#latin is my favourite language
tiredlostwriter · 5 months
Tonight I m thinking about Polybe, who was a greek soldier taken hostage by Rome, and who after his liberation fell so thoroughly in love with it that he devoted his life to writing its praise, compiling its history and politics.
He saw Rome as the looming giant of war, got swallowed in its maw, and still fell for the beast.
And the beauty of it all is that all of his love letters, wrapped in clever words and cleverer ideas, changed it forever, and so the beast got changed by the man it devoured.
The city swallowed his culture whole, and so he brought his home to the city, not through war as Rome did, but throught love and written words.
The beautiful irony of the eternal city bringing the greeks to their knees only in the end to be marked forever by the awe one soldier held.
And how tragic and yet beautiful for him to still love it after wearing its chains and tasting the iron of its blades.
And what more fitting fate for his words to be some of the first to give us today a clear image of some of Rome's aspects.
Rome, through his hand, is taught to us with the love of a man who had all the reasons to hate it.
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blackghostm2o · 10 months
Man… I fucking love Petronius.
So today we did and exam on Petronius’s Satyricon (basically translating Latin to Italian and answering some questions regarding the grammar of the text, probably fucked it up because I suck at it) and that story was hilarious.
The text was one of the 5 stories with a second grade narrator: the narrator here was a Liberto (a man who once was a slave and now is free) who probably was wasted on wine; in the story he and someone he knew (who was a solider) where outside late at night and there was a full moon. The two then went on a cemetery and the solider started pissing on some gravestones while the narrator was sitting and singing, then the solider went crazy and started undressing himself, pissing on his own clothes and then became a fucking wolf and run away. The narrator was so scared that returned home while swinging his sword and there all the sheep were killed by said wolf, which was hit in the neck. The next day the narrator went to the house of said solider and saw him getting medicated on his neck so got the fuck out and stopped meeting him.
The way this is narrated makes it much better also the fact that you usually don’t expect to study stuff like that at school makes this better.
Also the episode in which Trimalchio, while they are talking about death, brings out a whole ass skeleton made of silver and with working joints and throws it on the table where they where eating is great, lmfao.
Also the story of the protagonist who is in love with another man and then another dude comes out who loves the second dude and then also another one comes, all this chaos is so freaking funny, pure chaos and parody of your usual ancient novel (a FAITHFUL etero love story)
I really enjoyed those snippets of the Satyricon, maybe I’ll read all of it, but I need to find a good translation.
I also love how his death is described (not by him obviously). If you studied a lil bit of Roman history you know that Nero wasn’t a really good fella, after finding out of a plan to take his power he obliged some people to kill themselves (like Seneca and Lucano). Nero did the same with Petronius, but Petronius didn’t just hill himself: he slit his wrists and then opened and closed his veins whenever he liked it while talking with some friends about erotic stuff and then, when he wanted to, let himself die. He didn’t even do this to show courage, he just wanted to fuck with Nero and I love this soooo much. Maybe it’s not true, but I really like this story.
Sorry for the long post
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pendragaryen · 2 years
"In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro"
"I have sought tranquility in everything but found it nowhere except in a corner with a book."
"Il nome della rosa" Umberto Eco
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cccowboys · 1 year
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autism-disco · 1 year
not gonna lie, locus iste a deo factus est
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cupidswurld · 1 year
its not fair that cum has prepositional, temporal, causal, and concessive uses
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scaredpigeons · 9 months
Deus Auri
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Zhongli x reader (gn)
Word count: 1.04k (smol)
CW: sfw:) mild spoilers for Neuvillettes voice lines about Morax, he calls him Deus Auri, which is god of gold in Latin— might just be a title but any little tidbit of Morax we get I just gobble gobble up. Flirting, zhongli calls you my dear, darling, vixen. No pronouns or other gender specific language used. Some kisses and allusions of wanting more.
“Deus Auri.”
You can nearly hear the crack of Zhongli’s neck as his gaze whips towards you, but you keep your gaze trained on your book as if you hadn’t seen its comical swivel in your peripherals. 
“I’m sorry my dear, could you repeat that?” He said, though there was an edge to his tone. 
“Deus Auri—God of Gold. What can you tell me about that name?” You said, index finger gliding down the edge of the book. You were no longer reading, but still kept your eyes trained on the pages to pretend like you weren’t vibrating with excitement at his reaction. 
Zhongli was naturally very stoic, a well maintained facade to those who weren’t interested in looking deeper. 
You had been plenty interested, taking one look at him and instantly knowing he was no ordinary man. 
Now the better part of half a year into your blossoming relationship, he still hadn’t outright told you, but he’d grown comfortable. 
You’d catch glimpses of his wrists, normally covered— deep onyx with veins of pure gold. Though this only happened in the safety of his home— there was a time he had to remove his gloves to help you in the kitchen, and his perfectly pale, human hands had distracted you the entire time. 
The glamor he kept up in public slipped a bit when he was more at ease. 
To the eye that was actually looking, zhongli really wasn’t subtle about who he was. 
“Well, why don’t we start with where you heard such a name?” He asked. 
“I was with the traveler last week, helping she and paimon with a commission in Fontaine.” 
You can see the minuscule wince he gives out of the corner of your eye. Just a twitch of the brows as he blinks, so graceful, but you catch it because you’re looking for it. 
“I overheard a conversation she had with a lovely gentleman over there, though I didn’t get to introduce myself. He mentioned the name when the traveler was asking him about Rex Lapis.”
You closed your book, finally turning to look at him, though you kept your gaze coyly through heavy lids, peaking demurely at him through your lashes. 
“And you know, I thought that was very strange, her asking him about Rex lapis, when she could learn anything and everything about him from our resident expert.” 
“The traveler has not visited liyue to see me in some time, darling. And I'm sure there are others who’ve studied the gods. I am not the only knowledgeable one in Teyvat.” 
“I know, I know.” You chewed on your lip a bit for effect, looking puzzled. “So who is this Deus Auri? Is it perhaps another one of Morax’s many names?” 
You looked at him expectantly, grinning as he grew more stiff in his seat beside you. A mere foot of space between you on the couch and he looked like he was ready for you to pounce on him. 
You wanted to, you have wanted to, but he so chivalrously insists upon taking it slow. 
Hand holding in the harbour. Chaste kisses good night. You wanted so badly to break through his barriers but you knew he was holding back.
“You are…” he let a puff of air through his nose. “Correct in the knowledge that Morax was known to have many different names. Unfortunately that is all I can say on the matter.” 
“So cryptic.” You squinted at him. He often shut you out when you pried like this, poking and prodding in places you know you shouldn’t be, but he was always kind and straightforward about it—so you usually dropped it as soon as he denied you. 
“Do you think he had a favourite name that he went by?” You pushed a bit more, hoping to get him to give you just one more crumb before you played your cards. It was time, you were getting tired of hiding it.
He smiled thoughtfully, relaxing into the couch once more. “I’d like to think that he enjoyed the name Rex Lapis, the name given to him by his people. I’m sure it brought him a great sense of pride.” 
You grinned, soaking in his expression and words. Knowing what you know— gods. He really was so cute sometimes. 
