#learning to be an adulthood
astrateiaa · 7 months
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Happy (somewhat belated) birthday Anthy!!!! I love you dearly.
I think she deserves to make her own cake if she wants.
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bacchuschucklefuck · 4 months
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gukgak specifically from my typing (man w/ three jobs & a creeping sense of dread)
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scatterbrainedbot · 9 months
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the realization that a 03 leosagi child could be a dragon-bunny hybrid hit me like a derailed freight train a few days ago
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i do not know her name or anything else all i know is that her fam is as surprised and awed by her as i am
also that mikey needs a refresher on how biology works
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
Something I really like is that April’s constant stream of odd jobs she goes through is somewhat reflected in the boys as well. Like, you have April working at random pizza places or getting a crane license or being fully willing to apply for a job at a place clearly made out of cardboard. Then you have the boys as well who do anything from working as a basketball mascot, building a massive dog park, being waiters, getting a whole band gig at a theme park, etc, etc-
Main difference is that April actively applies for these jobs (and is hopefully paid for the short time she’s in them) whereas for the bros the jobs usually find them (and they practically never get paid.) It doesn’t even stop at jobs either, they just seem to casually amass skills in general.
I don’t know, I like how both April and the turtles are just so ready and willing to do things. Sure, they’re not always good at these things, but they do them readily! In a way, being heroes is just another job (well, more like volunteer work/vigilantism/another fun activity) that they initially took on because of their general sense of “why not?”
They’re very willing and open to trying out new things despite their tendency to revert back to what they enjoy (and how commonly trying new things ends up going wrong), and I think that adaptational interest of theirs really helps them be well rounded in multiple regards.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt headcanons#like not even just jobs these characters just like to go out and do things!#even if they’re initially not interested they’re so curious and stuff that they’ll do it anyway#I wonder if April being as curious and incredibly open minded as she is rubbed off on the boys growing up#and they like…osmosis’d this personality trait from her to be like ‘yeah sure whatever’ to any antic#I also just think that they’re bored teenagers with a TON of time on their hands so they like to just live it up#I think the boys always had the desire to go out and apply themselves but meeting April likely pushed them more#y’know I wonder#what if April narrowed down just one job when in college and she actually managed to keep it#like…almost as a form of growth - she narrowed down jobs and careers and schooling as she hit early adulthood?#it’s kinda reflected in raph as well - originally so open and for goofing off but now much more singularly focused on hero stuff#kinda a sad way to look at growing up but it works here#because you have the three younger sibs still readily doing other things#not as focused on responsibility or singular paths#it’s sad because adulthood absolutely does not mean not being open to other things#but at that time in your life sometimes there’s a pressure and unwanted responsibility to pick a path y’know?#and it’s a relief to learn that actually there was never just one set path with one set trail you always had to stay on#and I think that’s reflected in how raph at the end of the movie opens back up to playing around and doing things for the fun of it
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orangerosebush · 12 days
I just know Artemis is (lightly) hitting curbs when driving the Bentley
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coquettejohnny · 7 months
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long live MY ASS
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reverse-mermaid · 5 months
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former gifted kids sound off in the comments lmao
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mayasaura · 4 months
hi, may I ask where John being gender non-conforming and his only known family dying of pneumonia happened/was mentioned in the books? I probably just straight up missed it and would like to look back at it, thank you!
Hi!! You certainly may! Sorry I'm answering this bit late, but better late than never right?
So narratively speaking, the John verses are where the story establishes John's background, yeah? They're very deliberate in the details, and we can deduce a lot from what they mention .... and what they don't.
The only family John ever mentions in an active capacity is his Nana, his mother's mother—his mother comes up once, but only in the context of objects she left behind. More on that in a minute.
What happened to his parents is unknown; they just don't show up in his 'saga of me, confused destroyer of worlds'. Whatever the story is there, their omission suggests they weren't present in his life, at least in any stable capacity. Nana and her little dog are his only known family.
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Nana died of pneumonia when John was "a teenager", so between the ages of thirteen and nineteen. Odds are extremely good that happened while he was at Dilworth, which houses students aged eight to eighteen.
As for gender non-conforming, well. Not very gender conforming of him as a little boy to pick Hollywood Hair Barbie as his favorite toy, while letting the dog chew on Ken because, quote, "[Ken] was a creep." Very masculine of him to hold that in his heart as a cherished memory well into adulthood.
