flag, the green circle represents how neutrality is the focus.
CTA/Close-To-Androgynous is a term for an intersex person that was born with mostly androgynous sex traits, rather than "feminine" or "masculine" sex traits being the majority.
They might still have feminine, masculine, or neutral sex traits, however androgynous sex traits take up the majority.
Androgynous sex traits can include the following:
-Having ambiguous genitals. -Having ovotestes. -Having a combination of a uterus and prostate, or a uterus and testicles. -Having a combination of X & Y chromosomes that are higher than typical (XXY, XXYY, etc.) -Having an equal split of feminine and masculine sex traits.
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The CTA flag.
CTN/Close-To-Neutral is a term for an intersex person that was born with mostly neutral sex traits, rather than "feminine" or "masculine" sex traits being the majority.
They might still have feminine, masculine, or androgynous sex traits, however neutral sex traits take up the majority.
Neutral sex traits can include the following:
-Being on the agenital spectrum. -Having gonadal agenesis or streak gonads. -Having cervical hypoplasia or cervical agenesis. -Having uterine hypoplasia or MRKH Syndrome/WNT4 syndrome. -Having low levels of sex hormones (hypoestrogenism/hypoandrogenism.) -Having low responsivity to sex hormones (estrogen insensitivity & androgen insensitivity.) -Having less than two sex chromosomes (for example, Turner Syndrome.)
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The CTN flag.
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mswyrr · 8 months ago
the Sept scene was fully in character for Rhaenyra & Alicent
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I've seen fans--even Rhaenicent fans!--saying it was ooc or "fanfic." It wasn't. The original scene was much shorter: Emma and Olivia, two very talented actors who know their characters well, expanded it. They weren't just wasting time or suddenly lacking in talent and insight. They knew what they were doing and it connects all the way back.
So let's go all the way back! Where do we begin? Episode 1x01, King Viserys wants a son and male heir; he has wanted a son for so long that Rhaenyra, his 14-year-old daughter says (ep 1x01) "For as long as I can recall, it’s all he’s wanted." What has this done to her? Well, for one thing, it has made her mother, who has difficult pregnancies, in ill health for most of her life. This ill health means that Aemma did a lot of lecturing (and trying to keep Rhaenyra from flying and doing other risky things while she was sick) and not a lot of getting to spend quality time with her daughter. A distracted father, ruling the realm, and a mother sick with trying to give him the male heir he prioritizes above his wife and daughter.
Who has been there for Rhaenyra? Alicent. Alicent was hers. When Rhaenyra flies on her dragon, experiencing freedom from all her worries and power and joy, she wants ALICENT to be there with her, high above the sea, looking out over the city:
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[source: 1x01 script]
When Rhaenyra had to have a difficult conversation with her mother, it was Alicent she looked to for comfort and emotional support -- in an act a cut scene from the script *explicitly calls "flirting"*. Rhaenyra relies on and longs for that "disarming kindness" she says Alicent has.
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And it was Alicent's lap that Rhaenyra flirts about loving to lie upon. Alicent is so much to Rhaenyra that she dreams of running away together, just the two of them and Rhaenyra's bonded dragon Syrax.
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Alicent was her cherished girl, her comfort and her chief supporter and advisor. She was Rhaenyra's heart's rest. And, yes - it was a friendship blossoming into flirtation and desire as the two matured. They were on the cusp of something. They were the world to each other.
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Emma and Olivia get it and have always gotten it. Rhaenyra has this gorgeous yang or solar energy that finds balance with Alicent's yin or lunar energy. They're a sun and moon couple, balancing each other's strengths and weaknesses. With Alicent, the sword of Rhaenyra's intense energy has a sheath. A resting place. Her fire has a hearth. And Alicent isn't drained by people (like Viserys would later do...) who just take and take and take -- hurting her and draining that "disarming kindness" of hers until she's broken and ruined inside. Rhaenyra gives and cherishes in a way that made Alicent feel whole and appreciated.
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Rhaenyra goes from being angry (angry the way a jilted lover would be - calling Alicent a "whore" for what she felt emotionally imo as Alicent cheating on Rhaenyra with her father) to instantly deeply protective and possessive once she learns more. See the cut scene after Viserys reveals his engagement to Alicent:
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[script pages source] [photo source]
Rhaenyra is ready to take on the whole Seven Kingdoms to protect her girl!