You open up your book, stilling your grin to prepare for what was next. 
“Really? I’d like to think Zhongli is his favourite. Retirement is a good look for him.” 
You expected denial, perhaps his neck snapping back to you like it did when you first mentioned the ancient name. 
What you didn’t expect was to be tackled to the floor, a gloved hand supporting your neck instinctively as you and your book tumbled along the floor with the blur of rich oranges and browns that took you down. 
When you finally settled, you were on your back with him looming over you, pining you to the ground. 
“You little vixen. How long have you known?” His eyes were wild, hair a mess, cheeks flushed and breathless. Disheveled.
He looked more beautiful now than you’d ever seen him before.  
“From the moment you opened your mouth.” 
He kissed his teeth in a quick tsk, ducking his head in embarrassment. “Nothing escapes you, does it? I knew I would be in trouble with you.”  
You cupped his face in your hands, pulling him back towards you. 
“And yet you kept me around regardless.” You smiled, giving him a quick, teasing peck on the lips. 
“How could I not? You have an inescapable magnetism that I am completely captured by. I’m afraid to say that you’re unraveling me even as we now speak.” 
You grinned at him, face feeling just as flush as his. 
“How much more unraveling do I need to do to get you to let down those walls you keep around you?” 
“They were gone the moment I saw that you knew the truth, my dear, you should have said something much sooner.” He tilted his head with a soft grin. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him ever closer. 
“Kiss me then, you old blockhead.” 
He gave a rumble in his chest that sounded very much like a growl, and it set your nerves on fire.  
“Behave.” He said sternly. 
“No promises,” you said as you kissed him. 
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
𝐚 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
✯charles leclerc x latin!female reader
✯when charles wants to learn some more spanish, he knows he has the best teacher around
✯no warnings v fluffy:)
✯this was requested!! it’s a little short but i hope i did it justice! i cannot speak much spanish, i only really speak english, italian and french so this will probably mostly be written using a translator😅🫶🏻
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You looked at Charles, almost wanting to giggle at how sweet he looked, mere moments before this he’d come over asking you if you’d help him with with Spanish. You’d moved to Monaco from Colombia almost 6 years ago, your father expanding his business to the rich and wealthy of Monte Carlo. Of course being a motor sports fan you attended the grand prix in the city a few times, which is where you met Charles almost 2 years ago now.
“You want me to teach you spanish mi alma?”
Charles simply nodded
“What, Carlos can’t teach you?”
“I mean he does, but I’d rather learn from you…”
You couldn’t lie hearing him admit that made your cheeks flush, after thinking about it you nodded, patting the spot on the sofa beside you
“Well you know some at this point, I’m not sure what you want me to teach you”
Charles thought about what exactly he wanted to learn before smiling
“Maybe something about racing, about the cars and you know..”
Now that made you laugh but you obliged
“okay so, el coche se sintió bien hoy, that means that the car felt good”
Charles nodded
“El coche de sintió bien hoy”
You smiled
“You can use that in an interview if you want, something else you can say is estoy orgulloso de correr para Ferrari”
“So something something Ferrari?”
Laughing you hit him gently, knowing he didn’t let you translate first
“It means I am proud to race for Ferrari”
Charles smiled before repeating that back to you once again, his eyes watching yours carefully and meticulously so he wouldn’t miss any tricky words. In reality part of the reason he asked you to help him touch up on his Spanish was because he loved listening to you in your native tongue. He found the language intoxication when you spoke, yet he still struggled if you and Carlos got into heavy conversation: conversation he wished he could be apart of.
“Te amo mi corazón” (i love you my heart)
Smiling you leaned forward to gently hold Charles’s face, pressing your lips to his
“Te amo mucho mi amor, para siempre” (i love you so much my love, forever)
Pressing a kiss to your lips again Charles couldn’t help but smile, you were truly his everything, even if he couldn’t keep up with your language all the time, he made damn sure to make the best effort and get lessons from you.
“You know I might start charging you for Spanish lessons baby…you never know”
Charles laughed, his eyes squinting like they usually did when he smiled or laughed, one of your favourite things about him.
“What my love for you is not payment enough?”
You paused pretending to think about it as Charles placed a hand on his heart
“Chérie tu ma blessé!” (darling, you hurt me) F
If there was one thing you loved about Char it was how dramatic that boy could be, but it didn’t stop you from placing kisses across his face, getting him to smile once again, even if it was his plan all along
“Oh my poor Charlie, how will you ever survive”
“Un beso per favor…?” (a kiss please?)
Smiling you cupped his cheek gently, his eyes watching you intently
“Cómo podría decirte que no.” (how could i ever say no to you)
Happy when your lips met his, Charles knew right then and there you’d be the only person to ever teach him Spanish again.
Especially if he got to request a little extra loving from his favourite girl in the world.
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 year
Can’t Bring Myself To Hate You - Part 7
A/N: Right, this might get a little confusing, but you know how we (English speakers) kind of went from Latin, to old English, to Now English? I’m substituting those for the Old Language, ‘Middle Language’ (the transitional phase—completely made up), and whatever the common tongue is for Prythian? Yeah, sorry about that!
Warnings: none…? I don’t think…?
Word Count: 5,587
-Part 6- -🌌🌠- -Part 8-
You stare at the page, heart in your throat.
Stare at the page, and reach for a pen.
Who is this?
Ink stains the white paper, and stupidity heats your features. He probably left it as a taunt. It’s not like he’s going to respond. You groan, setting the pen down, covering your face with your hands. Mother above. Definitely not your smartest moment. Reach to flip the paper over—not wanting to be reminded of your naïveté.
More ink has appeared, just below your scribbled question.
You may hide your intelligence around your family, but that won’t work with me. Smarten up.
The words burn your features. Scowl at the paper.
Forgive me for not anticipating the paper to talk back, Eris.
It vanishes the second you’ve written the sentence, leaving you blinking at the empty space on your desk. Winnowing isn’t possible within the House of Wind—you’ve heard both Rhysand and Feyre say it before. Yet note passing seems completely acceptable, for some reason. You suppose no harm can derive from simple exchanges.
You’ve been surrounded by magic for nearly two years. It’s shameful to still be taken aback by its multi-faceted ways.
A reluctant smile gilds your mouth. That’s Eris alright. Readjust your hold on the pen.
And it’s embarrassing to rely on stupidly long words in attempt to prove your intellect. Just say it’s versatile.
The parchment disappears, then returns. Nothing’s been added.
Amusement brightens your mouth, raising the writing instrument, poising it to attack. The words dance on your tongue, weapons to provocation: You have a bad attitude to being spoken back to. But you shake your head, instead choosing compromise for your next reply.
Did you want something? I doubt you simply dropped in to say hi. Unless this is your way of making sure I got the book?
Perhaps it was my way of seeing where you fall in this alliance.
Brow draws together. He obviously means the alliance between the Night Court and him, but where do you fit into it all? How does this show your placement? What does he even mean, where you fall? Take a deep breath, release it. It will do you no good to fall for his own provocation.
I hope you were satisfying enlightened, then, you write back.