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Most of the little boys like that I knew grew up to be women.
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crescentfool · 1 year
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the persona 3 protagonist 25th anniversary nui in food appliances!
#lizzy speaks#persona 3#minato arisato#makoto yuki#guys friendly reminder that this is what adulthood is about dont listen to anyone who calls you cringe#hence why im putting these in the main tags. i mean they're not incorrect for what the photos are about. lmao#anyway this was a very fun birthday!!! i feel very loved and supported by so many people and i got to do very fun things (like this)...#i think... birthday is like thanksgiving to me. in the gratitude respect.#a reminder of all the lovely people that i have gotten a chance to meet and how i've learned from them#it makes me very happy to have been born... i think every day is a great day to celebrate life's grandeur + brilliance + magnificence#it's just a very poignant and strong feeling that i have that i'm happy to have met so many wonderful people#and while there are some people i've only known for brief periods of time or people who i havent really been good at keeping in contact wit#i do cherish it! im so grateful. so happy that there are people who cheer my silly shenanigans on#while there are ways in which aging makes me go “oh hmm” i think overall i'm happy that i get to keep on living and learning#i have so much fondness for humanity and people... like even if i dont get to talk to ppl directly i just get very emotional yknow#like wow.. you exist.. thats so fucking awesome... i hope you have an awesome day... im glad our paths could cross#if you have read up to this point of my tags.. thank you for reading and being part of my life#i will keep on being the silliest guy ive ever known! cheers to more shenyanigans and self-discovery :3
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2024 Goal Setting for People Who Used to be Studyblr Queens and are Now Just Muddling Through Adult Life
I know you, you know me. I've had this account since I was freshly 16 and I'm 23 (and a half) now, and I can guarantee there's loads of you in the same boat right now.
Where did I go? What did I do? I finished my Master's Degree and realised (with some trepidation) at the end of it that I'd achieved everything that was on my list of things to achieve ever, and I didn't really have a plan on what I was going to do, so for what may have been the first time in my life I just...winged it. Started measuring progress according to how I felt about it. And it worked! Lots of good has come out of it so let me suggest some goal setting approaches to help if you're in a similar position (and given the studyblr -> chaos pipeline I might suggest there's at least a few people this might help)
Point 1 - Don't set yourself academic goals
"But Study Like You Mean It, I always set academic goals!" I hear you say. I appreciate the irony of my username in relation to this. Point is, you're not in academia anymore. You need to stop goal setting like you're in academia, and the easiest way to do this is to stop setting academic goals.
"But I like the pursuit of knowledge!" I hear you counter. So do I, but if you've just come out of a hothouse academic setting, you *really* need to consider who you're goal setting for. Do you like the idea of being a polyglot by the end of the year? Sure, fine, whatever, but consider who you're goal setting for. Do you want to be a polyglot because you like the process of learning languages, or because you want to show to others that you know languages? It sounds silly, but you're not working to a grade anymore, and it's absolutely essential that you reflect on why you like doing academic things. This doesn't apply to everyone, but I would kick off the process of self-reflection on this (because you know the Studyblr types are most likely guilty of performative learning) by refusing to set yourself academic goals.
If you don't hit a yardstick, what's the worst that will happen?
(nothing- the answer is nothing and you need to start getting comfortable with that)
Point 2 - Set Process-Based Goals
Building on the last point, if you want to have achieved something by the end of the year, how can you frame it in a way that's definitely not you trying to put down a point to show to others that you've improved, and instead internalise your sense of progress? Maybe the goal you set is "by the end of the year, I want to feel like I understand internalised growth and progress", and you'll know at the end of the year when you self-reflect if you've succeeded in that.
Otherwise, set a process-based goal. If you want to get better at something, but know you're guilty of holding yourself to externalised yardsticks, set yourself a goal that's about the process rather than the result. Scary, I know. For example, say you want to start playing a sport. If you go in without a process-based goal, you could end up saying to yourself "I want to put myself in a position where I qualify for a team two leagues above by the end of the season," which is a SMART* goal, but incredibly determined by outside reflections on your own ability, and very end-result focused. There's a time and a place for goals like this, but if you're coming off a high-intensity academic environment, I would argue that it's not the right place. Instead, what about "I will show up every week and be positive about the fact that I'm not perfect"? It's about the learning process, and I think post-university a lot of people fall out of love with the actual learning process, and become too mired in results.
*specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound
Point 3 - What happens if you don't hit your goal?
I love asking this question to people who've come out of academic environments.
Literally what's going to happen if you can't meet the goal that you've set for yourself when you set an end-goal focused goal?
It's so freeing. Embrace it! There are no time bounds on learning, so enjoy the learning! There's no exam to pass, no professors to wow, no applications to get accepted. It's just you learning how to be you, and remembering why you love to get good at things!
Part 4 - Habits =/= Goals
This one maybe is a bit tricky to explain. It's the difference between "I'm going to get into the practice of reading on my commute when I can" and "I must finish 10 books this year by reading on my commute when I can". One of them is about introducing something new into your life because it makes you feel good, and the other one is about setting limits on that because you feel you need to control the way that you enjoy things (this comes from academia putting constraints on learning, etc.).
Be patient with yourself, for goodness' sakes. Get into the habit and enjoy the process, don't automatically find ways to be masochistic about it.
My Goal Setting Approach
Now I've clarified the kinds of goals to set in this new and scary world, I'll run through my approach to implement them. First thing to note is I like setting lots of goals, but then those all get broken into little habits that I can focus on in my day to day, as well as timeline-less tasks to accomplish when I've got the time free.
I start with areas I'd like to improve myself in (again, not as a discipline thing, but towards the vision that I might be a more rounded and enriched person because of it):
Personal - how can I become more introspective/calm/mindful?
Financial - how can I become more fiscally responsible now I'm an adult?
Social - how do I make time for others?
Work - what does progress at work over this year look like?
Sport - this can be replaced by whatever your main hobby is
Intellectual - how can I enrich myself and learn about things that I'm interested in?
I won't run through all of these, but I'll create some examples:
Domain: Financial - how can I become more fiscally responsible now I'm an adult?
General points on this: I can save more money, I can improve my credit score, I can pay off some loans
Habits: for the first, I can maybe aim to save 20% of my takehome, by putting 10% in at the start of the month, and trying to put 10% in at the end if I've got enough, and I can set up the timelineless task of opening a high interest-rate savings account for money that I don't need for emergency access; for the second, I can set the timelineless task of setting up a credit card, and get into the habit of paying for my groceries with it; for the third, I can sit down and look at how much of my takehome I can dedicate to this, and then get into the habit of paying off a sustainable amount
Now, I have the timelineless tasks fo getting a credit card, opening a new savings account, and sitting down and looking at my loans, and then I have the two habits of tucking bits of money away and paying off some loans. Note that there's nothing that's made it too urgent (which I admit is a privilege) and there's nothing that tells me I'm a bad person for not being able to do it. Another example:
Domain: intellectual - how can I enrich myself and learn about things that I'm interested in?
General points on this: I would like to read more broadly, I would like to improve my French, I would like to understand more about world events
Habits: for the first, I can read on my commute when I can get a seat on the train, as I have half an hour each way so I can use that time to read. I can set the timelineless task of exploring the kinds of books that I'd like to read; for the second, I can choose to consume more French media when I feel like I have the mental capacity. I also have to speak French at work, so I want to get into the habit of not cowarding out and switching to English (scary but doable); for the last, I can get into the habit of watching the evening news (so it's contained within a time slot and I'm not being overwhelmed by the 24h news cycle) and I can set the timelineless task of picking up a copy of a magazine like the economist once in a while to get a deeper understanding.
So the habits to get into are reading on my commute, choosing to speak more in French, and watching the news when I can; the tasks are maybe picking up a copy of a magazine and coming up with a reading list.
The whole point of this approach is it breaks your bigger goals into a timeline-free to-do list, and then a list of small habits that you can get into. The good news is that there's no punishment for failure! If I want to listen to the Bongo's Bingo Greatest Hits playlist on the train one morning instead of reading about the modern history of Cambodia, nobody's going to come along and tell me off for not being serious enough, or clever enough, or "academic" enough about my approach to life. The to-do list aspect I find immensely helpful, as often I struggle to write larger-level to-do lists when I'm in the middle of the year, because I don't have the same kind of clarity over the types of progress I want to make when I'm in the middle of things.