Rhaenyra liked being the focus of Alicent playing the "lady beloved" role - reading soothingly to her, supporting and encouraging and admiring her, teasing her for being naughty, advising her about her political situation. She found rest and comfort there - and then Viserys took her mother, cutting her open to get his precious son out. And then, in his remorse and grief, he took comfort in Rhaenyra's girl (who was forced to give him that precious kindness of hers by her father) and her father *stole her girl too*. Not only did he steal her girl, he put her own status as heir into question by having a firstborn son with her - after wounding Rhaenyra deeply by chasing a son as far back as she could remember!
All the "she should be over it" stuff about Alicent... if Rhaenyra were a male character people would recognize the wound of having his crush stolen out from under him by his old man at the same time his old man refuses to fully back his status as heir - it's archetypal! It's gd Greek. Your old man trying to keep you from the girl you want, from your desires and destiny as an adult.
Rhaenyra makes total sense in the Sept scene - she has the primal wound of a girl who is an HEIR - who wanted to have things and act and possess and stand tall and be the lover to a girl's beloved in a way only boys are allowed in this society... and whose father took her girl away from her as well as making her feel uncertain of her status in a deeply wounding way. Rhaenyra correctly locates, emotionally, her rupture from Alicent as where it all went wrong. The Sept scene is about all of that emotionally and it makes total sense. It is also about Rhaenyra's sheer desperation and comprehension of the horror coming... and the most heartbreaking longing to return to a time when Alicent's heart was her home.
Alicent's heart was Rhaenyra's home. And her father stole the girl she loved. He took her and savaged and used and broke her and made her give birth to children she didn't want (at least not with him) from decades of sex she did. not. want. because even men who think they're nice in this society are allowed that - to cut a wife open for a son, to use a girl young enough to be his daughter. He vacillated between wounding and affirming Rhaenyra, never fully able to honor her as his heir because she was not a boy. And he couldn't even conceive of her feelings for Alicent because this is a deeply homophobic society - but he was also, even seeing it in a platonic light, selfish and inconsiderate of her feelings for her best friend.
He kept putting his feelings and needs first, over his wife, over his daughter, over her best friend.
I don't care if nobody else gets it - the way Emma plays it? They get it. They're an extremely talented actor who wasn't going "ooc" in the Sept - they were playing *that*. My father inflicted these primal wounds on me because my coming of age was more like a boy's--like things that should be allowed girls but are denied them-- and he thwarted me and yet I love him. And I love Alicent and I long for her heart, though it's full of poison and broken things now. Why does it all have to be like this? Why does it have to hurt so much?
The Sept scene is entirely in character for both of them. It is not "fanfic." It is not OOC. It is the broken heart of this tragedy bleeding before our eyes.
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redacted-coiner · 1 year ago
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Satyr Transmasc
[PT: Satyr Transmasc]
Satyr Transmasc, a term for transmascs (& transmasc adjacent) who are not ashamed in who they are. This is a inclusive label, welcoming any form of Transmasculinity, those who present masculine and are transmasc, those who present feminine and are transmasc, etc. it also is open and loving to those no matter their body types, if their a POC, if they have disabilities, their dysphoria or lack of, those who’s identities may be contradictory.
Whoever you are, as long as you are transmasc, you can be a Satyr Transmasc!
This term was based off the idea of the original interpretations of Satyrs from the Greek stories. (Read this please)
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[Tag] @radiomogai, @liom-archive
[Extra Tags] @acetrappolaswife, @gender-mailman, @genderstarbucks, @caeliangel
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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love-s1cker · 6 months ago
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⠀⠀⠀ ♱⠀┈⠀Lovesketches-ic⠀┈⠀♱
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♱⠀┈⠀LOVESKETCHESIC : a gender connected to lovers drawing sketches for eachother, lovingly sketching for someone in your mind or just being in love and also sketching + having fun with all the above. ┈ can be considered a xenogender, otherkin and something else as long it's in good faith.
♱⠀┈⠀term made by me⠀┈⠀flag created by me
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