Stare at the neatly scripted response. He’s leaving the conversation for you to direct. First thoughts go to where he acquired the book, but somehow you feel that’s not the direction he wants you to take this in. So, sighing, you stumble straight into the trap he’s laid out.
Why haven’t you told anyone?
Paper vanishes again. Takes a minute to reappear.
It’s pretty blackmailing material. Why waste it in common conversation?
Lips purse together as you read his reply. Manipulative indeed.
Whatever you think you’ll be able to extort from me, I can guarantee you’ll end up disappointed.
Not the family favourite?
Blink at the speed of the response. Like quicksilver. Vague amusement warms your chest—how clear the mockery is. Disconcertingly comforting to know he doesn’t change. The same in every form. Precious constancy. Lower the pen to parchment.
I suppose you would know all about that, wouldn’t you?
And I suppose you’ll hide beneath the guise of observation, now?
It certainly isn’t warfare. I’d think you’d be practiced at spotting pretty, bladed words.
Again, the parchment vanishes, leaving you in the silence of your own room. Feet tap anxiously upon the clear wood, leg vibrating as you wait on him. Realisation smacks you upside your jaw—you refuse to sit here wasting precious seconds for whatever nihilistic response he carves out for you. Instead, you turn to the anthology, flicking to the index, peering at titles. Searching for one that will catch your eye.
I’m flattered—you’ve sharpened your tongue since we last sparred.
Roll your eyes. Lips quirking at the inherent Eris-ness of the response.
Wooden swords will only serve me for so long. Why not experiment with steel in a controlled environment?
The parchment vanishes, and takes its time to reappear. Time you spend scanning titles, pondering their contents. Maybe you should ask why he gave it to you in the first place. Certainly not out of the kindness of his heart.
Paper reappears.
You think merely because there are entire courts between us that makes you safe?
Peer at his reply—try studying it. Does he want you to be wary of him? It seems unlikely, somehow. He wouldn’t be able to get anything from you if you’re afraid of him. He should be encouraging you to feel at ease speaking with him if he wants something.
Do you make a habit of being as unpleasant as possible to every person you encounter, or am I just lucky?
A smile warms your mouth as the paper vanishes, fantasising how irritated he might become. From your words! Exhilarating!
Eyes land on a title that piques your interest: Movement of Light. Brow narrows with interest, flipping to the registered page number eagerly. Upon the parchment, beside the tightly knitted words, lays a neat diagram. It appears to be of a rectangle with two small holes punctured through its thin mass. Interesting…
Do you make a habit of keeping secrets from your family?
Lips purse. Cutting to the core, again. Manipulative as he may be, he’s certainly skilled at finding the right bruises to target. You wonder if it’s a skill he’d been taught through books or word of mouth, or if, perhaps, it was a nastier kind of education. Shake your head free of thoughts, pulling away from the book.
Having no secrets at all is stupidly idilic. Are there any other misconceptions you would like me to clear up?
You’re surprisingly cynical for your age.
Strange how having one’s mortality ripped away will do that to a woman.
Even you can hear the bitterness bleeding through. But the words have been written, and the paper has disappeared, so there’s no use trying to take them back. Even if you’re mentally cursing yourself for allowing that kind of opening. Surprised at how easy it is to be caught up in conversation with him. Or sparring, as he so eloquently puts it.
Wonderful immortality not treating you well?
Again, with the taunting. Amusement and something else prickles beneath your fingertips. Irked.
I’ll admit, it’s not quite as spectacular as I might’ve thought once upon a time.
That seems measured enough.
I thought humans were raised to hate us.
Observe the words—how they sit on the parchment. The contrast between your short scribbles and his elegant font.
Might a deer not wish for a wolf’s strength?
Parchment again vanishes. Once you’ve counted to three, you turn your attention back to the book, scanning the passage of writing. Brows narrow at the leap in language—words you’re unfamiliar with. A photon? Maybe it would be better to start from the beginning. Where’s a damn glossary when you need one?
Paper reappears—you take a moment to pull away from the volume.
Have you always been in pursuit of grandeur?
Brow narrows at the question.
I’d say I’ve always been rather passionate about not starving. So I suppose I did once think having three hot meals a day would be utter luxury.
I would have rather rotted away than be forced to live amongst vermin.
A surprised laugh flutters from your chest, amusement sparking within you again.
You’re much too stubborn for such a miserable end, Eris; too bitter to resign yourself to such a fate, either.
Parchment vanishes. One. Two. Three. Return to the volume, start at the beginning. Where your eyes were intended to land. Sighing, you scan the title: The Foundations of our World—Stuff. Brow narrows, lips quirking upward at the vagueness of it. Stuff. Such a lack of precise articulation, yet here it is, in an anthology of noteworthy discoveries. Somehow, this piece had been selected as important; important enough to be the base for the entire book. Strange…
Eye roll across the tightly stacked letters, mind pulsing as words soak into your brain, thumping dully as blood rushes through your ears. Take everything at it’s basest nature, reduce it down to the fundamentals, and what sort of building blocks are you left with? What makes up the world as we see it?
‘Take the prefix a- from the middle language, and combine it with the Old Language verb to cut, creating the name for the indivisible: atom. The smallest bits of matter that can exist independently.’
Intrigue returns with crushing force, making it near impossible to tear your eyes from the volume when the parchment reappears. How long has he been writing? Maybe he was preoccupied.
And yet I understand it was the youngest of you who took up her weapons and headed out into the wild. For how adamantly you protested against my lack of action regarding something I could easily correct, you seem to appear quite the hypocrite. Why didn’t you go out into those woods?
Blink away the memories of frost. Of sweat-stained clothes, and matted, knotted hair.
Getting a little personal with the questions, don’t you think?
Writing to me at all is much more personal than you should ever be getting—I’m sure your friends would agree. Yet there you are, pen in hand, thinking up your next counterattack.
The reply comes with surprising swiftness, allowing you only a brief glimpse of the following passage. Just as you’re beginning to grasp the core of what the essay is talking on.
You write with the confidence sight, you reply, eager to return. Yet he seems to have put his own distractions aside, as the response follows promptly.
Magic is a wonderful thing.
Blood ices in your veins, limbs stiffening, tongue turning leaden.
You’re lying. The House is fortified with wards; practically impregnable.
Yet here we are, corresponding. Does your High Lord know what you get up to behind closed doors?
Heart spikes in your chest, fingers trembling just a little as you lower pen to paper.
You clearly want something; you’re not going to get it if you spook me away, so quit the games.
Very well, but I’ll admit I indulged in the thought of your discomfort.
Release a heavy sigh—he doesn’t somehow have a window into your room, able to watch every move you make. Surely that would be too far, even for his manipulative ways. Skin prickles at how easily he slid beneath it—fingertips brighten.
You share that delightful, sharp-written humour with your youngest brother, you know that?
The parchment vanishes, then reappears in a matter of seconds. You laugh to yourself.
Touchy subject, Eris?
The second you dot the question mark, the door swings open; you yelp, jumping in your chair, shoving the parchment away. Vanishes again a blink later, slightly crumpled from the violent rejection.
“I knocked…” Feyre supplies, features tightening with concern. “Did you not… Oh.” She blinks, peering at the door frame; the threshold. “I suppose it must have been set up to block out exterior noise, too.” Sighs. “I’ll get that fixed at some point. Seems a waste to have a sound barrier up if you’re unable to hear what’s going on outside.”