Anyway, I hope this is useful, and a good counterpoint to the mindset that everyone who's ever been near Studyblr has. Learning now is only for enjoyment, so enjoy that aspect! Live your life! Understand that the process of betterment is all about enriching your personal sphere and nothing about other people because (drumroll) literally nobody else cares! In a good way! Nobody cares that you've not mastered Polish in 3 weeks or read the entire academic output of Montaigne in a week! And it's cool if you have, but the person you are is more important, and freeing yourself from external yardsticks is so so crucial!
Love to anyone who read this far ♥
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sailforvalinor · 5 months
Terraqua is one of those ships that I constantly forget isn’t technically canon. What do you MEAN Ven’s parents aren’t actually together.
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odetojupiter · 2 months
there’s something so heartbreaking about andrew going to the roof to remind himself how to feel. because the only feeling he can voluntarily access is fear, and that’s something he finds comfort in. you could argue the comfort stems from the reminder that is capable of feeling despite what people say - and despite his genuine apathy to most things - but what if the comfort comes from the familiarity of the feeling? it’s common for people with trauma to find comfort in anxiety-inducing environments (which is why a lot of people with ptsd enjoy horror - it creates an environment where panic can be digested and compartmentalised) - so what if he’s invoking fear in himself because he experienced so much of it in his childhood, but now it’s something he’s in control of, it’s something he dictates when and when he can feel it by choosing when or when not to go to the roof. which is something he never had as a kid - control. maybe that’s why he seems more outwardly affected by flying (though it could be that flying is WAY higher than the roof, with more chance for error) - it takes the control back out of the feeling.
and then, of course, neil goes missing. and he feels that fear deep down to his core. and the feeling washes over him so completely and suddenly and uncontrollably that for a moment he’s 12 years old again wondering if someone’s going to be going to his room at night. but no, it’s not him at risk this time, he’s feeling fear for someone else. someone out of his sight, someone he can’t get his hands on. it’s something he can’t control, again. considering that, it’s not really surprising he puts his hands on kevin when he realises kevin knows something: he’s so desperate for a way to control the situation, control his fear, that it comes out as anger against kevin.
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the more that i try to kill the part of me that cringes the more i realise that the people i know in my real life are sometimes. just boring and negative . and sad to be honest. why is anything new or different or enjoyable cringe to some of you.
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rineedagger · 5 months
Some things I've learned this pasts twenty six years
Do NOT alter your form and size to fit into somebody's ribcage. Authenticity is the ground for a healthy environment.
Authenticity can't exist without self-criticism and sticking to your core values.
A peaceful solitude is just as important as a nutritious companionship.
We aren't born knowing, not even of our own self. Wisdom is the fruit of life-long learning, therefore, making mistakes is the key to be and do better (this reminds me of the famously quote "Do not be sorry, be better" from Kratos lol).
Doubting, asking questions, is the concrete to build a fulfilling life.
Remaining the same does not imply to be more stable nor having a healthier life.
Easy and good are not synonyms.
Enough with the label bullshit and the blaming. It isn't about been or not been normal/right, your life/truth is yours only. Do not try to make sense of it using somebody else's eyes.
Medical checking is important. Nobody likes going to the doctor nor feeling sick (and yes, I am talking about going to the therapist and psychiatrist as well). It is part of been human and you will never be alone in the process.
Cooking life actively and over a low heat, is vital to have an appetizing full of flavour meal.
I'm never going to feel ready nor good enough.
Life isn't right nor makes sense. Do not try looking for the missing leg, you'll lose yourself in the process.
Communication is important, but not all communication matters. It has to be direct, understandable and, overall, precised. Overcommunication is as bad as the total absence of it, if not more painful.
Accepting and respecting are not the same thing. One is mandatory while the other, even important, isn't indispensable.
In order to live and not survive, you have to accept your own vulnerability and fragility.
Drinking water is always the good choice.
There will never be enough strawberries to satisfy the craving.
Whoever loves you today may not love you tomorrow, and that's okay.
There isn't such thing as good and bad emotions, rather comfortable and uncomfortable ones. And we must feel them all.
Setting boundaries with yourself and your surrounding is vital to be certain that, whoever remains by your side, is because they actively want you and love you, since there are parts of your self that are not negotiable. If not, you will always be the coach, the therapist, the mother, the sister, the helper, the clown, the mad one, the weirdo, the mysterious one, the thug, the whore, etc., but never you. Consequently, these means an assured expiry date plus food poisoning (I don't know why I'm comparing so much with food...maybe it's because I didn't eat strawberries for a while).