Swallow heavily, trying to look normal. Like you weren’t knowingly communicating with the heir to the Autumn Court throne. Blue-grey settles upon you, fingers fidgeting in your lap, shifting in your seat to get comfortable. Everything feels unsettled. Her brows arrow, “you’re… What were you doing?”
“Nothing.” You reply, quickly. Far too quickly to be normal.
Lips quirk. “Writing to Bas?” She teases.
Heavy sigh whooshes from your chest, deflating a little. “How do you know about him? I haven’t even mentioned him to ‘Lain,” you say lightly. Something flashes through her eyes, too quickly for you to decipher. “Az mentioned you had someone after you,” she laughs, stepping into the room, door closing behind her. “I had no idea it was so serious,” she smiles, the happiness so inappropriate with the context you have.
Shake your head in denial, “he’s just a friend. There’s nothing else going on.” She gives you a look to say she doesn’t believe you. “I’m serious,” you insist. “There’s nothing romantic going on.” That part’s true, at least.
Feyre laughs again, then shifts on her feet. A strange quest seems to overtake her. “You know things are different here,” she begins softly, “to how we lived as humans.”
Heat flushes your features, making you groan. “Oh my gods, Fey. I am not having this conversation with you.”
“I’m just saying, if you want to get out there…see the world…maybe a few males, too… That’s fine. That’s stuff we can do, now. Well, you can do.” She amends the last part. After all, she’s the youngest, and already has a mate, a husband, and a child. An entire family. The epitome of womanhood.
Shake your head adamantly, “please, stop.” You grimace. Her lips quirk, mischief in here blue-grey eyes. She’s so lively…spirited. Bubbly? But calm, too. When did she become so adult? She seems to have aged in the blink of an eye.
(Why didn’t you go out into those woods?)
She shifts again, peers around the room—it’s a superficial move. She’s buying time, building up to something. “Your floor’s clear,” she notes, nodding to the clear wooden boards. Nod in response, trying not to wring your fingers. You were doing nothing wrong. He had spoken first. Nothing to be guilty about; no one got hurt. It’s fine.
“About our last interaction…” she begins, quietly. Spine stiffens, heart spikes. “I wasn’t trying to find something wrong with you; I’m sorry it came out that way.”
Exhale softly, shoulders lose their tension. Smile easily, waving her off. “Oh, don’t worry about it,” you laugh. “I understand. I’m sorry for lashing out at you, it was unfair on my part to act that way.” Her eyes narrow on you. Keep up the smile. “Is this your way of saying you just don’t want to talk about it?” She asks, softly. Blue-grey shimmers with sincerity.
Lips begin to ache with the stretch. “What are you talking about? We’ve made peace, there’s no need to exacerbate this.”
“Do you not want to talk about it?” She reiterates, keeping calm and quiet.
“What is it?” You laugh, turning to face the desk, eyes flitting to the volume. Scan the page; absorb nothing. “What you said last time. About being a burden.”
Body stiffens, breath catches.
“Fey, I’m getting tired,” you excuse, voice steady.
“You’re tired a lot,” she replies, quietly. Still watching. “Maybe Madja should take a look at you.” Sigh. Lean back in your chair. Tilt your face back, peering at the ceiling. “I’ve had a long life,” you murmur up to the white wallpaper, “I’m allowed to be tired.”
“You’re barely twenty-two.”
“And a lot has happened. I’m allowed to be tired.” You repeat, not looking at her.
Silence stretches between you. Gentle, but taut.
“How about you?” You ask, shifting the conversation over. Turning to peer at her. Your younger sister. Feyre blinks, then nods her head. “Good. Wonderful.” Watch her silently. Mark the lowness of her lids. “Nyx still waking you up?”
Nods again, smiling faintly, traveling somewhere distant. Somewhere foreign to you. “Eight days a week,” she laughs quietly. “Rhys and I are taking turns looking after him during the nights. Despite his work-load.” Sighs, pushes hair from her cheek, tucks it over a pointed ear. “He’s been great. Supportive, attentive, perfect. I keep trying to get him to let me handle Nyx, but he’s insisting it’s a joint effort. Wants to be there in a way his father…” she trails off, eyes misting.
Nod your head slowly. “And I suppose you want to be there in a way our mother…?”
“Yeah,” she replies thickly. “I guess that’s part of it.” The quiet turns viscous, coagulating into something almost translucent.
“I read some things…” you begin gently, “about the turbulence of motherhood.”
Her features lift into a smile, “oh, don’t worry about me. Rhys and I are working through it. It’s difficult, but everyone’s there when the strain starts to set in.” You blink away subtle surprise. “Mor’s always up for taking him off our hands for a day or two. It’s the same with Cass and Nesta,” she laughs fondly. “Amren…well, she’s Amren. And Elain’s great at making little treats here and there. Smiley faces out of his breakfast and things like that—he loves it.”
You nod slowly. Blink. “That’s great.” Again the silence creeps in.
Then she’s shifting on her feet, and. You just know—
“What kind of person is Bas?” She inquiries, not at all subtly. Nosey.
“He’s my friend, and nothing else.” He’s much more than a friend, but there’s no way to explain that without an entire Court’s worth of misunderstandings and uncomfortable questions. Still, she nods, but remains in your room. “And he… His intentions?”
“Feyre,” you scold, incredulously.
Your younger sister doesn’t flinch. Keeps her gaze straight. “Okay. Okay,” she sighs, holding up her hands in defence. “I’m wary of him.”
“Please, you can trust me he’s harmless. To me, at least. I’m sure if someone swung at him he’d be the type to swing back, but that’s besides the point.” You leave out the part that you’re fairly certain he would be the one to also somehow provoke a fight. He can be pretty provocative when he wants to. Not always in a bad way…
(…a hot, male body that’s pressing you into the wall.)
“I just want you to be careful,” she says quietly, eyes misting, going somewhere far away. “Males…people can be unkind. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Amarantha, Tamlin… You nod your head, “I understand. But Bas…I can trust him. So please don’t doubt him; please don’t doubt me either, in this decision.”
Feyre nods again. Silence stretches, then she straightens. Pats the doorframe. “Well, I’ll have this fixed as soon as possible. It’ll need to be disabled, than I can remake it—so you’ll be able to hear people coming. It’d be awful if you got yourself hurt from being startled by one of us.” She gives you a sweet smile, then disappears out into the hall, door clicking shut behind her.
Unsure if it’s her silent feet or the sound barrier that prevents you from hearing her disappearing footfalls.
Skin is itching, fingers burning. Heart spiking.
Burning, burning, burning. Hands on fire.
Vision blurs, floor spinning. She’s on the ceiling.
Crash into a wall, bone crunching. Stumble to the kitchen.
Water. Where’s water. Burning skin. Charring fingertips.
Liquid drips down cheeks, splashing onto knuckles.
Scraped raw, searing pain. Bone splintering, nails peeling.
Cool water fills the sink, drown her hands.
Sweet strangulation, dulcet deprivation.
Lovely oblivion.
Breath eases in and out, soothing your lungs. In and out. Slow and steady. In. And out.
Chest deflates, keeping your body straight but relaxed—imagine sinking into the mattress. Cheeks puff up with the exhale, calm and quiet. Sit silently. Allow the world to fade. Tension seeps from your shoulders, muscles relaxing the way you’ve practiced. Now to make sure you don’t drop off instead.
Empty out thoughts, settle into the silence. Float away on a breeze. Imagine hands being set aglow. No. They are aglow.
Eyes remain shut, tight. Picture the radiant green seeping onto your skin, setting it alight.
Fingers twitch, bones itch. Teeth grind. Nails heat.
Eyes open in time to catch the glow as it fades, sinking back into your skin. A flicker of Starfall, then nothing. Sigh heavily, back slumping, shoulders sloping. It’s something; most importantly, it’s progress. Day three of fourteen. Slow movements, slower response. Gently stoking the flames.
Remove the light from your world, lids closing, return to the darkness. Seeking solace. Breath eases in and out, soothing your lungs. In and out. Slow and steady. In. And out. In. And out. Fingertips warm, but eyes remain closed. Don’t acknowledge it. Can’t look or feel for it. Allow it to grow in the back of your mind, allow into latch into your blood; flourish. Swirling and billowing, gaining momentum until it can move on its own, until it can function without nurture.
Keep your back turned to the power, allow it to remain unseen. Pull it upward; hear as it cracks and fizzles in your head. Rapidly dividing…splitting at high-speed…multiplying until it boils and bubbles. One cleaves another in two…into three…nine…
(…Twenty-seven, eighty-one, two-hundred forty-three…)
(…two-thousand one-hundred eighty-seven, six-thousand five-hundred sixty-one, nineteen-thousand six-hundred eighty-three…)
(One-million seven-hundred-seventy-one-thousand one-hundred forty-seven.)
Heat burns your fingertips, flashing pain blaring so rapidly, sparking like lightening across your palms, splintering phalanges…down into the carpal bones, nearing your wrists.
Vision blasts into view, pupils contract to tiny dots, shrinking away from the pale green light that’s blazing from your hands, barreling up your forearms, crackling past elbows, bolting up, up, up… Muscles seize, contracting against the hot itch scrambling your flesh, twisting at sinew. The blinding light dims, eyes peeking open as it dulls to a quiet luminosity, tinting your skin. Feels like poison ivy…the nettles by your old estate.
Swallow, staring at the radiance. Almost mesmerising enough to block out the burn. Throat itches, tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth. Deep breaths. Ease in. And out. Deep and easy. Calm and quiet. Collected.
Slowly, warily, you rise from your bed, door swinging open on the house’s command. Silently pad down the hallway, arms and torso concealed well by your dress, cardigan hiding the faint incandescence of your wrists. Hands—no way to hide them. Ignore it for now, you need a drink. Deep and easy. In. And out. Calm. Quiet and collected.
A glass waits for you on the table, walk steadily forward, fingers tremble as they clutch the cup. Water vibrates inside, tiny ripples fluttering across the surface. Effervescent bubbles shimmer at the base. Grow larger, swelling into compact air, fizzing up. Simmering in your hands. Tension coils your shoulders, brow dampening. Liquid heats up, boiling into a volatile mess. Bubbles pop at the surface, scalding water splashing onto your knuckles.
Scream as glass shatters, burning your bare feet as the liquid sprays.
Heart spikes, glowing brighter, inching up your arms, over your shoulders. Crawling across your collar bones. Muscles knot, tangling over themselves as they seize in terror. Power coils closer, snaking toward your throat, slowly…slowly…
Hazel pierces into you, flicking over your hands, marking the shards of glass. He appeared in a flurry of darkness, shadows pulling back once he’s materialised in the doorway. Eyes already scanning for the source of distress. Fix on the slow spread of toxic green as it tip-toes higher. Hits a barrier. It’s a small hesitation—but it’s enough. Magic flickers, recoiling from your clavicle, enough hesitation to be quashed. Like a weight sinking down, an avalanche of rock crushing vermin, bones crunching beneath the pressure. Incandescence shoved away, dripping down your arms, cut back to your fingertips.
Sweet relief washes over you, waves of coolness cresting from your forehead to your toes. Lovely reprieve. Exhale heavily, spine nearly collapsing beneath the strain, leaving a slight glimmer to your fingertips, nails curved and warped from heat. Stagger back as he silently moves toward you. Scarred hands reach out, wanting to touch; wanting to steady.
“Are you—”
“Don’t,” you bark, snapping your arms closer to your body. Feel their unnatural heat as it singes the fabric of your dress. His nostrils flare, scenting the charred material, shadows flicker.
Call breath into your lungs, soothing. Deep and easy. In and out. Calm and quiet. In. And out. Calm and collected. A familiar scent has hairs raising at the back of your neck, eyes flicking up to lock with hazel. Closer than before. Despite the heat.
“What was that?” He asks, the deep roughness of his voice curling across your breastbone, soothing the heated skin like a balm. Swallow heavily, keeping your hands tight to your torso. Turn away; move to the sink. The tap turns on independently, cool water sizzling as it washes over trembling hands. Cold metal mollifies your skin, a comfy weight around your neck. The tiny barrier your magic had hit. Tripped up on.
Azriel doesn’t make a sound, but you can feel him nearby, standing at your side. Watching silently as the water fizzles and hisses, the last of the glow dimming from your fingertips. How close he’d come to touching the blisteringly hot skin. Slowly, the cold begins to souse into your digits, running smoothly over your hands, no longer bubbling or evaporating on impact.
The house has already cleared away the shards of glass; dried the pool of scalding water by the time you’ve dried your hands. Flaky, and ashen. The smooth, creamy texture seemingly been ravished by the heat. Yet all you felt was a slight itch to begin with. You don’t make any attempts to conceal how quickly you want to escape the room, but you’re kept where you are. Waiting…waiting for him to change his mind about keeping your secret. After what he’s just seen…
Feet are pinned to the boards, muscles unwilling to obey your mind as you explore them to turn and leave. Arms feel leaden, stiff and immovable. Wait for the compromise to be retracted. Hands tremble, teeth faintly bite onto your tongue. Wait for the condemnation. For being so foolish; stubborn.
“Are you hurt?” Words thud dully against your ears, keeping your hands as out of sight as possible, hidden beneath the sleeves of your cardigan. Nod dutifully. “I’m okay,” you murmur. Lips are numb, mind buzzing faintly. Floorboards spin ever so slightly, blurring in and out of focus. Deep breaths. In and out. Slow and steady. In. And out. Calm and collected. In. And. Out.
Boots appear at the top of your sight, just a little way from your own. Far enough not to be intimate. He holds out a scarred hand, palm facing upward. Almost expectant.
Blink away the dizziness. Flesh tingling…wriggling beneath your skin. Nails itching.
Wait silently to see what he’ll do.
Continues holding out his hand, waiting patiently to see if you’ll offer up your own. Remain rooted to the spot, numbness crawling beneath your sleeves. Mind buzzing with confusion at the outstretched palm.