Social media has become a demanding, violent and sick place, filled with expectations, constant stimulation, manipulated or sensational information, rule-following, triggers, distortions and the possibility of been reachable to people that you don't need in your life. It is okay if you can't live in it. Also, if you're the reactive kind, set boundaries immediately with how you manage your social media and your exposure and be firm with it (believe me, I couldn't stand seen someone hating my friend on social media and saying lie after lie after lie...it was REALLY consuming and it leaded to impulsive and shameful acts).
If you are the one that overthinks or re-read texts after a fight, delete them.
Having life-long or very long friendships does not mean that you should cope with every mistreatment.
Do not remain by somebody else's side only because you pity them. Pityness and no compassion is vile.
The same with egotistical interests. The other person is a whole living being aside of yourself, if you put your own interests and greeds as the motivation of that relationship or over it, is vile.
The world is not trying to punish you for any mistake you've done nor for any joy you've experienced. That is, indeed, the process of living.
Boredom is a freaking gift, and a pleasure indeed.
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a quick reminder to everyone
I am literally disabled because of my learning disabilities, I have faced literal descrimnation because of it.
everytime you call us retarded or a retard you are ACTIVLY upholding the systems in which I am trapped in.
I take more offence in being called a retard than anything due to the literal DECADES of systematic abuse and descrimnation from the medical system, every single government resource, and almost all school alternatives.
fuck you greatly if you use these words against us, I have to live in a country where they hate people like me and would rather us dead than to do literally anything to help people like us.
call us what you will, but I will never call anyone retarded because it’s a basic decency reserved for everyone.
I’m a very happy retard, fuck your ableism!
I will happily live and love and learn even if THE LITERAL GOVERNMENT doesn’t want me too.
(yeah being a mid supports autistic with other learning disabilities and disabilities in general that made me unable to attend a school just means I deserve to die. 100% legit I deal with this literally all the time always fuck the Australian government)
so again fuck you all greatly, for using a literal slur against me one that has been used against me since I was a baby.
fuck you all, genuinely.
did I forfeit my rights to be treated as a human being the moment I had a bit of trouble learning things? Because if I did I’d like to break someone’s teeth with a brick.
Edit: the language and lines between what the fuck developmental disabilities and intellectual disability are is confusing as fuck.
I have gotten very confused between the 2 because they are grouped together half the time.
My apologies to everyone for being utterly confused where I fall because it is extremely confusing to figure out, and internationally it varies wildly according to my brief reading.
I did not mean to be mean or anything I just was genuinely going off what I’ve been told most my life lol.
Shout out to my developmentally disabled brethren you are loved
#-pop#activism stuff#disability#Learning disabilities#learning disability#dyslexia#anticapitalism stuff#anarchism stuff#mental health stuff#dysgraphia#adhd#autism#I’m actually somewhat on the intellectually disabled spectrum lol. Not that it’s changed my tune (I got other severe devoplmental disorders#I still had to experience insane ableism my entire life and like continue to into my adulthood with no sign of it stopping soon#like genuinely fuck some people. Those are not your words to use#r slur mention#r slur tw#(idk what even counts but man I have so much wrong with me. and like it's not like this shit does not run in my family LOL my bisnonna was-#actually illiterate and had severe learning disabilities lol she was awesome and made a life for herself so again this shit does not stop-#anyone it just sucks because the education system is fucked screw that shit. idk :shrug: I've never actually looked at my medical record-#I actually should because I have a strong feeling I'm diagnosed with some crazy shit that none of my family remembers bc we just have shit-#memory (for my parents it's the trauma ngl. for me it's also the trauma and the ADHD LOL)#so at this point I just have been disabled by fuck do I know there's literally more maladies that run in my family than I can describe. lik#it's not that weird for me specifically to have severe learning disablities and also devoplmental ones it makes sense with what I know.#I was literally a tinny tiny failure to thrive child actually. who could barely eat anything due to severe allergies and more shit!
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jellazticious · 1 year
May i hold the smol child of the pepperman family?
I shall be very careful i promise
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Woe! Pascallis be upon ye
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