Slowly, he begins reaching for your wrist, as if to inspect the results of the experiment. Analyse the consequence. Examine.
It topples you into motion.
Turn on your feet; quietly scamper off down the corridor. Behind the safety on your door.
With the wooden barrier in place, plus the sound block on your room, you can truly feel forgotten for a while. Like time’s stopped.
The shower had your blood moving again, temperature cooling to a regular heat. Mind working again, mentally cataloguing every thought you had, every twinge of unusualness that could have been the signposting you should have noticed to prevent that rapid surge of…burning.
Peer down at your hands, almost absently. Aside from the slight roughness to your skin; the chapped dryness to your knuckles, there’s nothing to show for the bone deep itch that had manifested within your flesh. Just the texture becoming sandpapery. Flaky.
A dark blue towel is draped over your shoulders like a shawl, preventing the damp ends of your hair from saturating the changed dress.
(What was that?)
It stopped almost out of nowhere. One moment, steadily spreading throughout your body, the next, it seemed to stumble. Like hitting a bump of some kind. Something that disturbed its momentum. Peer down at the necklace that’s sitting comfortably around your throat, resting just above your collar bones. In the dip of their joining point.
The small, glass pendant hanging from the bronze chain sits innocently on your person. Fingers brush over the map in wonder, curiously feeling. Cool metal contains the accessory, lead encapsulated within a gleaming polish. Even the underside has a pretty finish. Lead, bronze, and glass. Maybe some ink, but that’s all it is. No secrets carved to its base, no hidden compartment. Just a simple ornament, yet something about it disagreed with you. Thank the Mother.
Fingers play with the charm as you take a seat at your desk, reopening the volume. Rusty red leather creaks as you turn to your page, more than willing to submerge yourself in learning. The candles flicker as you ease out a breath, taking in the familiar scent of parchment and something pleasantly spiced. Maybe it’s an Autumn Court scent.
Crumpled paper lands on your desk, settling comfortably between the two large pages of the anthology.
It may surprise you to learn I have better things to do than spend all my hours writing to you.
Stare at the neat, elegant script. Debate the merits of responding willingly. Returning to this strange sparring match would be acknowledging your interest. There’d be no way to talk your way back to innocence. Putting pen to paper will mean…
And yet here you are, Vanserra, writing back to me.
Oh, you hope that irritates him. Hope he sends back something vicious. Something to make you spark awake again. To light up the numbness that’s turning your world monotone.
Would you like to tell me where these wrinkles came from?
Lips tug at the edges, but remain set in a dull line. Lower your pen to the roughed-up parchment. Fingers dry and somewhat cracked in the low light.
Nonsense, Eris. You don’t look a day over thirty.
Picture the way his sharp caramel eyes blaze with ire at the brazenness. Maybe his palms also heat when he’s in a mood. It’s a little comforting to remember power probably didn’t come naturally to him. Maybe. You’re making assumptions, though.
And you don’t dress a day over fifty. Considering Rhys’ wealth is at your fingertips, you have the fashion sense of someone who’s still destitute.
Mouth parts as you read the response. Brows flicking up your forehead. Harsh…
A smile quirks the corners of your lips.
I’ll have you know I dress for comfort. You’re the one who cares so much about prettification. Maybe I could visit your personal beauty parlour sometime, Eris?
Parchment vanishes, allowing you time to peer down at the diagram before you: a small rectangular table. There are various squares left blank, while others are filled in with one or two letters. The boxes that do contain letters attached are numbered, correlating with asterisks further down the page, displaying a full title.
Who would ever accompany you? It’s bad etiquette to visit a tonsorium on one’s own.
The smile fades after a few moments. Who would go with you if you wanted to visit somewhere? Elain? Feyre? …Mor? Shake your head, pushing away the dismal thoughts he’s brought to your attention. Divert elsewhere.
It’s worst to not entertain your guests. What a miserable (and sour) host you would be. I think I’m actually quite glad to not be visiting anytime soon.
Try to return to the anthology; find yourself awaiting his reply. Leg tapping against the floorboards. Minutes pass while you attempt to absorb more of the text, but nothing’s sticking. Like there’s a fog passing through your brain, stopping you from taking in the wonder of the world. More minutes tick by—the sky a solid dark blue the other side of your window. A few other candles gleam alight, and you murmur your thanks to the House. Flame flickers in response. Oddly comforting.
Eyelids start to feel heavy, weighing into your vision.
You don’t realise you nodded off until you wake from your nap. The desk is still void of a reply; you wearily peer around your room, attempting to orient yourself. Knuckles itch to be scratched, still rough to the touch. Gaze settles on your door. Perhaps it’s a little scary that you wouldn’t know if something was lurking directly the other side. Wouldn’t be able to hear any heavy breathing, or the scrape of steel. Deep breath, because there’s nothing there.
Stand to draw the curtains, but hairs stand on end. Remain still for a few seconds, centring on the feeling. Is it fear? Is it loneliness? Brow knits in concentration, absently drawing the curtains, turning back to face the entrance to your room.
(The only exit.)
Sigh in frustration. It’s not good to give into your…however you’re feeling. It will only encourage your mind to exacerbate whatever problem its fabricated. Still, you find yourself opening the door, peering down the well-lit corridor. Nothing there, no strange feeling, no lurking presences. Just your mind finding something to react to, creating a madness to subject you to. Deep breaths. The House of Wind is secure. Safe, and secure. You’re safe here. Nothing bad will happen; you won’t get hurt.
Deep breaths, heart lowering its pace.
Move to bring the door to; notice something on the ground, beside the frame.
Crouch down to pick up the small tin. Bring it inside, door swinging shut as you hold it up to the light.
Peer at the neat label. Pop open the lid; look inside.
It’s a small pot of hand cream.
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ellecdc · 5 months
Barty Headcanon
okay I've just thought of a new headcanon for Barty (at least over here on ellecdc)
Barty is a polyglot (fluent in many languages), like this dude just knows a bunch of languages.
I don't think a lot of people realize this or know it about him - he doesn't brag/flaunt it but it comes out in the funniest moments.
Reg will be flirting with his partner in French in front of Barty and he'll dramatically gag and tell them to get a room (in perfect French) and everyone's just like????? pardon?
I think he'd know like, dead languages/source languages too
he'd know all the Latin languages (Latin, French, Italian, Spanish), German, Russian, Scandinavian languages (one of my favourite irl things is that someone from Sweden and someone from Denmark can speak to each other in their native languages and more or less completely understand each other lollll), Mandarin, Greek, casually reads Sanskrit texts in his free time
A guy who can casually get all 12 O.W.L's in third year (at thirteen!) would absolutely casually learn languages in his spare time - in fact, I think learning languages would come quite easily to someone like him (he's too smart and get's bored easily and acts out, but languages are difficult and he can fully commit himself to it)
anyways, there ya go lol
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sleepisoverrated · 7 months
My headcanons about Dick Grayson
Dick Grayson is smart.
Like I hate it when they make him a dumb bimbo, he's hot yes he knows it, but he also has been hacking into the Pentagon for fun since he was ten, survived Spyral and several almost apocalypses. I know it's cannon since no Bat is dumb, but some fics, SOME FICS, make him look like he never went to school.
Dick Grayson knows so many languages.
I assume due to the fact that he grew up in a traveling circus he already knew a lot of languages(even if his english was bad when his parents died), but due to being robin and Bruce Wayne's ward he learned basically all major languages on Earth( and some alien) like Romani, German, French, Russian, English, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Irish, Finish, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Indian, Latin, backwards speech(Zatara), Tamoranian(i think that's how you spell it), Kryptonian, speedster(when speedsters talk super fast) and so on.
Dick Grayson has at least some immunity against Fear toxin(Ft), Joker venom(Jv).
And most of the other poisons due to constant exposure since he was 9, also when he was younger there were no antidotes for Ft and Jv so he learned how to ride them out without a sound. (You can't tell me it hasn't fucked him up somehow, like a 9 y/o being constantly exposed to these things HAS to have some consequences and while he has his immunity I also think he has extreme anxiety( like all the bats a.k.a. Bat paranoia) and constant panic attacks(next headcanon))
Dick Grayson is a master at controlling his body.
Besides the fact that he probably learned acrobatics before he could walk and was a stage performer(always smiled even if the performance got off the rails) I also think he has taught himself complete control of his body due to far too many close calls. He learned to control each muscle individually for combat under high-stress situations(where he most needs that control). This had a side effect of him being able to control his face muscle/expressions and body language. He became the best actor there will ever be, because he can keep a smile on his face even if he is in excruciating pain, he can look completely calm and relaxed even though he is having a panic attack and the opposite is true as well he can look completely terrified even though he is amused. Because of this you need to know him extremely well to tell if he's in distress(the only people so far are Alfred, Damian and Slade(he's obsessed))
Anyway if you want more of the headcanon's just say, Nightwing is one of my favourite characters I can rant about him much longer.
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estcaligo · 2 months
*super loving and lighthearted towards everyone*
Kinda linguistic post. Because I love bilingual puns:
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My favourite jp fandom pun is when they say: "Nice body" but it's just a comment about card's buddies lol. Like "nice buddy", it sounds the same
For the reason I can't tell you yet, I translated Sebek's name into Hungarian and😟
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Do Idia's fans from Poland get excited on Wednesday? You know, because.....środa........
German speaking Vil fans hear 'Beauty' every time they mention him and that's beautiful
Nothing specific, just "Riddle me this" joke all the time (I'm trying to get Riddle of this kind of humor🤡)
The whole Heartslabyul is a dorm of puns tbh
Imagine Yuu, a chemistry/Latin enthusiast - calling Silver "Argentum" all the time
Meanwhile ORtho is kinda a golden boy in French...(why don't Rook call him like that lol)
Speaking of Rook....he would have Smokey eyes, but only in some languages.
Why is Azul so pathetic? Because Azul backwards is Luza.... 😔 (and the Tweels are so Cheel all the time)
If Jamil were into racing, his car of choice would be Dodge Viper (I know this is so bad sorry😅)
If Lilia owned a vehicle it would be a red van (sorry this one is even worse)
Back to jp puns.....Jamil without H is just Prefect (according to Floyd at least) (I like this one)
An exclusively jp pun - Leona's last name 😀
In Italian, Ruggie has holes instead of spots :( (but also some delicious pasta :) )
"Go" and "I" is just Idia in Russian lol
It's been said enough about Malleus' name, still always funny
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volturissideslut · 27 days
Hello! I just had a thought about the Volturi king Aro! I was thinking to myself about the Volturi kings (as I do because I love them) and I was thinking of Aro a lot I was thinking about what he would do if his mate LOVED to hear him speak Italian and when he would speak Italian his mate just stare at him like "WOAHHHHHH" You know? I was wondering what you think the kings (and others in the Volturi) reaction to their mate loving it when they speak Italian would be like? Feel free to ignore! This is just something cute I thought of! Much love and support!! :3
𝕬𝖗𝖔 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎
short and sweet for one of my fav repeat askers <3
Aro can't deny that he loves a little bit of attention, he loves a little bit of fuss
The fact that you so dearly enjoy something that comes so easily to him almost sends his brain into a frenzy.
Yes yes, give him that awe struck in love look when he says something romantic sounding in Italian, look at him as he he hung the moon and the stars in the sky when he calls you 'Cara Mia', and give him all the affection that you can when he mumbles incoherently when he's annoyed or upset.
It melted his heart when you first hear him, looking up at him like he was your favourite person on the planet and making it a big deal.
If you ask him to teach you then he would be so so down, but he kind of enjoys it more knowing that you have no idea what he's saying, that it's so mysteriously foreign and impressive to you
He's about to show off and bust out all the languaages he knows
Theres some greek and latin pet names headed your way, as well as some Turkish and Arabic compliments whispered to you,
you really do make him feel loved and appreciated for the simplest things (simple to him at least), and it makes him fall back in love with the very idea of love
(He's gonna do a restock of some romance novels and plays in all the languages to he can translate them for you or steal some ideas)
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julesthequirky · 10 months
The Choice: Chapter One
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Summary: You find three of your favourite characters in your home. It shouldn't be possible, but there they are. In the flesh. How the hell did they get there? And surely there's a way to get them back? But as you get close to each one, the thought of sending them back proves difficult to comprehend.
Characters: You, Antiques salesman, mother, cute black cat.
Chapter Warnings: Pain in the ass mother, language.
W/C: 1,220
A/N: Soley thought of this idea just for that Spiderman meme.
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The bell to the antiques store tinkled as you opened the door. As you stepped in, the proprietor of the store moved away from behind the counter. The place was cluttered, and everything in sight was for sale.
“Hi there, interested in purchasing something today?”
He was a kindly-looking older gent, who reminded you of your pops, and you couldn’t help but smile warmly at him.
“Potentially. Just browsing, for now.”
“Looking for anything in particular?” He enquired as you started to browse.
You shrugged. “Not really.”
He smiled then. “Ah. You won’t know what you’re looking for until it finds you.” He said with a twinkle in his eye.
You chuckled and nodded. Yeah, you could agree with that.
It didn’t take long for you to find something. Your eye had landed on a trifold oval picture frame. And for the price tag, you were tempted. Very tempted.
“Ah a lovely set. Baroque features in the detailing. Could do with a possible restoration, but a proper clean would also suffice.”
You fingered the tag again, it was a hundred dollars.
“Tell ya what. I’ll knock off ten bucks. How does that sound?”
You looked at him then.
“You don’t think I don’t know the look of someone finding an item they can’t walk away from? Darlin’ you got that look. You got it bad.”
It was just a picture frame. A dumb little picture frame, but why did it give you so much joy to look at? You weren’t much of a haggler and it would seem rude to haggle the price after he had already generously knocked off ten percent.
“Alright, you got yourself a deal.”
He shook your hand. “Excellent.”
He picked up the item and very carefully began meandering his way back to the counter with you following him. He set the item down gently and rung up the purchase.
“Such a pretty little find. And it was a shame that it had been hiding in a box, before coming here.”
You gave him a quizzical look and he held up a hand before disappearing into the back for a few moments and coming back with a small wooden box. He placed it on the counter in front of you. Your hands reached out towards it. The wooden box looked plain compared to the delicate and intricate detailing on the frame. It was finished with a dark varnish and what was with the strange script etched into the grain? Was it Elvish, or Sanskrit, or even Latin? You had no idea. A simple clasp locked the box. Easy to use. Either way, now you had a keepsake box also.
“It’s my understanding that the original owner had passed away and his living relatives didn’t want it and, well here it is.”
“Well, it’s their loss.”
“Of course, of course. If they hadn’t, then you never would have found it.”
He took your cash and then handed you the receipt. He bid you a good rest of your day as you lifted the box and the picture frame and made your way out of the store.
You placed the final photo in the frame. Slid the locks, and placed the frame on your sideboard, angling it so you could appreciate it all that little bit more. You sighed in contentment as three of your favourite fictional men smiled seemingly at you from beside your TV.
The door knocked and by the light raps you knew who it was. This time, you sighed heavily and muttered “God, give me strength” before going to open the door. You’d only opened it a crack before she started to barge her way in.
“Y/N, honestly, what are you wearing? Pyjama’s during daytime? I don’t know. Go put on some proper clothes.”
You looked down. Now you were annoyed. It was loungewear for God’s sake. Perfectly acceptable.
“Mother, what I’m wearing should be of no concern to you and its just gone five, and it’s a Saturday.”
She sniffed and made her way into your lounge. She tutted at the clutter.
“Don’t you ever tidy up?”
You rolled your eyes and sat down. “What did you come here for? To pick faults or was there an actual reason?”
“Your father—”
“Not my father.” You stated.
Your mother had married her partner not long after your father’s passing and now, she acted as though he had been in your life since birth.
She continued, like you hadn’t interrupted her.
“—and I have been talking. You know that nice young man that started last year, Cole—"
“Wait, you’re not seriously trying to set me up?”
Your mother looked a little put out.
“Well, it can’t hurt to get back out there. Get back on the horse or so to speak.”
You sat there shocked. Then it turned to anger.
“Are you ashamed of me? Are you ashamed that your one and only daughter is a divorcee!”
“Ashamed, no. Disappointed, yes.”
It was like a punch to the gut and the hurt stabbed at your heart. You’d suspected your mother had opinions on your divorce but to voice her disappointment a year and a half after finalization felt like a kick in the teeth. It left you speechless.
“Is that new? I have to say I don’t think it goes with the room. Who are those men? Are they from your shows? Honestly Y/N. I don’t know what to do with you sometimes.”
Your mother had continued to ramble on whilst you were still reeling from her comment. At that moment your all black cat slinked in, jumping up and made her way over to your mother’s lap.
“If you’re not careful, this is your future.” She said nodding to the cat.
You looked at her then.
“I think you should leave, mother.”
She turned her head, facing you. She looked like a goldfish with the way her mouth kept opening and closing. Then her lips pursed together, and she stood, with the cat leaping from her. She made a disgusted sound, discovering the amount of cat hair had malted on her. You handed her a nearby lint brush, and she furiously started scrubbing at the hair on her skirt. She then stood and bid you a good evening and purposefully walked to the door. Your mother didn’t wait, slamming the door on her way out. You scrubbed your hand down your face muttering about her audacity.
You plonked yourself on the sofa, grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. The cat had been fed and was currently God knows where, doing its own thing.
Halfway through Family Feud, a loud crash from what sounded like your kitchen alerted you. Your laugh cut short and Steve Harvey poked fun at a contestant's absurd answer, laughing on the screen. You jumped up, abandoning the snacks and ran to see the destruction, cussing your cat out along the way.
You stormed into the room ready to reem your pesky feline, grabbing a broom, threatening the extinction of treats for the rest of his life. But what you saw had you stopping in your tracks. Words died on your tongue. And what you saw, there was no rhyme or reason to it. In fact, it should have been physically impossible.
Dean Winchester stood in your kitchen, holding a case of pie.
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just-another-star-47 · 5 months
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Sebastian Sallow
My headcanons for him before Anne's curse.
More headcanons for Slytherin • Gryfindor • Ravenclaw • Hufflepuff
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16 September 1873 ♍️ , born 37 minutes before Anne
He speaks English, Scottish Gaelic, Latin, (Ancient) Greek, French and knows some runic alphabets -> if he is interested in a subject or enjoys a particular story, he learns the language in which the work is written so that he can read it in the original version.
Feldcroft borders directly on Goblinland, so he also knows common phrases and words in their language
His favourite thing to read are Greek myths, as his father often read them to him; he knows the myths about the Rape of Europa and Heracles by heart - in English and Greek.
His parents were often busy with their research and experiments, so Sebastian was often left to look after himself and Anne.
His parents travelled a lot and lived in different villages, taking their children with them, so that they were unable to build up any real friendships outside the family and at some point Sebastian gave up trying to make contact with other children.
In Feldcroft, after the death of his parents, he also rarely socialised with his peers, but withdrew even more into himself
The villagers often described him as very mature for his age and often gave him tasks with which he could earn a few coins, food, etc.
Sebastian not only has many of his father's characteristics, but also looks very much like him, which made it difficult for Solomon to treat him fairly and caringly from the start - as Sebastian did not put up with this and often rebelled against it, Solomon eventually gave up trying at all.
Sebastian had the villagers of Feldcroft teach him all about field and garden work in order to provide Anne with the best possible food, but Solomon often used the work as a punishment.
Sebastian has little interest in contact with people and quickly becomes impatient unless the person has something that could benefit him - knowledge, skills, information.
He knows exactly who he should be friendly to and who it makes no difference to.
It is not difficult for him to make someone cry with words alone.
He loves puns.
Sebastian likes to be left alone most of the time (Anne and Ominis are the exception) and so it comes in handy that he has built up a bad reputation at Hogwarts over the years.
Together with Anne, Sebastian is always one of the best in his year.
In most situations, Sebastian manages to find a benefit for himself.
Due to his ability and his intellectual superiority over most people, Sebastian feels very self-confident, but does not believe that anyone could like or even love him just for himself. He therefore constantly tries to prove his worth.
He sees himself as the protector of Anne and Ominis and therefore always appears composed around them - neither of them has ever seen or heard him cry.
Sebastian thinks the world is deeply unfair and it is up to him to find his own way by any means possible.
He idealises his parents, especially his father and, to a certain extent, Anne and Ominis too.
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latinare · 3 months
I'm not sure if you've been asked this before, but what's your process for translating modern objects or concepts into Latin? Do you assemble together a new word or choose the closest existing match you can find?
Absolutely love what you're doing with this blog, the blending of silly internet posts with Latin is so beautiful to me
Thank you, these comments bring me so much joy!
I often start by googling a word to see if someone has already come up with something. Latin was the language of science and scholarship for so long that inventing and adapting terms is kind of A Thing. (My favourite online dictionary tells you if a word is ancient, medieval or modern in origin, which is awesome.)
If one doesn't already exist, I might adapt an English word to fit, like tumblrinus, or try to come up with some phrasing that gets the general idea across, like using genera masculina et feminina to describe the modern concept of gender.
I also sometimes look up how something is currently said in Italian and Spanish, since the vocabulary often adapts quite easily.
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